QM 2022 Winter Zine

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A COLLECTION OF RESOURCES, ART, AND UPDATES FROM QUEER MCGILL #432/408 3600 Mc Tavish St, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0E7 events.qm@ssmu.ca resource.qm@ssmu.ca


Queer McGill is a SSMU service dedicated to providing support to queer individuals at McGill and in the wider community through events, resourves, our office, and many other avenues. QM functions from a anti-oppressive and intersectional feminist orientation.

About this zine!

This zine contains a collection of art created by our members over the term, as well as our gender-affirming product descriptions, and information on how to stay connected with QM.

Contact information!

Our office is located in the SSMU Building, at the following address: #432/408 3600 Mc Tavish St, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0E7 You can reach us by email at events.qm@ssmu.ca, resource.qm@ssmu.ca, on Facebook @Queer McGill, or on our website queermcgill.org.

CONTRIBUTORS Edited by Sarah Haddad and Jordan Elbualy, QM Events Coordinators Resources compiled by Cal Pease, QM Resource Coordinator

Art by: Ian Mae Nina Claire

Ian Mae

I do not love as you do, But I do carve away slices of my soul, Leaving shards with those who mattered to me.

I am not boy nor girl, But I luxuriate in the sun when it’s high And laugh where the north wind takes me.

Though sex has no appeal, I crave a hug, gentle closeness And softer cuddling through a stormy eve.

Reaching out a hand to touch To fall through all that is not there All that I will have never been.

To live, they say, is worth it all. We hope that it is worth it all. Strange, to find worth in it all.

Strange, to have to be.

Ian Mae

The aces dance on tables, Why would they give a shit? They dance for the joy of living When others think of “it” Sex is such a nuisance When all you want is love Desire is such a nightmare From which there is no alcove.

Ian Mae

Advice to a Philosopher King

Words have meaning, but you use them too heavily, Relax, let them dance from your tongue. Each statement need not glorify the beauty of nature, let them rest, let them rest.

Say hello to the radiator in the morning. Just once look at a person, and see only a body. There’s no need to romanticize the suffering of others. No, look at a flower and say “it’s white.”

Sometime a chicken is just a chicken. A dumb bird that will cuddle you, or fight you, or stare at you. More often, you forget that detergent is the breath of life. But soap isn’t deep enough to consider.

Tell me, would it matter if we were in a simulation? I for one would still get up in the morning Go to work. Do the dishes. Wouldn’t you?

Words have meaning, but don’t let that trouble you. For the value of a word is in connection, not theory. The value of a word is in detergent, not in shadows. The value of identity is personal, not universal. And sometimes, it’s best to shut up.




felixohfckwriting @ instagram

PRODUCT GUIDE About The Product Guide

As we transition back to in person school, our resource orders are changing too! We will be returning to offering resources out of the office on a pay-what-you-want basis. You can reserve products using this form and pick them up in the office: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIFBzAAMH5NIFiFe m_2_pa5tEvNfhhdW6oIgsRNCE-LX8VJQ/viewform For resource questions please reach out to resources.qm@ssmu.ca

Half and Full Tank Binders

In a wide selection of sizes (XS - 5XL) and three color options (white, grey, black), our binders come from gc2b, a well known and high-quality binder provider!


Ranging from S - XL, in black and beige, these gaffs help with tight and secure tucking.

Packers and Packing Pouch

Our packers are 4 inches and we have vanilla, caramel, chocolate, and hazelnut colours. The packing pouches are available in black.


Stand-to-pees in four colors - “vanilla, caramel, chocolate, olive”

Breast Forms

We haven’t offered these before, but we’re working on adding them to our stock! If we do not stock your size, we will order directly from the manufacturer. Breast forms can be worn in bras, and are made of silicone to better resemble the texture of skin.

PRODUCT GUIDE Safer Sex Supplies

We have numerous safer sex supplies, including condoms, flavoured condoms, internal condoms, , dental dams, and lube.

HIV Self Test Kits

We are excited to be stocking HIV Self Test Kits for the first time! The test available is the INSTI HIV Self Test Kit. For more information, see their website: https://www.insti.com/hiv-self-test/


Trans tape available in a wide range of sizes and colours:

PRODUCT GUIDE We are pleased to now offer pregnancy tests!

FTM Strokers

Sexually affirming product specifically designed for FTM anatomy

In addition to these products, we are launching a pilot program to provide more sexually affirming devices. We have a limited stock you can reserve now, and let us know in the feedback form if this is something you'd like to see more of!


ibrary book/media reservation form:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPseUJ3 k6UEOuYGDqW4iWmnwHVgCMPDR0nvbqd7hczRlvGg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Sexually affirming devices reservation form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrQjMKU _OduY2ZB1Ayc4uOLqCTayUFx19WWBZJj50TyhsWaw/vie wform?usp=sf_link

Resources feedback/suggestions form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQe8W5 98F1GmNQnfV85PhMLAx6vofvGXHRALf9A5hsbao4Q/viewfor m?usp=sf_link

Library suggestions form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpdiJ2MrFzSBVITfX89j2ha6sb5b3Uage53rIr8OQwQ6lA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Inventory: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GyjOGFfXU N7PYiZf4QWl0z48CvRtbiqat98FbRVz6o/edit#gid=446752940

UPCOMING EVENTS Our last event of the 2021-2022 school year, an outdoor BYOBeverage event on the 30th of April, will be announced soon. Next year's events coordinators, Arwyn and Yara, will release the upcoming event calendar soon!

THANK YOU! We hope you've enjoyed this zine! To stay connected with QM in the upcoming term, come to one of our events and join our groups and Discord, linked below! To attend an event or join the Discord, you must be in the QM Online Events Group or message the page directly.

Online Events Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/27198798 11444676/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QJ78sp33

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