ModeLS Magazine 103 - May - June 2024

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Hello, Readers

EDITORS Letter BonieFacio

I know that I love summer—everything about it, and summer style is all about ease. From neon hues to comfort fabrics and retro accessories, the summer styles of 2024 offer a plethora of options to express your personal style with confidence and flair. Let your style reflect the essence of the season—vibrant, bold, and full of personality. Embrace the perplexity of fashion choices and experiment with new trends to curate a wardrobe that is as unique as you are.

So, seeing as sharing is caring, we are really excited to unveil our latest offerings and show the Second Life world who’s wearing what in this issue of ModeLS Magazine. Don’t miss the flair of the Amazing Impressions Modeling Agency photo spread on oversized blazers or the dazzling images that encapsulate the joy of Pride Colors featuring the entries of our Readers Challenge.

Beauty and fashion come together seamlessly. Be sure to check out our interviews with Lidsa, “Photographer of the Month,” and cover photo, as well as Wendyy000, our featured “Blogger of the Month.” Both shine with innate radiance and style in our spotlights.

CashmereVanilla delves into “Why We Remember D-Day” with her article of grace, balance, and soul in commemoration of D-Day’s 80th anniversary at Normandy.

Remember, we are all part of a rich, broken, and beautiful human family. Your appearance, social status, college degree, material possessions, and clothing do not define you. You are more than the sum of your parts. You have the infinite, mysterious blessing of being a member of the human race, for all its wonder, messiness, beauty, and pain.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we did creating it.



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Mel Licious

» Photographer

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Essy Luv

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» Writer » Photographer


cover Lidsa

cover photographer


Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. ModeLS Magazine and the Publisher do not except responsability for advertising content. Products, advertisement, pages and services mentioned are subject of change without prior notice. Every effort is made to ensure facts are correct at publication time.







Blogger Wendyy000

Wendyyy’s journey stands as a testament to dedication and creative vision. Initiated by a love for fashion and nurtured by supportive friends, Wendyyy’s venture into the world of blogging was not merely a pursuit of personal passion but also a collaborative effort with print shops.

Wendyyy’s journey in Second Life photography is marked by a commitment to capturing the essence of style and elegance. Inspired by the evolving avatars within the virtual realm, each photograph serves as a testament to Wendyyy’s keen eye for detail and aesthetic sensibilities.

Through platforms like Blogotex, Wendyyy’s work has earned recognition within the blogging community, reflecting her commitment to excellence and creativity. With a well-organized approach to blogging, Wendyyy’s dedication to her craft is evident in the meticulous planning that precedes each post, ensuring that every aspect is thoughtfully executed. Drawing inspiration from her spouse, whose unique style serves as a muse, Wendyyy’s journey as a fashion blogger is a testament to the transformative power of passion and dedication.

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?

Hi everyone. My name is Wendy.

Describe how did you first get into blogging?

I initially ventured into blogging due to my passion for fashion. It all began with the encouragement and support of my friends, who not only helped me with posting but also assisted in liaising with print shops.

Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?

Certainly! My deep inspiration drawn from fashion and clothing has been a significant strength in my blogging journey. This passion fuels my creativity and enables me to consistently produce engaging content that resonates with my audience.

What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?

While I haven’t encountered significant failures in my time in Second Life cause its just short, I’ve learned that every experience, positive or negative, contributes to growth. My focus on taking pictures and engaging with others has helped me navigate challenges with grace and maintain positive relationships within the Second Life community.

Second Life is a big place, do you have any other interests besides blogging?

Absolutely! Besides blogging, I’m deeply fascinated by the vibrant world of Second Life avatars. Witnessing the continuous evolution of avatars, becoming increasingly lifelike and visually captivating, is a passion of mine. It’s a captivating aspect of Second Life that never fails to inspire me.

Why did you start with blogging? Describe your writing process, from concept to publishing.

How do you stay motivated?

I embarked on my journey into blogging driven by my passion for photography. Initially capturing images for personal enjoyment, I soon found myself drawn to the intricate world of virtual fashion within Second Life. Encouragement from friends nudged me towards blogging, where I began selecting exquisite garments from renowned SL stores and crafting visually captivating posts.

My writing process typically begins with curating scenes that complement the chosen attire, followed by capturing compelling images. These visuals serve as the foundation for crafting narratives that convey my impressions of the fashion pieces and the stories they evoke.

Staying motivated is fueled by my enduring love for photography and fashion. Additionally, the supportive community within Second Life and the opportunity to share my creativity with others serve as constant sources of inspiration, propelling me forward in my blogging endeavors.

How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?

Because I love what I do, if you like what you do you take great care of the work

The fashion industry has a lot of bloggers, how do you get in contact or how do you pick the designers to blog for?

