Ddf m2 journal finnal pdf

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Sketch Design Development KEY WORD:





= Two skin system

The idea of distortion and the experiment of light and shadow are further explored at this stage of design development. Carrying these two basic concepts further into the design journey, geometric cuts and moire effect are adopted as essential techniques for configuration and expression. Sections of repeated shapes are layer on top of each other with constant spacing interval. light and shade


In terms of structural context, half lap joints and straight through joints for stability is further used in this second phase. These joints are convenient for joining sections in different geometric directions. In addition, the support on the head and neck is the main focus towards the ultimate prototype.

Refined Sketch Model Geometric cutting is practices in both group members' reconfigured objects. Each sections cast certain shades to the user, which effectively darkens the interior space and also gives a beautiful and dynamic visual impression.

Belle's reconfigured object

2 4

3 1

Combination result

Rebecca's reconfigured object

Sleeping postures and personal space:

Design Purpose:

Sleep on chair:

After the journey of developing our sketch models and sketch designs as well as experimenting sleeping position, a series of goals that we expect our sleeping pod to achieve become clear, which is summarised in the following area. ● Function: 1. to build a stable structure so that people can lean against.

Support on forehead ●

Support on temple

Support on neck: side view

Support on neck: front view

Sleep on ground:

Sleep standing:

2. to be wearable and flexible in order to allow user's movement. Effect: 1. for the user's experience: to achieve a good level of comfort. ●

2. for the people passing by: to merge into the surrounding environment as a decoration instead of purely for the benefit of the user.

These goals eventually become the main principle for the following design. Support at the back

Bend neck in order to rest muscles

Curl up body to seek support from the leg

Support at the back

The green light indicates parts of the body that need the most support and protection while one is sleeping. By comparing these photos, we find out that the support and protection at forehead and/or back of the neck are crucial for people to sleep comfortably. Learning from that,our design will mainly focus on these areas.

Sleeping pod proposed design V.1


An object with two layers of skin: the inner one serves as the structural support; the other functions as decoration and casts graceful shade on skin,which has the effect to darken the internal space as well. â—?

Privacy for sleeping individual is regarding to escape the eyes of strangers and sometimes friends. In response to such consideration, the framework dissects outsider's view in various ways, resulting in a disfiguring effect. This waffle structural stays still when human head bend forward or lean backwards or lean at the side. As a result,a strong and stiff material is needed to withstand the loads coming from various direction.

the interior layer which provides structural support

Overall effect sketch

Leaning on the back of the head

photo presenting the joint type

the external layer which using morie effect to play with viewers' eyes

Leaning on the side of the head

Leaning on the forehead

In addition, with abundant gaps in this framework, a semi-private space is created. This provides a gradual transition from a public environment to the private chamber, which effectively prevent an isolated and constraint feeling while the user is “locked� alone in narrow space.

This series of diagrams represent three different possible scenarios about the population density around a sleeping person. The blue dots represent people around the sleeping person which is represented by the yellow circle in the centre If too many people crowd closely to a person, it will disturb his or her sleeping. However if there is a clear separation gap between others and the sleeping individual, the sense of loneliness arises. Therefore, a gradual transition from high density to low density as we get close to the sleeping person is favoured.

Similarly, the sharp change in darkness will also create a separation feeling. The porous structure regulates light and shade in the way shown in the section at the right corner of this page ,which generate a nice darkness gradient.

The porous structure regulates light and shade in the way shown in the section at the right corner of this page ,which generate a nice darkness gradient.

Sleeping pod proposed design V.2

The flexible material and joints between the head piece and body piece allow user to sleep in their desired position. As the sleeping pod only covers up to the top one's chest, it is suitable to sitting and standing.

Private space for the individual Space for interaction with friends, family Space for interaction with public

DESCRIPTION This second skin wraps around user's body to mimic the shape of a human. This is designed to exaggerate the curves and shape of the body while each vertical and horizontal leaves geometrically disfigures facial features. This version of design is again highlighting the invisible boundary and creating a snail shell like function to allow the user to sleep irrespective to their external disruptions. LIMITATION As both surface are curved and joints are weak, it is an unstable structure that maybe collapse when human weight is loaded on it

Precedent Research (C) space pavilion Architect: Alan Dempsey Alvin Huang

discontinuous;differentiation ;ray;fluidity;dynamic

What is the concept of the precedent? [Maximum 5 key words]

Name of precedent and designer


Dynamic shape of the pavilion viewing from different positions


back side


front front

Description of precedent

Material: fiber reinforced concrete, which is good at tension. Material system: section and profile Effects: This pavilion has achieved differentiation effect, which has a gradual transaction from opaque to transparent depending on the angle of view. In addition the use of overlapping curved sections produce a sense of fluidity and dynamic views. Due to great length and width of the pavilion, each overarching concrete is made up of short discontinuous segments. Discontinuous effect

Precedent Research discontinuous;distortion;ray;fluidity;dynamic

From proposed design Version 1

To design development Version 2

The seemingly continuous second layer of the sleeping pod is created by discontinuous sections of the same shape ordered consecutively. This prevents collapsing.

