August 2021

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Articles In This Issue


Page 1: Pat Farrell Page 3: SABOR Page 7: The Way I See It Featuring: Cathey Meyer Page 11: AREAA Featuring: Quynh Nguyen Page 13: NARPM Article Featuring: Brenda Davila Page 14: Guest Column Featuring: Brad Smilgin

August 2021

Where You Born In The Month Of August? Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer

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The year 2021 seems to be moving rather quickly as we are now in one of the final months of Summer. August is another one of those months named after Caesar, but in this case it is named for Augustus Caesar rather than Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar, or Octavian as he was originally named, was the adopted son of the Roman leader Julius Caesar and following the assassination of his father he became a junior partner of a political alliance known as the Second Triumvirate, which also included Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus. As the staunchest supporters of Julius Caesar this threesome was formed to overtake and remove from power, the assassin, Marcus Brutus and his co-conspirator, Gaius Cassius, who was the leading instigator of the assassination. After they were successful in retaking power, Octavian was responsible for changing rule in Rome from being recognized as a Republic, under Triumvirate rule, to being known as an Empire controlled by an Emperor. In any case thanks to Augustus, we now have August! There has been much research into the characteristics and/or traits of August born babies, some of which indicates that many have higher birth weights, grow to be taller, and con-

sider themselves to be lucky, with a tendency to enjoy a positive, upbeat attitude. And while they may also be less likely to experience certain types of mental issues, they are also less likely to attend or graduate from college as do those born in September. Due to the time of the year that they are born, August children may also be the subjects of “redshirting,” a practice whereby those who are eligible age wise, but are deemed to be not quite ready yet, are held back a year from entering school. So, depending on which year they start school they are either the youngest or the oldest among their classmates. On the astrological calendar, babies born between August 1st and August 22nd fall under Leo while those born between August 23rd and August 31st are Virgos. If you are an August baby or know anyone born in August you may recognize many of the traits considered good or not so good that seem to define the August born. Overall, on the one side Leos are found to be honest, energetic, optimistic, and loyal but are also headstrong dominant, egoistic, and aggressive, whereas Virgos are considered practical, intelligent, reliable and are perfectionists but can also be judgmental, harsh, overcritical, and conservative. It has been said that since those born in August are being ruled by the Sun and the Moon, they can be quite different but interesting. They have unique traits that set them apart from most others and their intelligence, magnetism and stunning personality never fail to catch the attention of others. However, they are not the easiest kids to raise as they seldom listen to parental advice, strive to become independent from a young age and tend to leave home quite early. But one thing you can be sure to notice is that August folks are ‘always right’ and will readily let you know that, because they have usually collected all the necessary data beforehand so they will have their facts straight, of which they will certainly assure you! Regardless of the astrological

sign it can be amazing to see just how much energy the August people have as they never seem to be tired and work long hours to achieve their goals which can be many and varied. They do not need an external push as most are totally self-motivated with strong personalities that lead them on to accomplish the impossible and overcome roadblocks as they occur. Failures do not seem to bother them as they are willing to try and try again. Since blessed with high selfesteem, Leos are ready to blaze a trail and make a name for themselves and are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and work to get the job done. Sounds like a great candidate for leadership! On one hand, August folks may avoid face-to-face discussions that might involve revealing anything about their personal feelings, yet they thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends. They find that it is easier to translate their feelings and thoughts via the written word which often tends to make them good writers. Friends of an August person may run into difficulties trying to pin him/her down to spending time with them as they put themselves first and will turn down a plan that does not fit in with their agenda or their idea of fun. On the other hand, they are very loyal once they care about or become close to someone and will actually be very protective of the individual and once they decide to make friends with someone they are usually friends for life! August borns are always straightforward in what they have to say as they do not see any point in lying so will always give nothing but the truth which would include responding to a request for an opinion, so it would be good that the asker be ready to accept a truthful opinion. They are tolerant and can stand a lot of nonsense until pushed too far and then watch out! As their attitude towards life is free spirited their attention span is limited so consequentially they are very selective when making friends as they set high standards for themselves and others

