The Record 1963-1964

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Fellows ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE LAFFAN, M.A., formerly Bursar and Director of Studies in History. CYru:L MONTAGU SLEEMAN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., formerly Vice-President and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. EDWIN ARTHUR MAxwELL, M.A., PH.D., Senior Bursar, Keeper of the Records and Director of Studies in Mathematics. JAMES ARTHUR RAMSAY, M.A., PH.D., l'.R.S., Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. Rllv. HENRY ST JOIIN HART, M.A., B.D., Dean and Tutor, Hebrew Lecturer, Director of Studies in Divinity and Oriental Languages. SIR HAROLD WALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., LL.D. (Perth), Professor of Sanskrit. HAROLD STEWART Knul:AI.DY, c.B.E., M.A., Vice-President and College Lecturer in Industrial Relations. DOUGLAS PARMBB, M.A., Director of Studies in Modern Languages. CHARI.Es SYDNEY DEAKIN, M.A., Life Fellow, formerly Junior Bursar. GEOFFREY PHILIP WnsoN, M.A., LL.B., Tutor and Director of Studies in Law. JOIIN HOLLOWAY, M.A., D.PHIL. (Oxon.), D.LIIT. (Aberdeen), Director of Studies in English. PETER MATIUAS, M.A., Director of Studies in History. JoHN EVAN BALDWIN, M.A., PH.D., Assistant Director of Studies in Natural Sciences (Physics). MAxwm.r. MARsDEN BULL, M.A., M.D., B.CH., Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Medicine. HENRY COHEN, M.A., PH.D. (Dunelm), Junior Bursar and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. FRANCIS RICHARD DAVID GOODYEAR, M.A., PH.D., Director of Studies in Classics. DEREK WlllIAM BowErr, M.A., LL.B., PH.D. (Manchester), Tutor and Assistant Director of Studies in Law. ANTHONY COLIN SPEARING, M.A., Librarian and Assistant Director of Studies in English. JAM.Es WILLIAM LONGMAN BBAMBNT, M.A., SC.D., P.R.S., Tutor for Research Students, College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. JAMBS ALAN CALVERT BROWN, M.A., Director of Studies in Economics (to end of academic year 1964-5). JAM.Es MARTIN PRENTIS, M.A., M.Sc. (Eng.), PH.D. (London), Financial and Rooms Tutor and College Lecturer in Mechanical Sciences.


ALAN HENRY ROPER, M.A., M.A. (Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia), PH.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Research Fellow in English. CHRISTOPHER JAMES NICHOLAS ALTY, M.A., Research Fellow in Mechanical Sciences. DAVID GEORGE IAN KINGSTON, M.A., PH.D., Research Fellow in Natural Sciences. NORMAN FRANCIS HUGHES, M.A., Steward and College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. KBN'NBTH EWART MACHIN, M.A., PH.o., Tutor and College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. BRIAN SEBASTIAN PULLAN, M.A., PH.D., Praclcctor and Assistant Director of Studies in History. LIONEL CHARr.Es KNIGHTS, M.A., PH.D., 1-ION.D. ESL. (Bordeaux), King Edward VII Professor of English Literature. LUDWIG EDWARD FRAENKEL, M.A., (Toronto), College Lecturer in Mathematics. BASIL FULLELOVB MoGRIDGE, M.A., Assistant Director of Studies in Modem Languages. RICHARD 'TIMOTHY FRANCIS KING, M.A., M.S. (California), Assistant Director of Studies in Economics. ALLAN NUTTALL HAYHURST, M.A., PH.D., Central Electricity Generating Board Research Fellow. Rav. CHRISTOPHER MrcHAEL LAWSON, M.A., Jl.LITT. (Oxon.), Bye-Fellow and Chaplain. Honorary Fellows

SIDNEY SMITH, UTT.D., F.S.A., F.Jl.A. 'I'HB RIGHT REVEREND GEORGE ARMITAGE CHASE, D.D. , M.A. THE RIGHT REVEREND THOMAS HANNAY, D.D., M.A. Sm FREDERICK Wu.LIAM GENTLE, Q.c., M.A. SIR THoMAS LESLIE RowAN, K.c.u., c.v.o., M.A. Rav.HENRY CHADWICK, D.D., MUS.u., M.A., HON. o.o. (Glasgow), Regius Professor of Divinity and Canon of Christ Church in the University of Oxford. THE RIGHT REvEREND Joosr DE BLANK, M.A., Canon of Westminster. SIR THOMAS PADMORE, c.c.Jl., M.A. SIR READER BULLARD, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E.

THE SOCIETY The President was Chairman of the special committee which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Postmaster-General set up on the pay of postmen. He is also a member of the National Advisory Cow1cil on the Training of Magistrates. Mr Browne tendered his resignation from the Vi e- i>rl'sid<:ncy in January 1965, and this was accepted with grcnl r ·µ;n·I ;tnd much appreciation of his work during th ten urc. Tlw Pa l'sidl:nt has appointed Mr Kirkaldy in his place . .2

Last year we reported the departure of Mr Hagenbuch for Canterbury. His fellow-economist, Mr J. A. C. Brown, is now leaving us to take up his appointment in the University of Bristol as Professor of Econometrics; he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in February 1964. Mr King will succeed him as Director of Studies in Economics. Mr Mathias is a Pro-Proctor for the present academic year. He has relinquished his tutorship. Dr Beament was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in March 1964. He is also a member of the General Board of the Faculties in the University of Cambridge. We welcome as new Fellows Professor Knights, King Edward VII Professor of English Literature, Mr Fraenkel, University Lecturer in Mathematics, and Mr Mogridge, University Assistant Lecturer in German; also Dr Hayhurst as the first Research Fellow under a scheme between the College and the Central Electricity Generating Board, and Mr Lawson as Bye-Fellow. There have also been a number of changes in College Office. Mr Wilson and Dr Machin are now Tutors; Dr Goodyear has resigned the Librarianship, and Mr Spearing has taken his place; Dr Prentis is Financial and Rooms Tutor; and Dr Pullan is Praelector. Mr Lawson replaces Mr Langford as Chaplain after an interval of a year during which Mr Hart carried alone the very considerable burden of Chapel duties.

LEGACIES We regret to record the death of Mrs Fitzpatrick, widow of the former President. She left the College various specific gifts and also two legacies: ÂŁ2000 for a studentship and ÂŁ1500 for general purposes, having the maintenance of the old part of the College in mind. Arising out of her death, the College will receive its share of the Fitzpatrick Trust formed under the will of Dr Fitzpatrick. The College also benefits now from the will of Dr W. S. Melsome. The College is also a residuary legatee as to one-eighteenth part of her estate under the will of Miss Ethel Rose Potter. 3

GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE Professor Blum, 011 his return to America at the end of his tenure of the Pitt Professorship, made a gift which is being used for purposes connected with the new ombination Room, which is at present under construction as a supplement to the existing one.

