Land Investor Magazine Volume 9

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LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER & MARKET UPDATE Fay Ranches experienced some milestones in 2023, and we continued our thoughtful and strategic growth. We also celebrated our great fortune to live and work on the land, meeting new customers and working and recreating with clients we've known for decades. After 31 years, we're just getting started. Our strategic alliance with Republic Ranches of Texas has reached 11 years, and it continues to be a valuable alliance for our customers and Fay Ranches. They are great people who do great business. If you need a land broker in Texas, Republic Ranches is your go-to. Fay Rural Community Foundation (FRCF) executed several projects in small towns across the United States focused on healthcare, education, and the youth of these resilient communities that we believe are the backbone of America. Please donate to FRCF if you want to help rural communities. We have opened a new office in Charleston, South Carolina, with four agents whose roots run deep in the Low Country with over 50 years of combined experience.

Market Update: In 2023, the land market stabilized. This stabilization came on the heels of 2021 and 2022, which were explosive markets for the land industry and were an anomaly. Statistically, we're not seeing decreased per-acre sold prices in 2023. If you're watching the market, you may be surprised to hear this due to all the price reduction emails from land brokerage companies, including Fay Ranches. These were speculative list prices placed on land in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023, hoping the ascending market would continue. Agents and sellers are now adjusting their list prices in response to the stabilization of the market. The market continues to see demand for quality land priced accurately. We have not seen a drop in values because the inventory of available land from coast to coast is low. The lack of inventory is due to a few factors. Those who purchased land during COVID continue to see the value of insulating their family from the next pandemic and our country's social and political instability. They are holding on to their investment.

None of this would have been possible without our incredible team.

Also, due to aggregation and subdivision, there is less land every year, so we've not had a surplus of product and likely never will. The amount of transactions is down due to the lack of inventory. Consequently, we don't see the decrease in value that other real estate industry sectors see (residential and second homes), which is why land is a uniquely stable investment.

Selling land from coast to coast and internationally allows us to see and experience our great country's varying terrain, people, and regional value drivers. Our competent and experienced agents provide local knowledge, and Fay Ranches offers global reach—a powerful combination.

When the land market contracts, business concentrates on the most established companies, so Fay Ranches is having an excellent year, and the people who started selling land because the market was strong are leaving the business. The land market is back to normal.

The Strategic Plan at Fay Ranches is focused on continually refining and improving our systems, processes, technology, and standard of practice. We embrace and defend our culture, as outlined in our culture document. Conservation has been our passion since the beginning. Our clients are committed to keeping land working. They are aggregators, not subdividers. These are the pillars that support and guide our growth and success.

Please call your local Fay Ranches agent for a more in-depth conversation about the land market.

In 2023, we began working in Alaska, British Columbia, Costa Rica, Nebraska, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia and have already listed over $100,000,000 in these breathtakingly beautiful areas.


I hope you enjoy Land Investor magazine. It includes incredible articles by some of the industry's most knowledgeable and experienced land experts. All the best, Greg Fay, Founder | Broker

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he increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere is a pressing global issue that has been affecting our planet since the Industrial Revolution. Runaway atmospheric carbon is foreseeable at some point in the future if global emissions remain unchanged. Technological and terrestrial solutions can be deployed to prevent atmospheric carbon levels from reaching a damaging tipping point. Addressing this issue requires an innovative and sustainable approach to reduce CO2 emissions and enhance carbon sequestration. An emerging marketplace for CO2 offsets is taking shape in the form of a plant-based solution—using biomass to store atmospheric carbon. Carbon sequestration is the process of removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it, whether nature-based or with modern technology. Biomass (organic materials such as plants, agricultural residues, and forest products) can be utilized to sequester carbon through various processes, thereby contributing to mitigating the climatechanging effects of increasing CO2. By integrating the potential of a biomass marketplace, carbon sequestration markets can play a pivotal role in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. In this article, we will explore the concept of using biomass for carbon storage, its benefits, challenges, and potential applications for ranchers, farmers, and timberland owners. Carbon sequestration markets are evolving, offering economic incentives to engage in contributing to a solution. There are many challenges with integrating, preserving, and measuring stored carbon in biomass and, conversely, valuing stored carbon. By harnessing the potential of biomass, carbon markets can play a pivotal role in atmospheric carbon sequestration and reduction.

Biomass, Carbon Sinks, and Ecosystems Biomass is composed of organic matter that assimilates carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. As plants grow, they absorb CO2 and store carbon within their tissues. By utilizing biomass, we can tap into this natural process and isolate carbon for extended periods of time, effectively removing it from the atmosphere. Biomass can be classified into various categories, including agricultural byproducts (such as crop residues and animal manure), dedicated energy crops (such as switchgrass and miscanthus), forest biomass (such as timber and logging residues), and organic matter (such as food waste and sewage sludge). Each type has unique properties that can be harnessed for carbon storage through different methods. Virtually all indigenous flora on the planet sequesters carbon through the process of photosynthesis. Forest ecosystems on either side of the 45th parallel are arguably some of the planet’s most efficient plant-based carbon sinks and store substantial amounts

of biomass in organic carbon. Large, old-growth forests tend to have higher carbon storage capacities due to their long-lived trees and well-developed soils. Conserving and restoring forests and promoting sustainable forest management practices can enhance their ability to sequester atmospheric carbon. Grasslands and savannas are also diverse ecosystems with significant carbon sequestration potential. Belowground carbon storage, facilitated by extensive root systems and organic matter, contributes significantly to their carbon sink capacity. Proper grazing management and restoration of degraded grasslands can not only promote carbon sequestration but also improve ecosystem health. Due to their dense vegetation and carbon-rich soils, wetlands and coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass, possess high carbon sequestration capabilities. Protecting these ecosystems from degradation and promoting their restoration can enhance their ability to sequester carbon while providing additional ecological benefits, such as coastal protection and biodiversity conservation. Processes such as afforestation, agroforestry, and soil management practices can significantly increase carbon storage volumes. Planting trees on deforested lands and reforesting previously forested land, with careful selection of tree species, considering their growth rate, adaptability, and ecological suitability, can maximize carbon-storing potential. Integrating trees into agricultural landscapes through agroforestry and silvopastoral systems offers multiple benefits. Besides enhancing carbon 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 5

sequestration, these systems provide shade, protect against erosion, improve soil fertility, and diversify income sources for farmers. Another way to increase carbon sequestration rates is by implementing sustainable soil management practices, such as reduced tillage, cover cropping, and organic amendments. These practices improve soil structure, increase organic matter content, and promote microbial activity, which results in improved soil health. Effective management of afforestation, agroforestry, and soil management are crucial to maximizing carbon storage potential.

Methods of Biomass-Based Carbon Storage There are several methods to consider for biomass-based carbon storage. Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) involves the combustion of biomass to generate energy, coupled with the capture and storage of CO2 emissions. The captured CO2 is then transported and stored underground or utilized in industrial processes, preventing its release into the atmosphere. BECCS offers a dual benefit by generating renewable energy and removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Biochar production is another common method of carbon storage. Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced through the pyrolysis or gasification of biomass. It has a high carbon content and excellent stability, making it an ideal option for long-term carbon storage in soil. When applied to agricultural lands or used in land reclamation projects, biochar improves soil fertility, enhances water retention, and sequesters carbon for hundreds of years. Biomass can also be converted into construction materials, such as engineered wood products and bio-based composites. Biomassbased building materials store carbon throughout their lifespan and provide an alternative to carbon-intensive materials like concrete and steel. By substituting traditional construction materials with biomass-derived alternatives, we can reduce the embodied carbon in buildings and infrastructure.


Benefits and Challenges The utilization of biomass for carbon storage goes beyond just offering a significant opportunity to mitigate climate change. Other benefits that could follow are renewable energy generation, sustainable waste management, and the potential to enhance soil health. Utilizing biomass-based renewable energy sources to generate renewable electricity and heat would reduce the current reliance on fossil fuels, which would lead to a decrease in CO2 emissions and promote the transition to a low-carbon energy system. Biomass can also serve as a valuable feedstock for anaerobic digestion, a process that converts organic waste into biogas and biofertilizers. This not only helps to manage waste effectively but also provides a renewable energy source while minimizing methane emissions from landfill sites. Most biomass energy is generated by direct combustion via pyrolysis. Biochar, the black residue remaining after pyrolysis of biomass, can also be beneficial. Biochar application improves soil quality by increasing nutrient availability, enhancing water retention, and promoting microbial activity. Higher-quality soil fosters sustainable agriculture and further helps sequester carbon. Despite these benefits, biomass-based carbon storage also presents certain challenges. These include potential competition for land and resources, sustainability concerns related to biomass sourcing, and the need for robust policies and regulations to ensure responsible implementation. Maximizing carbon sequestration potential in plant life would necessitate careful consideration of land-use trade-offs. Balancing the need for agriculture production, urban development, and conservation is crucial to ensure sustainable and responsible land management practices.

Carbon accounting and monitoring is another challenge. Accurate measurement and monitoring of carbon stocks and fluxes are essential for assessing the effectiveness of carbon sequestration efforts. Robust methodologies and standardized protocols are needed to provide a basis for evaluating and comparing carbon sequestration potential across different ecosystems and management practices. Climate change itself can influence the carbon sequestration potential of plant life. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events can impact plant growth, species composition, and ecosystem dynamics, potentially altering carbon storage capacities. Acknowledging these challenges and trade-offs, maximizing carbon sequestration in plant life offers multiple co-benefits, including biodiversity conservation, improved soil health, and sustainable land use. The diverse range of biomass sources and storage methods provides flexibility and adaptability to various sectors, including energy production, agriculture, and construction. By harnessing the potential of biomass, we can simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions, promote renewable energy generation, enhance soil health, and create a more sustainable future. However, careful consideration must be given to ensure responsible biomass sourcing, efficient conversion processes, and the development of supportive policies to maximize the environmental and social benefits of biomass-based carbon storage. Through collaborative efforts, we can leverage this natural carbon sink to combat climate change and build a greener planet for future generations.

ABOUT TROY DANA For over 30 years, Troy Dana has managed large conservation transactions and land exchanges and has closed nearly 200,000 acres in Washington state. With these experiences, a basic understanding of forest management, and some self-guided research, Troy wrote a white paper on carbon sequestration in both working and indigenous forests and modeled carbon stores and potential markets on portfolios as large as 50,000 acres. Troy has seen firsthand the benefit of many conservation projects in the PNW, and while clearly well intended, the end result of these projects is focused on a singular objective, such as habitat for spotted frogs, pocket gophers, and spotted owls. Little, if any, consideration was given to the added benefit of stored carbon. Currently, market makers and regulators see “additionality” as the core tenet to creating a viable, marketable ton of sequestered CO2. Troy is leading the effort for Fay Ranches in the emerging carbon markets and is developing logical, market-based options and solutions for ranchers, farmers, and tree farmers to participate in the voluntary carbon marketplace.

Landowners in the western regional states, such as ranchers, farmers, rangeland and tree farm owners alike, represent over 100 million acres of land that, with some modest management protocols and adaptations, could contribute measurably to CO2 greenhouse gas sequestration, as well as generate revenue for the landowner.

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ookkeeping is an indispensable aspect of running a successful cattle ranching business. While the allure of wide-open spaces and working with livestock may be captivating, the financial health of a ranch hinges on accurate and meticulous record-keeping. My accounting background started in aerospace and defense technology, so there have been some big adjustments to how I approach accounting practices as a novice in the agriculture industry. In this article, I’ll share the significance of bookkeeping in the context of cattle ranching and outline key items that are crucial for maintaining accurate books and ensuring the long-term prosperity of the ranch.

The Role of Bookkeeping in Ranch Management Accurate accounting goes beyond mere record-keeping; it serves as a compass guiding ranchers toward informed decisions, efficient resource allocation, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Sound bookkeeping practices provide insights into revenue streams, expenses, and overall profitability, facilitating strategic planning and budgeting. The ranching lifestyle tends to be fast and loose, with less attention to the mundane administrative duties. 8 | WWW.LANDINVESTORGUIDE.COM

Here, I’ve highlighted the core areas that warrant special attention: 1. Livestock Inventory and Valuation: Cattle are the lifeblood of a ranch. Maintaining a detailed inventory that includes breed, age, and health status is essential. Accurate valuation of livestock ensures that the ranch’s asset value is realistically represented in financial statements. Be mindful when structuring your chart of accounts to enable easy inventory movements and changes. 2. Expense Tracking: Categorizing and tracking expenses such as feed, veterinary care, equipment maintenance, labor, and utilities helps in understanding the cost structure of the ranch. This data aids in identifying areas for cost-cutting without compromising operations. 3. Revenue Recording and Analysis: Recording diverse revenue streams, including cattle sales, packaged beef sales, and leased land income, provides a comprehensive view of the ranch’s financial health. Analyzing revenue trends and keeping a close eye on cattle commodity market data helps in adjusting sales and production plans for optimal profitability.

2. Complex Inventory Tracking: Cattle ranching involves the birth, death, and movement of animals. Implementing a robust inventory management system facilitates accurate tracking. Constantly communicate with your team to make sure they understand what details need to be documented and why. 3. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to agricultural regulations and tax laws can be complex. Staying informed about changing regulations and collaborating with professionals in the field can help manage compliance. Utilize resources such as local agricultural extension offices and state websites. 4. Cash Transactions: Ranches may involve cash transactions, making proper reconciliation crucial. Meticulous recording of cash transactions in real-time helps to avoid forgetfulness down the road and mitigate any discrepancies. 4. Asset and Depreciation Management: Ranches possess a variety of assets, from machinery to infrastructure. Proper asset tracking and depreciation accounting ensure that the balance sheet accurately represents the value of these assets over time. 5. Debt and Loan Management: Effective bookkeeping is essential for managing debt and loan obligations. Keeping track of repayment schedules, interest rates, and outstanding balances prevents missed payments and financial strain. 6. Cash Flow Management: Ranching culture still involves a lot of cash transactions and business done over a handshake. Monitoring cash flow is crucial to ensure the ranch can cover ongoing expenses and investments. Regular cash flow statements are essential in assessing liquidity and planning for income and expense fluctuations. 7. Compliance and Tax Reporting: Accurate bookkeeping helps to ensure compliance with tax regulations and reporting requirements. Maintaining thorough records can simplify tax preparation and reduce the risk of errors or audits. Some states have self-reporting livestock requirements that are not listed on a tax return, so be sure to check your state’s requirements.

5. Environmental Considerations: As environmental concerns rise, being good stewards of the land becomes imperative. Proper record-keeping and understanding best practices related to environmental efforts is vital. Take the time to understand grazing capacities and habitation needs to assist in long-term regenerative growth. In conclusion, for anyone new to cattle ranching or for seasoned ranchers looking to enhance their financial practices, accurate and meticulous bookkeeping is non-negotiable. By prioritizing key items such as livestock inventory, expense tracking, revenue recording, asset management, debt tracking, cash flow, and tax compliance, ranchers set the stage for a thriving agricultural enterprise. The marriage of traditional ranching values with modern bookkeeping practices not only ensures financial accuracy but also instills confidence in investors, lenders, and potential buyers, fostering long-term growth and success in the ranching industry. Long live the ranch.

Overcoming Challenges with Precision While bookkeeping offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges, especially in the dynamic world of cattle ranching. Some challenges include: 1. Seasonal Income Fluctuations: The cyclical nature of agricultural income requires careful planning and budgeting. By anticipating seasonal shifts, ranchers can adjust their financial strategies accordingly. For example, timing the sale of cattle or buying hay or feed in bulk can save you thousands of dollars. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 9



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s a co-host on the Land Investor podcast, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with remarkable individuals whose profound expertise spans diverse subjects such as conservation, nurturing wildlife habitats, restoring streams, responsible land management, and successful ranch operations. Reflecting on these enriching episodes, a recurring theme becomes strikingly evident – the opportunity of ownership. Delving deeper, it becomes clear that land ownership presents an extraordinary chance for individuals to make a positive and lasting difference. Imagine being able to shape the land, influence ecosystems, and contribute meaningfully to the very communities you’re a part of. The concept of ownership’s transformative potential became vividly apparent during my conversation with Jeff Lazlo, the managing partner of Granger Ranches, nestled in Montana’s renowned Madison Valley. My co-host, Matt Henningsen, and I initially intended for the discussion to explore Jeff’s incredible journey of restoring the O’Dell Spring Creek that beautifully winds through his ranch. However, as our conversation unfolded, it transcended the boundaries of the creek banks, leading us into a much broader and captivating dialogue. Previously, prevalent ranching practices involved draining wetlands and converting them into grazing grounds. This strategy was practical, combining grass and water resources in one location, providing cattle shelter from the wind, and facilitating ease of movement for ranchers. However, as time has progressed, so has our awareness of the symbiotic relationship between ranching and conservation, showcasing the potential for comprehensive benefits. Jeff’s initial intuition that a stream held more inherent value than a mere ditch led to years of discovery, unveiling how his actions nurtured an entire ecosystem. While the flourishing trout habitats and newfound angling prospects deserve praise, this endeavor has also unveiled a surplus of unforeseen advantages that extend far beyond the initial project scope. As Jeff recounted the journey, a cascade of unexpected positive outcomes emerged from the revitalization of O’Dell Spring Creek, with some even catching him by surprise. The O’Dell Spring Creek project underwent rigorous monitoring, revealing evidence of over 130 bird species now frequenting the ranch, a significant rise from the original 11 species recorded at the project’s outset. Impressively, there’s been a remarkable 900% increase in overall waterfowl numbers on the ranch and a 600% boost in waterfowl species diversity. Around the stream and wetlands area, approximately 50-60 dormant seed sources

have flourished into new vegetation, enabling a local vegetation ecologist to identify over 200 distinct plant species on the ranch, including some that are quite rare. Naturally, the wildlife population has thrived on the ranch. Responsible grazing practices and productive wetlands have contributed to the thriving populations of elk, deer, and other large game. Furthermore, Jeff and his partners have spearheaded a re-introduction program to boost Trumpeter Swan numbers. The restored Spring Creek’s advantages go beyond just benefiting wildlife; they extend into the realm of public welfare. By introducing cold water directly into the Madison River, the creek restoration has a positive ripple effect on this renowned blueribbon stream. This, in turn, offers significant advantages for fly anglers who travel from all corners of the globe to enjoy its waters. Remarkably, despite these achievements, Granger Ranches remains fundamentally a cattle ranch. However, these efforts have fostered greater efficiency and productivity. Jeff himself would attest that Granger Ranches is now not only in the cattle business but also in the business of preserving open spaces and actively promoting clean air and clean water. “It has affected me profoundly,” Laszlo says. “It’s not just about the money. I think it’s a fantastic thing that if you are a good manager, a good steward, a good owner, you have the opportunity to address a lot of issues that are facing all of us today. We have opportunity to move the needle, just a little bit. It has made me aware of what we have the potential to add and to leave behind.” Laszlo and the Granger Ranches have protected their land in perpetuity through a conservation easement. “In my opinion, we are preserving opportunity for future generations. We are also protecting habitat and food production. I am really glad we did it. One can only see in the future so far”, Laszlo mentioned. The conservation easement model doesn’t resonate with everyone, and that’s perfectly acceptable. Nevertheless, a substantial number of our clients do hold some level of interest in conservation. In our conversation with Chad Klinkenborg from the Montana Land Reliance, we had the chance to clarify certain misconceptions surrounding conservation easements. We dug into the fundamental purpose of these easements and explored the remarkable prospects they offer to present-day private landowners. “A conservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a private landowner and a qualified organization or government agreement that perpetually restricts the development and fragmentation that can happen on a particular piece of property.” 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 11

