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By: Marisa AgostinelliElizabeth
Evans CicconiPaola Traferro
Illustrated by: Francesca Galmozzi
Editorial staff : Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari
Graphic dept.: Simona Albonetti
Illustrations: Francesca Galmozzi
Referenze fotografiche: iStock photo, Shutterstock, photographic archive Gruppo Ed. Raffaello
Printed in Italy by : Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello
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© 2023
Raffaello Libri S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 21 60037 - Monte San Vito (AN) www.celticpublishing.com info@grupporaffaello.it
1 Complete the text. Use the words in the box. bossy – boy – friendship – project – theme – win This book is about a shy called Steve. At school he is bullied by David, who is really . Steve and his new friend Chun carry out the school “UPCYCLE! Make an object using recycled materials”. The problem is David wants to at all costs, but Steve and Chun want to win too. The story is about how can overcome arrogance and selfishness, and about protecting the environment by converting waste into reusable materials. Making new objects is another in the story.
2 Which pictures do you think best describe the story?
3 Match the pictures with the words. There is one picture you do not need.
1. sad
2. bossy
3. shy
4. creative
4 Tick the material you can recycle. Then complete the sentence.
A paper B glass
E aluminium
F plastic
I can recycle: ......................................................................................................................................................
I can’t recycle: ......................................................................................................................................................
1 Look at the pictures. Read the descriptions and find out who they are.
He’s very shy, introvert and vulnerable. He’s scared of one of his classmates. He wears glasses.
His name’s
He’s arrogant, aggressive, bossy, bad-tempered. He loves bullying vulnerable people. He’s got brown hair. His name’s
2 Match the adjectives from column A with their opposites from column B. A
1. introvert
2. lovely
3. scared
4. aggressive
5. bossy
6. vulnerable
7. arrogant
8. reserved
a. brave
b. strong
c. collaborative
d. sociable
e. humble
f. outgoing
g. gentle
h. nasty
3 What are they like? Write a suitable adjective for each definition.
1. A person who is easy to talk to and open.
2. A person who tries to impose his/her own opinions on others. ................................................................................
3. A person who likes to be around other people.
4. A person who feels superior to others.
5. A person who can overcome his/her fear and take action.
4 Choose some adjectives from activity 2 to write a short text about your personality in your notebook. Share it with your classmates.
At school
It’s seven o’clock in the morning and Steve is still in bed. “Time to get up, Steve! Breakfast’s ready. You’ve got the Science project today. Don’t forget your sketchbook!”
Says mum. Steve gets up and thinks “I don’t want to go to school. I want to stay at home.”
sketchbook: album da disegno
Steve is twelve years old. He’s an only child and he hasn’t got any friends. He would love to have some but he’s too shy, so it’s difficult for him to make friends. At school, during the break, he always sits alone on a bench and watches his classmates playing in the playground.
David, one of his classmates, doesn’t want him to play with them. “Steve, you’re terrible at football! We don’t want to lose because of you!” says David and laughs. David started to make fun of Steve because of his shyness when they first met at school. He plays nasty tricks on him just for fun.
bench: panca
nasty: brutto, cattivo
(to) meet: incontrare
miserable: triste, infelice
must be: deve essere
nasty: antipatico
only child: figlio unico
(to) overcome: vincere/
outgoing: estroverso
plan: piano
prize: premio
(to) put: mettere
reserved: riservato
(to) save: salvare
scared: impaurito/pauroso
school canteen: mensa
selfishness: egoismo
shy: timido
shyness: timidezza
sociable: socievole
(to) stand up: alzarsi
(to) steal: rubare
strength: forza
strong: forte
(to) tease: prendere in giro
through: attraverso
(to) throw: gettare
(to) trip up: inciampare
towards: verso, in direzione di
trick: scherzo
vulnerable: vulnerabile
(to) wait for: attendere
waste bin: contenitore per rifiuti
(to) waste: sprecare
without: senza
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