The Puyallup Post|Volume 14| Issue 3| December 2008|

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Pierce video contest gets instant replay Jonathan Jones Co-editor

Pierce College students looking to get more involved in the school’s media now have a chance. Actually, students have had a chance since Aug. 25 to enter their video submissions to Pierce College’s commercial contest. The contest was originally intended to run from Aug. 25 to Oct. 31, but students didn’t post their videos, so the contest has been extended to Jan. 5. “Maybe this contest just isn’t going to go anywhere, but I’m glad we tried,” says Brian Benedetti, director of marketing and communication. So far, the contest has posted six videos on the web page, but those were made by college media workers. “We hope for more future submissions from students… We have had some students start videos but not finish them,” says Benedetti. “I talked to different students who have good ideas and think it would be fun to do but are buried in homework, working while going to school, raising families, etc. People are real busy.” The commercials need to be based on the theme of “Find it

here.” The “it” is ambiguous to allow for creativity. The campaign was launched during the month before and into the week of classes and includes ads on the web, radio, cable television, billboards and busses. “We wanted to come up with a call-to-action campaign—using as few words as possible—that encourages people to come check us out,” says Benedetti. Like any advertisement campaign, the goal is to increase enrollment. “Enrollment is now up by around 12 percent so we’re doing pretty good,” says Benedetti. The commercial contest is actually a side-note to the ad campaign, made to hopefully generate some viral marketing and get students more involved, he added. “Last spring and summer we put together some student focus groups that told us that they want us to break away from traditional marketing messages and do something that is more attention-getting, interactive and fun,” he says. “We’re all ears for more ideas on what that might look like for you.” For those who wish to make

F e a t u r e

she wrote the book on romance see page 4

Students go wild for Northwest Trek outing Jonathan Jones

Ho, ho, ho... Holiday favorites


Students who took part in the Walking on the Wild Side excursion to Northwest T Nov. 11 had the opportunity to see up close some of the region s more exotic resi such as grizzly bears, above, and moose, below right. The trip was arranged by St Jonathan Jones


Jonathan Jones


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Food prices on campus hard to swallow Andrew Coward Reporter

Students are paying more to eat in the Dining Commons this year. Most people are wondering why. The prices for food and drinks on campus have increased substantially for the first time in four years because of the increase in costs for the company selling the food. One reason that officials at Chartwells, the company that sells the food and drinks in the Dining Commons, has decided to charge more is because the company sup-

plying the college’s food now is requiring Chartwells to pay extra to have the supplies delivered. The cost for supplies to provide the food and drink also has increased. Another reason for the increase in the prices for food on campus is the rise in labor costs. The economy also has had a huge impact on the prices as well. “In 2009, all food costs will go up 8 to 10 percent in the country,” said Barbara Moroco, food service manager of the deli at the Puyallup

Campus. Moroco said that they try to give students quality and healthy food at a reasonable price. They even offer to some students one-dollar food gift cards. “I try to help out the kids a lot,” she says. The prices for most of the products in the cafeteria have increased around 1 to 2 percent from their original prices. One of Moroco’s jobs is to compare and make sure that their prices stay even or below the other prices

and to keep college officials informed about price increases. They cannot increase or change prices without college administrators’ permission. The college and its food provider are in a unique relationship where Chartwells, a company that sells food at many college campuses in the country, sells food on campus instead of the college selling the food. Each year, Chartwells evaluates the prices of local fast-food restaurants to see how their prices compare. Moroco said the food prices at

the college are equal to or lower than the prices at the fast-food restaurants. This year they checked the prices at McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Quiznos and Starbucks. An example that Moroco gave was that when someone buys a footlong sub at Subway for $4.49 that has 20 ounces of meat. The subs at the college deli have 30 ounces of meat or the same price or lower. While the fast-food restaurants charge sales tax, purchases at the college’s deli aren’t taxed.

editor’scorner Yes! It’s finally here: the end of the quarter. That means only a few more days of classes and everyone’s free to go for a solid three weeks. But don’t relax just yet, there’s still finals Dec. 10-12. If you’re like us, you’re already stressing out about the very thought of studying, but have no fear, the Cram and Jam is here! The Cram and Jam is a cool event where students can come to Pierce College from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to study or do homework. It will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 3, exactly one week before finals. The computer lab and library will be open. Utilize your Jonathan Jones school; come study at the Cram and Jam! Music and free food will be provided. Remember, if you have any questions or comments concerning the newspaper, come stop by our office in room C218, right next to student programs. You can tell us in person, or if you’d rather leave a note, please drop your ideas in our suggestion box outside the office door. We’re always looking to improve our paper, so please let us know how we’re doing. So, if you decided to read our little editor’s corner here, we have just one assignment for you. Enjoy Winter Break! It only comes once a year, so enjoy it when you can. But always remember to be responsible when having whatever you might consider “fun”. Dream of a white Christmas, and hopefully we’ll see you next quarter.

Well, the time has come for me to say my good-byes. I have been here at Pierce College for almost a year now and it still amazes me by how fast the time has flown by. But still, with my goals just beyond my reach, it is time for me once again to take the next step forward. In January, I will be attending the University of Washington and finishing my bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. In my year at Pierce College, I have conquered many fears, broken bad habits and met many wonderful people. I have also expanded my interests and tried new things, its what I think every college student should do. Emily Nelson I would first like to thank all of my teachers and advisors for changing my views on my college experience to a positive one. The amount of support you have given me helped me to believe in myself. I know I am capable of anything I put my heart in and that is something tuition money just can’t buy! Finally, I would like to thank The Puyallup Post staff from both last year and this current year. The confidence you have in me has made me a stronger person. You have all opened up to me and I feel so fortunate for having worked with you all. You are all so warm and fun and always able to put a smile on my face. I will miss you very much. I wish you all the very best of luck with everything. The sky’s the limit. Jon, you were such a great Co-editor, thank you for taking the chance to do this experience with me. Good luck with the rest of the year, your going to do great. Thank you for the wonderful experiences.

president’smessage There is a significant difference between what we plan to do and what we actually do. Every morning I plan to get up early and go exercise at the HEC (Sign up! It is the best deal in town!). I envision myself as a flag bearer of healthy living: getting eight hours of sleep, eating a filling breakfast, and working through a difficult exercise routine. All before most people crack open their eyes to start their day. Unfortunately, reality is a stark contrast to what I envision. I usually stay up way too late, and then am jarred out of my peaceful slumber by my alarm clock, 45 minutes before my classes start. At a manic pace, I quickly shower, eat, and then race to my car where I risk life and limb as I drive with my head out the window due to the thick layer of frost on my windshield that I didn’t have time to clean it off. I come to school with a wind burnt face, blood shot eyes, and a rapidly beating heart, all due to my perilous journey. My instructors likely think I am some sort of maniac. I also plan to be diligent with my studies, earning the respect and admiration of my peers with my academic prowess and study habits. I plan to make things sensibly break up the chapters into segments so I do not have to digest too much material at once, and getting all of my studying down ahead of time. The reality is that I study for eight hours straight the night before a test, and then come to class exhausted and stressed out, with an intense feeling of self loathing as I work my way through an exam full of questions I don’t know how to answer. Here at Student Programs, we are striving to ensure that what we plan, to advocate for student needs, get students involved in the governance process, and provide quality programs and activities that enrich the lives of all Pierce College Puyallup students, does not stray far from how things really are. To ensure this, we are working hard on an end-

Students taking classes in the administration building may notice some of the building renovations that began in mid-November. These changes include: n Replacing windows, remodeling the cashiering area, moving the Testing Center to the Job Connections spot, installing several automatic door openers and converting the existing Testing Center to a classroom. Temporary room signs will be posted until the new signs are installed. The cashier’s office will be relocated to A102 during this time.

n Interior signs will be replaced in the administration building. Other renovations on campus include changing signs inside the library building. Additional signs will be added to the Garnero Child Development Center. n Exterior signs similar to the aluminum signs on the College Center will be installed on all other buildings. New vinyl lettering will also be added to the exterior doors. All renovations expected to be completed by late January.

