Raytown Police 2016 Annual Report

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city of raytown


2016 Annual Report





2016 Annual Report


MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF Policing in America held the headlines through most of 2016. In Raytown we have been keeping the quality of police service and police employees well ahead of the curve for decades. Our hiring folks have located some truly impressive people to join your RPD. Our internal controls have made sure that those selections are truly high-quality people. Even with the best standards, though, the number of top-quality people willing to enter policing has dipped dramatically this year. Police Chiefs from all over the country are reporting this to be the case. While that leads me to worry about future manpower problems, I also realize how incredibly lucky we are in Raytown to have a Police Department staffed with such highquality people. They do so much with the minimum of resources, and they take pride in it. Equally as important —they stay with us. I was reminded recently how our staff shines when an NFL official singled out Raytown Police Officers for high praise at the end of this football season. Your Officers joined the stadium security staff for Chiefs home games as a secondary duty this year for the first time in a long time. At the end of the season, one official remarked on the professionalism and attentiveness of Raytown Officers in particular, saying that he “wished he could have ten or twelve Raytown Police Officers at every NFL game!” My hat is off to the men and women that represented your Raytown Police Department so well and to Maj. Randy Hudspeth who led them at every assignment. We enjoy such great support from our community. This year we also saw a leap in the number of volunteers joining our fledgling Volunteer Corps. Most of these folks really hit the ground running. They brought us another successful Citizen’s Police Academy, a number of community forums and discussion panels, and began the Coffee With A Cop program here in Raytown. While our members staffed these events, it was the drive, dedication, and work of the dozen or so citizen volunteers that made the arrangements, handled the administration, planning, scheduling, set-up and directing. These programs only came to this community because of the efforts of these citizen volunteers. I am so grateful for the great relations we enjoy with our community! I hope this report is of benefit to you. The production staff is listed in it and you are welcome to seek any of them out, or to drop me a note, if there is something you would like them to consider including in future reports. Most of all, thank you so much for supporting our Raytown Police Department.


Raytown Police Department

OATH OF OFFICE I do solemnly swear that I possess all the qualifications for the office of Police Officer, as prescribed by law; that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, the provisions of all laws of this State affecting Cities of this Class, and the Ordinances of the City of Raytown, Missouri and faithfully demean myself in office.

Each new Police Officer that joins the ranks of the Raytown Police Department takes an oath of office, whether just beginning his or her career, or having prior law enforcement experience. That oath includes a public affirmation to uphold the laws of the United States of America, the State of Missouri, and the City of Raytown. The oath is usually administered in a public forum, typically at a Board of Aldermen meeting, in front of the very public that the officer will serve throughout their career. Taking the oath of office is very meaningful to each officer.

2016 Annual Report


KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Raytown Chief of Police James B. Lynch announced many successful events and achievements accomplished by the Raytown Police Department and Department members over the course of 2016. The Department’s mission is to enhance its service to the residents and businesses of Raytown. Events, programs, and initiatives held in 2016, to enhance communication and cooperation within our community, include: On April 6, the Instagram account, @Raytownpd, launched to better reach our diverse community and share interesting and informative photos and videos. On April 15, James Brafford, Director of Communications, received the Outstanding Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Leader Award as part of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Public Safety Program’s Outstanding Performance Awards. The award was presented to Director Brafford, at the 19th Annual Telecommunicators Appreciation Celebration, hosted by MARC. The event honors the efforts of telecommunicators in the Kansas City region who play a crucial role in public safety. On April 23, the Raytown Police Department partnered with the Raytown Human Relations Commission to present a Community Forum on Traffic Stops. The community forum included presentations by Raytown Police Officers of various traffic stop scenarios followed by question-and-answer sessions involving forum attendees. The presenting officers drew upon personal experiences as well as utilized video to portray realworld traffic stop scenarios. The presentations and discussion were followed by informative tips and facts for the public. On May 3, Chief Lynch released the department’s 2015 Annual Report and presented the report to Mayor Michael McDonough and the Board of Aldermen at the monthly Board of Aldermen meeting. The report included a complete look at community initiatives, police activity, crime statistics, and highlighted various divisions and special units within the department. The Department felt that it was important for its residents and businesses to be informed about their police department and how taxpayer resources are being used. Chief Lynch encouraged everyone to view the 2015 Annual Report at http://www.raytownpolice.org. A printed copy was retained, and made available to the public, at the Raytown Branch of the Mid-Continent Public Library. The 2015 Citizens Police Academy was featured in the National Citizens Police Academy Association’s newsletter, spring 2016 edition. On June 14, the annual Safety Fair was hosted by the department at Kenagy Park. The event provided the public with an evening of crime awareness and prevention through interactive vendor displays, including upclose and personal vehicle displays from Public Works, Police, EMS, and the Fire Department. Other vendors and displays included the Jackson County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse, the Missouri Search and Rescue Group (MOSAR), and The Lee’s Summit Police Department’s Bomb Squad. There were various giveaways and demonstrations throughout the evening. The Safety Fair was the perfect way for community residents to come together for a familyfriendly event.


Raytown Police Department

KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS On June 28, the Raytown Police Department hosted a Community Forum on Use of Force Issues. Raytown Police Officers discussed personal experiences and utilized video presentations to portray real-world Use of Force incidents. The presentations were followed by question and answer sessions with forum attendees. From September 7 through November 9, the department held the Citizens Police Academy. The Academy offered 14 citizens the opportunity to learn more about the operations of the Raytown Police Department. Topics included Crime Awareness, Crisis Negotiations, Role Playing in Traffic Stop Scenarios, Patrol Operations, Gangs and Narcotics, SWAT, and the FATS (Fire Arms Training Simulator) system, which allowed Academy attendees to engage in simulated firearms training scenarios. The instructors for each course were the police officers and civilians that actually perform the work. In April and October, we participated in Drug Take Back Days. The initiative provided the opportunity for Raytown residents to dispose of unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs at two locations, no questions asked. 1226 lbs. of drugs were collected between the two drop-off locations, and the drugs that had been received from the Police Department take-back receptacle. The drugs were turned over to the DEA for incineration. In October and November, Police Officers and community members came together for Coffee with a Cop, in an informal, neutral space to discuss community issues and ideas, build relationships, and drink coffee, in a relaxed atmosphere. The events were held at the Bowen Apartments special events room and at Hy-Vee. All community members were invited to attend. Coffee with a Cop provided unique opportunities for community members to ask questions and learn more about the department’s work in Raytown’s neighborhoods. Coffee with a Cop aims to advance the practice of community policing through improving relationships between police officers and community members, one cup of coffee at a time. Through 2017 and beyond, Chief Lynch, and the Raytown Police Department, is committed to engaging with the community and developing long-lasting relationships to work together to maintain a safe community.