THE LIBRARY During the course of the year r963 - 4 Mr Chessum retired after giving many years of devoted service to the Library. The College is greatly indebted to him for his work, and particularly for his complete survey of the books in the Old Library which were in need of treatment and repair. At the encl of the year Dr Goodyear resigned from the position of Librarian, which he had held for four years. The work of his successor, Mr Spearing, is made much easier by the complete recataloguing of the Old Library carried out by Dr Goodyear. Benefactions have been received during the year from The President, Dr Maxwell, Mr Deakin, Dr Holloway, Mr Mathias, Dr Goodyear, Mr Spearing, Professor Blum (who generously donated a large mm1ber of books before returning to the United States), Mr H. A. Close (1920), Professor C. F. Beckingham (1932), Mr F. H. Perring (1948), Mr G. A. Starr (1956), Mr H. R. Morton (1960), Mr J. K. Lewis (1961), The Earl of Cottenham, Mr T. E. Duckett, the Rev. Alexander Fraser, and the German, Portuguese and Spanish Embassies.

THE FABRIC Apart from the effects of routine maintenance, the only change to the external appearance of the College during the past year has been the addition of doors at the entrances of the Fisher Building staircases. These are part of a programme to do likewisi.: with all open staircase entrances .in an attempt to reduc th ¡ ri gours of future severe wintry spells. The major internal h:rn gt¡s h:ivi.: been the renovation of the Erasmus Room, the J rovis1011 of bot and 4

cold water services and bathrooms on G and H staircases and the installation of fan-convector heaters in the Dining Hall. In the Erasmus Room the floor has been resurfaced and polished, the walls redecorated in pale grey and white and a counter fitment built in to close off the corner serving area. The latter has been half-tiled, refl.oored and fitted with a new electric hot-cupboard and hot-plate. The open area above the dividing counter has been fitted with a sliding shutter which can be closed down when serving is completed. All pendant light fittings have been removed and artificial illumination is by wall brackets only. These will eventually be controlled by a dimmer so that the brightness can be reduced to candle-light level when the occasion demands. The room has been refurnished with polished oak refectory tables and matching benches. The new heating system in Hall required the extension of the hot-water coming from the oil-fired boiler in Dockett basement. The has been brought through the Library passage into Old Court and a branch taken to a new installed in the vault below the Reading Room. This calorifier provides heating for the reading rooms in that area and will eventually be connected to projected hot water services in all the staircases of Old Court.


FIRST CLASSES, JUNE 1964 Mathematics. D. A. Joslin, I. F. Tannock, A. M. Soward, H. G. Dales. Natural Sciences. M.J. Morgan, G. R. Woolhouse, G.D. Bartholomew, G. H. Macdonald, M. C. Phillips, W. A. Phillips, D. M. Shotton, Richard G. Carter, R. Atkinson, S. M. Freake, C.H. Reynolds, R. M. Williamson, M. D. Windram, D. Adu, R.H. Swanton. Law. Ds G. W. Williams, J. R. Branston, J. A. 0. Shand, R. W. Tolson, P. N. Digney. History. M. D. Biddiss, D. M. Thompson, R. B. Dearlove. Modern and Medieval Languages. R. S. Huss. Mechanical Sciences. R. F. Barker, D. C. Hawkins, A. R. Oliver, J.B. Wybrew, I. W. Nuttall, P.R. S. Speare. Economics. A. D. Crockett. English. T. A. Shippey, P. W. Grant. Agriculture. P. G. Carter.

UNIVERSITY AND OTHER AWARDS C. G. B. Rees (1961) has been awarded an Abyngdon Prize for musical compositions submitted in a competition to commemorate the 500th Amriversary of the fast Degree in Music at Cambridge. The Passingham Prize for Psychology. M.J. Morgan (1961).

COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS Entrance Scholarships of ÂŁ60: M. Vavrinck, Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith, for Mathematics with Physics (Munro). J. R. Cuthbert, Rossall School, Fleetwood, fi r bssi s. R. A. Kilborn, Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood, for Classics. 6

D. W. Findlay, Hymers College, Hull, for Natural Sciences. R. L. Hargreaves, Manchester Grammar School, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). R. E. Hills, Bedford School, for Natural Sciences. P. J. Kirby, Enfield Grammar School, for Natural Sciences. D. C. Lewis, Wrekin College, Wellington, for Natural Sciences. J. I. Israel, Kilburn Grammar School, for History. C. E. ~inney, St Albans School, for History. M. A. Johns, The Judd School, Tonbridge, for the General Examination.

Entrance Exhibitions of ÂŁ40: M. R. Creusot, Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne, for Mathematics (Haynes). D.R. Pain, Tonbridge School, for Mathematics. A. L. Williams, Manchester Grammar School, for Mathematics (Glendinning Nash). M. H. Hadfield, Liverpool Institute High School, for Mathematics with Physics. P. F. King, Charterhouse, Godalming, for Mathematics with Physics. D. J. Hall, Manchester Grammar School, for Classics (Gray). M.J. Pitt, St Joseph's Academy, Blackheath, for Classics. J. R. Lishman, Bootham School, York, for Natural Sciences. D. Welch, Chesterfield Grammar School, for Natural Sciences. M. C. Foster, Cranleigh School, Surrey, for History. J. D. U. Green, Wyggeston School, Leicester, for History. D.R. Bolton, ~een Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn, for Modem Languages. R. A. G. Coombs, Uppingham School, Rutland, for Modern Languages (Frodsham). J. A. Wygard, Canford School, Dorset, for Modem Languages. D. E. James, Magnus Grammar School, Newark, for English. R. 0. Plender, Dulwich College, for English. T. J. Dore, Hove Grammar School, for the General Examination (War Memorial). 7

R. 0. Hillard, Cardiff High School, for the General Examination. L. S. Wilson, Carmel College, Wallingford, for Biblical Hebrew (Kennett).

First Year Exhibitions: D. Adu, for Natural Sciences. R. Atkinson, for Natural Sciences. S. M. Freake, for Natural Sciences. R. H. Swanton, for Natural Sciences. R. M. Williamson, for Natural Sciences. P.R. S. Speare, for Mechanical Sciences. P. G. Carter, for Agriculture. Second Year Foundation Scholarships : D. A. Joslin, for Mathem.atics. I. F. Tannock, for Mathematics. G.D. Bartholomew, for Natural Sciences. G. H. Macdonald, for Natural Sciences. M. C. Phillips, for Natural Sciences. W. A. Phillips, for Natural Sciences. D. M. Shotton, for Natural Sciences. P. N. Digney, for Law. R. F. Barker, for Mechanical Sciences. D. C. Hawkins, for Mechanical Sciences. A. R. Oliver, for Mechanical Sciences. P. W. Grant, for English. Exhibitions: Richard G. Carter, for Natural Sciences. I. W. Nuttall, for Mechanical Sciences. A. D. Crockett, for Economics. Re-elected to an Exhibition: A. M. Soward, for Mathematics. 8

Third Year Foundation Scholarships: G. R. Woolhouse, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). J. R. Branston, for Law. R. W. Tolson, for Law. J. B. Wybrew, for Mechanical Sciences. T. A. Shippey, for English. Bachelor Scholarships: M. J. Morgan, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). J. A. 0. Shand, for Law (Colenutt). M. D. Biddiss, for History (Colenutt). D. M. Thompson, for History (Colenutt). R. S. Huss, for Modern Languages (Colenutt).

Graduate Students: Foundation Scholarships: Ds G. W. Williams, for Law. Mag J. Hogarth, for Law (Colenutt). Rahere Studentship: N. J. Ireland. Special Prizes: Ryle Reading Prize: M. Anderson. Chase Prize for New Testament Greek: R. M. Edwards. Collinson Beane Prize: M. J. B. Farebrother, Lucas-Smith Memorial Prize: J. A. 0. Shand. Joshua King Prizes: J. A. 0. Shand, D. M. Thompson.