Ford has the key of the future

Emily Nelson Co-editor


the Puyallup Post

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Chris Scaniffe ASPCP President (253)840-8439

Changes coming to campus

Starting in the year 2010, Ford Motor Co. will be adding a new feature to many of its new models; a new feature that just might save your life. But is it a feature that could jeopardize more of a child’s driving freedom? This new feature, called “MyKey,” is going to be standardized on an unspecified number of Ford models when the 2010 cars and trucks come out late next summer. It is said to eventually spread to other lines as models are updated. So what exactly is this “MyKey?” The “MyKey” is a teenager’s key that has a chip in it. This chip can be programmed by the parents to limit their teen drivers to 80 mph. Parents will also have the option of programming the key to limit the audio system’s volume as well as set a continuous chime alert when the driver doesn’t wear a seat belt, or surpasses certain speed limits like 45, 55 or The Puyallup Post is produced by students 65 mph. attending Pierce College Puyallup. Jim Buczkowski, Ford’s director of electronic and electrical systems engineering said that it’s designed to vvv give parents a little more comfort in handing the car over Co-editors: Jonathan Jones and to their teens. Emily Nelson So, while Ford and 75 percent of parents, according to Ford’s marketing research, say they like the speed and Reporters: Andrew Coward, Matt audio limits, it’s only natural that 67 percent of teens Powers, Kyle Rollins, Anthony Vierra don’t like them. and Kass Young. In all due respect teens, I’m going to have to agree Designer: Ryan Wooten with the parents on this one. Think about it. It shouldn’t bother you if you’re driving the speed limit already anyway, given the fact that most speed limits on the freeways


of-the-quarter campaign to reach out to you and encourage your input. You may have noticed suggestion boxes around campus. Our goal with these is to get ideas from the student body on how we can improve, and to provide a means for you to speak your mind to us. I encourage you to make use of these boxes and let us know how you feel. You can help us better represent students and make the college a better place for everyone. We also will have tables up around campus, where we will have food, information, and a member of the Student Programs team to hear what you have to say. When you see one of these tables out on campus please come up and talk with us. We love to hear from you, and are constantly striving to improve our service to you. Finally, we will be making use of surveys that will allow you to tell us what kind of activities you would like to see on campus, and also give you another means to convey your thoughts to us. So please, help us out, make this campus better serve you. As we wrap up fall quarter I would like to wish you the best of luck on your finals. To help you out with any last minute studying, Student Programs is putting on an event called “Cram and Jam” on Dec. 3. The library, computer center and Academic Resource Center will all be open late for you to come in and get whatever help you need to do well on your final. There will be food, games, and opportunities to socialize as well. So bring your text books and your indomitable spirit to “Cram and Jam,” and give one final push to succeed in your classes.


in Washington state are maybe 75 mph at the most. Why would you ever need to go more than 80 mph? You shouldn’t be street racing unless you are on a track with proper protection. Not only do you put your life at risk, but also the lives of innocent people as well, and you should never be driving at excessive speeds just to get somewhere on time. If you know you’re going to be late, late is late and if you die on the way to where ever you are going, well… you’re still late! And the stereo volume? Didn’t your mother ever teach you any manners? Not only does the car next to you not want to listen to your swearing rap or banging bass, but what happens when a medic or fire truck is coming behind you blaring its sirens and you don’t pull over because you can’t hear it! Not only are you in the way, but you are costing someone’s life. Personally, that just isn’t worth it when you can turn your radio down to a reasonable level. It is also a major distraction. Who can really think clearly and make good decisions when you are being blasted by your stereo that makes your car shake? If you are reading and someone suddenly turns the radio or television on loudly, doesn’t that distract you? Well, it most certainly does me. Not to mention, if your stereo is up too loud, it can cause hearing loss. Did you hear me? Hearing loss! Again, the chance of hearing loss is not a convincing reason to be mad at this new limiting feature, it helps you. I am looking forward to this new feature on cars. Not only will I know that new drivers will have these limitations and be safer, but as a driver I will feel a little safer on the road. Think about what this new feature is accomplishing, is it really all that hard to accept? T h E

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commentscorner students polled preferred Palin VP candidate proved a strong influence in voting decision, one way or the other

Jonathan Jones Co-editor

To learn which presidential candidate students voted for and why, I did a search throughout the school in a quest to gain some general insight. To my surprise, the first group of students I interviewed overwhelmingly supported McCain. They voted for McCain mostly because they agree with his views but also because they loved Sarah Palin. They all agreeably claimed, “Sarah Palin was awesome.” In addition to that, the students also agreed that we need a president with previous war experience in a war time. Other Republican voters supported McCain to stay loyal to the Republican Party, and some only because they didn’t want Obama to win. A landslide loss for McCain has many Republican voters disappointed. “It’s a bummer to have everything you voted for be rejected,” says Amelia Klein, Pierce College student. Despite the few that did vote for McCain and Sarah Palin, a much larger majority voted for Obama. Almost all Democrat supporters agreed: the idea that Palin could have been president is quite daunting. If you ask me, McCain threw away his campaign when he decided to choose Sarah Palin. McCain could have chosen between Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts (whom have much more experience) to run as vice president, but instead he chose someone with less serious political experience. Let’s go over Palin’s experience: she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, for six years, then she ran for lieutenant governor in 2002 but was unsuccessful (the lieutenant governor is the “assistant” governor… if the governor dies, resigns, or is impeached, the lieutenant governor takes over—it’s somewhat ironic). In 2006, Palin ran for governor of Alaska and won.


That gives her less than two years of governor experience before running for vice president of the United States. Also consider that at age 72, John McCain would have been the oldest president to begin a first term in the White House, which only increases the likeliness for something to go wrong with McCain, and with that, the likeliness that Palin would become the President of the United States. However, if you didn’t do your research on Sarah Palin before voting, I personally believe Saturday Night Live did a good enough job scaring many voters away from McCain and Palin by themselves. In fact, all of my first impressions of Sarah Palin are actually of Tina Fey. Yes, I did say Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live’s own clone of Sarah Palin. The very first clip I had seen of Sarah Palin was Tina Fey’s impression on SNL, when Fey (as Palin) and Amy Poehler (as Hillary Clinton) addressed the nation. This was the first time I had seen “Sarah Palin.” I never actually saw any photos or videos of the real Sarah Palin until after I had seen most of Tina Fey’s ditzy impersonations. In SNL’s rendition of Palin’s interview with Katie Couric, Palin was made out to be naïve and inexperienced for the job: overall, a joke. Though John McCain would have been a great president, it appeared as though Saturday Night Live’s entire focus was to destroy McCain’s campaign: almost every single presidential skit made McCain look like a kooky old man. In SNL’s parody of the third presidential debate, John McCain was ridiculed for his use of Joe the Plumber. In the skit, the McCain impersonator states, “Joe the Plumber lives in a cigar box under my bed, with our friend Simon… Joe stands about three and a half inches tall, except when he’s upset: then he can become as big as a house.” SNL’s final blow came when Will Ferrell acted as President Bush, and he overwhelmingly endorsed McCain and Palin in his address to the nation: “When you think of John McCain, think of me, George W. Bush. Think of this face. When you’re in the voting booth, before you vote, picture this face… A vote for John McCain is a vote for George W. Bush.” Of course, the skits are to some extent exaggerated but, at the same time, hold some truth to them. Personally, I believe Saturday Night Live can have a huge impact on how voters think of candidates. But there’s more to it than just SNL: voters from the 2004 election were polled on their “willingness to vote for non-traditional presidential candidates.” Less than 60 percent of voters said they would vote for a 72-year-old pres-

idential candidate. 94 percent of those polled said they would vote for a black president. When McCain ran for president, he was going against all odds, and unfortunately, the odds beat him. Did racism have anything to do with Obama’s victory? Obama did, in effect, pull the “race card” by saying Republicans would claim he “doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.” Obama has pulled the “race card” many other times, but whether or not this has affected voters, that can’t be known for sure—it’s very confidential information. According to Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International exit polls, 95 percent of blacks voted for Obama. At first, it seems as though black voters didn’t vote for the best candidate, but instead for the candidate with the same color skin. Conversely, the exit polls say otherwise. For years, the majority of black voters have supported the Democratic Party. In fact, they have supported Democrat candidates more than any other group. Ever since the 1980 election of former President Ronald Reagan, more than 80 percent of black voters have cast their vote for the Democrats. And, in the 2004 election, 90 percent of blacks voted for Senator John Kerry. Though it may have seemed like votes were cast based on skin color, it is not so. The increase of Democratic support was only five percent— that 5 percent might have been votes cast because the candidate has the same skin color, which is called reverse racism, but like I said before, it can’t be known for sure. Another contributor Obama’s victory was his focus on youth. In a period of four years (from the 2000 to 2008 election), the turnout of 18- to 29-year-old Republican voters increased a measly 221,092. From 2004 to 2008, the Democratic turnout increased more than two million, all in a period of only four years. That makes for more than four and a half million Democratic votes from youth voters, compared to Republican youth supporters who are still under the two million mark. While there are many reasons why Obama overpoweringly won the election, what it really all comes down to is the Electoral College. 365 Electoral votes went to Obama, and only 162 to McCain, despite the fact that only 52 percent of the country voted for Obama. The Electoral College always filters out what makes a good president. Sorry to disappoint, but Electoral votes aren’t going to go to McCain simply because Palin is awesome.