2016 Annual Report


SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS Overall Activity Arrests Incident Reports Accident Reports Tickets Issued Calls for Service







There was one homicide that occurred in Raytown in 2016. Marlin D. Williams, 24, was shot and killed in the parking lot of 5220 Blue Ridge Cutoff after a disturbance with another customer. That other customer was shot and wounded by Williams. As of the publishing date, this case is being reviewed by the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office.

Sex Offenses

The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) definition of rape has recently been changed and was previously very narrow. Refer to DISCLAIMER on page 33. Instead of using that definition, we’re reporting every crime of a sexual nature. This includes rape, other sexual assault, sexual misconduct, molestation, and other cases where the sexual contact was consensual but illegal due to the age of the participants. 36 cases were reported this year, but in many cases, the actual crime occurred months or years ago, which is not uncommon for sex crimes since many victims are unable or unwilling to report their abuse until much later. For the cases reported in 2016, the date of the actual offense ranged from the same day as the report to as much as 20 years prior. Out of 36 cases that were reported in 2016, only three cases involved a suspect who was a stranger to the victim. In all others, the suspect was a family member, neighbor, friend, or had some other relationship with the victim or victims. Investigators have filed charges in eight cases, are still investigating 15, and victims have signed prosecution waivers in an additional eight cases, meaning they wish to cease all investigation. The last five cases are accusations of fondling or molestation that have been closed for lack of evidence.

Victim-Suspect Relationship Relative 64%

Friend 19%

Stranger 8%


Raytown Police Department

Other Known 8%


Aggravated assault is any assault in which serious bodily harm was caused or a deadly weapon was involved. There were 66 assaults that rose to that level in 2016. In those 66 cases, 44% involved people in a domestic situation (spouses, significant others, family members, or roommates). Another 32% involved people who knew each other in some other capacity: friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. In two cases, suspects struck or attempted to strike a police officer with a vehicle.


In 2016 there were 56 robberies reported. Historically, in Raytown, robberies tend to be lowest in the winter months and higher during late summer/early fall. Robberies can be Type 2016 classified into several types: • In a carjacking, the robber is focused on the victim’s vehicle and Carjacking 5 uses force or the threat of force to take it. Commercial 14 • In a commercial robbery, the target is a business, not an individual. Domestic 9 Typically, these are gas stations, fast food restaurants, and pharmacies. Home Invasion 4 • Domestic cases involve spouses, family members, roommates, etc. Interrupted Burglary 2 • Home invasions are situations in which the robber(s) force their 3 way into a home and use force or the threat of force to take items. Residential The vast majority of these cases involve suspects targeting specific Street 11 houses for drugs and guns. Strongarm 5 • An interrupted burglary is exactly what it sounds like. Transaction 3 • Residential robberies take place inside a residence, but are not home invasions. In these cases, the victim(s) and suspect(s) knew each other and the suspect(s) did not force their way inside. • Street robberies are what you think of when you hear the term “mugging.” • Strongarm robberies occur when the suspect uses his/her hands or body to physically force an item away from the owner rather than a weapon. For example, a shoplifter who shoves a store employee in order to get away with the stolen goods just committed a strongarm robbery. • A transactional robbery is when the victim meets the suspect in order to buy or sell something, usually after making arrangements on Craigslist or a similar online market.

Weapons Used/Threatened in Robberies




64% 32% 2%


2% 2016 Annual Report



In 2016, there were 129 vehicles stolen and another 38 attempts. Just like last year (and the year before that and the year before that), a large number of auto thefts, 59% for this year, were of vehicles that were either left running or had the keys inside. That’s 76 vehicles that may not have been stolen if they had been secured properly! Crooks can easily spot the exhaust coming from your car on a cold day and it only takes them a few seconds to hop inside and drive away. Meanwhile, you now have no way to get to work, school, or the grocery store! While we were able to recover 84% of all stolen cars last year, that doesn’t always mean that the car was in the same condition as when it was stolen, or that the property that had been inside the car was recovered. The average length of time between theft and recovery was 12 days.

Prevention Tips • • • • •

Lock your car doors and roll up the windows every time you leave it. ALWAYS take the keys with you and never leave a spare set inside or hidden nearby. Never leave your car running unattended, even for a minute. Park in a well lit, public area. Install an anti-theft system or audible alarm.

Vehicles Stolen by Type

Four Door (56)

Truck (39)

SUV (31)

Van (17)

Motorcycle (13) Two Door (10) Golf Cart (1)


In 2016, there were 249 total burglaries reported in Raytown. The vast majority were residential burglaries, most of which occured during the daytime hours and targeted cash, jewelry, and small electronics. A significant number (55) were vacant houses/buildings that were specifically targeted for appliances and scrap metal. Burglary Targets

Prevention Tips

Detached Shed IN 62 CASES, THE SUSPECTS • Lock your doors and windows, even when ENTERED THROUGH A DOOR OR you are home and always engage the Commercial WINDOW THAT WAS UNLOCKED. deadbolt on all doors. Vacant • Install heavy-duty screws, 3 inches or longer, on the strike plate in the doorframe. This Residential makes it harder for a burglar to force the 0 30 60 90 120 150 door open. • Make sure your garage door is closed before you go to bed. • Add a peephole so you can safely see who is at the door. • Don’t hide keys near doors. • Install an alarm system, surveillance cameras, and/or a camera-equipped doorbell. • Occupancy is the best deterrent! When you are not home, create the illusion that you are by using light timers or leaving the TV on. • Burglars will often knock on your door with an easy excuse ready if someone answers, such as offering to rake leaves or wondering if “Joe” is home. If you don’t answer, then they assume no one is home and will try to force their way in.


