PNGAF MAG ISSUE # 9J W4 of 22nd June 2023. Part 1. Why Wood Science?The title of your publication

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PNGAF MAG ISSUE # 9J W4 of 22nd June 2023 Part 1




Why PNG Wood Science ?

1 District Forester TPNG 1963-1975

Editor R B McCarthy 2023



Properties of Timber Species and Notes on Uses

Timber Usage Classifications

Merchantable and Non-Merchantable Species

The Use of Timber as a Structural Material

Systems of Measurement

Minor Forest Products



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In 1911, James Mann4 (1857-1921) of Melbourne University, presented a paper of his work on six Papuan timber species titled 5 Papuan timbers - some of the properties of six specimens, by James Mann, 1911 from timber samples collected by Gilbert Burnett (Queensland Forest Service) during his timber resource assessment of Papua in 1908. Prior to 1940, little other than that of an empirical nature was known of the characteristics of the many timber species growing in Papua and New Guinea. The timber industry was concerned mainly with speculative exploitation of cedar, sandalwood from around Port Moresby, and New Guinea walnut from New Britain and New Ireland. The utilisation of the forests was mostly incidental to other activities like gold mining.

Lane Poole 6 1922/24 for the Australian Federal Government, collected wood samples that he examined himself using a set of hand lenses. He recorded a general description of each, the width of the sapwood, the colours of sap and heartwood, and measurements of the frequency of the rays and pores. He remarked on how the wood cuts in general categories of ‘cuts hard,’ ‘cuts firm,’ ‘soft to cut,’ ‘splits easily’, etc. Lane Poole collected and described samples of the bark. His report included measurements of the basic density of the wood samples and of the colour and presence of precipitates in solutions extracted from many but not all the wood and bark samples. He does not report whether he made the density measurements and extractions himself. (Presumably, this work was done by James Mann of Melbourne University).

During WW 2 (1939-1945), the need for development of detailed wood science commenced in TPNG The great demand for sawn timber during the war years was the Allied Forces deciding to produce as much as possible of these requirements themselves within PNG. (The high cost of shipping and lack of timber supply from Australia contributed to this decision). By the end of the war, approximately 190 thousand cubic metres of sawn timber had been produced. In addition, the forests had yielded a considerable quantity of round timber for encampments, corduroy, bridge timbers, telephone posts, piles, firewood, and many other needs of a vast army.

Evan Shield advised7 that he holds one of the few remaining rapidly yellowing copies of Technical Memorandum No. 12 NEW GUINEA TIMBERS8 a 133-page publication issued by the General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, Office of the Chief Engineer (MajorGeneral Hugh J. Casey) dated 1 April 1944. The preface acknowledges CSIRO, C.E. LanePoole, Jim McAdam, Alec Crane (later Tas. For Comm) and C.J.J. Watson (the latter of the Queensland Timber Control Office) ... Only a single Class 1. species - Metrosideros spp.from the Labu swamps near the mouth of the Markham River.

4 Entry in Encyclopedia of Australian Science

5 Vol 24 of 1912 pages 20-45

6 From exploitation to science: Lane Poole’s forest surveys of Papua and New Guinea, 1922–1924. Historical Records of Australian Science 17: 71–90. by John Dargavel. School of Resources, Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2000, Australia.

7 Personal communication Evan Shield of 4th Nov 2022.

8 Allied Forces South West Pacific Area Office of Chief Engineer 1944. New Guinea Timbers. Vic Govt Library Services.


At Yalu Lae in 1944, C.T White, the Queensland Government Botanist, ran a botanical school for the Australian Army Forest Survey Unit under J B McAdam with Eric Dadswell9 lecturing on wood technology. Under Dadswell directives, mechanical and other tests were conducted at the Division of Forest Products, CSlRO, on several New Guinea species. Major Max Jacobs headed the technical unit in Australia responsible for organising wood testing.

Since 1945, this cooperative CSIR (in 1949 it became CSIRO) work has been continued for the Department of Forests, Territory of Papua and New Guinea.

