How Off Page SEO helps to Improve Website Traffic and Rank

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How Off-Page SEO Helps to Improve Website Traffic and Rank on Search Engine

SEO off page is the implementation of a series of techniques focused on obtaining external links that point to our website to improve its organic positioning in Google and other search engines. Off page SEO is characterized because it is about performing actions outside our page, unlike On-page SEO, which consists of optimising the internal elements of the web: structure, improvement of texts, use of keywords, etc.

Off-Page SEO and Page Rank The way in which off-page SEO manages to improve our organic positioning is by raising our score in the Page Rank, which is one of the factors included in the Google formula or algorithm to determine the position that a website will finally obtain after searches of the users. The Page Rank takes into account various factors, including the number of visits, the quality of the content and also the quantity and quality of links that point to our website. And it is precisely at this last point where off-page SEO techniques come into play.

Off-Page SEO Activities There are several actions to get links to our page and, in this way, improve the Page Rank and the authority of our website: 1. Social Media Sharing 2. Social Bookmarking 3. Forum Submission 4. Blog Submission 5. Article Submission 6. Question and Answer 7. Video Submission 8. Image Submission 9. Infographics Submission 10. Document Sharing 11. Press Release 12. Web 2.0 Submission 13. Use of Google My Business 14. Influencer Outreach 15. Blog Commenting Everything that gets out of this way ends up turning into failed shortcuts that, in the end, end up being useless, when not clearly harmful to our website due to some Google penalty. If you have been interested in this article and want to learn more about SEO, Find the Blog about Search Engine Optimisation here.

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