2016 Annual Report | Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

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Letter from the President: A YEAR OF


As we celebrate a year of completion, we remain dedicated to focusing on how the College can continue to find new and innovative ways to help our community navigate forward. The successes and achievements outlined in this year’s Annual Report highlight many of the ways that the College has served our students and strengthened our region. I hope you will share this report with others – especially those who want to begin or change their careers and their lives.

As you will see, the College strives to be a catalyst for change – both at the student level and the larger community level. We have strengthened our relationships with our three school systems and our two county commissions this year and we are all pulling together to raise the educational expectations, workforce capacity and prosperity of our region. From studies (EMSI), we know our alumni contribute more than $234 million annually in additional income from the jobs they obtained as a result of their degrees, diplomas, certificates and job skills earned here. We encourage them to gain 21st century skills by updating their qualifications.

In addition to our outstanding transfer programs to universities, we have expanded short-term programs for entry-level skills such as certified nursing assistant and for consolidating and updating skills with our certified production technician programs. These along with our new truck driving program produce graduates that eager employers are hiring for good wages.

We are entering an era of a labor shortage and skills gaps. We can address both through the programs you will see in this report and on our website. Our new Advanced Technology Center (ATC) will also add more career options as we develop programs in mechatronics, advanced welding, the associate in engineering degree and associated engineering programs including AAS in electrical and mechanical engineering. The ATC will be built beside our current building on the North Carolina Research Campus on the nearly three acre site donated by Mr. David Murdock, the President of Dole Foods and the Founder of the campus. We are thrilled that the ATC is regarded as a valuable component of the campus and a regional innovative asset.

Thank you for your continued support and ongoing commitment to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. Without your confidence and funding, we could not accomplish the important work that we do every single day to improve lives through the power of learning.



A word from the Board Chair: CARL M. SHORT, JR.

As chair of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustees, I have had the distinct honor and privilege to work with a team dedicated to making higher education in Rowan and Cabarrus counties accessible and affordable.

Rowan-Cabarrus has never been stronger than it is today. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for education, the faculty and staff of this great institution continue to reach new levels of distinction every day.

The College’s devotion to adapting to meet new challenges and needs, while still preserving what is unique and special to the College, speaks to the lasting and successful nature of this institution.

2016 was a particularly exceptional year for the College, and I continue to be astounded at the magnificent work that is being done across our campuses. The College’s recent reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) is evidence of the institution’s commitment to continuous improvement and educational quality.

I believe that I speak for the entire Board of Trustees when I say that I am proud to have RowanCabarrus serving as a catalyst for advancing the region.


• Rowan-Cabarrus is the ninth largest in enrollment among the 58 North Carolina community colleges.

• Sixty-two percent of our students are female, 37 percent are male, 72 percent are under 30 and 35 percent are minorities.

• Forty-one percent of our students work full- or part-time.

• Approximately 66 percent of RowanCabarrus students are enrolled in Corporate and Continuing Education classes.

• Rowan-Cabarrus employs nearly 350 full-time faculty and staff members, as well as 600 part-time faculty and staff.

• Rowan-Cabarrus alumni provided nearly $234 million in added income during 2012-2013.


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ducation is the best investment anyone can make,” said Dr. Carol S. Spalding, president of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College as she welcomed the class of 2016.

The class of 2016 was the 52nd graduating class of Rowan Cabarrus Community College, and graduates earned over 1,500 degrees, diplomas and certificates. Forty-three percent of the graduates lived in Rowan County, 44 percent lived in Cabarrus County and the remaining 13 percent lived in the surrounding counties.

Among the graduates was Roa Saleh, winner of a prestigious state-wide award, the 2016 North Carolina Governor Robert W. Scott Student Leadership Award. Her story of perseverance, dedication and passion for education inspired her fellow graduates. Roa was born in the United States but traveled around the world with her family and had to overcome language barriers to earn her education.

“I know, like me, all my fellow graduates will fulfill their aspirations and dreams because Rowan-Cabarrus truly is the institution of endless possibilities, “said Saleh. In her time at RowanCabarrus, Roa discovered her passion for science,

was the public information officer for the Student Government Association and was the Phi Theta Kappa honor society vice president.

She is continuing to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor and is currently attending UNCCharlotte majoring in biology. “I encourage you to seek your endless possibilities and to realize your dreams.”

Steve Morris, chair of the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners and Greg Edds, chair of the Rowan County Board of Commissioners both gave inspirational commencement addresses congratulating the graduates on their accomplishments and encouraging their future success.

“You already have what it takes to be successful,” Morris said. “Look around you. Appreciate your fellow graduates and be proud of your accomplishments.”

Edds encouraged students to keep their integrity. “Determine to be a positive example to those around you,” he said. “Be a bright light in a dark world. Be an encouragement to those who are struggling and a help to those in need.”


Roa Saleh, 2016 graduate and winner of the 2016 North Carolina Governor Robert W. Scott Student Leadership Award, delivered inspirational remarks, shared her exciting accomplishments while at Rowan-Cabarrus and her plans for the future.


owan-Cabarrus was proud to receive a donation of nearly three acres of land from Mr. David H. Murdock, chairman, CEO and president of Castle & Cooke, Inc. and NC Research Campus founder, to house the College’s future Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

“The ATC will be a flagship attracting employers to the region and allowing the College to bring a higher level of career and transfer education to the community, making our students more competitive for high-wage jobs,” said President Spalding. “Employment in advanced technology is constantly evolving and this facility will allow us continue to ensure that the local workforce remains qualified and current, key components of economic development.”

The new ATC, a 60,000-square-foot classroom and laboratory edifice, will be adjacent to the College’s biotechnology and nursing facility on the NC Research Campus (NCRC). The Advanced Technology Center will provide industry-recognized certifications, hands-on skills and customized training and support services to address the educational needs of companies with high technology demands and in emerging fields.

The concept for the ATC originated from interviews with experts in information technology, energy, manufacturing, construction and healthcare fields, along with conversations with other local colleges, economic development leaders and futurists from the local service region.

“We are working diligently to revolutionize our economic development environment and the ATC

Site of the future Advanced Technology Center on the North Carolina Research Campus, donated by Mr. David Murdock.


is one more piece of the puzzle we need at the NCRC,” said Kannapolis Mayor Darrell Hinnant. “By capitalizing on our partnerships with Mr. Murdock and Rowan-Cabarrus, we are developing more job and educational opportunities for people of all ages. We will now have the complete spectrum on the campus – research to cutting edge manufacturing. We cannot wait for the doors to open.”

Funding for the ATC was approved by Cabarrus County residents in the 2014 Rowan-Cabarrus bond referendum with over 64 percent of the vote. The ATC is currently in the design phase and is expected to be completed in 2018.

Supporting advanced manufacturing is one goal of the ATC, but it’s not the only way the College is supporting the fastest growing industry in the area.

In addition to the funding from Cabarrus County and the land donation from David Murdock, the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation is supporting the ATC through private support, and the College is exploring grants and donations to provide equipment for the training. The College also plans to pursue partnerships with local and national suppliers for laboratories and programs.

“I sincerely thank David Murdock for generously providing land for the Advanced Technology Center on the NC Research Campus. The location will leverage the resources of the North Carolina Research Campus with the College’s history of workforce development to bring wonderful new opportunities to our region,” said Tom Bost, chair of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustees Building & Ground Committee.

Students enjoying the new North Campus courtyard.


Thanks to the completion of nearly all of the construction projects on North Campus including the final renovations to the Health and Sciences Building (Building 600) which faces Interstate 85, the College has a fresh new view to welcome visitors and community members alike. These exciting projects were funded through the 2010 Rowan County bond referendum and a generous grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA).

“We are excited to bring a new face to the College’s North Campus. From I-85, you are beginning to see a new and welcoming ‘front door’ to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and our community,” said President Spalding.

Building 600 is home to a newly renovated and improved Dental Assisting program that has received updated equipment and furniture. The lab is a functional training facility that looks very similar to what graduates will find in the industry. The College’s Radiography program is also located in Building 600 and has seen significant renovations and equipment updates in the last few years.

In addition, the College has two more health programs in development: Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) and Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA). New program development is critically important for community colleges. However, the current funding structure does not support program development, so it requires careful planning and implementation. Both fields have very promising job outlooks, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“We have been very purposeful and diligent with the funding provided in the 2010 Rowan County bond referendum. We took adequate time to raise additional funds and to strategically plan for the future,” said President Spalding. “We have gained critical space for instruction and the expansion of new health programs.”

As part of the renovations, the College also took the former administration building, Building 300, and turned it largely into newly refurbished classrooms with smart technology.

“The technology in our new classrooms is doing just what we hoped it would do – making it easier for our students to learn. We’re getting a lot of positive feedback from instructors and students,” said Ken Ingle, the College’s chief information officer.

The College also completed phase I of the outdoor learning center/amphitheater, which is an exciting and innovative project that will take advantage of the available land and natural resources on the North Campus. The space is designed to provide an opportunity for students to utilize the campus’ natural habitats for curriculum related projects and instruction. The 900-seat amphitheater will also provide a venue for outdoor performances or lectures by the College and community based organizations.

Another exciting aspect of campus improvements is the progress on the College’s sustainability and energy efficiency projects. Thanks to a one million dollar donation from Fred and Alice Stanback, the largest donation the College has ever received, RowanCabarrus is able to launch a solar energy initiative that will ultimately save Rowan-Cabarrus and local taxpayers in long-term energy costs. Additional exciting energy efficiency projects supported by Rowan County and Duke Energy Foundation are underway as well.



While Rowan-Cabarrus students come to the College to earn an education by taking classes and earning credits, many find that the most impactful learning occurs outside of the classroom.

“We believe that our ever-expanding set of extracurricular activities and communications creates a holistic student experience, developing well-rounded graduates,” said Natasha Lipscomb, director of student life and leadership development. “We’re committed to developing leaders and helping students engage in their community.”

Through a rigorous nomination process, the College has the opportunity to select the annual Student Excellence Award winners.

Competition was rigorous as the Student Excellence Award Committee began with a pool of over 300 eligible students, which included Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation scholarship recipients, faculty and staff nominees, and student organization leaders. Student nominees were invited to write a 500-word essay to be reviewed by a committee, and of the 108 submitted essays, 15 finalists were selected to be interviewed.

“These finalists represent the best and brightest of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College,” said President Spalding. “We could not be more proud to recognize these students whose outstanding accomplishments reflect the core values of our college.”

The finalists were up for three prestigious awards. Thea Flynn received the Academic Excellence Award, which recognizes the academic achievement, leadership and community service of one student from each of the 58 institutions in the North Carolina Community College System.

Gina Davis was awarded the Dallas Herring Achievement Award. Dr. Herring is acknowledged as the philosophical godfather of the state’s community college system. He may be best known for his belief that education should be available to all and that community colleges should “….take people from where they are, as far as they can go.” The award is given annually to a current or former community college student who best embodies Dr. Herring’s philosophy.

And, for the first time, the Rowan-Cabarrus nominee for the prestigious Governor Robert W. Scott Student Leadership Award, Roa Saleh, was selected as the top student in North Carolina.