Klinkenborg describes. “Conservation Easements have become a hot topic right now because of the turnover of land ownership and this migration to the west. Because of that, there has been a lot of funding starting to trickle down from federal and state agencies to go towards the generating of new conservation easements.” The potential financial benefits of a conservation easement, such as land aggregation and debt reduction, alongside the associated tax advantages, can undoubtedly influence a landowner’s decision to place their property under such an arrangement. However, it’s noteworthy that for many stewards of the land, the philosophical motivation to safeguard the land and its expansive vistas for future generations appears to be equally compelling. When assessing land from a buyer’s standpoint, it’s crucial not to disregard properties under conservation easements immediately. While comprehending the intent and limitations of the easement is vital, it’s essential to recognize that, in most cases, conservation easements do not impede a new buyer’s plans for utilizing the land for agriculture, ranching, and recreational pursuits. As development and the westward expansion persist, the prevalence of conservation easements is likely to increase. In the evolving landscape, conservation easements offer a balance between preserving the land’s intrinsic value and facilitating compatible land use, ensuring a compatible coexistence between responsible development and environmental preservation. In another interview, we got to hear firsthand how efforts to work with natural land can reap benefits expanding beyond the property lines of the ranch and into the community. Nestled within the picturesque Blackfoot River Valley in Montana, the Mannix Ranch stands as a testament to five generations of cattle ranching legacy. It’s a place where Cole Mannix’s roots run deep, and his enduring connection to the land holds profound meaning. While Cole’s heart beats to the rhythm of ranching, his entrepreneurial prowess has elevated the impact of his family’s ranch to new heights. As the visionary behind Old Salt, a unique cooperative, Cole Mannix has forged an alliance encompassing the Mannix Ranch and other local ranches, sharing a harmonious ethos of balancing production with ecological well-being. While Old Salt has undeniably introduced diversification opportunities for these conscientious producers, its influence extends far beyond. Through Cole’s leadership, ventures such as meat processing, innovative dining establishments, and the annual Old Salt Festival have emerged under the Old Salt umbrella. Through these initiatives, Cole and the Old Salt Cooperative are revolutionizing the food system, generating positive ripples that resonate with thousands of direct consumers. Their commitment transcends 12 | WWW.LANDINVESTORGUIDE.COM

mere commerce, creating a tapestry where sustainable practices, superior quality, and community engagement interweave to shape a more enriching culinary landscape. “I just think all of us find that we are at our best when we are kind of serving a higher purpose. We are being of service. I think we flourish when we take a mindset like that.” Mannix continues, “It is also about more than just selling meat. It is about the land, about our community. It is about whether we are employing people here. I just think these things provide for a better community.” Mannix possesses a thoughtful comprehension of community that extends far beyond the ordinary. He recognizes that conveying his sentiment of “our goal is meat with integrity” requires a tangible experience. Thus, he initiated the Old Salt Festival to bring this tenet to life. Set against the backdrop of his ancestral Mannix Ranch, the festival stands as a captivating platform that draws individuals from Montana and beyond to converge and revel in a unique experience. Here, the allure lies in savoring wood-fired culinary delights, immersing in the melodies of western music, indulging in the intricate world of western art, and gaining insights into conservation efforts. All the while, the festival serves as an educational stage, providing a vivid window into the essence of ranching with unwavering integrity. In this harmonious gathering, people forge connections, united by their shared appreciation for these facets of life. Beyond the festivities, the festival resonates as an embodiment of values— where the passion for sustainable ranching practices melds seamlessly with the celebration of culinary craftsmanship, artistic expression, and a commitment to preserving the environment. Under Cole’s visionary guidance, the Mannix Ranch transforms into a nexus where diverse passions converge, fostering a deeper

I think that’s something to aspire to, and I care a lot about it. I think in order to make that happen, regionalizing our food system is critical.” The reasons that drive individuals to own land are as diverse as the people themselves, encompassing both current landowners and those aspiring to join their ranks. While captivating images of picturesque mountain streams, flourishing wildlife, and breathtaking sunsets are undeniably enchanting, and the notion of possessing an open space sanctuary to retreat from the challenges of today is undeniably appealing, the journey of land ownership in the West often uncovers even more profound and lasting motivations.

understanding of ranching’s intrinsic connection to the land and its profound impact on the world around us. “There are a number of well-known chefs, musicians, and artists. There is a big 40-foot fire where all the cooking takes place. There are speakers on topics such as reducing conflicts between ranches, wolves, and grizzly bears and introducing Swans to the Blackfoot Valley, and what operating ranches are doing to help maintain habitat and open spaces.” Cole and his partners deserve applause on multiple fronts for their admirable endeavors. At their essence, these are ranches deeply rooted in generations of cattle husbandry. Yet, their mission transcends the traditional boundaries. For them, it signifies a profound commitment – one that extends beyond the ranching legacy. Their journey is imbued with a mindful approach, one that embraces the role of stewards for the land, its diverse wildlife, and the community itself. Their shared goal is to leave an indelible mark that reverberates through time, imparting positive outcomes for generations yet to come. Their commitment is a testament to the realization that their actions today hold the potential to shape a better tomorrow, fostering a harmonious balance between tradition and progressive thinking. In a world where preserving natural heritage and community well-being are paramount, Cole and his partners exemplify sustainable foresight and dedicated stewardship. “I believe it is such a middle ground, where we can kind of have our cake and eat it too. Ranching produces economic value, it produces some of the most nourishing food in the world, and it can also leave space for all the wild elements that we value and that we are losing in this world. I am very proud of that. Beautiful, diverse places that still have the full complement of species.

Beyond the initial allure, you’re likely to uncover deeper sources of fulfillment that will nurture your enduring passion for land ownership. The West’s vast landscapes hold a unique tapestry of experiences, connections, and revelations that transcend mere aesthetics. Within these vast expanses, you might encounter unexpected moments of solitude that rejuvenate your spirit, forge unbreakable bonds with the land and its history, and kindle a sense of responsibility to preserve the environment for future generations. Owning land in the West is more than an acquisition; it’s an ongoing narrative that unfolds over time. As you explore its contours and immerse yourself in its stories, you’ll find that the rewards of ownership extend far beyond what meets the eye. The journey encompasses a sense of belonging, a profound connection to nature, and a legacy that goes beyond the individual. It’s a journey that reaffirms the timeless allure of the West and the extraordinary privilege of being a custodian of its boundless beauty.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ryan Bramlette, a Montana native, turned his lifelong love for the outdoors into a successful career in land sales at Fay Ranches. His dedication to providing clients with meaningful advice drove him to achieve the only landspecific designation backed by the National Association of Realtors, the Accredited Land Consultant (ALC). Ryan is also the co-host of the Land Investor podcast, where he interviews some of the world’s most fascinating individuals around land investing, hunting and fishing, conservation, and more.

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ast fall, while many teens were glued to their screens, scoping out the latest trends, 14-year-old Charli Scott was laser-focused on the scope of her 7MMO8 rifle, intent on taking a bull elk. This wasn’t her first ‘rodeo,’ but it would be her first elk. We asked Charli, her dad Branif Scott, and Vinny Delgado to tell us about their 2022 hunting trip, which turned out to be an epic adventure.

Q: How long has Charli been interested in hunting, Branif? A: Thanks to an apprentice hunting program started in 2015, Charli was able to start hunting at age 10 and has been hooked ever since. The Apprentice Hunter program allows anyone 10 or older to hunt for up to two years without completing a hunter education course. Anyone certified as an apprentice must be accompanied by a certified mentor. Q: What are the laws regarding the use of rifles for young hunters? A: Under the Apprentice Hunter Program, youth ages 10-17 can get out in the field to hunt prior to having taken hunter education. An apprentice hunter must be accompanied by a mentor who is at least 21 years of age. Students ages 10-11 can take the course and hunt as an apprentice but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. Youth who have completed hunter education and will turn 12 years of age by January 16 of the license year may purchase or apply for licenses and hunt after August 15 of the license year. Montana State law allows resident and nonresident youth ages 10 or older to hunt with a valid license during an open season, with certain restrictions applying. If a hunter turns 12 by January 16, 2024, and has taken an approved course, they may hunt any game species with a valid license during an open season after August 15, 2023. Q: Charli, where did the hunt take place? A: Southwest Montana. I don’t think my dad or Vinny will let me say exactly where! I am a resident of Montana and bought a general deer and elk hunting license after taking the hunters’ education course when I was 12. Q: Describe the big day… How long was the hike in? How many days was this experience? A: The day started very early; we had to wake up around 4 a.m. We dressed in layers of camo gear from head to toe and packed my backpack with tape, a pen, my license, extra layers, a headlamp, snacks, water, binoculars, a rangefinder, ammo, field dressing tools, and bear spray. I then put on my orange vest and ate some breakfast; it had snowed overnight, and it was a very cold morning. We made our way to the ranch (our hunting site), which was in the mountains, around 30 minutes away from where we stayed. This was the third and final day of our hunt; we had tracked some elk but never got close enough. We hadn’t got any

game up to this point, so for the final day, we were hoping to go big. When we got to the first spot, we hiked around for more than seven hours and saw a few elk in the distance, but they were too far away and too smart to let us get close. As the sun was starting to set, we moved to the other side of the ranch and came upon multiple tracks in the snow. The new winter snow helped us find and follow elk tracks. Following the snow tracks tells me a lot about where the animals are prone to go to and what type of animals they are; we could tell one track was a bull.

We walked for quite a while, trying to figure out how old the tracks were and where they were leading. We went up this final rocky, skinny ridge on a hill close to the ranch’s boundary, following the elk tracks. When I belly crawled to the top of the ledge, I was able to look down on the valley— and there they were! My heart stopped, and I had to quickly duck down, as they were about 500 yards away. When I peeked back up, the herd of maybe 10 elk started to walk in my direction, eating grass along the way. They were coming right for us, so we had to set up very quickly. We did not see any bull elk at that time, so I was a little bummed. All of a sudden, Vinny spotted horns sticking out from a large tree. My heart started to race like crazy. I knew this was the chance I had been waiting for.

Q: What type of rifle did you use, and how far away was the shot? A: I hunt with a 7MMO8. My rifle includes a scope, and we used a bipod. The bipod helps me keep the gun steady and has multiple settings. I like to be closer to the ground, as I can lay my gun on my backpack with the bipod for a steady shot. I don’t take shots I am not comfortable with. All three of us could not fit on the skinny ridge line looking down on the elk, so Vinny helped get the bipod set up and measured the distance with his rangefinder, which, for me, is a very useful tool. My shot was about 300 yards. Q: Vinny, how did it feel to witness Branif and Charli hunting together? When did you first take an elk? 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 15

A: Being an elk hunting outfitter in my previous life has spoiled my appetite for doing much big game hunting for myself. I have gotten more enjoyment out of watching young hunters like Charli and her brother, Henry, whom I consider my “two borrowed children,” take multiple deer and elk over the last several years than I ever did pulling the trigger for myself. Elk are a challenging critter to hunt, and a lot of things have to go just right to harvest a bull. I didn’t take my first bull elk until I was in college, so getting the opportunity to watch Charli take her first bull elk at such an early age was extremely rewarding. I’m not sure who was more excited— Charli, Branif, or me. Q: Charli, what was the most exciting part of the hunt? A: The most exciting part was tracking multiple animals in the snow for quite a ways up to the edge of a rock ledge we could peek over. When we peeked over the ledge, we saw quite a few elk out below us in the field. The bull elk was behind a tree, so we had to wait until it got into our sights. But there were several cows ahead of the bull that were slowly walking up to where we were sitting on the rock ledge. It was a waiting game, and as the cows got within 40 yards, I was scared they were going to smell us, but we had to wait patiently until the bull elk came out from behind the tree, where I could take a clean shot. It was also terrifying when the cow elk smelled us and started to run as they got really close to me because this meant we almost would lose it and not get a shot at the bull. Luckily, Vinny gave a small call as they were running away, which made them stop for a second. This gave me time to let off only one bullet before they started to run again. Q: Did you field dress and pack it out? A: I helped field dress the elk, which was gross at first, but I was full of adrenaline, so it wasn’t that gross at the time. I was so excited, and my heart was pounding—all I wanted to do was look at it. All three of us packed it out, which was not easy since the sun was going down. It was tough hiking so far with gear—and it was cold! We took it to the local butcher to package, bring home and eat. I love elk meat. I also held on to the antlers to remember this incredible day in my life. Q: Was your family relationship strengthened through this experience? A: Hunting with my dad has always been a special thing we do together, just him and me. Since I was young and watching my older brother go hunting with my dad, I always wanted to have that special connection with him, too. Through every hunt, my dad and I earn a lot more memories that we can cherish for life.


Q: What lessons did you learn? A: I learned that hunting is very up and down and that patience and endurance are important. I like this family tradition and hope to carry it on when I have my own family. We have to enjoy the time we have outside and everything leading up to it. Also, we have to check the wind because that can affect whether or not the animals smell you! Q: Vinny, are there many mentors for youth? A: I know several people and conservation groups who actively get kids in the outdoors to experience hunting when they usually would not have an opportunity to do so. Our youth are the future of hunting and conservation, and getting as many of them as possible into the woods and fields is critical to keeping the hunting heritage sustainable in the future. Montana has some of the longest hunting seasons in the West, healthy herds of game, and access to millions of acres of public and private land. Montana wildlife managers structure seasons to provide a wide variety of hunting experiences, with a strong emphasis on sustainable practices and promoting youth hunting opportunities throughout the state.








s the fiscal year winds down, you may find yourself in the fortunate position of having enjoyed a prosperous year on your ranch or farm or through other business ventures. Now, you’re contemplating reinvesting in your property. This is a great position to be in, offering the potential opportunity to offset income for tax purposes and enhance the overall value and marketability of your property. However, this advantageous situation can also be a stressful one. You might be thinking: “What do I do?”, “Where should I invest my capital?”, “Can I buy that 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle that Matt Henningsen mentioned in his article: ‘How How to Grow a Sustainable Profit Through Analyzing Ranch Performance’?”. Well, the Mantle card will not help you with Performance property value or tax liability, so let’s talk about some sensible capital improvements that I’ve seen firsthand help a ranch or farm property sell for higher. To read Matt Henningsen’s article, visit:


For the Cattle Ranch… Corrals and Cattle Facilities: In 2021, I witnessed a sale that underscores the value of upgrading your cattle-handling facilities. A ranch sold quickly and at a much higher price than comparable ranches after an old set of wood corrals for gathering, sorting, and working cattle was replaced by metal pipe corrals. This was a game-changer for this ranch. Ensuring a safe and reliable environment for unloading and loading cattle not only puts ranchers’ and investors’ minds at ease but also enhances the property’s appeal. Don’t discount the efficacy of prefabbed panels mounted on sturdy posts; they can yield similar benefits. Fencing: In the realm of sensible improvements, upgrading fencing is a no-brainer. Well-maintained, straight, and secure fences are a universal preference. In regions like eastern Oregon, where fences can date back a century, it’s crucial to replace them if they no longer serve their purpose. An emerging concern now to consider is wildfire-proofing your fencing. There are some innovative solutions in fencing to preserve functionality postwildfire, making this investment particularly valuable.

Optimizing Your Most Valuable Ground: Irrigated Acres… Irrigation Improvements: The guiding principle here is “reduce.” Given the rising costs of labor and energy. It’s prudent to focus on minimizing these factors. Energy-saving measures for irrigation systems, such as variable speed drives (VSD) for irrigation pumps, can significantly reduce operational expenses. For those unfamiliar with VSD, think of it as going from a one-speed bike to a 5-speed Huffy. Additionally, addressing leaky pipes and mainlines is a cost-effective approach to improve irrigation. When considering labor efficiency, opting for pivots and linears to replace wheel lines becomes a logical choice. Many farmers report that their new pivots pay for themselves in 5-6 years through reduced labor and increased production. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about flood irrigators! Flood irrigators can also benefit by adopting more efficient methods, as evidenced by one client’s success story of using set concrete check dams to replace his tarp dams which resulted in dramatically reducing irrigation time. This change was so effective that it only took him 90 minutes every other day to irrigate over 2000 acres. This turned out to be a huge selling point for the ranch.

dramatic temperature fluctuation, and four full seasons, roofs tend to wear out more quickly. What might be a 30-40 year roof in other areas may only last 20-30 years in central and eastern Oregon. Rolling shingles or deteriorating shingles with missing grit or fading metal roofs can detract from the house’s quality and deter potential buyers. Additionally, no one wants to be in the house when a roof fails. Assessing your roof’s lifespan, and replacing it when necessary, will help maintain your home’s value and protect the overall integrity of the dwelling. Whether you plan to list your property on the market next spring, in the next five years, or never, all these capital improvements merit your consideration. It’s worth noting that in a 1031 exchange, these investments could raise the basis of your relinquished property. Remember, every individual’s financial situation and property is unique, it is always recommended to consult your accountant or a certified financial advisor to see what capital investment plan is best for your land. The Fay Ranches motto has always been “Invest and Enjoy” and when you invest capital back into your land you do just that.

A Suggestion for Equestrian Estates… Arena Footing: While in central Texas, you may be able to just run a disc over the native soil, and have excellent arena footing, the rest of us aren’t as lucky. Especially those in Central and Eastern Oregon, where typically the soil can be so fine that dust is a real issue. Amending the natural soil with heavier sand or other specialized products, such as felt or fiber, can reduce dust, which in turn also reduces water consumption used for dust control. These changes provide safer footing for your high-dollar four-legged friend. Dust in some areas is unavoidable, but if you can eliminate dust, especially during showings, it will make your property a more attractive proposition to potential buyers. For Recreational Properties… Roads: First-time land buyers typically appreciate wellmaintained access roads on the property. It does not need to be the Autobahn, just safe roads for UTVs, ATVs, or pickups. The lowhanging fruit for this improvement is the low-hanging branches of trees that impede vehicles on the roads. Addressing branches obstructing the roads will help you when showing however, tree trimming is hard to quantify as a capital improvement. A more significant capital improvement is to think about rock or gravel to improve existing roads, especially in erosion, steep grades, or flooding areas. These enhancements can reduce the wear and tear of your equipment, save time during property operations, and improve the property’s marketability. Lastly, the Home… Roofing: Roofing issues often become sticking points in real estate transactions. In central Oregon, with 300+ days of sunshine,

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alex Robertson has been a broker with Fay Ranches since March 2020 and lives in Tumalo, Oregon. With a horse ranch-centered upbringing and experience running an agricultural business, Alex tries to keep a “producer’s perspective” of farm and ranch real estate, which allows him to offer more insight than most. Alex enjoys running cattle with his family, coaching softball, telling old rodeo stories, and he prefers the 1953 Topps Mickey Mantle to the 1952 Topps version. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 19




View Washington’s Featured Property: GOODNOE STATION VINEYARDS page 85 20 | WWW.LANDINVESTORGUIDE.COM


t’s a natural evolution. Someone somewhere shares a glass of an exceptional bottle of wine. All of a sudden, you get it. There is no putting that cork back in the bottle. From that day forward, your palate has changed.

