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e Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand

Meetings Tuesday 7.00pm for 7.30pm Aloha Villa Hotel 145/2 Rat–U–Thit Road PATONG BEACH


Volume 7 - Issue No 6 - 7th August 2012 Future Events

Tuesday 7th August Dinner Out @ SILK Restaurant Andara – Surin Another enjoyable evening of good food & fellowship Book with Kenth Nilsson

Tuesday 14th August Club Assembly

Tuesday 21st August To be advised

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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A message from President Larry Hello Fellow Rotarians,

As in past years, our club installation of officers for 2012-2013 was considered a success by most attendees I spoke with, and most seemed to have a good time. The beer provided by O.B. and wine provided by the Holiday Inn probably helped. This was the single purpose of the event, with the formal ceremony being a tradition and opportunity to introduce our new officers to our guests, and the community at large. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the many members of our club, who, once again, stepped in to contribute to the evening through planning the event, and taking on the various roles during the evening. I must admit, about last Wednesday or so, I was pretty concerned with many last minute details seemingly left hanging, but reminded myself that we have a great bunch of Rotarians in our club, and I was proven right. I was especially appreciative of our Fellow Rotarians from eleven other Rotary Clubs showing up to show their support for us. That must be a record. Once again, my thanks and congratulations to all. Larry

BIRTHDAYS Gerry Cummings – 8th August Brad Kenny – 11th August

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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Next meeting 7th August Our first meeting in August will be our Dinner Out on 7th August Kenth Nilsson has arranged an enjoyable dinner @ Silk Restaurant Andarra in Surin - excellent menu for Baht 500 + plus drinks Book with Kenth - kenth@zarpazorealestate.com

A message from the Admin Chair Above is the advice re the next meeting, a Dinner Out as usual for the first Tuesday of the month I notice Kenth has sent out four notices about the Dinner Out. It is disapponting to see that and there remains quite a few members who have not responded. I have the same problem when emailing members to arrange speakers, Dinner Out or other events. It is common courtesy to respond when requested to do so, making it easier for event planning We all lead busy lives and sometimes we may overlook the communications It would be appreciated if you replied to these emails. Most times it is simply a yes or no and takes a minute of your time. Thank you members of RCoPB

A message from the Bulletin Editor

WELCOME th To the 300 edition of the Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach Commencing in July 2006 with President David Arell, the Bulletin has grown from the initial four pages to about nine or more in the more recent editions. Photos now add extra colour to each issue – of course meetings like 28th July and I go beserk. I am always looking for contributions from members, although unfortunately I receive very little input. Please do not be shy – send an item through you think members would like to read. The only requirement that it not be racist, political, sexually explicit You know what I mean ---after all the editor has the final say --Volume 7 Issue 6


The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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Night Report

– 28th July 2012

The commencement of the Installation evening, began by Rotarian & MC Able Wanamakok, welcoming all to the eleventh installation of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach and inviting all to partake of the fabulous buffet adjoining the function room at the Holiday Inn.

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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MC Able invited President Best to open the meeting District Governor Elect Dr. Saguan Kunaporn, Asst. Governors, Past District Governors, Presidents, Past Presidents, Fellow Rotarians, Rotary Anns, distinguished guests, members of the Press and friends: It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Installation Ceremony for the incoming president and board of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach year 2012-2013. I hope that everyone had a great meal and enjoying the fine wine on the table. Beer and soft drink are free flow. Our club PR chair Able has put together for us an action packed evening including a big door prize. So, let’s enjoy this great evening together. Now, I wish to do my last GONG as the president of this club. The meeting now open, MC Able asked all visiting Rotary Clubs to “make some noise” and introduce themselves when called. Introduction of visiting Rotary Clubs Rotary Clubs of - Tongkah - Phuket –- Andaman - Phuket South - Junkseilon - Sino Phuket - Royal Hua Hin - Phang-Nga Central Damansara Malaysia - Jalandhar Midtown India Belvoir Wodonga Australia – Patong Beach Guests Representatives from the Mercy Centre of the Human Development Foundation

