Annual Report 2022/23
Mousehole Harbour: Benjamin Elliott -Unsplash
We are pleased to present the Penzance Council Annual Report for 2022/23.
This report outlines the work of your council over the past year and highlights our support for local community groups and initiatives.
As part of our Strategic Plan, over the past year Penzance Council has been working towards making our parish community a better place to work and grow, as well as delivering quality local services for local people.
This report provides an overview of our work and accomplishments, including progress on key projects, grant funding to local groups, and a directory of our services and civic & ceremonial events. It also provides information about how your money has been spent over the last year and our agreed budget and plans for the upcoming financial year 2023/24.
We value the feedback of our residents and community groups so encourage you to read this report and provide us with any thoughts or suggestions for how we can better serve all the communities of our parish, which encompasses Penzance, Newlyn, Mousehole, Heamoor, Gulval and Eastern Green.
Our Vision
To maintain and enhance our community for the well-being and prosperity of present and future generations
Our Mission
To make the community (of Penzance Council) a better place to live, work and grow.
School children dancing the St Piran Furry in Penzance, March 2023
How your Council works
Penzance Council operates at the most local level of government across Penzance, Newlyn, Mousehole, Paul, Heamoor, Gulval & Eastern Green
We have twenty elected, unpaid Councillors. They represent the four wards in the Penzance Parish:
� Heamoor & Gulval
� Newlyn & Mousehole
� Penzance East
� Penzance Promenade
Councillors are elected to represent your views, address your concerns, and make decisions on the future of your town and village communities.
They also represent you on outside committees, partnerships, and community groups such as Penzance BID, Plastic Free Penzance, Safer Penzance, Town Twinning Associations, Penzance Neighbourhood Plan, the Penzance Town Deal Board, Newlyn Archive Group, and the Penwith 50+ Forum
All Councillors are elected by YOU – residents of the parish!
The Council
The Full Council meets at least six times a year to take major decisions and oversee activities of the Council. The Full Council will also consider recommendations from its four standing Committees:
� Finance and General Purposes
� Leisure and Amenities
� Penlee House
� Planning
We also have two Sub-Committees: Climate Emergency and Social-Action.
During the past year the Council also established the following working groups:
� Devolution Working Group
� Youth Services Working Group
� Coach House Refurbishment Working Group
� Penlee House Independent Review Task & Finish Group
� Football Club Working Group
� Banners Task & Finish Group
� Craft Huts Task & Finish Group
� Grant Policy Review Task & Finish Group
� Public Toilet Working Group
� Housing Crisis Working Group
� Heamoor Field Task & Finish Group
� Chywoone Hill/Newlyn Bridge Traffic Congestion & Pedestrian Safety Task & Finish Group
Agendas are published three clear working days before a meeting is due to take place. They are posted on our public noticeboards, on our website and on our Facebook page
The press and public are welcome to attend all Committee and Full Council meetings and have the opportunity to ask questions or comment on agenda items at the beginning of the meeting.
The minutes for Committee and Council meetings are published once they have been approved and can be viewed on our website at:
The Calendar of Meetings for the year is also available to view on the Council’s website and on the main noticeboard opposite St John’s Hall.
Please contact the council’s Democratic Services Officer, for any information regarding Council meetings by emailing:
From left to right: Town Clerk, Mace Bearer, The Mayor, Mace Bearer, Town Crier, Town Crier’s Consort
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Your Councillors
Penzance East Ward
Councillor Joan Beveridge
Tel: 07488 317209
Councillor Melville Durrant
Tel: 07980 141001
Councillor Jonathan How (Mayor)
Tel: 07846 658193
Councillor Zach Lawlor
Tel: 07565 647120
Councillor Jan Power
Tel: 07977 212254
Councillor Ben Thomas
Tel: 07539 287170
Heamoor & Gulval Ward
Councillor Bonnie Jackson
Tel: 01736 361768 / 07818 828524
Councillor Stephen Reynolds
Tel: 07917 868470
Councillor Richard Sorrell
Tel: 07979 514618
Penzance Promenade Ward
Councillor Nicole Broadhurst
Tel: 01736 350434 / 07935 127875
Councillor Simon Elliott
Tel: 07956 719956
Councillor Will Elliott (Deputy Mayor)
Tel: 07969 842956
Councillor Jim McKenna
Tel: 07764 347910
Councillor Nigel Pengelly
Tel: 07811 154439
Councillor Penny Young
Tel: 07921 120775
Newlyn & Mousehole Ward
Councillor Dennis Axford
Tel: 01736 366685 / 07790 448448
Councillor Sue Bosworth
Tel: 07973 555509
Councillor Rob Crago
Tel: 07896 300302
Councillor Nigel Davis
Tel: 07554 618706
Councillor Thalia Marrington
Tel: 07702 704004
The Mayoral Chain of Penzance
Finance & General Purposes
The Finance & General Purposes Committee has responsibility for overseeing the financial affairs of Penzance Council and all aspects of Corporate Governance.