Post-election picture of Palin not pretty

Lauren Smith For The Puyallup Post

The off-the-record hearsay that was shelved during the political year officially went on the record on the morning of Nov. 5. While jubilation reigned throughout blue America, damning anecdotes about the losing Party and its vice presidential candidate flooded the media. That morning, Alaska governor Sarah Palin became the bull’s-eye in the middle of the board, and Fox News started throwing darts. FOX, which is often referred to as the only conservative news network on the air, ironically enough, was the first to air a number of shocking secrets from the Republican Party’s campaign that had been kept under wraps during the race. It was a report that accused Palin of being less educated than an average elementary-aged student. The report stated that she was unaware that Africa was a continent, and did not know which countries were involved in NAFTA, among others. The information was allegedly leaked by McCain advisers, who have since also made remarks about how


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the experience on the campaign trail with the Alaska governor was an unpleasant one, to say the least. The staffers have noted that Palin often threw temper tantrums when negative articles were published about her in the daily news, and yet refused to accept interview preparation. This lack of preparation led to mishaps such as the now infamous interview with CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric. Moreover, the staffers have claimed behind closed doors until now that Palin wasn’t ready for this political responsibility. Whether she was or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that this incident has nearly left the GOP in shambles. The McCain staff attacked his running mate, and with that, its own ticket. Had this information been leaked before the election, the results would most likely still reflect Barack Obama as the 44th president-elect of the United States, and just been viewed as another Palin faux pas. However, since the information was leaked after the results were in, the report becomes nothing more than pointless yellow journalism. And it was yellow journalism. It was a ploy to get a rise out of the American people. It wasn’t about helping people make an informed decision about their vote or a dem-


ocratic strategy to get Obama elected. No, it was just another scrap of propaganda for Tina Fey to parody on Saturday nights. Sure, the jokes and the slander are all part of politics and presidential races, but just one thing: The race is over. Palin was not elected into office, and therefore should be put on the back burner until she does something worthy of national recognition. It is time to look forward. It is time to support our president-elect and make sure that his administration follows through on its promises. It is no longer time (and it could be argued never the time) to compromise the character of the opposition, much less your own Party affiliation. What Fox News and the rest of the mainstream media need to do now is focus on the future. Focus on what the Obama administration is going to do to end the greatest economic downturn since The Great Depression. Focus on when and how it is going to bring the troops home from Iraq. Focus on how it is going to make college tuition affordable for all students who want to go. Stop living and reporting in the past. The election is over. The presidency and the Obama administration’s reign, however, are only beginning. D E C E M B E R

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Meet Chris Burdick

Chris Burdick Jonathan Jones

What do you do for fun around campus? Maura Winter: “I like to chill like a villain.”

Amanda Mueller: “Talk to

people around campus.”

Toby Daughtry: “I like to siphon people’s gas.”

Paul Schofield: “I always

have my handy Pokémon lunch box with eight different poké decks and I challenge people daily.”

courtesy of Chris Burdick



Chris Burdick is one hard-working guy. As a student at Emerald Ridge High School and Pierce College, his schedule can be relentlessly busy. One of Burdick’s many hobbies includes tennis. Burdick plays tennis for Emerald Ridge, and was actually nominated by his team to be the team captain. As team captain, Burdick is responsible for organizing practices and disciplining the team to work harder. On average, tennis practice and matches take up four hours a day. Matches are five to six hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and practices are two hours long. Practices include “Jagastetics,” an intense workout that consists of stretching, strength conditioning, and cardio. This year they placed fourth in the South Puget Sound League, out of total of 16 teams. Another huge part of Burdick’s life is music. Burdick played the tenor saxophone from fifth grade all through junior high, and now he plays the baritone sax for jazz band, and wind and ensemble at Emerald Ridge. Talk about being an early bird, Burdick has to be at jazz band every day of the week from 6:40 to 7:30 a.m., and it’s all extracurricular. Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, Burdick has his wind and ensemble class from 7:40 to 9:10 a.m. Why does he do it? “Because it’s fun,” Burdick says. Besides his class at Emerald Ridge, he also has classes at Pierce. Currently, Burdick has four classes: English, history, communications and photojournalism. Photojournalism is one of his extra classes, but it takes up at least three hours a week. Here’s the best part about being a Running Start student: there are no breaks. Winter break: gone. Spring break: also gone. Last year, Burdick only had a week for winter break. “It’s pretty much Christmas and all of the major stuff,” Burdick says. On the weekends, Burdick is occupied working at Tiffany’s Skate Inn on Saturdays and volunteering at his church on Sundays. He helps “set stuff up, run the sound board, and load the truck at the end of service” for Lighthouse Church at Stahl

Running Start student Chris Burdick, who plays for Emerald Ridge High School, is busy balancing high school and college classes.

Junior High. So why does Burdick occupy himself with so much stuff? “I like living life. I like being busy but I’m not stressed out about anything: I live my life in Mexico time,” he says. For those who don’t know, the Mexican lifestyle is laid back, and “Mexico time” is arriving at your destination within a half hour of the original arranged time. “I get there when I get there,” Burdick says. Burdick learned in his nutrition class last year that being stressed out makes you a grouchy person. Stress slows down the metabolism, making the heart beat faster, and raising blood pressure. All around, it’s not good for you. What else is on Chris Burdick’s agenda? The rest of Burdick’s life is devoted to “chill-time with friends.”

Stacia Czichas: “I try to

talk to people and laugh at people at the events.”

John Space: “I go down to the HEC and work out.”

Stephen Hawkins: “I hang out with friends and play ping pong.”

Nicole Sanderson: “I like

to be a social like a social butterfly.”


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Jonathan Jones Co-editor

Nikki Poppen-Eagan lives a double life: to Pierce College, she’s known as Nikki, one of the communications and speech instructors, but to readers around the world, she’s known as Bronwyn Scott, the romance novel writer. That’s right, Poppen-Eagan writes romance novels for Harlequin Historicals and Avalon Books. So far she’s published seven in the past three years. On average, it takes years for writers to publish their first novel: many writers are turned down when they present their first novel to publishers, and, because of various reasons, it takes a good seven to 10 years to have their work finally published and put on the bookstore shelf. This isn’t the case with Poppen-Eagan: she went against the odds when publishers denied her first novel. She was able to publish her first book in less than two years, an amazing feat for any writer. So what makes her so good? “Don’t leave until you get what you came for.” That was the quote drilled into the heads of Poppen-Eagan’s graduate orientation at the University of Oregon. Besides her natural talent and love for writing, Poppen-Eagan is one hard-working writer. Ever since the fourth grade, Poppen-Eagan has wanted to be a writer, but she never actually took any writing classes beyond the requirements. Instead, she worked hard for her master’s degree in communications and bachelor’s degree in public relations. Not only is Poppen-Eagan a writer and an instructor, but she’s also a mother of three. Three careers can be pretty hectic, but fortunately Poppen-Eagan is married to her dearly loved husband, Scott. Because of her busy weekdays, most of her writing is done on weekend afternoons, and Scott always helps to make sure she has time to do so. Poppen-Eagan’s novels all take place from 1817 to the 1830s in England during a time known as the Regency period.