Soon, you want to be the one offering your latest delicious find. Each dinner party and holiday is an opportunity to share and discover wines from every corner of the planet. You convert a part of your house into a showcase wine cellar. You make new friends and celebrate old ones over a carefully selected bottle of something scarce. I’ve seen this progression so many times that I’ve lost count. The most fascinating part of this magic is that it has been happening for thousands of years. No other business has such a rich and captivating history. At some point, nearly every lover of fine wine becomes curious about the business end of their passion, often becoming owners or investors in vineyards, wineries, restaurants, or wine shops. This is often not the case in other industries and is seemingly unique to the wine industry. Collectors of fine cars don’t become investors in a car company. No, the wine business is different than all others. It pulls us to the romantic experience of strolling among the vines, the intensity of the harvest, the smells of the winery, and the visceral thrill of barrel tastings and release parties. Owning and operating a vineyard combines a unique mixture of romanticism, virtuous hard work, and an avant-garde vision. As a venture rooted in real estate, it has a built-in backstop against the loss one might experience investing in a dot-com, biotech, or e-commerce startup. Instead, with vineyards, the value of the real estate keeps appreciating, and with each passing year, the property increases in value while producing cash flow beyond its expenses. This model has been demonstrated thousands of times throughout history. In the US, it can be seen in California. For good reason, California is the most well-known state for its vinicultural and viticultural success. According to World Population Review, California produces 680 million gallons of wine annually, which is 80% of the entire production of countries like France and Spain. Washington State ranks as the second most productive wine state, with New York, Pennsylvania, and Oregon rounding out the top five. Comparing the cost of prime vineyard land in California to similar vineyard land in Washington is shocking. In recent markets, you’ll find a promising unplanted site can sell for as much as $250,000 per acre in the Napa and Sonoma region, and there have even been reported sales of as much as $1,000,000 per acre in California. As for our European counterparts, established

vineyards can fetch more than $3,000,000 per acre in France. By stark contrast, elite unplanted vineyard land in Washington can be found for less than $30,000 per acre, a small fraction of the cost of starting a new vineyard in California. Is it any wonder that Washington State is experiencing growth in plantings by roughly ten percent each year? Even more, Washington has not suffered the harmful climate conditions that have plagued California over the last decade, where California vineyards and wineries are reeling from several years of drought, another year with too much rain, years of devastating wildfires, and a year of vine-damaging frost. As a result, investors (and many California wineries) are naturally looking to Washington State for expansion and diversification. In addition, Washington State’s Columbia River Gorge region (often referred to as, simply, “The Gorge”) offers longer growing days, more plentiful water, more predictable and favorable weather conditions, and land at nearly the identical latitude to the Bordeaux region of France. One might wonder if a qualitative difference exists between California fruit and Washington fruit. If so, it skews toward Washington grapes being superior. A study by Cambridge shows that average critic scores for Washington’s Cabernet Sauvignon and other Washington Bordeaux varietals are higher than California’s ratings. Washington wineries often produce wines scoring 99 and 100 points from some of the most credible critics in the world. This would not be possible without outstanding grapes. It takes truly special land to develop an elite vineyard. But not all vineyard land is the same. When choosing your site, there are important variables to consider, such as (1) heat units in your micro-climate, (2) wide disparity in daily and evening temperatures during the fruit ripening phase (called the “diurnal shift”), (3) soil composition, (4) quality and quantity of your source of water, (5) adequate and consistent wind flow, and (6) orientation. These are the vital components of “terroir,” which vary from site to site. Few vineyards enjoy top scores on three of these crucial components. Very rarely are vineyards ideal in all of these elements. It takes an experienced and discerning eye to find the correct vineyard site. If you have been considering owning a vineyard and you find a location like this, you want to move on it quickly. There is unique land in the Columbia River Gorge between Washington and Oregon, known as Goodnoe Hills, that checks all these boxes. It provides each one of the elements of terroir 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 21

necessary for a truly world-class vineyard. This property enjoys the benefits of ideal heat units, optimal diurnal shift, sandy loam soils with just enough rock to provoke beneficial stress on the vines, inexhaustible water from the Columbia River aquifer, desirable southwestern orientation, and dependable winds to move air across the vines to inhibit uneven pockets of weather plus reduce mildew and pest issues. To date, just one vineyard has been established at this location, and the results are what one would expect. Wineries are raving about the resulting fruit. Indeed, winemakers with more than 30 years of experience making award-winning wines have called it the best fruit they have ever seen. These are the kinds of outcomes that are possible when you choose the correct site. Land like this did not happen overnight. The soils in the Columbia River Gorge were left behind 20,000 years ago by cataclysmic glacial lake outburst floods that swept periodically across eastern Washington and down the Columbia River at the end of the last ice age. These floods resulted from periodic sudden ruptures of the ice dam on the Clark Fork River that created Glacial Lake Missoula. After each ice dam rupture, the waters of the lake would rush down the Clark Fork and the Columbia River, flooding much of eastern Washington and the Willamette Valley in western Oregon. The floods carried rock and sand downstream, carving the Columbia River Gorge and leaving behind ideal soils for vineyards in its wake. In fact, the new Columbia Hills American Viticultural Area (AVA) is organized around vineyard land where these cataclysmic floods deposited these unique soils. This new pending AVA has been perfected and is awaiting final approval by the Federal Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Growing wine grapes in the Columbia River Gorge was originally studied in the 1960s by Howard Willson, who was the Washington State County Extension Agent for Klickitat County, Washington. Howard planted the first wine grape clones in the Gorge, helping to validate the region as an ideal vineyard location. At 96 years old, Howard is now one of the owners of a vineyard in the


Goodnoe Hills area, where he has participated in planting the vines, harvesting the grapes, and making wine from the fruit. Goodnoe Hills has a rich history. Long after the dynamic Missoula floods gouged out the picturesque Gorge, we know that Lewis & Clark’s Corp of Discovery expedition floated past the area on October 20, 1805, west on their way to the Pacific Ocean and traveled back across the land on their journey back home on April 22, 1806. It is land that the pioneers homesteaded in the 1800s and upon which their heirs have run cattle and grown wheat crops. Early Italian settlers later recognized this land because the growing conditions were similar to Sicily and screamed for orchard and vineyard development. Today, the people of Goodnoe Hills honor the area’s historical traditions, both expressly and through their loyal stewardship and deep appreciation of the gifts of the land and river. In Klickitat County, rural values are respected and revered, where the Grange Hall is still a community center and potlucks are commonplace. As the locals like to say, “This is truly God’s country.” Seeing such special property firsthand will take your breath away. I’ve watched countless people stand with their mouths agape at the natural beauty of the land, the river, and Oregon’s Mt. Hood in the backdrop. There is a solemnity to it, a rightness in it. Much more than a lucrative investment, land like this is magical. All the financial reasons that might draw one into establishing a world-class vineyard upon land such as this coalesce with the intangible correctness of it all. Seeing is believing. It all adds up to an investment opportunity in Washington’s Columbia River Gorge with rewards far beyond the bottom line.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Steve Kelley is the CEO of the V75 Vineyard in the Columbia River Gorge and Washington’s Columbia Valley AVA.

800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 23





he signs are here, and the mornings and evenings start to carry a cooler breeze. The dove fields cool down both in temperature and action. The days are still warm, but the cycle of Autumn is upon us. Soon, there will be a changing of the leaves along the plateaus and mountains and a cooling of the south. The waters around us are cooling, stirring some of us to chase fish that are now places they were not before and without the heat of summer. The hues from the leaves burst from green into a sea of yellows, reds, and oranges, reminding us time is marching on in its beautiful symphony. As we transition from summer, many look to the woods, the fields, and the bottomlands that hold the Southeastern Whitetail Deer. The first opportunity to hunt the most traditional large game in the south starts with bow season and primitive weapons such as muzzleloader. The bow-hunting traditionalist can be almost fanatical this time of year; the leaves are still green, and they have prepped for an opportunity to hit their precise planning for an up close and personal experience.

Joe Miles is an avid bow hunter and President and CEO of ASIO hunting gear: With the South Carolina deer season approaching, it is time to switch gears and get back in the game. Since January, it has been constant gear testing, scouting, learning new properties, training, trying to develop new relationships, and gaining access to new big buck hideouts. Now, however, it’s almost time to go! This time of year, the anticipation starts to really hit…a couple of good bucks found that you can’t hunt yet, and strategizing on how to kill them all while keeping the fingers crossed they don’t change up their patterns between now and the opener…it’s actually a little stressful right now because you can’t actually hunt. It will be here soon enough, and the time to grind will be here in the blink of an eye! Couple more weeks of glassing, prep, and moving a few cameras to fine-tune, and we will be hunting… it’s what we live for! The planting is done for waterfowl season. Now we wait for the rain, but not too much rain. As farmers, we pray often in the Southeast for everything to line up for every season. We watch the progress of the corn, millet, and beans. The season also brings some of the best fishing—the mountain streams pickup for trout and smallmouth. The coast is more enjoyable, and chasing redfish and speckled trout in the brackish water brings back a lifetime of memories. The lakes and ocean see fewer crowds and better angling. Then deer season begins in earnest, stands are in place, some in the same spot for generations, food plots are ready, and a chill is regularly in the dawn and dusk air. Generations of family,

lifelong friends, and new friends all come together around a bonfire in deer camp. The smell of smoke and the familiarity of this season take you over as adventures are lived, stories are told, and traditions are passed along. Discussions take place around when the rut will happen, a very localized event depending on the location and terrain in the south. You and likely, along with your friends and family, have spent hours over the year preparing, planting, working on stands, and putting cameras out. Your best-laid plans to catch that old wily buck are set, and the game begins—your heart pounds at the sound of branches breaking or leaves crunching reaching your stand. You wish a local squirrel did not seem to be announcing your presence as you strain to keep your eyes peeled yet make as little motion as possible. You see grandfathers and grandchildren connecting in ways unavailable outside of this outdoor setting. Watching traditions pass as young men and women get a chance at their first harvest heals a soul. You probably know the cuts of venison, sausage, jerky, and everything else you intend to make of your harvest. Venison is clean, lean, and delicious in the right hands. In many places of the south, this also means it is no longer too hot to hunt wild pigs, a fun and very adventurous undertaking for all ages. Also delicious in capable hands and hunted through spring. As bow season rolls into rifle season, Autumn is here in earnest. The leaves begin to start their annual seasonal transition, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. This brings to mind again the families and friends that gather around deer camp, around a tailgate, or the television for some college football. We take the guns back out that we used in Dove Season because quail season breaks up an afternoon. Even the dogs know what time of year it is, noses to the air and tails eager to get afield. Grandfathers and grandkids alike push fields watching dogs do what they love to, diligently working for a Covey to point and retrieve, assuming you do your job! Often, these hunts break up a day in the stand with something done together. It is, after all, the “Holiday Season” is about family and good times, good food and fellowship. The fall season brings the best gifts of the year in the Southeast in the opportunities from the leaves changing into beautiful patch quilts that cover the mountains to deer season. Now winter is coming, and old men and children alike dream of waterfowl season. The passion calls us to the woods and water and our career as stewards of the land at Fay Ranches. We are here for you in any season of life and pursuit.

Happy Hunting! 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 25



have been a student of animal health my whole life. Growing up in eastern Oregon on a 22,000 acre ranch ignited an interest in the wildlife our land hosted from a young age. This land was not only a source of sustenance and livelihood for my family but also ignited an enduring passion for wildlife. Whether cattle, deer, or elk, these animals have been my lifeblood. My expertise has grown and developed through the years, from being raised on a ranch to managing a hunting ranch to now being a land broker. Still, if there’s one thing I’ve become adept at, it’s the careful management of wildlife, aimed explicitly toward nurturing trophy-quality deer or elk. With the systematic stewardship of private land, you can elevate the age class of animals, thereby optimizing the potential for deer or elk to attain trophy-worthy stature. The genesis of my journey in wildlife management can be traced all the way back to my early years when I’d daydream of a buck crossing my path on the opening day of deer season. I had a playground of rolling hills and alfalfa fields right out my back door. At nine years old, I enrolled in the Oregon Hunters Safety Program, obtained my hunter’s safety card, and, remarkably, secured my first deer tag. Fast forward to my 10th birthday, which coincided with the opening day of deer season. I had spent the whole summer watching a big buck that would hang out on the hills near our house. We had friends and family over for the opening day, as is a tradition in many ranching communities. The next day, others prepared to head home after successful hunts. My dad helped everyone prep each harvested


deer for transport, but I couldn’t get that buck off my mind. So, I embarked on my own personal quest to find the buck I’d spent the summer observing. I ascended into the canyons and hills, methodically checking all the places where I had seen the elusive buck before. Without warning, I spotted him bedded at the bottom of the canyon, shockingly close to me. As I steadied to take the shot, a surge of emotion coursed through me, causing me to tremble with anticipation. As the deer rose to its feet, I managed to fire off a few cautionary shots in its direction, and ultimately, a handful of those rounds found their mark with remarkable precision. This marked the inception of a lifelong passion for big game animals. I spent high school and college hunting deer and elk as often as I could, and following graduation, I took a job managing a hunting ranch in eastern Oregon. When I took over management of the ranch, I noticed that the age class of the deer and elk was very young. Most of the buck deer and bull elk were two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years old. This was a significant challenge that I was tasked with. From a business standpoint of creating revenue, we wanted to create an extraordinary hunting experience where clients could harvest trophy animals. If you can increase the average age class of the bucks and bulls, you can increase the likelihood of trophy-quality animals on the land. I reverted to my upbringing on the family ranch, where we raised cattle to maximize profitability. I already understood that not all aspects of raising animals could be controlled, especially when managing wild animals such as deer and elk. I knew I had to control the

things I could control and not stress about the rest. Things within my influence were managing age class through limiting harvest, predation on the ranch property, and available feed for the elk and deer on the property.

LIMITING HARVEST To identify a trophy buck, you must first learn how to age a deer while it’s alive. Key factors to learn to identify are body composition, such as how big the body is and how older deer look on the hoof. In my experience, trophy deer do not reach their genetic potential until they reach seven years of age. Learning how to get an accurate age on the animal while alive is necessary to understand if they must live a couple more years to reach their full genetic potential. To manage age class by limiting harvest, we only harvested animals that were six-and-a-half years or older. To do that, we needed to become masters at identifying age class. Identifying the age class of an elk or deer can be tricky to the untrained eye, but with a bit of research and lots of time spent observing the animals, you can develop the expertise to classify elk or deer based on their physical traits. Studying and observing the animals prior to harvest is one of the best ways to become a master at identifying age, which was the key to our success. After harvesting the animals, we would send the lower jaw off to get scientifically aged to confirm if the aging class we had identified was accurate. With every confirmation of accurate aging, we improved our ability to identify age class reliably. By prioritizing when we allow elk or deer to be harvested, we provide an environment where they can grow to reach trophy quality. PREDATION CONTROL Managing predation on the ranch was another critical element in our mission to increase the age class of the elk and deer. With predators present, you could watch a deer you’ve managed for over five years fall to an attack. It’s hard to see the fruits of your effort, and years of meticulous management fall short due to predators. Our predator control program’s primary concern was mountain lions, coyotes, and bears. We would seasonally focus on different predators based on which time of year they were most active. I hired a professional trapper to help us control these predators on the ranch. Hiring an experienced predator trapper is crucial unless you possess expertise in the field. Our decision to hire a professional trapper turned out to be highly cost-effective as we used the proceeds from selling the pelts as compensation. Coyotes are very hard on fawn deer populations. I have seen packs of coyotes take down healthy, full-grown deer. You can significantly increase the quantity of trophy-quality animals on your land through careful predation control. AVAILABLE FEED Available feed on the property is another factor of influence that can impact the wildlife on your ranch. Pasture management and

monitoring the vegetation for each pasture is paramount. Deer and elk need their basic needs met to want to inhabit an area. If your property can provide food, cover, and shelter, they will likely stay around it. You can provide desirable habitat for wildlife by moving the cattle after the pasture has been grazed to adequate levels to allow remaining feed for the deer and elk. If you want to amp up the desirability of your property for wildlife, you can implement food plots, which create even more locations on the ranch for the animals to feed. We applied this technique explicitly targeting areas where animals didn’t typically inhabit very often. My goal was to create as many areas as possible on the ranch where wildlife would spend time. The more places available for animals to hang out and feed, the more likely we would increase the carrying capacity of deer and elk throughout the ranch.

INCREASING PROPERTY VALUE After studying wildlife in the field for some time, I learned how to age animals appropriately, and the reward came for me when I purchased a ranch property of 3,700 acres. It was a property that had a lot of wildlife. I only owned it for a short period of time, strategically as short as possible. It was my ownership goal to create more value in the property by managing the animals to the trophy class and then selling it. I achieved that goal through my previous experience and learning how to understand wildlife enough to let them grow to be trophy-class animals. From when I purchased to when I sold, I was able to double the value of the property by simply learning how to manage the wildlife. As the years progressed, it became apparent that this knowledge and information can not only enhance the enjoyment of a hunting property but also add value to your land. Trophy-class hunting properties are becoming more scarce, and being able to manage your property for trophy-class quality is becoming a more valuable selling point than ever. In today’s competitive real estate ranch market, having trophy-class animals can be a huge selling point for buyers.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Scott Coe has been in farm and ranch real estate for 10+ years and has been outfitting big game hunting for 25+ years. He currently owns and operates an outfitting business, Sheep Mountain Outfitters, and works fulltime marketing and selling ranches in Oregon. Scott’s acquired knowledge and real-life experiences have allowed him to provide expert advice. He combines his experiences of hunting, land conservation, and cattle and ranch operations into first-hand knowledge for buyers and sellers.

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he vast lack of resources in rural America poses multifaceted challenges that can have far-reaching consequences on the well-being of individuals and the sustainability of communities. Access to quality education is critical in addressing these disparities and breaking the cycle of poverty and limited opportunities. Educated individuals are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to society. As students receive a well-rounded education, they become catalysts for change and progress in their communities, helping to uplift the entire region. Investing in education improves students’ immediate prospects and strengthens the foundation for longterm development.

Outdated Infrastructure: Some rural schools struggle with obsolete and aging facilities, including classrooms, technology, and amenities. This can impact the learning environment and overall educational experience.

Furthermore, education is a crucial driver of economic growth. By nurturing a skilled and educated workforce, rural communities can attract businesses and industries seeking talent and innovation. Empowered by education, individuals are more likely to pursue higher education and develop specialized skills, reducing brain drain and helping communities retain their brightest minds. This, in turn, creates a positive feedback loop where a thriving local economy can provide additional resources for furthering educational initiatives and enhancing the overall quality of life.

Healthcare and Social Services: Rural schools may lack adequate healthcare and social services, impacting students’ wellbeing and learning readiness.

Beyond academics, education has the power to address other pressing issues in rural areas, such as healthcare and food security. By integrating health education into the curriculum, students can become advocates for healthy lifestyles and preventive healthcare practices. Educating the community on nutrition and sustainable agricultural practices can help combat food insecurity, promoting self-sufficiency and the availability of high-quality food options. Deficiencies in rural schools are often a result of various challenges that these schools face due to their unique characteristics and circumstances. Some of the common deficiencies in rural schools include: Limited Funding: Rural schools often have lower property tax bases and may receive less state funding than their urban counterparts. This leads to lower per-pupil spending, which can affect the availability of resources and opportunities for students. Teacher Shortages: Attracting and retaining qualified teachers can be difficult in rural areas, leading to teacher shortages. Limited job prospects, isolation, and lower salaries may contribute to this challenge. Fewer Course Offerings: Rural schools may offer fewer course options and advanced placement (AP) classes due to smaller student populations and limited resources. This can hinder students’ access to a diverse and rigorous curriculum.