Additionally, Phi Beta Lambda, an honor society dedicated to preparing for careers in business and business-related fields, is a popular and successful student club at Rowan-Cabarrus. Students compete in state-level competitions and then nationally, earning first, second and third place awards across a variety of fields including public speaking and financial analysis and decision making.

“I am so proud of all of our students who competed at the conference. Some competing universities have more on-campus students than the entire population of Salisbury, and these awards speak volumes about the knowledge and education provided at Rowan-Cabarrus,” said Martha Cranford, Rowan-Cabarrus instructor and chapter advisor.

Similarly, students in some of the College’s technical programs, such as air conditioning, heating and refrigeration (AHR), and automotive and welding swept the state competitions and then traveled to Louisville for the 2016 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference, only to come home with more national awards.


“My community college, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, is the most affordable, high-quality, educational choice for me and it deserves support so that it can continue to be just that for others.”

– Tereysha Robles, 2016 Outstanding Community Service Award recipient and 2015-16 Student Government Association President


While the College’s standing in the community gives Rowan-Cabarrus credibility and respect, it is the accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) that ensures there is significance and value to the degrees the College awards.

In 2016, Rowan-Cabarrus was pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees of SACSCOC had reaffirmed the College’s accreditation through year 2026.

The reaffirmation was granted following off-site and on-site reviews of the College and its academic programs. The reviews focused on continuous improvement to educational quality, and the SACSCOC seal of approval demonstrates that RowanCabarrus is committed to educational excellence and fiscal stability.

“This affirmation of reaccreditation is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our entire College community,” said President Spalding. “We have a strong team who worked diligently throughout the lengthy review process.”

In 2015, Rowan-Cabarrus submitted documentation demonstrating the College’s evidence of the extent of its compliance with each of the core requirements, comprehensive standards and federal regulations reflected in the SACSCOC principles.

The College then hosted a committee of professional peers in September of 2015 to access the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. During the visit, committee members examined data and conducted interviews to evaluate the soundness of the College’s quality enhancement plan (QEP), a campus-wide initiative that focuses on improving student learning, knowledge, values or skills to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness.

The College designed the QEP to focus on career planning with the end goal of helping students complete their educational journey and prepare for their desired career field, a focus derived from a series of surveys taken by faculty, staff and students aimed at discovering the areas in most need.

“We know that students who come to RowanCabarrus with a clear career goal in mind are more likely to complete their educational journey with us,” said Dr. Michael Quillen, vice president of academic programs at the College. “To help our students in navigating the resources and finding their career paths, the College has developed a Student Education Empowerment Kit (SEEK). This “travel guide” can lead and assist them in their career development, so they can make the most of their journey here at RowanCabarrus!”

Rowan-Cabarrus has been accredited by SACSCOC since 1970. The previous reaffirmation of accreditation for the College was received in 2006. While the College has regular communication with the accrediting body and submits a report every five years, the next of which is due in 2021, a full-scale evaluation of accreditation occurs every ten years.

“The College’s Board of Trustees is delighted and not at all surprised that the College did well in its pursuit of reaffirmation of accreditation. We have great leadership, faculty and staff who make us proud every day,” said Carl M. Short, chair of the College’s Board of Trustees.

In addition to accreditation by SACSCOC, many of the College’s programs hold accreditations, approvals or licensures from specialized accrediting associations including welding, machining, nursing and dental assisting.


The Student Education Empowerment Kit (SEEK) includes four “connections” that help students get closer to their career goals.


Building sustainable futures through the power of learning. WWW.NCMANUFACTURINGINSTITUTE.COM
“This program was helpful, insightful and the instructor gave me real world experience and information to prepare me for this new career field.”
– Monique Sharpless, 2015 North Carolina Manufacturing Institute graduate


Today, manufacturers across the country are facing a skills gap between the technical skills their employees need and the skills they find in applicants. To combat this complex challenge locally, Rowan-Cabarrus is working diligently with manufacturers to do its part in addressing the challenging gap that employers face when filling these high-tech, high-wage jobs.

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College has built a new training program designed to prepare applicants for jobs in the high-tech and growing field of manufacturing in partnership with local manufacturers like Perdue Foods, S&D Coffee and Agility Fuel Systems, as well as the Rowan and Cabarrus chambers of commerce and economic development leaders.

As part of the North Carolina Manufacturing Institute, Certified Production Technician trainees gain knowledge and skills in safety, quality assurance, manufacturing processes and maintenance awareness.

“This free program is for anyone who wants a quality job – it doesn’t matter what your background is. It matters what your future is,” said Craig Lamb, vice president of corporate and continuing education at Rowan-Cabarrus.

Following the eight-week, 160 hour training program, the vast majority of program graduates – nearly 90 percent! – secure local employment prior to graduation or shortly thereafter. Depending on the company and position, starting wages vary between $1218 per hour, with raises during the first 12 months.

In addition to innovations like the North Carolina Manufacturing Institute, the College has made raising funds in the advanced manufacturing and technology field an important goal of the College’s Foundation. For instance, the latest grant from Duke Energy, a $50,000 investment as part of Duke Energy’s 2016 workforce development grants, will help the College to further that mission. This donation puts the company’s total investment in the College at over $1 million.

“We are grateful to Duke Energy for their support of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College,” said President Spalding. “Their continued support and significant contributions to the College over the last few years have been vital.”

Workforce and economic development is one of Duke Energy’s philanthropic investment priorities.

“Developing the region’s workforce benefits us all,” said Randy Welch, district manager, Duke Energy Carolinas. “Our investments come full circle when many of the students go on to work for area industries, and those industries then gain skilled workers trained to meet the community needs.”

The funds will enable equipment enhancements for engineering technologies programs. These enhancements include two MechLab Systems and four AB CompactLogix Programmable Logic Controllers, as well as associated supplies and software.

Experience with this equipment will give students insight into one of the most significant fields of application for automation technology – production technology.



ealthcare is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, meaning healthcare education has to constantly adapt to new methods, trends and techniques.

Today’s growing population of aging Americans and individuals with disabilities or other chronic conditions, is outpacing the number of workers with the knowledge and skills to effectively care for them. Like other regions across the country, Rowan and Cabarrus counties face a shortage of certified healthcare professionals.

2016 brought several exciting developments for healthcare education at the College, including the second annual health symposium, bringing together local healthcare educators, workers and employers to discuss some of the most challenging topics in the field. Additionally, the College completed the North Campus additions and renovations projects, a key component of which was an addition and renovations to the College’s Health & Science Building. Facilities for the dental assisting and radiography programs are now fully up-to-date and the new occupational therapy assistant program is slated to accept students in the fall of 2017, with the physical therapist assistant program beginning soon after.

The College was also pleased to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the Novant Health Nursing Skills Lab at the College’s North Carolina Research Campus facility, a naming opportunity stemming from a $40,000 donation from five local Novant Health facilities to the Building a More Prosperous Community major gifts campaign.

“At Novant Health, we believe that the future of healthcare is based on well-educated students,” said Dr. Dari Caldwell, president of Novant Health Rowan Medical Center and Rowan-Cabarrus Board of Trustees member. “Rowan-Cabarrus healthcare programs have a well-documented track record of success in both student performance and program recognition. We are proud to support the College in developing our local healthcare workforce, and share in their desire to train the most qualified candidates.”

On top of commemorating the College’s first-ever naming opportunity, Rowan-Cabarrus celebrated

meeting a milestone in fundraising for Healthcare Education as a part of the Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign.

The Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation met a $300,000 challenge grant from The Leon Levine Foundation for the support of healthcare education.

“This is a huge accomplishment for Rowan-Cabarrus. I can’t thank The Leon Levine Foundation enough for their confidence in our ability to meet this challenge and secure the funds we need for healthcare education,” said President Spalding.

With the help of the innovative grant from The Leon Levine Foundation, the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation is able to take a big step towards supporting the College and community’s healthcare education needs.

“We are excited to partner with an organization committed to a mission so close to the vision of our Founder,” said Tom Lawrence, executive director of The Leon Levine Foundation. “We were proud to award the challenge grant to the Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation, and are extremely pleased that Rowan and Cabarrus residents and companies have provided support to meet the grant goal. We look forward to the success of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in meeting the local workforce development needs for the growing healthcare resources in the region.”

The Leon Levine Foundation offered $300,000 to the College’s Foundation for healthcare education if the healthcare education gifts within the Foundation’s Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign reached $1.2 million by May 31, 2016.

The Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation reached its $1.2 million goal with the generous support of numerous community members and organizations like Novant Health and the Rowan County Commission, whose donations helped the campaign meet the challenge grant’s goals.



As part of the College’s annual celebration of scholarship recipients, hundreds of local leaders filled a ballroom at the Embassy Suites CharlotteConcord Golf Resort & Spa to recognize the impact of scholarships on the 2016 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College scholarship recipients.

“It was apparent to all those in attendance that a scholarship is the gift of education, a gift whose impact is far reaching and continues giving throughout one’s life and career,” said Dr. Kelly Propst, assistant superintendent of Cabarrus County Schools and co-chair of the 2016 luncheon.

In total, the 2016 Changing Lives Scholarship Luncheon generated an additional nearly $72,000 for future scholarship recipients, adding to the significant number of scholarships in place at the College’s Foundation.

“Students and graduates of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College remain in our community, contributing to the advancement of not only their own lives and the lives of their families, but to the

betterment of our community as a whole,” said Starling Johnson, corporate sales manager at Johnson Concrete Company and co-chair of the 2016 luncheon. “The beauty of the scholarship luncheon is not only the heartwarming and altruistic nature of the event, but the impact that a scholarship has on the fabric of the larger community.”

The Changing Lives Scholarship Luncheon is a project of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation, its board of directors, the staff of RowanCabarrus Community College, the students and the community and was sponsored by Wells Fargo.

“This event truly is a highlight of the year,” said Foundation board chair Paul Brown. “Residents of both Cabarrus and Rowan counties come together to support a worthwhile effort that has such a positive impact on the future of our region.”

Newly endowed scholarships and their donors were recognized at the luncheon for making such important contributions to the education of our students.

“We support students from all walks of life,” said Paul Brown. “Many of our scholarship recipients thought the word ‘scholarship’ meant funds reserved for high grade point averages. The Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation awards scholarships based on need and the desire to achieve.”

Giving an endowed scholarship is a key way that donors can continue to give back year after year. The interest from the endowment is used annually to fund a scholarship in perpetuity. One example of this gift was from the family of recently retired Chief Officer Carla Howell. After Carla and her sisters donated a

scholarship in her mother’s memory, her family was inspired to create one in her honor as well.

The Foundation has a 24-member Board of Directors and provides funding for:

• Student assistance (scholarships, emergency funding and books)

• Institutional enhancement (capital improvements, equipment, program, and curriculum support)

• Faculty/staff (Student Impact grants and professional development), and

• New program development.

Building sustainable futures through the power of learning.


ver the last few years, the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation has undergone a significant revitalization.

“We recognize the important role that private financial support must play in achieving the long-term goals of the College,” said Paul Brown, chair of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation Board of Directors. “Public support for the College from tax dollars will continue to diminish year after year, making new program development and forward movement difficult without private investment.”