THE UNITED CLUBS President: DR M. M. BULL Vice-President: R. TODD

Treasurer: DR D. w. BOWETT Hon. Sec.: M. J.B. WOOD

1964- 5 President: DR M. M. BULL Treas11rer: DR D. w. BOWETT Vice-President: M. J.B. WOOD I-Io11. Sec.: P. J. STEWART


Vice-Captain: M. H. BECKETT Assista,,t Secretary: D. G. BENSON

After a season such as 1962-3 this year could not be called successful. In the Michaelmas Term, the Light Four, potentially the fastest, lost to Downing by two seconds after a rather apathetic row on our part. We had no linker Four and the Fairbairn Eight went to 23rd-a poor start! Three ~eens' men rowed in the Trial Eight's race, of whom Alastair Simpson rowed in the successful 'Blue Boat' and D. G. Benson and J.P. Walmsley in the 'Goldie Boat'. The Lents were little short of a catastrophe. The first two Eights went down four places so that the first boat is at seventh on the River. M. H. Beckett and]. H. Maaslandjoined the crew for the May Eight after much controversy about a Cambridge Olympic Eight which fell through eventually. The Eight went well under Alf Twinn's coaching, showing considerable promise. However, the crew, perhaps worried about the responsibilities of holding the 'Headship', became more and more tense towards the races and never became a real crew as far as rowing fast was concerned. We lost the 'Headship' to Trinity and fell to fourth. The second bo::tt distinguished itself with an overbump on the first night but was subsequently bumped and only rose one pbce. lt must be mentioned that R. G. Ward rowed on the last two nights for second and first Eights, substituting for J. H. Ma:lsland who injured his back. IO

For Henley we split into a Four (A. Simpson, J.P. Walmsley,

J. H. Maasland and M. H. Beckett) which reached the semi-finals in the Stewards Fours event, when it hit the booms while level with the Tideway Scullers Four- most disappointing. The Eight was formed mostly from second year and Freshmen. It beat Imperial College by three lengths in an eliminating heat but lost by three lengths to Pembroke, the eventual winners, in the first ronnd. The Stewards Four had an illuminating trip to Holland where contacts were made and much was learnt about continental methods. After such a bad year, let us hope lessons like these will be understood and noted. J. Webb (Captain 1963) represented Great Britain in the Olympic Games in Tokyo, 1964, and won a Silver Medal at the European Games in the Double Sculls. This makes the fifth representative of the College in Rowing in the Olympic Games. Captain: J. P. w ALMS LEY Secretary: P. J. LEROY

1964-5 Vice-Captain: D. G. BENSON Assistant Secretary: R. G. w ARD



v. BUSH Secretary: J. Committee Member: A. R. PENDER Fixture Secretary: J. D. PERKIN s


G. P., C. M. H. Gibson and A. R. Pender played for the University against Oxford at Twickenham. D. J. Chambers, R. G. Garfield and P.A. Kitchin played for the LX Club during the season. The title 'League Champions' was a just and well-earned one for a team which, without any real stars, showed that fitness and enthusiastic team spirit are the factors that count in the League. A narrow, hard-fought win over Fitzwilliam set the stage for greater things. Jesus, Clare and Emmanuel were also beaten narrowly but deservedly. St Catharine's II conceded victory, St Catharine's I were very well beaten 14- 4 and Christ's produced a pointless draw midst thick mud. The final League match was against Pembroke, also hitherto unbeaten. An exciting game, II

with championship. Special mention must be made of J. L. V. Bush's tireless enthusiasm as Captain and ofD. J. Chambers's fine leadership of an excellent pack throughout the League. After the League success and with three Blues in residence, Cuppers was viewed with confidence. However, although Trinity Hall were comfortably beaten in the first rowid, Clare proved to be a stumbling block in the second rowid after a replay. This was a very great disappointm.ent after a lot of hard work and training, and can be partly attributed to injuries to key players. Also, although C. M. H. Gibson must be heartily congratulated on playing for Ireland regularly, it was regretted that his International commitments barred him from donning the OEeens' shirt more than once. On this one occasion, a very fine OEeens' Seven earned some consolation for the Cuppers disappointment by winning the Inter-College Sevens Competition, beating Christ's in the final. The Ist XV's record was an impressive one: Played 26, won 18, drawn 3, lost 5. 1964- 5 Captain:

Secretary: M. J. HODGSON Committee Member: D. J. CHAMBERS Fixture Secretary: M.A. WOODHOUSE




Committee Member:


B. R.

This was a season of fluctuating fortunes. Inconsistency was the hallmark of a peculiar but strangely promising season. In the early games especially a sense of urgency was lacking and there was general inertia when anyone was confronted with a chance of scoring. However, towards the end of the Michaelmas Term, enthusiasm returned and relegation worries were soon dispersed. This revival was continued through the Lent Term when the team reached the semi-final of the Cup, very nearly beating Downing but, with only 10 men, losing 2- t. The 2nd XI were out of their depth in the Third Division but 12

showed enthusiastic support for the 1st XI, supplying reserves when necessary. They too, however, saved their energies for the League Cup, in which they somehow made progress. The 3rd XI unfortUnately had to withdraw. N. Taberner played the first half dozen games for the Blues side but was then relegated to the Falcons, and R. E. J. Chambers also played for the Falcons.



1964-5 E. J. CHAMBERS Secretary: J.E. PARKINGTON Committee Member: D. LANCASTER

HOCKEY Captain:

w. TOLSON Secretary: c. H. KEMP Committee Member: G. T. KENYON Wanderers: R. w. TOLSON, D. A. R. HULME R.

League. It was fortunate that the gaps left from last year were

ably filled by Freshmen, and in fact there were about twenty people in College who deserved to play 1st XI hockey. Despite this, there were no outstanding players, and in the Michaelmas Term the 1st XI finished about half-way down the First Division. Cuppers. After a very easy first round, the 1st XI did magnificently to beat St Catharine's who were considered by many to be favourites. This was a really fine team effort, and it was only unfortunate that, in the quarter final, we lost narrowly to Emmanuel in extra time. The 2nd XI. The 2nd XI had a really good season. With so many players with much 1st XI experience this was almost to be expected, but even so it was a grand effort to win the 2nd XI Cuppers competition. This was largely due to A. S. Turner's captaincy of the side, which, on and off the field, was superb at all times. 1964-5

Captain: c.

Secretary: R. Committee Member: R.H. DOWSETT Wanderers: c. H. KEMP, D. A. R. HULME H. KEMP



CRICKET Captain:



Assistant Secretary : I.