Limited Access to Technology: Rural areas may have less access to high-speed internet and modern technology, hindering students’ ability to engage in digital learning and access online educational resources. Distance and Transportation: Students in rural areas often face longer commutes to school, leading to fatigue and reduced participation in extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular Opportunities: Due to limited resources and smaller school populations, rural schools may have fewer extracurricular opportunities, such as sports, arts, and clubs. Limited College and Career Counseling: Students in rural schools may have less access to college and career counseling resources, potentially hindering their post-secondary education and career planning. Special Education Services: Providing specialized services for students with disabilities can be challenging in rural areas due to a lack of specialized staff and resources. Community Demographics: The demographics of rural communities can be more homogeneous, leading to less exposure to diversity and cultural experiences for students. School Consolidation: Some rural schools have been forced to consolidate or close due to declining populations and budget constraints, leading to longer commutes for students and the loss of community-focused education. Addressing these deficiencies requires targeted efforts from various stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, community members, and parents. Improving funding, providing teacher professional development opportunities, investing in technology infrastructure, and fostering community engagement are some strategies that can help enhance the quality of education in rural schools. In conclusion, focusing on education is a strategic and impactful approach to tackling the myriad challenges faced by rural America. By addressing the root causes of disparities and fostering 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 29

a culture of learning, organizations like Fay Rural Community Foundation can make a transformative difference in the lives of individuals and the well-being of entire communities. Investing in education is an investment in the future, empowering rural America to thrive and realize its full potential. Powell Middle School in Wyoming, one of Fay Rural Community Foundation’s 2023 projects, stands as a shining example of how a single project can have a lasting impact, not just within the walls of a school but within an entire community. One of the most popular outdoor activities in Powell is fly fishing, and this legacy continues in Powell Middle School, where a dedicated coach takes time after school to teach kids about the sport of fly fishing. Through generous local donations, the club was able to successfully procure the essential equipment needed to meticulously craft their own top-notch fly fishing rods and flies. Promoting fly fishing as part of the ongoing after-school club program not only offers students a unique and enriching educational experience but also nurtures practical skills like casting techniques and knot tying. Moreover, fly fishing fosters a profound environmental appreciation, patience, and perseverance while instilling a responsibility for conserving natural resources— thus shaping the character of middle schoolers in Powell and benefiting their lifelong development. Beyond the classroom, the project’s impact expands as 8th graders teach fly fishing to the community through adult education classes, taking on the roles of educators and ambassadors. This act of “paying it forward” ensures that the project’s advantages spread, reaching individuals of all ages and backgrounds within the community. One of our other notable undertakings for the year is situated in the rural environs of Hulett, Wyoming, where the Hulett School accommodates a diverse student body spanning kindergarten through 12th grade. With 160 students enrolled and a studentteacher ratio of 8:1, the school mirrors the characteristic smallclass format often found in rural settings. Beyond its academic role, the school plays a pivotal part in the local community, providing essential education and valuable learning opportunities. In 2023, a comprehensive range of resources were acquired to enhance the school’s educational offerings. Among these acquisitions were handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) units, which hold the potential to amplify students’ geographical understanding by engaging them in practical navigation exercises. Complementing this, interactive math materials have been secured, facilitating a dynamic and immersive approach to mathematical concepts that encourages active participation and deeper comprehension.


Likewise, the acquisition of a license for the entire school introduces an innovative dimension to language and literacy development. This online tool equips students with the means to expand their vocabulary and refine their language skills in a personalized manner. Lastly, with the supplementary funding, the school accessed a mobile educational exhibit encapsulated within an inflatable planetarium for a day. This portable planetarium opened up new avenues for students and the community to explore astronomy and the cosmos, effectively bringing the universe to their doorstep. Such experiential learning opportunities can significantly enrich scientific understanding and ignite a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world beyond Earth. Collectively, these resources were meticulously chosen to cater to students across all grade levels. By integrating these tools into their learning journey, students are empowered to unearth their academic potential, foster a deeper grasp of core subjects, and develop a more profound awareness of the intricate world that envelops them. As the projects unfold in Powell and Hulett, we observe the transformative power of education and its profound effect on individuals and communities. By providing opportunities for education, fostering a spirit of sharing, and nurturing a sense of community, we can empower individuals of all ages to make a positive difference in their lives and those around them. As we witness the impact of these initiatives in Powell and Hulett, we are inspired to continue our mission of creating lasting change in rural communities across the nation. Together, let us build upon the success of Powell and Hulett Schools, spreading the transformative power of education and embracing the joy of learning and teaching, one community at a time.





The Fay Rural Community Foundation was founded to combat the lack of resources and opportunities indicative of small towns nationwide. We are dedicated and focused on helping rural America improve the quality of its healthcare, education, and youth resources.


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The Fay Rural Community Foundation partnered with Fay Ranches broker Mike Konstant to purchase a wide range of resources for the Hulett school in Wyoming, including vocabulary curriculum that benefits all grade levels.

The Fay Rural Community Foundation, in collaboration with Fay Ranches Brokers JW Robinson and Neil Bangs donated to the Powell Middle School Fly Fishing Club so they could purchase the equipment to make their own fly fishing rods.

The Fay Rural Community Foundation helped Ennis Elementary students to develop their critical thinking and problemsolving skills by dontating STEM-focused Lego Education SPIKE sets. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 31



f you take a drive through the modern-day New England countryside, you will still find stone walls lining the edges of historic farm properties. These charming walls were very labor-intensive to build, as stones were removed from farm fields out of necessity; this created an opportunity to repurpose those stones for the containment of livestock and to mark property boundaries. Wood, which was also plentiful, was incorporated into building corrals, gates, barns, and fences. These common methods of improving farms worked well in areas with abundant natural resources. As people moved west and settled in new areas, they needed a new way to contain livestock and define property boundaries, leading to the first barbed wire patent, issued in 1867. Lucien Smith of Ohio is credited for the design of steel wire fencing with pointed barbs. The design, made of multiple wire strands, was intended to deter animals from pushing through fences. Over time, more options for wire fencing emerged. Smooth wire fencing is a design without barbs and is preferred by many horse owners. Mesh or woven-style wire fencing is excellent for containing all sizes of animals. They work well in small confinement areas to keep the animals from crawling through. Barbed wire made fencing larger


areas more practical and efficient than using the resources of the past. By the 1870s, barbed wire was being promoted in Texas, a place where farmers wanted to see better containment and control of animals to keep them off their farmlands, and ranchers were hesitant to give up the open range they had been utilizing. The era of open ranges and free grazing came to an end in the 1890s. Advancements in fencing continued with the invention of electric wire fencing in the 1930s. Electric fencing is commonly used for temporary fences around farm fields, CRP midterm management, or even small plots of land that someone would like to graze to utilize the forage that has grown but doesn’t intend to graze continuously. Using an electric fence is common practice for intensive grazing plans as well. They are easy to move, can be shaped uniquely without the heavy-duty braces needed in multiple-strand wire fencing, and are efficient to set up. Another popular use is to line the inside of other types of fences with a single electric wire to further deter animals from pushing on or crowding the fence. An electric fence can be very effective if everything is working properly and the animals respect the fencing. Dry conditions and even overly wet conditions can cause grounding issues that prevent the fence from working efficiently.

Also, some animals never learn to respond in a desirable manner. Breaking your animals into an electric fence can take a little time for them to understand the electrified wire and respond correctly. I have owned cows that would take the shock and push under the wire quickly without caring. Some animals aren’t meant to be contained by a strand or two of lightweight wire and small posts. For smaller areas of confinement, or areas a property owner might prefer to be more visually appealing, pipe fencing became very popular, and the more modern-day option of vinyl and PVC fencing can be found across the country enhancing entrances, driveways, yards, and the corrals around barns. Pipe and premade steel fencing panels are very efficient for corrals and high-pressure working areas. Modern technology and logic from the existing fencing practices mentioned above have helped create an entirely new version of livestock containment. Enter virtual fencing, a technology that works from a GPS collar system. In June of 2022, I attended an NRCS field day in Eagle County, Colorado. A portion of the event was focused on adaptive grazing management and the role virtual fencing can play in forage management. I learned a lot about the system that day and found it to be a fascinating concept. The idea was that each cow in a herd would be fitted with a chain collar, which supports a box with a GPS unit that keeps track of temperature, movement patterns, and the speed of the animals’ travel. The version I saw at the field day included two plastic chain links at the top of the collar that could easily break away if the chain were caught on an obstacle while an animal was wearing the collar. When an animal moves towards an area that is not permissible, the technology in the box will produce a sound to alert the animal that they are reaching its boundary, and if the animal continues towards the boundary, it will receive an electric shock. It is similar to the invisible fences that became popular for dog owners. These sounds and shocks are used to train the animals to turn back and stay within the approved grazing area. Pat Luark, the ranch owner who had been testing the units in Eagle

County, said his cows learned the meaning of the sounds and shocks with little difficulty as long as the terrain allowed them to flee the stimulus in the correct direction without trouble. He spoke about an instance where the cattle would be walking down a fairly steep hill when they came to the boundary. When they began receiving the beeps and then shocks, it was a difficult slope to turn back up, so many of the cattle would push through the deterring sounds and shocks and head downhill out of their boundary because it was the path of least resistance. A positive design feature is that the reinforcement stimulus only works when cattle are inside the designated boundary limits. If they should leave the boundary and wander back in, the system does not sound or shock them upon reentry to the designated areas. He said that handling bulls with the collars was more challenging than the cows because they were less responsive. I believe that some of the cattle I own that weren’t detoured by the electric fence would also not be stopped by the stimulus that the virtual fencing produces, but maybe, over time, they would begin to comply. Mr. Luark explained that the GPS collars made tracking the bulls that wouldn’t stay within the established boundaries easy, providing another benefit of the collars. Computer software used to operate the program is accessible in an app, which cattlemen use from their computer or smartphone. From the app, anything entered will be processed and stored in a server like the cloud, and then the boundaries laid out in the app are transmitted to towers that control the collars. The control collars are used for data collection and stimuli implementation. During the field day, the key speaker noted that the towers could transmit up to 30 miles if the terrain were accommodating. Rough terrain can make it challenging to have an unimpeded signal, so the transmission distances are variable. The control collars also have an offline capability that allows them to store pertinent information still even when they are out of range of the towers. The cost of a tower is about $10,000. A solar panel and battery storage power these towers. An assembled tower is small enough to be transported in a pickup bed, making it relatively easy to move to new areas. The control collars were also battery-powered, and they said, on average, the batteries would need to be changed every six months. The collars are leased on an annual basis. The average cost of a collar was $37 paid annually, and the batteries cost about $10 each. I recently learned from another rancher in Huerfano County that losing collars in areas with dense scrub oak was somewhat common, and locating the animals who lost their collars became a challenge. There are positives and negatives to all 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 33

technology. Currently, the virtual fencing for cattle is being tested with producers with 500 head of cattle or more. The NRCS offers a Conservation Innovation Grant, allowing ranchers to test virtual fencing on large ranch operations in some areas at no cost. The technology should work on other species, but is currently focused on managing cattle with this technology. If producers are able to manage their pastures with virtual fencing, they will save money on material and labor costs to install expensive and time-consuming stretches of fencing. In return, the lack of physical fences creates a much more friendly landscape for wildlife. The wildlife can move freely through migration corridors with less likelihood of entanglement in fencing. It is very common for ranchers to build fences with wildlife in mind, but virtual fencing will help alleviate that struggle with proper fencing heights. Eliminating the need for fencing can also be visually pleasing for a landowner. The natural landscape of a property can be enjoyed with fewer manmade fences. Virtual fencing can benefit public land areas where many cattle producers lease the grazing rights. Removing the need for fencing helps create a place for the public to enjoy the recreational aspects of BLM, state-owned land, or the National Forest, eliminating the rancher’s concern about the public leaving gates open for the cattle to escape and potentially being harmed by traffic on roadways, or lost. Using virtual fencing to contain livestock is an efficient way to keep them out of riparian zones and wildlife habitats classified as sensitive. Creating these excluded areas with fencing can be very expensive with traditional wire fencing due to the large number of braces that need to be installed at every bend in the fence, but the technology behind virtual fencing makes it simple to map out specific areas that you don’t want the animals traveling through, even if those areas have many turns in the boundary lines. I see huge benefits in using virtual fencing to fence government


lease land. Sometimes, the terrain of the public lands is rough, with massive canyons or steep mountain terrain. I feel that a $10,000 transmission tower used to establish your pastures and manage your rotational grazing plans is much more cost-effective than building traditional wire fencing. I am currently paying $12,000-$14,000 per mile for a 4-strand barbed wire fence built on open grasslands, and the cost of fencing rough country goes up a great deal. I also see benefits in fencing the perimeter of deeded ground and using virtual fencing to create your rotational grazing plan. As you study your range and decide the best plan for grazing, virtual fencing can help you adjust your pastures quickly and exclude sensitive areas easily. If your collars fail and the cattle leave the planned grazing areas, perimeter fencing would still be around the producer’s land to ensure the cattle don’t get lost on a neighboring property. There is no perfect solution to fencing, but knowing about all the methods people have used for ages and the latest innovative technology in fencing will allow a landowner to choose the best option for their desired outcome. If a rancher wants to enhance the natural beauty of their land, is comfortable with technology, and prefers to minimize soil disruption with fence construction, virtual fencing is a great option to consider for their operation.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Joette Schalla lives in Pueblo, Colorado and has been a licensed agent since 2004. In addition to being a ranch broker for Fay Ranches, she also has a commercial cow /calf operation. She enjoys roping competitively, and spending time in nature. She also makes time to improve the water systems, fences, and grazing plans of her ranch properties, which gives her a great sense of pride and achievement.

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met with the remnants of the American Indian encampments, agriculture, trail systems, and even the use of fire for habitat management. Many of the highways and interstate systems used today were built on a system of American Indian trails dating back to the eras before Christopher Columbus. These trail systems were established by the American Indians and mitigating wildlife, stagecoaches, the pony express, the first automobiles, and eventually modern-day transportation.


he story of the Lewis and Clark expedition is a wellknown telling of the discovery and exploration of the American Western Frontier. Renowned historian and author Stephen Ambrose depicts the trials and tribulations in his award-winning account of the journey westward, “Undaunted Courage.” The telling of westward expansion after Lewis and Clark is one of success and adventure. However, the 100 years following the Lewis and Clark expedition include stories of hardship, failure, and relentless extremes. Many of these accounts are told in the writings of the men who endured these hardships, such as trapper Osborne Russel, trophy hunter and conservationist Theodore Roosevelt, and famous grizzly bear hunter and Missoula Montana resident William H. Wright. This account of Western history touches on what sparked the migration west, from the demand for beaver pelts that kicked off the fur trapping boom during the early 1800s to the gold rush and livestock/predator wars of the 1850s. This is a brief overview of how the West was won (or so they say).

COWBOYS AND INDIANS: the west, not as expected Hollywood depicts the western frontier as an untouched oasis of rangeland, forests, streams, and wildlife. Cowboys seen on the silver screen are fighting the American Indians from the Rio Grande to the Montana plains. The hard truth is by the time the Lewis and Clark expedition navigated its way across the plains to the Rocky Mountains, most of the pre-1492 American Indian civilizations were decreased by an estimated 80%. Settlements of Europeans on the eastern seaboard and Spanish explorers throughout the early 1500s introduced old-world diseases such as smallpox and diphtheria that spread through the native populations like wildfire and decimated their once large populations to a fraction of their original size. Far fewer American Indian settlements were present during the Lewis and Clark expedition. The idea of the untouched West was

WESTWARD EXPLORATION: LEWIS AND CLARK – 1860S the fur trade boom Shortly after the reports of the Lewis and Clark expedition, word spread rampant of the abundance of resources available in the western frontier. Some reports even stated that the available resources were “inexhaustible.” These inexhaustible natural resources included everything we still think about today: rangeland, timber, wildlife for hunting furs, and water. Amongst all these natural resources up for grabs lies one little critter that may have been the sole reason for the westward boom… the beaver. The discovery of beaver pelts sparked a frenzy of fashion and cultural status symbols in the eastern states. So much so that beaver pelts became some of the most highly sought-after furs in the Americas and, later, the world. The wealthiest people wore beaver pelts, creating a “who’s who” in the new American society. As the fashion frenzy swept across the nation, countless trappers and woodsmen headed west to secure their share of beaver pelts that would earn them top dollar on the eastern market. These trappers included famous Western pioneers such as Osborne Russel, Jim Baker, and Jim Bridger. However, as one would imagine, with such an influx of trappers and hunters getting their share of the pie, the supply surpassed the demand, and the price of beaver pelts fell. Numerous other animals were harvested in an attempt to provide a suitable replacement, but no fur or feather was able to replace the hype of the beaver. The fur trade boom era slowly started to dwindle around the end of the 1840s. Nonetheless, as the fur trading waned in the Rocky Mountain West, there was another surge of interest in the region, marking the onset of the mining boom.

the mining booms Following the fur trappers and frontiersmen who had made their settlements throughout the western states were the miners looking for gold. The mining boom was in full swing as word of gold strikes in Nevada, California, and Montana traveled fast back to the eastern seaboard. Settlers came in droves to get their share and secure fortune off the assumed boundless resources. By the middle of the 19th century, most western states would be established with communities, governments, and a steadily increasing population of settlers. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 37

One of the most famous mining boom towns still carries the mining reputation proudly to this day, Butte, Montana, saw its heyday in the early 1900s. With people coming from the furthest reaches of the globe, Butte was home to over 120,000 residents from 30+ different nationalities, and the riches were compared to those of Paris and London of the same era. The year 1888 might have been Butte’s most prosperous year and quite possibly the wealthiest year for any mining boom town in the history of the United States. Butte’s mines produced an estimated $23 million worth of ore (the equivalent of $749 million today).

homesteaders bring livestock Along with the increasing numbers of settlers arriving daily to the Western Frontier came an increase in livestock. Livestock were brought to the Western Frontier as the primary mode of transportation, a source of fresh meat, companionship, and eventually commercial sales of meat and animal products. The arrival of the livestock began the initial realization that the relationship between the livestock and the native wildlife would be an issue. The native wildlife was directly competing with the livestock for forage, especially in locations where forage was desirable. The expansion of livestock into the Western Frontier not only provided companionship and a source of food, but it also provided the basis of what makes the west “The West.” The cowboy lifestyle pioneered many events that shaped “The West.” The great cattle drives from Texas to the northern plains, the wild sport of rodeo, and the agricultural lifestyle all spawned from the vast expanse of wilds on the Western Frontier.

