Redstar November 2012

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红星时代广告 DM 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号

November 十一月

Bleeding Radiators Stay warm this winter

天气转冷 注意保暖 Indoor Sports 室内运动 Museums 博物馆 Bowling 保龄球 Kickboxing 搏击操 Fencing 击剑 Delivery Dining Challenge 外送大决战

Plus 演出活动 Notre Dame De Paris / Yang Liping / Twisted Machine / Second Hand Rose 巴黎圣母院 / 杨丽萍 / 扭曲机器 / 二手玫瑰



Yang Liping as the Peacock

Carnegie’s Anniversary - coming soon

寻找中国作家 如果你是个有抱负 的写手、特稿作家,正寻 求在国际杂志上的更多 曝光 率,我们希望听到 你 的声音、分享你 的 观 点、阅读你的文字。 请联系我们:

Soprano Keren Hadar performs with INKO


10 W hen It’s Cold Outside 冬季外面转冷

We’ve got the month of May 而我们依旧度日如夏

16 C onvenient Dining 便利的晚餐

Thanksgiving, delivery and… instant noodles 感恩节,外卖,方便面

22 O peras, Orchestras and

Tracy McGrady joins Qingdao Double Star Eagles


31 Flying Tigers 飞虎队

Victor Fic examines a key moment of US-Sino cooperation Victor Fic带你重温中美合作的关键时刻

42 T he Last Paycheck 最后的薪水

Tri Tong summarises China’s recent sports acquisitions Tri Tong总结中国近年来的体育策略


47 Travel & Hotels 出行&酒店 49 Sights 旅游景点 50 Dining 餐饮美食 55 Cafes & Bars 咖啡酒吧 58 Recreation 休闲娱乐 59 Shopping 购物


Higher Forms of Entertainment 高端娱乐方式

Cover image: Qingdao Naval Museum 封面照片 © Fay Carey

Creative Team 策划团队 Ian Burns, Neil Bhullar, Tim Lyddiatt, Aaron Bird, Apple Tan, David Chen, Zoe Zheng, Mika Wang, Riemy Wan, Cong Wenchao, Fay Carey, Jordan Eckenrode, Ivy Wang, Liu Jieling, Tri Tong

Advertising Enquiries 广告征订 (+86 532) 8097-0521 / 8388-2269 Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询

Creative 100 Industry Park Room 401, Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401


of visitors that the Forbid182,000 Number den City attracted on Tuesday in

October Golden Week, the highest attendance day ever. The Terra Cotta Warrior museum in Xian reported 90,000 visitors over three days, up 25% from last year, and REDSTAR's own programming whizz Charles Zhang got stuck up Huashan Mountain, 600km south west of Beijing, where crowding became a severe problem. 十一黄金周周二游览故宫的游客数量,史上人数最高的一天。 三天内有90,000游客游览西安秦始皇兵马俑博物馆,比去年增 加了25%。红星程序师Charles被困华山(北京西南600公里), 不得不延期返回,那里游客爆棚问题十分严重。

US$ 87.5 million The price of China’s most sophisticated research vessel, ‘Kexue’, or Science, which was delivered to Qingdao last month. “Kexue features better stability and a larger laboratory space as well as being more maneuverable in comparison with other Chinese research vessels,” said Sun Song.

n yet another astonishing display of musicianship by all involved, students from Qingdao’s finest international schools took to the stage at Cape 3 on 22 September in the final of REDSTAR’s first Young Musician of the Year competition. A chance for school-age musicians to perform in front of a live audience outside of school, it should be noted that every performer took to the stage with confidence, presence and passion for music. The undoubted overall winner was 13 year-old Korean Pianist Han Soohyun, who scored 98.7 out of 100 for a flawless rendition of Ludvig Van Beethoven’s impossibly difficult Sonata Pathetique (Piano Sonata No. 8). Winning outright in the 11-14 category, she obtained the highest score of any performer. Having already played the next-to-impossible Fantasie Impromptu in the preliminaries, she held her nerve and delivered an even higher standard performance in the final. She was subsequently invited to open for jazz band Sonic Calligraphy on October 13. Other stand out performers include Joanne Lim who came first in the 10-and-under Strings category, playing Chinese classic Yuzhou Changwan on violin and achieving a score of 93.7

价值8750万美元的中国最先进的科考船“科学”号上月正 式安家青岛。“‘科学’号拥有更好的稳定性,实验室空间更 大,与中国其他科考船相比更容易操作。”孙松说道

Annie Yeung scored 91 points in the Under 10 Piano category, playing Flood Time by Eric Thiman, and Australian singer Sophia Seccombe scored 90 points for her animated rendition of Naughty by the Matilda musical, accompanied by Sam Mulliner.

US$ 65 million

Of these four outstanding performances, all are students at Yew Chung International School. Special thanks go to Yew Chung International School and the International School of Qingdao for assistance with this series of events, particularly to Cathy BenDavid and Sam Mulliner of YCIS.

‘Marriage bounty’ offered by Hong Kong tycoon Cecil Chao Sze-tsung, to any man who can woo his daughter, who recently married a woman. He reportedly offered the sum upon hearing the news that daughter Gigi had eloped with her long-term partner to France. Sacha Baron Cohen, of Ali G, Bruno, Borat and The Dictator fame, now plans to make a movie about a high-flying Hong Kong billionaire offering $65 million to the man who could win over his lesbian daughter with a marriage proposal. We can’t wait. “婚姻赏金”香港富商赵世曾豪掷650万美元招婿。在得 知女儿赵式芝与交往七年的女友于法国秘密结婚之后,位处香 港富豪之列的赵世曾向全天下的男人发出了邀请。好莱坞派拉 蒙电影公司宣布要将此故事改编成电影,更找来英国著名谐星 萨沙·拜伦·科恩公司监制。赶紧行动吧。


Reported number of R&D staff in Qingdao. By 2015, the city hopes to double the number of R&D centres to 700 and double spending on to RMB20bn, in an effort to further it’s reputation as a tech hub and earn the nickname ‘Blue Silicon Valley’, says the China Daily. 青岛从事研发工作的人员。到2015年,岛城研发中心数量 有望翻番,达到700所。预算也有望达到200亿。为获得高科技 中心的声望和“蓝色硅谷”的美誉而努力。据中国日报报道。 04

由众多来自青岛国际学校的音乐才俊踊跃参与的红星首届年度 音乐才俊大赛于9月22日在海角三号举办了总决赛。此次决赛为学 生音乐才俊提供了在学校之外的场地中站在众多观众面前展示自己 的机会,走上舞台参与表演的才俊们对音乐的自信与激情值得我们 赞扬。 13岁的韩国钢琴手Han Soohyun荣获冠军,她完美的演奏出 贝多芬难度较高的悲怆奏鸣曲(第八钢琴奏鸣曲),获得了98.7的 高分(满分100)。在11-14年龄组的比赛中她也以最高分夺得小 组第一名。她在预赛中曾演奏过幻想即兴曲,而最终她冷静的完成 了高水准的演奏。她还为10月13日爵士乐队声场书法进行了开场 演奏。 另一位出众的选手是来自10岁及以下年龄组弦乐组的Joanne Lim,她使用小提琴演奏的中国经典曲目《渔舟唱晚》获得93.7的 总分。 10岁以下年龄组钢琴组的Annie Yeung演奏了Eric Thiman的洪 水时代,获得91分。澳大利亚歌手Sophia Seccombe演唱了音乐 剧Matilda中的Naughty,获得90分,钢琴伴奏Sam Mulliner。 以上四位出色的音乐才俊均是青岛耀中国际学校的学生。在 此感谢青岛耀中国际学校和青岛MTI国际学校对这一系列活动给予 的支持,特别是青岛耀中国际学校的Cathy Ben-David和Samuel Mulliner。

Calling Local Scorcese

tuán gòu

Group purchase

Basically Groupon in Chinese, the words literally mean 'groupshop', and it's also the name of China's version of A popular means of obtaining discounts, the phrase has entered the vernacular in a way that its Western counterpart has not - it's perfectly acceptable to 'tuangou' at restaurants with friends or group together to get discounts on products such as electronics. 字面意思就是团体购物,可以看作Groupon.com的中文版。 一些互不相识的消费者联合起来,以求的最优价格的购物方式-与 朋友或者其他人一起“团购”餐厅套餐和诸如电子产品之类的物品 可以获得很大的优惠折扣。

Do you want to group purchase these HTC 1Xs? If we by 10, we can get 15% off. 你想团购HTC 1X吗?如果我们团10台,可以打八五折。 nǐ xiǎng tuán gòu HTC 1X ma? rú guǒ wǒ men tuán 10 tái, kě yǐ dǎ bā wǔ zhé.

寻找创意导演 The Qingdao International Drama Group is looking for a new director for the annual Pantomime. The 5-years young Qingdao institution unites between 50-100 domestic and international residents every year, including actors, musicians, stage hands, promoters and technicians, and has successfully retold classic stories including Sondheim’s Into The Woods, Robin Hood, Cinderella and Robinson Crusoe. To apply, contact

青岛国际戏剧社团正为年度戏剧寻找新导演。成立五年的青 岛国际戏剧社团,每年集结了包括演员、音乐家、舞台布置、宣 传、技术人员在内的50-100位国内外人士,成功再现了走进森 林、罗宾汉、灰姑娘和鲁滨逊漂流记经典故事。申请请联系

Tianyan Chinese Language Centre 135 8927-8775 See listings for address

In Another Country

Turn to page 08 to read Josh Martin’s recommendations for watching new releases in China.

在异国 Directed by Hong Sangsoo 导演:洪尚秀 The main characters rarely work in Hong Sangsoo’s films. He’s not interested in work, but in the other punishing rituals people put themselves through in their supposed ‘leisure’ time: awkward flirtation; the group-drinking sessions that lead to it, or to exploding tempers and macho one-upmanship; and vacations that fall apart as couples and friends air grievances they’ve been too busy to express. But this isn’t Curb Your Enthusiasm-type cringe comedy, as Hong always retains his good humour and empathy. He can also throw a curveball like few others. For In Another Country, he brings a foreigner to his usual Korean turf—three foreigners, no less, but all named Anne and all played by Isabelle Huppert. Anne #1 is a filmmaker visiting a Korean colleague, while Anne #2 is a rich executive’s wife meeting her lover, and Anne #3 is a newly-minted divorcee traveling with a friend. Viewers will probably spot some uncanny details. There’s the Western obsession with Eastern mysticism, failed attempts at cross-cultural sarcasm, and the fuzzy line between polite formula and genuine sentiment. Hong also captures the locals’ habit of unburdening themselves to foreign guests: the wife of the first Anne’s colleague views this French visitor as a competitor, but also as a sounding board for her complaints about Korean men. (“They just love foreign women. They’re so curious, you know? I’m sick of them.”) The battle of the sexes may or may not trump nationality, but Hong finds new angles to approach both, and cuts across Mars/Venus and East/West. Josh Martin

很少在洪尚秀电影中出现的人物角色。他对工作不感兴趣,却对 那些人们假想出来的“空闲”时间饶有兴趣:尴尬的调情;开会时聚 众饮酒,或是情绪失控和大男子主义;假期中分离的情侣和朋友一直 忙于诉苦。 不过这不是《抑制热情》式的谄媚喜剧,洪保留了自己的幽默和共 感,当然还有一些其他的变化。《在异国》中,他向我们展示了外国人 在韩国-由伊莎贝尔·于佩尔饰演的三个性格迥异的都叫Anne的外国女 人。1号Anne是探访韩国同事的著名制片人,2号Anne是婚外恋中的阔 太太,3号Anne是与朋友旅行的刚刚离婚的女人。 读者可能会指出一些奇怪的细节。这是伴有东方神秘主义的西方困 扰,跨文化讽刺的失败尝试,客套话和真诚的感悟模糊交错。洪同样捕 捉了当地人向外籍游客吐露心声的习惯:第一个Anne的同事的妻子既把 这位法国游客看作竞争对手,又把她作为抱怨韩国男人的对象。(“他们 就喜欢外国女人,他们都很好奇,你知道吗?我受够他们了。”)性别之 战或能或不能超越国籍,不过洪却发现了接近或跨越火星/金星和东方/ 西方的全新视角。


Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons in Life, Language and Love

华文之梦:普通话融入了我的 生活、语言和爱。 By Deborah Fallows 黛博拉·法洛斯


hen I was a Chinese language studentt, I sat in an old classroom where the “ping....ting” noises from the rickety radiator made listening class vexing because I couldn’t tell the machine’s emissions from the teacher’s. It is an admittedly extreme example of the obstacles that many many Westerners face with Chinese. Among them is Deborah Fallows, a Harvard-trained linguist who speaks five languages. Fallows notes that Mandarin has only 400 syllables versus 10 times more for English. How can the Chinese, who speak of the world of 10,000 objects, make these limited syllables correlate to thousands of items and actions? It is through tones. She warns that if you change the tonal inflection, you alter the meaning. Mandarin has four tones while Cantonese has seven - or is that just a strange rumor? Fallows is correct that the language and social mores are linked. For instance, she finds the Chinese use personal pronouns far less often than those in the West. The Chinese, she writes, are not as smitten with using these pronouns or prefer spare language. At times, the adjustments are hard on Fallows. To reject something, for example, the Chinese bluntly say “bu yao,” - literally, “don’t want.” Fallows finds that rude, but the language’s norms can be that practical. Many lost foreigners ask, Why do Chinese maps sometimes put south at the top? In early maps of the Forbidden City, for example, the main gates are there. South was auspicious [for] warm breezes and the best sunshine, Fallows explains. 06

Before the 2008 Olympics, Fallows observed Chinese superstition. The events kicked off on August 8, 2008 at -- strangely -- 8.08 p.m. The word for eight, namely “ba,” rhymes with “fa,” the first sound in “fa cai.” It means to attain wealth. Fallows recalls that in a Taco Bell, she was inquiring about take-out, using the Mandarin word ‘bao’. But her struggle to find the correct tone made her think that the baffled male employee thought that perhaps she was asking for a hug instead of take-out. Fallows showed grace and good humour in her foibles and says that her collective adventures “made living in China a humbling experience.” She advises students, “Start as early as you can, but you’re never too old to begin. It takes longer time to get traction with Chinese than with French or German. But eventually, Chinese becomes tremendous fun and offers surprising insights into the Chinese heart and soul.” So don’t say bu yao to her book. Victor Fic 当我还是一个学习中文的学 生的时候,我坐在旧教室里,听着 破旧的机器中发出的“呯...叮”的 噪音,使听力课变的更加棘手,而 我也不能说那就是从老师拿的放音 设备传出来的。这是一个公认的极 端事例,很多很多西方人在学习中 文时都会面对到的障碍。会说五种 语言的哈佛培养出来的语言学家黛博拉·法洛斯就是其中的一位。 法洛斯指出只有400个左右的 音节的普通话跟近乎多出10倍的 英文相比,中国人是如何用这些有 限的音节跟世界上数以千计的物品 和动作联系在一起?它是通过声调 来变化的。她还指出,如果改变 声调的话,整句话的意思就会改 变。普通话有4个声调而广东话有 7个声调-或者这只是一个奇特的 传言? 法洛斯有关语言和社会是相 联系的观点是正确的。例如,她发

现中国使用人称代词的频率远远小 于西方国家。她这样写到,中国人 不喜欢使用那些代词,他们更喜欢 使用其他文字来代替。

下午的8:08分开幕。8这个字, 发“八”的音,和“发”押韵, 是“发财”的第一个音,这意味着 获得财富。

对法洛斯来说有时很难调整 语言习惯。例如,拒绝某事,中国 人会直截了当的说“不要”,而实 际只是“不想”的意思。法洛斯认 为那很粗鲁,但是语言习惯是可以 练习的。

法洛斯回忆说,买塔可钟的 时候,她想要外带,用了普通话“ 包”。但是她难以找到一个正确的 发音,而使一头雾水的男员工以为 她是想要一个拥抱而不是外带。法 洛斯在她的弱点面前表现的非常优 雅和富有幽默感,还给我们讲述了 她的集体历险记“生活在中国的尴 尬经历”。

很多迷失的外国人问,为什 么中国的地图有时候是把南放在顶 部?例如,紫禁城早期的一些地 图,正门是朝南的。朝南有着吉 祥、温暖的意思,还是最好的采光 方向。法洛斯解释道。 在2008年奥运会前,法洛斯 发现中国人很迷信。开幕时间是 2008年8月8日,更奇怪的是,在

她建议学生,“学得越早越 好,不过什么时候开始都不晚。它 比学习法语、德语需要更长的时间 去掌握。但最终,汉语将会带给你 极大的乐趣和教会你以令人惊讶的 洞察力看中国人的心灵”。所以, 不要对她的书说“不要”。

Victor Fic

Welcome T-Mac!


ast month it was announced that one of the NBA’s finest (and former Houston Rockets teammate of Yao Ming), Tracy McGrady had signed a one-year contract with Qingdao Double Star Eagles. He’s a powerhouse of the game: 7 all-star appearances, 8 all-NBA teams, 2001’s Most-improved Player of the Year, an unbroken winning streak of 22 games, and a two-time scoring champion. With this kind of firepower, the Eagles will be hoping to make the CBA finals this year. NBA最好球员之一,前休斯敦火箭队姚明的队友,特雷西· 麦克格雷迪于上月与青岛双星雄鹰队签约一年。麦蒂的篮球生涯光 芒四射:七次入选全明星阵容、八次入选年度最佳阵容、00-01赛 季进步最快球员、22连胜纪录、两届得分王。有了这样的火力,青 岛双星雄鹰队有望角逐今年的CBA总决赛。

Superfluous Superlative

Beijing DesignWeek



e’ve already got the longest bridge, but last month Qingdao got into the Guinness Book of Records again for the rather pointless superlative of Longest Dragon Made of Tents, with 900 tents covering 3,421.2m² at the Qingdao International Golden Beach Camping Festival.

he capital’s big showcase of Chinese creativity took place from September 28 - 6 October. Focusing on promising local designers, the subsidised week displayed the original works of China’s most promising young designers, including this bamboo chair from Taiwan’s Jeff Da Yu Shi. It’s good to see such active promotion of China’s indigenous talent. Maybe the same treatment will be given to China’s independent filmmakers soon too. 9月28至10月6日举办的北京国际设计周,聚焦冉冉升起的 本土设计师,展示中国创意的舞台。随后用一周的时间展示中 国新星设计师的原创作品,其中包括来自台湾的Jeff石大宇的竹 椅。很欣喜地看到为推广本土人才而举办的活动。也许不久的将 来也有专为中国独立电影制片人而举办的展览。

青岛已经拥有最长的跨海大桥,上月 青岛又入选了吉尼斯世界纪录:黄岛金沙 滩景区用900顶露营帐篷拼出的一条出水蛟 龙,整个拼图面积达到3421.2平方米。






Unofficial Distribution

非官方指导 Josh Martin tells us where to find the Chinese, Korean and Japanese movies that are making waves with moviegoers across the land (and how to spot the ones with English subtitles). Josh Martin向读者倾情介绍去哪里可以挑 选到观众喜爱的中国、韩国、日本出品的 电影,以及慧眼识别哪些配有英文字幕。


erhaps the most authentically Chinese way to see movies is as an .rmvb download or a streaming video on Youku. com. For the more quality-conscious—or those possessed of a collector’s mentality— DVDs are the preferred choice. The latest Hollywood imports are easy enough to find, but what about Asian films of the sort usually reviewed in this magazine? Mainland films, or at least those on theatrical release, usually get legitimate and goodquality DVD releases. For newer titles, you can check the brick-and-mortar joints—Xinhua bookstores (including Book City) stock some DVDs, as do your Carrefours/Wal-Marts/Lotte Marts/etc.—but for a more robust selection at lower prices, look to online retailers;, and can oblige here. (Of course, you’ll also need the Chinese titles of the movies you’re looking for. Consult or, which index films under both the Chinese and English names.) These ‘official’ mainland editions come with a few provisos. Many are available in both DVD-5 (D5) and DVD-9 (D9) versions. D9s are more expensive, but offer better audio and video quality and often have English subtitles absent on the D5s. Check the packaging or the online product specifications—the key words are “字幕” (zì mù subtitles) and “英文” (yīng wén English, often abbreviated to just “英”). The subtitle issue mentioned above still holds


~ Clockwise from top left: jiǎ zhuāng qíng lǚ 假装情 侣, fú chéng mí shì 浮城迷 事, nán rén rú yī fú 男人如 衣服, yǔ zhōng de shù 雨 中的树, tóng què tái 铜雀 台, tài jí 太极 - major recent releases, but where can you get them with English subtitles? 最近上映的电 影,哪儿能看到字幕呢?

for Taobao, with some additional wrinkles. An all-too-common problem on Taobao is ordering a DVD and getting a cheap DVD-R with the title scrawled in marker. More forthcoming sellers will note such discs as a “刻录” (kè lù “burned”) edition. Some may send a text message after receiving your order, advising that only burned copies are available and giving you the chance to cancel if this is unsatisfactory. Some may do neither, practically inviting negative feedback. As with eBay, check the seller’s existing feedback, and caveat emptor. Still, the sheer bounty of movies available on Taobao—from every corner of the world, including many titles unavailable in the West—makes it more than worth the trouble. One can even find discs from Hong Kong, an invaluable source for English subtitles that might be missing from the mainland discs. (Mainland releases of Hong Kong films also frequently lack the original Cantonese audio, offering only the Mandarin dub.) Korean discs (which almost invariably come with English subtitles) can also be ordered from the English-language retailers K2DVD. com and Japanese discs are obscenely expensive and usually lack subtitles, but if there’s something you’re looking for, try or Amazon., both of which offer English interfaces. China may not offer many options for theatergoers, but for home viewing it can stand toe to toe with anywhere else.

也许在中国最普遍的看电影方式是下载 RMVB或者在优酷上观看。对于那些对观看质 量要求高,亦或是有收藏想法者来说,DVD可 谓是最佳选择。最新的好莱坞影片不难找到, 但是杂志中常介绍的亚洲电影如何寻得? 内地电影,或者至少在院线上映的那些电 影,通常都可以买到正版的高质量的DVD。推 荐新手去大型连锁机构---新华书店(包括书 城)、家乐福、沃尔玛、乐天百货等地购买。 想要低价买进者请选择在线零售商如当当、淘 宝、亚马逊中国。(当然,你需要知道电影的 中文名称。可以去时光网或者豆瓣查找一下, 那里通常注有电影的中英文名称。)然而这 些“官方”大陆版本会有些限制。大多数有两 个版本DVD-5(D5)和DVD-9(D9)。D9相 对较贵些,但是音频视频质量更佳,配有英文 字幕。D5没有英文字幕。购买前查看包装或者 在线产品介绍,主要查看“字幕”后是否标注 有“英文”或者“英”字样。 以上提到的字幕问题,从淘宝购买时尤其 需要注意。淘宝上比较常见的一个问题是,购 买到的是潦草标记字幕的廉价DVD-R光盘。 多数卖家会注明这是“刻录”版。有些卖家还 会在收到订单后,发信息提醒买家这是翻录光 盘,如果买家介意还可以在最后取消订单。当 然,有些卖家什么都不做提示,这样就会得到 差评。同易趣一样,购买前请查看评价和买家 自负条款。 尽管在淘宝上可以买到世界各地的电影 DVD(有些在西方也很难寻得的),即使有些 小麻烦也是值得的。港片DVD在大陆销售时, 通常都没有英文字幕。(大陆版本的港片经常 取消粤语音频,只留普通话配音)韩国影片碟 片(几乎无一例外的都配有英文字幕),也可 从英文零售商K2DVD.com和Seoulselection. com购买到。日本影片碟片不但贵而且通常没 有字幕。可以去或者Amazon. co.jp找找看,这两家网站都有英文界面。中国 院线上映的影片可能很难满足电影爱好者的需 求,但是在家观看DVD一样可以与世界保持同 步,永不落伍。


Tri Tong, Fay Carey, Jordan Eckenrode

or those of you in your first winter here, a word of warning. It gets really, really cold, so button up. Fortunately, we are north of the Qinling-Longhai line, the half of China which the ever-benevolent authorities have blessed with central heating. This year, it gets switched on from November 16 until April 5, and will cost your household 30.4元/m². We strongly recommend you take them up on the offer. It's not all gloomy though - here's a monstrous helping of stuff to do indoors.

对于大多数第一次在这里过冬的人们来说,给你们一 个忠告。这里真的非常非常冷,所以,做好全副武装的准 备吧。幸运的是,我们在秦岭-陇海线的北部,集中供暖 温暖了大半个中国。今年供暖从11月16日起一直到来年的 4月5日,费用是30.4元/平方。强烈建议去交供暖费。不 要为这笔费用沮丧,它将给你的室内提供巨大帮助。

Indoor Sports Interested in throwing some hoops, or are you brave enough to challenge the native badminton cracks? The huge indoor arena at the Qingdao Sports Centre in Laoshan offers a great variety of different activities to get sweaty. Modern badminton courts, ping pong tables, and a professionally-equipped basketball court mean you won’t get bored. Just grab some friends and let the games begin. It’s 200元/hour for a badminton court or 300元/hour for the whole basketball court!

对投篮感兴趣?敢于挑战本 地羽毛球高手么?位于崂山的青岛 体育中心拥有超大室内体育馆,提 供的诸多不同的活动让你汗流浃 背。现代羽毛球场,乒乓球桌和配 有专业设备的篮球场意味着你不会 感到厌倦。叫上几个朋友一起开始 游戏吧。羽毛球场地200元/小时, 整个篮球场300元/小时!

Qingdao Sports Centre 青岛体育中心, intersection of Yinchuan Xi Lu and Haier Road青岛银川西路和海尔路交界处

Ice Skating Under Marina City

© Fay Carey


Why be cold outside this winter when you can freeze your hands off inside? On the basement floor of Marina City Mall there is the SIYO Ice Skating Rink. For 60元 you get a pair of blades, a locker, and some thin cotton gloves that keep your hands warm for about 5 minutes. And if needed you can purchase a pair of cheap socks in case you forget to bring your own. The rink is a full size hockey court and open from 10am to 10pm. But regardless of what time you go, you will always see kids dopily learning how to skate, couples holding hands and trying not to fall on each other, and teachers showing their pupils new stopping techniques. It can be a little crowded on weekends, but overall this is the best place to ice skate in Qingdao.

外面冰天雪地,为何室内也冻手冻脚呢?那是因为在 百丽广场地下一层的喜悦溜冰场。60元可以租赁到一副冰 刀、一个储物柜和一副薄棉手套(也就能让双手保暖5分 钟)。如果需要又忘记带袜子的话,你还可以买双便宜的 袜子。溜冰场和曲棍球场大小一样,营业时间是早10点到 晚10点。但是无论你什么时间去,总会看到孩子们在学习 溜冰、情人手牵手滑冰、老师教授学生停止技巧。周末人 比较多,总体上来说是在青岛溜冰的好地方。

Going to the movies

经典但却依然是令乏味的十 一月午后变的兴奋与特别的最佳 方法。阵阵飘香的爆米花会让你 知道这将是个有趣的夜晚。麦凯 乐华臣影院,百丽广场百老汇影 城,万达广场IMAX影城也将呈 现给你不一样的视觉盛宴。

A classic, but still the best way to turn a boring November afternoon into something exciting and special. As soon as the smell of popcorn hits your nose, you know it’s going to be a fun evening. Besides favourites Huachen Cinema at Mykal and Marina City’s Broadway Cinema, Wanda Plaza offers an eye-blasting new IMAX cinema.

百老汇影城(百丽广场内) ,澳门路88号;华臣影城(麦凯 乐内),香港中路69号;万达国 际影城,台东三路,延吉路。

Broadway Cinema (inside Marina City), 88 Aomen Lu; Huachen Cineplex (inside Mykal), 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu; Wanda International Cinema City, Taidong San Lu, Yanji Lu


Either copious fun and amusement (when sober) or a dreadful experience that will haunt you in your dreams (otherwise), whatever you think of KTV there’s no denying that this Asian phenomenon is one of the most established forms of entertainment Qingdao has to offer. Karaoke’s origins are disputed, with Japanese inventor Daisuke Inoue receiving the tongue-in-cheek Ig Nobel Prize in 2004 for ‘inventing karaoke’, by setting up singalong jukeboxes in hotels and other public places, but the pastime really took off in Asia after Filipino inventor Roberto del Rosario created a contraption called the One Man Band, an instrument-less way for expatriate Filipino musicians to corner the Japanese cover act market in the 1970s. The rest is tuneless, reverbheavy history. 无论是丰富的乐趣和娱乐(清醒的时候)或可怕的经 历,都将困扰着你的梦想。不论你怎么认为KTV,不可否认, 这个亚洲现象是青岛发展中最成熟的娱乐形式之一。卡拉OK 的起源极具争议,日本发明家井上大佑,在酒店和其他公共 场所设立歌曲点唱机,于2004年因“发明卡拉OK”获得了搞 笑诺贝尔奖,不过它真正在亚洲流行起来是因为菲律宾发明 家Roberto del Rosario制作了被称为“一人乐队”的奇妙装置 之后,这一可以使用更少乐器唱歌的方式在20世纪70年代横 扫日本演艺市场。其余的则是不和谐的,混响厚重的历史。

Study Chinese Let’s face it; Chinese is one of the hardest languages in the world and learning Chinese is anything but an easy task. In fact it’s so complicated that even Chinese people sometimes have difficulties understanding a character’s meaning. But you’re already in the most immersive of environments - you’re here! One of the best parts of learning Chinese in China is that you get to know the locals and become a more integrated part of the social environment. Of the myriad places available, we recommend OK! HSK (66 Xianggang Dong Lu), Tianyan Language Centre (1606, A, 19 Zhangzhou 2 Lu) and Huaxing Language School (13F, Wangjiao Mansion, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu). For an alternative approach, try micMAC Global’s Kickstart experiential and immersive cross-cultural training course, which is now available online through their new portal. 加油! 让我们面对现实把。汉语是世界上最难的一种语言,要学习汉语绝不是一个 简单的任务。事实上,它是如此之复杂,以至有时候连中国人都很难理解某个汉 字的意思。但是你已经身临其境啦-就在这里!在中国学习汉语最佳优点之一就 是你可以了解当地的人而且成为更综合的社会环境的一部分。在众多学习汉语的 地方,我们推荐OK!HSK(香港东路66号3号楼1单元301),天言汉语言中心( 漳州二路19号中环国际广场A座1606)和华兴语言学校(香港中路76号,旺角大 厦,13F)。另一种替代方法,尝试下micMAC全球启动的身临其境的跨国文化 培训课程,即可登陆他们的新门户网站runwaylanguages.com体验。加油!

Kick Ass Kick Boxing One place where you are guaranteed to get your sweat on is Mangu Chuanqi Taiquan Guan. The trainer and owner of the centre is a worldrenowned kick boxer and has trained many successful Thai kick boxers - he packs a punch! Classes start at 6.30pm everyday and cost 500 元/month. The equipment is new and clean with used gloves and wraps being washed and sanitised everyday after use. The first time you go the session it’s free, but if you’re looking to get in shape and tone up then you’ll be hooked on this fun and high energy workout. Ladies don’t worry. Muscle is a good thing: Victoria secret model Adriana Lima swears by kick boxing as her go-to for keeping her body in tip top shape. The class runs for 90 minutes, so bring your water bottle and towel, as you are sure to work up a sweat. Changing rooms and lockers are also available. Unfortunately there are no showers on site but don’t let that stop you from checking out this top centre. Bring it on! 244 Nanjing Lu, above the convenience store.

在曼谷传奇泰拳馆保证你能大汗 淋漓。该中心的教练兼老板是位世界知 名的拳击手,培养了许多成功的泰国拳 击手-他太有冲击力了!每晚6:30上 课,500元/月。设备是全新,每次在使用 后保洁人员都会戴着手套将其清洗和消 毒。第一次去课程免费。如果你想恢复 体形和增强体育锻炼那么你一定会迷上 这个有趣的高耗能锻炼。 女士们别担心。有肌肉是件好事 情:维多利亚的秘密模特Adriana Lima 发誓要通过搏击操来使她的体形保持最 佳状态。一节课90分钟,带上你的水杯 和毛巾,你肯定会锻炼到出汗。更衣室 和储物柜也可以用。不幸的是这里没有 淋浴,但不要让它阻止你来到这个顶级 中心。快来吧!南京路244号,便利店 楼上。

© Fay Carey


Visit Qingdao’s Museums 参观青岛的博物馆 There may be beaches and beer aplenty, but upon first glance it’s not obvious that Qingdao is also one of China’s cultural gems. But the city is home to some intriguing art, history and science museums, from the historical to the contemporary, says Eve Pearce.

或许是拥有海滩和大量啤酒的原因,第一眼看青 岛,看不出它竟也是中国的文化瑰宝。从过去到现在, 这个城市也有很多有趣的艺术、历史和科学博物馆。

Tsingtao Brewery Museum The Tsingtao Brewery Museum combines beer with history. Located in the same building that was formerly the German Beer Company Qingdao Branch, it was originally built in 1903, making it China’s first beer factory. Tsingtao undoubtedly the most popular beer in China - is showcased in this fascinating museum. The building is also a fine and rare example of pre-War German gothic architecture in China.

Did you know

The museum still houses the manufacturing buildings and workshops where the beer-making originally took place. Even the vital ingredients, such as brown malt, hops and barley, are on display for visitors to see, and scenes of the beer-making process are recreated using life-size models of the workers. Better still, there is also the option to taste some of the brewery’s delicious wine and beer!

青岛啤酒博物馆将啤酒 和历史结合在一起。位于前 身是德国啤酒公司青岛分公 司的同一建筑物里。它始建 于1903年,是中国第一家 啤酒厂。在这迷人的博物馆 中陈列的青岛啤酒毫无疑问 是中国最受欢迎的啤酒。这 个战前德国哥特式建筑风格 的建筑在中国也是非常罕见 的。

The Tsingtao Brewery Company owns 55 beer and malt factories in 18 Chinese cities.

博物馆仍设有最初酿造 啤酒的生产大楼和工作坊。 并向游客展示许多至关重要 的成分,如棕色麦芽、啤酒 花和大麦,还使用真人大小 的模型工人重现啤酒酿造过 程的场景。更妙的是,还可 以选择性的品尝一些美味的 葡萄酒和啤酒!

青岛啤酒公司在中国18个城市内拥有55个 啤酒厂和麦芽工厂。

Qingdao Naval Museum Built in 1989, the Qingdao Naval Museum is a rare military museum that showcases a complete timeline of Chinese naval development. Situated on the seafront opposite Zhanqiao Pier, it’s a beautiful setting for one of China’s largest collections of naval memorabilia. All eras are represented and documented in this fascinating building, including many important photographs and ancient naval equipment – each piece representing the rich history of the Chinese Navy. Some of the most exciting exhibits are the selection of uniforms, displayed in the Navy Uniform Exhibition Hall. Here you will learn about the military insignia and uniforms for different eras since the navy was founded in 1949. Also of notable significance is the Exhibition Hall of Presents, which features more than 300 gifts that were given to the Chinese People’s Navy to highlight its diplomatic achievements. There is also the Marine Exhibition Area, which is a ten acre water space that houses amazing sights such as submarines, frigates and even a destroyer. The sights of the water area of the Qingdao Naval Museum 12

create an eye-catching scene for amblers along the seafront and those on passing cruise ships. Qingdao, being a popular stopping destination for many Pacific and Asia cruises, sees many large vessels passing through its ports; visitors onboard the cruise ships are often taken aback when they catch sight of the museum’s huge submarine and destroyer – which was used to defend the country’s coastline during some of its most prolific war periods. The magnificent and unusual pieces of marine history have now become a famous sight upon entering the city by cruise ship – or indeed by any other means.

青岛海军博物馆建于1989 年,是一个难得的军事博物馆, 展示了一个完整的中国海军发展 历程。坐落于栈桥对面的海滨一 带,这个美丽的地方是中国最大 的海军纪念馆之一。各个时代的 代表都记录在了这个迷人的建筑 里,其中包括许多重要的照片和 古老的海军装备-每一块都代表了 中国海军丰富的历史。 最令人兴奋的展品就是在 海军服装展室的精选制服系列。 在这里你会了解到军事徽章和自

© Fay Carey

1949年成立以来的不同时代的海 军制服。另外值得注意的是对展 览馆有显著意义的礼品陈列区, 包括超过300个凸显中国人民海军 外交成就的礼物。 这里还有海上展舰区,约 占十英亩的水上空间,内有如潜 艇,护卫舰和驱逐舰等超级棒的 装备。青岛海军博物馆的滨水展 区为在岸边漫步的人们和经过的

游船提供了一处耀眼的观赏地。 青岛,成为许多太平洋和亚洲游 轮受欢迎的停靠地,可以看到许 多大型船只通过港口;游船游玩 的人们常常会惊讶于博物馆庞大 的潜艇和驱逐舰-这些曾是战争年 代保卫国家海岸线的功臣。宏伟 且不寻常的海洋历史,现在已经 成为这个城市著名的景观,乘游 轮或以其他方法可以前往参观。

Hai’er Science Museum Another must-see for visitors to the city is the Hai’er Science Museum. This museum provides a fascinating insight into the evolution of Chinese life, from ancient periods right through to the modern Chinese family. There are various interactive programs and displays, which aim to showcase the evolution of household goods and appliances in China, and how these have all contributed to the country as we know it today. The museum is highly insightful for visitors, as it provides an overview of Chinese culture and a background into the country’s colourful history. There is also a China ‘future room’, as well as a huge 3D cinema – a must for those seeking high-tech thrills that would simply be unrivalled elsewhere.

另一个游客不容错过的地方就是海尔科技博物馆。这个 博物馆洞察到中国人生活的演变,从远古时期到现代家庭的 变化。有各种不同的互动程序,其目的是为了展示进化和家 居用品和家电在中国的演变,以及他们是如何正如我们所看 到的推动国家进步。博物馆是非常有说服力的,因为它不仅 概述了中国文化,并深入了解丰富多彩的历史背景。 还有一个中国“未来的房间”,以及一个巨大的3D影 院,一个肯定是为寻求高科技惊险刺激的人准备的,是其他 地方所无可比拟的。

Qingdao German Prison Site Museum Perhaps one of China’s most intriguing and haunting venues is the Prison Site Museum. Situated in a castlestyle prison building, the museum was originally home to non-Chinese prisoners that were taken captive by Germany. The prison went on to incarcerate Chinese prisoners under Japanese rule, and then Communist prisoners under Kuomintang rule. The creepy building has kept its torture chambers and cells in tact; on a trip down to the basement, you will see recreations and illustrations of the torture procedure and equipment. Among all of Qingdao’s beautiful tourist attractions, the Qingdao German Prison Site Museum is a harsh and haunting reminder of China’s more chequered past. All of the above provide some great places to start for those looking to explore Qingdao’s history and culture scene, but they are just the tip of the iceberg; when roaming the city’s many bustling streets, it will become apparent just how much history and diversity Qingdao has to offer.

© Fay Carey

青岛的德国监狱遗址博物馆也许是中国最吸引人, 最令人难以忘怀的场地之一。坐落在城堡风格的监狱大 楼里。博物馆最初是被德国俘虏的国内非中国囚犯。在 日本的统治下监狱继续关押中国战俘和国民党统治下的 共产主义囚犯。 这个令人毛骨悚然的建筑一直保持了酷刑室和囚 室,前往地下室,你可以看到折磨人的程序和设备的插 图。在所有的青岛美丽的旅游景点中,青岛德国监狱遗 址时刻提醒人们中国更多的饱经沧桑的过去。

© Fay Carey

上述所有提供的一些伟大的地方可以作为那些希望 探索青岛历史文化场景的开始,但他们只是冰山一角。 当徘徊在城市熙熙攘攘的街道上时,你将会看到青岛多 元化的历史文化。


Qingdao Municipal Museum 青岛博物馆


Let's Go Bowling, Dude


There are just a handful of places in Qingdao where you can go bowling, and the best and most conveniently located is in the basement of Crowne Plaza. They’ll provide the shoes in large sizes (up to 12/48) and of course, the big, heavy balls. The lanes are generally well maintained and the bowling software is easy to use and if you can’t understand it, the staff always lends a hand.