The season has been successful; all the players enjoyed themselves and played at their best, even though our final score of wins against games played or losses is not a champion's. This year there was a very sensible attempt to revive the game of inter-college cricket, which in recent years has lacked any incentive. A knock-out competition, designed on a basis similar to the county cricket knock-out, was introduced and in the first round OEeens' were well pleased with a win over Caius (the initiators of the competition and one of the favourites). Our short run of success ended in the next round when Churchill scored too many runs for a OEeeus' side not at full strength. However, experience is there to triumph in I965. The College record for the term was: played 18, won 7, drawn 6, lost 5. Top of the batting averages were the following: N. D. W. Armistead (32·00), D.J. Chambers (30·50), P. B. Hay (27·5), M.J. B. Wood (2y4), I. R. Elliott (23·1). R. P. Maynard, who played in most of the matches during the term, collected a steady I6·o. D. ]. Chambers was top of the averages in a side not remarkable for its talents in this way. He bowled with cunning, if not orthodox, skill as a 'spinner' and ended the season with 21 wickets at just under 9 runs apiece. N. D. W. Armistead (23 wickets) and P. B. Hay (r6 wickets) shared the new ball along with C.H. Kemp, who had a moderate record after his impressive year as a Freshman in 1963. R. M. Peskin, R. Todd and P.J. Stewart all helped to dismiss the opposition. The cricket ground was kept in perfect condition by the groundsman during a difficult year when he was virtually singlehanded and not at all helped by the weather. He deserves the thanks of all cricketers for being patient and calm about playing in any weather and never complained when his' square' was tom to shreds. Full colours were awarded to: I. R. Elliott, P.J. Stewart, N. Taberner, N. D. W. Armistead. Half-colours were awarded to: R. P. King, B. M. Done, P. N. McCartney. 14

Captain: M. J.B. wooo Committee Member: I. R. ELLIOTT

Fixture Secretary: N. TABERNER Match Secretary: P. J. STEW ART

ATHLETIC CLUB President: D. J. REID Secretary: G. H. STEW ART Cross-Country Representative: P. E. RAD LEY

This was a reasonably successful year for the Club in the intercollege competitions. We were able to field a well balanced and enthusiastic team which included some promising Freshmen. In the Michaelmas Term we finished third in the College Relays for the second year running, and fourth in the Field Events Competition, two places lower than last year. The Cuppers competition was held in the Lent Term and we finished a close third behind Emmanuel and Jesus in the final. This was one place lower than last year, but was nevertheless an excellent performance by the team. Only one athlete represented the University in the Oxford match in May. This was D. J. Reid who was second in the long Jump. The cross-cow1try section had a very successful season and finished second in the Selwyn Road relay and in the Cuppers competition. D. M. Turner was the most successful athlete in the team and though .ineligible for the University team he gained a cross-country International and later in the season achieved the Olympic Qualifying Standard in the 10,000 metres. College colours were awarded to: J. D. Scarr, P. G. Gordon, D. Lavelle, R. L. Moorby, J. N. Christie; Half-colours to R.H. Priest, P. G. Carter, D. Adu, J. S. A. Brichieri-Colombi, D. C. Last, B. R. 0. Pointer. 1964-5 President:


Cross-Country Representative:


Secretary: J. D. R. H. PR IE s T







Committee Member:



.B. R.



~eens' had a very successful season in 1964. The first team was strengthened by a number of Freshmen after the loss of four of the 1963 team. However, we were w1able to retain our position as League champions but came second to Downing. In Cuppers we had an excellent run before meeting Downing in the final. Downing, fielding a team of University players, were far too strong, winning 6-o. Congratulations go to B. Kileff for winning a Blue and to R.J. Hinchcliffe, J. H. Vallat and B. R. Wood for winning Grasshoppers. At the end of the season, full colours were awarded to B. Kileff, J. H. Vallat, F. Cammack and J. K. Landon, and re-awarded to N.J. Ireland and B. R. Wood. Captain:

Secretary: J.


Committee Member: J.




Secretary: M. J.B.



There were no college competitions or any Cuppers this year and the College court remained unused. There were a few members who played at Portugal Place and M.J.B. Wood and P.J. Stewart played for the Penguins on occasions. Captain: M. J.B.














The year saw a great increase in swimming activity at College level. This was achieved by the formation of an inter-college 16

water-polo league run in two divisions. The College Team did very well in this, and at the end of the series was at the top of the first division. Water-polo Cuppers were held in the Lent Term and the College again did well, but were narrowly defeated by Christ's in the final. In another innovation, the Inter-College Swimming Gala, held at the new City Pool, the College had moderate success including a win in the Freestyle Relay Race. D. C. Last and A. J. Add.lesee were selected for the University team which met Oxford at the end of June.




Secretary: J.




Captain: A. J.P. CHRISTIE


The past season has been one of the best in recent years. We finished fourth in the First Division of both the Michaelmas and the Lent Term Leagues. h1 Cuppers, we beat Corpus Christi very easily but faced a strong Magdalene team, which included the University Secretary, in the second round. We lost 4-0, but all the rubbers were well fought and ended in very narrow defeats. B. Kileff, who played first string, won the University Freshmen's and the 'No-Blues' Restricted Tournaments. He is also to be congratulated on being elected to the Ganders S.R.C. The first two strings and B. T. Allison, who also played, as substitute, in last season's Cuppers matches, were all freshmen. These three, together with the arrival of a past South of England Junior Champion, should be the basis of a strong team for the next two years. Full colours were awarded to: B. Kileff, J. H. Vallat, R.J. Hinchcliffe and G. T. Kenyon.

Captain: J.





RIFLE CLUB Captain: c.




The Club and its individual members had an extremely successful year. As for the team events, in the falling plate competition, a high . wind, blowing from one direction only, forced us out in the quarter-finals for the second year running. The first team of C. P. Kimbell, R. D. Jones, T. A. Shippey and P. J. Skolar did well to get that far. Mention should be made of the sterling work done by R. K. Towers, C.H. Bowker and M. V. Phythian-Adams amongst the other teams entered. C. P. Kimbell, the Captain as he then was, was re-awarded his small-bore colours after shooting in the Heslop match against Oxford. P. J. Skolar was reserve for the Lerman Cup, standing and kneeling. He was also elected Captain of the University Revolver and Pistol Club and shot in both small-bore and fullbore pistol matches against Oxford. T. A. Shippey was also a member of the victorious Cambridge small-bore pistol team. C. P. Kimbell was elected as entertainments officer of the smallbore club. Both C. P. Kimbell and P.J. Skolar shot for Cambridge full-bore Rifle Association in the Musketeers Team competition at Bisley this summer and also represented the Territorial Army in the inter-services matches. In all, it was a successful year both as a team and individually.





1964-5 Secretary:





P. G.

CHESS President:


In spite of a strong first team, the College had an unsuccessful year. This was due to chess being a secondary activity with most people and the consequent difficulties of obtaining a foll team on any given night. The Coppers team lost to Downing, St John's and Emmanuel 18

and so failed to qualify for the next round. In the City League the College won only two games, against Jesus and Clare, and just missed relegation. Chess lunches were held throughout the year and were successful both as chess and as social occasions. President:

Secretary: s. c.









