Renfrew-Collingwood Community News October 2022

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Why 2400 Motel became a Living Wage Employer

Historic RenfrewCollingwood motel is the only certified living wage hotel operator in B.C.

2400 Motel’s general manager Kristian Miller shares the risk they took in becoming a Living Wage Employer in the midst of the pandemic and the benefits they’ve found from doing so.

The 2400 Motel is a landmark destination along the Kingsway corridor in Vancouver, B.C. Our classic and nostalgic 65-room motor court motel takes people back to road trips in classic cars, family time and being outdoors.

A sense of old-fashioned hospitality is ingrained in us. That starts with having talented people and paying them a living wage to achieve the health and happiness everyone deserves.

Our family of long-time associates ranges from 10 to 15 people throughout the year, and taking care of them is one of our core values. After all, we can’t be built on family heritage if our team cannot support their own at home.

Since we first partnered together with the Living Wage for Families campaign in 2020, being a Living Wage Employer has enabled us to showcase our commitment to the associates and the culture of care we want to inspire Taking care of their team of associates by paying a living wage is a core value of 2400 Motel. Photo by Kristian Miller
October 2022 Continued on page 2

in our community. Wages are the most significant expense in any operation, and with COVID wreaking havoc on tourism, many places gave payroll the most critical look. We look at the flip side: if your largest expense is your people, that is also the most obvious place to invest.

“We’re delighted that 2400 motel is a Living Wage Employer. We hope it encourages other hotels to rise to the occasion and join the living wage movement. Paying a living wage is good for workers, employers and the local community,” said Anastasia French from Living Wage for Families BC.

2400 Motel saw zero undesired turnover throughout the pandemic, and when it was time to hire for the coming high season, the Living Wage for Families program was a great asset as we did not suffer from any of the talent vacuum that many of our brethren experienced.

The entire hospitality industry knows it is built on people, but our living wage partnership cements our commitment to those people and separates us from our competitors.

This article first appeared on the Living Wage for Families website in March 2022.

Why 2400 Motel became a Living Wage Employer - continued from page 1 by Karen Vanon The 2400 Motel is a virtual time capsule of the way things were 75 years ago. Photo from a post card, likely taken shortly after the 2400’s construction in 1946.
October 20222

Collingwood Corner: The Pig and Whistle Inn

Long ago, in the days when Kingsway was known as Wagon Road, and later Westminster Road, there were four roadhouses situated along the route that led from New Westminster to salt water on False Creek.

The original use for the False Creek Trail (another early name) was that it permitted sailors from British warships that anchored in English Bay to reach New Westminster on horse back. New Westminster was the capital of British Columbia from 1859 to 1866, when Victoria took the honour.

The road, a former First Nations trail and also an animal trail, was widened and built in 1861 by Colonel Richard Moody’s Royal Engineers.

Early stagecoach drivers with their teams of horses needed a place to rest, water their horses, have a drink and tell the news. The journey took nearly a whole day to complete. It was twelve miles long. The roadhouses were also used by travel-

lers driving buggies or wagons. There were no houses along the way, only thick forest.

One of those roadhouses was located in Collingwood, at the corner of present-day Kingsway and Stamford. There is an old photo of the roadhouse, known as the Collingwood Inn, or the Pig and Whistle Inn, from the Vancouver Archives. In the Collingwood Neighbourhood House lobby there is another framed coloured photo of the old inn.

The other roadhouses were the Junction Inn, at North Arm Road (now Fraser Street) and Kingsway; Gladstone Inn at Gladstone and the northeast corner of Kingsway; and Royal Oak Inn at the northeast corner of Kingsway and Royal Oak.

In the Vancouver Daily World newspaper dated March 26, 1898, the Collingwood Hotel was listed for sale at $3,500. The property had cost the owner $7,000 but he needed a quick sale. The hotel was known as the finest chicken ranch in the country!

The inn became a private property by 1960, according to notes with the photo in the Vancouver Archives. The notes also state that the old inn once faced Kingsway but was moved and turned to face Stamford Street. In the September 15, 1984, edition of the Daily New Advertiser newspaper there is a long article about a murder that took place near the inn, but that’s a story for another day.

Left: This is a more recent photo of where the Pig and Whistle was located at Kingsway and Stamford . Photo courtesy of Google Maps

The old Collingwood Inn at the corner of Kingsway and Stamford in 1960. This is where the new TD Bank now stands. Photo courtesy of the Vancouver Archives

The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication.

Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinator

Lisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinator

Julie Cheng: editorial coordinator

Contributors: Bryden Fergusson, Emily Tam, Julie Cheng, Karen Vanon, Kristian Miller, Loretta Houben, Paul Reid, Sophia Han

Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome.

We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submission guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.

The Renfrew-Collingwood Community News does not necessarily support the views of its contributors.

Next submission deadline: Oct. 10

The Renfrew-Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).

You Can Find the RC Community News @

Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.

Contact the RCCNews

Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 Fax: 604-451-1191


Advertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email:

Renfrew-Collingwood Community News

Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9

Vancouver Votes 2022 Saturday, October 15, 2022

This October 15, Vancouver residents will be voting on one mayor, 10 City councillors, seven Park Board commissioners, and nine School trustees. Although we don’t have room here to list all 137 candidates that are running for these 27 positions, here are the 15 people that are running for mayor. You can find out more about all of the candidates and plan your vote by visiting:

Satwant Shottha

We, the citizens of city of Vancouver, want to keep our land and build our own homes and rental properties on already developed land instead of selling it to the developers to rede velop our lots and resell it us at 3-5 times the value. We want to keep our lots and build multi-story and multi-ownership buildings to make not only homeownership but also rent affordable, and allow 70% building area in rental building approved areas.

Kennedy Stewart Party: Forward with Kennedy Stewart

While other parties plan to cut, we plan to build. On housing, Forward Together will significantly increase supply and affordability, streamline the approval process and pro tect renters. On public health and safety, we will create more supportive housing, provide more harm reduction and treatment options, and offer greater mental health supports for our most vulnerable neighbours. On climate change, we will build a sustainable, equitable and vibrant economy rooted in reconciliation, accessibility and inclusivity.

Imtiaz Popat

I am opposed to the Vancouver Plan which will displace people living in older apartment buildings. The must build more social housing. We must also work to have a city free of hate. We must have a plan to keep everyone safe.

Imtiaz Popat is running for mayor of Vancouver as an independent. He is a long-time equal rights and social justice activist and therapeutic counsellor.

Colleen Hardwick Party: TEAM

Colleen Hardwick has served on City Council since 2018. Born and raised in Vancouver, she is an award-winning entrepreneur, founding businesses in the film & TV and digital technology industries. She studied geography, urban planning and applied innovation at UBC. A 3rd generation elected public servant, Colleen is married, has 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren born during this term.

Leona Brown

Systematic changes need to occur to prevent further genocide to the Indigenous peoples of the lands. Indigenous peoples need to be sitting at the table to create the change. I am A Voice of Reconciliation. Too many political election promises have been made, its time to follow through by ReconciliACTION. I come with Lived experience of how to understand Indigenous Sovereignty & Healing to see a path to A Just, Equal, Healthy Society.

Francoise Raunet

We already know what needs to be done. Now we need shovels in the ground. We must work across party lines to achieve results.

Counter globalized economy with localization

- Support small-scale entrepreneurs

- Local supply chains; clean local food

- Circular & zero-waste initiatives

-Use public lands for 100% public housing

Lewis Villegas

Prepare for/mitigate ecological crises

- Reliable public transportation everywhere

- Shore up ecosystems & infrastructure

- Eco-friendly construction

End sweetheart real-estate industry deals

1. GAHP—Guaranteed Affordable Housing in Perpetuity (Forever!).

2. STOP—People living on the streets. House them!

3. WIN—2030 Olympic Bid!

4. K-12—Mayor’s Merit Medals.

5. FREE—Shopping bags and beverage cups.

6. FREE—curbside parking, 8pm to 8am.

We want to hear from you!

Ping Chan

Capture considerable revenue of renewable green electricity generation from Geothermal Energy with no greenhouse gas GHG emission for building 45,000 safe, affordable non-market housing units now over next 8 years to address the home less crisis and wage increase; Reduce voters’s residential land tax; Heavily tax on lands vacant for 5 years or more; Beautify and purify Vancouver; Aggressively promote tourism for Vancouver; Collaborate filming industry with international film makers,& microbreweries for gourmet beer export increasing GDP.Pi

Fred Harding

1. Public Safety

- Ensure crisis-level leadership for public safety at city hall.

- Ensure our neighbourhoods are safe by supporting and working with our great progressive police service. Those who break the law need to be held accountable.

- Ensure harm reduction is tied to treatment.