Raytown Police Department

ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Captain Doug Goode (Budget)

Major Frank Stranimier (Admin)

Training/Prof Standards



Captain Michelle Rogers (Fleet)

Property/Supply & Evidence


Chief James Lynch Patrol

Captain Randy Hudspeth (Patrol)

Admin Assist.



Major Ted Bowman (Operations)

Captain Paul Beitling (Investigations) Crime Analyst

Reserve Squad

2016 Annual Report


PATROL The Patrol Division provides law enforcement service to the residents and businesses of Raytown. Officers assigned to this division provide a quick response to crimes and emergencies, as well as proactive enforcement against criminal activity and traffic offenses. The Uniform Patrol Division is comprised of four Patrol squads and one Traffic Unit. There are 24 Patrol officers that are assigned between the four Patrol squads. A Sergeant and Corporal lead each squad of Patrol officers. Patrol shifts are 12.5 hours long, with two day and two overnight squads. A squad of Patrol officers is on duty at any given time, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


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The Traffic Unit is staffed by one Sergeant and three Traffic Officers. Traffic officers are primarily responsible for the investigation of motor vehicle collisions and the proactive enforcement of traffic laws. Traffic officers receive advanced training, including accident reconstruction and motorcycle operation, and are subject to being called out for serious collisions. n-Injury Ac ci No In 2016, Raytown experienced an approximate 10% 2 overall increase in traffic collisions. ry Acci nju 3 Fatal Accidents Raytown Police Officers participated in the Hazardous Moving Grant program, which was sponsored by the Missouri Department of Transportation, in an effort to minimize hazardous moving violations.

Color Guard

The Color Guard Unit was comprised of seven officers, most of who still serve, or have served, in the military. Color Guard Unit members’ training includes performing marching drills and ceremony protocol. Great care is taken to ensure that each piece of uniform and equipment is pressed, polished, and otherwise at its most professional appearance. Each member maintains a high level of self-discipline and personal appearance and fitness. The Color Guard Unit represents the Raytown Police Department during special formal events, including ceremonies with flag presentations, parades, civil ceremonies, and funerals. Activities in which the Color Guard was utilized: 02/06/16 – Flag presentation for the Fraternal Order of Police 2016 Policeman’s Ball 05/13/16 – Flag presentation for Raytown Night at the RoyalsKauffman Stadium 07/03/16 – Flag presentation for First Baptist Raytown’s Freedom Celebration


Raytown Police Department

PATROL EQUIPMENT Kevlar bullet resistant vest and outer carrier



Body worn camera Field tourniquet Handcuffs

OC Spray

Glock pistol

Portable radio Extra Magazines

Microphone for dash cam

Expandable Baton

• Officers carry between 25-30 additional pounds of gear on their body. • They have a choice of wearing the outer carrier or a concealable vest worn under the uniform shirt. Officers who choose to wear a concealable vest carry all their equipment on their belt. • By placing some of the items on the outer carrier instead of their belt, the officer is able to keep the weight off their hips, which helps with long-term back strain/health. • The outer carrier is clearly labeled “POLICE” on the back in prominent text. • Another advantage of the outer carrier is that the officer can easily slip it on and off when at the station, to cool down in summer, for example. • Some of the equipment not shown here includes a flashlight, a Taser + extra Taser cartridges, and latex gloves.

2016 Annual Report


INVESTIGATIONS The Criminal Investigations Unit has seven Detectives, two Sergeants, and one Captain. These Detectives are responsible for investigating property and persons crimes. Examples of property crime would include stealing, destruction of property, fraud, and burglary. Examples of persons crimes include assaults, robberies, and sex crimes. Detectives are responsible for investigating a case and following through to conviction, when possible. They are responsible for conducting crime scene investigations, collecting and processing evidence, and conducting interviews. A variety of factors determines when a case is assigned to an investigator, including the presence of physical evidence, witnesses to the crime, or a known offender. When the Raytown Police Department building was renovated in 2015, two new interview rooms were created. In 2016, we installed new high definition audio/visual recording systems in both rooms to record custodial interviews and interrogations. This new system was implemented after much discussion with the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office regarding the low quality of the video from the old system. The new system is a definite upgrade and will produce much higher quality evidentiary video in future investigations. The Investigations Unit also upgraded the cameras used to document crime scenes. Investigators are tasked with crime scene processing and respond to serious crime scenes with regularity. The new cameras produce much higher quality digital evidence than their predecessors, which can then be used in court presentations for misdemeanor and felony cases.

Harry Stone Homicide Solved

On the morning of 05-13-2012, Mother’s Day, Harry Stone was shot from a passing car while jogging near 67 Street and Blue Ridge Boulevard. He died later that day. The senseless act of violence resonated within the Raytown community, as well as nationally. Raytown Police Detectives, joined by the Metropolitan Major Case Squad, investigated the case, but were initially unsuccessful in identifying a suspect. The case was eventually assigned to Detective Jimmy Wolsey, who partnered with Det. Vernon Huth, of the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department Career Criminal Unit. Det. Wolsey and Det. Huth spent countless hours on the case, reviewing leads and interviewing anyone who may have had knowledge about the case. In the summer of 2015, Det. Wolsey and Det. Huth received the break in the investigation that they had been looking for. That lead led to many more interviews across the country, and ultimately to a suspect, who was charged with 2nd Degree Murder in connection with the case, on February 8, 2016, nearly four years after the crime.


Raytown Police Department

INVESTIGATIONS Print Identification Unit

The Print Identification Unit examines latent evidence for value and conducts comparisons of latent evidence and/or inked ten-print cards to known subject(s) as requested for identification or elimination. There are four members of this unit, all of whom have primary duties elsewhere in the department. Latent evidence refers to fingerprints that are recovered from the scene of a crime and a ten-print card is a card that contains all ten 240 latent fingerprint lifts fingerprints taken while a person is in custody or as part examined of a background check.