with whom they associate. They look for genuine people and expect those selected to make sincere attempts to get to know them better. August borns are highly appreciative of such people and find them to be special. It takes a lot to make an August born angry as they will put up with much until they are pushed too far and may become quite angry. They can be diligent students if they are learning things that interest them and tend to have a good understanding of subjects as a whole but may miss important details too. Their passion and determination usually make them successful entrepreneurs as they are not afraid to take risks and enjoy being in charge of their creations. The do not waste money and tend to think long-term when it comes to investing. They can be risky and competitive people as their goal is to be number one and succeed in everything they attempt. And, while their creativity and ambitions make them excellent employees, their best job is to be a boss of their own company. Our August borns can be major procrastinators, are frequently late to engagements and detest being criticized, however their generosity and big-heartedness are certainly not lacking as it is Leos especially that would give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it and they are known for giving the most unique and best birthday and holiday gifts. Unfortunately, this could cause some to claim friendship for their own gain and nothing more. By now I am sure you have recognized someone that you know to be strongly endowed with these characteristics even though you did not previously know, in what month they were born - I know I sure do! And, as previously noted, those born in August are unique people, and we are fortunate that they walk among us with all their accomplishments, however, it should be noted that those born during other months may also strongly exhibit some of these characteristics just usually not all of them working together. So, cheers to the August borns – we appreciate you!


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

Signs Of The Times

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(210) 508-0888 Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232

Managing Editor...........Courtney Smith Contributing Writers:......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists.....................Quynh Nguyen ...........................................Brenda Davila Business Development .......Joyce Orts Area Sales Director..........Rose Stewart .............................................210.386.6544 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed.

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August 2021

Inman Select – A Member Benefit There are many perks to being a SABOR member and one of those is access to Inman Select. Real estate industry professionals around the world turn to Inman for innovative and timely information about the business. S A B O R i s p r o u d t o o ff e r I n m a n Select to members at no cost—a $199 value! Select connects you to the latest news, powerful insights, objective analysis, special reports and the numbers behind the news. In addition to having access to the articles on Inman, get an all-access pass to the live stream o f C o n n e c t ’s k e y n o t e s p e a k e r s .

Vi e w t h e s e s s i o n s a s t h e y h a p p e n or catch the recordings after the c o n f e r e n c e . Yo u c a n a l s o a c c e s s educational and product demo webinars as well as hear what established and upcoming real estate leaders have to say about trends, day-to-day life, and the future of real estate. To c l a i m y o u r I n m a n S e l e c t account, simply email communic a t i o n s @ s a b o r. c o m w i t h y o u r n a m e a n d l i c e n s e n u m b e r. T h e s e t u p t a k e s j u s t a m o m e n t . To s t a y up to date with events and other news happening at SABOR, follow SABOR on Facebook and Tw i t t e r.

Real Estate Newsline

John Neely welcomes Alex Baldwin to Mission Title as an Escrow Assistant!

Gregg Lyssy of Mission Title displays his “catch”



Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

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TREPAC Bowling Night

Rebecca Byers, Brick & Stone Realty and Dennis Walker, Guest

Bob Leonard, RE/MAX Associates and Marty Hutchison, Property Management SVC of TX

Lauren Gonzalez, SABOR

Sara Gerrish, RE/MAX Unlimited, Beatrice Briseno, RE/MAX Unlimited

Bob Jacobs, RE/MAX Associates, Brett Jan Hicinbothom, RE/MAX Associates





Finley, SABOR and

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Kim Miller-Perry, Keller Williams Heritage, Pat Farrell, Real Estate Newsline and Rebecca Byers, Brick & Stone Realty


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

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August 2021

THE WAY I SEE IT Cathey Meyer / Contributing Writer

Remember the Alamo? Seventh grade history was a forgettable experience for me. Everyday that year, I wandered into a windowless classroom that served as a Spanish zone most of the day. My third period history class was ‘taught’ by an unmotivated assistant football coach who never made it to the classroom on time, complained about the frilly travel décor in the room, and usually forgot his handouts because the mimeograph machine was out of fluid by the time he wandered into the workroom to prepare for his one academic class. His other classes were in the gym making middle school boys miserable with generic P.E. exercises. Back in the late 1900’s, when paddling was acceptable discipline, both teachers and students had smoking areas on school campuses, and gender assigned females were prohibited from wearing pants to public schools, education marched to a very different drummer. Recalling any details about Texas history from those days are blurred by the memory of Sharon Secrest being the

first girl to shave her legs (showing them off while we waited for Coach Arnold to appear) and watching Bruce Nontog trade cigarettes for Hostess Ding Dongs. He did not smoke but had a regular supply from his drug dealing older brother to up his lunch game. This was more a streetwise health and math class than a beloved history lesson. The history of our treasured Alamo is now a daily current event power play of politicians and historians battling over authenticity and Coach Arnold’s questionable details of the Battle. Watching the post-Battle of the Alamo is an education in itself. Turns out, the history taught for generations may or may not be an accurate accounting of the times. Chapter 7 of my Texas history textbook was most likely written by ‘historians’ who had a particular lens to the actions of the Alamo warriors. The more I witness ancestors of the times come forward, the more I am curious about what was left out of the histo-