Normally you pay per game, so if you and your friend play 5 games each, the total will be 10 games + shoe rent. The bowling center at Crowne Plaza is mostly deserted during the day when rates are higher (25元 after 2pm, 20元 before), as most of the places to bowl in Qingdao offer special deals during their down times. The Grand Regency (Taiwan Lu, Xianggang Zhong Lukou) offers similarly discounted late-night pricing. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu


在青岛只有少数几个地方可以打保龄球,最好最 方便的地方就是青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店的地下室。他 们会提供专业的鞋(最大码12/48),当然还有很重的 保龄球。球道定期维护,保龄球软件也很容易使用。 如果你有不懂的地方,那里的员工会帮助你的。 通常情况下,需要按场次付费。所以,如果你和 你的朋友每人玩了五次的话,总共就要付十次的钱和保 龄球专用鞋的租金。青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店的保龄球中 心白天的人不是很多,其实那时候利用率更高(下午两 点前20元一场,两点后25元),在青岛大多数地方打 保龄球的地方都在非黄金时段提供特别优惠。丽晶大 酒店(台湾路和香港中路路口)在深夜会有类似的折扣 价。青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店,香港中路76号。

Learn to Knit

Pool, snooker and nine-ball has spread like wildfire in China in the recent past, mainly thanks to international stars such as Ding Junhui, and women’s world champions Liu Shasha, Fu Xiaofang and Pan Xiaoting - it’s interesting to note that pool halls in China see a larger share of women than their Western counterparts. Although many local bars have pool tables, oftentimes there’s barely enough space to swing a cat let alone shoot properly, and who wants others pushing past them on route to the bar or toilet while they are trying to sink the 8-ball? Luckily, there are several excellent dedicated pool and snooker clubs in Qingdao, which are frequented by a nice mix of Chinese and expat clientele. Try Saidian Billiard Club (123 Zhangzhou Er Lu) .

Perhaps due to the recession, more and more people in the West are turning to DIY and home craft, making their own clothes and home-made gifts for friends and family. The return of craft has changed the perception of knitting from something your Grandma does to a new and somewhat addictive way of making. Scarves, hats, gloves, accessories and even jewelry have been infected by the craft epidemic that’s spreading throughout today’s pop culture society. What’s even better is that fashion has openly accepted the return of hand-knitted sweaters and lumpy scarfs. To get started on your knitting,

不久前,撞球、桌球和九球在中国如野火般蔓延。这 主要归功于那些国际明星。如丁俊晖,世界女冠军刘莎莎、 付小芳和潘晓婷。有趣的是,我们注意到在中国的台球馆看 到的女性要比在西方国家见到的多。尽管当地许多酒吧都有 台球桌,通常没有足够的空间击球,而且有谁想正准备打八 球的需要给别人让道去吧台或者洗手间? 幸运的是,在青岛有几家很好的台球俱乐部,经常有 中外客户光顾。赛点台球俱乐部(漳州二路123号)。 14

there are many websites and tutorials online, or better yet, if you know someone who knits, sit down for tea and have a wee lesson. For everything you need to start knitting, supermarkets such as Carrefour and local craft stores will hold the essentials such as knitting needles and yarn. Knitting itself is not the be all and end all of craft, there’s a whole can of worms that want to be opened such as the still-very-much-alive practice in China of crotchet, cross stitch and quilt making, all of which have been re-vamped and modernised to suite the styles of today’s young people.

或许是由于经济衰退的原因, 越来越多的西方人转向DIY和家庭工 艺,自己做衣服和为朋友及家人自制 礼物。

准备开始你的编织工作,这里有许多 网站和在线教程,或更好的,如果你 知道谁会编织,坐下来喝杯茶,上一 堂编织课。

工艺的回归已经改变了从奶奶 那里学做编织时的看法,有了一个新 的甚至让人上瘾的制作方法。围巾、 帽子、手套、配件,甚至珠宝都像感 染了工艺疫情似的在当今文化社会盛 行。更好的是,时尚界已公开接受回 归的手工编制的毛衣和块状的围巾。

进行编制工作首先可以到家乐福 超市或当地手工艺品商店购买像针和 线之类的必需品。针织本身并不能称 作工艺品,在中国依旧十分活跃的是 十字绣和缝被子,为了更适合当今的 年轻人进行了改进并更加现代化了。

Stab Them with the Pointy End Fencing. A reminder of a time gone by in which two people would resolve their disputes by wildly hacking and slashing at each other with swords. Over time, thankfully, swordplay transformed in to a fast-paced, beautiful and elegant duel where both participants don’t have to worry about losing limbs. Near Sifang Hotel and the Coach Station on Wenzhou Road lies Aoguan Fencing Center, where you can take fencing lessons and regularly melee with other duelists. Jiang Bin, the main coach, is very professional and has over 12 years experience, so he knows how to handle a sabre. A membership of this unique club will run you 3,000元 annually, and it’s open all day. However, it’s better to go later in the afternoon or evenings because you may not be able to find a sparring partner in the morning. So if you’re an avid fencer, a beginner, or just like doing some casual fencing on the weekend spot should be just be for you. Wenzhou Road, Sifang District, 8371-1911.

击剑。提醒时间在两人用剑疯狂 的砍杀对方来解决争端中逝去。幸运的 是,随着时间的推移,剑术转化成了一 个快节奏,美丽而又优雅的决斗。两个 参与者都不必担心他们会失去四肢。 奥冠击剑俱乐部在温州路四方大酒 店和长途站附近。在那里你可以学习击 剑和定期与那里的决斗者格斗。Jiang Bin是那里的主教练,他有12年的击剑 经验,非常的专业。所以他知道如何掌 控长剑。要想成为这家独一无二的俱乐 部的会员需要3000元/年,全天开放。 但是最好是下午或者晚上去,因为在早 上的话你可能找不到对打的搭档。所 以,如果你渴望学习击剑,是一个新手 或者只是偶尔在周末玩一下,那最合适 不过了。四方区温州路 8371-1911

Hot Hot Yoga

An ancient form of exercise and a method of relaxation and rejuvenation, Yoga is believed to have been introduced to the Western world by Hindu monks in the late 19th Century, but it wasn’t until a boom in the 60’s that yoga became such an international success. Since then, many alternative forms of yoga have developed to accommodate all levels of fitness and demands. 一种古老的运动形式和放松 恢复活力的方法。瑜伽在十九世纪 末已由印度僧侣介绍到西方世界。 但是知道60年代才开始繁荣,成为 成功的国际瑜伽。自那以来,许多 不同形式的瑜伽已经开发了适应所 有级别健身的需要。

Classic Yoga Hot Yoga


More serious followers of classical yoga have chants and mantras, but for those searching for a slow paced way to feed your body and your mind, classic yoga is ideal. The body must first be tamed by the mind through self-discipline and meditation, thus if your mind is healthy, your body will follow.

If you’re looking for a more intense and challenging workout, then try hot yoga. With the studio room cranked up to 40ºC, after a series of yoga poses even your eyeballs will begin to sweat! The heat is supposed to sooth the joints in your body, making poses easier, and releasing toxins as well as improving your lung capacity. Classes usually last for 90 minutes during which you cannot leave the room - if the class is too intense, you have to stay until class is over!

Created by Jonathan Urla in 1997, this combination of yoga and pilates constitutes a more complete system of exercise that includes cardio and strength training. Usually accompanied by soothing music, the teacher will lead the class through a series of floor exercises incorporating both mat-work from pilates and yoga poses to warm up the body to prepare the student for more challenging standing work later in the class. Classes end in a traditional way with deep relaxation and meditation.

古典瑜伽的众多追随者拥有 圣歌和诵文,不过对于那些给身体 和大脑寻找一个慢节奏的方式,古 典瑜伽则是理想的选择。身体必须 顺从自律和冥想的心灵,因此,如 果你的思想是健康的,你的身体自 然会跟随。

如果你正在寻找一个更加激烈并具有挑战性的锻 炼,那就去尝试高温瑜伽。该工作室有40 º C的高温, 经过一系列的瑜伽姿势,就连你的眼球都会出汗!热能 舒缓你身体里的关节,从而让姿势做的更容易,并释放 毒素以及提高你的肺活量。一节课通常是90分钟,在 这期间不能离开房间。如果课程太过激烈,你就得待到 下课才可以离开!

在1997年由Jonathan Urla创立,将瑜伽和普 拉提结合在一起构成了一个完整的体系。包括有氧 运动和力量训练。通常伴随着舒缓的音乐,老师会 带领全班通过在垫子上的一系列自由体操结合普拉 提和瑜伽的动作来热身以准备在后面的课做更具挑 战性的站立动作。课程以深度放松和冥想这一传统 方式结束。



广告 • 吃饭

Eat In!

Lang Café 浪咖啡 吃起来! Escaping to this brand-new, waterfront coffee spot at Polar Ocean World is the ideal tonic for wasting a cold winter's day, recommends Fay Carey. 这间位于极地海洋世界全新的海滨咖啡馆是逃离寒冷冬天最理想的滋补 之地,Fay Carey推荐道。

Sorrento Pizza

萨来多比萨 8592-8282 Vegetarian PIzza, large 13", 72元 蔬菜比萨,大号13寸,72元

"Half an hour or so." “半小时左右”

11.25am, Wednesday 星期三中午11:25分

11.47am (22 minutes) 中午11:47分(22分钟)

Arrived at 75元 + bottle of cola. Hot, good condition. No fapiao. 实际收款75元,包括一瓶可乐。热而且品 相不错。没有发票。

Get out of this miserable weather and into this lovely

cafe. Recently opened and located at Polar Ocean World's Bar Street, Café Lang impresses not only with its incredible sea view, but also with a number of delicate Western dishes. Appetisers include freshly prepared salads and soups, while main courses like the juicy tenderloin beef will please your palate. Of course they also offer mouth-watering bacon and tuna sandwiches which definitely won't let you leave hungry. For dessert it's homemade waffles with all sorts of toppings or the chocolate soufflé. All of this at a very reasonable price. The main focus however is on their skillfully brewed and hand dripped coffee. Roasted coffee beans from Central America and Africa guarantee an extraordinary flavour. From espresso to ice blended coffee variations, every taste will be satisfied. Even if you're not into the whole coffee drinking culture, there's always a wide selection of imported beers, wines and cocktails.

离开这恶劣的天气来到这可 爱的咖啡厅吧!浪咖啡是位于极地 海洋世界的酒吧街新晋开业的咖啡 厅。它不但拥有着无与伦比的海景 视角还有精美的西餐。开胃菜包括 新鲜的沙拉和汤,而多汁的里脊牛 排是主食。当然,他们还会提供令 人垂涎的熏肉和金枪鱼三明治,对 你的胃来说绝对是一场盛宴。甜点 有自制的松饼和巧克力蛋奶酥。食 物价格都非常合理。 接下来的重点是他们巧妙酿制的 手工滴滤咖啡。来自中美洲和非洲的 烘焙咖啡豆,保证给你一次非凡的咖 啡体验。从浓咖啡到冰沙咖啡,每一 种口味都会让你满意。即使你并不对 咖啡文化感兴趣,那里还有众多的进 口啤酒、葡萄酒和鸡尾酒供您选择。

Rustic and elegant at the same time, Lang Café's interior creates an intimate, casual atmosphere. The stylish, chic decoration is kept modern. The outdoor seating area and the rooftop terrace are ideal for relaxing while catching a glimpse of the beautiful waterfront. Live music, usually on weekends, can be performed on the small stage in the middle of the café. In addition to the free wi-fi, Lang Café provides Apple fans with free use of their very own iMac.

质朴优雅的同时,浪咖啡内创 造出一个亲切而又随意的氛围。保 持现代时尚、别致的装修风格。户 外座位区和屋顶露台都是放松时观 看美丽的海滨风景的理想选择。通 常在周末会有现场音乐,在咖啡馆 中间的小舞台上表演。除了免费的 Wifi,苹果的粉丝们还可以使用浪咖 啡自有的iMac。

Comfortable seating, warm atmosphere and a friendly staff makes this little place the perfect spot for spending a lazy afternoon.

舒适的座椅,温馨的气氛和友 好的员工使这里成为了打发慵懒午 后的完美之地。

Bar Street (Polar Ocean World) 60, Donghai Dong Lu, Qingdao

东海东路60号极地海洋世界酒 吧街西侧


43 Minjiang Lu to 100 Nanjing Lu 闽江路43号至南京路100号

K F C 肯德基, no delivery charge on orders more than 39元 网上订餐,满39元免送餐费 4 wings, corn, egg tart, nuggets 4块鸡翅,玉米棒,蛋挞,上校 鸡块

"25 minutes." “25分钟 ”

Online service: 12.37pm, Monday 网上预订:星期一中午12:37分

12.58pm (21 minutes) 12:58分(21分钟)

Efficient online service (English available). It's not gourmet (whether it is even food is questionable), but the Colonel gets points for being reliable and available. 高效的网站订餐服务(有英文版)。订 餐满39元就不必再加收8元送餐费了。虽 然算不上什么美食家,上校还是很可靠 和高效的。

The website chooses the route. 网站自动选取最近送餐店

广告 • 吃饭


Since it's getting so cold, we figure you'll be ordering delivery a lot more. If you read perfect Chinese, or have a friend to help - there are plenty of local options on But these are the most common delivery services offering foreign food. We put them to the test. 天气越来越冷,或许大家都会更加偏爱外卖订餐。如果你能看懂中文或者通过朋友的帮助-可以登录 查看众多当地外卖餐厅及其美食。以下是对一些常见的提供外卖服务的餐厅评测。

Anna Wu's Home Delivery Service 139:6483-0018, Min 60元, 11.30am-12.30pm w'kdays 60元起送,工作日11:30-12:30,

Lisa's Pizzeria

力萨比萨 8577-7723 Small pizza, chicken burrito, 2 taco, lasagne, 2 cokes, 153元. 小号比萨,鸡肉卷,牛肉墨西哥玉米卷,千 层面,和2听可乐,153元。

Green Veg Curry, Red Chicken Curry + rice, 80元 inc. delivery 15元. 绿色蔬菜咖喱,红色鸡肉咖喱,80元,含15 元外送费,米饭免费。

No quoted time 无 2.05pm 下午2:05分

1 hour 1小时 Monday, 11.32am 星期一中午11:32分

12.23am (51 minutes) 中午12:23分(51分钟)

Good condition, temperature. The green veg curry was creamy, and the chicken curry was spicy and flavourful, and sweet compared to other Thai curries. 送达时品相和温度都很好。绿色蔬菜咖喱口 感顺滑,奶油味十足。鸡肉咖喱辣且美味, 相比其他泰式咖喱有点甜。

Mykal area to Nanjing Road 麦凯乐附近至南京路

JJ Pizza

帝帝比萨 8592-3033 14'' half tomato half sweetpotato plus soft drink, 85元 14寸的番茄和地瓜双拼,含软饮,85元

"About an hour." “一小时左右”

12.13am, Thursday 星期四中午12:13分

12.51am (38 minutes) 中午12:51分(38分钟)

Typical high quality delivery pizza. Piping hot on arrival. No fapiao. 典型的高质量外卖比萨,送达时温度 较高。无发票

Gutian Lu to Nanjing Lu. 古田路至南京路

3.05pm (1hr) 下午3:05分(1小时)

Hot at delivery. Slightly sweet lasagne and taco. Pizza was very tasty. 送达时很热。千层面和墨西哥卷有点甜。比 萨很美味。

Chenghai Yi Lu to Yanji Lu 澄海一路至延吉路

Fatema Indian restaurant

法蒂玛印度餐厅 137-3099-4178, 5km, 10元 delivery charge, 12-9pm 5公里以内10元送餐费。 Chicken Tikka Masala, samosa, plain naan and delivery totalled 100元. 小块鸡肉马沙拉(45元),咖喱角(28元),薄 饼(17元),共计100元。

About 30-40 minutes 30-40分钟左右

Papa John's

(Yanji Road Wanda Plaza) 棒!约翰(延吉路万达店) 400-888-7272, 10am-10pm 12 inch stuffed crust Hawaiian, cheese bread sticks + two cokes, 142元 12寸芝士卷边的夏威夷阳光,芝士条+2听可 乐,142元

"35 minutes." “35分钟”

10.06am, Sunday 星期日上午10:06分

12.06pm, 9minutes)





Excuses included "the delivery person is new" and "I can't find your apartment complex, what was the name again?" At 12.02pm, they told us they would do a new pizza and have another driver bring it. At 12.06pm the first pizza arrived, at full price. At 12.15pm, the second pizza arrived, free. We were also given a voucher for another free small pizza. Result! 起初是“送餐员是新人”“我找不到你们的 公寓,公寓名是什么来着?”诸如此类的借 口,12点02分,订餐中心致电我们,他们将 会做个新的比萨然后找有经验的送餐员送给 我们。12:06分第一个比萨送到,我们付了 全款。12:15分第二个比萨送到,免费。同 事还赠送给我们一张免费的小比萨券。

Yanji Lu west to Yanji Lu east. 延吉路西至延吉路东

12.52pm 12:52分

13.34pm (42 minutes) 13:34分(42分钟)

Arrived hot. Thank god there is one place in Qingdao that delivers Indian food. Chicken Tikka Masala is tasty, samosas filling. Naan bread a bit dry. 送达时很热。青岛有餐厅可以外送印度餐实在 太棒了。小块鸡肉马沙拉很美味,咖喱角很饱 满,薄饼有点干。

You Legend: Order details 点餐 Time quoted 预计送达时间

Time of phone call 订餐时间 Actual delivery time 送达时间

Temperature/quality 温度和质量 Route 距离

Hong Kong Garden area to Nanjing Road 香港花园至南京路



广告 • 吃饭

American spokesman Jordan Eckenrode explains Thanksgiving, and recommends a few places to get a good fill. 作为美国人Jordan Eckenrode向我们详细介绍了 感恩节和比较不错的几处地方。


For most Americans, Thanksgiving is the pre-game holiday before Christmas, and the holiday where you stuff your face with turkey, try not to fight with annoying relatives, and watch NFL all day. For bargain shoppers it means it’s almost time for the thrilling hunt of Black Friday low prices. Since Thanksgiving is always held on the fourth Thursday of November, the next day is Black Friday and all the shops have good deals on products; making it the best shopping day of the year.

对大多数美国人来说,感恩节是圣诞节的前戏假 日,这一天你会面对火鸡,试图不去跟恼人的亲戚争 论,一整天看着美国橄榄球联盟赛。对于精打细算的消 费者来说,这一天意味着令人兴奋的黑色星期五低价促 销即将到来。感恩节一般都是11月的第四个星期四,第 二天便是黑色星期五,所有的店铺都会低价促销商品; 这一天成为全年最棒的购物日。

It’s painfully perfect in all its ways. But many forget why Americans (and even some Canadians) celebrate Thanksgiving. As the name implies it’s a time to be thankful for everything you have. We celebrate it with turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn to represent our thanks to the native people for showing the Pilgrims, European settlers, how to cultivate the land. The Pilgrim leader, William Bradford, organised the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621. He invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians to the feast, which was held in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

这一天让人感觉相当的美好。不过很多人却忘记 了美国人(还有一些加拿大人)庆祝感恩节的原因。从 叫法来看,意味着这一天你要感激你所拥有的一切。我 们用火鸡,土豆泥和玉米来庆祝,这一切代表着我们感 谢当地人曾经向清教徒,欧洲移民教授土地耕作。清教 徒的首领William Bradford于1621年在马萨诸塞州的普 利茅斯组织了第一个感恩节盛宴,他邀请了邻居万帕诺 亚格人参加盛宴。

Now, around 280 million turkeys are sold for the Thanksgiving in the US, which is pretty impressive considering that the US has only a population of 300 million: each year, the average American eats somewhere between 16 - 18 pounds (7-8 kilos) of turkey! That’s like two heavy newborns. Since 1947, the National Turkey Federation has presented a live turkey to the President… but the President does not eat the live turkey. He 'pardons' it and allows it to live out its days on a historical farm.

如今,美国在感恩节期间卖掉了大约2亿8千万只 火鸡,这个数字让人感到惊讶,因为美国的人口才3 亿。每年,美国人平均能吃掉16-18磅(7-8公斤)火 鸡!相当于两个比较重的新生儿。1947年起,国家火 鸡协会都会赠送给总统一只活的火鸡...不过总统是不会 吃活火鸡的。他会“赦免”火鸡并允许它在农场中度 过余生。

广告 • 吃饭

The Canvas Everyone's favourite Korean-Canadianrun Western eatery is pulling out all the stops this year with a butter nut squash soup or caesar salad starter, followed by homemade biscuits and corn bread in a basket, then turkey with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, honey glazed carrots and pear-almond stuffing covered in gravy and fresh cranberry sauce, and finally pumpkin cheese cake or apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. Guaranteed to break your poor trousers. Select drinks are included, and it'll cost 258元 each, with a 100元 deposit at reservation. 大家都喜欢这间韩国加拿大人开的西 餐厅,今年他们准备了灰胡桃南瓜汤或凯撒 沙拉做前菜,随后是自制饼干和一篮玉米面 包,接下来是填满烤大蒜,土豆泥,青豆, 涂满蜂蜜的胡萝卜和梨杏的火鸡,淋上肉汁 和新鲜蔓越莓酱,最后是南瓜芝士蛋糕或配 有冰激凌的苹果酥作为甜点。包含精选饮 料,每份258元,预订需100元定金。

InterContinental Qingdao Flavours

青岛海尔洲际酒店品香苑 Celebrate with friends and family with dishes like roasted turkey and pumpkin pie, and a free-flowing wine buffet. From 5.30-9.30pm on Thanksgiving Day, it'll cost 268 for adults and 128元 for the kids. 与家人和朋友来品香苑餐厅庆祝感恩 节,品尝传统感恩节大餐,包含烤火鸡、 南瓜派等。免费畅饮指定葡萄酒将为您带 来非凡就餐体验。感恩节当天下午5:30至 晚9:30,成人268元,儿童仅需128元。

Deja Vu Pumpkin soup to start, with a main course of chicken, cranberry sauce and gravy, mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables, carrot cake dessert and mulled wine. Advance reservations are required, and there are discounts for children. 前菜南瓜汤,接下来主菜是鸡,配有蔓 越莓酱和肉汁,土豆泥和当季蔬菜,胡萝卜 蛋糕甜点,还有暖葡萄酒。接受预定,儿童 享有折扣。

Second Amerasian Thanksgiving



Korona Grill House


Each year, the QAIS community shares a traditional North American feast with rich international accents. The event also features a bazaar and auction, with proceeds going to children in need in rural Shandong province. Email to donate items to the auction, or to reserve a place.

Qingdao's only bona-fide American grill will be offering both in-house and delivery turkey dinners, including succulent winepoached pears, roast carrot and honey, and chestnut-stuffing along with a monstrous turkey, with gravy and cranberry sauce. It's a bargain at 788元, considering it'll feed up to 10 appetites.

每年,青岛美亚国际学校都会举办国际味 十足的传统的北美盛宴。盛会中还有集市和拍 卖活动,所得收益将捐助给山东省农村地区有需 要的儿童。发送邮件至Info@QingdaoAmerasia. org为拍卖活动捐助物品或预订位置。

岛城纯正的美式烧烤餐厅,火鸡晚宴 可在店内就餐也可外送。包括多汁的红酒 雪梨,烤胡萝卜,蜂蜜和栗子填充的巨型火 鸡,配肉汁和蔓越莓酱,定价788元,足够 10人品尝。

Each year, the average American eats somewhere between 16 - 18 pounds (7-8 kilos) of turkey! That’s like two heavy newborns. Korona's turkey

Feast at Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel 青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店 盛宴全日制餐厅 Slightly more upmarket is Sheraton's Feast restaurant's roast turkey carving station with home-made cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, honey walnut pie, plus other buffet trimmings. RMB198 net includes a glass of hot wine and free flowing beer or soft drinks. Alternatively, order a 5kg turkey to take home for RMB898 net, but note it must be reserved 3 days in advance. Call 8228-9999 ext. 6866. 感恩节大餐高档之选就在青岛胶州绿城喜 来登酒店盛宴全日制餐厅,火鸡焙烤大餐、自 制蔓越莓酱、南瓜饼、蜂蜜核桃馅饼和丰富传 统菜肴。198元净价含一杯果酒、啤酒或软饮 畅饮。还可订购感恩节特别礼篮,仅需898元 净价5公斤火鸡带回家(需提前3天预订)。致 电8228-9999 ext. 6866

Diner 22 and The Diner 贰拾贰号咖啡厅和 丹尼美式餐厅 For bigger parties, both Diners are offering huge turkey sets - but please note they need to be reserved five days in advance. The meal comes fully equipped with bread and chestnut stuffing, caramelised onion mashed potato and blueberry sauce. 两间Diner均为大型派对活动准备了巨型 火鸡套餐-不过请注意需要提前5天预订。套 餐还配有充足的面包和栗子填充料,焦糖洋 葱土豆泥和蓝莓酱。

For contact info, see listings. 联系方式详见地址信息


A Convenient Broth our taste testers slurped down pot noodles in one feverishly MSG-fueled, e-numbered escapade at the REDSTAR office. Next time you get the train to Beijing you’ll be the envy of all the other passengers with your well-informed choice of insta-dinner. Don’t thank us all at once. 四位美食测试员在红星办公 室对方便面进行了品尝与测试。下 次你在去北京的列车上,带上一桶 方便面,你会是其他旅客羡慕的对 象。不要着急感谢我们。

UFO (Japan/ 日本) Stir-fried Beef Flavour 铁板牛肉味 Preptime: 4 minutes 准备时间:4分钟

“Looks dirty, maybe we added too little water. And it doesn’t taste anything like the stir fried beef that it’s named after. Poor.” “ 看起来脏脏的,也许是 加水太少的原因。一点都 没有铁板牛柳的味道。 差。”


Cup Noodle (China/ Hong Kong)

Nissin I-yimian (Japan)

Master Kang (China)

日清 I-意面 (日本)


Italian Beef/ 意大利牛肉 Prep time: 4 minutes

Italian Bolognese 意式肉酱 Prep time: 6 minutes

Mushroom chicken/ 香菇 炖鸡 Prep time: 3 minutes

准备时间:4分钟 Price/ 价格: 6.8元

准备时间:6分钟 Price / 价格: 5元

准备时间:3分钟 Price/ 价格: 3.8元

准备时间:3分钟 Price/ 价格: 6元

“This tastes like ketchup. Sloppy, thin noodles make this feel cheap, despite its relatively high price tag. Heat proof container is a bonus though, this will certainly be useful on train journeys. We may have chosen the wrong flavour, the fish and spicy beef are quite nice.”

“This pasta is better than what you get at the pretend Western restaurant called Greenery Cafe opposite Crowne Plaza. The flavours are strong, and you can see the tomato, onion and (real?) meat. And peas, although you don’t usually find peas in bolognese do you? The noodles have an almost pasta-like firmness. Respect.”

“This might make quite a good hangover cure (if you’re stuck on a train). The soup is well flavoured, quite strong and peppery. Noodles feel cheap and stringy though.”

“This just tastes like salt water and noodles. The beef flavour is very bad, no self-respecting instant noodle afficionado would buy this.”

开杯乐 (中国/香港)

“有点番茄酱的味道。即 使售价蛮高的,细细的面 条仍旧给人种廉价的感 觉。值得嘉奖的是面碗很 耐热。这点在旅行中很 实用。我们可能选错了口 味,鱼香辣牛肉面应该不 错。”


“这款面比你在青岛颐中 皇冠假日酒店对面的绿茵 阁西餐厅里面吃到的要美 味。口味浓郁,可以看到 番茄、洋葱、肉还有豌 豆。虽然你通常发现不了 肉酱中的豌豆。面还很有 筋道。不错。”

80.75% 20

“ 如果你在火车上,这款 是解决宿醉的不错选择。 汤很浓郁,辛辣。面饼感 觉很便宜,又粘连。”


Doll Gong Zai Mian (China/Hong Kong) 公仔面(中国香港) Beef Flavour 牛肉味

Prep time: 3 minutes

“仅有盐水和面的味道。 牛肉味很烂。任何方便 面狂热者都不会购买这 款。”


快捷汤面 image © marc montebello

R! WINNE者 胜 获 King Of Noodles (China)

Tang Da Ren (China)

拉王(中国) ‘Best’ Beef/ 精炖牛肉


Prep time: 5 minutes 准备时间:5分钟 Price/ 价格: 6.2元

“Packaging claims they are ‘not fried’. Are other instant noodles fried? Tastes like mint and coriander. No wait it’s exactly like Lanzhou Lamian! Remarkable. A fine choice, truly a king amongst noodles.” “包装上宣传说面饼是非 油炸的。其他方便面都是 油炸的?口感像薄荷和香 菜。等等,完全和兰州拉 面一个味道。显然是一个 不错的选择,来自拉面之 国的味道。”


Japanese-style Pork Bone 日式豚骨拉面 Prep time: 6 minutes 准备时间:6分钟 Price/ 价格: 7.8元

“A complicated convenient noodle, with four sachets, including two pieces of horribly freeze-dried bacon and a thick, gloopy bone sauce. It has a strong garlic tastes, a bit like (noodle chain) Ajisen Ramen. Leaves a strange popcorn aftertaste, but the generally tasty soup saves it.” “稍显复杂的方便面,有 四个酱料包,包括两个冷 冻干燥的肉酱包和一个油 脂厚厚的骨汤包。大蒜味 浓郁,有点像味千拉面。 有奇怪的爆米花的回味, 但汤很美味。”


Koka Instant Noodles (Singapore) 可口快熟面 (新加坡) Spicy Marinara Flavour 辣茄海鲜味 Prep time: 3 minutes 准备时间:3分钟 Price/ 价格: 14.8元

“Wide, flat rice noodles (河粉 hefen) like tagliatelli. Seafood flavour - those freeze-dried prawns softened up damn fine! Firm noodles, and it gets extra points for being gluten free, low fat and with no MSG (or so they claim). This is not bad, but I don’t know why it’s called ‘marinara’. “ 河粉像意式干面。海鲜 口味,冷冻干虾泡软后口 味不错。面条筋斗,不含 麸质、低脂、没有味精 (至少厂家是这样声称 的)更是值得嘉奖。不 错。但我不知道为什么要 叫’marinara’。”

Xin La Mian (Korea)

Lai Yi Tong (China)



Mushroom Beef 香菇牛肉面 Prep time: 3 minutes

Best Tomato Ketchup Beef 精炖番茄牛肉面 Prep time: 3 minutes


准备时间: 3分钟

“Firm, juicy noodles, and the soup is full-flavoured and quite spicy. This is in the high-end, luxury bracket of instant noodles. Maybe not Porsche, but certainly BMW, if you compared it with German automobiles. I hear the kimchi flavour is even better.”

“Proves just how misguided local perceptions of Western food can be. Ketchup beef? Best? No one puts ketchup with their best beef. It actually does taste like ketchup though. Yuck.”

“面条筋斗,汤汁味美、 辛辣。中高端方便面。也 许不是方便面界的保时 捷,但一定是方便面界的 宝马。听说辣白菜的口味 更好。”

“十足证明了,对西餐原 料的误解。番茄牛肉?最 好的牛肉?没有人会在最 棒的牛肉里加上番茄酱 的。不过味道真是番茄酱 的味道。不怎么样。、”






广告 • 活动

Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣 母 院

November 14-18, 7.30pm, Grand Theatre 11月14日至18日 青岛大剧院

After a rapturous display of appreciation at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in 2002, internationally-acclaimed musical, Notre Dame de Paris, is coming to thrill Qingdao, writes Tri Tong. 曾于2002年在北京人民大会堂隆重献映的著名音乐剧《巴黎圣母院》将登陆岛城。


dapted from French writer Victor Hugo's masterpiece by musician Richard Cocciante and lyricist Luc Plamondon, and set in Paris in 1482, Notre Dame de Paris tells the story of the hunchback Quasimodo and his undying love for the beautiful gypsy dancer Esmeralda. The musical is represented internationally by a host of casts, in Paris, London, Barcelona and Canada among other destinations and this Asian tour consists of members of the French-Canadian production.

改编自法国文学巨擎维克多·雨果的不朽名著,理查德·科西 昂特作曲,吕克·普拉蒙东谱词。《巴黎圣母院》讲述的是1482年的 巴黎,驼背的卡西莫多和他对吉普塞舞者艾丝美拉达永恒的爱的故 事。音乐剧有强大的演员阵容,曾在巴黎,伦敦,巴塞罗那和加拿大 等地上演,此次的亚洲巡演还包括诸位法裔加拿大籍制作人的团队 成员。

This is a true international A-list performance, boasting some big names. Singer/ songwriter Matt Laurent returns to the stage as Quasimodo, a role that he also played in the very first Canadian production, while one of the most prominent names in musical theatre, Candice Parise plays Esmerelda. Ian Carlyle, of The Lion King musical fame, adds weight as Clopin, Robert Marien plays Frollo and Dennis Ten Vergert plays Gringoire.


Since its Paris debut in 1998, the French-Canadian production has enjoyed a successful run with performances in over ten countries. Years after the French language version debuted in China, fans who catch this tour can enjoy it in English.


This is one of literature’s most tragic stories of love and vengeance turned into an astonishing, visually-stunning play, and the voices of the seven lead singers and their choreography will stun viewers into an auditory heaven - not something that happens every day in Qingdao. From 180元 (weekdays), 280元 (weekend). 22

这是一部真正的国际一流的演出,演员包括饰演卡西莫多的歌 王》的伊恩·凯雷饰克洛潘,罗伯特·马里恩饰弗罗洛,丹尼斯·腾· 瓦格特饰葛林果。 鉴于1998年巴黎首演的盛况空前,艺术团先后在十几个国家演 者的福音。 这是一部波澜壮阔爱与复仇的史诗巨作,被誉为是最好听,最好 看的音乐剧,开创了当代音乐剧的新纪元-这样的剧目可不是天天 都能在青岛欣赏到的。票价平日场180元起,周末场280元起。

广告 • 活动




《孔雀》化身 7-9 November, 7.30pm , Grand Theatre 11月7-9日 青岛大剧院


f Swan Lake is the masterpiece of Western dance, then the Peacock would represent the East. One of two featured events at the Grand Theatre this month, the Peacock consists of four chapters, each for a season of the year. The story describes how a peacock, as a human incarnation, after the joy of the birth in spring, imposing love in summer and bleak separation in autumn, finally converts to the gods in winter. Celebrated principal dancer Yang Liping will perform solo and group dance accompanied by post-modern incidental music. Liu Jieling

“生命在自然界里走一趟,春夏秋冬,生老 病死,其实最后都逃脱不了一个归一。”19 9 4年 杨丽萍自编自导独舞《雀之灵》,荣获中华民族 20世纪舞蹈经典作品金奖,自此成为了孔雀的化 身。11月7-9日,《孔雀》将在青岛大剧院连演3 场。舞剧以春夏秋冬四个篇章,讲述作为人的化 身的孔雀,在历经了春天的出生喜悦、盛夏的轰 烈爱恋、秋天的萧瑟分离后,最终在冬天皈依神 灵的故事。如果说西方舞蹈的代表作是“天鹅” ;那么东方的就应该是“孔雀”,追求“新东方美 学”,是中国感特别纯粹的舞剧。




Guy Fawkes Night 盖伊福克斯之夜


Violin concert Ukraine verski Grand Theatre 7.30pm dance group 天骄音乐会 Grand Theatre 青岛大剧院 7.30pm Nyna Vales 乌克兰维尔斯基国 AF 7.30pm 法语联盟 家功勋舞蹈团 The State of Bavaria 青岛大剧院 Exhibition InterCon, until 18 Nov

Twisted Machine Downtown Bar 9pm

01 02 03 04 THU 四


巴伐利亚州展览 青岛海尔洲际酒店 至18日

Peacock Grand Theatre 7.30pm

DEF Downtown Bar, 9pm

孔雀 青岛大剧院

别吃朋友 2012全国 巡演青岛站


扭曲机器 2012全国 巡演青岛站


05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Regensburger Domspatzen InterCon 8pm Also 8 Nov

罗森博格大教堂合唱 团 青岛海尔洲际酒 店 至8日

YCIS Early Childhood Education Open Day 8.30am, until 16 Nov

Notre Dame De Paris Grand Theatre 7.30pm Until 18

Electro Night DJ Miki Carnegie's 9pm

Journey Into Montessori QAIS 9:30am

K+K Vienna Grand Theatre 7.30pm

巴黎圣母院 青岛大剧院 至18日

电音之夜 DJ Miki 卡内基

蒙特梭利之旅 青岛美亚国际学校

维也纳K+K音乐平台 室内乐团音乐会 青岛大剧院

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

青岛耀中国际学校学 前儿童教育开放日 早8.30,至16日

Sunny Song Folk Downtown Bar 9pm 民谣诗人松青岛站

Netanya Kibbutz 经典歌剧的光辉 ——以色列内坦亚基布兹乐团交响音乐会 Orchestra


f you got a hankering for something classical, like the aria in Bizet's Carmen or Prokofiev’s Symphony No.1, then this Israeli orchestral performance is definitely for you. The Israeli Netanya Kibbutz Orchestra (INKO) is known as a leading group amongst the music industry in Israel, and has enjoyed great popularity, and been lavished with praise and awards for their original works, excellent artistic standards and unique and rich soundtracks. Largely consisting of Israeli musicians, they have performed in places as far afield as New York, Berlin, Paris and Korea.

24 November, 7:30pm, Grand Theatre 11月24日 青岛大剧院


Luminaries in the orchestra include Yaron Gottfried (pictured) and Keren Hadar. Gottfried, a conductor, composer and pianist, who specialises in classical, jazz and contemporary music is noted for his creative leadership which keeps this orchestra at a very energetic and high musical standard. Hadar's formidable soprano voice is a huge bonus to the group. INKO performs more than 120 concerts each year during the performance season, most of which are packed and receive great acclaim. From 80元 (but lower priced tickets sold out at time of writing).

如果你的口味比较古典,比如《卡 门》的咏叹调和谢尔盖·普罗高菲夫的 《第一交响曲》,那么,这场以色列乐 团的表演绝对可以令你过足瘾。以色列 内坦亚基布兹乐团(简称INKO)是以色 列音乐界的领军团体,以其原创作品、 卓越的艺术水准、以及丰富独特的曲目 而广受观众欢迎,并获得众多赞誉和奖 项。该乐团的音乐家将高品质的古典音 乐带到内盖夫、加利利等地区,多次代 表以色列到纽约、柏林、巴黎、以及韩国 等地参演。 带领这支出色的管弦乐队并保持其 高音乐水准和乐队活力的,是以色列年 轻音乐家中的佼佼者、跨越古典、爵士、 当代多种音乐风格的指挥家、作曲家及 钢琴家亚伦·格特弗雷德。在他富有创 造性的领导下,乐团每季度演出120余 场音乐会,几乎每场都座无虚席、好评 如潮。而女高音克伦·哈达的驻阵无疑 也令乐队更熠熠生辉。

NOVEMBER 十一月 China's Three Sopranos Grand Theatre 7.30pm

Hedgehog Downtown Bar 9pm

INKO Orchestra Grand Theatre 7.30pm

Second Hand Rose Downtown Bar 9pm

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 刺猬乐队 2012全国 巡演青岛站

中国三大女高音 青岛大剧院




QIBA InterContinental 6.30pm


YCIS Primary Open Day 10am


Sheraton Jiaozhou Charity Auction

26 27 28 29 30 青岛国际商务协会 青岛海尔洲际酒店

胶州绿城喜来登点 灯仪式和慈善拍卖

青岛耀中国际学校小 学开放日

Beijing Opera Lights on Water Grand Theatre 7.30pm


以色列内坦亚基布 兹乐团交响音乐会 青岛大剧院

Latino Fiesta Carnegie's 9pm


拉丁嘉年华 卡内基


Get your event on the calender! 把你的活动放到日历上!

现代京剧《水上灯》 青岛大剧院

Second Hand Rose 二手玫瑰 Twisted Machine 扭曲机器

4 November, 9pm, Downtown Bar / 11月4日


onsidered by many to be one of the most influential metal bands in China, Twisted Machine is bringing their powerful sound on tour this month. Indeed, the five-member act from Beijing have garnered a lot of attention from press and fans over the years, and since the release of their smash hit album Return to the Underground, Twisted Machine has become a household name in China's relatively fledgling rock scene. They've been around since 1998, composed of lead vocalist Liang Liang, guitarist Li Pei, bassist Yang Lei and drummer Xi Ye. Drawing inspiration from crossover-metal pioneers such as Rage Against the Machine, the band combines rapcore with hardcore and have added a dash of nu-metal since 2001. With years of festival experience, Twisted Machine have played in front huge crowds and established a loyal base among the fans of the genre. The combination of lead singer Liang Liang's deep, raspy voice and the blasting guitar riffs creates such a distinctive and thrilling sound: expect an orgy of headbanging and lifethreatening moshpits. 80元 (60元 advance).

