2019–2020 Annual Report | Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

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Letter from the President: A TIME OF RESILIENCE

After a record-breaking year of growth and awards, 2020 started well. The historic Rowan County $45 million bond referendum for the College passed with 57% of the vote on March 3, 2020, promising a state-of-the-art technology complex focused on automotive, machining and welding careers. Two weeks later, the entire country was in lockdown due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and our world’s economy and our lives were disrupted. The pandemic was at the forefront of every newscast and every College decision as we resolved to keep our students’ educational experience safe and certain.

Our years of commitment to excellence in online teaching and supporting student services for online learners prepared the College to transition its courses from 32% online to 92% online in just two short weeks. After a turbulent spring, a liberal withdrawal policy, as well as a postponed graduation ceremony, we were able to use the summer term to help students complete academic work from the prior term. It was a challenge to react, plan and execute, but with the exception of reducing class size in face-to-face courses, the transition was surprisingly smooth. As a special note, despite an abrupt loss of clinical settings, all of our senior nursing students were able to graduate on time and join the fight against COVID-19 as our community’s heroes of tomorrow.

The first federal funding relief was provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and arrived in time to help the College pay for the additional expense of cleaning, supplies and equipment to make our buildings safe for the essential continuing education courses and curriculum programs which meet face-to-face. Social distancing meant splitting what once would have been one classroom with 30 students into multiple classrooms with smaller class sizes which resulted in the need for additional instructors. The initial CARES funding allocated $1.4 million for direct emergency grant payments to students to help them remain in school.

Fall term reflected the national trend of a significant enrollment decline. In early August, enrollment was down 17% but through teamwork, technology, compassion and federal CARES funding, the Fall 2020 term ended at only 4% down.

In a recession, community colleges normally experience record high enrollment as laid off workers flock to the community college to gain new skills, credentials and degrees, but this was a pandemic first, an economic downturn second and a challenge with unknown obstacles for every family as they dealt with layoffs and homeschooling for their children.

Despite the challenges our community and world faced due to COVID-19, one thing remained constant –Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is and will always be a beacon of hope for our students. Our courses offer opportunity for those who are re-envisioning their futures, and we continue to strategically partner with our community’s leaders as we plan for the future in economic development.

In light of COVID-19, we stand ready to meet the changing needs of business and industry to give our students access to education and programs geared to the jobs of today and tomorrow. The opening of our Advanced Technology Center (ATC) at the North Carolina Research Campus added a dynamic asset to the region’s workforce development efforts. Programs in mechatronics and other in-demand fields are housed at the ATC, along with our engineering programs, labs and flex space dedicated to collaboration with advanced technology manufacturing and industry partners.

The degrees, diplomas, certificates and job skills earned at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College are relevant and lead to good jobs and sustainable futures. Whether students have their sights set on transferring to a four-year university or are seeking a path to employment through an associate degree or short-term training program, we can help them achieve their goals.

This annual report includes a selection of some of our highest priority initiatives during 2019 and 2020 but is not meant to be a comprehensive list of our accomplishments. The dedication shown by our leadership team, faculty and staff has resulted in our ability to meet students right where they are – whether that is in a virtual advising session, a drive-through open house or on-campus in our healthcare clinical simulation labs. We are proud to serve as our region’s trusted workforce development provider, and we’ll continue to strive to be the first choice in higher education in our region.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. We depend on you to accomplish the important work that leads to better lives for our students and their families.

A word from the Board Chair: CARL M. SHORT, JR.

As it carries out the mission of helping people improve their lives through education, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College continues to shine brighter each year as an institution of distinction, impacting the communities it serves and driving the success of the entire region.

COVID-19 has brought many unprecedented challenges to our community, but Rowan-Cabarrus has been at the helm, leading with innovation, hope and opportunity for a better tomorrow. From extraordinary leadership to dedicated faculty, staff and administration, the College is a collective force that serves as a catalyst to propel Rowan and Cabarrus counties forward in many ways. Rather than shy away from the constant changes and challenges that COVID-19 brought, Rowan-Cabarrus continued to find new and innovative ways to meet the needs of its students, the community and industry.

The opening of the Advanced Technology Center in 2019 positions the College to educate students for jobs of the future and to collaborate with emerging, high-tech industries. Already a trusted and dynamic community partner, Rowan-Cabarrus continues to lead the charge when it comes to strategic initiatives that drive the area’s economic development.

I am proud to be able to work with my fellow Trustees and the College’s leadership team to support the College as it continues shaping the future of our community. In a competitive and ever-changing world, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is one of the region’s most important resources, working daily to make higher education and a sustainable future accessible to all. With courage and commitment to each and every student, this institution of distinction truly does change lives through the power of learning.


A Message from the Foundation Board Chair CORDELIA ANDREWS

Challenges are a part of life, and at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, we are committed to helping students navigate any challenge so that they can move toward their educational and career goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges emerged and existing challenges were magnified. Businesses were shuttered, jobs were lost, and many people faced health issues related to the virus.

As classes moved online, many students needed access to technology to be able to stay on track with their academic plan. Thanks to the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation, we were able to provide students with laptops, Internet access, emergency funding and scholarships. Because of generous philanthropic donations, no student was turned away. Our COVID-19 assistance form was available for any student to ask for help with any need, and the College and the Foundation responded.

Although we were unable to host our annual in-person scholarship luncheon in 2020, we are grateful for the ongoing support of the many friends of the College who have continued their commitment to ensuring that we can support students with scholarships, emergency funding and more. These donations are the lifeline that allows so many deserving students to remain focused on their studies and complete their programs.

Thanks to the generosity of Fred and Alice Stanback, the College is completing the third phase of our significant solar project on our North Campus. Energy sales from this innovative solar initiative will be used to fund student scholarships and professional development.

As we continue to move forward, the mission of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is more important and relevant than ever. Throughout this challenging time, we have maintained virtual operations, helped our students stay on track for graduation and future success, and helped our community stay grounded and stable.

Rowan-Cabarrus has a promise to fulfill – a promise to our citizens to continue adapting and anticipating their needs and build a thriving community. We are grateful for the generosity of donors in helping us meet the needs of our students and community. There is no better return on investment than a dollar given to secure the future for a student.


• Rowan-Cabarrus is the eighth largest in enrollment among the 58 North Carolina community colleges.

• Sixty-four percent of our students are female, 36 percent are male, 50 percent are under 30 and 37 percent are minorities.

• Approximately 57 percent of Rowan-Cabarrus students are enrolled in Corporate and Continuing Education classes.

• Rowan-Cabarrus employs nearly 380 full-time faculty and staff members, as well as over 750 part-time faculty and staff.





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Rowan-Cabarrus Continued Navigating Forward

At the start of 2020, the COVID-19 virus began spreading around the world and, by early March, had made its way to Rowan and Cabarrus counties. On March 10, Governor Roy Cooper issued the first statewide executive order declaring a state of emergency. Soon, many businesses were closed or offering limited services, and most educational instruction migrated online. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College responded quickly to protect students, faculty and staff and, at the same time, ensure that students were able to navigate forward to meet their academic and career goals.

Rowan-Cabarrus orchestrated a seamless transition of most courses to virtual instruction as the institution limited on-campus activities to essential personnel. With the health and safety of students, faculty and staff as its highest priority, the College formed a COVID-19 task force of key personnel from across the institution to create a plan for keeping the campus community safe. The “Stay Well, Stay Connected” operating guide included provisions for everything from enhanced disinfecting and cleaning of facilities conducting the majority of course instruction online.

“It was our responsibility as an institution to exercise an abundance of caution to keep our campus community safe, but our mission to support students in any way possible and help them achieve their goals never wavered,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus.

Most student support and instruction continued to be delivered virtually during 2020 and into 2021, apart from limited student support services and classes such as public service and healthcare that require in-person training and labs.

Throughout the pandemic, Rowan-Cabarrus leadership, faculty and staff remained committed to helping students stay on track despite difficult circumstances. From virtual support from advising, financial aid and wellness staff to continued social engagement through online events coordinated by the Student Life and Leadership team, the focus remained on student success. A COVID-19 assistance form was available for students to reach out to the College for support, regardless of the type of need.

The College was able to secure federal and state funding to assist students during this time. Emergency assistance grants assisted students with bills, transportation, childcare, healthcare and other needs. Enrolled students also were auto-awarded emergency grant allocations to help them continue to be successful from COVID-19 relief funds.

College leadership monitored COVID-19 case numbers closely throughout 2020 and into 2021, revising on-campus protocols accordingly. By May of 2021, screening of individuals upon arrival on campus was discontinued and more activities were conducted inperson, but anyone visiting Rowan-Cabarrus was still required to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

“COVID-19 required us to come together as a college community as never before,” Spalding said. “I am extremely proud of the way we worked together, and I have been amazed by the resilience of our students, faculty and staff.”


Rowan-Cabarrus has long been known for its investment in online education and technology, allowing students to stay on schedule with their academic plan regardless of the circumstances. In fact, the College is ranked among the Top Ten Digital Community Colleges in the nation based on a survey conducted by the Center for Digital Education.

Thanks to this commitment to technology, when COVID-19 hit in March 2020, we were well-prepared to serve our students online. While COVID forced many other colleges and universities to begin their journey to develop online courses and student services, Rowan-Cabarrus was well-prepared and qualified to serve students in a virtual environment.

By virtue of our promise to meet students where they are and help them achieve their academic and career goals, Rowan-Cabarrus already was offering the kind of flexibility that the pandemic required. With a diverse student population that includes everyone from a single parent juggling classes, family and work, to a high school student enrolled in Career & College Promise courses, the College has been intentional about offering versatility and quality online course options for years.

While Rowan-Cabarrus has offered online courses for more than 20 years, the COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity to move into the future even faster with virtual learning. When COVID struck during the Spring 2020 semester, the institution was forced to move from 32 percent of courses being offered online to 92 percent being offered online with a seven day transition time.

Realizing that the transition to online learning could present challenges to students, the College offered tutoring services to help students develop independent study and research skills, virtual advising to help them stay on track, and programs to ensure that they had functional laptop computers and access to reliable internet.

“Because of our years of experience delivering quality digital education and superior student services, we were able to identify potential needs and offer students the support they deserved during this very challenging time,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “From our Information Services team to our dedicated faculty and support staff, Rowan-Cabarrus employees were super stars during COVID-19, always putting students first and helping them to navigate forward despite significant hurdles.”

As an institution, Rowan-Cabarrus strives to be the best and first choice for higher education. This dedication extends into our online classrooms and is reflected in our commitment to offering Quality Matters certified courses.

“The Quality Matters certification ensures that online courses are well-conceived, well-designed and well-presented with a focus on student success,” said Dr. Michael Quillen, vice president of academic programs. “Our faculty members are dedicated to ensuring high-quality online learning for our students during COVID-19 and beyond.”


Rowan-Cabarrus Students, Employees and Grads Made an Impact During COVID-19 Crisis

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rowan-Cabarrus stepped up as a true community partner. Graduates made their mark as front-line essential workers, nursing students and faculty volunteered at vaccine clinics, healthcare programs donated protective equipment to local facilities, and public safety programs continued to train essential first responders to protect and serve the community.

Nursing students and faculty volunteered their time to help with mass vaccinations, traffic flow and distribution of educational materials during the public vaccine rollout through the Rowan County Health Department and Cabarrus Health Alliance. Nursing students also assisted with COVID-related outreach as the College implemented mandatory health screenings for all individuals visiting its campuses in Rowan and Cabarrus counties.

“The vaccine clinics were a great opportunity for our students and faculty to participate in a historic event,” said Emily Fink, director of nursing programs at Rowan-Cabarrus. “This was the first mass vaccination event since the polio vaccine in the 1950s and, as nurses and future nurses, we were humbled to be a part of history.”

The College donated medical masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) from its healthcare programs to local hospitals to help with shortages of supplies amid the pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak resulted in a lack of adequate PPE nationwide, leading some medical personnel to resort to reusing supplies or using handmade items.

Rowan-Cabarrus staff delivered the supplies to facilities associate with Atrium Health, Novant Health and the W.G. “Bill” Hefner VA Medical Center. The equipment is normally used during daily healthcare classes and labs. Classes at the College transitioned online, with most in-person classes temporarily suspended.

“The need was urgent in our local healthcare facilities, as dedicated employees struggled to find enough supplies,” said Rowan-Cabarrus Dean of Health and Education Dr. Wendy Barnhardt. “We have a wonderful relationship with the clinical facilities in our area, and our healthcare programs wanted to give back during this challenging time.”

The College’s public safety programs, which train students to perform professional first responder roles critical to the protection of the community and provides ongoing professional development for local agencies, continued to operate throughout the pandemic.

Basic Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Science, and Fire and Rescue training continued with strict safety precautions and social distancing in place so that our citizens could count on the excellent service they have come to expect from Rowan-Cabarrus-trained police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians.

“We are a partner invested in the community, and any time we are in a position to help, we will help,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus.

“I am proud of our students, faculty and staff for stepping up to assist whenever needed. This is an example of how we prepare our students to become excellent professionals and citizens.”


M College Celebrates Largest Graduating Class in 2019

ore than 1,700 graduates received associate degrees, diplomas and certifications at RowanCabarrus Community College’s graduation ceremonies in December 2019, making the 55th graduating class the largest in college history. Two ceremonies were held so that graduates would be able to invite more family members and friends to celebrate their accomplishments.

“Having such a large number of graduates is a wonderful testament to our belief that the power of education truly does change lives,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, Rowan-Cabarrus president. “It is a point of pride for me that they chose Rowan-Cabarrus for their educational journey.”

2019 commencement speakers were Rowan-Cabarrus alumna Gina Fritz, who is vice president of the State Employees Credit Union, and Eva Nicholson, 20182019 Student Government Association President and a member of the Class of 2019.

“Your hard work, perseverance and commitment to your higher education will be one of the most

rewarding accomplishments in your lifetime,” Fritz told the graduates. “As you move forward, view your challenges as opportunities and your failures as lessons learned. Challenge your limits; don’t limit your challenges.”

Nicholson encouraged her fellow classmates to do what she did while battling cancer: Dress up, show up, and don’t ever give up. As a cancer survivor, Nicholson immersed herself in campus life as an active student leader and was the winner of the statewide Eddie H. Myers Outstanding Advocacy Award and Ray Jefferies Award for her dedication.

“Surviving cancer brought me to the doorway of my academic journey, but it didn’t push me through it. Determination to be better pushed me,” she said. “You will experience bumps in the road. You may have to swerve to overcome an obstacle, or be detoured to a different road. But show up for the journey, celebrate it, and embrace where the path takes you.”

Due to COVID-19, graduation ceremonies were held at Charlotte Motor Speedway in December 2020 and

May 2021. A drive-through format allowed graduates to drive on the track to receive their diplomas from Dr. Spalding and literally cross the finish line.

Students wore their caps, gowns and honorary regalia and had friends and family join them in their cars as they drove through the procession with safety precautions, including face masks, in place. Congratulatory speeches and other elements of the ceremony were projected on the Speedway’s Jumbotron video screen, which is 200 feet wide and 80 feet tall. Additional friends and family were able to join the celebration virtually via a live stream on the Internet.

“While the graduation celebrations looked different in the midst of the pandemic, we were excited to welcome graduates to the Charlotte Motor Speedway for an event that certainly created memories for a lifetime,” said Dr. Spalding. “COVID-19 may have changed our plans, but it does nothing to diminish the accomplishments of our graduates, and we wanted to give them an experience to remember.”

The December graduation, divided into two ceremonies to serve the large number of graduates, honored students from the fall 2019, spring 2020, summer 2020 and fall 2020 semesters.

NASCAR Xfinity Series driver and Cabarrus County native Daniel Hemric gave the commencement address, speaking about the Be the Change Scholarship he established for Rowan-Cabarrus students. The endowed scholarship will be presented annually to a student qualifying for financial aid who has chosen to study in the fields of motorsports, welding or mechanical engineering. The first scholarship recipient, welding student Grace Peters, also gave remarks during the ceremony.

At the May ceremony, graduates received associate degrees, diplomas and certificates earned during the Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 academic terms, with over 350 graduates expected to participate in the drive-through event.