WESTWARD EXPANSION: 1860S – 1900S railroads The completion of America’s first transcontinental railroad in 1869, the “Pacific Railroad,” opened the floodgates for settlers moving westward. The railroad offered opportunities for settlers to reach farther inland than possible if only traveling by waterways and more accessible to those not able to travel on horseback or covered wagons. The railcar system also made for easier transportation of livestock, goods, and natural resources. Shipping herds of livestock by railcar meant expedited arrival into territory where settlers would meet the ever-growing opportunity for expansion into uncharted lands. Railways provided a means for the arrival of culture, wealth, and luxury like never before seen in the Western Frontier. Wealthy settlers who found the idea of trailing west on wagon trails barbaric finally had a comfortable way of traveling. Railways not only made traveling westward safer, quicker, and easier, but now the idea of westward expansion seemed not something that needed to be done but something that wanted to be done. 38 | WWW.LANDINVESTORGUIDE.COM

settlements With the new transcontinental railroad delivering people into the new frontier by the trainload, settlements started springing up even faster along the railroads. Settlements meant drastic increases in human presence in the immediate and surrounding landscapes. High numbers of people equated to high numbers of livestock for consumer resources. Cattle appeared to provide meat for food and leather for saddles and clothing. Goats and sheep provided a nutritious supply of milk, meat, and wool for clothing. Swine were brought along for bacon, pork, and waste disposal. Dogs and cats also appeared as companions. And horses and oxen pulling wagons and serving as transportation. These animals would help shape the Western Frontier. The Lewis and Clark expedition serves as a powerful prologue to the dramatic transformation of the American West. It marked the beginning of a cascade of events that forever altered the region’s landscape, culture, and history. The allure of the West, initially driven by the fur trade, would give way to the gold rushes that drew thousands in search of wealth. The exponential increase of settlers, marked by the completion of the transcontinental railroad, further reshaped the West, leading to the establishment of settlements, the expansion of livestock, and the rise of a distinctive cowboy culture. The progression of the Western Frontier seemed to be unstoppable. The process of civilizing such a wild and untamed land appeared seamless for some but not for others. The following years, throughout the 1900s, would prove to be harsher than most would expect. As the West continued to grow and expand, new challenges would arise, such as natural resource depletion, the fight for conservation, and the (not so easy) promise for a better future. Keep an eye on for Part 2, where we delve deeper into the dramatic events and remarkable individuals who shaped the Western Frontier in the 20th century, a saga that continues to resonate with the modern West.

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elcome to the West! Maybe you have already been fortunate enough to purchase the ranch you have been dreaming of, or perhaps you are considering a move and searching for the perfect fit. You may already know that such an investment requires learning about water rights, mineral rights, river accretion and avulsion, carrying capacity, federal and state grazing leases, and more. But people don’t often talk in-depth about the weave of the community fabric of the West and, specifically, how that may differ from more urban areas. I’ll put a toe in the water here and hope to pull it back out, appendage intact. When I first used the phrase ‘social capital’ about a decade ago, I thought I was pretty clever. I’m sure the internet would take issue with my claim to have coined the phrase, but it was new to me, and it perfectly encapsulated the rambling thoughts in my head and what I was trying to convey in dialogue as a ranch manager. After using the term for a decade, I’ve just now looked it up for the first time and asked AI the question, “what is social capital?” The technology-generated answer does a good job of framing this conversation:


“Social capital refers to the value that exists in social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness within them. It can be thought of as the resources that are available to individuals and groups through their relationships with others, such as access to information, social support, and opportunities for collaboration. In the context of rural America, social capital can be an important asset for community development and economic growth.” Cheekily, I’ve been called a Pollyanna, and I’m not sure that is such a bad thing. True to that characterization and the backstory of the pioneers, in the idyllic cowboy country of the Rocky Mountain West, you have the opportunity to be the best version of yourself. The West is a choice. The West is a frame of mind. If you’re looking for an enriching experience in the West, it depends, quite frankly, on you. I made the move about 22 years ago, and I was fascinated by the distinct differences in culture. It was a palpable shift that was like stepping into a memory for me. Growing up on a dairy farm in the upper Midwest, we were surrounded by that classic tight-knit farming community. We knew our neighbors, and we looked out for each other. Then progress reached a tipping point, and what were gradual changes became large-scale changes. It was sprawl,

and it was the farm crisis of the 1980s. The cows left the farms, and in only a few years, that fresh from the oven, warm-bread-withbutter feeling of the community was lost. Arriving in Wyoming was like going home again. Wyoming was like turning the clock back 25 years.

donations. Many needs or projects that urban areas might fund through tax dollars are often self-funded by community members. Consequently, there are numerous opportunities to invest modest sums into projects that may often be considered publicly funded elsewhere.

I imagine that compared to the rest of the nation, Wyoming is still turning the clock back for most, but change is in the air. The world has shifted, and the entire nation is undergoing a new migration event on a scale that we haven’t seen in 140 years. Much of corporate America has learned that it doesn’t need to centralize its employees, and working ‘remotely’ can mean Wyomingremote or Idaho-remote or Montana-remote. The rugged western states offer undeniably attractive qualities: scenic vistas, open spaces, abundant recreational opportunities, comparatively lower land values, and attractive tax structures. As for the people factor, the cowboy culture is authentic and thriving, and the community largely remains an interwoven identity to which ‘we belong.’ Having already seen the slow erosion of my childhood farming community, I think I’m on the lookout for it to happen again. But rather than only being watchful, I want to take this moment to be intentional. In that, I’d offer that if you want to help preserve some of the aspects of the West that initially captivated you, such as its culture and community, all while enjoying your scenic view or private trout stream, you can actively contribute instead of simply consuming. How? The answer is to value and cultivate your social capital. Social capital may not have been valuable in your metroplex or large, suburban community, but I offer that it’s a very real asset and an important one in our western rural communities. How do you build or create social capital? First, accept and embrace that you both have neighbors, and you are a neighbor. Given the distances we travel, our ‘neighbors’ may live 50 miles away. Neighboring, as a verb, is conceptual and extends, perhaps, to the more prominent moments in life. Beyond the annual brandings that gather neighbors, I’ve seen neighbors gather to help clear debris after a windstorm blew through a ranch, irrigate for each other so a family can take a weekend away, or pick up parts 90 miles away because you share the same zip code and happen to be near the equipment dealer. Going back to the definition of social capital, it’s reciprocity and trustworthiness, and it’s the norm rather than the exception. The strong, sinewy muscle of independence, evident in the history and folklore of the pioneers who forged their way into the Western Frontier, remains an inherent part of the DNA of the West. Self-reliance and a can-do attitude are still valued traits, and that includes taking care of certain local needs. In contrast to the notion of indiscriminate and inefficient (i.e., wasteful) taxation, western communities meet needs with targeted, local, grassroots

In rural western communities, your fire department, ambulance crew, and search and rescue are likely groups made up of altruistic volunteers. They train on their own time and may purchase their own equipment. They step away from their jobs and families to perform their duties and may even fundraise for the privilege of serving. There are many needs within these essential services. Rural schools often have tight budgets that preclude some specialized learning and extracurriculars. The teachers are your neighbors, continually pouring their lives into the children and their extracurricular activities and are likely fundraising to do so. Those examples just scratch the surface, and there are many opportunities to support in small ways: rodeos, 4H programs, fishing clubs, school trips, and senior assistance programs are just a few examples. In addition to contributing financially, a little seasoned grace and understanding go a long way in building social capital. A pragmatic suggestion is to kindly understand that your contractors and service people are busy, especially in this booming time of the nation’s migration and building. They may be responding to emergencies that aren’t like anything you’ve experienced before. A pasture full of 300 cows and calves comes first if lightning takes the pump saver out and the cows don’t have water. Like many places, not everyone will return your phone call, so take care of your relationships with the ones that do. A cold bottle of water, a baggie of your famous chocolate chip cookies, and a sincere ‘thank you’ are welcomed. Unlike metropolitan regions, the Yellow Pages listings for specialized services are not extensive. Burn one contractor, and they all will know. Pay your bills and treat them well, and that will spread as well. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 41

Your ranch manager or property caretaker are great face-forward representatives of your ranch within the community, and they know the needs and opportunities to show your support. Empower them with a charitable budget or ask them to mention opportunities and needs that are important to them. Ask them to manage a hunt on your ranch for a young person or Wounded Warrior. Reward a student or say thank you to a veteran with a day of fishing on your trout stream. Offer a ride in your helicopter at a local raffle, raising funds for a school trip. Word of good deeds and local generosity spreads quietly and enriches your social capital. The Code of the West, as originally drafted in Zane Grey’s era and more recent iterations, still has merit. Those ‘homespun laws’ were a high standard in the raw days of the frontier, and there remains a sense of them defining who we are as a culture. Social capital may be the contemporary supplement to the fundamental principles of the code. When you buy land and property in the rural West and occupy space in a new community, your new neighbors will look forward to meeting you just to say hello solely because you’re a neighbor. Admittedly, there may be the initial curiosity about you, just as I was the curiosity when I arrived some 22 years ago. After all, there’s no camouflaging a U-Haul truck! But you can face it by sticking out your hand and saying, “I’m new. I don’t know you yet.” Be encouraged. The community is only richer for your participation. Though I may choose to look at life like a Pollyanna, I’m not naive to say we’re all friends. Somehow, the call to community and the action of neighboring trumps friendship. I’ve experienced moments of the best of the West, which were both big events and private moments. In a matter of just a few months, our local community of neighbors gathered to support two individuals who faced crushing medical bills. The first was a local outfitter who suffered an injury, and I got to help pack him out of the backcountry on a stretcher as a member of Search and Rescue. The second was a woman fighting cancer. For both, friends organized, neighbors baked, someone donated the beef, another donated the hog, and everyone came from miles around. Simply put, we did community together. Everyone contributed something according to their ability, and in the end, both events had raised roughly $100,000. I was amazed and proud, and full of admiration for these people. This modern-day grand show of doing life together and caring for other people astounded me. And all this in a ranching community where the town’s sign says Population 249. Those were enormous efforts and big moments! Similarly, small acts matter just as much. In a private moment, when I had to go home for a death in the family, as a show of support, my neighbors took care of my spring field work. Suddenly, I was experiencing the value of community from the


receiving end. These are the moments of social capital at work. These are the moments that enrich our lives. The asset and value of relationships, social support, and collaboration are unspoken, unquantifiable, yet undeniable. That’s my experience. That’s how I try to navigate my place in the West. I know of many who are champions of their community. They lead with “how can I help?” rather than “what do you want?” The West is what you make it, and it can bring out the best in people. To help preserve some of what attracted you and to contribute to this wonderful culture, remember to value and invest in social capital. That contributes to how our communities function and is part of what makes us tick. We’ll chat in the grocery store checkout, we’ll wave as we pass by on the road, and we’ll cheer for the youngsters in their first rodeos. More importantly, though, we look at how we can help ‘move the ball forward’ within our communities. If you take the time to notice where you can make a difference in our community, whether big or small, then someday, we’ll try to return the favor. Part Code of the West and part social capital, that’s what makes the West go ‘round.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Cheryl Summer lives in Kaycee, Wyoming, and has been helping people navigate their land transactions since 2007. Her varied agricultural experiences extend from raising dairy cows and thoroughbred race horses to pasture-raised, grass-fed chickens and beef to certified organic grain producer. Since moving to Wyoming two decades ago, she has lived her dreams of being a ‘cowboy’ for a 1000-cow outfit and being in the mountains. She values building relationships with the people she comes to know and loves watching soil and grass respond to thoughtful management. And though she’s not a collector, she agrees with Alex Robertson about the 1953 Topps Mickey Mantle.

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s an educated investor, you know that proper asset allocation is essential to portfolio diversification, and of course, real estate has always been a mainstay of a well-balanced portfolio. However, the recreational, agricultural, or working land niche market has only recently gained attention as an alternative to more traditional real estate assets. For decades, recreation and lifestyle have been a primary focus of new investment in western ranches. This is fueled in some measure by Hollywood’s romanticism of the American West in films such as A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, and, most recently, Paramount’s Yellowstone. Still, ranch ownership represents more than what is portrayed on the big screen. When you purchase a ranch, not only are you acquiring a place to enjoy with family and friends but also an asset with broad, deep, and resilient value. Historically, western ranches were valued through the narrow, albeit objective, view of how many cows the land can support, expressed in price per Animal Unit. For example, if Ranch A could support 100 cows year-round, and ranches in that area sold for $10,000.00 an Animal Unit, Ranch A should be worth $1,000,000.00. Financial modeling was straightforward, and the returns were predictable enough to pencil out a ranch purchase off the back of a cow. Back then, ranch ownership required skills and knowledge that were commonplace, and good help was easy to find. Today, ranch values continue to be loosely indexed to cows, expressed in price per acre, but modern ranch investment reveals multiple value layers, and price per acre now includes a whole lot more than just the practice of the bovine arts. From the revenue streams generated by agricultural operations to the quality of the opportunities to hunt and fish or the overwhelming emotional feeling created by a particular view, objective and subjective values are now strategically considered in forming an investment thesis for a ranch property. Additionally, nascent value layers like carbon credits generated from improved land management practices are now beginning to be realized. Sophisticated models are being employed to drive value-add projects on land holdings, unleashing exciting opportunities in the ranch asset space.

WEALTH PRESERVATION: Long gone is the opportunity for the entrepreneurial adventurer to wander into the vastness of the American West with nothing more than a horse and a rope and amass new fortunes as a cattle baron. The land is no longer free, and the old cliché holds: they aren’t making more of it. With capitalization rates hovering near zero, the purchase price relative to the annual net revenue of the average operational ranch asset can seem off-putting as a real estate investment to someone used to the higher cap rates associated with holdings like storage units or apartment complexes. That said, with land’s historically low volatility and reliable long-term appreciation, ranches that can generate enough revenue to cover property taxes, insurance,

and basic property management as a baseline have consistently outpaced inflation over the long haul. Holding a ranch then can feel like holding a fine art collection that pays its own insurance and storage costs. With relatively high barriers to entry and competition for a finite resource, ranches are unique in the real estate asset class, behaving more like rare classic cars: Art with utility.

GROWTH: Securing tangible assets that hold value in the face of market turmoil and outpace inflation has long been the diversification strategy of savvy investors. However, even gold, the king of tangible assets, doesn’t grow. The Oracle of Omaha sums it up best: “…the one thing I can tell you is [gold] won’t do anything between now and then except look at you” — Buffett, CNBC’s Squawk Box, 2009. Similarly, sports memorabilia and fine art are in the same boat. Ranches, however, can grow beyond just buying more land, and there are many dividends beyond the traditional revenue streams of selling hay and cows. Aggregation is the obvious route to growing a rancher’s spread. Interestingly, with ranches, assembling adjacent land over time and reconnecting ecosystems to function despite fence lines can create value greater than the sum of its parts. It’s like owning that rare vintage sports car, but your neighbor owns the original hood ornament. Putting the ornament back on your hood improves the value of both pieces. On the other hand, and in addition, implementing improved management practices can also get your land to do more than “just look at you.” For example, advancements in modern livestock management have proven to dramatically increase productivity by focusing on the natural relationship between ungulates on perennial grass landscapes. Carefully balancing the number and timing of livestock grazing to mimic nature can repair soil health, improve water systems function, and even sequester carbon over time. A “take five to save ten” approach may seem counterintuitive. However, when considered on timelines greater than a decade, decreasing production, in the beginning, can return an ecosystem function on working ranch lands to levels not seen on that land in a century, thus resulting in ultimately increasing the livestock carrying capacity of the land, often measured in multiples of the original amount. Imagine owning an apartment building where the tenants built more apartments for you for free while paying you rent.

UTILITY: Raw land, located in the path of development, that is developed to its highest and best use and valued for its utility to the end user, has been, and still is, one of the cornerstones of real estate investment and the root premise driving subdivision. Unfortunately, the disappearance of the working ranch as car dealerships replace cow pastures is one of the great tragedies of the American West. But like a hero’s journey, the western ranch is on 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 45

the road back with new models to accommodate the reorientation of values in the marketplace. No more is ranchland’s highest and best-use a place to store cows until it is eventually devoured by urban development. Clean air, clean water, healthy food, happy families, intact communities, and meaningful lives lived now drive the bus, and ranches can provide all this and more. Owning a place where you and your family can relax, recreate, and share meaningful experiences while escaping the chaos of the modern world has tremendous value in this day and age. Stewarding programs employed to effectuate improved ranch economics while being completely compatible with improved environmental outcomes is incredibly rewarding. Uninterrupted views across open space where fish and wildlife spill over into the public domain is a dividend everyone enjoys. The ability to harness the wind that blows above the ground or the sun that bathes all of it represents real value. Whether harvested with a windmill, solar panel, or with blades of grass eaten by livestock, the renewable energy that can be captured on a ranch in one form or another is the ultimate golden goose. Nontraditional revenue streams are now regularly realized. From such ranch enterprises as hunting leases to wedding venues, the traditional ranch model has been reimagined to leverage ranch attributes and resources to compete in today’s upcycle economy.

The ranch market is realizing an increasing investor pool like never before, and at a time when the ranch asset is becoming ever more scarce. A reorientation of cultural values creates demand for ranches to be kept as working lands, employing new models of investment that achieve long-term economic results through ecological incentives. Aggregation, not subdivision, is moving acres out of the ranch asset market and locking them up for the long term, creating scarcity and helping to drive appreciation. Whether you start by owning the hood ornament or the whole El Camino, the ranch asset space is replete with opportunities to create value, hedge against inflation, generate returns, preserve wealth, and improve the quality of life for countless people in addition to your own. Lastly, the 1031 exchange and the conservation easement are well-suited tools to help transition into the ranch asset space and achieve tax advantage in addition to those advantages commonly understood with other tax deferment tactics. The ranch asset is mysterious to many, which may be part of its appeal, but the body of knowledge necessary to navigate this asset class is not unsurmountable. With access to information improving by the day and plenty of qualified people entering the landscape to manage your asset, the western ranch is an investment you can truly enjoy for generations.



Matt Henningsen is a Montana land sales agent with Fay Ranches and co-host of the Land Investor Podcast. Matt’s experience managing portfolios of western ranch lands across the intermountain West allows him to share unique insights into land investment, ownership, and operation.

Explore the upcoming articles in Matt Henningsen’s multi-part series by visiting, including his next installment, “How to Grow Sustainable Profit Through Analyzing Ranch Performance.”


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FEATURED PROPERTY Arrow Ranch Wisdom, MT $38,514,500 14,982 ± Acres

This offering is one of the most productive ranches, recreationally and agriculturally. Located in Montana’s Big Hole Valley, which is quietly famous for its quality hay, incredible scenery, and small-town charm, one measures hay bales, trout, elk, and other wildlife in the thousands. The ranch is a best-in-class agricultural operation with 15± miles of live tributary creek streams and 10.25± miles of boundary adjoining Forest Service public lands. The property is a dynamic habitat for agriculture production and world-class wildlife, including large herds of elk. As a top-tier agricultural and recreational ranch, this listing is truly special.

RIVER VIEW RANCH 1,050 ± Acres | $31,000,000 Alberton, MT An award-winning luxury hotel offers a spectacular 12,000 SF lodge with eight guest suites, an estate home, a lake house, and a horse event barn. Two stocked, private lakes offer on-site fishing and recreational opportunities. The ranch has nearly 2.75± miles of Clark Fork River frontage to enjoy. This is a meticulously maintained, high-caliber guest ranch with incredible proximity to the urban amenities of Missoula. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 49


EVE RANCHES 12,839 ± Acres | $26,495,000 Avon, MT A combined offering of the Montana Little Valley Ranch and Ashby Creek Ranch, while each works as standalone operations when combined, they are mutually beneficial, with one serving as a hay base and the other providing extensive grazing opportunities and unmatched recreation. The sum of deeded and leased ground totals over 22,000± acres, translating to over 35 square miles of land in the coveted Blackfoot watershed.

CHECKPOINT RANCH 1,101 ± Acres | $18,900,000 Huson, MT Undoubtedly one of the finest ranches in the Missoula vicinity, it has a fully remodeled custom home, a shop, and two hay barns that are surrounded by mature timber, lush meadows, numerous lakes, reservoirs, and creeks. This ranch is a wildlife mecca and one of the most picturesque trophy properties you will find. It’s easy to own and operate and just 20 minutes from the heart of the Garden City.