被认为是当今国内最具影响力 的金属乐队之一的扭曲机器乐队在本 月巡演中为大家带来强有力的声音。 的确,近几年这五位来自北京的成员 获得了来自媒体与歌迷们的诸多关 注,自从发行了专辑《重返地下》,扭 曲机器日渐成为中国相对新兴的摇滚 舞台中的一员。 乐队成立于19 9 8 年,包括主唱 梁良,吉他手李培,贝斯手杨磊和鼓 手夕野。从像是暴力反抗机器乐队这 样的crossover-metal的先锋们那里 汲取灵感,乐队还结合了rapcore和 hardcore,并从2001年起加入了一点 新金属。扭曲机器不断地在人群前 表演并获得了一众忠实的歌迷,积淀 了多年的音乐节经验。结合主唱深沉 粗犷的声音和吉他反复创造出一种 与众不同令人兴奋的声音:被认为是 一种狂放的headbanging和命悬一线 的moshpits。岛城的金属乐迷们不要 错过哦!80元(预售60元)。

25 November, 9pm, Downtown Bar / 11月25日


band known for its fusion of traditional Chinese elements with Western rock n roll motifs, Second Hand Rose count among the royalty of Chinese alternative music. Now in their twelfth year, they left China on the international festival circuit as early as 2002, when they were the only non-European band to play at the Swiss Snow Mountain Festival, before playing in Amsterdam two years later. The last time they played Qingdao was in 2010 at the now-defunct sHooters Bar at the Olympic Marina; the house was packed by enthusiastic local fans, giving an insight into the relevance of this talented group. Never fearful of courting controversy, frontman Liang Long embraced transvestism early in his musical career, a practice that, despite fitting well with his Beijing Opera-influenced vocal lines, did not sit well with a largely conservative audience. Musically, there is plenty here even for those who can't understand the lyrics - few acts have blended the seemingly irreconcilable musical traditions of China with Western pop so fluidly. Recommended.

二手玫瑰结合中国传统元素与西方摇滚乐,以另类 风格称霸中国乐坛。乐队已成立12年。2002年就开始了 世界巡演,他们是在瑞士雪山音乐家演出的唯一一支非 欧洲乐队。两年后,又在阿姆斯特丹演出。最近一次来青 演出是2010年在奥帆码头的sHooters酒吧(现已关闭), 当时观众爆棚,深为他们的音乐所震撼。主唱梁龙,在 他音乐生涯的早期就擅长反串,浓妆艳抹登场。他们的 演出绝对不适合保守的观众。音乐上,东北二人转的音 乐元素与现代摇滚乐不露声色的嫁接,夸张的表演和朴 实戏谑的唱词,再加上民乐的奇幻运用,使观众的视觉 和听觉充满了刺激和震撼。不容错过。



广告 • 活动

Nyna Valès 2 November, 7.30pm, Alliance Francaise 11月2日 法语联盟

Nyna Valès, a charming duo of poets and musicians from Nantes, delivers a romantic dialogue sung in French. Singer Nathalie Carudel with her captivating and sensual voice unifies lyrics and melodies, beautifully underlined by guitarist Yann Savel's arrangements. While creating a sensitive and delicate atmosphere full of melancholy, their songs definitely suggest their attraction for all kinds of musical influences. Somewhere between chanson, bossa-nova, pop, jazz, even electro or classical music, this duo playfully experiments with a rich variety of sounds. Fans of jazz singer Norah Jones or French music legend Serge Gainsbourg will be impressed. Free entry. Tri Tong

Tree-Lighting Ceremony and Charity Auction 点灯仪式和慈善拍卖 November 30, 6pm / 11月30日



Nyna Valè来自法国南特的 双 人 组合,吟 唱 优 美 浪漫 的 法 语歌曲,他们既是诗人也是音乐 家。在吉他手Yann Savel的伴奏 下,歌手Nathalie Carudel用天 籁 般的嗓音唱出美 妙的旋律与 歌词。

含各种各样的元素:流行的、爵 士的、电音、古典音乐等。喜爱爵 士歌手Norah Jones或者痴迷法 国音乐传奇人物Serge Gainsbourg的音乐迷不容错过。此次 活动免费入场。

在歌声的世界,水晶般的声 音、动人的旋律、优美的歌词、 让人如痴如醉,他们的歌曲中包

s is customary, Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel will be lighting a gigantic Christmas tree at a cocktail ceremony at the end of this month. However, in a charitable twist, there will be an auction of accommodation packages from the parent group, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, in some exotic destinations across the Asia-Pacific region. All proceeds will go towards breast cancer awareness/support programs with a local hospital in Jiaozhou and the Western Cancer Society of Fiji.

青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店将 带来一场别开生面的圣诞鸡尾酒 会及亮灯仪式,届时还将举行特 别为支持防治乳腺癌计划而组织 的慈善拍卖活动。 拍卖由喜达屋酒店及度假村 国际集团在亚太区的绝佳酒店所 提供的精选住宿好礼,所得善款 将捐给胶州当地的医院和斐济西 方癌症协会。

广告 • 活动


The Dama Llamas Reunion 大妈辣妈再聚首


Anniversary Party 卡内基周年庆典 Early December, Date TBC / 十二月初,日期待定


arnegie’s loves their party events and special deals. Between their beach party in April, and upcoming Latino Night (24 November) and last month's Halloween Bash, not to mention the daily deals including pizza night, burger night, and pasta night, they’ve showed all their guests that Qingdao can rival any other Chinese city for having a good time. Now the real event begins in early December when Carnegie’s celebrates its one year anniversary, and naturally, an all-out party will ensue. Details were unconfirmed as we went to print, but Christy Xu, Party and Event Planner, told us “Carnegie's Qingdao is a mix of the East and West, and has crazier parties than any other place in Qingdao. Not only does it know how to make good Western food, but it has bartenders who know what they’re doing. We’re going to celebrate all of that at the anniversary.” Stay updated on this and other events: visit Rosie Grant

卡内基因各种聚会活动和特别优惠而闻名岛城。四月的沙滩派对,11月24日的拉丁之夜,以 及上月的万圣节聚会,更不必提披萨之夜、汉堡之夜、意面之夜等日常活动。12月初真正的活动 即将举行:卡内基周年庆典。随后各精彩纷呈的活动更是随之而来。至截稿时,详细庆典活动还 在商讨中,但活动策划者Christy Xu告诉笔者“青岛卡内基融合了东西方特色。我们的活动更加 疯狂。我们不仅知道如何做地道的西方美食,也深知如何调制好的鸡尾酒。这些都将在我们的 庆典中体现出来。”最新消息,请关注。

Don't miss Carnegie's Latino Party (24 November from 8pm), where the margaritas, caipirinhas, tequila and mojitos flow, where there will be salsa music and, probably, naughty dancing on the huge cocktail bar. Get your tickets early for a special discount and a free gift. 30元 advance, 50元 on the night. Contact Christy 139 6980-6180 / Mauricio 186 6029-604. 不要错过11月24日8点开始的卡内基拉丁之夜。当 晚无限量提供玛格丽特、caipirinhas、龙舌兰和莫吉托, 再配上拉丁风格的音乐,也许还有热辣的舞蹈表演。提前 购票(30元)不仅可以享受特价还有小礼物赠送。现场购 票50元。联系Christy 139 6980-6180或者Mauricio 186 6029-604。

TBC, Downtown Bar / 日期待定


ince the Dama Llamas’ inception in 2007, the Qingdao music scene hasn’t been the same. From roadside kaorou gigs to festivals, and promoting and supporting any rock band that comes to Qingdao, they've played a prominent role in putting this town on the map for alternative music. The setup is this: five guys who love music and a good show, jamming in front of a crowd. “It's as if the Chili Peppers, Rage Against The Machine, Weezer and Guns n' Roses all joined forces to cover Bob Marley, drunk,” says guitarist Naughty Dogg. The last time they played together was in Chengdu in July, just before guitarist and co-founder Seabass moved abroad. Back in Qingdao this month, it seemed like perfect timing for a reunion gig. Comprised of the two guitarists, plus charismatic Qingdaonese singer Wei Ke, bassist Mark Cudjoe and drummer Ben Earman, The Dama Llamas have played in Beijing, Hangzhou, Xi'an and Shanghai. They haven't practiced for some time but the reunion gig doesn't perturb them. “It's an exclusive event,” says Mark. “It's only open to those who truly need to rock out and get naked. Clothing is optional.” Rosie Grant 创立于2007年的大妈辣妈乐队在岛城音乐 界可谓是独树一帜的。从街边烤肉小演出到音乐 节,不断向外推介并支持来青岛演出的各摇滚乐 队,为岛城另类音乐做出了突出贡献。五位成员 热爱音乐,且演出经验丰富。吉他手淘气狗这样 介绍, “就像红辣椒,暴力反抗机器,威瑟,枪炮 与玫瑰和鲍勃·马利,还有醉汉的结合。” 7月,就在节奏吉他和共同创始人Seabass搬 到其他国家之前,乐队还曾在成都一同演出过。 本月他将回青度假,举办一次重聚演出再合适不 过了。五位成员包括之前提到的两位吉他手,还 有作为主唱的青岛本地人魏克,贝司Mark Cudjoe,和鼓手Ben Earman。大妈辣妈几乎演遍全 国,包括北京,杭州,西安和上海等地。他们并 没有做 太多的练习,不过重聚演出吓不到他们 的。Mark说“这将是一场特别的演出,向真正热 爱摇滚直率的观众开放。服装可选。”



广告 • 活动

China's Three Sopranos “孙秀苇、么红、沈娜”中国三大女高音 22 November, 7:30pm, Grand Theatre / 11月22日 青岛大剧院


un Xiuwei, Yao Hong and Shen Na, also known as China's Three Sopranos perform on the Poly Theatres Tour with the Central Opera Orchestra and Chorus, under the baton of conductor Zhang Zheng, in a performance that will bring the very best of Chinese classical music to Qingdao. Sun Xiuwei, who won six world-class singing contests consecutively, including the Italian Verdi International Vocal Competition in 1994, and who has appeared in Madame Butterfly nearly 300 times since 1997, is known to some as 'the world's most perfect Madame Butterfly'. Yao Hong, the holder of the Plum Blossom Award in Chinese drama, starred in Puccini's Turandot in 1995 and since then has enjoyed a warm critical acceptance. She also performed with the Three Tenors at the Meridian Gate in the Forbidden City in Beijing in 2001. Shen Na, who won first prize at the International Vocal Competition in soprano in Toulouse, France, has participated in large international performances on behalf of China on several occasions and performed in front of Hu Jintao, Putin, Bush and other heads of state. Her starring roles include Cavalleria Rusticana, Aida and Turandot. Not to be missed for fans of opera. From 180元. Liu Jieling

Yao Hong 么红

中国“三大女高音”和世界知名的歌唱家孙秀苇、么红、沈娜,将于 11月 巡演青岛。音乐会将邀请中央歌剧院交响乐团和合唱团担任伴奏,指挥家 张峥全程执棒。 孙秀苇:19 94年连续赢得包括意大利“威尔第国际声乐比赛”在 内的6个世界级歌唱比赛冠军;1997年至今共参演《蝴蝶夫人》近300 场,被誉为“世界上最完美的蝴蝶夫人”。 么红:中国戏剧“梅花奖”获得者。1995年出演普契尼歌剧《图 兰朵》大受好评;2001年在北京紫禁城午门与世界三大男高音同 台演出。 沈娜:曾获法国图卢兹国际声乐大赛女高音第一名。 曾多次代表中国参加大型国际演出,并多次为胡锦涛、 普京、布什等多国元首演出。主演歌剧有《乡村 骑士》、 《阿依达》、 《图兰朵》等。

Shen Na 沈娜

Sun Xiuwei 孙秀苇

Between Jazz and Classical

Chamber Orchestra of the Plattform K+k Vienna


amed for Kirill Kobantschenko, the Ukranian principal violinist of the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra, Plattform K+k is a young, independent chamber music ensemble from Vienna, that counts many local Opera Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestra musicians among its members. Highly talented then, and imbibed with the impetuousness of youth, they are devoted to the task of breathing new life into rarely performed 28

广告 • 活动

DJ Groovemiki's


16 November, 9pm, Carnegie’s 11月16日 卡内基

Natty Mash Up 音乐整洁的混搭


owntown Bar’s DJ Miki is coming to Carnegie’s. Bringing the best of both venues, one of Qingdao's most important young musicians will be taking advantage of Carnegie’s floor space for a night of electronic beats, dance hits, and flashy lighting. Miki has done it all, from founding a DJ school and producing his own music to mentoring local talent while performing all over China and managing his own live music venue. But what about his music? An innovative DJ with a keen interest in the B-boy (hip-hop) culture since 1998, Miki was a member of one of Qingdao’s first dance groups, the Spit Fish Crew, as well as a scratch DJ. Two years after his entrance into the DJing world he started his own company and ran tracks on some of China’s top stages with other DJs from around the world. In 2004, he moved to Beijing and took in all the different styles Chinese and Western trends had to offer: avant-garde music, underground bands, music theory, jazz, rock, r'n'b and even some of Shanghai’s old music styles. Electronic beats have been his forte, but he’s blended in the diversity of styles from China’s capital. Exciting stuff. Rosie Grant 卡内基迎来Downtown酒吧的DJ Miki。岛城最重要 的年轻音乐人之一Miki将带来电子乐、舞曲和炫目的灯 光。Miki做到了这一切,从创办DJ学校到制作自己的音乐 以指导本地音乐人才,同时在全国演出,并经营自己的现 场音乐酒吧。 Miki的音乐怎样?自1998年起就对B-BOY(hip-hop)文 化着迷的新锐DJ,Miki是岛城较早的舞蹈社团Spit Fish Crew成员之一,也是scratch DJ。进入DJ界两年后,Miki创 办了自己的公司,与来自世界各地的DJ到中国顶级场地演 出。2004年,Miki来到北京,更进一步吸收中西方风格。前 卫的音乐、地下乐队、音乐理论、爵士乐、摇滚乐、节奏布 鲁斯,甚至是上海老音乐风格。电子节拍是他的强项,整 体风格变化多样。令人兴奋的音乐。

compositions, the group varies from classical to jazz and even ventures into electronic territory, forming a menagerie of classically-influenced sounds mixed with diverse and modern musical ideas. Famous performers in the group include the Eggner Trio cellist Florian Eggner and local jazz luminary, Vienna Radio String Quartet's Bernie Mallinger. From 100元. Liu Jieling

K+K是维也纳音乐生活的重要代表,也是 乐团创办者柯利尔·科邦申克名字的缩写,当中 很多音乐家来自维也纳国家歌剧院管弦乐团 和维也纳爱乐乐团。

年轻的独立室内音乐团体志在以不同的风格 重新演绎少为人知的音乐。乐团使用“平台” 一词,意在最大限度地创造并保护音乐的灵 活性和音乐家的可塑性。

维也纳K+K音乐平台,听来似乎十分怀旧 (译者注:K+K原为皇家之意),其实相反,这个

从古典到爵士再到电子音乐,乐团的风格 变化多样。他们的创作理念代表了最高的艺术 追求和多元的音乐组合方式。入团的著名演奏 家包括来自埃格纳三重奏的大提琴家弗罗里 安.埃格纳,以及来自本土爵士舞台的佼佼者、 维也纳广播弦乐四重奏的贝尔尼.马林格。

跨越爵士与古典间的鸿沟 维也纳K+K音乐平台室内乐团音乐会

18 November, 7:30pm, Grand Theatre 11月18日 青岛大剧院



广告 • 活动

Regensburger Domspatzen

罗森伯格大教堂 合唱团 7, 8 November, InterContinental Qingdao 11月7-8日 青岛海尔洲际酒店


egensburg is a city in Germany, and Domspatzen means 'cathedral sparrow', and hard to pronounce though it may be, the Regensburger Domspatzen is one of the oldest still-running choral ensembles around - this boys choir's origins date back to the year 975, when Bishop Wolfgang established the first primary school of St. Peter's Cathedral in Regensburg. (However, none of the original members will be coming on this tour.) But the tour, organised by the State of Bavaria in Qingdao to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the partnership of Bavaria and Shandong (in case you didn't know, Regensburg and Qingdao are Sister Cities), does promise to be artistically profound: this choir is well versed in both performing and recording the classics, having recorded Bach's Christmas Oratorio, Handel's Messiah and Schütz's Psalms of David. Besides their annual tour of Germany, they've performed for dignitaries such as Queen Elizabeth II, and in 2006 performed for Pope Benedict XVI himself, who just happens to be the brother of the former choir leader, Georg Ratzinger. Now that's guanxi. TIckets are available at the InterContinental Qingdao (6656-6666 ext. 1666).

In celebration of the lengthy partnership between Shandong and Bavaria, there will be an exhibition, 'The State of Bavaria', at the lobby of the hotel from 2-18 November. 为庆祝山东和巴伐利亚州的长 期合作伙伴关系,11月2-18日 在青岛海尔洲际酒店大堂还将 举办“巴伐利亚州”展览。

F International Christmas Market 国际圣诞市场 6-9 December, InterContinental Qingdao 12月6-9日 青岛海尔洲际酒店


or centuries a German tradition, the Christmas Market is an annual tradition celebrating homegrown artisans, craftsmen, traditional foods, beverages and music, and a coming together for families during the Yuletide season. It's also a tradition that expatriates in Qingdao have been maintaining in recent years. This year, the second International Christmas Market hopes to open that tradition to an even wider audience and invites all members of the community to participate. "We want to share the diversity of Christmas traditions with the international and local community of Qingdao," say organisers, who are currently looking for companies and individuals to represent their home country at the market. "This market is a unique platform to represent the [various] traditions of Christmas by selling seasonal foods, handicrafts and Christmas decorations." To get into the Christmas spirit, contact Gabriele. Proceeds go to charity. Organised by InterContinental Qingdao, QIBA and Qingdao Expat.

雷根斯堡是德国的一座城市,Domspatzen 是教堂合唱团的意思。虽说发音不太容易,但 是Regensburger Domspatzen(罗森伯格大教 堂合唱团)是最早的合唱团之一。这个男生合 唱团成立于975年,主教沃尔夫冈在雷根斯堡 建立第一所录属于圣彼得大教堂的第一所小 学。(显然,原创成员不会有幸参与此演出。) 本次演出由青岛巴伐利亚洲组织,为庆祝 巴伐利亚州和山东合作关系成立25周年而举 办。(雷根斯堡和青岛是姊妹城市)本合唱团 演出和录制经验都很丰富,录制有Bach's Chri stmas Oratorio、Handel's Messiah和Schütz's Psalms of David。除每年德国巡演外,他们还 参加 政要庆典演出,如英国女王伊丽 莎白二 世、2006年为教皇本笃十六世(其也是合唱团 前领导者的兄弟)。门票可在青岛海尔洲际酒 店领取。(6656-6666分机1666)

圣诞市场是几个世纪以来德国的传统 节日,这是一年一度在圣诞季节汇集手工 劳动者、传统美食饮品还有音乐的盛大节 日。最近几年,岛城的外籍人士一直保留这 一传统。今年,第二届国际圣诞市场希望可 以让更多的人参与其中。 “我们想与青岛的本地居民和国际友 人一起分享多样的圣诞传统。”组织者说。 目前,正在寻求可以代表各自国家的公司和 个人参与到市场中。 “这个市场是一个独特 的平台,通过销售圣诞特色食物、工艺品和 圣诞装饰品来体现多样的圣诞传统。” 想更好的体 现圣诞精神,请联系。所得款项 捐给慈善机构,本活动由青岛海尔洲际酒 店、青岛国际商务协会和青岛外籍人士社团 组织。

广告 • 文化


When Tigers Flew 飞虎队在行动


-40战鹰战斗机,带着红鼻和鲨鱼锯齿,冲 入阳光冲向日本零式战斗机。在高空中, 中国飞行员开火射击,日本零式战斗机左 右躲闪,但俯冲下来的战鹰战斗机瞄准目标,开 火。最终,日本零式战斗机爆炸,从另一个侵略 者手中拯救了中国。谁是驾驶这些战鹰战斗机的 英勇飞行员?他们就是飞虎队,他们的勋绩是中 美关系中最鼓舞人心的也是最浪漫的一章。

Recalling less peaceful times, Victor Fic pays homage to the winged tigers that once streamed through China’s Skies. 回望战争年代,Victor Fic向划过中国天空 的飞虎队致敬。


he P-40 Warhawk fighter, with its red tongue and white shark's teeth, dived out of the sun toward the Japanese Zero fighter. At a thousand feet above its prey, the Chinese pilot opened fire and the Japanese Zero tried to twist away, but the dropping Warhawk kept his target in his sights - and kept firing. Finally, the Zero exploded in flames, saving China from one more aggressor.

飞虎队,正式名称为美籍志愿大队。拥有 10 0名左右的美国飞行员,来自41个国家。从 19 41年12月20日至19 42年7月14日,驾驶战记 多次在中国参与空战。退休的美国陆军航空总 队克莱尔·李·陈纳德是美国航空志愿队(飞虎 队)的司令官。

Claire L Chennault Stands in front of one his Tigers 克莱尔·李·陈纳德站在其中一架战机前




广告 • 文化

Flying Tigers as depicted in wartime propganda posters 飞虎队在战争年代的宣传海报

Who were the daring pilots in those distinctively painted Warhawks? They were the Flying Tigers, and their exploits are one of the most inspiring and romantic - episodes in Chinese-American relations. The official name of the Flying Tigers was the 1st American Volunteer Group. These 100 or so American pilots, hailing from 41 states, manned the same number of aircraft and saw action in China between December 20, 1941 and July 14, 1942. The credit for the AVG goes to Claire L. Chennault, a retired US Army Air Corps captain who wished to help China in its anti-Japan war. How did the planes get their look? One pilot, Robert L Scott, addresses the matter in his book, Flying Tiger: Chennault of China. He says that the Chinese called the pilots 'tigers' and they simply added 'flying'. Some AVG pilots had seen a plane with the shark motif and borrowed it. The Americans later learned that the Japanese fear the shark. The Flying Tigers first tasted combat on December 20, 1941 during a bleak period in the war after Pearl Harbour, bucking up morale. Then, in July 1942, the Flying Tigers were absorbed into the US 14th Air Force. What made the Flying Tigers so fearsome? Chennault's combat doctrine reflected careful study. When Japanese planes attack, Scott recalls, Chennault insisted that his men, "forget individual combat theory. Fight always in pairs." He insisted that his pilots have an altitude advantage and "go down with all the speed you have, for the heavy P-40 will take much more than the light Zero before you [must] pull out." He prohibited turning fights with the nimble Japanese fighters. Chennault's techniques were contrary to what his men had learned - but they worked. The Flying Tigers also benefited from a pre radar early warning system that Chennault set up. In areas of China not under Japanese occupation, the people manned many alarm stations equipped with radios and telephones that provided warning to the pilots if Japanese planes approached. What was the heroic Chennault like in person? Scott describes his facial skin as resembling leather and adds that he was half deaf, both because of Chennault flying in wind-pounded open cockpit airplanes. Scott adds that Chennault was soft spoken, but he was also a "sharp, tough, deepthinking...rock of a man." Overall, the Flying Tigers were paid combat bonuses for shooting down almost 300 Japanese planes, suffering only 14 losses. While some analysts say that the men over claimed their kills, others insist 19 of the pilots can be credited with five or more air to air victories, making them aces. Many of the Tigers became famous. For instance, Scott authored another book entitled God is My Co-pilot that hit the bestseller's list. It was also turned into a popular movie in 1943. In addition, there are many monuments and tributes to the pilots. For 28 32

instance, the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio has a large display of items related to the Flying Tigers than span a banner presented to the pilots by the then Chinese government and a P-40 Warhawk. In Chiang Mai, Thailand, a marble pillar was dedicated in 2003 inscribed to Chennault and to his pilots who died fighting over that country. In Taiwan, there is a statue of Chennault at Hualian air force base. A Flying Tigers Memorial museum is located in the village of Zhijiang, Hunan Province. Its back wall contains the name of all the Flying Tigers. In 2005, Kunming carried out a ceremony memorialising the Flying Tigers in China. Also, The Memorial Cemetery to Anti-Japanese Aviator Martyrs in Nanjing, China also has a wall naming the pilots. The largest private museum in China, Chengdu Jianchuan Museum, devotes a wing in its military section to the history of the Flying Tigers, including a wall of gratitude comprised of a thousand porcelain photos of the Flying Tigers. Chennault left China for the US in August 1945. As he left, thousands of Chinese stood alongside the runway to wave good bye and to light fire crackers to scare off devils and spirits. They were not ordered to see off Chennault, but came based on their respect for the commander whose pilots had fought for China during the dark days when a Japanese victory seemed certain. Chennault eventually died of cancer. On July 30, 1958, he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery after his body was flown there - on his last flight.

A Flying Tiger screams down a valley in China 一架飞虎队战机在中国某山谷中降落

科特,在《飞虎队:中国的陈纳德》一书中解答了 这个问题。他说,中国称飞行员为老虎,我们只是 简单地加上了一个“飞”字。有些飞行员看到过以 鲨鱼为主题的飞机,就借鉴了这个理念。后来, 美国人才知道日本人害怕鲨鱼。1941年12月20日 飞虎队第一次参战。直到,1942年7月,飞虎队被 收编为美国第14航空队。

这都是因为开战机的缘故。陈纳德说话轻声细 语,但他同时也是一个“雷厉风行、坚忍不拔,深 思熟虑,如岩石般坚硬的一个人。”

物馆成都建川博物馆也在军事部分介绍了飞 虎队的历史,并贴有飞虎队所有成员的照片 以表敬意。

总体而言, 飞虎队共击落约300架日本战机, 损失飞机14架。某些人认为过分夸大了他们的神 勇,但有至少5次空战的胜利归功于飞虎队。

飞虎队的可怕之处在哪?陈纳德的作战学说 值得仔细研究。日本飞机开始攻击时,斯科特回 忆说,陈纳德坚持他的人“忘了单兵作战理论。 战斗中总是成对出现。”他坚持他的飞行员有高 空优势和“快速的俯冲速度,因为提升沉重的 P-40战机比轻便的零式战斗机要花费更多的时 间。”他禁止与日本战机进行灵活战。陈纳德的 理论与其他飞行员所知相背离,但确实管用。

飞虎队成员名声大振。例如,斯科特撰写的 另一本书《上帝是我的副驾驶》,成为畅销书籍。 还于1943年拍摄成电影。

陈纳德于1945年8月离开中国返回美国。 当他离开时,成千上万的中国人点燃爆竹,站 在跑道旁挥手再见。所有人均是自愿来送别 陈纳德,送别那在黑暗的日子里,在日本似 乎看到胜利曙光时,帮助过我们的指挥官和 他的飞行员们。陈纳德最终死于癌症。1958 年7月30日,他的遗体空运回阿灵顿国家公墓 (Arlington National Cemetery),并安葬在 这里。这是他最后一次飞行。

飞虎队的另一优势是陈纳德建立的预先雷 达预警系统。中国未被日本占领的地方,人们建 立了很多配备有收音机和电话的报警站,如果日 本战机接近就会向飞行员发出警告。 英雄陈纳德是怎样一个人?斯科特这样描 述,陈纳德的皮肤像皮革般,同时他还有点聋,

此外,还有很多遗迹和对飞行员的悼念。例 如,美国代顿空军国家博物馆,俄亥俄州有一个 关于飞虎队的相关陈列,以及中国政府赠送的向 飞行员和P-40战鹰战斗机致敬锦旗。2003年在 泰国清迈树立起了一座大理石碑向在泰国战斗中 牺牲的陈纳德和他的飞行员致敬。 台湾的花莲空军基地建造了陈纳德的雕像。 湖南省芷江建有飞虎队纪念馆,后墙刻有所有飞 虎队成员的姓名。2005年,昆明举行了飞虎队的 纪念活动。此外,南京抗日飞行员烈士纪念公墓 也在墙壁上刻有飞行员姓名。中国最大的私人博

Victor Fic is a veteran writer currently based in Toronto; Victor Fic现居多伦多的资深撰稿人 Vfic@ 33 29

The Per fect Bolt Hole With beaches and stunning scenery and tons and tons of history, Tim Lyddiatt says that Croatia was the perfect place to escape the rigours of a trip back home. Tim Lyddiatt说,克罗地亚拥有沙滩、迷人的风景和大量的历史遗迹,是一个逃避严酷现实的完美之选。 had no idea of what to expect when planning a trip to Croatia. We had little in mind for the country, just knew that it had beaches and forests, lakes and old Roman cities. But aside from that, what it had most going for it was that there would just be the three of us there, with no advice to be heard and no appearances to maintain. It was to be our holiday within a holiday, an escape from the pleasures/pressures of introducing our new daughter to our friends and family back in the UK. In just a week, Croatia delivered in spades, and we enjoyed all of the above and much more besides. A little over two hours from London, Zadar, on the county’s central western coast is easily reached from the UK. And because it is served by Ryanair, as long as you book well in advance - and abide by its strict baggage policy - it is a relatively cheap escape from the 34

grind of London and its atrocious weather. And Zadar, whilst pretty, and containing everything we wanted, serves as a good jumping off point to explore the rest of the country: it is well connected by intercity busses, coaches really, which are cheap and run to a regular schedule. With only a week in country, we decided that we make this trip around three centres: Zadar, Split and the Plitvice National Park, the site of some of the most beautiful - and unusual lake landscapes I have ever seen. Zadar itself is interesting in that, like many Croatian towns and cities, it is built on the site of an ancient Roman fortification. Indeed, during its Roman period, Zadar was the capital of the Dalmatian region of their empire. Today, some of the Roman city walls survive, surrounding what evolved into a bustling

medieval city. Those medieval streets survive, winding through light and shadow over rough cobbles and thronging with the detritus of any European holiday destination. We wandered these streets quite happily our first night there. Straight from the plane, we checked into our hotel, one of only a handful that reside inside the city walls, and set out in search of something eat and drink. We were spoilt for choice: the narrow streets of the old town are literally spilling out with places to sit and enjoy incredible seafood and a glass of ice cold beer. This was our first trip as a troika, and our increased number saw that we were seeking a lower intensity holiday than our former partnership might have sought. That meant, even with guide book recommendations in hand, we only half tried to find that secret place, far

划前往克罗地亚的时候我不知道将发 生什么。我们对这个国家一点概念都 没有,就知道它有海滩和森林,有湖 泊和古老的罗马城市。但除此之外,最重要的 就是我们三个在这里不用每天听谁的意见也不 用每天露面去处理事务。这是属于我们自己的 假期,逃离回到英国要向亲朋好友介绍我那新 出生的女儿的压力/快乐。毫无疑问,在克罗地 亚短短的一周时间内,我们十分的享受。 伦敦到扎达尔需要两个多小时,从英国到 达该县中央西部海岸很近。因为它是通过瑞安 服务的,只要你提前预定好,并严格遵守它们 的行李政策—对于逃离伦敦和及其恶劣的天气 来说相对便宜不少。扎达尔既漂亮又有我们想 要的一切,是作为探索这个国家其他地方的好 起点,有城际公共汽车、长途车,定时营运而 且还很划算。 一周的克罗地亚之旅,我们决定围绕扎 达尔、斯普利特和十六湖国家公园展开旅行。 我从来没有见到过那么美丽而又不同寻常的风 景。 扎达尔本身就是很有意思的城市,像其他 许多克罗地亚的乡镇和城市一样,它也是建筑

在古罗马堡垒上的。事实上,在罗马时期,扎 达尔是该帝国达尔马提亚地区的首都城市。如 今,一个中世纪城市在罗马遗留下来的城墙中 繁荣昌盛。那些幸存下来的中世纪街道,通过 光影缠绕着的粗糙的鹅卵石和排列紧密的小碎 石成为欧洲度假胜地。 第一晚我们开心地走在大街上,在飞机上 就查到了我们要住的酒店,在只有少数居民居 住在内的城墙之中。然后开始出发寻找一些吃 的喝的。我们可以坐在老城狭窄的街道上,然 后享受美味的海鲜和一杯冰啤酒。 从之前的经历中可以得出,我们正寻求着 一个较低强度的旅行。这意味着,即使我们手 里拿着指南建议,我们也只尽一半的努力去寻 找秘密的地方,远离喧嚣的人群,将永远无法 对其烹饪产品留下深刻的印象。相反,当我们 停下来的时候,品尝提供给我们的食物。通常 是一些海鲜,扎达尔是该国拥有大片海岸的沿 海城市,荡漾在亚得里亚海。我们在克罗地亚 吃了很多,我们特别开心,盘子里都是简单配 有沙拉和大块柠檬的油炸的鱿鱼、章鱼和成堆 的小鱼,或赶上哪天,由我们选择的一位能说 会道的服务员呈现给我们一盘正是我们喜欢的 食物。一个鱼爱好者的幻想。

次日早晨我们离开了扎达尔,搭乘汽车到 十六湖国家公园。但是我们逛完一圈后又回到 这里来探索它的辉煌历史:爬上教堂塔楼,并 深入研究其地下罗马城垛。但是更重要的是, 我们想在那些鹅卵石铺成的街道上散步,看看 当地的手工工艺品,但是没买,吃着一两个有 着数以百计口味的便宜的冰激凌 ,或者给这座壮丽的城市和岩石、石头拍 照。真希望没有这些阶梯-婴儿车啊-鹅卵石有 一点点滑。 十六湖国家公园是占据国家中心位置的拥 有近300平方公里喀斯特地形的山区。该公园 于1979年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产, 它是首批世界自然遗址之一。原因不难看出。 实际上这是一个高山湖泊公园,森林覆盖的山 丘坡地平稳的蔓延下来与钴蓝色的水域相连。 但是,十六湖可不只是一个湖,它是由16条瀑 布连结的16个湖泊组成-时不时的迸发出几乎 察觉不到的(像泡泡,闪闪发光的粘片玻璃) 一样的东西,其他则像巨兽落水一般到处是交织在一起的洞穴和岩石峭壁。真 是令人印象深刻。 我们在那里住了两晚,有整整两天时间探 索。探索是你旅行中充满乐趣的模式。主要是




from the madding crowd that would never fail to impress in its culinary offering. Instead, we stopped when we stopped, and ate what was offered us. Usually seafood - Zadar is a coastal city in a country with a vast swathe of coastline rippling up against the Adriatic sea - we ate out a lot in Croatia and were never less than beamingly happy with our plates of squid or octopus, mounds of little fish, deep fried and served simply with salad and hunks of lemon, or the catch of the day, selected by us from a platter presented to us by the smooth talking waiters and cooked exactly as we liked. A fish lover’s fantasy.

UNESCO World Heritage register in 1979, it was amongst the first natural sites worldwide. It is not difficult to see why. In essence it is a mountain and lake park: sloping forest covered hills smooth their way down to meet the cobalt blue of the waters. But Plitvice is not just one lake, it is a stepping procession of 16 interlinked lakes, conjoined by cascading waterfalls - some almost imperceptibly small (like bubbling, viscous sheets of shimmering glass) others towering leviathans of cacophonous falling water - and interwoven with networks of caves and surround by cliffs of sheet rock. It is jaw-droppingly impressive stuff.

We left Zadar the next morning, catching a bus to the Plitvice National Park. But we would return there at the end of our wanderings and explore its magnificent history: to climb church towers and delve deeply into its subterranean Roman battlements. But mostly we would meander those cobbled streets, looking at, but not buying, local arts and crafts, eating far too many deliciously moorish - and cheap - ice cream cones in one, or a couple, of hundreds of available flavours, or taking pictures of this imposing city of rock and stone, wishing all the while that steps had never been invented - a pushchair thing - and that cobbles were just a little bit smoother.

We were there for two nights, giving us two full days to explore. And exploration is a pleasure made more interesting by the mode of your travelling. Mainly on foot, you are guided through a series of long and short walks that traverse and go round the lakes. Sometimes you are on land proper, but at others you are walking on a vast network of wooden boardwalks that rise above the bristling water beneath and cut through swathes of reed and marsh land. The weather when we visited was, frankly, rubbish: cold and dank like the London we had hoped to escape. But such a watery landscape lends itself well to precipitation, and a day’s hike does wonders for keeping the cold at bay. And the views, the views of all that mother nature can do when first she is left alone to do her thing. Those views are staggering, and when imbibed through the

Plitvice spans nearly the 300sqkm of the mountainous Karst area at the centre of the country. When the park was added to the


clean fresh air of the middle of Europe, quite intoxicating. Split is another Roman town. Bigger than Zadar, the city is focused around its harbour. Busy with tourist and ferry trade today, it was once an important trading centre for the Roman Empire. Again we mainly wandered, climbing out of the city on flat stone steps, in search of a tiny cliff side church. Coming down, we happened across a tiny restaurant whose menu caught our eye. With just eight covers, it was fully booked that night but reservations were made for the following night. In the meantime, a place round the corner was recommended. We ate in both - fish again, and fresh baked bread with a salad dressed with local olive, all washed down with wine bottled in a vineyard just around the coast - and both served as reminders to the simple joys of eating out in Europe: long, languid, lazy and filled with small surprises of aroma, taste and texture. Please, Asia, whilst you can undoubtedly do the small surprises, can you do some work on the on the long, languid and lazy? Croatia then was everything we needed it to be. It was an easy, safe place to travel for the first time with a baby, offering plenty of opportunity for us to relax and take stock, whilst giving her ladyship her first glimpse of the joys of holidaying. The next time you are in Europe, if you are looking for an escape hatch, Croatia comes highly recommended.

步行,你被引导绕着湖泊穿越一系列长途和短 途的步行旅途。有时适合在陆地上,但其他时 候你走在一个巨大的网状的木制栈道上,穿过 下面的水和穿越大片的芦苇和沼泽地。我们到 访之时的天气,坦白地说很糟,那里的寒冷潮 湿正是我们想从所伦敦逃离的。不过这样的水 景很适合降雨,对于徒步旅行一天来讲,海湾 冷一些还是很好的。一切的景色都是大自然第 一次独自完成的。这些景色是惊人的,而且在 被清新空气熏陶的欧洲中部非常迷人。 斯普利特是另一个罗马古城,比扎达尔 要大些。城市主要围绕其海港发展。如今旅游 和渡船贸易发达的城市,曾是罗马帝国一个重 要的贸易中心。我们又一次的漫步,顺着城市 平坦的石阶向上攀爬,寻找小悬崖边的教堂。 返回途中,一家小餐厅的菜单吸引了我们的目 光。只有八个套餐,我们去的那晚已经满客了 但是预定了第二天晚上。与此同时,有人向我 们推荐一家拐角处的店。又一次吃了鱼,新鲜 出炉的面包和当地橄榄点缀的沙拉,品尝着在 海岸附近葡萄园罐装的酒,这一切都向我们展 示了欧洲简单愉悦的外出就餐体验:漫长,无 精打采、慵懒,却有充满惊喜的芳香,味道和 纹理。亚洲呀,在可以毫无疑问的制造小惊 喜的同时,能否在漫长、慵懒的时间里别出心 裁。 克罗地亚拥有我们需要的一切。这是一 个简单而又安全的旅行之地,比如你是第一次 带宝宝出行或是有充足的机会来放松和积蓄能 量,同时也让你的她看到度假的乐趣。下次来 到欧洲的时候,如果你正在寻找一个逃离之 地,强烈推荐克罗地亚。

The views of all that mother nature can do when first she is left alone to do her thing; those views are staggering, and when imbibed through the clean fresh air of the middle of Europe, quite intoxicating. 这些景色是惊人的, 而且在被清新空气熏陶 的欧洲中部非常迷人。

19 39


广告 • 商务

Show Me 付钱 the Money

When it comes to getting paid for your movie, China can be a minefield says Chinalawblog’s Mathew Alderson and Tyler Cohen. 当谈到为你的电影支付报酬的时候,中国可以说是一个雷区。来自Chinalawblog的Alderson和Tyler Cohen介绍到。 hree factors are driving international interest in Sino-foreign movie co-productions: (1) China has the world’s second largest box office, (2) official co-productions are outside China’s quota for foreign films, and (3) co-productions are entitled to a higher share of box office than quota films. The problem is that box office is about the only source of distribution income in China and getting paid your fair share is difficult. It is difficult whether you are a domestic Chinese producer or whether you are a Hollywood producer. A dispute currently underway between a Chinese production company and China Film Group indicates just how difficult getting funds due from box office receipts can be. This case is significant for a number of reasons. Most importantly, it demonstrates that Chinese companies too are experiencing difficulties in getting “their” money out of China film co-productions. Moreover, the very fact that a Chinese court accepted a case against a China State Owned Entity (SOE) indicates that the authorities here regard the issue of box office revenue sharing as important and want it sorted out.

In response to the suit and numerous public statements by Hao Yaning, China Film Group lawyers released the following statement: “Before the courts have determined the relevant facts and passed judgment, United Film Investment has repeatedly publicised remarks on CFGC not giving the sufficient percentage to United Film as well as other [arguments] inconsistent with the facts. This has led to a serious misleading of the public, and has severely harmed the legal(/legitimate) rights and interests of CFGC. CFGC [thus] retains the right to investigate legal liability on the part of United Film for severe infringement of CFGC’s reputation.”