courtesy of Nikki Poppen-Eagan

Meet Nikki Poppen-eagan The Regency period was a very popular time in England, famed for its architecture, literature, fashions, and politics. Poppen-Eagan describes it as the “hot romance time.” According to Poppen-Eagan, her books are filled with plenty of Indiana Jones-type adventure. One particularly adventurous novel is Pickpocket Countess. This novel contains a scene Poppen-Eagan really enjoyed writing: the heroine of the novel breaks into a home during a dinner party, jumps on the table, draws her sword, and monologues her point to the startled crowd. Not only is romance and action found in Poppen-Eagan’s romance novels, but also history lessons. All of Poppen-Eagan’s novels are historically accurate: in making her novels, she uses real maps and historical facts to piece together the actual city of Manchester, found right in the heart of the United Kingdom. All of the houses, roads, clothes, and politics are factual. Even the specific materials mentioned in her novels are authentic: the clothing is all what was “in style” during the Regency time period. Poppen-Eagan started to write novels only seven years ago, and now it’s a huge part of her life. Because most of PoppenEagan’s fans live in England, she wakes up at 5 a.m. every morning to email her editor, check her blog, and answer fan mail. Poppen-Eagan’s most recently released book is Libertine Lord, Pickpocket Miss, and her more popular novels are Pickpocket Countess and Notorious Rake, Innocent Lady, both of which were released to the public last spring. Two more romance novels are on the way this upcoming year: The Viscount Claims His Bride and Newport Summer. The Viscount Claims His Bride will be released on Jan. 1 and includes an amazing New Year’s scene that Poppen-Eagan is quite excited about. Newport Summer will be on the shelves Feb. 1. About Poppen-Eagan’s pen name: Bronwyn is actually the name of her youngest daughter. For more information, check out her blog at T h E

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Wrecked diets for under a buck Chris Burdick

Laura Simmonds For The Puyallup Post

Vending machines. The destroyer of diets. You’ll be making healthy choices, eating dried fruit, sipping green tea and checking the labels for the USDA Certified Organic stamp. Then you go to class, and one vending machine ruins it all. You try to avert your eyes as the candy bars dance and sway to beckon you. You think to yourself: “It’s just 65 cents. I deserve it, really, for being so good.” And you purchase one thing you really shouldn’t have. Then, once you’ve gobbled it down like a child with a stolen treat, you think, “Well, maybe just one more. I have been awful good lately.” Before you know it, your diet is broken. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can still indulge in a guilty little vending machine pleasure at the college while still sticking to your diet. How? Well, the vending machines now offer healthy, lowcalorie choices alongside the usual choices. While most of the healthy choices are available only in the Health Education Center, a wide selection of healthy choices is available throughout the campus. Although it may be a while before the beverage vending machines catch up (most still don’t offer bottled water,) more low-calorie selections are added each day to optimize the fitness of all students. Just look for the light green “Healthy Choice” stamp and checkmark to ensure that you really are making a good choice. Some snacks offered even have up to 60 percent less fat than potato chips, which should bring a smile to your face and fewer inches to your waistline.

shoutout Matt Powers

What Christmas song drives you crazy the most and why? Aviv Liplis: “I Saw Mommy

Kissing Santa Claus. I don't know why. You tell me why seeing your mom kiss Santa Claus is disturbing.”

Clinton Levitski: “Jingle

Bell Rock because I worked at McLendon's and heard it like 120 times in one month.”

Kevin Gowrylow:

Some healthy choices are available at the vending machines on campus.

“Chipmunks Christmas because I can't help but sing along with it.”

the Dos and Don’ts of financial aid Anthony Vierra Reporter/photographer

The Free Applications for Federal Student Aid, more commonly known as FAFSA, is a form college students fill out annually to help determine their eligibility for financial aid. The FAFSA helps financial aid officials calculate a student’s financial need. It does this by calculating the Expected Family Contribution and the Cost of Attendance. The EFC is then subtracted from the COA in order to determine the student’s financial need. This information then determines how much of the student’s loan will be paid by the government. After filling out the FAFSA, the student will receive a Student Aid Report that will summarize the student’s financial aid options. In order to receive as much assistance as possible, it is important to fol-

low these simple guidelines when filling out the FAFSA: n fill out the form as soon as possible after January 1st because schools often distribute financial aid on a firstcome, first-serve basis. n try and apply for an electronic PIN early, as it takes a couple days for your PIN to be sent to you. n fill out the form online. It is quicker and usually contains fewer discrepancies. n check “yes” when it asks if you are interested in student loans. This allows you to keep your options open, and you can always decline a student loan if it is offered to you. n try and do your federal income taxes early, as many of the questions on the FAFSA deal with you and your family’s financial information. If you have not done your taxes by Jan. 1, make sure to estimate these fig-

Ryann Doyle

Kym Fuhrman For The Puyallup Post

I can almost hear the sound of Jingle Bells in the air and smell the pine needles from the Christmas tree as the Holiday season approaches. With the economy down this holiday season, it may be tough on shoppers. Some may have to cut down on how much they spend on gifts this year. This means looking for those sales and coupons or even signing up for those e-mail alerts to notify shoppers when sales are approaching. I’m an original fashionista with a thrift store budget and I’m here to let you know where to get the best deals and when to score at a sale this season. I know that some of you, like me, are brand-name snobs. When it comes to big Like breakdowns, guitar riffs, brand names at a cheaper price, I personand more? Bryce Adkins performs with this new local ally have gotten the best deals at Nordstrom Rack. True Religion Brand Jeans at Tacoma Nordstrom cost anywhere from $285Christian/hardcore/metal band called Love Unfailing. $350; at the Rack I have found them for Stop by their myspace page a hundred bucks. Your also can find designer purses for and take a listen at P u y a l l u P

Some of the important “don’ts” include: n automatically think that you aren’t eligible for financial assistance. n use decimal points when writing financial figures. If you type in $400.00 it will be mistaken for $40,000. n incorrectly enter your Social Security Number. An incorrect SSN can postpone the processing of your application. n leave any questions blank or the computer will read it as an error. This could delay the processing of your application. n fill out the FAFSA without saving it. Also make sure to print it out for your own records.

Gift shopping tips for the wise

“Adkins” diet

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ures on the FAFSA. It is more important to fill out the FAFSA early then to wait until you have completed your income tax forms.

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less than half the original price. A lastseason Juicy Couture purse was priced at Nordstrom for $265. Six months later it costs $99 at the Rack. It may be a longer shopping experience because there is a lot to choose from and look over, but it’s well worth your time. Another great place to get great gifts is Ross. Like the Rack, you have to search hard for what you’re looking for, but the prices are unbeatable. I have found in my research that Ross has more active wear brand names such as Adidas, Nike, Puma and DKNY. The store also has everything from martini glasses to picture frames, and all at affordable prices. I know that not everybody cares about brand names, and some just cannot help but shop at their favorite department stores. Large department stores such as Macy’s and Nordstrom do have sales, we just have to make ourselves aware. It is so simple to sign up for a weekly e-mail from your favorite department store, to notify you of events and when there will be sales.


Eric Sumner: “Santa Baby because it’s overplayed and underwanted.”

Padin Duvall: “Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer because my mom re-buys the CD every year.”

Robert Kyllonen: “Rudolph

the Red-Nosed Reindeer because when I was a kid my entire family sang the dang thing.”

Katherine Skousen:

“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Jingle Bells if kids sing it. When I hear them, I picture little kids screaming out Christmas carols.”

Gina Vendetti: “All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.” I don't really have a good reason. It’s just irritating.”


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Cheating exposed Anthony Vierra Reporter/photographer

There you are, sitting at your seat; sweat builds up on your brow as you search in your mind for the answer to question number seven. When you glance over and see that the smarty pants in the seat next to you is on the same question, you try your hardest to see what they wrote. Does this situation seem familiar to you? If you had the chance to cheat would you? A lot of you would say “yes.” “I would cheat if I could and I wouldn't get caught,” says an anonymous source. Many students have mastered a wide array of techniques on how to cheat successfully. “You can take a razor blade and cut off the label of a soda bottle, once you do this you can scan it onto a computer and convert the ingredients part of the label to a word document and type up the answers, then you tape the label back on the bottle and the teacher is none the wiser,” says an anonymous student source. Some students take sticky notes and tape it to the bottom of their shoe or they hide a cheat sheet behind their belt buckle. Then there is the old peer over the shoulder technique, but these are just some of the many ways students have tired to cheat their way to an “A.” Not all students would cheat if given the chance; there are many students that attend Pierce College that would choose not to. In fact, most students at Pierce think that cheating is the wrong thing to do, “cheating degrades your morals and respect as a person,” says Erin O-Shaughnessy. Cheating also is not very easy to do with all the precautions that the instructors make to prevent it. The most common thing that a teacher will do is make two versions of the same test with an A and a B version. Also, some teachers will require you to put your cell phone in a “cell phone garage” during the class, preventing you from taking it out to look at it. Cheating here at Pierce College is a very serious thing; many instructors will not give you a second chance. “If a student is caught cheating they automatically fail the entire quarter in my class” says psychology instructor Cowan-Grewe. Pierce College also has a code of rules and regulations that list acts of dishonesty, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty. (b) Furnishing false information to any Pierce College official, faculty member, or office. (c) Forgery, alteration, or misuse of a Pierce College document, record, fund or instrument of identification. (d) Tampering with the election of any Pierce College recognized student organization. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: (a) Use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or (b) The acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of Pierce College faculty or staff. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. Cheating is not just something that can be done on test; plagiarism is another one of the more common ways that students cheat. Most of the time however students are not aware that they are plagiarizing by not knowing the proper way to paraphrase a paragraph or citing works improperly. Instructors do not take kindly to students who knowingly cheat.

