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New Head of Biology Nick Gardner arrives with a wealth of experience, having taught at St Edward’s Oxford, King’s College School, Wimbledon and Dulwich College, the latter as Head of Biology and Co-Director of Science. His degree in Natural Sciences from Birmingham was followed by a Masters in Learning and Teaching at Oxford, where he also won a Blue in rugby alongside two caps for England Students. Nick has carried his passion for sport into his life at Repton, dedicating much of his time to coaching the 1st VII rugby players, as well as managing U14 football and cricket teams, supporting the RAF division of the CCF, leading the Biology Society and tutoring in New House. There is no denying that he has got stuck in! He is joined by his partner Rachel, dog Caesar and cats Kubo and Pedro.

Dream job as a child?

Professional rugby player. I was offered a contract but decided to continue my teaching career instead.

Favourite thing about being a teacher?

Getting out of the classroom. I love exploring my subject through field trips, as well as all of the co-curricular activities.

Pineapple on pizza?

Yes: Pepperoni Passion + pineapple is The One.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Seeing orangutans in Borneo or diving a coral reef and seeing octopuses in the wild – sorry, my inner Biologist coming through!

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I’ve never lost a rugby match at Twickenham: played/coached five, won five.

Pip Sanders

Old Reptonian and former member of The Garden, Pip Sanders returned to Repton this year as part of the Graduate Assistant team. After school, Pip studied Sports Science and Management at Nottingham Trent and obtained her PGCE with the University of Buckingham. Before joining us she was Head of Girls’ Sport and Housemistress at Pangbourne College.

Unsurprisingly, Pip slotted straight back into life at Repton, coaching sport across all three terms, and taking a ‘transfer’ to The Mitre as a tutor, and she is also busy with Repton Hockey Club. She moves on after this year to pastures new but come back again soon!

What kind of pupil were you at school?


If you could talk to your 15-year old self, what would you say? Make the most of all the opportunities available to you, be present, and don’t worry about the small things.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party? David Attenborough. Billie Jean King. Princess Anne.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Visiting the Taj Mahal.

What is your guilty pleasure? Bulls Head pizza.


Robert Metcalfe joined us in September 2022 as a Teacher of Spanish and French. Having grown up in Ireland, Robert gained a joint-honours degree in Spanish and French from Queen’s University Belfast, before heading over to England to obtain a PGCE from York. In addition to his classroom duties, he has also taken up the role of resident tutor in The Orchard and is coaching the school fencing team. After life in the city of St Albans at his previous school, a return to the countryside suits Robert and his husband well, and he can often be seen walking their excitable Golden Retriever around the grounds, usually swamped by adoring pupils! Robert enjoys the theatre and travelling, and is also an active supporter of the Albert Kennedy Trust, a youth charity which helps vulnerable and homeless LGBTQ+ teenagers.

Dream job as a child? Weatherman.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Joan Rivers for the fun. Stephen Fry for the conversation. Gordon Ramsey for the food.

Establishment or Revolutionary?

Being Irish, I think revolution is in my blood.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Open a dog rescue centre.

Share one surprising fact about yourself.

I have a slight phobia of oranges; they freak me out. I love orange juice but something about actual oranges is evil. It’s the bumpy skin, the weird pith, the way they burst juice when you bite into them. I’m getting nauseous even writing this.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I can’t even say I feel that guilty about it- I love Madonna. Pretty obsessed.

Shane Hill

Shane Hill has spent two terms at Repton, taking on a maternity cover position as a Teacher of Design and Technology. A native New Zealander, he has been teaching in secondary schools since 2007, following a degree in Computer Graphic Design and a post-graduate Diploma of Teaching, and we will be sad to see him leave both the department and his tutoring role in School House. But we wish him luck in his new post at Cranleigh from September.

What kind of pupil were you at school?

Focussed and sporty.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?

Kurt Cobain. Dave Grohl. Martin Crowe (NZ cricket great).

Favourite biscuit? To dunk or not to dunk?

Gingernut dunker.

What is at the top of your bucket list? Visit Jerusalem.

What would your superpower be?

Flight, for sure. Bird envy!!

What is your guilty pleasure?

We call them Weetbix in NZ. Weetabix just isn’t the same. (And golden syrup on top).

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