PUSH Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 5

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Volume 2 // Issue 5



FIELD NOTES The average business associate would not think to put the words creativity and sports tourism together. Then again, the average business associate probably wouldn’t think sports tourism required insane math skills...how many baseball games can you play at a 16 field complex in two 12 hour days? Many creatives spend their days working to make products and services interesting or engaging. A few minutes spent in the sports tourism bubble however unlocks a world of hard working operators meeting an audience to serve in a variety of ways. Taking something we know an audience loves and crafting a story that expands that love into a cultural and community experience. Whoa. Cool way to think about it huh? We crafted The Creative Issue to remind you to celebrate your daily creativity. Creativity breeds evolution. Creativity creates opportunity. Creativity unlocks freedom. When you are unafraid to color outside the lines, you become adaptable, and we all know adaptability is the key to success in sports. (I mean someone had to discover saran wrap beats zip ties right?) We hope you feel inspired. Buy a doodle pad and let those crazy thoughts fly! This is how we stay sharp. This is how we grow. Most importantly though, this is how we create memories, create a real experience, and put our brands’ best foot forward.

See you creatives out there,

Matt Dunn



Destination Spotlight

15 12 Ideas to Stimulate Creativity 19 Enhance Team Creativity 24 Select the Right Creative Agency 30 PUSH Financial 34 Manager your Brain for Greater Creativity 36 3 Behaviors to Increase Creativity 38 Industry Confidential





See the stories: PureFlorida.com/play



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Josh Dill Visit Frisco

Destination spotlight What is your title and how long have you held the position with the Visit Frisco? I am the Director of Sports & Events and am approaching my 5 year anniversary here. I spent 3.5 years in Fort Worth as the Director of Sports Marketing prior to that and 5 years in Lubbock as the Sports Sales Manager to start my tourism career. What is your current organizational structure? We are a department of the City of Frisco which gives us great access to city resources and services, and allows for tourism to have a seat at the table. What is the % breakdown of your revenue (tourist development tax, memberships, sponsorships, event income over expenses, rental fees, grants, etc.) Our operating budget is set by city council but is based on our hotel occupancy tax collection. What were your biggest challenges during the pandemic in 2020 and thus far in 2021? We were blessed to be open and safely hosting events very early on.


This allowed us to relocate some major events that wouldn’t otherwise have come to Frisco such as the NIT and the IIHF U18 World Hockey Championships. But the biggest challenge was developing and navigating new safety procedures for events. Our city leadership quickly put together a task force that allowed us to share and receive information from our police, fire and medical officers. This was key in making sure we were balancing the health and safety of our residents and visitors with the need to keep our economy strong and hospitality community employed. How have you leveraged the Texas Oil Grant Fund to support your efforts? I think you might be referring to the Texas Events Trust Fund, which we use heavily in Frisco. Last year, we made 14 applications to the Governor’s Office and were approved for $2.6M in state funding. These funds all go directly to sports event planners to offset costs of hosting. This fund allows us to compete with larger, tier 1 type cities for large events that typically require a lot of resources. We are one of the top cities that utilize the Texas Events Trust Fund and it makes a world of difference for us. In a competitive Texas landscape, how do you set your destination apart? I think it starts with our Sports City USA initiative. Texas has a lot of great sports cities, but Frisco takes it a step further. Sports is truly a pillar of our destination. It is not just about professional teams or events. We want the BUSINESS of sports to happen here. It is part of our economic development strategy. If you can get some of the biggest names and brands in sports doing business in your city, it creates this halo effect which draws in other sports-minded entrepreneurs. Couple that with a strong concentration of former professional athletes and sports executives who are looking to invest in sports, and you have a recipe for something really special. We want to be an incubator for all things sports.


What sports does Visit Frisco cater to? What are your “bread and butter” sports? Is this so due to facilities you own and operate? Or have you used natural resources to serve as facilities? Both?