A most successful season. The first team of R. J. Hinchcliffe, G. C. Chinchen and F. Cammack retained the League Championship in commanding style, winning each match 8-1 on average. The second team were third in the First Division behind ~eens' I and King's I. The fourth and seventh teams were unbeaten, whilst the fifth team missed promotion on game average. The other teams all finished in the top half of their respective divisions. In the Cup Tournament, the team of R. J. Hinchcliffe, G. C. Chinchen, F. Cammack and K. L. Q. Read was beaten 6-3 by Christ's. Captain:





B. R.





The 1963-4 season was a fairly successful one for the Badminton Club. We had a sufficient number of players to run two teams (and the occasional social side), our first team playing in Division I and the second team in Division II. The first team finished just above the half-way mark in their table, whilst the second team, one of the few college second teams playing in their Division, were relegated for the second consecutive year. Cuppers were more rewarding, our team being beaten by St Catharine's in the final, the surprise being that G. R. Woolhouse, 19

who earlier in the season had won the University Open Tournament for the third year running, lost his match to another University player. On the more personal level, G. R. Woolhouse had a very successful year as University Captain, leading the team that won the University Match, and D.R. Langslow, a Freshman, was awarded his Half-Blue for also playing against Oxford. In addition, M. J. Goringe continued playing for the Cockerels. Captain:


1964-5 Secretary:


GOLF Captain: J.B.




On the University level, we lost a Captain and gained a Secretary. P. ]. R. Souster, a Freshman, rose to the heights of the Dinner Match, which was won, and he is University Secretary for 1964-5. It is hoped that the significant contribution to University Golf made by P.R. Johnson a year ago will be maintained. On the College level, with J. B. Wybrew as Captain and P. J. Cresswell as Secretary, several College matches were played. The side remained unbeaten for the second year running. P. J. R. Souster, P. J. Cresswell and P. N. McCartney were awarded full colours, and R. M. Peskin and A. D. Crockett half-colours. 1964-5 Captain:







Vice-President: Secretary: J.P. RYAN



The St Bernard Society has had a highly successful year both in debating and in discussion meetings. Having begun the year by deciding that 'This House has little esteem for the code ofpersonal 20



relations embodied in the Law', we continued in the Michaelmas Term by finding that political ideologies are relevant to modern Britain, that (as ever) Cambridge education is out of touch with reality, and that Sin does not sit on a spin-drier. January saw us deciding not to emigrate. A hilarious debate on the motion that 'This House prefers baldness to its celtic fringe' displayed the fervour of the Welsh element in the Society, for it was overwhehningly defeated. A fortnight later we decided that we would not advocate secession from the Union, although the President and two other Officers of that Society who honoured us with their presence were subjected to violent criticism from the floor of the House. In March, our final meeting gave an all but unanimous, if rather premature, vote of approval on the demise of the Conservative Government. Our discussions have always had a smaller attendance than the debates, purely because the former deal with rather more specialized topics. We have, however, been very pleased during the past year with the number of people who have shown interest in such diverse subjects as 'American Foreign Policy' when the discussion was led by Professor Blum, and 'The Problem of Christian Morality', which was discussed with Father Lawrence Bright, O.P. Other speakers have included the Chief Constable of Cambridge on 'The Police and the Public' and Dr Alec Vidler on the 'Ferment in Theology'. Controversy has raged during the latter part of the year on the burning question of whether or not the President should be required to wear a gown at debates; at the end of the year the problem has not been resolved, but the gown continues, for the moment, to be worn. 1964-5 President:









The St Margaret Society had another year full of activity and ¡ success, offering opportunities to everyone who was capable of singing, banging, scraping, blowing or just listening. We in the Society do not overlook our musical shortcomings but nevertheless are glad to be recognized as a very successful and enjoyable Society, offering equal opportunity to the experienced and inexperienced alike. To treat all the eighteen functions staged by the Society throughout the year in great detail would constitute a whole history, and so mention in detail will only be made of the highlights of the Society's musical year with passing references to the others. The year commenced with a pianoforte recital given by Roger Phillips on Sunday, 27 October 1963. This was most enjoyable, including among other items Mussorgsky's 'Pictures frorn an Exhibition'. On 3 November an organ recital was given by David Ingleby, who was then Organ Scholar of Trinity Hall. The custom was continued from last year of inviting organists of other colleges to visit Q!!eens' and contribute to a series of recitals in addition to enlisting the services of our own Organ Scholar. The Freshmen's Concert was held on IO November, organized by Christopher Rees. Several new musicians came to the fore, including John Green, Peter Lewis and Peter Steele. On 17 November, our own Organ Scholar of that tin~e, Ian Thompson, was able to show his skill. On the 24th of that month there occurred an event which we in the Society, will not hastily forget. It was a chamber concert where we were regaled with the strains of the bagpipes. Anyone who is acquainted with the Music Room and its limited size can imagine how very stimulating was this excellent performance. This was another successful concert where, in addition to bagpipe music, works by Mozart, Berkeley and Handel were heard. Great credit is due to the organizers, Piers Cocker and Robert Hobson. 22

The musical activities of the Michaelmas Term ended with a concert given in QEeens' Chapel on 3 December, where Bach's Double Concerto in C minor for two harpsichords was performed. The soloists were Ian Thompson and Christopher Hegwood, the latter a Pembroke man. The small orchestra consisted of Christopher Rees and Peter Bareau (violins) with Dr Beament and his wife Juliet and Geoffrey Meadon of Caius. It was also at this concert that John Green was heard to give an expert rendering of Rub bra's 'Meditazione sopra coeur desolee', on the recorder, with harpsichord accompaniment. Altogether it was an enjoyable term's music. The Lent Term's musical activities have been regarded for the past few years as containing the climax of the musical year, culminating in the February Concert. This year, however, there were two climaxes, one in February and one in the Easter Term. The first few concerts of the Lent Term were interesting and varied, but by the fifth concert great things were achieved. The indifferent weather of Monday, ro February 1964, preceded an outstanding performance in Great St Mary's Church in the evening. The works included Vivaldi's Gloria and Faure' s Requiem, conducted by Antony Le Fleming. We had previously performed this programme at Royston on 6 February, which enabled us to give a convincing performance on the roth. The soloists were Sally le Sage, Margaret Cable and Julian Smith. Thanks are due to Canon Montefiore for giving us the use of the University Church. Another organ recital was given on 23 February, this time by Antony Le Fleming, who played amongst other things his own Organ Sonata. The term closed with a recital given by the Ichthyan Singers, conducted by Geoffrey Chew of Trinity. As the Easter Term involves working for examinations it was found necessary to reduce the number of concerts slightly to conserve our energies tmtil they were over, when we produced The Beggar's Opera by John Gay. This was the second climax of achievement in the musical year. Nevertheless, there were three musical functions that term before the staging of the opera. Two of these were organ recitals, one by Michael Davy of Corpus and the other by Keith Elcombe of Trinity. The third was an open-air concert 23

given under the Erasmus Building. If the weather had been more kind to us, we would have had it in Walnut-Tree Court, where it was held the year before. Even so, people came in great numbers to hear a very successful concert. Peter Hall sang some Elizabethan lute-songs and the choir sang some madrigals under the guidance of Ian Thompson. And now The Beggar's Opera. Gabor Cossa kindly agreed to be our Producer, and Antony Le Fleming our Musical Arranger and Director. Macheath was played by Richard Stamp, Peachum by Richard Pater, Lockit by Timothy Pascoe, and Mrs Peachum by Edward Cooper. This role was a new departure for Cooper, who played it with great dexterity and with not a strain on the voice. Richard Stamp's splendid rendering of Macheath will always remain a reminder that musicians can act as well as be intrinsically musical, given adequate opportunity: and how well the two can go together ! 1964-5 President: DR MAXWELL Secretary: P. COCKER Committee Members: DR]. w. L. J.