President Best requested all serving members of his board to join him on stage District Governor Elect Dr. Saguan Kunaporn, Asst. Governors, Past District Governors, Presidents, Past Presidents, Fellow Rotarians, Rotary Anns, distinguished guests, members of the Press and friends: It has been a fruitful yet challenging year as the President of this great Club. We have achieved many projects, traveled far, inducted new members, lost some, drained many bottle of beers, shared memorable moments, and so on. It is through the help of all the members that we as the club get to this point. I would like to thank each and everyone of the members for believing in me and for supporting my efforts. We had our ups and downs, as all Rotary clubs do, but at the end friendship and Rotary spirit prevail. Rotary Patong Beach always finds a way. Rotary’s motto is Service Above Self while this new year the new RI Theme is “Peace through Service.” I know that under the leadership of President Larry Amsden, we can achieve just that. What this means is that through hands-on work and providing service to the less-fortunate, we can bring more peace and peace-of-mind to the many people who struggle to survive everyday. Volume 7 Issue 6


The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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I encourage each and everyone of you to help others and to give your time to them. Because something small to you might be abundance to the less-fortunate. The reward is the wonderful feeling you get when planning to give, during the actual giving, and after the giving is complete. Three hits in one go. Do it without expecting anything back in return and you will find that - the more you give, the more you receive. I am however extremely happy that the year is over and I can finally pass on the president’s medal to Larry. I wish you the best of luck, my friend. We are here to support you. With that, I would like to thank club members who served in last years’ board of directors. Your hard work and sacrifice are highly commended. As a small token of appreciation, the club would like to present to you the Certificate of Appreciation.

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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District Governor Elect Dr. Sanguan My Fellow Rotarians and guests In my first official act as President of the RCoPB, I would like to recognize one of our club officers, Denis Carpenter, the Chair of our Club Administration Committee, and the publisher of our club bulletin. The next issue of our club bulletin will be the 300th edition, all of which have been published by Denis. It is my honour to bestow on Denis this Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of this accomplishment and contribution to our club. Firstly, let me thank all of you for joining us tonight to celebrate the installation of our Club officers for the year 2012-2013. I had prepared a few notes to pass along to you tonight in the form of an acceptance speech, but after reflecting on what I learned at the recent Rotary International Convention in Bangkok, I decided to throw them out. While at the Convention, I attended the break-out session on training for incoming Club Presidents, at which they stressed the idea of throwing out tradition, and making the changes in our club to take it from where it is, to where our club members want it to be. This seemed to make a lot of sense. So with that theme of change in mind, as my second act as Club President, let me make the following change. “To eliminate lengthy acceptance speeches by the incoming club President.� I believe this is a change that will be fully embraced by the members of our club. Instead, let me simply propose a toast. Would you all please rise and join me. To Rotarians throughout Thailand and the world, who are dedicated to making this world a little better world, one tiny step at a time. Chai-yo Let me now introduce to you, our Honorary Members of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach for the year 2012-2013. Phaiboon Upatising President of the Phuket Provincial Administration and Founding President of Rotary Club of Patong Beach Neil Cumming Charter Member and second President of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach Jirapa (Sii) Eawsaku Charter Member of Rotary Club of Patong Beach

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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Father Joe Maier Founder and Director of the Mercy Centre of the Human Development Foundation under Royal Patronage. Today responsible for thirty-two preschools in Klong Toey in Bangkok, who have taught over seventythousand children to read and write. Recipient during the 2004 celebration of the birthday of Thailand’s Her Majesty Queen Sirikit of the award for the Foreigner who contributed the most over the long term to the protection of women and children.

Accepting on behalf of Father Joe, Khun Jariya Yamkhamang And the winner of the door prize is ------------President Brian Anderson of RC of Royal Hua Hin presents to the winner of the door prize

CP Siva Shanker RC Central Damansara Malaysia -

P Tanit RC Phuket congratulates P Larry

Before we close this evening, we would be remiss in not properly thanking the people who made this evening possible.