The Committee also considers grant applications from local community groups and charities; this year, a total of £164,399 was granted to 21 local organisations.
As with the previous two years, the Coronavirus Pandemic has continued to have an impact on the Council’s finances, and this year we have the added challenge of soaring energy bills and rising inflation which is making our essential services even more expensive to deliver.
Setting a budget has been a long and difficult task as the Council has to balance being able to deliver services with the current cost of living crisis which is affecting everyone.
We are increasing our budget for next year which will mean an increase of £53.55 a year for an average Band D property (or an extra £4.46 per month)
£164,399 of grant funding was awarded to 21 local organisations this year
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Penlee House
The Penlee House Committee deals with all matters relating to the management of Penlee House Gallery & Museum.
Penlee House is a unique cultural venue, at the heart of the whole community, with an important collection of paintings by the internationally-renowned Newlyn School and Lamorna artists, as well as a large collection of artefacts celebrating the archaeological and social history of West Cornwall.
The Penlee House Committee establishes service policies, approves programmes of work, monitors performance, and takes decisions in respect of those matters detailed in the approved budget.
Over the past year, the Committee has continued to approve the implementation of actions from the 2021 independent review of Penlee House. This has included developing fundraising and commercial strategies, and co-opting specialist advisors to the Penlee House Committee.
The last year’s highlights
A highlight of this year was the Penlee Inspired exhibition -a crowd-sourced exhibition, open to everyone. Submission to the exhibition was open to all ages and abilities, from beginners to professional artists, and work could be in any medium, including creative writing. The only brief was that the works submitted were inspired by the Penlee House collections and exhibitions.
Artist-led workshops helped to get members of the public inspired and we had our biggest response ever, with school children, students, care home residents and professional artists all entering! Artist-led partnerships with Camborne Deaf Church, Morrab Surgery Social Prescribing Group, The John Daniel Centre and Humphry Davy School led to some great submissions and the range of work was phenomenal, with paintings, drawings and animation alongside poetry and creative writing. It was a challenge to decide which artworks would be included, with the Gallery showing more artworks than ever before in this exhibition!
Another highlight was The Museum of Carefree, an exhibition celebrating the work of Carefree Cornwall The exhibition was curated by and featured artwork created by care-experienced young people. It was a thought provoking and uplifting exhibition, celebrating over four years of partnership working between Penlee House, artist Emma Saffy Wilson, Cornish Museums and charity Carefree Cornwall.
Tim Treagust -inspired by Lamorna Birch's 'In Our Old World Valley' (part of the Penlee Inspired exhibition 2022)
Penlee House Gallery & Museum entrance
Leisure & Amenities
The Leisure & Amenities Committee is responsible for the maintenance and management of Penzance Council assets.
These assets range from open spaces and public toilets to buildings owned or managed by the Council, and the delivery of key public services across the whole parish.
Whilst the work of the Committee is varied and challenging, the Leisure and Amenities Committee has a direct ability to positively influence and affect the “public facing” responsibilities of Penzance Council.
Major projects this year:
� Christmas Light display and tree in town
� Promenade and Town Banner/Flag Projects
� Introducing electric Council vehicles
� New accessible junior play equipment at Penlee Play Park
The new equipment includes:
� 5 new towers
� Climbing walls
� Wheelchair accessible slide
� Sensory Panels
� Net bridge
� Clatter bridge
We have also installed two additional picnic benches following requests for more seating from parents and park users!
The new play park builds on similar active play that we introduced during the refurbishment of Alexandra Play Park, whilst also aiming to provide a distinctly different play space.