Dr. Darise “Dari” Caldwell, former president of Novant Health Rowan Regional Medical Center and a member of the Rowan-Cabarrus Board of Trustees, delivered the keynote address. Caldwell earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a master’s in nursing from Duke University, and a doctorate in health care administration from Columbia Pacific University. During her career, she spent over 35 years in hospital administration, most recently serving

as the president of Novant Health Rowan Regional Medical Center and then as vice president of the Novant Health Foundation. She serves as the Chair of the Rowan County Health Department Board of Directors, a critical role during the pandemic. Graduating Rowan-Cabarrus nursing student Damola Ogunyomi also addressed the Class of 2021. Ogunyomi began at Rowan-Cabarrus as an Early College student and went on to complete the Associate Degree in Nursing program. While at Rowan-Cabarrus, Ogunyomi kept an active presence on campus, serving in many leadership roles, including Student Ambassador, Vice President of the Student Government Association, and President of the College’s Student Nurses Association. She was selected as a Student Excellence Award finalist both years at Rowan-Cabarrus and, this year, was named as the College’s nominee for the statewide Governor Robert W. Scott Student Leadership Award.

“Throughout the pandemic, the Class of 2021 remained dedicated to their educational and career goals without wavering,” Dr. Spalding said. “They exhibited incredible resilience in the face of difficult circumstances, and I wish them the greatest success as they continue to navigate forward.”

“Rowan-Cabarrus became my home away from home, with a family atmosphere where fellow students, faculty and staff cared about me and did everything they could to help me grow.”
Damola Ogunyomi, 2021 Rowan-Cabarrus graduate


New Advanced Technology Center Leads

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College held the official ribbon-cutting for its new Advanced Technology Center (ATC) at the College’s year-end celebration in December 2019. The state-of-the-art facility will prepare students for competitive, high-skill jobs in emerging hightechnology fields.

Located at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, the 55,000-square-foot Advanced Technology Center houses adaptable labs and classrooms designed to meet industry growth for the next 50 years.

“I believe our new ATC will stimulate the growth of high-tech, high-wage jobs that will allow workers to prosper, businesses to profit and our communities to grow,” said Carl M. Short, Jr., chair of the RowanCabarrus Community College Board of Trustees.

The building exists thanks to the support of Cabarrus County voters who passed a bond referendum in 2014 to support the facility, as well as additional support from the Cabarrus County Commission, a federal Economic Development Administration grant, and

private funding raised through the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation. The ATC, located adjacent to the College’s biotechnology and nursing facility, was built on nearly three acres of land donated by David H. Murdock, chairman, CEO and president of Castle & Cooke, Inc. and founder of the North Carolina Research Campus.

“This is like nothing the area has seen, and we consider it a game-changer for our region and a sign to our community and companies that Rowan-Cabarrus is committed to helping strengthen the local economy and drive workforce development,” said Craig Lamb, vice president of corporate and continuing education at Rowan-Cabarrus. “The ATC will be instrumental in supporting both our citizens and our businesses by preparing students to work in the high-tech, advanced technology careers of today and tomorrow.”

While the ribbon-cutting for the initial building completion was held in 2019, the final opening of the building is set for 2021 when phase two of the project, funded by a $2,040,000 federal grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) is complete. The finished building will house technology-centric



Leads the Way for Workforce Development

programs including robotics, engineering and cyberphysical security.

The ATC also offers training in such areas as plastics, mechatronics, computer-aided design, 3D printing, hydraulics and pneumatics. Students will work on equipment that companies currently use in the workplace, gaining valuable hands-on experience. A large flex lab on the ground floor provides space for industry partners to collaborate and innovate. The building even features Vector, a robot who welcomes visitors in the lobby area, gives directions and can even answer questions.

“This building has been a focus of discussion with economic development clients as they visit the community,” said Cabarrus County Manager Mike Downs. “It is a sign that the region is committed to developing the workforce to accommodate high-tech, advanced technology careers.”

Programs offered at the ATC will allow students to earn degrees, diplomas, industry-recognized certifications and company-specific customized process training.

“We are so thankful for the support from the Cabarrus County Commission, Cabarrus County voters and our partners. We have pulled out all the stops to make sure the Advanced Technology Center will be a flagship in attracting employers to the region and allowing Rowan-Cabarrus to bring a superior level of education to the community,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “Technology and advanced manufacturing are constantly evolving, and this facility will allow us to ensure that our local workforce remains qualified and current as the region continues to grow.”

“Times have changed, and women belong in advanced technology fields. Women don’t go into these fields because we are ‘brave’ or ‘unique’ or ‘going against the status quo.’ We go into them because we have a passion to build, expand and create.”
Amanda Kurtanich,
RowanCabarrus mechatronics student


Student Accolades include Prestigious

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College students continue to earn prestigious honors locally, statewide and nationally as they participate in clubs and organizations, Student Government Association initiatives and volunteer activities.

“We know that learning happens both inside and outside the classroom, and it is important that we give students opportunities to develop as leaders,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “Their success while they are students is a testament to their potential to be the leaders of the future.”

Three Rowan-Cabarrus students were selected as the 2020-2021 Student Excellence Award winners and represented the College within the North Carolina Community College System. These students rose to the top of a field of hundreds of applications who were invited to submit essays and information for the awards.

Taylor Brigman was honored as the Rowan-Cabarrus Academic Excellence Award winner. The award recognizes the academic achievement, leadership, and community service of a student from each of the 58 institutions in the North Carolina Community College System. In addition to volunteering with campus and community organizations, Brigman currently represents more than 6,000 fellow students as Student Government Association president, serves on committees across the College, represents students at Board of Trustees meetings, and maintains a 4.0 grade point average.

Allyson Hucks was chosen as the Rowan-Cabarrus Dallas Herring Achievement Award nominee. Dr. Herring, a North Carolina native, is acknowledged as the philosophical godfather of the state’s community college system for his belief that education should be available to all and that community colleges should “take people from where they are, to as far as they can go.” Hucks found her college plans derailed when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 28. After intensive treatment, she emerged cancer-free, but was afraid the window for attending college had passed. Despite having a family to care for, she enrolled at

Rowan-Cabarrus and is now pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education, proving to herself and others that it is never too late for college.

Damola Ogunyomi is the College’s Governor Robert Scott Student Leadership Award nominee. Robert W. Scott served as N.C. State Governor and later as president of the North Carolina Community College System, and the award bearing his name honors students who demonstrate extraordinary leadership qualities. Ogunyomi, a native of Nigeria, is a nursing student at Rowan-Cabarrus who has held leadership positions in a variety of campus organizations, including serving as a Student Ambassador and serving as president of the Student Nurses Association. She also is a recipient of the RowanCabarrus Community College Silver Leadership Award.

Representing Rowan-Cabarrus in SkillsUSA competition, Ashton White made history with a second national championship at the 2019 national contest, becoming the first woman to repeat as a gold medalist in masonry. Other winners included Madison Curlee, silver, dental assisting; Alex Myers, bronze, HVACR; Brent Offenberger, bronze, plumbing; Cody Hill, bronze, electrical construction wiring; and Chris Basinger, fifth place, sheet metal.

During the 2021 Virtual NC State SkillsUSA Conference, the following Rowan-Cabarrus students captured wins:

Joshua Fruchtman, fourth place, automotive service; Morgan Stack, second place, cosmetology; Cody Hill, third place, electrical construction wiring; Pin Design: Brianna Richer, third place, pin design; Rachel Sedlacek, fourth place, pin design; Marc Fruchtman, first place, SP Showcase, engineering; Noah Arnsten, third place, t-shirt design; Jeinny Lopez Isep, fourth place, t-shirt design; and Darren Steele, fifth place, t-shirt design.

“We are incredibly proud of each of these remarkable students and their focus and diligence. They are among our best and brightest, and they represent our mission, vision and values well,” said Dr. Spalding.



Prestigious State and National Awards

“Rowan-Cabarrus has offered me opportunities to grow and taught me that challenges are to be met and overcome. I started as a shy student, anxious that I would be able to succeed in college. I graduated as a confident leader with a 4.0 grade point average, certain that I can succeed at a four-year university and in life.”
– Taylor Brigman, Academic Excellence Award Winner



Partnership Aims to Increase Educational Aspirations of the Community

The Rowan Education Collaborative is a first-of-itskind, innovative community initiative which brings together government and education leaders from across Rowan County to work toward the common goal of increasing local educational attainment and job opportunities.

The current group is comprised of the CEOs of these organizations, including Dr. Carol Spalding, President of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, Dr. Jimmy Jenkins, President of Livingstone College, Dr. David Nelson, President of Catawba College, Dr. Tony Watlington, Superintendent of Rowan-Salisbury Schools, Greg Edds, Chair and Jim Greene, Vice Chair of the Rowan County Board of Commissioners, Aaron Church, Rowan County Manager and Rod Crider, President and CEO of the Rowan Economic Development Commission, along with other key stakeholders from these organizations.

Collaboration with education advocates across the county has begun showing positive results for RowanCabarrus Community College, including approval by Rowan County voters of a historic $45 million bond to enhance and improve programs at the College’s North

Campus, as well as a new “Learn Local, Grow Local” articulation agreement with Catawba College that will enable graduates from Rowan-Cabarrus to transfer with junior class standing into more than 50 different pathways at Catawba College.

Additionally, the Career & College Promise (CCP) program at Rowan-Cabarrus is one significant way the College is contributing to the collaborative’s overall mission. The program gives local high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to complete tuition-free college courses while still in high school, in addition to the Rowan County Early College program which is located on the College’s North Campus. The Career & College Promise program helps students pave the way to future success by offering pathways that lead to certificates, diplomas and degrees, as well as introducing students to the many curriculum and career pathways available at Rowan-Cabarrus.

As a guiding statement, the Rowan Education Collaborative asks, “How can Rowan County create an agile talent framework that promotes prosperity for businesses and residents?”

*Photos include former Rowan-Salisbury Schools Superintendent Lynn Moody who retired in 2020 and former Catawba College President Brien Lewis who accepted a role as President of Transylvania University in 2020.


“By joining forces to align educational priorities across Rowan County, we can prepare students for sustainable careers and better position our region for growth,” said Dr. Carol Spalding, president of RowanCabarrus. “We want to attract the jobs of the future and build the workforce of the future.”

The Rowan Education Collaborative meets twice a month, working to streamline and elevate Rowan County’s educational system at all levels. Although these community, municipal and education leaders already worked together well, the creation of a formal collaborative has helped define the means and outcomes that will result in positive change.

Educational goals include exceeding national attainment rates, doubling the number of students who complete occupational and career education, creating career-focused opportunities for all students, and increasing the placement rate of graduates in jobs with Rowan County employers. This effort is in alignment with the ambitious educational attainment goals set by myFutureNC, a statewide nonprofit organization focused on educational attainment and the result of cross-sector collaboration between North Carolina leaders in education, business and government.

MyFutureNC aims to close the educational attainment gap in North Carolina by ensuring that by 2030, two million North Carolinians have a postsecondary degree or credential.

“The Rowan Education Collaborative continues to work toward the common goal of educational excellence and community prosperity, with the hope that all Rowan County students, from kindergarten to graduate school, can count on educational opportunities that will allow them to reach their goals,” Spalding said.

“Now, more than ever, we must stay focused on the future, and education is one of the most powerful ways we can ensure that we continue to move forward, as individuals and collectively.”
– Greg Edds, Chair, Rowan County Board of Commissioners



Building a Better Community for Life

March 3, 2020 marked a historic day for Rowan County and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College as voters passed a $45 million bond referendum to support construction of a technology education complex on the College’s North Campus in Salisbury.

“By voting in favor of the bond, Rowan County voters spoke in favor of economic progress for the county and the chance for themselves, their friends and their neighbors to enjoy a better quality of life and richer opportunities for success,” said Rowan-Cabarrus Board of Trustees Chair Chip Short.

Funding from the bond will allow Rowan-Cabarrus to expand and enhance technical programs directly related to Rowan County’s workforce and economic development needs. With the College’s welding, machining and automotive programs at capacity, modernized programming and facilities in these fields will allow the county to be more competitive in drawing new and expanding industry.

The bond will also support dual-credit programs that allow high school students to participate in career and technical education and Career & College Promise programs, offering them an opportunity to save money on future college credits. The average high school student can save approximately $600 per semester by enrolling in courses part-time at RowanCabarrus prior to graduation.

Additionally, the College plans to use bond funding to construct a first-of-its kind firefighter decontamination facility on North Campus. Without proper decontamination processes, firefighters may retain exposure to carcinogens and other contaminants that put themselves and their families at risk. The facility will train firefighters on proper gear removal and elimination of these hazards.

The 2020 bond referendum will allow Rowan-Cabarrus Community College to continue its forward-thinking approach of preparing the workforce of the region and ensuring that residents of Rowan County can become more prosperous by raising the educational aspirations and achievements of themselves and their families. For more than 50 years, the College has been committed to anticipating the region’s educational and industry needs and to helping Rowan County stay competitive and relevant in economic development.

“We are so thankful to the Rowan County voters for their support of the bond. This is a vote of confidence in our institution,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “We want to provide our students with sustainable futures and our community with continued promise and prosperity.”



owan-Cabarrus Community College, Castle & Cooke North Carolina and the City of Kannapolis were named the North Carolina Community College System’s 2019 Distinguished Partners in Excellence, honoring their unique collaboration in supporting the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College’s role in workforce development.

The partnership award focused on two notable collaboration efforts: a significant investment from the City of Kannapolis to relocate the College’s cosmetology program from West Avenue in downtown Kannapolis to the former Big Lots shopping center in support of the City’s downtown revitalization project, and the donation of nearly three acres of land from Castle & Cooke North Carolina on the North Carolina Research Campus where the College’s Advanced Technology Center is now located.

“This three-way partnership is producing successes in educational opportunities, workforce preparation and economic development,” said Kannapolis Mayor Darrell Hinnant. “Together, we can create new and better opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds and interests. We expect our work to continue to propel more growth and prosperity for the city and the entire region.”

The Rowan-Cabarrus cosmetology program, one of the largest and most successful in the state, offers comprehensive scientific and artistic education with hands-on training in a salon environment. The Advanced Technology Center houses classroom and laboratory facilities to provide industryrecognized certifications, hands-on skills and customized training to address the educational needs of companies with high technology demands.

“When public and private entities can come to the table and say, ‘We’ve got a common goal and we’re willing to go the distance to make a real impact,’ it makes a huge difference in our community and in the lives of individuals who live and work here,” Dr. Spalding said. “Here at Rowan-Cabarrus, we are committed to being a catalyst for economic and workforce development in our region. It’s hard to do that if you’re all alone, and we’re not. Castle & Cooke North Carolina and the City of Kannapolis have been on board and have been willing to support us.”

A committee of State Board of Community Colleges members chose the recipient of the award. The committee looked for demonstrated concern for advanced education relative to economic and workforce development in the community, as well as education training and services; financial support of a community college or program; an active partner relationship between the company and the community college; and evidence of a firm commitment on the part of the business/partnership to community colleges and of a firm commitment by the community college to the business/partnership.

“We are absolutely thrilled to bring home yet another distinguished honor from the state level,” said Carl M. Short, Jr., chair of the Rowan-Cabarrus Board of Trustees. “The partnership with Castle & Cooke North Carolina and the City of Kannapolis has been a strong one, forged on mutual respect, trust, and a shared goal of tenaciously going after a bold vision for a better future.”

“The unique partnership between Rowan-Cabarrus, Castle & Cooke NC and the City of Kannapolis works for the good of the entire region. We are creating new educational opportunities, a ready workforce, and economic growth that will benefit our citizens for many years to come.”
– Kannapolis Mayor Darrell Hinnant


owan-Cabarrus Community College President Dr. Carol S. Spalding received the prestigious President of the Year award for 2019 by the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges. She is the first leader in RowanCabarrus history to receive the honor.

The President of the Year Award, sponsored by Wells Fargo, was established by the State Board in 2001. The award encourages, identifies and rewards outstanding leadership and commitment to the community college mission among the presidents of the 58 institutions of the North Carolina Community College System.

“My fellow trustees and I are delighted that the State Board of Community Colleges has recognized Dr. Spalding for her visionary leadership,” said Carl M. Short, chair of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustees. “Dr. Spalding’s leadership has taken Rowan-Cabarrus Community College to new heights of excellence by embracing innovation and fostering strong partnerships. She serves our institution, our community and the state of North Carolina with warmth, humility and a passion for student success.”

Short nominated Spalding as part of a competitive selection process in which an eight-page narrative is submitted and candidates are interviewed by an awards committee. The awards process emphasizes accomplishments that presidents have led in the past three years at their institutions –demonstrating broad community partnerships, improving services through technology, workforce education, economic development, advocacy at the local and state levels, long-range planning, innovation in program development and supporting professional development for college employees, among other criteria.

“For the past decade, Dr. Carol Spalding has built the College’s leadership team, capability, physical plant and business proposition to serve the community,” said Short. “Dr. Spalding has dedicated her career to the mission of the community college and its service to students, and we are privileged to have her as our leader.”