From proposed design Version 1

Regular shape; Orthogonal arrangement; Mostly straight lines

To design development Version 1

Irregular shape; Arrange in an angle; Curves

To design development Version 3

Design development - Version #1 Prototype is made at the first stage of the development to experiment the slot techniques and the possibility to create curved shape by changing the shape of each section. Problems : the connection are not that strong,the whole structure can be compressed. Learning from that, we decide to choose a material has thickness more than 1mm. And also if possible, use glues to reinforce the joint.




Strength: â—?

This series of photos shows the digital modelling process in order to produce this curved interior surface shape. By using loft command, several circles create an undeveloped surface which accommodate the shape of human head (as the red line indicate). Using boolean difference command, we can carve this chamber out of the cubic structure. Then contour command and extrude curve command are used for several times in order to create these repetitive sections.

The interior shape of this model mimics the shape of human body, which forms a nicely fitted chamber for the user's head to rest comfortably. As this chamber is embedded in a cubic structure which has flat vertical surfaces, this sleeping pod can potentially allow the user to lean against the wall while they are sleeping without damaging the waffle structure.


These two illustrations shows the way how people position their head in this chamber and rest comfortably. They are all cross section from the side

Differentiated effect is shown from the top view: the grid at the top acts as a good stage for light and shade to play. Throughout a day, light may come from various directions. Shade changes following the change of light which create various different visual patterns with clear dark and bright contrast. These subtle changes bring dynamic to this piece of design.


Moire effect is used as a facial covering. By layering two groups of straight lines at an angle, optical illusion is created.Imaging there are people passing by, even though this facial covering doesn't compose any thing moveable, its pattern will keep changing following the steps of the viewers, like playing a short animation.This active interaction between the user and the passer-by makes the sleeping pod more than an agent to provide comfort for the user but also a smart trick to provide joy to others near-by. Apart from that, this two layers of lines successfully distort outsiders' view to the user and also prevents direct eye contact. As a result, a sense of comfort is achieved. Source:https://au.pinterest.com/pin/550283648200950212/sent/? sender=550283785627905989&invite_code=fdac23db921d21caf9885553fc b13386

Weakness: â—?

Given that the main goal of this design is to let the user feel comfortable and well-supported instead to be very sculptural and visually attractive, the overall appearance is as simple as a solid box, which blocks the complex interior shape and really compromise its artistic value. The prototype (see photo at the right hand side) attempts to reshape the cube via using curved edge to create a wavelike impression. Like the c-space pavilion, using sections with curved edge and carefully arranging them in a particular way can express a fluid feature.

Design development - Version #2 PLAN OF RHINO MODEL ON BODY



Uneven height of each frame creates a sense to fluidity, wrapping around the user's head. This improves visual comfortableness

Slight concave edges at the front of each hollow section provide support when the user is leaning his head forwards

This explores the discontinuance of the wavy strips. By breaking the the long strips into segments ,the stability of the structure will be increased as shorter strips resists torsion force and minimise bucking motion. But this doesn't compromise the overall effect. If people view the sleeping pod at a distance away,they wouldn't know that those waves are actually made up by several segments..

DISCRIPTION The weight of the structure is landing on the user's shoulder similar to carrying a back pack. This allows the user to relax their neck muscles and sleep in a comfortable position. LIMITATION: The support at the back is not that comfortable. The combination of wavy strips again brings fluidity to the structure. Therefore, the structure is visually light weighted. This illustration demonstrates how people can wear this sleeping pod like carrying a backpack.

In addition, the moire effect created by offsetting and tilting wavy sections visually distorts facial features of the user.

Design development - Version #1

Using picture frame command to import a section of the sleeping pod to trace then multiply

Horizontal connections are added by extruding rectangular solids then boolean difference to create the slotting joint

Each curve planer is extruded as solids with 6mm thickness

Use picture frame again to paste a picture of moire pattern to trace one of the curve

Shrink and multiply these wavy strips to al

These curves are extruded again as 7mm thick

Design development - Version #3 PLAN OF RHINO MODEL ON BODY



Prototype-- making process


Testing Effects

Summary of Design Purpose and Strategies: â—?


Function: 1. to build a stable structure so that people can lean against. 2. to be wearable and flexible in order to allow user's movement. Effect: 1. for the user's experience: to achieve a good level of comfort. A. provide support and covering for the area where support and protection are most needed while people are sleeping. B. prevent eye contact with the outsiders. C. create a healthy space which provides good ventilation and also helps users to sleep in a healthier position. D. act as a bridge between the interior and exterior, which gives a gradual transition from the bright outside to the dark inside and from the crowded surrounding to a more private personal space. This is designed to decrease the isolated feeling when the user are in the sleeping pod alone. E. block the strong light coming from various directions via manipulating light and shade 2. for the people passing by: to merge into the surrounding environment as a decoration instead of purely for the benefit of the user. A. create visually attractive appearance. B. form active interaction between the user and the passer-by.

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