QVCF 2023 Program

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♫Ê2 PAGE President’s Foreword................................................................................. 4 Major Sponsors 5 Adjudicators............................................................................................ 6-9 Accompanists........................................................................................... 10 Overall Schedule by Sec ons ................................................................... 12 Thanks to sponsors ............................................................................. 13-14 Schedule (Saturday Nickson Room & Room 460)................................... 19 Schedule (Sunday Nickson Room & Room 460)..................................... 20 SECTIONS: Novice 1. Music Theatre .............................................................................. 29 2. Australian Composer .................................................................... 15 3. English Art Song............................................................................ 16 4. Sacred Song 17 Emerging: 5. Music Theatre 30 6. Australian Composer .................................................................... 18 7. English Art Song............................................................................ 21 8. Classical Foreign Art Song............................................................. 23 9. Sacred Song.................................................................................. 22 Open: 10. Music Theatre ............................................................................ 28 11. Australian Composer .................................................................. 24 12. English Art Song.......................................................................... 26 13. Classical Foreign Art Song 32 14. Sacred Song................................................................................ 25 15. Opera c Aria .............................................................................. 34 Contents

Audience Entry Prices

FAMILY (two adults and any number of school aged children) $25 ADULT $15


CHILDREN (under five) Free


Foreword by the President

Welcome to the Queensland Vocal Compe on Fes val 2023, hosted by the Queensland Music Teachers’ Associa on (QMTA). This year the Queensland Vocal Compe on celebrates 21 years and launches a fresh prospec ve with the emphasis on sharing the love of classical singing and connec ng professionals and the vocal community in a spirit of mutual respect and learning. This year the Queensland Vocal Compe on ‘Fes val’ runs on May 27 and 28 at the University of Queensland Music Department.

We are privileged and excited to introduce QVC Fes val’s 2023 Ambassador, Australian opera singer, Jessica Pra . Her story and journey as one of the foremost opera c sopranos in the world is truly inspiring.

This year we welcome adjudicators Conal Coad, Jason Barry-Smith, Laine Loxlea-Danann, Bre Holland and accompanists John Woods, Leanne Warne, Hilary Jones, Jennifer Enchelmaier and Julian Wade.

A er a two year hiatus, last years inaugural Compe on was a huge success for us as organisers and also for the par cipants. We are par cularly thankful to our QVCF 2022/2023 Convenor, Marina Poša, for enthusias cally embracing this Fes val, and for helping ignite a fresh and exci ng ‘Fes val’ feel for each year’s compe on. The number of entries exceeded our expecta ons and we are looking forward to hearing all the wonderful singers that have come to share their talents, gain performance experience and support their peers.

Thank you also to our generous sponsors without whom the Fes val could not be successful. Thanks also to the QVCF commi ee and all our valuable volunteers who give their me generously. Events like QVCF are one of the many ways in which the QMTA can help advance musical culture throughout Queensland, to encourage and support the highest standard of music teaching, bringing together professionals & students to support and encourage each other in this wonderful art form.





Conal Coad

Opera c Aria Sec on

Conal was born in Fielding, New Zealand. He studied at the Sydney Conserva on before joining the Young Ar sts’ Programme with Opera Australia. He also studied in New York and Europe. He has performed in Brussels, Ghent, London, New York, Washington, Madrid, Valencia, Venice, Bologna, Naples, Frankfurt, Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Leeds, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Auckland, Wellington, Tel Aviv, Royal Opera House, Leeds, Garsington, Aldeburgh, Holland Park, Geneva, Tokyo.

He sings the bass repertoire having performed over fi y roles, specialising in Benjamin Bri en. Concert engagements include work with all major Australian orchestras, Israel Philharmonic, Royal Opera House, La Monnaie Brussels, SSO, NZSO, Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as fes vals in France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, UK, Australia and NZ.

Conal supports many chari es and has been a guest ar st in London (Kensington Palace), Australia, Belgium (Brussels and Mechelen), Tokyo and New Zealand.

Conal has worked with major conductors including Richard Bonnynge, Roberto Abbado, Simone Young, Richard Hickox, Riccardo Mu , Edo de Waart, Stuart Challender, John Eliot Gardener, Julia Jones, Peter Robinson, Richard Mills, Wyn Davies, Christopher Hogwood and Oliver von Dohnanyi. Previously Conal has performed in The Barber of Seville, Macbeth, Lucia di Lammermoor, Adriana Lecouvreur, Don Giovanni, l’Elixir of Love and Don Pasquale for State Opera South Australia. Conal adjudicates in Australia and interna onally.