2016 Activity

6 comparison requests Unit personnel are responsible for evaluating latent 11 people compared evidence for value and also for “AFIS” (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) quality, if applicable, in a timely manner; comparison requests (including ten-print 2 positive identifications to ten-print, unidentified body/dead body comparisons and case comparison requests); ensuring that evidence is kept secure and the correct check-out procedures are followed; complete any police reports necessary on all evaluations and/or comparisons; and testifying in court. Crime Analysis

The Raytown Police Department has employed a full-time civilian Crime Analyst since 2010. The Crime Analyst is part of the Investigations Division, but provides support to all administrative and operational units within the department. The main goal of crime analysis is to help the department become more effective through better information. The Analyst’s duties include analyzing and summarizing data, disseminating crime and intelligence data, and identifying crime series and patterns. This can help other police units solve crimes, find and apprehend offenders, detect and solve community problems, educate the public, optimize internal operations, and plan for future resource needs. Another integral job of the Analyst is to share crime information with surrounding agencies. The Crime Analyst is also responsible for maintaining departmental statistical information. This information is used to measure the effectiveness of policing efforts as well as allocate resources. Lastly, the Crime Analyst is responsible for our public crime map, which is available at www.communitycrimemap.com. The map, which is a completely free service, is updated daily with new incident reports. Citizens can set up free email alerts for any address in Raytown to be automatically notified of any crimes reported within a set distance of that address. This is a great way for residents to keep up to date with what’s going on in their neighborhood.

2016 Annual Report


COMMUNITY SERVICES The Community Services Unit (CSU) is a citizen volunteer-driven unit that exists to better the relationship between the community and the police department. The citizens who help run the programs through CSU are in a group called Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS). In 2016, there were 10 VIPS who helped with many programs and events. In April, the Raytown Police Department partnered with the DEA & MO Rural Water Association to participate in the annual Drug Take Back Day. 658 pounds of drugs were collected on that day. A second Drug Take Back Day was held in October, where we collected 568 pounds of drugs, for a total of 1,226 pounds of drugs collected solely through those events. The department began a Community Forum series, holding a forum in April on Traffic Stops and one in June to discuss Use of Force issues. The 2015 Citizens Police Academy was featured in the National Citizens Police Academy Association’s newsletter, Spring 2016 edition. The 2016 Citizens Police Academy (held September through November) had 14 attendees who learned about the inner workings of the police department through classroom lectures, hands-on simulator training, and ridealongs. Fall ushered in the development of the Coffee With A Cop program. This program brings police officers and the community members they serve together over coffee to discuss issues and learn more about each other. There were 2 Coffee With A Cop events in 2016: one at HyVee, and one at Bowen Tower. More Coffee With A Cop events are slated for 2017. We received 43 requests for Station Tours/Speakers and 23 applications for ride-alongs.


Raytown Police Department

PLANNING & RESEARCH Capital Sales Tax $284,977.00

Public Safety Sales Tax $1,417,102.00

The FY2015/2016 Police Department Budget totaled $8,325,088.00, with a breakdown of $6,623,009.00 in the General Fund, $1,417,102.00 in Public Safety Sales Tax, and $284,977.00 in Capital Sales Tax. The largest expense for the Police Department is in its employees. A total of $6,638,005.00 was budgeted for salaries and benefits.

Sixteen separate programs within the Police Department contributed to the construction of the Police Budget. Each program manager or commander submits their budget requests for their respective programs to Planning and Research. The Planning and Research Commander, in turn, populates the General Fund budget documents for submission to the Finance Department. A series of $6,623,009.00 negotiations takes place between the Chief of Police with his Administration, the City Administrator and the Finance Director. The other City Department Heads undergo similar negotiations with the Finance Director and City Administrator. Once a balanced budget is achieved, the City Administrator recommends the budget to the Raytown Board of Aldermen for their review. Negotiations continue as the City Department Heads present and explain their respective portions of the proposed budget. When the Board of Aldermen is satisfied with the budget, it then is passed by resolution at an open Board of Aldermen meeting. The Police Department’s IT had significant equipment replacements this year. Sixteen computer workstations were replaced in FY 16 for a cost of $22,591.52. Eight workstations were replaced in the Department’s Administrative offices, two were replaced in the Records Unit, five were replaced in the Detention Unit, and one was replaced in the Professional Standards Unit. Additionally, a Storage SAN was replaced for a cost of $19,175.68 and there was a 1 TB upgrade for the Department’s Backup Array. The Department began a replacement program of replacing the computers in the Patrol cars. The Motorola MW810 has been the computer of choice for the patrol cars since 2008; however, Motorola no longer produces or supports the MW810. As a result, the Panasonic Toughbook CF-54 computer was tested and ultimately chosen to replace the Motorola computers. Three Panasonic computers were installed in new patrol cars for $15,175.68. The remaining in-car computers will be replaced as the patrol cars are replaced. Further Department technology is being upgraded and replaced in the form of our portable and mobile radios. The Motorola XTS2500 portable radios and the XTL mobile radios used by the Police Department are no longer in production by Motorola and will not be supported beyond 2020. As a result, the Police Department has begun the transition to the Motorola APX 4000 Model 2 portable radio and the APX 6500 mobile radio. Seventeen portable radios and two mobile radios were replaced for a cost of $58,024.05.

2016 Annual Report


CERT The Raytown Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is made up of 33 volunteers that have received specific training in basic disaster response skills and are able to support emergency responders in the event of a major disaster. This year we held a CERT Basic Training Course, CPR training, Table Top Exercises and radio communication training. Some of our volunteers participated in the Show Me Mass Care Exercise in August. Raytown CERT promoted our team and emergency preparedness at different events throughout the community this past year. They also assisted our Traffic Unit with the Easter Parade and Egg Hunt, AARP Shred Event, Raytown Arts and Music Festival, Pumpkins on Parade, and the Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting.

For more details, or if interested in joining CERT, contact Captain Rogers at rogersm@raytownpolice.org, or 816-737-6103. 18

Raytown Police Department

PUBLIC INFORMATION The Public Information Unit (PIU) gathers, prepares, and disseminates timely and accurate information on matters of public safety and interest. The PIU is a voluntary assignment, secondary to each member’s primary duty assignment. The Public Information Officers (PIO) participate in a rotating call-out schedule to respond to critical incident scenes, gather information, then inform the public by reporting the information to the media, including TV, radio, and print media. The Raytown Police Department also uses social media and online tools to deliver the information directly to the public.


