The Reptonian 2022-23

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2022 / 2023





EDITORIAL TEAM Charlie B (L6O), Tilly B (L6M), Harriet H (L6G), SABT

THANKS TO CSD, GLH, SMI, BCM and the English Department, MMC and the sports team, TH and the Geography Department, JMP, PJS, OMW and the Music School staff, AJW, IJW, the Housemasters and Heads of House

PHOTOGRAPHY Hannah Dickens, BJE, GLH, JMJH, TH, SMI, AFP, JMP, Ady Kerry, the Marketing Department, Mark Lowther, Ross Orme, Harry Howitt, Deepa Rai, SABT, IJW, JDW, the Housemasters

Ross Orme



As a newcomer to the Lower Sixth, it was a surprise to be asked to write the editorial of this year’s. A privilege, of course, and an opportunity I could not pass up; but with less than a year under my belt, how could I offer a fresh perspective on a school that has been here for over 150? So I find myself sitting in the Library, turning the pages of previous editions of The Reptonian, surrounded by thousands of books, previous Headmasters gazing down unsympathetically upon me, and searching for inspiration. I look out of the window at the sprinklers spraying water across the freshly-mown cricket pitches and the players walking from the Pavilion. Perhaps in this moment of daydream I find my answer. Privilege.

It is true. We are privileged. The critics win; we concede the point. As students we are afforded the highest level of care, the best coaching, teaching that stretches, challenges and inspires, Steinway pianos, first-class sports facilities, a professional-standard theatre, house meals cooked to our preference. The list goes on. When I arrived in September, I was struck by the aspiration towards excellence that seems to permeate every aspect of the School. But we get it. We are very lucky to enjoy opportunities which are, sadly, unattainable for most.

However, what strikes me is the energy with which this privilege is embraced. The sportsmen and women of Repton strive for

professional contracts, as the musicians stay late practising for the next big concert. Those with the brains enter the essaywriting competitions, their success inspiring others to give it a go too. Repton is a bubble of privilege and opportunities but also a school that feeds from the aspirations and commitment of the very students it supports.

Life here is non-stop and at times I find myself clawing my way towards an exeat weekend, hoping for a Friday off and praying for the essay I have not completed to magically appear on the teacher’s desk – or disappear from Teams. But the environment rewards positivity and hard work; in fact, you get swept up in the tide.


However we are living in an age of social evolution, in which mobility, inclusivity and egalitarianism are the goals and the certainties of ‘the Establishment’ are being positively rejected. Within this independent schools find themselves under attack politically and publicly, and the cause has not been helped by some prominent individuals who are seen as embodying everything that offends about privilege.

The school motto - ‘Porta Vacat Culpa’ meaning ‘The gate is free from blame’ – is an unusual choice. There is certainly a joke about the School abdicating responsibility for the pupils it turns out: ‘It’s not The Arch's.’ But perhaps it also captures the more subtle idea that, while

the School invests everything in its power to shape each individual into a happy and fulfilled adult, the rest is the individual’s responsibility. In other words, the School does provide a privileged start but it’s down to the student to take from this experience and to make use of the opportunity.

Commonwealth, and her son has sworn to do the same. When the Queen visited Repton for the School’s Quartercentary, the Editor of the 1957 Reptonian described how inspiring this had been for the boys and wrote: ‘the future depends on us … every boy must be prepared to make his contribution… every boy [must] find something to do and then do it with his whole heart.’ He ends, ‘Such is the responsibility of privilege.’

No-one in the country embodies privilege and Establishment more than the monarch. Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, afforded the greatest opportunities throughout her lifetime, turned privilege and opportunity into service and commitment to country and

We live in a new millennium, a very different world, and, of course, with a new monarch, but the underlying power of that message still remains.







A longstanding member of the Repton community, having had three children go through Repton, Alison Benson slotted in with ease when she began her one-year post as a Teacher of Textiles back in September 2022. How lucky we are to be able to call on an experienced Repton teacher and an old friend for this maternity cover. Alison spent her school days down the road at John Port School in Etwall before heading to the West Midlands to complete her BA Hons degree in Textiles from the University of Wolverhampton, followed by a Masters in Fashion and Textiles from Birmingham Polytechnic. Alongside her teaching and lecturing, Alison is also an accomplished freelance designer herself, winning the Young Designer of the Year Award in 1989.

What kind of pupil were you at school?

Arty and messy!

If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say? Dyslexia will never hold you back.

Dream job as a child?

Strangely, a fighter pilot.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Coco Chanel. Queen Elizabeth I. Dolly Parton.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I designed a rug for the Queen and also for a member of Duran Duran.

What is your guilty pleasure? Crisps... lots of them!


Having spent most of her career teaching English as a Foreign Language and the IB Diploma in Rome and Palermo, Anna swapped the sunny climes of Italy for the East Midlands countryside in September 2022. Joining the English Department as an EAL teacher, as well as offering her support in the Personalised Learning Department and tutor in Field House, Anna has truly embodied the Repton spirit by accompanying the pupils on the many DofE expeditions across the academic year. She leaves us this summer to take up another specialist EAL post: buona fortuna!

If you were Secretary of State for Education, what would be your first decision?

Reform the Ofsted inspection process.

Pineapple on pizza?

Definitely not! Having spent most of my working life in Italy, putting tropical fruit with savoury Mediterranean ingredients is a big no no!

What is at the top of your bucket list?

I love travelling and want to visit some countries that I haven’t been to yet. Top of my list are Japan and Mexico.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I’ve taught English to two army generals, a South American MP and a group of air-traffic controllers from Africa.



Ash Morris and his family, including wife Sophie, daughter Myla and two Labradors, started their new life in Repton in November 2022, moving across from Dubai to settle in South Derbyshire when Ash became Repton’s Director of Swimming. He spent the last 13 years as Director of Swimming for Hamilton Aquatics, where he led the club to become the largest and most successful swimming academy in the Middle East, personally coaching over 30 junior and senior international swimmers throughout that period. Ash brings with him a wealth of experience, knowledge and expert coaching techniques that will take swimming at the School, and in Repton Swimming Club, from strength to strength. We wish them well as they look to welcome a second daughter, due in July.

What kind of pupil were you at school? Rule breaker…

If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say? Listen more and try things out of my comfort zone.

Dream job as a child? Swimming coach!

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Sir Alex Ferguson. Vince Lombardi. Bill Sweetenham.

Favourite biscuit? To dunk or not to dunk?

Jammie Dodger. Dunker.

What is your guilty pleasure? Crisps.


David del Strother joined the Mathematics Department in September 2022, moving to Repton with his wife Camille and three children, his previous schools including Oakham and St Edwards' Oxford. A graduate of Durham where he gained a joint-honours Masters in Maths and Physics, he has embraced Repton life to the full - taking on Head of Curriculum Management, coaching the Squash team, becoming a Duke of Edinburgh assessor, joining the tutor team in Latham House and singing in the Chapel Choir. In addition to his academic achievements, David is a highly accomplishes professional singer, and has sung on an impressive number of blockbuster soundtracks, such as Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Kung Fu Panda!

If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say?

My 15-year old self already knew the answers…

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

It’s the only genuine opportunity, in polite society, to make bad maths jokes.

Favourite biscuit? To dunk or not to dunk?

Anything ginger-based. If I’m forced to dunk, then a plain ginger biscuit is best.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I glow in the dark. And make things up about myself. I realise that’s two things, but it also turns out that I can’t count.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Really good coffee.



Graham Cramp's arrival has brought extensive experience to the Repton Mathematics Department. After completing his degree at the University of Nottingham, Graham spent two decades as a teacher at Malvern, as well as stints at both Oakham School and Nottingham High School. He had no hesitations in immersing himself into Repton life, quickly getting involved with Football coaching and as a House Tutor in The Cross. He looks forward to a peaceful retirement back at home in Worcestershire with his wife and dogbut not just yet!

What kind of pupil were you at school?

Boringly average in most respects.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Dion Dublin. Peter Gabriel. Sigrid. Great entertainment!

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

Seeing young people being creative and having fun.

What would your superpower be? The ability to see round corners would be useful..

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I am a season ticket holder at Cambridge United FC.

What is your guilty pleasure?

The music of Sigrid, the Norwegian princess of pop; such joy in every performance.


In Lent 2023 we were delighted to welcome James Blackwell to teach in the History and Politics Departments. Bristol-born, James is well-travelled, having studied History at the University of Colorado and them for his PhD at the University of Glasgow, and his impressive academic credentials include lecturing at Glasgow and Bristol, at Harvard University on the Polish resistance movement during WW2, and he is a published historian. With 14 years of teaching under his belt, James, accompanied by his wife Samantha and two children, Lucy and Bertie, has seamlessly become part of the Repton community. When he's not teaching, James looks after the boys in Hew House, and enjoys joining Reptonians on their DofE adventures, exploring the wonderful, wet and windy Derbyshire countryside - but any spare moments will be spent with a book in his hand.

What kind of pupil were you at school?


Dream job as a child?

Playing football for the mighty Bristol Rovers.

Establishment or Revolutionary?

Well, I read The Spectator if that answers your question!

What would your superpower be? To heal those I love.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I speak Polish.

What is your guilty pleasure? A range of cheeses.


Our new Head of Economics began his career as a chartered accountant at Berg Kaprow Lewis, before moving into education and teaching first at Harrow School and then in Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok, where he led the Economics Department. Jon grew up in West Sussex and studied at both Keele and UCL, gaining a joint-honours degree in Economics and Human Geography and a PGCE. He leads a very active lifestyle, with an impressive range of hobbies including running, hiking, surfing, kayaking and scuba diving - so it is no surprise that he has quickly been recruited into the football and cricket programmes at Repton. He is also very busy with academic support, as an EPQ adviser and a tutor in The Priory.

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

The variety of the job: teaching in the classroom, coaching on the sports field, and being part of a vibrant boarding house.

Favourite biscuit?

Tesco Finest White Chocolate & Honeycomb Cookies.

What would your superpower be? Time-travel.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I once ran a 100k ultramarathon for charity.

Karen Hird joined the Resident Graduate Assistant team in Michaelmas 2022, primarily supporting the B Block sport programme and O Block Maths. But when she is not in the classroom, Karen can often be found in the Fives Courts, where she uses her expertise as long-standing National Champion to provide high-level coaching for all three terms of the academic year. After attending Wycombe High School, Karen went on to graduate with a degree in Economics from Cambridge, before qualifying as a lawyer in 2016 and a career in Corporate Tax at an international law firm - until her journey brought her to Repton last year. She hopes to gain a broad experience of school life, including the extracurricular programme and further opportunities in classroom teaching.

If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say?

Never be afraid of giving up things that aren’t right for you.

Dream job as a child? Palaeontologist.

Favourite biscuit? To dunk or not to dunk?

Caramel digestive. Definitely a dunker.

Establishment or Revolutionary? Depends whether the establishment is right or not…

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Watching an Ashes series in Australia.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I’m one of triplets.



Lauren Sirr has been with us since January 2023 as a Teacher of English and RS. Discovering a real passion for English and History at school, she gained a Masters in Medieval and Renaissance English Literature from the University of Sheffield before returning to the classroom to share her love of literature. She has taught English in various state secondary schools, latterly specialising in A Level Literature and Language teaching in 2019. Lauren has made a big contribution and is to be found supervising in the Fitness Suite, tutoring in The Garden, and leading the Community Action Charity Group. She loves acting and singing, and perhaps we will next see her again on stage with the Derby Shakespeare Theatre Company.

If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say?

Don’t worry too much about what other people think. Choose what you love for your A Levels. Go on as many holidays and school trips as you can. And everything turns out OK in the end.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Vivien Leigh. William Shakespeare. Johnny Depp.

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

Every day is different.

Pineapple on pizza?

Every time - 100%.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Go on safari. See my children grow up happy. Finish writing at least one novel.

What is your guilty pleasure? Crisp sandwiches.


Natalie Kyte came to us in September 2022, along with her husband Jon, from Bangkok, where she previously held the position of Assistant Head of English at Shrewsbury International School. But even prior to that, her educational journey had taken her across the world, from a degree in English and Drama at Rhodes University, South Africa to the Visiting International Students Programme at Yale, finishing off with her PGCE from Keele. Natalie enjoys long hikes and short runs and, when she has time aside from her roles in the English Department, as an EPQ adviser and tutoring in The Garden, she has got stuck into coaching netball and athletics; and she is sharing her love of all forms of literature with the members of LitSoc. She leaves at the end of this year to enjoy a hiatus from classroom teaching: good luck!

What kind of pupil were you at school?

Ambitious, studious, competitive… a bit over-enthusiastic.

Dream job as a child? A palaeontologist-poet.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party? Mary Shelley. Agatha Christie. Frida Kahlo.

If you were Secretary of State for Education, what would be your first decision?

Compulsory weekly library visits for all year groups.

Establishment or Revolutionary?

An advocate for revolutionary establishments.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Wild camping.



New Head of Biology Nick Gardner arrives with a wealth of experience, having taught at St Edward’s Oxford, King’s College School, Wimbledon and Dulwich College, the latter as Head of Biology and Co-Director of Science. His degree in Natural Sciences from Birmingham was followed by a Masters in Learning and Teaching at Oxford, where he also won a Blue in rugby alongside two caps for England Students. Nick has carried his passion for sport into his life at Repton, dedicating much of his time to coaching the 1st VII rugby players, as well as managing U14 football and cricket teams, supporting the RAF division of the CCF, leading the Biology Society and tutoring in New House. There is no denying that he has got stuck in! He is joined by his partner Rachel, dog Caesar and cats Kubo and Pedro.

Dream job as a child?

Professional rugby player. I was offered a contract but decided to continue my teaching career instead.

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

Getting out of the classroom. I love exploring my subject through field trips, as well as all of the co-curricular activities.

Pineapple on pizza?

Yes: Pepperoni Passion + pineapple is The One.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Seeing orangutans in Borneo or diving a coral reef and seeing octopuses in the wild – sorry, my inner Biologist coming through!

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I’ve never lost a rugby match at Twickenham: played/coached five, won five.


Old Reptonian and former member of The Garden, Pip Sanders returned to Repton this year as part of the Graduate Assistant team. After school, Pip studied Sports Science and Management at Nottingham Trent and obtained her PGCE with the University of Buckingham. Before joining us she was Head of Girls’ Sport and Housemistress at Pangbourne College.

Unsurprisingly, Pip slotted straight back into life at Repton, coaching sport across all three terms, and taking a ‘transfer’ to The Mitre as a tutor, and she is also busy with Repton Hockey Club. She moves on after this year to pastures new but come back again soon!

What kind of pupil were you at school?


If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say? Make the most of all the opportunities available to you, be present, and don’t worry about the small things.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party? David Attenborough. Billie Jean King. Princess Anne.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Visiting the Taj Mahal.

What is your guilty pleasure? Bulls Head pizza.



Robert Metcalfe joined us in September 2022 as a Teacher of Spanish and French. Having grown up in Ireland, Robert gained a joint-honours degree in Spanish and French from Queen’s University Belfast, before heading over to England to obtain a PGCE from York. In addition to his classroom duties, he has also taken up the role of resident tutor in The Orchard and is coaching the school fencing team. After life in the city of St Albans at his previous school, a return to the countryside suits Robert and his husband well, and he can often be seen walking their excitable Golden Retriever around the grounds, usually swamped by adoring pupils! Robert enjoys the theatre and travelling, and is also an active supporter of the Albert Kennedy Trust, a youth charity which helps vulnerable and homeless LGBTQ+ teenagers.

Dream job as a child? Weatherman.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Joan Rivers for the fun. Stephen Fry for the conversation. Gordon Ramsey for the food.

Establishment or Revolutionary?

Being Irish, I think revolution is in my blood.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Open a dog rescue centre.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I have a slight phobia of oranges; they freak me out. I love orange juice but something about actual oranges is evil. It’s the bumpy skin, the weird pith, the way they burst juice when you bite into them. I’m getting nauseous even writing this.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I can’t even say I feel that guilty about it- I love Madonna. Pretty obsessed.


Shane Hill has spent two terms at Repton, taking on a maternity cover position as a Teacher of Design and Technology. A native New Zealander, he has been teaching in secondary schools since 2007, following a degree in Computer Graphic Design and a post-graduate Diploma of Teaching, and we will be sad to see him leave both the department and his tutoring role in School House. But we wish him luck in his new post at Cranleigh from September.

What kind of pupil were you at school?

Focussed and sporty.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Kurt Cobain. Dave Grohl. Martin Crowe (NZ cricket great).

Favourite biscuit? To dunk or not to dunk?

Gingernut dunker.

What is at the top of your bucket list? Visit Jerusalem.

What would your superpower be?

Flight, for sure. Bird envy!!

What is your guilty pleasure?

We call them Weetbix in NZ. Weetabix just isn’t the same. (And golden syrup on top).



September 2022 saw the very welcome return of Steve Goudge, who rejoined the Mathematics Department and has taken up the post of Housemaster of School House. With a degree from Nottingham in Management Studies, Steve brings with him wide professional experience in both finance and education, his most recent role being at Haileybury where amongst other responsibilities he was an Assistant Housemaster. As an avid sport fan, Steve enjoys getting involved when he can, and, as well as spending time with his own family, also loves to share his cooking expertise with the School House boys. We are delighted to have the Goudge family – wife Janette, Ellie and Josh, and their very cute dog Rosie – with us again. Welcome home!

What kind of pupil were you at school?

One who loved school but felt that lessons often got in the way of cocurricular commitments!

Dream job as a child?

Jazz saxophonist, chef or cricketer for Yorkshire.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party? Jesus. Henry Blofeld. Alex Bellos.

If you were Secretary of State for Education, what would be your first decision?

Make all prep optional. If you want to do it, better yourself and get useful feedback. If you don’t, save everyone some time/nagging!

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I’ve cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

What is your guilty pleasure? Bovril on toast.







Freya W

Best junior Raga R, for always being so kind and friendly to everyone.

Best senior

Harriet J, for contributing to every house event and always making people smile.

Defining moment of the year

Winning House Unison – for the third time. It was so much fun to celebrate back in house.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A new alarm to wake us up in the morning.

Sum up the House in three words. Friendly. Fun. Loud.

And if you had only had one? Exciting.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

Everyone is really close, with lots of friendships across years.

Favourite House meal

Chicken Katsu Curry, followed by waffles…

Best junior Matty P, for his fun and loud personality, always doing the most in the House - and helping me with my chess ELO.

Best senior

Dan K because he is loved by everyone, most hard-working and determined. Plus, he gives the best advice and will always help with prep.

Defining moment of the year

Winning House Futsal with Olly F scoring the winner. And his masterclass performance against Orchard.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A door that leads out into the garden so the Upper Sixth don’t have to walk all the way round…

Sum up the House in three words. Close. Energetic. Comfortable.

And if you had only had one? Close.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

How together we are, from B Block to Upper Sixth. All the boys across the House have fun and no one is left out.

Favourite House meal

Paula’s Spaghetti Bolognese on a Tuesday evening before sport. It could win prizes. CROSS Will G


Best junior

Liselottle B – She never ceases to be a light within the House. Kind-hearted and compassionate, she always finds the silver lining in every situation.

Best senior

Florence T – An inspiration to all of us. Her work ethic is so admirable, as is her understanding of the people around her: she is patient, thoughtful and approachable.

Defining moment of the year

Cabaret, for the high level of enthusiasm from everyone and a reminder that the backbone of our community is our parents and the support they give. This year we raised approximately £4500 for numerous charities including SANDS, in memory of Bea Rose, and I think that is something to be proud of.

‘What this House really needs is….’ The House does need some redecorating to reflect the personalities of the people in it, although I do hear a refurbishment is on the way.

Sum up the House in three words. Homely. Driven. Momentous.

And if you had only had one? Harmonious.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

Field is the positive version of Pandora’s Box, with a plethora of different interests and personalities in the House. All-rounded and grounded, Field is a house where everyone is free to be true to themselves without criticism.

Favourite House meal

Chicken Katsu Curry - though Ange’s brownies are amazing too…

Best junior

Erin G - Despite being an incredibly busy and dedicated swimmer, she always has a smile on her face.

Best senior

Millie B - the only person in house to never say no to a house event.

Defining moment of the year Winning house sporting events such as football and netball - not a regular occurrence for the Garden girls!

‘What this House really needs is….’ Perhaps a redecoration for a new look.

Sum up the House in three words. Well-rounded. Ambitious. Smiley.

And if you had only had one? Ambitious.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

Garden has so many talented people but there is not one specific thing where we always end up on top. You might say we’re ‘Give It a Go Garden.’ But that’s the difference: we never say no, we always give it a try – even if we don’t win!

Favourite House meal Burger Night - the highlight of the boarders’ Sunday evenings.

FIELD Esther A-A


Best junior Sam C, for his positive attitude.

Best senior Olly R, for his dedication to the Common Room.

Defining moment of the year Winning House League.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A hot tub.

Sum up the House in three words. Diverse. Loyal. Loud.

And if you had only had one? Unique.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack? Location.

Favourite House meal Chicken Kiev.

Best junior

Sophie P - She has embraced life at Repton and is always a friendly face and supportive character around the House!

Best senior

Tilly H - She has brought such a fantastic energy into the House with her arrival this year. Tilly commits herself to so many aspects of school, from football to hockey, so selflessly.

Defining moment of the year Being runners-up in House Unison. Our song took a lot of work and persistence to get it to the place that it was in the end, and we couldn’t have done so without Ella, Bella and Sophie’s encouragement.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A full-size woodfire pizza oven for Mr Jenkinson’s much-loved pizza nights on the weekend.

Sum up the House in three words. Homely. Supportive .Vibrant.

And if you had only had one? Formative.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

Definitely our fantastic domestic team. From fabulous dining room decor to insightful chats in the Common Room (when we should probably be working), they always brighten up the House. The O Block probably only made it through their exams knowing they'd find the "ducks" in a new place in their rooms each day, thanks to the team!

Favourite House meal Sesame Chicken and Rice, with a waffle and chocolate sauce for dessert.


Best junior Gomm S, for always being so cheerful and putting a smile on everyone’s face.

Best senior Charlie C, for always being kind, thoughtful and committed, and truly epitomising what it means to be a New Housian.

Defining moment of the year

Winning House Football (again!)

‘What this House really needs is….’ New mugs.

Sum up the House in three words. Engaged. Energised. Extraordinary.

And if you had only had one? Motivated.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

The strong inter-year group relationships which help create the unmissable camaraderie which flourishes within New House.

Favourite House meal

It has to be Brunch.


Best junior Ollie B, for always keeping the House entertained - and Mr Pollock on his toes.

Best senior

Harvey the dog, for his appearances in the foyer and putting up with a new puppy on top of all of the boys.

Defining moment of the year

The Orchard House Unison, where we were most definitely robbed of an award.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A complete rule book to codify Orchard Yard Cricket.

Sum up the House in three words. Lively. Friendly. Loud.

And if you had only had one? LOUD.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

We are at the centre of everything!

Favourite House meal

Chicken Strips and Chips on a Friday –we’re all children really!

Harry S


Best junior

We love them all equally.

Best senior Baillie the dog (aka Mr Matron), representing the House in all his characteristics.

Defining moment of the year

A first Senior League win in agesand Carwyn’s famous speech.

‘What this House really needs is….’ A Sixth Form Common Room.

Sum up the House in three words. Open. Garden. United.

And if you had only had one? Special.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

We have the best atmosphere and the best support at any house eventdespite never winning anything.

Favourite House meal

Buffalo Chicken Wings.

Best junior George G, as he is always smiling and positive around the House.

Best senior Harry W, for his commitment!

Defining moment of the year

Winning both Junior and Senior House Hockey. Luckily, no umbrellas were involved.

‘What this house really needs is….’ LEDs in all Comms.

Sum up the House in three words. Unity. Passion. Swans.

And if you had only had one? Passion.

What sets you apart from the rest of the pack?

School House’s location and facilities, Chezza and a group of boys that are super-talented across every aspect of school life.

Favourite house meal

Sesame Chicken.



I have loved hearing Reptonians talk in Chapel this year about aspects of their school life and where they think they are in their journey of self-discovery. Whenever I ask a Reptonian to do this, I’m commonly asked, “Do I have to mention God?" My standard reply is, “No, because God is in every experience we have and He’ll just delight in you celebrating the moments He has given you.”

“Suddenly, my time on the pitch was occupied by voices in my head telling me that, even though I trained six days a week, everyone knew I wasn’t a real hockey player. They made me shake, take fewer risks, and told me I was so bad at hockey it was embarrassing for me to still be trying. Relationship status: Regretfully very single. My total uncompromising focus on one thing meant that when it failed, everything failed. Soon I was questioning whether I in fact had enough intelligence to pass my GCSEs and if all my friends secretly hated me.”

The Lent Term also saw family and friends of Harry Lownds (OR) gathered back at Latham, his old House, to remember him and to plant a tree in his memory. His father Matthew, mother Becky and sister Evie (OR) were there, and before the tree-planting, Matthew thanked everyone for being with them and said:

Ella B (U6M) gave a particularly thoughtful reflection in the Lent Term on the role that hockey has played in making her who she is today. She began her talk in Chapel with the words:

“If hockey and I had a relationship status, it would be 'It’s complicated'. We definitely have love for each other, but after a long season we usually end up on opposite sides of the room, avoiding all eye contact and conversation.”

She went on to describe how over two years she suffered from a back injury, two England rejections, an indoor final on the bench, and the words “You’ll just never be a skilful player.”

This led to a time of soul-searching for Ella. She realised she wasn’t destined for the Olympics and needed to redefine herself, which she did by deliberately making herself open to new interests. She found a love of poetry, debating, biology and music, forming valuable new friendships with aspiring artists, actors, biochemists and philosophers “who don’t know a lacrosse stick from a hockey stick.”

“Through pursuing a broader range of interests and adding balance to my life, I have been able to rebuild my confidence and gain a truer picture of myself. This season has been my most joyful and successful yet, having repaired my relationship with hockey by removing its power over me. I am still striving just as hard to achieve my goals but now in a sustainable way, with hockey positioned as an important part - but just a part - of my identity.”

“So, whilst hockey has brought me so much, its most meaningful gift has been courage – to redefine myself, to pat my own back, to meander through all parts of spirit, even those parts that are as of yet unfamiliar. Relationship status: Unlimited. Thanks be to God.”

“This school meant so much to Harry and so it seemed so right that we return here to think of him and plant this tree. He was a dreamer. This is a chestnut tree just like the two chestnut trees outside Repton Prep. I can see Harry sitting beneath them with a book, letting the world go by.”

After coffee and cake, the family gathered again around the tree and we said this little prayer:

“Heavenly Father, we thank you that Nature brings us closer to you, the source of all that has life and is beautiful. May this tree grow to remind us of your glory and comfort us that, in Christ, we are forever bonded with those we love. Amen.”

These two events happening in Repton within days of one another made me think of something I once read by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks:

“In life we are challenged by experiences and events that shake our sense of self and make us ask, ‘Who am I now? How can this new experience be incorporated into who I think I am?’. But with God’s help I don’t think that there is ever anything we can’t reframe. There is no experience that God can’t use to bring us closer to him.”

I think it was significant that Ella, completely unprompted, ended her talk with "Thanks be to God." I think that it was significant that as Harry’s dad left, his last words to me were about how his Christian faith had saved him. When I look in Chapel at the memorials to our three Archbishops of Canterbury, I think to myself that Repton has a special place in God’s plan.


Not the least of its joys was being back on proper expeditions in remote terrain after the necessary compromises of Covid, but this year offered much more than just a return to more familiar routines. More Reptonians (34) gained their Silver Awards this year than in any other year in the School’s history; for the first time in the modern era, every single participant completed the Silver Practice Expedition; this year also saw the second-highest number of Lower Sixth Gold participants embarking on the Award (32).

It should not be ignored, either, that those who completed the Gold Expeditions, having completed Silver ‘Covid Expeditions’ around Repton, had never experienced genuinely Wild Country, nor the altitude-gain that this entails; they were, however, unfazed by this, just as they did not blink in the face of the ice to which they woke up on the inside of their tents on the morning of Tuesday 19th April. More (and, by ‘more’, I mean ineffably so) impressive was the fact that, having

survived the most extreme weather conditions I have ever encountered on a DofE Expedition, the Gold teams gathered themselves, demonstrated nothing short of textbook-campcraft, and executed as near-flawless an Assessed Expedition as anyone is likely to witness.

For all the accomplishment of the collective achievements, however, it is difficult to ignore individuals. It will be a long time before I forget: Izzi E and Julien B literally pulling their peers up the last of the 2309 feet of Buckden Pike; India B and Issy A, showing remarkable leadership and brutal efficiency in the most challenging of circumstances; some of their teammates blankly refusing to give in to very real illness; Archie R, having opted to carry a crazily heavy pack on both Expeditions, and evincing on the first morning of the Assessed incredulity that people actually do this sort of thing for pleasure, powering through, and achieving more than even he had every thought was possible.

Last, but certainly not least, Will G, the very definition of sanguine equanimity, with relentless cheeriness, supporting his peers to achieve what they were convinced was beyond their reach. And that, really, is what it is all about.



The Combined Cadet Force at Repton School has a very long history, with its roots in the early 1900s as the Repton Officer Training Corps. We are one of very few CCFs who are entitled to wear our own cap badge on our navy berets.

Repton pupils, and sometimes staff, often have preconceived ideas of the Corps and resent the intrusion of the military, feeling that there is no place for such an organisation in a school setting. It can be tempting to think of the Corps as an unwieldy dinosaur with no relevance to the modern world. This, however, could not be further from the truth: on Wednesday afternoons you will see Cadets finding fun and enjoyment in the most unlikely places, with their faces covered in green paint or upside down in an RAF tutor plane! The purpose of the CCF is to provide challenge by choice opportunities for our young people, giving them

experiences in activities which are not available in any other aspect of school life.

Summer Camp 2022 took place in Yardley Chase, and was written and executed by our team of dedicated and enthusiastic Cadet Force Adult Volunteers. Cadets from the Army and RAF sections were able to take part in a huge range of activities with the more senior cadets being able to use their new Cadet Force Instructional Techniques qualification.

Pupils often surprise themselves with how much they enjoy being part of the CCF and the experiences it gives. I think secretly they enjoy the formality of Drill; and watching the A Block bond as a House through the shared experience of Barnes Squad is so very satisfying as a member of staff. Being able to provide this opportunity has been one of the most worthwhile aspects of my job. There is no other

activity in the School which offers our pupils a real opportunity to lead and teach, giving them something real to write about in their UCAS and an opportunity to develop as individuals. This precious organisation is to be cherished and protected and I am hopeful for the future of our Corps.


After not being able to go on Summer Camp for the past two years, my excitement for this one was high, especially as we were now the most senior cadets and would have more responsibility. With the group being split into sections, everyone had an opportunity to lead. I was given the role of platoon sergeant on the first two days, which was an amazing experience, allowing me to join every section and meet all the people from different years. But my favourite day was the 24-hour exercise. Going into

camp it was the thing I was dreading the most: sleeping outside, ration packs and lots of walking were not what I was dreaming of for the first week of my holiday. However, it was so much fun. Doing a full platoon attack with blank rounds where I was section commander giving orders was one of my personal highlights. However, the times I remember best are the parts in between the activities: the waiting and chatting, the section handshake that one of the boys made all of us learn. These things made up for the rations and the sleeping outside. The party the night after the exercise showed how far the group had come in getting to know each other. Everyone sat together, without year-group divisions, and enjoyed the opportunity to play games and have fun. This mood carried on until the final day in the river. I am the only girl in my year who still does CCF and people often ask me why I carried on. The answer is easy: it’s because weeks like Summer Camp are experiences nobody else has, and ones that I think everyone should take advantage of.

Martha B (U6M)

In A Block I initially joined the RAF section because of the prospect of flying a plane - an incredible experience as I was able to perform aerobatics. At the end of the year my mum signed me up for Summer Camp. I was very reluctant to go as I felt I wouldn’t enjoy it and it would eat into my holiday. However, after just the first day I found it very enjoyable and became friends with many people who otherwise I wouldn’t have interacted with. My favourite part was the 24-hour exercise; not only did I get to camp out in the woods wearing full camo, but I was also able to carry my weapon all day rather than being restricted to only certain hours. This was a responsibility that I know many of us appreciated. The overall experience was unforgettable, and I am so glad I was signed up to go.

The progress I have made in CCF is shown by the fact last year I was being taught Barnes Squad and this year I got to lead my A Block through the whole day. While CCF wasn’t what I imagined I would enjoy at Repton, it is now one of the highlights of my time here and an activity I look forward to each week.

Charlie B (11N)


I have really enjoyed the challenges of CCF this term, including co-leading Abbey’s Barnes Squad group with Izzy O. Being given a leadership role was a fantastic opportunity and I loved supporting the A Block to their triumph in the competition. During my time in CCF I have been given many different chances to participate in activities such as field days, shooting, CFIT and first aid. I have learned so much this year and being a part of CCF has pushed me both as an individual but also as a team player.

Tilly C (11A)

Participating in Barnes Squad was the highlight of my year: working as a House in activities ranging from orienteering to archery was such an exciting challenge. Barnes Squad, and CCF as a whole, has taught me many different skills from first aid to the importance of working as a team - and so much more. The hours of practice put into learning the Drill sequence, often enduring some very wet sessions led by our O Block, brought us together as a House and provided plenty of laughs!

Christabel T (10A)

CCF has proved to be an extremely valuable experience at Repton for me, providing me with a wide range of opportunities to develop my leadership, teamwork, and discipline skills. Barnes Squad brought us closer together as a House and has given me team skills which I will carry forward into later life. My favourite part was the map skills because it taught me how to cope under time pressure and how to read a map. I enjoyed the Field Weekend in Michaelmas more than I was expecting, and we learned many new skills, including weapon training, first aid, camouflage and concealment. For me CCF has been a really fun experience.

One of the highlights of the year was our participation in the Remembrance Parade on November 11th. It was a solemn and poignant event, where we paid tribute to the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Our cadets, dressed in immaculate uniforms, marched in perfect synchrony down the High Street to St Wystan’s Church, displaying utmost respect for the occasion. It was an honour to lay wreaths on behalf of our unit and to be part of such a meaningful ceremony that honoured the sacrifices of previous generations.

Another notable event was our participation in a Guard of Honour for our distinguished guest, Air Commodore Purcell. A Silent Drill Team, led by Captain Smith, also performed a precise array of complex drill movements in a successful display of the result of weeks of practice. It was a memorable moment for our unit and an opportunity to represent our school and the CCF with pride.




What have I learnt from CCF? This year CCF has given me the opportunity to learn new skills such as leadership and teamwork and to gain experience in different fields I have never had the chance to explore before. I took an instant liking to it. You start with the basic skills like drill and marching, but soon begin to learn more exciting skills like radio, first aid and the weapon handling system in the following weeks.

What I particularly enjoyed was the CCF Field Weekend. My group and I over the weekend got to learn lots of new abilities and take part in fun activities such as field craft. One of the activities in field craft included applying paint onto our faces and hiding in the grass until we were found; I took this way too seriously!

Further on into the year, we got the opportunity to participate in the House CCF competition, Barnes Squad. I was very proud and happy with the result of my house (The Mitre), coming in a very close second out of ten houses in the School. We did numerous activities such as archery, air rifle shooting, radio, orienteering and first aid, all of which we did tremendously well in as a team.

I personally had the opportunity to participate in the Guard of Honour alongside the senior cadets. I felt a

huge amount of pride whilst carrying the Colours of the CCF during the Guard of Honour and I was extremely grateful for all the help I had throughout this inspection. I would like to thank all the CCF staff who have enabled the CCF to become such an important and special memory for my Repton experience.



It is strange to realise that the last year of in-person competitive debate, was 5 years ago – a time when our current Upper Sixth leavers were only in B Block! But what a year it has been, with Repton Debating Society firmly establishing itself back on the competitive stage.

As always, House Debating provided an excellent opening to the year. After the initial shock of learning how to perform five-minute speeches with only 15 minutes preparation and on any conceivable motion under the sun, the competition culminated in a tight final, arguing whether a BBC-style impartiality should be imposed on all news platforms.

But this was only the start of a busy season which saw junior teams excel in their English-Speaking Union speaking competition, and the Seniors gaining their best Mace result in years, progressing to the Regional Finals. The rest of year was peppered with competitions: a successful outing at Nottingham debating competition (no, BJE, we’re never going to be able to debate again without thinking about being on the straights) and the return of the Repton Schools Debating Festival. Online debates were held

for pupils from Year 7 to Sixth Form across the international Repton Family of Schools, and successes for Repton teams from the UK, Al Barsha in Dubai, and Cairo lent a truly global perspective to the debates.

But the highlight of the year was the Durham residential Debating Competition, returning in-person for the first time since 2018. Comprised of two novice teams (Elektra S and Zak W, and Charlie B and Rob J), and one Open team (Bella C and myself), heading to Durham shortly after Steeplechase meant the (many) hills were climbed with aching legs. However, the first day was successful – filled with discussions revolving around freelance work and exploitation, as well as reforms to the prison system, although it was meant to be followed by a social, but the venue was set on fire, so very unfortunately we couldn’t attend.

The next day was approached with renewed resolve, and the knowledge that Robbie and Charlie had a strong chance of breaking novice, meaning they would qualify as one of the top 8 novice teams and so enter the semifinals. After a morning spent debating ethics of MP resignation and rise of comedy news platforms,

Robbie and Charlie pulled this off, eventually progressing to the finals: an outstanding achievement.

The smooth-running of the weekend reflected the season as a whole, aided greatly by the expert guidance of JDS and BJE. This season it has been so enjoyable to return to competitive debate, and I look forward to following from afar what I am sure will be strong progress from Repton Debating in years to come.