Since becoming president in 2008, Spalding has built a reputation as a strong advocate for student success and the community college’s role in developing North Carolina’s workforce and economy. She has grown the College’s continuing education and training programs and facilitated a group of community leaders to align and leverage economic development efforts within Rowan County.

“The list of Dr. Spalding’s achievements goes on and on,” said Short. “From cutting-edge technology and sustainability to partnerships with the community, government, public schools and other community colleges, her vision, passion and energy have led to outstanding student success at RowanCabarrus Community College.”



Rowan-Cabarrus Offers North Carolina’s Largest Fire and Rescue Training Program

Recognized as one of the top providers of fire and emergency services training in North Carolina, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College continues to excel and provide more opportunities for student success each year.

The College offers training programs in basic law enforcement, fire and rescue certification, emergency management, emergency medical science and health occupations. As the programs continue to grow and expand, Rowan-Cabarrus constructed a new fire training tower on North Campus and is making use of the recently acquired land adjacent to the College’s South Campus (formerly known as Angelo’s Fish House), which has been upfitted as an additional law enforcement education facility. Additionally, with the passage of the Rowan-Cabarrus 2020 bond referendum in Rowan County, a groundbreaking decontamination training facility is planned on North Campus to train firefighters in best practices to minimize the danger of long-term exposure to carcinogens and contaminants.

“The College is passionate about providing the best possible training and education for our students to become professionals dedicated to reducing the loss of life and property in our community from fire and other hazards and emergencies,” said Roger McDaniel, director of the fire and emergency services program.

In 2019, the College’s Fire and Emergency Services program received official Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) recognition from the United States Fire Administration. This prestigious honor acknowledges that the College’s fire and emergency services degree program meets standards of excellence established by FESHE professional development committees and the National Fire Academy.

“This is a significant industry recognition, and it certainly will benefit our students to be able to work

through the National Fire Academy,” said Lee Ennis, program chair of Rowan-Cabarrus fire technology and assistant director of fire and emergency services.

Rowan-Cabarrus already offers North Carolina’s largest fire and rescue program and is now listed on the National Fire Academy website and able to work directly with the National Fire Association (NFA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its emergency services degree delivery.

Rowan-Cabarrus is one of six community colleges in the state’s 58-college system to receive this national recognition. These accredited institutions have demonstrated a commitment to the national FESHE model of standardized professional development education criteria in delivering degree programs emphasizing firefighting response, fire prevention, fire administration and Emergency Medical Services management.

The Fire Protection Technology degree programs at Rowan-Cabarrus provide students with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to work and advance in fire protection, administration and management. Coursework includes fire prevention and safety, public education, building construction, fire ground strategies and tactics, and local government finance and laws as they apply to emergency services management. Graduates pursue employment with providers of emergency medical services, fire departments, rescue agencies, hospital specialty areas, industry, and educational and government agencies.

The College also entered into a


bilateral articulation agreement with Fayetteville State University that will allow students who complete an associate degree in Fire Protection Technology at Rowan-Cabarrus to transfer seamlessly to Fayetteville State to complete their bachelor’s degree in Fire and Emergency Services Administration at an affordable cost. The agreement became effective with the fall 2019 semester.

“We are thrilled to be able to partner with Fayetteville State University on this unique opportunity to benefit a student population that is dedicating their careers to keeping our communities safe. This transfer agreement opens the door to an efficient and affordable bachelor’s degree, which aligns with our commitment to help our students navigate as far as they can go,” said Rowan-Cabarrus President Dr. Carol S. Spalding.

Fayetteville State University leaders visited RowanCabarrus for a formal recognition of the agreement.

“We are a statewide leader in public safety training, and this unique facility provides the latest and most innovative and specialized training available today for emergency response personnel. The result is better service for the citizens of our community.”

While on campus, they visited and toured the College’s fire and emergency services facilities and training grounds.

The associate-to-bachelor transfer program is offered online and accepts transfer credits from RowanCabarrus as well as honoring prior professional certifications.

“It is a significant advantage for our students to have this option, because the fire service industry in general is becoming more reliant on education for hiring and promotions,” Ennis said. “More and more, a bachelor’s degree is required to move up in an organization, and we want our students to be able to achieve their ultimate career goals. It’s a great deal for the student, and it is a bonus that the fire programs of the two schools are so well-aligned with one another.”



Expanded Healthcare Programs Educate the Heroes of Tomorrow


owan-Cabarrus Community College continues to educate the next generation of healthcare workers as its programs grow in popularity among students. The College offers nursing degrees, along with programs in radiography, occupational therapy assisting, physical therapist assisting, dental assisting, and related degrees for professionals in healthcare offices and clinical settings.

As more students than ever seek education for careers in healthcare, Rowan-Cabarrus anticipates the needs of the industry by tailoring its programs to provide students with opportunities to train for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The College has increased its nursing program by 53 percent, from 150 to 230 students annually, to meet workforce needs, and has implemented a Practical Nursing to Associate Degree Nursing transition program.

Students choose Rowan-Cabarrus for a direct route to relevant certificates, diplomas and degrees

that allow them to join the workforce in a wide range of positions that are vital to the fabric of the community. Local hospitals, clinics, labs, schools and childcare centers are staffed with graduates of Rowan-Cabarrus.

The Associate Degree Nursing program provides high-quality, two-year path for students seeking a career as a registered nurse and promotes the transition of the licensed practical nurse into the role of registered nurse, with top pass rates on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEXRN) and abundant employment opportunities. The Rowan-Cabarrus nursing programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission of Education in Nursing, Inc (ACEN).

The College’s Nurse Aide I and II programs teach fundamental skills required of health professionals and are a popular choice for students seeking a short-term path to employment. Upon successful

completion, Nurse Aide I students are eligible to take the N.C. Division of Health Service Regulation Nurse Aide Registry Exam to become certified for employment by hospitals, long-term facilities, and home health agencies. Nurse Aide II students are eligible to be listed with the N.C. Board of Nursing, Nurse Aide Central Registry.

Rowan-Cabarrus students are top performers on required standardized credentialing exams and enjoy abundant employment opportunities. The Radiography program has achieved a 100% first-time pass rate for the credentialing exam for nine consecutive years, with the Practical Nursing program enjoying a 100% first-time credential exam pass rate for the past eight years. The Occupational Therapy Assisting program’s first cohort, which began in 2017, graduated in the spring of 2019 with a 100% credentialing exam pass rate. The College’s Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Dental Assisting and Radiography programs also have a 100% employment rate.

In 2019, the College began offering an Associate in Applied Science degree in Healthcare Management Technology (HMT), designed to develop workforceready professionals for technology-based healthcare roles. Healthcare Management Technology replaces the College’s Medical Office Administration and Office Administration programs.

“With a curriculum more focused on areas such as electronic health records, medical billing, insurance and financial management, we will be able to

provide the most competitive degrees available and prepare students for the current and emerging needs of the job market,” said Zack Hubbard, program chair.

Not only do the College’s health occupations students benefit from high-quality instruction and state-of-the-art facilities, but they also give back by volunteering on campus and in the community to further their knowledge and help others.

The College’s nursing and dental assisting programs joined forces in 2019 to host the first “Give Back, Smile Back,” a free screening and treatment event for students. Volunteers provided more than $13,500 in free dental services, along with free medical and mental health screenings for nearly 75 individuals. The project was funded by the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation. Dental care included cleanings, simple extractions and fillings, and medical screenings included blood pressure checks, body mass index (BMI) analysis, finger sticks for blood testing, cholesterol checks and glucose checks.

“We know that many of our students do not have medical and dental insurance, and that often means putting their health care needs on hold,” said Meredith Parker, dental assisting instructor at Rowan-Cabarrus. “It was a dream come true for us to be able to collaborate and offer services to help our students take charge of their health.”

“As the demand for qualified healthcare workers continues to grow, Rowan-Cabarrus is committed to offering quality instruction, state-of-the-art facilities and unparalleled career preparation for the next generation of caring professionals.”
– Dr. Wendy Barnhardt, Dean of Health and Education Programs
Building sustainable futures through the power of learning.
“There’s probably not a better place you can take a dollar and get a return in someone’s life that can make the difference between them taking from the community or being able to give back.”
– Denise Hallett, RowanCabarrus Foundation board member


ver 300 guests and students gathered at the Speedway Club for the 2019 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Changing Lives Scholarship Luncheon to celebrate the success of scholarship recipients and thank those who made their journeys possible through the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation.

Although the College was unable to welcome guests in person in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Foundation continued to provide students with scholarship assistance thanks to the ongoing generosity of many friends of the College. In a video distributed via the College’s website, social media and email, friends of Rowan-Cabarrus were able to hear students Isaac Mayle and Curshla Sherrill talk about the difference the generosity of others had made in their lives. Mayle was pursuing an Associate in Science degree with the goal of studying engineering at N.C. State, and Sherrill was completing the Rowan-Cabarrus occupational therapy assistant program, thanks to scholarships through the Foundation.

The Foundation provides financial assistance to hundreds of students every year, allowing them to focus on their educational goals with less concern for financial constraints. Donors fulfill their heartfelt philanthropic interests and make a lasting difference in the lives of students from our local communities.

“This is an investment,” said Denise Hallett, manager of community and government relations at Vulcan Materials Company and a member of the RowanCabarrus Foundation Board. “We talk in business about return on investment, and there’s probably not a better place you can take a dollar and get a return in someone’s life that can make the difference between them taking from the community or being able to give back.”

The Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation raised more than $62,000 at the 2019 event to support new and existing scholarships and student emergency needs. Foundation Board members Elaine Spalding and Brian Hiatt co-chaired the event.

Rowan-Cabarrus pursued other significant projects thanks to the contributions of donors, including continued work on the solar energy project on North Campus. A total $3.35 million generous gift from local philanthropists Fred and Alice Stanback has been

used to fund two rooftop phases of the solar project, along with a ground mounted system as part of a public-private partnership. The combined systems, once completed, will constitute the largest solar system at any North Carolina community college, providing energy equivalent to power 200 homes for a year and avoiding the introduction of roughly 2,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

“We’re dedicated to sustainability on many fronts. We want to be good stewards with sustainable energy generation, but we’re also using the generosity from donors to create sustainable futures for students,” said Rowan-Cabarrus President Dr. Carol S. Spalding. “The income from energy produced by the solar project will allow the Foundation to provide professional development and student scholarship funding for years to come. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving.”

Additionally, beginning in early 2020, Rowan County travelers passing by the College’s North Campus via I-85 were greeted with a bright, new campus beacon in the form of a 35-foot-tall digital marquee at the border of the campus nearest the interstate. The sign serves as a new front door to Salisbury and bears customized news and messages about classes, registration, degree programs and more, the digital sign cost just over $200,000 and was funded by the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation thanks to a grant from the Cannon Charitable Trust.

The Foundation also supported the construction of the College’s Outdoor Learning Center (OLC), including an amphitheater and seating for approximately 1,000 people, which is under construction behind Buildings 500 and 600 on North Campus. Funded as part of the Rowan-Cabarrus Build a More Prosperous Community fundraising campaign with additional support from the Cannon Charitable Trust, the $1.6 million OLC will be used by both the College and the community as a site for classes, concerts, and other events. Construction began in March of 2020 and is expected to be completed in fall of 2021.

“The Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation is the best investment anyone can make,” said Sarah Devlin, Chief Officer of Governance, Advancement and Community Relations. “The innovative projects the Foundation supports help build a more prosperous community for us all.”



Rowan-Cabarrus Hosted Governor for State-wide Grant Announcement

In partnership with the Centralina Workforce Development Board, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College launched the Rebuild Your Future program to provide job training and guidance to individuals who identify their criminal record as a barrier to employment. Hundreds of people have received assistance through the program, which continues to grow.

Gov. Roy Cooper visited the Rowan-Cabarrus N.C. Research Campus location in February 2019 for the official launch of the program and lauded the College’s efforts to offer opportunities for people who have been justice-involved while continuing, as always, to help build a well-prepared local workforce.

“Well over 90 percent of people who happen to be incarcerated in our North Carolina prisons are going to be back out in society. Do we want them to be productive members of society, or do we want them to go right back into doing what got them there to start with?” Cooper asked. “I think we know what our moral obligation is and what our economic obligation is. North Carolina is better and safer when people who have paid their debt to society can find a path to success.”

Since its inception, the program has worked with more than 200 justice-involved residents in Cabarrus and Rowan counties to provide career exploration and job search assistance. Sixteen people have elected to enroll in the College’s Class B truck driver training and construction trades certification programs to prepare them for jobs. During 2020, COVID-19 presented significant challenges for the citizens of our community, but the ReBuild Your Future program reported no recidivism with participants during the pandemic.

“We meet individuals who are justice-involved where they are, including making presentations to area inmates,” said Keri Allman, director of R3 Services (ReFocus, ReTrain, ReEmploy) at Rowan-Cabarrus. “We also connect area business with individuals who are ready to advance in the workforce.”

ReBuild Your Future offers two sequences of specific job training, one leading to certification for work in light construction occupations and another to prepare students to obtain their Class B Commercial Driver’s License, which is often used in the construction field. Internships are part of the program, and eligible students may receive scholarships and support with challenges such as transportation.

The College hired dedicated recruiters to work as program advisors, lead community information sessions and provide guidance to employers.

“Our recruiters make this project distinctive and effective because of their specific expertise in assisting justice-involved, which they obtained through work and/or personal experience,”


Allman said. “They have unique skills that allow them to offer assistance with a comprehensive understanding of the complex challenges this population faces.”

Former offenders represent a large pool of untapped talent that is often overlooked by both educational institutions and employers. Within Rowan and Cabarrus counties, there are more than 3,400 former offenders currently under supervised probation and many more who have criminal records. Studies show that former offenders who find work are three times less likely to return to prison.

“My goal is to connect with those who are experiencing barriers to employment but are ready for the next step, whether that’s going back to finish a GED or getting a certification that creates better opportunities,” said recruiter Jessica Corum. “The biggest highlight for me is seeing those who are hungry for change being given an opportunity.”

Anthony Mack originally enrolled in Class B CDL truck driver training through ReBuild Your Future and decided to further his education in the RowanCabarrus fire training and EMS programs. Now employed with the East Spencer Fire Department, he aspires to one day lead the squad as fire chief.

“I have found my purpose,” Mack said. “I didn’t know that truck driving would lead me to firetrucks,

but it was the stepping-stone that built my confidence to pursue my dreams. Everyone had always told me that I wasn’t going to be anything, but I know now that I can accomplish anything.”

The program is made possible by a $400,000, two-year grant from the NCWorks Local Innovation Fund, part of Gov. Cooper’s NC Job Ready Initiative to address workforce challenges for underserved populations and develop talent for in-demand occupations. In February, Cooper formally announced that the Centralina Workforce Development Board, in partnership with Rowan-Cabarrus, would receive the grant for the ReBuild Your Future initiative.

In addition to the Centralina Workforce Development Board, the College partners with NCWorks Career Centers, law enforcement offices, community crisis assistance agencies and employers to help execute the program. Formal partnerships and processes also will be established to ensure that the program can continue even after the grant period has ended.

“Many individuals face barriers to employment because of a criminal background but are willing and eager to find good jobs. At the same time, local employers need trained workers,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “This program fulfills these needs and creates positive results for our community as a whole.”

College Secures Prestigious Federal Grants to Support Student Scholarships and Research

As employment opportunities increase in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), Rowan-Cabarrus Community College continues to execute scholarship and research programs through the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, allowing talented students to pursue STEM-based degrees, first at the associate level and then at the bachelor level at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

In a regional partnership with UNC Charlotte and Gaston College, the College is offering the SPARC4 (STEM Persistence and Retention via Curricula, Centralization, Cohorts and Collaboration) scholarship, funded by the National Science Foundation, and the Bridges to Baccalaureate program, funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Scholarship and research opportunities are available to students pursuing degrees in the biological sciences, with the aim of increasing the number of students who pursue STEM-related majors, raising academic scores, and achieving higher completion rates.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for deserving students to receive significant financial support both at RowanCabarrus and UNC Charlotte,” said Dr. Carol Scherczinger, dean of arts and sciences at Rowan-Cabarrus. “The academic, financial and social support these students receive will help them reach a higher level of success in their educational and career goals.”

The SPARC scholarship provides students with money for collegerelated expenses, plus one-on-one mentoring and a cohort classroom

experience with other scholarship recipients. Funds may be used for housing, gas and other needs in addition to tuition. The scholarships are available to Rowan-Cabarrus students with demonstrated financial need and academic promise in STEM disciplines. A student who meets the criteria is eligible to apply for up to $6,000 per year at the community college level and may also qualify to receive $7,500 per year upon transferring to UNCC.