I think it all comes down to the facilities and partners you have in your destination and we are very lucky to have some great ones in Frisco. Having partners like the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Stars and FC Dallas operate facilities in Frisco gives us a huge advantage in going after high-level events. We are strong in the traditional team sports of football, basketball, soccer and hockey, but we also have a growing population that is very interested in cricket and lacrosse, and we are home to one of the largest badminton facilities in the country. Are there any new facilities on the horizon for Visit Frisco? Or expansion plans for existing facilities? It has been fun to work in a city that is growing and expanding at such a rapid rate. Our newest facility that is set to open in 2023 is PGA Frisco. It was one of the highlights of my career to play a small part in bringing the PGA of America’s headquarters to Frisco. Our city worked with the PGA to take 660 acres of clay and carve it into 46 holes of golf, a new 500 room Omni PGA Frisco Resort and another live/work/play destination that is centered around a sports venue and will completely transform the northern part of Frisco. In what capacity are you and Visit Frisco focused on driving international business to your destination? Like most destinations, we love international travel to our city; however, it’s not one of our top markets. I do believe golf and PGA’s move to Frisco will be key to making Frisco a more well-known international destination. We will be hosting a number of major golf events in the coming years, including the PGA Championship in 2027 and 2034. The goal is to host a Ryder Cup in Frisco in the next 20-25 years, which is crazy for a city that had less than 30,000 residents in 2001. Your efforts with the Sports ETA Board of Directors have been impressive. Tell us about that journey and the need for cooperative outreach during the pandemic and beyond. I love the sports and events industry and it has been a great honor to serve our association through one of the most pivotal and transformational times in its history. A lot of work has been done by Al, the


staff and my fellow board members to put Sports ETA in a strong position within the broader tourism industry. Throughout my time on the board, I feel strongly that we have maximized the value to membership with the resources available. Now that an even stronger foundation exists, it is time to build. Coming off a time when sports was truly the catalyst for restarting tourism and business, we have an enormous opportunity to demonstrate the power and importance of sports to the tourism industry and our society in general. With “western lifestyle” seeing a bit of a rebirth, are you preparing for anything on the horizon along that path?

Josh, you’re prepping to host the US Sports Congress. How are you using the opportunity to showcase your amenities, facilities, and uniqueness? Hosting the US Sports Congress was one of the best things I did during my time in Fort Worth. It is the perfect opportunity for a destination like Frisco to show rights holders and our contemporaries from around the country what makes us Sports City USA. I truly believe that this year’s Congress will be a pivotal point in pushing Frisco to even greater heights in the sports tourism realm.

While Frisco is a fairly “new” destination in Texas, we still have a lot of farmland. There are still longhorns grazing on land directly adjacent to the new PGA Frisco project. We may not have the history like other Texas towns are known for, but we were built on those same “western” principles; a sort of “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that visitors appreciate and gravitate toward.

Fun Personal Questions

of my family.

Where would you most like to live?

What do you enjoy doing outside of work, what are your hobbies?

Texas will always be home, so I am pretty happy right where I am at. I spent some time working at Disney and I love Central Florida, so if I was forced to leave the Lone Star State, it would likely be for there or Colorado. What is the most prized possession you have in your office? My coworkers would probably tell you my office is like an episode of hoarders. I love having sports memorabilia and mementos from past events that we have hosted, but the thing I love most is all of the pictures


Just recently, I have started cooking quite a bit on my smoker. I never felt at home in the kitchen, but something clicked recently, and I have really enjoyed prepping, experimenting and smoking anything and everything I can. What is your favorite sporting event annually? The first Texas Tech football game of every season.There is still optimism, and my heart hasn’t been broken yet.

Just because you might be able to play anywhere doesn't mean you should. Bring your next sporting event to Pensacola for the facilities and hospitality. Stay for its historic culture, unique adventures, and award-winning sugar-white beaches.



Increase creativity by implementing productive habits. Ambiguity is designed for creativity, and so far, as we look toward 2022 it appears to have a lot of ambiguity. Experience demonstrates that the creative process and entrepreneurship are a match. We must create a courageous vision and strategy for your organization, be persistent on business development, and monitor the details and infrastructure of your annual business plan. The most productive way to keep an eye on all three skills is to focus on creative measures. Here are 12 creative ideas for you and your co-workers. When put in action with enthusiasm and objectivity, they can generate remarkable outcomes. 1. Plan retreats. When was the last time you got your team out of the office for a retreat? Or have you ever? Retreats do not have to cost a ton of money and time. Organize small scale, low dollar, monthly half day retreats. 2. Walk five-minutes every day.


Our bodies are made to move. Our circulatory system sends oxygen to the brain and a short break, and a change of scenery, can be all that it takes to deliver the next best idea. Dive in; you’ll enjoy and be surprised by the inspiration that will come over you during a short walk.

