1988 fiddler on the roof 22nd november 3rd december

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BRENDAN McSHANE B rendan M cShane, whose brilliant performances as Professor Higgins in M y Fair Lady, Tevye in Fiddler on the R o o f m d the title role in The King and I and H onore in Gigi will always be rem em bered. He can recall up to thirty leading roles in the great musicals and Gilbert & Sullivan o p eras, in which he as appeared in Dublin and throughout th e country. T hese include Oklahoma, Carousel, The M erry Widow, The Student Prince and B itter Sweet, while one of his outstanding performances was as T he D o n in The Gondoliers.

PAUL MONAGHAN Paul M onaghan was born in 1963. His theatrical debut was at the age of twelve, in Noel Pearso n ’s production of Joseph and the A m a zing Technicolor Dreamcoat, at the Olym pia T h eatre, Gaiety Theatre and C ork O pera House. H e studied dram a with Brendan Smith for two years and subsequently piano with Catherine Hamill in the College of Music, and singing with Peter McBrien and V eronica D u nne. O n joining the O ’Connell Musical Society he ap peared in the world prem iere of The New M ikad o and The Witness. In 1983-84 he appeared with Colm C. T. Wilkinson in Jesus Christ Superstar at the O lym pia T h eatre playing the role of Pontius Pilate. Since then he has appeared in more than thirty p roductions playing principal roles. E arlier this year Paul played the role of Jesus in Godspell at Dundalk Town Theatre. He has been a guest soloist with the R T E C oncert Orchestra in the annual A IM S/R T E concerts a t the N ational C oncert Hall, for the last three years. As a vocal coach/music director he directed G uinness' Musical Society’s three winning entries in the New Ross Choral Festival (1986-87-88). H e also directed Samra Variety G roup, who won first place in the Tops of the A re a com petition in the Gaiety Theatre (1988). Future engagements include a concert of Step h en S o ndheim ’s music, the Pyjama Game, and Assistant Music Director of the world p rem iere of Shay H ealy’s new musical The Knowledge.

DODO O’HAGAN D o d o who plays Y ente the M atchm aker is well known to R athm ines & R athg ar audiences having played with the Society for m any years in both musicals and G ilbert & SuUivan operas. She originally studied singing in Belfast with Leslie Jones the Welsh baritone. H er favourite role is Lady A ngela in Patience. D o d o has been an Executive C om m ittee m em ber of the R athm ines & R athgar Musical Society for many years.

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