MONTANA LITTLE VALLEY RANCH 11,100 ± Acres | $18,750,000 Avon, MT The ranch is ideally suited for a cow-calf operation or summer grazing. It benefits from several creeks, two reservoirs, and numerous springs and wallows. It’s a sanctuary for elk and various wildlife species, including deer, bears, wolves, antelope, moose, eagles, and grouse, translating into exceptional on-site hunting. Two mountain reservoirs hold cutthroat trout, and the ranch adjoins BLM lands and the Hoodoo Mountain Wilderness Study Area.

SETTLE RANCH 5,967 ± Acres | $13,950,000 Canyon Creek, MT A traditional cattle ranch, its improvements comprise multiple residences, historic sheep barns, loafing sheds, and corrals. Two center-pivot irrigation systems support a haying operation that feeds the 400± cow-calf pairs the ranch maintains. A 4± acre pond, a seasonal creek, and multiple irrigation ditches provide water for agriculture production and recreational use. As a significant winter range habitat, the property maintains a year-round big game presence, specifically elk, whitetail, mule deer, and antelope.

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CLOVERCREST RANCH ON THE JEFFERSON 744 ± Acres | $12,600,000 Twin Bridges, MT Situated on the banks of the Jefferson River and multiple spring-fed ponds on site, this ranch property offers a southwestern Montana sporting lifestyle. Fishing enthusiasts will be thrilled to discover 1.5± miles of world-class trophy trout river frontage on the property. The crystal-clear waters of the Jefferson River are home to some of the most impressive trout in the world. The new owner can enjoy exciting hunts for whitetail deer, waterfowl, and upland birds.

BRIDGER FOOTHILLS 342 ± Acres | $12,500,000 Belgrade, MT Comprised of two large parcels, this offering includes the renowned peaks in the Bridger Mountains, Ross and Sacajawea Peaks. The foothills and grasslands support a large elk herd throughout the summer and winter. Elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, and mountain grouse frequent the ranch. Bordering 0.5± miles of National Forest, gaining access to thousands of acres for endless outdoor recreational opportunities. Although each parcel is independent its desirability significantly increases when merged.


320 ± Acres | $10,950,000 Springhill, MT Nestled among the lush meadows of the rugged Bridger Mountains, with stately Ross Peak serving as the backdrop, lies this expansive ranch. The property enjoys easy access to the national forest service lands with a shared border and a public forest service trail a mile up the road. A conservation easement protects the landscape and the wildlife traveling across the bordering national forest. It hosts five residences, recreational outbuildings, a riding arena, and endless trails.



SHIELDS RIVER LODGE 283 ± Acres | $9,950,000 Clyde Park, MT Positioned between the Bridger, Absaroka, and Crazy Mountains along one mile of the productive Shields River, a guide favorite for fishable trout water, sits this beautiful nine-bed, 10.5-bath lodge looking out on incredible views. Offered turnkey, this property is move-in ready for the next owner to begin their Montana adventure.

FOUR CREEKS SPORTING RANCH 4,218 ± Acres | $9,380,600 Big Timber, MT With over 11± miles of boundary, the property adjoins public lands, providing access to millions of acres of hunting and recreational opportunities. Abundant water resources, including lively ripples, cool pools, and waterfalls, encompass the ranch’s 9± miles of small streams and support the diversity of wildlife.

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BROWNS MEADOW RANCH 590 ± Acres | $8,500,000 Kila, MT This high-meadow mountain ranch with productive flood-irrigated farmland and timbered mountainsides is exceedingly private, with an end-of-the-road feel. Wellwatered, it includes 1+ mile of Mount Creek, a pond, and numerous spring seeps within the forested draws. The ranch produces around 400± tons of natural grass hay each year.

ASHBY CREEK RANCH 1,739 ± Acres | $8,450,000 Potomac, MT In the heart of the Blackfoot Valley, you’ll find one of the most extensive agricultural offerings proximate to Missoula. Four creeks provide historic and abundant water to 3 pivots and six wheel lines that irrigate nearly 775± acres of cropland. The riparian areas attract a variety of wildlife, enhancing the recreational aspects of the ranch.

BRIDGER FOOTHILLS PARCEL 1 200 ± Acres | $7,800,000 Belgrade, MT With a stunning initial concept of improvements and landscaping, thoughtfully created by NVS Architects, this land offers an improved two-track trail system to access thousands of acres of National Forest. With sweeping views of the Bridger Mountain Range, a new road allows owners to envision and construct their dream.


968 ± Acres | $7,545,000 Townsend, MT



This ranch boasts 3+ miles of Deep Creek teeming with trout and is contiguous to public land. A mix of forested canyons, rolling hills, and riparian creek bottom provide terrain and vegetation suitable for wildlife, including moose, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, antelope, upland game birds, and waterfowl.

SPRINGHILL RIDGE 114 ± Acres | $7,400,000 Belgrade, MT Situated in one of Montana’s most highly sought-after locations, is a well-kept secret, offering awe-inspiring vistas of the Bridger Mountain Range and the Gallatin Valley. Tucked away at the end of a road, this property shares its boundaries with National Forest. The log home blends rustic charm with contemporary comfort.

GRAY RANCH ON LITTLE PORCUPINE CREEK 10,047 ± Acres | $7,300,000 Forsyth, MT Complemented by an additional 1,950± acres of state lease, 320± acres of private lease, and 3,669± BLM acres, this ranch exemplifies regenerative agriculture. The diverse habitat provides a refuge for elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, and upland game birds, making it a haven for both hunters and enthusiastic birdwatchers.

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SUNDANCE RANCH ON LA MARCHE CREEK 245 ± Acres | $7,000,000 Wise River, MT

This ranch has spectacular mountain views, sweeping verdant grasslands, and wildlife galore, with an irrigated alpine meadow, two fishable creeks, and a large pond. La Marche Creek originates high up in the Pintler Wilderness Area and runs through the ranch, offering 3+ miles of creek frontage to fish and hunt.

BUFFALO JUMP EQUESTRIAN ESTATE 250 ± Acres | $6,900,000 Three Forks, MT Dramatically framing the distant Spanish Peaks, it’s perched above the world-famous Madison River. The ranch’s equestrian compound boasts admirable facilities with no expense spared. The centerpiece is the timeless 40-stall stable fully outfitted with equipment shops, vet rooms, and multiple staff housing units. A heated indoor arena provides ample space.

RIVERS EDGE RANCH 32 ± Acres | $6,500,000 Melrose, MT Mostly irrigated, this property boasts half a mile of Big Hole River frontage and a stocked pond. The property and nearby public land are home to a variety of wildlife. No expense was spared when building the 9,322± SF, 4 bed, 4.5 bath home. Outbuildings include a barn/workshop, horse barn, gazebo, and greenhouse.

BRIDGER FOOTHILLS PARCEL 2 142 ± Acres | $5,680,000 Belgrade, MT Limestone Creek meanders along the northern boundary for 1,000+ feet, while the rolling foothills with aspen-filled draws and hillsides covered with evergreens cover the landscape. The property borders approximately 150± feet of National Forest, with a two-track in place allowing access to endless hiking and other outdoor recreational opportunities.


315 ± Acres | $5,495,000 Bozeman, MT A distinctive property offering views of Montana’s Gallatin Valley and surrounding mountains. It features two residences that blend seamlessly with forests, meadows, sagebrush hillsides, Kelly Creek, and diverse wildlife. A conservation easement preserves its beauty, while convenient access to Bozeman and recreational centers enhances its allure.



DEEP CREEK RANCH 238 ± Acres | $5,450,000 Livingston, MT Woods, meadows, spruce and aspen groves, plentiful and varied wildlife, and snow-capped mountain peaks dominate this magnificent and visually private acreage at the end of Deep Creek Road. Here, Paradise Valley is divided by the winding ribbon of the renowned Yellowstone River and framed by the Absaroka and Gallatin Mountains.

BEARTOOTH OVERLOOK 678 ± Acres | $ 4,950,000 Fishtail, MT With breathtaking views, this ranch provides meaningful agricultural production and recreational opportunities. Water is plentiful on this well-rounded ranch. The ranch comprises diverse topography, including stream bottom and rolling bluffs overlooking the West Rosebud River drainage and the Beartooth Range.

GALLATIN VALLEY OVERLOOK 400 ± Acres | $4,900,000 Belgrade, MT With nearly a mile of North Cottonwood Creek traversing the land, this property is nestled against the Bridger Mountain Range and the Custer Gallatin National Forest Service lands. Elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, and upland birds inhabit the property.

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SPRING FAMILY FARM 313 ± Acres | $4,895,000 Belgrade, MT Combining beautiful views of five surrounding mountain ranges, excellent trout fishing on a private creek, abundant wildlife, and premium farm ground, this property offers enough elbow room to take it all in. This classic recreational farmstead has excellent recreational opportunities.

ROCKING BAR B RANCH 640 ± Acres | $3,995,000 Clyde Park, MT Between the Bridger, Absaroka, and Crazy Mountains in the heart of the Shields River Valley, this ranch is extremely private, yet 360-degree mountain views abound. The property features a 2,200± SF, 2-bed, 2-bath primary home, guest home, shop, and outbuildings.

MADISON BEND RANCH 222 ± Acres | $3,855,000 Three Forks, MT This sportsman’s paradise is along the bank of the worldfamous Madison River in the lower Madison Valley. Over 1.5± miles of Madison River main channel and Jefferson River braids offer deep, slow holes for large trout and more dynamic fishing and spawning habitat.

STONEHOUSE RANCH 400 ± Acres | $3,600,000 Reed Point, MT This historic home welcomed travelers on the BozemanMiles City stage line. With dates carved in stone (literally), this treasure dates back to 1872. Elk, deer, antelope, and upland game abound. Outbuildings include a passively solar-heated hanger, barn, corral, and shed.


104 ± Acres | $3,500,000 Lincoln, MT Relax and recharge in the luxury custom home and guest cabin with views of three mountain ranges. Privately fish and float the 23± acres of Smith Lake. The habitat supports moose, deer, and elk herds frequenting the property.



RINGLING RANCH II 4,444 ± Acres | $3,300,000 Ekalaka, MT Expansive and unblemished property unveils an extraordinary grassland ecosystem, offering a rare and captivating window into the untamed beauty of this region. Water is sourced through wells, pipelines, seasonal creeks, and reservoirs, and the ranch is dedicated to conservation and preservation.

LITTLE ROSIE RANCH 3,033 ± Acres | $3,200,000 Sand Springs, MT Bordered by BLM and state land, the views are incredible, and the elk, deer, antelope, and upland game birds are plentiful. This ranch has a strong agricultural history and lies just north of the Missouri River Breaks, well-known for superb hunting.

BLACKFOOT RIVER RETREAT 85 ± Acres | $2,850,000 Lincoln, MT This premier fishing and hunting retreat lies at the gateway to the Bob Marshall Wilderness. The turnkey offering has a beautiful log home and a detached garage with guest quarters all set among vibrant pastures and the lush river bottom of the Blackfoot River.

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HORSESHOE HILLS 40 ± Acres | $2,800,000 Seeley Lake, MT This equestrian property embodies the West. It has Cottonwood Creek frontage and borders public lands that extend into the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Improvements include a tastefully remodeled home, a heated indoor riding arena, manager’s apartment, a shop, and RV sites.

OVERLOOK AT THE SXS RANCH 68 ± Acres | $2,750,000 Belgrade, MT Dry Creek, headwaters of the Missouri River, traverses through the acreage. Vegetation lines the creek, while mature trees and covered draws add to the beauty. Exclusive membership includes a shared recreational interest in the 971± acre SxS Ranch.

MISSOURI RIVER BREAKS SQUARE BUTTE RANCH 2,958 ± Acres | $2,665,000 Sand Springs, MT The world-famous Missouri River Breaks are renowned for their excellent hunting for trophy elk, deer, antelope, and upland game birds. Many water tanks and reservoirs supply water to the cattle and livestock, and future projects could add to that number.

MARYOTT GULCH AT MONTANA RANCH 160 ± Acres | $2,600,000 Gallatin Gateway, MT Over a mile of Maryott Gulch runs the length of this property. Views of the Spanish Peaks, Bridger and Ruby Mountains, Tobacco Roots, and Elk Horns are visible from the two elevated Designated Residential Areas, while deer and elk roam the acreage.


124 ± Acres | $2,550,000 Townsend, MT


SCHOCK RANCH ON THE NORTH FORK The North Fork of Deep Creek flows through the property. Modern infrastructure for ground irrigation and livestock management is in place. Enjoy evenings on the porch listening to the creek while watching big game feed in the alfalfa fields.

EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESERVE 34 ± Acres | $2,500,000 Belgrade, MT Rich in water, this property can produce excellent waterfowl hunts. The East Gallatin River is known for its high trout population. The property provides a superb habitat for whitetail and pheasants. It’s ready for a dream home by the river.

LAHOOD PARK STEAKHOUSE ON THE JEFFERSON RIVER 33 ± Acres | $2,500,000 Cardwell, MT Located along a route that is popular for travelers, this is a unique opportunity for a savvy buyer looking for a profitable business with established income and clientele, and riverfront acreage that allows for the development of additional business ventures.

GALLATIN VIEWS AT MONTANA RANCH 174 ± Acres | $2,495,000 Gallatin Gateway, MT Views of the Spanish Peaks, Bridger and Ruby Mountains, Tobacco Roots, Big Belts, and Elk Horns are visible from this property. Deer, elk, and other wildlife roam the acreage. Amenities, including trails and an equestrian facility, are exceptional.

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MISSOURI RIVER BREAKS WOLF CREEK RANCH 2,746 ± Acres | $2,450,000 Sand Springs, MT This sportsman’s paradise in the Missouri River Breaks is surrounded by acres of public land, renowned for trophy elk, deer, antelope, and upland game birds. Where elk, deer, and antelope play today, dinosaurs once roamed, and their remains are throughout the area.

ELK CREEK RANCH 328 ± Acres | $2,350,000 Wilsall, MT Boasting 0.6± miles of Elk Creek, this ranch is nestled between the Bridger, Absaroka, and Crazy Mountains in the heart of the Shields River Valley. Hundreds of acres of unspoiled land sit 500± feet east of the Shields River.

BOULDER RIVER CONFLUENCE 150 ± Acres | $1,800,000 McLeod, MT Beartooth and Crazy Mountains and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness dominate the vistas. Bordering the Main Boulder River for 0.5± miles and the West Boulder River for 280± feet, this property is contiguous to state land. A well and power are in place.

FLATWATER LODGE 0.46 ± Acres | $1,795,000 Cascade, MT Steps from the “Mighty Mo,” this turnkey, incomeproducing property features a main lodge, guest cabin, and spacious outdoor deck where anglers from across the globe converge for the prolific hatches and dense trout populations found on the Missouri River.


16 ± Acres | $1,680,000 Polson, MT


SUNSET VISTA CHERRY ORCHARD The orchard lies along the eastern shore of Montana’s Flathead Lake, an area renowned for high-density cherry trees and stunning vistas. This income-producing property offers sought-after cherries, tax advantages, and unforgettable sunsets and is a haven of natural beauty.

BULL RIVER PARADISE 146 ± Acres | $1,650,000 Noxon, MT Grassy meadows and green timber on the banks of the Bull River call to the deer, elk, and osprey while you fish for Bull River trout against the iconic landscape. The tranquility felt on the ranch can’t be replicated anywhere else.

RIVERBEND ANGLER CABINS 40 ± Acres | $1,600,000 Fort Smith, MT Two identical luxurious cabins, 3 bedroom/2 bath, look out over the world-famous Bighorn River from a high bluff over 0.25 miles of riverfront lands, with lush grass, bushes, and trees home to various wildlife. Magnificent trout fishing out your front door!

MONTANA WILDERNESS LODGE & OUTFITTING 0 ± Acres | $1,500,000 West Glacier, MT Here is a rare opportunity to acquire a well-established business with highly coveted and exclusive commercial use permits, allowing exceptional hunting, fishing, and packing adventures in some of Montana’s most beautiful country, the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

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BIG HOLE RIVERBEND 30 ± Acres | $1,495,000 Divide, MT Dramatic views of the Pioneer and Highland Mountains create a backdrop for fishing on half a mile of Big Hole River frontage. Across the river are seemingly endless acres of public land, home to white-tailed deer, elk, bear, duck, geese, and more.

PONY PONDS 20 ± Acres | $1,490,000 Harrison, MT Sitting under the Tobacco Root Mountains resides a fisherman’s residence and guest cabin. With Willow Creek crossing through the property, aerated stocked ponds, and a diverse riparian area for wildlife, this property offers more than its pristine waterways.

THE RESERVE AT WILLOW CREEK RANCH 1 156 ± Acres | $1,100,000 Livingston, MT Contiguous to 640± acres of State land, almost half a mile of the North Fork of Willow Creek runs through the south side of the property. This land is improved and ready for building with newly constructed roads and electricity.

THE RESERVE AT WILLOW CREEK RANCH 2 156 ± Acres | $1,100,000 Livingston, MT With almost a quarter mile of the North Fork of Willow Creek and newly constructed roads and electricity, this land boasts views of the Crazy Mountains, Bangtail Ridge, and Chief Mountain plateau. Elk, deer, moose, and black bear roam through.


156 ± Acres | $1,100,000 Livingston, MT


THE RESERVE AT WILLOW CREEK RANCH 3 Your dream homesite awaits in the foothills of the Bangtail Mountains, contiguous to 640± acres of State Land, and close to National Forest. Take in views of the Crazy Mountains, Bangtail Ridge, and the Chief Mountain plateau.

BOZEMAN PASS RANCH, TRACT 4 161 ± Acres | $915,000 Livingston, MT This land is ready for building with a private lane and electric, providing the ideal location to build your dream home. This is one of only five lots that presents an opportunity to live in one Montana’s most desirable areas.

BOZEMAN PASS RANCH TRACT 5 157 ± Acres | $849,000 Livingston, MT Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Montana, this property offers an idyllic setting for those who yearn for mountains, native grasslands, and a place to call home. This pristine land provides a blank canvas for individuals seeking solitude and natural beauty.

CABINET VIEW RIVER CAMP 1 ± Acres | $695,000 Libby, MT This Kootenai riverfront parcel is the perfect base camp for fishermen, hunters, and adventure seekers. It features a new shop with a bathroom, well, septic, power, private boat ramp, and big views and is ready for your custom home.

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Made by hand in Bozeman, Montana

HERITAGE INSPIRED. A LEGACY PRESERVED. Inspired by the past, to be lived in and loved today, and passed on to future generations. The Cowboy Hat represents the preservation of a place, a culture, and a way of life. Each Montana Territory hat is made entirely by hand one step at a time.





FEATURED PROPERTY Branch Keyhole Ranch Midvale, ID $17,000,000 10,705 ± Acres

Available for the first time in five decades, this ranch spans a vast expanse of undulating hills and fragmented waterways. With its eastern boundary adjacent to Payette National Forest, the ranch boasts 86,673± acres of grazing leases. The property includes around 600± irrigated acres (pivots and wheel line) and 600± acres of dryland farming. The ranch features three residences, corrals, and all the necessary infrastructure, epitomizing the classic Western cattle ranch setting.

RIVER RUN RANCH 530 ± Acres | $8,900,000 Bliss, ID With 1± mile of river frontage that’s adjacent to BLM lands for blazing trails and saddles, this organic farm and ranch offers the glamour and grit of the Western lifestyle that runs along the scenic Snake River Canyon that features two custom-built residences, a barn with two office studios, and a hangar.

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LOCHSA RIVER’S EDGE 18 ± Acres | $4,500,000 Lochsa Headwaters, ID Established directly on the Lochsa River, adjacent to Clearwater National Forest, this immaculate and diverse property offers exceptional fishing, abundant wildlife, premier hunting, and world class kayaking. Enjoy a main cabin, spacious shop, two on-site glamping sites and private access.