Sophie D (U6M)



There were several clear themes pervading this year’s Ramsey Soc. papers: firstly, the quality of the papers, and of the discussions they generated, was at least as high as any I can remember; secondly, it was impossible not to see the currency – and, indeed, prescience – of the topics on which papers focused, and so how engaged the members of the Society are with the changing world in which they live. Lastly, and just as edifyingly, it was striking how independently the Society’s members worked, and how little input they required from teachers in the preparation and development of their papers. Any random selection of this year’s papers would be worthy of gracing the pagers of the Reptonian, but the following gives a flavour of the quality we enjoyed this year.

Manav C and Christina M explored the duality of technology and AI. Christina focused on their utility to Medicine – the facility to search multiple data-sources at speed, to diagnose conditions; the precision with which robotic surgery can operate; the ability to produce a replacement-heart via 3D-printing. She also considered the downsides: AI’s lack of a “bedside manner”; the potential creation of a two-tier healthcare system, with only a few able to afford the most up-to-date services; and the risk to data-protection (and the healthcare provision itself) posed by cyber-attacks.

Manav kicked off with the revolutionary Neuralink chip, inserted into human brains, which could be a gamechanger for those suffering from dementia, as well as its more obvious recreational uses. This immediately led into a discussion of the control and regulation of such technologies, and the lack of accountability of those companies that promote and provide them. Manav also considered to what extent technology’s advances – eg the ability to go to Paris for lunch – are necessary or desirable: are there limits within ourselves to how efficiently and immediately we want technology to serve our needs? What did the pandemic teach us about these ceilings? With considerable foresight, Manav demonstrated that the future of technology is not necessarily determined by design, but by human nature itself: is there a human need for the Metaverse? What does the fact of online abuse and virtual assaults tell us about humanity? Can these ever be policed effectively?

Sophie D, Joe J and Max H all shone a spotlight on Sportswashing and asked some very searching, and, at times, admirably discomfiting questions: should athletes from nations with human-rights abuses be banned from competing internationally? Should the British government ban such regimes from investing in British sports franchises? Is the UK itself on sufficiently dry moral high-ground to comment on other nations’ practices? What is the best way to effect change in other countries? Boycotts? Setting criteria for inclusion in the international sporting community? Using sports staining to pressurise them? What approach is fair to the athletes who train for years in order to compete? Is there a qualitative difference between our treatment of one-off events, such as a World Cup or Grand Prix, and a franchise competing throughout the year? Does realpolitik come into play at all? These papers typified what are often the most engaging Ramsey papers, in that they perhaps asked more questions than they answered, but they also honed our understanding of the parameters of these questions and forced us to reconsider our own values and perceptions.

Martha B, using the perspective accorded by a few years, examined the vectors for Brexit in one of the most thoroughly-researched papers of recent times, and blew away some cobwebs for those of us who actually lived through this recent history. With characteristic intellectual originality, rigour and courage, she stepped nimbly from an apostasy of the orthodoxy on Margaret Thatcher’s


relationship with Europe to the lessons about the media learnt by Tony Blair at the 1992 election, the significance of his landslide victory in 1997 in allowing him so swiftly to sign up to the Maastricht Social Chapter, thence to his alignment with the US, rather than Europe, on the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and finally to his decision not to hold a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. Martha’s paper was suffused with independence and clarity of thought, enlightening her audience with her scholarly contextualisation and refusal to accept received judgements uncritically.

A paradigm of this interrogation of ideas was achieved by Louis A’s paper on Justice, which married a philosophical overview of Distributive and Corrective Theories of Justice to their practical applications, and Justice’s role within Law and Politics. Louis introduced us to the conceptions of Justice proposed by Bentham and Rawls, Isaiah Berlin’s Positive and Negative Liberties, the distinction between equity and equality, and the question of whether Justice should be a function of merit or need. He then explored the ramifications of these conceptions to the practical application of justice in the Law, through the prism of the Kyle Rittenhouse case. This fecund and heated discussion segued neatly onto considerations of the questions raised by the dynamics of the US Supreme Court – to what extent should a country’s laws reflect public opinion? Should these be in the hands of a (very) few unelected individuals? Should there be limits to their terms?

In many ways, Gonzalo M’s paper, on Climate Change, Denialism and Conspiracy Theories, drilled down to the core of what, if anything, Ramsey Soc. is for: finding a way to navigate an increasingly post-truth world, and honing the skills necessary to identify wilful fallacies, flaws in argumentation, and basic hypocrisies. We were, therefore, exposed to the frightening weaponisation of rhetoric and (often against itself) science. Gonzalo was, however, not content to stay on such relatively uncontroversial ground: he flipped the discussion to force us to confront our own shortcomings and biases: our instinctive desire to avoid any potential dissonant grain of sand in our cognitive oyster-shell; our confirmation biases; our desire for “truths” that are practically convenient for us; or simply our faith in logic itself, susceptible as it is to manipulation and the veneer of infallibility. I have rarely left a Ramsey meeting with more to disentangle and contemplate!

In all, then, this can only be viewed as a vintage year for Ramsey Soc., and one that will live long in the memory. These fine young minds will light up the university seminars fortunate enough to welcome them in the coming years, and have proven that they are more than a match for the challenges, both intellectual and practical, for the lives on which they are embarking.



This year we have had a variety of different talks and workshops presented, all directed towards the questions of what Medicine is about and why should you choose it. A highlight of these events was the talk by OR Will Balderston, who talked about his journey to Graduate Medicine and offered insight into a different pathway to studying Medicine at university. Recently, another OR, Matthew Rhodes, led a Problem-Based Learning workshop: he gave a short lecture and an opportunity for us to dissect and understand medical cases, along with the medical terminology associated with them. He gave us an essential understanding of what it is like to be a medical student in the UK - the good and the bad. OR Evie Lownds also provided a wonderful and honest insight into her studies of medicine at Peninsula Medical School, and it was brilliant to hear about how to manage time, study and other pursuits.

Additionally, members of the University of Grenada offered us an insight into studying and practising medicine abroad, the differences between the US and UK medical systems, and how our options are not just limited to staying in the UK. Sixth Formers who are a part of this society have had the chance to become Mealtime Volunteers at Royal Derby Hospital, volunteering on a weekly basis whilst being immersed into communities beyond Repton. A large number have also had competed a Hospital Experience Programme at Royal Derby Hospital, in which they observe surgery and the day-to-day lives of different healthcare professionals, furthering their understanding of Medicine and the skills required of those who practise it.

Esther A-A (U6F)

Christina M (U6G)

– 2023

Repton’s MedSoc provides an invaluable chance for pupils to develop their interests and understand what it really means to work in and be a part of Medical Science.


Reptonians have been out and about engaging with the wider community and supporting local groups.


For our community action we chose to volunteer at the Maple Tree Café in the Repton Village Hall. This space is well-used by community groups and also provides a great social venue for village residents, especially valuable to those who might otherwise be isolated. Every Wednesday we help by doing things such as washing dishes, grating cheese and chocolate, re-stocking the fridge, filling up sugar pots, putting away the furniture and occasionally making hot drinks. Whilst these things are super-fun and certainly useful, the café management thought we could do something that required more skills! So we created a leaflet to promote the café, which has now been distributed around Repton. We enjoy our volunteering because we can get real satisfaction from getting to know members of the local community and making a positive contribution to village life.


Being part of the charity group has been really worthwhile for us and a fantastic experience. We have worked together as a team to come up with new initiatives and also taken requests from various members of staff and individuals in the community.

The group has been working together for some time and raised several thousands of pounds for local and national work, many of which are closely linked to students or staff members at the school. In Lent alone we raised nearly £2000 for very worthy causes, by multiple coffeeshop openings, a visit from

Project D, and home clothes day for the earthquake crises in Syria and Turkey and other needed charities. Beauty and the Beast and the sale of roses for Valentine’s Day have also contributed to our fundraising.

Not only that but we have learned to crochet octopi for premature babies with the help of a visiting expert and we have collected hockey equipment for schools through a brilliant local scheme. Currently, we are working on assembling care packages for local branches of the YMCA.

Our community action has been helping the children at Repton Primary School every week with their reading. It's been a great experience assisting the teachers and the kids, and seeing how much they improve and grow more confident each week. We chose primary school reading for our Community Action because we felt it was important for every child to have an opportunity to improve on their reading and be able to ask someone questions about any topic if their teacher is busy, especially with additional pressures like the strikes that's been going on. We hope we've been able to have a real impact on the kids we helped, and that they've gained an interest in reading.

Maggie B (L6G) and Sakurako S (L6F)


The inaugural Christmas Fayre took place under the Arch on the first weekend of December. There was a real sense of community on this occasion and it was just wonderful to see the whole community of staff, pupils, parents and members of the village coming together to enjoy this festive occasion. Highlights were seeing the School Prefects, dressed as elves, leading in Santa’s workshop before the children went through to meet Santa in his special grotto; listening to the Repton musicians play Christmas music on the Pears School stage; and watching everyone enjoy festive food from the outside market stalls. It was great too to


be joined by so many stall holders, allowing us to start our Christmas shopping! Importantly, this was a charity fundraising event and there were two examples of pupils leading stalls to raise money for specific charities: Lawrence R raised £195 for Burton Hope with his sweet and hot chocolate stall, while Kitty, Cam B and Alice P made £230 for projects in Tanzania with their bookstall. We look forward to more pupil and community involvement this coming December and hope the Christmas Fayre will become a favourite fixture in the school calendar.



The Green Team have been helping to rewild Repton. With the support of our marvellous Grounds team, they have cleared a whole area behind the Sandbased Astro, creating wildlife houses, putting up nesting boxes, laying a woodland path and planting over 2,000 bulbs. They also continue to facilitate effective recycling of paper, plastic and glass all around the school site.


We have been volunteering at the local Treetops Hospice shop at the Willington Services as part of our Community Action programme. Treetops is a local charity, providing nursing care and emotional support for anyone in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire affected by a life-limiting illness and by bereavement in this area. This benefits the community in several positive ways. We help to money through the Hospice shop; it provides more affordable clothing and other household items for those who are struggling with the cost of living; and it also allows families to declutter the home, recycle and reuse clothes in a sustainable way. We have gained great work experience through volunteering at the Hospice shop, all the while having fun and working hard, which will improve our own CVs in the future.



Repton and the surrounding area has become something of a hub for Ukrainians fleeing the war and we now have around 75 Ukrainian nationals within the local community. Pupils and staff helped out at a very special Christmas meal in School House, attended by over 100 people from the local network of Ukrainian guests and UK sponsors – with Father Christmas (aka the President of Burton Rotary Club) visiting to give presents to the children! It was a fabulous evening of carols (in both English and Ukrainian), traditional turkey with all the trimmings, but, above all, shared celebration at surviving such a terrible year and of hopes for a safer future. As well as their presents, all the children received a photograph taken with

Santa beside the magnificent Hall tree as a memory of their English Christmas; one Ukrainian parent touchingly wrote afterwards, ‘Thank you for giving our children back their childhood.’

A group of young Ukrainians, both Reptonians and local residents, have also been meeting regularly in school to share their experiences and provide mutual support, and there have been sports sessions, social activities and advice on university application.



The night began with lots of cardboard and duct tape as we all split into teams to build our ‘homes’ for the night, and by the time we had finished, the sun was beginning to set. We then met Paul Taylor, who has worked for the YMCA for many years, helping children my own age to find safe accommodation. Paul went on to tell us about some of his own personal encounters, some of which left me and the Lower Sixth

group completely speechless. After this we spent the rest of the evening around a warm campfire with hotdogs and marshmallows before we slowly moved into our DIY shelters for the night. Lucky, we didn’t encounter any rain, which certainly kept us drier but warmer too. We all understood that this re-creation of the night was not going to exactly replicate what a homeless teenager has to endure. However it did give us a glimpse into

the hard realities they must be facing every night. The sponsorship that we all received from completing this endeavour – thank you, friends and family! - will be directly transferred to the YMCA to support the work that they do to provide safe housing for local young people. We hope that this may be all it takes to change the direction of a teenager’s life.



Two separate groups of Sixth Form pupils with a keen interest in studying Medicine, Dentistry or various other allied subjects such as nursing and paramedicine have been given the amazing opportunity to volunteer at the Royal Derby Hospital on a weekly basis. Across a range of different wards, ranging from orthopaedic, elderly medicine and highdependency wards, students are provided with valuable work experience in a healthcare setting. The opportunity to interact with patients and engage with the community

not only improves vital communication skills, but also offers the chance to observe the day-to-day practice of medicine and to converse with medical professionals, to gain an insight into careers in healthcare and widen our knowledge of the field.

We’re hugely grateful to Emma Luma and her wonderful team at Royal Derby Hospital for providing us with the opportunity to experience at first hand the hard work, compassion and dedication of healthcare professionals in a hospital setting.

Congratulations Jenna!

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

‘Mealtime Student of the Year 2023’ Winner

By doing this Repton Pride has attached a face to discussions on homophobia and transphobia: language that promotes hate doesn’t simply damage a group that you only hear about in the media; it also hurts a friend and a human being you may know. As a result of this speech, we have received a great amount of positive feedback from both students and staff, furthering our hope in a more positive future as our society learns and educates.

Repton Pride has continued to provide a safe space to LGBTQ+ students and allies to feel open and accepted. It has presented a community for people across all years to join together, where people can come out of their shell to bond and discuss issues they face in a secure environment. In particular, we as a society provide support systems especially for junior members who may struggle to relate to many others. In Pride they can receive help from senior members who understand exactly what they have experienced.


LGBTQ+ topics have increasingly gained prominence in society and the media, with Queer stories being recognised around the world, and this has been no different in Repton, where we have been able to discuss the impact of these global issues and

to support and educate our own community.

While discussions of gender and sexuality have become much higherprofile and more open, it is undeniable that this has been a confusing year for the LGBTQ+ community. Even though Repton has been incredibly supportive of our Society, the world we live in is hugely complex in its attitudes. Within Pride we have debated topics such as the 2023 World Cup being hosted in Qatar and the attack on transgender youth

across the US. While these situations are taking place outside the UK, they still have international importance and set the scene for our right to live and feel safe in the future. 73 countries criminalise homosexuality, while no fewer than 11 nations still hold the possibility of passing death sentences against LGBTQ+ people. This denies safety to every Queer individual across the School and across the world.

Early into the year, we sent (vaguely) anonymous messages of appreciation to those within the Society. Furthermore, a couple of us presented a figure in the LGBTQ+ community who has significance to us, with diverse individuals from famous poet and writer Robert Graves to singer and actress Lady Gaga. However, the most important thing at Pride are the 5-10 minutes at the end where each member can talk within the group about current events in their own lives, knowing that they will undoubtedly receive advice and support from all attendees.

The Repton that we now have has changed tremendously: it is a more tolerant environment and the School is a much safer place to openly be member of the LGBTQ+ Community, without judgement. When I arrived five years ago, there was no Pride Society, no LGBTQ+ history, and a great

lack of security and freedom to be oneself. I am one of the last few at school who had to hide my identity away only to be revealed in the Library with other Queer people and yet still fearing being outed. However, through Pride we now have a voice and a forum for discussion that is enabling the School to become a more inclusive community. And we believe that’s good for everyone.

Even if we, as students, do not have the opportunity yet to change the world we live in, we still have had the opportunity to make an impact on our fellow students. Together we put together a speech of combined voices that I presented in Chapel to introduce our Society and open people’s eyes to our experiences as Queer and Transgender people. Our main goal was to further our understanding of one another and especially to put a stop to the use of the words ‘gay’ and ‘faggot’ being used in a negative context.

Throughout the year Repton Pride has been incredibly important in providing a forum for us to explore Queer issues.


Formula Repton is a brand new society that provides us with the opportunity to develop our science, technology, engineering and maths knowledge and skills outside of the classroom, initially by designing, building and racing an electric car for Greenpower. In the growing age of STEM and F1 popularity, under the watchful eye of Doc I and Miss Hill, our weekly Friday meetings have attracted STEM enthusiasts from every year group across the School. One of the unique parts of Greenpower is its student-led ethos. Pupils take charge of the Junior and Senior teams and, with limited teacher intervention, Juniors were tasked with assembling and designing the bodywork of a kit car, and the Seniors to produce one from entirely from scratch.

Initially the task was daunting. Junior iterations of Greenpower competitions at Repton Prep had done little to prepare us for the minefield of aerodynamics, marketing, transport, and logistics that needed to be considered before we could ‘get racing’. Over the course of year, amid lighthearted teasing about individual F1 loyalties, we explored various aspects of this project. This required teamwork, dedication and communication to ensure the build was progressing well and that we completed the tasks in the right order. It didn’t always go to plan, though! Several times we had to restart tasks, but this was an important part of the process and our learning curve.

We worked on our marketing: designing logos and securing sponsorship from Gibson Tech (the engine supplier of prestigious Le Mans Cars). We also developed the scratch car’s aerodynamics, ordering materials after receiving excellent advice from Mr Chapman and connecting with an OR now working at Alpine F1 team. The garage at the front of the Science Priory became a hub of activity, and team members summarised a year’s work during a science conference with Toyota Nishi School in Japan.

But perhaps one of the most pleasing things to see was the growing enthusiasm for hands-on STEM projects. Regardless of year group, there was a great sense of teamwork and the excitement for the studentled project was contagious. The Upper Sixth leave the team in good hands, and I am sure that Formula Repton will only go from strength to strength in years to come.

Chloe C, Junior Team Principal (11A) Sophie D, Senior Team Principal (U6M)






The walk of doom

I think of the freedom

Going to the room

Escape from bad treatment

For a long two years

I’ve worked for my life

I’ve faced my fears

Through my heart goes a knife


Lost minds, kept straight only by the train tracks ahead, Stolen youth, stolen innocence, stolen lives, Pulled from underneath us in a flash, a blur

Of the crowd, herding us like fish

Towards the nets.

These guards are hated That’s a fact I will be cremated Please, just sign a pact

This will be the last you see Of me I’ve got to go At least I will be free From the sorrow

Thomas G (9N)

Fear and desperation, Tangled together in a colourless web Of a horror-filled imprisonment, So close to our old loves, Yet separated by the oneway sea of death.

Trapped, caged by miles and miles Of barbed wire, stretching out on a sea of cruelty, The blood staining the boat of our lives, Hopelessness sinking us ever faster Towards the depths of insanity.

Rebellion, revolt, all useless, They merely stand, watch, uncaring, Unaffected by our blame, As they line us up Outside the shower block

Charlotte C (9G))


While Ullswater may be a shared site, I've always considered it mine.

The hills undulate rhythmically against the sky's backdrop, their rolling shoulders adorned with pines, whose juniper skirts flourish and twirl in the breeze. Heather carpets the slopes with harsh blasts of fuchsia daggers that stab at the air. Lush, zesty verdure swarms the rim of Ullswater's basin, with moss that clings to shiny, slick rock, suffocating it from the outside world. The slumbering dunes contrast the streaks of mahogany browns, ambers and deep maroons. The hawthorn hedges line the fields, with spheres of crimson rhapsody popping out from under the thick thorns that snatch at anything brushing past.

Ullswater's lake is a pool of perfection, mirroring the scene so well that flipped upside-down it looks exactly the same. The blushing sunrise casts roses, lilacs, and peaches against the stiff peaks of the hills and emanates peace and tranquillity across the lake. The faint ripples that ruin the liquid lookingglass come from the modest steamer that slices through the lake. It churns out wisps of steam that dance in the spring breeze, mimicking the azure butterflies. Swishing fish in the corner of your eye chomp at the algae that sways to the throb of the lake. Fishing lines plop off rickety piers and hidden Dost houses nestle into crooks in the earth.

The clean crisp, spring air inflates my lungs, touching the tips of my nose and turning it a humbling red. My face stings in the mist lingering over the hills. It hangs round the necks of the mounds, like foggy, glass jewels cut into jagged gemstones that glint in the dappled rays of the morning sun.

The orange glow is smothered by layers of fog, each droplet intertwining with another, forming a damp mesh of crystallised water in the breeze. The grass clings onto every single dewdrop it was given, desperately trying to suck the spherical water along its thin stalk, tousling with the one next to it. Its tassels catch my ankles, soaking the cuffs of my trousers and spreading mud deep into the crevasses of my sole. A paved pathway, separated by lines of moss, curves and winds towards the harbour like a hose pipe spilling into the lake.

Stone-built houses nestled into the banks of the hills bathe in the rising sun. Their million-pound windows look onto the flat lake, copying the ripples and swirls in their panes. Their rooves point up into the fog, the wooden eaves housing sparrows that chirp and tweet to one another, the leaves rustling as they flit between bushes. The houses perch and squat along the lake's edge, their gardens of trimmed bushes and pruned fruit trees merging with the swamped mud. The lapping of waves caused by rickety rowboats in a random rhythm drum into my ears, and hum into the throng of life through each cracked-open window.

Each animal bustled through their morning routines. The hare's long ears scampered above the grass; the blackbird whistled a wake-up call with an amber beak that yanked shocked worms from the damp earth, and the fish flitted between the tall rushes that swayed to the lake’s beat.

Ullswater hums, buzzes, sings and thrives in ways that only those who sit long begin to notice. But I have not yet sat long enough to understand these ways, nor do I think I ever will.


Nature Writing Competition, Lent Term 2023: Winning entry

English –
Zara E (9F)


How curious.

And so I found myself on a drizzly Tuesday evening at the Peter Bolas Observatory at Rosliston Forestry Centre, South Derbyshire, listening to a talk from Observatory Manager Ed Mann.

As he spoke to us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The galaxies are vast and mysterious places, full of cryptic codes waiting to be deciphered. And telescopes are our tools for unlocking those secrets.

Mr Mann went on to explain more about telescopes and astronomy, from the relatively archaic duallens combinations of the 17th century to the multi-millionpound infrastructures that are common today. It was fascinating to learn about the different types of telescopes and how they are used to explore the universe in different ways. I was particularly intrigued by the section on radio telescopes, which use radio waves to study the universe. He explained how radio telescopes can detect things that are invisible to optical telescopes, such as black holes. It is amazing to think about how much we can learn about the cosmos through the use of these powerful instruments, gleaning data

translating to a visual representation of the birth of our universe.

Heather Lomas, secretary of the Rosliston Astronomy Group, went on to explain another of their extraterrestrial endeavours: the Space Sapling. In 2015, accompanying Tim Peake to the International Space Station were pips taken from Isaac Newton’s apple tree - the very one that helped him with his field-defining work on gravity. Having spent six months floating in microgravity, they were cultivated in agar jelly at Kew in the hope that some would germinate. The team at Rosliston was privileged to win one of these saplings – only eight in total - against fierce competition from other prominent astronomical and botanical organisations. Others are sited at Jodrell Bank and the Eden Project. Years on, the well-travelled tree (> 700,000 km) stands proudly next to the Peter Bolas Observatory – a testament to the growing

prominence of this organisation.

Being one of the liveliest astronomy organisations in the country, several focus groups have been set up within the Group, each devoted to a particular aspect of astronomy.

One of the most recent ventures has been astrophotography, with Mr Mann guiding us through the complicated process of directing, capturing and editing some of the most stunning pictures of cosmological bodies that I have ever seen – all of which are hundreds of thousands of kilometres away.

As the talk came to an end, I left the observatory feeling inspired and eager to learn more. Who knows what secrets the universe has yet to reveal to us, and what new discoveries we will make in the years to come?

Seb R (11P)

“The James Webb Space Telescope is able to look approximately 13.5 billion years into the past. Back then the atoms that would go on to be part of you and I formed supermassive stars, floating in a vast, expansive abyss.”


Normally when I write poems, I write them in the way I speak, so words and phrases that have emphasis I try to make stand out. The way I wrote this poem was somewhat unnatural, but I used that to highlight the question of why there is this order. I know that the sequence of planets is due to their distance from the Sun, but I wanted to explore that theme as if it was in the planets' control to do something about it.

I think that the theme can also be a microcosm of the world, which itself needs change and in which there are ideas that should be challenged. The weird structure can show that, when this does happen, there are uncomfortable conversations to be had but ultimately those conversations point towards the underlying question: “Is it the right thing to do?”


Comets’ icy tails burn the abyss, Extinct plains sink into craters where asteroids live; Cracks gape as the surface shatters and the wind of blackness blasts, and waning light traces those frosted moons but cannot resurrect them.

The space is dark and endless. Autonomous planets live Alone, struggling to survive: But are they alive? Or are we alone?

Decimated universal islands are swallowed as black holes celebrate, their creeping storms engulfing rocks with names of lost Gods, Mars erat deus belli, As planets fight the fiendish forces he established, Assembling barriers to slow the siege.


That there is some Order

That the planets find themselves in Structured

In an almost seemingly perfect way

Not by hierarchy, beauty or Stature

But because they want to?

Obviously, it means something, right?

The order. Like

Saturn has found themselves in sixth place

How very humble of them,

It’s not like they are the only planet with the best-looking rings, the second-largest planet in the solar system. Surely,

That should give them wings right?

Legs to stand on

Maybe it warrants more than sixth place.

Shouldn’t it?

Who decided, Saturn

Why did you choose to be there?


Why did you get to stay and Pluto did not, Because he’s too small?

Well then, tell Mercury

‘You’ve gotta watch your back!’

Order, Structure

What does it mean, Why Doesn’t it change, What Makes your order Planets.

The right one.

To survive a siege you must escape the shadows.

Only from loving light do dreams arise: Chances taken before times cruel inescapability passes by, As planets move in elegant paths, Light grants freedom when freedom lasts.

Unsettled hope hates to wish but light conquers even in the darkest of realms. The sun’s warm glare revives life, cloaking those inauspicious stars, Gravity towing planets together along elliptical planes.

Rotatory spheres tick as clock hands orbit the centre star, pulling his subjects as Helios once did. Gravity defies respect, removing the rights of less powerful wanderers.

A complexity greater than life governs the universe, Light is our escape.



Sixty years since her death, and Sylvia Plath continues to intrigue and mystify our modern-day literary world. But despite being one of the most influential and famous poets of the modern age, the ‘Marilyn Monroe’ of literature has been defined by her suicide, at age 30.

Since her death, Plath and her opus have been posthumously psychoanalysed under every conceivable lens; with more than a dozen biographies attempting to disentangle her art from her life, and learn who the ‘real’ Sylvia Plath was.

However, as with Virginia Woolf who also died by suicide, everything Plath did and created in her life has became part of her death-driven narrative, her suicide underscoring the interpretations of her poems and novels. By contrast, when a male author dies prematurely, it is a tragic end to his creative output. We mourn Dylan Thomas, who died aged 39, and the poems he never wrote, but distinct from his self-destructive lifestyle. His work is celebrated in spite of, rather than because of, his troubled life and alcoholism.

However, despite this, Plath’s work has achieved exceptional cultural longevity. Dubbed in the 70s as a feminist martyr, her name is synonymous with a renaissance in feminism. Her singular novel, The Bell Jar, has become a defining work of the feminist canon, facilitated by pop culture’s tight embrace of the work as a symbol of female sadness. Characters such as Maeve, in Netflix’s recent Sex Education, are seen holding the book as a prop, symbolic of the girl who rejects conventional standards of femininity. And more widely, it is used as a visual shorthand for a troubled or ostracised female character, rebellious and willing to take her life into her own hands. And thus, the decidedly unromantic novel, depicting a young woman prescribed electroconvulsive therapy to cure her psychosis, who

suffers depressive episode during which she starves herself and is insomniatic, has been romanticised as the quintessential literary companion for young females.

And yet, after all these years, we cannot let the mythos of Plath go.

The multiplicity of her persona fuels an industry, evidenced by the stream of biographies, memoirs, films and

Now, sixty years after her death, Plath’s work continues evolve and develop new meanings, as academic discourse transitions from the traditional feminist focus to how her works reflect the dissonance Plath felt as an American in England, and the contemporary shame attached to her mental illness, in an era where mental health was not prioritised or understood.

literature, striving to understand a figure distorted by time and cultural imagination. In the wake of Plath’s death and the growing celebrity of her figure, much of her work was edited, portraying an image of the poet favourable to a century notoriously tight-lipped about the realities of mental illness, particularly among women. In Sylvia’s Letters Home, the edited correspondence between ‘Sivvy’ and her mother, Aurelia, the letters depict a one-dimensional, doting daughter. This is far removed from reality, where Aurelia was “ashamed of [Plath’s] mental illness” and keen to alter her depiction as the mother who is cruel taskmaster in The Bell Jar. It wasn’t until the release of Plath’s unabridged journals and second book of poetry Ariel, two decades after her death, that Plath was represented again, with her own, unedited voice.

Ultimately, Plath’s death is a small part of her incredible life. She is likely always to remain a puzzle, in part due to her premature death, which means she never got a chance to tell her story on her own terms. And while we may honour Plath upon the anniversary of her death, we should also celebrate her life, lived fiercely and unapologetically, and the way in which it reaches out to others.



Everest, the Poles, the moon - all been done. Places that humans have already explored. It therefore might come as a surprise that 65% of the planet Earth remains unexplored. I know. Scary.

I am absolutely terrified of the sea. Not the kind of crystal-clear ocean you paddle in on a golden beach on the coast of some paradise in the middle of summer. The kind of sea where humans have not yet been able to reach the bottom, let alone explore it. In fact, we know more about outer space than the ocean, with better maps of Mars than of the seabed. Take the Mariana Trench, home to Challenger Deep, the deepest known point of the ocean. We cannot even be sure that this is, in fact, the deepest point. Only two people have ever successfully made it to Challenger Deep, whilst thousands have scaled Everest which you would perhaps presume more dangerous. The reason for the secrets of our oceans remaining undiscovered is pressure. A dive to the Mariana Trench would involve being seven miles deep down into the ocean, experiencing 1,000 times more pressure than on the surface, equivalent to the weight of 50 jumbo jets. So more than 80% of our ocean remains unmapped, unobserved and unexplored. Who knows what life could be down there?

Exploration spans further than just geographical exploration. Gone are the days when men went out in wooden ships to find new foreign lands. To explore is to travel through unfamiliar terrain to learn about it, or to inquire into a subject in detail. Most of the brain remains an unknown frontier. Neuroscientists don't yet fully understand how information is processed by the brain of a worm

which has several hundred neurons, let alone by the brain of a human that has 80 billion to 100 billion neurons. The lab roundworm houses 302 neurons and 7,000 connections between them in its microscopic body. Researchers have painstakingly mapped all those connections in recent years - and we still don’t fully understand how they all work together to give rise to the worm’s behaviours. Brain science is arguably one of the most mysterious fields of science and the closer researchers look, the more bewilderingly complex it appears. Although it is not a physical area, and you can’t exactly “travel through” it, it is still a subject we can inquire into, making it open to exploration according to the definition. Currently, it remains ‘unexplored’.

Historians study the past, looking into the lives of people who walked the Earth hundreds of years ago, discovering secrets buried by the passing of time. Surely they are exploring too? Exploring the past rather than science or the Earth. We do not know everything about the past. Yes, we have a rough idea as to an order of events in the course of the history of the world, being more certain about events closer to today. But archaeologists still find clues to help uncover the mystery that is the vastly unexplored past. Bones, skeletons and ruins preserved beneath our feet, keys to unexplored aspects of history. There is certainly so much more of our past to explore.

You and I have not discovered all aspects of ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I have not tried every food, job or activity, so how can I say I have explored myself? I don’t know if I like skydiving; I have never

done it. I do not know everything about myself. Does anyone ever truly discover themselves? Many people go on retreats and journey to remote locations to try to ‘find themselves’ But how is it possible to say you have discovered yourself when we do not know the purpose of life? What is the meaning of our lives on a small planet in the shadow of others in a solar system? How does your life fit into this? For me, this is a topic that many never explore.

But why is it that after all this time only 35% of the world has been explored? Why do we still not understand the fundamental organs of our own bodies? And why do we not even know details of the past that has shaped our lives today? Perhaps the simple answer is the Earth is more complex than it first appears. It is constantly changing, impossible to keep up with. Or perhaps it is due to the novelty of mystery wearing off for humans. Hundreds of years ago, when absolutely nothing had been discovered other than the ground that the early settlers stood on, they wondered what else was out there. What better life could be waiting for them? Today we are comfortable. Any subject we do not know anything about we can look up on Google. We don’t have to wonder if the Earth is round or flat - we have seen the satellite images. Why concern ourselves with every detail of the past? Our lives are complicated enough. Perhaps this complacency is responsible for the decline in the hunger to explore the unknown. In short, yes, of course there is so much more to explore. Look up into the sky, see that galaxy far away, see that twinkling star. The universe is infinite. What is there left to explore?


APRIL 2023



I became interested in archaeology from a young age when my dad would always take me to castles on holidays; of course, my initial interest was in knights and medieval weapons!

But as I began to learn about English history, my fascination grew. So, when, through an acquaintance with Andy Austin of the Repton Historical Society, I was given the opportunity

to participate in an archaeological dig in the St Wystan’s Vicarage garden, I jumped at the opportunity.

This dig was led by Prof Mark Horton (of Channel 4’s Time Team) and Dr Cat Jarman, author of River Kings and TV and podcast presenter. We were also fortunate enough to be visited by Prof Martin Biddle who had led the digs of the Viking settlement at Repton in the 70s/80s (the dig which unearthed the famous Viking sword).

Building on the earlier digs, we primarily focused on the earlier midSaxon era. The excavation included expanding the pit to the east to fully uncover the graves; this allowed us to excavate a Saxon cobbled footpath that had later been constructed on top of

these graves. In this layer, on 2nd April 2023, half of a penny of King Offa (ruled 757-796 CE) was uncovered by archaeologists from the Universities of Leeds, Oxford, Cambridge, and the Royal Agricultural College, amongst others.

The graves weren’t fully excavated until around April 5th, and the skeletons were found to be in a heavily degraded state, a consequence of being buried below the water table, although one grave was in exceptional condition (pictured right). The graves (one containing a skeleton) were orientated in an east-west direction and lacked burial goods, making it likely that they were ecclesiastical burials, related to the monastery (c. 653-873CE). At the same time on the west side of the pit the remains of a seax (Saxon knife) were found, although it was heavily rusted.



My role was metal-detecting, marking the ground within the pit with pegs where the detectors beeped, and looking for finds in the dirt removed. I was fortunate enough on April 4th to uncover the second half of the King Offa penny while metal-detecting through the excavated dirt. And later in the same pile came the highlight of my dig - finding a mid-Saxon cloak pin (pictured right). The pin was made of bronze, so probably would have been worn by a land-owning member of the upper echelons of Saxon society.

Personally, I found the experience of uncovering something that no-one had seen for 1500 years to be amazing.


420CE The Romans leave Britain

c. 450CE The Saxons start to settle in Britain

c. 550CE Saxons settle in Repton

653CE King Peada converts to Christianity

… and Christianity is preached in Mercia for the first time; tradition holds that the market cross commemorates the original event

and Repton becomes the ecclesiastical centre of the Kingdom of Mercia, St. Wystan’s crypt would remain the burial place of the Mercian royal family, until 873-874CE when the Great Heathen Army sacked and wintered in Repton.

There is no disguising the fact that I felt a certain pride that, if I had not dug it up, it might never have been seen again! I very much hope to have the opportunity to do it once again. Sadly, it is likely to be the last excavation at the Vicarage.

Preserving the Vicarage as an archaeological site

The Vicarage still remains a partially-untapped site, with the potential of further graves yet to be found, and a possible mound along the eastern wall. This is why the uncertainty surrounding the future of the plot is so concerning to me and many others.




The Parthenon – the temple to the goddess Athene that still today stands above her city Athens – is perhaps the most iconic image of the classical world, representing the extraordinary flourishing of creativity, confidence and culture that occurred in Athens in the 5th century BCE. So why is it that such historically significant works have spent the last 200 years in London? And is it time for ‘Culture to come home’?

A Block Classical Civilisation debate the issue….


The world-famous Parthenon sculptures comprise of pedimental figures and decorative panels that depict myths key to the Athenians and their sense of identity: the birth of Athene, her contest with Poseidon to be patron of the city, and the battles between the Lapiths and the half-man, half-horse Centaurs that represented the triumph of Greek over barbarian, civilisation over barbarism. Previously known as the Elgin Marbles, these have been residing in The British Museum since 1801, when the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and lover of art and antiquities, Thomas Bruce (the 7th Lord Elgin), shipped them from Athens to England. He reasoned that the artistry of the Parthenon would be better preserved in a safer location such as Britain, and had purchased the Marbles from the Ottoman Empire (which occupied Greece at that time), gaining a firman (royal approval) from the Sultan. Lord Elgin sold the sculptures to the British Museum in 1816, but he has since been assailed for vandalism and dishonesty, and the Greeks have been lobbying for decades to secure the Marbles’ return. With the international debate around the repatriation of artwork now more intense than ever, the question of the Marbles has been reignited by both the Greek and UK governments.


One reason for them to remain in England is the condition they are in. The British Museum has done an amazing job of preserving the sculptures. They were already fragile when they were first moved (the Parthenon had been devastated in 1687, when the Ottomans used the temple as an ammunition-store and the Venetians bombed it!) and some decay is guaranteed from delicate carving that old. However, the British Museum’s preservation efforts have not been in vain. In a purpose-built space, thousands of daily visitors can easily view the Ionic frieze, depicting the Athenian festival, the Great Panathenaia, as well as the Western and Eastern Pediments, showing the birth of Athene from Zeus’ head, and winning the naming contest for Athens against the god of the sea, Poseidon. And while it’s true that over time, the Marbles have degraded, making the identification of some of the characters or scenes more challenging, the statues have experienced very little erosion since the first shipment.

Another reason is the fragility of the sculptures. While they have been kept in excellent conditions, they haven’t been moved that often. A trip that

long carries the risk that the Marbles would be damaged or lost and could be disastrous. Even if Greece were to have temporary loan, as has been proposed, that would mean more trips which would amplify the risk of damage. To further support this, there is a bigger audience in London, where there are roughly 20 million visitors to the London each year, whereas Athens only has seven million, which means that a return would mean fewer people have the chance to see them.

A final reason is that England owns the Marbles legally. Elgin received a royal decree from the Ottoman Sultan of the time and did pay for them. Not only that, but back in 1801, Greece did not yet exist as a state, so it could be argued that Greece has no claim on them as during the time of the deal, it did not exist as an entity.