团对联盟影业多次违反合同的指控。其中包括 联合制作的电影“武林外传”的所谓“严重歪 曲”的票房收入。尽管有些报道称接近3亿( 约合4750万美元),不过公开数据表明总票房 约为2.2亿人民币(约合3500万美元)。联盟 影业宣称曾多次要求查阅中国电影集团的财务 报表,但其总是回避。联盟影业董事长郝亚宁 表示,迄今为止从中国电影公司仅收到500万 人民币(约合800,000美元),下一项协议使 他们有权获得票房总数的30%。美国电影目前 正对未付的票房进行起诉,总计1亿人民币( 约合1600万美元),另加利息。

This warning may also be seen as applying to foreign studios. And given the central role China Film Group plays in distributing foreign films in China, it reinforces the idea that public airing of grievances may have unwanted effects. Foreign film companies involved in China co-productions are watching this case with interest and we will report back when warranted. No matter what, this case highlights the difficulties in getting money out of China’s box office.

Let’s look at that case. United Film Investment is suing China Film Group for what United Film alleges to be multiple violations of contract, including what it calls “severe falsification” of box office receipts, for the co-produced film “My Own Swordsman.” Publicly available numbers put the total box office take at roughly 220 million RMB (USD$35 million), though some reports place the total closer to 300 million RMB (USD$47.5 million). United Film alleges it repeatedly requested financial statements from China Film Group, who remained “evasive.” United Film Chairman Mr Hao Yaning stated that it has received only 5 million RMB ($800,000) from China Film Group thus far under an agreement entitling them to 30% of box office totals. United Film is currently suing for 100 million RMB ($16 million) in unpaid box office totals, plus interest.

有三个因素推动国际中外电影联合制作的 兴趣。(1)中国拥有世界第二大的票房,(2)官方 合作的外国影片在中国电影配额之外,(3)联合 制作比配额电影票房有较高的份额。 问题是,票房在中国是关于分配收入和获 得报酬的唯一来源,无论你是中国国内的生产 商还是一名好莱坞制片人都非常困难。 从目前正在进行纠纷的中国生产公司和中 国电影集团就可以看出,从票房收入获得资金 是多么的困难。这一案件显现出了许多原因。 最重要的是,它表明,中国企业也正在经历从 中国电影合拍中取得“他们”的钱的困难。此 外,另一事实是,中国法院受理案件针对中国 国有实体(企业)表明,当局把票房收入的问 题看得非常重要,希望共享解决。 让我们看看以下案例。 联盟影业投资有限公司控诉中国电影集


针对郝亚宁的诉讼和众多的公开声明,中 国电影集团的律师发表了如下声明: 在法庭确定有关事实和做出判断之前,联 盟影业已多次公开对中影集团进行非确定性的 评论,并与其他[参数]事实不符。这严重的误 导了公众,并已严重损害了中国电影集团的法 律权益和利益。中国电影集团公司有权追究联 盟影业严重侵犯其声誉权的法律责任。 这一警告可能被视为适用于外国电影公 司。考虑到中国电影集团对在中国市场发布的 外国电影中发挥的核心作用,它强化了这样的 想法,公开宣扬不满可能会有不良影响。 外国电影公司饶有兴趣的参与中国合作生产 的电影,必要时我们将会报道。不管怎样,在这 种情况下突显了从中国票房得到钱的困难。

& Taxes

广告 • 商务





Eunice Ku of Dezan Shira & Associates says that despite their name, and their purported inevitability, Double Taxation Agreements are designed to save you money. 协力管理咨询的Eunice Ku说,不管他们的名字和他们所谓的必然性,双重税收协定的目的就是为你省钱。

Simply put, double taxation agreements (DTAs) aim to prevent the same income from being taxed by two or more states, while also eliminating tax evasion and encouraging cross-border trade efficiency. 简单地说,双重 税收协定(缩写 为DTAs)旨在防 止一份收入被两 个或两个以上的 国家征税,同时 消除逃税和鼓励 跨境贸易。

Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing business advisory, tax, accounting, payroll and due diligence services to multinationals investing in China, Hong Kong, India and Vietnam. 协力管理咨询是一家外商投资 的专业机构,为跨国公司在中 国大陆、香港、印度和越南提 供业务咨询,税务,工资和尽 职的调查服务。

DTAs are mostly of a bilateral nature and, while DTA-signing countries are not all members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), DTAs are generally based on model conventions developed by the OECD or (less commonly) the United Nations. While about 75 percent of the actual words of any given DTA are identical with the words of any other DTA, the applicability and specific provisions of each treaty can vary substantially. From an investor’s perspective, confusion about international taxation can arise when investors are subject to two different and potentially conflicting tax systems. For example, Hong Kong and Singapore adopt a “territorial source” principle of taxation, which means that only profits sourced locally are taxable.

China and the United States are on the worldwide tax system, and resident enterprises are required to pay tax on income sourced both in and outside of the country. DTAs not only provide certainty to investors regarding their potential tax liabilities, but also a tool to create tax efficient international investments. DTAs prevent double taxation by allowing the tax paid in one of the two countries to be offset against tax payable in the other country, and/or by providing exemptions or reduced tax rates for specific income types such as interest, royalties, and dividends.

Meanwhile, other countries like

DTAs apply to residents (individuals or companies) of the countries or jurisdictions who are parties to the agreement. Some DTAs are comprehensive and cover all types of income, while others are more specific. The United Nations Conference on Trade and

双重税收协定大多是双边性的, 双重税收协定的签署国并不都是经济 合作与发展组织的成员(OECD), 双重税收协定通常是基于示范公约通 过经济合作与发展组织或(较少见) 联合国发展。

与此同时,其他国家如中国和美 国是全球税收系统,他们是居民企业 需要缴纳税收的收入来源于国内外的 国家。双重税收协定不仅给投资者就 其潜在的负债提供确定性,而且还是 一个创造高效的国际投资工具。

任何给定的双重税收协定虽然大 约75%的实际内容与其他双重税收协 定的内容相一致,但各条约的实用性 和具体规定差异很大。

双重税收协定避免两国的冲抵税 额在其他国家双重征税,和/或提供 豁免或降低税率为特定收入类型,如 利息,版税及股息。

从投资者的角度来看,当投 资者受到不同的和潜在冲突的税收 制度时就会出现国际税收混乱的局 面。例如,香港和新加坡采取“地 域来源”的税收原则,即征税利润 来源于当地。

双重税收协定适用于协议各方的 国家或司法管辖区的居民(个人或公 司)。一些双重税收协定是全面的,涵 盖所有类型的收入,而另一些则更具 体。联合国贸易和发展会议基于他们的 适用性将税务条约进行分类,主要是:

Development divides tax treaties into categories based on their applicability, primarily: • • • •

Income Income and capital Protocol Transport (air, water, or both)

A key concept in the applicability of DTAs is that of permanent establishments (PE), i.e. a fixed place at which the business of an enterprise is carried on in a country. Where a resident of a country carries on business in another country with which the resident’s country has a DTA, the profits derived will not be subject to tax in the other country unless the business is carried on through a PE. A PE can be a place of management, a branch, an office, a factory, etc. or certain activities, such as a building site or construction project or rendering of consultancy services that last over a specified time (stipulated in the DTA). •• •• •• ••

收入 收入和资本 协议 运输(空气,水,或两者都包括)

对适用于双重征税协定的关键概 念是,它是常设机构(PE),即在 一个国家的固定地点经营该业务的企 业进行。 一国的居民在另一国经商,该居 民的国家有双重征税协定,所获得的 利润就不须缴税,除非是通过PE进 行业务工作。PE可以是一个管理场 所、分支机构、办事处、工厂等,或 其他活动,如建筑工地、建筑工程和 最后在指定的时间(双重征税协定中 规定的)提供咨询服务。



广告 • 商务

With US basketball legend Tracy McGrady joining the Qingdao Double Star Eagles, local basketball fans are finally getting the superstar they deserve, opines Tri Tong. Tri Tong认为:随着美国篮球的传奇人物 麦蒂加盟青岛双星老鹰队,当地的篮球爱 好者们终于盼来了他们的超级巨星。


he T-Mac name carries a lot of weight in China - in part because he spent a significant part of his career playing with Chinese icon and former Houston Rockets Center Yao Ming, his fanbase here in China is simply enormous. For any basketball fan, it has always been a joy to watch the 2.03m superstar, who started playing at just 18, getting to the basket, knocking down impossible jumpers or dunking over his guarding opponents.

of room for further endorsement deals. The last few years have shown that China has adopted Westernstyle marketing strategies using professional athletes to sell everything from sneakers to cars and mobile phones. Yao Ming, former centre for the Houston Rockets, and the hurdler Liu Xiang, the two most famous Chinese athletes, have multimillion dollar endorsement deals with global corporations like Coca Cola, McDonald's and Nike.

But there is something of a larger trend at play as China begins to pay huge sums of money attracting international sporting stars who have made their names in the biggest leagues in the world. McGrady is only the latest of a growing number of foreign stars that have come to play professional sports in China.

Without doubt the financial benefits certainly are a big factor in the decision-making of star athletes.

Chelsea legend Didier Drogba left the newlycrowned European Champions for Shanghai Shenhua this summer. Before him it was former teammate Nicolas Anelka who filled the tabloids with his arrival in China. So, what is attracting some of sport's biggest names to China, besides the obvious lure of higher wages? Without doubt the financial benefits certainly are a big factor in the decision-making of star athletes. It's not only the high salaries that attract, but also the chance to tap into the Chinese market. The country's boom in sports marketing and sponsorship will leave plenty 42

On the flipside, there is also a trend towards Chinese companies promoting their products with Western athletes. Most recently Beijingbased footwear company Li-Ning and NBA All-Star Dwyane Wade announced a multiyear partnership in order to establish Wade's own signature line of footwear and apparel. It's no longer a secret that these brands are specifically seeking sports celebrities as their international ambassadors. Chinese enterprises believe that associating their products with foreign athletes gives them

a more global appeal as well as generating the brand awareness they need to get the consumer's interest. Although the impact of these global athletes could be enormous on the pitch, it also bears the future risk of Chinese sports teams just acquiring talent instead of nurturing their own youth players. After all many people claim that the Beijing Ducks only won last season's CBA title with the large contribution of former NBA player Stephon Marbury. For many of these stars, the rich culture of China is the last great adventure. It does, however, leave a bitter taste that the prime motivation for most of them is the paycheck.

The McGrady signing will enrich the Chinese Basketball Association with one of the most feared and skilled ankle-breakers to ever play the game. It could be a once in a lifetime opportunity for the younger, home grown players to learn firsthand from one of the sport's greatest. With over a decade in the NBA, there certainly is a lot of experience to benefit from. One thing is for sure though: with this seven-time NBA all star and two-time scoring champion on their roster, the Eagles can expect a packed arena and hopefully their first CBA finals.

广告 • 商务

蒂这个名字在中国非常 有份量。部分原因是因 为他一大部分的职业生 涯是与中国偶像前休斯敦火箭队 中锋—姚明在一起的,他在中国 有着庞大的粉丝团。对于任何一 个篮球迷来说,能看到自己喜欢 的2.03米的超级巨星抵达篮下、 突破防守、完成不可能的跳跃然 后扣篮,心里总是很开心的。 但有一点更大的趋势是中国 开始支付巨额资金吸引已进入全 球最大联盟的国际体育明星。麦 蒂是最近才像越来越多的外国明 星那样来中国发展职业运动。


另一方面,中国公司有使 用西方运动员推销他们产品的趋 势。最近,北京的鞋业公司,李 宁与NBA全明星韦德宣布了一 项为期多年的合作伙伴关系,以 建立韦德自己的标志性鞋类和服 装。这不再是一个秘密,这些品 牌都专门寻找体育界名人作为他 们的“国际形象大使”。中国企 业认为他们的产品与外国运动员 相关联,让他们更具全球吸引力 以及产生品牌知名度,他们需要 从消费者那里得到利益。 虽然在球场上这些全球性 运动员的影响将是巨大的,它 也对中国体育队 不培养自己的年 轻球员而只是捕 获高手需要承担 未来的风险。毕 竟许多人认为北 京队获得了上个 赛季的CBA冠军都是前NBA球 员马布里的巨大功劳。

毫无疑问,财政利益 当然是明星运动员决 策的一大因素。 今年夏天,切尔西传奇人 物迪迪埃·德罗巴离开新获欧冠 的队伍加盟加盟上海申花。在他 之前,前队友阿内尔卡抵达中国 的时候到处充斥的小报消息。那 么,到底是什么吸引一些体育运 动的大腕明星到中国,除了明显 的高工资诱惑还能有什么呢? 毫无疑问,财政利益当然 是明星运动员决策的一大因素。 除了高薪吸引,还有机会进军中 国市场。在国家体育市场繁荣和 赞助下将留下足够的空间作进一 步的代言活动。在过去几年中已 经表明,中国已经采用了西式的 营销策略,利用专业运动员出售 一切从运动鞋到汽车和手机的产 品。前任休斯敦火箭队中锋的姚 明和跨栏运动员刘翔,中国最有 名的两位运动员,与全球企业拥 有价值数百万美元的赞助协议, 如可口可乐、麦当劳和耐克。

对于这些明星,来到拥有灿 烂文化的中国是一个大冒险。然 而,他们留下的主要动机多半是 因为薪水。 对年轻的本地球员来说能 从这项运动最伟大的球员那里 学习第一手资料是个千载难逢 的机会。在NBA待了十多年, 肯定是有很多从中受益的经 验。有一件事是肯定的:与七 次NBA全明星和两次的得分王 在一个名单中,老鹰队可以期 待在拥挤的球场上赢得他们第 一次的CBA总决赛冠军。


NG DON GL U长 渥太华 路






嘉陵 江




路 上海


U江 山


广告 • 黄页



路 太行山


Sponsored by YCIS Huangdao Campus



东 路

to Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口

路 江西 U漓

to Golden Beach 金沙滩





雀 石

路 滩

Qingdao 青岛


珠 LU

路 江







55 54



LU 萧



路 里山


51 52

阿 LU

路 山





路 中 江 56 53 长 53 U











路 里山

山 武夷


南路 江山

江路 U三

51 52





56 53





山 紫金 LU




路 行山




春 富


LU 井冈








江 浦 黄






55 AN U







路 西 江





Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口




漓 LU


Huangdao 黄岛

200 400 600 800 1000m

Golden Beach 金沙滩

to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College

© REDSTAR Times Media

to Rizhao

山路 峨嵋

山路 昆仑


to Silver Sands Beach











银沙 滩路


江西 路





For residents and visitors, Huangdao activity orbits Jusco and Mykal, both located at the very centre of Changjiang Zhong Lu. Both have a decent selection of consumables for Western and Eastern tastes.




银 沙 滩 路 YIN SH AT AN


53 54 55

51 52 53 54 55 56

International Dining


54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Catch 22 Kaili’s Club My Place Pub The Oriental Saloon Sailing Bar KNUCKLES

Qingshuiwu Japanese Xiangyin Japanese Hotels AO 51 Haixiang Hotel Niuchang Japanese ND A HU 52 Harvest Hotel Yicun Korean 53 Haidu Hotel Luigi's Pizza 54 Jinjiang Inn Big Pizza 55 Marco Polo Hotel Flavors 56 Hotel Ibis The Oriental Express 57 Blue Horizon Golden Hotel Henri's Pizzeria&Bakery 58 Motel 8 Carme Rino 59 Kempinski Hotel Qingdao India-Thai Restaurant 环 岛路




LU 银沙 滩路

闹中取静的黄岛拥有岛城最好的沙滩,近年来 也是忙碌、繁华、新兴的商业城市中一处不那么紧 要的安静角落。然而最近,随着城市基础设施的建 设,这一寂静的郊区正在逐渐迈入新纪元。 黄岛地区现在有了一座连接青岛市中心的海 底隧道,将旅途时间缩短了大约20多分钟,或多 或少取代了轮渡码头的地位。黄岛南通胶南,胶 南由世界上最长的跨海大桥(41.58.5公里,建成于 2011年6月)与东部的市中心相连。 当地最具吸引力的无疑是金沙滩景区和银沙滩 景区,这里沙质好、天然未经破坏、绵长延展,是 青岛市中心任何一个沙滩景区都无法比拟的。 对于当地居民和外来游客,黄岛的繁华区环 绕着坐落在长江中路的佳世客和麦凯乐。两座大 型购物中心充分满足了中西方人士的购物需求。

Dawanlai Porridge Jiuxianfang BBQ Donglaishun Haiyiyuan Lao Sichuan

HUA ND AO LU 环 岛 路

The top tourist attractions are without doubt Golden and Silver beaches, each with longer, sandier and less-spoilt stretches than any of those in Qingdao's downtown.

51 52

Help us improve this map, send your listings to

Silver Sands Beach Bar & Nightlife银沙滩 Cafés

Chinese Dining


The district now has a direct link to Qingdao's old town - the Jiaozhouwan tunnel has cut journey times to around 20 minutes and more or less put the old ferry terminal out of business. Jiaonan, to the north, is linked to the eastern municipality by the longest bridge in the world (41.58km, completed in June 2011).



Despite boasting the best beaches in Qingdao Municipality, Huangdao has for recent years played a quiet second fiddle to the hustle, bustle and commercialism of the downtown area. Recently however changes in the city's infrastructure are set to fling this sleepy suburb into the 21st century.

交通旅游信息: 过桥费: ¥50 (七座以下);过隧道: 30元 (七座以下) 乘坐公交2元 隧道公交1路: 山东科技大学黄岛校区到青医附院 (05:00-20:00) 隧道公交2路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到天泰体育场 (薛家岛 05:30-21:00,天泰体育场 06:05-21:35) 隧道公交3路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到利津路客运站 (薛家岛 06:20-21:30,利津路 05:50-21:00) 隧道公交4路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到四方长途 汽车站(薛家岛 06:20-21:30,四方长途 汽车站05:50-21:00)

环 岛 路

Travel info: Bridge toll: ¥50, tunnel toll ¥30 (or bus it for ¥2) (passenger car ≤7 seats)




金山支 路


山路 峨嵋 江路


I LU 紫


N LU 庐








LU 北 江路








LU 钱



LU 五





to Xuejiadao Ferry




U 嘉陵江 西




Rona Café

Shopping 51 52 53 54 55

Liqun Baililai Market Jusco Jiajiayuan Huacai Violin Studio

Recreation 51

Huangdao Art Centre


Shiyou Daxue Stadium

QICC contact: 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu 经济技术开发区太行山路72号



NG 江

LU 漓



江 东


广告 • 黄页


路 东


Hotels in November Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel

Le Meridien Qingdao

Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao

Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre





Fishy Flavours Discover a new weekly dining perspective with new buffets at Le Meridien. Fridays are now all ‘Sealicious’ and feature live cooking stations with selections of local and international seafood. And the ocean theme continues on Saturdays with the hotel’s Salmon Sensation Night which invites you to spoil yourself with an assortment of Salmon dishes featuring funky cooking technique like Salmon pies puffs and steaks. At lunchtime, the buffet is just 168 元+15%, with dinner just 208元+15%.

Perfect Pastries The Shangri-la’s Praline offers freshly prepared bakery items, pastry and premium chocolates tastefully displayed and fashionably packed. With the new Praline takeaway, you can choose from eight different varieties of confectionery and opt for either five or ten items priced at 45 or 80元 respectively. Available from 4-9pm daily. One firm favourite, the Cream Horn, is now available in chocolate, raspberry or vanilla flavours and costs 23元.

New GM Appointment Mr. Eddy Li Recently, Eddy Li was formally appointed as the new GM of Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre. We welcome him and wish him success for the future.

A new kind of fitness Last month, the Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel launched an exciting fitness program partnering with Core Performance, then followed the opening with a continuous 3-day corporate challenge competition, during which guests also enjoyed healthy canapés and drinks themed by Colour Your Plate, a dining program offers a variety of flavoursome and well-balanced menu options. 新式健身 10月17日,青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒 店举行了其饱受赞誉的喜来登健身中心 启动仪式,为宾客带来由喜来登和Core Performance联手打造的健身方案和饮 食计划。启动仪式后,展开了为期三天 的宾客健身挑战赛,参赛者还享受了 由“点亮您的餐盘”(Color Your Plate) 这一专为均衡营养美味、打造健康平衡 的用餐主题计划而设计的精致小食和饮 品。酒店这一方案力求360度全方位帮 助客人均衡营养、平缓心态、振奋精神 以及恢复活力。

Bookings 预订电话 8228-9999

DoubleTree by HiltonQingdao Chengyang 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店

海鲜盛筵 周末去青岛万达艾美酒店享受不一 样的自助。每周五海鲜盛筵,富含创意 的新食谱厨艺团队为您奉上海鲜盛筵, 来自世界各地的海鲜,令您目不暇接, 美食,美景,欢乐享不停!每周六三文 鱼之夜,专享美仑美奂的三文鱼之夜, 肉质细嫩,口感爽滑的三文鱼,经厨艺 大师的多种创意烹调方式,绽放出前所 未有的绚烂光彩。午餐168元+15%, 晚餐208元+15%

Bookings 预订电话 5556-3888 ext. 转 0162

Crowne Plaza Qingdao 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店

Giving Back At Autumn Festival, the Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao-Chengyang Hotel Management Team delivered seasonal mooncakes to Qingdao Liuting and Shanjia old people’s homes on behalf of all the hotel’s team members. The brand is well known for its `care culture,’ and this activity demonstrated the hotel`s leading role in developing the hospitality in Chengyang. doubletreeqingdao/profile 9月29日,青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒 店总经理莫琳塔斯女士带领酒店管理 层来到青岛市城阳区流亭敬老院及山佳 老年公寓为那里的孤寡老人们送去了中 秋祝福及酒店月饼。希尔顿酒店管理集 团旗下的希尔顿逸林品牌,以其知名的 关爱活动(关爱客人、关爱员工、关爱 社区及环境)得到各界人士的认可。此 项活动成为城阳区旅游行业的典范,为 本地区的旅游行业的发展贡献了自己的 力量。

Bookings 预订电话 8098-8888 46

优惠精选,欢享美食 位于青岛香格里拉大酒店盛世阁一 层的精点坊仿佛一座玲珑剔透的甜品宫 殿,客人可以在里面选用各式美味可口 的面包、蛋糕、巧克力及其它甜点。每 日下午4点至晚9点精点坊提供新鲜烘 焙的八种面包,如牛角包、丹麦包、甜 甜圈等供客人自由选择搭配。45元或 80元两种优惠套餐可供选择。另外精 点坊全新推出奶油起酥卷每只人民币 23元!有巧克力、树莓和香草三种口 味可供选择。

Bookings 预订电话 8388-3838 ext. 转 6800

InterContinental Qingdao 青岛海尔洲际酒店

总经理新任命 李子华先生,在酒店行业已有二 十多年的丰富经历。从2012年9月17日 起,李子华先生正式被任命为青岛中心 假日酒店总经理。

Bookings 预订电话 6670-8888

Kempinski Hotel Qingdao 青岛凯宾斯基饭店

With beautiful surroundings offering complete relaxation, the Kempinski Hotel Qingdao is perfect for a refreshing break this winter. Better still, stay between November 15 and March 15next year and enjoy a 25% discount on the Best Flexible Rate when booking 2 nights or more. As gets colder, Chill out in style. 温情冬日 尊享七五折优惠 青岛凯宾斯基饭店为您奉上冬日 海滩的惬意与放松!2012年11月15日 至2013年3月15日,连续入住两晚及以 上,可在最优弹性价格基础上享受25% 优惠!

Bookings 预订电话 5888-6666 Get in Shape Bring your friends and family to Crowne Plaza Qingdao’s fitness centre and enjoy their new Technogym treadmills, tropicalstyle swimming pool and sauna. The complex also features an array of healthoriented leisure options and from now to the end of the year, buying an annual membership entitles you to two months free (purchase half year membership and get 1 month free). With a deal like this, there really are no more excuses!

Copthorne Hotel Decadent Hairy Crab Feast Experience the best of Flavours at InterContinental Qingdao as guests receive one Yangcheng lake hairy crab together with imported free-flowing draught beer. And if one crab is not enough, take away a hairy crab gift box and indulge in the best hairy crab at home. 218元+15% at dinner, and 208元 +15% on weekend lunches.

健身总动员 约上朋友,带上家人,在这个活力 四射的健身中心放松心情。引进全新泰 诺健跑步机的健身房,充满热带风情的 泳池,设施完善的桑拿房让您活力四 射。 即日起至2012年12月31日,购买 健身年卡,免费再送两个月;购半年 卡,再送一个月。

金秋啖蟹盛宴 即日起来青岛海尔洲际酒店品香苑 全日餐厅,邀您共享黄满膏腴的食蟹之 乐。每位客人可尊享一只品质上乘的正 宗阳澄湖大闸蟹,更可无限畅饮进口生 啤;品香苑全日餐厅还精心准备了阳 澄湖大闸蟹外卖礼盒,把美味大闸蟹 带回家,与亲友一齐分享。晚餐218元 +15%,周六周日午餐208元+15%。

Bookings 预订电话 8571-8888 ext. 转 8269

Bookings 预订电话 6656-6666 ext. 转 1556


Speciality Time Two very special buffets await you at the Copthorne hotel this month, whatever time of day your hunger strikes. At lunchtime, their authentic Sichuan buffet features special marinated pork lung and lapis salad, classic boiled chicken with special sauce salad and authentic boiled fish with chilli. Whilst in the evening the buffet is centred around the Yang Cheng

广告 • 黄页

十一月酒店促销 Lake Crab and each customer will receive one free steamed crab and rock sugar with snow frog. Yum! Lunch is served from 11.30am for just 108元 net (children 78元net ) and includes beer and soft drinks; dinner costs 158元 net (children 88元 net) and is on the table from 6pm. “川香巴蜀”尽在国敦自助午餐 本月青岛国敦大酒店CG西餐厅 推出川香自助午餐晚餐,欢迎您来品 尝!自助午餐推出传统夫妻肺片 、经 典口水鸡配以全新的令人回味的川香 鱼。自助晚餐有阳澄湖美味可口的大 闸蟹,每位顾客就餐送大闸蟹和冰糖 雪蛤一盅。极速美味!午餐11:30am开 餐,成人108元净价/位(12岁以下儿童 78元净价/位),包含啤酒,咖啡、茶、 果汁及软饮;晚餐6pm开餐,成人158 元净价/位(12岁以下儿童人民币88元净 价/位)。

Bookings 预订电话 8668-1688 ext. 8300

Crowne Plaza Jinan City Centre 济南贵和皇冠假日酒店

Coming & Going 时刻表 Air 航班 Qingdao to Beijing




07:45 08:00 10:00 11:05 11:40 13:00 15:40 15:45 16:50 17:00 19:00 21:15

08:55 09:20 11:10 12:25 12:30 14:20 17:05 17:10 18:00 18:20 20:20 22:40

SC4651 CA1526 CA1572 CA1560 MU744 SC4653 CA1570 MU5193 MU536 SC4655 SC4657 CA1576




07:50 08:50 09:50 13:45 15:15 15:20 16:40 20:35 21:10 21:20 23:15

09:15 10:05 11:10 15:05 16:45 16:40 18:00 21:45 22:30 22:40 00:15

CA1569 CA1559 SC4652 CA1575 MU743 SC4654 CA1571 CA1525 MU5196 SC4658 SC4656

Bookings 预订电话 (0531) 8602-9999

Sofitel Jinan Silver Plaza 济南索菲特银座大饭店

Day Day Day

13:11 13:48 15:44 16:37 17:10

17:50 18:11 20:14 21:11 22:04

G187 G189 G191 G193 G195

~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5

Type Day Day Day Day

Depart Arrive 06:56 09:26 13:55 16:35

13:35 16:12 20:27 23:11



G224 G232 G228 G236

~6.5 ~6.5 ~6.5 ~6.5

Shanghai Hongqiao to Qingdao

Type Day Day Day Day

Depart Arrive 07:05 09:39 14:05 16:31

13:30 16:14 21:02 23:03




07:50 08:45 09:30 10:00 12:25 14:20 15:40 16:05 17:45 19:30 21:00 21:05

09:00 10:05 10:45 11:20 13:45 15:40 16:55 17:40 19:05 20:45 22:25 22:25

SC4661 SC4667 MU5516 HO1196 SC4663 MU5520 SC4665 CA1535 SC4671 MU5524 FM9170 SC4673


Police (fěi jǐng) (110) 匪警 Publice Service Hotline (gōng yòng fú wù rè xiàn) (12319) 24 hour. Including water, gas, heating etc 公用服务热线

Qingdao to Shanghai Hongqiao



G222 G230 G226 G234

~6.5 ~6.5 ~6.5 ~6.5

Beijing to Qingdao

Qingdao to Shanghai Hongqiao (Puxi)

GM Florian Heiner celebrate with IBM Shandong Cluster GM their new office grand opening. 2012年10月16日,济南贵和皇冠 假日酒店总经理海福瑞前往IBM济南分 公司祝贺其乔迁之喜。

Day Day

Labor security policy advice (láo dòng bǎo zhàng zī xún) (12333) 劳动保障咨询

Essential Numbers 必备号码 China Mobile Service Hotline (yí dòng tōng xùn fú wù diàn huà) (10086) 移动通讯服务电话 China Telecom (diàn xìn zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10000) 电信综合服务电话 China Unicom Service Hotline (lián tōng zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10010) 联通综合服务电话 China Post Service (zhōng guó yóu zhèng kè hù fú wù) (11185) 中国邮政客户服务 Directory Inquiries (diàn huà hào mǎ chá xún) (114/116114) 电话号码查询 Electricity Help (gòng diàn jí xiū) (800-8601188) 供电急修 Fire (huǒ jǐng ) (119) 火警 First Aid Centre (jí jiù zhōng xīn) (120) 急救中心 Forest Fire (sēn lín huǒ jǐng) (95119) 森林火警 Industry and commerce complaints hotline (gōng shāng tóu sù rè xiàn) (12315) 工商投诉 热线

Qingdao Cable Networking (qīng dăo yŏu xiàn diàn shì) (96566) 青岛有线电视 Red Cross (hóng shí zì huì) (95598) 红十字会 Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù) (8281-7777) 出 租车投诉 Taxi Reservation Hotline (chū zū chē yù yuē rè xiàn) (9600-9797) 出租车预约热线 Tourist Help (lǚ yóu tóu sù zhōng xīn) (85912000) 旅游投诉中心 Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (122) 交 通事故 Wanneng Locksmith Services (qīng dǎo shì wàn néng kāi suǒ zhōng xīn) (8868-7772) 青岛市万 能开锁中心

Getting Around 出行 Air 航空 All Ways Air Tourist Agency (quán chéng háng kōng lǚ yóu fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 307, 17 Nanjing Lu (8577-9035) 全程航空旅游服务有限 公司 南京路17号307室 Asiana Airlines (hán yà háng kōng) 6F, Crowne Plaza, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-7171) 韩亚航 空 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店6层 CAAC Booking Office (zhōng guó mín háng dìng piào chù) 30 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-5555 24 hrs domestic flights, 8577-4249 international flights) 中国民航订票处 香港中路30号 Dragonair (gǎng lóng háng kōng) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-6302) 港龙航空 香港中路28号 青 岛国敦大酒店大堂

Qingdao to Shanghai Pudong




07:40 09:40 10:50 16:55 18:40 19:30

09:10 10:55 12:10 18:10 19:50 20:45

MU5512 SC4673 MU5526 CZ6225 MU5522 MU5524

Qingdao to Incheon (Local Time)




10:35 15:45

12:55 18:05

OZ318 OZ320

Incheon to Qingdao (Local Time)

The Mayor of Rennes (France), Daniel Delaveau and delegation of 12 members visited Jinan last month and stayed at Sofitel Silver Plaza. Throughout their visit, the delegation commended the hotel’s environment and service, saying that its luxurious experience made them feel at home. In 2002 Jinan and Rennes established a sister city relationship 2012年10月11日,法国雷恩市市 长丹尼尔•德拉沃先生副市长一行12人 到访济南。入住期间,雷恩市市长丹尼 尔对济南索菲特的居住环境以及服务质 量给予了充分的好评与肯定,并表示能 够入住由法国公司管理的酒店,让他感 受到家一般的亲切!济南市与雷恩市于 2002年7月17日建立友好城市关系。 (图为济南索菲特银座大饭店总经理博 华凯(Mr. Loïc Boichot) 迎接市长丹尼尔• 德拉沃先生(Mr. Daniel Delaveau)入住酒 店。)

Bookings 预订电话 (0531) 8606-8888




09:00 14:15

09:30 14:45

OZ317 OZ319

Rail 列车 Qingdao to Beijing

Type Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

Day Day Day





07:03 08:12 10:26 12:26 14:30 17:24 07:32 08:04 11:37 12:08 13:27 16:03

12:34 13:53 16:00 17:24 19:40 22:10 11:55 12:45 16:10 16:41 17:59 20:28

D332 D334 D336 D338 D340 D342 G186 G188 G190 G192 G194 G196

~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5 ~4.5

Beijing to Qingdao

Type Day Day Day Day Day Day Day





07:10 08:53 10:21 11:24 14:29 17:31 07:45

12:22 14:09 15:44 16:51 19:47 22:38 12:06

D331 D333 D335 D337 D339 D341 G185

~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~4.5



广告 • 黄页 Qingdao International Airport (qīng dǎo guó jì fēi jī chǎng) (8471-1877, 96567) 青岛国际飞机场 · 40 minutes drive from CBD (¥80-100) · 13 international destinations · 7.87 million passengers p.a. · 116,000 tons of cargo p.a.

Rail 铁路 Train Tickets Agency (huǒ chē piào dài shòu diǎn) 33 Nanjing Lu (inside Fushan Bay Hotel) (80690077) 火车票代售点 南京路33号(浮山湾宾馆 内) 5元 booking fee per ticket. Qingdao Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē zhàn) 2 Tai An Lu (9510-5175) 青岛火车站 泰 安路2号

Road 公路 Huangdao Long Distance Bus Station (huáng dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Changjiang Xi Lu, Huangdao (8688-9217) 黄岛长途汽车站 黄岛长 江西路2号 Qingdao Long Distance Bus Station (qīng dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Wenzhou Lu (8371-8060) 青岛长途汽车站 温州路2号 Shenzhen Lu (88910011) 青岛长途汽车东站 深圳路 Feixian Zhi Lu (8267-6842) 青岛长途汽车站 费县支路

Sea 轮渡 Huangdao Ferry (huáng dǎo lún dù) Liugong Island (8685-6949) 黄岛轮渡 刘公岛 Qingdao Ferry (qīng dǎo lún dù) 21 Sichuan Lu (8261-9279) 青岛轮渡 四川路21号 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (6688-9177) 东海中路30号 Xuejiadao Ferry (xuē jiā dǎo lún dù) Xuejia Island Travel Dock (8670-5247) 薛家岛轮渡 薛家岛旅 游码头

Where to Stay 住宿 5 Star 五星 Crowne Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiŭ diàn) 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 香港中 路76号 DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao (qīng dǎo xīn jiāng xī ěr dùn yì lín jiǔ diàn) No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888) www. 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒 店 青岛308国道城阳段220号 Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, Chengyang (qīng dǎo bǎo lóng fú péng jiǔ diàn (xǐ lái dēng jí tuán guǎn lǐ )) 271 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8888) 青岛宝龙福朋酒店(喜来登 集团管理)城阳区文阳路271号 Grand Regency Hotel (lì jīng dà jiǔ diàn) 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大酒店 香 港中路110号 Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre (qīng dǎo zhōng xīn jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) 1 Xuzhou Lu (6670-8888) 青岛中心假日酒店 徐州路1号 Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao (qīng dǎo jǐng yuán jià rì jiǔ diàn). 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888) 青岛景园假日酒 店 城阳区兴阳路306号 Housing International Hotel (háo sēn fǔ dǐ guó jì jiǔ diàn) Top Yihe Building, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8503-0909) 豪森府邸国际酒店 香港中路10 号 颐和国际 Huiquan Dynasty Hotel (huì quán wáng cháo dà jiǔ diàn) 9 Nanhai Lu (8299-9888) 汇泉王朝大 酒店 南海路9号 InterContinental Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi ěr zhōu jì jiǔ diàn) 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666) 青岛海 尔洲际酒店 澳门路98号 Kempinski Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo kǎi bīn sī jī fàn diàn) 178 Silver Sand Beach Road, Huangdao District(5888-6666) 青岛凯宾斯基饭店 青岛市黄 岛区银沙滩路178号 Kilin Crown Hotel (Best Western) (qí lín huáng guàn dà jiǔ diàn) 197 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1888) 麒麟皇冠大酒店 香港东路197号

=english menu


Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel (jiāo zhōu lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) (8228-9999) 271 Beijing (E) Road, Jiaozhou New Distinct, Jiaozhou, Qingdao 胶州绿 城喜来登酒店 山东省青岛市胶州新城区北京 东路271号

4 Star 四星 Ariva Qingdao Hotel & Serviced Apartments (qīng dǎo ài lì huá jiǔ diàn jí fú wù gōng yù) 135 Yan'an San Lu (8197-8777) 青岛艾丽华酒店及服务公寓 延安三路135号 Blue Horizon Hotel Qingdao (lán hǎi dà fàn diàn) 18 Qinling Lu (West of Municipal Exhibition Centre) (8899-6666) 蓝海大饭店 秦岭路18号 ( 会展中心西邻) Copthorne Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo guó dūn dà 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688) 青岛国敦大酒店 香港中路28号 jiǔ diàn)

Danube International Hotel (duō nǎo hé guó jì dà jiǔ diàn) 717 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-7777) 多瑙河国际大酒店 城阳区兴阳 路717号 Gloria Plaza Airport Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo kǎi lái jī chǎng jiǔ diàn) 217 Chongqing Bei Lu, Chengyang District (5555-3999) 青岛凯莱机场酒 店 城阳区重庆北路217号 Haidu Hotel (hǎi dū dà jiǔ diàn) 218 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-9888) 海都大酒店 黄 岛长江中路218号 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海情大酒店 东海中路11号 Harvest Hotel (shì jì hǎi fēng dà jiǔ diàn) 459 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-6666) 世纪 海丰大酒店 黄岛长江中路459号 Milan Fashion Hotel (mǐ lán fēng shàng jiǔ diàn) 18 Anqing Lu (8099-0888) 米兰风尚酒店 安庆 路18号 Oceanwide Elite Hotel (fàn hǎi míng rén jiǔ diàn) 29 Taiping Lu (8299-6699) 泛海名人酒店 太 平路29号 Oriental Hotel (dōng fāng fàn diàn) 4 Daxue Lu (8286-5888) 东方饭店 大学路4号 Sanfod Hotel (shān fú dà jiǔ diàn) 96 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8399-3888) 山孚大酒店 香港中路96号

3 Star 三星 Beach Castle Hotel (hǎi tān gǔ bǎo jiǔ diàn) 23 Changzhou Lu (8289-3666) 海滩古堡酒店 常州 路23号 Fuxin Mansion (fǔ xīn dà shà) 5 Minjiang Lu (8591-1009) 府新大厦 闽江路5号 IZunco Inn (ài zūn kè lián suǒ jiǔ diàn) 12 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8601-8888) 爱尊客连锁酒店 福州南路 12号 108 Xianggang Zhong Lu 爱尊客连锁酒店 香港中路108号 Jinjiang Inn (jǐn jiāng zhī xīng) 438 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8682-8999) 锦江之星 黄岛 井冈山路438号 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-7999) 南 京路100号 Marco Polo Hotel (mǎ kě bō luó shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-7999) 马可波罗商务酒店 黄岛井冈山路636号 Overseas Chinese International Hotel (huá qiáo guó jì fàn diàn) 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85725666) 华侨国际饭店 香港中路41号 Qingdao City Home Business Hotel (qīng dǎo chéng shì jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 7 Xianxia Ling Lu (8870-0888) 青岛城市家商务酒店 仙霞岭路7号 Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo fàn diàn) 66 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-1888) 青岛饭店 香港中路66号 Qingdao Renjia Business Hotel (qīng dăo rén jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 99 Nanjing Lu (8610-2222) 青岛人家商务酒店 南京路99号 Shanglin River View Hotel (shàng lín háo jǐng shāng wù jiǔ diàn) (8090-3333) 上林濠景商务酒 店 延安三路228号

Boutique Hotel 艺术酒店

Le Meridien Qingdao (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài měi jiǔ diàn) 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888) 青岛万达艾美 酒店 延吉路112号

