The Puyallup Post | Volume 7 | Issue 3 | December 2001

Page 1

raiders’ sports

a jump on the competition See page 9

“Funky” phil and the gang post Staff interviews on page 7

page 4-5

Puyallup poSt the

Serving the puyallup campuS oF pierce college

Forum addresses views on terrorism By Lonny Sulfaro Puyallup Post

On October 22, Pierce College sponsored an event to try to ease people’s concerns after the September 11 terrorist

Mohrbacher talked about denotation which is the actual

After Peshtaz, an Islamic spiritual leader Amjad Avu Nar

meaning of a word and connotation which how people inter-

spoke on “the Islamic Experience. Avu Nar stated, “Islam

pret the word. Mohrbacher said, “There is a need for the word

means to submit your life to god,” and then added, “I came to

war, but campaign may be more accurate than war.”

America to help people not kill people. Islamic people

Following Morhbacher community member Yunus Pesh-

believe in all the prophets including Jesus. Avu Nar then went

The event which was entitled “Moments of Reflection: A

taz spoke on “The American Muslim Perspective” Peshtaz

on to say, “The Taliban are calling this a jihad, which means

Dialogue on Terrorism” was sponsored by student programs

talked about how he came to Puyallup 23 years ago as an

holy war. You can not consider the September 11 attacks a

and consisted of a panel of instructors and community mem-

exchange student when Russia invaded Afghanistan. Peshtaz


bers speaking on different topics.

graduated with the highest honors in Kabul and received a


The event began with Pierce College Puyallup political

one-year scholarship to attend school in the United States.

Next Pierce student Saif Alkawoani spoke also on “The Islamic Experience.” Alkawoani reiterated Avu Nar’s com-

science instructor Chris Vanneson speaking on “Terrorism in

He went on to say how once Russia was defeated the Unit-

ments and said, “Osama Bin Laden is not our leader. The Tal-

an Age of Globalization.” Vanneson talked about how the

ed States brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan and

iban is not our government. There is no Islamic government,”

majority of Muslim Americans condemned the terrorist

actually funded Osama Bin Laden for several years.

attacks. He then on went on to discuss the roots of terrorism

Peshtaz had very strong feelings on the situation in

and concluded by saying, “We are all equal. Everyone are all brothers and sisters.”

stating that terrorism dates all the way back to ancient

Afghanistan and said, “Bin Laden is an invader in

Social science faculty member John Lucas then conclud-

Greece. Vanneson then stated, “The reasons behind terrorist

Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are running for their

ed the lineup of speakers by discussing how America has

attacks are mostly because of religious differences.”

lives. Islam is a peaceful religion and not against Christiani-

changed over the years.

Pierce College Puyallup English instructor Bob

ty. The people of Afghanistan are prisoners to Bin Laden and

After everyone had finished speaking there was a question

Mohrbacher spoke next on “The Power of Political Lan-

the Taliban. I applaud the action of the United States in the

and answer portion with the audience where members of the

guage: What does it mean when we use the word war?”

fight against terrorism.”

panel answered all questions or comments the audience had.

budget plan the 2nd week of December and

campus security works to ensure student safety

then the legislature will reconvene in January

By Lonny Sulfaro

to start the new session.

Puyallup Post

Budget cuts make future unclear By Lonny Sulfaro Puyallup Post

Pierce College and the rest of the Washington state funded colleges could face a huge economic problem in the future.

have been. There was also $300 million left over from the last legislative sessions in budget issues. All this together adds up to the $1.2 billion deficit the state is now facing.

Governor Gary Locke is set to release his

“It’s as bad as it could possibly be, but we

Ever since the terrorist attacks, security has been an issue in the country.

According to the financial forecast, which

It is still unknown how the deficit will

will try to maintain all programs,” Wall added.

came out November 20 Washington will have

affect Pierce College, but it is safe to assume

The college will have a better idea of exact-

Pierce College Puyallup administrators

a 1.2 billion dollar deficit when the 2002/03

that there will be some sort of impact.

ly what kind of cutbacks if any it will be fac-

haven’t made major changes in security, but at

ing once the legislature begins its session.

least one security officer is on the campus along

biannual budget goes through.

Pierce College President Steve Wall said,

The original forecast prior to the Septem-

“There is no way to put a positive spin on this

“Pierce College is proceeding to review

ber 11 terrorist attacks was that the state would

situation. This is the worst situation I’ve seen

expenditures and proceeding very carefully in

have about a million dollar deficit.

since the late 70’s and early 80’s.”

expenditures to save any money if there are

After September 11 it was expected that the

Phase 3 design work is still continuing at

state would be 6 to 8 million below where they

the Puyallup campus, as is the construction at

wanted to be, because of all the job cuts there

the Ft. Steilacoom campus.

with numerous custodial and maintenance workers who keep a careful watch. So far this year, there has been the usual number problems on campus. There has one

cutbacks. Stay tuned to future issues of the Post as this scary situation evolves.

car stolen, a few backpacks and purses stolen, a case of indecent exposure, and numerous small fender benders.

art class completes patriotic van

There is also occasionally a problem with

By Katie Yates and Lonny Sulfaro

tions regarding the recent tragedy.

Puyallup Post

two years, just waiting for its chance to

Art instructor Elizabeth Sorensen is con-

The van had sat in Sorensen’s yard for

skateboarders and rollerbladers, but that has diminished quite a bit since the new skate park in Puyallup opened. When the newspaper surveyed some Pierce


tinuing her quest to get 35 students to paint a

It has been cleaned, stripped, repaired,

students (see student speakout on page 2) to see

1984 Volkswagen van as a tribute to the ter-

and painted by Sorenson and her students.

how they felt about campus security most of

rorists events of September 11.

The van was unveiled at the South Hill Mall

them said they felt safe on campus.

Sorensen, who is providing her students

on Nov. 23. and put on eBay Nov. 24.

“More people are more aware of what is

with a hands-on project, hopes to teach them

The proceeds from the sale of the van will

happening around them, so that is one of the

the process of creating a work of art, as well

be donated to a relief organization. The van

reasons we don’t have a lot of problems,” Secu-

as giving students a way to vent their emo-

See patriotic van on page 10


rity officer Maureen Hodges said.


puyallup post

P r e s i d e n t ’ s


Campus security could be better

m e s s a g e

Dave Rieland

design. We hope to continue this work

ASPCP President

and design a building that will appeal to

In case you were unaware, Pierce Col-

all students.

- the list goes on. The Activities Board has worked very hard to create a calendar that will appeal

lege is currently designing a third build-

Want to get involved?? Need a sense

to all students. They have incorporated

ing, currently known as Phase III. This

of power within the college? Join a com-

events from the trip they recently took to

Making sure that a business or school is safe is no easy task,

building will incorporate an activities

mittee. We need student representatives

Portland, to attend the National Associa-

but the security staff on the Puyallup campus work hard to make

center, the Student Programs office,

for many committees within the college.

tion of Campus Activities seminar on Nov.

our little corner of the world a little safer. There are a few things on the campus that I think would help make the campus a little more secure. Currently, almost anyone and everyone can simply walk onto the campus and into the building without being noticed. One possible solution for this problem would be to have all

Puyallup Post office, classrooms, faculty

We need students for Tenure, Campus

15th. They have a great, diverse, calen-

offices, a new cafeteria, an espresso

Development, Environmental, Services

dar that will include everyone. Look for

room, and a new bookstore. In building

and Activities Budget, Calendar, Cultural

calendars at the beginning of the quarter.

this new center, we will lose the current

Diversity, Student Technology Budget,

Student Government worked hard to

basketball court, but a new one will be

and College Disciplinary Committees.

incorporate the ideas given to us through

constructed to replace it.