Annual Report

The Public Information Unit recognized the need to give the Raytown community an annual report that gave an overall view of the Police Department’s activities and work, as well as how taxpayers’ resources were used in fulfilling the mission of the Department. Members thought that it was important to provide a comprehensive report, instead of a report of only statistics. The cost of producing an annual report is greatly reduced since department members themselves complete much of the work, including writing, editing, photography, and document design.


The Public Information Unit redesigned the Raytown Police Department’s website, http://www.raytownpolice. org, in 2016, which included the addition of features to enhance the layout and look, as well as redesigning the FAQ page. The website features various divisions and special units within the Department, the latest news, community safety articles, and crime trends. Career and volunteer opportunities are also posted as they become available. A small group of PIU members developed the website to provide a means to quickly and easily exchange important information with Raytown citizens and improve service. They developed, built, and maintain the website themselves, thus saving money, and use it to meet the goals of the Department and to serve its citizens. The website is also optimized for mobile devices.

2016 Annual Report


SPECIAL RESPONSE SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics)

The SWAT team provides an advanced, tactical response to violent barricades, high-risk warrant service, and barricade/hostage incidents. Techniques, tactics, and specialized equipment enable SWAT officers to protect innocent lives, secure property, and execute high-risk search warrants more safely. SWAT program training includes the use of special weapons, equipment, and tactics, which helps the team resolve difficult situations. In 2016, the SWAT team was comprised of 13 volunteer members, three of which are snipers. The SWAT team assignment is a secondary assignment, with all members having a primary assignment in other units. Team members must maintain physical fitness standards and superior firearms proficiency. SWAT team members are always subject to being “called out,” to quickly respond to emergencies. SWAT Training generally occurrs twice each month. Training includes SWAT-specific firearms training days, during which the members conduct advanced level rifle and handgun training and qualifications. In 2016, the SWAT team was deployed on two barricades and served five high-risk search warrants.

Crisis Negotiation

The Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) is a volunteer program currently consisting of a 5-member-team and a Team Leader. The team’s primary responsibility is providing negotiations for hostage or barricade situations, which is critical to the law enforcement goal of resolving potentially lethal encounters peacefully without injury or death to hostages, bystanders, officers, or a barricaded suspect. The negotiations program trains its negotiators in tactics and communications techniques used in crisis intervention. CNT members attend a variety of vetted training programs provided by such entities as the FBI Basic Negotiators Course. The CNT also conducts team training once a month. It is not unusual for the CNT to train with other area teams. Members of the CNT are also affiliated with the Missouri Association of Hostage Negotiators and the National Tactical Officers Association. Each of these entities is a conduit by which CNT members can stay abreast of current trends and developments in the area of Crisis Negotiations. The program requires its members to make personal sacrifices. Call outs can occur at the most inconvenient times, but members must be available to respond. Almost all Negotiation training is conducted during the members’ scheduled days off and regular attendance is mandatory to ensure team cohesion.

Crisis Intervention

The goal of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is to promptly respond to potentially dangerous emergencies involving people who are exhibiting serious psychiatric conditions or crises. All CIT officers complete a fortyhour basic CIT class, with some completing advanced training. The CIT officers strive to provide appropriate response and service referral, instead of criminal incarceration, which is often ineffective and does little to help the individual. There are currently 19 CIT officers who are assigned throughout the department.


Raytown Police Department


2016 saw the first formalized Ethics training sessions. The training was mandatory for all department personnel, sworn and civilian. A Raytown officer, who had been specially trained to teach Ethics to others, taught the course. The department strives to maximize taxpayer resources by investing in employeeinstructors to minimize training costs.

Field Training Program

The Field Training Program is designed to train new recruit officers. Each recruit works side by side with a Field Training Officer (FTO) for at least 14 weeks of intensive on-the-job training and daily performance evaluations. Training is conducted and staffed by Field Training Officers on all shifts of the Patrol Division. In 2016, two veteran police officers were trained as Field Training Officers, and were added to the FTO team. Field Training Officers have one of the most important jobs within the police department. Field Training Officers must be experienced and demonstrate strong communication skills, a professional demeanor, and enthusiasm. Throughout the course of 2016, seven recruit officers participated in the Field Training Program. One officer completed the program and was assigned to a patrol shift. Two officers were still in the training program at the conclusion of 2016. Four of those seven are no longer employed by the department. Recruit officers are required to meet specific performance standards in over 30 performance categories before being recommended for patrol duty. After successful completion of the training program, each recruit officer is assigned to a patrol squad.


The Firearms Unit conducted 23 firearms training sessions at gun ranges. Those sessions included Pistol and Rifle Qualifications and Open Range, where additional or specialized training took place. The sessions combined multiple weapons systems to ensure that our officers maintained mandated qualifications. Sessions included rifle and pistol skill development, which focused on advanced weapon manipulations and precision shooting. Low Light qualifications were conducted in December, and for the first time, a Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)-approved Low Light patrol rifle qualification was conducted. In August, the department conducted a large-scale pistol replacement, transitioning from the Glock model 17, Generation 3, to the Glock model 17, Generation 4, as over half of the Generation 3 pistols were in need of complete overhaul. Qualifications with the new duty pistols were conducted over the course of 3 days at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department Range and all personnel successfully qualified with the new pistols. Additionally, the department purchased 6 Simunition training pistols. These special pistols are only used for training and are not capable of firing regular bullets. They fire only specially designed marking cartridges, which are non-lethal, but operate like an officer’s duty pistol. Using the Simunition pistols enhance training because they cannot be easily confused with a regular pistol since they are blue. Prior to using the training pistols, regular pistols were converted to fire the special marking cartridges for the training session and then converted back to regular bullets afterward. 2016 Annual Report



The year 2016 was eventful for Communications. The unit added three new members and two members of the unit enjoyed their 31st and 36th year anniversaries with the department. Director James Brafford was honored by the Mid-America Regional Council as the Outstanding Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Leader during the annual Telecommunicators Appreciation Celebration. “Call if you can, text if you can’t.” This is the motto for the MARC region when using text-to-9-1-1. Calling 9-1-1 is the best way for dispatch to gather the necessary information to send help, but if you are in a situation where speaking could put you in danger, send a text to 9-1-1, which was enabled in 2016. There are limitations though; no pictures, videos, or emoticons are allowed and a text message will not provide an address.