To support the College’s efforts, Rowan-Cabarrus launched the Building a More Prosperous Community major gifts campaign in spring of 2014. The campaign brought a new and exciting chapter for the Foundation as the first large scale, multi-million dollar fundraising campaign in the 50-year history of the College.

“We are committed to investing in new programs and modern technology, ultimately training students on real world equipment so they are ready for employment upon graduation,” said William Cannon, Jr., Cabarrus County resident and president of The Cannon Foundation. Cannon also serves as cochair of the Foundation’s campaign along with community leaders from both counties who are spearheading the effort to raise these funds.

The campaign, with a total goal of raising $7.1 million, is centered on four key initiatives that address specific needs for the College, including a new advanced technology center, healthcare education, an outdoor learning and amphitheater space, and STEAM scholarships for students pursuing science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

“We are asking for support – not for things that the College needs, but what we believe the community needs,” said Edward Norvell, Rowan County resident, attorney and co-chair of the College’s campaign. “We have raised over 90 percent of our campaign goal.”

In addition to the four main initiatives, the College is also seeking funds for two additional special projects – a solar energy investment, and the expansion of the world class Fire & Emergency Services Training Facility.

In addition to the public launch of the major gifts campaign, the Foundation experienced many highlights in 2016 including several in-kind donations from generous companies and the eighth annual Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation Golf Classic, which raised nearly $34,000 for the Foundation. The Foundation also awarded numerous grants to College faculty and staff who use them to impact students, and assisted over 32 students with special emergency financial needs.



Rowan-Cabarrus Community College has earned the 2016 Online Learning Consortium’s Digital Learning Innovation Award (DLIAward), for advancing undergraduate student success through the adoption of digital courseware. The awards program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Postsecondary Success Program, is a prestigious honor.

Rowan-Cabarrus was one of only three institutions and five faculty-led teams selected from among 106 submissions in this first year of the Online Learning Consortium’s Digital Learning Innovation Award competition.

Jenny Billings, program chair and instructor of the College’s of Study Skills, Developmental Reading & English, and English departments, led the RowanCabarrus faculty-led team. They were awarded $10,000 for their innovative and creative program, dedicated to accelerating the adoption of digital courseware for general education or gateway courses.

“I am very proud of Jenny Billings and her team for all their hard work on the online learning initiative,” said Dr. Michael Quillen, vice president of academic programs. “Rowan-Cabarrus Community College strives to provide its students an excellent education both in the classroom and online.”

This is not the first award the College has received for its leadership in online learning. For the second year in a row, Rowan-Cabarrus was named as one of the 2015-2016 Top Ten Digital Community Colleges

by the Center for Digital Education for its use of digital technologies to improve services for students, faculty, staff and the community at large.

“We are honored and proud to not only have made the prestigious list of honorees, but to have improved our standing from tenth to sixth place,” said President Spalding.

The College faced tough competition as all community colleges in the United States are eligible for recognition. Rowan-Cabarrus was recognized for its work on mobile technology, smart classrooms and technology innovation.

“We not only support enhanced websites, new online planning systems, mobile technology, campus wide wireless access, as well as many other tools, but we tie all of these items together to create a cohesive personalized and contextual experience for our students,” said Ken Ingle, chief information officer for the College. “This experience simplifies technology for our users allowing students to focus on their educational goals. We believe this is really what set us apart from others who entered.”

Additionally, the College rolled out a new feature on the students’ registration system that allows students

“We are always seeking ways to improve teaching and student learning experiences. We strive to improve the student experience by making course materials as accessible, convenient, costeffective, and appealing as possible.”

– Jenny Billings, chair of ACA (Study Skills), Developmental Reading and English (DRE), and Curriculum English (ENG) Faculty-Led Digital Learning Initiative Award (DLIA) Winner, presented by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC)

to navigate their entire path to graduation online. This planning helps improve their ability to forecast which classes they need to take and how close they are to achieving their degree, diploma or certificate. And, students’ itemized tuition bills are now easily accessible through the same platform.

Online tutoring for students is available in many subjects 24 hours a day and seven days a week, as is the College’s IT help desk, through a partnership with Blackboard, the College’s learning management system. Other digital initiatives include online job preparation and searching resources, social media and electronic emergency notifications systems.

The College is also continuing its efforts in its ever-expanding courses offered online. In 2016, 52

percent of courses that the College offered were online or hybrid (mostly online with few on-campus classes), and 31 percent of all courses were completely online.



The arts are an important and valued treasure at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. The fine arts degree program, the classroom experiences those students have and the artwork and sculptures found on campus demonstrate the College’s deep commitment to culture.

In 2016, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College better defined its classroom expertise in the arts and began offering a narrowed focus on the visual arts by electing to implement the Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) in Visual Arts. The AFA program was designed with the students in mind, allowing them the ability to easily transfer and complete a bachelors degree in fine arts. The College also renewed the commitment to the Associate in Applied Science degree in Advertising and Graphic Design by offering coursework on both North and South Campuses.

Each year, the College holds two student art exhibitions: Impulse in the spring and the Autumn Exhibition in the fall. The Impulse student art and design exhibition is open to all Rowan-Cabarrus students. The exhibition is sponsored by the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation, through a student impact grant, and is in partnership with ClearWater Artists Studios. The Autumn Exhibition is a juried exhibition of work by students in the AFA Visual Arts program at Rowan-Cabarrus.

Each year President Spalding is the first to view the Autumn Exhibition, at which time she selects the piece that she feels is the strongest in the show. Stephen Garza won the 2016 President’s Choice Award during the eleventh annual Autumn Exhibition.

“I continue to be amazed at the beautiful and creative work our art students create,” said President Spalding.

For the eighth year in a row, Rowan-Cabarrus was excited to continue their partnership with the City of Salisbury by hosting sculptures on campus in the city-wide Salisbury Sculpture Show. In 2016, The College was delighted to host two pieces, “Altar” and “Sunflower Whisper Bench.”

And it’s not just Rowan-Cabarrus students who find themselves honored to have their work on display. The College is fortunate to employ working artists and faculty were invited to participate in a special exhibit by the ClearWater Artist Studios & Gallery. The show featured works by twelve of the visual arts faculty within that department, both full-time and adjunct.

“We’re very excited to be giving the visual arts faculty a venue in which to collectively show their work. It is critical for visual arts students to view and understand the professional work of their instructors, and this gives them that opportunity,” said Jenn Selby, chair of the Department of Fine & Applied Arts.

Yet another feather in the Rowan-Cabarrus hat was the privilege to host the 1st annual North Carolina Community College Fine Arts Conference. This conference, conceived by Rowan-Cabarrus fine arts leadership is designed to bring fine arts faculty members together from across the state to share ideas and ensure the North Carolina Community College system has strong visual and performing arts programs.



For many students, community college is just the first step of a post-secondary education.

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College has long been a great place for students to acquire a transferable two-year associate degree. Many students earn these degrees and transfer to any number of public or private colleges or universities.

“It’s not a secret that the cost of higher education has gone up,” said President Spalding. “It’s certainly more and more important to make sure that the program you’re pursuing is going to provide a reasonable return on investment.”

For many parents, it is increasingly difficult to figure out how they will be able to afford the cost of the college degree for their children. The rising costs of a college education present barriers to even middle class families.

“Students are savvy consumers, and they’re seeking a two-year degree as a means of scaffolding their credentials in ways that make sense for them,” said Janet Spriggs, the College’s chief operating officer and leader of the new Division of Student Success and Service Excellence. “More and more, students are customizing their education.”

Long gone are the days where the only path to a four-year degree was to go directly to a university. In fact, nearly half of all students graduating with a four-year degree in the 2013-14 school year had some experience within a two-year institution. High-quality and affordably priced classes are persuading

more students to begin their quest for a bachelor’s degree at a community college.

“About half of all Rowan-Cabarrus students intend to transfer and complete a Bachelor of Arts,” said Spriggs. “Our 18:1 faculty-student ratio means that our instructors – educated with a minimum of a master’s degree – can give each student the individual attention they deserve.”

Making the transfer process seamless and painless for students has become a big focus for the College. More and more students are transferring to earn bachelor’s degrees – in fact, the College has had an increase of three percent from last year, and an average increase of more than six percent over the last five years.

Rowan-Cabarrus also tends to prepare students better for their coursework at their ultimate transfer institution. For instance, 64 percent of Rowan-Cabarrus transfer students had a first year GPA of 2.5 or higher versus 56 percent for the system average.


“My time at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College really helped me figure out my niche. The people there are trying to help you – it’s such a close knit family. It was the perfect place to find myself before transferring to East Carolina University.”

– Arjge Brothers, Rowan-Cabarrus ‘15


The highly successful Career and College Promise tuition-free program at Rowan-Cabarrus provides the opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to get a “jump start” on their degree while still in high school.

“This fantastic program allows students to simultaneously enroll in high school and college so that they can receive both high school and college credit for courses taken as part of the program,” said Cyndie Mynatt, vice chair of the College’s board of trustees.

Michael Walker, a 2015 graduate of Cox Mill High School in Concord, graduated with transferable college courses under his belt by taking advantage of the program.

“The program interested me because I wanted to shorten the time and money spent on my undergraduate education,” said Michael. “I believe

these courses not only helped with my admittance to UNC, but gave me a leg-up with the college experience as a whole. Everything transferred seamlessly.”

Unlike the early college high school programs, Career and College Promise allows students to remain very involved in their current high school. They can still play sports and engage in all of the regular extracurricular activities.

“One perk of this opportunity is getting to experience real college classes – students ultimately feel better prepared when they transfer because they’re confident in their ability to do college-level work,” said Dr. Michael Quillen, vice president for academic programs.

Michael worked with his high school guidance counselor and Rowan-Cabarrus counselors to strategically plan his courses based on the transfer



equivalency at UNC, essentially cutting his time at university to just two and a half years. Now, Walker’s brother is a high school senior and he is helping him navigate the program.

There are two tracks for the Career & College Promise program – one allows students to specialize in a career or technical pathway, while the other allows students to prepare for general transfer.

In addition to the college transfer classes, RowanCabarrus offers options for students to get a head start in careers like fire protection, criminal justice, machining, cosmetology, web technologies, welding and more. Students can take as many classes as their schedule allows, with some students taking as many as four college classes in a single semester.

Over the last few years, the College has increased its offerings by providing dedicated classes and

sections that fall within the high school schedule in both counties.

“We look forward to seeing further expansion in this area as more parents and students become aware of what very well may be the best kept secret to getting ahead while still in high school,” said President Spalding.

In addition to the aspect of the program that allows high school students to remain enrolled at their current high school, the College also has three early college high school programs, the latest of which opened in the fall of 2016 at the College’s Cabarrus Business and Technology Center (CBTC). These popular, prestigious high school/college programs allow students to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree simultaneously. Many graduates of these successful programs go on to earn significant scholarships and transfer as juniors to highly respected universities.


Rowan-Cabarrus Community College was honored with significant awards for both the business functions and overall College wellness in 2016. The College was selected as one of five finalists by the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers (SACUBO) for Best Practices Award for their work with routable forms. Their entry was titled “Entering the Digital World-Electronic Workflow Best Practices.”

“We are committed to service excellence for not just our students, but the entire College community of faculty, staff and students,” said Janet Spriggs, chief operating officer.