Members of

Serving on committees has many great

the recent survey. Look for some great

non-students or faculty check in at the administration office and

Student Programs have worked actively

benefits, including the opportunity to


pick up a visitor pass, which is how many of the high schools in

on the Phase III committee. We have

make decisions that impact the college

Congratulations on completing the

the area keep strangers off campus.

been taking road trips to view various

and its students, the chance to get that all

Fall Quarter. We wish all students a safe

Another item that is a safety concern is the possibility of

colleges throughout the state, and have

important letter of recommendation for

winter break, and we’ll see you in Janu-

someone bringing a weapon onto the campus. If the campus

incorporated many of these ideas into the

admissions to colleges, scholarships, jobs


installed metal detectors that possibility could be significantly reduced. Earlier this year, there was a break in at the Student programs office and several people’s things were stolen. If the college installed video surveillance cameras inside the

s t u d e n t

s P e a k O u t

Do you feel safe on campus?

buildings, those types of crimes could be prevented. If they did occur, then the college could have a suspect in the crime. The campus is also not very well lit at night and could use some additional lights in the parking lots. So how do you prevent yourself from being a victim of crime on campus?

melissa Bates Yes, in the day, but more lighting in the parking lots would help at night.

Well, the best thing you can do is always be aware of your surroundings.

pamela mitchell Yes I do. We live in fairly small town, and we don’t worry about horrible things happening to us. The instructors here make me feel very safe and secure.

If you have a late night class and you parked a mile from the building, don’t walk to your car by yourself. A good thing to remember is that there is strength in numbers. To prevent your stuff from being stolen out of your car the

leigh oliver Yes, there is no threat here.

elizabeth canary Yes, because I don’t feel threatened by the students or the staff.

Brain loshbough Yes, I’m generally not concerned about terrorists in Washington, or affecting Pierce College life.

Kelly huffron Of course I do. There is nothing to be afraid of here.

best thing you can do is don’t leave anything in your car. Even though it is less likely that your things will get stolen during class if you leave the room there is still the possibility and I wouldn’t recommend leaving your things unattended during class. I also wouldn’t leave your things in the lobby or atrium unattended. If you were going to the bookstore then I would recommend putting your stuff in the trunk of your car or having a friend watch it while you’re in the bookstore. There is no sure proof solution to preventing crime and sometimes it is unavoidable to be a victim. Fortunately, at Pierce College Puyallup there haven’t been many problems.

The crimes that happen at Pierce sometimes are very serious offenses. Indecent exposure, grand theft auto, stalking,, and burglary are not little offenses. Campus security does what they can, but they can only do so much. There needs to be some drastic changes made to ensure that Pierce has a safe environment for all students

Jessica Whitman Yes. I’ve never felt not safe.

tyler Williams Yes because it’s a safe environment.

carly Saxon I do. This is a good environment.

Joshua Ford Yes, because there is a sense of security when you walk in.

ryan Snow Do I?!

Bianca northington Yes, no reason why.

— Lonny Sulfaro


puyallup post

For information on how to submit story ideas or for advertising rates, please call 840-8496.

Editor: Lonny Sulfaro Reporters: Philip Nufer, Katie Yates, Micah Gervais Staff photographer: Kathryn Newell Advisors:Teresa Josten, Steve Heeb

Johnnie campbell Yes, because all the people are nice.

DecemBer 2001


g e t t i n g maureen hodges does a little of everything. She works closely with everyone at the college. A list of her some of her duties include delivering messages, helping people with their


k n O w

What is the funniest call you have ever been on? The top was down on a convertible and she got called because the car was unlocked.

car problems, dealing with fender benders, taking care of work orders, handling first aid situations and taking care of the lost and found.

Do you like your job? Maureen loves her job. She has a lot of fun.

The security station also has scantrons and pencils just in case the bookstore is closed.

Do you need special training to be a security guard? She went to Clover Park Technical College and takes continuing education classes to help improve her skills. On the job training is also a big part of the job.

is being a security guard a dangerous job? Along with the job comes some risk, but for the most part at the Puyallup Campus there is little to no risk. Everyone looks out for everyone else. The support she receives from the administration and the school makes her job safe.

Do students care about what’s happening at pierce?

YO u

Do you work out? No, she gets enough exercise at work walking all day. What is your favorite part of the job? Maureen loves being able to help students with problems.

Lonny Sulfaro Puyallup Post

Have you ever been to a student programs

What is the hardest part of the job? She hates not being able to help all the time.

sponsored event? Well, if you have been to any event at Pierce College Puyallup, there is a pretty good chance it was a Student Programs

What kind of paperwork do you do? The only real paperwork she has is a daily log. The log is to make sure that when her shift ends she doesn’t forget to tell the next person what is happening.

sponsored event. There always seems to be a really good turnout for these events and that makes the people who coordinate them feel good. Student programs coordinators have done a wonderful job coordinating a wide variety of events this quarter and I salute them. Photo by Kathryn Newell

college lacks in handicap needs

However, it doesn’t seem like anyone supports student government. Every other week there is a student council meeting and so far this quarter it seems like the only people who attend are all the other student leaders, club representatives, and maybe one or two students.

Lonny Sulfaro

Now I’m not sure if it’s just a matter of nobody caring about what’s happening at

Puyallup Post

Have you ever used those automatic door openers? They’re great,

Pierce or if it’s a case of nobody knowing

because you don’t even have to open the door. Well that’s not what

when the meetings are.

they are there for! The automatic door openers are for people who

Student council meeting during the day

have physical handicaps.

usually is at noon in either A136 or the atrium.

I recently found out what it was like to be handicapped at least

Council meeting in the evening are usually

temporarily when I severely injured my knee and had to be on crutch-

at 6 p.m. in the atrium.

es. While this campus does have the basic requirements for accom-

The last meeting of the quarter will be at

modating handicapped people’s needs it is lacking in several areas.

noon on Tuesday, Dec. 4 in the atrium.

The first area that the campus is lacking in is parking. There are

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes stu-

several handicapped parking spaces, but you can only park in them if

dent council meeting aren’t incredibly excit-

you have a sticker from the state. The state will generally not grant

ing. There’s not all the action you normally see

a handicapped permit unless you are going to be handicapped for

at student programs events. It’s kind of the

more than a month. There is one special needs parking space on cam-

behind the scenes of what happens at Pierce.

pus in the west lot for people who are temporarily handicapped. The

Student programs coordinators discuss

problem with that is that there is more than one person who is tem-

events that have happened recently and

porarily handicapped sometimes. The campus should seriously con-

TOP O THE WORLD: Mountaineer Ed Viesturs signed upcoming events they are working on. autographs after his presentation Oct. 25. His lecture Also at student council meeting college was titled Everest: Mountain Without Mercy. club representatives give updates on what their

sider adding more temporary parking spaces. In my particular case I ended up parking so far out that it took me 20 minutes to hobble to the building in the rain. That was not cool nor was it fun. The next area the campus is lacking in is the automatic door openers. There are automatic door openers on all of the doors leading out

club has been doing lately.