Penlee Play Park -Brand new Junior Section
The work on our brand new junior play equipment was completed in September 2022. The new inclusive play equipment, which is accessible to children who are wheelchair users or who use other mobility aids, has proved incredibly popular, and the park has been very well used since the equipment was installed.
new play
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View of the accessible walkways at the
Statutory Consultee
Penzance Council is a statutory consultee for all Penzance Parish planning applications.
This means that Cornwall Council, who make the final decisions on all applications, are legally required to consult with Penzance Council before a decision is made on applications within the Parish.
The Planning Committee makes comments on applications based on submitted plans, public comments on proposals, and reports provided by other departments and outside bodies where appropriate eg. the Strategic Historic Environment Service, the Environment Agency and Historic England.
Penzance Council does not make the final decision on planning applications – these are made by Cornwall Council.
Our Meetings
Our Planning Committee meets on a Wednesday evening once every three weeks. They meet to discuss planning applications submitted within the Penzance Parish (this includes Newlyn, Mousehole, Paul, Heamoor, Gulval, and Eastern Green).
Meeting agendas, and a list of planning applications to be considered, are published three clear working days in advance. They are posted on our public noticeboards, on our website and on our Facebook page
All members of the public are welcome to attend – you have the opportunity to comment on specific planning applications at the start of the meeting.
Overview of the last year
Over the past year, the Committee has commented on just over 300 planning applications. There has been a noticeable trend for extensions and alterations of existing residential properties.
The Committee held an extraordinary meeting in the Newlyn Centre to consider as application for twenty-nine affordable dwellings with a mix of bungalows, flats and two and two -and three-bedroom houses on land adjacent to Chywoone Farm, Newlyn.
A larger application was for the proposed erection of 320 dwellings on land at Trannack Farm, Penzance and the demolition of an existing agricultural building.
Another extraordinary meeting was held at St John’s Hall to consider this application which was well attended by members of the public. After considering the application, and hearing from local residents, the Committee unanimously voted to object to the proposed development at Trannack Farm.
-Feb 2023
Local residents at the extraordinary Planning Committee meeting to consider the Trannack Farm development
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How money was spent last year
Including, but not limited to: Community
• Jubilee Pool Grant
• ASB Caseworker
• 17 CCTV Cameras
• 7 Public Toilets
• 13 Community Toilets
Including, but not limited to: & Heritage Arts, Culture
• Penlee House
• Golowan Grant
• Christmas Lights
• Town banners & Prom Flags
• Civic events
• General Grants
• Social Action Grants
• Youth Activities
Parks, Play & Open Spaces
Including, but not limited to:
• Penlee Park
• Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts
• Heamoor Old School Field
• Foxes Lane Play Park, Mousehole
• Wherrytown Skatepark
• Pavement weeding
• Allotments
• War Memorials
Humphry Davy Statue, Penzance -Image: Greg Martin / Cornwall Live
Grant funding
We are committed to helping community organisations who work to help local people in the Parish of Penzance -to achieve this, we provide grant funding.
Priority is given to Penzance-based organisations. However, the Council will consider grants to organisations not based in Penzance where they can show they are directly working with, or on behalf of, Penzance Parish residents.
More information on how to apply for a grant can be found on our website:
£164,399 of grant funding awarded
Organisation Amount Mousehole Harbour Lights £13,500 Pengarth Day Centre £20,000 Penlee Open Air Theatre £2,300 Newlyn Flora Group £2,700 Gulval Christmas Lights £1,000 Heamoor CIO (Christmas Lights) £500 Tredavoe Chapel (Christmas Tree) £100 Penzance Bowling Club £1,200 Bewnans Kernow £2,958 Penzance Flora Group £2,950 We Are With You £2,000 Solomon Browne Memorial Hall £2,995 Growing Links £5,000 Whole Again Communities £3,000 Become You CIC £3,000 Kesoberi CIC (Pz & Newlyn Youth Club) £5,000 Golowan Festival CIC £24,000 Jubilee Pool £60,000 St Piran in Penwith £1,196 Penzance LitFest £1,000 Newlyn Association £10,000
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Our Services
We provide a wide range of services to the local community and the large number of tourists who visit the town every year
Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts
Penzance Council took on Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts from Cornwall Council in the summer of 2021 and have carried out a full refurbishment of both. We continue to build on the site improvements -this year significant work has been undertaken around the planting areas and around the benches to create a lawned area for people to use. Additional play equipment has also been installed to further enhance the space.