Real Estate Newsline

ry books. I would not say that the history book was incorrect, I would just note error by omission. Coach Arnold was more of a generalist with his history lessons. He was not so much an inaccurate instructor but more of an incomplete reviewer. The only recall I have of my middle school Texas history class was the need to get smooth legs like Sharon. Of course, there were films of the Alamo history. No coach worth his whistle would provide and educational experience without film. Granted, sometimes it was the game film from the previous week, sometimes it was a science film as the wrong one was sent from the film of the week place, and sometimes it was an actual history film to enhance our reading experience. These were historic times before VCR’s, DVD’s and internet. Most of the film experience was waiting for the projector to be threaded or waiting for someone to bring in a new bulb for the burnt out one in the projector. As an over-educated adult, the entertainment of watching our new battle of the Alamo in these times of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ rights, COVID mask mandates and Olympic trials have sparked an ever so slight interest in this fact versus the authenticity of Phil Colins memorabilia. Suddenly, my memory is rattled with questions of what exactly was in Chapter 7 of that long-forgotten history book. I remember looking at a color illustration of angry men charging a wall, but who these men were is not in my recall bank.


I remember the five questions at the end of the chapter that offered a multiple choice of answers on the correct response of who did what, but in reality, I recall no details of the questions. It was easy enough to find the correct answer if you looked on Bruce Nontog’s paper. The real goal of seventh grade history was to get out of third period and on to lunch. Back in the day, we did not ponder the political correctness of representation at the Alamo. No one ever mentioned women or children, slaves and slave owners, ethnic origins, land rights or burial grounds. Natives of San Antonio just understood that if you wandered downtown, eventually a stranger would ask you,“Where is the Alamo?” Usually. you could point behind them to the historic structure wedged between hotels and hear them say,“It’s so small!” The sad reality is most of us have no clue what the true history of the Battle of the Alamo involves—including the political clowns attempting to censor those who might actually educate us. Coach Arnold, John Wayne, and Phil Colins all have a say in the history of the Alamo. Whether it is fact or fiction is for literate readers to research, evaluate and make educated conclusions on their own. Folks of a certain age all had a Coach Arnold impart a lack of history on their academic lives and most of us progressed on to very different interests in life. Here’s to the historians attempting to clarify history. I need to find a Ding Dong for dessert.


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

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Movement Mortgage Happy Hour at Pick’s

Dina Aultman, guest, Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title and Christina Maudsley, Keller Williams Legacy

Allison Lynch, Insurance professional with Brad Dawson and Megan Whitmore, both Movement Mortgage

Katherine Tichenor and James Boggs, both Movement Mortgage

Robert and Crystal Villanueva, both Movement Mortgage with Chad Watson and Varl Marsek, both Keller Williams Heritage and Victor Maas, Maas Law Firm

Brad Dawson, Movement Mortgage and Rudy Rubio III, New York Life Insurance Company

Gina Salazar, RentWerx, Megan Whitmore, Movement Mortgage and Sydney Rodriguez, RentWerx

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

April Rosado, Bobby Elizondo, Frankee Chapa and Diana NelsonPedraza, all RE/MAX North- San Antonio

Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

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August 2021

AREAA Quynh Nguyen / President of San Antonio Chapter of AREAA

Real Estate & Festivals - Asian Style Nationally, the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) was founded in 2003 as a nonprofit trade organization dedicated to improving the lives of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community through homeownership. There are currently more than 17,000 members. Locally, there is a relatively large number of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) REALTORS® that serve the local diverse community along with the Asian American and Pacific Islander home buyers and sellers. AREAA is dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market. In 2016 the national organization tapped REALTOR® Ojas Tasker

to look into establishing a local chapter in San Antonio. After overcoming many obstacles to being recognized as a minority organization that represents the large number of local REALTORS® that serve an equally large Asian American and Pacific Islander population the chapter was finally established in 2018 with Ojas Tasker as the first President of the Board. After the slow start, the Chapter has for the last few years had an active nine member board of directors and the membership is currently at more than 60 and continues to grow. Due to the Covid Pandemic the installation of the local 2021 AREAA Board was delayed but was finally held in April at the beautiful San Antonio Japanese Tea Garden. Sister Chapters from around Texas and other states were in attendance along with local and state government officials. The evening was very festive in typical Asian fashion