Navigating the crowded fashion blogging landscape can indeed be challenging. Personally, I primarily use platforms like Blogotex to connect with designers. Through these platforms, I submit applications and proposals, showcasing my style and vision. Fortunately, many designers have embraced my work and accepted me into their

We bloggers know that Blogging is really time consuming and a lot of work. How do you deal with organizing your posts?

As a blogger, I’ve learned that staying organized is crucial. I set aside time the day before to plan my posts, focusing on tasks like choosing locations, outfits, lighting, and taking photos. This method helps me use my time effectively, leading to well-crafted and engaging content.

How would you describe your personal style and is there a person who is a fashion inspiration to you?

My style is heavily influenced by my husband, who inspires me greatly. Each outfit I choose reflects his unique sense of fashion, and his distinct aesthetic guides my own choices, adding his signature touch of elegance and individuality to everything I wear.

How do you attract new readers? Describe the methods you’ve used and their impact on site traffic? What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?

The more you get attention, the more people see you

Can you tell me about few sources from where you get products for review on your site?

All groups accept my photos

How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?

I publish a post every day.

What would you like to achieve in the future? Any Dreams?

Being a well-known Blogger, recognized for my effort day by day

Model Anigma Eulenberg

Meet Anigma: an introvert with a love for food, naps, and the finer threads of life. Initially seeking real-life work connections, Anigma’s journey swiftly transformed into a passion for modeling, inspired by the creativity of designers and the camaraderie of the fashion world. Mixing casual chic with fabulous flair, Anigma navigates both virtual catwalks and the world of The Sims with ease.

Their fondness for designers like Christian Siriano, Thierry Mugler, and Robert Wun is matched only by their love for leisurely park strolls. From triumphs on the runway to the occasional mishap, like the infamous IM-to-VPC slip-up, Anigma’s journey is marked by adaptability and dedication. As they look to the future, mentoring aspiring models and reviving fashion weeks are on the agenda.

For Anigma, modeling isn’t just about accolades; it’s about creativity, competition, and the bonds formed along the way. Their advice? Embrace experimentation, seek feedback, and never lose sight of your dreams. Here’s to Anigma, our Model of the Month, a reminder that with perseverance and style, anything is possible.

Hello and thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Our readers are very interested in who you are, where you come from. Can u tell us a little bit about who is behind the avatar?

Behind the avatar is an introvert who finds solace in the simple joys of life: indulging in delicious food, relishing in rejuvenating naps, and immersing oneself in the world of fashion. Alongside these pleasures, there’s a love for the art of shopping and the transformative power of donning fabulous outfits.

What was your first job intention when you came into second life? How did you feel about the fashion industry?

When I first entered Second Life, my primary goal was to network and seek opportunities for real-life employment. However, as I started attending fashion shows, I was captivated by the dynamic energy and boundless creativity within the industry. Witnessing the ingenious designs and innovative presentations ignited a newfound passion for fashion, transforming my initial intentions into an exciting journey of exploration and discovery.

What are your hobbies and interests besides Second Life?

Beyond Second Life, I find joy in various hobbies and interests. Playing the Sims allows me to immerse myself in another virtual world, while indulging in documentaries satisfies my curiosity and love for learning. Cooking is another passion of mine, where I can unleash creativity in the kitchen and savor the delicious results.

Let’s get into your favorites.

1. What is your favorite personal style?

My favorite personal style is casual chic.

2. Who are your favorite designers?

My favorite designers are Christian Siriano, Thierry Mugler, and Robert Wun.

3. Who are your favorite places to visit? I like visiting parks with lakes.

4. What is your favorite Movie?

My favorite movie is Return to Oz.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

I’m grateful to all of my friends for being supportive of me in my career. So many of them have given me encouragement and shown up for me. I decided to be a professional model after attending fashion shows and seeing how much fun it looked. I was inspired by the creativity I’ve seen from designers in SL and wanted to share how great I think their work is.

Are u currently in an Agency? When did you sign with an agency? What agencies are you currently part of?

I’m in many agencies. I am currently signed to Madd Modelz, AIM, One on One, NovaEikon, Elegance, Iconic, Sakura, and HC Models.

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model?

One time I was talking to a friend in IM and accidentally responded in VPC during a show. Luckily I wasn’t saying any bad words, but I couldn’t believe I made such a silly mistake. I was mortified at the time but can laugh about it now.

What do you think makes your stand out? Can you share a story? I think what makes me stand out is my ability to mix and match cohesively. I actually had two different outfits for the finale of SL Top Model but could only choose one. I decided to wear the one that I felt best represented who I am on both sides of the screen. It was quite scary for me because I was taking a lot of risks with everything, but it paid off because I won.

Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken? Does it costs a lot of money? or can you teach yourself?