Financial aid renewals start Jan. 2

Student council meetings are also where any changes to student programs procedures

of the building with the exception of the doors on the right of the l/s

The Financial Aid office reminds all students to renew their finan-

building going into the second floor. There are also automatic door

cial aid requests beginning January 2, 2002, for the 2002-2003 aca-

So I encourage and hope that you will

openers on all the bathrooms, but not on any of the classrooms. It is

demic year. Remember this is an ANNUAL process. New FAFSAs

attend these meetings, but if you don’t I just

are discussed.

a huge pain in the butt to try and open a door and get through it while

(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms will be available

want to say to Dave, Zac, Rocki, Karri, Katie,

you are on crutches. The doors are so heavy that they are almost shut

online beginning January 2 at Remember to apply

and Sara I appreciate everything you all do for

by the time you start to hobble through and then they whack you in


the college.

sider investing in some automatic door openers for classrooms. I was fortunate to have friends who were kind enough to walk with me to my class and open the door for me most of the time, but when I had to walk by myself I had a heck of a time getting through the door.

Photo by Philip Nufer

the back as your going through. The school should definitely con-

upcoming eventS: SeaSonal StreSS DoWn- December 3, All Day, Atrium

The third area that the campus is lacking in could be fixed very

This is a great opportunity for students to

easily. The parking lots are littered with leaves that become very slip-

release their stress while listening to the

pery when they get wet. I lost count of how many times I almost took

choir. There will also be free massages at

a nosedive on the pavement, because I slipped on leaves. The cam-

noon and 4:30 p.m. and complimentary hot

pus groundskeepers should make sure that the leaves are cleared not

refreshments to create a relaxing environ-

only off the sidewalk, but also out of the parking lot.


There are so many things that this school could do to help people who are temporarily handicapped and I encourage everyone reading this to talk with campus administrators about improving handicapped

StuDent council meeting- December 4, noon, Atrium

issues. You never know you may end up temporarily handicapped

Students still have one opportunity to get

someday, but you tend not to think about that until it happens to you.

informed on what student government and

I know I never did.

Student Activities board members are plan-

On personal note I just want to say thank you to all the sweet young ladies and kind gentlemen who helped me out by carrying my bag, opening doors, or even just asking me how I was feeling. You’re the best.

ning for at the last student council meeting of UNDER HIS SPELL: Students under the influence of the quarter. Come listen to what goes on hypnotist Fred Winters performed a variety of unusual behind a the scenes of Student Programs. activities, like snuggling to stay warm. More than dozen students were hypnotized during Winters visit


puyallup post

s P O rt s

hoopin’ it up Men’s basketball fights uphill battle

Lakewood Community Center. The community center is a nice facility, but it was not built to

volleyball wraps up season 6-12 By Philip Nufer Puyallup Post

hold the crowd for a college basketball game, said Jeff Estis, the

The Women’s Volleyball team finished the season with six

new men’s basketball coach. In addition, the team’s schedule

wins and 12 losses in the overall record, and six wins and eight

By Philip Nufer

must fit around other activities at the community center. Because

losses in league play. The team defeated Highline and Centralia

Puyallup Post

of this scheduling problem, the team must start their season with

community colleges, but lost to Clark, Lower Columbia, and

11 straight road games.

Green River community colleges.

Pierce College’s men’s basketball team has many challenges as the 2001-2002 season hits the court.

Also, there is no money to recruit student athletes, and this

This year’s team was lead by middle hitter Karisa Makaiwi,

year’s team is quite inexperienced, said Estis. Of the 14 players

setter/outside hitter Kirstin Bautista, and setter/outside hitter Jen-

campus for the players to practice. This forces team members to

on this year’s team, only two players returned from last year.

nifer McGinnis.

practice away from school, and pushes their home games to the

Only four team members have ever played in college basketball.

All three team members posted impressive numbers. Bautista

Photo by Kathryn Newell

First, a gymnasium isn’t available on the Fort Steilacoom

Estis joins Pierce College this year after assisting at some

led the team with 145 kills, 226 assists, 53 aces, and 156 digs.

well known universities, but this is his first head coaching posi-

McGinnis and Makaiwi statistically followed close behind the


outrageous numbers put up by Bautista. McGinnis ended with

“My expectations for this year’s team are very high,” said Pierce College President Steve Wall. “Jeff Estis has recruited some wonderful athletes, and seems enthusiastic about the prospects of this season.” In past years, basketball players have had poor academic

127 kills, 191 assists, 28 aces, and 120 digs. Makaiwi ended with 110 kills, 50 blocks, 27 aces, and 119 digs. “Those three girls are great athletes, but they could not have done as well without the support of their teammates,” said Assistant Coach Natalie Zukowski. Photo by Tom Pell

achievement, said Estis, who created a daily study hall for his student athletes to increase academic success. This consists of 90 minute to two-hour sessions with tutors, advisors and individual study. Not only does Estis want his players to become better students, he also wants to build each player to become a more complete person. “Pierce College basketball players should be considered role models,” said Estis, who also asks his players to attend community service activities. Estis said he is trying to build a solid men’s basketball program. He and the assistant coaches have built a website to increase student interest in the team. The site is available at

NEW HOME COURT: With no basketball facility on the Steilacoom campus, the men s basketball team must practice at off-campus facilities, such as the Mel Korum Family YMCA, pictured, and the Lakewood Community Center.

Go Raiders Women’s Basketball outlook for 2001-2 By Philip Nufer Puyallup Post

This year’s Lady Raiders hope for a big turn around from last year. Although they’re not very tall, they’re 11 deep with some ladies who can really play.

SERVE IT UP: The women s volleyball team finished the year with a 6-8 record in league

Next up is the Sumner High School duo of Jennifer McGin-

Rodriguez’s first year and plays the point guard position. She has

nis and Tasha Rice. McGinnis is a sophomore shooting guard

a very nice jumper, deep outside or the mid-range shot is good

while Rice plays a post/forward position. Both of these ladies

for her. Her contributions are assets for the team as well as

come to play everyday—definitely a plus to the team, said Quar-

everyone else’s. Sarah Brown is a freshman out of Cascade Christian High

les Jamie Conklin and Ashley German make up the River Ridge

School. She will play a three guard spot and when she’s open she

High School connection. Both are freshmen with a great sense

knows what to do with the ball. Standing at about 5’5’’, Sarah is

for basketball. The team will look for these two players to make

not afraid to get in there and mix it up.

major contributions. They can flat out play, said Quarles.

CeCee Trent is last one the list but she is definitely not the

These three groups of players complete the high school duos.

least. She is about 5’11’’ who will play the post for us this year.

Starting with three returning sophomores, one transfer soph-

Next up is Andrea Craig. She can play any position on the

Trent, a graduate of Mt. Tahoma High School, was a walk on

omore, and seven freshmen—the Lady Raiders look for a run

team, and has good ball handling. Craig can post up and shoot

this year. She is another one of the players who has been play-

and gun season.

the mid-range jumper. Craig also gives the Lady Raiders a

ing the game for years. She also has a nose for the basketball—

defensive presence. Being a sophomore, Quarles looks for Craig

whether it’s offense of defense she seems to find the ball.

“Our team will be very competitive in the region,” said Head Coach Neal Quarles. He plans to have an aggressive team based in part on the tal-

to carry a lot of the load this year. Erin Rotz is a transfer student athlete from California. Rotz

“We’re more than happy to have her playing with us,” said Quarles.

ents of Erika Lastimado and Paula Pritchard, the Curtis High

is a straight up, hard nose player who won’t back down from too

The team lost their season opener to Everett College and are

School duo who brings a lot of character to the team. These two

much of anything, said Quarles She loves to slash her way to the

now 1-2 after defeating Peninsula College 73-71and being

ladies give the team a great deal of the inside and outside attack-


crushed 88-31 by Chemetka College. The Raiders are now

ing, said Quarles.

Teo Rodriguez is a player from Chief Leschi. This is

looking to regroup back at home.

