Raine 9 - The Fashion Issue

Page 47

Nouveau sites (like the Secession Building), the colorful, odd-ball façades of the HundertwasserHaus and KunstHausWien, and the ultra-modern/contemporary sites like the Gasometer and the Danube City. If the culinary concepts, shopping, music and architecture are not enough, the Wiener Prater is there to top it all. The vast public park in the second district of the city includes an amusement park, the Wurstelprater, that proudly owns one of Vienna’s most iconic items: the Wiener Riesenrad – one of the world’s earliest and largest Ferris Wheels, built in 1897 and measuring in at over 200 feet tall. Tourists visiting this immense place have no need to worry about experiencing a notable trip thanks to over 250 attractions, including colorful rides like the merry-go-round, rollercoaster and 117-ft tall “Chairoplane” called The Prater Tower, as well as a massive green forest area which once was used for imperial era hunting and currently opens itself to walkers, runners, cyclists and horseback riders. Haunted attractions, games, an auto-drome rink and even more cafes and restaurants are also packed together in the Prater for a fun and chilling time. With all of its remarkable and entertaining sites, superb museums and performers, and scrumptious food and drinks, Vienna’s both typical and atypical nature is there to please and no matter what the cause for going, it will remain forever in the minds of those who encounter it.

Raine Magazine - Volume 9


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