Vice-President: ]. R. STAMP Treasurer: J. GREEN BEAMBNT, R. M. BLOODWORTH,


(Organ Scholar)

ATHLETIC DISTINCTION S Rowing Blue: A. Simpson. Trial Caps : J. P. Walmsley, D. G. Benson.

Rugby Football Blue: G. P., A. R. Pender, C. M. H. Gibson. LX Colours: P. A. Kitchin. Association Football Falcons: N. Taberner.

Cricket Crusaders: R. E. J. Chambers. Hockey Wanderers: D. A. R. Hulme, R. W. Tolson. 24

Athletics Half-Blue: D.J. Reid. Lawn Tennis Half-Blue: B. Kile££ Grasshoppers: B. R. Wood (Capt. ), J. H. Vallat (Sec.), R.J. Hinchcliffe. Golf

Stymie: P.J. R. Souster (Dinner Match).

Fencing Blue: A. M. Bell. Rugby Fives Half-Blue: D.R. W. Hares. Eton Fives Penguin: P.J. Stewart. Badminton Half-Blue: G. R. Woolhouse (Captain C.U.B.C.), D. Langslow. Basketball Half-Blue: D. C. Last (Hon. Sec.), F.J. Buck, J.J. Combs. Real Tennis Half-Blue : P. B. Hay (Captain). Swimming Half-Blue: A. J. Addlesee. Water-Polo Half-Blue: D. C. Last (Captain). Boxing Blue: D. G. Weston (Captain C.U.B.C.). Racquets Half-Blue: P. B. Hay (Captain). 25

'THE BATS' President: Secretary:

Vice-President: A. P. NORRIS w. DEAN Junior Treasurer: A. EREIRA Committee Members: J. MITCHELL, s. R. GRAY Stage Director: B. H. SHEARING Musical Director: DR J. w. 1. BEAMENT Senior Treasurer: DR E. A. MAXWELL


Once again, 'The Bats' have had a successful year. It was started, in the usual fashion, by selecting and culling available Freshmen for the usual play-readings. On the basis of these and auditioning Alan Ereira produced a mainly Freshmen cast, in a successful production of Simpson's One Way Pendulum, establishing that, again, fortnne had been kind in its supply of recruits to the Society. The Lent Term saw the introduction of private experimental productions, based on acting ability and production, using only the simplest set. Colin Miller and Peter Grogono produced Pinter's A Slight Ache and Simon Claxton produced Albie's Zoo Story. The enterprise was greatly appreciated; all agreed that it should be repeated. The revue, traditional in the Lent Term, followed, produced by a Freshman, Clem Vallance. With a cast deprived of all the old-hands in acting and script writing, Clem Vallance produced Wlonk, a revue which was beyond anyone's expectations; this was a very creditable achievement for anyone in his first year. The Easter Term was opened in grand style by a Grand Dinner, astute Committee Members having noticed that 'The Bats' had been in existence for twenty-one years since their strange instigation by the Dean, the Rev. H. St J. Hart. The Dinner, which was well attended by old Committee Members, their ladies and many present Members, was a most enjoyable occasion; we look forward to the Silver Anniversary with anticipation. In honour of the twenty-first anniversary, Stephen Gray produced Shakespeare's Cymbeline on a massive Elizabethan stage, with apron, inner stage and gallery. Although rain interfered, the production was a suitable conclusion to twenty-one years. 'The Bats' wider union, the Cambridge University Players, 26

descended, under Frank Bechhofer, on the Minack Theatre in Cornwall as usual during the Long Vacation. In a theatre transformed by new direction, new lighting box and equipment (running water next year), a most successful production of Winter's Tale by Shakespeare was perpetrated. Again, the Cambridge University Players wrecked records by establishing an audience of over 3000 for the week, for the first time in the Theatre's history. 1964-5 Vice-Preside/lt: ROGER DEAN Junior Treasurer: MALCOLM MORSE

President: ALAN EREIR A Secretary: CLEM VALLANCE Committee Members: SIMON CLAXTON, MIKE EDWARDS Stage Director: PHIL SHORT Equipment Manager: JOHN HAMILTON Musical Director: DR J. w. L. BEAMENT Senior Treasurer: DR E. A. MAXWELL



The year 1963 was not a good one for the Sailing Club, mainly due to lack of enthusiasm on the part of many of the members. Enthusiasm was so low that it was found impossible to raise a team of six helmsmen for the Cuppers Competition in the Lent Term. We did have three competent helmsmen and we were able to arrange single-handed races against other colleges and against each other. When sailing against other colleges we were very successful, winning all the races. The outlook for the coming season is good as we have seven or eight new helmsmen who show skill and enthusiasm and we should be able to enter a very strong team in the Cuppers this year. Captain:

Secretary: J.










The season 1963-4 may be described as one of great success for the Basketball Club. In the Michaelmas Term ~eens' won the inter-college League tournament by winning every match. This was followed in the Lent Term by a clear-cut victory in the college Cuppers tournament. The final was a low-scoring and close match against Jesus. The College team played excellent basketball during the tournament. In the semi-final against Fitzwilliam about sixty points were scored, a significant achievement in such a small gymnasium as Fenners. In the University match ~eens' were represented by three players, D. C. Last, J.J. Combs and F.J. Buck, who were all awarded Half-Blues. In addition M. L. Sanders played regularly for the University 2nd team. At the end of the year D. C. Last was appointed Captain of the University team, F. J. Buck was appointed Secretary and M. L. Sanders was appointed Junior Treasurer. The College Club was adopted as a full member of the College United Clubs at the end of the year.







DINNER IN THE NORTH-WEST The fourteenth Annual Dinner for ~eens' men in the NorthWest was held on IO April 1964, at the University Club, Liverpool. The Senior Tutor, Dr M. M. Bull, was the Guest of Honour, and twenty-seven members attended, the Bishop of Blackburn presiding. The next Dinner will take place on Friday, 9 April 1965, at the Blossoms Hotel, Chester.


DEATHS We regret to record the following deaths: Rev. Canon W. R.Johnson (r896) Rev. W. P. Cartwright (r898) A. Holden (1900) Rev. H. D. Salmon (1900) Dr J. W. Clawson (1901) G. J. Willans (r904) G. N. Selby-Lowndes (r905) R. J. E. Du Pontct (1906) H. Pearce (1906) Lt.-Col. L. Holbech (1907) A. R. Morris, r.c.s. (1907) C. Robbins (r909) Col. T . H. L. Stebbing, o.n.B., M.c. (r909) E.W. Hickie (19ro)

0. Tindall (r9xo) Rev. P.A. Curtois, T.D., LL.n. (r9II) Sir Alwyn D. Crow, c.B.E . (r913) J . W . E. Hall, M.B.E. (1919) Sir R. W. Lacey (r9r9) T. G. Lilley (19r9) Rev. G. M. Maudsley (1919) C.H. Thompson (19r9) K. B. Castle (192,3) B. E. Towers (192,5) Col. K . C . Lee (1928) D. Bailey (1929) G. F. Roberts, M.D., n .CHIR. (1939) D. L. Webster (r957) A. P. Callard (1960)


G.C.B.: Sir Thomas Padmore (1928). K.C.B.: J. G. Davis (1930), who is now Air Marshal. Knight Judge of the High Court of Justice: G. S. Waller (1929). Knight Bachelor: G. W. Lee (1922). O.B.E., M.C.: Brigadier C. E. H. Sparrow (1928). O.B.E.: P.R. Noakes (1934), who is Chief Information Officer in the Colonial Office. ECCLESIASTICAL