KNOX FARM EQUINE CENTER 80 ± Acres | $4,000,000 Chesterfield, ID This turnkey equestrian property is set up for breeding, training, boarding, riding instruction, shows, clinics, or any form of pleasure or competitive riding while living in an equally magnificent home. Live on a piece of history along the Oregon Trail.

DIAMOND HEART RANCH 332 ± Acres | $2,550,000 Montpelier, ID Breathtaking 360-degree mountain views, irrigated pastureland with abundant water rights, and a year-round water flow are available on land renowned for producing some of the finest beef. This ranch boasts excellent pasture yielding top-quality hay and lies near Bear Lake.


480 ± Acres | $2,495,000 Ola, ID


SANCTUARY ON THIRD FORK With endless views, the property has a clear mountain trout stream that runs the length of the lush meadows, flowing throughout the year. Elevation rises provide excellent wildlife habitat. Many pockets and ledges exist for building a dream retreat.

RIVER SPRINGS RANCH 123 ± Acres | $2,395,000 Parma, ID This is a unique opportunity to own a fully-equipped Western lifestyle property nestled against the picturesque Snake River Canyon and providing a seamless blend of ranching traditions and refined luxury accommodations. Make an investment in the captivating American West.

TETON SHADOWS 160 ± Acres | $1,600,000 Felt, ID This paradise presents an opportunity for those seeking to engage in outdoor activities or run a small ag or equestrian operation. Plan and build the family compound you have always envisioned, or preserve the natural habitat and environment with a conservation easement.

EAST DEMPSEY CREEK HIDEAWAY 970 ± Acres | $1,375,000 Lava Hot Springs, ID This two-parcel property divided by state ground is located on the west side of Baldy Mountain and only three miles south of Lava Hot Springs Recreational area. It offers diverse habitat, endless recreation, and premier hunting.

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environmental consulting & habitat restoration

improve fish & wildlife habitat • increase property values • maximize recreation opportunities






FEATURED PROPERTY Thieves’ Den Ranch Casper, WY $9,980,000 3,040 ± Acres

Spanning an expansive 13± square miles, this ranch offers diverse terrain, riparian valleys along Bates Creek, and abundant wildlife. The property is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering opportunities for fishing in the nearly two miles of private trout stream along Bates Creek and big game hunting for elk, antelope, mule deer, whitetail deer, turkey, and mountain lion. The newly constructed custom home features a spacious layout, a modern kitchen, panoramic views, a large pantry, a mudroom, a three-car garage, steel buildings, and ample water resources. This hidden gem offers a secluded lifestyle in harmony with nature.

HIGH DIVIDE RANCH ON KARA CREEK 1,979 ± Acres | $9,950,000 Sundance, WY The pristine air and stunning views are hallmarks of this property, offering a newly constructed timber frame home and breathtaking views of Inyan Kara and the Bear Lodge Mountains. It’s a year-round recreational haven with Inyan Kara Creek, open meadows, pine-covered draws, and canyons teeming with wildlife like elk, deer, mountain lions, and more. With 60± acres of dryland hay fields, live springs, and multiple wells, it’s perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a serene lifestyle. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 71


BUTTERFIELD FARM & LIVESTOCK 648 ± Acres | $2,900,000 Worland, WY A prime cattle and agricultural destination with fertile soil, ample water, and a favorable climate, it’s perfect for ranching and farming. This property includes working facilities, a ranch-style home, and BLM lease land, offering possibilities from hay production, intensive grazing, or a family ranch.

SHELL CREEK MEADOWS 239 ± Acres | $2,400,000 Shell, WY With remarkable irrigation, hunting, and fishing opportunities, this property offers awe-inspiring views of the Big Horn Mountains and a pristine half-mile stretch of Shell Creek. Abundant wildlife, water rights, and cozy living quarters make this property versatile and a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.


80 ± Acres | $2,000,000 Greybull, WY Nestled below the Big Horn Mountains near the mouth of Shell Creek Canyon, this ranch offers Red Gulch Creek frontage and borders BLM land on the south and east, making it seem like an endless backyard, perfect for your hunting and fishing desires.



POPO AGIE MEADOWS 81 ± Acres | $2,000,000 Lander, WY With abundant wildlife, hunting, and fishing at your doorstep, this rare and valuable opportunity is a recreational retreat dream. Your backyard is a natural habitat for wildlife, including elk, deer, and moose. This land offers diverse possibilities, from hay production to a private family haven.

THREE BUTTES RANCH 1,035 ± Acres | $1,700,000 Lingle, WY This year-round, well-balanced operation has an ownerrated carrying capacity of 60 to 70 cow/calf pairs yearround or five months of summer grazing with 80 pairs. Two wells provide water to the two residences and an ample supply to livestock.

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FEATURED PROPERTY Ragged Mountain East Ranch Somerset, CO $33,000,000 2,959 ± Acres

Rare are the large acreage ranches bordering public land near resort communities. This ranch boasts extensive National Forest borders, valuable water rights, seasonal creeks, irrigated hay fields, dense timber, aspen groves, and meticulously restored ranch cabins. Captivating views of Ragged Mountain and Chair Mountain grace every corner of the property, presenting numerous options for potential homesites, complete with existing underground electricity. The ranch’s exceptional elk and mule deer hunting features abundant herds, including sizable solitary bulls and bucks that traverse the land. Hunters can access bull elk tags for second and third rifle and archery seasons and possibly LOP tags.

BRUMLEY ASPEN WATERS RANCH 4,200 ± Acres | $12,982,500 Dunton, CO Renowned as an elk calving site, this ranch hosts hundreds of cow elk every spring, migrating from the forest to the ranch’s meadows for birthing. Fall sees the arrival of bull elk, exceptional hunting, and wildlife observation opportunities. Bordered by 3.5± miles of San Juan National Forest and views of Lone Cone Peak and Groundhog Mountain, the ranch boasts ample water, aspen groves, grazing lands, and stunning views. It can sustain up to 400 yearlings each summer. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 75


LAKE FORK RANCH 797 ± Acres | $12,100,000 Leadville, CO This Colorado ranch offers 1.5± miles of productive fish habitat-improved Lake Fork Creek, water rights, hunting opportunities, stunning views, easy access to world-class ski areas, the summer jaunt over Independence Pass to Aspen, and recreational opportunities. A golf course, fish hatchery, Turquoise Lake, and the Arkansas River are all neighbors. Whatever draws you to consider this ranch, it is not difficult to see all the possibilities and wonderful attributes that are Lake Fork Ranch.

GOBLE CREEK RANCH 64 ± Acres | $6,900,000 Rico, CO This private ranch is an angler’s paradise, encompassing 0.4 miles of both sides of the West Fork of the Dolores River, renowned for trout fishing. A custom log home surrounded by trees overlooks the river. The ranch borders San Juan National Forest on two sides, and a nearby trailhead allows hunting, trail-riding, and wildlife observation.


355 ± Acres | $6,200,000 Woodland Park, CO



Shining Mountain Golf Course is an eighteen-hole championship course located in Woodland Park at 8,500 feet elevation. Woodland Park has a population of 8,000 and is an easy 25-minute drive from Colorado Springs and a great place to escape the heat of lower elevations. This gorgeous mountain course also sports three championship disk golf courses and a 10,600 SF event center and clubhouse. There are several potential uses for the property including potential residential development.

NORTH FORK RIVER RANCH 1,727 ± Acres | $5,300,000 Walden, CO This ranch includes agriculture and recreational revenue potential with 2,236± BLM leased acres and over three miles of the North Fork of the North Platte River. This first-time offering is one of the most diverse ranches on the market.

CULEBRA CREEK ANGLER’S RETREAT 133 ± Acres | $2,500,000 San Luis, CO This recreational property’s cold mountain waters give rise to a unique trout fishery: Culebra Creek and its tributary wind through 2± miles of flyfishing. Elk herds often visit, offering hunting. It includes an income-generating lease and the Solitary Angler Fishing Club membership.

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SOUTH VALLEY MEADOWS 14 ± Acres | $2,450,000 Steamboat Springs, CO With acres of irrigated hay meadow, ample room for additional barns, an equestrian facility, and year-round deeded water rights from Walton Creek, this ranch is surrounded by larger ranches. It is a perfect location affording a high level of privacy, with no covenants, and only minutes from Steamboat Ski Resort and amenities.

MUSTANG MESA RANCH 70 ± Acres | $1,400,000 Rye, CO Set up to be completely independent, this ranch is perched above the plains below in a pinion pine and juniper forest, with views of mountains from the Spanish Peaks to Pikes Peak. This ranch teems with a wide variety of wildlife and is remote but accessible.

BEST BET BEEFLOT 220 ± Acres | $1,250,000 La Junta, CO Located 11 minutes from La Junta, an agricultural hub in southeastern Colorado, this property includes water rights, a grow yard permitted for 4,000 head of cattle, and a home. It’s an ideal location for buying local crops to supply the feed mill.


18 ± Acres | $925,000 Pueblo, CO The historic Williams Seed Store and surrounding farm have been established on the St. Charles Mesa for over 87 years. The farming operation includes 26.1 shares of the Bessemer Ditch which water fields planted alfalfa and alfalfa/grass mixed hay.



ZOE’S RANCH 40 ± Acres | $880,000 Pueblo, CO Established in a stunning setting, with mature trees for privacy and shade and a seasonal creek, the views and this turn-key equestrian ranch’s terrain are hard to beat, with Greenhorn Mountain standing proudly to the west.

PAINTED SKY RANCH 37 ± Acres | $700,000 Beulah, CO With breathtaking mountain vistas, captivating sunsets, verdant meadows, and a 4-season climate, this property features a well, septic system, power supply, and propane setup. Access to the building plans will streamline the project’s completion as you turn your aspirations into reality.

IMN HEAVEN RANCH 184 ± Acres | $679,000 Walsenburg, CO An exceptional property that provides an excellent opportunity to hunt elk and mule deer includes private access to a large, landlocked 2,000+ acre BLM parcel.

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FEATURED PROPERTY Mountain View Farm Las Nutrias, NM 12,000,000 320 ± Acres

Including some of the best water rights in New Mexico, this property is an economic driver. A beautiful, timeless place, a productive agricultural operation, and a rich water bank of opportunity – that is the essence of this offering. The farm’s acreage is mainly cultivated ground, with water rights recognized as pre-1907. In the desert southwest, water is life, and this is the good stuff. Irrigation water is delivered via MRGCD ditches, and a dairy, 5 miles away in Vequita, leases the farm for $80,000 a year. Planted in Sorghum Sudangrass, the crop is utilized by the dairy milking 4,000 cows.

OLD TOBACCO FARM 158 ± Acres | $10,990,000 Albuquerque, NM The property is one of three things: a ready-to-go residential development project, a land bank opportunity, or an ongoing hay farm operation. The County of Bernalillo has endorsed a residential project in this location. Today, it is a highly productive alfalfa hay farm in the heart of the city with an approved Bernalillo County Sector Plan for residential development. This area has a long and storied history because of its proximity to the Rio Grande River.



CHUPADERA RANCH 20,267 ± Acres | $9,847,000 Socorro, NM This sprawling cattle ranch offers a carrying capacity of 580 cow/calf pairs and exceptional big-game hunting, priced at only $485/deeded acre with multiple income sources. Game animals include elk, mule deer, pronghorn, and free-ranging African Oryx. 55% deeded and 45% state and BLM lease.

LOS CIELOS 297 ± Acres | $9,000,000 Black Lake, NM The luxurious lodge sits on a ridge overlooking Black Lake and the Moreno Valley. The Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range’s peaks dominate the view from the ranch. Fish in the secluded spring-fed trout pond and access a private fishing lake. Known for its large elk population, enjoy unlimited elk tags.

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RANCHO SAN IGNACIO 3,374 ± Acres | $7,250,000 Sapello, NM A classic ranch at the base of the iconic Hermit’s Peak, the adobe hacienda compound frames a spectacular backdrop. The sprawling property combines a rich history, irrigated meadows, well-managed forests, and abundant wildlife. The trout-filled Sapello River runs for two miles through the property. The murals in the bunkhouse are incredible.

MESA SPRINGS RANCH 3,888 ± Acres | $5,900,000 Ribera, NM This rich oasis in the rugged Glorieta Mesa area offers dramatic canyons, coniferous forest, essential springs, and abundant wildlife. Access to the Santa Fe National Forest provides exceptional hiking and horseback riding. The stunning adobe hacienda blends perfectly with its environment and is the jewel of the property, ideal for relaxing.

ROMERO HILLS RANCH 2,288 ± Acres | $3,000,000 Mora, NM Own pristine forested land in one of the most desirable areas and enjoy abundant wildlife, hunting, hiking, and horseback riding. This ideal location is close to nearby skiing, canoeing, and fishing opportunities with amazing views of Hermit’s Peak and the charming Mora Valley.


480 ± Acres | $2,500,000 Edgewood, NM A world-class Cowboy Action Shooting™ and recreational facility, this ranch is unique. A new sporting clays facility and small clubhouse, 17 shooting bays, and a western town were built. A large equestrian arena with an announcer stand round it out.



TRANQUILA RANCH 648 ± Acres | $2,200,000 Galisteo, NM A remarkable undeveloped property adjacent to 10,000± acre Galisteo Preserve enjoys highway frontage for yearround access. This land has the potential to be a large private ranch, a development play, or an opportunity to landbank a large acreage at low cost.

SANCHEZ FARM AND HUNT 135 ± Acres | $995,000 Costilla, NM Several building sites with stunning views in the foothills on this farm and a gorgeous setting for a new home allow continued farming of the current irrigated acreage. The property borders the 13,300± acre Urraca Wildlife Area.

VISTA 360 23 ± Acres | Contact Broker Arroyo Seco, NM Breathtaking mountain views and serene seclusion are nestled in an enchanting landscape. Subdivisible into four parcels, it offers a canvas for your dream home. This is an opportunity to craft your idyllic estate. Enjoy the rich culture and outdoor adventures nearby.

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FEATURED PROPERTY Goodnoe Station Vineyards Goldendale, WA $9,900,000 786 ± Acres

Nestled in wine country, this listing offers a prime location overlooking the Columbia River Gorge in the esteemed Columbia Valley AVA. This unique spot benefits from diverse microclimates and soils, shaping wines with distinct character. It shares latitudes with renowned wine regions like Burgundy and Bordeaux. Meticulously manicured grapevines thrive in neutral, sandy soil with ample heat units. Water rights from the Columbia River and a southwest orientation create an ideal environment for world-class grape production in this picturesque setting. The unique terroirs with neutral, sandy soil are perfect for managing nutrients, and having the highest heat units in the state allows for later hang than many other sites.

10 MILE CREEK RANCH 4,889 ± Acres | $6,999,950 Asotin, WA This irregular tract of land is about 2.25 miles wide from east to west, 7.25 miles from north to south, and only three miles from the Snake River. The acreage includes cropland and pastureland that is fenced and cross-fenced.

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COLUMBIA GORGE CATTLE RANCH 3,029 ± Acres | $5,850,000 Goldendale, WA Overlooking the majestic Columbia River and the mouth of the Deschutes River, this historic ranch spans an impressive range of elevations from 700 feet to over 2,900 feet. It comprises deeded acreage, 241± acres of leased state land, 873± acres of Native American land, and 360± acres of USFS.

CHEWACK RIVER RANCH 519 ± Acres | $5,500,000 Winthrop, WA This unique working cattle and dude ranch has a rich history of being a productive Charolais Cattle ranch. Currently operating eight pivots, it irrigates nearly 70± acres of hay crops. Three historical water rights run with the property to provide enough water for multiple cuttings of hay per year.

RK RANCH 24 ± Acres | $3,200,000 Selah, WA This equestrian ranch offers an unparalleled lifestyle combining natural beauty with top-tier amenities, including a custom-built house, barn with tack room and bar, outdoor and indoor arenas, multiple turnout pens, water rights, a cattle sorting shed with hydraulic squeeze chute and more.


34 ± Acres | $2,800,000 Entiat, WA This one-of-a-kind sanctuary harmonizes log cabin living with modern luxuries, and a riverfront setting, this lodge on the Entiat River is a masterpiece. Its breathtaking surroundings, thoughtful custom touches, complete privacy, and stunning landscaping make it a nature lover’s paradise.



VALLEY LAKE RANCH 7 ± Acres | $2,595,000 Tenino, WA With Valley Lake’s exclusive access to fishing, kayaking, and boating, it’s a waterfront paradise in the Pacific Northwest. This property features stunning Mount Rainier views and a tranquil retreat midway between Centralia and Olympia, enjoying country living with city amenities just 10 minutes away.

NASTY CREEK II 612 ± Acres | $1,836,000 Yakima, WA This property is ideal for those who revel in outdoor activities. The rolling hills are graced with mature timber, covering approximately sixty-four percent of the land. The other thirty-six percent of the land boasts rangeland vistas, creating breathtaking views.

HANSEN RIDGE RANCH 977 ± Acres | $1,750,000 Anatone, WA This historic cattle ranch homestead offers premium timbered grassland with sweeping views of the Grande Ronde River corridor. Enjoy world-class hunting and fishing with access to 25,000± acres of recreation in the Chief Joseph Wildlife Area.

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TOUTLE RIVER RANCH 23 ± Acres | $1,700,000 Castle Rock, WA With views of Mount Saint Helens and Mount Rainier, the custom home features hardwood floors, two primary suites, and a chef’s kitchen. A matching two-bedroom ADU provides flexibility, and the property includes high-quality pasturelands, a barn, and more, making it ideal for horses, cattle, and outdoor enthusiasts.

BELL HILL 25 ± Acres | $1,500,000 Sequim, WA Invest in acreage with a city-approved plat for 100-plus lots with stunning views of Mount Rainier and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It offers city sewer and water, power at the road, and city-maintained streets for easy development.

COASTAL MESA RETREAT 138 ± Acres | $1,500,000 Copalis Beach, WA Along the rugged coastline lies a tranquil escape. Enjoy miles of pristine beach, from cozy cottages with ocean views to spacious woodland homes. Engage in year-round beachcombing, fishing, and community events. Discover the harmony of coastal and woodland living in Copalis Beach.

THE MONSE HIGHLANDS 2,331 ± Acres | $1,499,000 Brewster, WA This impressive cattle ranch offers prime grazing land, multiple water sources, Okanogan River views, and numerous building sites. Recent fence upgrades, nearby fishing, Lake Chelan’s amenities, and renewable energy potential make it an attractive opportunity.


5 ± Acres | $1,250,000 Eatonville, WA This lakeside retreat boasts 280± feet of Ohop Lake waterfront. The modern barndominium-style home offers endless possibilities, boasting an open-concept design, quartz kitchen, and exquisite master suites. Enjoy scenic lake views from the patio and private dock.



HALVERSON CANYON RANCH 529 ± Acres | $1,200,000 Creston, WA A versatile, secluded gem boasts 75± acres of agricultural fields and 136± acres of timber. It features a historic barn and an old farmhouse ripe for restoration or redevelopment. Opportunity for vineyard/winery location with limitless investment potential.

SAWALL HILL ESTATES 295 ± Acres | $1,100,000 Centralia, WA Enjoy stunning territorial views, resident elk, and abundant wildlife. The diverse terrain includes conifer and deciduous trees, 20 to 30-year-old stands, and attractive building sites. Discover this remarkable property featuring 14 contiguous parcels.