“Increasing the number of students pursuing careers in STEM fields is critical to diversifying the scientific and technical skills available for employers in our region,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “This collaborative grant supports students who show great promise, and we believe they are more than worth the investment.”

The Bridges to Baccalaureate program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, aims to increase the number of community college students entering the biomedical sciences by exposing students early in their education to targeted resources and realworld research experiences. Paid research positions offer students a unique one-on-one relationship



with faculty in a lab setting, with the goal of helping them maximize their learning potential.

It is hoped that these regional student-focused projects will contribute to the broader nationwide conversation around what helps – or hinders –community college students as they work towards careers in STEM fields, particularly in the life sciences.

“The College is proud to participate in collaborations that increase the number of students who are able to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math,” said Rowan-Cabarrus Vice President of Academic Programs Dr. Michael Quillen. “Educating students to excel and innovate in these important fields of study is critical to our region’s workforce and prosperity.”

“I feel I will be well-prepared for a four-year university, because the SPARC program not only helps with the financial aspect, but helps us develop good study skills and a passion for learning.”
– Sophia Wingo, SPARC scholarship recipient


Students Sweep Statewide Awards

t Rowan-Cabarrus, connecting our students with the College and each other is an important part of helping them reach their goals. By offering a wide variety of ways in which students can engage and immerse themselves, we are able to meet them where they are, empower them to see what their futures can be, and help them achieve their goals for a better tomorrow.

Our energetic Student Life team works to create experiences that help students become involved in campus activities, academic and special interest clubs and organizations, and community outreach. These events range from the annual campus spring fling and fall festival to holiday and cultural celebrations. The tradition of $5 Fridays continues, offering students the opportunity to take College-sponsored day trips that expand their exposure to culture and experience and allow them to build relationships with one another. Popular trips include horseback riding, ski trips and tours of the Biltmore Estate in Asheville.

“These outings are a unique way for students to explore new places and experiences, as well as get to know one another and form friendships that often last far beyond graduation,” said Barb Meidl, director of student life and leadership.

The College’s Student Government Association (SGA) is active on campus, in the community and across the state, and was recognized in 2019 with the prestigious “Top C” award as the best overall campus at the North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government banquet in Raleigh.

The “Top C” award is presented to the school that demonstrates the qualities most consistent with the community tradition expected from the 58 institutions within the North Carolina Community College System. Rowan-Cabarrus was chosen based on its SGA’s promotion of involvement, citizenship and interaction of students on campus, as well as in the community.

Eva Nicholson, the 2018-2019 Rowan-Cabarrus SGA president, won the state-wide Eddie H. Myers Outstanding Advocacy Award. During his tenure at Rowan-Cabarrus, Myers was tireless in his commitment to community college students, particularly those involved in student government. The award bearing his name is presented to an individual who is committed to advocacy and implementing positive change on campus and in the community. Nicholson was recognized for her leadership and proven ability to motivate others to embrace change.

Nicholson also won the Ray Jefferies Award, which honors a student who has displayed outstanding leadership and support for the North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA). Jefferies made significant contributions to the creation and success of the N4CSGA. This award is selected by the N4SGA Executive Board to honor a student who has displayed outstanding leadership and support for the organization.

“Our active Student Government Association is one way that the College engages students and helps them reach their potential,” said Natasha Lipscomb, vice president of student success at RowanCabarrus. “Here at Rowan-Cabarrus, we have the privilege to see this group working hard and making a huge difference on our campuses every day, and it is wonderful to see them receive recognition on a broader scale with these state awards.”



“Although now is certainly a difficult time, it is also the perfect time to work toward your baccalaureate degree by taking high-quality, affordable without having to move away.”

-Dr. Michael Quillen, Vice President of Academic Programs


Rowan-Cabarrus is the First Choice for Students Seeking a Bachelor’s Degree

Long gone are the days when a four-year university marked the only path to a bachelor’s degree. As students have become savvy, cost-conscious consumers, the “two and two” option of completing two years at a community college before transferring to a four-year institution has become more popular than ever.

“With the cost of college continuing to rise, many students are ‘customizing’ their education in the way that makes the most sense for them, and we are confident they are making the right choice by starting at RowanCabarrus,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “The high quality and affordability of our classes are persuading more students to begin their quest for a bachelor’s degree at a community college. Our small classes, taught by accomplished faculty members with a minimum of a master’s degree, mean students get the individual attention they deserve.”

In recent years, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College has increased emphasis on serving the transfer student, offering dedicated one-on-one transfer advising, an online Transfer Center, and a Transfer and University Partnership team focused on forming relationships with universities and ensuring that credits transfer.

Thanks to agreements with the University of North Carolina’s 16 universities, hundreds of students a year transfer from Rowan-Cabarrus to the UNC system, and many others transfer to private or out-of-state colleges. UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, and UNC Wilmington are three of the most popular transfer universities for students at Rowan-Cabarrus.

Rowan-Cabarrus transfer students take courses with the same level of rigor and expertise as those at four-year colleges and universities at a fraction of the cost, with the added advantages of smaller classes and more personal attention from faculty.

“The expert faculty and their commitment to both their students and to their respective fields is one of the most rewarding parts of attending college at RowanCabarrus,” said Vice President of Academic Programs Dr. Michael Quillen. “Our instructors are top-notch, with faculty holding degrees from some of the most esteemed

graduate programs in the country. They conduct research, publish articles and books, and regularly contribute to their professional fields while leading students into the future through education. In fact, many of our part-time faculty members teach the exact same courses at universities that they do at Rowan-Cabarrus.”

In response to COVID-19, the College transitioned courses online, continuing to serve students by delivering instruction in a combination of virtual and hybrid classes. Many classes continue to be offered online as RowanCabarrus, a Top 10 Digital College, remains dedicated to offering students flexible options that meet their needs whether they prefer to study virtually or in person.

The College offers many online degrees that are fully transferable, and students enjoy one-on-one support from advisors every step of the way. While many degrees at Rowan-Cabarrus transfer to four-year institutions, the College’s traditional college transfer degree programs include Associate in Arts, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts, and Associate in Science. In addition, some technical degree programs also transfer on a case-by-case basis.

The College also enters into bilateral articulation agreements with individual universities, allowing a seamless transfer into specific programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree, including a “Learn Local, Grow Local” partnership with Catawba College that includes more than 50 degrees, as well as a guaranteed transfer agreement with UNC Wilmington. Students who complete an associate degree in Fire Protection Technology at Rowan-Cabarrus can transfer to Fayetteville State University to complete their bachelor’s degree in Fire and Emergency Services Administration at an affordable cost. To serve the large nursing student population, Rowan-Cabarrus participates in the uniform articulation agreement with the University of North Carolina’s RN to BSN program, an affordable pathway that allows registered nurses to meet the requirements needed to enter a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

TUITION-FREE CLASSES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Students Excel with a Head Start on College Classes

The highly successful Career & College Promise program at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College reinforces the longstanding partnership with our local K-12 school systems, offering tuition-free classes to high school juniors and seniors who want to get a “jump start.” The College also works alongside our area school systems to support three early college high school programs including the Cabarrus/ Kannapolis Early College, the Cabarrus Early College of Technology and the Rowan County Early College.

In addition to these three strong early college programs, Rowan-Cabarrus is also a state leader in providing college level Career & College Promise courses. The College has experienced continued growth in Career & College Promise course enrollment, with an average increase of over 400 students per year (32% growth) since 2016. In 2019-2020, the College served 2,305 students (unduplicated) in CCP courses.

“I think it’s awesome that high school students can have a chance to experience college-level classes,” said Chloe Patterson, who received college credits during her time at West Rowan High School before enrolling at N.C. State University. “The classes helped me with responsibility and time management, which are so important in college. Plus, the courses helped me get ahead and save money.”

The Career & College Promise program offers two tracks, one for students to specialize in a career or technical pathway such as criminal justice, machining, cosmetology, or welding, and another for students to prepare for general transfer.

Daniel Leonard, a graduate of Jesse C. Carson High School, took four Career & College Promise classes during his senior year and added two more the summer following graduation. He then enrolled at Rowan-Cabarrus to study HVAC technology and electrical engineering.

“With the money I saved taking CCP classes and the affordability of Rowan-Cabarrus courses, I will come out ready to go right to work at a good job and owing little to nothing, when some students leave college owing a whole lot of money,” Leonard said. “I would tell any high school student to get involved in the CCP program, not only to save money, but to get a better idea what college is all about and to figure out what they want to do.”

To enhance the ability for students to take advantage of Career & College Promise opportunities, high schools in the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College service area are fully accredited as off-site locations by the Southern Association of College and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Rowan County high schools include East Rowan, Henderson Independent, Jesse Carson, Salisbury, South Rowan and West Rowan. Cabarrus County high schools include Central Cabarrus, Concord, Cox Mill, Hickory Ridge, Jay M. Robinson, Mount Pleasant, Northwest Cabarrus, and Performance Learning Center.

“A strong partnership with the local K-12 school systems is of the utmost importance to us, and programs like Career & College Promise are a wonderful avenue for students to get ahead,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “By experiencing real college classes, students not only get college credit, but ultimately feel better prepared for their next step in life.”



The College selects a group of outstanding students each year as official Rowan-Cabarrus Student Ambassadors. Student Ambassadors reach out to prospective students, conduct campus tours, participate in and help promote various college events, and assist with the successful transition of new students to the campus.

The College began the Student Ambassador program in 2010. Sponsored by the RowanCabarrus Foundation, the leadership program provides scholarships to the student participants, as well as offering robust leadership development opportunities.

“This opportunity enables a prestigious team of students to develop skills that will benefit them well beyond their time here at Rowan-Cabarrus, including public speaking, networking and communication and interpersonal skills,” said Rowan-Cabarrus Director of Student Life and Leadership Barb Meidl.

Representing the College for the 2020-2021 term are: Sara Ahmadi (Associate in Applied Science, Business Administration); Justin Davis (Associate in Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering Technology); Grace Kenyon (Associate in Science);

Ambassadors selected for 2019-2020 were: Claire Allen (Associate in Arts); Stephen Blankenship (Associate in Applied Science, Information Technology); Autumn Goodwin (Associate in General Education, Pre-Health); Isaac Mayle (Associate in Science, Engineering); Grace Peters (Associate in Applied Science, Welding); Sophia Pimentel (Associate in Science); and Xu “Lilly” Shuying (Associate in Science).

“I am very proud of our Ambassador program. We believe that developing our students into community leaders and responsible, active citizens is part of our job,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of RowanCabarrus. “The Ambassador experience will equip these students to be engaged, effective leaders in their careers and communities.”

Briant McDaniel (Associate in Science); and Alshonda Peoples (Associate in Arts).


owan-Cabarrus Community College Excellence in Teaching awards recognize faculty who go beyond the expected levels of delivering instruction and improving educational excellence in serving students.

Aaron Tallman and Jessica Parker were selected as the College’s Excellence in Teaching award recipients for 2018-2019.

During the 2018-2019 academic year, Aaron Tallman was a full-time graphic design instructor at RowanCabarrus. He holds an Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Arts & Imaging Technology from Catawba Valley Community College.

Jessica Parker, part-time recipient, has been an adjunct biotechnology and life sciences instructor at Rowan-Cabarrus since 2014. She teaches general biology and anatomy/physiology course labs at the College and is a full-time science teacher with Cabarrus County Schools. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a Master of Arts in Science Education from East Carolina University.

Award recipients for 2019-2020 were full-time criminal justice and emergency management instructor F. Wayne Laney, Jr. and part-time social sciences instructor Meghan Varner.

Laney, who was also named an Excellence in Teaching winner for 2016-2017, is a decorated law enforcement officer who began as a full-time

criminal justice faculty member in August 2015 after serving for a year as an adjunct instructor. In addition to teaching criminal justice, he is also an emergency management instructor and serves as the WorkBased Learning coordinator for the criminal justice program and as the faculty advisor for the Criminal Justice Association. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from the University of South Carolina, along with master’s degrees in criminal justice administration and emergency services management. He is in the second year of the Doctor of Criminal Justice program at Saint Leo University, specializing in Homeland Security.

Varner is an adjunct instructor of political science at Rowan-Cabarrus and has more than 10 years of experience providing leadership, management and education for government departments and universities. She earned a Juris Doctorate from Elon University School of Law and a Master of Public Administration from the University of North CarolinaWilmington. She holds bachelor’s degrees in political science and business administration, with a minor in history, from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

“Rowan-Cabarrus has a long and proud tradition of hiring highly qualified and dedicated faculty,” said Dr. Michael Quillen, vice president of academic programs. “These outstanding instructors certainly are representative of that, and we appreciate the impact they have made on our students.”



owan-Cabarrus Community College’s College and Career Readiness programs provide instruction for students requiring basic skills and education to help them navigate forward in life. This includes high school equivalency (HSE) preparation, English Language Learner (ELL) support, and education for the intellectually disabled.

The High School Equivalency program prepares adult students to earn a North Carolina Equivalency Diploma, which is nationally recognized as equivalent to a traditional high school diploma. The HSE program covers social studies, science, literature, mathematics and writing.

The English Language Learner program is intended to help students whose native language is not English gain skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking English. In 2019, the College held its first official ELL graduation ceremony, honoring graduates from seven countries: China, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and the Ukraine.

“You are an inspiration; never stop learning,” said speaker Mary Jane Hartley, a career & college readiness instructor at Rowan-Cabarrus. Quoting Ford Motor Company founder and business magnate Henry Ford, she encouraged graduates to keep forging ahead: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

S.O.A.R. (Skills, Opportunity, Awareness, Readiness) is a community college program designed to help adults with intellectual disabilities become as independent as possible by acquiring basic and life skills. Classes are built around the student’s strengths and goals, with a curriculum that covers functional academics, community living, health and safety, leisure activities and humanities. Students have access to computers and other technology, as well as opportunities to participate in campus and community activities.

“Rowan-Cabarrus is a school of lifelong learning, and we love to see students take the educational steps to improve their lives and careers,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “We are here to serve the many students who are motivated to move the needle in their favor, and we could not be prouder of their achievements.”


North Carolina Manufacturing Institute (NCMI) Students Continue to

Land High-Tech, High-Wage Jobs

The North Carolina Manufacturing Institute (NCMI) continues to thrive, with 45 partner manufacturers on board. Graduates with little to no manufacturing experience are securing employment by transforming themselves into career-ready manufacturing professionals through the NCMI no-cost, eight-week training program.

“I absolutely love my job and can honestly say I never would have gotten a job like this if I hadn’t received the NC Manufacturing Institute scholarship and gone through the training program,” said graduate Chris McDonald. “My work is satisfying. I have a real career now. I’m getting paid vacations for the first time in my life.”

The North Carolina Manufacturing Institute aims to build a clear and achievable pathway for people to acquire the skills needed to perform manufacturing jobs in our local community. The growth and popularity of these clean, high-tech jobs has led to a high demand for a qualified workforce.

Selected participants enroll in the program for free, thanks to support from local manufacturers. Individuals acquire knowledge and skills in safety, quality assurance, manufacturing processes and maintenance awareness, graduating with two national certifications – the Manufacturing Skill

Standards Council’s Certified Production Technician and the Career Readiness Certification.

“This program is for anyone who wants a quality full-time job with full benefits – it doesn’t matter what your background is; it matters what your future is,” said Craig Lamb, vice president of corporate and continuing education at Rowan-Cabarrus. “There are well-paying jobs in manufacturing available right here in Rowan and Cabarrus counties.”

The North Carolina Manufacturing Institute is a partnership conceived with leaders from Rowan and Cabarrus counties from both chambers of commerce, economic development authorities, the Centralina Workforce Development Board, Mitchell Community College and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.

“Our scholarship fund, financed by local employers, ensures that we can offer this training at no cost to the individual. They also plan to hire many of the graduates,” said Lamb. “Individuals train 20 hours per week for a total of eight weeks, and almost 90 percent of graduates find full-time employment within one month of graduating.”



owan-Cabarrus Community College’s marketing team received three national awards in the 34th Annual Educational Advertising Awards competition, sponsored by the Higher Education Marketing Report. The Educational Advertising Awards is the one of the largest, oldest and most respected educational advertising awards competitions in the country.

Allison Robinson and Carter Wingfield, graphic designers in the marketing department, received honors from among 2,200 entries from over 1,000

colleges, universities and secondary schools from all 50 states and several foreign countries.

“We are fortunate to have these talented artists working hard every day to brand the College and help tell our story,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of RowanCabarrus. “As these national awards confirm, RowanCabarrus delivers high-caliber communications to increase awareness of the quality of our programs and our commitment to educating our community.”

