Congress Ends War on Medical Marijuana and Passes Historical Bill

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Congress Ends War on Medical Marijuana and Passes Historical Bill Breaking News In a breakthrough moment for cannabis law modification, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure few days back to stop funding the civil conflict on medical marijuana. It is expected to be signed by President Obama, bringing an end to the long crackdown in California and other states. The huge majority of 78% of Americans support state’s right to permit access to medical cannabis. The spending bill also contains an endowment which is directed towards Washington DC legalization.

“A Fabulous Victory” District protestors said that they will sue the Harris rider. Marijuana law modification supporters applauded the arrival of the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment earlier this week, calling it a “fabulous victory”.

“For the first time, Congress is letting states set their own medical marijuana and hemp policies, a huge step forward for practical drug policy,” said Bill Piper, director of the Drug Policy Alliance’s office of national affairs. “States will continue to restructure their marijuana laws and Congress will be required to provide accommodations for them.”

“This is a great day for patients and for public safety,” stated an announcement Major Neill Franklin (Ret.), executive director of Law Enforcement against Prohibition. Congress has finally paid attention to the huge majority of Americans who consider the federal government has no right to delay the personal verdict to

use medical marijuana made by a patient in consultation with his or her doctor. Law enforcement never should have been a part of that verdict and if this modification passes, they no longer will be a part of it.”

“This is great news for medical marijuana patients all across the country,” stated Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA), one of the co-authors of the House measure, in a press release. “This modification shelters patients while the federal government catches up with the views of the American people. Patients will have right to use to the care legal in their state without fear of federal prosecution.”

“We congratulate this Congress for doing the right thing by protecting the rights of patients, and ending a years-long attack on the medical marijuana community,” stated Mike Liszewski, Government Affairs Director with Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the foremost medical marijuana support organization that has been defending the measure for years. By complimenting this measure, Congress is siding with the huge main stream of Americans who are calling for a change in how we implement our federal marijuana laws.

Marijuana Policy Project communications director Mason Tvert stated, “Taxpayer money should not be used to punish extremely ill people who use medical marijuana and the caregivers who provide it to them.”

“A Long-fought success”

Americans for Safe Access executive director Steph Sherer writes us that: “This is truly a long-fought success for medical marijuana patients who have lived in distress of being caught in the clash of conflicting state and federal laws for nearly two decades.”

Now patients are ready to work with Congress on all-inclusive medical marijuana legislation. It is now quite obvious that Congress is ready to roll up its sleeves on this issue, and people are ready to work together to bring about extensive and more lasting change for the millions of Americans who depend on medical marijuana treatments.

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