Jason Barry-Smith

Open - Art song sec ons

Jason Barry-Smith’s study in Brisbane, Munich, London and Rome led him to a singing career on the Australian and New Zealand concert, music theatre, and opera c stage. With almost 40 roles in his repertoire, he’s performed in some of Opera Queensland’s most successful produc ons since 1995, and he’s also performed for the Brisbane Biennial, Brisbane Cabaret Fes val, Opera Australia (Opera on the Beach), the Tokyo Arts Founda on, the State Opera of South Australia, New Zealand Arts Fes val, and New Zealand Opera. He also created the roles of Aldo in Mimma – A Musical of War & Friendship, Samuel in Electric Lenin for NORPA and Julian in Quartet for the New Zealand Arts Fes val. He’s also a well known singing teacher, musical director, arranger, and director who specialises in regional community based arts projects.


Bre Holland

Novice and Emerging Sec ons

Bre Holland holds a Bachelor of Music at the Queensland Conservatorium, Graduate Diploma Educa on at QUT and Master of Philosophy (Music) from the University of Queensland. Bre ’s conduc ng voca on started with conduc ng large choral and orchestral works as a young graduate when he was music director for the Queensland University Musical Society; and, as a Masters Candidate he con nued that path despite a focus on singing studying conduc ng with John Dingle and Dr John Nickson. He has sung professionally with Opera Queensland, Opera Australia and as the Bass Soloist for many works, concerts and numerous ensembles over the last 20 years. Some of Bre ’s recent engagements for Opera Queensland were the roles of Caiaphas (St Ma hew Passion), King Ivan (Candide) and Il Commissario (Madame Bu erfly). Bre returns to adjudicate at QVC Fes val for a second year, enthusias c to encourage our next genera on of singers.


Laine Loxlea-Danann

Music Theatre Sec ons

Laine Loxlea-Danann has an absolute passion for music, theatre and art. Performance is Laine’s mo va ng force that has propelled her successful career and keeps her inspired. She is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Musical Arts at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Griffith University. She holds the qualifica ons of Master of Music Studies – Vocal Pedagogy Strand majoring in Contemporary Voice, a Graduate Cer ficate in Performance and a Diploma of Music majoring in Voice, and a second study in Composi on. She has a Double Diploma in Voca onal Educa on and Training and Training Design and Development and Cert IV in Training and Assessing. Laine is the Head of Academy and Singing at the Brisbane Academy of Musical Theatre (BAMT). Laine has taught at ter ary level as a singing and voice teacher for the Popular Music, the Musical Theatre, Under-Grad Jazz and the Post-Grad Vocal Pedagogy Department at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Griffith University.



Leanne Warne - Novice

A freelance pianist and vocal accompanist based on the north side of Brisbane. Her accompanying has included playing for such events as the 4MBS Fes val of Classics, Shakespeare Fes val and Classical Cruise to New Zealand in 2017.

Hilary Jones - Emerging

Educated at the Royal Manchester College of Music, the University of London Ins tute of Educa on and Queensland University of Technology, Hilary has for many years been on staff at Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium as an Accompanist Choral and Musical Director, Chorus Master and Vocal Coach. In addi on Hilary has worked as a Music Educator and AMEB Examiner.

John Woods - Open

John studied at The Royal Sco sh Academy of Music and Drama and at The Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester. He has worked for the RNCM, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and since 1992 for the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.



- Open

A sought-a er collabora ve pianist, having developed a love of accompaniment work from an early age. In 2022 she was appointed to sessional staff at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and recorded the complete solo works of Australian composer Tom Henry for Move Records in Melbourne.

Julian Wade - Music Theatre

Julian Wade is a classically trained pianist based in Brisbane. In 2013, he was accepted into the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University and was a recipient of the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship. He majored in classical piano studies under the tutelage of Natasha Vlassenko and Oleg Stepanov. During these years, Julian collaborated with several musicians from other departments and found great interest in chamber music and art song repertoire. He graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Music degree and in 2023 started his Masters of Music in piano at the University of Queensland.