DecemBer 2001


By Philip Nufer

hard, and I hope that all of the effort put forth

Puyallup Post

will carry our men’s basketball team through

The win was Head Coach Jeff Estis’s debut

the season with a winning tradition,” said Ath-

with Pierce (1-0). “You only get one chance to

letic Commissioner, Cheryl Batschi. After a

win your first game as a head coach, and we got

Thanksgiving weekend tournament the team is

it done,” said Estis. The Pierce College Raiders

now 2-2.

Photo by Kathryn Newell

estis, raiders win season opener

men’s basketball season got off to a good start with a 68-53 win over Everett Community College Saturday, Nov. 17. Sophomore Demetrius

men’s basketball names a wonder trio of captains

Crosby (19 points, 7 rebounds; Foss, Tacoma)

The Pierce College men’s basketball team

led the team at the net. This was the first of 11

named the season’s tri-captains. Leaders for the

straight road games.

team are: Demetrius Crosby, sophomore (Foss,

Other standouts included:

Tacoma), Tyler Zornes, sophomore (Boyd

Sophomore Dio Cadogan (Curtis, Universi-

County, Ashland, Ky.) and Josh Warren, soph-

ty Place), in his first college start, scored 13

omore (Lakes, Lakewood).

points. Freshman Terrance Troupe (Fife) added 10

coach estis Show on Klay

points and 12 rebounds along with Darius

KLAY Radio (1180 AM) will begin broad-

Vaielua (Washington, Parkland) and Tyler

casting the Coach Estis Show beginning Mon-

Zornes (Boyd County, Ashland, Ky.) adding 8

day, Dec. 17, 2001, at 7 p.m. The Ram Restau-

points each.

rant (10019 59th Avenue SW, Lakewood) will

With a big first game win, Estis and the

host Estis and KLAY Monday nights from

men’s basketball team have very high hopes for

December to March (excluding Christmas Eve

an amazing season. Estis stated, “ When you

and New Year's Eve). The hour-long show will

can go on the road, have 25 turn-overs and a

include features on past and present games of

multitude of defensive breakdowns, yet come

the Raiders, spotlights on team and staff mem-

away with a victory, it is a sign that the program

bers, special celebrity coaching guests and

is in the right direction.”


“I think the men deserve the first win of the 2001-2002 season. They have worked very

n For more information on Raider athletics, access

Soccer team’s finish proves too little, too late to secure playoff berth By Philip Nufer Puyallup Post

The soccer team finished the season with seven wins, 11 losses, and two ties. The team began brightly with several wins in the early part of the season, however, the middle of the season was rocky. “We managed to get by with some hard work and effort from the lads. Toward the end of the season they began to play the way we knew they could. With that came respect from the teams they played. The lads gained what I hope is a lot of experience, both as players and as students,” said Head Coach Manny Montezdeoca.

Photo by Tom Pell

Pierce did finish the season with a 1-1 tie against Seattle

GETTING READY FOR ACTION: Prior to the opener with Everett Community College, the men s basketball team held an inter-squad

player SpotlightS B







Demetrius crosby

Dionisio cadogan

Position: Shooting Guard

Position: Forward



Height: 6’3”

Height: 6’6”

Last Season: One of the returning lead-

Last Season: Averaged 6.1 Points Per

ing scorers in the NWAACC. Aver-

Game. Averaged 4.8 Rebounds Per

aged 17.2 Points Per Game. Aver-


aged 2.4 Assist Per Game

What high school did you attend?

What high school did you attend? Foss


Curtis Demetrius Crosby

How many years did you play varsity high school basketball? Four How did you get involved in basketball? My cousins influenced me when I was about eight years old. What do you enjoy most about the sport? I really enjoy the competition. I also like the fact that I can always better myself.

Community College but failed to qualify for the NWAACC soc-

What is your major at Pierce College? Sports Medicine

cer playoffs.

Where do you hope to transfer? I am currently undecided, but

How many years did you play varsity

Dionisio Cadogan

high school basketball? Four How did you get involved in basketball? I was playing on a recreational basketball team just for fun in seventh grade, and the junior high basketball coach suggested that I try out for the school team. What do you enjoy most about the sport? The pure excitement and adrenaline I get when I play. What is your major at Pierce College? I am undecided, but leaning toward psychology.

I am being recruited by a wide variety of division one and

Where do you hope to transfer? I am undecided.

two schools.

How do you feel about this year’s team? As a team, we are

How do you feel about this year’s team? We have a lot to learn, but we will still play a great game.

growing together very well. We should be successful this season.

What do think about the new head coach? He teaches our

What do you think about the new head coach? He is like no

team more than we have ever learned before. Coach Estis is

coach I have ever had in past years. Estis wants us to be a

very qualified for the position.

great team on and off the court.

Who is your favorite basketball player? Why? Duke Univer-

Who is your favorite basketball player? Why? Shawn Kemp

sity’s Jason Williams. He can do everything. He is not a one

when he played for the Seattle Supersonics. He brought so

dimensional; rather, he is a triple-threat player. What are your biggest strengths on the court? Offensively, I score all around the basket, and I can finish in the transition. Defensively, I put an aggressive attack on the basketball.

much excitement to the game when he dunked. He was also an amazing show-off. What are your biggest strengths on the court? Rebounding


puyallup post

Happy Holidays the night BeFore chriStmaS (a visit From St. nicholas) by Clement Clarke Moore 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that ST. NICHOLAS soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads. And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

gingerbread men 1 c Butter or margarine; softened 1/2 c Brown sugar, firmly packed 1 Egg 1/3 c Light molasses 3 c Sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 ts Baking Soda 1/4 ts Salt 3/4 ts Cinnamon 3/4 ts Ginger 1/4 ts Nutmeg 1 1/2 c Quaker Oats, uncooked -- (quick old-fashioned)

Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name. "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN! On, COMET! on CUPID! on, DONNER and BLITZEN! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

Basic non-alcoholic eggnog

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my hand, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.

He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD-NIGHT."

Fantasy Fudge

or 12 eggs 3 cups sugar 1 1/2 cups sugar 3/4 cup margarine 1 quart cream 2/3 cup evaporated milk Beat butter until creamy; gradually add sugar, to taste vanilla 1 12-oz. package semi-sweet chocolate beating until fluffy. Add egg; beat until dash of nutmeg chips light and fluffy. Blend in molasses. Sift 1 7-oz. jar Kraft Marshmallow creme together flour, soda, salt and spices.Separate Add eggs at room temp. Beat yolks till 1 cup chopped nuts to creamed mixture; blend well. Stir in creamed with about half of sugar, whites 1 tablespoon vanilla oats. Chill dough at least 1 hour. till peaked then add other half of sugar. Roll out on lightly floured board or canvas Beat to cream till stiff. Then fold all together. Combine sugar, margarine and milk in heavy 1/8-inch thickness. Cut with floured gin Add vanilla to taste - but remember that 2a 1/2 qt. saucepan; bring to full rolling gerbread man cutter. Place on greased little bit of vanilla goes a long way. bail, stirring constantly. Continue boilin cookie sheets. Place into containers keep in refrigerator for 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350 at least one day. Shake before serving. Remove from heat, stir in chocolate till degrees F.) 10 to 12 minutes; cool. - Deco melted. Add marshmallow creme, nuts & rate with confectioner’s’ sugar frosting, vanilla beat till blended. Pour into greas

H O l i d aY

s P e a k O u t

Jeff adams I’m gonna eat.

Julana gran Family, eat dinner at my house.

Serena Williamson Going to California with my family where we’re going amusement park hopping.

Seth Beall Going snowboarding

Katie yates Seeing my Baba.