The cessation of hostilities in 1945 found that all the towns, with exception of Port Moresby, in ruins. Salamaua, Lae, Rabaul, and Madang were destroyed. Given the demand for timber in Australia and the scarcity of shipping space, it was necessary that the bulk of timber required for reconstruction be produced locally. The provisional administration through the TPNG Department of Forests established and operated sawmills using war surplus equipment and staffed largely by personnel recruited from the wartime Army Forestry Units.10

Rodgers11 (1947) advised that the Division of Forest Products CSIR wood structure section had made a comprehensive study of the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Australian timbers. During World War 2, card sorting keys were developed for the timbers of the Pacific Islands which were of considerable benefit to the Allied Forces fighting in that zone.

Rodgers (1947) advised that future work of the Forest Products Division of CSIR would be acting in close co-operation with the New Guinea Forests Department, where the Division proposed to continue and extend the work on the examination of physical and mechanical properties of New Guinea timbers.

Dadswell and Ingle12 (1948), reported on a survey dealing with the timbers of the south-west Pacific area and covering 22 genera of the family Anacardiaceae. Based on the examination of available species, the anatomical features of each genus were summarized and the relationship between botanical classification and the wood anatomy of the genera discussed. From the information presented it was suggested that a simple card sorting key can be readily developed.

Material for this survey was taken from the standard collection of the Division of Forest Products CSIR. This included various authenticated specimens received on an exchange basis from forestry authorities in India, Burma, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines. Special reference must be made to the specimens of Malayan timbers received in 1941 through the courtesy of Dr. H. E. Desch; to specimens of New Guinea timbers, kindly made available by Mr. C. E. Lane-Poole, collected during his survey in that region in 1924; to specimens from the Waterhouse collection in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands supplied by the late Dean S. J. Record of Yale School of Forestry; to specimens of timbers from New Guinea and surrounding islands and from North Borneo collected by the Australian Army Forestry Units

9 Dadswell H. E. & Eckersley A.M. 1943 Some timber species of Papua and New Guinea with descriptive notes of properties and uses and means of identification. Vic Govt Library services.

10 J B McAdam 1952:” Forestry in New Guinea” Paper to Papua & New Guinea Scientific Society’s Annual Report

11 Rodgers 1947. History of Research work in Forestry and forest Products in Australia and PNG. Unasylva Vol 1 #3 Nov-Dec 1947. FAO.



during the Pacific war period; to specimens from New Guinea supplied by Mr. J. B. McAdam, of the PNG Forests Department; and to specimens from the British Solomon Islands collected by Mr. F. S. Walker in 1945 and 1946. The botanical identifications of the material from New Guinea, collected by Mr. Lane-Poole and by the Australian Army, and of that from the British Solomon Islands collected by Mr. F. S. Walker were conducted by Mr. C. T. White, Government Botanist, Brisbane.

In 1949, there was commenced a tannin extracting industry based on the mangrove forests of the Gulf of Papua where the bark extract (called cutch), was used to dye materials khaki and to preserve fishing nets. It threatened to leave to waste vast quantities of timber following commercial stripping of the bark. The Dept of Forests TPNG13 engaged CSIRO’s Frank Phillips to look at whether this waste timber from the debarked trees, could be used for pulp and paper manufacture. Phillip’s work was of great significance in influencing the development of PNG’s wood science for the development of sustainable forest industry enterprises.

Photo Gulf of Papua Mangroves Dick McCarthy Thankfully, the cutch industry, did not last long because it was an ill-conceived industry being one of pure exploitation of an important ecological resource. i.e., the Gulf of Papua mangrove forest resources.

By 1952, the TPNG sawmilling industry had reached the stage where it was able to meet the local demand. Mill output had reached 24,000 cubic metres per annum.

In January 1954, the establishment of a plywood mill at Bulolo by CNGT (Partners Australian Government and Bulolo Gold Dredging Company) commenced production.