The Records Unit is responsible for receiving, processing and retaining a variety of department records. The Records Unit, which is staffed by a Supervisor and a Records Clerk, receives and processes requests for police records. Those requests come from individuals, media, insurance companies, attorneys, State and City Agencies, as well as government and businesses. The records unit stores several types of records which includes: paper, electronic, microfilm, and digital media records. In January 2016 the Records Unit promoted a new Supervisor, a member who has been with the department since 2001 and the Records Unit since 2009. In October 2016 the Records Unit was painted, new carpet was installed; a new filing system and new shelving were also installed. These changes have provided more room in the unit, and we are now able to store more records.

2016 Records Activity



Raytown Police Department

FLEET The Raytown Police Department currently has 35 vehicles and two motorcycles. During the fiscal year of 2016, we purchased three Ford Police Interceptor Utilities, one unmarked SUV, and one unmarked sedan. The marked vehicles are delivered with some basic equipment, such as a spotlight, and are painted all black. The Police Department works with the Raytown Public Works Garage to ensure that our vehicles are up-fitted, which means that all our special equipment is added. Each vehicle is up-fitted with a rear seat hard shell, rear door panels/rear partition, push bumper, LED lights, radio system, siren, gun racks, storage boxes, dashcams, Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs), floor pans, and window bars for the rear seat. Each marked unit is also equipped with a fire extinguisher and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The Raytown Police logo and markings are the only things added to the vehicle by a vendor outside the city. Each squad car is shared by several officers, on opposing shifts, so most of the marked units are in service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Supervisors and Traffic Units also drive specific vehicles which are marked as such. Members of the Command Staff drive unmarked Ford Expeditions. These vehicles are outfitted with equipment so that they can be used as a temporary Command Post if needed. For incidents that last longer than a few hours, or if there is severe weather, we have a dedicated RV Command Post with a Ford F-350 to haul it and a generator to power various pieces of equipment. It provides enough room for a dispatcher and commanders. Lastly, we have an unmarked cargo van that the SWAT team uses to transport the entire team when they serve search warrants. Mechanics at the Raytown Public Works Garage do a great job making sure all of our cars are inspected, maintained, and repaired on a regular basis. Vehicle replacement is based on age, mileage, and service history. Over the course of the year, there were 10 police vehicles that were involved in nine accidents. One of these crashes took place outside the city while an officer was in Lee’s Summit for training, and was investigated by the Lee’s Summit Police Department. All of the vehicles involved were repaired and placed back into service. No officers were injured in any of the accidents. Seven of the accidents were not our fault – two officers were hit by suspects attempting to flee (separate incidents), one officer was struck by a citizen who ran a red light, one was caused by pedestrian negligence, one officer struck and injured a dog that was running at large, and the last was caused by a citizen driving too fast for conditions. Three accidents were our fault – one officer backed into another police vehicle that was parked and unoccupied (one report) and two others were minor accidents caused by inattention.


X 13.66 2016 Annual Report


PROPERTY & DETENTION Property & Supply Unit

The Property and Supply Unit is responsible for both recovered property and evidence processing and retention, and supplies for the Police Department. The efficient and accurate storage and retrieval of evidence and property is vital to the law enforcement process. The Property and Supply Unit is currently staffed by one full-time employee and one part-time employee. The Supply Unit issues all office, general, and evidence supplies. It is also responsible for making sure all employees have the correct uniforms and equipment to perform their duties. Throughout 2016, officers and detectives collected a total of 2,475 new items of property and evidence. The Property & Supply Unit was able to continue the goal in 2016 of disposing of at least one item for each item taken in, and disposed of 4,011 items, ending the year with nearly 12,248 items total in storage. In the last five years, the Property & Supply Unit has been able to purge approximately 56% of its inventory due to an improved Disposal Process. In 2016 the Property & Supply Unit upgraded our Supply software and installed new lighting fixtures. We also secured funding for a new Property Annex and HVAC Unit that should be completed in 2017. 2016 Seized Items 254 Drug Items

(cocaine, heroin, K2, marijuana, meth, PCP, pills, or Rx meds)

79 Firearms


The Raytown Police Department Detention Unit is a short term holding facility with 12 beds in four regular cells and one padded cell. The unit is staffed by seven full-time Detention Technicians and one Supervisor and is manned 24/7/365. Inmates are held only long enough for them to post bond or, in the case of 24-hour investigative holds, until the investigator assigned to their case completes the investigation. Inmates with Raytown charges, who are unable to post their bond, are transferred to our contracted holding facility, the Johnson County Missouri Jail. Jail facilities were upgraded in several significant ways in 2016, including: • Installation of a new gate system in the cell hall increasing security within the jail • Installation of a video conferencing system for court proceedings, reducing the number of times inmates need to be moved from the jail to court, thereby reducing a significant security risk • Installation of a new series of cameras, eliminating blind spots • Installation of a new padded cell for inmates who are suicidal or likely to injure themselves



Raytown Police Department

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS The Professional Standards Unit (PSU) is responsible for providing services that support the mission and operations of the Raytown Police Department. Members of PSU recruit potential Department members and conduct pre-employment background investigations for selection of personnel who share our Department’s core values of courage, honesty, integrity, and accountability. The Professional Standards Unit also ensures that all sworn personnel meet the training requirements set forth by the Department of Public Safety Peace Officer Standards and Training Program (POST), which is the regulatory agency responsible for the licensure of peace officers. In 2016 all of our sworn personnel have met or exceeded the training requirements set forth by POST.




Peer Support Team

In 2016, the Department’s Peer Support Team gained three new members and currently has a total of 9 sworn and non-sworn members. The purpose of the Peer Support Team is to provide initial crisis intervention services by trained personnel to members of Law Enforcement who have experienced or have been exposed to a traumatic incident or other emotional crisis. Team members continue to provide confidential emotional support during and after times of personal or professional crisis to employees who express a need for assistance as well as assisting other Law Enforcement agencies with Critical Incident Stress Debriefings when called upon.

