CLIL & Civics
Real tasks
Grammar bricks
Speaking pics
kara ke o
CLIL & Civics
Real tasks
Grammar bricks
Speaking pics
kara ke o
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student ' s book AND w o r kbook
1 Sing. 1 2 Listen and read. 2
Hello, I’m Tia! We’ve got a new friend this year.
I’m Emily and this is Be. Nice to see you!
Hello! I’m Sam.
Hi! My name’s Archie and this is Balzac!
Hi! I’m Y! Come with me and discover the world!
I’m Leo. Hello everyone!
3 Listen and circle. 3
Then write your fact file in your exercise book.
Name Age
Favourite food
Archie 8 / 9 years old three / four a dog / a cat fish and chips / hamburgers and chips strawberries / apples watermelons / avocados
He can ski and rollerblade. / He can ski and play tennis.
4 Now look and complete.
1. Leo can
2. Emily can
3. Tia and Archie can
4. Sam can rollerblade play the guitar draw play tennis
5 Listen and repeat. 4 6 Listen and tick. 5
7 Read and guess the day of the week.
In English the days of the week begin with a CAPITAL LETTER.
the day after
8 Look and complete with the months.
10 Listen, look and complete. 7
11 Look, read and complete. Then draw and write about yourself.
trousers T-shirt flip-flops hoodie trainers cap shorts
1. Today it’s windy and cloudy.
I’m wearing a , and Today it’s and . I’m wearing
2. Today it’s hot and sunny.
I’m wearing a , a , and
12 Listen, then ask and answer. 8
What’s the weather like today?
What are you wearing? It’s cold and snowy.
I’m wearing a cap, a scarf, a coat, trousers and boots.
16 Listen and write. 12
ponytail fringe beard glasses moustache braces freckles necklace plaits earrings
17 Who’s who? Listen and guess. 13 Choose a character and describe on your exercise book.
18 Listen, ask and answer. 14 Guess.
Has he or she got glasses? No.
19 Listen and write. 15
20 Look and complete.
• Draw a poster.
Hello, I’m a giant panda. I live in China. I’m an endangered animal. I eat bamboo and the bamboo forests are disappearing. Please, help me!
Listen and read.
Chimpanzees do interesting things. They use rocks or parts of plants to help them. They can break peanuts and walnuts with rocks. They can drink water using leaves. How do they drink with a leaf? A chimpanzee can use a leaf like a spoon. Baby chimpanzees actually learn this from their mothers. They are smart animals!
Fill in the blanks using the words in bold from the reading.
I’m from Northern Ireland!
3 Listen and read. 19 Act it out.
Y: Tia, where are you from?
Tia: I’m from Wales.
Y: And you, Emily?
Emily: I’m from England.
Leo: I’m from England, too. I’m her brother.
Y: Where are you from, Archie?
Archie: I’m from Scotland.
Edinburgh is my city.
My dog Balzac is French. He’s from France, but he likes Edinburgh.
Y: Edinburgh is beautiful! Let’s go and see it! The UK
4 Now complete.
1. I’m from 2. I’m from 3. I’m from 4. I’m from 5. I’m from 6. I’m from 5 Sing. 20 karaoke
6 Listen and complete. 21
Name: Alexia
Town: Athens Country:
Name: George
Town: London Country:
Name: André
Town: Paris Country:
7 Look at the factfiles and answer the questions.
1. Where is Blanca from? She’s from , in
2. Where’s George from? He’s from , in
3. Where’s Luisa from? She’s from , in .
4. Where’s Alexia from? She’s from , in .
5. Where’s André from?
He’s from , in
Name: Blanca Town: Barcelona Country:
8 Listen, then ask and answer. 22 Guess.
Is it a boy or a girl? Where is she from? It’s Alexia! It’s a girl. She’s from Athens, in Greece. Yes, right!
9 Read, look and complete with is/are from and a country. 10 Listen and check. 23
This is Theo and Adele.
They live in .
Their mum
Their dad
Their grandparents .
Wherever you are from, your roots are important.
This is Bea and Marta’s family. Their dad is from and their mum
They live in
• Where is your family from? Write and discuss in class.
14 Listen and read. 25
I’m Archie. I’m Scottish. I’m from Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. It’s a beautiful city!
My dad is Scottish. He’s from Glasgow.
My mum isn’t Scottish, she’s from Valencia, in Spain. Balzac is my wonderful dog! He’s a French bulldog.
My best friend is Alberto. He’s in my class.