I attended two different modeling schools. It’s been years since I’ve taken classes, but I recently attended a posing workshop by Ponchituti Boucher. When I began modeling years ago, it was expensive, but I’m grateful for the knowledge I gained. Everything else I’ve learned through trial and error from doing shows and contests.

What advice would you give someone starting out?

Be open to trying new things at least once. If you never take the risk to try something different, you might limit yourself creatively. Experimentation may help you discover what works best for you.

What do you prefer: Modeling, blogging, print work, photography, competitions? and why?

I prefer competitions because I can get a live response to my styling. I don’t get a lot of responses from social media, so I never know if what I did was great or not.

Competitions allow me to feel that feedback in real time, instead of constantly checking for notifications.

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all?

I don’t have many limitations as long as the clothing is made in a body I own. I am wary about wearing clothing that may misrepresent a culture because I know that despite how anyone looks in here, there are real people behind the avatars. That means their emotions are real too, so I want to be considerate and avoid creating bad stereotypes.

What do you think about the competition in this industry, and the relationships models have with each other?

I think competitions can be healthy as long as everyone has a good attitude going into it. If someone focuses only on winning, they may worry too much about pleasing judges instead of enjoying the competition for what it is. I’ve befriended many models from these competitions because they come to have fun and encourage each other.

What magazine would you like to be on the cover of? All of them!

Where do you see yourself in a year from now?

Do you have any dreams or goals you want to have achieved

A year from now, it would be nice to be recognized as someone capable of mentoring others in modeling. I’ve achieved so many goals that I aspire to help someone else’s dreams come true if I can.

If you could change something in the fashion world in SL what would it be?

I would love to see more fashion shows and events centered on showcasing designs. It would be wonderful if fashion weeks returned to SL.






1. Read up about the styling

2. Join ModeLS Reader group (secondlife:///app/group/5239fef3-47e7-e856-26e0-9a667c2f1394/about)

3. Make sure your styling & picture is stylish and be inspired

4. Send your picture and styling card to “”before THE DATE ON THE PICTURE”

subject : ModeLS Magazine Styling challenge (your name) styling card (example)

HAIR : brand name - item name

NECKLACE : brand name - item name

PANTS : brand name - item name

5. You will get contacted by boniefacio to make appointment for the picture if you are selected


Why should D-Day be remembered?


The generation that fought in World War II shaped our world in a range of ways. All of us need to acknowledge how very important it is to recognize their achievements, trials, and tragedies. It is important to remember those who served and sacrificed, and to honor the courage and patriotism of this generation. We must also remember the lessons they learned, and use them to inform our own actions. Finally, we must never forget the power of the human spirit and its ability to overcome great odds. The Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, did not end the European war, but it started the process that led to the end of WWII, eleven months later. On June 6th the path was created to victory for the Allies. The stakes were so great, the impact so monumental, that this single day stands out in history.

We remember D-Day in Normandy because it was the decisive turning point of the war. Gen. George Marshall’s assessment was correct: the only sure way to eliminate Adolf Hitler’s regime was an Allied amphibious invasion of northern Europe that would lead to a campaign into the heart of Nazi Germany. Part of what makes D-Day so memorable are the long odds we faced. Although they did not know exactly where and when, Hitler and the Germans knew that we were coming. It is easy to forget what it took to prepare and be ready to launch such an operation, know this... It took mastery diplomacy and compromise with all allies because no single nation was strong enough to defeat the Nazi Empire on its own.

We must remember the courage displayed by our highest leaders and our common service members involved in Operation Overlord, and their stories that will always continue to inspire. It was the unforgettable spirit of courage and sacrifice that made the D-Day landings at Normandy a success, opened the way for the Allied campaigns to Berlin, and ultimately ended the Third Reich. The world was saved from the tyranny Hitler was attempting to forcibly impose.

80 years ago a pathway was secured to a better future for democracy and humanity. We must always remember the price that was paid to create that pathway, and remember that we still travel it today.

Could the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas conflicts escalate into World War III? With tensions now flaring in the Middle East and in Europe, can the two crises snowball into one global war — World War III, as some might call it or can they be contained within their respective spheres of influence? As Russia’s war in Ukraine is over two years now and Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza rages on, a growing crisis in the Red Sea involves the U.S. and the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Many observers and officials are concerned about the possibility of a regional war and of course, the broader risks. With tensions now flaring in the Middle East and in Europe, can the two crises snowball into one global war — World War III, as some might refer to it as, or can they be contained within their respective spheres of influence?

Our world resembles the 1930s more than we might think. Now, as then, the balance of power is shifting ominously. Violent autocracies are seeking expansive empires. Ties between authoritarian states are growing stronger; regional conflicts are becoming interwoven. Democracies are threatened from without and within. There are haunting symbolic similarities, but the present international system is stronger than the one that crumbled in the 1930s

We must all stay vigilant and stand together because our freedom, democracy and future depend on it.