The Rev. P. J. Heaton (1919) is Rural Dean of Shaftesbury. The Rev. H. C. Alexander (1921) is Vicar of Hazelbury Bryan with Stoke Wake and Fifehead Neville. Prebendary W.R. Griffiths (1923) is Rector of Aylton and Pixley with Munsley. The Very Revd. N. M. KelUlaby (1925) is Dean of St Albans. The Rev. W. A. F. Lee (1925) has been elected to the prebendal stall of Consmnpta-per-Mare in St Paul's Cathedral. The Rev. G. L. 0. Jessop (1926) is now at the Clifton Boys' Hom.c, Darliston P.O., Jamaica. 29

The Rev. A. Scott (1926) is Rector of Robinvale, in the diocese of St Arnaud, Australia. The Right Rev.Joost de Blank (1927) is Canon of Westminster. The Rev. Canon E. A. R. Santer (1927) is Rural Dean of Malmesbury. The Rev. A.G. Chappel (1928) is Rural Dean of Gartree Third Deanery. The Rev. A. N. Ellis (1930) is Rector of All Saints, Toronto. The Rev. B. F. F. Crane (1932) is Rector of Astbury. The Rev. T. Anscombe (1934) is Rector ofKirkheaton, Huddersfield. The Rev. J. G. L. Prior (1934) is Vicar of St Paul's with St Mary's, Camberley, Surrey. The Rev. P. M. Duplock (1935) is Chaplain of Holy Trinity, Geneva. The Rev. P.R. Westall (1939) is Curate of Tavistock Parish Church. The Rev. E.T. N.Jarvis (1943) is VicarofStJohn's, Woodbridge. The Rev. D. G. Hawker (1946) has been installed as Canon and Prebendary of Clifton in Lincoln Cathedral. The Rev. K. H. Pillar (1946) is Warden of Lee Abbey. The Rev. H. A. Hatchman (1949) is VicarofStLuke's, New Catton. The Rev. M. M. Hennell (M.A. 1949) is Examining Chaplain to the Bishops of Liverpool and Chelmsford. The Rev.J. L. Chater (1951) is Vicar ofHeslington, York. The Rev. J. W. McC. Miller (1951) is Minister in the Presbyterian Church in Clogher, Co. Tyrone. The Rev. N. G. Norgate (1952) is Vicar of St Peter's, Bexleyheath, Kent. The Rev. C. P. Gane (1954) is Vicar of St Paul's, Northumberland Heath. The Rev. Professor C. P.R. L. Slater (1955) is now in the Department of Religion at Haverford College, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Rev. E. D. Murfet (1956) has joined the Staff of St Mary's, Hunslet, Leeds. The Rev. J. M. C. Yates (1956) is Lecturer in the Theological College, Hong Kong. 30


F. A. Bird (1919) has retired from the post of Head Master of Pudsey Grammar School. A. W. Sanford (1922) has retired from teaching at Liverpool College. H. Butler (1936) is Associate Professor of Anatomy at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. G. P. S. Mellow (1937) is at Kent College Junior School, Canterbury. D. B. Wallace (1938) now holds the Gilbey Lectureship in the History and Economics of Agriculture in the University of Cambridge. ]. C. Royds (1939) is Headmaster of Uppingham. ]. C. Bevington (1940) is Professor in the Department of Chemistry, The University, Lancaster. G. B. Aneuryn-Evans (1941) is Senior Research Officer in the Farm Economics Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Cambridge. A. R. D. Wright (1941) is Headmaster of Shrewsbury. M. E. Noble (1942) is Professor of Mathematics in the University of Kent at Canterbury. C. P. Warren (1942) isHeadmasterofCheshuntGrammarSchool. S. A. Babalola (1948) is Head of the Department ofYoruba in the School of Modern Languages, University of Lagos. A. J. M. Spencer (1949) is Reader in Theoretical Mechanics at the University of Nottingham. J. Howgego (1951) is Head of the Modem Languages Department at King George V School, Southport. A. J. Boulton (1954) is Lecturer in Che1nistry at the University of East Anglia. R. V. Brown (1954) is a Lecturer in Business Decision Theory at Harvard Business School. J. A. Fowler (1954) is Senior German Master at St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School, S.E. r. P. T. R. Brown (1955) is Lecturer in Control Engineering at Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. L. D. P. Hobba (1955) is a teacher at Ulverston Grammar School. 31

J. N. Watson

(1955) is Head of the Junior Department at South Shields Grammar-Technical School. B. D. G.Johnson (1956) has been awarded a Fellowship in International Affairs in the Graduate School of International Affairs at Columbia University, New York. P. H. Jones (1957) is University Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. MISCELLANEOUS

R.R. M. Bacon (1925) is Assistant Commissioner of the C.I.D., New Scotland Yard. D. P. Bailey (1926) is a County Court Judge. A. P. Kitchin (1931) is now F.R.C.S. L. G. Huddy (1932) has been appointed Town Clerk of Hackney, London, Borough Council. A. W. G. Kean (1932) is Principal Assistant Treasury Solicitor. A. A. K. Whitehouse (1934) is Deputy Manager, Polyesters, Scott Bader and Co. Ltd, Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northants; and has also been elected Fellow of the Plastics Institute. J. F. L. Long (1936) is Specialist Researcher into Soviet Foreign Affairs in the Central Research Department of Radio Liberty in Munich. J. A. Wedgwood (1938) has been appointed Secretary of the Electricity Council (as from I May 1965). S. P. 0. Kumi (1946) is High Commissioner to Canada for the Republic of Ghana. D. P. Wallace (1949) is an Actuary with Legal and General Assurance in New South Wales, Australia. (Not P.J. Wallace as previously reported in The 'Record of March 1964.) J. V. Guy-Bray (1950) is working for the International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd, as a geologist. I. G. Menzies {1953) is Sales Manager for Crothall Chemicals, Ltd, New Zealand. P.H. Burleigh (1956) is with Associated Industrial Consultants, Ltd. D. I. Shaw (1956) is working with a firm of accotmtants in Suva, Fiji.


THE YEARS 1958-61 Men matriculated in 1958 and just eligible for the Degree of Master of Arts. ECCLESIASTICAL

I. D. Elliott is a Theological Student at Tyndale Hall, Bristol. is a Theological Student at Cuddesdon College, Oxford (after three years as a Development and Project Design Engineer).