He’s English but his mum and dad are from Italy. He’s a great footballer. Alberto and I are Celtic FC fans. It’s a wonderful football team!
15 Put a cross in the right box: T = true, F = false, NG = not given.
1. Archie is from Wales.
2. He is ten years old.
3. His mum is Spanish.
4. His best friend is Italian.
5. Alberto’s parents are from Rome.
6. Alberto is a fantastic footballer.
16 Look at the chart. Listen, then ask and answer. 26
How old is Isabel? Where is she from? What nationality is she? She’s ten.
She’s from Tunisia.
She’s Tunisian.
17 Listen and match by letter, then complete the balloons.
A. Nice to meet you, too.
B. I’m nine too.
C. My name’s Monika.
D. I’m from Germany.
E. Yes, I do.
F. Yes, great!
Who’s that boy? He’s my friend.
What’s this? A present for you.
When’s your birthday? It’s in May.
Why are you so happy? Because I have got a new skateboard.
Where is the sports centre? It’s near the park.
18 Complete each sentence with the correct question word. 1. is the girl’s name? 2. is the cinema? 3. is Paul’s birthday?
How are you? Fine, thanks.
is that boy?
are you sad?
old are you?
19 Read and match questions and answers. Listen and check. 28
My favourite sport is tennis. I’ve got a dog. Her name's Minnie. I’m Welsh. My name’s Holly. They are music and sport. I’m nine years old.
I’ve got a brother. His name’s Luke.
20 Complete your factfile, then interview your friends to join in the Youth Club.
What’s your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
What nationality are you?
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Have you got any pets?
What are your hobbies?
What’s your favourite sport?
21 Write your introduction to the Club.
My name is . I’m years old.
I’m from , in I’m . This is my flag.
There are people in my family: my .
I have/haven’t got a pet. His/Her name is . My hobbies are My favourite sport is .
Listen and read. 29
There are other students.
Here we are in Edinburgh.
And this is our friend Venus!
Hello, I’m Venus.
Hello! I’m Emily, from England.
This is my hometown. There is a big parade today.
Hello! My name’s Anne. I’m from Germany.
And I’m Edith, from France.
Ehm… The parade is starting.
Ideazione: Team Celtic Publishing
Testi: Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari, Marisa Agostinelli, Claudia Badioli, Natasha Borgars
Pagine CLIL: Anna Cardinali, Alessandra Calcabrini
Redazione: Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari
Grafica e impaginazione: Alessia Polenti, Ilaria Piancatelli
Illustrazioni: Giovanni Garattoni, Jorge Del Corral, Elisa Rocchi, Mauro Sacco, Elisa Vallarino, Alessandra Maggioni, Sara Gianassi, Manuel Berselli
Copertina: Alessia Polenti
Illustrazione di copertina: Giovanni Garattoni
Foto di copertina: Freepik AI generated
Referenze fotografiche: iStockphoto, Freepik
Redazione digitale: Paolo Giuliani, Silvia Di Loreto
Stampa: Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello
Special thanks for their contribution to:
Elisa Casci, Kate Cartwright, Luca Tozzi
Il progetto SIAMO PARI del Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello sostiene e promuove il codice POLITE (Pari Opportunità nei LIbri di TEsto) per la formazione di una cultura delle pari opportunità e del rispetto di tutte le differenze.
Per esigenze didattiche alcuni testi sono stati ridotti e/o adattati. L’Editore è a disposizione per eventuali omissioni o inesattezze nella citazione delle fonti. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata la riproduzione dell’opera o di parti di essa con qualsiasi mezzo, compresa stampa, fotocopia, microfilm e memorizzazione elettronica, se non espressamente autorizzata.
Raffaello Libri S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 21 60037 - Monte San Vito (AN)
Student’s Book + Workbook
Wonder magazine 4
CLIL - Ed. Civica
Student’s Book + Workbook
Wonder magazine 5
CLIL - Ed. Civica
Hello World Extra Activities 5
INVALSI - Libro ponte
• Ascolti con QR code
• Karaoke
• Video di cultura
• Video CLIL
• Extra practice
• Schede scaricabili e stampabili
• Google Earth virtual tour Scopri il progetto
Teacher’s book 4
Test Book classi 4-5
con versione facilitata
Everybody in Schede inglese facile
Flashcards fotografiche
Poster pack
Codice per l’adozione
Hello World - Pack 4 ISBN
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• Approfondimenti didattici
• Risorse e materiali
Celtic Publishing