2016 Annual Report


INTERNAL AFFAIRS The Internal Affairs (IA) Unit is responsible for maintaining records of all of the investigations conducted into complaints against the members of the Department, all of the vehicle pursuits conducted by Officers, and all reports of incidents where Officers had to apply force against another person. Many complaints are investigated by supervisory staff. In the most serious cases, members of the Internal Affairs Unit can be assigned. Internal Affairs personnel include case officers and Computerized Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) Examiners. Case officers are recruited from those members whose work in the Criminal Investigations Unit has shown proven skills in interview/interrogation and detailed case management. Special training is required of all Unit members, beginning with attendance at the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration at the Center for American and International Law where they are introduced to courses specific to internal affairs, ethics, and professional standards. The Internal Affairs Special Unit reports directly to the Chief of Police. THE INNER RING DISPLAYS THE ALLEGATION CATEGORIES WHILE THE OUTER RING DISPLAYS THE INVESTIGATION RESULTS. (1) ate d n er

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Raytown Police Department


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USE OF FORCE Members that are required to apply force to another person in the execution of their duties must complete a separate report describing the incident and the force used. These reports are used to improve training and performance. Each Use of Force incident is investigated by a supervisor. The Professional Standards Unit is responsible for training and thus, also collects data from these reports.


There are important distinctions to be made over previous year’s data:

4,294 CAR OR PEDESTRIAN 1. The Use of Force policy underwent some regular revision that CHECKS enhanced the demands on supervisors conducting the investigation and broadened the amount of data and the number of incidents that are recorded. This year, Officers are required to report the pointing of a firearm at another person. That means that whenever any gun is actively pointed at another person, that incident will be reported and 105 USE OF investigated as a use of force. Previously, only the discharge of such a FORCE INCIDENTS weapon was recorded and investigated. It is important to note that there is a distinction between drawing a weapon and pointing it at a person. There are circumstances where having a firearm at the ready is appropriate, but pointing it at a person might not be.


2. The number of use of force cases reported this year are over twice that of last year, predominantly because of the reporting of pointing of weapons and because even the slightest force - anything greater than applying handcuffs to a compliant person - has been reported. If an Officer has to apply physical force to hold a person or to get their arms into a handcuffing position, regardless of whether any injury is claimed or occurred, that event was reported. 3. Some cases involved multiple descriptions of force used. If the circumstances escalated and the officer had to continue to apply force, resulting in strikes, takedowns, taser deployment and weapon pointing, then that one event resulted in counting one of each of those types of force. 4. If multiple instances of the same type of force had to be applied in the same incident to the same offender, like multiple strikes, it is only counted as one incident of strikes used as force. We counted the different types and levels of force, not each individual application. When some cases also involved multiple categories of resistance or force by the suspects, we only counted the highest degree of force used.


All vehicle pursuits must be recorded in an Incident Report, whether or not the suspect was apprehended. Since we’re surrounded by interstates, many pursuits quickly move outside our city limits as suspsects try to flee. There were 105 total vehicular pursuits initiated in 2016.

77 36 25 2

Pursuits terminated by officer or supervisor Arrests made

Felony offenders

Successful Stop Stick deployments

76 2 1 0

Average Police cruiser speed

Innocent civilians received minor injuries

Suspect received minor injuries

Officers injured

2016 Annual Report


AWARDS The Awards, Uniform, and Standards Unit (AUSU) is intended to provide tangible recognition for exemplary service by Department personnel, as well as to serve as a means of reinforcing the type of performance the Department wishes to encourage. Annually, the Department holds an Awards Ceremony to honor our employees for their service to the community. Awards are given for tenure, good conduct, safe driving, military service, advanced education, and service in special units, among other things. For many years, the Awards Ceremony was held on a Saturday morning in December. The format had not changed in quite some time, so in 2016 AUSU decided it was time to try something new. The awards for 2016 will be presented on the evening of February 25, 2017. Because of the date change, it was decided to change how we report awards in the Annual Report. So, from this point forward, awards will be reported in the year that they are given, meaning that the awards handed out on February 25th will be reported in the 2017 Annual Report. This year, we’d like to share with you some details about the various awards that can be bestowed.

Medal of Valor

The Medal of Valor is the highest honor awarded by the Raytown Police Department, and as such, it is very rarely bestowed upon any member. It may be granted to any member of the Department for “outstanding bravery or heroism by which the individual has demonstrated a great degree of selflessness, personal courage, devotion to duty” or the member “has committed an act of conspicuous gallantry with full awareness that the act could result in grave injury or death.”

Purple Heart

The Purple Heart may be granted to any member of the Department who has been seriously injured while in direct performance of Police duty but will be generally limited to those cases resulting from an attack by an assailant, personal combat, or injuries resulting from the officer’s aggressiveness in attempting to make an arrest.

Distinguished Service Medal

The Distinguished Service Medal is the second highest honor given by the Department and is also very rarely awarded. It may be granted to any member for an outstanding act resulting from unusual alertness and which involves “performance above and beyond.”

Lifesaving Award

The Lifesaving Award is for the successful effort in saving a human life, which involved exceptional courage or performance. This award was last conferred in 2014, to Ofc. Frank McDevitt who pulled a man from a burning vehicle with complete disregard for his own safety.

Officer/Civilian/Reserve Officer Of the Year

This award is given once a year to one Police Officer, one Civilian, and one Reserve Officer whose accomplishments or performance has been so outstanding as to justify recognition as officer/civilian/ reserve officer of the year. Anyone in the department can nominate anyone else for the award, and once the nominations are compiled, the entire department votes for the winner.


Raytown Police Department

AWARDS Good Conduct Award

The Good Conduct Award is given to anyone who has completed five years of service with the Department and not received any progressive discipline. This award is given in five-year increments and it is not uncommon for us to recognize members with 30+ years of good conduct.

Military Service

The Military Service award is granted to any member who has or is currently serving in any branch of the United States Armed Forces or Air Force & Army National Guard of any state, territory, or the District of Columbia and is not discharged under less than honorable conditions.

Educational Achievement

This award is granted to any member who has successfully completed a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral Degree from an accredited college or university, or if a member successfully completes the FBI National Academy, the Southern Police Institute Command Officer Development Course, or the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.

Field Training Officer

This is a permanent award granted to any member who has been or is currently designated by the Department as a training officer and has received additional training in the area of instructing and evaluating probationary personnel.