Bus Cheaters never win...

Or do they?

Notes in the lap is just one example of ways dishonest students try to cheat on exams. Students caught attempting to cheat at Pierce are likely to be given a failing grade for the

piercepoll We asked students what best described their stances on cheating in school. Here’s what 72 of your fellow students said: o I can’t believe that there are students who would waste their opportunity to get a well-rounded education by cheating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.39% o I’ve seen other people get away with it, but I’m too afraid I would get caught . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.17% o Every once in a while I do whatever it takes to pass, especially when I forget to actually study for an exam . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.06% o I’m so addicted to cheating that I had to look and see what the person next to me wrote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30% D E C E M B E R

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heating. It has plenty of meanings, but for college students, it could mean copying the answers from someone else’s test, not citing information from the Internet or selling their research papers online. Despite how some students seem to act, cheating is prohibited according to student conduct codes at most colleges, including Pierce College. Even though it’s prohibited, cheating is widespread on college campuses across the nation.

Three out of four students have cheated at least once while in college, found an ongoing study of several universities in the United States. New technology makes it even easier to cheat. Cell phones and PDAs could help students receive the answers from their friends via text who took the test an hour ago. In 2003, 12 students at the University of Maryland were caught cheating on an exam using cell phone text messaging. As part of a sting operation, the professor had posted bogus answers at the beginning of the exam online with the object of catching cheaters. For most students, cheating is just part of going to college. A survey’s results posted on indicated that 73 percent of cheaters felt no remorse and that getting caught stopped only 7 percent of them from repeating the offense. Even though copying answers from someone’s test is common, plagiarism is the most widespread form of cheating. Universities across the nation including Duke University, Stony Brook University and the University of Maryland are all having the same issues. The severity of cheating seems to keep getting worse as technology keeps advancing. At Stony Brook University, the number of accusations of cheating rose from 44 in 1996 to 144 last year, with the Internet being the biggest factor. “We are encouraging faculty and staff to report cheating, but since many of them handle it themselves, we can’t be sure of the percentage of cheating that does go on,” said Maria Drueckhammer, executive director of academic judiciary for College of Arts and Science, Marine Sciences and Physical Education at Stony Brook U n i v e r s i t y, according to The Statesman.

tOOls OF tHe traDe Here are but a few methods that dishonest students have employed to cheat on exa ms. Be ad vised that cheating is expressly prohib ited at Pierce C ollege.

Water Bottle (or any other clear liquid) — The answers are put on a slip of paper (smaller than the outside wrapper), and then placed underneath the wrapper so they can be viewed on the opposite side of the bottle, through the water. The water magnifies the

iPod — I m just listening to music is the most common excuse for any cheater utilizing this tactic. Cheaters may actually be listening to their previously recorded test answers, or even viewing text files with all of their typed-up

Belt Buckle — This one is very unexpected for any teacher giving a test. Answers are put on a slip of paper and placed underneath the belt. Don t know the answer? Just take a peak under the buckle, and teacher will

Coke Bottle— This one is a littl more complex than the others. It is done by scanning the label of the bottle on to a computer. Next the cheater changes the ingredients to the answers on the test, prints out the new label, and then applies it to the soda bottle.

instructors’ views on cheating Cynthia Cowan-Grewe:

lus to il


“I do my best to prevent cheating in my class giving an A and B type test making it harder for students to cheat.”

ick Burd Chris n by


Duncan McClinton:

"Plagiarists are sinners; they burn in hell for eternity."

Ken Owen quoting Thomas Jefferson: “One thing that people will pay a lot of money for and try really hard not to get is an education.”

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flickpicks Emily Nelson The Puyallup Post staff wants to help get you in the mood for the holiday season. So curl up in front of the fire and watch a few of our favorite holiday movies.

a Christmas story Filmed in 1983, this movie never gets old. It’s Christmas season, and Ralphie desperately wants a genuine Red Rider BB gun under the tree. The movie revolves around this pursuit and how Ralphie tries to overcome the obstacles in obtaining this gift. It’s a classic funny movie.

Jingle all the Way Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Howard Langston, a father who has promised his son that he will get anything he wants for Christmas. Unfortunately, his son wants the popular “Turbo Man” action figure. As usual, Howard as usual forgets to get it, and since it’s Christmas Eve, it’s sold out everywhere. Since Howard knows he has let his son down in the past, he goes on a quest to track down a “Turbo Man” action figure, and will stop at nothing to get his son the gift he wants. This is a perfect family movie and it’s full of laughs.

the Grinch Made fun of as a child the Grinch, played by Jim Carrey, takes revenge by stealing Christmas from Whoville with the help of his dog, Max. However a little Who-girl knows that he’s misunderstood and goes out of her way to make him feel welcomed again. This movie is touching and it’s an excellent remake of the animated movie How the Grinch stole Christmas.

the santa Clause Divorcee Scott Calvin, played by Tim Allen, reads The Night Before Christmas to his 6-year-old son and then receives an unexpected visitor on his roof. When the visitor is startled by Scott, Santa falls and disappears, leaving only eight reindeer, a sleigh and a suit with instructions to put it on if Santa’s involved in an accident. Scott does, and is taken to the North Pole and informed by a group who claim they’re elves that he is now Santa. Scott’s convinced it’s a dream, until his hair turns white, his beard refuses to stay shaved, and he gains weight inexplicably.

the shop around the Corner Matuschek’s is the gift shop around the corner. Among the staff is Alfred Kralik, played by James Stewart, a likeable young man who’s in love with a woman he has never met and whose name he doesn’t even know. When Klara Novak, played by Margaret Sullavan, comes to work as a clerk in the shop, sparks begin to fly: she and Alfred can’t stand each other. What neither knows is that Klara is the woman Alfred has been romancing through the mail.

elf Will Ferrell is an oversized elf named Buddy, who is on a mission from Papa Elf to find his biological father, played by James Caan. His real father, much like Scrooge, poses a huge challenge for him to bring the spirit of Christmas back into his life and back to New York City. This is an extremely hilarious movie that everyone will like. D E C E M B E R

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Chendar Lim and Jamie Cooper