♫Ê12 Schedule SECTION TIME ROOM ADJUDICATOR & ACCOMPANIST 1. NOVICE, Music Theatre 10:30am-11:30am Room 460 (Sunday) Adj: Laine Loxlea-Danann Accomp: Julian Wade 2. NOVICE, Australian Composer 12:00pm –12:30pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Leanne Warne 3. NOVICE, English Art Song 12:40pm – 1:10pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Leanne Warne 4. NOVICE, Sacred Song 1:20pm – 1:40pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Leanne Warne 5. EMERGING, Music Theatre 11:40am-1:00pm Room 460 (Sunday) Adj: Laine Loxlea-Danann Accomp: Julian Wade 6. EMERGING, Australian Composer 2:30pm – 3:00pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Hilary Jones 7. EMERGING, English Art Song 3:10pm – 3:40pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Hilary Jones 8. EMERGING, Class. Foreign Art Song 4:30pm – 4:50pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Hilary Jones 9. EMERGING, Sacred Song 3:50pm – 4:20pm Room 460 (Saturday) Adj: Bre Holland Accomp: Hilary Jones 10. OPEN, Music Theatre 9:00am – 10:00am Nickson (Sunday) Adj: Laine Loxlea-Danann Accomp: Julian Wade 11. OPEN, Australian Composer 1:30pm -2:20pm Nickson (Saturday) Adj: Jason Barry-Smith Accomp: Jennifer Enchelmaier 12. OPEN, English Art Song Pt 1: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Pt2: 5:10pm – 6:10pm Nickson (Saturday) Adj: Jason Barry-Smith Accomp: John Woods 13. OPEN, Class. Foreign Art Song Pt1: 10:30am – 11:30am Pt2: 11.40am 12.40pm Nickson (Sunday) Adj: Jason Barry-Smith Accomp: Jennifer Enchelmaier 14. OPEN, Sacred Song 2:30pm-3:30pm Nickson (Saturday) Adj: Jason Barry-Smith Accomp: Jennifer Enchelmaier 15. OPEN, Opera c Aria Pt 1 1.30pm – 2.30pm Pt 2: 2.40pm – 3.40pm Finals 3.50pm - end Nickson (Sunday) Adj: Conal Coad Accomp: John Woods

The Commi ee would like to thank the following Sponsors, QMTA Members and Friends for their generous and willing support in sponsoring this compe on. Such an occasion provides a valuable service in giving non-professional singers of all ages the opportunity to explore the benefits of public performance and of being judged by an expert. Without their generous support, this success story would not be possible:





Section 2

Novice Australian Composer

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 12:00pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Leanne Warne

Start 12:00pm

1 Aria Bertram

2 Ella Harris

3 Anais Moore

4 Virat Krishna Kumar

5 Jasmine Harris

Finish 12:30pm



3rd…………………………………... Prizes

1st Place $50 and trophy

2nd Place $25 and trophy

3rd Place $15 and trophy


Section 3

Novice English Art Song

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 12:40pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Leanne Warne

Start 12:40pm

1 Aria Bertram

2 Anais Moore

3 Virat Krishna Kumar


5 Maddalen Higgins

Finish 1:10pm



3rd…………………………………... Prizes

1st Place $50 and trophy

2nd Place $25 and trophy

3rd Place $15 and trophy


Section 4

Novice Sacred Song

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 1:20pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Leanne Warne

Start 1:20pm

Finish 1:40pm

1 Aria Bertram

2 Virat Krishna Kumar





1st Place $50 and trophy

2nd Place $25 and trophy


Section 6

Emerging Australian Composer

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 2:30pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Hilary Jones

Start 2:30pm


2 Leah Bridges

4 Samantha Forsyth

4 Hudson Bertram

Finish 3:00pm





1st Place $65 and trophy

2nd Place $35 and trophy

3rd Place $25 and trophy



SATURDAY 27 May 2023

Nickson Room



1.30pm - 2.20pm OPEN Australian composer

2.30pm - 3.30pm OPEN Sacred song



Accompanist: JOHN WOODS

4.00pm - 5.00pm OPEN English Art Song (Part 1)

5.10pm - 6.10pm OPEN English Art Song (Part 2)

6.20pm OPEN English Art Song award presenta on with Maggie Noonan

Room 460


Accompanist: LEANNE WARNE

12pm - 12.30pm NOVICE Australian Composer

12.40pm - 1.10pm NOVICE English Art Song

1.20pm - 1.40pm NOVICE Sacred Song



Accompanist: HILARY JONES

2.30pm - 3.00pm EMERGING Australian Composer

3.10pm - 3.40pm EMERGING English Art Song

3.50 - 4.20pm EMERGING Sacred Song

4.30 - 4.50pm EMERGING Classical Foreign Art song



SUNDAY 28 May 2023

Nickson Room


Accompanist JULIAN WADE

9.00am - 10.00am OPEN Music Theatre



10.30am - 11.30am OPEN Classical Foreign Art Song (Part 1)