Could you share some details about yourself, including your interests beyond photography? Additionally, could you let us know your background and the specific areas of photography that you concentrate on?

As a Brazilian, I ventured into Second Life on Christmas Day of 2010, marking over 13 years of my virtual journey. My initial aspiration was to establish myself as a creator within the grid. Having previously owned a successful store in another game that unfortunately closed its doors, I saw Second Life as a platform where I could continue my creative pursuits.

Little did I realize that in Second Life, making money requires some initial investment (laughs). I found myself in need of lindens, the in-game currency, and lacking any in my virtual wallet. Thus, I embarked on gameplay primarily for enjoyment, mingling with fellow residents at events like “sploders,” where I could earn some lindens.

Somewhere along the way, my initial ambition to create faded into the background. Instead, I found myself increasingly drawn to enhancing my avatar’s appearance and capturing moments through photography. Though my snapshots held no grand aspirations, they unexpectedly garnered attention, leading to sponsorship by over 60 stores.

Have you undergone any formal training in graphic design, or do you have a background in it? Additionally, what sparked your initial interest in delving into photography within Second Life, and which aspects of virtual photography do you discover to be the most captivating or challenging?

I’ve never done training, I have no experience in it other than what I’ve gained through my own curiosity. I edit my photos in an ancient software

the avatar’s hair and I finish everything in Photoshop... I learned to do everything myself, testing each program. What sparked my interest in photos was, initially, the desire to immortalize moments in Second Life and, later, my interest in attracting stores that would sponsor me.

So, I combined the useful with the pleasant, this was captivating because I already loved taking photos; and my biggest challenge was being able to take them with the best possible resolution using my weak computer, photos that showed the details of the products I used to the point of arousing people’s interest in buying them.

What 3 words describe your personal photography style?

Feelings, lifestyle and... love.

I’m sure many of our readers will be intrigued to hear how you actually make your pictures regarding windlight, size of the pictures, pixels. Do you have a favorite that you always turn to? And what do you think makes the best angle to take a picture?

I don’t have a favorite windlight setting because I customize it for each location where I take photos in Second Life. Each region has unique lighting, so I adjust accordingly. I often receive questions about my windlight settings, but I can’t provide a single answer because I vary them depending on the place.

Regarding photo size, I usually shoot in 4k resolution, although it’s challenging on my laptop due to its limited memory and average video card. (laughs) As for the angle, I prefer close-up shots for all my photos.

son that decided to do pictures and then I did it. On my work I’m mostly trying to show something real on screen, despite being a virtual reality, so there is a connection between the environment and my avatar. Sometimes I’m photographing a situation,

Is there a specific photograph you’ve taken that holds a special place in your heart? If so, could you share the link and tell us what makes that particular image stand out to you?

I have several photos that I loveespecially among the more recent ones. But if I have to mention just one, I will mention the one entitled “a dog will be your best friend no matter what, even if your human friends aren’t. I love this photo because it says a lot about me, since I’m passionate about dogs and I have a small dog who is certainly my best friend. I love!

Lastly, could you provide insight into the projects currently occupying your creative focus? Are there particular areas you wish to explore in the future? Additionally, do you have any aspirations or dreams within your photography journey, and do you believe you’re making progress toward achieving them? Recently, I experimented with different photo styles, aiming for realism, but found it exhausting and unpopular with my Flickr followers. Returning to my unique style brought relief. Without specific projects due to limited time, I quit over 60 sponsorships to enjoy photography freely, without deadlines or pressure.

Is there something else you would like to say to our readers?

To aspiring photographers: Persist and be patient. Find inspiration from your favorite SL photographers, but avoid copying them; it may lead to frustration. Be authentic. Inject emotion into your photos; storytelling resonates with viewers. Invest in this aspect of photography—it’s truly rewarding.

I’m a quiet introvert psychology student that enjoys the silence and the calm of my home and gets annoyed by the chaotic noisy world outside. I’m just a normal person that decided to do

New and exciting oppontunity awaits you!

We do live shows with Designer items, as well as, Fun shows for models to display their most creative creations. We are always looking for new and upcoming designers, or established Creators.

Contact Jenni Eros, Owner ReVel Talent Model Management


CLUB is Hiring!

Positions: DJ’s and Managers

Working Hours: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM SLT

Join our vibrant team at COSMIK CLUB and be part of the ultimate entertainment experience! We are looking for talented and enthusiastic DJs and Shift Managers who can also DJ/HOST to keep our dance floors buzzing.

Contact BonieFacio [APPLICATIONS]


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