The Castle Boutique Hotel (qīng dǎo yí bǎo jīng pǐn jiǔ diàn) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111) 青岛怡堡 精品酒店 龙山路26号 德国总督府院内

Sea View Garden Hotel (hǎi jǐng huā yuán dà jiǔ 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777) 海景花园大 酒店 彰化路2号

Dabringham Platinum Residence (dá bīn hàn bái jīn háo tíng) 73 Hunan Lu (8288-777, 400-6575777) 达宾汉白金豪庭 湖南路73号



Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao (qīng dǎo xiāng gé 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (83883838) 青岛香格里拉大酒店 香港中路9号

lǐ lā dà jiǔ diàn)

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广告 • 黄页 Laozhuancun China Community Art and Culture Hotel (lǎo zhuàn cūn China gōng shè wén huà yì shù jiǔ diàn) 8 Minjiang San Lu (85768776) 老转村China公社文化艺术酒店 闽江 三路8号

Taiqing Palace (tài qīng gōng) Inside Laoshan (8288-9888) 太清宫 崂山内

Studio 52 (wǔ shí èr píng fāng guó jì gōng yù) 10 Haifeng Lu (8667-8818 ext.157, 8325-3975) 52平 方国际公寓 海丰路10号

Chengyang Buddhism Culture Museum (chéng yáng qū fó jiào wén huà yì shù zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 城阳区佛教文化艺术展览馆 夏庄街道源头社区

Walk Inn 国际新闻中心 4F, International News Centre, 50 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8077-9757) 香港 中路50号 青岛国际新闻中心4楼

Haier Museum (hǎi ěr kē jì guǎn) Middle section of Nanling Lu. (8889-9855) 海尔科技馆 南岭路中段

Resort 度假村 Ariva Qingdao Hot Spring Resort (chéng tóu • ài lì huá wēn quán dù jià jiǔ diàn) 2997 Datian Lu, Jimo (8656-1058) 城投·艾丽华温泉度假酒店 即墨大田路2997号 Asana Executive Apartments (qīng dǎo jiā shàng huī tíng xíng zhèng gōng yù). 15 (Yi) Donghai Xi Lu (The Sail @ Olympic Bay Apartment B) (8091-5151) 青岛嘉尚辉庭行政公寓 东海西路 15号乙 (东海路9号B栋) Baden Village (bā dōng xiǎo zhèn) Located in Jimo (8657-9997) 芭东小镇 即墨市 Kunlun Gloria Seaview Resort Qingdao (qīng dǎo kūn lún kǎi lái hǎi jǐng dù jià jiǔ diàn) 6 Jinwan Lu (6656-6868) 青岛崑崙凯莱海景度假酒店 金 湾路6号 Latour Laguens International Resort Hotel

(lā tú lā gān guó jì dù jià jiǔ diàn). 316 Xianggang

Dong Lu (8896-6969) 拉图拉甘国际度假酒店 香 港东路316号 SPR Resort (SPR nòng hǎi yuán jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-3422, 8889-0394) 青岛 SPR弄海园酒店 香港东路316号

Hostels 青年旅馆

Museums 博物馆

Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn). Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District 崂山 茶文化博物馆 崂山区王哥庄街道晓望社区 Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu, Huangdao 黄岛区民俗展览馆 珠江路1001号 Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-9773) 青岛德国监狱旧址博 物馆 常州路21号 Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112) 青岛市图书馆 延吉路109号 Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-8886) 青岛市美术 馆 大学路7号 Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 青岛市 博物馆 梅岭东路51号 Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu 青岛市雕塑 艺术馆 东海东路66号 Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 天后宫 太平路19号 Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒 博物馆 登州路56号

Big Brother Guest House (bēn zhī lǚ qīng nián lǚ guǎn) Two locations in Qingdao - all mod cons for budget or mid range travellers. www. 31 Jiangxi Lu (82873888) 奔之旅青年旅馆 江西路31号 6 Baoding Lu (8280-2212) 10 mins walk from train station. Cosy, clean and affordable. 奔之旅青年旅馆 保定路6号

Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (82860584) 百花苑 京山路11号

Nordic Osheania Youth Hostel (cháo chéng qīng nián lǚ shè) 28 Guantao Lu (8282-5198) 巢城青年

Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山公园 福山支路24号

旅舍 馆陶路28号

Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (82868479) 鲁迅公园 琴屿路1号

Qingdao Kaiyue Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè guó jì qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 31 Jining Lu (8284-5450) 青岛凯越国际青年旅馆 济宁路31号

Parks & Gardens 公园 Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 植物园 郧阳路33号

Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石老 人观光园 崂山路1号

Hotel Ibis (yí bì sī jiǔ diàn) 178 Changjiang Lu, Huangdao (8698-9888) 宜必思酒店 黄岛长江 路178号

Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信号山公园 龙山路 18号

The Hidden Dawn (qī xiá xiǎo yǐn) 6(Yi) Qixia Lu (135 7383-1635) 栖霞小隐 栖霞路6号乙

Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号

YHA Old Observatory (qīng dǎo ào bó wéi tè guó jì qīng nián lǚ shè) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (8282-2626) 青岛奥博维特国 际青年旅社 观象二路21号

Sights 景点 Beaches 海水浴场 No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南海 路14号 No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海水 浴场 汇泉湾东侧太平湾内

Various Attractions 文化景点 1388 Culture Street (1388 wén huà jiē) Minjiang San Lu 1388文化街 闽江三路 Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八大 关 武胜关路 Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (83872168) 花石楼 黄海路18号 Huadong Winery (huá dōng jiǔ zhuāng) Huadong Baili Winery, Nan Long Kou (8881-7878) 华 东酒庄 南龙口 Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂山风景名胜区

No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第三海水浴场 太平角路6号

Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴屿路26号

Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海水浴场 海口路

May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号

Churches & Temples 教堂&寺庙 Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号 Qingdao International Christian Fellowship Intercontinental Hotel, 3rd Floor, Auditorium, 98 Aomen Lu,, info. St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng). 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天主教堂 浙江路15号 Zhanshan Temple (zhàn shān sì) 2 Zhiquan Lu (8386-2038) 湛山寺 芝泉路2号 =english menu



Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Aomen Lu 音乐广场 澳门路 Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆 龙山 路26号 Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青 岛极地海洋世界 东海东路60号 Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平 山路1号

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广告 • 黄页 Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 青岛海底世界 莱阳路1号 Qingdao Zoo (qīng dǎo dòng wù yuán) 102 Yan An Yi Lu (8287-2970) 青岛动物园 延安一路102号 Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从太平路 到东海路 Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路和辽宁路间 Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (82868575) 栈桥 太平路12号

Chinese Dining 中式餐饮 BBQ 烧烤 Handiyuan BBQ (hán dì yuán kǎo ròu) 20 Zijin Shan Zhi Lu, Huangdao (8688-2389) 韩帝园烤肉 黄岛紫金山支路20号

Laobian (lǎo biān jiǎo zi guǎn) 39 Nanjing Lu (8577-9938) 老边饺子馆 南京路39号 San He Yuan Dumplings (sān hé yuán shuĭ jiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 三合园水饺 漳 州二路39号

Huaiyang 淮扬菜 Shang Palace (xiāng gōng) Lunch: 11:30 am – 3:00 pm, Dinner: 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm 1F, City Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(8388-3838 ext.6459 香宫 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 青香阁 1层

Haiyiyuan (hǎi yí yuán) 95 Fuchun Jiang Lu, Huangdao (8688-5066) 海怡园 黄岛富春江路 95号

Kylin French Teppanyaki (yù qí lín fǎ shì tiě bǎn shāo). 66 Puning Lu (8579-6116) 玉麒麟法式铁板

Ju Xiang Ju (jù xiāng jū jiā cháng cài guǎn) 10 Chenghai Yi Lu (8589-8217) 聚香居家常菜馆 澄 海一路10号

Beijing 北京

Ping’s Beijing Duck (xiǎo wáng fǔ fàn diàn) 20 Yan Er Dao Lu (8575-0208) 小王府饭店 燕儿岛 路20号 Quan Ju De Beijing Roased Duck (quán jù dé běi jīng kǎo yā diàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6677-7308) 全聚德北京烤鸭 店 香港中路12号丰合广场A区1-2层

Cantonese 粤菜 It is often said Cantonese people will eat “anything with legs except a table, and anything that flies except an aeroplane.” Don’t let this put you off - the cuisine is one of China’s greatest, and includes the delicate dim sum snacks Harbor Seafood Chinese Restaurant (huá rùn hǎi gǎng zhōng cān tīng) 11:30 am – 9:00 pm 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2241) 华 润海港中餐厅 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛 鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店1层 Hirun Old Restaurant (hǎi rùn lăo fàn diàn) 43 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-8868) 海润老饭店 香 港中路43号 Le Mei (lè měi zhōng cān tīng) Lunch: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, Dinner: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm 2F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0164) 乐美中餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾 美酒店2层 Moon Chinese Restaurant (yuè) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1588) 月 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店2层 Kowloon Tong (jiǔ lóng táng guǎng dōng cài guǎn) 37 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8578-0198) 九龙塘广 东菜馆 漳州一路37号 The Castle (yí bǎo zhōng cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5801) 怡堡中餐厅 龙山路26号南门怡 堡酒店(原德国总督府院内) The Legendary (fēi hóng lóu zhōng cān tīng) 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext.8686) 飞鸿楼中餐厅 香 港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店2层 Yue (cǎi yuè xuān) 3F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing (E) Road, Jiaozhou New Distinct, Jiaozhou, Qingdao (8228-9999 ext.6888) 采悦轩 岛 市胶州新城区北京东路271号 胶州绿城喜来 登酒店三层 =wifi

Da Qing Hua Dumplings (dà qīng huā jiǎo zi) 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-3697) 大清花饺子 香 港中路56号

Jiuxianfang BBQ (jiǔ xiān fāng) 316 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-0377) 玖鲜坊 黄岛紫金山 路316号

Jinghualou Beijing Roast Duck (jīng huá lóu běi jīng kǎo yā) 11 Fuzhou Bei Lu (8575-7811) 京华楼 北京烤鸭 福州北路11号

=english menu

Dumplings (jiaozi) 饺子 Da Niang (dà niáng shuǐ jiǎo) Taidong Pedestrian Area 大娘水饺 台东步行街

Hao Hao Xiao Chu (hào hào xiǎo chú) 7 Xianxialing Lu (8870-0889) 浩浩小厨 仙霞岭 路7号

Teng Wang Ge (téng wáng gé jiǔ diàn) 10 Zhanshan San Lu (8386-6997) 滕王阁酒店 湛山 三路10号

品店 福州路33号

HBR (hǎi biān rén) 8 Haimen Lu (8388-8711) 海 边人音乐厨房 海门路8号 2F, CBD Wanda, 185 Xuzhou Lu (5556-3871) 海边人音乐厨房 徐州 路185号万达CBD广场2楼 41 Minjiang Er Lu (8571-4289) 海边人咖啡酒吧餐厅 闽江二路41 号 6 Jinwan Lu (8577-0997) 海边人海洋主题餐 厅 金湾路6号

烧 普宁路66号


Zhongshanyuan (zhōng shān yuán bào chì dùn pĭn diàn) 33 Fuzhou Lu (8577-3333) 中山园鲍翅炖

Homestyle 家常菜

Le Tai Yuan (lè tài yuán kuài cān diàn) Zhangzhou Er Lu 乐泰园快餐店 漳州二路 Yucong (yù cōng jiā cháng cài guăn) 147 Minjiang Lu (8577-0222) 毓聪家常菜馆 闽江路 147号 Zhi Le Jia (zhì lè jiā) 1F, Bldg.A, Fenghe Square (inside May 4th Square) (6677-7368) 至乐家 丰合 广场A座一楼(五四广场内西侧) Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào cài guăn) 120 Minjiang Lu (8577-8656) 粥全粥到菜馆 闽江路120号

Hotpot 火锅 Donglaishun (dōng lái shùn) 400 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-9998) 东来顺 黄岛井冈山 路400号 Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9227) 东海东路60号极地海底世界院内 Dou Lai Shun (dōu lái shùn fàn diàn) 232 Minjiang Lu (8571-7676) 都来顺饭店 闽江路 232号 Doulao Fang Hotpot (dòu lāo fǎng huǒ guō) B1, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (8261-7777) 豆捞坊火 锅 澳门路88号 百丽广场负一层(溜冰场旁) Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (8266-7777) 豆捞 坊火锅 南京路122号中联广场A座 Tanyutou Hotpot (tán yú tóu huŏ guō) 14 Minjiang Lu (8583-9076) 谭鱼头火锅 闽江路14号 Xiao Fei Yang (xiǎo féi yáng) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (inside Yinhai Marina) (8592-1000) 小肥羊 东海 中路30号(银海国际游艇俱乐部内) Yaoyao Hotpot (yáo yáo huǒ guō) 55 Furong Lu (8363-8118) 瑶瑶火锅 芙蓉路55号

Porridge 粥 Lao Man Ke (lǎo mǎn kè zhōu diàn) 43 Minjiang Lu (8576-8625) 老满客粥店 闽江路43号 Dawanlai Porridge (dà wǎn lái zhōu diàn) 344 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8697-5888) 大碗来粥店 黄岛紫金山路344号 San Bao (sān bǎo zhōu diàn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-0119) 三宝粥店 闽江路158号 Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào) 149 Minjiang Lu (8577-1568) 粥全粥到 闽江路149号 111 Yanji Lu (8501-6818) 粥全粥到 延吉路111号 97 Jiangxi Lu (8577-2056) 粥全粥到 江西路97号

Seafood 海鲜 Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant (ā yī bào yú jiǔ jiā) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8659) 阿一鲍鱼酒家 香港中路76 号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层

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广告 • 黄页 Dunhuang (dūn huáng hǎi xiān jiǔ lóu) 106 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-7556) 敦煌海鲜酒楼 香港中路106号 Four Season Restaurant (sì jì zhōng cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5308, 8288-5801) 四季中餐厅 龙山路26号德国总督府院内 Golden Sea Corner (jīn hǎi jiǎo dù jià cūn) 27 Taiping Jiao Yi Lu (8386-0188) 金海角度假村 太 平角一路27号 Guang Kai Seafood Restaurant (guǎng kāi hǎi wèi dà jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (88896835) 广开海味大酒店 香港东路316号 Haidao Seafood Restaurant (hǎi dǎo yú cūn dà jiǔ diàn) 40 Yunxiao Lu (8572-0846) 海岛渔村大酒 店 云霄路40号 Haimuchang Crab (hǎi mù chǎng máo xiè) 2 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8110-7663) 海 牧场毛蟹 城阳区长城路2号 Harbor Seafood Chinese Restaurant (huá rùn 11:30 am – 9:00 pm 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2241) 华 润海港中餐厅 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛 鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店1层

hǎi gǎng zhōng cān tīng)

Hai Meng Yuan (hǎi mèng yuán) 3 1 Donghai Zhong Lu (8592-8488) 海梦园 东海中路1号 Jinmeng Restaurant (jīn mèng dà jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (oppo. Kilin Crown Hotel) (8889-0285) 金梦大酒店 香港东路316号 (麒麟 大酒店对面) Yijinglou (yí jǐng lóu) 6 Taiwan Lu (8596-9111) 怡景楼 台湾路6号 18 Donghai Zhong Lu (85929138) 怡景楼 东海中路18号 Yiqinglou (yí qíng lóu hǎi xiān) 80 Ningxia Lu (8582-5888) 怡情楼海鲜 宁夏路80号 Yu Ma Tou Seafood Restaurant (yú mǎ tóu hǎi xiān fǎng) 24 Yunxiao Lu (8573-3583) 渔码头海鲜 舫 云霄路24号

Shandong 鲁菜

China Spice (jù wèi xuān) 11:30 am – 2:00 pm, 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm 1F, Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8888 ext. 6988) 聚味轩 城阳区文阳路271 号 青岛宝龙福朋酒店1层 Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn shān dōng cài guǎn) 112 Minjiang Lu (8575-3776) 老转村山东菜 馆 闽江路112号 Jiashimin Chinese Restaurant (jiā shī mǐn zhōng cān tīng) 10 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8774-6039) 佳施敏中餐厅 城阳区长城路10号 QIN (qín) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.8226) 秦 城阳区兴阳路306号 青岛景园假 日酒店2层 Qingdao Restaurant (qīng dǎo cài guǎn ào mén lù diàn) 17 Aomen Lu (8388-0098) 青岛菜馆( 澳门路店) 澳门路17号 Steven Gao’s Restaurant (gāo shì sī fáng cài) 20 Zhuhai Lu (8589-3899) 高氏私房菜 珠海 路20号 Tian Xia Yi Pin (tiān xià yī pǐn) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1588) 天下一品 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲 际酒店2层 Yuansheng Haigang Haorizi (yuán shèng hǎi gǎng hǎo rì zǐ fàn diàn) 5 Yunxiao Lu (8573-5733) 源盛海港好日子饭店 云霄路5号 Yue (cǎi yuè xuān) 3F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing (E) Road, Jiaozhou New Distinct, Jiaozhou, Qingdao (8228-9999 ext.6888) 采悦轩 岛 市胶州新城区北京东路271号 胶州绿城喜来 登酒店三层

Shanghai 上海 Da Shanghai Restaurant (dà shàng hǎi fàn diàn)1F Hai Tian Hotel, 48 Xianggang Xi Lu (83871888) 大上海饭店 香港西路48号 海天大酒 店1层


Famed for its bold flavours of chili and huajiao, Sichuan food in Qingdao is nothing like the ‘Kung Pao Chicken’ that you’ll find in other parts of the world. Boiling Fish Township (fèi téng yú xiāng) 1F, C Tower, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8591-9917) 沸腾鱼乡 香港中路6号 (世界贸易 中心C座1层)


Dieqiao (dié qiào shí shàng chuān cài cān tīng). 112 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-7123) 蝶俏时尚川菜餐 厅 漳州路112号 Hot Pot Promotion (là yìn xiàng) Rm.304, Bldg.C, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8077-9671) 辣印 象 香港中路10号颐和国际C栋304 Lao Sichuan (lǎo sì chuān jiǔ jiā) 105 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-9667)老四川酒家 黄岛紫金 山路105号 Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-2776) 老转村 闽江路158号 Qin Ji (qín jì xiāng là shí fǔ) 230 Minjiang Lu (8575-7599) 秦记香辣食府 闽江路230号

欧卡咖啡有限公司 Tel: 85788260

True Italian-roasted coffee, Authorized dealer and service provider for Shandong 意大利国宝级咖啡,山东地区授权经销商及服务商

专业意大利咖啡机 / 精品咖啡豆 / 咖啡厅开店规划 / 进口咖啡设备原物料 / 吧台设备维修/精品咖啡培训

professional Italian coffee machine / specialty coffee beans / coffee shop planning / imports coffee equipments and raw materials / equipment maintenance / training

Shan Cheng Chilli Pepper (shān chéng hóng là jiāo) 109 Minjiang Lu 山城红辣椒 闽江路109号 Shu Xiang Yuan (shǔ xiāng yuàn) 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8591-0688) 蜀香苑 香港中路6号 South Beauty (qiào jiāng nán) 1F, Ariva Hotel, 135 Yan An San Lu (8197-8877) 俏江南 延安三路135 号 艾丽华酒店1层 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8555) 燕儿岛路1号心海广场2层 Tian Lu Yuan (tiān lù yuán dà jiǔ diàn) 20-24 Yanerdao Lu (8577-9879) 天禄园大酒店 燕儿岛 路20-24号 Xiao Shao Xing (xiǎo shào xīng) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-7777) 小绍兴 黄岛井 冈山路636号

Taiwan 台湾 Autumn Town (qiū tiān xiǎo zhèn) 27 Dayao Er Lu (8578-8349) 秋天小镇 大尧二路27号

Characterised by the use of vinegar and strong aromatics, Shandong cuisine is one of China’s most famous varieties and is particularly prominent here in Qingdao. China Gongshe (zhōng guó gōng shè) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8077-6776) 中国公社 闽江三 路8号

=english menu


Sichuan 川菜

Din Tai Fung (dǐng tài fēng) 118, Marina City, 88 Ao'men Lu (6606-1319) 鼎泰丰 澳门路88号 奥帆 中心百丽广场118

Vegetarian 素食 Crystal Lotus Vegetarian Diet & Tea House (qīng shuǐ lián sù shàn míng fāng) 6 Yanerdao Lu (8077-9116) 清水莲素膳茗坊 燕儿岛路6号

Yunnan 云南 Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) Rm. 307, 3F, Bldg. A, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-8706, 8502-8708) 印象风尚云南菜 香港 中路10号颐和国际A座三层307 3F, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 5556-3632) 延吉路116号 青岛CBD万达广场三层

Asian Dining 亚洲餐饮 Fusion 无国界料理 Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店2层 Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) 6:00 am – 11:00 pm 1F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(8388-3838 ext. 6008) 一品 堂自助餐厅 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 盛 世阁1层 Feast (shèng yàn xī cān tīng) 1F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New District, Jiaozhou (8228-9999 ext ) 盛宴西餐厅 青 岛市胶州新城区北京东路271号 胶州绿城喜 来登酒店一层 Flavours (pǐn xiāng yuàn) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1555) 品香苑 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际 酒店3层 Hong Kong 97 VIP (xiāng gǎng jiǔ qī VIP) 1-2F, Huanhai Apartment, 22 Yan Er Dao Lu (8597-1112) 香港97VIP店 燕儿岛路22号 环海公寓1、2层 Kamii Restaurant (shàng jǐng jīng zhì liào lǐ) 2F, Darling Harbor, Olympic Marina, 1 Yan'erdao Lu (6867-8839, 6867-8699 ) 尚井精致料理 燕儿岛路 1号 奥帆基地内 心海广场2层

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广告 • 黄页 Liang You Catering (liáng yǒu guó yàn chú fáng) 18 Ninghai Lu (Beer Street) (8380-9888) 良友国宴 厨房 宁海路18号 No. 1 Zhongshan Road International Gourmet (zhōng shān lù yī hào guó jì měi shí) 1 Zhongshan Lu (8289-0001) 中山路壹号国际美食 中山路1号

Indian 印度 Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店2层

Niu Dao (niú dào) 2F, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1728) 牛道 澳门路88号百丽广场2层 Noboru (shēng jiā) 150 Jiangxi Lu (8588-8007) 昇 家 江西路150号 2F, Bldg. A, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 昇家 东海中路11 号 海情大酒店A座2层 Noburo Barbeque (shēng jiā tàn shāo jì) G106A Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (138 5322-3397, 6865-8688) 昇家炭烧季 南京路122号中联广 场G106A Qian Shi (qiān shí) 7 Taiwan Lu (8590-0966) 千石 台湾路7号

Fatema Indian Restaurant (fă dì mă yìn dù cān tīng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐 厅 古田路10号丁

Qingshuiwu Japanese (qīng shuǐ wū rì běn liào lǐ) 370 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8697-3783) 清水屋 日本料理 黄岛武夷山路370号

Feast (shèng yàn xī cān tīng) 1F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New District, Jiaozhou (8228-9999 ext ) 盛宴西餐厅 青 岛市胶州新城区北京东路271号 胶州绿城喜 来登酒店一层

Skewer (hǎo hé) 88, Shanghang Lu (8593-1129) 好 和 上杭路88号 Sumo and Sushi/Tamakairiki (yù hǎi lì) 12 Gutian Lu (8587-6001) 玉海力 古田路12号

Flavors Pizza & Cafe (měi wèi kā fēi xī cān tīng) No. 10, Bldg. 29, Tiantai Apartments, Lushan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9140) 美味咖啡西餐厅 黄岛庐 山路 天泰小区29座

Japanese 日本 AKAKARA (chì táng guō) 49 Zhangzhou Lu (6656-3638) 赤唐锅 漳州路49号 14 Gutian Lu (8587-7708) 古田路14号 Aka-Noren (chì de shān shuǐ/chi nuan lian) 19 Chenghai Yi Lu (8593-5719) jieshao.html 赤的山水 澄海一路19号 Akebono (shǔ rì běn cān tīng) Lunch: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm, Dinner: 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm 2F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext.0166) 曙日本餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达 艾美酒店2层 Ajisen Noodle (wèi qiān lā miàn) 1F, Carrefour, 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8580-6375) 味千拉面 香 港中路21号 家乐福1层 2F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-3351) 香港中路72号 佳世客2层 Daochuan/Inagawa (dào chuān rì běn liào lǐ)10 (Jia) Gutian Lu (8589-5418) 稻川日本料理 古田 路10号甲 Dozo Gourmet Food Gallery (dozo liào lǐ měi shù guǎn) Polar Ocean World Venue: 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-5999) dozo料理美术馆 极地店:东海 东路60号 Hisense Venue: 052, B1 Hisense Plaza, Ao'men Lu (6678-8008) 海信店:澳门路海信广 场负一层052 Gepeng Fushi Japanese (gē pēng fù shì) 263 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9916) 割烹富士 黄 岛武夷山路263号 Hideyoshi (xiù jí jū jiǔ wū) 1F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (5556-5657)秀吉居酒屋 城阳区兴阳路306号 青 岛景园假日酒店1层 Hong Ye Japanese Dining (hóng yè rì bĕn liào lĭ) 283 Wu Yi Shan Lu, E&T Development Zone (8699-0573) 红葉日本料理 青岛开发区武夷山 路283号 Honghua Village (hóng huā xiāng gǔ) 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8700) 红花香谷 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店2层 Isari Sushi (yú shòu sī) Some of the best sushi in Qingdao (2F, Darling Harbour in the Olympic Marina), with seafood supplied buy Japanese Gyorun Fisheries. Highly recommended is the tuna belly and raw beef morsels and they have some oddities on the menu (sushi pizza!). 10-50元 dish. 岛城绝佳寿司店之一(奥帆中心心海广场2 层),海鲜从日本Gyorun渔场直运。强烈推 荐金枪鱼腹和生牛肉,菜单上还有些奇怪的菜 式(例如寿司披萨!),10-50元一盘。 2F, Darling Harbour, Olympic Sailing Centre, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8570) 渔寿司 燕儿岛路1号奥帆中心 心海广场2层 Kuji Kuji Asian Dining and Sweets (yīng qiáo)110 Shanghang Lu (8592-1830) 樱桥 上杭 路110号 MANCHIO (mǎn zhào xīn gài niàn rì běn liào lǐ) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5690) 满兆新概念日本料理 龙山路26号 (德国总督府官邸院内) Niuchang Japanese (niú chǎng rì běn liào lǐ) 192 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8610-9731) 牛场日本料 理 黄岛武夷山路192号


=english menu


Tairyo (dà yú tiě bǎn shāo quán guó lián suǒ cān tīng) Epic dining experience. Mostly imported cuisine cooked before your eyes, unlimited beer and sake, fun atmosphere - it's a whole night out in one venue. The food is excellent, but if they're busy there's a 2 hour time limit (more than enough for most diners). 在这里你将获得史诗般的就餐体 验。大多数进口料理直接在你面前烹饪,无 限量的牛肉与清酒,欢快的氛围-在这里便 能度过整晚。食物美味,不过餐厅过忙的时 候会有两小时的时间限制(对大多数顾客来 讲足够了)。 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9366, 6688-9368) 大渔铁板烧全国连锁餐 厅 青岛市东海东路58号E座201极地金岸娱 乐港 1F, Darling Harbour Qingdao, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8585, 6867-8586) 燕儿岛路1号奥帆中心 心海广场一楼 Takewaga Japanese Restaurant (zhú ruò rì běn liào lǐ) 4F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8680) 竹若日本料理 香 港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店4层 Tengshan Japanese Restaurant (téng shān rì běn liào lǐ) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8592-2477) 滕山日 本料理 澄海三路6号 Tuna Mingjia (jīn qiāng yú liào lǐ diàn) (87766447) 金枪鱼料理店 城阳区兴阳路315号 Walk Inn Garden Japanese Restaurant (huā yuán rì běn liào lǐ zhuān mén diàn) 4F, International News Centre, 50 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8077-9757) 花园日本料理专门店 香港中路50 号青岛国际新闻中心4楼 Yamazen Japanese Cuisine (shān qián) 8 Yan'erdao Lu (Opposite Yanerdao Lu Elementary School) (8592-0138) 山前 燕儿岛路8号 Yinshui Japanese Restaurant (yín shuǐ rì běn liào lǐ) 279 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9050) 银 水日本料理 黄岛武夷山路279号 Yu Shen Hu (yù shén hù) 11 Yan Er Dao Lu (85925470) 御神户 燕儿岛路11号

Korean 韩国 With up to 100,000 Koreans calling Qingdao home, Korean restaurants abound throughout Hong Kong Garden and other neighbourhoods. Some great dishes include: •p ào cài 泡菜 (kimchi) - spicy pickled vegetables, often an appetizer (v) • t ǔ dòu bǐng 土豆饼 - potato pancake with onion •b àn fàn 拌饭 (bebimbap) - bowl of rice with vegetables, egg and usually meat • hán guó shāo kǎo 韩国烧烤 - Korean barbecue 6-7-8 Korean Restaurant (liù qī bā) 74 Shanghang Lu (8692-0339) 六七八 上杭路74号

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广告 • 黄页


An Shi Stove (ān shì huǒ lú) 82 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-6869) 安氏火炉 漳州二路82号 165 Minjiang Lu (8575-9429) 二店 闽江路165号 199 Zhongcheng Lu (8786-0355) 安氏火炉 中城路 199号 Dabo Huolu (dà bó huǒ lú ) Rm 307, East Gate of Renheju Living Area, Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (6679-4525) 大舶火炉 城阳区长城路 仁 和居东小区东门网点307号 Deoksugung (dé shòu gōng hán guó liào lǐ) 102 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8776-6577) 德 寿宫韩国料理 城阳区长城路102号 Don Korea (dōng gǔ lái) 87 Donghai Dong Lu (8097-8899) 东古来 东海东路87号 Hamheaung Korean Cold Noodles (zhèng ān yī wèi) 10 Gutian Lu (8589-2055) 正安一味 古 田路10号 Han Jiang Korean-Restaurant (hàn jiāng hán guó liào lǐ) 11:00 am – 9:30 pm 2F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2283) 汉江韩国料理 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿 逸林酒店2层 Hengbo Restaurant (hēng bó míng jiā) 12 Jianfei Garden, 87 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-1080) 亨伯名 家 香港东路87号 建飞花园12号 1 Yingbin Lu, Liuting Airport, Chengyang District (6800-1888) 亨 伯名家 城阳区 流亭国际机场 迎宾路1号 Huo Lu Qing Charcoal BBQ House (huǒ lú qíng tàn huǒ shāo kǎo wū) 14 Gutian Lu (8588-6773) 火炉情炭火烧烤屋 古田路14号 Jingfugong (jǐng fú gōng) 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-2449) 景福宫 香港西路43号 KR - Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine (hán cān tīng) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.8218) 韩餐厅 城阳区兴阳路306号 青岛景 园假日酒店2层 Meiyi Hui Guan (meĭ yì huì guǎn) 245 Wu Yi Shan Lu, E&T Development Zone (8699-8923) 美益会馆 青岛开发区武夷山路245号 Meng Family Korean Restaurant (mèng jiā hán guó cān tīng) 1F, Kaixuan Garden, 1-4 Xianxia Ling Lu (8896-3382) 孟家韩国餐厅 仙霞岭路1-4 凯 旋家园1层 Mix Mix (mǐ shì mǐ shì) 202 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Qingdao Kaifaqu (8699-5566) 米世米世 青岛开发 区 长江中路202号 Pu Rui Mu Korean Restaurant (pǔ ruì mù tàn huǒ shāo kǎo) 220 Zhongcheng Lu, Chengyang District (6679-6202) 普瑞牧炭火烧烤 城阳区中 城路220号 Qing Song Guan (qīng sōng guǎn) 2F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-9986) 青松馆 香港中 路72号佳世客2层 Shike Mingjia (shí kè míng jiā) 332 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (6691-6888) 食客名家 城阳区 兴阳路332号 Xiao Ben Jia (xiǎo běn jiā) 58 Shanghang Lu (8596-8752) 小本家 上杭路58号 49 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6887-2728) 小本家 漳州二路49号 198 Lushan Lu, Huangdao (8688-0160) 小本家 黄岛 庐山路198号 Yicun Korean (yì cūn cān tīng) 1325 Zhujiang Lu, Huangdao (8699-0199) 艺村餐厅 黄岛珠江 路1325号 Zheng Yi Pin Korean Restaurant (zhèng yī pǐn hán shì tàn huǒ shāo kǎo) 80 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (8908-5231)正一品韩式炭火 烧烤 文阳路80号 (宝龙广场西)

Thai 泰国 Banana Leaf (jiāo yè) 107, Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (6865-8836) 蕉叶 南京路122号中联 广场107 Sa Wa Di Ka (sà wā dì kǎ) 169-23 Fuzhou Bei Lu, Toptown (8598-2608) 萨哇帝咔 福州北路鼎城 169-23号

"I just came home from a trip to this restaurant. Food is great there. The ingredients incl. the beef is of high quality." - Peter M on Tairyo

taken from

=english menu


Thai Me Up Genuine Thai food cooked by Thai chef Nu, this foreign-owned eatery is Qingdao's best source for authentic south-east Asian cuisine. Splendid Tom Yum Soup, creamy Green and Red Curries and a whole host of other exotic dishes - not to mention reasonable prices - all contribute to the increasing popularity of this little restaurant. Don't forget to try a Thai-style cocktail from the cocktail bar! 20-6, Yan'erdao Lu (8503-8579) Thai Me Up泰 国餐厅 燕儿岛路20-6号

Vietnamese 越南 Pho88 B1, Hisense Plaza (6678-8888) 海信广场 负一层 Yueyuxuan Vietnamese (yuè yù xuān) 68 Zhangzhou 2 Lu (NE Mykal) (8592-5707) 越饫轩 市 南区漳州二路68号(近麦凯乐)

Western Dining 西式餐饮 American 美国 Canvas 63 B, Zhangzhou Lu (8565-5688) 漳州路 63号B Deja Vu 10-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (188 6626-8950) 云岭路10-3(靠近青岛索菲亚酒店) Korona Grill House (kě luó jiā xī cān tīng) Focussing squarely on grilled meats; from excellent ribs and seabass to lamb chops and lobster, hot dogs, hamburgers, fish n’ chips, and more. Choice cuts of steak include tenderloin, T-bone, filet mignon… Delightful desserts, house red just ¥128. 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 可罗嘉西 餐厅 彰化路5号 The Diner (dān ní měi shì cān tīng) 33 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅 东海 西路33号 The Diner 22 (èr shí èr hào kā fēi tīng) 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Central Plaza) (8577-1222) 贰拾 贰号咖啡厅 漳州二路19号(中环广场)

Brazilian 巴西 Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店2层 Golden Hans (jīn hàn sī) 139 Ningxia Lu (85800636) 金汉斯 宁夏路139号

French 法国 1903 (139 0532-3300) 滨海花园 France Bacchus La Villa (fǎ bó shī lā wéi lā) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 法博诗拉 维拉法国餐厅 香港中路5号 Previously known as 'The Music Kitchen' before the name was unashamedly appropriated by at least 2 other joints around town), also the home of the original Redstar office.

Fusion 无国界料理 Blacksun (bù lái sēn) 397 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (oppo. North Gate of Century Park) (66799325) 布莱森咖啡 城阳区兴阳路397号(世纪公 园北门对面) Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店2层 Café JOT (wèi) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.8215) 味 城阳区兴阳路306号 青 岛景园假日酒店2层

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广告 • 黄页

Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号 Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) 6:00 am – 11:00 pm 1F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(8388-3838 ext. 6008) 一品 堂自助餐厅 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 盛 世阁1层 Carnegie’s (kǎ nèi jī jiǔ bā cān tīng) 101 Zhonglian Plaza, 147 Ningxia Lu 卡内基酒吧餐厅 宁夏路 147号中联广场101 Central Grill (CG xī cān tīng) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8300) CG西餐厅 香港中路28号 青岛国敦 大酒店1层 Feast (shèng yàn) 1F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing (E) Road, Jiaozhou New Distinct, Jiaozhou, Qingdao 8228-9999 ext.6866) 盛宴 胶州新城区北 京东路271号 胶州绿城喜来登酒店一层 Flavours (pǐn xiāng yuàn) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1555) 品香苑 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际 酒店3层

might be a good place to stay for a night too.舒适 宽敞的爱纳咖啡,是岛城咖啡馆中的中流砥 柱。位于江西路上,毗邻外籍人士喜爱的酒 吧街,地理位置优越。相较闽江二路的咖啡 街,这里还算宁静,是品咖啡会友的好去处。 加上全新菜单上价廉物美的西式餐品,这里可 是泡吧前吃饭垫垫肚皮的好去处。(8589-0768) 158 Jiangxi Road, Shinan District, Qingdao 江西 路158号 HOLIDAY Western-style Food & Coffee (jià rì xī cān tīng) 218 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-8127/9888/9909) 假日西餐厅 青岛经济技 术开发区长江中路218号 San Marco Chef Stefano has long been renowned for his culinary abilities as well as his hospitality, but at his latest fine dining den, his focus is on wine, and its perfect marrige with Italian cuisine. 大厨Stefano 的烹饪技巧与友善待客广为人知,不过对于他 的新餐厅来讲,重点放在葡萄酒,并且瓶瓶都 可与意大利料理搭配得当。2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 (Jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 东海中路11号 甲 青岛海情大酒店二层 La Description du Monde (jiàn wén lù) 16-10 Gutian Lu (inside Hong Kong Garden) (8588-7989) 见闻录 古田路16-10(香港花园内) Latest Recipe (xīn shí pǔ cān tīng) Monday to Friday: 6:30 am – 10:00 am, 12:00 noon - 2:30 pm; 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm; Saturday + Sunday: 6:30 am 10:30 am, 12:00 noon - 2:30 pm, 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm 1F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext.0162) 新食谱餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达 艾美酒店1层 Ocean Café (bì hǎi kā fēi tīng) 1F, Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre, 1 Xuzhou Lu (6809-0311) 碧海 咖啡厅 徐州路1号 青岛中心假日酒店1层 Pizza Loves Donburi (bǐ sà ài gài fàn) No.52B, Zhangzhou Er Lu 比萨爱盖饭 漳州二路52号乙 (麦凯乐东侧)

Iona Café (ài nà kā fēi) For a long time a mainstay of the local coffee scene, Iona Cafe is big and comfortable, and with its prominent location on Jiangxi Lu right next to Qingdao's expat drinking hub, it's always been a good place to start a night out. But with a revamped Western bar menu, it


Rain Café (yǔ dǎo kā fēi) 512 Chuncheng Lu, Chengyang District (Near Wedding Street) (66735761) 雨岛咖啡 城阳区小北曲婚纱街春城 路512号 Riverside Café (shuǐ qīng kā fēi yuàn) 6:00 am – 10:30 pm 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888

=english menu


ext.2269) 水青咖啡苑 青岛308国道城阳段220 号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店1层

Italian 意大利

Sitting Bull Restaurant THE BULL IS LOOKING FOR GREENER FIELDS. Reopening soon - any questions, please contact Ron Oren at 186 6145-4582.