11:40am – 12:40pm OPEN Classical Foreign Art Song (Part 2) AWARD PRESENTATION


Adjudicator CONAL COAD

Accompanist JOHN WOODS

1.30pm – 2.30pm OPEN Opera c Aria, Part 1

2:40pm – 3.40pm OPEN Opera c Aria, Part 2


3:50pm – end OPEN Opera c Aria, Final AWARD PRESENTATION

Room 460


Accompanist JULIAN WADE

10:30am - 11:30am NOVICE Music Theatre

11:40am - 1:00pm EMERGING Music Theatre


Section 7

Emerging English Art Song

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 3:10pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Hilary Jones

Start 3:10pm


2 Madeleine Cooke

3 Hudson Bertram

4 Zoe Harris

5 Anthony Diakos-Masters

Finish 3.40pm





1st Place $65 and trophy

2nd Place $35 and trophy

3rd Place $25 and trophy


Section 9

Emerging Sacred Song

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 3:50pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Hilary Jones

Start 3:50pm

Finish 4:20pm


2 Madeleine Cooke

3 Hudson Bertram

4 Zoe Harris





1st Place $65 and trophy

2nd Place $35 and trophy

3rd Place $25 and trophy


Sec on 8

Emerging Classical Foreign Art Song

Room 460

Saturday 27 May at 4:30pm

Adjudicator: Bre Holland

Accompanist: Hilary Jones

Start 4:30pm


2 Madeleine Cooke

3 Anthony Diakos-Masters

Finish 4:50pm


2nd…………………………….……….. Prizes

1st Place $65 and trophy

2nd Place $35 and trophy


Section 11

Open Australian Composer

Nickson Room

Saturday 27 May at 1:30pm

Adjudicator: Jason Barry-Smith

Accompanist: Jennifer Enchelmaier

Start 1:30pm

1 Louisa Nelson

2 Jacalyn Adcock

3 Kate Lockyer

4 Kristel Suess

5 Ma lda Smith

Finish 2:20pm





1st Place $90 and trophy

2nd Place $45 and trophy

3rd Place $30 and trophy


Nickson Room

Saturday 27 May at 2.30pm

Adjudicator: Jason Barry-Smith

Accompanist: Jennifer Enchelmaier










Section 14 Open Sacred Song
Start 2:30pm
1st Place $90 and trophy
2nd Place $45 and trophy
3rd Place $30 and trophy
Sarah Hubbard
Kate Lockyer
Jia-Peng Yeung
Zachary Vella
Rebekah Smith
Vikram Goonawardena
Kevin Gomez
Kristel Suess
Robyn Kelly