We currently manage approximately 200 allotment plots across 8 sites in the Parish.
Plots are available to anyone who lives in the Parish area of Penzance (proof of residency required). Due to their popularity, there is a long waiting list – when a plot becomes available, we will split it in two where we can to help reduce the waiting times.
Our teams continue to work hard to maintain standards and make improvements across all of our sites.
Community Safety CCTV
Protecting public spaces and making our residents feel safe is very important to us.
We own and maintain 19 CCTV cameras throughout the town as part of a partnership programme with nine other local town councils.
We also contribute to the costs of carrying out the centralised monitoring of this system from the control centre in Tolvaddon which helps to link and support the emergency services in the resolution of issues.
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Caseworker
We took decisive action to secure the future of the town’s ASB Caseworker after Cornwall Council reported it was unable to continue to provide the same level of funding for the post (in 2019?)– we now cover 80% of the costs for the post.
Safer Penzance
Under the umbrella of Safer Cornwall, we work in partnership with Safer Penzance to tackle the impacts of crime, alcohol, drugs and anti-social behaviour in our community.
CCTV Cameras
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Our Services
Christmas Lights
We are responsible for the hire, installation, and maintenance of the suspended Christmas lights throughout Penzance town centre and the sourcing and lighting of the Christmas tree next to the Market House.
We would like to thank Penzance BID, local businesses, and residents in Penzance for their continued support
which make the lights in town possible each year. We also provided grants to Mousehole Harbour Lights, Tredavoe Chapel, Heamoor CIO and Gulval to support their Christmas Light displays this year!
Penlee House Gallery & Museum
Penlee House Gallery & Museum is a unique cultural venue, open to the whole community, with an important collection of paintings by the internationally-renowned Newlyn School and Lamorna artists, as well as a large collection of artefacts celebrating the archaeological and social history of West Cornwall.
Admission is free for everyone who lives within the Parish of Penzance. Please bring along proof of address to receive your pass.
Penlee Park
Our Leisure and Amenities Team are based in Penlee Park – a popular public garden in the heart of the town.
The park offers a range of open spaces and wooded areas to explore, with the addition of an accessible play park, sensory garden and a Memorial Garden for quiet contemplation. The park is also home to Penlee Open Air Theatre and Penzance Tennis Club
In 2022 our park was once again awarded 5 stars in the Britain in Bloom Pride in Parks Award -this is all down the hard work of our dedicated gardening team!
The 2022 Christmas Tree in front of the Humphry Davy Statue & Market House
British Sign Language panel at Penlee Play Park
Our Services
Public Toilets
We now operate 7 Public Toilets across the Parish of Penzance. We continue to receive regular positive feedback regarding the cleanliness and condition of the facilities that we provide.
We’ve recently made improvements to upgrade the hand washing facilities which significantly reduces our water consumption.
You can find out more about the public toilets, where they are and their opening times on our website:
Community Toilet Scheme
We were one of the first local councils to introduce a ‘Community Toilet Scheme’ to boost our existing public toilet services. The scheme provides funding which enables local businesses to open their toilet facilities to members of the public to use free of charge.
13 businesses across Penzance, Newlyn, Heamoor, and Gulval are currently part of our scheme. All the businesses taking part receive funding from us to offer this service so you don’t need to spend a penny!
Look out for the sign at participating businesses!
Wellfields Car Park
We own and manage Wellfields Car Park (next to Penlee Park). It provides good value long-stay parking for people working in and visiting Penzance. The current price for a 24-hour ticket is £2.50 (subject to annual review). The car park has 141 spaces, including 4 spaces for Blue Badge Holders.
We also operate a Quarterly Parking Permit Scheme to provide further cost savings to those who use the car park regularly. All income from the car park is used to maintain the car park itself.You can find out more information on our website:
Wherrytown Skateboard Plaza
Working closely with Kerbs Skateboard Association, we manage and maintain the Wherrytown Skateboard Plaza The Plaza is open to all abilities of bikers, skaters and scooters all year round.