Additionally, Rowan-Cabarrus was awarded excellence recognition from Prevention Partners for reaching the highest standards in workplace health and prevention. The College achieved this prestigious honor by earning straight A’s in four modules of WorkHealthy America, a Prevention Partners initiative addressing tobacco use, physical

activity, nutrition and the overall culture around health and wellness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged the WorkHealthy America Excellence standard as one of highest achievements in building a healthy workplace.


These students will definitely leave Rowan-Cabarrus equipped to lead in their careers and communities.”

The 2016-17 Rowan-Cabarrus Student Ambassadors include:

• Jimmy Bellamy of Concord, Associate in Arts

• Cyndl Fritts of Denton, Associates in Applied Science, Radiography

The Rowan-Cabarrus Student Ambassador Program is a group of outstanding students who are selected to represent the College in multiple capacities. These student leaders reach out to prospective students, conduct campus tours, participate in and help promote various college events and assist with the successful transition of students to the campus. The program is supported by the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation, which provides ambassadors with a scholarship for their service to the College.

“I’m very proud of the Rowan-Cabarrus Student Ambassador Program and this year’s new group of leaders,” said President Spalding. “We believe that developing our students into community leaders and active citizens is a part of our job at the College.

• Dora Gonzalez of Rockwell, Associate in Arts

• Sierra Moore of Harrisburg, Associates in Arts

• Rebecca Murphy of Salisbury, Associate in Arts

• Trent Phillips of Salisbury, Associates in Applied Science, Business Administration

• Shakia Simpson of Charlotte, Associate in General Education

• Brianna Swint of Kannapolis, Associate in Arts

Student Ambassadors are dedicated to student success, diversity and strengthening student connections. Ambassadors enjoy working with people, are committed to creating change in their respective communities, and are excited about sharing their experiences at Rowan-Cabarrus with others.


Two-hundred fifty-six students graduated from Rowan-Cabarrus with their high school equivalency diplomas in 2016.

“The high school equivalency test opens the door to college and better jobs. It gives the graduates the respect they deserve, and the satisfaction of earning a high school credential with the hope that they will continue with their education,” said Gary Connor, executive director of the Rowan-Cabarrus Pre-College Studies programs.

Graduates ranged in age from 16 to 77, with an average age of 27 years. Forty-nine percent of the graduates live in Rowan County and 51 percent in Cabarrus County, with 64 percent female and 36 percent male. Further, among these graduates, 36 percent, move directly into a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma program at Rowan-Cabarrus, up from 18 percent just two years ago.

Rowan-Cabarrus provides both instruction and resource materials to students preparing for the High School Equivalency at no cost. Classes are scheduled on the North and South Campuses and at a variety of community locations for convenience and access. The RCCC Foundation awarded 300 students funding to pay for their GED testing requirements.

“Our goal is to bring education to the students. It’s our ‘meet them where they are’ philosophy,” said Craig Lamb, vice president in corporate and continuing education. “While it’s not possible for every program, our overarching goal is to be available and accessible to students. That’s why our students can now earn numerous degrees completely online. It’s why the high school equivalency classes are offered morning, afternoon, evening, online and at multiple locations across the College’s service area.”

Students are given an assessment test upon entering the program, from which an individualized learning plan

is developed for each student. This identifies the area(s) the student needs to work on and sets a clear pathway to successfully passing the high school equivalency exams. Ninety-two percent of those students taking the high school equivalency preparation class have been successful in passing their exams. This rate is an all-time high.

The College’s SOAR (Skills, Opportunities, Awareness, and Readiness) program is for the intellectually disadvantaged student and it has seen tremendous growth in the past year. One of the goals of the SOAR program is to prepare our students for gainful employment. In order to achieve this goal, we have entered into several partnerships throughout Rowan and Cabarrus counties giving the students the opportunity to showcase their skills.

“To date we have seen just under 20 percent of our participating students gain employment as a result of this program. Our goal is to raise the expectations of Rowan and Cabarrus counties,” said Craig Lamb, vice president of corporate and continuing education.

Additionally, the Rowan-Cabarrus English as a Second Language (ESL) program has seen an increase in enrollment as well. In 2016, the College graduated the second largest number of ESL students since the beginning of the program. More than 12 percent of our ESL students have gone on to achieve their U.S. citizenship and 32 percent of our ESL students have transitioned either into the high school equivalency program or into a post-secondary program at the College.



Rowan-Cabarrus Community College was pleased to host its fifth annual STEM Open House at the College’s North Carolina Research Campus (NCRC) in Kannapolis.

“The STEM Open House was a true celebration of science, technology, engineering and math,” said President Spalding. “One of my goals since coming to Rowan-Cabarrus is to increase the breadth and depth of our STEM education. I fully believe that everyone should be interested in STEM – and that it’s critical that we embrace these subjects. The United States used to be the leader in technology and innovation, it’s time for us to reclaim that role.”

Over 1,000 members of the community visited the STEM Open House, a fun, interactive event for the community showcasing the College’s science, technology, engineering and math programs.

Faculty created dozens of interactive exhibits for kids and adults of all ages to spark the senses and stir curiosity for all things STEM. Attendees were able to make their own rocket, talk with a real SWAT team, climb aboard a real fire truck, play games and even engage in activities involving 3D printing and forensic recovery.

“Our exhibits show that science is friendly, approachable and fun,” said Dr. Carol Scherczinger, dean of arts and sciences. “Research has shown that opinions toward STEM subjects are formed early. Our purpose is two-fold: to recruit students to the College and also to offer a public service by providing opportunities to make STEM enjoyable and approachable.”

The exhibits were extremely diverse – visitors participated in everything from “Infected” where they exchanged fluids in test tubes to see who got infected, saw an ear growing in lab dishes and learned how to develop videogames.

“Holding this event at the College’s North Carolina Research Campus (NCRC) facility makes a lot of sense. Our NCRC building is the home of our biotechnology and nursing programs – two of our most STEM intensive curricula,” said Spalding.

The STEM Open House was held in conjunction with the statewide NC Science Festival focused on engaging the younger generation in science. Events across the state were designed to bring science to life for students and their parents.


Each year, the College undergoes a process to evaluate the best instructors. Faculty, staff and students have the opportunity to weigh in on the nominations and vote for the top instructors. Then, the top nominees are asked to complete an extensive and rigorous self-review process, culminating with an unannounced video observation of the instructor in action in the classroom.

Tennessee – Knoxville and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics with a minor in history. Savage loves teaching, especially mathematics, because he knows that he is helping people in their personal lives, whether they realize it or not.

“Mathematics is everywhere – in complex engineering models, statistical surveys and polls, and in computing the interest on a mortgage,” said Savage. “Regardless of the students’ major or career path, they will have to take a math class because wherever they go, they will need to know some level of math.”

In 2016, the College’s Outstanding Excellence in Teaching Awards were awarded to Eric Savage, full-time mathematics instructor, and Natela Yevloyeva, part-time psychology instructor.

Savage holds a Master of Science in mathematics with a minor in statistics from University of

Yevloyeva earned a Master of Psychology from Moscow University in Russia and a bachelor’s degree in teaching in elementary education from a pedagogical college in Vladikavkaz, Russia. During her tenure, she has valued the students, faculty and staff at Rowan-Cabarrus for their support and help in adapting to a new country and culture. Yevloyeva also holds an associate degree in nursing.

“We are very proud of these two instructors for the commitment they have made to our community and our students,” said Carl M. Short, chair of the College’s board of trustees.


Earlier this year, the world lost an esteemed businessman and philanthropist. Ralph Ketner was a fixture in the community, and an important figure to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.

As one of the top ten donors to the College’s Foundation, Mr. Ketner gave generously to an organization he held dear.

He was always supportive of the work of RowanCabarrus. As a long time scholarship donor, he was very much an advocate for those struggling to become members of the middle class.

Past, present and future recipients of his scholarships and donations will be impacted forever by his benevolence. The College will remember Mr. Ketner

for his stories, values and contributions to this community and the field of entrepreneurship.



The purpose of the RowanCabarrus Community College Foundation is to raise and manage funds, and enhance relationships that support the work of the College.

Thank you to the following individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations for contributing to the RowanCabarrus Foundation. This listing represents gifts during the 2016 calendar year and every effort has been made to include all contributors. If your name was omitted, please know that your gift is appreciated and will be acknowledged.

Robert Abbate

Eddie Ables

Tom and Dorothy Abramowski

Scott Adamczack

ADW Architects

Agility Fuel Systems, Inc.

Greg and Melissa Alcorn

Keri Allman

Antonio and Margaret Almeida

Almeida Consulting, LLC

William and Deborah Anderson

Dean and Betty Andrews

Greg and Cordelia Andrews

Denise Askew

AT&T Digital Literacy Program

Barbara Atwell

Bank of America

Bank of North Carolina

Janice Barnes

Barnes & Noble

David and Wendy Barnhardt

Matt and Gwin Barr

Irene Barrier

Martha Ann Barringer


Jan Beatty

Tripp and Carol Beaver

Jenny Beaver

Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships

Bergmann Associates

Beth W. Belk

Robert Betler

Jenny Billings

Jenny Bodenheimer

Reg Boland, III

Dan and Teena Boone

Brad Bost

Donald Bost

J. Thomas and Rochelle Bost

Timothy Bost

Elizabeth Bowman

Clay and Ellen Boyd

Bob and Deborah Brannon, III

Linda Brilliant

Raegan Brogdon

Carolyn Brown

Jo Ann Brown

Paul and Melissa Brown

Ralph and Helen Brown

Alfred Brown, Jr.

Tracie Brunt

Phyllis Buie

William Burgin

David and Patricia Burke

Bret and Sarah Busby

Peter Bynum

Cabarrus County Community Foundation

Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce

David and Darise Caldwell

Paul and Margaret Campbell

Jennifer Canipe

William and Ann Cannon

Cannon School

Carolina Color Corporation

Carolina Interiors

Carolina Precision Manufacturing, LLC

Carolinas Healthcare SystemHealthWorks

Stan and Carolyn Carpenter

Deborah Carter

Casco Signs

Kelly Castelloe

Steve Cathcart

Adeline Caton

Amy Caudle

Cengage Learning

Brian Cesca

Jack and Pat Chaffin

John Chaffin

Jonathan and Cameo Chamberlain

Cathy Chandler

Jarrett and Connie Chandler

Chemical Specialties, LLC

Milton Chicas


Joe Christie

David Clay

Anne Clay

Brenda Clement

Clifford A. and Lillian C. Peeler Family Foundation

Ken Clifton

Lisa Cline

Cloninger Ford-Toyota-Scion

Shemeda Coats

Colonial Life Insurance

Gary and MaryLynn Connor

Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Cheryl Cooke

Marie Corrin, LTD

Lynn Coughenour

R. Daryl and Susan Cox

Sharon Craig

Martha Cranford

Terry Crawford

Joan Creeger

Millie Cress


Tim and Kay Crist

Brett Crosby

Timothy Crosby

Kevin Crutchfield

Sue Cunningham

Anne Curlee

Custom Golf Supply, Inc.

D & B Realty, Inc.