District Governor Elect of Rotary District 3330 Dr. Sanguan Wolfgang and his staff at the Holiday Inn and Resort for this wonderful venue, the fantastic buffet and the excellent wine OB Wetzel for the beer Able and Khun Boon, our MCs Stewart and Jaspal, our SAAs Sam Fauma, for his usual great photos, music, and coordinating the evening And for all of you who made this evening enjoyable Gong Volume 7 Issue 6


The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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ATTENDANCE Total members: 30 Attended: 19 Make-Ups : - 19 Visiting Rotarians: 38 Visitors: 32

Night Reporter: Denis Carpenter Photographers: Dan Miles & Denis Carpenter

Honorary Members


Attendance – Week 65.5 % Month 53.8 %

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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Olympic Champion ? A man met a beautiful lady and he decided he wanted to marry her right away. She protested, "But we don't know anything about each other." He replied, "That's all right; we'll learn about each other as we go along." So she consented, and they were married and went on a honeymoon to a very nice resort. One morning, they were lying by the pool when he got up off his towel, climbed up to the 10 meter board and did a two and a half tuck gainer, entering the water perfectly, almost without a ripple. This was followed by a three rotations in jack-knife position before he again straightened out and cut the water like a knife. After a few more demonstrations, he came back and lay down on his towel. She said, "That was incredible!" He said, "I used to be an Olympic diving champion. You see, I told you we'd learn more about ourselves as we went along." So she got up, jumped in the pool and started doing laps. She was moving so fast that the froth from her pushing off at one end of the pool would hardly be gone before she was already touching the other end of the pool! She did laps in freestyle, breast stroke, even butterfly! After about thirty laps, completed in mere minutes, she climbed back out and lay down on her towel, barely breathing hard. He said, "That was incredible! Were you an Olympic endurance swimmer?" "No," she said, "I was a hooker in Alabama and I worked both sides of the Tennessee River." Thanks to Rotary Club of Kwinana - Western Australia

Aphorisms for those who take life seriously        

Save the whales. Collect the whole set A day without sunshine is like .....night On the other hand, you have different fingers 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name Remember, half the people you know are below average He who has the last laugh thinks slowest Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked up into jet engines Thanks P. Larry

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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ABC’s of Rotary Past Service Membership A past service member is a retired person who is not yet qualified for senior active membership. One way a person can become a past service member is by being an active member and retiring from his or her business or profession. The Rotary club may also elect to past service membership a retired executive or professional who would have qualified for active membership when employed. In the latter case, there is no former classification associated with the individual. Despite a common misperception, a senior active member can never become a past service member. Honorary Membership "Honorary" is one of the four types of membership a person may have in a Rotary club and is exercised only in exceptional cases to recognize an individual for unusual service and contributions to Rotary and society. An honorary member is elected for one year only, and continuing membership must be renewed annually. Honorary members cannot propose new members to the club, do not hold office, and are exempt from attendance requirements and club dues. Many distinguished heads of state, explorers, authors, musicians, astronauts and other public personalities have been honorary members of Rotary clubs, including King Gustaf of Sweden, King George VI of England, King Badouin of Belgium, King Hassan III of Morocco, Sir Winston Churchill, humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, Charles Lindbergh, composer Jean Sibelius, explorer Sir Edmund Hillary, Thor Heyerdahl, Thomas Edison, WaIt Disney, Bob Hope, Dr. Albert Sabin, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and many of the presidents of the United States. Truly, those selected for honorary membership are those who have done much to further the ideals of Rotary. Membership in Rotary International If you asked a Rotarian if he or she belonged to Rotary International, the individual probably would look puzzled and answer, "Of course I'm a member of Rotary International" But in this instance, the confident Rotarian would be technically wrong. No Rotarian can be a member of Rotary International! The explanation of this apparent contradiction is simple. The constitutional documents of RI state that membership in Rotary International is limited to Rotary clubs. Over 29,000 Rotary clubs belong to the organization we call Rotary International. A Rotary club is composed of persons with the appropriate qualifications of good character and reputation, a business or professional classification, and who serve in an executive or managerial capacity. The Rotarian belongs to a club - the club belongs to Rotary International. This technical distinction is not obvious or even known to most Rotarians and seldom does it create any problems or complications. It does explain, however, why the Rotary International Board of Directors places expectations upon and extends privileges to Rotary clubs, rather than to individual Rotarians. If someone asks if you belong to Rotary International, your most accurate answer would be, "No, I belong to a Rotary club." But it is doubtful anyone would understand the difference, or, in fact, would really care.

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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5 September 2001

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