Emily Nelson

Quantum of solace



Taylor Swift

If you are into action and thrill, then Quantum of Solace is What do you get when you put great song writing skills and the movie for you. Last time we left Mr. Bond, he was just a talented vocalist together? You get an outstanding album! betrayed by his former love Vesper. This long awaited Taylor Swift In this movie he continues his quest album called Fearless, had people in on trying to find the truth behind a frenzy on Nov. 11, the day it Vesper’s betrayal meeting new charcame out. It was sold out at Target acters and developing a new story and with only a couple copies left line. at Best Buy, I was lucky to swipe On this adventure, 007 meets a one of the last. new women by the name of Fearless, much like her previous Camille. She has her own agenda self-titled debut album is a huge and with the both of them seeking hit. With no. 1 songs like Love Story Label:Big Machine revenge, they are taken across the and White Horse, it’s every girl’s Records globe to find the people that hurt dream to live in a fairy tale. them. Taylor Swift has such a talent Stars:Daniel Craig, On a scale of one to 10, I would Olga Kurylenko, for writing lyrics and she knows exactly what her fans want to give this a movie a eight. If you Mathieu Amalric hear. Realistic, life-changing songs seem to be her specialty, and want to experience an action- Rated:Rated PG-13 I for one, am a sucker for it. packed, twisted love story with for intense I can imagine that prince charming is coming to sweep me revenge, hate and passion, then I sequences of off my feet and I’m going to live happily ever after, and even suggest that you go see this movie. violence and action, the complete opposite: where all I want to do is be mad; there’s a song for every emotion. and some sexual At such a young age, it’s absolutely amazing to see so much talent. This album is definitely the let-your-hair-down and dance-kind of music. Even though this CD is more for the girls, I still think that guys would really enjoy it too. Plus, it Jonathan Jones might give you fellows a little insight on what girls are really Quantum of Solace was a decent movie. I give it three and thinking. From pencil and paper, to the big stage, Taylor Swift has a half stars out of five. I stepped into the theater never having seen a 007 movie everything going for her in her career. She is one of my before, so this one was my first. Afterward, the film didn’t favorites, as well as for many others. I strongly recommend this leave a huge impression on me. I consider it to be more of album, and while your at it, check out the first one too! a rental. There wasn’t anything that stuck out enough to make it a super-good movie. First off, there were no gadgets. The only fancy gadgets were a high-tech cell phone and touchscreen computer, and that was pretty much it. The plot is very simple and kind of boring: Bond and his accomplice, Camille, both have a connection with the econBen Dugger omist Dominic Greene. Greene, the chairman of the environmental organization Greene Planet, devised a plan to Nightmare revisited control all of Bolivia’s water supply and with that, the Boli- Disney (Soundtrack) vian regime. Bond wants to take down Greene himself and Camille wishes to use Greene to get to her father so she can The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the most famous fulfill her long-sought revenge. musical films Disney has to offer. Not only is it great recogniDifferent from all of the other 007 movies, Bond actual- tion for Disney, but this movie also ly goes solo. Against the will of the British Secret Service, basically started the epic reign of Bond refuses to cooperate with “M,” which makes the Tim Burton. The film is famous movie a little bit more interesting for Bond fans that actual- for its very interesting, dark, stop ly follow the plot, but not so much for first-time viewers. motion animation style and creepy, The movie did have a different feel to it—most of the yet oh so charming songs. The film takes place in Bolivia, so the movie is Latino themed, original film score was written by which is new for 007.Out of the whole film, the most inter- Danny Elfman. esting part was the musical intro after the opening car-chase Nightmare Revisited is basically scene. Alicia Keys and Jack White (The White Stripes) har- the soundtrack to A Nightmare Artist: Various monize in this exclusive Quantum of Solace duet. I really Before Christmas but with a new enjoyed the song and the fascinating video that went with it. twist. All of the songs in the musiThough I have mixed feelings about the movie, overall cal were redone by famous artists (mostly rock genre) and difBond was bland. There were no gadgets and the huge, divi- ferent orchestras. sive, evil plans by the villain were hard to follow and not The new soundtrack consists of 20 tracks. Some of the very interesting. To me, this 007 was just like any other more popular bands are: The Plain White T’s, Marilyn Manson, movie. It was good, but unless you’re a hardcore 007 fan, I Rise Against, Flyleaf, Korn, The All-American Rejects, and don’t recommend seeing Quantum of Solace. Amy Lee (the lead singer of Evanescence). I came up with some categories the fans of the film (about Jack Skeleton’s epic adventure into Christmas Land) would probably be very interested in. Creepiest song goes to This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson. Funniest/most original remake: Kidnap the Sandy Claws by Korn. Most like a normal song: Making Christmas by Rise Against. And in my opinion, worst remake: What’s This? by Flyleaf. All around, the album is very fun and if you at all enjoy the movie, I’d recommend looking into picking up a copy of Nightmare Revisited. It’s the perfect gift for any Tim Burton fan this holiday season.

but on the other hand...



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Trash talking Anthony Vierra

gamereview Anthony Vierra left 4 Dead Electronics Arts

Left 4 Dead is the newest game put out by the Valve Corp. With an already exceptional reputation, this game looks to be another huge success. The game is built off of the Source Engine like other titles such as Counter-Strike and Half-Life. This first person shooter puts four humans of an apocalyptic time pitted against countless infected zombies. This game was inspired by modern films such as Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later. Each player is put into a cinematic setting, where you star as the character you play. Left 4 Dead is an entirely co-operative game and is unique in that it gives the game a whole new twist on the concept of teamwork. As you try to stay alive and fight against the dynamically controlled zombies,

the difficulty and mood alters based on the player’s progress and situations. As you fight off the infected, you have to stay aware of where your team is at all times. If you get knocked down in the game, team members can help you back up as well as heal your wounds. To kill the infected, players are given a good selection of weapons such as the shotgun, machine gun and hunting rifle. This game is likely to set the standard for online co-operative play much like CounterStrike. L4D launched on Nov. 18 after undergoing production since 2005.

Imagine saving your garbage for one week to see just how much you ac That s just what Budget Manager Connie Rogers did recently. Rogers s she took the trash challenge, she doesn t look at garbage the same w trash challenge was put to students, faculty and staff members for t 17-21. Participants were asked to keep the garbage they produce for Friday, the trash was weighed to see how much each participant throw week. Rogers also talked about ways to reduce the amount of garbage

Mac vs. PC: Which computer is right for you?

Chendar Lim and Jamie Cooper For The Puyallup Post

Mac or PC? That’s becoming one of the age old questions like which one came first the chicken or the egg? There are even website dedicated to them such as With all of the Mac commercials bashing PCs, sales of Macs haven’t really sky rocketed. The endorsements of Macs and TV shows and movies are definitely prevalent. PCs on the other hand practically advertise themselves. The ratios of Mac to PC commercials are about three to one. Most universities have both to accommodate for students, but when it comes down to what matters, the preference is all up to you, the buyer. When it came to the students at Pierce most students actually prefer PCs, which is short for personal computer, so in a sense a Mac is a PC. There has been a lot of talk in the last few years about which one is best. The first question is what will you be using it for? Critics say that Macs are for more of entertainment purposes while PCs are great for businesses.

What’s the price? With the world moving at warp speed, we all need computers to perform for us without glitches or freeze up’s. So what’s the price tag on a new computer? Well, for a Mac it’s going to set you back anywhere from $1,800 to $3,800 for the base price without all of the fancy add-ons. Of course for nearly $4,000 you’ll be purchasing the newest fastest and most attractive machine possible. But upgrades are another story, you can’t really do any upgrades unless you buy a new machine which sets you back a couple more grand and if you want the best that money can buy, you’re looking to spend another $4,000. PCs are about $300 to $1,600 and at $1,600 a pop you are purchasing the best of the best. The prices are more practical and it’s a lot easier to purchase more than one. PCs are upgradable, and the parts are cheap and easy to come by because most of the world runs on PCs. There are manufactures of parts willing to sell their pieces for half the price of the brand names like HP and Dell. All of the components of a PC are upgradable such as the hard drive, mother board and the monitor. For a couple hundred you can upgrade your PC to run as fast as the new models on the market.

Which is faster? Now for the real talk, which one is faster? From all of the commercials it’s easy to believe that Macs are faster than PCs but that’s not necessarily the truth. If we think about them in terms of performance, PCs are the winner. Macs and PCs in comparison run at about the same speed but the processor on PC’s are a bit faster making them run a minute faster. With the Mac, it does have a resistance to freezing up, so even though PCs run faster, the Mac can do more without a giant freeze up. However with the PC, it is easy to configure it to run faster, and be more productive. So in a sense they both run at about the same speed. If you want music then the Mac is the machine for you but most gamers love their PCs. If there is a real problem, a PC may take a few tries to fix because there are so many T h E

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different upgrades and troubleshootings that can be done. With a Mac, since the machine is so simple and there is only one manufacturer of the parts, the problem can usually be fixed a lot easier than a PC. Also, Macs are not prone to viruses, spyware or anything that might compromise your personal information, so it’s virtually carefree to have a Mac if you’re paranoid about having your life stolen. Unlike Mac, PCs are more susceptible to viruses and spyware, but we don’t know what the future holds for Macs.