Wayne and Margaret Dabbs

Lauren Dame


Phyllis Daugherty

Joyce Deal

Jerry Deal

Rebecca Dean

Eric and Cheryl Dearmon

Troy and Paula Dibley

Didlake, Inc.

DNP/IMS America Corporation

Lou Dorton-Shue and Zeb Shue

Tom Doss

Mike Downs

Vera Drye

Christina Dryman

Duke Energy Foundation

Jim Duncan

Harold Earnhardt

Jenny Earnhardt

Earnhardt Investment Co.

Sandra Edwards

Tim Elleby

April Elrod

Austin and Celia Entwistle

Environmental Federation of NC

Jean Enyeart

Nekita Eubanks

Katharine Eury

Scott Evans

Tanya Evans

F & M Bank

James and Nancy Fields

First Bank

First Citizens Bank (Alliance for Tomorrow)

Paul Fisher

Fisher-Greene Insurance Agency

Locke and Cathy Floyd

Tim Foley

Kathryn Fons

Brenda Forbis

Kathy Fountain

Susan Fradkin-Ferris

Brian Francis

Kelly Freeze

Bennie and Patricia Fulcher

Donald Gariepy

Tonya Gaydick

Douglas Glasgow

Walter and Michele Gobble

Ted Goins

Julie Goodman

Marcia Goshorn

Thomas and Carole Grady

Angela Graham

Adrian and Samantha Grass

Ricky Gray, Jr.

Dianne Greene

Shirley Greene

Penny Greer-Link

Richard Griggs

Terry Grubbs

Tim Hagler

Barbara Hall

Maria Hall

Michael and Denise Hallett

Brian and Susan Harden

David Harper

Laura Harper

David and Ronda Harrison

Harrison RV, LLC

Fletcher and Tana Hartsell

Zinat Hassanpour

Robin Hayes

E. Hayes and Susan Smith

Michael and Tina Haynes

Donna Helget

Adam Helmintoller

Carolyn Helms

Virginia Herron

William Hiatt

Brian Hiatt

Frank Higginbotham, III

Hilbish Ford

Betty Hinesley

Hinson Electrical Contractors of Kannapolis, Inc.

Veronica Hodges

Carolyn Holbert

Ricky Holden

Jason and Laura Holt

Diane Honeycutt

Rebecca Hooks

Joe and Pat Horton

Meredith Houston

Jack Howard

Dwight and Carla Howell

Sandy Howell

Mike Huffman

Huffman Law Firm

Bob and June Hundley

Timothy Hunter

Alan Hunter

Jessica Ijames

Ken and Amy Ingle

Integro Technologies Corporation

Richard and Sara James

Clyde and Carol Jarrell

Kathryn Johnson

Luther and Teresa Johnson

Linda Johnson

Steve Johnson and Dakeita


Thomas and Glenda Jones

Reed and Deborah Jones

JW Data, LLC - DBA Aurelius Golf

Aaron Kaklamanos

Kantrowitz & Phillippi, LLC

Ron Kelley

Holli Kempton

James and Tina Kent

Kersey Valley

Hillary Kestler

Ketner Foundation, Inc.

Melissa Key

Blake Kiger

David and Katrina King

Autumn Kinnaird

Phillip Kirk, Jr.

Thomas and Brenda Kirkman

Allison Kitfield

Kathy Knight

Bradley Konawalik

Miriam and Philip Koon

Lisa Kraft

Louis Kraft

Rose LaCasse

Craig Lamb

Lisa Lancaster

Kristi Laton

Britt and Kimberly Leatherman

Michael Leatherman

Lisa Ledbetter

Samuel and Shannon Leder

Theresa Leflore

George and Betsy Liles

Debbie Lineberry

Rodney Lippard

Tony Lippard

Natasha Lipscomb

Bobby and Betty Lomax

Stan and Donna Ludwig

Sheryl Lyerly

Karen Lynden

Amy Mahle

Donald and Lynn Marsh

Cynthia Martens

Jamey Martin

Tena Martin

Gaye McConnell

Betty McCrary

Brandie McHale

Terri McKnight

McLaughlin Young Group - EAP

Barb Meidl

Phil and Donna Mendez

The Mickle Family Fund

Bob Misenheimer

CB Mickle, Jr.

Denise Mock

Melissa Mohlere

Monteith Construction Corporation

Jack and Jeanie Moore

Robin Moore

Sandy and Kyndall Moore

Jacky Moore

Jeannie Morgan-Campola

Ann Morris

Steve Morris

Hugh Holt and Anne Morrison

Knox and Betsy Morrison

Amanda Myers

Carrie Myers

Cynthia Mynatt

Sherie Neely

Debra Neesmith

Irvin and Sara Newberry

Kelly Neymen

Catherine Norris

Edward and Susan Norvell

Novant Health - Rowan Medical Center

Novant Health - Rowan Medical Center Women’s Auxillary

P & G Security

Ginger Pack

Bradley Pack

Tena Pair

Ray and Lois Paradowski

Brian and Jennifer Parsley

Terry and Connie Paxton

Perdue Farms, Inc.

Jeff and Mary Phillips

Kirby Todd Phillips

Terri Pickett

Darlene Pickman

Piedmont Brick Sales

Piedmont Natural Gas

Cassie Plott

Mary Ponds

Kevin Powell

James Price

Christine Promin

Dianne Promin

Trent and Kelly Propst

Publix North Carolina, LP

Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Michael Quillen

Raymond James Global Accountant

Richard Reamer

Lori Reeder

Residents of Historic Concord, Inc.

Lynn Rhymer

Damon Richard

Evelyn Richards

Marty Richards

Cynthia Rickman

Dennis Rivers

John and Holly Robbins

Stephanie Robinson

Rockwell Farms

Kristin Rodgers - Doughgirls Catering

Jennifer Rosalino

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

Rowan-Cabarrus Student

Government Association


Suzanne Rumble

Peggy Rummage

Angie Rusmisel

Willie Mae Russell

Crystal Ryerson

S & D Coffee

Matthew and Irene Sacks

Dusty Saine

Salisbury Community Foundation

Salisbury Rotary Club

Salisbury-Rowan County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Robin Satterwhite

Schwartz & Stafford, PA

Denise Schweizer

Edward and Noelle Scott

David Seidel

Jenn Selby

Karen Shore

Lisa Shores

Carl and Luanne Short

Shynlie Simmons

Betsy Smith

Daniel Smith

Kenan and Tracy Smith

Robert and Susan Smith

Tom and Martha Smith

Shameka Smith

David Smith

Hayes Smith

Solace Salon & Spa at the Rossean House

Elaine Spalding

Carol Spalding and Francis Koster

Douglas and Janet Spriggs

Betty Stack

Tricia Staggers and Jason McDougall

William and Nancy Stanback

Christopher Stein

Ian and Shaquanna Stevens

Brian Stevenson

LeeAnn Nixon Stokes

Superior Mechanical Services, Inc.

Claudia Swicegood

Chad and Kelly Tarlton

Jay Taylor

Kenneth and Kathy Taylor

Taylor Clay Products Co., Inc.

Barbara Taylor-Lineberry

Team Honeycutt - Allen Tate Real Estate

Angel Teems

The Cannon Charitable Interests

The Forum of Salisbury

The John W. & Anna H. Hanes Foundation

The Leon Levine Foundation

The Margaret C. Woodson Foundation, Inc.

The Optimist Club, c/o Dr. Karl Hales

Julie Thoman

Lauren Thomas

Melissa Thompson

TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign

Thomas Trahey and Arabella


Ellen Troutman

Bill and Paula Troxler

Lloyd Troxler

Lisa Tucker

Robin Turner and Herbert Boeckenbaupt

Vernon and Shirley Tysinger

Ed Tyson, II

Utica National Insurance, Inc.

Uwharrie Bank

Holly Vanager

Timothy and Gail Vaughn

Vogue Cleaners

Walter and Carol Vuchnich

Vulcan Materials Company

William and Anna Mills Wagoner

Donald and Peggy Wagstaff

Robert and Sarah Walker

Tammara Walker

Victor and Vickie Wallace

Emily Ward

Susan Ward

Phyllis Watkins

Brenda Weaver

Randy Welch

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Foundation

Darlene Wells-Huester

Jeanette West

Sheryee West

Jeff Wetmore

Elizabeth Whitehead

Zhiviaga Williams

Joe Woodall

Paul and Beth Woodson, Jr.

World Fibers, Inc.

Belinda Wyatt

Betty Yates

Ken Yelton

Marcus Yono

Hope Yost


A special thanks to the following individuals who have generously provided a contribution or pledge to support the Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign.

Lead Campaign Donors

The Cannon Charitable Interests

Fred and Alice Stanback

Campaign Donors

Robert Abbate

Tom and Dorothy Abramowski

Antonio and Margaret Almeida

Dean and Betty Andrews

Greg and Cordelia Andrews

Carolyn Arey

Bank of North Carolina

Lydia Banther

Wendy Barnhardt

Matt and Gwin Barr

Martha Ann Barringer

Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships

BIRS, Inc.

Renee Black

Wilbert Blackman

Amy Boger and Jonathan D. Turner

Timothy Bost

Tom and Rochelle Bost

Paul and Melissa Brown

William Burgin

Bret and Sarah Busby

Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce

Cabarrus Rescue Squad

Pam Cain and Kent Gandee

Darise and David Caldwell

Paul and Margaret Campbell

Jennifer Canipe

William and Ann Cannon

Carol Carkin

Carolinas Healthcare SystemHEALTHWORKS

Castle & Cooke, LLC

Adeline Caton

Century 21 Town & Country

Jack and Pat Chaffin

Jonathan and Cameo


Jarrett T. and Connie Chandler

Joe Christie

Brenda Clement

William Coltrane and Norma Craft


Concord Rotary Club

Robert and Sara Cook

R. Daryl and Susan Cox

Martha Cranford

York Cress Endowment Fund

Tim and Kay Crist

Kevin Crutchfield

Anne Curlee

Larry Davis

David Boyd Davis Charitable Trust

Samuel F. Davis, Jr.

Joyce Deal

Eric and Cheryl Dearmon

Delhaize America-Food Lion, LLC

Troy and Paula Dibley

Duke Energy Foundation

Harold Earnhardt

Jenny Earnhardt

Eaton Cummings Group

Mark Ebersole

April Elrod

Tanya Evans

F & M Bank

The John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation

Patricia and Bennie Fulcher

Gem Theatre, Inc.

Crystal Glenn

Thomas and Carole Grady

Bill and Shari Graham

Denise and Michael Hallett

Dina Harkey

Dr. David Harper

Leslie Harrison

Harrison RV, LLC

Robin Hayes

The Mariam & Robert Hayes

Charitable Trust

Tina and Michael Haynes

Carolyn and Van Helms

Carolyn Helms

Mike and Sarah Hensley

William Hiatt

Hilbish Ford Lincoln Mercury

Diane Honeycutt

Team Honeycutt - Allen Tate Realtors

Rebecca Hooks

Pat Horton

Dwight and Carla Howell

June and Bob Hundley

J.F. Hurley Foundation

Ike’s Construction, Inc.

Ken and Amy Ingle

The Honorable Linda Johnson

Kathryn Johnson

Starling Johnson

Reed and Deborah Jones

Roberta Kern

Ralph Ketner

Ketner Foundation, Inc.