2. Housing – Focus on housing supply, less red tape and shorten permit wait times.

3. Core services – Improve basic services with fewer taxes and less government waste.

Mike Hansen

No information provided

Ryan Charmley

A city is a collection of communities, and within each community are the experts to solve the problems they care about, and to scrutinize decisions and data if given opportunity.

As leader, I will leverage the strengths of each community, work tirelessly to build consensus, and push for simple effective solutions that create transparency and accountability.

At the heart of my plan is to find a balance that is politically aligned with the radical center.

Golok Z Buday

To ban the feds (All federal Government institutions from City Limits) and install a community and liberty/decentralist focused Constitution.

Eliminate permit red tape restructuring this and revenue collecting.

Eliminating purposeless civil service.

A Liberty above Democracy policy.

Dante Teti

No information provided


Ken Sim

Party: ABC Vancouver

• Invest in public safety — hire 100 police officers and 100 mental health nurses

• Address the housing crisis — triple housing starts and streamline permitting

• Make Vancouver a more vibrant city — expand patios and plazas

• Ensure those struggling with mental health and addictions have access to proper support

• Improve cycling, pedestrian, and rapid transit infrastructure

• Embrace technology and evidence-based policy to make city hall more efficient and effective

Mark Marissen

Party: Progress Vancouver

1. Reform zoning

2. Build budget-neutral mixed-income housing

3. More senior housing in neighbourhoods

4. Build 15,000 new homes/rentals per year

5. Build co-ops and multi-generational homes

6. Secure federal funding for social housing

7. Progressive Luxury Homes Surtax

Fight speculation

Protect renters

Streamline permits

11. Reform Community Amenity Contributions

Support Indigenous-led developments


Moon Festival Streamside Lantern Installation a huge success

Thousands of people came out to Renfrew Community Park on September 17 to enjoy the Streamside Lantern Installation as part of the 20th annual Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival. Starting at sunset, young and old alike were treated to the sights and sounds of lanterns, artwork and live music set amidst this urban forest. Photos by Bryden Fergusson

6 RENFREW COLLINGWOOD COMMUNITY NEWSOctober 2022 Don Davies MP Community Office 2951 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5J4 604-775-6263 | Vancouver Kingsway NOV. 7 AT 7 PM HERITAGE HALL 3102 MAIN ST TOWN HALL MEETING: INFLATION, JOBS & THE ECONOMY With Special Guest Economist Jim Stanford Vancouver Formosa Academy 5621 Killarney St. Vancouver V5R 3W4 Tel: 604 436 2332 New To Canada? Come and Join our FREE English Classes! Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Space is limited! LINC Program: Free English classes funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. LINC classes improve your English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, while providing you with information on your local community, Canadian culture, and job search support.  Eligibility: Permanent Residents, Convention Refugees, Protected Persons, Live-in Caregivers, Age 17 and over. Come study with us!  Levels: LINC 2-7  Time: Monday – Thursday or Friday 9:00am-12:00pm | Monday - Wednesday 6:30pm-9:30pm High School Program: Certified by BC Ministry of Education, Specializing in International students and new immigrants. We provide Grade 7-Grade12 ESL, academic preparation and credit courses.  Faster Graduation using our 3 term schedule  We take students at any time throughout the year  We help students achieve their academic goals  Homestay is available

Windermere fitness park is now open for the community Come out and try it for yourself!

When Brad White retired in 2021 as the Windermere physical and health education department head, his dream was to leave a legacy of fitness and health for the community. It was the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and opportunities for indoor exercise were limited.

“I believe that creating an outdoor fitness park at the edge of the school campus that is easily accessible to everyone will be a valu able community asset,” he wrote in the March 2021 issue of the Renfrew-Collingwood Community News.

“Everyone in the community, from students who are missing their school clubs and sports, to seniors who are having to forego their usual group exercise sessions, will be able to visit a dedicated out door fitness facility.”

Now Brad White’s dream has come true. With the support of the Windermere Parent Advisory Council and donations from local residents and businesses to funders all levels of government, the Windermere Community Fitness Park was opened in August 2022.

The fitness park is designed to fit 30 students during class hours. Outside of school hours, all residents are invited to make use of it in the fresh outdoors. Best of all, it’s free.

Fundraising continues for additional amenities including signage, seating, landscaping and a table tennis court.

To donate or to find more information, visit .