The mechanical properties of klinki pine (Araucaria hunsteinii syn. A. klinkii) have been reported (Ryan14 1959), and the properties of several timbers from the Territory were included in an earlier compilation (Stewart and Kloot15 1957).

Boltz and Kloot16 (1966) study re the mechanical properties of 81 New Guinea timbers, objective was to determine which species were likely to provide timber suitable for structural purposes

13 Personal communication Des harries 20th June 2022.

14 Ryan A 1959. The mechanical properties of klinki and Parana pines Technol. Pap. Div. Forest Prod. CSIRO Aust No. 5.

15 Stewart A.M. & Kloot N. H. The mechanical properties of Australian, New Guinea and other timbers. Bull. Comonw scient. Res. Org. No 279

16 Bolza E & Kloot N H 1966. (formerly in Division of Forest Products technological Paper # 41 1966) now 1976 The Mechanical Properties of 81 New Guinea Timbers CSIRO Building Research.


Properties and Uses of PNG Timbers

Following World War 2, PNG Wood scientists continued the work of ascertaining the properties and uses (actual and potential) of PNG Timbers. Many of the more common species continued to be tested by the then Division of Forest Products CSIRO Melbourne Australia even after the establishment of the FPRC at Hohola PNG in 1966.

This ongoing work22 was published in works as Properties and uses of PNG timbers (first published 1961) and Commercial Timber of Papua New Guinea. Each known timber species was delineated by:

Number. Hand sample numbering of FPRC Hohola and linkage to Lae Herbarium NG Botanical series.

Trade Name PNG timbers are recognised by several different local names. Adopting the procedure of Standards Australia, the standard trade name is the one officially recognised by the Dept of Forests PNG.

Botanical name and Locality. Following international botanical nomenclature, plants are named by the name of their genus followed by the species name and then the abbreviation of the name of the botanist who originally described the species. PNG wood scientists have given each timber plant its species name and specific epithet e.g., Octomeles sumatrana recognised by the PNG National Herbarium.

Density. The weight of wood in kilograms which would occupy a volume of one cubic metre at a moisture content of 12 %.

Basic Density. The weight of wood at 0% moisture content in kilograms, which would occupy a volume of one cubic metre when in the green condition.

22 Dept of Forests TPNG Properties and uses of Papua and New Guinea Timbers First edition 1961 and Eddowes PJ 1977 Commercial Timbers of Papua New Guinea FPRC Dept of Forests PNG


Strength groups. Adopted from the Australian system of seven strength groups.

Modulus of Rupture. This is the measure of the maximum compressive or tensile stress in the fibres at the point of fracture, i.e., a direct measurement of the strength of wood in bending.

Modulus of Elasticity. This is a measure of the stiffness or rigidity of wood. e.g., for a beam a measure of its resistance to deflection.

Maximum Crushing Strength. (or compression parallel to grain.) this is a measure of the maximum stress sustained by the timber under a load slowly applied parallel to the grain. It indicates the relative suitability of timber for columns.

Maximum Shear Strength. (shear). This is the measure of the ability of timber to resist slipping of one part upon another along the grain.

Boltz and Kloot23 (1966) study re the mechanical properties of 81 New Guinea timbers objective was to determine, as part of a more general survey, which species were likely to provide timber suitable for structural purposes, and, to this end, sampling of as wide a range of species as possible has been arranged.

In all, 81 species are listed, the mechanical properties for each being tabulated for ready reference for those working in the field of wood technology. To obtain the information, tests were conducted in general conformity with accepted timber testing specifications. The format of presentation follows that used in

Strength Group Property S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Basic density kg/cubic metre 900 760 640 540 450 375 320 Modulus of Rupture - megapascals 103 86 73 62 52 43 36 Modulus of elasticity- megapascals 16300 14200 12400 10700 9100 7900 6900 Maximum crushing strength megapascals 52 43 36 31 26 22 18 Maximum shear strength Megapascals 13.1 11.0 9.1 7.7 6.6 5.5 4.6
23 Bolza E & Kloot N H 1966. (Formerly in Division of Forest Products technological Paper # 41 1966) now 1976 The Mechanical Properties of 81 New Guinea Timbers CSIRO Building Research.