Where’s the fun? Now for the fun stuff: music, movies and games. Which one performs better? It all depends, most PCs and Macs have their own music making programs which allows the user to make beats and record their voices to make songs with programs such as Logic, Peak and Garageband. With PCs, the program is also there and they do all of the same aspects like Sonar and Fruity Loops. PC base models have movie making programs but they’re primitive compared to Mac iMovie. When it comes to games, no one does it better than a PC can. With all of the add-ons and tweaks that can be done to a PC, you’re basically building another robot that will help you defeat any opponent in any online game. Because PCs are so easy to take apart, you can add more processors, fans and digital enhancers, making it look like the game is reality and you are a mere pawn in that game of chess. So what’s the difference? Macs have given the user more control of the product, the ability to control the settings and they are all stored in one area. With a PC it may take a bit longer to tweak with the sound configurations but they can be saved anywhere on the hard drive and are easier to access when done with them. So it’s movie time and which one plays or makes the best quality movies? Mac hands down gives a larger variety of things to do when it comes to making movies. PC has a few programs like Windows Movie Maker and more that you can purchase, but Mac has programs like iMovie and Final Cut with better functions and editing tools. These programs give the average person the ability to be able to direct, narrate and edit like the pros do. The video camera on most Mac books are better in speed and have less lag letting the user make more quality videos. With viewing movies, PCs are better because of the processors. They’re usually faster and give a better picture quality.

the need for speed. In the speed test, PCs run faster than Macs when it comes to playing movies and music with less wait time, but with the fast speeds and the quick processors, there may be some issues with it freezing up. With a Mac the speeds are also fast but it’s a lot easier and faster to get a well built PC than to purchase the state of the art Mac that will perform the same way. And again because Macs are exclusive to themselves and their own manufactures, they can price their items as much as they want making it harder to obtain the best of the best if you are a “poor college student.” Which is best for business? When computers were first introduced to the technological world, Mac was ahead of the pack. It was cheaper to get a Mac and the entertainment


items came with the computer, unlike the PCs which had to have the programs uploaded and reconfigured to run the programs. Now people live off of their computers; it’s essential from checking your funds, doing homework, starting a business or chatting with friends. It is a necessary part of life that is needed just to function properly on a daily basis. PC has taken over with new programs like “BamBoo.” You just spill all of your ideas on to a pad and the computer will record them as a word document deciphering the writing and putting them all into text for you. Now Microsoft office virtually gives you the ability to run your own little business from doing things such as setting up an agenda to making business cards. It does it all. If you’re a student, think about Microsoft Student because with all of the help that comes with it, like Encarta and word, it helps to edit and find grammatical errors and editing papers is a lot easier! But here are things to think about when you are working on a project. Make sure that it can be viewed and used on both PCs and Macs because if you put your blood, sweat and tears into a project just to realize that it’s in the wrong format, then there wasn’t really a purpose of doing it at all. In the business world today, Macs have fallen back a bit and the PC is now what is being used more often because they are cheaper. Plus, there are so many builders of PC such as Lenovo (formally IBM and Leveno), Dell, HP, Compaq, Acer, Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, emachines and the list goes on, but with Macs you only get one and that’s Apple. But now it seems that the connection between Macs and PCs are becoming easier, especially in the gaming world, allowing the PCs to connect, we are able to share information harmoniously.

so do you live on your computer? If you do, portability is huge! When it comes to laptops, there is one for every person and what’s more important than performance? That’s simple size and aesthetics. PCs offer a huge selection of laptops, some just a few inches wide like the ultra portable MSI Wind and the Acers. These come in sizes ranging from 8-10 inches and are referred to as “NetBooks” because they are made specifically for going online and weigh just under two pounds. Apple is also putting out smaller laptops in the 12-13 inch range and is in the 6-7 pound range. Weight and size play a huge factor in choosing which one is best for you, so it makes sense that there would be hundreds of PCs and Macs out there waiting for their owners. However, if you want small, shoot for a PC. Most of them come with designs already on the face and some companies such as Dell and HP even offer the ability to personalize them with your favorite picture. In the future who will prevail as the best PC or Mac? With all of the upgradeable options, a PC is more likely what people will stick with because it is cheaper and easier to bring it up to date. With Macs, when you purchase the machine that’s what you’re getting until you buy a new one, there isn’t much space for expansion or upgrades. But in the end, it’s all up to you, the buyer, because it has to suit your needs. So think wisely when you go out to purchase that new computer. D E C E M B E R

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antisocial behavior is just a text message away

Kyle Rollins Reporter

Antisocial behavior is a curious thing. No, I am not referring to the type of behavior that is reflective of, say, a serial killer or a schizophrenic; the type of “antisociality” I speak of is a more widespread emotion, felt by just about every modern day American, from sea to shining sea. When I say that the act of being antisocial is beautiful, of course I am referring to the supreme irony of it. To be a modern antisocial American, all you have to do is be absorbed in communication! In the days of cell phones, laptops, internet, satellite television and radio, iPods and other gizmos, it is not uncommon to see people completely absorbed in their own private dimensions, texting, talking, laughing, typing, seeing no more than the screen in front of them, avoiding contact with anything else. By completely shutting out the world surrounding you, you achieve true antisociality. Which brings me to my next point: Antisocial behavior is very misinterpreted. Folks have always considered the shy guy to be antisocial, but his input to any kind of conversation has nothing to do with how social he might be feeling. He might be a wallflower; someone absorbing the various auras given by others, and gathering information by means of listening in on someone else’s conversation. These things, though non-verbal, are all shared connections. Listening to someone is just as social as striking up a conversation with them. Even hearing others around you has it’s positive effects; to know you exist amongst many can be fulfilling. But meanwhile, more and more people are being swept up in the stream of fancy new high tech gadgetry, and away from good old fashioned human contact. What does the river of technology hold downstream? Perhaps

a rocky torrent of problematic social situations will be an outcome. A long time user of instant messaging might become so frustrated with having to wait on someone’s response that their head might explode, causing discomfort towards anyone near them. Perhaps an avid music lover might become so deaf from constant iPod usage that they forget to control the volume of their voice, and banter on to someone standing right next to them as if they are at a football game. One can only guess at the horrors attributed to the compulsive usage of new technologies.

Maybe you and I are both sufferers of technologyinduced antisociality. Maybe there is a guilty pleasure for texting or myspacing that replaces any desire to seek out genuine human contact. Perhaps it is for the best that we don’t let that one gateway gizmo lead us to more and more alternate gizmos, and that we continue to practice good old fashioned human to human contact. After all, it’s worked for the human race since Mesopotamian times, why replace something that reliable with some silly little gadget that becomes outdated in a mere matter of months?

Bickering over Bluetooth manners Reporter

We’ve come to an age where technology, especially cell phones, has begun to take over our world. Recently, people have become so attached to their cell phones, that laws have had to be made in order to prevent their use during unsafe times. However, we have a serious problem with cell phone ethics. I have experienced and observed many people talking on their cell phones while trying to order food, buy a product or have a face-to-face conversation with someone else. It’s ridiculous. Common courtesy, which everyone should have, automatically tells us we should not be trying to talk on the phone and speak to other people at the same time. It’s disrespectful. Relating to people who order food and talking to employees while on the phone, common courtesy supersedes the common phrase “customer knows best.” I understand that customers have their own needs and it’s up to the employee to fulfill those needs, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of respect for another human being. People who talk on the phone while

Anthony Vierra

Anthony Vierra

Kass Young


attempting to talk to someone else are not showing the common courtesy that should be shown. It’s just that simple. Besides, if an individual is honestly attempting to talk to two people at once than they probably aren’t giving either one the attention that is required to really comprehend what they are saying. A certain level of attention is needed in order for a person to be able to respond with an appropriate sentence instead of just oneword comebacks.

Bluetooth headsets have become increasingly popular since the invention of the cell phone and are a common commodity in today’s society. These hand-free headsets have become the primary source of communication, especially among the more recent generations, partly because it’s now required to have one while driving. It is not unusual to see people utilizing them in their everyday lives. People use them at school, work, and even in the comfort of their own homes. However, many people consider it inappropriate and offensive to use these Bluetooth headsets while out in public, whether it be buying a ticket at the While some movie theater or paying for groceries at the supermarket. say we It should not be considered rude or have lost offensive to have a conversation on our these headsets while being served or common courtesy waited on while out in public. If you are paying for a service, no matter what due to technology, it is, it is the employee’s job to accomothers say modate the customer. Serving a cusemployees tomer while they are talking on a headshould just set is a small price to pay when it could accommoda equal bigger tips and happier custe tomers. In the business world, the customer always comes first.