David and Katrina King

Phillip Kirk, Jr.

Kathy Knight

Craig Lamb

Lisa Lancaster

Andy Langford

Samuel & Shannon Leder

The Leon Levine Foundation

Daphne and Ronnie Lewis

Bob Lippard

Jeff and Janice Lowrance

Donna and Stan Ludwig

Karen Lynden

Cheryl Marsh

Lynn and Donald Marsh

Gaye McConnell

Phil and Donna Mendez

Robert and Bernie Misenheimer

Denise Mock

Melissa Mohlere

Chip Moore

Jeanie and Jack Moore

Ann Morris

Hugh Holt and Anne Morrison

Muriel Myers

Grace Mynatt

Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships

Irvin and Sara Newberry

Edward P. and Susan Norvell

Novant Health - Matthews Med Center

Novant Health - Mint Hill

Novant Health - Rowan Medical Center

Novant Health Medical CenterHuntersville

Novant Healthcare - Presbyterian

Ginger Pack

Scott and Teresa Padgett

Ray and Lois Paradowski

Jacqueline Pearce

Mary Ponds

Practicon, INC., George Webb

Kelly and Trent Propst

Rolane Ramsey

Sam Rankin

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Government Association

Richard Reamer

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

Suzanne Rumble

Jenn Selby

Robin and Paul Seropian

Carl and Luanne Short

Lou Dorton-Shue and Zeb Shue

Robert and Susan Smith

Daniel Smith

Tom and Martha Smith

Solace Salon & Spa at the Rossean House

Southgate Masonry & Lumber Co. Inc

Carol Spalding and Francis Koster

Janet and Douglas Spriggs

Tricia Staggers and Jason B. McDougall

William and Nancy Stanback

JoAnna Stephens

Brian Stevenson

John Robert and Susan Szakal

Jay Taylor

Title III Grant Matching Gifts

Thomas F. Trahey and Dr. Arabella Malone-Trahey

Lisa Tucker

Uwharrie Bank

Michael and Marian Vaccaro

Walter and Carol Vuchnich, DDS

Vulcan Materials Company

William and Anna Mills Wagoner

Robert and Sarah Walker

Victor and Vickie Wallace

William Wannamaker

James and Kathy Waters

Phyllis Watkins

Wayne Brothers, Inc.

Wells Fargo Foundation

Darlene Wells-Huester and Jo Ann

M. Brown

Nancy Whittaker

Phyllis Wingate-Jones

The Margaret C. Woodson Foundation, Inc

Quentin Woodward, Jr.

Betty Yates

YCH Architects

Hope Yost



Families, friends and businesses honor and memorialize individuals, corporations and students through endowed gifts to the Foundation. Endowments are established and invested with a minimum gift of $15,000 and are permanent funding sources for programs, scholarships and other financial assistance. These funds provide the annual earnings to support these awards.

Ambassadors ($250,000 +)

Ralph W. Ketner Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Philip Morris USA Endowed Scholarship

RCCC General Endowed Scholarship Fund

Title III Endowed Fund

Advocates ($100,000+)

Benson/Deberry Memorial Endowed Fund for Academic Excellence

Food Lion Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Richard L. Brownell Endowment Fund

Ervin W. and Miriam R. McCulloch Endowed Scholarship

Edith Walker Estate Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Champions ($75,000+)

AkzoNobel Corporation Endowed Scholarship

Partners ($50,000+)

Dean R. and Betty I. Andrews Endowed Scholarship

Evelyn Kenerly Germann and William Joseph Germann Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Dai Nippon Endowed Scholarship

Edward and Susan Norvell Endowed Scholarship

Promoters ($25,000+)

Cabarrus Rescue Squad Endowed Scholarship

Lane C. Drye Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Susan Elaine Harrison Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship

The North Carolina Paraplegia Association Endowed Scholarship

The Optimist Club Endowed Scholarship

The Salisbury Lions Club Clyde H. Harriss Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Student Emergency Scholarship Endowment

Susan J. and Robert M. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Waddell Professional Development Endowed Fund

Endorsers ($15,000+)

Walter Almeida Endowed Scholarship

Brown Family Fire Protection Technology Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Jarrett T. Chandler, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Michael Chreitzberg Endowed Scholarship

Edna J. Chrin Memorial Scholarship

Larry Cloninger Family Endowed Scholarship

Helen B. Earnhardt Memorial Scholarship

Rachel B. Gaskey Memorial Scholarship

Carla G. Howell Endowed Scholarship

Sam R. and Louise May Endowed Scholarship

Jeanie H. Moore Endowed Scholarship

Graham Spencer Endowed Scholarship

Ben Mynatt Memorial Scholarship

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Student Emergency Scholarship Fund

William and Nancy Stanback Scholarship Endowment

Other Endowed Funds

C.C. Erwin Memorial Endowed Scholarship

China Grove Civitan Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Michael A. Johnson Scholarship

Concord Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship

Draft and Design Endowed Scholarship

Richmond Gage Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Clyde H. Harriss Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Eddie Myers Memorial Endowed Scholarship

National Tool and Machinery Endowed Scholarship

C.T. Overton Endowed Scholarship

STEAM Endowed Scholarship


Gifts of $1,500 or more may create a named scholarship or program fund. Contributions at this level offer the financial support for successful completion of a certificate, diploma or degree. Program funds provide enhancements to the classroom and learning experience.

Bobbie Lois Lusk Abshire Scholarship

Patricia Burke Scholarship Fund

Cathy Norris Nursing Scholarship

Chaffin Scholarship

Construction Financial Management AssociationCharlotte Chapter Scholarship

Gerald Cox Family Scholarship

Equipment and Technology Fund

F&M Bank Merit Award

Anthanasius Fote Scholarship

Friends and Family Scholarship

GED Scholarship

The Maria Hall Emergency Assistance Scholarship Fund

Harrison RV Trades Scholarship

Al Hoffman Scholarship

Honeycutt, Horton, Brogdon, Vanderburg-Johnson, and Propst Scholarship

Mechanical Trades Carolina Scholarship

Justin Monroe Scholarship

Dora Anna Newton Scholarship

Novant Health Rowan Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Fund

OrthoCarolina Scholarship

Lillian C. Peeler Memorial Scholarship of the Salisbury Woman’s Club

Nadine Potts and Jo Franklin Excellence in Nursing Scholarship

North Carolina Manufacturing Institute Sustainability Scholarship Fund

Radiography Scholarship Fund

R.A.D. Alumni Scholarship

Rowan-Cabarrus Literary Scholarship Fund

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Emergency Scholarship Fund

Rowan-Cabarrus Student Impact Grant Fund

Rowan-Cabarrus Marketing Grant Fund

Dr. L.H. Pete Robertson, Jr. Radiography Scholarship

The Salisbury Rotary Club Scholarship

Shoe Show Scholarship

Student Government Association Scholarship

STEAM Endowed Scholarship

Hilton J. Swindell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Top Scholar Presidential Scholarship Award

Lauren V. Thomas Scholarship

Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund-U.S. for S.T.E.A.M. Scholarships

Gerry Wood Automotive Group Technical Scholarship

The Margaret Woodson Foundation Scholarship

Vanderburg Enterprises, LLLP Scholarship

Contributions made in honor of 2016 graduates:

Danielle Huester

Xavier Mock

Michael Mendez


We would like to express appreciation to:


The Cannon Foundation: Funding provided will support the outdoor learning center initiative of the Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign - $250,000

Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trusts: Funding provided will support the outdoor learning center initiative of the Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign - $250,000

The Duke Energy Foundation: funding will purchase the MechLab Automated Training Systems equipment to assist in learning objectives in the engineering technology programs - $50,000.

The John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation: Funding for Healthcare Education - $30,000

Ketner Foundation: Funding for Healthcare Education - $10,000

The Leon Levine Foundation (Year 1): Funding for Healthcare Education - $60,000

(Total Award $300,000 over a five year grant period)

The Margaret C. Woodson Foundation: Annual scholarships, emergency funds and healthcare education – $50,000

National Science Foundation/Advanced Technological Education Program (NSF/ATE) via South Carolina Advanced Technological Education (SCATE) Center of Excellence: “Build-Your-Own Recruitment Video” program - Funding provided professional development to staff - $2,500

North Carolina Community College System: Align4NCWorks Taste of Industry program – funding allowed career influencers to experience current industry training programs through hands on experiences at the college - $8,200

North Carolina Community College System: Male Minority Success Initiative – funding provided to improve the retention and graduation rates of minority male students - $17,234

North Carolina Community College System: Suborbital Balloon launch grant - Funding for students to design, engineer, test fly and recover a helium balloon to the edge of space – $6,668

North Carolina Problem Gambling Outreach/ Prevention/Awareness Plan: Graphic Design and Marketing campaign competition for students –funding will provide awards and campaign cost to those students who create a winning campaign$5,000

Online Learning Consortium via a grant provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Digital Learning Innovation Award (Faculty-led initiative) – the award was given for leadership in the digital textbook initiative - $10,000

Residents of Historic Concord: Student Impulse Exhibit – funding will provide exhibition costs for students to present their work at the ClearWater Gallery in Concord - $500

Rowan Arts Council/Grassroots Grant via the North Carolina Arts Council: Artist Connect @ RowanCabarrus program – funding will provide a local artist to work with students in class and provide informative lectures/demonstrations - $1,000

Rowan County Convention and Visitors Bureau/ Tourism and Marketing Support funds: FY17 NC Community College Fine Arts Conference - $2,600

U.S. Dept. of Education: 2016/17 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant - Funding for career and technical education in student services and curriculum – $340,758

U.S. Dept. of Education: Title III (Year 5) - Funding for improving student retention and graduation rates through targeted intervention - $257,258

Wells Fargo Foundation: Building a More Prosperous Community campaign - $12,500

Total for 2016: $1,364,208

2016 Changing Lives Scholarship Luncheon Sponsor


1. Prepare students for careers and opportunities that stimulate sustainable economic and workforce development.

A. Identify and respond to regional market needs with focused career education and training programs built for existing and emergent careers.

1. Expanded North Carolina Manufacturing Institute collaboration to include Iredell County. NCMI is now engaged with 36 manufacturing partner firms and is recognized by the Manufacturing Skills Standards Consortium’s Executive Council as a national model program.

2. Concluded the educational programming process for the Advanced Technology Center.

3. Graduated first class of truck drivers from the new training program developed in conjunction with Caldwell Community College.

4. Received $5,000 grant from AT&T to provide digital literacy classes throughout Rowan County.

5. Launched program for initial paramedic certification with bridge program for current paramedics to obtain associate degrees.

6. Provide clinical experience to students and dental care to 3,000 people in need, with students and faculty giving nearly 170 hours of community service over two days in partnership with NC Mission of Mercy.

B. Improve accessibility and eliminate barriers to student success.

1. Ranked sixth in the 2015-2016 Digital Community Colleges Survey Top Ten-Ranking Winners by the Center for Digital Education for the use of digital technologies to improve services for students, faculty, staff and the community.

2. As an element of North Campus Additions and Renovations project, completed the reconfiguration of the lower courtyard at North Campus, bringing North Campus into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements.