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and speaking of fashion, there was even a fashion show with many male escorts and female models who all wore typical Asian dress. We were fortunate to be invited to use the facilities at Aligned Mortgage on Summit Parkway for our most recent event that was our annual International Potluck Lunch. There were dishes from so many of the Asian countries including Vietnam, China, Korea, and Indonesia, to name a few, and there were even Mexican and Irish dishes there, too. The attendance was great and we anticipate that when we hold this event again next year that the crowd will be even larger as it has become quite popular. Looking forward to the months ahead the chapter has a number of festive, typically Asian events planned to which all are invited. Notice of all events as they come up will be posted on our Facebook page where you may register to join us. Some of these events include the Mid-Autumn Festival which will be held in the Riverwalk area and the Diwali Festival of Lights to be held later in the year. We also have plans in August to reserve a local theater and arrange for a local showing of the Asian film, “Paper Tiger.” Stay tuned, be on the lookout for flyers and be sure to check our Facebook page for updates. But we are not all about festi-


vals as we have an active governmental affairs presence and have successfully lobbied in the past to persuade the US Census Bureau to track and include Asian housing data as a standalone category in its quarterly reports on homeownership by race and ethnicity. AREAA also collaborated to create translated resources in Chinese for Limited English Proficient (LEP) borrowers. Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog are set to launch this year. AREAA helped change underwriting standards to more fairly account for student loans that were in deferment when calculating a borrower’s debtto-income ratio. We do not plan to rest on our laurels though as there is more to do and this year as we follow our Three Point Plan which is available on the AREAA website. I would personally like to invite you to join us as we celebrate the events important within the AAPI cultures and we welcome you to look into joining AREAA. Be on the lookout next for information about the viewing of “Paper Tiger.”


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

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August 2021

NARPM Brenda Davila / SAMAC, NARPM Vice President

What Might We Expect When The Eviction Moratorium Express? The eviction moratorium is set to expire on what was appointed “the last extension”, on July 31, 2021. Come August 1st, what might we expect? Eviction court to be inundated with court dates for new and earlier eviction filings? That is yet to be determined. Although evictions were still happening depending on the situation, some managers and landlords were not able to move forward with their filings due to covid restrictions and the eviction moratorium. Instead of waiting, some decided to opt in to programs such as the Texas Eviction Diversion Program or to assist in applying for rent relief programs on behalf of their tenants. Property managers have maintained patience and continue to work with their tenants to work out payment arrangements and keep close contact as some await pending rent relief money to arrive and others await their court date.

In last month's article, I mentioned there were still programs available for rent and utility relief such as the Texas Rent Relief ( As of today, the website's data indicates 88,998 households have been assisted and total paid has been $558,081,907. This does not include the additional households who have been approved or are in progress. As we near the expiration date, communication is vital. Reach out to your tenants who are making partial payments or no payments at all and remind them that the balance will be due come August 1 or they may face eviction. When I reviewed the website, it appeared they are still accepting applications and did not list an end date. The program does have eligibility requirements so review the website as soon as possible to take advantage of the opportunity to help your property owner recoup delayed

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rent, your tenant to stay in place and for you to recoup your management fees. Preparedness is also important in order to know how to transition or move forward with your tenant on August 1st. Should you find yourself facing the eviction process, make sure records are readily available and well documented. If your tenant has been paying partial rent and if under agreement, honor until the end date and then you can revisit and discuss if you will continue on a payment arrangement, request payment in full, renew or not renew the lease. Also, take a moment to be thankful for the tenants who remained great communicators and for those who had the ability to pay on time to keep your business afloat. Maybe offer an incentive at renewal time to let your tenant know that you appreciate them and their honesty and effort. Let’s not forget throughout this time period, it’s been extremely stressful for some and although we might not hear much about it, I’m sure tenants are worried that their protection periods are ending and how they’re going to handle the outcome. Graciousness and gratitude will go a long way in order to be able to keep it together and do the right thing. I admire our NARPM property management community, as you have been in the trenches helping your landlords


and tenants in finding financial assistance and you’ve been attending our educational events to take in as much vital information in order to navigate in this unprecedented time. You’ve shown resilience, have learned to adapt, improve and develop. You are all the more knowledgeable and more in demand to do your job effectively and eloquently. Thank you for all you do and hope for the best! Please review our August calendar of events: ●SAMAC EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING 11 Aug 2021 10:00 AM • Zoom ● HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 12 Aug 2021 7:30 AM • 311 Probandt, San Antonio, TX 78204 ● SAMAC EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING 08 Sep 2021 10:00 AM • Zoom *2021 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable events. To accommodate our members and affiliates, educational classes will be available both hybrid and in person. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events, please visit: h t t p : / / w w w. s a n a r p m . w i l d a p r i


Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

Guest Column Brad Smilgin / GRI Immediate Past President

HOA Legislative Updates In the June issue of Newsline, I posted a lengthy column regarding proposed legislation supported by Texas Realtors that affected the community association industry and the ensuing battle of perspectives. At issue were HB 3367 and the nearly identical SB 1588. These bills proposed some pretty significant changes that could adversely affect the finances of homeowner associations, and by proxy, the individual homeowners. Fairly soon after my last column was published, the Texas Legislature went forward with SB 1588 and it was signed into law by Gov. Abbott on June 18, 2021. This column is an update on what actually made it through to the governor’s desk. There were some compromises made for the bill to pass. A few items deal with how an POA can enforce the community standards. Other items deal with how the associations must deal with delinquent homeowners. (POA is a catchall for Property Owner Association which includes Homeowner and Condominium Associations) I will try to give a brief but detailed listing so not all issues in the bill will be covered: Effective immediately Displays of Certain Religious Items - A POA may only adopt restrictions regulations the displays of religious items if it: (1) is a threat to public health or safety; (2) violates the laws (excluding laws prohibiting the display of religious speech); (3) is patently offensive due to its language or graphics (not its religious content); or (4) is installed on a common area, property owned/maintained by the POS, in violation of the building line, rightof-way, setback, or easement, or attached to a traffic control devices, street lamp, fire hydrant, or utility sign. Effective September 1, 2021 Swimming Pool Enclosures - A POA cannot restrict an owner from installing a swimming pool enclosure that conforms to applicable state or local safety requirements. An HOA may adopt restrictions regulating the appearance, provided that the enclosure is black in color and consists of transparent mesh set in metal frames is not prohibited. Security Measures - Not applic-

able to COAs or master mixed-use POAs - Except for regulating the installation of security cameras in a place other than an owner’s private property or the type of security fencing an owner may install, a POA may not adopt or enforce restrictions that prevent an owner from building or installing security measures (including a security camera, motion detector, or perimeter fence). Architectural Review Committee (ARC) aka Architectural Control Committee or ACC - Subject to development period exceptions, a person may not be appointed or elected to serve on the ARC if they are: • A current board member; • A spouse of a current board member; or • A person residing in the household of a current board member Open Board Meetings - Biggest change here is that the notice requirement for regular board meetings doubles from 72 hours to 144 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Notice Required Before Enforcement Action - A “209” Notice (a notice that contains language that satisfies any requirements in Property Code 209) must be sent before reporting a delinquency of an owner to a credit reporting service. Third Party Collections - A POA must provide a period of 45 days for an owner to cure their delinquency before further collection action is taken if they want to be able to recover incurred collection fees from the owner. It used to be 30 days. Credit Reporting Services - A POA may only report such delinquent payment history of assessments, fines, and fees if: (1) the POA has provided the owner with a report of all delinquent charges owed at least 30 days before reporting to the credit reporting service; and (2) the owner has been given the opportunity to enter a payment plan. Regulation of Residential Leases or Rental Agreements - Would permit a POA to request the following be submitted to the POA regarding a lease/rental applicant: (1) contact information, including the name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of each person who will reside at the property; and (2) the commencement date and term of the lease.

Follow Us @renewsline Delivery of Subdivision Information to Owner - Caps charges for resale certificates at $375. If a POA fails to timely (5 business days) deliver the information required under Section 207.003, owners are now entitled to seek judgement for up to $5,000 (increased from $500). Online Subdivision Information Requirements - Applicable to POAs of at least 60 lots or those with a contracted management company Current versions of its dedicatory instruments (aka governing documents) available to its members online on a website maintained by the POA or its management company. Management Certificates - Not later than the 7th day after a POA files or amends a management certificate, the POA shall e-file such management certificate or amended management certificate with the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) for the purpose of making the data accessible online to the general public. Efiling with TREC required by June 1, 2022. Owner will not be liable for attorneys’ fees incurred by a POA relating to collections of assessments or the interest on such amounts if the attorneys’ fees or interest accrue during the period a management certificate is not recorded with a county clerk or e-filed with TREC. So really, there are not any big changes on the aesthetic side of an association. Most of the bill seems to be aimed at making sure that the homeowners in a community association get a sufficient amount of notification in regard to their obligations to their association. This includes the association making sure that any information about the community is readily available. Alternately, that includes information helpful to the association as related to who is living in the community in a leasing situation. Some of the stickier parts of the legislation deal with the association hitting required timeframes and increased penalties, but overall, none of the changes this legislation implements should be unmanageable for competent boards or management companies (like mine, for example). In my opinion, this bill turned out to be way more mild that either side of the debate probably expected. Texas Realtors got most of what they asked for and the community associations are just going to have to jump through a few more hoops, but it could have been much worse. Mainly my concern during this process has always been that Texas Realtors, in their quest to “protect” individual homeowners has been blind to how community associations operate and why they exist in the first place. If its not clear, the reason community associations exist is to protect the investment of a group of homeowners. They are the most local