Local residents test their strength, climbing and balance skills on the new stations at the Windermere Community Fitness Park located at Lillooet and East 27th Avenue. Photos courtesy of Julie Cheng

Eating Out in RC: Border Burrito

A convenient on-the-go Mexican restaurant opened their doors back in May 2021 within the RC neighbourhood. Border Burrito is located on the same block as Kimu Japanese Cuisine and Masala Meats. They are available for delivery on UberEats and DoorDash, but if you’re ordering for pick-up, I would highly recommend ordering directly from their website.

Border Burrito operates as a micro-restaurant with a simple menu focusing on quality, affordability and convenience. I ordered my meal through their website, easily toggling between protein options for burritos, tacos and quesadillas.

Something unique about Border Burrito is that there is no cashier inside their microrestaurant. Upon entry there is a kiosk where you order on your own and pay with card.

Owner Sheila Aviles recommends trying their burrito – a customer favourite. I got to try their beef birria burrito plate, chicken tinga tacos, chicken tinga quesadilla, and homemade chips and salsa with a side of guacamole. My favourite was the quesadilla as it was perfectly cooked with melted cheese and a flavour that melts into your mouth.

Border Burrito has a lively vibe with music playing outside and a standing table set up for hungry customers to dine as soon as their orders are ready. It is tailored for convenient pick-up at dinner time but stay tuned on both Instagram and Google as they extend their operating hours.

Find more of Emily Tam’s food reviews on her Instagram page, @hungrygirl_emily.

Dear Neighbours,

Can you believe it’s fall already? The summer months always fly by so quickly. With the dip in temperatures, the likeliness of catching a cold or flu will be much higher. In addition, we are still working hard to stop the spread of COVID-19, so please take care. Rapid antigen tests are available for free at many community pharmacies. Invitations for the COVID-19 booster and flu shot will be coming soon so please register online at, over the phone 1-833-838-2323, or in person at Service BC. The call centre is open 7 days a week, 7am to 7pm (PDT) and there are translation services available.

BC Child Benefit and Climate Action Tax Credit

The Climate Action Tax Credit for low- and moderate-income B.C. residents will be increased by up to $164 per adult and $41 per child, and the family benefit, formerly known as the Child Opportunity Benefit, will jump by up to $58.33 for each child per month for January, February and March. No application is needed to receive the temporary increases.

Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival and Harvest Fair

This year’s Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival was again a wonderful success. We were lucky to have gorgeous weather and an excellent turnout! It is always one of my favorite fall events, and I would like to sincerely thank all of the organizers and volunteers.

As always, my community office is open to provide services to constituents in person with appointments and via phone and email. Please give us a call at 604-660-0314 or email us at, and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can. 聯絡辦事 處,請電郵 或致電 604-660-0314. 如欲親臨敬請預約。


to all who advertise with the RCCNews!

For over 20 years you have been providing the Renfrew-Collingwood community with a voice!

To advertise:

Contact Lisa at 604-435-0323 or email:

Lastly, if you have a community event that you wish to promote, my community office would be delighted to help spread the word. Please ask us for details on the types of events we can promote at 604-660-0314 or email adrian.dix.mla@

Sincerely, Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver-Kingsway

This is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/ Border Burrito’s beef birria burrito plate, chicken tinga tacos, chicken tinga quesadilla, homemade chips and salsa and side of guacamole. Photo by Emily Tam

Read On! A news section for RenfrewCollingwood learners


What is fusion cuisine?

Renfrew-Collingwood is home to many residents from diverse cultures. It’s easy to find a restaurant that specializes in fusion cuisine. Fusion cuisine uses ingredients and methods of cooking from different cultures to create a new dish from a traditional recipe.

Sometimes traditional recipes are changed because ingredients cannot be easily found. Sometimes recipes come from places that are influenced by different cultures. An example is the food of Malaysia, which is influenced by Malay, Chinese, Indian and Indonesian cooking traditions.

Local Fusion Foods

Often, fusion foods are created when traditional recipes are changed to suit local tastes. The California roll is one such example. It is a Japanese sushi roll turned inside-out. Hidekazu Tojo is a Vancouver chef and known as the inventor of the California roll. In the 1970s, Chef Tojo created the dish because few locals ate raw fish at the time.

Fusion foods can be readily found in RC. Try the hot sandwiches at Panderia Latina called churrasco or the Chilean specialty, Barros Luco.

Jambo Grill is a longtime neighbourhood favourite serving panAfrican and Indian dishes. Their tandoori fajita chicken is a twist on the popular Tex-Mex dish.

Chili Pepper House, one of the oldest restaurants in RC, serves Hakka Chinese Indian cuisine, and their “house-style” chicken dish blends a Chinese cooking technique with Indian spices.