3. Increased dental program enrollment by 20 percent, as a result of the new dental assisting facility to meet the market demands.

4. Completed the five-year Title III, Strengthening Institutions Program grant and met 100 percent of the established goals while far exceeding expectations for numbers of students served. Served more than 16,500 students by Academic Advisors and increased retention rates from baseline 50 percent in 2010-2011 to 54.4 percent during the fiveyear Title III, Strengthening Institutions grant. During the grant period, Title III matched

gifts to the RCCC Foundation to create an endowment totaling nearly $290,000.

5. Awarded $100,000 from Rowan County Commission to extend outreach to underserved communities with employability, foundation and occupational skill training programs and scholarships.

6. Addressed more than 84,000 calls and visits through the College’s call center and Navigation Station.

7. Launched the Maxient student behavior management system to assist the College in maintaining records for federal compliance with laws such as Clery and Title IX.

8. Released NAVsync, an enhanced communication and collaboration software program to improve the student experience.

9. Delivered seminars and online learning for newly-admitted students to optimize performance on placement testing.

10. Provided nearly $33,000 in emergency funding from the RCCC Foundation to assist 61 students.

11. Awarded 165 academic scholarships through the RCCC Foundation totaling over $175,000.

12. Awarded continuing education scholarships through the RCCC Foundation totaling $10,000.

13. Provided nearly 300 GED test vouchers through the RCCC Foundation.

14. Implemented an enhanced document imaging and workflow management system allowing for the creation of simplified processes and forms for use by students, faculty, and staff.

15. Began offering manicure and teacher trainee courses to evening classes, increasing the enrollment in both classes.

16. Upgraded the College’s telephone system to support the ongoing mass notification project.

C. Provide learning options that lead to certifications, diplomas, and degrees by participating in the American Association of Community Colleges’ (AACC) National Completion Agenda.

1. Celebrated a grand total of 1,413 awards including 733 degrees, 130 diplomas and 550 certificates at graduation.

2. Grew the number of students enrolled in High School Equivalency programs by 10 percent and increased the number of these graduates by 11 percent.

3. Recognized 95 students for earning their high school diplomas as part of the College’s two early college high school programs.

4. Started the Cabarrus County Schools Early College of Technology, a third early college, at the Cabarrus Business and Technology Center.

5. Awarded 172 free Microsoft certifications to Rowan-Cabarrus students and participants in the community at the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Test Fest.


D. Accelerate degree completion by leveraging prior learning assessment.

1. Developed pathways by creating noncredit certification-based courses in Emergency Medical Science and Mechatronics to degree and diploma programs.

2. Proctored over 9,100 tests in the College’s testing centers including 2,046 academic tests for online students and student missing in-class exams; 3,572 placement tests for new or returning students; 35 Credit for Prior Learning CLEP or DSST exams; 2,007 Pearson VUE exams; 1,427 high school equivalency exams; and 460 TEAS/Kaplan (Allied Health Admissions) tests.

3. Awarded an additional 30 students associate degrees as part of the Reverse Transfer program with the UNC system.

E. Lead local and regional Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM) initiatives.

1. Hosted STEM Open House at RCCC@NCRC for more than 1,000 members of the community and local K-12 public and private students; awarded the Cosmetology program the 2016 Best Booth Award.

2. Selected as one of only four colleges to participate in the N.C. Space Grant Team Design Challenge and Competition with NASA.

3. Developed one of 42 NSA nationally accredited cybersecurity programs.

2. Foster a culture of learning that inspires academic excellence and promotes student success.

A. Deliver innovative, technology-enabled and highquality instruction.

1. Earned the 2016 Online Learning Consortium’s Digital Learning Innovation Award (DLIAward) funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The faculty-led (Jenny Billings) award was for the e-Text initiative resulting in $10,000 for the College.

2. Earned a Quality Matters (QM) certification for two additional courses: ACA-122 and ENG-112.

B. Enhance learning outcomes by developing expertise in effective teaching practices, curriculum pathway design, instructional technologies, learning assessment and student development.

1. Provided a three-day training and professional development program to 175 individuals in 37 sessions through the Center for Teaching and Learning focused on advising, campus initiatives and updates, copyright, retention, SACSCOC & QEP, career and technical education programs and student engagement resulting in over 100 certificates being awarded to faculty and staff.

2. Assisted 20 Pre-College Studies instructors to complete CORE certification in advanced adult education practices.

3. Integrated classroom flipping software to help drive instructional learning to the digital student. Software programs such as Kahoot, Polleverywhere and Zaption allow faculty to use live data driven assessments.

4. Celebrated Welding Instructor Mike Huffman’s Teacher of the Month award from A.L. Brown High School.

5. Completed QEP/SEEK evaluation design to assess learning outcomes.



C. Reaffirm accreditations from SACSCOC and other accrediting bodies through successful completion of required self-study, Quality Enhancement Plan, and other accrediting agency requirements.

1. Received final reaccreditation from SACSCOC after years of diligence, resulting in kudos from the on-site committee.

2. Continued promotion of and execution of the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan, SEEK, the Student Education Empowerment Kit.

3. Received Letter of Review from Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions for the Paramedic program.

4. Continued the planning process for the Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs.

D. Continuously improve programs and services through focused, systematic and ongoing unit reviews and annual planning.

1. Simplified Program Review process for continuing education.

2. Completed 10 program reviews in the 20152016 review cycle in support of the three-year comprehensive program review processes. Of these, nine program reviews were within the academic areas emphasizing the focus on learning outcomes.

3. Implemented a new smart classroom design incorporating state-of-the-art technology, and support for the growing number of mobile devices, enhancing the educational experience in new and renovated classroom spaces.

4. Completed revision of curriculum programs revising 20 Associate Degrees and eliminating 65 outdated credentials.

E. Improve achievement on Performance Measures established by the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS).

1. Adapted admissions and onboarding processes for Pre-College Studies programs to ensure student success.

2. Focused on improving state-wide performance measures, which resulted in the College improving its scores in three of seven areas as compared to 2014-15 performance: Student Success in College-Level English Courses, Student Success in College-Level Math Course, and First-Year Progression.

F. Continuously improve completion rates.

1. Embarked on the development of an online New Student Orientation Program to help students succeed in their educational goals.

2. Coordinated the academic probation program and successfully helped 54 percent of participating students improve their academic standing (total of 1,913 students served).

3. Modified post-testing protocol for Adult Basic Education programs.

4. Launched new retention programs in both radiography and dental assisting through a tutoring program to master positioning, improve writing and ultimately improve program completion.

3. Provide excellent service to current and prospective students, colleagues, businesses, industries, and the community.

A. Enhance access to academic support, technology and financial services for students.

1. Created a new Division for Student Success and Service Excellence focused on improving student success by eliminating barriers to persistence of students’ journeys to completion. The new division fosters a culture designed to enhance student recruiting, on boarding, and enrollment processes within the framework of four transformational themes: proactivity over reactivity, simplicity over complexity, students’ needs over institutional needs, and generalization over specialization.

2. Awarded financial aid totaling $12,795,312 to 4,598 students in academic year 2015-2016, including almost $11 million in Pell grant awards to 3,361 students.

3. Served 230 veteran students with Veterans Affairs awards totaling $395,240 in academic year 2015-2016.

4. Removed a financial barrier for students who are required to purchase expensive supplemental materials, tools, or kits by allowing the costs for these items to be included in student payment plans.

5. Expanded GAP Scholarship assistance program to provide financial support for tuition and books for students who either do not qualify for Pell Grants or who qualify for some financial aid but need helping filling the financial gap between aid and cost of books or tuition.

6. Reduced processing time of student financial aid refunds by approximately one week by improving and streamlining processes.

7. Implemented a new scholarship management software that simplified the scholarship application process and selection resulting in a 35.8% increase in total applications.

8. Created a “short application” to streamline the re-admission process for returning students to the College.

B. Engage students in planning and developing their educational goals and career pathways, including co-curricular experiences.


1. Combined internship staff with business services team to consolidate employer contacts and leverage placement opportunities.

2. Merged academic and career advising group with counseling and career services to enhance advising and career services support for students.

3. Celebrated Roa Saleh, the statewide winner of the 2016 North Carolina Governor Robert W. Scott Student Leadership Award.

4. Developed program advising “wheels” for all programs for enhanced scheduling and advising.

C. Foster a culture of inquiry, improving the use of data and technologies to strengthen service.

1. Utilized Civitas predictive analytics to identify financial aid students who were at-risk for not persisting and launched a proactive, outbound calling effort to help these students find solutions to help them persist and succeed.

2. Integrated digital textbooks with assisted software to support tutoring and curriculum enhancement.

3. Updated the College’s Fact Book and developed a comprehensive set of standard reports on enrollment available on the internal and external websites.

4. Acquire, develop, and manage human, fiscal, and physical resources essential to the development and delivery of technologyenriched, high value education and service.

A. Plan and optimize resources in a fiscally responsible manner.

1. Developed Phase II of Fire Training Grounds building plan to enhance services for fire, EMS and law enforcement training programs.

2. Selected as one of five finalists by the Southern Association of College University Business Officers (SACUBO) for Best Practices Award for the College’s work with routable forms.

3. Received exemplary audits of financial statements and internal control compliance for both the College and the Foundation, as well as two consecutive, commendable Veterans Affairs audits of the College’s veterans’ financial aid awards processing.

4. Received excellent compliance review audit of the College’s Purchasing and Contracts department by North Carolina Department of Administration Purchasing and Contracts division.

5. Implemented changes that

significantly improved payment processing of Continuing Education courses by implementing Pay-By-Course for 100 percent non-credit course offerings taught by part-time faculty.

6. Implemented new bulk transaction processing for budget and general transactional journal entry to significantly reduce the amount of time required to process these entries.

7. Implemented direct deposit for employee travel reimbursements, thereby reducing processing time and expenses and using technology to improve services.

8. Worked with the student refund card vendor, Bank Mobile, to establish a new process for assisting students who lose their cards so they can continue to access their funds without waiting for a new card to be received and activated.

9. Went live with new donor software to enhance the Foundation’s financial reporting and recordkeeping, as well as enabling the Foundation to respond quicker to donor inquiries and gift acknowledgements.

10. Acquired access to The Foundation Center’s online grant resource database, enabling the College and Foundation to conduct more thorough and better-defined grant opportunities.

B. Secure public and private funding in support of the college’s mission.

1. Raised more than 90 percent of the $7.1 million goal for the Foundation’s Building a More Prosperous Community Major Gifts Campaign in support of the College.

2. Completed the first-ever challenge grant from The Leon Levine Foundation for $300,000, raising $1.2 million prior to May 31, 2016.

3. Celebrated the success of the Connect NC Bond initiative and secured $7.2 million in state bond funding for capital improvements



through the state’s bond campaign that was approved by voters in March 2016.

4. Received a special appropriation of $65,000 from the Rowan County Board of Commissioners to support health sciences programs and as a match for the Leon Levine Challenge Grant.

5. Received several significant in-kind donations from generous partners including Nissan North America, Inc., Fire-Dex, Food Lion, Vulcan Materials Company, Carolinas Healthcare System HealthWorks, NC Petroleum & Convenience Marketers, Integro Technologies Corporation, and Practicon, Inc.