Jaimie Schniender Going to try snowboarding, and visit with my

Josh Bava Chillin’ with my friends.

andrea Khan Going to my Dad’s in Maryland.

Zach nauer Eat food at my house.

DecemBer 2001


MEET THE STAff Of ... the



lonny Sulfaro Editor

philip nufer Reporter

student lead What is your favorite food? I re ers, because ally enjoy a good piece of meat, but I m a pasta fanatic also it was fun

What is your favorite food? Pep- Would you ever peroni and pineapple pizza andconsider a strawberry milkshakes from career in McDonalds journalism What do you like to do in yourWould you ever and why? spare time?Spare time? What s consider a What do you like to do in your Yes, if the career in that? spare time?If I ever have sparepay was great time, I enjoy singing, dancing, journalism or photojournal I would consider any career. I What is your favorite thing watching movies, bowling, ism and why? This is my third enjoy writing, so a career path about working on the paper? year working professionally on surfing, and listening to music that has to do with writing a newspaper, but I m actually Being in charge and meeting would be a plus. interesting people going to school to be an - ele What has been your favorite mentary teacher. story to write or photo shoot What is your favorite movie? What has been your favorite Men of Honor and Breakin and why? Movie reviews and Why did you get involved with story to write or photo shoot horoscopes are fun to write. My and why? I like any story that The Post?I needed a job and favorite photo shoot was the challenges me. I really enjoyed they needed people and I be hypnotist Frederick Winters. He the photo shoot I did with thecause I enjoy journalism put on a wonderful show.

Katie yates Reporter

Kathryn newell Photographer

What is your favorite food? Ben and Jerry s Phish Food ice cream

What is your What do you like to do in your favorite spare time?Spend time with thing about my husband and kids. We- al Would you ever consider a working on ways do fun things together career in What is your favorite movie? the paper? journalism Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman.Definitely not What is your favorite thing or photoAnything with Julia Roberts the office about working on the paper? journalism and why?Yes, I What has been your favorite The staff Where is your favorite place to story to write or photo shoot would consider a career in shop? Express and why? My favorite event What has been your favorite journalism, because that job that I covered was Stereotypes story to write or photo shoot would be exciting and take me What do you like to do in your Are You The Weakest Link? and why? My favorite photo places. spare time?Run rampant with because the speaker was so was the sumo wrestling, - be my three best friends Crystal,energetic and fun. cause a lot people got involved. What is your major? Business Emily, and Jaimie It was fun. What is your major? English What is your dream job? To work on the National -Geo graphic staff

teresa Josten Co-advisor What is your favorite food? Pizza

Steve heeb Co-advisor

What is your favorite food? not sports maga master s de much can beat a warm peanut zine. Since gree was in butter and jelly sandwich madethen I have media manWhat do you like to do in your agement at on soft fresh bread. returned to spare time?Be outdoors gar The Herald Washington dening, camping and hiking. What is your favorite thing and have State Univer about working on the paper? been co-adsity and postWhat is your favorite thing visor for The Postsince 1998. I degree studies at Poynter- Insti I enjoy having a tangible- repre guess that would be a yes. about working on the paper? tute of Media Studies in -St. Pe sentation of all of our efforts Getting to know students. every time the paper goes to tersburg, Florida. press. What is your major? I graduated Why did you get involved with What is your favorite movie? I with a bachelor s degree in The Post?It s great to see - stuhave several, but the top two Would you ever consider a -ca graphic arts from the University reer in journalism or photo of Washington in 1990. dents develop their talents. are Last of the Mohicans and journalism and why?After Legends of the Fall. years as the production What is your major? My bacheTheof Where is your favorite place to Pierce County Herald , I began lor s degree was in journalism shop? The Bon Marche publishing Inside Track , motor at Gonzaga University, my


puyallup post

Photo by Kathryn Newell

Stereotypes: Are you the weakest link? Katie Yates Puyallup Post

Reach as high as you possibly can. Don’t worry; if you make it look like you’re stretching, no one will know that you are inter-

then taught the sign language to the audience to prove the saying’s truth. “We are all different. And that’s okay,” Greenfield said. But through this demonstration he proved

acting with a newspaper. Good. Now reach

that we can all learn, and we can all change.

even higher. I bet you reached higher, even

Greenfield discussed many topics including

though you were supposed to reach as high as

men’s versus women’s relationships, how

you possibly could the first time.

things are different than they appear, how often

Derek Greenfield pulled this trick on about

individuals think about race, and the attitudes

thirty students who came to see his presentation

of teenage girls about their weights.

“Stereotypes; Are you the weakest link?” on

He talked about changing the world with the

Oct. 31.

ABC’s. A= Attitudes changing from impossible

Greenfield is an energetic instructor who is

to possible. B= Behaviors, plan for success. C=

dedicated to the acceptance of diversity. He wants to help “build a world free of discrimina-

Collaboration, push each other further into a

Derek Greenfield helped break down barriers on stereotypes for discrimination free world.

tion, and full of positive thought.”

The presentation ended with an interesting

Greenfield taught the audience about work-

One person squeezes the left hand of the

ing together and bringing about change through

person on their right, and every one follows the

Tell me, I forget.

a series of games and interactive discussion.

same when the pulse reaches them.

Show me, I remember

He started the presentation with a game of

Greenfield got the pulse going faster and

Pulse. For those of you who don’t know how to

faster through the circle. Which proved that

nary presentation.

twist, though after the rest of the presentation it didn’t seem out of place. Each member of the audience was given a

Let me, I understand

yarn necklace with a bundle of string at the end.

Greenfield said this little mantra, and then

Each person took the strings and tied them to

change is possible, but was mostly just a fun

asked who remembered it word for word. Not

each other’s necklaces while saying something

ple stands in a circle holding hands.

way to break the ice. This was not your ordi-

many did. He showed it in sign language, and

friendly and giving a quick hug.

t i p s for finals

greg Schmidt: every victim counts jail.

lonny Sulfaro

to get that person, or because they are on a

Photo by Katie Yates

play Pulse, it is a game where a group of peo-

Katie Yates Puyallup Post

If the police are called within four hours of a domestic disturbance, somebody is going to And it’s not because police officers are out

1. Get a good nights sleep the night before the test. 2. Eat a hearty meal before the test. 3. Listen to some relaxing music on the way to school 4. Start studying as far in advance of the test as you can 5. Relax and don’t worry about the test

power trip. According to the law, police have to arrest someone. Greg Schmidt, who works for the Seattle Police Department, has run a domestic violence program for seven and a half years. He recently spoke on campus about domestic violence. Schmidt believes that all victims deserve the help. This was Schmidt’s third visit to Pierce

philip nufer 1. Get lots of rest. 2. Eat healthly food the night before and the morning of the test. 3. Don’t worry or get stressed out! This will only give you test anxiety. 4. Study whenever you can. Writing terms on note cards and reviewing them often actually works. 5. Be positive! If you think you will do good, you will probably succeed. Katie yates 1. Eat peanut butter toast for breakfast, because protein is brain food. 2. Focus on the test material for at least one hour before you actually take the test, so you be in the right frame of mind. 3. Ask yourself critical questions about the test material. If you could write the answer in essay form then you will do well on the test. 4. A half hour before the test drink a cup of a carbonated beverage, because all that false energy will go straight to your brain and keep you alert during the test.

College, and about 30 students heard him

Greg Schmidt addressed domestic violence problems and solutions.

speak. “Real people care about real victims. That’s

Schmidt suggested that the law should not

parent away. Plus, putting someone in jail is

what I’m here about,” said Schmidt, who spoke

be mandated, so the officers can use their best

expensive and may only serve to infuriate an

as a private citizen, not a police officer.

judgment in how to handle the situation.

already angry person.