Permeability. Timbers have been classified according to ease of penetrating the heartwood with preservative under pressure at 1380 kilopascals.

Class 1 Treatable through full section, ideal for treatment at 1380 kilopascals.

Class 2 Wide treatable sapwood and/or reasonably uniform treatment in heartwood, suitable for treatment at 1380 Kilopascals.

Class 3 Resistant, erratic non-dependable penetration of heartwood.

Class 4 Highly resistant, comparatively narrow sapwood or untreatable heartwood.

Sapwood. Lyctus Susceptibility. A timber’s propensity to infestation by lyctine insects, principally the powderpost beetle Lyctus brunneus

Rating Description

L.S. Sapwood – Lyctus susceptible

L.N. Sapwood Lyctus non susceptible (L.S.) Where susceptibility has been noted in undetermined species from within a particular genus.

Timber Movement. Timber is hygroscopic, meaning that it will gain or lose moisture from the air based upon conditions of the surrounding environment, as the wood gains or loses moisture, the cells expand or contract resulting in shrinking or swelling, which ultimately affects the overall dimensions of a piece of timber, often referred to as the wood’s movement.

Timber is anisotropic meaning that this movement is dependent on the direction or orientation of the grain and is it’s not the same in all directions, often referred to as dimensional shrinkage.

Moisture Content in timber has a profound effect on the material, causing swelling in high humidity, and shrinkage in low humidity environments.

EMC or Equilibrium Moisture Content is the percentage of moisture content a piece timber will stabilise at when it is kept in the same conditions throughout the year.

Fibre Saturation Point When all the free water is removed from the timber during the drying process it is said to be at the fibre saturation point and up to this point there will be very little to no shrinkage. As the drying process continues past the fibre saturation point the timber will experience shrinkage.

Shrinkage. A basic measurement of shrinkage expressed as a percentage is the amount that the wood shrinks when going from its green to oven dry/kiln dried state. In other words, since wood in its green state is at its largest dimension, and oven dry represents its driest (and therefore smallest) volume, green to oven dry is a measurement of the maximum possible percentage of shrinkage; this is referred to as the wood’s volumetric shrinkage.

Volumetric shrinkage tells how much a wood species will shrink, but it doesn’t indicate the direction of the shrinkage. The two primary planes or surfaces of wood where shrinkage takes place are across the radial plane, and across the tangential plane, corresponding to radial shrinkage, and tangential shrinkage; these two values, when combined, should roughly add up to the volumetric shrinkage.


Timber Usage Classifications.

Eddowes 199726 detailed a PNG Timber Trade classification of the multiplicity of PNG timber species into the following categories.

Group Category


Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Major exportable hardwoods

Commercial hardwoods

Minor Hardwoods

Softwood group

Plantation Species

Other species

Forest Industries Council 198527 detailed a PNG Timber Trade Classification of species.

Forest Industries Council 1979 Timber Training Manual #1 Introduction to Grading.

Group Category

Heavy Hardwoods Heavy construction timbers over 750kg/m3 at 12 % m c.

Naturally durable but sapwood not durable.

Medium hardwoods Constructional timbers ranging in weight from 575 to 750 kg/m3 at 12 % mc.

Require preservative treatment before on ground contact.

Light Hardwoods Range in weight from 250 to 575 kg/me at 12 % mc.

General utility timbers requiring preservative treatment before on ground contact.

Softwood Group Require preservative treatment before on ground contact.

26 Eddowes P J 1977 Commercial Timbers of Papua New Guinea FPRC Dept of Forests PNG. 27 Forest Industries Council of PNG 1985. A guide to specifying PNG timber for structural dn non-structural purposes.

