Q:ID Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2010

Page 39

Who are your favourite designers and why? My favourite designers?? that’s a hard question lol I love Dolce & Gabana and ArmanI. I was bought a beautiful Armani watch earlier this year which i refuse to take off, apart from today haha!!! How do you always look so good before a show? I’d love to say it comes naturally haha but i really shouldn’t lie. Well i make sure i get lots of rest before a show, and look after myself all year round so that gives me a big helping hand. I think the biggest tip to looking good for a show is being comfortable in the clothes you’re wearing, be it Prada or Primark , you have to get a sense of what suits you and your style and you cant go wrong!! What made you want to go into the music industry? Well my mum is a fantastic singer and dancer and i always wanted to tag along with her to rehearsal rather then with my dad to football lol so i owe a lot of it to her. And when i was at high school i had the most amazing music teacher Mr Ridout (hey sir) lol and he also played a massive part in why i love music, and most of all i get the biggest rush from singing and absolutely love every moment of it!! What tips would you give to someone in looking good as you? Lol you make me out to be a stunner. Take care of your body and mind, (eat well, exercise, and lots of rest) because They are the most important things you will ever have. Don’t follow trends!! be yourself, if what your wearing doesn’t fit in but you like it then rock it lol make others follow your style !!!

of the performer she is i’ll be extremely happy, she inspires me to take risk, not to follow trends and love what i do Would you ever do a TV advert and if so for who and why? Yeah i think id quite like to, but really don’t know what for, hopefully for something really nice like Armani (hint hint) joking aside id love to be in an advert for clothes or fashion as its such a big part of my day to day life! You’re quite a cheeky chappy, would you ever do a part in EastEnders? I would LOVE to go for a quick drink down The Vic let peggy scream at me a bit.... definitely, I think i would like to come in as a Slater or Mitchell someone with a lively character... and get the Dum Dum Dum at the end . What do we expect to see from you in 2010? Well hopefully you’ll see a lot more of me this year, Maybe some tele and radio appearances and mainly focusing on the release of the album, fingers crossed a lot of work for me this year , Club PA’s and Pride events, (gotta love a good outdoor party.)

Give us one of your hair style secrets. I am blessed to have an extremely talented hair stylist very close to me, To be honest I’m rubbish at styling my own hair, but I’m not afraid to admit it, makes me normal i guess lol but he’s fantastic and i really couldn’t pull it off without him. Tell us about your upcoming single. Its called ‘Just Say The Word’ and we are looking to release in 2010 but haven’t got a date yet. Its an upbeat song with a heavy JLS/Ne-yo vibe. Everyone who’s heard it goes away singing the hook lol so i hope its going to be that song that you cant get out of your head all summer lol Who is your greatest music influence and why? BEYONCE without a shadow of doubt. She is the most talented person on this planet, if i could be a fraction 39

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