In your mind’s eye, he said, picture a

In the hypothetical situation, the girlfriend is

This is a person who may be let out of jail

domestic violence victim. The victim is proba-

going to jail for no good reason which is only

within an hour, and back home ready severely

bly a woman who was probably beat up by a

serving to make her furious at her boyfriend

hurt the people who called the cops.

guy. Right?

and her neighbors.

People who were in the opposing group

Schmidt, who said five percent of guys are

Schmidt divided the audience in half, telling

pointed out that the police are around to serve

abused, doesn’t want help to be denied to men

one half that they were for the decriminaliza-

and protect, so they should protect parents and

because of archaic mindsets of what a domestic

tion of domestic violence and the other half that

children who are in danger. And while counsel-

violence victim looks like.

they were against.

He comes to colleges to bounce ideas off

If domestic violence is decriminalized then

ing is great, the offending person must be taken out of the home before more damage is done.

students and get them thinking about the issues

no one will go to jail for violence in the home.

“We will send stronger message to those

at hand.

People who support this theory generally

young impressionable children if we take their

believe that the government has no right in the

parent to jail for violence. They will learn that

should handle domestic violence cases. By

private homes of American citizens. This is the

that behavior is wrong,” one man said.

1985, police became forced to take someone in

land of the free.

Prior to 1984, no laws mandated how police

if a call is received within four hours of an

People who are against the decriminaliza-

occurrence. Schmidt set up a hypothetical situ-

tion of domestic violence feel that no person

ation for the audience to ponder.

should be allowed to hit another person.

Whether domestic violence is decriminalized or not, there needs to be help for victims. Schmidt pointed out that there are millions of dollars floating around out there earmarked

A guy comes home late. His girlfriend just

People on the side of the room made to sup-

for female and children victims of abuse, but

found out he has been cheating. They start

port the issue said that counseling would be

very few funds set up for male victims of abuse.

yelling at each other, and the girl slaps the guy.

needed to help the situation, which is not some-

The neighbors hear yelling and call they cops.

thing that is given in prison.

The cops come and arrest the girl because she is the one who hit someone.

This group also pointed out that if children are involved then it is not right to take a child’s

Progress toward help being available to male victims is being made because people are slowly coming to realize that both genders can be victims.

DecemBer 2001


Forgotten gender 101? New course offered for Winter quarter By Philip Nufer Puyallup Post

The culture has a history of gender biases and inequalities, which impact both females and males.

son Carr. “It surprises me that I never realized this before.” Danielle Knudson agrees. “Already in this class, I’ve real-

In recent decades, the women’s movement has motivated

ized that society has placed many negative stereotypes on

discussions about gender issues and has succeeded in devel-

men,” she said. “I also learned to respect the fact that men are

oping and clarifying the concept of women.

emotional people too.”

Unfortunately, the corresponding development and clarifi-

Seeing the issues from multiple sides is one of the central

cation of the concept of men has not been kept. The culture is

features of the Masculine Mystique course. Equal respect and

Brett Burkholder and Ed Lietner are enthusiastic about

imbalanced regarding the knowledge and awareness of both

balance are offered when exploring such diverse topics as

teaching Psychology 106—Human Relations Seminar: Mas-

genders. This imbalance in gender issues leads to results of

Power, Violence, Relationships, and Sexuality.

culine Mystique because they hope the class may help to cor-

biases and inequalities, which are driven by the myths and

rect at least one trend. For several years, the proliferation of women’s studies courses has created entire academic departments at some universities. While these advancements have done a great deal

“ place myself in the position of a male in this society

stereotypes that fill the void of accurate gender knowledge.

and by doing this realizing that women are not the only vic-

The goal of the Masculine Mystique instructors is to con-

tims. Men are the unheard victims...we are on the verge of a

tribute to the accurate, genuine knowledge about men.

male revolution,” said Kimberly Spaeth.

Judging by some comments of students that have had this

This is a pioneering class on the Puyallup campus. Gender

for gender equity for American women, when people look to

class in the past, it seems that they have a better sense of gen-

knowledge is lacking in American culture. Because of this,

find the same sense of “equity” for men, few offerings exist.

der balance. In addition, gender justice is beginning to

society creates the basis of many gender inequalities.

This class is one attempt to provide a sense of balance to the


discussion of gender issues, say the instructors. Masculine Mystique is organized around the concept of

Students who have taken the class talked about what they have learned.

By offering Masculine Mystique, Burkholder and Lietner hope to contribute to gender equity and justice. The course material combines personal observations and

gender equity, equality and balance. Gender issues are best

“Often men’s issues are completely overlooked by society.

understood when both the female and the male perspectives

Women’s issues are usually right out in the open and consid-

in an effort to provide the primary means for gathering infor-

are used when considering any gender related topic.

ered to be the most important, it just seems unfair,” said Alli-

mation about men and women.

experiences with the research traditions of the social services

Photo by Kathryn Newell

pierce welcomes exchange student Katie Yates Puyallup Post

Luis Choc recently talked about his homeland of Belize. Choc is a young man with a profound sense of the importance of culture. He grew in tribe that at one time was self sufficient. Then large corporations bought the land his people inhabited, and people started to join the industrialized world. This has resulted in loss of an ancient culture. He claims the children don’t hold the same fearful respect that they once did. Many of the people are now Christian, so church is held. Choc wonders what happened to the beliefs his people have held true for so many centuries. Choc came to America to gain need education to help save what is left of the land he was born to. “We want to change for good, and not forget the past, because without the past there is no future,” Choc said. Choc wishes to be the first among many of his people to get an education, so that they have a chance to compete with the

SUE ME? NO, SUMO: Bean-bag bellies were a buckin Oct. 24 in the atrium. Students wore heavily government who supports the industrialization of Belize. padded suits and helmets for a little sumo wrestling, sponsored by Student Programs.So far Choc is the only member of his homeland to try to get an education.

help WanteD

The Financial Aid office is looking for a work study student during morning hours. If you have a work study award and would be interested in assisting other students please contact the Puyallup Financial Aid office at 840-8398 or stop by for further details.

Many of the industries taking over the land are logging or citrus companies. Belize’s leaders want modernization, because they have started to work for money, and now feel it is necessary. Choc disagrees. His people have live in the same tradition for centuries, a tradition that did not include money. Each family in the tribe helped each other when help was needed, only expecting to helped in return when the time came.

For information on how to submit a story idea or advertising rates, please call 840-8496.

