What is Technical SEO and it’s Aspects?

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What is Technical SEO and it’s Aspects?

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimising your website for the crawling and indexing phase. Important elements of Technical SEO include crawling, indexing, rendering, website architecture, speed, Redirects, and many more.

20 Points to improve your site’s Technical SEO Optimisation: 1. Sitemaps 2. Crawling and Indexing 3. Website Speed (Mobile+ Desktop) 4. Website Structure 5. SSL Certificates 6. Image Optimisation 7. Internal and External Links 8. Canonical URLs 9. Optimise Robots.txt 10. Optimise Your URL Structure

11. Website Navigation 12. Menu Breadcrumbs 13. Implement Structured Data Markup (Schema) 14. Optimize 404 Page 15. XML Sitemap Optimisation 16. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 17. Use of Google Webmaster Tool and Analytics 18. Quality Content 19. Hreflang 20. 301 Redirects

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