Ainido (ài ní dǎo xī cān · jiǔ bā huì suǒ) 7 Huiquan Lu (besides Donghai International Mansion) (8368-5555) 爱尼岛西餐·酒吧会所 汇 泉路7号 (东海国际大厦旁)

Sunshine Grill (yáng guāng xī cān tīng) 2F, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7190) 阳光西餐厅 香港中路38号 阳光 百货2层

Clover (gǔ luó bā yì dà lì liào lǐ diàn) 31 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-3839) 古罗芭意大利料理店 漳州路31号

The Eatery (yí kè lè quán rì cān tīng) 6:30 am – 9:00 pm 1F, Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8888 ext. 6966) 宜客乐全日餐厅 城阳区文阳路271号 青岛宝龙福朋酒店1层 The Oriental Express 126 Lushan Lu, Huangdao (134 6829-9634) 黄岛庐山路126号 Taste Music Restaurant (mù zĭ yōu pǐn) 8 Aomen Qi Lu (8381-1111) 木子优品 澳门七路8号

Da Vinci Restaurant & Lounge (dá fēn qí yì dà Restaurant - Lunch : Noon – 3:00 pm, Dinner : 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm 3F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong lu (8388-3838 ext. 6900) 达芬奇意大利餐厅 香港中路9号 香格 里拉大酒店 盛世阁3层 lì cān tīng)

San Marco 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 (Jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 东海中路11号甲 青岛海 情大酒店二层

Todai Restaurant (dū tài měi shí chéng) 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu, Coast Leisure Street (6606-6788) 都太美食城 东海东路58号E座201 极地金岸娱乐港内 Yongli Spring (yǒng lì fǎ ěr chūn tiān zhǔ liú cān bā) 8 Minjiang Lu (8580-8889) 勇丽法尔春天主流 餐吧 闽江路8号 Wildfire Steakhouse & Grill Restaurant (míng yàn xī cān tīng) 1F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1566) 明焰西餐厅 青 岛海尔洲际酒店1层 澳门路98号

German 德国 No.1 Zhongshan Road Yummy Restaurant (zhōng shān lù yī hào YUMMY guó jì cān tīng) 1 Zhongshan Lu (8289-0001) 中山路壹号YUMMY 国际餐厅 中山路1号 Rats Keller restaurant (ā zī kǎi lè xī cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5690) 阿兹凯乐西餐厅 龙山路26号迎宾馆一层(原德国总督府) Zur Bierstube 1-A2-1 San You Building, 10 Yunling Lu (8889-7600) 云岭路10号三友公寓1-A2-1

Real & Authentic

Italian Food - Italian Chef

Reservations: 8577-0058 30 Minjiang Er Lu

11am - 2:30pm & 5pm - 10:30pm Milano Italian Restaurant (mǐ lán nuò yì dà lì xī cān tīng) High-quality, high-end Italian eatery with stone pizza oven, home-made liquors and exceptional cuisine. We recommend the lasagne, four cheese pizza and tiramisu, but you can be sure there's the right dish for you here. Mix-and-match pasta and sauces. Great downtown location. 高品 质、高档次的意大利风格石头披萨烤箱,自酿 美酒,非同一般的美味菜肴。推荐:意大利宽 面、四色奶酪披萨和提拉米苏。可以自配意面 和酱料。位于市中心,绝佳的地理位置。这

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广告 • 黄页 里一定有一款适合你的美食。30 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0058 / 186-6168-1819) 米兰诺意大利西餐 厅 闽江二路30号

Almond Cafe (xìng rén kā fēi) Rm.101, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (138-6485-3857) 杏仁咖啡 南 京路100创意100产业园101

Murano’s (mèng lā nuò) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8650) 梦拉诺 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假 日酒店2层

Bagan Cafe (pú gān) 9F, Unit2, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8285) 蒲甘 东海西路41号东 海世家2单元9层

Napoli 68 (ná bō lĭ yì dà lì jiǔ bā cān tīng) 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (oppo. Haitian Hotel) (8386-2200) 拿波里68西餐厅 香港西路43号(海天大酒 店对面) Pizza Vito E Meo Cafe Italia Specialita Italiana 19 Minjiang Er Lu (8575-4089) 闽江二路19号

Trattoria Verde (běi lǜ dăo yì dà lì míng cài cān tīng) 67(Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛意 大利名菜餐厅 漳州路67号甲

Spanish 西班牙 Gran Duque (dà gōng jué dì zhōng hǎi fēng qíng cān tīng) 107A, Bldg G, Zhongliang Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (6865-8517) 大公爵地中海西班牙风 情餐厅 南京路122号中联广场G栋107A

Fast Food 快餐 Subway (sài bǎi wèi) MD_118A, Carrefour, 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8079-0800) 赛百味 香港中 路21号家乐福一层MD_118A Rm.151, 1F, CBD Wanda Plaza, 116 Yanji Lu (5566-2621) 赛百味 延 吉路116号万达广场购物中心一层151商铺

Delivery 外送 Anna Wu's Home Delivery (139 6483-0018) Fatema Indian Restaurant (fă dì mă yìn dù cān tīng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐 厅 古田路10号丁 Flavors Pizza & Cafe (měi wèi kā fēi xī cān tīng) Bldg. 29, Tiantai Apartments, Lushan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9140) 美味咖啡西餐厅 黄岛庐山路 天泰 小区29座 Genoa Pizza (jí nuò wǎ bǐ sà) 2F, 76 Weihai Lu (8380-9022) 吉诺瓦比萨 威海路76号2层 JJ Pizza (dì dì bǐ sà) 10 Gutian Lu (8592-3033) 帝帝比萨(市南店) 古田路10号 52 Yanji Lu (85018833) 帝帝比萨(市北店) 延吉路52号 KFC 4008 823 823 Lisa’s Pizzeria (lì sà bǐ sà) Besides the delicious pizza offered, extensive western options available include steak and lamb kebabs, mini burritos, burgers, whole roast chicken, grilled mackerel, and occasional Spanish food promotions. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 力萨比萨 澄海一 路8号 69 Aomen Lu (8577-7723) 力萨比萨 澳 门路69号 LUIGI’S (qīng dǎo lù yì jī yì shì cān bā) 219 Wu Yi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-6535) 青岛路易基意式 餐吧 青岛开发区武夷山路219号 Papa John's 400 888 7272 棒!约翰 Pizza Hut (bì shèng kè) 1F, 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-2988) 必胜客 台东三路63号1层 B1, Yihe Mansion, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8503-0088) 必 胜客 香港中路10号 颐和国际B座1层 1F, Li Ke Lai, 44 Jingkou Lu, Licun (8789-7690) 必胜客 李村 京口路44号利客来商厦1层 Sorrento Pizza (sà lái duō bǐ sà) 43 Minjiang Yi Lu (8592-8282) 萨来多比萨 闽江一路43号 1 Xianxialing Lu (8896-2191) 仙霞岭路1号 216 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang (8772-4221) 城阳长 城路216号

Turkish 土耳其 Istanbul Restaurant (yī sī tǎn bǎo cān tīng) 7F, Mykal (155 8981-3174) 伊斯坦堡餐厅 麦凯乐7楼

Cafés etc. 咖啡甜品茶馆

Bossa Coffee (bā sà kā fēi) Inside Izunco Inn, 2 Donghai Yi Lu (8387-6136) 巴萨咖啡 东海一 路2号 (爱尊客商务酒店) Bossanova (bā sà nuò wǎ) 45 Minjiang Er Lu (6688-6656) 巴萨诺瓦 闽江二路45号 Cafe Alley (áo lì kā fēi) 24 hour seaview cafe. 35 Donghai Xi Lu (6677-6797) 敖丽咖啡 东海西 路35号 Cafe Bachata (bā qià tǎ kā fēi) 69-8 Aomen Lu (6656-8599) 芭恰塔咖啡 澳门路69-8 百丽广 场斜对面 Cafe Davinne’s (kā fēi dá bīn sī) C2, 308 Xianggang Dong Lu (8896-7653) 咖啡达彬斯 香港 东路308号C2 Caffe Ccino Living House (xiān nuò kā fēi shēng huó guǎn) B1, Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (157 2532-7810) 仙诺咖啡生活馆 香港中路69号 麦 凯乐负一层 No. 5U1-102, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (188 0542-8215) 仙诺咖啡生活馆 东海西路51号 No.5U1-102 CaffÉ Esso 2F, 148(Yi) Zhangzhou Lu (139 6961-9596) 漳州路148号乙2楼 Cafe Koco (kā fēi kù kè) 83-9 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-3620) 咖啡酷客 香港东路83-9 Café Kona (kā fēi kòu nà) 21 (Jia) Minjiang Er Lu (8573-5300) 咖啡蔻纳 闽江二路21号(甲) Laoshan Beijiushui (8705-3257) 咖啡蔻纳 崂山 北九水 Cafe Mingjia (kā fēi míng jiā) Inside Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (8883-2566) 咖啡明家 石老 人观光园内 Cafe Mokka (mò kǎ kā fēi) 38-7 Daming Lu (Taidong Pedestrian Square) (8380-7317, 83807318) 莫卡咖啡 大名路38-7 (台东威海路步 行街广场) Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号 Carme Rino 384 Jinggang Shan Lu (opposite of the west gate of Jusco) 开发区井冈山路384号 Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90 (Yi) Minjiang Lu (85818263) 卡萨妮 闽江路90号乙 Cisco Coffee Club (xī kě kā fēi) 1F, Lobby, Qingdao University International Center for Academic Exchanges (8589-5220 ext.8077) 西可咖 啡 青岛大学(西院)国际学术交流中心一层大堂 Coffee of Dream (jiā bèi dòu lín) 295 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8776-6188) 珈琲豆林 城阳区 兴阳路295号 (景园假日酒店斜对面) Coffee Land (lǐng dì kā fū) Xiao Qindao Park, 2 Qinyu Lu (8289-1768) 领地咖夫 琴屿路2号小 青岛公园 Coffee Manyu (màn yù kā fēi) 395 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (oppo. North Gate of Century Park) (6895-5686) 曼域咖啡 城阳区兴阳路395号 (世纪公园北门对面) Coffee Space (kā fēi kōng jiān) 14 Daxue Lu (82868215) 咖啡空间 大学路14号 Corner Jazz Bar (jiē jiăo jué shì bā) 153 Minjiang Lu (8575-8560) 街角爵士吧 闽江路 153号 Spark Cafe & Brewery 35 Donghai Xi Lu (inside May 4th Square) (8578-2296) 东海西路35号(五 四广场内) Cream Coffee (kè lì mǎ kā fēi tīng) 8 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao 客利玛咖啡厅 黄岛紫金山路8号 Dio Coffee (dī ōu kā fēi) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8098-5500) 迪欧咖啡 黄岛井冈山 路636号 154 Zhengyang Lu, Chengyang District (6679-3129) 城阳区正阳路154号 Double Cafe 43-3 Minjiang Er Lu (8966-9666) 闽 江二路43-3号

Cafés 咖啡 Abbica Coffee (ā bì kǎ kā fēi) 4 (Ding) Ningguo Er Lu (8571-2323) 阿璧卡咖啡 宁国二路4号丁 Aier Café (ài ěr jiǔ bā huà láng) 15 (Jia) Zhejiang Lu (8289-1919) 爱尔酒吧画廊 浙江路15号甲(天 主教堂广场) Alexander Coffee (yà lì shān dà kā fēi) 36 Daming Lu (Weihai Lu Pedestrian Area) (8381-1663) 亚历山大咖啡 大名路36号 (威海路步行街)


“我刚刚从这间餐厅就餐回家。 食物棒极了,像是牛肉等配料都是高 质量的。” - Peter M 大渔铁板烧

Enjoy Time Tea House 322 zijinshanlu, Huangdao (150 2005-1717) 黄岛 紫金山路322号 EZ Life Cafe (lì kā fēi) 385 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8117-1807) 力咖啡 城阳区兴阳路385号 Feeling Coffee (fēi lín) 60 Zhangzhou Er Lu (152 6621-1234) 啡林 漳州二路60号 Four Seasons Café (sì jì kā fēi tīng) 5F, Sunnyworld Cyberport (entrance next to HaagenDasz), 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8297) 四季咖 啡厅 香港中路40号 数码港旗航5层 Happyday Coffee (měi rì kā fēi) 32 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5951) 美日咖啡 真爱店 闽江二路32 号 9, Aomen Lu (8597-1179) VIP会所 澳门路9号 Hausbrandt Italian Café (hào shì kā fēi) 31 Minjiang Er Lu (8571-6861) 浩世咖啡 闽江二 路31号 i coffee tea (ài kā fēi chá) 8 Yunling Lu (132 8082 8777) 爱咖啡茶 云岭路8号

Lagom (lè huó jiā) Fu Run Shan Zhuang, 3 Hailong Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7039) 乐活家 崂山区海 龙路3号福润山庄 LANG CAFE (làng kā fēi) Wonderful sea view; American/European style design. Meet with friends, enjoy a coffee and fine Western cuisine. 一间处处 让你有心动理由的咖啡厅。无敌海景,美式的 粗犷加欧式的小华丽,花园式看海平台。友人 相约品一杯浓醇精品咖啡,朋友相聚各式美 味西餐菜品助兴。West of Bar Street, Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-1839) 浪咖啡 青 岛市东海东路60号 极地海洋世界酒吧街西侧 LEGO Café (jī mù kā fēi) Shop 171, 1/F West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1171) 积木咖啡 澳门路86号百丽广场西区一层171 Lobby Lounge (dà táng jiǔ láng) 8:00 am – 1:00 am 1F, City Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6419) 大堂酒 廊 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 青香阁1层


=english menu


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广告 • 黄页

Lumaca Coffee (lú mǎ kǎ kā fēi) 385 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (oppo. North Gate of Century Park) (6673-6678) 卢玛卡咖啡 城阳区兴阳路385 号(世纪公园北门对面) Java Coffee/Deli (Java kā fēi wū) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8300) Java咖啡屋 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店1层

"Hash runs are always special. Always a bit chaotic. Always interesting people. Always worth it." Straydog on Hash House Harriers

taken from

Ming Tien Coffee Language (míng diǎn kā fēi yǔ chá) 22 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0317) 名典咖啡语茶 闽江二路22号 376 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-0000) 名典咖啡语茶 黄岛井冈山路376号 Mr. Cola Coffee (kòu lè kā fēi) 3-2, 17 Yan'erdao Lu (6887-2666) 蔻乐咖啡 燕儿岛路17号3-2#

The Lounge (quán láng) 1F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656 6666 ext. 1560) 泉廊 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店1层

Narcissus Coffee (nà kā suǒ sī kā fēi) 69 Haimen Lu (B1, Rui Na Kang Du) (8388-3325) 那喀索斯咖 啡 海门路69号(瑞纳康都负一楼)

U&I Café (yōu ài kā fēi) 22 Daxue Lu (8286-9209) 优爱咖啡 大学路22号

No. 27 27 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8368-5159, 8997-8008) No.27 漳州一路27号

KiWi Café (qí yì kā fēi tīng) Owner, chef and barista Danny Qian has 15 years experience in New Zealand and a strong passion for cooking and pleasing his customers with the best brunches and homemade desserts (eggs Benedict, paninis, burgers, beef lasagna, cake). Also beer, wine and ice cream imported from New Zealand or Australia. 来 自新西兰,有十五年新西兰工作经验的店主、 厨师和咖啡师丹尼用他对厨艺的热情和对顾客 的爱,精心做出岛城最好的早午餐和自制甜 品,像是火腿煎荷包蛋、意大利帕尼尼三明 治、汉堡、牛肉意面、蛋糕等。并且提供来 自钮、澳的啤酒,葡萄酒和原产新西兰的冰 淇淋。127 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-9986, 151 92016559) 奇异咖啡厅 漳州二路127号 Mamahuhu Café (mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ kā fēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (located in an observatory, inside of Guanxiangshan Park) (8282-2626) 马马虎虎咖啡 观象二路21号 (观象山天文台内)

Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā fēi) 1B, Hisense Plaza Shopping Centre, 50 Donghai Xi Lu 东海西路50号 海信广场1B 1F Sunshine Plaza, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8766) 星巴克咖 啡 香港中路38号 阳光百货1层 1F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-2991) 星巴克咖啡 香 港中路72号 佳世客1层 Rm.102, 1F, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-7500) 星巴克咖啡 香 港中路10号颐和国际1层102铺 Rm.161, 1F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3681) 星巴克咖啡 延 吉路112号万达CBD广场1层161铺 1F, Darling Harbour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8502) 星巴克咖啡 燕儿岛路1号心海广场1层 1F, Huangdao Jusco, 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-6530) 黄岛长江中路419号 佳世客1层

Pandora (pān duō lā • chéng shì xíng dòng kā fēi 1F, Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (8395-1577) 潘多拉·城市行动咖啡店 (青岛丽达店) 崂山区秦岭路18号丽达购物广 场正门连廊


Red & Black Coffee Club (hóng yǔ hēi kā fēi guǎn) 223 Haikou Lu (8588-6916) 红与黑咖啡馆 海口路223号 Rona Café (luó nà kā fēi) 25/F Chuang Ye Building, 458 Jiangshan Nan Lu (158 6688-7958) 罗纳咖 啡 开发区江山南路458号 普加大厦(近信息 软件园) Shangpin Coffee Terrain (shàng pǐn kā fēi) 149 Minjiang Lu (8578-5626) 尚品咖啡 闽江路149号 Snail Coffee Bar (wō niú kā fēi bā) 22 Dagu lu, near zhongshan Lu 蜗牛咖啡吧 大沽路 22号( 中山路旁边) SPR White House (nòng hǎi yuán bái gōng huì suǒ) Surf Plaza, 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1237) 弄海园白宫会所 香港东路316 号 弄海园

UBC Coffee (shàng dăo kā fēi) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-9106) 上岛咖啡 闽江路158号

Loco Roko (lè kè lè kè mó huàn dàn gāo fāng) 17, Daming Lu (8383-5651) 乐克乐克魔幻蛋糕坊 大 名路17号 198, Yan'an San Lu (8800-6030) 延安三 路198号 B1 Leader Plaza, Qinling Lu (6671-8092) 秦岭路丽达百货负一层

Ice Cream Shops


Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90 (Yi) Minjiang Lu (85818263) 卡萨妮 闽江路90号乙 Dairy Queen (DQ bīng xuě huáng hòu) Rm.145, CBD Wanda Plaza, 116 Yanji Lu (5557-0908) DQ冰雪 皇后 延吉路116号万达广场145号 Unit 78, B1, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-7678) DQ冰雪皇 后 澳门路88号百丽广场负1层78单元 F1, North Area, Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu (6671-7056) DQ 冰雪皇后 崂山区秦岭路18号丽达广场北区1 层 Rm.3, Wanda Plaza, 63 Taidong Yi Lu DQ冰雪皇 后 台东一路63号万达广场3号商铺 1F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu 香港中路72号佳世客1层 Haagen-Dazs (hā gēn dá sī) 1F, UnitB1, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7230) 哈根达斯 香港中路38号 阳光百货1层B1单元 B1, Hisense Plaza, 50, Donghai Xi Lu ( 6678-8050) 东海西路50号 海信广场负一层 1F-10, Darling Harbour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8866) 燕儿岛路1号 心海广场1层10铺 HAATO & CO 35 Minjiang Er Lu (186 6029-6915) 闽 江二路35号 Icy Delight Ice Cream (ài sī dí lái bīng qí lín) 12 Taidong San Lu (8380-2835) 爱斯迪莱冰淇淋 台 东三路步行街12号 Toscani Eiscafe (tuō sī kǎ ní bīng qí lín kā fēi guăn) 22 (Bing) Shanghang Lu (8596-8686) 托斯 卡尼冰淇淋咖啡馆 上杭路22丙 1F, Jusco 佳 世客1层

Tea Houses 茶馆 Zijinlian Tea House (zǐ jīn lián chá yì guǎn) 98 Jiangxi Lu (8578-1993) 紫金莲茶艺馆 江西 路98号

=english menu


Angel Bar & Club (tiān shǐ jiǔ bā jù lè bù) 18 Aomen Lu (west of May 4th Square) (8385-9898) 天 使酒吧俱乐部 澳门路18号 (五四广场西侧) bar@central.qd (dà táng jiǔ bā) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext.8400) 大堂酒吧 香港中路28号 青岛国敦 大酒店1层 Bund No.1 (wài tān yī hào jiǔ bā) 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (150 5323-5751) 外滩一号酒吧 香港中 路71号(恒丰银行东侧) Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号 Cafe Solo (suǒ lún kā fēi) 1 Hua Qing Huayuan (Hai Meng Yuan Duimian) 6 Yanerdao Lu (85778000) 索伦咖啡 燕儿岛路6号 华青花园1号楼 ( 海梦苑对面)

Confections 甜品 Amy’s Bakery (ài mì ér dàn gāo diàn) 3810 Daming Lu (8381-6356) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 大名路 38-10号 200 Minjiang Lu (8588-3613) 艾蜜儿蛋 糕店 闽江路200号 42 Shanghang Lu (8588-5015) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 上杭路42号 1F, Hisense Mansion, 17 Donghai Xi Lu (8087-7050) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 东海 西路17号海信大厦1层 Rm.337, CBD Wanda walk street, 185 Xuzhou Lu (5556-3968) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 徐州路185号万达CBD广场步行街337铺 B1, Supermarket, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (157 2639-0913) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 东海西路50号海信 广场负1层超市内 3F, Tesco, 269 Renmin Lu (188 5427-9900) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 人民路269号乐购3 层超市入口处

Selenes Chocolate Bar (sī lín qiǎo kè lì bā) 5F, 135 Yan An San Lu (8388-8988) 丝琳巧克力吧 延安三路135号 北群楼5层

Kongpingzi Bar (kōng píng zi jiǔ bā) 206 Minjiang Lu (8573-3757) 空瓶子酒吧 闽江路206号

Yan Yu Cafe (yàn yù kā fēi) 198 Nankou Lu (86129676) 艳域咖啡 南口路198号

Praline (jīng diǎn fāng) 1F, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shangri-La Hotel (8388-3838 ext.6800) 精点坊 香 港中路9号 青岛香格里拉大酒店1层


Bars & Nightlife 酒吧

Cape 3 (hǎi jiǎo sān hào) Beautifully designed waterfront bar that's quite hard to find if you don't know about it, on the Bar Street inside POlar Ocean World. Drinks are decent and varied, but what sets it apart is it's astonishing live music system. REDSTAR demands that the musically inclined do events there - let us know and we'll help you promote it. 设计精 美的海边酒吧,隐藏于东部的极地海洋世界的 酒吧街内。但是酒香不怕巷子深。这里的酒水 饮品丰富多样,更拥有超棒的现场音乐系统, 很适合举办音乐演出类活动。如有演出计划, 请告知红星,由我们为你的活动做宣传。1 Bar Street, Polar Ocean World (8090-4645) 海角3号 东 海东路59号极地海洋世界院内酒吧街1号 Carnegie’s (kǎ nèi jī jiǔ bā cān tīng) 101 Zhonglian Plaza, 147 Ningxia Lu 卡内基酒吧餐厅 宁夏路 147号中联广场101 Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90 (Yi) Minjiang Lu (85818263) 卡萨妮 闽江路90号乙 Catch 22 On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel, Huangdao (8699-6163) 黄岛 海都酒店后面酒 吧街 Charlie’s Bar (chá lǐ sī jiǔ ba) 167 Jiangxi Lu (158 0653-3229) 查理斯酒吧 江西路167号 Club New York (niŭ yuē bā) 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-9199) 纽约吧 香港中路41号 华侨国际饭店2层 Downtown Room 105, Building C, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (134 5524-7795) Downtown酒吧 南京 路100号创意100产业园3号楼105 Dubliner Irish Pub (dū bó lín ài ěr lán jiǔ bā) 1F, Zhonghang Xiangtong Youting Hui, Olympic Marina, 12 Xinhui Lu (186 5322-9219) 都柏林爱尔兰酒吧 新会路12号 奥帆中心 中航翔通游艇会1层 Etcetera (xiù bā) Lobby, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.8221) 秀吧 城阳区兴阳路306号 青岛景园假日酒店大堂 Feeling Club (gǎn jué jù lè bù) 83-85 Xianggang Zhong Lu (opp. Sanfod Hotel) (8593-2929) 感觉俱 乐部 香港中路83-85号(山孚大酒店对面) Feeling VIP (Feeling VIP jiǔ bā) 3F, Wukuang Mansion, 32 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8888-2046) Feeling VIP酒吧 香港中路32号 五矿大厦3层 First Class Bar (tóu děng cāng) 6F, Home Inn, 89 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-4530) 头等舱 香港中 路89号 如家酒店6层 Freedom Cuba 3 Tongshan Lu (136 6886-6600) 通 山路3号

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广告 • 黄页


No.88 (qīng dǎo 88 jiǔ bā) 33 Shanghang Lu (83638898) 青岛88酒吧 上杭路33号 Nordic Osheania Bar (cháo chéng běi yáng guǎn jiǔ bā) 28 Guantao Lu (8282-5198) 巢城北洋馆酒 吧 馆陶路28号

Freeman (zì yóu rén kā fēi) One of Qingdao's very best bars - centrally located, with well-made, strong, strong cocktails and a very cool, laid back atmosphere. They've got a stage with electric drums and live music set up, and big screen too. Try the lychee kamikaze. 岛城数一数二的酒吧。位于 市中心,酷酷的店内装饰,休闲的氛围,外 在提供超赞的鸡尾酒。配有电鼓、现场音乐 设施的舞台,更有大屏可转播各类赛事。推 荐尝试lychee kamikaze。163 Jiangxi Lu (158 5321-1877) 自由人咖啡 江西路163号 Garden View Lounge (mù huá jiǔ láng) 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2265) 木 华酒廊 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希 尔顿逸林酒店大堂 Holiday KTV (hǎo lè dí) 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8589-1777) 好乐迪 香港中路71号 Hooters (měi guó māo tóu yīng jiǔ bā) Bar Street, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre 美国猫头鹰酒吧 青岛奥帆中心酒吧街 San Marco 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 (Jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 东海中路11号甲 青岛海 情大酒店二层 Jack’s Bar and Restaurant (jié kè xī cān bā) 108 Shanghang Lu (8592-2968) 杰克西餐吧 上 杭路108号 Jiao Ao 1901 Club (jiāo ào 1901 jù lè bù) 4F, Qingdao Post and Telecommunications Museum, 5 Anhui Lu (6677-2798) 胶澳1901俱乐部 安徽路5 号青岛邮电博物馆4层 Joy’s (jué sè jiǔ bā) Opposite Fanhai Mingren Square, 25 Minjiang Er Lu (6688-6667) 爵色酒吧 闽 江二路25号 泛海名人广场对面 Kaili’s Club (shēng huó jǐ hé xiū xián bā) On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel, Huangdao (132 1082-9846) 生活几何休闲吧 黄岛海都酒店后 面酒吧街 Kaiyue Old Church Lounge (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè jiǔ bā) 31 Jining Lu (8280-8544) 青岛凯越酒吧 济宁路31号 Kings Bar (guó wáng bā) (139 6398-1069) 国 王吧 威海路慧嘉商务酒店后100米(山贺电 子城北门) France Bacchus La Villa (fǎ bó shī lā wéi lā) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 法博诗拉 维拉法国餐厅 香港中路5号 Previously known as 'The Music Kitchen' before the name was unashamedly appropriated by at least 2 other joints around town), also the home of the original Redstar office and VENUE FOR THE REDSTAR PARTY ON 10 SEPT. Latitude 36 (běi wěi 36 dà táng jiǔ láng) 10:00 am – 1:00 am 1F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext.0159) 北纬36大堂酒廊 延 吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店1层

Old Jack’s Bar (lăo jié kè jiǔ bā) Old Jack's is a long-lived institution, and the favoured drinking hole (it's a bar, despite what the name claims) of the middle-aged expat. Old Jack speaks English, and his accommodating customer service rubs off on his staff. Go before 7pm, when two gin tonics cost 30元. 开店已久的老杰克受到众多中年外籍人士的欢 迎,老板老杰克不仅会说英语,他对顾客的服 务态度也感染着其他店员。晚7点之前两杯金 汤力仅需30元。Yanerdao Lu, opposite Book City (8578-1207) 老杰克酒吧 燕儿岛路(书城对面) One Way Ticket Bar (dān chéng piào jiǔ bā) 26 Yanerdao Lu (8578-5153) 单程票酒吧 燕儿 岛路26号 Pandora Club (pān duō lā jiǔ bā) 12 Aomen Lu (8379-9898) 潘多拉酒吧 澳门路12号 Q Bar (xuàn bā) 5:30 pm – 1:00 am, Sunday to Thursday (until 2am on weekends) 1F, City Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext. 6468) 炫吧 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 青香阁1层 Richael CEO Club (lì chí qīng dǎo CEO huì suǒ) Unit 1, Bldg.81, 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (Behind SPR Whitehouse) (8897-3888) 丽池 (青岛) CEO会所 香港东路316号81号楼1单元 Room Lounge 1F, Haihua Building, Binhai Garden, 1 Shandong Lu (8666-3559) 山东路1号 滨海花 园海华楼1层 Rumba (lún bā) 1F, Intercontinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1577) 伦吧 澳门路98 号 青岛海尔洲际酒店1层 Safari Pub (fēi zhōu bā) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8670) 非洲 吧 香港中路76号 颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 SalsaQ Latin Dance Club (shā shā qīng dǎo) 132 Zhang Zhou Lu (139 6971-2083) 莎莎青岛 漳州 路132号 Sailing Bar (xī hǎi guó jì jù lè bù) Resident Square, Huangdao (8169-1117) 西海国际俱乐部 黄岛 市民广场 Scotland Bar (sū gé lán jiǔ bā) 9F, Killin Crown Hotel, 197 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1888) 苏格兰 酒吧 香港东路197号 麒麟皇冠大酒店9层 Spark Cafe & Brewery 35 Donghai Xi Lu (inside May 4th Square) (8578-2296) 东海西路35号(五 四广场内) The Lounge (dà táng ba) 10:00 am - 12:00 am 1F, Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8888) 大堂 吧 城阳区文阳路271号 青岛宝龙福朋酒店1层

Lennon Bar (liè nóng jiǔ bā) 20 Zhuhai Lu (8589-3899) 列侬酒吧 珠海路20号 Lobby Lounge (dà táng bɑ) 1F, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing (E) Road, Jiaozhou New Distinct, Jiaozhou, Qingdao (8228-9999 ext. 6832) 大堂吧 青岛市胶州新城区北京东路271号 胶州绿城 喜来登酒店一层 LPG Bar & Cafe (lǎo fēi jiǔ bā) 162 Jiangxi Lu (8593-6566) 老菲酒吧 江西路162号

“跑步俱乐部总是这么的特别, 总是有点乱哄哄,总有各种有趣的人 参加,参与总是值得的。” - Straydog


=english menu




Genuine British Pub Genuine British Pub

11 Xinyi Lu Tel: (532) 8583-9898 (off Ningxia Lu, West of Nanjing Lu) 新沂路11号(宁夏路安利路口南行100米)

The King’s Head English Pub (guó wáng tóu With a British-pub

xiàng yīng gé lán bā)

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广告 • 黄页

theme, King's Head is a pretty decent watering hole. Pool table, foosball and football on TV keep punters entertained, but more importantly managers Wei and Hai Ping are keen musicians; the best nights are their open mics or folk concerts. 英国风格酒吧, 提供超棒的酒水。配有台球、桌式足球,电 视转播各足球赛事。更主要的是酒吧经理对 音乐钟爱有加,常举办开放麦克和民谣音乐 会。11 Xinyi Lu (8583-9898) 国王头像英格兰吧 新沂路11号 The Oriental Saloon (xī shì jiŭ bā) 217 Wu Yi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-3073) 西式酒吧 青岛开发区 武夷山路217号 Tsingtao Brewery Bar (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ pǐn jiǔ guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒品酒 馆 登州路56号 Vegas Disco (lán dié huì su) 37, Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1212) 蓝蝶会所 东海西路37号(金都花 园负一层) Viva Bar (wàn suì jiǔ bā) 26 Yan'erdao Lu (83025678) 万岁酒吧 燕儿岛路26号 Vivi Bar (vivi jiǔ bā) Unit G, Zhonglian Plaza, 112 Nanjing Lu (8365-9898) Vivi酒吧 南京路112号 中 联创意广场G座 Yechao (Night-Trend) (yè cháo) 2F, Bldg.E, Zhonglian Square, 122 Nanjing Lu (8280-1111) 夜潮 南京路122号中联创意广场E栋2楼

Recreation 休闲娱乐 Art 艺术&展览 138 Warehouse (138 yì shù cāng kù) 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (139 6483-0018) 138艺术仓库 香港东路138号

Bowling 保龄球 Crowne Plaza Hotel Bowling (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn bǎo líng qiú zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 保龄球中心 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假 日酒店2B层

Cycling 自行车 Giant (jié ān tè) 158 (Jia) Jiangxi Lu (8587-2858) 捷安特 青岛大有乐骑户外运动俱乐部 江西 路158号甲

Fitness 健身 Aqua Health Centre (Aqua jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) In the Park, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.6001) Aqua健身中心 城阳区兴阳路306号 青岛景园假日酒店花园内 CEDARDALE Health Club (xī dá dài ěr jiàn kāng huì suǒ) south of the Sunken atrium of the Hisense Yandao Int’l Apartment Square, 7 Zengcheng Lu (8506-3880) 西达代尔健康会所 增城路7号 海信 燕岛国际公寓广场下沉式中庭南侧 Lesmills Fitness Class Schedule (Vivian 138 64216782, Body Combat – Mondays 10am and Wednesdays 7pm; Body Pump – Thursday 10am and Sundays 7pm; Body Jam – Wednesdays 10am Zumba Fitness Class (Jill Smith 150 9214-0576, Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm; Fridays 10-11am; Saturdays 2-3pm Children’s ballet ( cn/u/2259665991) Elemental Grade: Tuesdays 5-6pm Grade I: Wednesdays 5-6:30pm Grade II: Thursdays 5-6:30pm Grade III: Saturdays 3-5:10pm Grade IV: Fridays 6-8:10pm Copthorne Hotel Fitness Central (guó dūn dà jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 4F, Copthorne Hotel, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8900) 青 岛国敦大酒店健身中心 香港中路28号 青岛国 敦大酒店四层 Crowne Plaza Health Club (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 健身中心 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店负2层

Etsong VIP Club East King Fitness Centre (yí zhōng .VIP huì suǒ - yī sī kǎi ēn qí jiàn diàn) Yinchuan Xi Lu (8861-1011) 颐中.VIP会所-伊斯 凯恩旗舰店 银川西路 Health Club (jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2708) 健身中心 青岛 308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林 酒店负1层 Impulse Total Fitness (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù) 26 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-1388) 英派斯健 身俱乐部 福州南路26号 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 英派斯健身俱乐部 香港东路67号 12 Haikou Lu (8890-0990) 英派斯健身俱乐部 海 口路12号 Lime Fitness (qīng níng nǚ zǐ jiàn shēn huì suǒ) Bldg. 3, Fanhai Mingren, 19 Fuzhou Nan Lu (85755783) 青柠女子健身会所 福州南路19号泛海名 人广场3号楼 Qingdao Beihai Fitness Club (qīng dǎo běi hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 7 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Beihai Hotel) (5566-1999) 青岛北海健身会所 香 港中路7号(北海宾馆西侧) SalsaQ Latin Dance Club (shā shā qīng dǎo) 132 Zhang Zhou Lu (139 6971-2083) 莎莎青岛 漳州 路132号 Shangri-La Health Club (xiāng gé lǐ lā jiàn tǐ zhōng xīn) 3F, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6631) 香格里拉 健体中心 香港 中路9号 香格里拉大酒店3层 Sheraton Fitness Center Programmed by Core Performance (xǐ lái dēng jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New District, Jiaozhou (8228-9999 ext 6959) 胶州绿城喜来登酒店-喜来登健身中心 青岛胶州新城区 北京东路271号B1层 Sunny Fit Fitness Club (yáng guāng hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 200 Minjiang Lu (8575-6161) 阳光 海健身会所 闽江路200号 Tera Wellness Club (yī zhào wéi dé jiàn shēn) 8F, Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0800) 一兆韦 德健身 香港中路69号麦凯乐8层 4F, CBD Wanda Plaza, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3999) 一兆韦德健身 延 吉路112号万达广场时尚楼4楼 Vanke Charm City, 417 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang (6679-9638) 一 兆韦德健身 城阳区兴阳路417号万科魅力之城



Master Fit (Da Kang) Gymnasium (qīng dǎo dà kāng jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 4 Jijong Lu (8889-8858) 青 岛大康健身会所 基隆路4号14-1 Taizhou Lu (8581-1117) 青岛大康健身会所 泰州路14-1号 38 Ninghua Lu (8371-1117) 青岛大康健身会所 四 方区宁化路38号

Fishing 钓鱼 CHN Expert of Angler Society (míng diào huì diào yú jù lè bù) 69 Ao’men Lu (8260-0000) 名钓会钓鱼俱乐部 澳门 路69号(大公海岸)

For Kids 儿童


Baby One Club (0-4years) Natatorium (guàn jūn bǎo bèi 0-4 suì yóu yǒng guǎn) 8 Xinyi Lu (80796005) 冠军宝贝(0-4岁)游泳馆 新沂路8号


Children’s Club (ér tóng jù lè bù) 1F (Inside Café Yum), Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6008) Every Sat & Sun and public holidays has children’s club activities. 周六周日和公共假日有儿童俱乐部活 动。儿童俱乐部 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒 店1层 一品堂内


KTV 练歌房 Xin Dong Fang (xīn dōng fāng) 44 Xianggang Xi Lu (8389-2222, 8387-5555) 馨东方量贩式KTV 香 港西路44号

Golf 高尔夫 Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 大伍高尔 夫练习场 漳州二路123号 Four Seasons Riverside Golf & Resort (táo yuán jiāng jǐng gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Chengyang District, 204 National Road (8115-0010) 桃源江景高尔夫 俱乐部 城阳区204国道段 Golf Driving Range (xīn jiāng gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 58 =english menu


National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2719) 鑫 江高尔夫俱乐部 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青 岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店

Huashan International Country Club (huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù) Huashan Township, Jimo City (8456-0888) 华山国际乡村俱乐部 即墨市华山镇烟青路 Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) cn 青岛国际高尔夫俱乐部 松岭路118号 高科 技工业园 Tiantai Holiday Hot Spring Golf Club (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 天泰假日温泉 高尔夫俱乐部 即墨温泉旅游度假区内 Elite Golf Practice Course (yì lái tè gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) Jinling New Village, Yinchuan Dong Lu (8899-7307) 易来特高尔夫练习场 银川东路 金岭新村

Kayaking 皮划艇 Qingdao Discoverer Kayak Club (qīng dǎo shì tàn suŏ zhě pí huá tǐng jù lè bù) Middle section of Haier Lu (east of etsong stadium) (8885-7957) 青岛市探索者皮划艇俱 乐部 海尔路中段 (颐中体育场东面)

Outdoor Pursuits 户外 Aotai Outdoor Store (ào tài hù wài) 44 Zhangzhou Lu (8888-5628/6688-6998) 奥太户外 漳州路44号 Sunbelt (shàng pài) A-101, 122 Nanjing Lu (8793-3439) 尚派 南京路122号(中联创意广 场) A-101

Billiards 台球 Billiards Utopia (tái qiú wū tuō bāng) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (Inside Yinhai International Yacht Club) (8888-0553) 台球乌托邦 东海中路30号 (银 海大世界内)

Sailing 航海 Qingdao Jida Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jì dá háng hǎi jù lè bù) Rm. 503, Bldg. 3, 2 Changle Lu (8286-7962) 青岛际达航海俱乐部 昌乐路2号3 号楼503室 Qingdao International Yacht Club (Qingdao Olympic Marina) (qīng dǎo guó jì yóu tǐng jù lè bù) 1 Jinhai Lu (6656-0061) 青岛国际游艇俱乐部 金海路1号 (奥林匹克帆船中心内媒体中心) Qingdao Jufeng Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jù fēng háng hǎi jù lè bù) Rm. 501, 30 Qutang Xia Lu (8501-2115) 青岛飓风航海俱乐部 瞿塘峡路30 号501室 Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center (qīng dǎo ào lín pǐ kè fān chuán zhōng xīn) 1 Yan Er Dao Lu (8309-2020) 青岛奥林匹克帆船中心 燕儿 岛路1号 Qingdao Sinan Sailing Club (qīng dǎo sī nán fān chuán jù lè bù) 1 Jinwan Lu (8886-7909) 青岛司南 帆船俱乐部 金湾路1号 Yinhai International Yacht Club

(yín hǎi guó jì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 30 Donghai

Zhong Lu (8588-6666) 银海国际游艇俱乐部 东 海中路30号

Scuba Diving 潜水 Qingdao Qin Hai Diving Club (qīng dǎo qín hǎi qián shuĭ jù lè bù) 5 Huiquan Lu (8387-7977) 青岛 琴海潜水俱乐部 汇泉路5号 Global Dive Adventures and Training (quán qiú qián shuǐ tàn xiǎn hé péi xùn gōng sī) (158 64227383)全球潜水探险和培训公司 Deepdiz@

Squash 壁球 Grand Regency Hotel Squash Court (lì jīng dà jiŭ diàn bì qiú shì) 3F, Grand Regncy Hotel, 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大酒店壁球 室 香港中路110号 丽晶大酒店3层 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海情大酒店 东海中路11号 Health Club (jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2708) 健身中心 青岛 308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林 酒店负1层

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广告 • 黄页 Impulse Total Fitness Squash Court (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù bì qiú shì) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 英派斯健身俱乐部壁球室 香港 东路67号

Swimming 游泳 Copthorne Hotel Fitness Central (guó dūn dà jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 4F, Copthorne Hotel,

Stage & Screen 演出场所 Cinemas 影院 Broadway Cinemas (bǎi lǎo huì) 3F Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1155) 百老汇 澳门路88号百 丽广场三楼

28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8900) 青 岛国敦大酒店健身中心 香港中路28号 青岛国 敦大酒店四层

Haiyi Cinema (hǎi yì yǐng chéng) 1B, Chuandai World, Taidong Pedestria Area (8361-6688) 海逸影 城 台东三路步行街 穿戴大世界负一层

Crowne Plaza Health Club (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 2B,

Huachen Cineplex (huá chén yǐng chéng) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0700) www. 华臣影城 香港中路69号 麦凯乐8层

Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 健身中心 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店负2层 Flying Fish Swimming Club (xiǎo fēi yú yóu yǒng jù lè bù) Rm. 303, Bldg 2, Dushi Jiari, 82 Jiangxi Lu (133 0642-7777) 小飞鱼游泳俱乐部 江 西路82号都市假日2-303 Gym and Swimming Pool (jiàn shēn yóu yǒng zhōng xīn) 1F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888 ext 7255) opening hour 6:30am-0am 健 身游泳中心 东海中路11号 海情大酒店1层 Health Club (jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2708) 健身中心 青岛 308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林 酒店负1层 Le Meridien Fitness Central (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài měi jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 3F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0021) 青岛万 达艾美酒店健身中心 延吉路112号 青岛万达 艾美酒店三层 Open-air/Indoor Sea-water Swimming Pool

(shì wài /shì nèi hǎi shuǐ yǒng chí) Seaview

Garden Hotel, 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777 ext. 6317) opening hour 10:00am-10:00pm 室外/室内海水泳 池 彰化路2号 海景花园大酒店 Sheraton Fitness Center Programmed by Core Performance (xǐ lái dēng jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, Sheraton Jiaozhou Hotel 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New District, Jiaozhou (8228-9999 ext 6959) 胶州绿城喜来登酒店-喜来登健身中心 青岛胶州新城区 北京东路271号 B1层 Swimming Pool (yóu yǒng chí) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1682) 游泳池 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际 酒店2层 Yinhai Spa and Sports (yín hǎi jiàn kāng xiū xián huì guăn) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-9000) 银海健康休闲会馆 东海中路30号 Zaishuiyifang Seashore Club (zài shuǐ yī fāng xĭ yù zhōng xīn) 9 Huanghai Lu (8388-6886) 在水一 方洗浴中心 黄海路9号

Qingdao Bright Mountain Wushu Club (bèi méng tè wǔ guǎn) 55 Hunan Lu (138 0895-7112) 贝 蒙特武馆 湖南路55号

Yoga 瑜伽 7 Yoga Shala (7 hào yú jiā huì suǒ) Rm.201, Unit.1, Bldg.2, Tongxin Garden, 7 Aomen Lu (136 65426782) 7号瑜伽会所 澳门路7号通信花园二号楼 一单元201室 Daniel 42 Degree Hot Yoga & Massage (sì shí èr dù rè yú jiā zú liáo) 74 Minjiang Lu (8909-0977) 42 度热瑜珈&足疗 闽江路74号 Han Xiang Yi Yoga (hán xiāng yí) Rm. 102, Bldg. 1, Changhai Garden, 9 Qingyuan Lu (8572-2257) 涵香 怡 清远路9号 畅海园1单元102 Jingyue Yoga & Crossfit (jìng yuè yú jiā) 1F, Bldg. 6, Pacific Centre, 35 Donghai Xi Lu (186 6175-3308) 静悦瑜伽 东海西路35号太平洋中心6号楼1楼 Jinzhu Yoga & Crossfit (jīn zhū yú jiā jiàn kāng huì suǒ) Hainiu Xincun, 6 Yinchuan Xi Lu (155 5320-8781) 金珠瑜伽健康会所 银川西路6号 内海牛新村 Pilates & Personal Training (159 5480-0102) Tinghai yoga (tīng hǎi yú jiā huì suǒ) Rm. 1, Bldg. 17, Tiantai Sunshine, 102 Lushan Lu, Development zone, Qingdao (158 6308-8782) 听海瑜伽会所 青 岛开发区庐山路102号天泰阳光海岸17号楼 1号网点

=english menu


Qingdao Hengdian Cinema (qīng dǎo héng diàn yǐng shì diàn yǐng chéng) 67 Zhongshan Lu (68897800) 青岛横店影视电影城 中山路67号(天主 大教堂对面)

Our Major Clients: « Consulate Staff « Foreign expatriates « Foreign students and immigrants « Businessmen and tourists Our Services: « Family, household goods international& domestic relocation service « Freight forwarding for import & export, by sea or air, with professional packing services « Inbound/Outbound customs clearance « International, domestic and local moving services « Office move « Fine arts moving services « Insurance coverage based on door-to-door international transport. No matter it is household goods or commercial goods import/export; no matter you need in-land, ocean or air transportation; no matter you need full container or partial shipment, CCI will always assist you with professional customs regulations, procedures and door to door moving services.