Judges for the Educational Advertising Awards consisted of a national panel of higher education marketers, advertising creative directors, marketing and advertising professionals and the editorial board of Higher Education Marketing Report. Higher Education Marketing Report is one of the nation’s leading publications for higher education marketing professionals.

Robinson won two gold awards, for the College’s 2017 Annual Report, “A Year of Advancement,” and an invitation for the annual holiday social. Wingfield won a bronze award for his billboard design bearing the message “Start Here,” which was seen on Interstate 85, directly across from the College’s North Campus.


One of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College’s top priorities is ensuring that students have access to the technology they need to complete their education.

In 2019, the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation received a Retention Through Technology grant from the Blanche and Julian Robertson Family Foundation, providing the funding necessary to offer laptop computers to qualifying low-income students who live in Rowan County.

“One barrier to success for many students is the high cost of digital devices and course materials, and we need to bridge this ‘digital divide,’” said Ken Ingle, chief information officer at Rowan-Cabarrus.

“Statistics show that many students skip or defer a class because of material costs. With 21st century digitally infused classrooms, such course materials include digital tools accessed via a computer.”

By offering low-income students access to computers through the Retention Through Technology grant, Rowan-Cabarrus aims to increase retention and pass rates among participants by 10 percent. In the initial cohort, 24 of 25 students persisted and continued.

Full-time students who are interested in the program apply and qualify through the College’s existing scholarship process. They must be enrolled full-time (12-plus hours), live in Rowan County, and maintain a grade point average no lower than 2.5 for an academic year or until graduation. As they “learn,” they have the opportunity to “earn” the ownership of the computer by fulfilling these obligations.

During Fall 2019, the grant provided nearly twenty students with laptops. The College’s Student Services and Information Services divisions are partnering to deliver the laptops to qualifying students.



Rowan-Cabarrus was One of Eight National Recipients of the 2019 Welding Workforce Grant from the American Welding Society

The Rowan-Cabarrus Community College welding program produced the first graduating class when the institution opened in 1963. Today, the program is nationally recognized and continues to grow, adding new technology to train students for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

“We are experiencing a strong increase in interest in welding as a career,” said Rowan-Cabarrus Welding Program Chair Brandon Hoffner, who is a 2005 graduate of the Rowan-Cabarrus program and took over its leadership in 2019.

Rowan-Cabarrus was one of eight national recipients of the 2019 Welding Workforce Grant from the American Welding Society, which provided $25,000 that the College used to purchase high-tech virtual welding equipment.

The welding department also meets the requirements to be a certified Lincoln Electric Education Partner School (LEEPS) and offers certification through the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3).

“Our program is not about sitting in a welding booth for three or four hours to get a grade,” Hoffner said. “This is about giving students hands-on training to prepare them for a good job. Welding technology is changing at a fast pace, with computerized equipment and robotics. It takes the latest equipment to train the best graduates.”

The Rowan-Cabarrus program features classroom and lab instruction, including three levels of gas tungsten arc welding, three levels of shielded metal arc welding, mig plate welding and orbital welding, with plans to incorporate flux cored arc welding, a process which is in high demand.

In addition to the welding facilities on the RowanCabarrus North Campus in Salisbury, A.L. Brown High School in Kannapolis has partnered with the College for the past four years to offer welding stations on its campus. Students who take welding courses there are considered part-time Rowan-Cabarrus students in the Career & College Promise dual enrollment program and receive college credits for course completion.

The College regularly hosts welding department open houses, giving high school students from across Rowan and Cabarrus counties a chance to learn about welding careers and get a hands-on feel for the process.

“Welding jobs can pay more than $100,000 a year, depending on the type of work you’re doing and where you’re located,” said Vice President of Academic Programs Dr. Michael Quillen, adding that many Rowan-Cabarrus welding graduates work locally at manufacturing plants, NASCAR shops and fabrication shops, and others have landed jobs across the country.

“Our thriving, diverse welding program is a great example of our commitment to preparing our citizens for sustainable careers and contributing to the region’s workforce needs and economic development,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “Nothing is more important to us than imparting the skills that help people change their lives for the better.”



Rowan-Cabarrus Leads the Way in Creating Opportunities for Cultural Discussion and Community Participation

When members of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Diversity and Inclusion Committee began planning for a community professional development event with national experts focusing on diversity, inclusion and equity, they never dreamed it would draw national, and even international, interest.

But as word spread about “A New Way Forward with G.U.I.D.E. (Growth, Understanding, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity), registrations began pouring in. Rowan-Cabarrus hosted participants from the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Colombia, Australia, Pakistan, Jamaica and the United Kingdom. The virtual event, held in November of 2020, drew more than 1,500 participants, and the College plans to make the G.U.I.D.E. conference an annual event.

“The current social and political climate calls for communities to be equipped to address historical racial inequalities and model values of inclusion and equity,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus. “It is my hope that this conference helped increase understanding of where we have been, where we are, where we need to go and, perhaps most importantly, what we need to do to get there.”

The College continues its commitment to contributing to the region’s rich cultural heritage. In late spring of 2019, the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation’s Inclusive Public Art initiative to create its own public art project.

The Foundation, in collaboration with the College’s Department of Fine & Applied Arts, launched the “Here’s My Story” initiative, focusing on community engagement and diversity and inclusion. Fabricators

from Cricket Forge LLC of Durham, N.C., created unique sculpted, audio-enabled benches designed to play audio clips of local citizens sharing their own experiences as members of a historically marginalized population. Visitors can hear people tell their personal stories, in their own voices, and the benches are inscribed with inspirational quotes from these narratives. Benches were installed in public locations across Rowan County, and plans are to continue rotating the audio narratives so that many more voices can be heard.

“We are honored to execute this project in Rowan County,” Dr. Spalding said. “By listening to others’ stories, we come to understand one another, and what unites us as people makes us better as a community.”

In the interest of creating collaborative community opportunities for students, Rowan-Cabarrus also partnered with Pottery 101 in 2019 to offer fine arts students a chance to experience classes at the downtown studio and retail shop.

Gallery owner Cheryl Goins offered studio space and pledged to share her personal entrepreneurial experience with students planning to pursue careers in art. A kickoff celebration at Pottery 101 welcomed the community to enjoy pottery demonstrations and learn more about the art of ceramics.

“We are fortunate to operate in a community that is so eager to share its talent and resources to help our students grow and move forward with their interests and careers,” said Dr. Spalding. “The culture of downtown Salisbury offers a great environment for creative learning. We believe this collaboration will not only benefit our students but will ultimately strengthen our community.”


The purpose of the RowanCabarrus Community College Foundation is to raise and manage funds, and enhance relationships that support the work of the College.

Thank you to the following individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations for contributing to the RowanCabarrus Foundation. This listing represents gifts during the 2019 and 2020 calendar year and every effort has been made to include all contributors. If your name was omitted, please know that your gift is appreciated and will be acknowledged.

Robert Abbate

Cindy Adams

Agility Fuel Systems, Inc.

Jon Aldridge

Henry and Karen Alexander

Robert Alexander

Lauren Allen

Keri Allman

Ben Allred

Tony and Margaret Almeida

James and Ginny Amendum

American Academic of Professional Coders Concord Chapter

Amesbury Truth

Rebecca Anderson

Greg and Cordelia Andrews

Dean Andrews

Kelli Antonides

Christine Asbury

Michael and Pearl Asbury

Christine Askeland

Lynda Banks

Janice Barbee

Rene Barger

Wendy Barnhardt

Matt and Gwin Barr

Kenn Bass

Bay State Milling Company

BB&T (Truist)

Jan Beatty

Tripp and Carol Beaver

Josh Beck

Amanda Belleville

Marjorie Benbow

Miriam Berrospi-Kish

BestCo, Inc.

Bethel Temple Faith Church

Rob Betler

Cameron Beverly

Jack and Trudy Beverly

Mary Beverly

Jenny Billings

Gary Blabon

Toney Black, Sr.

Jenny Bodenheimer

Jared Bodes

Jan Boone

Dan and Teena Boone

Eric and Cheryl Bopp

Donald Bost

Brad Bost

Tom and Rochelle Bost

Clay and Ellen Boyd

Bob and Deborah Appling Brannan, III

Jeffery Brian and Michelle Riley

Wade Brown

Angela Brown

Amy Brown

Paul and Melissa Brown

Brown Antique Equipment

Alfred Brown, Jr.

Phyllis Buie

Tracy Burr

Cabarrus Arena & Events Center

David and Dari Caldwell

David Cannon

William and Ann Cannon

Canteen Vending

Christopher Carman

Robert Carney, Jr.

Carolina Beverage Group, LLC

Carolina Precision Technologies, LLC

Carolina Small Business

Angela Carpenter

Stan and Carolyn Carpenter

Casco Signs

Kelly Castelloe

Castle & Cooke, LLC

Steve Cathcart

Adeline Caton

Centralina Workforce Development

Century 21 Towne & Country

Brian Cesca

Jonathan and Cameo Chamberlain

Jarrett and Connie Chandler

Cathy Chandler


Ward Childress

Joe Christie

Civic Nation

Clifford A. & Lillian C. Peeler

Family Foundation

Ken Clifton

Tina Cline

Lisa Cline

Cloninger Ford-Toyota

Shemeda Conyer

Caroline Cook

Darryl and Barbara Corriher

Susan Corriher

Jessica Corum

Lynn Coughenour

Daryl and Susan Cox

Martha Cranford

Joan Creeger

Doug Cremer

Alan Cress

Donna Crook

Daniel and Paige Crowe

Kevin Crutchfield

Sue Cunningham

Anne Curlee

Custom Golf Supply, Inc.

D & B Realty, Inc.

Jenny Dabbs

Wayne and Margaret Dabbs

Jarrett Davis

Geneska Dawson

Day & Nite All Service Equipment Repair, LLC

Rebecca Dean

Eric and Cheryl Dearmon

John Denker

Detroit Speed, Inc.

Sarah Devlin

Troy and Paula Dibley

Janet Dickinson

Glenn Dixon

Thomas and Jeanne Dixon

DLB Trucking, Inc.

Sallie Dotger

Doughgirls Catering

Mike Downs

Courtney Drake and Carolyn Brown

Christina Dryman

Pam Dubois

Duke Energy Foundation

Jim Duncan

Aimee Durham

Bill Dusch

Windsor and Katharine Eagle

Shawn Edman

Angela Edmonds

April Elrod

Lee Ennis


Chad Epting

Audra Esposito Esposito

Nekita Eubanks

F & M Bank

Peter and Ellen Faust

Alan Feeney

Greg Finchum

Fine Frame Gallery

Ken and Cindy Fink

Emily Fink

First Bank

Michael and Ashley Fischer

Fisher Greene Insurance Agency

Eric Fix

Preston Fleeman

Lynne Fogner

Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation

Brenda Forbis

Greg Fornelli

Pam Forrest

Robert Forrest

Kathy Fountain

Peter Franzese

Kelly Freeze

Lee Freeze

Brent Frick

Bennie and Pat Fulcher

Tonya Gaydick

Keith and Gerry Gehl

Gemstones & Compass

Gene Haas Foundation

Douglas Glasgow

Godley’s Garden Center & Nursery

Ted Goins

Julie Goodman

Amy Gough

Angela Graham


Coretta Grant

Barbara Green

James and Karen Greene

Cora Greene

Dianne Greene

Leah Greer

Stacey Griffin

Helen Griffin

Richard Griggs

Tim Hagler

Jeff and Anne Hall

Kevin Hall

Michael and Denise Hallett

Tracie Brunt Hampton

Mary Jane Hartley

Jean Harwood-Stanhope

Zinat Hassanpour

Joy Haynes

Adam Helmintoller

Daniel and Kenzie Hemric

Virginia Herron

Brian Hiatt

Hilbish Ford Lincoln Mercury

Casey Hinson

Veronica Hodges

Jonathan Hoffman

Tim Holder

Stanley Honeycutt

Diane Honeycutt

Rebecca Hooks

Debbie Hopkins

Joe and Pat Horton

Hounds Ear Club

Dwight and Carla Howell

Zackary Hubbard

Richard Huffman

Mike Huffman

Bob and June Hundley

Timothy Hunter

Jeremy Hurst

Hydraulic Depot/Custom Design/ Tool Rental Depot

Imperial Brown

Ken and Amy Ingle

Jerry Ingle

Integro Technologies

Richard James

Mark Jasmine

Brenda Jenkins

Geisha Jenkins

JMS Southeast, Inc.

Erin Johnson

Barbi Jones

Nadine Jones

Kay Jones

Dennis Jones

Nettie Julian

John and Annette Keller

Sarah Kellogg

Lisa Kelly

Holli Kempton

Hazel Kennedy

Ellen Kesler

Kewaunee Scientific Corporation

Blake Kiger

David and Katrina King

Autumn Kinnaird

Tim and Constance Kiser

Kathy Knight

Craig Lamb

Amanda Lambert

Lisa Lancaster

Brunson Lawrence

Learning Environments

Lisa Ledbetter

Shannon Leder

Theresa Leflore

Dayla Lingerfelt

Dawn Lippard

Tony Lippard

Natasha Lipscomb

William Lisk

Nancy Livingston

Jill Lucas

Stan and Donna Ludwig

MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions

Lori Maguire

Amy Mahle

Barbara Mallett

Donnie and Lynn Marsh

Cynthia Martens


Kimberly McCormick

Kelly McCowan

McCracken & Lopez

Julie McDonald

Nicholas McEntire

Nick McEntire

Brandie McHale

Terri McKnight

McLaughlin Young Group

Barb Meidl

Therese Meidl

Wilmer Melton

Phil and Donna Mendez

Dyke and Deborah Messinger

Michael Metz

MFG Associates, Inc.

Marcia Miller

Hanif Miller

Trina Miller

John Mitchell

Modern Edge Technologies

Melissa Mohlere

Carter and Misty Moler

Robin Moore

B.M. and C.W. Moore

Jack and Jeanie Moore

Ann Morris

Stephen Morris

Elizabeth Morrow

Moseley Architects

Diana Myers

Earl and Carrie Myers

Amanda Myers

Diana Myers

Grace Mynatt

Cyndie Mynatt

Sherie Neely

Debra Neesmith

Chris Nesbitt

Irvin and Sara Newberry

NGK Ceramics USA, Inc.

Catherine Norris

North Carolina Motorsports Association

Michele Norton

Edward and Susan Norvell

Novant Health - Rowan Medical Center

Elizabeth O’Briant

David Odom

James O’Kelly

Lisa Overfield

Scott and Teresa Padgett

Tena Pair

Ryan Palmer

Ray Paradowski

Carolyn Park


Meredith Parker

Russell Parker

Brian and Jennifer Parsley

Michelle Patterson

Sharon Craig Paul

Brian Peeples

Pepsi Bottling Ventures, LLC.

Perdue Farms, Inc.

J.S. Phifer

Kirby Todd Phillips

Terri Pickett

Darlene Pickman

Cassie Plott

Lauren Popejoy

David Post

William Powers

Benjamin Preddy

Jeremy Proctor

Trent and Kelly Propst

Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Michael Quillen

Smita Quinn

Robert Rakes

Jim Ramseur

Mike Raney

Lori Reeder

Dot Reilly


Tushara Rhodes

Damon Richard

P.J. Ricks

Dana Ritchie

Dennis Rivers

Laurie Robb

John and Holly Robbins

Rodgers Builders, Inc.

David Rosier

Rowan Diagnostic Clinic, PA

Rowan Job Initiatives

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Government Association

Evander Rowell

Peggy Rummage

James Rumple, Jr.

Joanne Rusnak

Adam and Crystal Ryerson

S & D Coffee

Matthew and Irene Sacks

Steven Saine

Dusty Saine

Salisbury-Rowan County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Sylvia Salzer

Anni Satterfield

Robin Satterwhite

Denise Schweizer

Jenny Scott

Jenn Selby

Robin and Paul Seropian

Scott Shelton

Shoe Show, Inc.

Julie Shook

Carl and Luanne Short Short, Jr.

Megan Smit

Ricardo and Esther Smith

Robert and Susan Smith

Lindsey Smith

Hayes and Susan Smith

Tom and Martha Smith

Miles and Kathy Smith, III

Bob and Patsy Sorrell

Elaine Spalding

Carol Spalding and Francis Koster

Mark Spitzer

Fred and Alice Stanback

Nancy Stanback

Brian Staples

State of North Carolina DHHSDivision of Mental Health

Steve Steinbacher

Donna Stone

Jillian Sturdivant

Chad and Kelly Tarlton

Catherine Tarrant

Jay Taylor

Taylor Clay Products Co., Inc.