of entities with a fiduciary duty to protect and preserve property values for its members. As I noted in the last column, the association’s money is the homeowner’s money. Any legislation enacted that increases costs for the association ultimately increases costs to the homeowner. Any extension of timelines for the collection of delinquent accounts, keeps money out of the community’s funds for a longer time, thus making those monies unavailable for use for community improvements or even just regular maintenance. In my role as the owner of a community management company, our first duty is the well-being of the association. That means we, as a management company, along with the HOA boards we assist, must make decisions based on what is best for the association overall instead of what might accommodate an individual homeowner’s present situation. I can see where this would make that board of directors seem not very compassionate, but sometimes they have larger fish to fry than a homeowner needing a payment plan to meet their obligations. Again, I am not making a defense of rouge or power-hungry board members, which are out there. Also, in my role as a REALTOR, where our first duty is to the well-being of our client, I can appreciate the parts of this bill that makes information about the POA more seemingly more accessible. Referencing POA basic information being published by TREC: At least the real estate community has a familiar public resource for this information. The deadlines for an association (or management company) to supply association information for resale are certainly helpful in making a sale transaction go smoothly. I just want to reiterate that while purchasing a home in a community association is a voluntary choice for a homeowner, they may not be fully aware of the obligations and responsibilities that go along with that purchase. I once again implore you, as a competent real estate professional, to be as proactive as possible when you find out that the home your client desires is subject to mandatory HOA membership. Contact the board of directors. Contact the management company. Get as much information to your client as possible as soon as possible so they can make an informed decision. They will thank you for it. Brad Smilgin - CMCA, GRI, TRLP has been a licensed REALTOR for over 16 years and is the owner of REPM Association Management. Feel free to contact him with any HOA questions. Call me at: (210) 775-8234 or email me at:

August 2021

Real Estate Newsline


Guild Mortgage Foodie Friday

Sarah Blomstrom, Chicago Title and Desaree LaMacchia, Guild Mortgage

Christy Johnson, home warranty professional, Tracy Blackwell, T Blackwell Insurance Group, Patrick Moore, Guild Mortgage and Pamela Douglas, Engel & Volkers San Antonio

Pamela Neel, Keller Williams City View and Christy Johnson, home warranty professional.

Andrew and Desaree LaMacchia, both Guild Mortgage with Renae Poss, JB Goodwin

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FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation

16 1-Sep

Real Estate Newsline Nelson Torres

Believe Realty

Sharon Ruffo

Realty Executives of S.A.

Aaron (Tommy) Hines

August 2021


Reliance Residential Realty

Follow Us @renewsline

Darline Hoffman

Keller Williams Boerne

Elsa Leon Garcia

Realty Executives of S.A.

Emilo Alcazar

BHHS Don Johnson Realtors

Jim Kolodziej

Phyllis Browning Company

Della Owen


Suzanne Menick

South Texas Realty Services

Jessica Stagers

M. Stagers Realty Partners

Trish Herzig

Old Republic Title

Jorge Lizalde

eXp Realty

Jessica Carreon

Old Republic Title

Lucy Lozano

Century 21 Northside

Melonie Sellge

Old Republic Title

Evelyn Thomas

Hardie & Associates

Carlos Fernandez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bruce Balfour

eXp Realty

Keri Yuretich

Independence Title

Heather Duffin

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Ron Reyes

Keller Williams Heritage

Libby Ross

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

April Maldonado

RE/MAX North-San Antonio

Danny Herndon

Century 21 Northside

Maritza Venzor

Terri Velarde

Old Republic Title

Tony Carl Bagley

Century 21 Northside

James Sherrod

JB Goodwin Realtors

Miriam Campos

Century 21 Northside

Bill Williamson

Property RE Services of TX

Sylvia Santos

Realty Executives of S.A.