Jambo Grill

3219 Kingsway

Chili Pepper House 3003 Kingsway No.1


Panderia Latina Bakery 4906 Joyce Street

Sushi Taku 4902 Joyce Street

Fusion – when you blend different things to make something new cuisine – the cooking styles and food traditions of a region diverse – something that is diverse is made up of many, different things specialize – to focus on one thing or type of thing influence – to have an effect on something suit – something that suits you is something that you prefer or makes you look attractive one such – one such can be used to refer to something you have already mentioned: “I saw a bird yesterday. One such bird flew by my house today.” inside-out – when the part that is normally inside is now outside at the time – about a time in the past you have already mentioned: “I had a big breakfast this morning. I was very hungry at the time.” readily – easily pan-African – something related to all or many African countries twist – a twist can be an unexpected change to something

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Sushi rolls like this are rarely eaten in Japan but they are popular examples of local fusion cuisine. Photo by Sophia Han
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Collingwood Neighbourhood House

Neighbourhood Small Grants Now Open for Applications

Neighbourhood Small Grants is back for another season! Magic happens when neighbours connect—it forms friendships, and makes our communities safer and more vibrant.

Here are some example grant ideas to start with: online or inperson cooking classes, crafting sessions for kids, knitting lessons, painting lessons, community garden, free libraries, book clubs, bike repair workshops, a neighbourhood block party.

The grant money can pay for the food, small garden tools, bike repair tools and supplies, knitting or crafting supplies—whatever supplies you need, as long as they are not high-value items like cameras or barbeques.

Your activity or project must be offered for free, should happen in your neighbourhood, and be open to neighbours who wish to join. Businesses cannot apply, and you cannot fundraise for other projects or organizations.

Apply by October 21 and complete your project anytime before the end of March 2023. If you miss the fall deadline, there will be another opportunity in the spring. Visit and apply online at our-communities/south-van.

Do you have a great idea to bring your community together?
10 This page is sponsored by Collingwood Neighbourhood House
HIGHLIGHTS RENFREW COLLINGWOOD COMMUNITY NEWSOctober 2022 Joyce Location: 5288 Joyce St. ; Tel: 604-435-0323 / Annex Location: 3690 Vanness Ave. ; Tel: 604-428-9142 / Visit:


Annual General Meeting – September 28th

Thank you to all our members for attending the 2022 AGM and the Joyce Street businesses to learn more about expanding the BIA’s borders to include Joyce Street. We would like to thank our dedicated Board of Directors from the 2021– 2022 year. These members will be continuing for the 2022 – 2023 year.

Paul Cheng, President, Jas Parmar, Vice President

Nar Karbar, Treasurer, Dylan Bliss,Linda Doan, Beth Hernandez

Mony Sodhi, Arlindo Valinho & Cleo Yeh.

We have an exciting year ahead with many street beautification projects in the works. The return of the Winter Carnival and Community Tree Lighting will be taking place November 26th Fall/Winter promotions, Tik Tok videos, new banners, updated website and the much more.

Election Day – October 15, 2022

Get out and vote on October 15th. This is your opportunity to have your say in how you’d like to see the City of Vancouver’s direction for the future. Key issues for small businesses are property taxes, street disorder and public safety for everyone and sanitary.

You must meet all the qualifications to vote:

• Be 18 years of age or older on election day

• Be a Canadian citizen

• Have lived in BC for at least 6 months immediately before registering to vote

• Live in Vancouver (no minimum days required), or own property registered in your name in Vancouver for at least 30 days immediately before registering to vote

• Not be disqualified by law from voting

Collingwood BIA Expansion Stage 1 – Attention all businesses along Joyce Street between Euclid Street and Wellington Avenue. Please fill out the survey below and email back. Or call our office and we will drop one off for you

You can also answer the survey here: Collingwood BIA Expansion Survey link: 216e-43ca-49a8-8d47-8b89f46ab110

Sign up to receive the monthly e- Newsletter. Email

Shop Collingwood!

Coming Events

October 10


October 15

Civic Election Day

October 24 Diwali

October 31

Halloween November 26

Winter Carnival & Tree Lighting Event

It’s good for Business! Please remove the leaves in front of your business. To keep the sidewalks safe for everyone. Thank you! How to Reach Us: @shopcollingwoodvancouver @shopcollingwood @shopcollingwood Office: #300 – 3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2 T: 604.639.4403 E: W:

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