CARGO COMPETENCE INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CO.,LTD Tel: (0086) 532 8508-2906 Fax: (0086) 532 8508-5237 Mobile: (0086) 136-9869-8037 139-6488-2307 Email: Rm 2008, B, Artech Mansion, No. 63 Haier Rd, Qingdao, China 266071

Qingdao Stellar International Cineplex (qīng dǎo yáng guāng xīng měi guó jì yǐng chéng) 2F, Xinye Plaza, 100 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-6188) 青岛 阳光星美国际影城 辽阳西路100号新业广场 东区二层 Wanda International Cinema City (wàn dá guó jì yǐng chéng) 4F, Wanda, Taidong San Lu (8362-5656) 万达国际影城 台东三路63号万达商业广场4层 3F, CBD Wanda, 185 Xuzhou Lu (5556-3939) 超五星 影院 徐州路185号万达CBD广场3层

Music Hall 音乐厅 Auditorium (jiē tī lǐ táng) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 AomenLu (6656-6666) 阶梯礼堂 澳门 路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店3层 Qingdao Concert Hall (qīng dǎo yīn yuè tīng) 1 Lanshan Lu (8287-7050) 青岛音乐厅 兰山路1号 Qingdao People’s Auditorium (qīng dǎo shì rén mín huì táng) 9 Taiping Lu (8289-7229) 青岛市人 民会堂 太平路9号 Y-2 Livehouse (yù yán) Rm.300, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8097-0302) 彧颜 南京路100 号创意100产业园3号楼300室

Theatres 剧场 Qingdao Beijing Opera Theater (qīng dǎo shì jīng jù yuàn) 76 Yan'an Yi Lu (8273-2612) 青岛市京 剧院 延安一路76号 Qingdao Grand Theatre (qīng dǎo dà jù yuàn) 5 Yunling Lu (8066-5555) 青岛大剧院 云岭路5号 Qingdao Song and Dance Theater (qīng dǎo shì gē wǔ jù yuàn) 15 Xing'an Lu (8271-4673) 青岛市 歌舞剧院 兴安路15号

Wushu 武术

Cargo Competence International is one of the pioneers in China that are dedicated to providing comprehensive international and domestic moving services for household goods, personal effects, and commercial products, including export, import, air and sea, headquartered in Qingdao, Shanghai, Beijing, and other ports of China. CCI's Business Motto -- Big Enough to Deliver, Small Enough to Care CCI's Core Values -- Quality, Efficiency, Talent

Huacheng Cinema International (qīng dǎo huá chéng guó jì yǐng chéng) 18 Qinling Lu (8909-8200) 青岛华诚国际影城 崂山区秦岭路18号 Hui Quan Cinema (huì quán diàn yǐng chéng) 15 Nanhai Lu (8286-7219) 汇泉电影城 南海路15号


Professional International Relocation Service Provider for Personal Effects & Household Goods

Books 书籍 Hao Xue You Book Market (hǎo xué yǒu tú shū cài shì) 10 Quanzhou Lu 好学友图书菜市 泉州 路10号

Su Ning Appliance Store (sū níng diàn qì) 3 Nanjing Lu (8362-2666) 苏宁电器 南京路3号 Yongsheng Camera Store (yǒng shèng shè yǐng qì cái) 9 Tianjin Lu (8285-8859) 永盛摄影器材 天 津路9号

Qingdao Olympic Centre (ào fān zhōng xīn dà jù chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-8666) 奥帆中心大剧 场 燕儿岛路1号

The Book Nook Bldg. 10, 36 Laoshan Lu (88808315) 崂山路36 号好望角10号楼

Qinghua Theatre (qīng huà xiǎo jù chǎng) 12 Linqing Lu (8281-8181) 青话小剧场 临清路12号

Xinhua Bookstore/Book City (xīn huá shū chéng) Cnr. Yanerdao Lu & Xianggang Zhong Lu (8587-5440) 新华书城 燕儿岛路和香港中路 交叉口

0532Cons (0532 zhèng pǐn zá huò pù) 1F, IGo Shopping Centre, 18 Gutian Lu (186 5327-3003) 0532正品杂货铺 古 田路18号爱购一层

Xinrenlei Book Store (xīn rén lèi shū ba) 399 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (6800-1221) 新人 类书吧 城阳区兴阳路399号

Beauty Centre (liàng cǎi fēng shàng) 39 Minjiang 2 Lu (8576-6110) 靓彩风尚 闽江二路39号

Shopping 购物 Antiques 古董 Antique Market (jiù huò gǔ dǒng shì chǎng) Wenhua Shichang, Changle Lu (8382-3513) 旧货古 董市场 昌乐路 文化市场 Sanshengyuan Artworks Shop

(sān shēng yuán) 67 Aomen Lu

(8579-7833) 三生缘 澳门路67号 Metisse Souvenir Shop (yī fēi jīng diǎn) 2F, Jusco 伊霏经典 佳世客2层

Art 艺术 Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924) 博雅画 廊 闽江二路 52号 Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery

(qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3 Changle

Lu (8380-2977) 青岛当代艺术家画廊 昌乐路3号 Yi Pin Tang (yì pǐn táng) Rm. 202, Bldg. 2, Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166) 逸品堂 昌乐路文 化市场2楼202号

Xue Yuan Bookstore (xué yuàn shū diàn) 22 Quanzhou Lu (8592-7703) 学苑书店 泉州路22号

Electronics 数码产品 3C4U Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1878) 澳门 路88号百丽广场 Apple Store (pín guǒ qí jiàn diàn) 36B Ningxia Lu (Zhenjiang Lu intersection) (8366-9605) 苹果旗舰 店 宁夏路36B (镇江路交叉口处) Computer City (diàn zǐ xìn xī chéng) 226 Liaoning Lu (8382-2536) 电子信息城 辽宁路226号 Guomei Appliance Store (guó měi diàn qì shāng chéng) 80 Nanjing Lu (8580-5870) 国美电器商城 南京路80号 Life’s Good (LG diàn zǐ zhuān mài) 1-1 Xianxia Ling Lu (8896-3308) LG电子专卖 仙霞岭路1-1 Shanhe Dianzi (shān hè diàn zǐ) 292 Weihai Lu (8302-7049) 山贺电子 威海路292号

=multimedia listing - check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...

Fashions 时尚

Creen Mart 10-4 Yunling Lu (8889-6672) 云岭 路10-4 Darling Harbour Qingdao (xīn hǎi guǎng chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-7888) 心海广场 燕儿岛 路1号 Godsend Golf (gāo shì dēng gāo ěr fū yòng pǐn diàn) 28 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (80963300) 高仕登高尔夫用品店 城阳区长城路28号 H & M 1F, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6885-3141) 澳门路88号百丽广场一楼 Zendai Plaza, 880 Tong'an Lu H&M 证大大拇指广场 同安路880号 Hisense Plaza (hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng) 50 Donghai Xi Lu (6678-8888) 海信广场 东海西路50号 iGo Mall (ài gòu shí shàng bǎi huò shāng chéng) 18 Gutian Lu (8118-0888) 爱购时尚百货商城 古 田路18号 Jimo Lu Market (jí mò lù xiǎo shāng pǐn pī fā shì chǎng) Jimo Lu 即墨路小商品批发市场 即 墨路 Jiu Yue Tian (jiǔ yuè tiān) 14 Gutian Lu (8587-5800) 九月天 古田路14号



广告 • 黄页 Kuai Pao (kuài pǎo) 2F, IGo Shopping Centre, 18 Gutian Lu 快跑 古田路18号爱购2楼 Leader Plaza (lì dá gòu wù zhōng xīn) 18, Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 丽达购物中心 秦岭路18号 Lexon Design (lè shàng shè jì) F2-09, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu 乐上设计 澳门路88号百丽广场 F2-09 Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 乐上设计 丽达广场 秦岭路18号 4F, Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666) 乐上设计 麦凯乐4楼 香港中路69号 Longshan Underground Shopping Centre (lóng shān dì xià shāng chéng) 29 Jiangsu Lu (82868902) 龙山地下商城 江苏路29号 Marina City (bǎi lì guǎng chǎng) 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1666) 百丽广场 澳门路88号 MUJI (wú yìn liáng pǐn) F2-0203, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1388) 无印良品 澳门路88号百 丽广场2楼0203 MYKAL (mài kǎi lè) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66700666) 麦凯乐 香港中路69号 Parkson (bǎi shèng) 44-46 Zhongshan Lu (82021085) 百盛 中山路44-46号 Porsche Design Qingdao (bǎo shí jié shè jì) F1-05 Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1911) www. 保时捷设计 澳门路88号百 丽广场F1-05 Printemps Mall (bā lí chūn tiān guǎng chǎng) 9 Shandong Lu (8581-1588) 巴黎春天广场 山 东路9号 Second Hand Clothing Street (èr shǒu fú shì shì chǎng) Licun Lu 二手服饰市场 李村路

Xinye Plaza (xīn yè guǎng chǎng) 100 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8562-9000) 新业广场 辽阳西路100号 Yijia Xiushan (yí jiā xiū xián yùn dòng fú shì) 168 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-8031) 宜家休闲运动服饰 漳 州路168号

Geisha (gé yì shā shí shàng shēng huó guǎn) A tradition of quality since 1912, Import and export food. 43 Minjiang Er Lu (8279-6688) 格益莎食尚生 活馆 进出口食品专营店 闽江二路43号

Our custom Content Management Systems make it easy to update your products and information! 我们专门为您定制的后台管理系统方便上传产品和更新内容!

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Carrefour (jiā lè fú) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8582-6666) 家乐福 香港中路21号 128 Shandong Lu (8508-9999) 家乐福 山东路128号

156 0532-1652), www. 青岛贝浓咖啡有限公司 香 港西路28号


Abbica Coffee (qīng dǎo ā bì kǎ jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4 (Ding) Jingguo Er Lu (8571-2323) 青 岛阿璧卡进出口有限公司 宁国二路4号丁

Double espresso co.Ltd (qīng dǎo bèi nóng kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 28 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-6325,



ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) No. 5U1-102, 51 Donghai Xi Lu, (8382-8699, 8380-1399) 欧卡咖啡有限公司 青岛市 市南区东海西路51号 No. 5U1-102

SAW Strong Ale Works (qiáng mài pí jiǔ) 12 Daxue Lu (136 0896-4700) 强 麦啤酒 大学路12号 Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银都花园购物 商场 彰化路1号 银都花园12号翠柏阁1A RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529) 大 润发 宁夏路162号 Walmart (wò ěr mǎ) 63 Taidong San Lu (83675600) 沃尔玛 台东三路63号 Watsons (qū chén shì) 1F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 屈臣氏 香港中路38号 阳光百货1层 Xinkuai (xīn kuài) 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (83892941) 新快 香港中路10号 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-1729) 新快 香港中路71号

Wine 葡萄酒

Dong Zhou Fu Long World Wines (dōng zhōu fù lóng jiǔ yè) 2 Yuexiu Lu (6656-7999, 6656-8888) 东

Daichi Farm (dà dì nóng chǎng) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-5151) 大地农场 香港东路67号

• Full e-commerce functionality, blogs, newsletters and more!

Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) 49C Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈森咖啡 东海西路49 号 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu 漳州一路35号国泰公寓 2-303 Rm.102, Bldg.5, Fanhai Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu 闽江二路泛海名人5号楼102

Zhongshan Commerce City (zhōng shān shāng chéng) 113 Zhongshan Lu 中山商城 中山路

Debauve & Gallais (fǎ guó dài bǎo jiā lái) 501, Unit 2, Bldg.3, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1807) 法国 黛堡嘉莱 东海西路51号3号楼2单元501 French Chocolate Bar 2F, Hisense Plaza (157 1275-9373) 海 信广场二层 法式巧克力吧

• Long-term service packages available

Metro Cash & Carry (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 麦德龙 重庆 南路116号

Zara 1F, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1020) 澳 门路88号百丽广场一楼

Food & Beverage 食品


Maui International (máo yī guó jì) (8575-3390) 毛伊国际

Buller Wines (ào dà lì yà bù lè jiǔ zhuāng) Rm.603, 63 Xianggang Xi Lu (189 5329-2706) 澳大 利亚布乐酒庄 香港西路63号603室



Liqun (lì qún) 79 Changjiang Lu, Huangdao (86888686) 利群 黄岛长江路79号

Saeco (xǐ kè) C3-1A, 32 Donghai Xi Lu (8502-3637, 8502-2676) 喜客 东海西路32号C3-1A

Wanda Shopping Centre (wàn dá gòu wù guǎng chǎng) 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-3638) 万达 购物广场 台东三路63号

• A reputation for innovative design

Lagom (lè huó jiā) Fu Run Shan Zhuang, 3 Hailong Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7039) 乐活家 崂山区海 龙路3号福润山庄

Sunshine Department Store (yáng guāng bǎi huò) 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 阳光百 货 香港中路38号

Van’s Dept. Store (wàn qiān bǎi huò) 118 (Jia) Yanji Lu (Inside Wanda CBD) (5556-3866, 5556-3600) 万千百货 延吉路118号甲(万达CBD广场内)

• Expert PHP coding

JUSCO (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85719600) 佳世客 香港中路72号 B1, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (6606-7878) 佳世客 延吉路116号 万达CBD广场负一层 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-0666) 佳世客 黄岛长江中 路419号

Qingdao Zhongtang Import & Export Co. Ltd. (zhōng táng jìn chū kǒu shāng mào). 81 Xuzhou Lu (8581-8719) 中糖进出口商贸 徐州路81号

Uniqlo (yōu yī kù) 2F, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (6606-1060) 优衣库 澳门路88号百丽广场二 楼 1F, Xinye Plaza, 100 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8091-7301) 优衣库 辽阳西路100号新业广场一楼 Zendai Plaza, 880 Tong'an Lu 优衣库 证大大拇指广场 同安路880号


DEFA Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (82530686) 东海西路50号 海信广场内

Sky (tiān kōng) 11 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8577-1276) 天 空 漳州一路11号

Tina Shoes 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (inside Zhen Hua Market, east of Mykal) 香港中路1号 (贞花 韩国服装城内,麦凯乐以西)

REDSTAR web design 红星网站设计

Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 汉柏麦香 东海西路50号 海信广 场B1超市

洲富隆酒业 越秀路2号 France Bacchus Bldg 9, 3 Xuzhou Lu (85898830) 徐州路3号9号楼 Gourmet passion (186 6022-5559) Henke Trading 504, Bldg A, Hong Kong Gardens, 3 Quanzhou Lu (8589-7696) 泉州路3号香港花 园A座504 Latour Laguens World Fine Wine Cellar (lā tú lā gān guó jì jiǔ jiào) Unit 2, 31 Yan'an Yi Lu (6669-1111, 8325-3333) 拉图拉甘国际酒窖 延 安一路31号 Pentagon Enterprise Co., Ltd (pài dá gé jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) B-2302, Guohua Bldg, 2 Minjiang Lu (8079-5256) 派达格进出口有限公司 闽江路2号国华大厦B-2302 Qingdao Wine Culture Street (qīng dǎo hóng jiǔ

jiē) 青岛红酒街 延安一路

Trader Zhou's B-16, Carrefour Underpass, Xianggang Zhong Lu (156 6652-6100) 家乐福地下 步行街 B-16 Treatyport (dēng lóng hóng jiǔ (péng lái) yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Mulangou, Daxindian, Penglai, Shandong (0535-571-0599) 登龙红酒(蓬莱)有 限公司 山东省蓬莱市大辛店镇木兰沟

=multimedia listing - check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...

广告 • 黄页 Wine World (wàn wò dé jiǔ yè) 1F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 308 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (5556-5556) 万沃得酒业 城阳区兴阳路 308号 青岛景园假日酒店1层 WinItaly Room 2557, Zhongshang Mansion, 100 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-6326) 香港中路 100 号中商大厦2557

For Kids 儿童

Sporting Goods 运动 Decathlon (dí kǎ nóng) 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (Below Fuliao Overpass) (8561-7788) 迪卡侬 辽阳西路 188号 (福辽立交桥下)

Mama’s Good Baby (mā ma hǎo hái zi) 94 Nanjing Lu (8066-1888) 妈妈好孩子 南京路94号

Sanfo (sān fū hù wài) 52 Donghai Xi Lu (85786628) 三夫户外 东海西路52号

MICRO SCOOTERS The award winning Micro Scooters are now available in China. We offer Mini for 3-5 year old kids, Maxi for 6 to 12 years and cool MICRO Scooters for teens and adults. Check out more details about the products here:, 139 1024-6949 or email us at

Tan Lu Zhe (tàn lù zhě) 66 Yanji Lu (8302-9006) 探 路者 延吉路66号

MIHO Mart (ér tóng lè yuán) 2F, Weifeng Supermarket, Fuqing Lu (8866-5638) 儿童乐园 福 清路味丰超市2层

Honghong Tailor (hóng hóng zhì yī) 6 Xuzhou Lu (8580-2086) 红红制衣 徐州路6号

Mikkaworks (MikMik yǒu jī bǎo bǎo) 97 Bing Nanjing Lu (8587-5440) MikMik有机宝宝 南京 路97号丙 Peek-a-Boo (bǔ kāng fù yù yīng zhuān mài diàn) 31 Yan Er Dao Lu (8593-1283) 哺康富育婴专 卖店 燕儿岛路31号

Gifts & Accessories 礼品 Ou Jin Jiang Silver Ornaments (ōu jīn jiàng yín shì) A6, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (134 5520-8855) 欧金匠 银饰 东海西路51号A6座 Plaza (lè huó shì jí) 72 Boshan Lu (8285-7171) 乐 活市集 博山路72号 Secret Garden (mì yuán huā yì guǎn) 62 Shanghang Lu (139 6988-0404) 秘园花艺馆 上 杭路62号 Zang Yuan Ge (zàng yuán gé) 1 Yangkou Lu (8387-6093) 藏缘阁 仰口路1号

X-Game Sports (kù pài zú) 148 Zhangzhou Lu (8577-3543) 酷派族 漳州路148号

Tailors 制衣 Jin Jian Tailor Shop (jīn jiǎn shí zhuāng diàn) 2F, Taidong San Lu (8907-0165) 金剪时装店 台东三 路利群对面2楼 Jin Yuan Zhi Yi (jīn yuán zhì yī) 2F, 1-118 Chuandai Da Shijie, 86 Taidong San Lu (8907-0172) 金源制衣 台东三路86号穿戴大世界二楼1-118号 Tangsong (táng sòng) D-228, B2, Taigu Shopping Centre, Xianggang Zhong Lu (opp. Jusco, near underground parking area) (150 6426-3058) vip. 唐颂 香港中路太古百 货二层D区228号(佳世客对面,负二层停 车场附近)

Lu (8571-8888 ext.8961) 永正裁缝店 香港中路76 号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒1层

provide will make you look positively angelic. Plastic surgery, hair removal and other beauty services. 中 文名字听起来像是“天上美人”,而他们的 服务也确实会让你成为天使般的美女。有整 形、脱毛等美容类服务。 203 Minjiang Lu (80777792) 田蓓美容保健会所 闽江路203号

Beauty 美容美体

Touch SPA Qingdao (yí zūn shuǐ liáo) 3F, Le Meridien, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0401/0402) 颐尊水疗 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3层

Yongzheng Tailor Shop (yǒng zhèng cái féng diàn) 1F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong

Spring 温泉

Home Goods 家居 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安居 山东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽阳西路188号 138 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611) 百安居 海尔路138号甲 BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean - Song 186 7890-0384, Chinese - Lee 156 0542-6234) www. Fit -all natural, antibacterial, fruit & vegetable cleaner (shuǐ guǒ shū cài qīng jié jì) (159 0071-5180) Fit-水果蔬菜清洁剂 tryfitchina@ Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦化 路28号 Joes (qiáo dé jiā fǎng) 80(Jia) Minjiang Lu (85803350) 乔德家纺 闽江路80号甲 Leo's Antique Furniture (lì ōu gǔ diǎn jiā jù) (139 6988-7788)立欧古典家具 Plus Tree (qīng dǎo mù zhī jiā shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1-1 Hai’an Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7512) 青岛木之家商贸有限公司 崂山区 海安路1-1

Musical Instruments 乐器 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 28 Huangshan Lu (8272-6977) 吉他平方 黄 山路28号

Tiantai Holiday Hot Spring (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (86579888) 天泰假日温泉 即墨温泉旅游度假区内

师,进修于沙宣美发学院。主修专业:经典剪 裁。 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3层 Vogue (wò gé) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656 6666 ext.1673) 沃格 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店2层

Nails 美甲 Lovely Nails (ài shǒu ài jiǎo měi jiǎ huì suǒ). 36 Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (Opposite Seaview Garden Hotel) (8588-7871) 爱手爱脚美甲会所 彰 化路1号 银都花园36号 Nail Care Treatment. D008, 2F, iGo Mall, 18 Gutian Lu (behind Mykal shopping mall) (150 9226-4373) 爱购时尚百货商城二层D008 What Women Want (3W gāo jí měi jiǎ shā lóng) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-6599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 3W高级美甲沙龙 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店404室

Massage 按摩

Qingdao Ou Rui Jia Beautyland (qīng dǎo ōu ruì jiā lì yán táng) Rm. 804, Bldg.5, Fanhai Mingren, 19 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-7508, 136 0896-6500 EN) 青岛欧瑞嘉丽颜堂 福州南路19号泛海名人5 号楼804室

China Yuquan Cupping Therapy International Department (zhōng huá yǔ quán guàn liáo) 201, 3 Hailun Yi Lu (8507-7057, Lucy: 138 5427-1855) 中华宇泉罐疗 海伦一 路3-201

Runjiang SPA (rùn jiāng shuǐ huì) 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, No. 220, 308 National Road, Chengyang (8098-8888 ext.2766) 润江水会 青 岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸 林酒店1层

LiShui Tang Dr. Jack Jin, TCM practitioner, familyinherited. Herbal formulas, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Moxibustion (lí shuǐ táng jīn zhōng yī chǔ fāng, zhēn jiǔ, zhǐ yā, wēn jiǔ) 1 Xinzhu Lu (159 0899-2971) navigatingbee@hotmail.com丽水堂金中医处方、 针灸、指压、温灸 新竹路1号

Sleeping Lotus SPA (shuì lián yǎng shēng měi róng guǎn) A3, 26 Donghai Lu (inside Langqin Garden) (8593-6008) 睡莲养生美容馆 东海路26 号A3(浪琴园内) The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel (xiāng gé lǐ lā dà jiǔ diàn shuǐ liáo zhōng xīn) 4F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6050) 香格里拉大酒店水疗中心 香港中路9 号 香格里拉大酒店 盛世阁4层

Hair Doctor, Steve Mather One free salon hair treatment with every hair service every time. Full manicure and pedicure service also available. Please contact 136 8145-3740 for your consultation with the Hair Doctor. By appointment only. Log onto stevematherhairstudio for updates! 每位客人享用 发型服务时,均赠送专业沙龙护理。提供各种 美甲服务。微博: @steve0922

Renming Foot Massage Centre (rén míng zú bù bǎo jiàn zhōng xīn) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (opp. World Trade Centre) (8387-9188) 人名足部保健中 心 香港中路5号(世贸中心对面)

Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 1 (Jia) Xianxia Ling Lu (8897-1981) 李嘉子形 象设计中心 仙霞岭路1号甲 Pleasantress Ladies Hair Salon (bó fēi sī nǚ zǐ měi fà huì suǒ) 30, Donghai Zhong Lu (East gate of Yinhai Yacht Club) (8592-6188) 柏飞丝女子美发会 所 东海中路30号-银海游艇俱乐部东门内

4599) 鲍德温钢琴专卖店 江西路91号乙

Pure Hair (chún xiù měi měi fà diàn) 119(Yi) Zhangzhou Er Lu (8587-6719) 纯秀美美发店 漳州 二路119乙(香港花园对面座上客旁边)

Rolling Stone Instruments (gǔn shí qín háng) 38-5 Daming Lu (8383-1385) 滚石琴行 大名路 38-5号

TONI & GUY Hairdressing (tāng ní yīng gài měi fà shā lóng) 6F, 12 Xinhui Lu (5897-5222) 汤尼英盖美 发沙龙 新会路12号 中航翔通游艇会6层

Xin Yi Zhou Instruments (xīn yì zhōu qín háng) 74 Yan An San Lu (8365-4582) 馨艺洲琴行 延安 三路74号

Pets 宠物


Hairdressers 美发

Kapok Spa & Wellness (mù mián shuǐ liáo) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1686) 木棉水疗 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲 际酒店2层

Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-

=english menu

What Women Want (3W gāo jí měi jiǎ shā lóng) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-6599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 3W高级美甲沙龙 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店404室

Beauty Centres 美容养生

Xiezou Classical Music Training Centre (xié zòu yīn lè péi xùn) 41 Luoyang Lu (139 6396-1061, qq: 279447450) 协奏音乐培训 洛阳路41号

Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198 7701),


True Friend Animal Hospital (zhēn péng yǒu dòng wù yī yuàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Book City) (8578-0365) 真朋友动物医院 香港中 路65号(书城西侧)

Tian Bei's Beauty & Health Care Salon (tián bèi měi róng bǎo jiàn huì suǒ) The Chinese name sounds like Heavenly Beauty, and the services they

TouchHair (yí zūn měi fà) Vidal Sassoon Academy graduate, student of Japanese hair stylist Kawasaki -An expert in hair treatment. 3F Le Meridien Qingdao Hotel, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0403 Suki 186 6028-9276) 颐尊美发 师从日本发艺巨匠川崎大

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Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (chuán tǒng zhōng yī àn mó) Is there anything more relieving than getting a rub down from a professional masseur? We can't think of anything, and this place comes recommended for delivering



广告 • 黄页

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彰化路1号 银都花园 二号楼 Building 2, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Road

No.9 Donghai Road

Hisense Yandao

310m , 3br, 2livingroom, 3bath, two kitchens, unfurnished, sea view, ¥360k/year; 160m2, ¥150k/year

200m , 3br, 2livingroom, 3bath, furnished, sea view, ¥200k/year; 160m2, ¥150k/year; 139m2, ¥120k/year

Capland Center

Hisense Yandao

119m , 1br, 2livingroom, 1bath, furnished, sea view, newly built, ¥110k/year; 140m2, 2br, ¥160k/year

290m , 4br, 2livingroom, 3bath, furnished, big balcony, sea view, ¥250k/year

Surf Plaza

Eldo Garden

Town house, 260m2, 4br, 2livingroom, 3bath, garden, sea view unfurnished ¥280k/year

Town house, 260m2, 4br, 2livingroom, 3bath, garden, sea view, unfurnished ¥280k/year





Not Happy being sleepy? Sleep better at

truly salubrious as well as relaxing massages. 没有 什么比按摩能更好的舒缓压力。建议来此享 受一下真正有益健康的放松按摩。 Get rid of suffering. Home visit service provided (139 69748576) 传统中医按摩

Education 教育

Haiyuan International Language School (hǎi yuán guó jì yǔ yán xué xiào) 1 Donghai Dong Lu

and rising to grade 12 (2-18 years of age), ISQ follows a US based curriculum, is WASC and NCCT accredited and offers an extensive range AP courses. The school also offers honours courses in all core subjects. In addition, away from the classroom, ISQ has an extensive MUN program, Student Council and Leadership Development. Throughout, its educational focus is on university preparation. Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. 青岛MTI 国际学校 崂山区沙子口东姜白珊校园内

Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) Catering to the needs of early childhood education through to Grade 12, QAIS is an IB World School Candidate and an American Montessori Society Member. Their approach to learning is inquiry- based, student-centred education and follows American curriculum, diploma, and university preparation. The school is also an official SAT & AP Test Centre. 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@ QingdaoAmerasia. org, 青岛美亚国际学校 山东头路68号

Song Lee

186 7890-0384 156 0542-6234

Qingdao Chaoyin Primary School (qīng dǎo chāo yín xiǎo xué) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu (8578-7825) 青岛超银小学 镇江支路2号 Qingdao ChaoYin Junior High School (qīng dǎo chāo yín zhōng xué) Sifang Campus: 2 Anshan Wu Lu (8563-0332) 青岛超银中学 四方校区:鞍山 五路2号 Shibei Campus: 141 Guangrao Lu (85630332) 市北校区:广饶路141号 Qingdao Galaxy International School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào) 47 Tongchuan Lu (8766-8087) 青 岛银河学校 铜川路47号 Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) Accepting students from pre-K to grade 12 (3-17 years of age), QISS utilises a US curriculum (Common Core), and is WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited. In addition, Advanced Placement courses are available on-site in 8 subjects, and all AP classes are available online through QISS's partnership with K12 International Academy, APID. The school is licensed by Qingdao Bureau of Education. 232 Songling Lu (6889-8888) 山东省青岛第一国 际学校 松岭路232号 Qingdao Oxford International College (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 牛津公学 松岭路232号 Xinshiji School (xīn shì jì xué xiào) 4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 新世纪学校 逍遥三路4号 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao

(qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts

students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bi-lingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Huangdao Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu, Huangdao (8699-5551) 青岛耀中 国际学校 青岛经济技术开发区太行山路72号 Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao (8880-0003) 青岛招生办公室 青 岛市崂山区崂山路36号好望角7号楼


=english menu


Chinese Language 汉语

International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Starting at pre-school

International Schools 国际学校

With multiple layers of soft and durable materials, including pocket spring, wool and bio-safe foam. You get a feel that you can sink into night after night and awake feeling like a new you!

Call us on Company 8828-6508

Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际学校 崂山区海青路16号

Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (88815851) 白珊学校 崂山区 沙子口东姜

BM Ultra Mattresses.

Starting from ¥1,000 & up Free delivery within Qingdao

Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng

dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu,

Chaoyin Foreign Language & Culture Training School (Practical Chinese/HSK/BCT/YCT) (chāo yín wài guó yǔ wén huà péi xùn xué xiào) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu, Qingdao Chaoyin Primary School 超银外国语文化培训学校 (实用汉语/HSK/ BCT/YCT) 镇江支路2号 超银小学内

NSWE International Department of Mio School (xīn xī huá měi ōu xué xiào guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang (137-9323-3392, 187-6425-8880) 新西 华美欧学校国际部 城阳天河路1号

The most trusted name in mattresses

Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学校 东海东路16号

(8593-5066) 海源国际语言学校 东海东路1号 HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) / BCT (Business Chinese Test) / YCT (Youth Chinese Test) Training & Test Center (hàn yǔ kǎo shì péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu, Qingdao Chaoyin Primary School (HSK/BCT/YCT) 汉语考试培训考务 基地,镇江支路2号 超银小学内 Goldencareer Training School

(jīn qián chéng péi xùn xué xiào)

Chinese training, English training, TOEIC, Translation outsourcing service. 12F, Bldg.G5, 288 Ningxia Lu (8597-5725, 8597-5726, 8597-5728) 金前程培训学校 青岛市宁夏路288号G5楼12层 IPA- International Professional Certification Association Training and Exam Center for CLT -Chinese Language Teacher (IPA guó jì zhù cè hàn yǔ jiào shī zī gé zhèng péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu (8502-7797) IPA国际注册汉语教 师资格证培训考务基地 镇江支路2号 Mingren Chinese Language School 1-302, 19 Fuzhou Nan Lu 福州南路19号1-302 OK! HSK Rm. 301, Unit 1, Bldg. 3, 66 Xianggang Dong Lu (8090-4049, 133 5687-9239) 香港东路66 号3号楼1单元301室 Q zhi zijin Chinese Language Training Center (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) Conversational course, HSK---all levels, Traditional culture &poem, University literature entrance works, Business course. Promise education! 青之子衿汉语培训中心 泉州路3号香港花园A座1112室 Qingdao Continental Bridge For Educational

Exchange Services (qīng dǎo zhōu qiáo guó jì wén huà jiāo liú fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.