Barbara Taylor-Lineberry

Pete Teague

Team Honeycutt - Allen Tate Realtors

The Blanche & Julian Robertson Foundation

The Budd Group

The Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trust

The Leon Levine Foundation

The Margaret C. Woodson Foundation, Inc.

The NC Community Colleges Foundation, Inc.

Alan Thompson

David Thompson

Ellen Troutman

Jonathan Turner and Amy Boger

Ed Tyson, II

United Beverage

Uwharrie Bank

Dakeita Vanderburg

Shannon Vannoy

Timothy and Gail Vaughn

Vogue Cleaners

Vulcan Materials Company

Holly Wagoner

Tammara Walker

Scott and Paige Walkup

Seth Waller

Jessica Webb

Raphael Weeks

Grace Weeks

Anthony Weiss

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Foundation

Sheryee West

Westmoreland Films, LLC

Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund

Zhiviaga Williams

Charles Willis

Michael Wilson

Phyllis Wingate

Carter Wingfield

Pat Wood

Paul and Beth Woodson

Quentin Woodward, Jr.

World Fibers, Inc.

Belinda Wyatt

Hope Yost

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc.

Jason Zou


Families, friends and businesses honor and memorialize individuals, corporations and students through endowed gifts to the Foundation. Endowments are established and invested with a minimum gift of $15,000 and are permanent funding sources for programs, scholarships and other financial assistance. These funds provide the annual earnings to support these awards.

Ambassadors ($250,000 +)

Ralph W. Ketner Family Foundation Scholarship

Philip Morris USA Endowed Scholarship

Title III Endowment

Advocates ($100,000 +)

Dean R. and Betty I. Andrews Endowed Scholarship

Charles R. Benson and James C. Deberry Memorial Scholarship

Food Lion Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Richard Brownell Endowed Merit Scholarship and Faculty/Staff Development Fund

Ervin W. and Miriam R. McCulloch Endowed Scholarship

Martha Edith Walker Estate Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Champions ($75,000 +)

AkzoNobel Corporation Endowed Scholarship

Partners ($50,000 +)

Evelyn Kenerly Germann and William Joseph Germann Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Dai Nippon Endowed Scholarship

Edward and Susan Norvell Endowed Scholarship

Harry W. Stanhope Memorial Scholarship

Promoters ($25,000 +)

Cabarrus Rescue Squad Endowed Scholarship

Lane C. Drye Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Susan Elaine Harrison Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship

The North Carolina Paraplegia Association Endowed Scholarship

The Optimist Club Endowed Scholarship

The Ray and Lois Paradowski Family Endowed Scholarship

The Salisbury Lions Club Clyde H. Harriss Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Student Emergency Scholarship Endowment

Susan J. and Robert M. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Waddell Professional Development Endowed Fund

Endorsers ($15,000 +)

Walter Almeida Endowed Scholarship

Brown Family Fire Protection Technology Endowed Scholarshi

Dr. Jarrett T. Chandler, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Michael Chreitzberg Endowed Scholarship

Edna J. Chrin Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Larry Cloninger Family Endowed Scholarship

Sue McCoy Cunningham Endowed Scholarship

Helen B. Earnhardt Memorial Scholarship

Charles C. Erwin Endowed Scholarshi

Rachel B. Gaskey Memorial Scholarship

Jane Ellington Harris Endowed Scholarship

Daniel Hemric ‘Be the Change’ Endowed Scholarship

Carla G. Howell Endowed Scholarship

Sarah C. Kellogg Endowed Scholarship

Sam R. and Louise May Endowed Scholarship

Jeanie H. Moore Endowed Scholarship

Graham Spencer Endowed Scholarship

Ben Mynatt Family Endowed Scholarship

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Student Emergency Scholarship

William and Nancy Stanback Endowed Scholarship

Harold and Hope Yost Endowed Scholarship

Other Endowed Funds

C.C. Erwin Memorial Endowed Scholarship

China Grove Civitan Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Michael A. Johnson Scholarship

Concord Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship

Draft and Design Endowed Scholarship

Richmond Gage Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Clyde H. Harriss Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Eddie Myers Memorial Endowed Scholarship

National Tool and Machinery Endowed Scholarship

Carroll T. Overton Endowed Scholarship

Marion Purcell Endowed Scholarship

STEAM Endowed Scholarship



Gifts of $1,500 or more may create a named scholarship or program fund. Contributions at this level offer the financial support for successful completion of a certificate, diploma or degree. Program funds provide enhancements to the classroom and learning experience.

Construction Financial Management AssociationCharlotte Chapter Scholarshi

Corporate and Continuing Education Scholarship

Dr. Windsor and Kathy Eagle Turnaround Scholarship

Dr. Windsor and Kathy Eagle Nursing Scholarship

Harold Earnhardt Memorial Scholarship

F&M Bank Merit Award

GED Scholarship

Maria Hall Emergency Assistance Scholarship Fund

Honeycutt, Horton, Vanderburg, Propst and Brown Scholarship

James and Agnes Liles Family Trust Scholarship

Mechanical Trades Carolina Scholarship

NCLEX Assistance Scholarship (RN/LPN)

Next Step Bridge Scholarship

Dora Anna Newton Scholarship

North Carolina Manufacturing Institute Sustainability Scholarship Fund

Novant Health Rowan Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Fund

Lillian C. Peeler Memorial Scholarship of the Salisbury Woman’s Club

Providence United Methodist Church - The Formal Wyatt Nursing Scholarship

Providence United Methodist Church -The Gernal “Buddy” Lowman Scholarship

Providence United Methodist Church -The Hilton J. Swindell Memorial Scholarship

R.A.D. Alumni Scholarship

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Emergency Scholarship Fund

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Impact Grant Fund

Salisbury Rotary Club Scholarship

Shoe Show Scholarship

The Bridge Scholarship

The Derek Sorrell Memorial Scholarship

The Salisbury Rotary Club Scholarship

Fred & Alice Stanback Scholarship

Top Scholar Presidential Scholarship

Vulcan Materials Company Scholarship

Debbie Waters Memorial Scholarship

Weyerhaeuser Scholarship

The Margaret Woodson Foundation Scholarship


The Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation would like to express appreciation to Fred & Alice Stanback for their support of the North Campus solar project and student scholarships.


(January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019)

Total for 2019: $4,402,317

American Welding Society (AWS) Foundation –funding to support virtual welding machines for student engagement and recruitment activities - $25,000

The Blanche and Julian Robertson Foundation: funding to support bridging the digital divide for Rowan County students – an earn as you learn laptop program - $10,000

Cabarrus County Partnership for Children: funding to support an early education liaison and program support to increase engagement in the Early Childhood Education program - $106,530

Cannon Charitable Interests – funding to support Advanced Technology Center furnishings, I-85 and campus signage - $500,000

Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation: funding to support the Industrial Maintenance Apprenticeship program with scholarships, equipment and instructional supplies - $50,000/year (Year 2 of 4)

Economic Development Administration (EDA) –funding to support the upfit of approximately 17,500 sqft of the new Advanced Technology Center in Cabarrus County - $2,040,000

Gene Haas Foundation: funding to support scholarships for machining and engineering technology students and sponsorship of project teams in competitions such as Skills USA$12,000

The Leon Levine Foundation (Year 4 of 5): funding to support healthcare education - $60,000

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA): funding to support the Prescription for a Health Community program through the College library - $3,500

Margaret C. Woodson Foundation: funding to support removing educational barriers through scholarships - $36,000

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Bridges to Baccalaureate (B2B) program – in collaboration with UNC-Charlotte and Gaston College, this sub-award via UNC-Charlotte will support activities to address the needs of academically qualified students to foster success beginning at the Community College and continuing through UNC-Charlotte in the area of Biomedical Sciences. $50,701/year (Year 2 of 5)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE): Increasing Women in Engineering and Industrial Technologies (WE IT) – funding to support strategies in changing the perceptions of these industries within the populations of career influencers and potential students, specifically targeting and engaging female students to increase their awareness of these occupations.$74,698/year (Year 2 of 3)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S-STEM): STEM Persistence and Retention via Curricula, Centralization, Cohorts, and Collaboration (SPARC4) – this grant, a collaboration with UNC-Charlotte and Gaston College, will improve students’ academic and social preparation for the college context and reduce the probability of experiencing “transfer shock” upon enrollment at a four-year institution. Funds will provide scholarships to eligible students at both Rowan-Cabarrus and UNC-Charlotte upon transfer. Approximately 15 students may receive up to $6,000 per year to cover unmet financial need. - $205,543/year (Year 2 of 5)

North Carolina Community College System: funding to support the expansion of the Career Coach program to three full-time coaches$158,328/year (Year 1 of 3)

North Carolina Community College System: NC Space grant - funding for students to design, engineer, test fly and recover a helium balloon to the edge of space and conduct undergraduate research – $5,500

NC Works Local Innovation Fund: RE-Build Your Future – funding to support scholarships and assistance for former offenders to attend training, as well as training for employers on what it means to be a second chance employer$400,000 ($200,000/year for two years)

SECU Foundation: Bridge to Career Cohort –scholarships - $18,000

U.S. Dept. of Education: 2016/17 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grantfunding for career and technical education in student services and curriculum (includes Reserve funds awarded) – $348,272

Wells Fargo Foundation: funding to support the Building a More Prosperous Community campaign - $12,500

Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund: funding to support student scholarships - $2,000

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Title II): Adult Education and Family Literacy –funding to support adult education and literacy activities - $433,745

Z. Smith Reynolds: Inclusive Public Art Project – Here’s My Story: funding to support audio enabled benches telling stories of local residents in their own voice - $50,000



(January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020)

Total Under Management for 2020: $4,090,410

The Blanche and Julian Robertson Foundation: Bridging the Digital Divide for Rowan County Students – an earn as you learn laptop program for qualified students - $4,000 (Foundation)

Cabarrus County Partnership for Children: Early Education and Leadership Liaison – personnel and program support to increase engagement in the Early Childhood Education program$276,369

Cannon Charitable Interests – Economic Development Administration’s Advanced Technology Center Project match support$250,000

Department of Education via Rand Corp: Connecting College Students to Public and Community Resources: An experimental evaluation of Single Stop - $60,000 (Year 1 of 3)

Department of Education/TRiO Student Support Services: The TRiO/SSS Learning Community @ Rowan-Cabarrus – funding to support number of disadvantaged, low-income college students, first-generation college students, and college students with disabilities in the United States who successfully complete a program of study at the postsecondary level - $261,888/year (Year 1 of 5)

Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation: Community College Grants Program – funding to support the Industrial Maintenance Apprenticeship program via scholarships, equipment and instructional supplies - $50,000/ year (Year 3 of 4)

Gene Haas Foundation: funding supports scholarships for machining and engineering technology students - $12,500

The Leon Levine Foundation: funding for Healthcare Education - $60,000/year (Year 5 of 5)

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) via State Library of North Carolina (SLNC): COVID-19 Response Mini-grant - funding for COVID-19 response for libraries - $2,000

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) via State Library of North Carolina (SLNC): CARES EZ Grant – Mobile Hotspot Lending program$10,000

Margaret C. Woodson Foundation: Removing Educational Barriers – scholarships and emergency student aid - $40,000 (Foundation)

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Bridges to Baccalaureate (B2B) program – in collaboration with UNC-Charlotte and Gaston College, this subaward via UNC-C will support activities to address the needs of academically qualified students to foster success beginning at the Community College and continuing through UNC-C in the area of Biomedical Sciences. $50,701/year (Year 3 of 5)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE): Increasing Women in Engineering and Industrial Technologies (WE IT) – funding will support strategies in changing the perceptions of these industries within the populations of career influencers and potential students, specifically targeting and engaging female students to increase their awareness of these occupations.$74,698/year (Year 3 of 3)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) subaward via NC State: The Robotics/Automation and Cybersecurity Knowledge Sharing Coordination Network (TRACKS – CN) - $32,392 over three years (Year 1 of 3)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S-STEM): STEM Persistence and Retention via Curricula, Centralization, Cohorts, and Collaboration (SPARC4) – this grant, a collaboration with UNC-Charlotte and Gaston College, will improve students’ academic and social preparation for the college context and reduce the probability of experiencing “transfer shock” upon enrollment at a four-year institution. Funds will provide eligible students’ scholarships to both Rowan-Cabarrus and UNC-C upon transfer. Approximately 15 students may receive up to $6,000 per year to cover unmet financial need. - $205,543/year (Year 3 of 5)

North Carolina Career Coach Program: funding to support the expansion of the Career Coach program to three full-time coaches in Rowan County - $158,328/year (Year 2 of 3)

North Carolina Career Coach Program: funding to support the expansion of the Career Coach program with the addition of one full time coach in Kannapolis - $39,582/year (Year 1 of 3)

NC Works Local Innovation Fund: RE-Build Your Future – scholarships and assistance for former offenders to attend training; training for employers on what it means to be a second chance employer - $400,000 ($200,000/year for two years)

SECU Foundation: Bridge to Career Cohort –scholarships - $18,000

U.S. Dept. of Education: 2016/17 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act GrantFunding for career and technical education in student services and curriculum (includes Reserve funds awarded) – $358,408

Wells Fargo Foundation: Business Rebound as COVID-19 Evolves (BRACE) - $12,500

Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund: Student scholarships - $2,000

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Title II): Adult Education and Family Literacy –funding to support adult education and literacy activities - $1,906,501

Z. Smith Reynolds: Inclusive Public Art Project –Here’s My Story, audio enabled benches telling stories of local residents in their own voice$5,000 (Foundation)

COVID-19 Federal Funding:


Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund I and II Summary: $9,275,842

Student Aid

HEERF I: $1,422,753

HEERF II: $1,422,753

Total: $2,845,506

Institutional Funding:

HEERF I: $1,422,753

HEERF II: $4,866,892

Total: $6,289,645

SIP: HEERF I: $140,691



1. LEARN: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College increase the community’s educational attainment that leads individuals, families and the region to prosperity, sustainability and success?

1.1 Achieve high-quality learning for every student.

• Met and exceeded performance measures in Adult Basic Education through 47% of students making a Measurable Skill Gain (MSG).

• Achieved a 100% pass rate for the Radiography Credentialing Exam for the eighth year in a row.

• Achieved a 100% pass rate for the Practical Nursing NCLEX for the sixth year in a row.

• Recognized as a 2019 Quality Chapter of Excellence for the SkillsUSA program.

• Achieved a 100% pass rate for the Basic Law Enforcement Training state examination for Fall 2019.

• Achieved a 100% pass rate for Occupational Therapy Assistant program graduates on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy COTA Exam.

1.2 Prepare students for career success and continued higher education.

• Developed the College’s first certification-based Career and College Promise program with RowanSalisbury Schools for a new Firefighter Academy.

• Collaborated with faculty members in our English Department to engage students in the career development process by conducting a virtual resume review clinic that assessed and provided feedback for 1,861 resumes.

• Provided Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) Exam Preparation to 22 students from human resource backgrounds, Computer Networking Exam. Preparation to 17 students, and Microsoft Office and Excel Boot Camps to 52 students.

• Achieved a 100% employment rate for graduates from the radiography program for the fifth year in a row.

• Achieved a 100% job placement rate for Associate Degree Nursing graduates.

• Achieved a 100% employment rate for dental program graduates for the fourth year in a row.

• Served 160 youth in the College’s two-county service region through several summer camps focused on agriculture careers, machining and welding, STEM, entrepreneurship and arts.

• Trained 21 students in American Sign Language and 33 students in Spanish.

• Achieved a 100% job placement rate for graduates of the paramedic program.

• Secured law enforcement employment for 89% of Basic Law Enforcement training students for Fall 2019 before course graduation.

1.3 Employ technology and resources that support learning.

• Added a Firearms Training Simulator to help law enforcement officers experience realistic training focused on decision-making and de-escalation.

• Added a 911 Simulator for the Telecommunicator Certification Course so students could gain experience with realistic scenarios.

• Broke ground on a state-of-the-art Fire Training Tower to improve realism for training current and future firefighters.

• Implemented the new Division of Health Service Regulation curriculum for Nurse Aide I instructors and students, including the publication of a revised course pack.

• Procured advanced equipment for all three Nurse Aide labs including Hoyer lifts, additional mannequins, and blood pressure simulator arms to provide additional training for students.

• Updated Medical Coding Certificate and Medical Terminology to hybrid courses, with Medical Terminology now utilizing the user-friendly platform, Connect.

• Developed two new clinical contracts with Lab Corp and Lake Norman Regional Hospital for Phlebotomy students and an additional Nurse Aide I clinical contract with Trinity Oaks for student clinical rotations.