Specialized Unit

This award is granted to any member who has actively served in one or more specialized units and has received additional formal training in a particular discipline. In addition to the above awards, the Department also awards Certificates of Merit and Commendatory Letters for outstanding meritorious achievements for outstanding service over a prolonged period of time, or for exceptional performance with regard to an arrest or other event in the performance of his/her duties which brings credit upon themselves and the Department as a whole.

SOME PREVIOUS AWARD WINNERS: OFFICER OF THE YEAR CIVILIAN OF THE YEAR Nathan Brand Shawn Didde Randy Hudspeth Uriel Ojeda Jeremy Riddle Jared Rogers Chris Shrout

Beth Bennett Bronna Durgan Krystyna Fitzwater Nicole Growney Cathy Mulhearn Debbie Pisciotta Lora Shireman

Jimmy Wolsey

Kyle Stoker

RESERVE OFFICER OF THE YEAR Neal Byers Jeff Keith Melvin Norrington John Snyder Ralph Vogel Frank Welch

2016 Annual Report


A TYPICAL OFFICER’S DAY 05:45 am-Shift Briefing Officers meet in the squad room 15 minutes before their shift starts (at 6 am and 6 pm). The shift supervisor, either a sergeant or corporal, will share pertinent crime or officer safety information passed on by other shifts, conduct training, or remind officers of tasks such as inspections.

For officers assigned to Patrol, their squad car is their desk and office space. Everything they need is carried with them: extra paperwork, ticket books, long guns, stop sticks, equipment to collect evidence, traffic safety equipment such as cones and flares, and gear for inclement weather like rain coats, high visibility vests, etc. Each squad car is shared by several officers, on opposing shifts. They are responsible for keeping the cars clean and gassed up. At the beginning of each shift, each officer loads up his or her personal gear and weapons and tests the sirens, lights, and other parts of the car to make sure everything is working correctly.

Respond to Calls

Load Equipment

The primary responsibility for patrol officers is to respond to calls for service from the public. Each call is assigned to one or more officers by a dispatcher and the officers work as a team to ensure everyone’s safety while also taking care of all tasks that need to be completed. Once they arrive, the officer(s) will speak with the caller to find out what is going on and what enforcement action, if necessary, needs to be taken. What kind of call is most typical depends on the day, time, and season. May was the busiest month for calls for 2016, but overall Wednesdays between 3 and 4 pm and Mondays between 6 and 7 pm had the most dispatched calls. On average in 2016, we handled 75 calls per day, but the workload ranged from 38-148 calls per day.

Self Initiated Activity

When officers aren’t busy responding to calls or writing reports, they are on the lookout for traffic violations and suspicious activity. Officers working the night shift will check local businesses and city parks to make sure everything is secure and no one is there who shouldn’t be. Officers will sometimes conduct “ped (pedestrian) checks” if they recognize a person with warrants, for example. In 2016, Officers conducted 7,710 self initated calls, which is about 21 a day.


Raytown Police Department

A TYPICAL OFFICER’S DAY Mid-Shift-Lunch/Dinner! Patrol officers, detention technicians, and dispatchers all have the kind of job where they have to eat whenever there is a free moment. Ideally, a shift is “slow” enough that each person gets a chance to sit down and eat, but sometimes a shift is so busy that the best they can do is grab a quick snack in between calls. Every officer knows what it’s like to be dispatched to a call right when your order arrives, so they try and take turns to make sure each squad-mate has a turn to eat.

Arrest Throughout the course of their day, patrol officers come into contact with dozens of people. The majority of those contacts are simple and peaceful, but in some cases, we have no choice but to make an arrest and take someone to jail. People can be arrested if they have one or more warrants or if the officer has probable cause to believe they committed a crime. When someone is arrested, they are put in handcuffs, searched, and transported to the Police Department, where our dedicated Detention staff will “book” them in. They gather all the necessary information, take photos, and fingerprints. Depending on the charges, the person may be arraigned, transferred to another agency, or they will have the opportunity to bond out. On average in 2016, we arrested a little over 6 people a day, but the workload ranged from 1-14 people arrested per day.

Write Reports Not every call for service or situation results in a written report, but many do. We wrote over 3,600 reports last year, which averages to about 10 a day. Officers do their best to share the workload with their squad mates, so if they know a co-worker already has taken several reports during a shift, others will step up to take the next one. Officers can write their reports in the squad cars or back at the station and in most situations, have to have their reports turned in before they can leave for the day.

6:15 pm-Go Home Safely The goal of every officer, every single day, is to make it home safely at the end of their shift. Once the paperwork is finished, they can close the day out. They reverse everything they did at the beginning of their shift: gas up the car, unload personal equipment from the squad car, and hand the keys over to the next shift. The shift supervisor will discuss important events with the oncoming supervisor, so he/she can pass that on to their squad. Then the outgoing shift can go home and get some much-needed rest. This cycle gets repeated, day in and day out, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, no matter the weather or holiday!

2016 Annual Report



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Nextdoor https://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/mo/raytown/raytown-police-department/


Raytown Police Department







When many people think of crime stats, they associate the term with media reports or “Top Ten Dangerous Cities” type-lists that are almost always based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system. This system, which was originally established in 1930, has very complex rules about which crimes are reported and how they are counted. Although they recently expanded the definition of rape in 2013, overall the system hasn’t changed much in its 85-year lifespan. For a variety of reasons, we have decided not to use UCR “rules” for the crime stats we’re reporting here. Instead, we’re simply reporting how many times each crime occurred. We’re also not reporting statistics for every crime type, as there are too many to list. We’ve chosen to highlight those crime types that most citizens are interested in when they contact us about crime in our city. The end result is a more accurate, simple, and comprehensive view of crime in our city. The following reports were created using data from our records management (RMS) and computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems. There were some limitations in gathering and analyzing data. Missing information (lack of data entry), miscoded information (wrong call types), and typographical mistakes all contribute to errors in information. The statistics in this report represent the best effort to report activity within the City of Raytown and the Raytown Police Department, with the understanding that there is a small margin of error to the data.

2016 Annual Report


city of raytown


10000 EAST 59TH ST RAYTOWN, MISSOURI 64133 www.raytownpolice.org

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