Carol McLeod

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jesse Haro

Jesse Haro Realtors

Alfred Perez

Century 21 Northside

Lisa Grove

Phyllis Browning Company


Lisa Marie Heman

eXp Realty

Mike LaMacchia

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Mary Ed Meller

Premier Realty Group


Phyllis Trolinger

RE/MAX Preferred

Lexi Bartolomei

Phyllis Browning Company

Chris Wilson

Old Republic Title

Sylvia Moore

Garrett Wright Properties

Dale Lewis

Old Republic Title

Celina Lopez

Century 21 Northside

Diana Tamez

RE/MAX Associates

Joe Davalos

C21 Davalos

Luis Mongiello

Keller Williams City View

Keith Roland

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Simon Arcos

Keller Williams Legacy

Monica Garza

BHGRE Homecity

Claudia Nolen

Phyllis Browning Company

Norma Rodriguez

Premier Realty Group

Brenda Baldwin

eXp Realty

Blain Johnson

JB Goodwin Realtors

Paula Lopez

RE/MAX Associates

Scarlett Wolter

LoneStar Properties

Steve Mendoza

Premier Realty Group

Courtney Smith

Real Estate Newsline

Kevin McCullar

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Linda Talbott

Keller Williams Legacy

Lisa Castillo

REAL Broker

Ryan Mazza

Century 21 Northside

Chris Villanueva

Keller Williams City View

Glenn Gaiser

Glenn Gaiser Broker

Terence Kiehne

Woolsey Realty

Rick Kuper

Kuper Sotheby’s International

Annette Skalomenos

Jennifer Shemwell

hyllis Browning Company

Lisa Harder

RE/MAX Associates

Richard Osburn

RE/MAX Preferred

Teresa Brown

Brown Realty

Craig Ross

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Robert Evans

Reliance Residential Realty

Kathryn Budde

Keller Williams Boerne

Marian Knowlton

South Texas Lands

Jana Perdue

RE/MAX Associates

Tom Harris

Harris Company, Realtors

David Vaello

Marick Realty

Robert Garcia

Century 21 Northside

Marty Shields

Premier Realty Group

Tiffany Alvarez

Home Team of America

Leah Hart

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Ester Morin

Icon Realty

Jack Allen

Offer Pad

Susan Marburger

San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Patti Bennett

Patti Bennett Homes

John Allerton

Simmonds Real Estate

Ann Jones

Phyllis Browning Company

Lorenzo Garza

Home Team of America

Lee Allen

Realty Executives of S.A.

Sally Blaschke

Keller Williams Legacy

Karen Dixon

San Antonio Better Homes

Mary Badillo


Maria Foley

Icon Realty

Amelia Campos

Vortex Realty




7-Sep 8-Sep


Luz Moreno

Better Real Estate

Tom Smith

Real Estate Newsline

Kim Clark



13-Sep 14-Sep






Keller Williams City View


Home Team of America 23-Sep


25-Sep 26-Sep

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper 27-Sep


Jeff Romo

BHGRE Homecity

Rodeana Reynolds


Susan Jones

JB Goodwin Realtors

Rosalinda Tomlin

RE/MAX Alamo Realty

Susan Sanders

Real Estate 210

Lucy Novak

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Alex Perches

Middleton Group Realty

Art Meister

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jorge Gonzalez

Keller Williams Heritage

Mark Stillings

JB Goodwin

Phyllis Williams

Old Republic Title

Margie Martinez

Old Republic Title

Tara Allman

Keller Williams Heritage

Josh Conley

Old Republic Title

Joe Minus

Realty Executives of S.A.

Alicia Mendez

Keller Williams City View

Silvia Sahagun

RE/MAX Realty Advantage

Rey Silva

eXp Realty

Rick Brown

Realty Executives of S.A.

Sara Trimyer

eXp Realty

Laurel Lewis

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Steven Rowden





August 2021

Joseph & Andrew Gutierrez always knew what they wanted to be at 12 years old. Every Saturday morning when most kids were watching cartoons, Joseph & Andrew were helping their uncle promote the family business by going door to door hand delivering flyers. After being encouraged at such a young age to pursue the family business, Joseph & Andrew wanted to take the family business to the next level. Joseph is now a Master Plumber & Andrew is a Journey Plumber. To become a Master plumber, you have to first become a Journeyman, attain a 2 year Apprenticeship, and after 4 years, you have to take a test to become a Master Plumber. Every plumbing company has a Responsible Master Plumber(RMP). Besides Joseph and Andrew, San Antonio Plumbing also has 5 Licensed Plumbers and 3 Apprenticeships.