The UK has done a good job of preserving the sculptures over time and moving them for temporary loan or permanent relocation is not worth the risk of destroying these iconic pieces of the ancient world. The Marbles should remain in Britain.



The British Museum is globally-famous for housing many of the world’s most culturally significant artefacts. However, it is also known for being the museum with the most stolen works of art, as many of the displays and exhibits depict priceless objects from all over the world and not just Britain. One of the most popular exhibits is of the Parthenon Marbles – but these were not created or originally sited in Britain. As a result, many ask the question; what are so many Greek artefacts doing here in Britain and not Greece, their original home?

The argument against the Museum’s keeping the Marbles may be summarised into three main points: theft by Lord Elgin and vandalism by the British Museum, the integrity of Greece’s cultural heritage, and the damaging legacy of British Imperialism.

Lord Elgin had ‘legally’ purchased the Marbles from the Ottomans, with the approval of the Sultan. But did the Ottoman Empire even have the jurisdiction to sell the Parthenon?

It was an occupying force that had taken over Greece following the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Did such an aggressor have the moral right to sell off the heritage of a nation it has rapaciously invaded? It could be interpreted as theft in a similar way to the Benin Bronzes – an equally controversial work of art: would the British Empire have had the moral right to sell them off, having appropriated them in its 1897 incursion into Southern Nigeria? So, was the legal contract between Elgin and the Ottomans at all valid? Furthermore,

the Ottomans used the Parthenon as an ammunition storage which resulted in its later bombing. This clearly shows carelessness and neglect from the Ottomans, who did not have a cultural connection to the Parthenon Marbles like the Athenians did.

Nowadays Greece is safe from such instability, and the return of the Marbles will be returning an important part of Athens’ cultural heritage. Many believe that the Athenians should be allowed to keep all of the Parthenon in the same place as it would be beneficial to most: for the simplicity of having all the Marbles in one place; to promote tourism through easy access to them; and for a sense of continuity with their history. Visitors would be able to see the genuine artefacts in its original environment, together with the remains of the temple itself. Athens even has a newly constructed, beautiful, modern and well-built museum, perfectly suited to house its own Marbles!

It is a vitally important piece of history to Athenians – perhaps the most famous surviving remnant of classical Greek history. Britain has no emotional or historical connection to it. The sculptures were not made by Britons, they were not originally placed in a British temple, and they are not part of Britain’s history. In fact, the British have no moral claim on them – the British Museum itself admitted in 1999 (24 years ago!) that it had damaged the sculptures in the 1930s through “heavyhanded” use of wire-wool in a cleaning process. Vandalism, some may call it. The original paint was rubbed off the statues in a misguided attempt to “clean” it, which stripped away a part of the Marbles’ artistry. To make things

worse, they tried to cover up this failure, an act which they themselves have admitted was a “scandal”. Britain can hardly claim that it has demonstrated that it will take better care of the sculptures than the Greeks.

Haley L (10A)


It was the most apocalyptic the world had felt. “Stay home”. But for many like myself, it was a different story. Six weeks off school sounded like a dream, and for us there was nothing to worry about. We would get away with doing minimal work for the cost of absolutely nothing. A teenager’s dream. How wrong we were…

Staying home was easy at first. It was one of the most beautiful summers we had had in years. The air was crisp and clean, since no-one was driving and the airplane flights were cancelled. The birds were chirping louder, the sky was bluer, even the ozone layer was repairing itself. But there was always that figure in the background, on the news. Eventually, I had to turn it off. For all of the

delights that nature seemed to deliver us in those six months of lockdown, it came at a bigger cost than we could ever have imagined. Hundreds turned to thousands, until suddenly you lost count. Suddenly, you didn’t want to count. Three years on, most of us are looking back at how we’ve changed, what lockdown changed in us. Whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, we all saw the best and worst of each other during those six months. With no escape, there was always someone else in the next room. Doing the shopping was like a military campaign –although Operation Toilet Roll was clearly a popular one. It just proves that in times of crisis, we all look towards each other. Whether that’s bulk buying for your bathroom or for


In a world where the concept of time is only how fast it goes, where the rush of feet can be heard in our disturbed slumber, tormented by pollution of the air we breathe and the things we hear. In a world where we don’t have to wait for the Olympic Games, it all suddenly stopped. Our voices were muffled by our own front doors which magnetised us not just to our screens but to ourselves as our walls caved in. Claustrophobia spread alongside our jailer, bringing the turning cogs of society to a sudden halt.

Will the trees start swaying as they once did? Will the cynics return their stolen smiles, or will we learn to share? How will we

emotional support, the media felt much more like a community in that time than I think it ever has and ever will. Clapping for the NHS was something that was unacceptable not to do, media trends changed drastically (for the better, of course – good skincare was finally on the rise), and at-home workouts became a so much more than a craze. 2020 was the year of ‘if only’s’ in many ways, but it was also a year for companionship.

For me every waking hour was spent with my family or texting my friends. My interesting stories became “remember when’s”, and novelty was forced out of almost every aspect of my relationships. Suddenly, interest gained a whole new meaning and a wholly different path was formed to get to it. In short,

I was bored. I felt boring. I became heavily invested in politics that year, mostly with the US. Shouting at the television over yet another one of Trump’s bad decisions became a hobby practised more than any other. COVID-19 was a tragedy for many families across the globe – it robbed them of things and of people that were held closest to the heart. In this way, it really was the worst of times. But COVID-19 was also a saviour. It taught us about our loved ones, not to take so many things for granted, and that time off school was actually extremely boring. Nature was healing in a way that it may never do again. In this way, it was the best of times.

Now, the question is posed. What next?

Téa U (11M)

eradicate the dull grey which smothers the splashes of colour that once filled our souls? A monstrosity made to spread the very thing that it’s not, a challenge is presented. Our species must walk over the broken glass of its past, but just continuing to travel blindly, unaware of the connections that hold us together, is an unwise choice that will be the penultimate decider of our fate. The ultimate? Whether we stay true to our decision. We will forever wander through the endless embodiment of time and space, but our visions will be cleared by the intuition we have collected from our cages.

Téa U (11M)

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.


Have you ever walked on lava, climbed a glacier, or swam in geothermally-heated pools? We were lucky enough to experience this, and more, in five packed days on the A Block Geography trip to Iceland.

The trip began at 3am on what we thought was a cold morning. Little did we know.... Although this may sound like the worst possible thing to do on a Thursday morning a couple of days before the Easter holidays, spirits were high. Bags loaded, we set off to Manchester Airport and by late morning we were in Iceland. As soon as we stepped foot out of the airplane, the cold hit us, and we were no longer complaining about England’s! But we had a warm welcome from our wonderful tour guide, Petur, and met our new home for the next week – the coach.

And just like that, we were on our way to our first stop: a site

which made us feel like we were in a Geography textbook– one containing a wave-cut platform, stacks and stumps. Our next stop was a huge geyser - extremely interesting to look at, but the smell

Have you ever walked on lava, climbed a glacier, or swam in geothermally-heated pools?

of sulphur that hung in the air will never be forgotten. Petur was eager to widen our knowledge of Iceland, so he took us to visit the beautiful coast, filled with famous landforms and lots of great examples of sedimentary rocks. But the highlight was our arrival at the Blue

Lagoon. Petur saved the day by telling us how to prevent damage to our hair from the high mineral content in the water, and once we entered the lagoon, we had plenty of things to do such as getting our free silica facemask and applying it in the thermal pool, and swimming up to the bar where we got to enjoy a free drink. All and all, a great experience and a very relaxing one, something we all benefited from, after our early start. The day ended with fish and chips, a snowball fight and a good night’s sleep at The Lighthouse Inn.


On the second day we headed off into the Icelandic landscape, bound for its Wild West Coast. In a bitterly cold wind, our coastal walk began, superbly led by Petur, the best tour guide we could ask for. He not only explained in detail all about the landscape but also took the time to inform us about local Icelandic myths (mostly involving trolls). After that we embarked on a journey below the surface into a lava tunnel from a recent eruption. As we proceeded further underground, the temperature dropped and our light source diminished. Luckily, we were well equipped with torches, that was until we decided to turn off all our lights, and we were able to experience the bizarre feeling of standing in the earth, in pitch black, only hearing the few drips of water within the tunnel. Once we returned above ground, our next stop was a remarkable frozen waterfall, accompanied by a perfect example of an arête.


Day Three was a favourite, consisting multiple stunning sites, a visit to a thermal spa and a trip to see Iceland’s most popular waterfall. We stopped many times during the day to experience some of Iceland’s most beautiful and picturesque landscapes and Petur took us to see another, much larger geyser. We were met by the now familiar smell of sulphur in the air, but, as we approached the geyser, it erupted frightfully into the airsomething which took us by surprise. Advancing with more caution, we were standing only a few metres away when it erupted again. This time we were positioned directly underneath it and we saw the full scale of the steam and water, which was phenomenal. The last activity of the day was Gullfoss Falls, one of the most famous landmarks in Iceland. There were two viewing points from different heights, which enabled us to see the sheer scale of this landform. Equally astounding was the expense of everything in the gift shop. However that didn’t stop us from buying souvenirs for friends and family.

We enjoyed dinner at our hotel, where we were informed by Petur that the weather forecast for the next day wasn’t looking great, with cold temperatures accompanied by a lot of snow. This had meant we would have to wake up 30 minutes earlier, to travel through the inescapable snow. Just as we thought the evening was ending, we saw a flicker of light in the sky. We were shocked when we realised it was the Northern Lights. It started off small but grew, eventually spanning across the whole sky in a spectacular display of green and purple, and it really felt like a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience.


Day four began by looking out of the window to be met by the white glare of the vast amount of snow which had fallen, and was still falling. But in our warmest gear and with a very skilful driver, we headed off to our next destination – Iceland’s Lava Museum. The museum was very informative, and we got to watch an interesting video on the different volcanoes in Iceland throughout the years. – and, of course, visited the gift shop. Our next stop was another beautiful partly-frozen waterfall - and an intense snowball fight which left us all covered in snow. The highlight of the day was the hike up a glacier. Luckily at this point, the weather had cleared so we were able to have a stunning view down the valley. We could see the detrimental effects climate change is having on Iceland and its glaciers and walked through a long crevasse going through the glacier, where we had the chance

to take some excellent pictures. Then one more waterfall - Seljalandsfoss - to see before the hotel, a delicious dinner, and a good night’s rest.

Our last full day in Iceland took us back to the capital Reykjavik. The Perlan Museum showcased so many different aspects of Iceland, from glaciers and volcanoes to wildlife and the Northern Lights, a captivating show in their planetarium, and the chance to walk through an ice cave. All of this was topped off very nicely by ice cream (courtesy of the teachers) whilst taking in breathtaking views of Reykjavik from the 360˚ platform. A short bus ride took us to another lava tunnel, where once again we were equipped with a torch and crampons. This cave was similar in size to the other we had visited but was much more intricate and detailed, due to its being formed during a larger eruption. Petur then took us to the newest lava field in

Iceland, produced from a volcano which had only erupted 18 months ago and was still warm to the touch! It was cool enough, however, for us to be able to walk on it for short periods of time. Back at the Lighthouse Inn, it was time for the highly-awaited photography competition, with Abigail E, as the welldeserved winner.

Our final travel day started with another very early start – a 5am wakeup – but we returned home with many amazing experiences that will be remembered forever. We would like to thank all the staff who provided this fantastic opportunity for us – Mrs Wilbraham who organised the trip, and Mr Howell, Mr Wake and Miss Hill who accompanied us.

Eva L (10A), Kate W (10M) and Luna V P (10F)



In October a select group of A Level RS specialists, accompanied by BJE and AJW, made a cultural pilgrimage to the Eternal City– the city at the heart of Western history and Western religious development.

It was a whistle-stop tour, cramming more than two thousand years into three days – but then Reptonians are renowned for their timemanagement skills…

Day One saw the group hitting the major sites of the ancient city. The Colosseum is the ultimate icon of classical Rome and a place where, alongside the excitement of gladiatorial combat, thousands

of criminals, including the early Christians, met grisly deaths. We had an altogether happier experience, wandering round drinking in the history and listening to music. From there it was a short stroll to the Forum, the heart of the Empire, filled with monuments from the earliest days of the city and redolent of its pagan past – ironically, much of it preserved by being converted into Christian churches. And then there was more to come with time on and around the Spanish Steps and dinner near the Trevi Fountain. A lot of art, architecture and history in one day!

The next day we made like locals (for Louis 'de France’ that meant

wearing his ubiquitous shades) and took the bus and train out to Ostia Antica, the port of ancient Rome and a site where the sheer quantity of archaeological remains really conjure up the atmosphere of a bustling Roman town. Next up was the remarkable Basilica San Clemente where you can literally pass through the different levels of Rome’s history: from the exquisite 12th-century church at street level down past the world-famous medieval frescos of its 4th-century predecessor to a Roman Mithraic temple dating from the 1st century. Only five minutes from the Colosseum but a treasure overlooked by many: see it if you can.


Food was, of course, a key element in our enjoyment of the trip. Sales of Pasta Carbonara in Rome shot through the roof during the group’s visit, and the fabulous gelati were a regular feature. We also had a few brushes with the livelier aspects of a busy tourist destination: enthusiastic restaurant managers trying to lure us into their establishments, Father Adam’s friendly nature leaving Ms Eades constantly worrying about him getting scammed, the challenge of haggling for souvenirs when one doesn’t speak Italian, and a meal al fresco with city trams hurtling just a few feet away. But it’s all part of the pleasure of travel, and we managed

to capture some of the spirit of Rome on the four film cameras that travelled with us!


Our final morning was the highlight of the Vatican City and St Peter’s: stunning architecture and remarkable art treasures, but, above all, just an amazing experience to stand in a place which has been the centre of such much theological debate and church history. And for Choir members, of course, the chance to scope out performance venues for the Easter tour.

The itinerary may have been packed with site-seeing, but we still had plenty of opportunities to absorb the atmosphere of this remarkable city and enjoy its colour and character as much as its history. Our thanks to BJE and AJW not only for organising a great trip but also proving such excellent company.

Louis A (U6O), Jacques H (U6S) and BJE


Police: “The civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.”

Wayne Couzens. David Carrick. Countless others who have failed to preserve the security a person in power should provide to the general public. A dark shadow has been cast over what it means to be a member of the Police in the UK over the past few years, and public trust is at its breaking point.

As someone who has read with disgust about atrocities against women, I, and many others who hold the same stance, consider it imperative that there is a change to the way the police force operates. The tragic murder of Sarah Everard in March 2021 has gripped the nation, revealing the brutality underneath the custodian helmets and police vests. We are told that ‘immediate steps” have been taken to protect women at night, including a £25 million scheme to improve lighting and CCTV in central London. However, one fact I found particularly striking was the rise in safety apps for women, including “Life360” and “Walksafe” to monitor crime levels in your local area. Yet the question I ask you is why this is needed in the first place. Why can’t a woman feel safe walking at night, or going for a run, or waiting to catch the bus? I find it depressing that we as a society are taking proactive steps to make people feel safer, instead of uprooting the main problem in the first place – the failure of police to protect the public.

In order to understand why such horrors against women have happened in the first place, we need to look back at how police officers are accepted into the forces. While it is important to be “confident” and have a “good level of fitness”, (Ministry of Defence Police), many perpetrators have seemingly

slipped under the radar of the Home Office - many perpetrators who could have been stopped a long time ago. David Carrick committed 48 rapes in the past two decades, waging a campaign of terror and humiliation against innocent women. After pleading guilty to 43 charges on 13th December 2022, he now faces jail for life. Lives of countless women, however, could have been saved since 2002, when Carrick is accused of assaulting and harassing a former partner. The Met overlooks this; he is not arrested. Subsequently, this pattern repeats itself in 2004, when Carrick is involved in a domestic incident, but no criminal allegations are made to the Met; he is not arrested. 17 years later… It has taken the Met, those into whose hands we put our lives, 17 years to hunt him down.

Has brutality become the norm for our police?

This is not just about those whose crimes have hit the headlines. At the start of this year, Commissioner of the Met Sir Mark Rowley admitted that 161 of his 35,000 officers had r criminal records, arguably due to the sustained lack of enthusiasm there is in joining the Police since the most recent reported incidents. Is the Met having to recruit former officers to maintain its numbers?

It is evident that certain hate-fuelled members of the Met have targeted their wrath upon minorities in society - particularly women, people of colour, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. These criminal offences can rightly be defined as “hate crimes”: they purposefully attack someone’s protected characteristics, which

include race, religion, gender and sexuality. In a country so proud to call itself as “promoting equality”, the UK has failed when striving towards a fairer and more equal society. There have been numerous instances of black people being stopped by police simply because of their skin colour, the most notorious in recent years being the murder of George Floyd in the US in May 2020. It seems that children and young adults in schools have a much better understanding of respect and prejudice than those who we look up to as role models, those whose role we used to want to play when we were in nursery.

If we are to bring these injustices to a standstill, I believe it essential that there is a change to the way in which recruits are accepted into the Police. Stopping crime instigated by the members of the police force can be achieved by monitoring who can and cannot enter the forces more carefully. Too many times that a policeman has committed a crime that has gone beneath the radar. Although it is easier said than done, I believe that the Met and the Government can take proactive steps to further the security of society, even if it means investing more in the forces in order to regain public trust.

I would like to think that when I finish Repton, I will be leaving the safety haven of the School and entering a world where I can walk peacefully on my way back home, without having to turn my back at the sound of footsteps or a police siren. I would like to think that one day, we can regain trust in the police…. But that day is far from today.



What an inspirational figure – someone who has been a constant presence in my life. A lady full of grace and charm, setting a standard for us all to try to follow. I thank you most sincerely for the dedication you have given to your country. May you rest in peace.


Your majesty, I thank you sincerely for all that you have done for our country. You will always be missed and cherished.

A Block pupil

A remarkable 70 years of service to the nation, the Commonwealth and the world. We have been truly blessed to have you as our monarch and you leave an enduring and inspiring legacy of grace and wisdom. Thank you, ma’am.


A loving mother, a determined daughter, a dutiful queen and a great example of outstanding service and loyalty to country and Commonwealth. Your light remains shining.

Lower Sixth pupil

Dignified, dedicated, selfless, serene. An inspiration and example to the very end. Thank you.


Your majesty, thank you for everything you have done for our country. I will be forever grateful for your service. You were the glue that kept this country together – our rock. We will forever look up to you and you will be greatly missed.

O Block pupil

I give thanks for an exemplary life of service, in all things wise, calm and reassuring. Rest in Peace.




The Accession: Editorial, The Reptonian, March 1952

Repton School was but a year old when the first Elizabeth came to the throne of England. We are looking forward to celebrating our four hundredth anniversary in the reign

of Elizabeth the Second, to whom, called at this early stage of her life to suffer such a loss and at the same time to assume the heavy burden of the duties of State, we wish a long,

The Coronation: Editorial, The Reptonian, July 1953

happy and peaceful reign, in which she is assured of the devoted and unwavering loyalty of her subjects.

Memories of the Coronation are many; but there is one which Reptonians will cherish with especial pride – the thought that it was a Reptonian who crowned our Queen, and a Reptonian who stood at her right hand throughout the long ceremony.

Besides the Archbishop (Geoffrey Fisher, Headmaster 1914-1932) and the Bishop of Durham [Michael Ramsey, OR), other Reptonians who took part in the ceremony in the Theatre were Sir Arthur Cochrane, K.C.V.O., Clarenceaux King of Arms, Canon Charles Smyth, and the Rev. C. Hildyard, who carried the Cross of Westminster.

Our thoughts travel back to those distant times when, with the same emotions and festivities that have in our day surrounded the Coronation of our Queen, Repton itself witnessed the crowning of the Kings of Mercia.

The Queen’s Visit, March 28th 1957: From The Reptonian, July 1957

We who are in the school at the moment are lucky enough to have rather special memories of Repton. The Queen's visit and the Quatercentenary mark the passing of another milestone in the history of the School. Whatever the part we played on these occasions, whether

we sat next to the Queen at lunch or merely saw her from the steps of Pears School, whether we took a leading part in the Masque or were only at the other end of one of the many torches in the procession, we will one day look back with a twinge of amusement and regret

on 1957. The businessman in his office, the doctor in his surgery, the schoolmaster in his form-room, all will share a common memory, and sooner or later all will lose the thread of the job in hand and look back over the years to Repton, 1957....

Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (Headmaster 1914 – 1932) presents the Queen with a sword at the coronation

Meanwhile all spectators, including the Guard of Honour, had reassembled in the New Precinct in readiness for the opening of the Kindersley Gate. After the presentation of Lord and Lady Kindersley, the Dowager Lady Kindersley and Mr. Marshall Sisson and Mr. J. P. Foster (the architects), N. Etherington-Smith, a great-grandson of Dr. Pears, presented the Queen with a pair of scissors for cutting the ribbon across the Gate. Although so comparatively young, EtheringtonSmith coins, a symbolical antidote against the severing of friendship. By that gift we should like to think that Her Majesty's friendship for the School was established and will never be cut. After the Queen had named the new way from the gate to the Precinct "The Queen's Walk," the Archbishop said a prayer and blessed the precinct.

Assisted by Mr. George Parker, the Queen then planted a royal oak, which, despite her assertion that she has not "green fingers", is at the time of writing, in full foliage and seems perfectly healthy.

As the Royal cars drove through the School Yard between the two lines made by the School, we all had our last glimpse of the Queen at Repton. The heartfelt cheers that sped the Royal guests in their way was the only way we could all say "Good-bye" and "Thank you for a wonderful day."

And so it finished. The Royal Visit was over. Despite the litter in the streets and the drooping bunting hanging from the flagpoles, there

was a strong sense of elation throughout the School. Everything had gone like clockwork, thanks to meticulous planning and superb organisation, and the weather could not have behaved better. Everybody was delighted at the charm of the Queen and the ease of manner of the Duke. Both have the rare gift of communicating their personalities to all around them - it is this that made the day the success it undoubtedly was.



The Queen’s Green Canopy is a national initiative launched to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, inviting everyone across the UK to plant trees in celebration. Following the death of the Queen, the scheme was extended to create a living memorial to our longest-reigning monarch.

In 1957 the Queen commemorated her visit to Repton with the planting of an oak tree in the Precinct, and so it seemed entirely appropriate for us to mark her memory with another oak tree, this time in front of Chapel where a much-loved beech tree had recently had to be cut down because of disease.

It was a huge privilege to represent the School on this historic event. Sir Henry Every, Bt, former Chair of the Governors, regaled us with a few humorous anecdotes and intriguing facts, before we – Freya, the Headmaster and I – were invited to lay the first soil at the foot of the young tree, an English Red Oak (quercus rubra). We were honoured to be allowed to use the actual spade which the Queen herself had used in 1957 and which is normally kept in the School Archives. The tree should reach 40 ft in height and will be a lasting and beautiful reminder of the Queen ‘s service to the nation and her connection with Repton. This was an occasion that will remain etched in our memories forever.


5TH MAY 2023

Head Prefects:

Almighty God, you reign over all things in wisdom, power, and love.

Hear our prayers which we offer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For Charles our King, that you may pour upon him abundant gifts to help him fulfil the promises made at his coronation: That he will have the grace, wisdom, and strength to live a life of service to you and to his people:

For Camilla the Queen Consort, William Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family; that they may love and support the King as he bears the burden of his office:

For the building up of the Church under its Supreme Governor, for the building up of all Christian people, and for mutual understanding and fellowship between all people of faith:

For this United Kingdom, for His Majesty’s other Realms and Territories, for the whole Commonwealth of Nations, for their governments and ministers, and for all who are called to public service, that they will seek justice, mercy, and peace:

For the peace of the world, for the welfare of all people, for those who care for others and for the environment, and for all in need:

Lord, in your mercy

All: hear our prayer.

Freya W (U6A) and Will G (U6C)







‘Medea’ is drama at its most powerful – a sharp contrast to recent school productions - and I relished the chance to be part of a team putting on such a famous play, with all its twists, shocks and darkness. Preparation time was short - just six weeks in total, requiring many weekend sessions and late-night rehearsals - but culminating in a spectacular production and three mesmerising shows.

I played the role of Jason – the great hero who led the Argonauts and carried off the Golden Fleece. But the play focuses on the later part of the story and the bitter end of his union with Medea, whom he abandons in order to marry the daughter of the King of Corinth – an act which fuels Medea’s revenge and ultimately results in the death of his new bride, her father and his children.

Crafting the character of Jason was tricky. The play deals with tainted love, ruthless ambition, loss and betrayal – and, while, thankfully(!), I have never experienced these, it was

a challenge to deliver such powerful themes, especially as a younger actor. I wanted to suggest the multiple layers of Jason’s character is he a good father just looking out for his family’s security, or thinking only of his own happiness and position?

I worked hard to make his actions (abandoning his wife and children in order to marry a younger princess and gain a throne for himself) seem as reasonable as he clearly believes them and at the end of the play to capture the unbearable pathos of his situation. Another challenge was the need to deliver a high-energy performance of a play where words are all-important and some of the speeches very long – a characteristic of Greek drama. Memorising the words using movement - associating my character's emotion and words with certain actions - is a technique that I find very helpful. I was delighted to receive positive feedback regarding my character’s stage presence and the realism and authenticity of the most emotional scenes.

My favourite aspect of the production was the holistic collaboration between lighting, sound, costume and, of course, acting. These elements all combined to create a disturbing but breathtaking visual spectacle at the end - the murder of Jason’s children, the shocking and bloody horror creating a powerful sensory experience for the audience.

It was a fantastic opportunity to be a part of such a spectacular production and to build memories in the 400 Hall. My absolute gratitude goes to all those involved in this memorable show; it was both a pleasure and an incredible privilege.

The Michaelmas production provided an amazing opportunity to bring to the Repton stage a classic Greek tragedy with a modern twist.


One of the joys of teaching Classics is the opportunity to go ‘off lesson plan’ and retell the great stories of the ancient world: Oedipus - killer of his father, husband to his mother, brother to his own children; Agamemnon who sacrificed his own daughter to retain his authority over the Greeks; his wife Clytemnestra who retaliated by killing Agamemnon; their son Orestes who avenged his father’s death - by murdering his mother. (Now there are two family Christmases I shouldn’t wish to share….) Glorious stuff, if somewhat blood-curdling.

in order to slow her father’s pursuit. Later she persuades the daughters of King Pelias to dissect their own father and boil him up – allegedly, a recipe for eternal youth. (It didn’t work and don’t try this at home.) This granddaughter of the Sun may possess enviable magical powers, but she is also a woman who will do whatever it takes to get what she needs. The ends justify the means. Jason really should have known….

And then, as the family – newly expanded with the arrival of their sonsstruggle on in exile, a new opportunity presents itself to Jason: marriage with the beautiful young princess of Corinth, with the prospect not only of a more conventional form of domestic bliss but also in due course the throne of Corinth. And he can’t resist, even though it means abandoning Medea and the boys. He really should have known….

The legend of Medea is a favourite. Having helped Jason (of Argonaut fame) to steal the Golden Fleece (and for those of us of a certain age, remember the Ray Harryhausen models?), the princess of Colchis abandons her home and family for a life of exile with the man she loves. It is not an easy path she has chosen and she has to resort to some pretty extreme measures to ensure their safety. She cuts up her own brother and throws his body parts into the sea,

By the end of the play Jason’s bride has been scorched to death by a poisoned robe – a wedding gift from You Know Who. Her father’s attempts to embrace his dying daughter have led him to the same fate. Justice for these two? Perhaps. But what of Jason himself? Most horrifically, his own punishment is the murder of his sons – at the hands of their mother. Medea flies off to a new life, and a new man, in Athens. The hero Jason is left utterly broken.

But this gives us with more than an entertaining story of poor male decision-making and ruthless female vengeance to fill the last five minutes before Break. In the hands of Athenian playwright Euripides ‘Medea’ became one of the great classical dramas and still today it provides one of the great female roles in the theatre. So how on earth could a school production – a cast of teenagers, for goodness sake – pull off a play with such dark and adult themes? After all, it took the National Theatre and the likes of the late great Helen McCory and Michaela Coel to present this latest retelling of the story by Ben Powers. And I have seen enough execrable productions of classical tragedies – student and professional – over the years to understand just how hard a challenge it is to make this type of drama live for a modern audience.


Classical plays are relatively short. (After all, they were originally performed in trilogies, the ancient appetite for drama being rather voracious than that of the modern age.) The poetry is rich but the words themselves are spare, especially in Ben Power’s skilful hands. Each carefully-weighted line therefore demands intelligent delivery. Every member of the ‘Medea’ cast spoke their parts with genuine confidence, conviction and vocal clarity: they understood and believed in what they were saying, and therefore so did we; and for those of us in the audience who are old-timers, we could hear every word.

Another challenge for the modern director is what on earth to do with the Chorus. Frankly, the ancient Greek approach – complex poetry, singing, dancing, and a lack of individual character – just does not work for a

modern audience. Messers CooperRichards and Whitfield, however, adopted a stylish solution to this problem. Dressed in suitably classical drapery of uniform green, this Chorus had a graceful physical presence, their movements carefully choreographed, making full use of the levels and space afforded by the set. More importantly, they provided a mirror to our own responses, a moral compass for the action - their initial sympathy for the abandoned Medea ultimately replaced with horror and revulsion.

The stunning design adopted clean, restrained lines – an elegance which suggested the luxury of a royal palace but kept the focus firmly on the human tragedy unfolding in front of it. Equally powerful was the subdued lighting, which created a genuine sense of lurking menace, and a soundscape which kept the nerves jangling.

There were a great many victims in this tale – Kreon (Peter W), Kreusa (Sophie S), and, of course, the children, affectingly portrayed by Jack P and Lawrence R. But at its centre – and crucial to the production’s success - lay a powerful trio. Esther A-A brought dignity and depth to the role of the Nurse, providing a stillness and a humanity at the core of the play. Shaan S had what is in many ways an impossible job: to make this selfish, career-prioritising, wife-betraying, children-abandoning man seem plausible – and he achieved that. His Jason had certainly convinced himself that he was doing The Right Thing, and, an authoritative presence on stage, Shaan had us convinced too –as he did later when this early selfrighteousness was overwhelmed by agony and despair.


But so much of the success of the play depends on Medea herself. We the audience must believe in her vulnerability as a foreigner abandoned in a strange land, a woman in a world where men hold all the cards, unable to return home to her family. We must cheer on her manipulation of the foolish men around her blinded by their own smugness. And then we must at least try to understand how she is able to kill her own children to get back at her errant husband – even if we fail (and we probably should).

In this classic role Ali H ‘s performance was stellar and strikingly mature, as she switched nimbly from victim to victor, from seering honesty to fawning pretence and back again, from the agony of a mother who knows she

is about to lose her children to the triumphalism of a woman who has dealt her worst enemy a body blow. In the latter scenes she displayed a visceral rawness that was totally compelling and the moment when she staggered from the palace, as if from the gates of Hell, dragging the bloody body bags containing her sons, was utterly chilling. We left the 400 Hall lost in thought, stunned by what we had witnessed (in all sorts of senses), and with the Chorus’ closing words ringing in our ears: “First silence. Then darkness.”

Extraordinarily, when ‘Medea’ premiered in the City Dionysia tragedy competition of 431 BCE, Euripides didn’t win first prize. In fact, he came last. Was the story simply too much for


the Athenian audience to stomach? What on earth was the winning play like? (It hasn’t survived so we shall never know.) There were, however, no such misjudgements when it came to this version. This was simply a remarkable production; from the directors’ vision to some outstanding, NT-worthy performances, Repton’s ‘Medea’ was a highpoint of school drama – no, a high point of drama. Perhaps Euripides just had the wrong company.




Beauty and the Beast

Having seen the magical stage show at the London Palladium, I was thrilled to discover that we would be doing Beauty and The Beast for our Lent Term musical, and excited about seeing the magic come to life on the 400 Hall stage.

I was not alone in this: it was so great to see the number of people across all age groups auditioning in early November. Rehearsals began with Mr CooperRichards and Mrs Whitfield in the following weeks, filling the stage with laughter and energy. During rehearsal times we looked at the characters’ motivation, as well as practical aspects such as how the scenes would be blocked. One of the most rewarding aspects of being involved in a production is being able to share a passion with other people around you. Walking into a room full of people you don't know can be intimidating and feel like a leap into the unknown, but when you work closely with them as in a production like this, eventually you begin to form amazing relationships.

A week before performing this spectacular show, the set and costumes arrived. These had been hired on and made everyone in the cast feel very professional. But set familiarization meant that we had to make some changes in blocking with just a week to go, resulting in there being more rehearsals to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible.


The dozen students in the band, with Mr Fairbrother as conductor, had to learn difficult new repertoire in just under seven weeks, but their contribution was crucially important. Alongside the acting rehearsals, there was also lots of hard work taking place to get all the songs together. During the final two weeks, the band moved all their equipment into the Studio Theatre, where Act One and Act Two were run with music. When it finally came together, we felt a huge sense of achievement – it really was exciting.

Musical theatre is also very demanding technically and our tech team and backstage crew made a massive contribution to the success of the show. The technicians were fully immersed in creating the lighting and sound effects during the last week: programming the lights and finding the right sounds to use throughout the show, as well as dealing with the mikes, sound levels and balance. It was exciting to see the curtain rise on Sunday night as the actors stepped on the stage for the first dress rehearsal, and everything really started to come together.

The experience of being part of this performance was incredible. The benefits of performing include developing self-confidence, improving memory skills, and solving problems when unexpected circumstances arise. But above all it gave the cast and crew a deeper insight into how simply much fun performing can be.

Performing does come with worries and concerns, especially pre-show nerves. However, the music blasting through speakers in the dressing rooms never failed to relax us. After completing four shows, it is safe to say that everyone felt so proud, despite a few technical difficulties. One of the most amazing feelings coming out of live performance is the reaction in the auditorium. Beauty and the Beast was a three-night sell-out and we got a wonderful response from the audience.

A show like this could never happen without the dedication and support from Mr Cooper-Richards and Mrs Whitfield: thank-you et merci!

Rebecca D (U6A) DRAMA

When I booked my ticket for ‘Beauty and the Beast’, I had high hopes. It still remains one of my favourite Disney stories: reading it as a little girl and then watching the story coming to life on screen, I adored the idea of dancing cutlery and singing candlesticks. So I immediately knew that this was an excellent choice for this Lent Term’s production, which was performed for three nights, including a matinée for Repton Prep, and to packed houses.

The performance

village and the Beast’s chateau to life with stunning lighting and fabulous set design. The brilliant costumes truly did full justice to the story and helped to bring the animation to life, from Belle’s vivid yellow dress to the masks of the wolves. Everything, right down to the cobblestones painted on the stage floor, was done with meticulous care – and all somehow controlled by Mr Cooper-Richard and Mrs Whitfield.

via monitors and speakers. This was a huge challenge, both musically and practically, but, expertly led by Mr Fairbrother, their hard work really paid off.

We were all truly immersed in the performance and I actually found it even more rewarding than watching the film. That is truly the extraordinary power of live theatre, which enables you to lose yourself in the story unfolding right in front of you.


I saw on the Saturday night entirely met my high expectations. From the iconic and uplifting ‘Be Our Guest’ to the sombre ‘If I Can’t Love Her’, the dynamic and contrasting performances – acting, singing and dancing - were testament to the incredible talent and hard work of the entire company, who executed their roles with such mature delivery. This skill was seen from both regulars of the Repton stage – with Peter Whittingham showing off his incredibly mature and controlled singing voice as the Beast – and fresh faces – as Jenna Langley performed brilliantly and fearlessly as Belle. Around these principals, there was an incredibly strong company: Madam de la Grande Bouche (Phoebe L), Mrs Potts (Becki D) , a very chirpy Chip (Bebe S) and Cogsworth (Henry W) bringing through all the humanity and characterisation in their roles as items of furniture and tableware; Carwyn O’s Gaston flexing his muscles with irresistible egotism, accompanied by his adoring and swooning chorus of admirers; Cameron B extracting every inch of humour from sidekick Lefou; and Lottie W as Lumiére lighting up the 400 Hall stage with a brilliant performance and a superbly sustained French accent that was simply magnifique. And the French village was superbly brought to life by the whole ensemble, strongly led by Charlie C-S as Maurice.

Even to someone like me who regularly sees the bustling nature of the Drama department, the technical demands of putting on such a sophisticated production were quite a shock. A committed team backstage – often the unsung heroes of the show – helped to bring the two worlds of the rural

Added to the intense level of work required onstage and backstage was the challenge of a very demanding musical score. The BATB bandmembers spent long days in the Music School with some very difficult music to master and rehearsals right up till the very first night of the performance. And there was the added problem that the musicians could not be in the auditorium with the performers and audience, having to operate instead from the Studio Theatre

Musical theatre like this requires incredible commitment and discipline from everyone and the whole company of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ – cast, crew, band and directors – should be congratulated on a wonderful evening’s entertainment. I absolutely adored it and really felt like I was four years old again watching the movie from my seat.






It has been an exceptional year for Repton’s musicians, who have performed in some extraordinary locations – Chatsworth, St Paul’s, Lichfield Cathedral, Steinway HQ, and St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, in addition to their busy round of concerts and services back home.

In October musicians from Repton and Repton Prep had the immense privilege of performing an evening concert in the Painted Hall of Chatsworth House, by kind

permission of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. The programme celebrated the life and music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, joining the national celebrations of his 150th birthday that same week. This hugely memorable occasion saw performances of a variety of songs by Vaughan Williams given by pupils across all year groups, and an interactive telling of the story (by close harmony group The Reptiles) of the composer's compiling and arranging of English folk songs. A Block pupil Iyo K performed the mesmerising

Lark Ascending, with the sound of her violin soaring through the house, while a brass group (Sophie H, Martha H and Rocco E-W) opened the second half with a complete performance of Poulenc's barnstorming Trio for Trumpet, Horn and Trombone. These, and many other performances besides, made for a superb evening in one of England's finest houses, and it was a pleasure to be able to fundraise £1000 for the Chatsworth House Trust in the process.