STORMY CREEK RANCH 637 ± Acres | $800,000 Entiat, WA Forest Service lands border acres of timbered hillsides on all sides. A year-round stream, mountain views, and multiple buildable sites make it ideal for a recreational getaway or seasonal cabin. Abundant wildlife includes mule deer, moose, bear, cougar, and upland birds.

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FEATURED PROPERTY Nickel Mountain Ranch Riddle, OR $12,495,000 1,247 ± Acres

This remarkable ranch consists of managed timber alongside picturesque meadows. The remaining acreage showcases captivating canyon lands and encompasses the coveted cabin site. The cabin site offers panoramic views. This property is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and avid hunters. With its elevated position, the ranch provides access to breathtaking vistas of the Cow Creek Basin, offering endless opportunities for scenic exploration and outdoor activities and a haven for wildlife, offering black-tailed deer, Roosevelt elk, black bear, wild turkey, and more. Cow Creek runs through a portion of the property and provides excellent fishing prospects. A rock quarry is located on the premises.

THE NEW MOFFITT RANCH 7,284 ± Acres | $9,999,000 Brothers, OR This cattle operation offers a range of advantages. In addition to the deeded acreage, it includes a BLM grazing permit spanning 29,930± acres, with a capacity of 2,326± Animal Unit Months (AUMs). Furthermore, a USFS permit covers 55,967± acres, allowing for the grazing of 600 pairs from May 15th to September 30th.

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STEARNS LAND COMPANY 1,834 ± Acres | $6,794,000 Prineville, OR Enjoy the benefits of country living without sacrificing the conveniences of living in a larger metropolitan area. This property has the potential for a solar project, and some preliminary work has already been completed for a solar project. Keep some or all of the acreage and build a lovely family retreat.

DEMING RANCH 6,527 ± Acres | $5,499,000 Bly, OR With the deeded acreage and USFS and BLM grazing permits, this offering is one of the best cattle ranching operations on the market. Ranch headquarters includes all the necessary improvements to run an efficient and productive ranch. A nice mountain log cabin sits on Deming Creek near the Deming Creek Wilderness Trail.



UPSTREAM TIMBER AND CATTLE RANCH 1,215 ± Acres | $4,750,000 Myrtle Point, OR This diverse and sustainable investment opportunity combines staggered Douglas fir stands for scheduled harvesting with managed cattle grazing. Two homes, a barn, and good corrals support operations. Wildlife includes a resident elk herd, blacktail deer, bear, and more. Close to outstanding fishing opportunities.

PITCHER RANCH 2,916 ± Acres | $4,420,000 Silver Lake, OR With 2± miles of Buck Creek and 1.5± miles of Bear Creek meandering through adjacent areas, this beautiful ranch is almost entirely surrounded by BLM or Forest Service lands, with a luxurious modern home and two more dwellings tucked away in a private valley.

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BAR PL RANCH 270 ± Acres | $4,400,000 Powell Butte, OR Hay, specialty crop production, or a cattle ranch operation offer income opportunities. Irrigation is distributed via two pivots, six wheel lines, handlines, irrigation pods, and flood irrigation, which could be converted to a gated pipe. Five homes and numerous improvements are on this property.

CAMPBELL CROSSING RANCH 2,343 ± Acres | $4,200,000 Kimberly, OR This scenic riverfront cattle ranch with irrigation, native range, BLM permits, and supporting improvements boasts 1.9± miles of North Fork John Day River frontage and Rudio Creek flowing through, with excellent steelhead trout fishing and hunting opportunities for elk and mule deer.

FLYING B BAR RANCH 165 ± Acres | $4,200,000 Selma, OR This historical Victorian revival home offered turn-key with McMullen Creek flowing through 1± miles of the property and two ponds. Included are the original 1880 farmhouse, four additional houses, a cattle barn, a sawmill, a poultry barn, greenhouses, and a freeze-drying facility.


160 ± Acres | $3,500,000 The Dalles, OR


DREAM BIG VISTA VINEYARD This private getaway in the other, sunnier Oregon awaits your dream home and enterprise. Just minutes from I-84 but worlds away. It’s all you on this top-ofthe-world property that features front-door, spectacular vineyard and mountain views and world-class outdoor recreation nearby. A rare, singular vineyard property.

LAZY JW RANCH 323 ± Acres | $2,999,000 Powell Butte, OR Owner financing available at 5% interest on approved credit. Breathtaking views, an excellent location, outstanding production, and simple beauty are the standard here. Who wouldn’t wish for Cascade Mountain views and a charming small-town location for their dream ranch or farm?

HOUSTON LAKE RANCH 233 ± Acres | $2,900,000 Powell Butte, OR With Cascade Mountain views and abundant wildlife, this charming cabin by the lake is ideal for fishing, waterfowl hunting, and recreating. The irrigated land provides three fenced pastures for grazing and haying for livestock.

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CROOKED RIVER RIM FARM 456 ± Acres | $2,650,000 Culver, OR This is one of the most unique settings for a farm on the bench of the Crooked River Canyon. The sun rises over irrigated farmland, showcasing muley bucks wading through the fields. Enjoy the privacy of the Canyon setting yet close to town.

RITTER ON THE RIVER 400 ± Acres | $2,400,000 Ritter, OR This versatile hunting unit along the Middle Fork of John Day River offers LOP tags for two elk and two deer, a homesite to build in unsullied mountain views, and is adjacent to the historic Ritter Hot Springs.

RED HAWK RANCH 53 ± Acres | $2,250,000 Bend, OR With lush, irrigated pastures, a pivot circle for hay production, and access to adjacent BLM lands, this is an ideal fit for horse enthusiasts, outdoorsmen, and hunters. The mountain views of the Cascades from the beautiful home make every day seem like a vacation.

CASCADE VIEW EQUESTRIAN ESTATE 39 ± Acres | $2,225,000 Bend, OR Perfectly designed for equestrian enthusiasts, this ranch offers many riding opportunities in the nearby Badlands Wilderness or the Brasada Equestrian Center. This idyllic property offers breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains and an elegant executive home with large windows and splendid vistas.


114 ± Acres | $1,900,000 Powell Butte, OR This ranch features irrigation delivered by a 2018 three-tower Reinke pivot, with a 10-horsepower pump and three wheel lines with irrigation pods and handline on a 20-horsepower pump. Both pumps have Clemens self-cleaning suction screens, which help to increase the operating flow.



A COOL COUNTRY JEWEL 31 ± Acres | $1,899,000 Prineville, OR This offering has everything a horse enthusiast could ask for in a convenient location. Your horses will feel spoiled with a 6-stall horse barn, each with its own run and an outdoor roping area. The custom home overlooks Crooked River Valley.

BIRCH CREEK RANCH 1,892 ± Acres | $1,850,000 Pilot Rock, OR Vast views of the Wallowa Mountains, deer and elk hunting, and exceptional summer grazing for cattle are just a few of the features of this property. The abundant water and grass with a topography mix of south and north-slope timber is ideal for grazing.

MEADOWS ON THE SYCAN 324 ± Acres | $1,675,000 Beatty, OR Operate a small year-round cattle ranch, a summer ranch for cow/calf pairs or yearlings, or farm it into an excellent hay production operation, with 286± acres of irrigation from groundwater rights delivered from two strong wells.

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ROCKIN’ RIVER RANCH 238 ± Acres | $1,599,000 Long Creek, OR A wild and scenic riverfront property along the Middle Fork of the John Day River that offers a unique opportunity to sustain a completely off-the-grid and selfreliant lifestyle. The property is eligible for LOP tags for two elk and two deer.

COW BELL RANCH 77 ± Acres | $1,500,000 Powell Butte, OR First-rate farm/ranch land with irrigation and all the necessary improvements to run an excellent small cattle or hay operation is offered here with two homes, outbuildings, and an ideal location. The irrigation set-up features wheel, a hand line, flood, and three ponds.

THREE SISTERS VIEW RANCH 77 ± Acres | $1,300,000 Powell Butte, OR This well-managed, fenced, and cross-fenced farm/ranch with irrigation and acres of agricultural production land has everything a buyer could wish for. The seller is also selling additional acreage and homes to make this an excellent operation.

SCENIC VISTA ESTATE 6 ± Acres | $1,195,000 Prineville, OR Sitting on the hillside in this nearly new custom-built home, enjoy top-of-the-world views with spectacular McKay Creek Valley, Johnson Creek Valley, Barnes Butte, Grizzly Mountain, and Ochoco National Forest. The estate features the finest details and high-end finishes throughout.


5 ± Acres | $989,000 Ashland, OR


HOWARD PRAIRIE LAKE RETREAT This luxury retreat offers mountain views, an open floor plan, vaulted ceilings adorned with cedar beams, oak plank hardwood floors, a gourmet kitchen adorned with granite countertops, a gas range, a generous pantry, and a wine fridge, a culinary enthusiast’s dream.

WEST HENSLEY BUTTE 640 ± Acres | $850,000 Madras, OR Explore this prime hunting property offering excellent Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer hunting with LOP tags. Abundant wildlife includes antelope, cougar, bobcat, black bear, coyote, turkey, and more. A year-round spring attracts wildlife, and forestry stewardship planning enhances timber growth.

KUMAN CREEK HIDEAWAY 160 ± Acres | $795,000 Prineville, OR A recreationist’s dream features stands of timber, two seasonal creeks, and plenty of wildlife. This expansive property with two LOP tags lies in the Grizzly Hunting Unit, where monster Rocky Mountain bulls and buck mule deer are known to frequent.

PAISLEY MERCANTILE 0.4 ± Acres | $725,000 Paisley, OR A full-service business for ranching and recreational area, much like the general stores of old western towns of the 19th century, this offering services a large swath of the population with the essentials of rural life. Included are a home and shop.

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ALASKA SCAN THE QR CODE to contact a member of our Alaska team & browse our full inventory of up-to-date property listings.



FEATURED PROPERTY McWilliams Gold Claim Talkeetna, AK $25,000,000 881 ± Acres

Own a piece of Gold Rush history with investment potential from the patented mineral rights. The ownership includes 41 gold claims along the Chunilna and John’s Rivers. Located 34± miles N/NE of Talkeetna, the property provides stunning views of Denali on your doorstep and oldgrowth forests, offering endless opportunities for outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and camping. The area is home to big game species such as grizzly bears, black bears, moose, caribou, wolves, wolverines, and Dall sheep. With more annual snowfall than in Vail, CO, winter activities are countless, and summertime outdoor activities provide the authentic Alaskan experience.

WOODCHOPPER GOLD CLAIM 1,418 ± Acres | $18,800,000 Circle, AK This gold claim offers an opportunity to own a piece of gold mining history with income potential from the gold mining claims. Woodchopper Creek is an inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve of fee lands and mineral rights only. The ownership includes 15 patented claims and 37 unpatented claims along Woodchopper Creek, a tributary of the upper Yukon River with a rich history. It remains a significant source of precious metals in the Yukon Territory. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 101


ALASKA’S GOLD CREEK LODGE 21 ± Acres | $9,950,000 King Salmon, AK 22% Cap Rate - Perched on the banks of the Naknek River, is a spectacular first-class luxury lodge. It’s the gateway to pristine wilderness experiences, from fishing to bear-watching to back trail ATV adventures with a world-class fishery, incredible hunting, eco-tourism, breathtaking scenery, and minutes from a modern commercial airport.

PASSAGE ISLAND 44 ± Acres | $9,950,000 Seldovia, AK Seller Financing Available! Southwest of the Homer Spit, with scenic views of Cook Inlet, the Aleutian Mountain Range, and Mount Saint Augustine, it is accessible by float plane, boat, or helicopter (low tide); this private island offers a one-of-a-kind Alaska experience and is suitable for a deep-water dock or moorage.



SCHULTZ FARMS 5,592 ± Acres | $6,750,000 Delta Junction, AK This turn-key farm operation has a full line of equipment just 20 miles east of Delta Junction, with a hard surface road with 3-phase power. Crops include canola, barley, hay, and grass seed. The perimeter is fenced, and field roads help move fully loaded trucks in and out.

HIGH VISTA 160 ± Acres | $2,750,000 Nikiski, AK Acres of large tract land perched above the Cook Inlet have expansive views of snow-capped mountains, volcanoes, and miles of gravel and boulder beaches. With a diverse landscape of ponds and meadows surrounded by state land, it’s excellent for hunting, building infrastructure, and outdoor activities. Easily accessible by plane or car.

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WOOD RIVER LODGE 20 ± Acres | $1,975,000 Denali, AK Step back in time and experience the most incredible backcountry in the Alaskan Range. Dating back to 1898, Wood River Lodge has a rich history and features over 30 structures. Buildings include the main lodge, multiple cabins, a game room, a sauna, a lounge, a movie theater, and more. Nestled between Mt. Anderson and the Wood River, the lodge is approximately 28 air miles east of Denali National park and accessible by a 33-mile trail or bush plane.

KODIAK LODGE AT LARSEN BAY 1 ± Acres | $1,950,000 Larsen Bay, AK The lodge is a luxury retreat with all the comforts of home in a stunning wilderness setting. A premier fishing and hunting destination allows recreationists an opportunity to catch salmon, halibut, or rockfish or hunt Sitka blacktail deer or bear.

MCDOUGALL LODGE LLC 50 ± Acres | $1,950,000 Wasilla, AK Situated 65± air miles northwest of Anchorage, it offers excellent summer fishing and is powered by a private plant for electricity and water. This secluded region in western Matanuska-Susitna Borough is reachable solely by boat, plane, or snowmachine.


1 ± Acres | $1,950,000 Skwentna, AK


NORTHWOODS LODGE Skwentna and Fish Lakes Creek offer unparalleled adventures, from wildlife encounters to abundant fishing; the lodge has curated the perfect outdoor experience. Fully equipped, it’s ready for your next business endeavor or a private retreat to relish with your loved ones.

EARTHSONG LODGE 10 ± Acres | $1,700,000 Healy, AK This turnkey lodge offers 14 cabins, a coffeehouse, an employee residence, an office yurt, and more. The lodge services 30-40 guests each night, and the sale includes one of the most successful dog sled guiding businesses known worldwide.

FIDALGO BAY 229 ± Acres | $1,145,000 Valdez, AK This large parcel of privately owned land in Prince William Sound, accessible by boat or aircraft, caters to adventure seekers, anglers, hunters, and admirers of the deep wilderness. Surrounded by National Forest, enjoy the tranquility, serenity, and abundance the area offers.

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Join Our Arizona Team Fay Ranches is actively seeking agents whose professional background has prepared them for executing significant land transactions in Arizona. Visit our website and follow us on social media to learn more about our foundational pillars, high-quality marketing platform, and the best educational opportunities available.



FEATURED PROPERTY Lucky 7 Ranch McDermitt, NV $28,600,000 11,920 ± Acres

With the capacity to run 3,360± AUs, this expansive ranch has all the ingredients expected of a big country, high desert cow outfit, operating as it has for decades, with the strong work ethic of cowboys, their horses, and their dogs working to convert its high-protein grasses to a reputation calf crop, year after year. Framed by the beauty of the Owyhee desert, the Trout Creek Mountains, and the Santa Rosa Range, the relatively inexpensive feed, lower operating costs, abundant water, well-appointed range improvements, and supportive ranch facilities all combine to sustain this historic cattle operation.


FEATURED PROPERTY Hacienda de la Dragoon Mountains Pearce, AZ $975,000 41 ± Acres

Nestled in the Sonoran Desert, this exceptional hacienda offers a serene retreat, with the Dragoon Mountains and Coronado National Forest as a backdrop. The bordering Arizona State Lands and Coronado National Forest provide endless exploration. After your ride, the well-appointed 6-stall horse barn with its generously sized tack room awaits. Turn your horse out in one of the paddocks or pastures while you retreat to the comforts of your home. Blend the spirit of the Old West with the desert’s soul for a unique and peaceful life. This exceptional property is an oasis where horse enthusiasts and history lovers can connect. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 107

C E N TR AL P LAINS REGION FEATURED SALE Spearfish Ranchette Horse Property Spearfish, SD | 57± Acres | Listed at: $1,200,000


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F EA TURED PROPERTY The Dillon Ranch Ainsworth, NE $17,500,000 12,979 ± Acres

Nestled in a state where cattle outnumber humans, the deeded acres stand as a testament to a century of exceptional agricultural stewardship. Located in Nebraska’s heart, 33 miles south of Ainsworth, this property is renowned for its pristine grazing land. Warm and cool-season native grasses flourish here, sustained by the Ogallala Aquifer, with wells reaching a reliable 180 feet. Now available for sale, this ranch offers generations of proven cattle production and enduring value in the coveted Sand Hills region. It’s an opportunity to continue a legacy of excellence in the heart of cattle country.


SOUT HEAS T REGION FEATURED SALE Prince Mountain Overlooking Lake Ocoee Benton, TN | 280± Acres | Listed at: $1,600,000


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Contact us to meet with a member of our team at one of our brick-and-mortar locations.

Join Our Southeast Team Fay Ranches is actively seeking agents whose professional background has prepared them for executing significant land transactions in Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Visit our website and follow us on social media to learn more about our foundational pillars, high-quality marketing platform, and the best educational opportunities available. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 109

I NTERNAT IONA L COUNTRIES & PROVINCES DISCLOSURE: Fay Ranches Inc. is not licensed to provide real estate services in British Columbia or Costa Rica and is publishing these listings in cooperation with Royal LePage Interior Properties and 2 Costa Rica Real Estate Papagayo. The content of these listings has been prepared solely by Royal LePage Interior Properties and 2 Costa Rica Real Estate Papagayo on behalf of the Owner. Fay Ranches Inc. is not responsible for the content of these listings and does not provide any representations or warranties with respect to the property.

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FEATURED PROPERTY Eye of the Grizzly Luxury Retreat Chilko Lake, British Columbia $15,000,000 26 ± Acres

This estate isn’t just a retreat; it’s a self-sufficient, off-the-grid sanctuary that harmonizes with the environment and offers the grounds to create a family legacy. For something to be truly generational, it must offer an exceptional experience over the span of a century or more. It’s not enough that the facility remains unchanged; the environment in which it resides must do the same. The protection afforded by an undeveloped provincial park and First Nation-titled lands assures that change is not coming to this area. The beauty and activities that the first generation enjoys today will be there for the seventh.


FEATURED PROPERTY Hacienda Los Gauchos Cuatro Bocas, Costa Rica $3,500,000 515 ± Acres

Situated at the base of The Rincon de la Vieja National Park, this ranch showcases fertile rolling hills and captivating views of volcanic mountains, Lake Nicaragua, and Costa Rican forests. The Cana Negro River, separating the deeded land from the National Forest, offers exceptional fishing under a rainforest canopy. Trails wind through the property’s grass pastures, hillsides, and forest, providing opportunities for recreating. A manager’s home and an American-engineered Chalet with panoramic views harmonize land investment, agriculture, and recreation, serving as an off-the-grid private retreat. Easily accessible, the property presents a chance for a beach lifestyle combined with off-grid ranch adventures. 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 111


ENERGIZE YOUR LAND PORTFOLIO If you have 500+ acres of land (for solar) or 5,000+ acres (for wind) within 5 miles of a transmission line, you could produce substantial, dependable income for 25+ years by hosting a solar or wind farm.

Contact us to chat about your land’s wind and solar potential. Scout is a well-funded developer, owner and operator of wind and solar, managing 20+ projects across the U.S. We build and manage each project, take care of every detail, and go the extra mile to respect the land and its owners. For more information, contact Anna at Scout: | 720.741.1051 | 800-238-8616 | WWW.FAYRANCHES.COM | 113

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