Facebook Marketing Tips to Improve your Social Media Marketing

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Most Important Points to be Successful in Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Strategy with your Fan Page. Managing pages on



Today we have compiled some major points that will help you improve your

Facebook is an important part the whole marketing process. That is why it will be

especially important to have a clear growth and loyalty strategy.

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Keys to a Facebook Marketing Strategy

Complete All the Information Fields When you go to create a page, Facebook asks you to fill in a good number of information fields. Not all of them

are required, but we recommend that you complete as many of them as possible for best performance. So that you understand it better, think about your target audience. It's hard for you to find him if you hardly have any information, right? That is why you are interested in knowing all the details that move their day to day and that make up their interests. The same goes for your page on Facebook. The more data you show about your business, the easier it will be for users to find your brand.

Share and Create Value Content Many companies start creating pages and make the

Types of Value Content

mistake of filling their wall with commercial content without offering anything new. For this reason, your

communication on Facebook must have valuable content




that is close to your fans, content that, in addition to being useful, invites them to share with their friends When publishing, think as a public and share valuable content associated with your brand.

Graphics, Videos, Music, Challenges, Surveys, Tricks, Formulas, Guides, etc.

Include Keywords throughout your Page Like any other digital media platforms, choosing the right keywords is the most important step in Facebook

Marketing. This process should start from the name itself, but does not end with it.

Make sure, therefore, to try to include the chosen keywords in all the spaces where you have a choice:

From the vanity URL to the description. Or any other space. Further, do not forget to use the keywords in some of the updates of your Fan Page.

Participate in other Fan Pages and Groups

Facebook is the largest Forum in the world, and guess what: they are not all on your Fan Page. If you want to grow and

actively participate with users in your sector, you will need to go outside your Wall. Don't focus your strategy only on Page and then don't blame Facebook that it doesn't work for you. The interaction between Fan Pages is very interesting from a strategic point of view. Participate in other pages similar or related to your sector and interact with them and with their followers: give your opinion and add value. If possible, leave a few interesting comments.

Don't make the mistake of settling for the standard URL that

Create a Custom URL

Facebook proposes. You can create a personalized, unique and non-transferable URL for your company page. see some available username or Facebook options.

Taking into account the value of the URL for search engines, you should pay special attention to the selection of this url. To position a Page it is important that you choose a suitable URL. Once you enter it, you will not be able to change it for a while. For more help on Facebook username visit FaceBook.com/Username to see some available username or Facebook options.

Schedule Your Publications in the Future You can also schedule future posts with a maximum interval of up to 6 months and 15 minutes between each post. You can organize in advance and distribute the content at the time of day that suits you best. Take into

account the time difference between countries or continents, you will get them to see the content at the most appropriate time for your community.

Encourage Participation in Your Page Facebook is a social network where in addition to friends, we look for entertainment and where creative actions that give people a voice best fit.

One way to generate engagement is by asking your fans questions. Always ask! You should not only share information. When making a post, you must give your users the option to complete or reply to your posts. Develop your creativity, ask their opinion and propose challenges to involve them, to invite them to participate and to listen to them.

Use Images in Your Campaigns Images are another important part of Facebook Marketing. Lean on images because in addition to making your publications more attractive, they have the advantage that they cross the borders of language. Images can also help encourage participation, unify your corporate image, and can even help develop your own brand style.

Do not forget to always place in your images a reference about your brand, so that

one shared outside your circle of followers and reaches the home wall of users who do not know you, can find your brand as source of content.

Facebook Ads to Promote Your Page Facebook has worked hard in the development of its marketing department so that all the brands present in this social network can promote and promote each of their publications, promotions or events in many ways. Facebook might be the best platform for targeting marketing campaigns. Facebook has a complete database, due to the amount of precise data that users offer in terms of origin, age, tastes, interests, studies, places visited, residence, etc. On

Facebook you can also advertise in many ways and boost your publications, depending on what interests you.

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