6. Secured more than $1.3 million in grant funds to support student success through instruction, scholarships and academic support.

7. Secured donation of land by David Murdock for the Advanced Technology Center (ATC) supported by the successful Cabarrus County Bond passed in 2014.

8. Secured $221,000 in funding through the RCCC Foundation to support the College’s highest priority needs and student scholarships from the Annual Fund, Golf Tournament and the Scholarship Luncheon.

9. Secured a $17,500 donation to the Foundation from Wells Fargo to support the College’s mission of advancing workforce development in the local area and student scholarships.

C. Provide facilities that are safe, welcoming, sustainable, and flexible to support the college’s mission.

1. Executed a 315 kilowatt rooftop and carport solar array on the North Campus thanks to a generous $1 million donation from Fred and Alice Stanback.

2. Completed North Campus HVAC upgrades, funded by a special allocation for energy efficiency improvements by Rowan County.

3. Completed the North Campus Additions and Renovations Project, which was funded by the 2010 Rowan County Bond and other state/ local funds. As a new “front door” to Salisbury, the space provides state-of-the-art healthcare classrooms and labs as well as a flexible atrium for students and events.

4. Began North Campus security enhancements project which will include video surveillance, electronic access controls and voice mass notification.

D. Be the employer of choice.

1. Earned excellence recognition from Prevention Partners achieving the highest standards in workplace health and prevention. Scoring straight “A”s in all four Work Healthy categories, tobacco cessation, physical activity, nutrition, and culture of wellness.

2. Conducted walking challenges, in spring and fall, in support of our wellness focus, growing total participation to more than 170 employees and gaining recognition at the state level for participation.

3. Identified as a Worksite Wellness Champion by the State Health Plan earning the opportunity to offer employees additional wellness services through Rival Health.

4. Implemented diversity and inclusion recruiting, as well as a new online recruiting search tool to enhance opportunities to capture a diverse workforce and increase visibility.

5. Enhanced the employee learning management system with free popular professional, management, and leadership books.

6. Provided onsite vaccination clinics and health checks in both Rowan and Cabarrus counties for employees.

E. Build an inclusive, performance-based culture aligned with core values.

1. Held all employee meetings and Q&A sessions for College faculty and staff at the beginning of both the spring and the fall terms to facilitate communications and build relationships.

2. Enhanced communication with employees by sending five President’s Messages outlining the College’s latest updates and priorities.

3. Strengthened the role and support of the Faculty and Staff Association.


F. Strategically support leadership and professional development opportunities.

1. Managed over 9,703 hours of individual professional development of employees.

2. Hosted numerous regional trainings, including multiple FEMA trainings, and provided the opportunity for faculty and staff to receive new and ongoing professional development locally and nationally.

3. Sponsored college employees for Leadership Rowan & Cabarrus and the North Carolina Community College System Leadership Program.

5. Serve as a catalyst for advancing the region.

A. Build, cultivate, and maintain excellent relationships locally and state-wide with leaders and innovators to increase support and influence practices and regulations affecting community colleges.

1. Appointed to the Centralina Workforce Development Board.

2. Executed strategic conversations with the Board of Trustees and the Rowan-Salisbury School System Board of Education, local Fire, Police and Emergency Services leadership, and the Rowan County Crosby Scholars Community Partnership.

3. Named as a member of the North Carolina Community College System Workforce Development Leadership Council, a statewide policy and regulatory advisory group for workforce continuing education.

4. Promoted participation by staff, faculty, and administrators at the local, state, and federal levels. College employees serve as officers on local Chamber Boards, within Rotaries in both counties, numerous boards, and in national higher education organizations.

5. Led and hosted both conferences and meetings for state-wide groups including the North Carolina Community College Fine Arts Conference, the North Carolina Dental Assisting Association Winter meeting, and the Emergency Management Higher Education Consortium.

6. Named to the North Carolina Student Success Advisory Board.

B. Expand the region’s workforce by attracting, retaining, and developing high quality talent.

1. Worked with several local employers on new initiatives to help facilitate the testing, screening, training and employment of local individuals.

2. Coordinated and managed 9 customized training projects and served 17 others through customized training business and industry services, expending more than $147,700 to train 1,641 employees for business expansion/ retention.

3. Offered 297 courses in criminal justice continuing education with students completing 58,534 hours of training and awarding 5,608 certificates.

C. Partner with employers to establish seamless transitions between education and work.

1. Provided 64 free Small Business Center seminars for local small businesses with 661 attendees.

2. Hosted employer spotlights to assist expanding businesses to promote employment opportunities and connect with prospective candidates.

3. Placed over 250 student interns through WorkBased Learning.

D. Collaborate with economic development partners to promote entrepreneurial opportunities and job growth within the region.

1. Helped create 27 jobs and assist with 17 business start-ups through advising and coaching provided through Rowan-Cabarrus Small Business Center.

2. Collaborated with local chambers of commerce to provide on-site Small Business Center counseling to existing and emerging small business ventures.

E. Expand the college role as a community partner in developing citizens who work to improve the quality of life.

1. Hosted two job fairs for students with community partners including NC Works Career Center Cabarrus, and other community agencies, which had a total of 100 employers and 663 job seekers, students and community members who participated in the event.

2. Raised over $1,000 through the English team’s Books-a-Million fundraiser to purchase new books for children in local elementary schools. Volunteered at Kannapolis Cruise-In and other campus, community and non-profit events, offering free haircuts from the Cosmetology program.




Salaries and Benefits

Supplies and Materials


Scholarships and Fellowships Utilities Depreciation

Funds appropriated by the State of North Carolina support most College operations. State tuition from all of the 58 community colleges is pooled at the state level and used to fund a portion of each college’s state budget allocations. Curriculum tuition rates are set by the North Carolina General Assembly. The College’s tuition rates did not increase and remain at $76 per credit hour for in-state tuition and $268 per credit hour for out-of-state tuition. While community college tuition rates in North Carolina remain low when compared to other states, rates have increased by almost 45 percent since 2009-2010.

State budget appropriations are based on the previous year’s full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollments.

In Fiscal 2015-2016 Rowan-Cabarrus was funded for a total of 6,362 budget FTE for the students enrolled in curriculum, continuing education and basic skills during the 2014-2015 academic year. The College’s Financial Statements for the year ending June 30, 2016, report operating and non-operating revenues totaling $61,019,307. This includes state current aid of $32,239,257 and $339,947 for state capital aid. County current appropriations for the year totaled $4,378,101 while county capital aid was $5,315,029. The remaining revenue was from grants, donations, sales and services receipts and student financial aid monies that are pass-through dollars to the student. Additionally, the total revenue figure includes $3,965,661 in student tuition and fees, but

it is important to note that state tuition monies are remitted to the state and not kept by the College. The College continued capital projects at multiple campuses in both counties during the year utilizing state capital dollars, Rowan County bond dollars and special capital appropriated funds from both counties to fund critically important renovation and construction projects. North Carolina community colleges operate on a cash basis accounting system with fiscal year end at June 30. Revenues may exceed expenditures when monies received for grants, financial aid awards and other institutionally funded activities are received before June 30, but expenditures are recorded after the end of the fiscal year.

In Fiscal 2015-2016, the College helped 4,598 students receive financial aid totaling $12,795,312. The aid included approximately $1.9 million in scholarships, grants and other forms of agency, state, and federal aid, as well as $10.9 million in Pell grants were assisted approximately 3,361 students. We also served and certified 230 veteran students who received $395,249 from the Department of Veteran Affairs. An economic impact study completed in 2014 by Economic Modeling Specialists International, indicates that the annual impact of Rowan-Cabarrus alumni in 2012-2013 was more than $234 million in added income within Rowan and Cabarrus counties.


The statement of net position reflects the overall financial position of the College at a given point in time. In Fiscal 2015-2016, the College’s total assets grew by almost 6 percent while total liabilities

increased by 10.2 percent, and the College’s total net position increased by 12.29 percent. The increase in net position is primarily due to an overall increase in construction in progress and capital assets resulting from continuing capital improvements in both counties.

Invested in Capital Assets

Restricted: Nonexpendable


Restricted: Expendable

Total Net Position: $69,912,146.50

Chart Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 Invested  in  Capital  Assets Restricted:  Nonexpendable Unrestricted
97.62% less than 1% 1.39%
less than 1%
64.29% 11.88% 6.25% 12.44% 1.67% 2.88%
Total Operating Expenses $53,368,964.74


Carl M. Short, Jr. | Chair

Cynthia L. Mynatt | Vice Chair

Carol S. Spalding, Ed.D. | President and Secretary to the Board

Matthew C. Barr

J. Thomas Bost

Paul A. Brown

Darise D. Caldwell, Ph.D.

R. Daryl Cox

Patricia G. Fulcher

Patricia K. Horton

Lynn G. Marsh, Ph.D.

Robert S. Misenheimer

Stephen M. Morris

Dakeita Vanderburg-Johnson

Quentin Woodward, Jr.

Latosha Tulloch | Student Government Association President


Knox Morrison

Paul Brown | Chair

Pat K. Horton | Vice Chair

Janet Spriggs | Treasurer

Carol Spalding, Ed.D. | Secretary

Cordelia Andrews

Raegan Brogdon

Brad Bost

Reverend Peter Bynum

William C. Cannon, Jr.

Kevin Crutchfield

Harold Earnhardt

Timothy Elleby, Sr.

Dianne Greene

Tim Hagler

Denise Hallett

Diane Honeycutt

Cynthia Mynatt

Irvin Newberry

Edward Norvell

Mary Ponds

Kelly Propst, Ed.D.

Lisa Tucker

Dakeita Vanderburg-Johnson


Jonathan Chamberlain, B.B.C. Chief Officer, College Environment

Ken Ingle, M.S. Chief Officer, Information Services/CIO

Craig Lamb, M.A. Vice President of Corporate & Continuing Education

Michael Quillen, Ed.D.

Vice President of Academic Programs

Janet Spriggs, M.S.

Chief Operating Officer

Rowan-Cabarrus Mission:

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College improves lives and builds community through public higher education and workforce development.

Statement of Purpose:

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is an open-door, comprehensive learning-centered institution of higher education serving the citizens of Rowan and Cabarrus counties. The College, a member of the North Carolina Community College System, offers affordable occupational and education programs leading to Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Science Degree, Associate in Fine Arts Degree, Associate in General Education Degree, and Associate in Applied Science Degrees. Diplomas and certificates are awarded for other occupational, adult and continuing education programs. The primary focus of the College’s offerings is on workforce development by meeting the educational needs of the individual and meeting the changing training requirements of business and industrial firms as well as other employers in the service area. Reflecting its commitment to student learning outcomes, the College strives to inspire its students to increase their knowledge, develop occupational and technical proficiencies, respond to lifelong learning opportunities, and increase their awareness as responsible citizens in a democratic society.


Building sustainable futures through the power of learning.


• Excellence and innovation in education and workforce training;

• Continuous improvement through lifelong learning and achievement;

• Trust, integrity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect;

• Exemplary service through team work;

• Responsibility, sustainability, accountability;

• Leadership, partnership and global citizenship.

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SALISBURY, N.C. 28145-1595

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