Counseling services at Pierce College Personal Counseling services are available for all Pierce College students. Services include: n Brief Counseling or consultation n Crisis intervention n Referral and resources (including children and family resources)

Also, it is not required for the customers and employees to have a friendly conversation. As long as the employee is getting paid to serve you, why would they care if you are having a conversation with someone else. Usually, when you are out at a restaurant or at the movies, you are talking to the people you are with, rather than the employee. Why is it more impolite to talk on a Bluetooth than it is to talk to the people you are with? It isn’t. I can understand, perhaps, if you were an employee somewhere and the customer wouldn’t answer your questions. We can all agree that ignoring someone who is talking to you is rude, but it is not impolite to have a conversation with someone else while you are being waited on, as long as you respond to the employee’s questions. It is not offensive to multi-task while being served. All in all, Bluetooth headsets have become a normal way of communication in today’s society and it should not be considered rude to utilize them in your everyday life, whether it be in your car or while being waited on in public.

Fun facts n In Los Angeles, there are fewer people than there are automobiles n Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.

Counseling services are confidential and students can be self-referred, or referred by faculty or staff

n Most lipstick contains fish scales

To make an appointment with Elizabeth (Liz) Scott, who is the Faculty Counselor and a Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor, you may call her directly at 253/840-8443, stop by her office which is located in the Access and Disability office, Room A115B; or email Appointments can also be made by contacting Amanda Granata, ADS Program Assistant, at 840-8335.

n Only 55 percent of all Americans know the sun is a star.


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n Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

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For information about locations other than the Puyallup or Fort Steilacoom campuses, please call the appropriate program office. You may also call for recorded messages or additional information: Pierce College Puyallup: (253) 840-8400.

Video contest

Wild animals on campus? Oh deer!

Matt Powers

Steve Heeb

emergency closure information


Have you ever stopped on campus and said, “Oh, hey, look! It’s a black bear!” No? Well, the possibility of seeing a bear is slim but not impossible. Puyallup campus is situated near many forested areas including the 59-acre Bradley Lake Park and Wildwood park. The campus also is a woodland oasis for any animals that happen to be passing through. Students who attended classes last spring may recall a black bear sighting near Bradley Lake Park, resulting in the closure of the park for two weekends. The bear wasn’t caught by officials of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and has since been presumed to have moved on. But bears are not the only animals occasionally spotted near the Puyallup campus? A number of nearby cougar sightings have been filed with the wildlife department. One such cougar incident report was filed in June involved the Puyallup Police dispatcher advising the wildlife department of a cougar spotted in the campus’s parking lot with the note made that they had seen the cougar several times previous. Another report was filed in late March. Since a number of cougars have been seen in Puyallup, a houndsman was brought out to run hounds in the wooded areas near Pierce College, Bradley Lake Park and Wildwood Park. Although no tracks were discovered the dogs did reputedly alert once in Wildwood Park. There have also been a number of other cougar sightings in the Puyallup area including in the Shaw Road and 122nd

A deer grazes near the edge of campus.

Street area and west of Emerald Ridge High School. Other wildlife companions on campus include woodpeckers, redtailed hawks, rabbits, squirrels and deer. And while as alarming as so much nature may be to the more urban-inclined students, it’s important to “bear” in mind that the college is surrounded by woodlands. Now, for those who still feel nervous about such a varied animal population roaming around the parking lots, then just ask the locals the all-important rule about dealing with hungry wild animals. They will tell you, “You don’t have to run fast, just faster than the person standing next to you.”

special prize packages that include a stretchy Bigfoot, “Find it here” t-shirt and other fun items. The winner will receive a $100 gas card.

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their own videos, here are the requirements: 1) Needs to be 15 to 60 seconds. 2) Language and content need to be clean, and suitable for all ages. 3) Needs to be based on the “Find it here” slogan. All contest participants who have their videos posted on the “Find it here” web page will receive

To enter, send a CD or DVD of your video and the entry form to: Pierce College, District College Relations, 1601 39th Ave. SE.,Puyallup, Wash. 98373 For more information or a copy of the entry form, see

sports raiders fourth in division This year’s Raiders volleyball team captured fourth place in Western Division league play and have qualified as the no. 4 seed from the West into the NWAACC Championship Tournament. This is the fourth straight year that the Raiders have advanced to post season play. The Raiders opened the tournament against the topranked and undefeated Chemeketa Community College on Nov. 20. Although results were not available at presstime, information on the NWAACC Tournament can be found at In other news, when the 2008 NWAACC Volleyball awards were announced Nov. 19, the Raiders were recognized for their outstanding season. Kylie Jeffers was named Western Region Co-MVP (Most Valuable Player). Jeffers, a freshman from Puyallup High School, is widely recognized as one of

the top setters in the league. Western Region Second Team All-Stars include Rachel Hansen and Laura Struck, both sophomores who have provided dynamic leadership in their second season with the Raiders and have been the consistent forces in the team's offensive attack, says Athletic Director Duncan Stevenson. Paige Ellertson was named Western Region co-coach of the Year. This is the second time in her four years as the head coach of the Raiders that she has been recognized as one of the best coaches in the Northwest. In addition, four of the Raiders sophomores have been selected to participate in the NWAACC Sophomore Showcase event at Edmonds Community College on Dec. 5. The players are Hansen, Struck, Chelsea Gandy and Cami Medlock. Team members include sophomores Sara Cusato and Brittney Leckenby, and freshmen Brianna Breland and Erika Gunderson.

Raiders named to NWAACC All-Academic Team The Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges recently announced the conference’s 2008 All-Academic Teams for fall sports. Six Raiders garnering this prestigious award. Two members of the Raiders volleyball team—Sara Cusato and Cami Medlock—and four members of the soccer team—Jordan Hanson, Kyle Mikkelsen, Kyle Ritz and Stephen Stabbert—were recognized for their achievements in the classroom. Sophomore student athletes who have completed T h E

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a minimum of 36 credits and have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better qualify for consideration for this award. Of the 31 sophomore volleyball players from the NWAACC who received this award, the Pierce College’s Cami Medlock has the highest GPA, with a 3.95. Of the 21 sophomore male soccer players in the NWAACC recognized, the Raiders Stephen Stabbert has the highest GPA, with a 3.75.


student Programs survey What sort of events would you like to see at Pierce?

What are three improvements you would like to see at Pierce?

What topics would you like to see discussed by speakers we invite to Pierce?

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for us?

Fill out this survey and turn it into us for an opportunity to enter a raffle and win a fantastic prize! Bring the survey to Student Programs in room C


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The SolaBoom T-shirt uses twin shouldermounted solar panel technology to power a built-in four-speaker boom box. Smaller shoulder speakers provide music to your ears at a comfortable volume while chest-thumpin’ mega speakers inflict your tunes on the public at earsplitting levels. AM/FM tuner standard. Sirius subscription available. Shown with optional fourchannel graphic equalizer. Available in ghetto green (shown), blastin’ blue, rockin’ red and mauve.

No time to brush your teeth before that hot date? You need the Casio-Colgate Wristbristler watch. Durable leather wristband and faux-gold plated watch. Minty fresh gel brightens your teeth while the analog face helps get you hook up on time. Floss dispenser new for 2009 model.

Afraid to walk to your car after those late-night classes? Fear no more. The Ticondo-Taze is perfect for taking standardized bubble tests and for incapacitating would-be attackers. (Not legal for use in Texas or Alabama.)

Having a hard time shopping for that special someone who already has everything? Here is a look some great gift possibilities this holiday season. At least, these would be available if we were in charge.

The Tickle Me Elmo Survival edition features all the laughs and entertainment of the original but now includes handy tools that may save your life. A 5-inch razor honed knife is capable of cutting through aluminum cans while still able to cleanly slice tomatoes. Dying of thirst? Use the handy corkscrew and bottle opener tools. Now with wooden match dispenser to light a campfire in a jiffy. Kids need parent permission to use.

Heat ring is a must for maintaining high fashion in low temperatures. A 75-foot retractable extension cord powers highenergy coils that produce 1500-watt at the high setting (5118 BTUs) to warm your fingers... and your cup of coffee. Safety cage plated in 18-carat gold to match the ring. Pictured with sapphire setting. Engraving available for up to 23 characters.

The Panasonike remote shoe has everything for the well-rounded TV enthusiast. Features a full keypad with separate channel select and volume control inputs. Now with retractable transponder antenna so you can use your Panasonike GPS device (sold separately) to locate your remote shoe.

The PenciLoafer is the perfect gift for any cubicle-bound professional. Four sturdy sleeves can hold any variety of standard or mechanical pencils, pens, crayons or chalk. Unlike lesser pencil shoes from our competitors, the PenciLoafer uses velcro straps instead of cumbersome shoelaces that can be awkward. Available in brown, black and saddleshoe styles. Each comes with a convenient pencil sharpener in the toe.

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