1209, Bldg. B, Hongkong Garden, 54 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8581-6081, 136 8761-1581) ACI International Registered Chinese Teacher Shandong Exam Centre 青岛洲桥国际文化交流服务有限公司 漳州二 路54号香港花园B座1209 室 ACI 国际注册汉 语教师山东省考务中心 Qingdao Huaxing Chinese Language School (qīng dǎo huá xīng zhōng guó yǔ xué xiào) 13F, Wangjiao Mansion, 73 Xianggang Zhong Lu (CHN: 15063008971, ENG: 13061212779) 青岛华兴中国 语学校 香港中路73号 旺角大厦13层 Qingdao Jinghua Language Training School

(qīng dǎo jīng huá yǔ yán péi xùn xué xiào)

Rm. 8166, Qingdao University International Communication, 308 Ningxia Lu (8595-0758) 青岛 京华语言培训学校 宁夏路308号 青岛大学国 际学术交流中心8166室 Qingdao Tianyan Chinese and Korean Language School (qīng dǎo tiān yán zhōng guó hán guó yǔ yǔ yán xué xiào) Chinese Mandarin training, Korean training. Rm. 1606, Bldg. A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (135 8927-8775) 青岛 天言中国韩国语(语言)学校 漳州二路19号 中环国际广场A座1606室 Shin-A Education Group (xīn yà yŭ yán zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1603, 16F, Da Gong Guan Li Yuan, Hong Kong Garden, 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (85965812, 8589-5236) 新亚语言专修学校 漳州二路 123号 香港花园大公馆荔苑16楼1603

English Language 英语 Chaoyin Foreign Language & Culture Training School (English GESE Training and Exam

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广告 • 黄页 Center) (chāo yín wài guó yǔ wén huà péi xùn xué xiào - yīng guó shèng sān yī kǒu yǔ péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 ZhenJiang Zhi Lu (Chaoyin Primary School) (8582-2632) 超银外国语文化培训学校 (英国圣三一口语培训考务基地) 镇江支路2号 (超银小学内) Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130 号1-2层 Qingdao Chaoyin Weekend Singapore Bilingual Education Elective Course (G7,G8) (qīng dǎo chāo yín zhōu mò shuāng yǔ xìng qù bān) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu (inside Chaoyin Primary School) (8563-0332) 青岛超银周末双语兴趣班 (G7,G8)镇江支路2号(超银小学内) Qingdao International Language Institute

(Global IELTS) (qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī)) Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871) 青岛国交外语培训学校(环球雅 思)江西路35号6号楼 Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-5469 ) 华尔 街英语 香港中路20号 黄金广场2层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华 尔街英语 漳州路79号 中环国际广场1层19号

French Language 法语 Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong LU (Ocean Uni) (85906232) 青岛法语联盟 香港 东路23号中国海洋大学H区3层

German Language 德语 Goethe Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 1F, Minxing Building, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Lu (8378-0778) 青 岛大学歌德语言中心 宁夏路308号青岛大学 敏行楼一楼

For Kids 幼教 Gymboree (jīn bǎo bèi) 2F, Century Tower, 39 Donghai Xi Lu (8907-0606) 金宝贝 东海西路39号世纪大厦2楼

Kindergartens 幼儿园 Aixin Kindergarten (ài xīn yòu ér yuán) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8588-3933) 爱心幼儿园 澄海 三路6号 Big Apple Kindergarten (dà píng guǒ yòu ér yuán) 260 Haikou Lu (8801-6811) 大苹果幼儿园 海口路260号 CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten OF Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District (Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (6889-8555 / 8889) 新加坡童心 国际青岛第一幼儿园童心国际 青岛市崂山区 松岭路232号 青岛城投教育园 Joy Children’s Language School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) 130 Zhangzhou Lu (8572-6752, 138 6425-4050) 佳 音英语 漳州路130号1-2楼 Little Harvard Bilingual Kindergarten (xiǎo hā fó shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 7 Yangkou Lu (83860526) 小哈佛双语幼儿园 仰口路7号 Montessori Children’s House at QAIS (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) Info@, www.QingdaoAmerasia. org 青岛美亚国际学校 蒙特梭利儿童之家 山 东头路68号 New Horizon Kindergarten (xīn guì dōu (zhōng ào hé zuò) yòu ér yuán) Bldg.16,2 Xuzhou Lu (8581-7237) 新贵都 (中澳合作) 幼儿园 徐州路 2号16号楼 Qingdao Ivy Kindergarten (qīng dǎo cháng chūn téng yòu ér yuán) 3 Hailong Lu (inside Jianfei Garden) (8870-8997, 8277-6908) 青岛常春藤幼儿 园 海龙路3号建飞花园内 Qingao Huguang Shanse Kindergarten (qīng dǎo hú guāng shān sè yòu ér yuán) 49 Tongle San Lu (Inside Huguang Shanse Residental Area) (88786611 8979-5799) 青岛湖光山色幼儿园 同乐三路 49号 湖光山色小区内

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Medical 医疗 Dental Clinics 齿科 David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯旋 家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (85754843) 戴卫齿科 滨海花园F3-1A(五四广场内) Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) 3-10 Maidao Lu (8860-2820, 8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN) www., 真子 齿科 麦岛路3-10号 Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) Unit F, Bldg. 16, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8077-8666) hasun999@ 瑞德口腔 东海西路51号16栋F 单元 3F, Bldg.4, Sejung Arian, Chengyang (66960275/0276) 城阳分院 城阳区正阳路151号世正 爱丽安4号楼3层 Qingdao Stomatological Hospital (qīng dǎo shì kǒu qiāng yī yuàn) 17 Dexian Lu (8282-1870) www. qddent.com青岛市口腔医院 德县路17号 Tooth Home Dental Clinic (yí shì jiā chǐ kē) 34 Minjiang Lu (8583-7506) 宜世家齿科 闽江路34号

Hospitals 医院 Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8111-7118) 贝利尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银都 花园49座 Cham Shan Int'l Medical Center (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Rm.103, Bldg.10, 25 Donghai 1 Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (8598-7341, 131 6501-3251 EN) 湛山国际医疗中心 东海一路25 号10号楼103室(湛山疗养院内) International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospiital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院东院区 国际门诊 东海西路5号 Leaders International Medical Centre (qīng dǎo ruì dé mén zhěn) internal medicine & paediatrics & ear-nose-throat. Unit F, Bldg.16, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8077-8275) 青岛瑞德门诊 东海西路51号 16栋F单元 Qingdao Haici TCM Hospital (qīng dǎo hǎi cí yī yuàn) 4 Renmin Lu (8377-7066) 青岛海慈医 院 人民路4号 Qingdao Municipal Hospital (qīng dǎo shì lì yī yuàn) 1 Jiaozhou Lu (8282-6313) 青岛市立医 院 胶州路1号 Qingdao 401 Navy Hospital (hǎi jūn qīng dǎo sì líng yī yī yuàn) 22 Minjiang Lu (8582-4460) 海军 青岛401医院 闽江路22号 The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College (qīng dǎo dà xué yī xué yuàn fù shǔ yī yuàn) 16 Jiangsu Lu (8291-1847) 青岛大 学医学院附属医院 江苏路16号 You & Me Family Planning Clinic (nǐ hé wǒ qīng shào nián jiàn kāng zhōng xīn) 106 Shanghang Lu (8592-7606) 你和我青少年健康中心 上杭 路106

Surgery Clinics 医学美容 Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu (80777792) 田蓓美容医学中心 闽江路203号

Services 服务 Automotive Services 汽修 Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 青岛市银 川西路136号 369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 青岛市合肥路369号 Haibin Nan Lu, Economic development area, Weihai (0631-5967686) 威海 市经济开发区海滨南路 Guanhai Lu (opp.Jusco), Laishan District, Yantai (0535-6883711) 烟台市莱山 区观海路(佳世客对面)

Banking 银行 Agricultural Bank of China (nóng yè yín háng) (95599) 农业银行 Bank of East Aisa (dōng yà yín háng) (800 8303811) 东亚银行

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广告 • 黄页

Bank of Communications (jiāo tōng yín háng) (95559) 交通银行 Bank of China (zhōng guó yín háng) (95566) 中国银行 China Everbright Bank (zhōng guó guāng dà yín háng) (95595) 中国光大银行 China Citic Bank (zhōng xìn yín háng) (95558) 中信银行 Citi Bank (huā qí yín háng) (800 830-1880) 花 旗银行 Construction Bank of China (zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng) (95533) 中国建设银行 Guangdong Development Bank (guǎng dōng fā zhǎn yín háng) (95508) 广东发展银行 HSBC (huì fēng yín háng) (800 830-2880) 汇丰银 行 8F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-2828) 香港中路76号颐中皇冠假日酒 店8层 1F, 46 Nanjing Lu (8097-6688) 南京路46号 1层 1F, 87 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8097-3888) 香 港中路87号1层 1F, Fortune Plaza, 18-1 Qinling Lu (8097-6555) 秦岭路18-1号 财富中心1层 Rm.103, 104, 203, 204, 216 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8097-6677) 经济技术开发区长江中路 216号103 104 203 204室 Hua Xia Bank (huá xià yín háng) (95577) 华夏 银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng) (95588) 中 国工商银行 Merchants Bank of China (zhāo shāng yín

háng) (95555) 招商银行

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (shàng hǎi pǔ dōng fā zhǎn yín háng) (95528) 上海浦 东发展银行 Standard Chartered Bank (zhā dǎ yín háng) (800 820-8088) 渣打银行 1F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao (0532 8097-3118, 8092-7138) 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店首层商铺区域F1 A-D, F-H, 35F, Sunnyworld Cyberport, 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8666, 8677-2766) 香港中路40号数码港旗舰大厦35层 A-D, F-H Rm.105, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66707388, 6670-7399) 香港中路10号 105户


Business 商务 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) qingdao@dezshira. com 协力管理咨询 漳州二路19号,中环国际 广场A座23层2307房间 GER-LIN Consulting (gé lín zī xún qīng dǎo yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.612, 6F, Jinguang Mansion, 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-9039) 格林咨询青岛有 限公司 香港中路56号 金光大厦6楼612 HANRONG Consulting (hàn róng zī xún) skype: myjeffrery 汉荣咨询有限公司

Qingdao Continental Bridge For Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo zhōu qiáo guó jì wén huà jiāo liú fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 1209, Bldg. B, Hongkong Garden, 54 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8581-6081, 136 8761-1581)青岛洲桥国际文化 交流服务有限公司 漳州二路54号香港花园B 座1209 室 Qingdao Sino-Kor Business Service Co. Ltd (qīng dǎo huá hán shāng wù fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Visa Consultancy. Rm. 402, Unit 3, Bldg. 25, 274 Ningxia Lu (133 7556-8666) 青岛华韩商务服务有 限公司 宁夏路274号25号楼3单元402

InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (86675167, 8667-5168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西路 37号金都花园C座16楼A室 Qingdao CCPIT (qīng dǎo shì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì) Rm.403, 121 Yan An San Lu (8389-7995) 青岛市贸易促进委员会 延安三路121号403室 ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng (qīng dǎo) shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Bldg.12B, Qingdao Software Park, 288 Nanjing Lu (8666-7551) 优创(青 岛)数据技术有限公司 宁夏路288号 青岛软件 园12号楼B座1层

Consultancy 咨询 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) qingdao@dezshira. com 协力管理咨询 漳州二路19号,中环国际 广场A座23层2307房间 GER-LIN Consulting (gé lín zī xún qīng dǎo yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.612, 6F, Jinguang Mansion, 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-9039) 格林咨询青岛有 限公司 香港中路56号 金光大厦6楼612 InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (86675167, 8667-5168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西路 37号金都花园C座16楼A室

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JHT Business Consulting Co., Ltd (jīn huì tōng shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-6599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 金汇通商务咨询有限公司 香 港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店404室


Web Design 网站设计 REDSTAR Times Media Co. Ltd (hóng xīng shí dài wén huà chuán bō yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www.myredstar. net 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南京路100号 创意100产业园3号楼401室 QTEAM / web@qteam. ru / skype: alexashinaal / MSN:

Domestic Help 家政

Qingdao Overseas Exit-Entry Services Center (qīng dǎo hǎi wài chū rù jìng fú wù zhōng xīn) 12F, He’an Mansion, 117 Yan’an San Lu (8579-1888) 青 岛海外出入境服务中心 延安三路117号和安 大厦12层

SINO (HK) Business Service (xìn nuò shāng wù xiāng gǎng fú wù) HK listed company that provide and train professional nannies from the Philippines and provide housekeeping and child-minding services. 香港注册的公司,倾心打造高端家 政服务,常年培训并提供优秀菲佣等海外保 姆。帮您解决后顾之后,精心为您的宝宝打 造良好的英语成长环境。 (150 6486 4997) QQ: 116249205 信诺商务(香 港)服务

Qingdao Overseas Investment Service Centre (qīng dǎo shì wài shāng tóu zī fú wù zhōng xīn) 19F, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 (Jia) Shandong Lu (8197-8622) 青岛市外商投资服务中心 山东路2 号甲 华人国际大厦19层

Crystal Creation Decoration (jīng chéng zhuāng shì) 19F, Fulin Mansion, 87 Fuzhou Nan Lu (82107089) 晶城装饰 福州南路87号 福林大厦19层

Qingdao Transocean Exit & Entry Service (qīng dǎo yuè yáng chū rù jìng fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.2802, Bldg.A, Jinhua Apartment, 100 Nanjing Lu (8865-1937) 青岛越洋出入境服务有限公司 南 京路100号金华公寓A座2802

Community 社交 Qingdao Global Bridge Cultural & Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo huán yǔ qiáo guó jì wén huà jiào yù jiāo liú fúwù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 30-E, Bldg.B, 37 Donghai Xi lu (8668-1224, 139 06423247) 青岛环宇桥国际文化教育交流服务有限 公司 东海西路37号(金都花园)B座30—E Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn) info@ 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu 青岛国际交流中心 经济技术开 发区太行山路72号

Decoration 装饰

New York Parties and Flowers 6F, Crowne Plaza, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (188 6390-8126) 香港中路 76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店6层

Legal 法律 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) qingdao@dezshira. com 协力管理咨询 漳州二路19号,中环国际 广场A座23层2307房间 Guan Baokui (186 6021-6678) Attorney-at-law Experienced in the incorporation of WFOE in Qingdao, legal consultant of many foreign-invested companies, authorized legal translator for different judicial organs and the site interpreter for court hearings. Speciality: Corporate Issues, Foreign Investment, Labor Issues,

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广告 • 黄页 Certified Legal English Translator. Qingtai Law Firm (qīng tài lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Leading Law firm of Whole China, awarded by National Ministry of Justice. 8F, Kaixuan Business Center, 265 Haikou Lu (8897-9713 ext. 8172, 137 0899-3183) 清泰律师事务所 海口路265号凯旋商务中心8楼 QILU (Qingdao) Law Firm (qí lǔ lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Bldg. 6, 87 Donghai Dong Lu (8162-7762) qiluqd@ 齐鲁(青岛)律师事务所 东海东 路87号6号楼 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) 山东 兴田律师事务所 福州南路9号新世界大厦9层 You Hua Law Firm (shān dōng yǒu huá lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 2F, Ruina Kangdu, 69 Haimen Lu (Beside Shangri-La Hotel) (8866-2999, 139 0648-4720) 山东友华律师事务所 海 门路69号瑞纳康都二层

Logistics 物流 Cargo Competence International Logistics Co.,Ltd (qīng dǎo huá shì dá guó jì wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Room 2008, B Building, Artech Center , 63, Hai Er Lu (tel: 86 532 8508-2906 fax: 86 532 8508-5237 mob: 86 139 6488-2307 ) tracy@ 青岛华世达国际物流有 限公司海尔路63号数码科技中心B 座2008室 DSL Qingdao Worldwide Mover (dà xīng wù liú) Rm.1101, Bldg.8, 21 Haier Lu (Paul Paik: 133 2500-7300) 大星物流 海尔路21号世纪华庭8 号楼1101室

Santa Fe Relocation Services, Qingdao (huá huī guó jì yùn shū fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī shān dōng fēn gōng sī) Rm.1304, Guangfa Financial Mansion, 40 Shandong Lu (8386-9455) 华辉国际运输服务有限公司山东分公司 山东 路40号广发金融大厦1304室

Organisations 组织 Qingdao International Christian Fellowship Intercontinental Hotel, 3rd Floor, Auditorium, 98 Aomen Lu, Near the Olympic Sailing Center,

Postal 邮递 Fedex Express (lián bāng kuài dì) Bldg. B, 171 Huaian Lu (International hotline: +800-988-1888, Domestic hotline: +400-889-1888) 联邦快递 淮安 路171号B座 Post Office (yóu jú) 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-2182) 邮局 香港中路56号 121 Nanjing Lu (8573-4247) 南京路121号 Zhanliu Gan Lu (Near Jinguang Mansion) (8571-2182) 湛流干路 (靠近金 光大厦) 100 Xuzhou Lu (8581-5643) 徐州路100号

Printing 打印 Zhengda Printers (zhèng dá shù mǎ yìn shuā) Bldg 2, Creative 100 (8097-0532) 正达数码印刷 创 意100产业园2号楼

Real Estate 房产

Nax Logistics (qīng dǎo guó shēng wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 1316, 220 Yan An San Lu (8389-

Bencer Project Management Representative Office 10F, Sunshine Tower, 61 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8886-2931, 152 5324-9298 Fax: 8077-5012) www. 香港中路61号 阳光大厦10层

0366) 青岛国升物流有限公司 延安三路220号 邮政大厦1316室

Century 21 Zhangzhou Yi Lu Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn jīn dū zhāng zhōu yí lù diàn) 2

Relo China worldwide mover (dà lián lán bǎo huò yùn dài lǐ yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 205,

Donghai Zhong Lu (opp. Jusco) (6677-5888, 159 0895-1580 EN) 21世纪不动产 东海中路2号(佳 世客对面)

Teachers Home, 38 Guizhou Lu (139 0408-9994) relochinamoving@gmail.com大连蓝宝货运代理 有限公司 贵州路38号 教师之家205室

Century 21 Ao Men Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn qīng dǎo jīn dū jiā méng diàn ào mén lù diàn) 136 Aomen Lu 8080-3232, 135 0542-2099 21世纪不动 产青岛金都加盟店澳门路店 澳门路136号 Home Solutions Real Estate Consultant Co., Ltd (qīng dǎo shùn jiā bù dòng chǎn zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 18F, 2 Donghai Zhong Lu (Nearby Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center) (80938277) service@ 青岛顺佳不动产咨询有 限公司 东海中路2号 J & M Realty (shèng jiā bù dòng chǎn). Bldg. B, 204B, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-9232, 8591-9859) 盛嘉 不动产 香港中路6号 世贸中心B座204B Jones Lang LaSalle Qingdao Office (zhòng liàng lián háng) Financial and professional commercial real estate services firm. Suite 22A, Qingdao International Finance Centre, 59 Xianggang Zhong Lu (Tel 8579-5800 Fax 85795801) 仲量联行 香 港中路59号 青岛国际金融中心22A Maggie Expat’s Real Estate Bldg 1, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (135 8325-0736) 彰化路1号 银都 花园1号楼


Trading 贸易 Appex International (HK) Ltd (ài pǔ guó jì xiāng gǎng yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 2-404, Bldg 10, 3 Xuzhou Lu (8501-7163) 艾普国际( 香港)有限公司 徐州路3号10号楼2-404 Big Igloo International Trade Co., Ltd (dà xuě wū guó jì mào yì yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F-3, Darling Harbor, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8688) 大雪屋国际贸 易有限公司 燕儿岛路1号心海广场1F-3 Rider Glass Company Limited (qīng dǎo qí shì bō li yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 22F, Yingdelong Tower, 15 Donghai Xi Lu (8387-3000) 青岛骑士玻璃有限公 司 东海西路15号英德隆大厦22层

Travel 旅游 China Travel Service Head Office (Qingdao) Co., Ltd (zhōng guó lǚ xíng shè zǒng shè (qīng dǎo) yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4F, 12 Donghai Xi Lu (400-6002777) 中国旅行社总社(青岛)有限公司 东海西 路12号4楼 (lǐng háng yóu lún wǎng) 2F, 69-1 Aomen Lu (400-653-2901, 8572-9948 CH/EN, 85765976 KR) 领航游轮网 澳门路69-1号2层

Prime Expat Relocation Services Rm. 808, Post Building, Yan’an 3 Lu (130 0166-8863 Michelle, 188 5326-2895 Lisa) 延安三路邮政大厦808室 Teamwill Real Estate (zhì méng zhì yè yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Bldg. 5, Innovation Center, 57 Haier Lu (6671-6758, 136 8769-7428) 志盟置业有限公司 海尔路57号创业中心5号楼

Translation 翻译 REDSTAR Times Media Co. Ltd (hóng xīng shí dài wén huà chuán bō yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www.myredstar. net 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南京路100号 创意100产业园3号楼401室

Your Creative Services Partner in Qingdao and Beyond 岛城创意服务尽在红星 REDSTAR is Qingdao’s original and best English/Chinese language magazine, and has been for the last 8 years. But did you know REDSTAR also offers

红星作为岛城原创的中英双语 杂志已有8年之久。除了为大家 提供岛城生活娱乐信息,红星 还提供:

•• Translation services (Chinese/English); •• English-language orientation programs; •• Professional photography; •• Videography; •• Graphic design (VI, logo, brochure, flyer, poster, namecard etc); •• Web design - from Wordpress/ Joomla/Drupal/OpenCart/CodeIgnite to custom PHP CMS; ••Event Management.

•• 翻译(中英互译) •• 英语导游服务 •• 专业摄影 •• 视频 •• 平面设计(VI、logo、宣传 册、单页、海报、名片等) •• 网站设计- 从Wordpress/ Joomla/Drupal/OpenCart/ CodeIgnite到PHP CMS定制 •• 活动策划

Contact 8388-2269, for information 详情咨询8388-2269或发送邮件至

=english menu


=multimedia listing - check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...


Young Musician Of The Year Final, September 2012, Cape 3

Moon Festival, Tianyan Language School Capitan Tifus, Cape 3

2012 IHG Shandong Charity Golf Tournament

October Health Fest, Jinzhu/Jingyue Yoga Centre

The Michael Blake Trio, Club New York, October 19

QICC Launch Party, Oct 20 Sheraton Fitness Launching Activity @ Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel

Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao-Chengyang Deliver mooncake

QAIS Secondary goes to Xi©An by Phalen MacDonald, Grade 8

Get your face in the redstar, send photos to by 15 November! 67 请于11月15日前发送照片到 사진을 info@myredstar.com로 보내 주세요

Classifieds Send us your classified by the 10th of each month. Categories marked with ‘*’ cost just ¥300 for 20 words. or email to One month in the mag and online available for ¥450, payable online via paypal. 请于每月10日前发送分类信息到 info@myredstar.com或登录http://myredstar. com/classifieds/place-ad/自助刊登。仅标 注*的栏目收费,300元20个单词。杂志与网 站同时刊登仅需450元,可使用paypal付款。

Real Estate* 租房 Duplex Apt., great location 8f, Tiansheng Yuan, 21 Donghai Xi Lu (opp. Music Square, east of Hisense Mansion), full sea view, 232sqm. 140,000元/yr. Ms. He, 136 0898-5099 for information. 地角绝佳复式公寓出租 位于东海西路21号天晟苑8层(音乐广场对 面,海信大厦东侧),全海景,232平米, 年租仅需14万。详情联系何女士 136 0898 5099 Tanxiang Wan Apartment for Rent. Located on Shenzhen Road, close to the Kilin Hotel. 70m², fine decoration, with electrical appliances and furniture. Hotel management. Convenient transportation. 38000RMB/year. Don’t hesitate, please contact Ms Xu 139 5320-6015. Located in No.9 Donghai Road. 9th floor, 148.78m². Two bedrooms, two restrooms, one living room, one kitchen, windows are face to east and south direction. One parking space with butler service. The rental fee is at least 180,000RMB PER YEAR without administration fee. I have a seaside apartment 68.6m² available in Qingdao, good location close to railway station and Zhongshan road, fully furnished (includes TV, washing machine, fridge etc.). The rent is RMB2600/ month, including heating fee. And I will give you RMB200 electronic fee for free now. Stephanie Sun 159 6693-8568. Apartment to lease and sell, 300m², 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, beautiful sea view, No.9 Donghai Lu. Ii can provide you different apartments in different location. Contact Haley 136 6542-6782

Job Market 工作 Jobs Available* 招聘 Teachers wanted: Are you interested in picking up some part time classes? Come to JK Academy starting in October/November of 2012. JK Academy is looking for experienced, qualified teachers to instruct our wonderful young students. Our school is located in Fan Hai Mingren Square near Jusco. (Right next to Coffee Street) Qualifications: - Native English Speaker - Prior Teaching Experience - Interested applicants should send a full resume and photo of self A Western restaurant/bar in Haiyang Shandong is looking for a local manager. Basic English required. 3 years experience in restaurant industry Knowledge of western food. Ability to prepare cocktails. Accommodation provided, salary based on experience. Please send CV to Experienced Children Teachers Needed in Success Foreign Language School. If you are professional in teaching English, contact Joy 15 96421-4657. Language Teachers Needed in Success Foreign Language School: All kinds of languages teachers are needed, especially native English teachers. If you are professional, pls contact me --- Mathew Tel: 156 5323-1680 E-mail: Golden Career Training School is seeking foreign teachers. Requirements: English native speakers, Bachelor degree, Master degree preferred, Strong business and communication skills, Teaching experience. E-mail: Tel: 8597-5725 / 8597-5726 / 8597-5728 青岛市市南区宁夏路288号G5楼12层 Qingdao SIS.L Photo Agency is now seeking an assistant for post production, basic knowledge of fashion preferred. Please send a portfolio to Are you a recent design/programming graduate or university student looking for work experience with an international company? We are seeking motivated, enthusiastic, creative web designers for multiple web design projects. Send your resume to today! 你是设计专业的应届或在校学生吗?想在国际 公司积累工作经验吗?我们诚邀积极、热情并 富有创造力的网站设计人员参与我们的网站设 计。即刻发送你的简历到 Seeking salesperson Commission-based pay, lucrative product for motivated young person interested in international media/culture. Flexible working hours. Please contact 8388-2269. Intern with REDSTAR Are you a recent graduate or university student looking for work experience with an exciting international company? Our interns come away with experience in Graphic Design, English Writing, Event Planning, Photography, Marketing and much, much more, depending on their interests. Send your resume to today!

Jobs Wanted 求职 8 years of working experience in multinational companies and experience of closely working with expats; excellent oral and written English; very good interpersonal communication skills, highly responsible, open minded, easy-going, team player, could work under pressure; previous positions including senior adminstrator, GM assistant and consultant. Please feel free to give me a call for more details, thanks! Caroline 186 6165-7096 Qingdao Girl teachs Foreign friends Chinese Qingdao girl just returned from 3 years overseas,would like to teach Foreign friends Chinese at very reasonable rates.Available for teaching during the day and on weekends.Contact me on cell 18661880165, QQ:1397662651 & msn: keira_an@ Frank, local Chinese, professional accountant with 15-year accounting experiences, can help you with corporate registration, tax filing, book-keeping, financial reports preparations etc. 139 6962-6821. Can do home teaching. Also schools/companies are welcome. Dave 150 5426-6058 Personal tour guide of Qingdao I would love to show you around this glamorous city from various aspects. Call Shane Mavarice at 158 5428-8391, or Yahoo Messenger/Skype at shanemavarice. Please contact: Experienced English teacher looking for students of all ages who want to learn English with a foreigner. Schools and companies are also welcome. David: 150 5426-6058

Looking for experienced foreign supervisor, can speak simple Chinese, caifuchonger@hotmail. com. 现招聘:有经验的外籍餐厅主管,会简 单中文交流。有意者请联系 caifuchonger@

American looking for teaching job I have three years teaching ESL experience and a bachelor's degree. My teaching style is Montessoribased and encourages students to find their own answers (with guidance, of course). Sasha 134 5526-0023.

1. Part-time teachers: Italian Teachers, Portuguese teachers, Arabic teachers (Chinese & foreigners); 2. Teaching basic and senior courses in other languages 203 Shengxifu Building Weihai Road, Qingdao, 156 5323-1680 Mr. Zhang http://

Need to Learn Mandarin Chinese? Expert female teacher with Master's in Chinese. Twenty years' experience. Private and corporate classes available. Andrea Harwell 151 6524-7102 / 8590-1975

分类信息 Qualified English Teacher Available Hi! I'm a qualified native English speaker with a Masters degree. I currently work full-time teaching English but I'm looking for some extra hours and/or private clients. I prefer to teach adults in conversational English, but I also have experience teaching children. I have a very high standard of written English, punctuation and grammar. I have written for conferences and journals as well as working as an editor. I'm a very fun-loving and friendly person and love to teach. Price per hour can be negotiated. Call me for more information! Contact Anna 135 5305-3775. Two native experienced English teachers available We are both dedicated, confident and outgoing individuals who have traveled extensively and can bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every class we deliver. We are both fully accredited T.E.F.L teachers with over 2000 hours of teaching experience. We have just moved to Qingdao and we are available to start work immediately. Contact Louise or Danny: 186 86842427, Canadian male, 35, over 7 years experience teaching in China. Bachelor's degree, TEFL certificate, experienced teaching ESL, TOEFL, IELTS, BEC, company training (Haier, Maersk, InterContinental) and tutoring VIP 1-1. Experienced Science teacher, specialising in Biology, proficient in other sciences, with experience in AP and IGCSE. Perfect tutor for students to hone their language, life or science skills before going abroad to study at a high school or university. Recently completed long corporate training contract with Haier. 139 64886713 Leif Erik Fossheim American English teacher. Grammar, conversation, business & kids’ classes. Have fun learning English! James at 151-9254-2889 French guy searching some teaching position in some schools or for private classes. Contact Gabriel 182 5420-8492

Language Exchange 语言交流 Learn Chinese from Candy! emirra2005@126. com; 133 2639-2321 Looking for English tutor. I am looking for a English tutor for my daughter (14 years old). We live near Olympic Sailing Center. Requirement: English native speaker; Female. 186 6398-2633 (message preferred) Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Foreign Language College, Students Cultural Exchange Do you want to meet new Chinese friends? Every tuesday 2pm at Laoshan Campus of University of Science & Technology, Mingde Lou building, 239 classroom, we are waiting for you for a free cultural exchange. Join us! 青岛科技大学外国语学院国际交流会 想认识外国朋友吗?每周二下午两点在科大崂 山校区明德楼239教室有免费的交流会。 Contacts联系: Paolo Bellomo 保罗老 师, Silvia Luo 罗老师 (English, Italiano, Chinese, Japanese) (0532) 8373-0349, QQ: 1275186604, Business English Courses available. Email for your customised consultation. Chinese Qingdao native girl, just came back from Spain, with 2 years British experience and 3 years Spanish experience. I want to make friends with foreigners here in Qingdao and help you. Chinese-Spanish language exchange available if you want to learn or improve your Chinese, prefer female lanaguage partners. Please contact Karen at or 187 6596-0706. Chinese Teaching Open minded 26-year old qingdao girl and graduated from Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management teaching chinese to foreigners with experiences.Lessons can be tailored to suit your Chinese level and learing objectives. Study time is flexible. Contact: Mobile:138 5422 4587.

Community 社交信息 Qingdao homeschooling group, bi-weekly meetups for play dates and activities. All questions and nationalities welcome. Nada 132 1010-3272 Are you a wine lover? We offer you a chance to meet friends and sharing your experience on wine. Different wines each time, from old world to new world. Please contact me at marco.lau@ for details. Qingdao's Squash Ladder - do you play squash? Find other players of similar standard and meet new people in Qingdao. No membership fees. Contact Greg Bestwick at 151 6520-0236 Free Chinese Communication Age6-12: Primary School (Every Mon/Thu/Friday 1:20pm-3:55pm) Age13-18: Junior School (Every Tue/Wed/Thu 1:20pm-3:55pm) Adult (Every Thu 4-5pm) Reservations: 8578-7825/150 6307-5592 Free healthy kittens to a good home. Please contact me at 152 6524-6825 MA Reading Specialist provides remedial English reading to all ages. Share the gift of literacy with someone you love! I'll show you how. Email Attractive, eligible bachelor, Qingdaonese, architect, English-speaking seeks foreign girl for fun and maybe more! Please send photographs to

Redstar alerts 红星推广 REDSTAR Creative Services We don't just make magazines! REDSTAR designs brochures, catalogues and calendars for all kinds of customers. If you want your marketing materials to reflect the quality of your products, come see us for a complimentary consultation. Call 8388-2269 or email Redstar souvenir tee-shirts and rugby-tops. RMB 98 - RMB 178. Call 139 6974- 7911 to get yours today. Male and female sizes available. Buy 3 get one free! can also deliver for RMB 10. 售红星纪念T恤及橄榄球衣 男/女装 98-178 元。买三送一! 可加10元送货。请致电139 6974-7911订购。 FREE subscription to the weekly Redstar ezine Email with your request. Our ezine will then arrive in your email inbox every thursday afternoon, making sure you're up to speed on the week's events in your favourite city. Events Management Let us plan and manage your corporate event or party. Contact REDSTAR or call 139 0639-0437 Dont'miss your printed copy of Redstar magazine each month! ¥100 gets you a 12 month subscription, covering postage to your home or office address. Send us your full mailing address now and we'll set it up. We can even come and collect payment - what could be easier? Get Your Redstar online!

Service* 服务 Beauty


Beauty centre Qingdao Ou Rui Jia Beautyland provides Traditional Health Massage, Body Slimming, Facial Treatment and other beauty services. Contact: 8578-7508, 136 0896-6500 (EN) for more information. 青岛欧瑞嘉丽颜堂提供中医养生按摩,瘦身塑 形,面部护理等各类美容养生服务。详情咨询 8578-7508,136 0896-6500(英语)。

Household service 家政服务


A-Z dining

6-7-8 Korean Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant Ainido Ajisen AKAKARA Aka-Noren Akebono Autumn Town Banana Leaf Blacksun Boiling Fish Township Cafe Asia Café Yum Central Grill China Gongshe China Spice Dabo Huolu Da Niang Da Qing Hua Dumplings Da Shanghai Restaurant Da Vinci Restaurant & Lounge Deoksugung Din Tai Fung Dou Lai Shun Doulao Fang Dunhuang Fatema Indian Restaurant Feast Flavours Genoa Pizza Golden Hans Golden Hans Buffet Golden Sea Corner Gran Duque Guang Kai Seafood Restaurant Haidao Seafood Restaurant Haimuchang Crab Hamheaung Korean Hao Hao Xiao Chu Harbor Seafood Chinese Restaurant Hengbo Restaurant Hideyoshi HOLIDAY Western-style Food & Coffee Hong Kong 97 VIP Hong Kong Old Restaurant Huo Lu Qing Charcoal BBQ Isari Sushi Istanbul Istanbul Restaurant Italiano DOC Jiashimin Chinese Restaurant Jingfugong Jinghualou Beijing Roast Duck Jinmeng Restaurant Jin Shan Restaurant Kamii Kowloon Tong KR - Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine Kuji Kuji KumsuKangsan Kylin French La Description du Monde Laobian Lao Man Ke Lao Zhuan Cun Latest Recipe La Villa Le Mei Le Tai Yuan Liang You Catering Lisa’s Pizzeria Lobby Lounge Lotus Meiyi Hui Guan Meng Family Milano Moon Chinese Restaurant Napoli Niu Dao No. 1 Zhongshan Road Int'l Gourmet Pho88 Ping’s Beijing Pizza Hut Pizza JJ Pizza loves donburi Pizza Vito E Meo Cafe Italia Specialita Italiana Pu Rui Mu QIN Qingdao Restaurant Qing Song Guan Qin Ji Rain Café Rats Keller restaurant San Bao San He Yuan Shan Cheng Chilli Shang Palace Shike Mingjia Shu Xiang Yuan Sorrento South Beauty Steven Gao’s Sumo and Sushi Tairyo Tanyutou Taste Music Teng Wang Ge Thai Me Up The castle The Diner The Eatery The Legendary Tian Lu Yuan Tian Xia Yi Pin Todai Trattoria Tuna Mingjia Wildfire Steakhous & Grill Restaurant Xiao Ben Jia Xiao Fei Yang Yamazen Yaoyao Hotpot Yijinglou Yiqinglou Yongli Spring Yuansheng Haigang Yucong Yue Yueyuxuan Vietnamese Yu Ma Tou Seafood Restaurant Yu Shen Hu Zheng Yi Pin Zhongshanyuan Zhou Quan Zhou Dao Zur Bierstube

52 50 54 52 52 52 52 51 53 53 51 50, 51, 53 51 54 51 51 53 50 50 51 54 53 51 50 50 51 52 51, 52, 54 51, 52 55 50 50 51 55 51 51 51 53 50 50, 51 53 52 54 51 51 53 52 55 55 54, 57 51 53 50 51 50 51 50 53 52 53 50 54 50 50 51 54 57 50 50 52 55 55 50 53 53 54 50 55 52 52 53 50 55 55 54 55 53 51 51 53 51 54 54 50 50 51 50 53 51 55 51 51 52 52 50 54 50 53 50 53 54 50 51 51 54 55 52 54 53 50 52 50 51 51 54 51 50 50, 51 53 51 52 53 50 50 54

Classifieds Domestic Help Do you need one experienced a yi to help you out from the housework? I can recommend one for you. Pls email

Training 培训 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Haiyuan International Language School, 1 Donghai Dong Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao 海源国际语言 学校 东海东路1号contact: 8593-5066, 158 98889168, Chinese Calligraphy Three classes for children aged over 6 and adults who're interested in calligraphy. Enjoy Chinese culture and calligraphy art. Please contact Emma 186 5329-5361 or emma_ink@ Pilates & Personal Training Feeling tired? Want to get fit or simply lose weight? Pilates, a body conditioning routine for all ages and levels helps to build flexibility and strength for your whole body. I am a licensed trainer and offer group and private classes tailored to your individual needs. Contact Cynthia for a free trial lesson. 159 5480-0102, Tennis Racquet Prince Speed Port3. Price 650RMB original retail was 2300RMB. Hamid 137 9324-5773 Want to learn piano? Try Miss Li’s piano class! 5 years at China Central Conservatory of Music - Has professional experience and is patient - Speaks fluent English - Accepts all ages and levels. For more info 186 6021-9505 Music Traning Centre 音乐培训中心 Supplying professional guitar, piano, and violin etc music related traning classes. Leave your music footprint here. Contact Bird Kui 139 6396-1061 提供专业吉 他、钢琴、小提琴等音乐类培训课程。咨询电 话(隗老师) 139 6396-1061

Business & Consulting 商业&咨询 HANRONG Consulting CO.,Ltd Business Structuring, Incorporation/Deregistration, Financial Services (Accounting&Tax Return Filing), Factory Plant Sourcing, Resident Permit. Please contact Jordan with skype:myjeffrery Help foreigners to do L, F(3m, 6m,12m) visa, residential permission, Chinese driving license. 10-year experience in this field, professional team supplies efficient service. Rm 402, Unit 3, Bldg 25, 274 Ningxia Lu Contact 13375568666 liuhong0888@ Shandong Qingda Zehui Law Firm Suite 1302, Building 2, Fuhai Jingyuan, Fuzhou Road South, Shinan District, Qingdao, contact (0532) 8572-6002, fax: (0532) 8572-6209. 山东青大泽汇律师事务 所 青岛市市南区福州南路福海景苑2-3-1302 详情咨询(0532) 8572-6002,传真(0532) 8572-6209. Visa Consultancy Visas are a part of daily life in China, but if yours is about to expire. Please contact us: 131 7321-1515, Executive Coaching - Be ALL YOU CAN BE: Achieve your goals in life and business and lead a more happy and healthy life. 136 9146-2708 Gregory Nicola Morning Capital Group Direct investment, M&A, Financing, IPO, Loan. Provides all kinds of capital operation service related China. Call 137 0899-3183 or email Wisdom Consulting Co., Ltd Established 2006. Professional accounting, HR, admin and IT service provider, including business establishment in China, HK and Europe, tax and accounting consulting, accounting software rental and setup, HR consulting, recruiting, staff skill training, company network setup and software developing, outsourcing service for accounting, tax, HR and IT. Room 402, 5, Shandong Road (Opposite of Shangri-La Hotel) 8097-5311, 139 6391-3283, Skype: hbhome221,

Event Services 活动服务 Professional audio and lighting management services for touring bands and stage acts, corporate events and shows. Full band equipment for stage, plus front-of-house set up for ANY SIZED venue (stadiums, gardens, parks, beaches etc). Outdoors or indoors. Musicians available for performances. 187 0542-0575

For Sale * 出售 Leaving QD sale: - Pioneer Plasma 50" TV - Panasonic Steam Con. Microwave oven (nearly unused!) - B&W Zeppelin loudspeaker - Siemens surpresso S60 automatic coffee machine - Sofa, dining table, home office furniture, book shelves, cd shelves - Roof rack for Audi A4 Cheap prices – Please contact Holger at 158 06597077 or 150cc Chinese built motor scooter. Taiwanese motor and transmission. Great around city scooter for young [or feel young] people. Brought new in June done 1,000km around town. New Price ¥3,500. SELL FOR ¥2,500 OR NEAR OFFER. 136 0634-8234 Bruce. yamaha MCR-840 micro An expat bought yamaha MCR-840 music micro system in Jun.2012, features include: Discrete amplifier configuration, advanced electronic volume control Pure Direct iPod direct docking on the top panel 1080p-compatible HDMI output Short signal routing and high quality parts USB port (USB device charges even in standby) Elegant and environmentally friendly Yamaha Piano Finish VCCS (Vibration Control Cabinet Structure) technology Anti-vibration feet to prevent additional oscillation Contact Caroline Yu, Phone: 18661657096 For Sale - One-week at the Boracay Sandcastles Resort for before March 31, 2013. Enjoy Boracay white sand beach! 187 6648-8703 Marie. 16 feet fiberglass sea kayak. Includes life jacket, paddle, spare paddle, paddle float. Cost new 6000rmb Asking 1500 rmb or best offer. Bobby 150 0532-0382 (En), Hong 131 0515-3733 or 151 5427-8957 (中文). Books in over 10 languages. Free delivery for all books. Over 1500 titles in stock. Free book (no purchase required) for the first 500 people to sign up. FIT - Fruit and vegetable cleaner - 100% natural, antibacterial For cleaning vegetables, grab some FIT fruit & vegetable cleaner for extra assurance. Imported from the US, It's 100% natural & antibacterial, certified vegan, recommended by American Vegetarian Association & is Kosher. Dissolves waxes. Developed by Proctor & Gamble. Available in 1L (¥98) & 353mL sizes (¥58); powder also available for industrial uses. Located and shipped from Shanghai to your door in Qingdao., 159 0071-5180

分类信息 Burns Bass. One year old. Good condition. Show model purchased for 3000rmb. Selling for 2000RMB. Mark 132 1089-3524 2nd hand Orbit baby car seat & stroller - 1200rmb condition 7/10. Brought from USA, kids are growing out of it. But was in good use during age of 1 to 4. Please contact Howard Lv at 138 5329-9706 or NEW Lakai skateboard shoes - Guy Mariano pro shoes size 44 usa10 For sale at ¥200. Please contact Howard Lv at 138 5329-9706 or howardlu@ German queen size bed with french mattress for sale. Very good condition. Call or email if you like to take a look. 5000RMB. Contact Rania 158 6345-7831 Micro Scooters For Sale: The world-famous 3-wheel Swiss-made 'Micro' scooters for children are now available in Qingdao, 699 RMB in pink or blue. Also 'Monster' scooters for adults 2299 RMB with big chunky 'all-terrain' wheels. 139 1024-6949 Satellite tv in Qingdao Channels available: CNN, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, Australia networks, HBO, Cinemax, RED, AXN, Star world, Star movie, Diva, ESPN, Star sports, European Sports News, Living Asia, MTV Music, [V], Discovery, Discovery T&L, Animal planet, NGC, Biography, Crime&Investigation and more. Contact Sandy 130 0651-9856 http:// IKEA furniture for sale. Dining chairs ‘gilbert’ x 5; Dining table Bjursta; glass top patterned writing table on trestles x 2; Bed - similar to ‘malm’ Mattress ikea ‘sultan elsfjord’ latex; Bed – ikea Lillesand Mattress ikea ‘sultan hagavik’; Sofa – ikea ‘ektorp’ 3 seater footstool‘ektorp bromma‘ x 2; couple of years old, used, offers and takeaway welcomed. Please contact 151 5425-8673 or Handmade rugs by Linie Design for sale 出售 丹麦手工地毯 (170cm x 230cm) ¥1500. Contact Howard at 138 5329-9706 or howardlu@dna-intlinc. net Burns London electric guitars, the finest in British musical engineering, are now available in China. Prices range from RMB 2,900 to 5,900 see for full details. Contact info@ / 139 0639- 0437 to try one in Qingdao. Burns London电吉他,英国最优秀的乐器 专家,现已登陆中国。售价从人民币2900元 到5900元不等。欲获取详细信息请登陆官网 发送电子邮件到 info@ 或拨打电话 139 0639-0437 即可在青岛当地试琴。



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