puyallup post Photo by Katie Yates


it was a dark and stormy . . . part 3 of 3 I froze in my tracks. Who was talking to me? I wanted to turn, but couldn’t. “Are you going to check your bag?” the voice questioned. At this I turned to face the voice. All I saw was a dark shadow moving toward me. “I…. I….” I said stumbling backwards. The figure grabbed my arm just before I tripped over the curb. “Did I scare you?” As I looked at the dark shadow a familiar face appeared. It was my friend Lonny. “Yes you scared me half to death. What are you doing out here so late.” “I should ask you the same question. I was working on the school news paper layout, and you?” he asked. “I was reading when I heard a scream and went to investigate.” With intrigue in his voice he asked, “What did you find?” “Nothing really, there was a paper on a table that said help, and a dark reddish spot near it. Then I heard steps in the hall and hid under a table.” “You hid under a table? Why, did you think the boogie man was coming to get you?” He said with a laugh. “Laugh if you want, but when I looked on the table again the spot was gone.” “You need to get some sleep.” “Maybe your right. I’ll see you later,” I said as I turned for my car. I put my bag on the hood of my car. Where are my keys I though, while I dug through the front pocket of my bag. My hand found my keys just as I heard a blood curtailing scream and a thud. My car lurched forward slightly. Something or someone had pushed it forward. I had to see what was back there, what was making my car move. Sneaking along side the car I tried not to think the worst. I peered around the end of the car and that is when I saw it. A badly beaten body lying on the ground. Screaming, I fumbled to get into my car. What is going on I though as I stepped on the gas pedal? Well, what ever it was I was not sticking around to find out. Heading out of the parking lot I saw something running through the woods. Before I had time to think I saw a man in the middle of the road pointing a shotgun at me. I slammed on my brakes, was I suppose to keep going or stop. My mind was going crazy. At that moment I knew I had made the wrong decision. With sweat dripping from my forehead I had to figure out what to do next. As I was about to step on the gas again I saw a flash from the gun. My life flashed before me and I knew my life was about to end. The next sound I heard was a beep, beep, was I in the hospital, had I made it through my ordeal or was it the sound of my alarm clock. Then I heard it my mom telling me it was time to get up. It had all been a dream n Well, we started it for you — now it’s your turn. Write the next segment in this gripping tale of mystery and intrigue. Submissions should be 150-250 words in length, and should pick up where the story above ends and should end as a cliffhanger for someone else to continue. Submit your story along with your name and telephone number (in case we have a question) to room A160B. We will run our favorite in the next issue of The Post. Stories may be edited for length and clarity.

VAN-TASTIC: Ericka Linstrom does some touch up work to the red, wh and blue paint scheme before the van received a final clear coat.

patriotic van from front page

Student Program Coordinator Dana Frazelle said she felt the project was a way of reaching out. So much of the media coverage

is in working condition so the buyer has the

to the reactions to September 11 has been

choice to drive the van. The van was careful-

negative, but the van is way for 35 students

ly hand-painted to last. This is art that is as

going to school at Pierce College Puyallup to

functional as it is meaningful.

express something positive.

The design is a rendition of the American

Frazelle, like many of the participating

flag. The pattern continues around the van,

students, has spent many of her own hours

and over it’s roof. The rims are painted blue,

working on many different aspects of the van

and the interior is painted white. And the van


is starting to attract media attention. It was

“What more does a Volkswagen symbol-

recently featured on the front page of The

ize in our country other than peace, love, and

Puyallup Herald.

freedom?” Sorenson told The Puyallup Her-

Many of the students said they feel that this van is symbolic of America, and not just because of its paint job.

m u s i c

ald. If someone would like to see this symbol of American patriotism, check it out on eBay.

r e v i e w

By Lonny Sulfaro Puyallup Post

Parental advisory explicit content stickers are used way to often nowadays on compact discs. Sometimes albums with these stickers on them have very limited cursing. That’s the case of the new Rob Zombie album “The Sinister Urge.” This album has been wrongfully labeled by the music industry. I mean there is more profanity on the new Britney Spears album then on Rob Zombie’s. The album itself is awesome. There are 11 tracks and the album is about 40 minutes in

viding additional drums on some of the album’s

length. Even though the album is fairly short it


is well worth purchasing.

I think the reason that the record company

The first 10 tracks total up 31 minutes and

put a parental advisory sticker on this album is

the final cut on the album “House of 1000

one of two things. Either they didn’t listen to

Corpses” takes up the final nine minutes.

the album and simply slapped the sticker on it,

“The Sinister Urge” is Zombie’s second

because of Rob Zombie’s reputation and his

solo album and is the follow up to 1999’s

past work with his former band White Zombie.

“Hellbilly Deluxe”, which also rocks.

“Hellbilly Deluxe” was also mislabeled in my

“Feel So Numb” the first single off the album is one of the best songs on the album, but my personal favorite is “Demon Speeding”

opinion. The only other thing I can think of is that the critics think the pictures inside the book might

If you are a WWF fan you will also recog-

be a little frightening for the youngsters, but

nize the song “Never Gonna Stop (the red, red

seriously if your kid is that big a pansy that they

kroovy)” as the entrance music of WWF super-

get spooked out by ghoulish creatures of the

star Edge.

night then they probably shouldn’t be listening

“This album is heavy from start to finish, but what else would you expect from Rob Zombie? A power ballad? I think not.

to Rob Zombie anyway. This album kicks some serious booty and I highly recommend it for any hard rock fan.

Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne joins Zombie on the song “Iron Head” for a powerful duet. Former Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee also worked with Zombie on this album pro-

lonny says:

DecemBer 2001


Photo by Philip Nufer

Photo by Kathryn Newell

pierce holds i-747 political forum By Philip Nufer Puyallup Post

Student Programs recently hosted a forum on Initiative 747, which passed on Nov. 6. Many students gathered to learn more about the pros and cons of Initiative 747 which reads “This measure would establish new ‘limit factors’ for taxing districts in setting their property tax levies each year. For each local government-taxing district, the limit factor would be a one percent increase over the highest of the district’s three previous annual property tax levies. For the state, the limit factor would be the lower of one percent of the rate of inflation. Taxing districts could levy higher than the limit factor with voter approval.”

TAKING INITIATIVE:Pierce County Executive John Ladenburg, above, and Bob Burmeister, former executive director of Puyallup Valley/Eastern Pierce County Chamber of Commerce, squared

Speaking against the initiative was Pierce County Executive John Ladenburg. Speaking

statistics. Ladenburg offered a well-rounded

in favor of the initiative was Bob Burmeister,

power point presentation for the viewing audi-

former executive director of Puyallup Valley/


justPierce County Chamber of Commerce. GOOFBALL, SIDE POCKET: Students ham it around the pool table,Eastern one of the activities available during Rec Days Nov. 14. Dale Stowell, Pierce College director of college relations, moderated the forum. Audience

Burmeister also spoke with overwhelming dignity in regards to the average man in Pierce County. “Voters are smart enough to figure out

members were encouraged to ask questions of

where their money should go,” Burmeister

Photo by Philip Nufer

the presenters. This was an explosive showdown between


Ladenburg and Burmeister. Ladenburg was

In addition, Burmeister told how he believes

very prepared for this forum, and put on an

there is plenty of money in the government

excellent, very professional show. He came

budget that is being used in a poor manner, or

fully loaded with logical facts, reasoning, and

not being used at all.

‘Soul piercing’ gatherings offer worship opportunities Katie Yates

campus at noon on Thursdays. The women’s group meets at noon on

Puyallup Post

Want to find a place to worship, and meet some nice people? Go to a Soul Piercing

For students taking evening classes, the

meeting Monday at 11 a.m., Tuesday at 10

BCM fellowship meets at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays

a.m., or Wednesday at 9 a.m.

in the lecture hall.

“The people are easy to talk to about

“It’s an awesome time to worship and talk

problems in your life,” says student David

about God and what he is doing in our lives,”


Kristin Aline says, hoping more people will

JOUST FOR THE FUN OF IT:The slap of padded lances filled the campus Or, if you just want to find a men’s or halls Nov. 7 during the Pierce Joust competition in the atrium. women’s group, a men’s group meets on

g e t t i n g


Favorite t.v. Shows: Katie: Will and Grace Kerri: Who’s Line is it Anyway Favorite movie: Katie: Doesn't have one. Kerri: Shawshank Redemption Kerri Stevens

Katie Whitish

Meet Kerri Stevens and Katie Whitish, the new Reps at Pierce College Puyallup.

Favorite thing about pierce college puyallup: Katie: All the people. Kerri: The freedom. Favorite restaurant: Katie: Any place they serve good java and Red Robin Kerri: The Olive Garden

Thursdays as well, but at Starbucks.

k n O w

come and join this quickly growing worship team.