A large and appreciative audience at Derby Cathedral was treated to a wide variety of vocal and instrumental music presented by student musicians from Repton Prep and Senior Schools in early October. The Concert opened with some superb performances from the Prep pupils. A charming brass arrangement of Elgar’s Salut d’Amour, performed by Benjamin L and Julius L (trumpets), Aaron A-K (French Horn) and Percy M (Euphonium), was followed by strings: Phoenix Z’s vibrant violin-playing, Darcy P giving an atmospheric performance from Handel’s Harp Concerto, and then the two combining in an impressively spirited Divertissement for Violin and Harp by Bernard Andres.

Iyo K displayed the full pianistic range of Debussy’s impressionistic sound-world in La Fille aux cheveux de lin before unleashing the dramatic force of the Rondo from Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata in a sparking rendition. The virtuosic violin passagework of the Allegro Brilliant by Ten-Have was effectively caught by Casper C. These instrumental items were complemented by some equally impressive vocal selections. Charlie C-S sang with considerable sincerity and warmth of sound in The Sky Above the Roof Vaughan Williams) and Tchaikovsky’s None but the Lonely Heart, whilst Lemuel M’s poised and intelligent readings of Let Beauty Awake and The Infinite Shining

Heavens from Vaughan Williams’ Songs of Travel caught the poignant mood of this expressive music.

All in all, this was a concert of highquality music-making and showcased the burgeoning talents of our fabulous students - much to the delight of everyone who attended this prestigious event, now a regular fixture in the Repton Music Calendar.


In late February the Reptiles headed off to Birmingham to compete in the Barnardo's National Choral Competition. We’d been lucky enough to be selected as finalists from a field of choirs from all over the UK, with our two songs: Down by the Riverside, a complex African American spiritual song with many different parts, and May It Be from ‘The Lord of the Rings’, which is a calming and beautifully harmonised folk song. Our prize: the opportunity to perform in the Birmingham Symphony Hall.

One of our main challenges was to fill this cavernous space - quite a task with only 11 of us! But the BSH, one of the premier concert venues in the country, is ranked as having the finest acoustics in the UK and the seventh-best in the world (by the international expert Leo Baranek). We all felt really lucky to be there and to appear on a stage where so many internationally-famous artists have played – and we were delighted that our performance went according to plan.

It was also a great experience to be able to hear the other finalists. Interestingly, we were one of the smallest choirs there - other schools had groups of up to 35 - and there was variety in terms of gender balance, how they presented themselves (some choirs all dressed in gowns, for example) and the range of different voice parts. The winners on the day were Brighton College’s Chamber Choir, who sang a complex version of The Battle of Jericho that left a lot of us astounded with its level of difficulty. The day was not only an enjoyable experience but we were able to learn a great deal which will help to develop our own performing.

This has been an extraordinary year for Repton music and with the Chatsworth Concert, Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral, and a service in St Peter’s Basilica, as well as our BSH experience, we have been privileged to sing in some unforgettable places.



The annual Repton Concert Series has continued strong this year, giving pupils exposure to the most inspirational professional musicians and ensembles in the business. It has been a great pleasure to welcome to the school Jess Gillam MBE, Tenebrae Associate Artists and Onyx Brass, all of whom gave workshops to pupils and then included them in their evening performances.

Our day with Jess Gillam had an impact on a particularly wide and enthusiastic audience through her engaging workshop given to over 200 pupils from local primary and prep schools in our 400 Hall. Never before has playing the saxophone seemed so appealing or to so many people! Later in the day, our very own Saxpack had the pleasure of working with Jess on their ensemble pieces which she brought to life with her characteristic energy, brilliant playing and insight. OMW



Led by Artistic Director Nigel Short, the Tenebrae Associate Artists programme provides young professional singers with invaluable training, mentoring, performance and pedagogical opportunities. Now regular visitors to Repton, they provide an opportunity not only to hear some exciting new voices but also to perform alongside them.

This year’s workshop, in February, began with a vocal warm-up led by soprano Rachel Haworth and baritone Joseph Edwards, in which we used a new technique of incorporating movement and body percussion into our singing. We were then privileged to be directed by Nigel Short himself, one of the UK’s foremost choral conductors, who took us through material that we were preparing for the Rome tour and for the evening’s concert.

The concert took place in our beautiful Chapel, which was the ideal setting for the mixture of religious and secular music. The Tenebrae singers showed us all how should be done with rich, warm madrigals by Bennet, Gibbons and Tallis, gloriously uplifting Byrd and the secret, introspective beauty of his ‘Gloria’; and some wonderfully lyrical pieces by Chilcott – best known to Reptonians to us through his arrangement of ‘Dear Lord and Father ’. Their amazing voices soared and filled the Chapel space, especially the extraordinary vocal gymnastics from the sopranos and altos in Britten’s ‘Dances from Gloriana’.

Being able to perform on the same bill as the Tenebrae singers was an incredible experience, especially standing with them in the Choir stalls and singing together in our joint

piece. And it was good too to practise our Rome repertoire in front of such experts and a supportive audience.

The evening concluded with Repton’s very own Reptiles, who performed ‘May It Be’ (their piece for the final of the Barnado’s Choir Competition), and then the Tenebrae artists sent us off with a smile on our faces with their witty and entertaining ‘L’habitante de Saint Barbe’.

It was a concert which we all enjoyed both as audience and performers. Thank you, Mr Walker, for creating this fantastic opportunity for the Choir.

Scarlet B (11A) and SABT


As I stepped into the vast summer marquee for the inaugural Party on the Paddock, the buzz of excitement was palpable. The stage was set and I couldn't wait to hear what my fellow students had in store for us. Parents and students drifted in, laden with picnics and hampers for the first time since the early days of the Pears School Charity Cabarets, ready to enjoy an afternoon of light dining and informal musical entertainment. As the lights dimmed my fellow Sax-Pack players and I took to the stage, and the concert began…

Each act was more impressive than the last, with a diverse range of styles and genres on display. There was something for everyone to enjoy: Reims W’s When You Say Nothing at All, and Ben B-M’s blazing rendition of Great Balls of Fire –literally lighting up the Upper Sixth in their final concert at the School; the airy sounds of the Flute Ensemble were in stark contrast to the stronger forces of the Brass Ensemble; the Repton Prep Jazz Band bringing back fond memories for me with their skilful renditions of jazzy classics such as Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, a firm favourite of the band; and, of course, the Senior School Jazz Band was in superb form, along with Repton Symphonic Winds, in their respective sets of jazz standards and film and musical scores.

Everyone involved had worked hard to put on a great show, with special thanks to Mr Fairbrother, and there was a shared sense of pride and enjoyment amongst both performers and audience. As the final notes of the last song echoed across the summer evening, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bittersweetness. The Party on the Paddock ’22 was over, but it had certainly been an evening to remember. Roll on next year!

Seb R (11P)


This year’s Michaelmas Rock-It was a performance worth remembering.

Featuring a huge range of talent and musical genres, from classic band songs to romantic ballads, it inspired an eager and excited audience and from the off had them bouncing up and down and singing at full voice right from the off. The performance took place in the Studio Theatre, with the stage rising from smoke and very sophisticated lighting rigs on the ceiling. Setting the tone for the night was Phoebe L with Ava M on drums, delivering a passionate performance of Ed Sheeran’s The A-Team and setting the bar very high. Next played was Fade and Arcade by Emma M, Corey V and Will M with the first appearance of the A Block Band – Ben P on drums, Greg M on bass and Toby H on piano: a very promising up-and-coming group that provided much of the support throughout the evening. Enaka B gave her debut performance with a stunning rendition of Adele’s Set Fire to the Rain and Bruno Mars’ Locked Out of Heaven, with the addition of Ilya P on electric guitar. The audience were then treated to some classics from Hannah Dabbs, featuring an appearance from Jonathan B on keys. She sang Steal My Girl by One Direction and I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift – both very popular with the crowd watching from all year groups.

Following was a set that included many Rock-It classics: Wonderwall, Teenage Dirtbag and a great rendition of Teen Spirit, all firm Repton favourites. Singing this was

Seren Owens with the A Block Band joined by Rubens Derry on lead guitar. Next, fuelling more excitement of the crowd, we had Feel it Still sung by Henry Wood with Michael Carson on piano and synth.

At this point an hour’s worth of music had been consumed and the venue was getting pretty hot with all the singing and dancing. But things did not cool down with the next act - Daniel C and Harry S, supported by Rubens D, Ava M and Toby H - and some real crowd-pleasers like Riptide and Viva La Vida. Charlie H kept up the crowd’s energy with a rendition of Use Somebody, ably supported by Zak W on electric guitar.

Then it was time for Carwyn O to unleash his frenetic set of Everlong, Chelsea Dagger and a superb finisher of Bon Jovi’s Living On a Prayer. The entertainment continued with the appearance of the Rock-It veteran Esther A-A, and her sparkling set of Thinking Out Loud, Marry Me and ABBA’s Dancing Queen, supported by Ed R, Ali T and Jess L and Boris C. Finally, to end what had been a truly inspiring night of singing and dancing, we had Brazil sung by Carwyn O, with Jacky H on guitar making his debut, Ed R on lead and, of course, Boris C on kit. This was the perfect ending to a highclass night of fun and great music, none of which would have been possible without the tireless efforts and energy of Mr Fairbrother in rehearsals and pulling it all together on the night.



After what felt like an eternity with the COVID delays, the Rock-It summer concert finally happened on the night before Speech Day. The marquee was filled by most of the school and a large stage with full lighting rig. Food was provided by stands selling “street food” before the music kicked off with the Future House DJ Matt G.


The B Block Band who, despite being the youngest in the school, opened the show flawlessly with Oasis’ Don’t Look Back In Anger sung by Seren O, accompanied by Ben P, Greg M, Ilya P, Toby H, Amber M-S, Edie G, Jonathan B, Jasper S and Iyo K. This group formed and practised together during the B Block Creative Studies lessons to give a confident set that included Abba’s Mamma Mia sung by Hannah D and Sophie S, Oasis’ Don’t Look Back in Anger and 7 Nation Army from Seren

O and Walking on Sunshine sung by Emma M and accompanied by Will M, Ben P, Greg M and Ilya P.

The audience had steadily built up, thanks to these flawlessly-performed fan favourites, and further energy was drummed up by the DJ set “Harry`s Hombres” featuring Harry A, quickly followed by another set “Beech Party & Bounce – Lost Soul” by DJ Matt G. The A Block Band with Henry W, Michael C and Rubens D then gave us the Arctic Monkeys’ 505.


The O Block band performed a more diverse and energetic set with the surf-inspired Wipe Out - Rubens D on guitar, Daniel C on acoustic guitar, Harry A on keys and Ava M on kit. This group expertly supported all the O Block artists. Dear Future Husband by Marisa L kept the energy up, leading into Jenna L singing Before He Cheats - the first country song Rock-It has had. I told you we had variety! Grace D followed this with Amy Winehouse’s Rehab which bought the pace up perfectly for the closing number, Counting Stars, sung by Daniel C and Harry S. By now the crowd had reached its largest and was joining in with all the performances.


The bridge between the junior and senior groups was made by a mixed group who played Nirvana’s Smells

Like Teen Spirit – Carwyn O, Rubens D, Ilya P, Greg M and RF. Then the Lower Sixth groups were up and ready, starting the set with Breakeven by The Script – vocals from Emily R, Esther A-A with Ed R and Ali T on guitar, Louis A on keyboard and Ava M on drums. The energy continued to rise as Esther was joined by Joe S to perfectly perform American Boy, with Phoebe L now on drums. Stop this Flame, made famous by Sky Sports as their intro for the premier league matches, came next, and then Charlie H closed the set with the Bruno Mars’ hit Locked Out of Heaven.


The Upper Sixth made for the stage for their final Rock-It performances. Piers D opened the set with Hypersonic Missile with Rubens D (yes, they are related!) on guitar, Greg M on bass and Ava M on drums. Tom W, Max E-W and Archie W then took over band duties as the Upper Sixth’s finest vocalists - Jabril K, Lucy W, Reims W and Harriet C – gave us a series of classics: Deep Water, Something to Talk

About, Wonderwall and Sk8ter Boi, culminating in the iconic Great Balls of Fire featuring Ben B-M on vocals and Louis A on keyboard.

Finally, the night was closed by Carwyn O (that’s me!) singing a memorable Mr Brightside to an audience now at fever pitch. After rapturous applause, the crowd headed back to houses and that was the end of another successful evening of high-quality music.

Rock-It is back with no fatalities and plenty of well-known songs! A massive thank you to both Mr Gatford for supporting and to Mr Fairbrother for helping performances on stage and for organising the event. Bring on the next one!

Carwyn O (U6P)



It was 7.15am on a dark and miserable Derbyshire morning, right at the end of the Lent Term, but the promise of four days in Rome was enough to keep 45 pupils and seven members of staff excited and wide awake, as we began the long journey. A visit to “one of the best service stations in the country” (according to Mr Walker!) maintained our spirits en route to Gatwick and, despite delays, by the evening we had reached the Eternal City.

Day One and our first stop was the Vatican – one of the world’s great museums, and full of priceless, breathtakingly beautiful artwork and sculptures from the last 2000 years. One of the most interesting parts of the building for me was walking through the Gallery of Maps, where instead of an ordinary atlas the Popes had maps of Italy covering the entire wall. The Sistine Chapel was our next destination. To have the opportunity to see this in person and

take in the extraordinarily intricate painting all around us was a oncein-a-lifetime experience. After lunch (pizza and pasta, of course), we headed to St Peter’s Basilica, where we would later be singing for Mass. Performing in the Basilica itself was a really moving experience. Even if you are not particularly religious, to be part of a service in a place with such worldwide significance – the burial place of St Peter and the heart of the Roman Catholic Churchcreated a very special experience. It was brilliant to hear pieces that we’d been practising for months in the Beldam Hall, such as the Kyrie and O Bone Jesu, come alive in such a magnificent setting. We rounded off a memorable day with some authentic Italian gelato in town.

On the second day we headed out to Ostia Antica - the port city of ancient Rome and a fascinating archaeological site, featuring magnificent frescoes and lots of impressive mosaics. For me, the most impressive part was the large Roman amphitheatre, which gave panoramic views of all around the site for miles – and where the Reptiles and the Choir gave an impromptu performance! It was so lovely to see the supportive reaction of the public who were watching,


and the impact that the music had upon everyone. In the afternoon we all headed to St Paul-Outsidethe-Walls for our second service of the tour. Despite the sermon being entirely in Italian, it was a pleasure to sing in such atmospheric surroundings. As it was our second concert, the performance was more polished and we were able to really make use of the great space around us, which allowed the music to soar. After taking the huge group photo that we needed for the school Twitter, we returned to the hotel for dinner and more gelato, then to bed to prepare for our last full day.

After breakfast, we headed to All Saints’ Anglican Church for rehearsal for the service and concert planned for later. The church itself is a Gothic Revival red-brick construction, one of the only ones in Rome itself. After a Eucharist service given to the congregation, we got to explore Rome a little bit more. It was amazing to see world-famous sites such as the

Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon in person, and to see the detailed craftmanship of the Roman artists close-up, especially in the case of the Trevi Fountain. After a lovely lunch in the cobbled streets of Rome, we headed back to the church for a rehearsal. The concert featured a much larger range of repertoire than the previous services, such as the Repton hymn Dear Lord and Father of mankind, the beautiful Bogoroditse Dyevo by Rachmaninoff, and an organ solo (Nimrod by Elgar). The concert finished with Ireland’s Greater Love hath no man - a fittingly triumphant conclusion to such a fantastic series of services and concerts. After a reception where we said goodbye to and thanked all the parents that had come to watch the services and concerts on the tour, we headed back to the hotel for - you guessed it – dinner and gelato!

After some free time on the last day, we headed back to the airport for the return journey, finally arriving in

Repton at 1am. To have performed in such distinguished places of worship in one of the most beautiful cities in the world was truly a singular experience that will stay with all of us forever. Special thanks must go to Mr Walker for organizing everything, all the staff that were with us on the tour, and also to all the many parents that came out to support us at the services and concert: it was much appreciated by all.



In November 2022 we celebrated the arrival of a new Model B Steinway Grand Piano with a inaugural concert in the Beldam Hall featuring both staff and pupils from Repton and Repton Prep. February saw Celebration Concert 2 – a Duet Recital.

Catherine Milledge has worked as a professor in both Cardiff University and the Royal Welsh College of Music, and a number of pianists from Repton and Repton Prep were lucky enough to benefit from her teaching expertise at first hand in an afternoon Masterclass. The evening’s concert provided an unrepeatable opportunity to hear the School’s two Steinways together, before the older Model C instrument was relocated to Pears School and replaced in the Beldam Hall by our new Model B - so this was a momentous and magical occasion, with two top instruments and players to match.

The first half was a series of classical duets between Catherine Milledge and Mr Owens, including Rondo in A Major by Schubert, and a duet arranged from the usual quatrain Danse Macabre by Saëns. This was just wonderful playing. Ms Milledge and Mr Owens captured the character of the pieces exquisitely and created a depth of feeling that captivated the audience. Seeing the two Steinways together was a truly fantastic sight. It almost felt a bit melancholy knowing it would be the last time they were played together.

The second half showcased school talent. Performers from Repton Prep blew the audience away with a beautiful duet of Zum Gali Gali, a traditional Israeli piece, rhythmically played by Betsy W and Callista R. This was followed with a duet from Prep pupils Darcy P and Pheonix Z of Puccini’s O Mio Babbino Caroas Mr Owens rightly said, instantly recognisable from the first note. It was beautifully played and was a lovely duet that captured the operatic nature of the piece. Next were Martha and Sophie H, performing MacDowell’s To a Wild Rose – a soft piece played with lyricism and sensitivity.

Catherine Milledge then duetted with senior pupils. She and Christina M collaborated beautifully on Debussy’s En Bateau, a complex piece that had dynamic and sudden twists as well as

conjuring up a tranquil atmosphere. This was followed by Faure’s Berceuse, performed with Louis A – another calming and magical piece. The night finished with Chopin’s Rondo in C Major performed by the professionals –dramatic, majestic, and a great flourish on which to end the night.

It was a perfect concert full of wonderful playing and uplifting repertoire, and it was a fantastic last hurrah for the Steinways to be played together.

Scarlet B (11A)


As a ‘Steinway School’, pianists also had the amazing opportunity to perform at the Steinway Hall – their UK headquarters – in London.

This trip was an incredible experience. Steinways are the most famous pianos in the music world, widely regarded as the very best. Each instrument is manufactured to the very highest standard and every has a different personality – no two are the same. Some play better as a solo instrument and others as an ensemble instrument, and Steinway and Sons help to propel the piano in its desired path. Many of the world’s most accomplished pianists have owned a Steinway, including Sergei Rachmaninoff and Lang Lang.

On arrival we were warmly greeted by Keith Glazebrook, Steinway Technician and Program Manager, to begin our tour. Firstly, we learnt about the history of the company’s founder Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg, aka Henry Steinway. His love of music had first developed as a young army bugler and his first creation was a harp-like instrument called a lyre, which ultimately became the logo for Steinway and Sons. Mr Glazebrook

showed us a Spyrio piano. This is an incredible machine: the pianist plays their piece and then the piano plays it back to them, so you can hear your own playing exactly as you performed it and watch the keys moving.

Then we were able to see something of the manufacturing process. Every piano is built with the finest materials and the optimum size and structure to ensure that they produce the very best sound. The pianos are made of spruce wood that has been dried naturally for two years, the strings are pulled carbon, and construction for a single instrument takes a year. Despite the incredible quality, the company are always striving to improve their instruments, but, amazingly, the only thing that Steinway and Sons have been able to improve upon since Henry Steinway’s first pianos in the 19th century were stops on the wheels. We also had the opportunity to see some brand-new pianos and play one of them. Unfortunately, being the only non-pianist in the group, I decided to play Mary had a Little Lamb!

Iyo K, Louis A and Christina A were then fortunate enough to have a masterclass with Charles Owen, a Professor of Piano at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in Londonan extraordinary opportunity for three of our top pianists at Repton.

The final part of our tour was the concert. The hall was actually fairly small - big enough to fit around 25 people – but despite this, nerves weren’t any less performing in such

a distinguished location. First was Christina, who played Scarletti and Brahms, then Rocco E-W with a piece by Axel Jorgensen. Following that, Iyo played all three movements of the Piano Sonata in C by Mozart and La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin by Debussy. After a short break, I sang two songs by Wolf and Lehar and then, to conclude, Louis played Ballard No.1 in G minor Op. 23 by Chopin, and Lemuel M rounded the concert off with three songs by Schumann, Finzi and the magnificent Erlkönig by Schubert. We were all excited to perform in such a sophisticated venue and the place where so many famous professional pianists come to choose their own instruments.

It was an amazing privilege not just to get to play on a range of Steinway pianos and to perform in this important venue, but also to learn about the history and manufacture of these world-famous instruments –two of which we are so lucky to have at school. Our warmest thanks to Mr Walker and Mr Owens for organising an extremely memorable day.



It’s a tough job to have to judge completely different instruments, as well as types of music, performance styles and levels of difficulty; and so we were fortunate to have as our adjudicator Keith Beniston, a former Music Examiner for Trinity College London, London College of Music and ABRSM, and someone with the experience and expertise to pull off this challenging job.

The Junior Final featured some outstanding solo performances, from the versatile Rocco E-W, winner of both the jazz and brass classes on trombone, to the elegant flute-playing of Casper C. Sadly, illness meant that not all the junior winners were able to perform on the night, but the audience were treated to some wonderfully committed and accomplished singing in both the classical and popular classes. Emma M won praise for an intellectual, expressive performance, while Peter W emerged as the Junior Musician of the Year for his focused and humorous rendition of Head’s Money, O!.

Rubens D kicked off the senior competition with Mohair Mountain on the electric guitar – his enjoyment of playing making it all the more enjoyable for the audience, but also providing a technically accomplished performance, with an intricate improvised solo run during the climax of the piece. Ava M then followed with her own composition on timpani, showing both skill and creativity. The first of the vocalists, Hattie H,

perfectly set the scene for Send in the Clowns with her introduction and then delivered a mature performance of this classic. The boys’ Musical Theatre winner, Charlie H, demonstrated both his range and the power with This Was Nearly Mine from South Pacific, which made the most of his powerful bass voice but also showed his ability to project his upper register. Emily Reynolds sang Silent Noon –the first classical song of the senior competition - with a warm tone and some beautiful legato phrases, and I followed with Schubert’s dramatic Erlkönig which depicts the tragic story of a father losing his son to the Erl King, a sinister figure in European folklore. Representing strings, Harriet H played the 1st Movement of the Arpeggione Sonata in A minor on viola - a sonorous and poised performance that also captured the dance rhythms in the piece – and then Carwyn O brought out the rich timbre of his French Horn with the 2nd Movement of Glière’s Concerto in B flat Major. Maggie B showed impressive sensitivity, accuracy and very careful phrasing in a highly intelligent and very musical performance of Clarke’s Hypnosis, and one that genuinely transported the audience. Finally, Louis Allen – a veteran of these occasions – put the new Steinway through its paces by performing Ballade No.1 in G Minor by Chopin – a tremendously challenging piece which he played with characteristic passion and outstanding skill. He is, as the adjudicator, said “a cracking performer”!

Mr Beniston had warm words of praise, as well as useful advice, for all the competitors, but his job was to pick a winner and, fortunately for me, he announced that I was the Senior Young Musician of the Year. However, the evening was much more a celebration of music-making at Repton and a showcase for some of its most talented and committed performers. This is all possible only because of the support of a legion of music teachers and we were particularly grateful to our two accompanists on the night - Mr Owens and Mr Walker. The concert showed the remarkable levels of talent, commitment and achievement to be found in Repton’s Music School among both its pupils and staff.

This is the ‘competition of competitions’, the climax of the House Music Comps when the winners of each individual category vie for the overall crown of Repton’s Young Musician of the Year.



Junior Brass

Rocco E-W (Trombone)

Junior Piano

Iyo K

Junior Strings

Iyo K (Violin)

Junior Woodwind

Casper C (Flute)

Junior Contemporary

Ben P (Drum kit)

Junior Jazz

Rocco E-W (Trombone)

Junior Boys’ Classical Song

Peter W

Junior Girls’ Classical Song

Emma M

Junior Boys’ Musical Theatre/Popular Song

Cameron B

Junior Girls’ Musical Theatre/Popular Song

Freya L


Senior Brass

Carwyn O (French Horn)

Senior Piano

Louis A

Senior Strings

Harriet H (Viola)

Senior Woodwind

Maggie B (Flute)

Senior Contemporary

Rubens D (Electric Guitar)

Senior Orchestral Percussion

Ava M (Timpani)

Senior Boys’ Classical Song

Lemuel M

Senior Girls’ Classical Song

Emily R

Senior Boys’ Musical Theatre/Popular Song

Charlie H

Senior Girls’ Musical Theatre/Popular Song

Hattie H


The House Harmonies competition saw Pears School packed with an eager crowd of supportive friends, family, and staff and a great Saturday evening for all. We were delighted to welcome Simon Toyne as adjudicator. A vastly experience singer and choral leader, he has worked nationally and internationally, and is currently Executive Director of Music for the David Ross Education Trust, leading a programme for around 15,000 young people across the country.

Starting off the night were The Priory with ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’. An entertaining opening saw Carwyn O attempting to win over the adjudicator before a note was sung by blowing a kiss, but more importantly the group produced an assuring sound throughout, gradually building to an effective climax, with strong four-part chorus and two impressive lead voices in Carwyn and Corey V.

The Abbey delivered an impressive rendition of George Michael’s ‘Freedom’, featuring an intelligent arrangement, a range of dynamics, great solos, and some very effective percussive stomping and clapping. As Mr Toyne commented, their stagecraft went “hand-in-hand with their musicality”, and he labelled it an “absolutely terrific” performance.

In a smaller group of five, New House had to overcome the challenge of a recent change of song. An opening joke from Oliver E-W helped to sooth the nerves and, while there were one or two glitches in ‘Stand By Me’, their ability to find their feet again won them praise from the adjudicator and the support of the audience. Charlie H’s strong leading voice also gained special commendation.


The Cross shook things up, with Shaan S and Peter W creating a dramatic opening scene before breaking into their song, Billy Joel’s ‘The Longest Time’. The adjudicator picked out their excellent interaction and communication with each other – they were clearly enjoying themselves! – and in a group of strong voices across the board, Peter’s smooth baritone carried the main tune perfectly and kept the tempo.

In the words of the adjudicator, and as many audience members will agree, when Field stepped on stage and began their ‘Mamma Mia Medley’ with a dreamy, stripped-back version of ‘I Believe in Angels’, “confidence was instilled in all”. In a skilled arrangement by Effie B and Leila C, this group of 12 took us through a medley of Abba classics, led by different singers, with superb vocal quality throughout, and effective use of silence too. This was an example of “mature music-making” – not to mention the colourful feather boas! – and we clearly had a front runner…

School House’s ‘California Dreaming’

– the Mamas and Papas’ classic – was delivered with confidence but without gimmicks, allowing the audience to concentrate on some well-organised singing, plenty of eye-contact, an impressive solo from Lemuel M and a full-throttle ending.

After nearly decapitating an audience member with a straw boater, The Garden’s ‘Jersey Boys’ gave us a wonderful medley, lots of soloists, including an excellent Emily R, and a really good sense of the music. So, no, we couldn’t take our eyes off of them…

Orchard’s performance had everyone fully involved and energised. The style alternated between the refined sound of the main group, led by Louis A, and Manav C’s rapping, in an intelligent arrangement that really drew the audience in. ‘Magic’ !

Another medley – this time from The Mitre and Coldplay: great dynamics, strong lead voices, and fabulous tiedye shirts! The adjudicator felt that the performance created moments of real delicacy with a well-paced journey.

We may have found a fan-favourite in Latham’s ‘Strip That Down’. Imaginatively, the singing began downstairs, and Simon Toyne praised both staging and the fun that the group seemed to have with the song.

Dan Chan – the new Liam Payne?

While the adjudicator finalised his thoughts, the Reptiles filled the interlude wonderfully to show us nonsingers how it’s done. Judgements are always controversial, with nine houses usually feeling “robbed”, but Simon Toyne managed to make all the groups feel good about their performance. Field’s success was a popular one and congratulations too to The Abbey and School House, who took second and third.

Mr Toyne described close-harmony singing as “the most difficult thing you can do in music”. Reptonians proved that they are up for the challenge and more than equal to the job.

Winner - Field Second Place - Abbey Third Place - School Winner Abbey Girls' Highly Commended Mitre Boys' Highly Commended Latham Best Conductor Carwyn O House Harmonies House Unisons MUSIC


Unisons is always a key highlight of the year – music, competitiveness and a thrilling display of house character, and it creates great unity within the houses, taking place early in the year when everyone is still settling. And it’s the first big house competition that is taken very seriously! This year’s was particularly special as it was the first year that we were back together in Pears School after the restrictions of the COVID years and it did not disappoint.

After weeks of serious practice, it was New House that opened the big night with ‘Human’ by Rag ‘n’ Bone Man. It's always tough starting the competition off but the boys took the stage in striking black and white outfits, with their conductor Henry Geutjens delivering a controlled performance with a strong, well-executed beat that echoed through Pears School. We were off!

Next up was the top-spot contender The Abbey singing ‘Demons’ by Imagine Dragons. Dressed in a unifying all-black with the red of the Upper Sixth’s tops standing out strongly, Rebecca D conducted a very

well-rehearsed performance that was both precise and musical. At the final stamp it was clear from the silence that momentarily took the room that everyone realised just how high the bar had been set. A performance to be reckoned with – and, ultimately, worthy winners of the competition.

Latham brought the love next with their cheery romantic ballad ‘Tainted Love’, made famous by Soft Cell. Heart-warming t-shirts and a romantic couple dancing, some daring wigs and a very interesting pink dress – all made for a very entertaining performance and the boys performed with pride and unity, kept together by Archie R.

Such a creative performance deservedly achieved the boys’ Highly Commended.

Next up, The Garden adorned the stage with Upper Sixth fit to run a marathon - neon sweatbands and all. Whilst rumours had mentioned a potential Cold Play mash-up, Emily R blew her whistle to prepare the room for an energetic version of ‘Love Runs Out’ by OneRepublic: a very entertaining performance with lots of well-executed clicks and the tune on point. The whole house was clearly engaged and the smiles on the Upper Sixth faces showed just how much they enjoyed their final unison.


Whilst in recent years The Cross have gone for more punchy songs, Lorenz F and Dan K brought the whole house together in their uplifting and touching performance of ‘History’ by One Direction. Dressed as the band members in shirts and jeans, you could see the cohesion across the house as the boys linked arms and swayed, and got the audience clapping. A deserved standing ovation from The Mitre for their performance.

The Orchard touched Pears School with their moving rendition of ‘Another Love’ by Tom Odell. This was a complex song with some challenging notes but Louis A’s precise conducting and musicaility direction ensured a successful performance.. Dressed in all black and white, the Upper Sixth boys tossed their red roses into the crowd, to be met a roaring applause.

The army took the stage for the next performance as, with Sophie D faultlessly accompanying the song on piano and Ella B leading the girls into battle, The Mitre sang a powerful version of ‘Some Nights’ by Fun. A consistently well-performing house at the Unison competition, the Mitre did not fail to impress and deserved to win girls’ Highly Commended.

So far, the standards had been high, and Priory stepped up to this challenge with a suitably sparkly performance of Rhianna’s ‘Diamonds’ – stylishly beginning with the Sixth Form

parading down the aisles of Pears School on each other's shoulders, dressed in shiny silver-and-blue outfits and plenty of hair gel. Carwyn O conducted expertly, inspiring the boys with confidence, and he fully deserved to be crowned Best Conductor of the night. Priory shone bright!

The second Rhianna song of the night - ‘Umbrella’ - was performed energetically by School House. Joe S, dressed as Rhianna, took the stage with a confident dance solo and led the boys in a well- organised performance, singing a slightly lower but solid version of the song, and featuring skilfully-opened umbrellas.

The closing performance of the night was the Jackson Five song ‘I Want You Back’ by Field House. Yellow, orange and pink neon top hats illuminated the

stage, and led by Issy H, and Megan P and the rest of the the Upper Sixth, the house gave a musical and tuneful rendition of this classic.

For all the colour and fun, this is a music competition and the adjudicator Cathy Lamb, Director of Music

Outreach at Lichfield Cathedral School, provided some expert feedback before the unenviable job of picking out the winners. But above all this was a night for celebrating the return of Unisons to its proper place in school, and a hugely entertaining evening that showcased the house’s confidence and creativity – followed by lots of well-deserved celebrations.

Tilly B (L6M)








A collaborative exhibition in New Court Gallery by Joe S (U6S) and Ayse Naz Y (U6A)

There was a point this year when it became obvious that two of our Upper Sixth Fine were so committed to their work that not only were their practical investigations becoming highly sophisticated, but they were each generating sequences of innovative paintings in a fascinatingly interlinked and independently authentic process of visual propositions. In other words, their art was having a conversation with itself that could be read sequentially. In the context of a highlyengaged Sixth Form set whose crossfertilisation of ideas and critique was confident and constant (I was living the educator dream!), it also became clear that a healthily competitive and collaborative energy was powering these two idea chains.

Something clicked when I suggested the two of them collaborate on an exhibition which could map out and compare the locus of their own (very

different) project work, but also to ‘see what would happen’ when it was deliberately brought together as a collaborative curation exercise. A tandem “YES” resounded!

Ayse Naz, now on her way to London to the excellent Camberwell College of Art, exhibitor at the Istanbul Young Artist Biennale and shortlisted as the Repton Art Department submission for the national BSA Awards 2023, has been investigating the concept of ‘the Male Gaze’: a collection of ideas around power and visualisation, using semi-figurative atmospherics to generate an eerie sense of surveillance, while still engaging with beauty and the imaginative figure. Joe, destined straight for the degree course at Chelsea College of Art in London, has researched last century’s Abstract Expressionist movement and reimagined some of its more dated emphases for a more contemporary abstract logic and audience.

These two trajectories came together in a wide-ranging and coherent

manner thanks to the shared love of process and of paint itself. Perhaps more unexpectedly, this collision also resulted in a multimedia dimension to the exhibition. Visitors to the opening were treated to a large-scale collaborative painting the artists made together on the floor of the Art studio, while a minimalist performance about the origins of abstract imagery featured a jazz improvised composition recorded by Repton musicians

Leila C, Joe J, Carwen O and Louis A, in response to the visual stimulus of Joe’s painting!

The exhibition was, in fact, somewhat like the floor-based party game (and lolly-pop) it was named after. This was a fantastic cross-curricular project, an exciting event and a wonderful opportunity for these two young artists to propel their ideas and experience forward in advance of their higher study of Art.





1 Arabella C (11M) 2 Charlie H (U6N) 3 Hugo T (11N) 4 Harry T (11R) 5 Jamie B (U6N)
1 3 2 4 5


6 Rosie B (11M) 7 Grace W (11F) 8 Joshua P (11S) 9 Yasuaki F (11N) 10 Ivan C (11N) 11 Long Ho T (11O) 12 Otto M (11L)
6 9 11 7 8 10 12 ART AND DESIGN







Captain: A. Harrison (L)

M. Bin Naeem (S), H. Firth (C), O. Flindall (C), A. Hidderley (C), M. Hutchinson (O), F. James (L), H. Moore (P), G. Reddy (C), O. Reddy (C), I. Savage (L), N. Shaikh (L), J. Smith (O), W. Tarrant (C), Z. Wenham (S)

P23 W16 D0 L7

Eton 260 for 4, Repton 111

Repton 402 for 5, Oundle 76

Malvern 317 for 4, Repton 294 for 8

MCC 163, Repton 164 for 3

Repton 227 for 6, Shrewsbury 228 for 5.

Leicester Grammar 115, Repton 115 for 2

Oakham 129 for 9, Repton 130 for 7

Repton 158 for 6, Rugby 85

Repton 117 for 9, Trent 121 for 4

Stamford 172, Repton 173 for 2

Repton 235 for 7, The Forty Club 124

Uppingham 167, Repton 168 for 1

Scarborough 210 for 5, Repton 143 for 7

Trent 237, Repton 240 for 2

Free Foresters 207, Repton for 4

Repton 255 for 4, Warwick 132 for 7

Last summer saw the boys’ 1st XI win 16 of their matches - the most wins for a 1st XI since records began in 1866. Captain Archie H was the leading run-scorer with a magnificent five hundreds at an average of 59 and scoring just over 1000 runs for the season. Harry M was top of the bowling averages with 33 wickets at an average of 16, with Archie H taking the most wickets - 35 in total at an average of 20.

Lost by 149 runs

Won by 326 runs

Lost by 23 runs

Won by 7 wickets

Lost by 5 wickets

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 3 wickets

Won by 73 runs

Lost by 6 wickets

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 111 runs

Won by 9 wickets

Lost by 67 runs

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 6 wickets

Won by 123 runs

Yousaf B N, the 2023 season’s Captain, scored 725 runs at an average of 36 and will be looking to improve on these numbers this summer.

Other performances of note during the season were Will T’s 191 not out against Derbyshire U18s, one of the highest individual scores in the School’s history. His maiden 1st XI hundred came in the second game of the season at Oundle and he scored 609 runs in total at an average of 47.

With the ball, Ollie F put in some match-winning performances, his best figures being 5 for 27 against Derbyshire U18s. Harry M also got his name up on the Honours Board with 5 for 33 against the Free Foresters.

O’Shay R was excellent behind the stumps, taking some fabulous catches and helping Archie H to lead the team fantastically well in his role as Vice-Captain. Nafis S scored a brilliant hundred against Oundle with a strike rate of well over 150. In his position as Senior Player he was a great rolemodel to the younger members of the team, showing them what it is to be a proud member of the 1st XI and instilling the core values of Repton cricket. We hope that many, if not all, of our leavers will turn out for the Repton Pilgrims in their cricket week or even represent the club in the prestigious Cricketer Cup.