NFS Species Group Classification


Merchantable and Non-Merchantable Species

Any development scheme based on forestry, which must perform long term, is prepared on the forester's appraisal of the forest, how to treat and manage the forest, and on the forester’s assessment of the type and quantities of products that one would expect to obtain within a sphere of where only several merchantable species are acceptable on domestic and international markets.

It has been shown that a very common feature of rainforest is the complexity of its floristic composition. Rainforest stands can contain more than 100 different species of woody shrubs and trees per hectare. From a management viewpoint, those species can be broadly classified as those which are merchantable and those which are non-merchantable.

Merchantable species are species which, when of suitable size and form, can be sold as timber products by the forest owner for monetary gain.

Non-merchantable stems (when of suitable size and form) are those whose properties are unknown to potential purchasers, or their stocking is too low to permit the collection of commercial consignments.

Much work is required by wood science research facilities to firstly study each nonmerchantable species, determine its properties, and then market its timber products so that its most desirable properties can be utilised.

Often, the lesser-known species are first marketed as substitutes for species already well established on global markets. e.g., the West African export market has seen the phenomenon of Chlorophora being introduced into world markets as a substitute for teak (Tectona spp), then being established in the marketplace. Finally, there has been the species Piptadeniastrum being placed upon the market as a substitute for Chlorophora.

Similarly, many common names are given to rainforest trees comparing them to European species as elm, beech, oak, ash etc. without having any botanical relationship to the European trees bearing those names.

Low quantities of an individual species are a serious drawback to the development of export markets. Because of the problems of inadequate volumes, the forester aims to grow large quantities of a useful species rather than aiming to grow a few scattered and low representative species.

Previously, inaccessibility was a common cause of a species being non-merchantable. This arose because of the cost of log transportation from the remote forest area. Where the extraction and transportation period are long, there is increased risk of degrade from insects and fungi.

17 28 28
Eddowes P J 1979. The Utilisation of Papua New Guinea Timbers. FPRC Dept of Forest Port Moresby PNG.

The Use Of Timber As A Structural Material

Papua New Guineans have long wrestled with the task of making effective use of the great range and number of timber species that were available in TPNG. Timber was the prime structural material. Although there existed little formal engineering expertise at the time, some very remarkable buildings were constructed.

29 Powter A 1976 Papua New Guinea Shake and Shingle Manual Department of Forests

Systems of Measurement

The work of PNG wood scientists and foresters in addressing the intrinsic volume log detail calculations was covered in PNGAF Mag #9B-5B30and other wood products measurements are as described by Avery and Burkhart publication Forest Measurements31 . The FTB Forest metrification publications used extensively in PNG were prepared by Eminent TPNG Forester Chris Borough after he left PNG.

Hawkins and Ryan32 (1975) light timber framing publication was prepared to assist the PNG building industry in the changeover to the metric system in conjunction with the Australian standard CA3833 light timber framing code.

30 PNGAF Mag #9B-5B OF 30 June 2021 pages19-20.

31 Avery T.E. & Burkhart H. E. 1994 Forest Measurement. 4th Edition McGraw -Hill. ISBN0-07-002556-8

32 Hawkins B T & Ryan A 1975 Light timber framing for Papua New Guinea CSIRO Division of Building Research

33 Standards Association of Australia (1971 and 1973) – SAA light timber framing code. AS CA 38-1971 & Supplement no. 1- June 1973.


Minor Forest Products

Much work was undertaken, led by Jack Zieck at FPRC in the 1960’sand 70’s re minor forest products including economic possibilities re rattan, fungi, sandalwood, resins, barks, essential oils, fibres, palms and other miscellaneous products as grasses, fruits, dye plants, pharmacological plants, and ornamental plants.

By 1995, disappointingly no mention is made of Jack Zieck’s work in an AusAid funded document re non-timber forest products.



Bolza E & Kloot N H 1976 The Mechanical Properties of 81 New Guinea Timbers CSIRO Building Research.


