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introducing ~ UNIF skate ~ We are beyond excited to invite you to be a part of UNIF Skate. This collection is a ~dream come true~ that’s been an idea for too long, but now it is real and here with you! UNIF Skate is skatewear, but we want anyone to wear it any time. ~U don’t have to skate to be a UNIF Sk8r~ In this special influencer box, you will find ★ Collateral Damage Helmet ★ Screech and Scratch Knee and Elbow Pads ★ Launch Party Invitation ★ XXXclusive Pre-Party Name Tag Enjoy your new products as you please, but here’s some promotional information to follow: ★ Post an unboxing video on your Instagram Story (and anywhere else u want) ★ Take pics!! U can be skating, but if u don’t skate, no need to fake it. UNIF Skate is for skate and for style. Send your pics to skate@unif.com ★ In one week, post a double photo set with your product shot followed by the launch party invitation and invite your LA-area followers to meet you there ★ Post at least 2 more times on your story about the party ★ Post on your story from the pre-party and party ★ Make sure to take pics with people, but our #1 party goal is for you to have fun and play around with UNIF Skate ★ Post at least 1 photo on Instagram from the party and 1 more product shot ★ (In total, u should have at least 3 Instagram posts about UNIF Skate and at least 5 Instagram story posts with @UNIF tagged) This party is gonna be a blaaaast. The invitation for the party says it starts at 10PM, but the pre-party for product testing and influencers starts at 8PM. Write ur name, Instagram @, and whatever else u want onto your nametag, but make sure u have it because that’s your ticket into the pre-party! We can’t wait to hear ur thoughts and see ur pics in the new UNIF Skate!! đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤— đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—

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