Section 12

Open English Art Song

Nickson Room

Saturday 27 May at 4:00pm

Adjudicator: Jason Barry-Smith

Accompanist: John Woods Part 1 Start 4:00pm Part 2

1 Ryan Lawrence

2 Harrison Hamme

3 Claire McCann

4 Lauren Towns

5 Ma lda Smith

6 Xanthe Allen

7 Sarah Hubbard

8 Jacalyn Adcock

9 Kate Lockyer

10 Jia-Peng Yeung

11 Shirly Wong

12 Imogen-Kate Bye

13 Zachary Vella

14 Charlo e Wright

15 Madeleine Short

16 Rebekah Smith

17 Vikram Goonawardena

18 Kevin Gomez

19 Rebecca Munroe

20 Kristel Suess

5:10pm Break 5:00pm Finish 6:10pm



3rd…………………………….……….. Prizes

1st Place $150 and trophy

2nd Place $75 and trophy

3rd Place $50 and trophy


Start 9:00am

Section 10

Open Music Theatre

Nickson Room, Sunday 28 May at 9:00am

Adjudicator: Laine Loxlea-Danann

Accompanist: Julian Wade

1 Oliver King

2 Mia Ambrosi

3 Breanna

4 Chloe Shaw

5 Kate

6 Ebony Smith

7 Madeleine Short

8 Rex Cho

9 Kristel Suess

Finish 10:00am





1st Place $90 and trophy

2nd Place $45 and trophy

3rd Place $30 and trophy

Ebert Lockyer

Section 1

Novice Music Theatre Section

Room 460

Sunday 28 May at 10:30am

Adjudicator: Laine Loxlea-Danann

Accompanist: Julian Wade

Start 10:30am

1 Aria Bertram

2 Ella Harris


4 Sebas an Lucas

5 Anais Moore

6 Mila Park

7 Virat Krishna Kumar

8 Jasmine Harris

9 Claudia Lee

10 Ishaaya Chand

11 Cici Ma

Finish 11.30am



3rd…………………………………... Prizes

1st Place $50 and trophy

2nd Place $25 and trophy

3rd Place $15 and trophy


Section 5

Emerging Music Theatre

Room 460

Sunday 28 May at 11:40am




Laine Loxlea-Danann
Julian Wade
11:40am Finish 1:00pm
Place $65 and
Place $35 and trophy
Place $25 and trophy 2 Oriel Hession 3 WITHDRAWN 4 Leah Bridges 5 Lillian Lee 6 Mabel Tamone 7 Angela Seager 8 Samantha Forsyth 9 Tamika Gee 10 Anna Lucas 11 Hudson Bertram 12 Anthony Diakos-Masters 1 Amalia Safonova
trophy 2nd

Open Classical Foreign Art Song

Nickson Room

Sunday 28 May at 10:30am

Adjudicator: Jason Barry-Smith

Accompanist: Jennifer Enchelmaier

Part 1 Start 10:30am

1 Oliver King

2 Ryan Lawrence

3 Eline van Bruggen

4 Harrison Hamme

5 Claire McCann

6 Riley Morton

7 Lauren Towns

8 Monique Grima

9 Ma lda Smith

10 Xanthe Allen

11 SarahÊHubbard

Part 2 Start 11:40m

12 Jacalyn Adcock

13 Kate Lockyer

14 Kira Dooner

15 Jia-Peng Yeung

16 Imogen-Kate Bye

17 Zachary Vella

18 Charlo e Wright

19 Madeleine Short

20 Vikram Goonawardena

21 Kevin Gomez

22 Jake Lyle

Finish 12:40pm



3rd…………………………….……….. Prizes

1st Place $90 and trophy

2nd Place $45 and trophy

3rd Place $30 and trophy

Section 13
Open Operatic Aria Prize FINAL Nickson Room Sunday at 3.50pm Winner announced at the end of the final

*** Open Operatic Aria Prize ***

Nickson Room

Sunday 28 May at 1:30pm

Adjudicators: Conal Coad

Accompanist: John Woods

Part 1 Start 1:30pm Part 2 2:40pm

1 Ryan Lawrence

2 Eline van Bruggen

3 Harrison Hamme

4 Riley Morton

5 Lauren Towns


7 Monique Grima

8 Ma lda Smith

9 Xanthe Allen

10 Sarah Hubbard


12 Jacalyn Adcock

13 Kira Dooner

14 Jia-Peng Yeung

15 Zachary Vella

16 Charlo e Wright

17 Madeleine Short

18 Rebekah Smith

19 Vikram Goonawardena

20 Kevin Gomez

21 Robyn Kelly

22 Jake Lyle

Part 1 break 2:30pm Heats finish 3:40pm






1st Place $400 and trophy

2nd Place $180 and trophy

3rd Place $80 and trophy

*The Jessica Pra Encouragement Award $250*

Section 15

Selec ng a qualified Music Teacher for your child?

To find a teacher visit

Ask the music teacher some of these ques ons:

Þ Are you a member of the Music Teachers’ Associa on of Queensland?

Þ Do you have a vacancy?

Þ What are your qualifica ons?

Þ What is your background and experience?

Þ Do you have qualifica on for the par cular instrument you teach?

Þ How long have you been teaching?

Þ Do you have a Suitability Card?

Þ At what grade levels are your current students?

Þ Do you prepare students for exams?

Þ Do you give your students the opportunity to perform in public?

Þ What books do you use?

Þ Why do you use these books?

Þ Do you teach theory?

Þ Do your students take part in compe ons and eisteddfods?

Þ Do you a end professional development workshops?

Þ Do you give group lessons?

Þ How long are lessons and how much do you charge?

All teaching members of QMTA have professional teaching qualifica ons and/or a successful teaching record.

Follow us @qmta_music @qvcfes val2023

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