• Collaborated with the Bill Hefner VA Medical Center to offer a Sterile Processing course.

• Collaborated with the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office to develop a Memorandum of Understanding under which the Sheriff’s Office assigns a Campus Resource Officer to provide security on campus during normal working hours.

• Enhanced the safety of the campus community by making the Active Threat Course available and mandatory for all faculty and staff.

• Partnered with Lenovo to provide low-cost laptops to students.

1.4 Ensure timely student completion.

• Celebrated the satisfactory completion of the Nurse Aide I program by 433 students.

• Increased Phlebotomy classes from three every year to six yearly to meet student demand, with 26 students satisfactorily completing the 16-week phlebotomy course.

• Celebrated the satisfactory completion of the 16week Pharmacy Technician class by 33 students.


• Celebrated 198 graduates from the Class A program.

• Released the Retention Through Technology Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program.

2. ENGAGE: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College best prepare students to be responsible and productive citizens?

2.1 Provided holistic advising, resources and support services to optimize the student experience.

• Successfully launched Navigate, the student success portal.

• Developed the Peer Support Advisor Program (Students Helping Students).

• Provided over 389 students with scholarship assistance totaling more than $320,000.

• Supplied 225 GED test vouchers through the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation.

• Disbursed over 40 emergency payments to assist students with funding their education.

• Collected $417,170 in past due accounts, an increase of 38% over 2018.

• Implemented an automated system to assign advisors to students.

• Migrated WebAdvisor to a self-service tool that provides enhanced features for students.

• Created an attendance calculator.

• Created a system to calculate hours for the cosmetology program.

• Developed a student support system, Signals of Success, for Math and English.

• Deployed the Preventing Plagiarism tool within the Blackboard Learn environment.

2.2 Establish Rowan-Cabarrus Community College as the first choice for higher education.

• Successfully completed and put multiple transfer agreements in place:

- Fire & Emergency Services – Fayetteville State University

- 51 transfer pathways with Catawba College in the Learn Local, Grow Local transfer program

• Received Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education candidacy status for the Physical Therapist Assistant program.

• Received seven-year accreditation for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program.

• Received accreditation for the Associate Degree Nursing transition program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

• Received accreditation for the paramedic program through CAAHEP/CoAEMSP.

2.3 Increase student participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to produce well-rounded leaders.

• Held the first ever prom for the SOAR program with over 100 students in attendance.

• Hosted successful ACE (Academic and Career Exploration) days with 450 students exploring the College’s Career & Technical Education programs.

• Held in-person two graduation ceremonies and online streaming to foster greater to student and family engagement

• Celebrated six state/national SKILLSUSA winners with one gold, one silver, three bronze and one fifth place awards

• Provided nearly $15,000 worth of medical screening and dental procedures to the College’s students through the medical/dental bus.

• Visited seven area elementary schools to distribute 982 age-appropriate books through the Read Across Rowan and Cabarrus Counties Book Drive.

2.4 Partner with students for life.

• Celebrated a 90% graduation rate and an 81% employment rate for the North Carolina Manufacturing Institute.

3. INNOVATE: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College serve as the Community of the Future?

3.1 Expand institutional capacity for creating transformation.

• Completed Phase I construction of the Advanced Technology Center, which is located at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis.

• Completed the re-roof of Building 200 in anticipation of starting the North Campus Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Project, which will bring nearly one megawatt of solar electricity generation to the North Campus rooftops.

• Completed the remodel of the former Angelo’s Fish House Restaurant, converting it into the Emergency Services Tactical Training Center adjacent to South Campus.

• Completed installation of the Building 300 foundation drainage system, resolving long standing moisture intrusion issues with the building.

• Completed construction of the I-85 Pylon Sign and its electronic message board, culminating a four-year effort to modify the City of Salisbury



Signage Ordinance to allow this kind of critical community communication tool.

• Completed a LED lighting upgrade in Building 300 on the North Campus, which will improve lighting quality and energy efficiency.

• Completed the mass notification system in Building 200 on the North Campus, which will allow audible, visual and text messaging of safety directives during emergencies.

• Completed installation of electronic access controls for North Campus Buildings 300, 400, 600, and the College’s facility at the North Carolina Research Campus, which will allow remote lock down of the campuses in emergencies, scheduled locking and unlocking of the buildings, and keycard access.

• Completed the design of the Fire & Emergency Services Training Tower, which will open in 2020, providing opportunities for the state’s firefighters and emergency responders to train in a realistic multi-story environment.

• Completed the design of the North Campus amphitheater.

• Added a new Nurse Aide I lab at South Campus to increase student capacity.

• Secured $298,238 in funding through the RowanCabarrus Community College Foundation to support the College’s highest priority needs and student scholarships from the Annual Fund, Family Campaign Golf Tournament and the Scholarship Luncheon.

• Developed a partnership between the Occupational Therapy Assistant and SOAR programs to host a Level II fieldwork student to enhance the SOAR program.

• Completed the “Go Live” for the technology in the College’s new Advanced Technology Center.

• Refreshed many classroom projectors at the College.

• Deployed a new wireless system for the entire College.

• Upgraded the distance learning lab at CBTC.

• Renovated the technology infrastructure for Building 800 on the North Campus.

• Upgraded switching for various campus facilities, improving network performance for students and staff.

• Implemented access controls at NCRC.

3.2 Develop world-class faculty and staff.

• Trained 61 Rowan-Cabarrus faculty members in the online instructor certification.

• Participated in the Coalition on Adult Basic Education and the Comprehensive Adult Student

Assessment Systems conference to obtain new skill sets for teaching techniques in Adult Basic Education.

• Created a Skill and Talent Development Workshop for all new Career and Academic Advisors.

• Received three national awards in the 34th Annual Educational Advertising Awards competition, sponsored by the Higher Education Marketing Report, The Educational.

• Held all-employee meetings and Q&A sessions for College faculty and staff at the beginning of both the spring and the fall terms to facilitate communications and build relationships.

• Enhanced communication with employees by sending seven President’s Messages outlining the College’s latest updates and priorities.

• Deployed a knowledge base for the College.

• Provided 12 separate diversity and inclusion events to raise awareness, increase learning opportunities, and enhance personal and professional growth to all levels of RowanCabarrus employees.

• Incorporated a holistic approach to health and wellness by conducting walking challenges.

• Provided Mental Health First Aid courses for over 100 employees.

• Promoted women’s wellness through on-site Mobile Mammography Units for North and South campuses.

• Offered onsite vaccination clinics and health checks for employees in Rowan and Cabarrus counties.

• Managed over 8,400 professional development hours of employees including face-to-face and online training.

• Created employee association in support of administrative professionals incorporating, mentoring opportunities, and training to increase their skills and abilities within their roles.

• Streamlined normal onboarding practices to improve new employee experience and position preparedness, resulting in 218 new hires.


• Successfully migrated SharePoint from hosted servers to the Microsoft Cloud, resulting in more functionality and easier access for faculty and staff.

• Created the Rowan-Cabarrus Dashboard system, improving data-based decision-making capabilities for the College.

• Moved TimeClock Plus to the cloud.

• Deployed single sign-on for the College’s ERP system, Colleague.

Pioneer solutions by anticipating institutional opportunities.


• Upgraded the College’s web content management system.

• Created the Zoom construction project management application.

• Migrated from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams.

• Refreshed more than 300 computers at the College.

• Created dashboards for various areas of the College, including Academic Programs and Student Success Services.

• Completed the Voluntary Framework for Accountability.

4. LEAD: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College be a catalyst for change?

4.1 Convene critical and strategic conversations about the future of our communities.

• Executed strategic conversations with the Board of Trustees and the Rowan Education Collaborative, Catawba College, and other community stakeholders.

• Held a first of its kind training symposium entitled Interacting with Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: An Investigator’s Perspective to teach law enforcement officers and investigators how to collect victim/witness statements from individuals living with intellectual impairments.

• Hosted North Carolina Fire Chiefs’ Association conference and trained over 1,200 firefighters in critical skills.

• Provided 61 free Small Business Center Seminars for local small businesses, serving 513 attendees.

• Actively participated in Community Networking in Health through Healthy Rowan, various Community Health and Wellness Fairs, the Community Partners council sponsored by Cardinal Innovations, and the Healthy Cabarrus Substance Use Coalition.

• Held one-on-one Small Business Center counseling sessions, resulting in close to ten new businesses started and 25 jobs created.

• Held the area’s first Small Business Success Forum during Small Business Week, attended by 90 small business owners.

• Hosted the fifth annual Work-Based Learning Construction Technologies Internship Fair.

• Partnered with curriculum to host Women in Engineering and Industrial Technology events and tours.

• Awarded the $50,000 Z. Smith Reynolds grant for Inclusive Public Art, the only community college to receive the grant.

• Served as a founding member of the Rowan Education Collaborative, a consortium of local education and governmental leaders who aim to increase educational attainment and partnerships within the county with representatives from Catawba College, Livingstone College, the Rowan County Commission, Rowan-Salisbury Schools and the Salisbury-Rowan Economic Development Commission.

4.2 Be the leading advocate for community college education.

• Expanded the English as a Second Language program’s partnership with the Rowan-Salisbury School System by partnering with China Grove Elementary School to offer classes for parents.

• Began a second cohort of seven Industrial Maintenance Technician apprentices, representing Hitachi Metals, Dillard’s Distribution Center, CorrChoice, and the College’s maintenance department.

• Increased enrollment in the nursing program by 150%.

• Increased enrollment in the curriculum and continuing education emergency medical science programs by more than 200%.

4.3 Strive for continuous improvement by challenging the status quo.

• Implemented Work-Based Learning 3100, the first work-based learning course in continuing education.

• Established multiple new community partnerships to assist justice-involved individuals in attaining employment.

• Started Class B CDL Training through the Rebuild your Future Innovation Grant.

• Built many partnerships with community organizations and employers to increase number of justice-involved students and to secure their employment.

• Assisted and/or supported the recruitment of multiple employers to our region.

• Began a partnership with the local chapter of the NC Association of Electrical Contractors (NCAEC) to begin an Electrical Apprenticeship program in August 2020.

• Automated processes by scanning accounts payable vouchers for approval and allowing access to update payroll records.

• Organized employee community service efforts through the Super Bowl of Giving in support of our local food banks (Rowan Helping Ministries and the College’s Student Wellness Center), collecting over 800 nonperishable food items.



1. LEARN: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College increase the community’s educational attainment that leads individuals, families and the region to prosperity, sustainability and success?

1.1 Achieve high-quality learning for every student.

• Implemented the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) scholarship program, which provides full scholarships to students enrolled in 25 eligible short-term training programs.

• Served a total of 170 students through the Office of Accessibility.

• Achieved a 93% pass rate on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant exam.

• Achieved a 100% Radiography Credentialing Exam pass rate for the ninth straight year.

• Achieved a 100% overall pass rate for the Basic Law Enforcement state exam.

1.2 Prepare students for career success and continued higher education.

• Launched the Certified Logistics Technician eightweek program to support growing development in the region using the NC Manufacturing Institute (NCMI) model.

• Launched the first Career & College Promise High School Fire Academy located at the Fire Training Grounds on the College’s North Campus.

• Recruited students to work as COVID-19 screeners on the College’s campuses at a living wage rate of $15 an hour.

• Became an Amazon Career Choice Education Partner, an innovative program uniquely designed to upskill associates interested in pursuing higher education and a future outside of Amazon.

• Achieved a 100% employment rate within six months of course completion for Basic Law Enforcement Training graduates.

• Achieved a 100% employment rate for dental assisting graduates.

• Achieved a 100% employment rate for radiography graduates.

• Provided free dental care to children in need in collaboration with the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine/Give Kids a Smile during a one-day event.

• Graduated 111 nursing students.

• Achieved a 100% job placement rate for Emergency Medical Services program graduates.

1.3 Employ technology and resources that support learning.

• Provided over 200 laptops to students, faculty and staff through a laptop loaner program.

• Led state-wide implementation of Destiny One, an enterprise software system allowing continuing education students to register and pay online.

• Implemented remote achievement testing to support increased online learning.

• Developed “learning packet” model for remote teaching of inmates in lieu of face-to-face teaching.

• Upgraded the College’s phone system to utilize unified communication and enhanced Microsoft Teams in order to allow faculty and staff to stay connected to students while working virtually.

• Transitioned the College’s computer enterprise system to the cloud to better support remote access, redundancy and security.

• Conducted over 35,550 virtual appointments with students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Awarded a three-year $60,000 Single Stop Program grant, which offers wrap-around services that allow students to screen for eligibility of services online, as well as access to a community resource database and a free tax-prep service.

• Expanded 24/7 remote tutoring support through Tutor.com.

• Activated a COVID-19 Crisis Response Committee which developed strategies for the College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Composed of representatives from every division of the College, the group formulated plans to safely continue to offer face-to-face instruction.

1.4 Ensure timely student completion.

• Awarded a total of $204,079 in scholarships to take an additional course to 563 currently enrolled students through the Accelerate Your Degree Program to help them progress toward degree completion.

• Awarded a five-year TRIO grant totaling over $1.3 million.


2. ENGAGE: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College best prepare students to be responsible and productive citizens?

2.1 Provide holistic advising, resources and support services to optimize the student experience.

• Distributed nearly $2 million in CARES funding as student aid.

• Provided over 267 students with scholarship assistance through the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation totaling more than $217,751.

• Provided 200 HSE (High School Equivalency Test Vouchers) test vouchers through the RowanCabarrus Foundation.

• Relocated the 2020 graduation ceremony to the Charlotte Motor Speedway to allow for appropriate social distancing measures.

• Modified the process for room scheduling to ensure all spaces were prepared, cleaned and ready for students.

• Donated over $10,000 from the Student Government Association to support student emergencies related to COVID-19.

• Served 828 students through drive-through support sessions.

• Served 374 students through the Student Wellness Center.

• Distributed over 410 pounds of food through the College’s Food & Resource Pantry.

• Hosted Work-Based Learning’s first hybrid internship where students will work remotely and meet virtual with the employer for guidance and learning.

2.2 Establish Rowan-Cabarrus Community College as the first choice for higher education.

• Continued to grow enrollment in the Career & College Promise Program.

• Launched Electrician Subscription Apprenticeship with five firms participating.

• Awarded the NSF Advanced Technological Education Coordination Network for Knowledge Sharing in Robotics/Automation and Cybersecurity Grant, totaling $443,619 among the three institutions, in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College and North Carolina State University.

• Created a comprehensive communications portal via the Rowan-Cabarrus website for COVID-19 communications and updates including the weekly campus announcements, the College’s Stay Well, Stay Connected plan, COVID-19 case tracking, and safety guidelines and protocols.

• Implemented and managed a weekly e-communication newsletter to provide campuswide COVID-19 updates to students, faculty and staff, with email open rates consistently above 50%.

• Developed campus-wide signage and communications to support compliance in maskwearing, social distancing and handwashing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

• Created consistent messaging via our virtual outdoor digital signs located at North and South campuses to ensure that current and prospective students, and local and regional commuters receive targeted messages to support enrollment at Rowan-Cabarrus.

• Successfully pitched and landed 36 stories to local and regional publications and news outlets that highlighted the institution’s academic excellence, programs and services and accomplishments.

• Launched a comprehensive first-choice “Start Here. Get There. Go Further.” campaign through direct mail, outdoor boards, digital marketing and streaming radio.

• Successfully launched a media preferences participation campaign amongst our students to learn about student media consumption habits. Rowan-Cabarrus was one of the top schools in the state for participation.

• Completed over 182 project requests to visually support College departments in communicating our classes and program offerings, events and more.

• Helped transform outreach and events to students virtually by supporting creative, video, and graphics.

• Worked with Enrollment Management to create a seamless partnership highlighting RowanCabarrus as the first choice for higher education in marketing/communications messages and current/prospective student communication as an updated marketing plan pivoted to include COVID-19 recruitment and messaging.

• Experienced 369,000 website users, up 5% from last year, and 1.2 million website sessions, up 8.1% from last year.

2.3 Increase student participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to produce well-rounded leaders.

• Contributed over 1,225 hours of community service to agencies such as CVAN, Adopt a Stream, Trinity Oaks, W.G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center and Rowan Helping Ministries.

• Supported the 2020 Rowan County Bond Referendum with a gift of $45,000 from the Student Government Association.



• Volunteered over 200 student hours for speaking engagements, poll support and voter registration/ bond information.

• Verified the Rowan-Cabarrus student ID and employee ID as a voter ID by the NC State Board of Elections.

• Completed 256 hours of community service by radiography students during the 2020 fall semester.