The cleanliness and upkeep of the facility is a credit to the Kerbs Association who promote ownership and responsibility amongst users to ensure it remains in good condition.
An earmarked reserve for the Plaza was established in 2020 to help fund future improvement projects with the support of Kerbs Association.
Skateboard -Image: Lukas-Bato -Unsplash
Penzance Community Toilet Scheme participating business sign
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Our Services
Foxes Lane Play Park
We took on Foxes Lane Play Park in Mousehole from Cornwall Council in 2021 and have since carried out a refurbishment project to improve the facilities for families in the village.
We have installed a brand new perimeter fence and all the equipment and play surfaces have been deep cleaned and revamped.
The planting has also been revised with the aim of providing a more open and welcoming space for the community to use.
Heamoor Old School Field
Penzance Council owns and manages the Old School Field in Heamoor (located next to the former primary school on Madron Road).
Over the last few years we have carried out lots of improvement works to make the field an accessible community space for all residents to enjoy. We have installed a community noticeboard, kindly handmade by a local resident, to keep everyone updated on news and events happening in the village.
We also have a brilliant group of local volunteers known as the HGVs (the Heamoor Garden Volunteers) who help us to maintain the flower beds at the field!
Members of the HGVs at Heamoor Old School Field
Foxes Lane Play Park, Mousehole
Our new community noticeboard at Heamoor Old School Field Penzance Council Annual Report 2022/23 | 13
Our Services
Penzance Jewish Cemetery
Penzance Council look after the Grade II listed Penzance Jewish Cemetery, located between Leskinnick Terrace and Mount Street.
It was established in 1740 and is one of the bestpreserved eighteenth century Jewish cemeteries in the UK, outside of London.
We also work closely with Penlee House Gallery & Museum staff who supervise maintenance works to ensure the site’s heritage is protected.
Memorial maintenance
We look after 6 memorials across the parish, including:
• Eileen McGrigor Memorial, Newlyn
• Fisherman Memorial, Newlyn Green
• Humphry Davy Statue, Market Jew Street
• Mousehole War Memorial
• Newlyn War Memorial
• Penzance War Memorial, Battery Rocks
Pavement Weeding
Our Leisure & Amenities Team carry out weeding on over 100km of pavements across the whole parish!
As part of our Climate Emergency Action Plan, we do not use any chemicals and the weeding is done using electric powered tools.
Fisherman Memorial, Newlyn Green
Penzance Jewish Cemetery
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Penzance Coat of Arms
We organise a wide range of civic and ceremonial events within the community each year
May 2022
Mayor Choosing & Community Awards
June 2022
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations for HM The Queen
Our collaborative events included:
Proclamation Cries by the Town Crier in Penzance, Newlyn and Mousehole
5 beacon lightings across the Parish:
St Mary’s Church, Penzance
Humphry Davy School
Jubilee Pool
Newlyn Harbour
Mousehole Harbour
A Platinum Communi-tea Party in Morrab Gardens with free cream teas and performances by local community groups & schools
St John’s Feast Parade
We worked closely with Golowan organise the civic parade and church service for St -
John’s Feast. St John is the patron saint of Penzance and has been incorporated into the Golowan Festival since its revival in 1991.
We are the festival’s Lead Partner and provide grant funding each year to ensure the whole festival remains on the calendar of Penzance events!
From left to right: Sid Reed (retiring Mace Bearer), Elliott Furse (Young Citizen of the Year 2022), Richard Eddy (father of Neil Eddy -Citizen of the Year 2022), Emma-Leigh Stubbins (Special Recognition Award), Cllr Jonathan How (Mayor of Penzance), Oscar Simmons (Humphry Davy Prize Winner 2022), Seb Dash (Mayor’s Sea Cadet 2022), Oliver Hall (Mayor’s Air Cadet
Image: Humphry Davy School
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Events July 2022 Royal visit to Mousehole November 2022
The former Duke & Duchess of Cornwall greet residents on Duck Street, Mousehole
Remembrance Day & Remembrance Sunday
December 2022 Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition Penzance
to lower standards on Remembrance Sunday 2022
The former Duke of Cornwall greets the crowds at Mousehole Harbour
School children and members of the public at the two-minute silence in the Memorial Gardens of Penlee Park on Remembrance Day 2022
Sea Cadets prepare
the entries
The Mayor of Penzance judging
Winning design by Jacey Gardiner -Gulval School
Looking forward
The 2023/24 budget
At the Full Council meeting held on Monday 16 January 2023, Councillors agreed a budget for 2023/34 and set out plans to spend over £2 million in the parish from 1 April 2023.