Repton 192 for 8, King’s Birmingham 192 for 4

Bromsgrove 242 for 7, Repton 243 for 8

Repton 399 for 5, DCCC U18 136

Repton 196 for 7, Pilgrims 81 for 3

Epsom 193 for 3, Repton 195 for 8

Repton 323 for 8, St Peter’s York 206

Repton 250 for 5, Warwick 114 for 9

Lost by 6 wickets

Won by 2 wickets

Won by 263 runs

Lost by 115 runs (DLS)

Won by 7 wickets

Won by 117 runs

Won by 136 runs

Victories of note were scored against the MCC, Free Foresters, Bromsgrove, Trent, Oundle, Rugby, Derbyshire U18s and Uppingham. The SPREW Festival victory against St Peter York, Epsom and Warwick was the highlight of the season and capped off what was truly a remarkable achievement by all involved. It was certainly a season to live long in the cricketing memory.




THE REPTONIAN 2023 93 *Not out RANK PLAYER OVERS MAIDENS RUNS WICKET BEST BOWLING 5-WICKET HAUL ECONOMY RATE STRIKE RATE AVERAGE 1 A. Harrison 57.4 4 320 20 5-19 2 5.55 17.3 16 2 H. Moore 133 18 561 33 5-35 1 4.22 24.18 17 3 W. Tarrant 43 1 191 10 4-16 0 4.44 25.8 19.1 4 A. Hidderley 173.3 18 724 36 4-31 0 4.17 28.92 20.11 5 O. Flindall 181 24 719 29 6-15 2 3.97 37.45 24.79 6 H. Firth 69 6 370 11 2-28 0 5.36 37.64 33.64 RANK PLAYER GAMES INNS NOT OUTS RUNS  HIGH SCORE AVG 50S 100S STRIKE RATE 1 A. Harrison 19 19 2 1008 118* 59.29 5 5 100.7 2 W. Tarrant 19 16 3 609 191* 46.85 1 2 69.68 3 N. Shaikh 23 22 6 702 123 43.88 2 1 85.71 4 O. Flindall 21 9 6 128 58* 42.67 1 0 95.52 5 O. Reddy 20 17 4 515 100 39.62 1 1 113.19 6 Y. Bin Naeem 22 22 2 731 79 36.55 4 0 94.2 7 Z. Wenham 17 13 2 384 70 34.91 4 0 93.43 8 H. Moore 21 13 5 211 68* 26.38 1 0 141.61 9 G. Reddy 9 5 1 104 55* 26 1 0 120.93


P6 W0 D0 L6


Captains: F. James (L), I. Savage (L)

H. Barton-Smith (C)

F. Bashforth-Bell (O), J. Butler (N), H. Cooper (S), N. Coulborn (S), R. Coulborn (S), H. Crowhurst (N), M. Ewart-White (N), H. Hendon (N), M. Hutchison (O), H. Pickering (L), O. Richardson (L), A. Squire (P), A. Wenham (S)

As the numbers reveal, it wasn’t an easy Summer Term for the 2nd XI in terms of results - or the weather. Wickets were not forthcoming and in a season equally short of runs, the only real highlight was Henry C's 53* against Malvern in the opening game of the season. The team struggled to find a consistent line-up, but its backbone was a group of Upper Sixth stalwarts: Freddie B-B, Henry H, Max E-W and Captains Fraser J and Isaac S all gave much to the School’s cricket over their five years (despite the COVID hiatus). We hope that in the years to come they will occasionally dust off their gear and give cricket another go!

Thanks to Mr Vides for taking the 2nd XI: his positive approach and enthusiastic net bowling were always well received.


P4 W1 D0 L3


H. Anastasiou (N), H. Barton-Smith (C), H. Bola (L), B. Cann (O), R. Coulbourn (S), R. Donegan (N), H. Evans (O), H. Hendon (N), M. Hutchinson (O), H. Leverton (S), L. Melchizadeck (S), L. Millward (O), J. Roberts (P), S. Rollett (C), J. Rush (N), A. Squire (P), A. Webb (P)

The team showed fantastic sportsmanship and class at all fixtures both home and away, and there was clear cricketing talent amongst the boys which led to many successes over the season. Some excellent shots were made and many a wicket taken. However, inevitably, as with any sporting season, there were occasions of defeat, which the boys took graciously and with great dignity.

The 3rd XI were a class act from the start to end and I am encouraged to see the high standards they have set for future teams to come.

An incredibly talented and hardworking group, the U15As possess a few cricketers with bright futures. The fact that Harry M, Gennaro R, Eamonn C, George P and Alfie K all represented the 1st XI before the season finished is a testament to this!

Centred around a strong top-order and spin attack, the U15s played some delightful cricket across the summer, culminating in an appearance at Regional Finals day. Sadly, the journey was to end in the Semi-Final, but that should not detract from many fine performances over the course of the season.

Two matches in particular stand out. The first was the home victory against Malvern which saw Alfie display nerves of steel at the death to defend our total, despite being hit for six off the penultimate ball of the innings. The second match of note would be the T20 demolition of Shrewsbury away. Restricting the hosts to 132, the top order made light work of the chase within 15 overs, George and Gennaro carrying their bats to accomplished 50s.



Captain: E. Crossley (P)

B. Hidderley (C), R. Johnston (P), A. Kelly (O),

C. Mayfield (N), H. Mellor (C),

H. Moore (P), K. Ndow (O),

G. Pocklington (N), M. Radford (C), G. Reddy (C), R. Truelove (L),

N. Uppal (N), M. Whittingham (O), J. Ziff (L)

Over the course of the season the side learned a lot and grew, as both cricketers and individuals, all whilst encapsulating the spirit of cricket. I look forward to following their success into the future.

Repton 255 for 8, Oundle 126

Repton 175 for 4, Malvern 174 for 5

Shrewsbury 132 for 1, Repton 136 for 1

Repton 116 for 6, Rugby 118 for 4

Repton 140 for 7, Derbyshire U14s 129 for 5

Repton 126, Stamford 129 for 2

Repton 152, Uppingham 141 for 9

Trent 96, Repton 90

Repton 146 for 7, Warwick 83 for 5

Repton 178 for 6, Nottingham High 118 for 7

Bromsgrove 200 for 4, Repton 95

Repton 97, Stamford 98-0


Captain: J. Ikin (L)

A winning season where the highlight was a 10-wicket win away at Shrewsbury, and good performances against Uppingham, Trent and Bromsgrove meant the season ended on a high. Sophia M and Harrison M formed a formidable partnership with the new ball, with runs coming from Bade A and Zak W.

B. Aluko (O), F. Bailey (C), L. Bannister (S), O. Berry (O), K. Butler (G), C. Coleston-Shields (S), H. Cursham (S), E. Ingham (C), J. Ingleston-Orme (S), H. Mellor (C), S. Merryfield (G), B. Mills (O),

Won by 129 runs

Won by 1 run

Won by 9 wickets

Lost by 6 wickets

Won by 11 runs

Lost by 8 wickets

Won by 11 runs

Lost by 6 runs

Won by 63 runs

Won by 60 runs

Lost by 105 runs

Lost by 10 wickets

H. Thandi (L), R. Truelove (L), N. Uppal (N), O. Wenham (M), Z. Wedgwood (S), M. Whittingham (O), R. Yokoyama (C)

P12 W7 D0 L5 CTI
P7 W4 D0 L3 OJA



O. Black (O), N. Davies (O), R. Ewart-White (N), M. German (N), C. Hill (C), S. Hinchliffe (L), F. Johnston (P), S. Karim (P), O. Kibler (G), J. Lowe (L), H. Ormond (N), B. Parkin (S), G. Weston (L), R. Whitby-Samways (L), A. Williams (M)

This was an exciting season for the U14A side, which consisted of incredible talent as well as hard work and commitment. The main aim of the season was to play an attractive style of cricket whilst also ensuring the basics were done well.

Over the course of the season there were many highlights. Without doubt, the outstanding highlight was Joe L’s maiden century against a solid Bromsgrove side. Quite often he would set a great foundation for the side to build the innings on but on this occasion he went even further and eased to a century with some great hitting. Another example of this would



Captain: A. Ascott (S)

F. Atere (N), E. Brough (S), H. Buckley (S), Z. Garner (P), M. German (N), S. Hinchliffe (L), Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L), S. Maxton (C), G. Morris (N),

F. Moseley (S), B. Parkin (S),

F. Phillips (O), J. Saunders (C),

H. Strudwick (P), G. Weston (L),

H. Whittaker (S)

A mixed bag of a season for the U14Bs, who couldn’t find any consistency throughout the campaign. The season started with a solid victory against Malvern, with a superb 53 from Archie A paving the way for a fantastic result. Unfortunately, the wins and the runs dried up and three consecutive losses against Shrewsbury, Rugby and Uppingham followed.

W9 D0 L1

Malvern 145 for 8, Repton 149 for 8

Repton 206 for 4, Shrewsbury 126 for 7

Nottinghamshire U13 112 for 8, Repton 113 for 9

Rugby 130 for 5, Repton 131 for 2

Repton 160 for 2, West Park School 110 for 6

Repton 133, Derbyshire U13 109 for 8

Repton 108, Uppingham 109 for 6

King Edward’s School Birmingham 83 for 5, Repton 82 for 2

Repton 190 for 6, Bromsgrove 187 for 5

be his unbeaten 71 against Malvern in the opening game of the season which helped the team get off to a winning start.

Aside from scoring runs, it is important that the team takes wickets. With some outstanding bowlers in the side, it would have to take a superb performance to really stand out. However, opening bowler Nikhil D did so with his devastating spell of 4 overs, conceding only 12 runs and taking 4 wickets, in a T20 against Trent. The most consistent bowler would have to be Oliver B, who showed great

Won by 2 wickets

Won by 80 runs

Won by 1 wicket

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 60 runs

Won by 24 runs

Lost by 4 wickets

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 3 runs

control to often bring Repton back into matches by taking crucial wickets at key times. This was epitomised by his performance against Malvern, finishing with figures of 4 overs for 16 runs taking 4 wickets.

Overall, it was a fantastic season to be involved in the U14A side. I thoroughly enjoyed every fixture and have every confidence that Repton cricket is in great hands with these young players coming through the ranks.




Captains: F. Stewart (C), D. Ward (O), H. Whittaker (S)

Despite heads being down, the team recovered to win a low-scoring affair against Trent, mainly due to a superb 3-8 off 3 overs from Zac MPDL. A second win followed against King’s Birmingham, with another classy 50 from Archie proving the difference. With the season balanced at three wins and three draws, Bromsgrove were the next opponents. In an entertaining, high-scoring affair, the team narrowly lost out, despite the best efforts of Henry B (51) with the bat. Good luck next season!


H. Bloor (N), J. Brain (L), J. D’Ammasa (O), C. Ho (L), T. Huang (P), I. Ng (C), R. Jones (L), F. Naylor (S), A. Rogozin (S), S. Savage (L), M. Schteinberg (C)

Overall this was a successful season for the mighty 14Cs, who had some epic matches across the term and were an absolute joy to coach. The highlight of the term had to be the season finale away at Bromsgrove, with scores all tied after the allocated overs. With it being both teams’ final match of the season, we decided that it had to come down to a super over. We kept our cool and finished the season in style with a victory.


P5 W3 D0 L2



Captain: E. Porter (G)

F. Birmingham (M), E. Bowley (F),

M. Broderick (F), K. Butler (G),

C. Coulborn (F), A. Edwards (A),

O. Kibler (G), H. Lees (G),

S. Merryfield (G), I. Orpin (A),

O. Wenham (M), A. Williams (M)

Also Played: E. Ash (G),

R. Bowman (M), T. Capewell (A),

C. Chapman (A), M. Haines (M),

A. Millard-Smith (A), I. Nash (F),

K. Purcell (F), S. Steele (A), C. Turton (A),

I. Turton (A), M. Wyke (F)

The season will certainly be remembered for the glorious sunshine and a packed fixture list. Weekly winter nets had given the opportunity to improve technique and there was much excitement to finally start the season. The U15 indoor team won the Regional Finals with victories over Cheadle Hulme and Stonyhurst, and it was off to “The Home of Cricket” for Repton’s first National Finals. There was much interest in the southern

schools’ opting for plastic bats for the Finals. Had Repton missed a trick by using the trusted willow? Finals day proved challenging with defeats against Clifton, Ipswich, Ashford and St. Helen and St. Katharine. Although disappointing, the team learnt so much about the nuance of the indoor format. Bring on the following year with plastic bats was the message!

P7 W4 D0 L3


20/20 CUP

R1: Wrekin 77 for 5, Repton 78 for 2

R2: Scarborough

QF: Shrewsbury 171 for 4, Repton 148 (Annie W 79)






Repton 72, Shrewsbury 74 for 1

The 20/20 Cup gave another opportunity to showcase the significant progress made in girls’ cricket at both 1st XI and U15 level. The U15 XI had convincing wins against Abbotsholme and Scarborough College, which gave the opportunity again to face Shrewsbury in the SemiFinal. There was much anticipation as a Repton girls’ team had never

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 106 runs

Lost by 13 runs

Lost by 41 runs

Won by 39 runs

Won by 7 wickets

Lost by 9 wickets


defeated Shrewsbury. Bowling first, Shrewsbury were restricted to 66 all out and off eight overs Repton reached their target for the loss of one wicket: finally, a win against Shrewsbury. Finals day was in the first week of the Michaelmas Term and even with dark clouds all day the competition got completed. In the Semi-Final the team played some outstanding cricket, defeating Clifton to set up the Final against Ipswich. Unfortunately, the team just came up short in what was otherwise an outstanding effort in the competition. The 1st XI narrowly lost by 13 runs against Shrewsbury in their 20/20 competition. In the field they all showed great focus and were determined make the opposition work for their runs. Annie W batted superbly for her 79, although the team just came up short.

Ella P captained the 1st XI with much imagination and was prepared to take risks in the field. This was a young

U15 XI




Derbyshire U14


Cheadle Hulme




St Helen and St Katherine

20/20 CUP

R1: Abbotsholme

R2: Repton 209 for 9 (A Williams 103), Scarborough 103

R3: Shrewsbury 66, Repton 68 for 1

SF: Clifton

F: Repton 78, Ipswich 79 for 3

team, as were the U15s. To make Finals day for both the Indoor and 20/20 competition is really something to be celebrated, especially when only three of the side are not able to play next

Won by 8 wickets

Won by 4 wickets

Won by 8 wickets


Won by 72 runs

Won by 4 wickets

Won by 79 runs

Won by 106 runs

Won by 9 wickets


Lost by 7 wickets

season. Girls’ cricket at Repton is in a very strong place with firm foundations now set and will only see further improvement next year. Well done all!


P8 W7 D0 L1




Captain: H. Twite (N)

A. Adefala (N), B. Aluko (O),

L. Bahia (O), C. Bramwell (O),

M. Bristow (C), R. Donegan (N), N. Freyndorf (N), W. Groves (C),

S. Khan (L), O. Oldman (O),

T. Osoba (O), E. Pope (S), J. Rush (N),

N. Salsby (P), O. Schneck (N),

C. Thompson (N), L. Turrell (P),

F. Webb (P)

Also played: J. Davies (C), H. Evans (O),

H. Firth (C), S. Gunn (L)



Bradfield W 5-1

Millfield W 3-1

Royal Russell W 3-1

Shrewsbury L 0-2

Hampton D 3-3

Charterhouse D 1-1

Ardingly L 0-1

Bede’s W 2-0


We started the year knowing that we had a talented, yet relatively small squad. Much depended on avoiding injuries and getting that slight rub of the green along the way, and, although there were a great many moments of triumph over the course of the season, it is fair to say that our lack of depth probably caught up with us in the end.

The continuation of the ludicrous rules in both the ISFA and ESFA Cups meant that we were consistently obliged to leave several 1st XI players out of the squad on match day. Nonetheless, we had a superb run in the ISFA Cup. Despite being regularly on the road, we managed comfortable wins against ACS Cobham and up-and-coming Epsom College with an outstanding 4-0 win against much-fancied and beaten finalists from the previous season, Rossall, sandwiched inbetween. This gave us an incredibly tough away Semi-Final against a Charterhouse team who had beaten all-comers at home. Despite this, we were four minutes away from the Final before their equaliser from a free-kick. We had chances in extra time before a highly dubious penalty was awarded by a referee familiar to the School with only two minutes left. There were certainly elements of the game that were far from satisfactory, but we played well overall and only had ourselves to blame for not making it 2-0 and killing the tie.



R1 John Port W 7-0

SF Tupton W 6-0

F Netherthorpe W 6-1


R2 Cheadle Academy

SF Codsall

F Blyth Bridge

With the usual curtain-raiser of the ISFA Sixes cancelled after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we moved straight from pre-season and into our Hudl League games programme. We started with the tricky Bradfield fixture and, finding ourselves 0-1 down at halftime, the season looked likely to have a sluggish start. However, an incredible second-half performance saw us demolish the opposition with five unanswered goals. It certainly felt like we were was up and running and gave a glimpse into what we might see if we blended the ingredients effectively. A tricky trip down to Millfield also saw us 0-1 behind, but we once again reacted superbly to hit them with three goals. A win against Royal Russell followed before injuries started to take their toll and we suffered an away defeat against Shrewsbury. We still had much to play for after Christmas with the destiny of the League in our own hands. However, a careless 3-3 draw against Hampton meant we had to travel to League leaders Charterhouse, who only needed a draw to clinch the title. We were one of only two teams to take anything from them this season, but alas it wasn’t enough. With the title gone we suffered a very tame defeat to Ardingly before rounding our season off with a solid 2-0 win against Bede’s. Overall, we might look at this years’ Hudl League campaign as one that got away, but another strong campaign marks us out as the most successful school over the six years it has been running.

In the ESFA Cup we made similar progress, again coming up against Rossall in a much tighter game that we ended up winning 2-1 this time. In the previous round we had to contend with unquestionably the worst playing conditions I have ever seen, as torrential rain left puddles on The Square and made the tie against Sandbach a war of attrition as opposed to a footballing feast. It is often this sort of battle that lives long in the memory though, and the penalty shoot-out victory was sweet when it came. Sadly, we bowed out to a strong Brook House team in a match we should really have won, missing a penalty to go 2-1 up in the last ten minutes. We succumbed to a penalty shoot-out and can count ourselves unlucky, as the draw looked like it could really have opened up if we had made it through.

W18 D5 L6 F113 A43
W 14-0
W 3-2

In the ESFA Super League competition we started brightly with a strong win against Brooke House 2nd XI before playing out an excellent game against their 1st XI. The game ebbed and flowed with exceptional quality, but we just lost 1-3 when it could have gone either way. This took us to a deciding game against Pro Direct where a draw would have taken us through to the knockout stages. However, we lost out to an aggressive side in what was yet another game where we had the chances to establish what would likely have been a decisive 2-0 lead. In many ways, this encapsulated the story of our season.

We went into the Lent Term looking to retain the Barry Burns ISFA Northern 8s title. We had an excellent day, letting in only two goals throughout the course of the tournament, which is remarkable in such an event. Topping the group before a thumping Semi-

Final victory over Queen Ethelburga’s saw us meet Rossall, once again, in a crunch match. After a tight 0-0 draw, the match went to penalties which, sadly, we lost. Even though we didn’t manage to get our name on the trophy for a seventh time, it is hard to look back on the day with too much disappointment as, despite missing a couple of crucial players, we gave an excellent account of ourselves.

The County Cup competitions were blighted by the opposition giving us walk-overs in the earlier rounds. However, we made strong progress once the matches were played in the Summer Term. Playing at Mickleover FC, we secured a place in the Derbyshire County Final with a comfortable win over Tupton. We then played Netherthorpe in the Final at Derby County’s training complex and managed another six goals, despite falling behind to an aggressive side after just one minute. We scored some outstanding goals with the third effort from Lucas T being the pick. We have not been beaten in this competition since 2015. Having defeated current champions Codsall in the Staffordshire Cup Semi-Final, we now face Blyth Bridge in the Final as we look to win our sixth title in seven years.

Looking back at the entire season, it is hard to be too disappointed. It has been a tremendous squad to work with and the players have been a pleasure to be around. We have been in the mix for every single competition despite very little going in our favour with either injuries or home draws. We needed that small slice of luck at the right moment that all teams require to carry off a trophy and we couldn’t quite find it. But the group have continued to forge Repton’s reputation as a team to be feared.

Our captain Harry T and fullback Tobi O both received their caps for representing the England ISFA U18 team while Charlie B, Charlie T, John R and Nat S all made the ISFA U17 squad. John R and Lucas represented the Gibraltar U17 and U19 sides respectively and Harry T made his first two appearances for the Bermuda national men’s team, playing in the CONCACAF Nations League. This is an astonishing achievement for a 17-yearold and we shall watch his future with interest. It is perhaps no surprise that the Player of the Year award went to Harry with his teammates recognising both his quality and consistency over the course of a long season, and some outstanding goals along the way. MMC

GROUP Brooke House 2nd XI W 5-0 Brooke House L 1-3 Pro Direct Academy L 1-2 SCHOOL FIXTURES Kimbolton W 6-0 Manchester Grammar D 2-2 Rossall L 1-4 U18 ESFA CUP R1 Thomas Alleynes W 6-2 R2 Tupton W 6-0 R3 Wickersley W 4-1 R4 Sandbach D 1-1 AET WON 5-4 ON PENS R5 Rossall W 2-1 R6 Brooke House D 2-2 AET LOST 2-4 ON PENS U18 ISFA
SEMI-FINAL R3 ACS Cobham W 5-1 R4 Rossall W 4-0 QF Epsom W 5-0 SF Charterhouse L 1-2 AET


Captain: R. Tobin (P)

A. Adefala (N), H. Barton-Smith (C),

J. Davies (C), R. Donegan (N),

H. Evans (O), H. Firth (C), O. Flindall (C),

T. Gillett (L), C. Gillies (O), S. Gunn (L),

A. Manasir (C), D. Nto (P),

M. Rybalkin (P), A. Squire (P),

L. Tuinenburg (N), W. Warren (O),

Z. Watson (N)

Also played: A.J. Adefala (N),

A. Hidderley (C), S. Khan (L),

K. Ndow (O), P. Scales (C),

A. Wenham (S)

It was a thoroughly enjoyable season with almost a completely different 2nd XI from last year, owing to Upper Sixth departures and several players stepping up to the 1st XI. Training was competitive and of a high standard, and we are thankful to Ian Cranson (Cranny) for his work throughout the season, which saw tangible benefits on match days.

For many it was a first taste of senior football and this showed in early results where we lacked experience against beatable opposition. Against Bradfield we controlled large portions of the game before conceding a cruel lastminute equaliser, but we then used this as motivation for the rest of the season. There followed a fine winning streak, with goals flowing from a variety of sources. Five wins surrounded a valiant defeat at Millfield in what was our best spell of the season, and in the match against Shrewsbury it was clear to see how far the group had come. In a tight game, played in difficult conditions, we got our noses in front early through Silas G and then were resolute in defence and midfield, determined not to allow the old enemy any shots on target for the remainder of the game.

Silas finished as top scorer with seven goals, and he led the line superbly as the lone forward in the second half of the season. Ted G (four), Ade A (four) and Hamish F (three) were other notable contributors at the top of the


L. Aboderin (O),

F. Clayton-Ferguson (N),

J. Jenkinson (O), D. O’Brien (S),

J. Paliah (O), H. Pickering (L),

H. Proctor (S), S. Sekhon (C),

L. Tuinenburg (N), A. Webb (P),

H. Xie (O)

Also played: A.J. Adefala (N),

G. Atherley (G), O. Birmingham (P),

H. Cooke (N), G. Darby (G),

L. Gbadamosi (S), S. Gunn (L),

A. Hidderley (C), K. Joshi (P),

S. Kempston-Parkes (L), H. Moore (P),

O. Richardson (L), M. Rybalkin (P),

P. Scales (C), W. Warren (O),

Z. Watson (N)

Another successful season saw the 3rds grow markedly through the term, developing into a disciplined and welloiled unit, full of character, and willing to fight for each other – a fact all the more to their credit in light of the 2-6 footballing lesson we had been given by Bradfield in our opening fixture. A draw for which we were very good value, at Millfield – always a tough place to get any sort of result – was followed by the season’s defining fixture, away at Twycross. Inexplicably 2-0 down at half-time, we refused to accept the cruelty of Fate, clawing our way back into the game, and thoroughly deserved to seal the 3-2 victory five minutes from the end. Felix C-F and Jay P terrorised Twycross’ full-backs, while Hugo H and Rory F conducted the orchestra from midfield. Max H, a strong contender for player of the season, was, in his quiet way, a rock at the back – albeit a rock possessed of breath-taking timing and finesse.

pitch, but goals were spread around a total of ten players. Harry E was everpresent in central midfield and his contribution to the team, both in and out of possession, earned him the 2nd XI Player of the Season award.

In the first 15 minutes against Shrewsbury, we were simply too hot to handle, and left the crowd on Tower in such a state of awe that they could have been led to their own execution with one finger. Hugo X, Hugo H and Jay probed the Salopian defence like a doctor, with a twinkle in his eye, prodding a patient, and asking, “Does that hurt?”. The 5-1 victory was an appropriate legacy in the 3rds for these boys, and for Joe J, our ’keeper, whose loyalty, physical courage and technical ability have lit up the past two seasons. CSD

John Port 1st XI L 2-3 Bradfield D 2-2 Wolverhampton Grammar W 7-3 Millfield L 2-4 Kimbolton W 3-0 Stafford Grammar W 6-1 Shrewsbury W 1-0 Lady Manners W 2-0 Liverpool Ramblers L 1-3 Manchester Grammar L 1-6
W5 D1 L4 F27 A22 P7 W4 D1 L2 F28 A12

P6 W0 D1 L5 F13 A38


L. Aboderin (O), D. Ademoroti (P), S. Agafonov (P), G. Atherley (G), M. Barker (M), O. Birmingham (P), H. Bola (L), D. Chan (L), B. Cheung (L), G. Darby (G), S. Derby (M), A. Earnshaw (L), O. Goode (S), E. Harrison (L), C. Hennessy (F), R. Holdcroft (P), L. Jackson (L), S Kempston-Parkes (L), A. Mattu (L), C. Mayfield (N), I. Milenin (C), C. E. Moloney (S), C. Mulkibayev (N), D. O’Brien (S), O. Okubadejo (L), S. Parkin (O), H. Proctor (S), A. Ramsbottom (L), O. Richardson (L), H. Spear (L), C. Thompson (P), A. Webb (P), B. Weston (L), L. Wright (O)



Captain: R. Johnston (P)

B. Aluko (O), G. Atherley (G), O. Berry (O), H. Buckley (S), M. Carson (S), E. Crossley (P), N. Freyndorf (N), M. Goulden (C), B. Hidderley (C), C. Mayfield (N), B. Mills (O), H. Moore (P), K. Ndow (O), H. Ojougboh (S), Y. Pevzner (C), G. Pocklington (N), C. Walmisley (P), J. Wang (L), C. Wright (L), J. Ziff (L)

P13 W7 D0 L6 F45 A32



A tough season but one where the players’ perseverance cannot be faulted. Playing against more experienced opponents was always going to be difficult, but they never stopped running, tackling and smiling throughout. On occasion we played schools that were large enough to field a 5th XI team, and it is testament to the determination and resilience of our boys that we were able to field teams to match. The excellent relationships the players developed with each other during training could clearly be seen on the pitch, regardless of the score. The vast majority of the squad will be returning next year so we look forward to more successful times.


One cannot help but look back on the U16A's season without reflecting on what might have been with a little more grit and momentum. (Trying to complete a cup campaign when one round is played every four months isn’t straightforward.)

However, once one sees through the mists of disappointment, there are a few moments to take solace from.

After a couple of chastening early defeats, the introduction of MH as assistant manager ushered in an improved era that saw comprehensive wins secured against Ormiston, Moorside, Blessed William Howard, Shrewsbury, Lady Manners and The Excel Academy – a run reminiscent of Greece’s purple patch at Euro 2004. The only difference between these two stories was that this one ended in heartbreak, not once but twice, as the ‘R’s were unceremoniously dumped out of both ESFA and the Staffordshire County Cup in the later stages of those competitions.

The figures would suggest that when Bade A played, Repton U16s won, so a special mention to that man; it is no surprise to see him snapped up by Leicester City FC. Commendations should also go to Captain Robbie J who steered the (at times sinking) ship through stormy waters and is developing into an impressive leader. Gemma A was a rock at the back throughout the season and has the world at her feet, whilst one can’t help but feel that Jonah Z is a 1st XI goalkeeper in waiting. A squad full of ability, they are worth following in the years to come.



4TH / 5TH XI
R2 Ormiston Ilkeston Academy W 5-0 R3 Blessed William Howard W 5-1 R4 Burton Borough L 0-5
John Port W 6-1 Bradfield L 2-4 Priory L 1-5 Brooke House L 2-5 Staffordshire FA L 3-4 Shrewsbury W 3-1 Lady Manners W 11-1
Moorside High W 3-1
The Excel Academy W 4-1
King Edward VI School L 0-3


P6 W3 D0 L3 F13 A23


Captain: P. Whittingham (C)

O. Berry (O), M. Carson (S), C. Coleston-Shields (S), H. Cursham (S), J. Haigh (N), J. Ikin (L), E. Ingham (C), J. Ingleston-Orme (S), A. Kelly (O), K. Kuroda (S), L. Lu (S), H. Mellor (C), J. Parish (S), S. Raper (P), J. Robinson (L), H. Thandi (L), H. Thomas (N), R. Truelove (L), D. Tuinenburg (N), M. Whittingham (O), H. Wood (S), R. Yokoyama (C)

The season looked like being a long one when it opened with successive defeats to John Port and Bradfield, but a run of three consecutive victories made for a more accurate reflection of the team’s effort and ability. These included a superb comeback against Brooke House and two thrillers against Twycross and Shrewsbury. In both, the team raced to a two-goal lead, only to see the opposition draw things level. The last kick of the match saw the winner against Twycross as Repton won 4-3, while against Shrewsbury the side took control of the second half to run out winners, 4-2. The resilience of the side is to be praised and whatever the season was, it was certainly never dull!


P15 W8 D0 L7 F43 A31


Captain: F. Johnston (P)

F. Atere (N), O. Black (O), H. Buckley (S), W. Daniels (C), M. German (N), T. Gould (P), L. Hillback (N), J. Lowe (P), J. McGlynn (O), N. Mugoti (P), F. Phillips (O), G. Weston (L), R. Whitby-Samways (L)

Also played: S. Hinchcliffe (L), C. Ho (L), A. Labesse (N), H. March Phillipps De Lisle (L), S. Shimuzu (N), M. Shteinberg (C), E. Walne (F)

Reaching the quarter-finals of any national competition is always some achievement and the highlight of the season was probably the 2-1 victory over MGS that got them there, with Max G scoring the injury-time winner. Other highlights included a 4-2 victory over Millfield and, despite losing to a very strong Brooke House team in the ESFA competition, the way the boys stuck to their task and kept playing their football on a big pitch was a real credit to them. Henry B was a source of consistency and reliability between the sticks, and the ever-present four in front of him of Fisayo A, Jon M, Joe L and Reuben W-S brought defensive strength and attacking threat in equal measure. With Tom G and captain Freddie J providing a protective screen, the attacking players of Finn P, Max, Nathan M, Logan H, Ollie B, George W and the magnificent Will D had the freedom to create and score in the opposition half. As the season went on, each of them gained a greater understanding of their own and each others' game, as well as the shape and structure of the team. Special thanks go to Coach Richie for his help both in training and at matches.


ISFA CUP R2 Birkdale W 2-0 R3 St Bede’s W 7-0 R4 Manchester Grammar W 2-1 QF Moorland L 1-2 ESFA CUP R1 St John Houghton Catholic School W 3-2 R2 Brooke House L 0-2
R1 Thomas Alleyne’s High School W 8-1 R2 De Ferrers Academy L 2-5

P8 W5 D0 L3 F37 A25


A. Ascott (S), H. Bloor (N), S. Creaser (O), N. Davies (O), S. Hinchcliffe (L), H. Milne (L), G. Morris (N), F. Naylor (S), H. Ormond (N), A.J. Osindero (S), B. Parkin (S), M. Patenko (N), S. Shimizu (N), M. Shteinberg (C).

Also played: O. Black (O), E. Brough (S), R. Ewart-White (N), L. Hillback (N), C. Ho (L),

Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L), N. Mugoti (P), J. Saunders (C), M. Waddington (N), G. Weston (L), A. Williams (M)


P4 W0 D2 L2 F5 A13


Captain: D. Ward (O)

A. Ascott (S), J. Brain (L), S. Creaser (O), Curtis Vinet (P), R. Ewart-White (N), S. Hinchliffe (L), T. Huang (P), Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L),

G. Morris (N), F. Moseley (S), F. Naylor (S), I. Ng (C), M. Parkin (C), J. Saunders (C), F. Stewart (C), H. Strudwick (P), C. Vinet (P), H. Whittaker (S), T. Yotsugi (S)

All fixtures were played away from home. With the exception of a heavy defeat to Bradfield in the opening match, the U15Cs acquitted themselves well in the remaining fixtures, securing a battling draw in an action-packed game against a strong Shrewsbury side, and a draw against Kimbolton that should have been a victory, but for some comical defending.

This squad showed great improvement over the season, particularly in learning how to grind out a result in adverse conditions – as we did against Wolverhampton Grammar U15As and Manchester Grammar. Bradfield and Shrewsbury were too strong for us, this year, but there were convincing wins over Millfield, Priory U15As and Kimbolton. Losing Nikhil D early in the season was a blow, but there was depth in the squad, with regular impressive performances from Henry B, Ben P, Hugh O and Souta S. Most Improved Player was Sammy Hinchcliffe, who gave both pace and power on the right wing. Uncontestably, the Player of the Season was Misha S, who scored plenty of goals, deputised in goal when



Captain: H. March Phillipps De Lisle (L) L. Bywater (L), I. Chohan (C), C. Dobson (C), G. Hill (C), W. Hyde (N), J. Joyce (L), A. Karunwi (O), O. Khan (C), A. Labesse (N), D. Latif (L), H. Marginson (O), J. Parkinson (L), F. Roessen (L), O. Tverdokhlebov (P), E. Walne (F)

An inauspicious start against John Port was followed by a tacticallyaccomplished triumph over an impressive Bradfield side, which gave the coaches confidence that this was a team that could achieve success. Bradfield kept possession very well, but we showed concentration in defence, pressed at the right times, and took advantage clinically when we recovered the ball. We were a little unfortunate to go out of the ESFA Cup to Wrekin in our most challenging week of the season but responded with an excellent run through to the end of the season, although at the time of writing we are about to play the semi-final of the Staffordshire Cup. Notable victories included an outstanding 5-0 win away at Shrewsbury and a convincing victory at Manchester Grammar.

Harry M was swimming, and deserved his call-up to the As at the end of the season. Good luck as you move into Senior Football, boys (and Annie!), and remember to keep Gaffer’s standards!

There was defensive solidity in the form of Emily W, George H and Joe P together with a goal threat provided by Alex L, Hugo MPDL, Frankie R and others. When playing on bigger pitches or in heavy conditions, physicality and pace were tested and both will be targets for development next season. We shall additionally continue to work on maintaining possession and switching play quickly, as this has led to our best attacking threats. Izu C, William H and Charlie D have pace and power and scored a number of goals between them. The squad has technical players such as Jago J, Ostap T and the busily effective Harley M. As a squad they were a delight to coach and made outstanding progress from the start of the season, which augurs well for their future success as they progress through the School.


P15 W10 D0 L5 F39 A31

U14B U14C

P8 W5 D0 L3 F34 A19


Captains: Z. Harman (S), D. Latif (L)

F. Andrew (L), A. Bird (P), P. Burton (C), H. Clark (L), Y. Fuentes Fernandez (O),

S. Gay (O), T. Gillbody (N),

A. Karunwi (O), J. Prince (S),

C. Read (O), L. Roberts (S), M. Yam (C)

Also played: E. Butterfield (P),

B. Eardley (P), R. Hagen (N),

W. Hyde (N), H. Marginson (O),

R. Singh-Heer (P)

A superb season for the U14Bs, full of committed performances and improvements throughout. As always, the term started with a tough fixture against Bradfield, but a commendable 5-0 defeat showed promising signs for the season ahead. Following this, the team faced a serious challenge against Thomas Alleyne’s A team. 2-1 up with 10 minutes to go, fitness and experience proved the deciding factor, ending with a 4-2 defeat which felt like a win.

Over the next five games, the lads went undefeated, including a convincing 9-0 win over Kimbolton. The best performance of the season came away at Shrewsbury on a tough, muddy pitch. With the wind and rain attacking the players, the team pulled together a gritty, determined performance to win 2-0 against the Auld Enemy. Unfortunately, the term ended with a 4-1 defeat against Manchester Grammar, but this does not tell the story of a very successful season.

Special mentions must go to Deen L and Zack H who captained the team superbly; Caleb R who finished as the top scorer with seven goals; and Harry C, Tom G and Lawrence R, who played all eight games across the season.

Good luck next year!


P4 W1 D1 L2 F8 A10


Captains: E. Butterfield (P), J. Goode (S)

Vice-Captains: B. Eardley (P), W. Needler (N)

F. Andrew (L), F. Balogun-Wilson (C), S. Duffey (P), S. Gregory (C),

R. Hagen (N), R. Hasegawa (S), L. Jamieson (L), V. Ogir (S), L. Peat (L),

A. Pitts (P), J. Prince (S), B. Reid (P),

R. Singh-Heer (P), H. Studholme (O),

D. Sun (P), G. Tidy (P),

L. Vacher Peña (P), O. Way (S), M Yam (C)

After meeting a strong Bradfield team in the first fixture of the season and coming off second best (4-0), the team responded with an excellent 6-2 victory over the Prep’s U13B team. A draw at home and loss away to Shrewsbury finished off the term. The team developed tremendously over the course of the season, training with great energy and intensity, and were well led by Elliot B and Jack G.