• Continued the Sustainability Committee’s online webinar series, giving the campus community the opportunity to learn from and interact with environmental leaders on key “green” topics.

2.4 Partner with students for life.

• Engaged with alumni speakers and voters in support of the 2020 Rowan County Bond referendum.

• Hosted an Alumni Art Show through the Department of Art & Design, which was attended by current and former students, faculty, staff and members of the community.

3. INNOVATE: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College serve as the Community of the Future?

3.1 Expand institutional capacity for creating transformation.

• Successfully passed a $45 million Rowan County Bond Referendum to support the Technology Education Complex on the College’s North Campus for the welding, machining and automotive programs.

• Awarded nearly $1.2 million in federal CARES funding to assist 2,481 students.

• Received an additional $6.2 million in federal HEERF aid, with $1.4 million earmarked for direct student support and $4.8 million designated for institutional support.

• Secured over half a million dollars in funding through the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation to support the College’s highest priority needs and student scholarships from the Annual Fund and Family Campaign.

• Relocated Small Business Center to the Cabarrus Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

• Completed a $150,000 renovation Law Enforcement Tactical Training Center at South Campus in former Angelo’s Fish House funded by the Connect NC Bond.

• Expanded the Nurse Aide program at South Campus, allowing the College to increase enrollment in the program by 25%.

• Completed construction on Fire Tower on the North Campus Fire Training Grounds.

• Completed an improved workflow and approval system to simplify the staff and student engagement experience with the College business practices.

• Implemented a lecture capture software solution for College use to serve students who require accommodations.

• Implemented College-wide Zoom license to connect faculty and staff with students during COVID-19.

• Enhanced the Help Desk, computers, hardware and software support capabilities to respond to needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and created an information security structure to support remote work.

• Updated Business Processes:

o Developed a process to make the daily deposit electronically.

o Processed positive pay with electronic file submission.

• Rebuilt the Academic Program Review process to better support data driven decision making and more rapid response to community needs.

• Completed Mass Notification installation in Buildings 100 and 400 at North Campus which will allow audible, visual and text messaging of safety directives during emergencies.

• Completed LED lighting upgrades in Building 2000 and in the parking lots at South Campus to improve lighting efficiency and quality.

• Completed electronic access controls in Building 200 and 500 at North Campus which will allow remote lock down of the campuses


in emergencies and allow scheduled locking/ unlocking of the buildings and provide key card access which tracks individuals who access buildings after hours.

• Completed the fit-out of the College’s central warehouse and receiving at College Station, which will provide the College adequate storage capacity and a capable and efficient central receiving point for deliveries.

3.2 Develop world-class faculty and staff.

• Trained and certified Business Services staff as Strategic Doing facilitators.

• Hired additional Emergency Medical Services instructors to accommodate growth in enrollment.

• Created focus groups from “Yes to Desk” with newly hired employees to address their concerns with onboarding and College engagement in a COVID-19 virtual working environment.

• Implemented onboarding professional development package that incorporated COVID-19 safety and diversity and inclusion training for all newly hire employees.

• Increased mental health resources and awareness training in conjunction with EAP/McLaughlin Young to support employees and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Created processes, communication, and virtual training to assist over 100 College employees with use and understanding of The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which was implemented in April 2020 and ended December 31st, 2020.

• Managed over 3,931 virtual professional development hours of employees, including online training offered through the Learning Management System.

• Reconstructed the face-to-face onboarding practices to improve new employee experience and position preparedness, resulting in 208 new hires in 2020.

• Incorporated an all-inclusive approach to health and wellness by conducting virtual walking challenges and providing wellness opportunities that emphasized the importance of health and well-being during COVID-19.

• Supported College personnel through the COVID-19 pandemic by personally reaching out by phone to all staff or faculty employees who indicated that they were exposed, tested positive, or quarantined to ensure that the employees had all the necessary COVID-19 resources, including State Health Plan benefits, COVID-19 testing information, and mental health resources.

• Enhanced communication with employees by sending seven President’s Messages outlining the College’s latest updates and priorities.

• Held all employee meetings and Q&A sessions for College faculty and staff at the beginning of both the spring and the fall terms to facilitate communications and build relationships.

3.3 Pioneer solutions by anticipating institutional opportunities.

• Recognized by myFutureNC as a model program for the state due to the work of the Rowan Education Collaborative’s efforts to increase educational attainment and build an education community.

• Donated and delivered personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, masks and cleaning supplies to healthcare facilities and early childhood providers in Cabarrus and Rowan counties.

• Assisted major employers in the area such as Chewy and Amazon by recruiting, training and placing employees.

• Served as a pilot College for the implementation of Destiny One Solutions, a software tool that will allow Continuing Education students to register and pay for courses online.

• Continued to create transformation at the statewide level through leadership and involvement by the President’s Cabinet and others on state initiatives and legislative priorities.

• Partnered with the system office to evaluate and select a workforce development ERP system.



4. LEAD: How can Rowan-Cabarrus Community College be a catalyst for change?

4.1 Convene critical and strategic conversations about the future of our communities.

• Facilitated the Rowan Education Collaborative bi-weekly meetings to transform educational aspirations and create a “college going community” in an effort to increase educational attainment in Rowan County.

• Organized the College’s first virtual diversity and inclusion conference, G.U.I.D.E, which attracted nearly 1,600 participants from countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Columbia, Australia, Pakistan, Jamaica, the United Kingdom and the United States.

• Executed strategic conversations with the Board of Trustees and the College’s healthcare partners, Catawba College, the North Carolina Research Campus, United States Performance Center and other community stakeholders.

4.2 Be the leading advocate for community college education.

• Established over fifty transfer agreements with Catawba College through the Learn Local, Grow Local program supported by a private grant through the Teagle Foundation.

• Partnered with community stakeholders such as local chambers of commerce in order to educate the community and legislative delegation on the community college’s legislative priorities.

• Led the Charlotte Regional Collaborative for a Global Workforce with two meetings, including an in-person meeting in Charlotte with CEO of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina Chris Chung and President and CEO of the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Janet

Labar, ensuring that community colleges have a voice at the table of our region’s economic development strategies.

• Continued to create and manage College social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to showcase programs, campus life, student life programs and provide COVID-19 updates.

• Targeted parents and students via direct mail to communicate the advantages of attending Rowan-Cabarrus and the benefit of a community college education.

• Produced an OpEd authored by President Dr. Carol Spalding amidst the COVID-19 challenge to reinforce our commitment to our communities through education and training.

4.3 Strive for continuous improvement by challenging the status quo.

• Facilitated a public art project for benches in Rowan County located on the campuses of Rowan-Cabarrus, Catawba College and Dixonville Cemetery that focuses on promoting the stories of people who have been historically underrepresented in the history of the area funded by a $50,000 grant by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.

• Challenged the status quo by moving courses that had previously not been online to an online format, ultimately propelling our online teaching and technology years into the future.

• Served in leadership roles on state and local initiatives to improve technology and analytics in higher education.

• Continued enhancements to the College’s data dashboard program by incorporating real-time data capabilities as well as developing division specific dashboards.


• Created a COVID-19 interactive data dashboard that informed the College’s leadership on campus operations decisions.

• Created numerous data reports and data feeds to support the student transition to online and enhance support services.

• Helped spearhead the College’s Women’s Suffrage movement virtual learning event highlighting the accomplishments of women over the past 100 years.

• Developed enrollment and demographic dashboards in order to facilitate data-informed decisions in alignment with the College’s Strategic Plan.

David Cannon, Craig Lamb, Natasha Lipscomb, Dr. Carol Spalding, Michael Quillen, Nekita Eubanks, Ken Ingle, Sarah Devlin, Jonathan Chamberlain


Student Tuition and Fees

Sales and Services

State Aid and State Capital Aid

Noncapital Grants

Investment Income

State and Local Grants and Contracts

Other Operating Revenues

County Appropriations and County Capital Aid

Noncapital Gifts, Net Capital Gifts, Net

Total Revenues: $62,465,418

Funds appropriated by the State of North Carolina support most College operations. State tuition from all of the 58 community colleges is pooled at the state level and used to fund a portion of each college’s state budget allocations. Curriculum tuition rates are set by the North Carolina General Assembly. The College’s tuition rates did not increase and remain at $76 per credit hour for in-state tuition and $268 per credit hour for out-of-state tuition.

The College’s Financial Statements for the year ending June 30, 2019, report operating and nonoperating revenues totaling $62,465,418. This includes state aid of $33,295,073 and $1,187,041 for state capital aid. County current appropriations totaled $5,675,273 while county capital aid was $3,553,108. The remaining revenue was from grants, sales and services receipts and student financial aid monies that are pass-through dollars to the student. Additionally, the total revenue figure includes $5,308,831 in student tuition and fees, but it is important to note that state tuition monies are remitted to the state and not kept by the College.

Total operating revenues for the fiscal year increased by $2,367,197 over the prior year totaling $6,507,858. This increase in revenue is primarily due to an increase in enrollment with more students who in turn received more in student financial aid, which increased net tuition receipts.

Net nonoperating revenue increased by $938,964 to $49,692,908 in fiscal year 2019. The increase

is primarily due to an increase in county appropriations of $518,635 to $5,675,273.

The College continued capital projects at multiple campuses in both counties during the year utilizing state capital dollars, Cabarrus County bond dollars and special capital appropriated funds from both counties to fund critically important renovation and construction projects.

Operating expenses for fiscal year 2019 increased $2,318,985.39 to $53,955,419. The change was primarily due to the increase of expenses for services of $911,693 and supplies and materials of $1,544,320. Scholarships and fellowships decreased slightly by $158,710.

In fiscal year 2019, the North Carolina Community College System modified the continuing education occupational extension FTE calculation, creating an even greater increase in budgeted FTE for fiscal 2019. The College’s FTE for fiscal 2019 is 8% greater at 6,303.

In fiscal year 2018-2019, the college helped 3,227 students receive financial aid, totaling $10,252,050. The aid included $9.11 million in Pell grants which assisted approximately 2,661 students. The College also served and certified 202 veteran students who received aid from the Department of Veteran Affairs.


Salaries and Benefits Services


Other Nonoperating Expenses

Supplies and Materials

Scholarships and Fellowships


Total Expenditures: $53,955,419


Student Tuition and Fees

Sales and Services

State Aid and State Capital Aid

Noncapital Gifts and Grants

Federal Aid - Covid 19

Student Financial Aid

Other Operating / Nonoperating Revenues

County Appropriations and County Capital Aid

Other Capital Contributions

Total Revenues: $64,470,036

Funds appropriated by the State of North Carolina support most College operations. State tuition from all of the 58 community colleges is pooled at the state level and used to fund a portion of each college’s state budget allocations. Curriculum tuition rates are set by the North Carolina General Assembly. The College’s tuition rates did not increase and remain at $76 per credit hour for in-state tuition and $268 per credit hour for out-of-state tuition.

The College’s Financial Statements for the year ending June 30, 2020, report operating and non-operating revenues totaling $57,774,780. This includes state current aid of $34,959,740 and $2,186,957 for state capital aid. County current appropriations for the year totaled $6,244,713 while county capital aid was $1,949,472. The remaining revenue was from grants, sales and services receipts and student financial aid monies that are pass-through dollars to the student. Additionally, the total revenue figure includes $5,154,644 in student tuition and fees, but it is important to note that state tuition monies are remitted to the state and not kept by the College.

Total operating revenues for the fiscal year increased by $1,024,879 over the prior year totaling $5,692,074. This increase in revenue is primarily due to an increase in enrollment with more students who in turn received more in student financial aid, which increased net tuition receipts.

Net nonoperating revenue increased by $3,192,903 to

$53,082,705 in fiscal year 2020. The increase is primarily due to an increase in state aid of $1,664,667 to $660,322 in student financial aid, and an increase of $794,759 in federal aid – COVID-19. State aid increased due to increases in funding connected to benefit rate changes and an increase in full-time (FTE) enrollment. The federal aid – COVID-19 revenue was new for the fiscal year 2020 and provided to assist students and the College with costs associated with significant changes in operations due to COVID-19.

Operating expenses for fiscal year 2020 increased $6,292,644 to $60,248,064. The change was primarily due to the increase in salaries and benefits of $3,936,348 due to both an increase in faculty and instructors for increasing enrollment, as well as increases in pension and OPED expenses. Scholarships and fellowships increased by $1,808,826 primarily due to Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding received for students and increased enrollment.

Fiscal 2019-2020, the College helped 3711 students receive financial aid totaling $12,425,606. The aid included $9,400,802 million in Pell grants which assisted approximately 2693 students. The College also served and certified 183 veteran students who received $166,073.88 from the Department of Veteran Affairs.


Salaries and Benefits

Scholarships and Fellowships


Supplies and Services Utilities

Total Expenditures: $61,380,749

Interest & Fees on Debt/ Other Non Op Exp


Carl M. Short, Jr. | Chair (2019 & 2020)

Cynthia L. Mynatt | Vice Chair (2019 & 2020)

Carol S. Spalding, Ed.D. | President and Secretary to the Board

Marjorie T. Benbow (2019)

J. Thomas Bost (2019 & 2020)

Paul A. Brown (2019 & 2020)

Darise D. Caldwell, Ph.D. (2019 & 2020)

R. Daryl Cox (2019)

Jeanne A. Dixon (2019 & 2020)

William (Bill) Dusch (2020)

Patricia G. Fulcher (2019 & 2020)

Patricia K. Horton (2019 & 2020)

Lynn G. Marsh, Ph.D. (2019 & 2020)

Wilmer Melton, III (2019 & 2020)

Stephen M. Morris (2019 & 2020)

Michelle Patterson (2020)

Dakeita Vanderburg (2019 & 2020)

Amanda Murphy | Student Government Association President (2019)

Taylor Brigman | Student Government Association President (2020)


Cordelia Andrews | Chair (2019 & 2020)

Brad Bost | Vice Chair (2019 & 2020)

David Cannon | Treasurer

Carol Spalding, Ed.D. | Secretary

Karen Alexander (2019 & 2020)

Marjorie Benbow (2019 & 2020)

Dan Boone (2019 & 2020)

Paul Brown (2019 & 2020)

Doug Cremer (2019 & 2020)

Paige Crowe (2019 & 2020)

Kevin Crutchfield (2019 & 2020)

Jeanne Dixon (2019 & 2020)

Michael Fischer (2019 & 2020)

Dianne Greene (2019 & 2020)

Tim Hagler (2019 & 2020)

Denise Hallett (2019 & 2020)

William Brian Hiatt (2019 & 2020)

Barbi Jones (2019 & 2020)

Barbara Mallett (2019 & 2020)

Robin Moore (2019 & 2020)

Edward Norvell (2019)

Smita Quinn (2019 & 2020)

P.J. Ricks (2019 & 2020)

Bob Smith (2019 & 2020)

Mark Spitzer (2020)

Elaine Spalding (2019 & 2020)


David Cannon, M.B.A.

Chief Officer of Finance & Administration

Jonathan Chamberlain, BBC Chief Officer, College Environment

Sarah Devlin, MPA

Chief Officer of Governance, Advancement & Community Relations

Nekita Eubanks, MSHR

Chief Officer of Human Resources

Ken Ingle, MS Chief Officer, Information Services, CIO

Craig Lamb, MA Vice President of Corporate & Continuing Education

Natasha Lipscomb, MPA Vice President of Student Success Services

Michael Quillen, Ed.D. Vice President of Academic Programs

Rowan-Cabarrus Mission:

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College improves lives and builds community through public higher education and workforce development.

Statement of Purpose:

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is an open-door, comprehensive learning-centered institution of higher education serving the citizens of Rowan and Cabarrus counties. The College, a member of the North Carolina Community College System, offers affordable occupational and education programs leading to Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Science Degree, Associate in Fine Arts Degree, Associate in General Education Degree, and Associate in Applied Science Degrees. Diplomas and certificates are awarded for other occupational, adult and continuing education programs. The primary focus of the College’s offerings is on workforce development by meeting the educational needs of the individual and meeting the changing training requirements of business and industrial firms as well as other employers in the service area.

Reflecting its commitment to student learning outcomes, the College strives to inspire its students to increase their knowledge, develop occupational and technical proficiencies, respond to lifelong learning opportunities, and increase their awareness as responsible citizens in a democratic society.

Vision: Building sustainable futures through the power of learning.


• Excellence and innovation in education and workforce training;

• Continuous improvement through lifelong learning and achievement;

• Trust, integrity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect;

• Exemplary service through team work;

• Responsibility, sustainability, accountability;

• Leadership, partnership and global citizenship.


SALISBURY, N.C. 28145-1595

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