J. W. Everett


P. H. Bromham is a Classics and Ancient History Master at Bromley Granunar School for Boys. B. W. Derbyshire is English Master at Manchester Grammar School. M. M. Dodson is Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, University of York. J. Emmerson is Biology and Chemistry Master at Marlborough College and is Housetutor to Littlefield. J. D. G. Evans is a Research Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. M. T. Evans is an Assistant Master, teaching French, at the Junior School, Cranleigh School. B. M. Garton is Assistant History Master at Henley-on-Thames Grammar School. N.J. M. Hamilton is a Schoolmaster at The King's School, Canterbury. M. Higginbottom is a Schoofo1.aster at Epsom College. In September 1965 he is moving to Sherborne School. J. R. Hubbuck is a Research Student in Algebraic Topology at Pembroke College, Oxford. C. L. Morfey is Lecturer in the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton University. M. J. Price is the Graham Robertson Research Fellow at Downing ollegc. A. G. Raydcn is Chemistry Master at Oundle School. A. C. E. inclair is studying for his Ph.D. at Bristol University. M. J. Thompson is a Schoolmaster at Seaford College. P. F. ZagaJsky is Assistant Lecturer in Biochemistry at Bedford College, University of London. 33


A. J. Arlidge is a Barrister. K. L. W. Armistead is a Personnel Officer with British European Airways. A. Atkins is a Technologist with Shell Chemical Co. Ltd. R. M. Bark is a House Surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital. S. J. W. Bingham is a Chartered Accountant. P. T. Brass is a Chartered Accountant in London. C. M. Chabrel is a Doctor with the Royal Army Medical Corps. B. N. Clements is Chief Programmer for the Data Processing Department of Messrs Coutts and Co. R. I. Cooper-Driver is a Company Director (in Law Stationery, Research and Development) in the medical field and business consultancies. M. M. Crosse is a Medical Student at St Bartholomew's Hospital. J. G. Dearlove has resigned from a post with the Hong Kong Government. N. J. F. Dodd is Research Spectroscopist with Heavy Organic Chemicals Division, LC.I. L. Durr is Systems Engineer in the Northern Electric Company Research and Development Laboratories. C. W. Dyment is a Solicitor's Articled Clerk. N. A. E. Farrow is Deputy Editor of Business. A. T. Fletcher is Technical Director of Rico Machine and Tool Co. Ltd. P. M. D. Gray is researching into Bubble Chamber (Elementary Particle) Physics at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Oxford. A. M. Haralampides has just ended his appointment as a House Physician. D. J. L. Harding is Demonstrator in Agricultural Zoology at Nottingham University. H. N. Hargreaves is a Production Engineer with Baker Perkins Ltd, Peterborough. He is also currently reading for an M.Sc. Degree in Engineering Production at Birmingham University. M. R. Harvey is Sales Engineer with the Loewy Engineering Co. Ltd, Bournemouth (a member of the Engineering Division of Tube Investments).


R. P. Hawes is a Farmer in Suffolk and is also Chairman of Suffolk Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs. H. C. Hemming is Export Executive with Lustre Fibres Ltd (the Export Organization of Courtaulds Ltd). M. C. Hepburn took the final examination of the Library Association in December 1964. M. Hester is Field Engineer with Schlumberger Surenco S.A. W.R. G. Hi11ier is Administrative Assistant to the Board of Architectural Education at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London. W. Hogbin is Marine Section Engineer at Wylfa Nuclear Power Station with Taylor Woodrow Constructions Ltd. ]. E. Hotchin is a Youth Employment Officer for the City of Nottingham Education Committee. G. L. Johnson is Export Sales Correspondent for British Celanese Ltd. M. R. Klaber is a House Surgeon at Harold Wood Hospital, Essex. D. E. Lawrence is a Research Assistant in the Department of Nuclear Physics, Oxford. P. Lim is at present a House Physician at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. A. D. McAulay is Specialist Engineer in Process Control Section of Engineering Department at Kodak Ltd. R. A. W. McDowall is a House Surgeon. P.R. Marriott is Civil Engineer with A. Monk and Co. Ltd. G. J. Marshall is an Interpr ter and Translator. P.J. Meade is Scientific Officer with Government Communications Headquarters, Cheltenham. J. C. Meadows is House Physician to Professor W. I. Cranston at St Thomas's Hospital. R. S. Mehta is on the Audit Staff of a Firm of Chartered Accountants. J. Milnes-Gaskell is an Estate Agent. P.R. Mill 11 is a Technical Overseas Executive for Fi.sons Overseas Ltd. R. M. N rth is Research Engineer with Motor Industry Research Ass ci:llion. 35

P.H. Nuttall is a Centrifugal Pump Designer with Mather and Platt Ltd, Manchester. D. C. Osborne is a Transistor Applications Engineer with Texas Instruments Ltd. R. Palmer is in a Patent Agency. C. M. Parsons is a Technical Brewer with Whitbread and Co. Ltd in London. J. D. Perry is a Business Executive in Wisconsin, U.S.A. R. K. Pinhey is a Royal Navy Air Electrical Officer in Buccaneer Front-Line Squadron. A. E. Pusey is a Civil Servant at Government Communications Headquarters, Cheltenham. M. G. Robinson is a Maintenance Planning Engineer for Bowaters United Kingdom Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd, Wirral. J. F. H. Sergeant has just returned from the U.S.A. and is an Architect. J.P. B. Stokes is Assistant to the Financial Accountant of Garringtons Ltd. A. B. Suckling is a Barrister. D. G. Thorpe is a Scientific Officer at Radio Research Station, Slough. W. M. G. Tunbridge is a House Physician at University College Hospital. J. M. Wales is a Medical Student at St Bartholomew's Hospital. D. A. Warmington is an Industrial Engineer in the Switchgear Division of G.E.C. Ltd at Birmingham. B. N. Welch is Industrial Relations Officer of the Ford Motor Co. Ltd (Central Staff). K. C. Whimster is a Veterinary Surgeon in Wigtonshire. A. T. Williams is an Operational Research Consultant. D. C.H. Williams is Assistant Solicitor to Berkshire County Council. T. P. Woodman is engaged on research on Semiconductors at the Institut fiir Technische Physik, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland.

THE QUEENS' COLLEGE CLUB Committee A. LI. Armitage President: Vice-Presidents: Rev. J. F. Williams A.D.Browne R. G. D. Laff"an E. A. Maxwell Secretary: W. Hagenbuch '1 'reas11 rer :

1933 1897 1908 1913 1929 1949

Co111111ittee Members Till 1965

1892 Sir W. W. Gibson, Lt.M. Sir J. F. Moylan, c.n., c.11.E. 1901

Rev. G. H.K. Pedley M. D. B. Parkes Bowen

1920 1942

R.C.H.Cox Sir G. S. Waller,

1919 1929

Till 1966

H. G. Lemmon, J. S. Wane


1897 1912



A.H. Noble L. Patrick

J. E. Pater, C.B.

1905 1919

G. T. Wright

1929 1939

W.R. M. Morton R. C. Aitken

1937 1939


C. H. Thompson Judge N. A. Carr

1919 1919

The Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, 20 June. The Treasurer reported that rr7 new members had joined the Club during the year. There had been a net loss of about £75. The sale of Defence Bonds had realized the sum of £76. 9s. 3d. and, after this sale, the credit balance in the current account stood at £9. 9s. 6d. The effect of last year's increase in subscriptions had not yet been felt. About 190 members were present at the Dinner. The Club was proposed by Mr R bcrt King and Dr Bull replied. The College was proposed by Professor Morton and the President replied.


ADDRESSES WANTED It will be of great service to the College if members of the Club will kindly inform the Keeper of the Records of any changes in their permanent addresses or in those of their friends. The College will welcome any correction of this Record, and any material for next year. These should be addressed to the Keeper of the Records, who gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a number of items from members during the past year. Except where otherwise stated the dates given after the names of members of the College refer to their dates of Matriculation.

Printed in Great Britain at the University Printing House, Cambridge (Brooke Crutchley, University Printer)

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