Captain: S. Derby (M)

G. Atherley (G), H. Barker (M),

M. Barker (M), R. Bowman (M),

M. Broderick (F), I. Chihota (G),

G. Darby (G), A. Green (A), S. Haines (M),

C. Hennessy (F), M. Hinds (M),

V. Mackrill (G), S. Payne (A),

E. Porter (G), M. Rose (G), I. Turton (A),

A. Tverdokhlebova (F)

Also played: K. Butler (G),

A. Clarkson (F), E. Walne (F),

M-J. Waters (8M), A. Williams (M)

After an unbeaten run in the ISFA Midlands league last season, we were very much looking forward to maintaining our success and continuing to grow our girls’ football programme. With the addition of a few new faces over the summer, our squad had strengthened even more, and we were raring to go. Michaelmas is always the tricky term for our footballers as we continue to balance alongside other sporting commitments, but lots of girls had chosen football as their main option and two members of our 1st XI squad were representing local professional club Derby County Women in their junior pathway.

The competitive season was quickly upon us with in the form of the English Schools Football Association (ESFA) Cup. With a bye in the first round, we started with a solid 2-0 victory over The Beckett School in the second.

As a birthday present for 1st XI coach Miss Holder, Molly R and Grace D got the two important goals to send us through to Round 3. Later in the month the Independent Schools Football Association (ISFA) Cup kicked off with a 9-1 victory against Shrewsbury seeing us comfortably into the hat for the next round. Despite the lack of contact time as a full squad, things seemed to be shaping up nicely, heading into future

P16 W9 D2 L5 F68 A27

rounds of the cups and our league fixtures. However, our first defeat of the season came in the County Cup round-robin where we fell to Friesland School on a wet and windy day, memorable only for the debut of the first ever maroon shirt for girls’ football. Just before the Christmas break, we bounced back in this competition and finished 2022 strong with a 5-2 over Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ashbourne.

Lent Term came around and our contact time as a squad increased significantly, now training together four times a week. We welcomed B Blockers Emily W and Amelie C. Representing professional clubs Leicester City U16s and Dery County U14s respectively, it was great to welcome such depth of talent into the squad. The competitive football kicked off again straight away with a 4-0 victory away from home against Uppingham in Round 2 of the ISFA Cup. A bullet header from new student Ashleigh G got us going and then a controlled performance gifted us the vital win. Success continued for our squad, our first ISFA Midlands League game seeing debuts for young players Emily and Amelie and an emphatic win over Rugby. The league looked to be going strong until a challenging period later in the term. Injury to our talented regular centre-back Gemma A, busy external programmes for our club players, and continued hockey/ netball commitments resulted in a challenging away day at Oundle. With the bare bones of eleven players, it was a very tough ask for our 1st XI. Despite going 1-0 down, after a resilient second half performance we found ourselves

2-1 up with a minute to go. A lastminute corner to Oundle, a penalty box full of bodies and unfortunately a late equaliser held us to a draw. But this was a remarkable performance from the team and a very proud moment to reflect on in difficult circumstances.

We were within touching distance of an ESFA Quarter-Final spot before going down to a narrow defeat against Brookvale Groby. We did go one better in the ISFA Cup, earning a tough Quarter-Final draw against last year’s champions Rossall. With our opponents fielding players who also represent Manchester City, it was a tough ask for our squad and a 6-0 defeat meant we exited our final cup competition. Despite the disappointment, a 0-0 second half performance was a great positive to take away from the game and the level of the Rossall team showed us what we are aspiring to achieve in the coming years.

With cup silverware out of the picture, our full focus was to become ISFA Midlands League champions. This came right down to the wire with our last game of the season: a winner-takes-all showdown against Uppingham who we had already defeated in a fine performance from last time out. Unfortunately, despite an impressive debut from another of our youngsters, Year 8 pupil Millie Jean W, it was not meant to be, and a narrow 1-0 loss handed the league to Uppingham.

The improvement in the squad has been significant. With exciting young players coming through and many of our current crop of talented players still in school next season, we are in a strong position moving forward. With the addition of some new recruits over the summer we are very excited about the direction in which our Football programme is heading. There have been several outstanding individual performers this season but a mention must go to Murren B who has been the rock of the team; her resilience and bravery, as well as much improvement on her own game, technically, tactically, and physically, has carried us forward. Also it has been another great season for our Captain Sophie D: a big thank you to her and to Vice-Captain Grace D for leading the team and driving everyone to be better. For the leavers, I can’t thank you enough for your effort, application, and time. It has been a pleasure and I hope you continue to play football beyond Repton.



P7 W3 D0 L4 F34 A20


E. Ash (G), F. Birmingham (M),

J. Blunt (G), L. Breese (G),

K. Butler (G), H. Casey (G),

A. Clarkson (M), A. Flavell (M),

T. Gray (F), M. Haines (M),

I. Hambleton (F), M. Hart (F),

T. Hinds (M), E. Kabi (G), H. Lees (G),

J. Litchfield (F), A. Metcalf (F),

L. Millard (F), A. Millard-Smith (A),

F. Nowacki (A), M. Ogden (G),

I. Orpin (A), S. Pascoe (M),

L. Robinson (G), S. Shield (F),

S. Steele (A), E. Tassell (A),

L. Vacher Peña (F), E. Walne (F),

M-J. Waters (8M), A. Williams (M),

K. Wylie (M)

The successes of the development teams in the girls’ football programme are not only based on results, but also the volume of opportunities provided


The first weekend of the year saw a number of pupils take part in the Old Reptonian event at Mickleover, which was a great success. Some of our pupils had been competing against the OR football sides the previous day and it was particularly pleasing to see our debutants Alex M and Max S learning about Repton from their playing partners. Another debutant, B Blocker Rory H, faced the challenging scenario of playing with his Housemaster and a Governor, Mr Nick Walford, but acquitted himself very well. Our HMC Foursomes campaign ended at the first hurdle in a tough away game at Worksop but it was good to see the Johnston brothers forming one of our partnerships. We have visited Branston

for those that want to play. By this measure, it has been another great season, with well over thirty pupils joining us for training or matches across the three terms of 2022-23. That some of these were beginners just starting out on their football journey is a testament to both football at Repton and the growth of the game in general.

This is not, however, to say that we have not enjoyed some fantastic games on the field too. Highlights of the Development XI season include two victories against Oundle and Uppingham, scoring 25 goals without reply across the two fixtures. Many of the squad were also called up to the 1st XI to face Denstone and, with similar ruthlessness in front of goal, came away with the lion’s share of a 17-goal thriller. Although the big wins often stick in our mind, it is actually the close encounters and even the narrow losses that are most beneficial. In that sense, a 6-3 loss on a miserable day in

Bradfield was also a testament to the talent and character of the squad.

At U15 level we remain on course for a shot at some silverware with a Sisters in Sport Shield Quarter-Final clash against Bromsgrove on the horizon at the time of writing. This group have been a pleasure to work with and we look forward to seeing many of them continue their football journeys in the years to come. Although they have all improved significantly this year, special mention must go to our individual high-fliers, Emily W and Amelie C. Both have sailed through the ISFA North and Midlands U15 selection process despite playing a ‘year up’, while Emily has added ESFA caps to her individual accomplishments, appearing for the national representative side three times in the Bob Doherty Cup.


Driving Range throughout the winter to keep swings in shape and Hugo H, Rory F, Isabella T, Matty P and Peter W have made fine progress. This term they and others are enjoying taking on Burton Golf Club each week. It was pleasing, with an eye on the future, to see two Prep pupils, Henry S and Monty E, representing the School impressively with high finishes in the SchoolsGolf event at the excellent Lindrick GC. We have a number of golfers who are talented in other sports but I expect several to play more seriously in the years ahead and to push for Halford Hewitt selection.





Captain: H. Stone (N)

C. Buffin (S), J. Butler (N), X. Cordero (L)

S. Cossey (L), O. Ewart-White (N), G. Fletcher (N), L. Frankhof (N), L. Fusch (C), H. Geutjens (N), T. Javaid (S), N. Kempe (L), S. Kempton-Parkes (L), S. Rollett (C), W. Roy (C), N. Salsby (P), J. Sookias (S)

Also played: F. Browne (P), T. Kim, A. Millard (P), J. Mulholland-Wells (P), W. Tarrant (C), Z. Wedgwood (S)

The boys 1st XI squad kicked off their year with an unforgettable pre-season trip to South America, through Chile and Argentina. There were so many highlights both on and off the field, with memorable experiences at Iguazu Falls, the Tango Show in Buenos Aires, and a barbeque at the Gaucho Ranch which included another stunning show. The hockey was also a superb opportunity to test ourselves against U18 and U21 teams in both countries and some exceptionally high-level fixtures.

Pre-season was the ideal opportunity to assess a larger group of players prior to the start of the Michaelmas Term and the early group stages of the National Tier 1 Championship against Oakham, Norwich, Solihull and Denstone.

Towards the end of Michaelmas indoor hockey became the focus, with the team winning the Midlands Regional Qualifier to progress through to the National Finals at Whitgift in early January. We performed well throughout but came up short to Whitgift, losing 5-4 in the Final. However, the team must be complimented for the dignified manner in which they handled this massive disappointment.



Chile U21 Men D 2-2 Chile U21 Men W 4-2 Chile U21 Men W 4-1 Club Mitre (Buenos Aires, Argentina) W 3-1 Buenos Aires Selection XI (Buenos Aires, Argentina) L 1-3 Club Italiano (Buenos Aires, Argentina) W 5-2 Jockey Club (Rosario, Argentina) W 7-0 Jockey Club (Rosario, Argentina) W 5-0 GEBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina) L 2-3 P25 W21 D1 L3 F142 A39
FIXTURES Dean Close W 5-0 Hockey Mentors W 9-1 NATIONAL TIER 1 CHAMPIONSHIP R1 Oakham W 13-0 R1 Norwich W 12-0 R1 Solihull W 3-0 R1 Greshams W 6-3 R1 Denstone W 8-0 R1 Ipswich W 5-0 QF Taunton W 13-4 SF Whitgift L 0-3 3rd/4th Peter Symonds W 7-3 INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS CUP R2 Kimbolton W 9-1 R16 Yarm W 8-2 QF Denstone W 5-2 SF Whitgift L 2-2 (W 3-1 APS) F St George’s, Weybridge W 4-3

In Lent the team really started to take shape, with various structural elements and playing shapes becoming established. This was critical as we headed into the last group match against a very strong Ipswich team, and victory here gave us the opportunity to top our group and therefore be seeded in a home Quarter-Final against Taunton. Whilst a win secured our Semi-Final spot in the National Tier 1 Championships late in March 2023, we once again found ourselves up against Whitgift, losing 0-3. The team dusted themselves off to put in a stellar display against Peter Symonds to take bronze.

The Independent Schools Hockey Cup (ISHC) always allows us the opportunity to give developing players match time and invaluable experience and, with victories over Kimbolton, Yarm and Denstone, we qualified for the ISHC Finals Day at Nottingham Hockey Centre. The ISHC Semi-Final against Whitgift was another high-quality schoolboy hockey match and after a 2-2 draw we progressed on penalty flicks to set up a final against St George’s, Weybridge. This proved to be a tense encounter as both teams vied for their first-ever ISHC title. But we showed a huge amount of resolve to eventually win 4-3 and thereby claim the ISHC.




H. Barton-Smith (C), F. Browne (P), R. Campbell (O), H. Geutjens (N), H. Hendon (N), L. Jackson (L), S. Kempston-Parkes (L), A. Millard (P), A. Monk (P), H. Pickering (L), H. Proctor (S), N. Salsby (P), W. Tarrant (C), W. Roy (C), A. Webb (P), A. Wenham (S), M. Williamson (C)

This was a strange sort of a season in which the team never really settled down into a regular XI for various reasons. Nevertheless, against mainly 1st XI opposition, we held our own. The only except was for the Magdalen game, where the defending Tier 2 champions from last year gave a disciplined, hardworking and effective display and they took their chances - and we did not.

The highlight and our best performance of the term came against Rugby’s 1st XI. Slick two-touch hockey and hard work off the ball were real strengths in this game, and we scored some absolute belters, not least an instinctive halfvolley from Hugo H which burst the back of the net!



P6 W0 D1 L5 F3 A23


Captain: E. Raper (P)

S. Agafanov (P), O. Birmingham (P), H. Bola (L), T. Burton (C), E. Harrison (L), K.K. He (P), L. Jackson (L), A. Millard (P), A. Nathudkhan (P), S. Parkin (O), J. Parish (S), H. Pickering (L), H. Proctor (S), O. Richardson (L), J. Russell (S), L. Russell (S), J. Smith (P), C. Thompson (P), A. Webb (P), O. Webster (N), M. Williamson (C)

The 2-2 result against Wrekin College 1st XI at the start of the term provided welcome encouragement ahead of what was always likely to be a demanding set of matches. And so it was! Unfortunately, thereafter, the combination of a steady trickle of players being promoted to the 2nd XI and playing against the 2nd XI of all other opponents (Bedford, Denstone,

Rugby, Magdalen College School and Dean Close) proved too much and all other matches ended in a loss. As such, it is all the more to their credit that this set of players were always such a pleasure to coach, maintaining good spirit and a positive approach right up to the end of term. Notably, individual skills and team playingshape, structure and style improved over the ten weeks. Moreover, in terms

Particular mention should go to the improvement made by several players over the course of the term, including all the Henrys, and Alex M whose tireless efforts up front stood out. He was finally rewarded with a brace of goals in the Dean Close game to break his duck for the season. We were also spoilt to have two fantastic goalkeepers to choose from in Alex M and Luke J.

We perhaps didn’t have as many games as we would have liked, for a variety of reasons, but I felt that the boys did make strides in their hockey development and I hope they enjoyed the term as much as I did.

of educational character development, the season was a success as the players pushed themselves to their limits, worked around challenges as they arose within matches and learned the value of teamwork and togetherness. THN

Bromsgrove 1st XI L 1-2 Bedford 1st XI L 1-2 Denstone 1st XI W 4-1 Rugby 1st XI W 4-0 Magdalen College School, 1st XI L 0-5 Dean Close 2nd XI W 8-2 P6 W3 D0 L3 F18 A12


Captain: J. Reid (P)

F. Bailey (C), O. Berry (O),

H. Cursham (S), B. Hidderley (C),

E. Ingham (C), C. Mayfield (N),

H. Mellor (C), J. Mullholland-Wells (P),

J. Parish (S), G. Reddy (S),

R. Truelove (L), N. Von-Oppen (S),

Z. Wedgwood (S), J. Ziff (L)

Also played: A. Ascott (S),

R. Ewart- White (N), H. Ormond (N),

J. Saunders (C),

R. Whitby- Samways (L)

Another successful season for the boys saw competitive Saturday fixtures as well as a brilliant Cup competition run. The U16 National Cup side began their season with a stunning 12-0 win against King’s Macclesfield. Some outstanding individual displays as well as a polished team performance set standards high for the season ahead.

A fast start post-Christmas allowed for limited training before our first fixture, but the team produced a well-fought 3-1 victory over Bromsgrove in tough conditions. Josh M-W produced a fine performance and a classy solo goal to seal the game. A depleted side then faced Bedford School in a very physical game. With only 11 players and a couple of injuries, the team fought hard. They were unlucky not to convert more of their chances and, despite being on the wrong end of the scoreline, competed very well.

The second round of the Cup saw us face a tough Trent team in possibly the standout performance of the season. Going behind early on didn’t faze the team and some confident passages of play and clinical finishing gave us the lead. There were superb performances from many, with Jonah Z taking Player of the Match. A slight lapse in concentration allowed Trent to bring the game to 4-4 within the dying seconds, but this did not deter the boys and confident and well-executed penalties, with goalkeeper Oli B also making an important save, saw them deservedly win and progress to the next round.

A couple of frustrating games against Rugby and Magdalen College School resulting in draws showed there was still much to improve on and the boys worked hard to continue to develop. Facing Bromsgrove again but this time in the Cup provided another assured

performance under pressure. This was an end-to-end game with chances missed both sides, but a key finish from Zak W sealed the game and took the team to the Quarter-Finals.

We hosted St. George’s Weybridge in what was to be the toughest game of the season, but, sadly, a brilliant team display wasn’t enough to counter the talented away side. A Man of the Match performance from Hugh O, only in A Block, proves that this team has a lot to offer moving forward. Though on the wrong end of that result, the boys can be proud of their efforts this season and they progressed a lot as a team and individuals. If not the end to the year we had hoped for, the team were a delight to coach and had some outstanding performances and an enjoyable season.



Captain: J. Haigh (N)

A. Baines (S), C. Coleston-Shields (S),

E. Crossley (P), J. Ikin (L),

R. Johnston (P), A. Kelly (O),

K. Ndow (O), J. Parish (S),

M. Radford (C), J. Robinson (L),

H. Thandi (L), H. Thomas (N),

D. Tuinenburg (N), C. Walmisley (P),

R. Yokoyama (C)

The U16B team had a successful season with strong victories against Dean Close, Denstone and Rugby. The only loss of the season came against a strong Bedford side who were pushed all the way during the game. A victory of note was the 5-0 demolition of Rugby over at Repton Prep, where some excellent goals were scored with precision finishing from the forward line. The performance of the season

must go to Hugo T for his hat-trick against Dean Close, all three goals coming in the space of ten minutes during the second half. Overall, it was a successful and enjoyable season played in the right spirit.

FIXTURES Bromsgrove W 3-1 Bedford L 1-3 Rugby D 2-2 Magdalen College School D 1-1 P8 W4 D2 L2 F28 A28 U16A U16B
P5 W3 D1 L1 F13 A5
NATIONAL CUP R1 Kings Macclesfield W 12-0 R2 Trent College D 4-4 (W 5-4 APS) R3 Bromsgrove W 3-1 QF St George's Weybridge L 2-6


Captain: J. Saunders (C)

A. Ascott (S), O. Black (O), E. Brough (S), H. Buckley (S), A. Butterworth (S), R. Ewart-White (N), M. German (N), C. Hill (C), W. Hyde (N), F. Naylor (S), H. Ormond (N), B. Parkin (S), N. Von Oppen (S), R. Whitby-Samways (L)

Also played:

Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L),

H. Strudwick (P), H. Whittaker (S)

Hands down the most enjoyable season of school sport I have ever experienced, the U15A hockey side in 2023 were a credit to both themselves and the School.

Undefeated in normal time and scoring 45 goals in the process, it is fair to say that some of the hockey this squad has played this year has been nothing short of sublime. Led by the talismanic Jasper S, the U15s displayed a togetherness and desire that wouldn’t have been out of place in a Michael Jordan-era championshipwinning Chicago Bulls side. It was a privilege to work with them.

In a season of so much success it is hard to pick out any one moment above the rest, but the last-minute winner away at Magdalen College School was an encapsulation of all that this side stood for: playing for one another right up until the very end and always believing.

P10 W9 D0 L1 F45 A12



Captain: H. Milne (L), S. Shimizu (N)

H. Bloor (N), S. Creaser (O), T. Gould (P), L. Hillback (N), R. Jones (L),

G. Morris (N), I. Ng (C), A.J. Osindero (S), M. Parkin (C), M. Patenko (N),M. Shteinberg (C), F. Stewart (C), T. Yotsugi (S)

Also played: C. Ho (L), S. Maxton (C)

The whole squad were phenomenal throughout the year, but special mentions go to Hugh O who can’t be far from international honours, Nicolai V O who was the heartbeat of the midfield, and Ben P who made some important saves in big moments.

However, the reality is, I could write a book about these short ten weeks, and that still wouldn’t cover half of what I wanted to say. This is one very special side, and they are all worth following on the hockey pitch for the remainder of their time at Repton, and beyond.

Legendary Master i/c Football, Noel Bennett wrote in The Reptonian of his final Repton 1st XI: “This was a poor team and they had a poor season”. This caused some upset (well, wounded pride more than anything) among the team when they eventually read it, but he was right. Of course, I would never write that about a team of mine. But… the stats don’t lie.

P7 W5 D0 L2 F18 A6


Captain: J. Lowe (L)

F. Atere (N), J. Brain (L), N. Davies (O), S. Hinchcliffe (L), T. Huang (P), F. Johnston (P), Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L), F. Moseley (S), H. Strudwick (P), D. Ward (O), G. Weston (L), H. Whittaker (S)

This was a very pleasing season overall for the 15Bs. The players all improved significantly over the course of the season, with the standard of individual skills and match-play all being developed. The highlight of the season was a resounding 8-0 victory against Denstone. Here, the boys controlled the game from the outset and did not relent until the final whistle. This desire to win was also seen in a long away trip to Oxford. The squad found themselves 1-0 down at half-time with much work to do. However, complete control over the opposition D in the latter periods saw two quick shortcorners and the balance restored in Repton’s favour. There are many fine players in this team and a number of them will go on to represent the top senior teams later in their Repton journey.


I would like to thank Harry M for playing – and leading by example –whenever swimming allowed, and Frasier S for helping with the regular head-count on our unscheduled routemarch through the mean streets of Bedford (if you know, you know…). The celebration of great hockey played and proper team spirit fostered I will leave to other teams and/or other seasons. JMJH

Bromsgrove W 6-0 Bishop Vesey’s W 5-0 Bedford W 8-2 Loughborough Grammar W 5-3 Denstone W 5-0 Rugby W 2-0 Magdalen College School W 1-0 Bristol Grammar W 3-1 Dean Close W 5-0 Manchester Grammar L 0-0 (L4-5 APS)
P6 W1 D1 L4 F4 A17


P9 W5 D1 L3 F31 A14 SQUAD

Captain: A. Butterworth (S)

P. Burton (C), I. Chohan (C),

H. Clark (L), S. Gay (O), R. Hagen (N), Z. Harman (S), W. Hyde (N),

L. Jamieson (L), D. Latif (L),

B. Morley (N), W. Needler (N), J. Parkinson (L), J. Prince (S),

C. Read (O)

This was a fantastic season for the U14A side and, despite narrowly missing out on the National Finals, the team can be incredibly proud of their achievements. In the regular block fixtures, the team was consistently tested and to come away with five victories speaks volumes for their effort and commitment.

A big part of their success was the togetherness the team showed. This was exemplified by Captain Arthur B, who showed superb leadership and scored numerous important goals over the course of the season. Deen L also played an important part as goalkeeper. This was highlighted in the Magdalen game, where, despite the result (7-1 W), he made some crucial saves with the score level to allow the attacking players to play with freedom.

The engine room of the side, led by Harry C, performed well in the entire season but unfortunately ran out of steam in the County Finals. The nature of the tournament meant that four games were played back-to-back




Captain: A. Bird (P)

I. Andriyanov (L), E. Butterfield (P), G. Gaffney (S), T. Gilbody (N),

S. Gregory (C), J. Joyce (L),

A. Karunwi (O), A. Pitts (P), B. Reid (P),

F. Roessen (L), D. Sun (P), G. Tidy (P),

H. To (L), O. Tverdokhlebov (P),

L. Vacher Peña (P)


P8 W2 D2 L4 F8 A9


Captain: J. Parkinson (L)

F. Andrew (L), I. Chohan (C), C. Dobson (C), B. Eardley (P), Y. Fuentes Fernandez (O),

R. Hasegawa (S), G. Hill (C),

O. Khan (C), A. Labesse (N), V. Ogir (S) L. Roberts (S),

H. Studholme (O), M. Yam (C) Also played: J. Joyce (L), H. Marginson (O), O. Way (S)

(and were much shorter in length), which made it hard for the side to stamp its authority. The forward line showed their potency by scoring in every game apart from one, but what was more important was their appreciation of the work they needed to do in order to allow the team to develop and progress tactically.

Despite the disappointing end to our County campaign, a highlight was certainly beating Trent 4-1 in the SemiFinal, in which Caleb R scored a superb goal from top of the D.

Overall, this was a highly productive first season for the U14A side and I have no doubt that they will build on this foundation moving forward.

The season started slowly with three defeats and one draw in the first four games of the season; but the team trained hard each week and finished the season strongly with two wins, one draw and one loss in the last four games. For example, having lost to Denstone 1-2 in the first game of the season, they turned this around with a convincing 3-0 in the second half of the season.

Joe P was reliable in defence and as Captain led by example. When he had the opportunity, he confidently took the ball out of defence, which helped to set up many attacking options. Izu C had an excellent season in goal with his agility and shot-stopping ability.

They were a highly focused team who worked hard for each other. Their skills developed throughout the season and they will, no doubt, be a competitive U15 squad next year. Good luck!


The boys grew in confidence throughout the season and took pride in their development and the success they enjoyed. The first part of the season was difficult, beginning with two defeats; but winning four of the last five matches was a testament to the amount of progress made. Alfie B was excellent as Captain, and the whole squad played their part in what was a very enjoyable season. GC

Bromsgrove W 7-1 Bedford School L 2-3 Trent L 1-2 Ecclesbourne W 4-0 Denstone W 4-3 Rugby W 4-2 Magdalen College School W 7-1 Dean Close D 2-2 Warwick L 1-0
W4 D0 L3 F7 A6



Captain: O. Sykes (M)

Vice-Captain: S. Dunn (G)

I. Astoin (F), P. Barlow (F),

E. Bowman (M), M. Broderick (F),

M. Butterworth (M), E. Grindal (M),

M. Jackson (M), P. Jowett (F),

H. Lammael (A), A. Mayfield (G), M. Pollock (M), M. Prince (F), T. Vaughan (M)

Also played: G. Barlow (G), E. Bowley (F), B. Phillips (F),

I. Welldon (M), R. Ogden (F),

T. O’Brien (G)

With the success of last year firmly at the front of their minds, this changed but talented group of girls began this year with a pre-season tour to South America.

A test series against Chile U21 with stunning backdrops proved to be a tough test and challenged the girls’ tactical and physical game. A 1st XI tour also provided chance to rotate 22 players against talented opposition and full-strength teams in Chile, followed by Argentinian selection sides. A tour like nothing experienced before provided memories to last a lifetime with a fantastic team as well as exciting performances to build upon this season.

Upon returning to Repton the season kicked off with a tightly contested Old Reptonian XI fixture to mark the formal opening of the Twigg-McCallin Room, a fitting testament to two of Repton’s biggest success stories. Many players were involved, and pupils rose to the challenge of playing with and

Old Reptonians W 3-2 Loughborough University W 7-1 University of Nottingham W 1-0 Belper Hockey Club W 6-0 Hockey Mentors W 8-0 University of Nottingham W 1-0 P15 W15 D0 L0 F83 A7 NATIONAL TIER 1 CHAMPIONSHIP R1 Oakham W 4-0 R1 Sedbergh W 2-0 R1 Trent W 8-0 R1 Denstone W 12-0 R1 Kirkham Grammar W 8-0 R1 RGS Newcastle W 4-1 QF Millfield W 5-0 SF Epsom W 7-0 F Framlingham W 5-1 NATIONAL INDOOR FINALS Framlingham W 5-1 Wakefield Girls High W 7-1 Millfield W 6-2 Surbiton High W 3-0 Sevenoaks D 2-2 (W 3-2 APS*)

against former Olympians and testing themselves for the season ahead.

Our 1st XI edged the game with a 3-2 victory with a fine first performance in maroon for Hannah L.

September provided a busy schedule with comprehensive victories against Loughborough University and Belper Hockey Club, as well as a narrow victory over Nottingham University with a late crucial goal. The team began their EH Tier 1 title defence with strong victories over Oakham, Sedbergh and Trent, scoring 14 goals in three games, with goals shared among many and some providing important performances, again setting the bar high for the season to follow.

Further impressive displays at home to Denstone and Kirkham Grammar continued to grow belief among the group, knowing an away win at RGS Newcastle would see them top the group and gain a home Quarter-Final in the National Tier 1 Championship. Tough playing conditions provided a much different game with the home side defending deep, leaving little room to attack. This tested the girls in many ways but was testament to their quality across the pitch, shining in the second half and enjoying a muchdeserved win.

After Half-Term the squad began preparations for indoor hockey and with hopes to retain the Indoor National Title. With Repton being lucky enough to host, the girls made sure to make use of the home advantage. They approached the season knowing the competition would be tough but were confident after last year’s success and in the strength of the squad, and January saw us reach the National Finals. Though it was a strong pool to navigate and an early goal from Framlingham could have prompted an early set back, it proved no match for the girls as they showed their class in front of goal and talent across the board. Repton headed to the Final with

relative ease. However, this proved to be a nervous game with little flow, and despite creating numerous chances, a frustrating 2-2 draw took us to a shootout with Sevenoaks. As is so often the case, our players rose to the occasion with the girls scoring important penalties and Martha B saving the crucial final penalty to win the shootout for Repton - a fitting end to the indoor season with an impressive showing throughout.

With focus returning to the outdoor season, the girls quickly found their feet, scoring plenty of goals against Hockey Mentors and winning another tightly-contested affair with Nottingham University, scoring a lastminute corner and once again showing their quality and ability to win closely contested fixtures.

The Quarter-Finals saw us host Millfield in tough playing conditions but with a crowd firmly set on cheering the team through to the Semi-Finals. A slightly nervous start to the game was soon to be forgotten as the team showed their class and ability to overcome any opposition and ruthless edge in front of goal. Millfield had their chances, yet our defence once again showed their ability to be calm and keep a clean sheet even when under pressure, and they deserved the 5-0 win.

Another trip to Lee Valley for the National Semi-Final awaited, with the team’s eyes set on retaining their title. A convincing display against Epsom once again proved why this group of players is so unique, with the tone set early with important goals and chances created, whilst making it very difficult for the opposition to keep hold of the ball. A solid 7-0 victory set up a National Final against Framlingham the following day.

The Final proved to be a truly fitting end to another incredibly successful season. An early finish from Minnie P, set up by Sienna D, put Repton on the front foot from the start.

Framlingham were strong opposition and had chances but a flurry of three exceptional goals from Evie G soon put Repton out of sight. Framlingham claimed a late consolation goal through a penalty corner before Miranda J struck a clinical back hand to seal the win, ensuring Repton retained both National Indoor and Outdoor Championship titles, again showing their undeniable quality and ability to do what so few have achieved - much less so in such style with stunning performances.

Captain Ottilie S and Vice- Captain Sienna D have led the team superbly all year and performed at the highest level throughout. This year’s Upper Sixth have a depth of talent like no other and have made an outstanding contribution to hockey at Repton and the success of all teams. I thank them all for their truly outstanding ability, influence on younger players and superb commitment to always ensuring the highest standards. In addition to school success Ottilie, Sienna, Tilly B, Tabby V, Evie G and Hannah L have represented their countries at numerous international tests and tournaments. Several players have also competed in the National Premier League, won the Indoor Premier League and secured places at prestigious universities for the next academic year to combine their academic and hockey abilities.

It has been a privilege to see this 1st XI grow throughout the year and observe the manner in which they approach everything whether it be hockey, academics or off the pitch. They have continued to raise the standard of school hockey at Repton and across the country and have achieved success other teams could only dream of. They have been the most amazing group of players to coach but also people to know. Those who leave us, you will be greatly missed and thank you.



Captain: G. Barlow (G)

I. Barnes (G), E. Bowley (F), I. Bolger (G),

I. Canenti (M), E. Fraser (M),

T. Hinds (M), B. Holdsworth (F),

I. Hobson (F), J. Hood (M),

J. Langley (M), R. Ogden (F),

B. Purvis (M), P. Ross (A), S. Shield (G),

F. Wedgwood (A), I. Welldon (M), D. Wong (M)

Also played: I. Aston (F),

S. Dunn (M), E. Grindal (M),

H. Lammael (A), B. Phillips (F),

M. Pollock (M), M. Prince (F)


some great passages of play, with Bella C and Freya W providing match-winning performances.

Our first home game of the season saw us face Nottingham University and promised to be a tough physical challenge. Although slightly slow to start, our forwards were impressive in the circle. Goals, all provided by Lower Sixth pupils, showed the ability the team has across both years and again helped the team to a strong win.

Our Nottingham High fixture in the Independent Schools Cup allowed us the opportunity to settle into the season and an impressive first half saw the team 5-0 up at half-time. Knowing the second half would be more challenging, Captain Georgie B led the team brilliantly and ensured the result was as impressive as the team's performance.

A long away day to Sedbergh with a depleted team saw us the wrong end of a 3-0 game. Fine counter-attacking play from the home side early in the game resulted in us being behind quickly. After a half-time reset, the girls put in their best performance of the season so far and showed they could really compete with one of the country’s top 1st XIs. Though the result wasn’t what we wanted, the girls’ return journey home showed their brilliant character and provided several comical moments.

After the disappointment of Sedbergh, we hosted Loughborough High, determined to put things right. An end-to-end match ended 1-1 with both sides having plenty of chances. However, a calm and composed shootout saw us through to the next round of the cup.

A tough loss to Solihull away in the National Cup was difficult to take after one of the best team performances of the season, including two brilliant goals from Freya W and some fine defending from Jess H.

In our final home game of the season we hosted Trent 1st XI in Round 4 of the Independent Schools Cup. A strengthened team showed their class and dominated the game. Classy individual displays and clinical finishes saw a more than convincing 7-2 win and a place in the Quarter-Final.

Our final game of the year was upon us too early. However, a trip to King’s High provided some outstanding highs. An early goal for Kingston Grammar 1st XI put us on the back foot going into half time. The second half saw us completely on top but conceding a good counter-attack finish. Outstanding performances across the pitch from all players really showed how far the team have developed across the year, but no matter the chances, the ball just didn’t seem to go in the goal. In the final five minutes some brilliant pressing finally saw us score a brilliant goal. Though time was slipping away, with 40 seconds left on the clock a truly outstanding goal forced the game to extra time. With chances missed in extra time we headed to a shootout, but unfortunately we were unable to complete the brilliant comeback. Though a tough final game, the girls can be proud of everything they have achieved this season, playing some exceptional hockey and providing even more hilarious moments in every training session and all matches.

The year started off well for the 2nd XI with a great first Cup game against Mount St Mary’s, and despite having little time together as a team, the girls put in a fine performance, connecting well. Assured finishes from a range of players helped us to a convincing first win. This year the 2nd XI entered two cup competitions and our first National Cup game saw the team go behind early on. However, the girls soon settled and began to show their potential in

We travelled to Oundle in another competitive fixture, where an impressive attacking start and sound defending throughout saw another clean sheet and five goals scored, with Hannah L providing the moment of the game, by carrying the ball over 60 yards and slicing through Oundle’s defence.

This team has been a pleasure to coach - a great group of players - and has made the season fun and enjoyable in its entirety. Upper Sixth, I wish you the very best. It has been brilliant to have you in the People’s XI and you will be missed. GP

University of Nottingham 5th XI W 5-0 Sedbergh 1st XI L 0-3 Oundle 1st XI W 5-0
SCHOOLS CUP Mount St Mary’s 1st XI W 6-0 Nottingham High 1st XI W 8-0 King’s High 1st XI W 8-0 Trent 1st XI W 7-2 Kingston Grammar 1st XI L 2-2 (2-3 APS) NATIONAL TIER 2 CHAMPIONSHIP Bablake & King Henry VIII 1st XI W 5-1 Loughborough High 1st XI W 1-1 (4-2 APS) Solihull 1st XI L 2-4 P11
W8 D0 L3 F49 A13

P7 W4 D1 L2 F30 A10


Captain: G. Anwyl (M)

H. Barker (M), J. Edwards (A), I. Girvan (F), J. Grace (F), H. Harte (G), H. Jackson (A), A. Marriott (F), A. Parkes (M), S. Payne (A), E. Porter (G), M. Rose (G), G. Tatam (G), C. Tate (M)

Also played: E. Geary (A), I. Hobson (F), O. Ingham (M), I. Weldon (M)

It was always going to be challenging playing against a University of Nottingham team for the first match of the season, but, although defeated 2-4, there was no doubt the team had real potential with an attacking mindset. Ava M and Molly R ensured the defence was solid, with Gracie A leading by example throughout the season. In the four games before Half-Term the team scored 25 goals and only conceded two. Given any opportunity in front of goal Harriet J could be relied upon, and Georgie T playing defence could not resist the opportunity to get into the opposition half!

The team were very excited to have been entered for the Tier 4 National Cup in the second half of the term: the first occasion a Repton 3rd XI had entered into a National competition. Two groups of four were entered into the Midlands qualifying round and after two games the team had lost to Wrekin and drawn their second game. But in a very close game the XI defeated Nottingham High School, which was enough to qualify for the Regional Finals. The MacDonald’s was certainly well-deserved on the return to Repton. Sadly, in the Regional Qualifying at Rugby, the team just came up short and did not make it through. However, they should be proud of what they achieved throughout the season and the outlook looks bright for next year!



R. Bowman (M), K. Butler (G), I. Chihota (G), E. Clark (M), M. Deaton (F), Z. Dunn (F), S. Haines (M), J. Leavesley (M), I. Orpin (A), S. Steele (A), I. Turton (A), O. Wenham (M) Also played: T. Capewell (A), C. Chapman (A), L. Iorio (A), L. Kildare (F), S. Merryfield (G), M. Oborn (G), A. Payne (G), A. Thandi (A), I. White (M), L. Wholey (G)

Yet again, the U16 girls’ hockey side built on their tradition of being the country’s best and showed everybody their incredible teamwork and talent. With their target for the season to become National Champions, it was obvious that lots of hard work and dedication was needed. But this group of players never failed. The commitment and discipline shown was staggering and highlighted everything that makes a Reptonian special.

Before the National tournament kicked off, it was important that the U16A cup side laid some foundations to build upon in the latter stages of the season. With Isobel O, Jemima L, Bella C and Rosie B forming the spine of the team, it was clear that the side was already in a strong position, all four players

complementing each other well and impacting each area of the pitch. This was epitomised in the National Cup Semi-Final and Final.