The past two financial years have been difficult for everyone; the cost of living crisis, the rise in inflation, and increase in utility costs made setting next year's budget especially challenging and required an increase in the precept.
Including, but not limited to:
• Jubilee Pool
• ASB Caseworker
• 17 CCTV Cameras
• 7 Public Toilets
• 13 Community Toilets
• Centenary Hall purchase
• Pz AFC grandstand roof replacement
& Heritage Arts, Culture
Including, but not limited to:
• Penlee House
• Golowan
• Christmas Lights
• Town banners
• Civic events
Financial pressures will continue next year but the new budget will enable Penzance Council to maintain and deliver important local services like public toilets, parks and open spaces, cultural events, and support local initiatives like the assisted purchase of Centenary Hall for the benefit of the whole community.
All the money residents pay to Penzance Council is spent within the parish across: Penzance, Newlyn, Mousehole, Paul, Heamoor, Gulval, and Eastern Green.
• General Grants
• Social Action Grants
• Climate Emergency Grants
• Youth Work & Activities
Parks, Play
Including, but not limited to: & Open Spaces
• Penlee Park
• Alexandra Play & Tennis Courts
• Heamoor Old School Field
• Foxes Lane Park, Mousehole
• Wherrytown Skatepark
• 200 allotment plots (approx)
Penzance Council's element of residents' Council Tax Bill from 1 April 2023 is:
Council Tax Bands Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H Annual Amount £199.91 £233.33 £266.54 £299.86 £366.50 £433.13 £499.77 £599.72 Weekly Equivalent £3.84 £4.49 £5.13 £5.77 £7.05 £8.33 £9.61 £11.53 Penzance Council Annual Report 2022/23 | 17
Looking forward
Penlee House
May 2023 -Lamorna Colony Pioneers Exhibition
This major exhibition will explore the small group of artists who were drawn to Lamorna at the beginning of the twentieth century, including Laura Knight, Harold Knight, Lamorna Birch and Alfred Munnings.
Family Activities
We will be continuing with our regular Baby and Parent and Pre-School sessions, and weekly Saturday activities which provide fun and educational activities for children and families.
Leisure & Amenities
New Electric Vehicles
Penzance Council will be switching to all-electric vehicles for its Leisure & Amenities Team this year.
We have already had the UK’s first ever road-registered Etesia ET Lander delivered which you may have seen our teams getting to grips with out and about in the parish!
The ET Lander is 100% electric powered and will be used for a variety of open spaces tasks, including park and play area maintenance, allotment management, and supporting the town wide watering programme. It will also be used to transport the team around the parish for our weed treatment programme.
Community Events
May 2023 -Pz Coronation Celebration
We are pleased to announce it will be hosting a ‘Coronation Celebration’ on Sunday 7 May in Morrab Gardens from 11am – 3pm which will form part of the Coronation Big Lunch taking place across the country.
Organised in partnership with Pengarth Day Centre and featuring live music performances from Penzance Silver Band, Dawn Chorus & Levow an Bys, and Penzance Choral Society. The Penzance Coronation Celebration will provide something for everyone to celebrate this historic occasion!
12 June
2023 -Pz Armed Forces Flag Relay Event
Penzance Council, in partnership with Cornwall Council and the Armed Forces Community, are hosting a community event to show support for Armed Forces personnel, past and present. The event is free to all and will take place at St John’s Hall at 11am.
Princess May Recreation Ground
Penzance Council has committed to the devolved transfer of ownership and management of Princess May Recreation Ground from Cornwall Council. We will be working in partnership with Princess May Rec CIC to develop plans for the future management of the site and undertaking a community consultation to develop a Recreation Ground Improvement Plan.
Developing an Open Spaces Strategy
During the coming year we will be developing an Open Spaces Strategy to determine our priority sites, projects, and future investment across the Parish.
The Town Clerk taking delivery of the new ET Lander from Andrew
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Penzance Council Penlee Centre Penlee Park Penzance TR18 4HE 01736 363405