Dept. of Forests Forest Products Research Centre 1970 Properties and Uses of Papua and New Guinea Timbers Revision 1970, Port Moresby.

Dept of Forests 1973 NEW HORIZONS Forestry in Papua New Guinea Brisbane ISBN 0 701681845 Jacaranda Press., Brisbane. Pp. 1-70, plus six maps. # (1).

Eddowes P. J. 1977 Commercial Timbers of Papua New Guinea Their Properties and Uses First published in 1961 Forest Products Research Centre Director Office of Forests Papua New Guinea.

Eddowes P. J. The Utilization of Papua New Guinea Timbers.

FPRC. 1970. Properties and Uses of Papua and New Guinea Timbers. Second trade note. Department of Forests, Division of Utilization, FPRC, Hohola. Pp. 1-44. (1).

Hawkins B T & Ryan A 1975 Light timber framing for Papua New Guinea CSIRO Division of Building Research.

Phillips F H and Harries E D 1975 The Pulping and Papermaking Potential of Tropical Hardwoods 1 CSIRO

Phillips F H., Logan A F and Balodis V 1975 The Pulping and Papermaking Potential of Tropical Hardwoods 11. CSIRO.

Powter A 1976 Papua New Guinea Shake and Shingle Manual Department of Forests



ASOPA Australian School of Pacific Administration

ATIBT Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux

BA basal area

BFC Bulolo Forestry College

BGD Bulolo Gold Dredging Company

BNGD British New Guinea Development (Company Limited)

BUC Bulolo University College

C Commonwealth

cm centimetre

CFA Commonwealth Forestry Association

CNGT Commonwealth New Guinea Timbers Bulolo

CRE Commander Royal Engineers

CRE CRE is a term inherited by RAE from RE and is the term for the Commanding Officer of a RAE unit which is headed by a Lt Col. Although the officer is called the CRE the name is also used for the name of his unit.

E.g., CRE Aust Forestry Group or 1(NG Forests).


CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation

CHAH Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria

DASF Dept of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries

DBH/ dbh Diameter at breast height

DEPT Department

DPI Department of Primary Industry

DOF Department of Forests

ENB East New Britain Province.

e.g. For example

FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation

F &TB Forest and Timber Bureau Canberra

FD Forest department

FMA Forest Management Agreement

FPRC Forest Products Research Centre Hohola Dept of Forests PNG

FRI Forest Research Institute Lae

FTB Forest and Timber Bureau Canberra.

GAB Girth above buttress

Gbhob Girth breast height over bark

Gubab Girth under bark above buttress

GIS Geographical information system ha hectare

IFA Institute of Foresters of Australia

IFC International Finance Corporation

ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization

m3 cubic metre

MM Military Medal

n.a. not available

NB New Britain

NFS National Forest Service PNG no. number


NG New Guinea

NGF New Guinea Forces (relates to plant collection of Lae Herbarium)

NGO Non-Governmental Organisation

NZ New Zealand

NSW New South Wales

NTSC National Tree Seed Centre PNG Bulolo

OIC Officer in Charge

P or p page

PNG Papua New Guinea

PNGAA Papua New Guinea Australia Association

PNGAF Papua New Guinea Australian Foresters Magazine Series

PNGFA Papua New Guinea Forest Authority

PNGFIA PNG Forest Industries Association

PNGRIS Papua New Guinea Resource Information System

PNGUT PNG University of Technology

POM Port Moresby

QLD Queensland

QF Queensland Forestry

RWE roundwood equivalent

SFM Sustainable Forest Management

sq m square metres

UK United Kingdom

UN United Nations

Unasylva Journal of FAO of UN

UNITECH University of Technology Lae PNG

UPNG University of Papua New Guinea

UQ University of Queensland

USA United States of America

USD United States dollar

TPNG Territory of Papua and New Guinea

TA Technical Assistant

TA Timber Area

TA Timber Authority

TRP Timber Rights Purchase

Vol volume

VSF Victorian School of Forestry

WA Western Australia

WB World Bank

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