Throughout the course of the early season, other players started to grow, and the likes of Katy B, Sophie H and Ellen C also became integral to the team, often having huge impacts on games, particularly in the matches against Denstone and Shrewsbury.

The change of the fixture list meant that Repton had to play against some tough sides - Nottingham High School U18A, Shrewsbury U18A and Oundle’s U16 Cup side, to name a few. Despite the challenges that they faced, their work ethic and teamwork were never in question, and I was incredibly proud of the way the side carried themselves throughout every fixture.

I can only thank the entire squad for their hard work, enthusiasm, and commitment throughout the season. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as coach of the team and look forward to seeing them move into the next phase of Repton hockey.

SCHOOL FIXTURES Shrewsbury 1st W 5-1 Denstone D 2-2 Nottingham High 1st W 3-1 Oundle L 0-5 Trent L 3-5 Uppingham 1st L 1-2 P10 W6 D1 L3 F31 A22
NATIONAL CUP R3 Wakefield Girls’ High W 7-2 QF Surbiton High W 3-2 SF The Perse W 3-0 F Millfield W 4-2


With several byes in the early rounds, the team, led by Beth P supported by Isobel O, knew they had to train hard and could not be complacent. An important victory against Wakefield provided momentum leading into their biggest game of the season – against favourites Surbiton High. Repton is not normally associated with the tag ‘underdog’, but on this occasion they certainly were. But Bella C stepped up and led what was one of the most impressive U16 displays on record, scoring a crucial goal to help the side win 3-2.

This gave the side a home SemiFinal against The Perse. Once again a brilliant, free-flowing Repton team blew their opposition away, scoring three unanswered goals, with Ellen C performing magnificently on the day to help neutralise The Perse’s biggest threat.

As in the previous year, this put Repton into the National Final against Millfield. A slow start saw us concede two early goals, making it a real test of character. But one thing this side had was character and the ability to fight for each other. In the space of six minutes, Rosie B scored three consecutive short-corner goals and Repton suddenly were 3-2 in front. At this point, we became dominant again and structurally outplayed Millfield. Repton controlled the match thereafter and, after scoring a fourth goal, became National Champions once again.

The Repton U16A side can be incredibly proud of their journey and there is no doubt they are among the best sides Repton has produced. Every member of the side played a huge role in creating a team of National Champions and I am incredibly excited to see their development into senior hockey next year.



Captain: E. Phillips (F)

R. Bowman (M), I. Chihota (G), E. Clark (M), C. Coulborn (F), M. Gaunt (G), M. Haines (M), S. Haines (M), O. Kibler (G), J. Leavesley (M), A. Millard-Smith (A), I. Orpin (A), S. Steele (A), O. Wenham (M), M. Wong (F), K. Wylie (M)

Having a National T1 U16 title to live up to made for a daunting start to the season, to say the least. But after an epic cup run, we were thrilled to hold on to the trophy for another year.

With a bye through the first round, and two teams pulling out against us, the anticipation was killing me, wondering how the team would fare against others in the country. We had barely played together, the team was still not fully established for the season, and defeat in a friendly match against Trent certainly knocked my confidence. But to everyone’s surprise, we smashed our first game, winning 7-2 away against Wakefield Girls High, and thus somehow already through to the Quarter-Finals, despite only having played one game.

Having scouted out the other teams before the draw, it was clear that Surbiton High, with some very talented individual players, were the favourites to win. So, once we realised that we would be playing them, it is safe to say there was a great deal of

doubt regarding how much longer our run would last. But as a team we decided all we could do was give it our best shot. I was so impressed with how everyone was able to just treat the match like another game of hockey. The journey down to Surbiton was long but we stepped off the bus to sunshine, with great music playing through the speaker keeping our spirits high. To say the game was tough is an understatement - I don’t think I have played such a tight game. But while scoreline was close, it was so clear that we were the better team, defeating Surbiton 3-2. Yes, they had some great players, but our team finally clicked. We were cohesive, we made great connections, and we impressed as a whole.

The energy going into the home Semi-Final against The Perse was palpable, and a 3-0 win bought our ticket to Lea Valley to try to retain the title - funnily enough, a replay of last year’s Final. Millfield are a very decent side and we didn’t really know what to expect. But after the performance against Surbiton, we had the belief that we could beat any team if we came together. Staying overnight in London before the game was such a memorable experience, with dinner at Pizza Express and lots of free doughballs (apologies to the waiter who had to deal with all our vouchers). But as the day drew to a close, nerves began to settle in. Having played in the Final last year, I was foolishly confident


that I wouldn’t feel too worried, but waking up on the day of the final, I realised how wrong I had been. We piled onto the bus, put the music on and set off down the road to Lea Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre. For the non-hockey nerds, this stadium is one of the main stadiums for FIH hockey in the UK. I remember watching England play there when I was younger, and, coming out for the line-out facing the seats where I once sat, I felt truly privileged.

The team was understandably nervous, and this showed when we were 2-0 down in the first half. But our comeback was awesome, winning three short corners, all rocketed into the goal by Rosie B: what an achievement to score a hat-trick in a National Final, putting us ahead of Millfield at 3-2. The next goal came from a penalty flick, Bella C making the score 4-2 at the final whistle.

Throughout the game, every member of the team shone. It was incredible to see how much everyone had improved since our defeat against Trent, both as a team and as individuals. Younger members of the team put out sterling performances in the final, Maisey G making rapid runs up the wing, and Amber M-S working to win every ball, even when we were behind.

Clara, Liv, Martha, Sophie, Ellen, Rosie, Maisey, Sophie, Bella, Ophelia, Amber, Martha, Jemima, Kate and Izzy, I can’t thank you enough for being such an amazing team. I’ve had the best season with you all. To come from where we started to being National Champions is incredible, and you all deserve it. Miss Powell and Mr. Suddes, thank you for having such faith in us. Without your support, we wouldn’t have come together as we did, and we all appreciate your guidance so much. The trophy is now safely back in Repton, and I hope it will stay put for another year…

Beth P (11F)

P4 W1 D1 L2 F8 A13


Captains: T. Capewell (A), M. Oborn (G)

L. Bielfeldt (F), C. Chapman (A), R. English (F), I. Haigh (M), G. Hiatt (F), L. Iorio (A), L. Kildare (F), S. Merryfield (G),A. Payne (G), I. Ruddy (G), E. Stevenson (A), A. Thandi (A), G. Warbuton (F), A. Williamson (F), F. Yip (F)



Captain: M. Wong (F)

A. Aneca-Human (A),

F. Birmingham (M), C. Coulborn (F),

A. Edwards (M), M. Gaunt (G),

E. Geary (A), M. Haines (M),

O. Kibler (G), L. Langley (M),

A. Millard-Smith (A), T. Morley (A),

I. Nash (F), I. Reaves (A), I. White (M),

I hope the girls enjoyed the season as much as I did. They were unbeaten in regular school matches all term, and, although they were knocked out in the Quarter-Final of the ISHC against an excellent St George’s side, several of the squad went on to enjoy winning the Tier 1 National Title, playing up at U16 level, which bodes well for next year’s defence.

As the results suggest, this group of players could be very impressive at times – some of the goals against a physical Sedbergh side were a particular highlight – but it often took them some time to settle into games. Several of them have very exciting futures in the game, but they will need to be switched on from the first whistle in the matches to come!

Martha H, who always made her presence felt in training, was deadly in front of goal, scoring 16 goals in total

The girls had a mixed season, starting off very strongly in a close game, away from home, against Shrewbury (3-3). The following games did not go their way, but the girls must be highly commended for showing great determination and they worked hard in training, with a big focus on goalscoring opportunities. This paid off in the final match of the season, played under the floodlights against Derby High, with lots of goals and a really strong team performance (5-3).


P8 W7 D0 L1 F44 A12

for the season, and Martha W led by example as Captain, as did Amber M-S as Vice-Captain. Both have the potential to be very influential players in the future.

I’d like to thank all the other players, many of whom improved markedly as the term went on, including Isla R, Lydia L and Layla W, who became increasingly influential in games as the term wore on, and in Kate W and Edie G, Repton has two excellent goalkeepers with which to continue the School’s unrivalled hockey reputation. WGO

L. Wholey (G), K. Wylie (M) Denstone W 6-0 Ratcliffe W 8-1 Sedbergh W 12-0 Oundle W 5-3 Trent W 6-2 Trent W 5-0 Manchester High W 2-2 (w 4-3 APS) St George’s Weybridge L 0-4

U15B U15C

P4 W3 D0 L1 F24 A3


Captain: F. Lloyd (M)

Vice-Captain: A. Williams (M)

A. Aneca-Human (A), Z. Barkey (M), G. Cottingham (F), H. Dabbs (M), S. Derby (M), A. Edwards (F), M. Hart (F), R. Korylco-Bowers (M), H. Lees (G), E. Morrison (A), N. Osborne (A), S. Owens (G), I. Sheppard (M), C. Turton (A)

The U15B team should be proud of their efforts throughout the season. They played with great passion, pride, commitment, and always with a smile on their face. There were not many games during the campaign but excellent wins over Sedbergh, Oundle and Trent showed that the group had some real talent, especially in front of goal, scoring 24 goals, ten of which came against local rivals Trent. Captain Freya L led by example, setting the high standards expected in training and during games. Congratulations on an enjoyable and successful season.



Captain: Z. Evans (F)

M. Aldred (F), H. Casey (G), A. Clarkson (M), A. Flavell (M), J. Litchfield (F), Z. MacKenzie (M), A. Metcalf (F), M. Ogden (F), L. Parkes (M), E. Pearcey (A), I. Semmence (M), S. Stewart (M), E. Tassell (A), I. Thompstone (M)

The girls 14A team had many highs over both the Michaelmas and Lent Terms, culminating in an invaluable trip to Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre.

The path to the National Finals is always a challenging journey, but the team showed great character to pip Kings High in the Midlands Regional Final and qualify for the National Finals Day on 28th February. The experience of playing at the ‘Home of Hockey’, Lee Valley in London, is a big day out for any team and the format remains intriguingly tough to navigate. The first match against St George’s Weybridge was tight and tense, with the girls managing to win 2-1. Ipswich were next and are a tough team to overcome. We lost 0-1, but in our last match we knew if we won against Wellington School and the other result went our way, we could make the National Final. We did everything we could and won 2-1 on the last play of the match.

P2 W0 D0 L2 F2 A8


C. Bersellini (G), P. Blount (F), I. Hambleton (F), I. Kashihara (F), E. Lubega (A), P. Mercer (F), L. Millard (F), E. Moseley (M), A. Neilson-Mistry (M), A. Pocinkova (G), K. Purcell (F), E. Sandhu (A), D. Shaw (A), D. Spear (F), L. Vacher Peña (F), L. Welbury (G), A. Wyke (F), A. Yuen (G)

Also played: E. Ash (G), A. Birch (A), A. Cavenagh-Mainwaring (A), H. Liu (A), E. Pigott (G)

The 15Cs were unfortunate to have played only two fixtures this year. Our 6-1 loss against Nottingham U14A, if humbling, was nonetheless a useful learning opportunity, and we fought with great spirit in our next fixture, at home against Oundle. This was a closer result (1-2), but we conceded a second goal in the second half. Well done to Artemis W for scoring and to the whole team for their efforts. The highlight of the season was certainly the treats enjoyed after one particularly cold and rainy session!

However, our goal difference saw us end second in our pool and therefore we had to play off for the bronze against Manchester High. We played out to a 2-2 draw and then, frustratingly, lost 3-1 on shuffles.

The end of the season will be remembered for being so close but yet so far, as we were one goal away from qualifying for the National Final. However, the team must be complimented for their willingness to learn new skills and mastering a 2-32-3 out of possession zonal system, as well as a 3-2-3-2 in possession outlet system. I firmly believe this will stand the squad in excellent stead moving forward.

COUNTY Bromsgrove D 1-1 Uppingham W 1-0 MIDLANDS R1 Oakham W 8-0 R1 Kings High W 3-0 SF Rugby W 1-0 F Kings High W 1-0 FINALS St George’s Weybridge W 2-1 Ipswich L 0-1 Wellington W 2-1 Manchester High L 1-1 (3-4 APS)
FIXTURES Shrewsbury 15A W 4-0 Sedbergh W 4-0 Oundle W 6-0 Trent W 5-0 P15 W12 D1 L2 F36 A5 NATIONAL TIER 1 CHAMPIONSHIPS FINALS


P7 W5 D0 L2 F19 A10


Captain: S. Pascoe (M)

E. Andrew (M), J. Blunt (G),

L. Breese (G), C. Court (G), E. Gent (G),

I. Mayman (F), L. Miller (G),

F. Nowacki (A), G. Oborn (G), A. Rai (F),

L. Robinson (G), B. Stannard (M)

Also played: E. Collins (A),

S. Corbett (F), H. French (F),

K. Strudwick (G), H. Williamson (G)



E. Baiye (A), E. Collins (A), S. Corbett (F),

H. French (F), K. Gabriel (G),

N. Khan (F), M. Malynicz (A),

S. Sohal (A), K. Strudwick (G),

A. Stylianou (G), H. Williamson (G)

Also played: J. Blunt (G),

D. Dunton (A), A. Rai (F)

The U14B girls enjoyed a very successful season. We had plenty of experienced hockey players which created an excellent quality in training sessions during the week and produced many exciting matches too.

Sophie P captained the side fantastically. She is such a cool, calm and composed defender with quiet confidence at the back of the formation; several tense moments resulted in Sophie tackling a forward in our circle and running the ball out wide. She was the standout player of the season for me.

The team enjoyed several excellent thumping back-board finishes from different individuals. Whether it was

dribbling the ball down the left or right wing, our speedy forwards often outpaced the opposition and found a connection at the goal. The girls worked hard on collaboration efforts and passing the ball earlier and with better ball speed, and the tendency to dribble the ball into a tackle was soon reduced in our match play – all contributing to our success.

The girls were been a pleasure to coach and I look forward to watching these capable players progress up the Repton hockey teams next year and beyond.


The U14C team should feel very proud of their season. Although several players had never picked up a hockey stick before this year, they threw themselves (sometimes literally!) into every session, and it was super to see their progress and development throughout the season. The girls came up against some tough opposition and were defeated by Oundle and by Shrewsbury’s U14B team, but they also delivered some excellent performances to win comfortably against Nottingham High's U14Bs and

The Elms' U13B team. The highlight, however, was seeing a number of these C-team players play alongside A-team players in the Junior House Hockey competition towards the end of the term. Each player really held their own, and it was amazing to see how much their skills had improved and their confidence had grown in such a short space of time. I look forward to seeing them continue to go from strength to strength over the years to come!


P4 W2 D0 L2 F11 A9


2022 - 2023


Boys' Junior Latham

Boys' Senior Cross


Girls' Junior A/B Field / Mitre

Girls' Senior A/B Garden / Mitre

Boys' New


Girls' Mitre

Boys' New


Junior Girl Victrix Ludorum Maisey G & Martha W

Intermediate Girl Victrix Ludorum Jenna L

Senior Girl Victrix Ludorum Ella R

Junior Boy Victor Ludorum Fisayo A

Intermediate Boy Victor Ludorum Hugo T

Senior Boy Victor Ludorum Harry T

Girls' Mitre

Boys' Cross


Girls' Junior Mitre

Girls' Senior Garden

Boys' Junior Latham

Boys' Senior New

Boys' Senior Reserves Cross

Junior League School

Senior League Latham


Girls' Garden Boys' Orchard



Girls' Junior Mitre

Boys' Junior School

Boys' Senior School

Girls' Junior League Mitre


Junior Mitre

Senior Garden

Junior League Mitre

Senior League Garden / Mitre / Field


Senior Girls' Winner Maggie B

Senior Girls' Team Mitre

Senior Boys' Winner Dan K

Senior Boys' Team Cross

Junior Girls' Winner Elodie P

First B Block Girl Elodie P

Junior Girls' Team Winner Mitre

Junior Boys' Winner Nikita F

First B Block Boy Hugo MPDL

Junior Boys' Team Latham


Girls' Garden Boys' Orchard


Girls' Junior Field

Girls' Senior Mitre

Boys' Junior Cross

Boys' Senior Cross


Boys' Junior Cross

Boys' Senior Latham


Girls' Field

Boys' Priory


Junior Futsal Latham

Senior Futsal Cross


Girls' Mitre

Boys' Cross


Senior Barney C

Junior Grace W

House Orchard





Captain: A. Kelly (A)

M. Blowers (G), G. Broadhurst-Comyn (F), C. Burton-Rowe (M), A. Dabbs (A), J. Langley (M), R. Ogden (F), P. Ross (A), S. Shield (G), O. Wenham (M)

Also played: A. Clarke (F)

This was a brand-new squad for the 2022-2023 season with just two players having represented the 1st VII in a previous match. But we have been fortunate to welcome several Lower Sixth players new to the School, each having contributed much to the team’s success this year.

There has been encouraging progress with specific development in unit play up and down the court, but it took time to gain momentum and often player availability, the weather and injuries scuppered consistency on a weekly basis.

Ava D and Millie B made a dynamic duo with their linking drives to the circle edge and Millie in particular stepped up to the physical nature of 1st VII netball impressively, even though sometimes it seemed she was on the floor more than on her feet. Such was her dedication to win back possession!

The team have been captained excellently by long-standing netball stalwart, Alice K. This was, finally, her year at the reins, with her competitive nature being tested in several nailbitingly close matches which tipped to our opponents more often than we would have liked. But Alice maintained her grounded, calm but assertive style on court - often relied upon to rally the squad when the score lines was tight. We arrived at the Regional Finals as underdogs, our qualification by goaldifference from the County Finals in the back of our minds; but drawing our opening match against the eventual runners-up lifted the girls’ confidence

and they were buoyed too by the fantastic parental support from the side-lines. Missing out on progressing to the Semi-Finals by just one goal, the team continued in true Repton fashion by winning their final match against a solid Ecclesbourne team and, although emotions were high, I was extremely proud of Alice and the entire squad.

Alice, Jenna L, Gracie B-C and Charlotte B-R are all gaining experience in adult netball leagues outside school, with Charlotte progressing through the Superleague Loughborough Lightning pathway. She made her debut for the U19 Loughborough Lightning competition squad in February 2023 against Manchester Thunder, winning 69-52 and the Repton team have gained much from her top-level experience.

The 2022-23 Players’ Player is Charlotte B-R and my 1st VII Player of the Year award goes to Millie B. Congratulations to them both.

I am confident that with the solid foundation of this year’s training and hard work, the 2023-24 season will be bright. I would like to thank the two Upper Sixth leavers, Alice and Polly R, for their huge contribution to Repton netball and wish them the best of luck for their future endeavours.

Denstone W 21-16 Ecclesbourne D 12-12 Trent L 24-25 Rugby L 27-36 Trent L 23-24 Oakham L 19-49 Uppingham U16A W 30-20 Denstone L 28-34
P8 W2 D1 L5



Captain: I. Canenti (M)

L. Burgin-Rawson (G), A. Clarke (F),

A. Corner (M), J. Grace (F), M. Hinds (M),

I. Hobson (F), J. Hood (M), M. Oborn (G),

L. Ottewell (M),

Also played: F. Wedgwood (A)

P11 W2 D1 L8

Denstone W 26-3

Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar L 11-24

Uppingham L 22-44

Trent D 25-25

Oundle L 3-21

Stowe L 15-18

Rugby L 9-29

Trent L 18-19

Oakham L 17-32

Shrewbury L 17-22

Denstone W 17-22



S. Cheffins (G), J. Edwards (A),

H. Harte (G), O. Ingham (M),

B. Purvis (M), M. Storey (M),

L. Walsh (G)

Also played: B. Chihota (G),

E. Clark (M), R. English (F), J. Grace (F),

G. Hiatt (F), T. Hinds (M), J. Hood (M),

H. Morgan (F), M. Oborn (G),

L. Ottewell (M), F. Wedgwood (A),

F. Yip (F)

Although this may not be conventional wisdom, I feel that the mark of a good school netball team is seen in the players’ attitude, both on court and off. This season’s 3rd VII stalwarts

It was a pleasure to watch this group of girls from different year groups bond as a team, progress throughout the season, and gain so much confidence in their own ability. They must take credit for their attitude, resilience, but most importantly the way they played each game, showing great sportsmanship. They were very lucky to have a team with such versability, with so many players being able to play in different positions, displayed by this year's group of Upper Sixth. This was evident in the match versus Uppingham, where Tilly H stepped up into the GK position from WD for the first time and found her own. Against a tall GS, she got her fingertips to every ball, denying the GS any goal-scoring opportunity. Determination like this was a prominent feature in all games throughout the term and throughout the squad. The scores do not reflect how close the contests were, with the team tending to build up momentum slowly through the games.

The highlight of the season were the Trent home and away fixtures. Playing in Trent's sports hall and with a large crowd behind the opposition, the first

match was neck and neck into the final quarter. The team rose to the challenge and also the pressure, with the partnership of Ava C and Matilda O proving unstoppable, seldom missing a shot. The interceptions and marking from the defensive circle of Arabella C and Leah B-R were timed perfectly, breaking down Trent’s attacking circle. The match ended in a draw, leaving it all to play for in the return match at Repton. The girls knew it would be a close game, this time battling with the wind. Isabella C led by example, calm under pressure and composed on the ball. Jessica H was all over the court making crucial interceptions in defence, feeding accurate balls into the circle for the shooters. Unfortunately, the final whistle didn’t go our way, losing out by one goal, but the girls should be so proud of their performance. It was fitting that the team ended the season on a high with a final win against Denstone. PLS

proved themselves to have exactly the right approach: willing to fight hard for the win, whilst also laughing at the challenges presented by my “coaching”. They were supported by a wide assortment of extras, coerced from both the 2nd VII and the 4th VII, with the occasional footballer thrown in for good luck. I am grateful to everyone who stepped in! With the exception of a hideous loss against Rugby, every match was close, even if that meant having to switch players out of position to ensure a fair challenge. Who knew that Harriet H was so good at shooting?! The captaincy was shared between our Upper Sixth pupils: they have been superb ambassadors for both Repton and the game, and I hope that they all continue to play in some form in the future.


P8 W5 D1 L2 F151 A156


P6 W4 D0 L2 F123 A116


E. Ajayi-Akinsulire (F), E. Clark (M), M. Deaton (F), R. English (F), G. Hiatt (F), J. Liu (F), H. Morgan (F), C. Nleme (F), A. Timms (F), F. Yip (F)


Captain: M. Gaunt (G)

Vice-Captain: F. Lloyd (M)

A. Aneca-Human (A), Z. Barkey (M), F. Birmingham (M), A. Edwards (M), A. Williams (M), K. Wylie (M), K. Ward (G)

This was a highly rewarding and enjoyable season for the U15As, with a team bursting with promise, energy and enthusiasm. Perhaps above all else though, this was a team rich in camaraderie and cohesion,

The 4th VII enjoyed a really good season, not least because from the off they gelled as a team and played well together. Their communication and approach, along with their attitude both on and off court, was always positive, productive and forwardlooking, and they continually looked at ways to improve and tweak their skills. It was a real pleasure to coach them.

The term started strongly with wins in their first three fixtures. Frustratingly, the middle of the season was hampered by the weather (snow!), but they ended it with a close match, clawing back the goals to win against Denstone. Having only lost two games, the players can be proud of their performances this season.


one that enjoyed their netball and supported each other throughout, and I thoroughly enjoyed every training session and match.

A special mention should go to Maisey G, our Captain, whose calmness and determination permeated everything she did, and she was a true role-model for others. Our Vice-Captain Freya L showed a legendary ability to inspire and motivate others at difficult times, even when carrying an injury. Amélie A-H was new to this squad of girls this year making an instant impression with admirable adaptability and

willingness to play almost anywhere on the court; the number of Player of the Match awards she was awarded is testament to her efforts and achievements this season.

We had some very good matches throughout the season with eight wins and eight losses in total, scoring more goals than we conceded, and special thanks should go to Kate W and Abigail E for their efforts inside the goal circle. We also performed well at the highly competitive Uppingham Tournament early in the season where we notably beat tough opposition in Oundle and Stamford, and narrowly missed 3rd place by just one point.

In truth, the success of a season can be measured not just by the results but by the enjoyment. On that measure then, the U15s were faultless, and the achievements and company of a terrific group of skilled and friendly players will live very long in the memory. I look forward to following their continued success in the coming years.

On a final note I wish to thank many of the U15Bs who stepped up to play in the Derbyshire tournament on the last Thursday of term to replace our absent and Cup-tied players, and who represented the School admirably to finish 3rd in their group with two wins and two losses. Well done indeed and thank you for your efforts.

Littleover Community School W 22-7 Uppingham D 5-5 Oundle W 7-5 Rugby D 7-7 Stamford W 10-3 Bromsgrove L 4-12 Solihull L 0-23 Oakham L 9-10 Lutterworth High School W 6-4 Rugby L 23-26 Oakham L 22-34 Shrewsbury W 33-12 Uppingham L 28-33 Denstone W 29-22
P14 W6 D2 L6 F205 A203

P11 W3 D1 L7 F66 A111


C. Coulborn (F), S. Derby (M),

I. Hambleton (F),

R. Korylco-Bowers (M), L. Langley (M),

A. Millard-Smith (A), I. Nash (F),

N. Osborne (A), C. Turton (A),

I. White (M), M. Wyke (F)

The overall scores for the U15B team do not reflect the truth of the season for this outstanding set of players, who were an utter delight to coach and umpire. Their season was one marked by camaraderie, passion and positivity of approach.

The term started with the Uppingham Tournament. This experience taught them a great deal about working together to create patterns of play and effectively move the ball down the court – Clara C, Imogen N and Niamh O proving very effective here as stalwarts of the centre third. Over the course of the day wins against Uppingham and Stamford and a draw to Oakham all showed the success of the shooters, with a very effective partnership developing between Mitzy W and Izzy H, and Raphie K-B also contributed here with some skilful play.

The most memorable game of the season was against Oakham with Serena D, once again, showcasing her formidable work rate and creating as many opportunities for the team as possible. The defensive powerhouses for the term, Lydia L and Izzy W, showed unflagging determination in every match they played. This undoubtedly helped to deliver a 19-4 win for the final match of the season against Denstone, where Amber M-S’s fluidity of movement once more proved another important element of the team’s success. Every match relied on the players moving around positions and this was especially true of Christabel T, whose versatility in the centre of the court, and skill and consistency in defence, made her a truly invaluable member of the team.


P5 W3 D0 L2 F116 A27


G. Cottingham (F), A. Edwards (F), M. Haines (M), T. Morley (A), E. Morrison (A), E. Moseley (M), I. Reaves (A), E. Sandhu (A), I. Sheppard (M), L. Vacher Peña (F) Also played: H. Dabbs (M)

The U15C netball team remained undefeated, convincingly winning all matches. Our phenomenal shooters amassed an impressive total of 116 goals in five games this season, and the fact that only 27 goals were conceded speaks to the exceptional determination of the defence players in each game.

Particular highlights included the opening 24-0 victory against Denstone, in which Grace C, Isla R and Effie M successfully intercepted and thwarted


Z. Evans (F), Z. Mackenzie (M), I Mayman (F), A. Metcalf (F), G. Oborn (G), M. Ogden (F), I. Semmence (M), S. Stewart (M), I. Thompstone (M), E. Walne (F)

It has been quite a season for the U14A team. Despite only having played together for a matter of weeks, they managed to emerge victors of the Derbyshire County Cup back in November. This meant qualification for the Regional Finals in February, where once again they showed their mettle and reached the Final, only losing marginally to QEGS Ashbourne. Their 2nd place secured them a place in the National Finals which was a fantastic achievement in itself. So many schools play netball all year round and many players represent their respective Counties and Regions outside of school. To be placed in the top 18 in the country is an incredible accolade and one to be very proud of.

every single opposition attempt at goal, and Emma M was awarded Player of the Match for scoring 14 thrilling goals. Despite a heroic fall, the everaccurate Ehmun S fought on, with the help of Luna V P as her tireless GA, and Imi S, courageously debuting as GS for a quarter, skilfully secured a 15-7 win against Rugby - our fiercest opponents of the season. Tabitha M, Martha H and Alice E majestically maneuvered midcourt with vision and precision and were fundamental in the brilliant 28-5 scoreline, despite the rain and hail at Uppingham.

In addition to these ex‘C’ellent achievements, the team were exceptionally gracious and positive, truly embodying Repton spirit in every game. They are commended on a fantastic season indeed! NK

W6 D0 L6 F227 A185

Ecclesbourne U16 L 8-13 QEGS L 13-21 Trent W 29-7 Rugby L 32-11 Oakham L 24-32 Shrewsbury W 34-28 Uppingham L 18-31 Denstone W 31-17 P12
BROMSGROVE TOURNAMENT - 2ND PLACE Stowe W 11-3 Ratcliffe W 10-9 Oakham W 11-6 Bablake L 6-7 U14A

We have also enjoyed some fantastic netball in our inter-school matches. The highlight of the season was probably in our match against Shrewsbury, where we trailed for three quarters of the game and then came out fighting in the final quarter to romp ahead and win by six goals. The girls showed such grit and determination, despite it being something of nail-biter! In all of our matches, what has struck me has been their willingness to always work hard and work together as a team. When the going has been tough (the fixtures against Rugby and Oakham spring to mind!), they have never dropped their heads but got on with the job in

hand, and for that I am so very proud of them. The girls have each taken a turn at captaining the side and they have each – in their own individual way – done a great, job learning about the importance of leadership and uniting the team in a common goal.

They will be a team to watch. It has been a very enjoyable term, full of funny moments as well as hard work and I look forward to seeing this group of strong, fit and able young women progress further in their netball careers as they move up the School.


W6 D0 L6 F168 A137


Captain: L. Miller (G)

E. Andrew (M), J. Blunt (G), H. Casey (G), C. Court (G), J. Litchfield (F), L. Millard (M), E. Tassell (A)

Also played: E. Gent (G), A. Flavell (M), S. Pascoe (M), B. Stannard (M)

Liverpool had The Beatles; the Netherlands had Cruyff; the US has JFK. Repton has the U14Bs.

I judge a season on whether we won games we could have lost, or lost games we should have won. Only one fixture, against Rugby, falls foul of this yardstick – we should have been four goals up in the first quarter, were two up at half-time, and somehow contrived to lose by seven. By the same token, some of more eye-catchingly victorious scorelines reflect a mismatched fixture rather than a necessarily-stellar performance.

Caveats aside, this can only go down as a once-in-a-generation season, bedecked by some simply extraordinary players. To watch the

footwork of our centre-third magicians, Evie T, Jemima B and Eilidh A, was to be visited by the ghost of Rudolf Nureyev, wistfully shaking his head and muttering “… if only I’d spent a few more hours at the barre each day”. Few parallel teams could come close to living with them. This magnificent trio, with metronomic accuracy, fed Lucinda M, the most accomplished GA these islands have ever produced, and playing all the while with the understated, menacing swagger of an early Sisters of Mercy EP, and Hannah C – just about as good a GS as it is possible to be without actually being asked to play for your country - ruthlessly clearing space in the circle for her, with coruscating, eviscerating efficiency. To play against these two must be as dispiriting as trying to hammer nails into a breeze block with the use only of a wet teabag: there is no offposition on the genius-switch. In our own defensive circle, Jess L, Charlotte C and Lily M, players possessed of so much effortless grace and composure that these traits could be seen with the naked eye from the surface of the Moon, demonstrated the ability to bend space and time to their will. ¡No pasarán! - Durruti lives.

So, what does all of this mean? In late February, a crushing defeat of Oakham, the Auld Enemy, and then to

the Reichenbach Falls – Uppingham at home. 9-5 up after the first quarter, but Rutland’s finest dominated the second, clawing it back to a two-goal deficit by half-time. Then, the scoring went with the centre-passes in a Mexican standoff, and we knew that a single mistake would cost us the game. Cometh the hour, cometh a whole-team performance so solid it developed its own gravitational field, and we pulled three goals ahead. And, not fazed by the spectre of apotheosis, the Ballet of Devastation that is the 14Bs ground out a victory for the ages.

The best pound-for-pound VII in the School? CSD


U14C U14D

P5 W2 D0 L3 F69 A67


Captain: E. Collins (A)

E. Baiye (A), L. Breese (G), A. Flavell (M), H. French (F), S. Pascoe (M), L. Robinson (G), H. Williamson (G)

Also played: B. Stannard (M)

The U14C netball team did not have the easiest season, but they should be very proud of their unwavering effort throughout the term. Despite some tough matches against Uppingham and Oakham, the team unfailingly demonstrated real positivity and

determination right until the final whistle. Their resilience was wonderful to watch in the match against Rugby, during which they made a huge comeback in the final quarter… but it just wasn’t quite enough to clinch the win on this occasion. Nevertheless, the team did manage to secure two excellent wins against Trent and Denstone, with both attackers and defenders rising to the occasion and working in perfect harmony with one another. I look forward to watching these players go from strength to strength over the years to come!



Girls' Captain: A. Kelly (A)

Boys' Captain: R. Wright (C)

I. Archer (M), F. Birmingham (M),

F. Bruno (A), I. Chihota (G), Z. Dunn (F),

M. Gaunt (G), A. Joubert (L),

K. Kuroda (S), J. Langley (M),

F. Lloyd (M), A. Millard-Smith (A),

N. Mugoti (P), C. Owens (P),

J. Paliah (O), C. Redfern (L), E. Rush (M),

R. Rustom (L), H. Thomas (N),

R. Tobin (P), L. Wholey (G), M. Wong (F)

Building on the excellent 2021 athletics season, we quickly gathered pace with an excellent core group of athletes training regularly throughout the week and preparing for the county and regional competitions. The team were captained excellently by Alice K and Reims W.

Eight Reptonians qualified for the Regional Athletics finals in the U17 and U15 age groups. Maisey G, Fisayo A, Jenna L, Felicity B, Freya B and Ollie G all achieved personal bests in their events which was testament to their hard work and efforts.

Martha W was particularly impressive across several disciplines, winning the Junior Girls Derbyshire Multi Events competition with a PB of 1.44m in high jump to add to her victories in the 800m and shot put events.

We are very grateful for our two external athletics coaches support and expertise - Bob Boyd (Amber Valley Athletics Club) and Keith Morant (Burton Athletics Club) are always on hand to support our pupils with valuable technical coaching points and happy to keep spirits high when results

P5 W2 D0 L3 F66 A81


Captain: F. Nowacki (A)

S. Corbett (F), K. Gabriel (G), N. Khan (F), M. Malynicz (A), A. Rai (F), S. Sohal (A), K. Strudwick (G), A. Stylianou (G)

The U14Ds had an excellent start to the season with two early victories against Trent (25-3) and Rugby U14Fs (15-10), with Francesca N scoring 22 and 14 goals respectively. Despite some difficult matches later in the season, the girls played exceptionally well and showing excellent sportsmanship and camaraderie. ELB

don’t go to plan. Several of the Repton athletes are now members of external athletics clubs and competing all year round. Indeed, Nathan M is turning heads with his selection for the English Schools’ Finals in Manchester with his qualifying best long jump distance of 5.87m.

Ella R continued her excellent form with her sights firmly set on making the national GB squad. She achieved huge national success, competing against athletes in higher age categories and setting several PBs in high jump and long jump. We wish her all the best as she heads to the US to continue her studies and we will all be keen to watch her progress - her sights set on the Olympics!


At the beginning of November 2022, we said thank you and good-bye to Scott Talbot, who did a tremendous job in setting our swimming programme, and we welcomed our new Director of Swimming, Ash Morris, who joined us from Hamilton Aquatics in the UAE.

Exciting times lie ahead for our Swim England-registered club ‘Repton Swimming’. Promotion to the National Arena Swimming League Premier Division in December 2022, allows us to compete against the very best clubs in the country during the winter of 2023.

There has been absolute dominance for Repton Swimming at county level, with a total of 253 medals at the County Championships in February 2023.


During the 2022/2023 season Repton Swimming has soared to new heights. Now in its fourth year of existence, the evolution and mission are clear-and national success and recognition becoming frequent.


The pinnacle swimming meet of the year, the British Championships proved a hugely successful competition for our pupils. It was six days of racing against the best junior and senior swimmers in the country during the Easter Holidays – our committed and hardworking swimmers did themselves proud.

Pupil Qualifiers

Eleanor B

Hannah B

Josh B

Laurie D

Henrietta D’A

Hannah H

Lucy H

Cameron J

Daniel K

Holly M

Harriet O

Holly R

Jacob W

Key Highlights

14 Pupils achieved Qualifying Times for the British Championships

30 Personal Best times were achieved during the Championships

31 Finals were made across all events

• Laurie D and Hannah B achieved Consideration Times for the European Junior Championships

ESSA 2023

Repton School were represented well at the prestigious English Schools Swimming Association Championships 2022, which were held at the London Olympic Aquatics Centre. During the qualifiers, 10 out of the 12 possible teams made it to the finals across all the events. A special mention to our Senior Girls who came away with a Bronze in the Medley Relay (Lucy H, Hannah B, Henrietta D & Laurie D).

Intermediate Boys Representatives

Charlie J

Joe L

Harry M

Sam M

Intermediate Girls Representatives

Daisy D

Arabella G

Erin G

Elodie P

Connie R

Jasmine V

Senior Boys Representatives

Josh B

Finn C

Cameron J

Daniel K

Leo P

Jacob W

Senior Girls Representatives

Hannah B

Grace C

Laurie D

Henrietta D’A

Hannah H

Lucy H

Alicia M

Holly M

Poppy M


Our presence at National level competitions is ever-increasing, with our swimmers regularly qualifying for the finals, competing against the best for medals. The swimmers below have achieved national medals at British, Welsh, Scottish, English or Irish Nationals in the past year.

National Medallists

Hannah B

Finn C

Grace C

Laurie D

Henrietta D’A

Lucy H

Cameron J

Owen J

Daniel K

Poppy M

Leo P

Jacob W


This year is the first year that we have had Repton School pupils selected to represent their country at international level competitions. To add to the pupil selections, our Director of Swimming Ash Morris has also been selected to be part of the Great Britain Coaching Team for the European Junior Championships in Serbia.