YO u

What do you like to do in your spare time? Katie: Church activities and anything active. Like hiking, ski diving, and bungee jumping. Kerri: Church activities, listen to music, play the drums and guitar, and read motivational books. What kind of music do you like to listen to? Katie: Christian, worship and alternative. Loves acoustic guitar Kerri: Christian, worship and alternative

Favorite vacation spot: Katie : Anywhere I am having fun . Kerri : Copper Island Favorite spot in the world: Katie: Nepal Kerri: Paris What is your dream job? Katie: A corporate lawyer who helps establish missionaries in other countries . Kerri: To marry and travel the world as evangelists.


puyallup post

Phil’s F•u•n•k•y h










sagittarius November 22 - December 21 You are the logical type and can’t stand disorder. This nit-picky attitude is sickening to your friends. You are often cold and unemotional in your current relationship. You would make an excellent bus driver, garbage man, or janitor. capricorn December 22 - January 19 You are a kind person. You are sympathetic and understanding to other people’s problems. They think you are sucker. Pocket pickers, purse snatchers, muggers, etc., love to see people like you in a dark parking lot…shop with a friend. aquarius January 21 - February 19 You have a great amount of confidence, and speak like you own the world. Your arrogance is disgusting. You are vain and cannot tolerate honest criticism. You consider yourself a born leader, but others think you are pushy. pisces February 20 - March 20 It seems that this month is your month. Yes, love is coming into your life. But he/she is on their way, all 360 pounds plus. But hey, you love rolls—Go for it. Just joking. You are the center of activity this week, and attention is attracted to you. This is a great month to make good impressions on others. If there is anything you wanted to do, now is the time to do it. You will never again be as young as you are now, so what are you waiting for? It is time to break free.

aries March 21 - April 19 You have a business like attitude to life and a knack for making money. You are the type who would sell relatives limbs to buy a mobile phone. Greedy, but successful is the way you will live your life. You are the type of person that injure or kill yourself just to win a bet.

leo July 23 -August 22 You are a sharp, a quick thinker, and good at puzzles. However, these are most all of your good traits. Society thinks you are weird. Aliens in a hot air balloon will abduct you on one Wednesday of this month. This air might be a bit chilly, so dress accordingly.

taurus April 20 - May 20 Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. In fact, use a carton like everyone else does. Hello! What are you, Amish? Anyways, remember that tuna sandwich you made last week, the one with the lettuce? No you don’t remember, because it’s grown legs and is hiding underneath your couch, watching the TV when you are not around. This month, eat your vegetables like your mother told you to, and do not run around in the cold weather without a coat. Be really chipper this month. Use a lot of excessively happy words like “hidee ho!” and “yupper!” Avoid anyone who attempts to open fire on you.

virgo August 23 - September 22 Running through the town center naked may be one way to get the attention of that special someone you have had your eye on. I am sure you could think of other ways to gain his/her attention, but reading the stars tell me this would be the most logical, and breath taking way. This month, I predict you will use “big words” in sentences, while pretending to know what they mean.

gemini May 21 - June 21 You lack in business skill and cannot be trusted. You should achieve the principal of success because you have a total lack of ethics. This month you will learn how air bags work. Or maybe, how they fail. cancer June 22 - July 22 I can’t quiet see straight at the moment. This is a serious problem when trying to read the stars for your horoscope. Twiddle your thumbs or something in the meantime.

m O v i e A 9-year-old boy

lic, because “…it would take the ‘jaws of life’

is advised by his

to get that image out of your head…” Or so he

dying father to date

is told.

pretty women,

young and

The sophomoric humor between Hal and


his friend results in hilarity. The irony of these

does. But when the

two less than regular guys expecting super-

man (Jack Black of

model type girls to fall for them based on the


merits the guys’ puddle deep personalities,


approaches middle

jumps off the screen.

age, he becomes enamored with a plain

But, alas, beauty is found within. Complete

woman (Gwyneth Paltrow) who weighs over

with a sweet, if somewhat unorthodox, ending.

300 pounds, but is blessed with inner beauty.

Shallow Hal is worth seeing if you are so egotistical that you need to be brought down to

Katie yates: See it, if you have no conscious. It’s so chock full of fat people, crippled peo-

earth. For the rest of us, missing this movie isn’t the worst thing you could do.

ple, or ugly people jokes, that 90 percent of all laughter is ruined by pangs of guilt. The perfection that Hal seeks is so often unattainable that jokes demeaning physical imperfection seem aimed right at the audience. That’s right, your self-esteem may sink a little during this flick. You think seeing Rosemary flush half the water of a swimming pool with a cannonball dive is funny? Start to wonder how many gallons of water would quickly exit a pool if you tried the same. Pretty soon the jokes seem to be made to induce guilt about ourselves, and the attitudes we have regarding others. Hal refuses to look at Rosemary when he comes to realize she is physically less than idyl-

philip nufer In the wonderful world of dating, how much outer-beauty are you willing to sacrifice for a wonderful inner-beauty? In the beginning of the movie “Shallow Hal,” Hal (the main character) judges women in a very shallow manner. He looks at women purely out of lust, and does not have the slightest bit of concern in regards to how much of a heart they have, or if they have a good personality. While trapped in a broken elevator, a man brain washes Hal into judging women only on there inner-beauty. Hal

libra September 23 - October 22 Sorry buddy, my senses say that you are going to be poor. Were talking broke as a joke, food stamp spending, and standing in line at the homeless shelter poor. This is not going to be pretty; you’ll have to borrow money from your parents to pay back the money you borrowed from friends. Once all of your friends become wise to the fact that you can’t pay them back, you won’t have any friends or money. scorpio October 23 - November 21 You are the artistic type and have a difficult time facing reality. Your chances for unemployment and monetary gains are excellent. Do not follow your dreams, find a steady, good paying job. Changes your ways this month.

r e v i e w begins to see the inner-beauty in many fat and ugly chicks. Because these girls have a great heart, Hal sees them in a way his good friend can’t stand. Hal falls in love with an overly thick woman because he views her as Gwenyth Paltrow with a great personality. Society and his best friend think he is crazy. All they see is Hal holding hands with a 400 pound unhealthy, unattractive beast. Throughout the whole movie Hal brags to the world about his perfect girlfriend, but his friend can’t believe he would ever look past her unappealing, disgusting physical features. At the end of the movie, Hal’s friend can’t tolerate the weird behavior around ugly girls that Hal has been performing, so he brainwashes Hal back to the way he normally acted. Hal was stunned, and could not believe he was dating a girl that easily doubled, or maybe tripled his weight. Not knowing what to do, Hal avoids his so-called dream girl for a few days, and then the corny part in this movie shines at it ‘s best. Just because this fat chick has such a wholesome inner-beauty, Hal decides he wants to be with her anyway. This movie was a great slap-stick comedy! Many humorous events make this movie well worth your time. “Shal-

Shallow hal 20th century Fox

Directors: Peter and Booby Farrelly

Starring: Jack Black, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jason Alexander, Tony Robbins, Bruce McGill, Joe Viterel rated: PG-13; for language and sexual content on a scale of five popcorns... Katie says:

philip says:

low Hal” will be an excellent flick to watch with a group of friends. If you need to be reminded of the quote you have heard so many times before, “Looks are not everything,” this movie is worth your viewing time. This movie does not need to be seen in the movie theater, you will get the same effect out of watching this on home video. If ranking on people actually boasts your ego, you will find that this movie will enhance your self-esteem drastically.

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