San Antonio Plumbing makes it a point to serve their community by helping solve Plumbing issues and addressing customers problems and ensure their customers are happy. Joseph & Andrew love working with Real Estate Agents because they have direct access to customers. Real Estate Agents sell the house to clients and Plumbers are the solution to the Agents actually closing the deal. Real Estate Agents find San Antonio Plumbing both dependable and Reliable. Real Estate Agents are happy with San Antonio Plumbing services. San Antonio Plumbing was Ranked in Expertise “Best Plumbers in San Antonio in 2021. You will find a list of reasons why San Antonio Plumbing is the area’s #1 choice when you have a burst pipe, leaky faucet or need a major plumbing repair. Every plumbing

repair is guaranteed. San Antonio Plumbing has state of the art equipment for locating the problem, such as a video camera inspection technology, backhoe service and high-pressure jetting. In general, every Real Estate Agent has a plumber that they can recommend to clients. As a rule of thumb, any relationship you form with a Real Estate Agent is based upon the fact that whenever they refer you, it is certain that you will do good work. San Antonio Plumbing opened its doors to the public on 1/11/1992, the business was incorporated in 7/15/2020, and BBB accredited in 3/30/2012. San Antonio Plumbing offers 5 percent discount to Service members & Senior Citizens on same day service up to $100. San Antonio Plumbing has a Google rating of 4.8. and managed 400 jobs per month in 2020. Also, the company has a 75 percent repeat customers base, and customer retention for 20 years. San Antonio Plumbing has done 1000’s of jobs, and have done work for different Home Warranty companies, such as: Choice Home Warranty, 210Buyers Warranty, Amazon Home Warranty, AIG Home Warranty, HWA Home Warranty of America. Whenever you have a plumbing issue or have a questions on plumbing, call 210-520-3333, and ask for Andrew.

Real Estate Newsline


Present This Coupon For 10% Off Entire Meal*

*Excludes Alcohol. Expires 8/31/21


SABOR Keeping Posted

August 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

August 2021

SABOR Keeping Posted



SABOR Keeping Posted

August 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

August 2021

SABOR Keeping Posted



Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

$$ Picture Challenge $$ THANK YOU SAN ANTONIO! The response to this challege has been overwhelming to say the least! This is the last issue, so make sure you get your submission in before the deadline! As we all anticipate more events to take place in the coming months, we decided it would be a great time to empty the picture vault and run some pictures* that have never been in the publication before. AND to add some fun, we are going to run them cutline free and turn it into a challenge!

The challenge issues includes May - August. All pictures* with no cutlines and a number on them are a part of the fun. For complete rules go to

$100 First Place $50 Second Place $25 Third Place The rules are simple: Make a word file and type up as many people as you can identify. Submit your entry online at before the deadline. Top three with most correct names will win. We will publish the winners in the September Issue.

GOOD LUCK! * Note, MANY of these pictures are from previous years. Please refer to disclosure on page 2 before passing judgement or commenting on fellow colleagues not following proper protocols.

August 2021






Call Us

Text Us

Let us know what you need disposed or recycled. We take just about everything!

Send us an image of the junk you got and we got the rest covered.


1-737-888-8565 10415 Perrin Beitel Rd, Ste 106 - San Antonio, TX 78217

Residential and Commercial Plumbing Services Military and Senior Discounts Available | 1-year Guarantee on All Repairs | Five Star Service

Services Include: • • • • • •

Video Camera Inspection Water Test Under Foundation repairs Complete Plumbing repairs Bathroom and Kitchen Plumbing LP Gas Lines

• • • • • •

Plumbing Maintence and Repairs Drain and Sewer Cleaning Hydro Jetting Water Softener Slab Leak Repair Commerical Plumbing

Serving San Antonio and Surrounding Areas

- (210) 520-3333 License #: RMP-18953

Real Estate Newsline



Real Estate Newsline

August 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

WCR Member Orientation

Becca Kraft and Misty Rose Lopez, both with Keller Williams Heritage

Sundee Steele, Staging Professional. Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title and Daisy Jaramillo, Mortgage Professional.

Christy Johnson, Home Warranty Professional, Kim Miller Perry, Keller Williams Heritage and Rebecca Byers. Brick & Stone Realty.

Kim Miller Perry and Renae Pretty, both with Keller Williams Heritage

Carolyn Hernandez, BHHS PenFed Realty, Jamie Collins, Mortgage Professional and Rebecca Byers. Brick & Stone Realty

Heather Rice, Title Professional, Andrew Ibarra, Chapter Treasurer and Emily Piperato, Mortgage Professional.

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Networking in action.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.