Pupil Selections

Laurie D – Great Britain

LEN European Junior Championships 2023 (Serbia)

Hannah B – Great Britain

LEN European Junior Championships 2023 (Serbia)

Holly M – Wales

Commonwealth Youth Games 2023 (Trinidad & Tobago)

Laurie D – Scotland

Commonwealth Youth Games 2023 (Trinidad & Tobago)





The boys started their season early with the National Premier League winter competition. This always proves to be a fantastic standard of tennis with the best clubs and players represented in this event. It also brings another element of development for the boys as they pit their wits against adult opposition. Following a number of matches against universities and clubs, the boys just missed out on a place in the national play-offs.

The team, led by Captain Harry S, who also led the team as the top seed, started brightly with impressive wins against Rugby and Uppingham. All six players contributed to the overall result, which is always a pleasing sight.

The boys also faced Rugby in the second round of the National Qualifying, having received a bye in the first round. This proved to be an excellent display of both singles and doubles with the boys coming out on top in all matches! Harry and Caspar G playing at one and two, won their singles 6-0 6-2 and 6-0 6-0 so got the team off to a great start. This was backed up by Nat S and Cameron W, who also had convincing wins: 6-0, 6-3 and 6-1 6-1. Harry and Caspar

then teamed up for doubles and steam-rolled the Rugby first pair before Nat and Rory F took down the Rugby second pair in a slightly closer match.

The National Qualifying Semi-Final was a fantastic match against a strong and familiar Trent team. The lads prepared well for this match, knowing the opposition on paper would be the favourites. This proved to be the case, although the boys gave a great showing of themselves and battled hard. Harry and Caspar got the team off to a great start defeating their first pair in what was probably the best performance they have played in the famous Repton maroon. With the second pair going the way of Trent, the

Captain: H. Spear (L)
NATIONAL PREMIER LEAGUE Chapel Allerton L 1-3 Loughborough University W 3-1 Leeds Beckett University L 1-3 West Bridgeford W 3-1 Leicester Forest East D 2-2 University of Nottingham D 2-2 P6 W2 D2 L2 SCHOOL FIXTURES Rugby W 7-2 Uppingham W 7-2 Trent W 6-3 P3 W3 D0 L0 NATIONAL QUALIFYING (GLANVILLE CUP) Rugby W 12-0 Trent L 2-10 P2 W1 D0 L1
R. Fitzgerald (N), C. Grylls (N), N. Salsby (P), S. Sekhon (C), C. Wright (L), S. Yardimci (S)

singles was be tough. Harry competed well in his singles but came off court second-best against his nationallyranked opponent, and then was a similar result for Caspar. Nat and Rory were our real chances in the singles but Trent’s number three and four looked more confident in this competitive environment and it was a big learning curve for the boys. The final result of 2-10 would see Trent progress through to the National Finals.

The boys were able to put this result behind them as they headed to Eton to represent the School in the annual Independent Schools Championships.

A fantastic run of form allowed the boys to progress through three rounds of matches, defeating Whitgift, Sevenoaks and Winchester. This meant the team had made it through to the Semi-Finals and were up against the number one-ranked team in the nation, Reeds. I’ve never been prouder of this team than I was throughout the Semi-Final. To fight toe to toe with this calibre of opposition was such a rewarding thing to see. After a long battle, the match would came down to a doubles shootout with Reeds eventually coming out on top against Harry and Caspar.



Captain: A. Yardimci (A)

J. Dyson (G), C. Griffiths (F), H. Kok (M), L. Ottewell (M), R. Ram (A), F. Wedgwood (A)

The season began with the National Premier League winter competition, which produced some fantastic results. Victories in six of the seven matches gave them a place in the national play-offs, though ultimately, this was a bridge too far with a narrow loss against Widnes Academy.

The school season got underway in impressive style, with back-to-back fixtures against Rugby resulting in two wins. In the opening match the result was 8-1, but the girls went one better later in the week, dispatching the same team 9-0. This was a sign of things to come as the girls showed absolute class against Uppingham, Oakham and Shrewsbury, winning 26 of the 27 matches played. The only negative was a season-ending injury to a key player, Chantal G, as she twisted awkwardly against Oakham resulting in a broken foot.

Overall, it was a busy and exciting season with a fantastic amount of learning and success thrown in throughout. With just one Upper Sixth leaver in the team, we look forward to next season to see where this team can go.

I would like to personally thank our captain, Harry, for his excellent contribution on the court and for also supporting the team so well.

NATIONAL PREMIER LEAGUE Woodlands W 3-1 Loughborough University W 4-0 Lady Bay LTC L 1-3 Charnwood W 3-1 University of Nottingham W 4-0 Ashby Castle LTC W 4-0 Loughborough LTC D 2-2 Widnes Academy L 0-1 P16 W12 D1 L3 SCHOOL FIXTURES Rugby W 8-1 Rugby W 9-0 Uppingham W 9-0 Oakham W 9-0 Shrewsbury W 8-1 NATIONAL QUALIFYING (ABERDARE CUP) Oakham W 12-0 Trent W 8-4 Bromsgrove L 4-8

The Semi-Final of the National Qualifier was next on the girls' radar and brought a local tie against Trent. A tough match awaited the girls as Trent were, on paper, the stronger team. But the girls didn’t let this faze them and played some outstanding tennis throughout the afternoon in a fixture lasting more than 5 hours! Overall the girls came out 8-4 in an enthralling match. The highlight match was Raga R, who, playing at number one, came up against a world-ranked junior GB player.

The final qualifying round saw the girls host Bromsgrove on the hallowed Repton courts. The girls battled hard against an impressive side with both teams knowing anything but a win would end their National Qualifying season. Unfortunately for us, it would be Bromsgrove who would book their place at the National Finals in July with a final score of 4-8. Chantal’s injury earlier in the season proved costly, as, no doubt, with her in the team, the result could have swung our way.

The girls didn’t let this deter them and they bounced back well in the annual trip to Eton for the Independent Schools Championships at the end of term. Over the course of the three days, the girls defeated Bradfield, Colston’s, and Bradford to make their way to the Final. A brilliant level of tennis was on show in the final, but it was Epsom College who came out on top in a final set decider and leave the girls heartbroken. But to get this close to a national title was a great achievement, and hopefully the girls can go one better next year.

I would like to thank Ayse Naz Y for her second year of captaincy, as she has led the team excellently during her tenure.



Captain: O. Singer (G)

G. Barlow (G), M. Brown (G), I. Canenti (M), I. Hobson (F), P. Ross (A)



The girls’ 3rd team had a fine season with a number of excellent block fixtures. There was much rotation in the squad due to the pressures of public examinations, but this did not prevent the core of the team enjoying some superb match play. The highlight of the season was a narrow win away at Rugby, where some competitive determination allowed the team to secure a close 5-4 win.

The girls’ 2nd team had a tough season, with narrow defeats against Rugby and Uppingham. They had all the strokes in their arsenal and often appeared to be the more proficient players; however, the pressure occasionally got to them, and a few too many unforced errors crept into their play. Nevertheless, if their performance against Oakham was anything to go by, these players have bags of potential! This fixture was a real highlight, for the girls showed what they are truly capable of. Their serves combined power and accuracy; their ground strokes demonstrated depth and consistency; and they employed both strategy and skill at the net to outplay their opponents. As these players grow in confidence and experience, I’m sure that we will see more consistently effective match play that will enable them to translate their abundant talent into success.

Looking beyond the results, I would like to commend the girls for their superb attitude and effort throughout the season. They were a pleasure to coach, and I am already looking forward to next year! KVG

Rugby L 4-5 Rugby L 1-8 Uppingham L 4-5 Oakham W 7-2 P4 W1 D0 L3 Rugby W 5-4 Rugby L 3-6 Uppingham L 2-7 P3 W1 D0 L2
I. Astoin (F), H. Barker (M), S. Derby (M), I. Girvan (F), B. Gray (F), I. Hobson (F), S. Obi (G), A. Parkes (M), P. Ross (A), E. Thompstone (M)


G. Atherley (G), I. Chihota (G), A. Corner (M), M. Deaton (F), R. English (F), P. Gocke (A), I. Turton (A)

U15A U15B U15C

The U15A girls were a real pleasure to coach: enthusiastic, determined, and they gave 100% to all fixtures. It seems to have been the season for close matches, with the score lines often being 5-4, whether in our favour or not. They sometimes found it hard to find a consistent tempo, despite often having the better shots from the back of the court, and this meant that they could not always capitalise on the chances that were on offer. But even when results did not go our way, the girls kept their heads high and really played in the spirit of the game. A special mention must go to Issy T and Mollie D, who as third pair often won sets


E. Clark (M), A. Corner (M), Z. Dunn (F), I. Haigh (M), S. Haines (M), G. Hiatt (F), J. Leavesley (M), M. Oborn (G)


L. Barkey (M), M. Capewell (A), I. Haigh (M), L. Iorio (A), I. Leverton (A), M. Oborn (G), A. Payne (G), I. Ruddy (G), S. Steele (A), A. Thandi (A), T. Uppal (M)

against the opposition second, which is a fantastic achievement. As the season progressed, the squad developed their serving, as well as their movement skills, and it was great to see just how attacking they were at the net, taking any opportunity that they could to win points from this forward position. As ever, I look forward to watching them play as U16s and I am sure that they will continue to go from strength to strength.


It was a real pleasure to coach the U15B tennis team. They brought enthusiasm and excitement to their training sessions and played hard in their fixtures. It was a fantastic first match against Rugby, where the team secured their first win with an impressive score of 9-0. They demonstrated great play at the net, an excellent attacking style, and, most importantly, brilliant teamwork throughout, especially when the games were tight. After a couple of away losses against Rugby second time round and Uppingham, they came back with determination and achieved two well-deserved wins over Oakham and Trent to finish the season.


The season began with a great 5-4 win against Rugby in a competitive away fixture, and the girls were raring to go for the return match at home later that same week. On a very warm afternoon, they played valiantly, and the outcome was decided in the very last match –unfortunately, not in our favour, despite two 6-0 wins for Matty O and Izzy H, and two extremely close 5-6 matches for Lea B and Izzy L.

Our next fixture was away at Uppingham on an extremely hot day. The girls did well to keep hydrated playing on exposed courts, but the opposition proved too much for us, in spite of Sophie S and Tea U's efforts with a 6-3 win and a close 5-6 loss in two out of their three matches.

A home fixture against Oakham saw another stalwart effort from all three pairs. We weren’t able to quite get the killer shots in to achieve a win, but all credit to Sophie and Isabella R for giving us a super final match and winning 6-3.

In what turned out to be the final fixture of the season, away at Trent, the outcome was closer than the score would have you believe. On a breezy and extremely wet day, there were wins for each pair and close matches throughout this well-fought-out tussle.

The team should be proud of themselves. It was a pleasure to work with such a positive and fun group of young women, and great to be able to give lots of people the chance to play. Well done all!

LEW Rugby W 5-4 Rugby L 4-5 Uppingham L 3-6 Bromsgrove D 4-4 Oakham L 4-5 P5 W1 D1 L3 Rugby W 9-0 Rugby L 4-5 Uppingham L 2-7 Oakham W 5-4 Trent W 5-4 P5 W3 D0 L2 Rugby W 5-4 Rugby L 4-5 Uppingham L 1-8 Oakham L 1-8 Trent L 3-6 P5 W1 D0 L4


C. Coulborn (F), E. Grindal (M), M. Hart (F), I. Kashihara (F), H. Lees (G), A. Millard Smith (A), E. Sandhu (A),

D. Spear (F), K. Ward (G), L. Welberry (G)

Much progress was made on court over the course of the term and the U14As had some wonderful sessions, both in training and in matches. The team were terrific to work with; always ready for hard work and open to suggestions on how to improve their game. Learning the key components of doubles play was a whole new world to some of the players but it was so rewarding to see them adapt and test themselves in matches. The team was rather fluid given that this was the first year that Repton had introduced junior cricket as a major sports option for girls in the Summer Term. As we navigate our way into next year, I am sure that both sports will continue to work side by side, but I was so impressed by the number of girls who tried to play both and appreciated their willingness to represent the School.

attitude of the Repton girls that they then succeeded in beating them just a few days later. Admittedly the advantage of being at home was with us, and playing on a full-sized court was significant (having got caught out by this playing away at Rugby), but it was wonderful to have turned round the result so dramatically in such a short space of time.

Without a doubt, the impact of Covid has been far-reaching when it comes to school sport, and not having had the opportunity to play tennis matches for two years was a drawback. But if the girls can continue to improve at the rate at which they did in Summer 2022, then the future looks very bright indeed.


Z. Barkey (M), S. Derby (M),

A. Edwards (M), I. Kashihara (F),

R. Korylco-Bowers (M), P. Mercer (F),

A. Millard Smith (A), E. Morrison (A),

E. Sandhu (A), C. Turton (A),

K. Wylie (M)

The notable performance of the term was against Rugby. Having lost to them (2-7), it was a testament to the

The annual singles tournament was also a close fought competition and congratulations must go to Keira W for emerging victorious.

U14A U14B U14C

For some, this was their first experience of competitive tennis, and the girls were a joy to work with. Like sponges, they absorbed every scrap of advice given to them and then tried as they might to apply this information to their match play. The match statistics don’t quite do them justice as all too often their games were marginally lost by just one rubber, as was the case against Rugby, Uppingham and Trent. Fighting for every match – whether we were playing the first, second or third couple - is something we realised was really important. Going on court and not getting overcome by thinking the opponents were better than us was a really valuable lesson for them all. The girls should be proud of their performances on court. It is quite something to think that rallies were limited at the start of term and yet they were attempting serving and volley by Week Nine. It would be no surprise to see a number of these girls pushing for places in the A team as they move up the School and play more tennis. CS


Z. Barkey (M), G. Cottingham (F), H. Dabbs (M), S. Derby (M),

A. Edwards (F), E. Geary (A), P. Mercer (F), L. Millard (F), E. Morrison (A), T. Morley (A),

E. Sandhu (A), C. Turton (A)

P6 W5 D0 L1

Rugby W 8-1

Rugby W 5-4

Uppingham W 8-1

Repton Prep U13C W 1-0

Oakham W 8-1

Trent L 4-5

Great weather, friendly opposition and impressive manners were the order of the season. Some fantastic tennis was played and very much enjoyed by all. The successful season (and with victories coming by some very comfortable margins) was a credit to all players who displayed excellent effort without fail. SJL

THE REPTONIAN 2023 136 SPORTS Rugby L 2-7 Rugby W 9-0 Uppingham L 4-5 Repton Prep D 6-6 Bromsgrove L 6.5-2.5 Oakham W9-0 Wellington L 1-8
W3 D1 L3 Rugby L 3-6 Rugby W 5-4 Uppingham L 4-5 Repton Prep U13B W 1-0
L 4-5 Trent L 4-5 Wellington L 2-7
P7 W2 D0



Captains: H. Barton-Smith (C), C. Tate (M)

Seniors: C. Allen (A), T. Bowman (M),

L. Campbell (N), A. Hidderley (C),

M. Gray (F), S. Gunn (L), R. Holdcroft (P),

J. Ikin (L), R. Ram (A), C. Thompson (P),

A. Webb (P), O. Webster (N),

B. Weston (L)

Under 15s: E. Brough (S),

S. Derby (M), A. Edwards (F),

Z. Garner (P), I. Hambleton (F),

B. Hansen-Hoare (F), C. Hill (C),

S. Karim (P), H. Lees (G),

Z. March Phillipps De Lisle (L),

B. Parkin (S), J. Saunders (C),

M. Shteinberg (C), C. Turton (A),

L. Vacher Peña (F)

Under 14s: E. Anderson (O),

T. Gilbody (N), R. Hagen (N),

I. Mayman (F), A. Metcalf (F),

W. Needler (N), A. Pitts (P),

B. Reid (P), B. Stannard (M),

L. Temple (F), J. Vaartjes (F),

E. Whitfield (N)

Fives continues to grow at Repton and the arrival of KH has further boosted opportunities and expertise and been crucial to this. We are lucky to have one of the premier playercoaches in the country on the staff, and it has been heartening to see the pupils recognising this and engaging enthusiastically. The following would not have been possible without their Reptonian willingness to give things a go. To demonstrate the strides forward, some statistics are as good a vehicle as any. With Fives usually, but not exclusively, a sport done on top of regular sports options, 80 students (and at least one from each house) have come down to afternoon training sessions which are open to all. This has paved the way for 42 pupils to represent the School across 22 fixtures over the two terms, and some frequently so. Celia A has put up the biggest numbers with 64 sessions attended and 11 fixtures played across two terms, and it is no surprise that she has become a very capable player indeed.

In the Michaelmas Term, after enjoyable fixtures with OREFC, Shrewsbury and Uppingham, the highlights were trips to Charterhouse and Eton for the Vargas Salver, Black Cup and the Graham Turnbull Trophy. The Vargas Salver saw the Repton team of six finish 4th of six and progress well. The first ever Repton entry to the Black Cup, a ladies team competition, saw eight Reptonians head south to play with and against ladies and school teams from around the country. There were notable wins against the novices from Cambridge and Oxford Universities and a Plate Final triumph over Shrewsbury’s 2nd team. In December the Graham Turnbull Trophy provided another

good day for ten Repton pairs in a competition for pairings of one current and one former pupil or member of staff. Henry B-H and CEP made an impression on the main competition, reaching the Quarter Final having played some fine fives in their Last-16 match. Other pairings enjoyed the day and competed in various plates, with Rob H, Charlie T and their partners picking up a Plate win, as did Claudia T and her partner KH!

In Lent fixtures were arranged with Midlands Schools and we hope that they start to build their programmes too. Oakham, Wrekin, Wolverhampton Grammar and Burford were visited or welcomed to Repton with positive results. Two more excellent fixtures with Shrewsbury resulted in tight matches too. This all paved the way for some Repton pairings entering National Schools competitions. The highlight in these competitions was the U15 pairing of Brianna H-H and Hattie L who performed brilliantly to reach the Semi-Final of their competition before succumbing to the eventual winners from Highgate. This was the first time that a Reptonian pairing has made it to this stage of a national competition since 1981 and they are a pair who have committed wholeheartedly to training and fixtures and have lots of potential for the future.

In House Fives Cross won the boys’ competitions with a challenge from Priory overcome in both events, whilst the girls’ competitions were won comfortably by Field House (Junior) and Mitre (Senior). In all, a tremendously rewarding season was had and the future looks bright with lots of juniors taking up the game. DAE


P7 W1 D0 L6 F61 A213


Captain: E. Pass (L)

O. Birmingham (P), J. Butler (N), L. Campbell (N), H. Cooke (N), J. Davies (C), R. Fitzgerald (N),

O. Goode (S), N. MacKinnon (O), D. Obi (S), D. O’Brien (S),

A. Ramsbottom (L), R. Tobin (P), M. Whittingham (O), H. Xie (O)

Repton’s first foray into the world of Rugby 7s has been a steep learning curve but a challenge that the boys have met head on. The North of England Tournament was a positive experience that culminated in a win against Queen Ethelburga’s and a narrow loss against Calday Grange Grammar in the Bowl Quarter-Final.

All of this was practice for the season finale at Rosslyn Park (the biggest 7s tournament in the world). It was a tough day as we were not at our best, but the final game of the tournament involved a close loss to The Grange School, Northwich, on one of the main pitches.


Squash has continued its resurgence at Repton this year, with hotly-contested house competitions and the first external fixtures since the demolition of the old squash courts made way for the new Sports Centre.

The Cross won the boys’ house event, after a fierce battle against Orchard in the final, and Mitre triumphed in the round robin-style tournament in the girls’ competition, winning all of their matches.

The best boys’ players participated in home and away matches against Shrewsbury School, winning 4-1 and 5-2 respectively, underlining the growing strength in depth. Next year we plan to arrange a much wider range of fixtures and to continue squash’s renaissance at Repton.

It’s been particularly gratifying to witness the enthusiasm and technical progress of the pupils in training sessions, again aided by Owain Taylor, current world number 110, who has helped enhance their court craft and understanding of the game. We now have a new crop of incredibly keen players, mostly from Latham, who will no doubt form the backbone of our 1st team next year, in addition to the very talented Charles H, Taheem J, and Joe D’A. One very positive aspect of squash is that players from all across the year groups can play together, making for great wonderful camaraderie and inclusivity.

Over the season, I cannot fault the commitment and determination shown by the pupils. They have trained hard, listened, and have never given up, even in the face of some very stern opposition. I wish all of the leavers the very best and hope that some of them continue to play rugby post-Repton.

Special mention must go to our Upper Sixth leavers: Joe J, Louis A, Henry B-H and Richard C. They all came to the sport quite late in their Repton lives but have grown into superb players through their dedication and determination. I’ll miss their lively wit on court and very much hope that they continue to play at university, returning as Old Reptonians to give me a good game.





An excellent mathematician and a graduate of Glasgow, he was a valued member of the Mathematics team, always ready to share his passion for the subject with fellowresidents of the Lynam Thomas School, staff and students alike. The department will miss his friendship, his wellconsidered contributions to meetings, and his dry Scottish sense of humour. He was involved right across the sporting range and managed a number of teams, both boys’ and girls’, during his time at Repton, with the boys’ 2nd XI and U15A footballers and the U14B girls’ tennis players all benefiting from his coaching expertise and managerial enthusiasm. As a tutor Chris was always willing to help New Housians with their Maths, as well as finding time to review the day’s performance with the footballers. The boys will miss his accomplished piano-playing to signal the end of Prep; less so, his terrible putting in the corridor! We wish him well as he leaves Repton to move closer to family.


He brought vast expertise and experience to the hockey club and, an inspirational coach, made a crucial contribution to its continued success by taking senior teams, both boys and girls, to national titles. One OR wrote that ‘Mr Rothman has been the best coach that I have ever had the privilege of playing for. His attention to detail was phenomenal.’

These talents as a coach transferred easily to the classroom and, highly valued for his dedication, his Business Studies pupils will take away many valuable lessons from his instruction. As a tutor in School House, he will be remembered for a listening ear and his kind words of encouragement to all the boys. He will also be remembered for insisting on a strict regime of tidy bedrooms on each of his duty nights!

Naturally, much of Neville’s time for the first two terms of the year was spent on the hockey pitch, but he also co-coached the golf team in the Summer Term: many a Reptonian credits Neville for the steady lowering of their handicap. A keen player himself and a member of the Repton Amateur Golf Club, we hope he will make continue to make guest appearances over the years to come.

Neville has been a treasured colleague to many at Repton, as has his wife Lia, who has made a magnificent contribution as Development Officer to the Repton Foundation and OR Society.

They will both be missed but we wish them the very best of luck as they embark on their new life in Belfast where Neville takes up an exciting opportunity as Assistant Coach to the Ireland national hockey team.

Arriving from his native South Africa, Neville Rothman joined Repton in September 2021 as Assistant Director of Hockey and Teacher of Business.
Chris Sharp joined Repton in September 2021, having previously taught at Bradfield, Eton and at George Watson’s in his native Edinburgh.

Fortunately, she accepted the job. A young, dashing, idealistic Beak at the time, I was assigned as her mentor, charged with guiding her through her first year as a professional and instilling in her the best practice, the magic of the chemical experiment and, essentially, the craft of the classroom. She took on board the advice extremely well but also learned the other essentials of boarding school life: that extra-curricular activities define you and sleep is a luxury.

After four years of learning the ropes, she left a middling Chemistry department at Haileybury and joined a formidable one at Repton. Merely mention the names of the legends - Peter Bradburn, John Driver, David Morris and Val Cosford - and you realise that you had to be a big personality to survive and thrive, as she has done. In the orbit of such talent Julia was allowed to show how versatile she is. It was in these early years that she established her reputation as the one science teacher who was truly comfortable teaching all three sciences to A Level. To the non-scientist there is the belief that if you can teach one, you can easily teach the others. However, even a cursory glance at a specification will tell you that there are huge differences in philosophy across the disciplines and it is unusual even to have the confidence to do so. She also demonstrated the very valuable ability to inspire those who struggle with science - blending kindness and imagination with academic rigour and high expectations.

But anybody can teach. At the great boarding schools you have to be more than a teacher: no better compliment can be made of an employee of Repton than to be called ‘a good schoolmaster.’ A nebulous and slightly underwhelming phrase maybe, but to those on the job, it is the ultimate praise. It encompasses an unshowy ability to muck in outside the classroom, to enthuse on the sports field or the co-curricular, to care about house matters, remain enthusiastic in the darkest parts of a winter timetable when the work demanded goes beyond that of regular employers, and (most importantly) to put a shift in in Pedants. To my mind Julia is indeed a ‘good schoolmaster’, full of ideas and enthusiasms; whether it be her genuine love of animals and activities associated with it, or running swimming for a decade, or being out in the country on manoeuvres. One colleague called her ‘our very own dog whisperer’.

But I will never forget the incredible Parkes-organised trip to Borneo: nine days of the sort of animal encounters that remain genuinely unforgettable for all who were lucky enough to be on the trip. The highlights were too many to mention, but our boat breaking down on a jungle river as the sun set over crocodile-infested waters remains with me. Others will have similarly enduring memories of the Galapagos trips she organised.

Julia was always a big lover of outdoor pursuits, initially in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, but for the last decade her commitment and championing of all things CCF has been remarkable. She finally rose to Contingent Commander in 2021. Her dedication and support for the armed forces and her profound and inspiring Remembrance Service sermons will linger long in the memory. In a world as uncertain as it is 2023, reasserting what soldiers do and why we need them is essential.

Julia’s commitment to the bigger picture was no better illustrated than in an editorial she wrote for the Repton Scientific Magazine which she introduced in 2015. Under the heading ‘Zombie Apocalypse’, she wrote: “Closer to home and all together more terrifying is the use of the mobile phone. Walk near any school, or through any town and you will see hoards of people, head down, staggering, oblivious to the events around them. Regardless of the beauty surrounding us, somehow the little screen holds all our attention. The smart phone is manipulating our minds, we have become zombies, and the condition has spread everywhere.” It was one paragraph in as eloquent a piece of science writing as you can see, but it also expressed her wish for all Reptonians to be more at one with what is around them and live a full life, rather than focussing on the inane.

She leaves to become Head of Chemistry at Stafford Grammar. We have big shoes to fill.

I first met Julia Rushton (as she was) in early 2002. She was applying for a Chemistry teacher’s job at Haileybury and her 1st-class degree from Imperial and PGCE from Homerton College, Cambridge put her at the top of the pile.

A true woman of the 21st century, Laura brought her new-born baby Florence with her from Belgium to attend her interview with Alastair Land, and in this regard she is an inspirational role model - managing to balance her growing family with an utterly professional approach to her career. Laura brought significant experience to her new responsibilities, having been a Deputy Housemistress at Cranleigh School, and her stewardship of The Abbey reflected the wisest of personal commitments to the development of young people. Laura is simply a wonderful champion of humans, inspiring all in her care to be the very best version of themselves with her simple philosophy of life, based on the Christian values of kindness, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness. Laura herself has a very evident growth mindset, and those under her care benefited enormously from this aspirational approach to their Repton journey.

Alongside her role in The Abbey, Laura really did influence the body, mind and soul of Reptonians, teaching Biology, Psychology and Religious Studies! Her academic prowess matched her pastoral expertise, and colleagues in these departments were always confident in both her personal ability and subject understanding, and in her strength as a team player.

Laura is the epitome of grace and generosity and so many of her colleagues benefited from these qualities. In an increasingly demanding COVID-impacted working life, and as Laura and Matt added Benjamin to their little family unit, Laura continued to offer huge support to colleagues. Quick to offer cover or to share an end-of-term communication with those of us who were tardier with administration - and no-one could turn around admin better than Laura! - she simply wanted to help every individual she came across, and through that guiding principle her very active faith shone through.

It was a privilege to be a fellow Housemistress with Laura, especially as she and I embarked on that role together, and I, alongside many others, miss her very much. Never without a warm, welcoming and genuine smile, Laura cared so deeply for us all and, despite being so diminutive, there is a very large colleague hole where she once worked so lovingly. But there was never any doubt that Laura had a meteoric career journey ahead of her and we wish Laura, Matt and the family the very best as she takes up an exciting post as Deputy Head Academic at the newly-founded Rugby Tokyo. We feel blessed to have worked alongside Laura and, while her true legacy runs much deeper, she will be pleased to know that many an MS Form and House Policy bear her mark!

Laura moved to Repton from the International School in Brussels in September 2018, taking up the position of Housemistress of The Abbey.

Having achieved a joint-honours degree in Biology and Education from King’s College London, she became a founding member of the senior management team at Derby Grammar School as Head of Curriculum and she spent almost 25 years in a hugely successful career with them, teaching both Biology and Chemistry to A Level in addition to her leadership roles.

During her very first term at Repton the COVID pandemic hit, and it is a true testament to Lesley’s strength of character and perseverance that she worked tirelessly to get to grips with the unfamiliar world of remote teaching and the ‘joys’ of Teams. Indeed, we were sad to see her leave at the end of Summer 2020 and especially because we were not able to thank her in person.

In January 2021 Lesley kindly returned to Repton, this time as cover for Mrs Lucy Jones. We had jokingly agreed that at least her teaching would be in person this time only for another lockdown to hit just as she started! Her expertise at ICT was now wellhoned; seeing some of her pupils for the first-time during a remote parents’ meeting could have put off even the most-experienced teacher, but such an experienced professional took it in her stride.

Before her third stint with the Faculty of Science in Michaelmas 2022, Lesley was snapped up by Repton Prep for a term of science teaching, and she quickly became an equally popular and highly regarded colleague there too, with the pupils loving her science lessons, especially the experiments which were ‘fantastic’!

And so to this academic year, where Lesley has stepped up once again to teach Biology at the senior school. Her dedication, compassion, and hard work have left a lasting impression with us. She always finds the time to listen to her pupils, and her empathy and interest in others is one of her greatest strengths. As any science teacher will agree, her lemon drizzle and chocolate cakes - that mysteriously appear just when you need them most - are legendary and will live long in the memory!

Lesley’s resilience, unwavering support, and enthusiasm for learning are hugely appreciated and she will be missed. We’re reassured, however, that she will only be down the road in Hilton and, should the call come, have no doubt she will rise to the challenge once again. I’m secretly looking forward to the next chapter… and especially to the cake!

Lesley Reynolds first joined the School in Lent 2020 as a maternity cover teacher for Mrs Bispham. We felt incredibly lucky that she had applied.

Nigel Kew has worked at Repton across five decades in a spirit of modest dedication to the School and its pupils.

A true friend, a trusted colleague and a selfless schoolmaster, he began his career here in September 1987 and his 36 years in the gown, two of them under the desert sun at Repton Dubai, have been marked by an unswerving commitment to a tradition of quality. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth devoting the best part of your life to it. From his own experiences as a boy at King’s Taunton, he knew first-hand how the guidance of a teacher could inspire a pupil and in this the influence of David Exham, as first his Housemaster at Taunton and then Second Master at Repton, was central in shaping the supportive and enabling schoolmaster he himself became.

When I first met Nigel in 1991, the young Kew – and it will come as a surprise to some that Nigel and I were ever in our twenties – was already a fixture in the giddy social whirl of a more carefree time. He seemed to have a natural ability to induce sympathy so instantly in an older generation that he rarely seemed to have to cook for himself. The Mylwards, Scotts,

McClarens and Muirs would keep open house for him in Brook House, The Hall, The Orchard and New House, and on a Sunday he would often be seen striding up Burton Road with the other two hungry musketeers, Messrs Bradburn and Amherst Lock, shamelessly drawing upon the boundless culinary generosity of Nim and David Wilkinson. On the rare occasions he found himself without an invitation, the three oven-shy bachelors could always summon up the energy to walk over to the Coach House in Milton where a table was kept permanently reserved for them.

In my first term at Repton, I coached the U16s football team with Nigel and a team which had not won a match in their two previous years did not lose one all season. It wasn’t always pretty but it was effective, and it was the hours Nigel spent talking to individuals, giving them self-belief, which were as important as any tactical masterstroke he might have employed. Nigel has been involved in sport throughout his time at Repton. Nearly twenty years on the U14 cricket from 1988-2007 alongside the grit of Bradburn was a masterclass in inculcating a love of the great game and its traditions, not to mention a feat of superhuman patience. He then took over the 3rd XI, for a further ten years from 2011-2021, overseeing a more cavalier but no less entertaining version of the sport. In Lent Nigel took hockey teams and umpired, but it is football with which he has been most closely identified. Having an unerring ability to look much older than he really is, as an eminence

increasingly grise, Nigel wangled a role on the 1st XI from 1992, abandoning me and Chapel Hall for the glories of the Square and a partnership with that tracksuited sage Noel Bennett which they enjoyed for more than fifteen years. It didn’t go unnoticed that he casually slid back into this enviable slot on his return from Repton Dubai after a brief and successful show of solidarity with us lesser coaches on the 2nd XI. Undoubtedly, his partnership with MMC and Ash Hill on the 1st XI in recent years has given Nigel some of his happiest memories of Repton, as a succession of outstanding individuals and great teams have achieved so much. Matt Carrington would be the first to attest to the vital help he has received from Nigel in attending to the many needs of the Repton football machine, particularly when the former was a Housemaster. Indeed, the sum total of Nigel’s years spent on coach journeys to away matches probably exceeds the life spans of our newer entrants. Sadly, his own sporting career (as a stalwart of the Repton staff football and cricket teams) has been somewhat truncated by persistent injury. Unhappily, Nigel seems to have been gifted hamstrings tighter than a bursar’s purse and more recent decades have often been spent in recovery from a resurgent run. His preferred aquatic method of rehabilitation has mystified generations of Reptonians who, on seeing him striding across the shallow end of the pool in a rubber ring, have long considered him perhaps the most persistently inadequate swimmer in history.


Nigel was more fortunate in his attachment to New House as a tutor and then to The Hall as Resident Tutor, with the example of Messrs Muir and Scott preparing him well for his own very happy 11-year stint as Housemaster of New House, or Kew House, as the house sign was creatively vandalised to read. The kindness so evident elsewhere in his teaching life and the high standards he insisted upon prompted a flourishing generation of green-shirted loyalists.

It is often forgotten that Nigel was one of the first staff to venture overseas to work in the Repton Family of Schools – at Repton Dubai 2008-2010 on the SMT as Head of Boarding – but his true motivation was probably more to do with sunshine than educational initiatives. No-one feels the cold more than Nigel and he exists in a near-hypothermic state for most of the winter timetable, surviving only through regular forays to Cayman and the Canaries and carefully selected football tours to Florida and Spain.

One persistent professional thread has been his love of teaching German – and French when that wasn’t possible. He has been acting Head of Department in his time and has always done much to maintain links with our many and valued German ORs. This has been a career full of activity: Assistant Director to Martin Amherst Lock for some of the finest school plays witnessed

here (one thinks of ‘Oh, What A Lovely War’, ‘Cabaret’ and ‘Much Ado About Nothing’), putting on Junior School plays, singing in the Chapel Choir since 2010 and MusSoc before that, involvement and management of 9 Pedants shows (the true gauge of a Repton schoolmaster and including his masterful turn in ‘La Comedie Francaise’), a house tutor in recent years in The Priory, running the General Knowledge Quiz since 2011, and working in the OR Office. Mighty new staff should look on his works and prepare.

Now Nigel departs for a quieter life in the West Country. I feel personally disadvantaged by this decision, given he is the only person to whom I could refer pupils with the phrase: ‘You’ll have to ask Mr Kew: he remembers when this was all just fields’. Nigel has given much of his life to Repton: it is our debt of gratitude that will be repaid time and again with genuine affection by a host of Old Reptonians and colleagues, delighted to see him in future years at OR events, on the touchline of a Dunn game, or back at Repton slipping unobtrusively into the Undercroft one breaktime. For Nigel, Repton is his ‘heimat’ and we will miss him.


He came with a very impressive pedigree: from a family of international competitors and highly-regarded coaches and a seasoned international himself, he had represented New Zealand in World Championships, Commonwealth Games and two Olympics – Sydney in 2000 and Athens in 2004. Joining from one of Australia’s biggest swimming clubs and its national team programme, Scott instantly made an impact as Director of Swimming. His job was, ultimately, to make Reptonians go faster in the pool and he certainly did that. The technical input he provided was outstanding, as was his attention to detail: in a sport of small margins, he knew where to find them. The programme - very much in its infancy at that stage –met with immediate success and he saw two of his swimmers crowned British Champions in 2022 and Repton leading the medal tables at county and regional events.

Beyond the swimming pool and Sports Centre, Scott took the chance to get involved in Repton life to the full. His debut in the staff cricket team saw a direct hit run-out and some decent bowling figures, as well as using his iPhone on the pitch to mark his run-up out. He was a popular and well-liked member of the Common Room and his Aussie tones were always welcome over a coffee, despite JGG questioning his choice of jeans as a dress code for the Headmaster’s announcements. Many will also remember how he wrestled himself into a shirt and tie in the Headmaster’s garden, just in time for the Common Room photo!

Scott is an exceptional coach and his legacy is a swimming programme that continues to rocket forwards at great speed. His impact was appreciated by many, as was seen with the superb turnout from Repton Swimming at a gathering to wish him well for his new role. During their time at Repton, Scott and his wife Lucy were joined by Charlotte, a younger sister to Bella, and now as a family of four they leave for Canada where Scott will take the post of Head Coach at the National Performance Centre in Vancouver. We wish them well and thank Scott for the invaluable part he has played in putting Repton Swimming onto the national stage so quickly. IMP

Scott and his family arrived in August 2020, fresh from some pretty severe lockdowns in Australia and straight into English life for the first time.

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U14B U14C

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pages 78-79


pages 76-77


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page 70

Beauty and the Beast

pages 66-68


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pages 51-53


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pages 48-49


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Congratulations Jenna!

pages 36-37


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pages 4-6
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