12 Ideas to Stimulate Creativity in 2022 3. Add a hobby. Is there a fun idea you have had for a while? What skill or new hobby have you been thinking about? Begin learning it and accept how awful you are in the beginning through laughter. Develop a sense of humor about yourself by investigating, being inventive, and using your instincts. 4. Sprint. When faced with a monumental task, do not block hours and hours to work on it. Rather, be productive by using 30-minute sprints. Shut down your phone. Eliminate tempting items from view, even beverages from your desk, and just hammer it out. Afterwards, always reward yourself with your favorite drink, check in on a family member or best friend, or even spend a few minutes focused only on your pet. 5. Get out of your comfort zone. Sign up for a webinar in a totally different concentration than your own. You will leave with two outcomes: modifications on a related approach in a very different context, and a completely brand new approach to attack a related problem that your organization currently faces.


6. Redesign your time. Are you running from meeting to meeting? Doing so causes stress. It also means you are stuck in a reactionary mindset, killing any creative process. Attempt to reserve periods of time on your calendar for quiet, dedicated work without interruption and meetings getting in the way. 7. Redecorate your work environment. Like many of us, if you are still working from home, or have been provided a flexible schedule, make a pledge to redesign your workspace for focused work so you do not have any distractions. Therefore, zero arts and crafts, dirty dishes, or treadmills. 8. Go play. Kids should not be the only ones who get to play. When we play, we perform executive purpose skills such as cooperation, compromising, listening, and foreshadowing what is coming next. Therefore, integrate play time into your work culture. 9. Use foresight. Using foresight exercises requires us to think months in advance. Pretend a project has been unsuccessful. Call for your team to produce a list of all that went poorly. Foreshadowing problems creates solutions in the now. 10. Schedule a recess. Deliberately plan for your entire organization to take a break when conference calls, Zoom and in-person meetings are not scheduled. These moments together will bring out comradery and moments or laughter. 11. Host a Show and Tell. Bring in or ask experienced leaders to share memories of initiatives that failed and succeeded in the past. Request that young and new employees prepare questions and share ideas they have considered. This activity builds an environment of trust hyper focused on creativity. 12. Routinely take a break. It may feel unproductive at first but taking a scheduled break will enhance your productivity level. Plan for breaks between meetings and scheduled tasks to get out into a different environment and away from your office.




















Enhance Team Creativity When planning a creative session, plan to push limitations and explore uncommon ideas. Do you know how to bring out your team’s creativity? Your team could be a limitless source of fantastic ideas. Idea generation requires focus and a specific path to head down. In your leadership role, you can implement techniques that inspire your team members to share their best ideas, thoughts, and viewpoints. Hosting your team for comradery and having them discuss idea generation will lead to new, timely, and cutting-edge projects. It can be a powerful team-building tool that emphasizes collaborative activity within your organization. Many techniques can work based on your team’s composition, and if all of them are open minded. When planning a creative session, plan to push limitations and explore uncommon ideas. To help make this concept work to your benefit, here are three techniques you can use to help influence your team to think of and discuss ideas that they may not have otherwise thought of.


Brainstorm. Brainstorming is a popular method to bring people together, build on a topic, get creative juices flowing, and encourage idea generation. Using an all-encompassing style of facilitating as a best practice to follow can make the session more effective. While in the brainstorming session, don’t comment on or filter any ideas. If you’re the facilitator, record all ideas, or list them on a whiteboard. It does not matter how amateur, unrealistic, or absurd they may be. Do not tolerate criticism of any method. It’s critical to allow your team to purely convey their thoughts


on the subject. If an idea does not make sense, it is unimportant. Encouraging a continuous, natural, uninterrupted atmosphere is vital to eliminating any hurdles that may stand in the way of groundbreaking ideas.

Plan an open writing session. Using open writing, or free writing, as a technique to stimulate business and idea generation has been around for quite some time. Whether performed by recording ideas on paper or typing on a computer screen, it is best done by setting a specific amount of time - five to

ten minutes for shorter exercises or even thirty minutes for more complex ideas or issues. This exercise is best when your co-workers begin writing at a set time and only stop when an alarm indicates to them to do so. Guide them with a topic, for example: “how do we better present our brand at industry conferences?” Ask your team to write without punctuation, edits, or even resting as they go. Doing so will force them to continue new thoughts during the process even as they go. It forces your mind down a road that produces something innovative and appealing. Jumbled between random words and phrases that run on will be thought provoking and actionable ideas.

Inspire sketching. Many of us draw in our notebooks. We did so as kids in school and do so now as adults in a workplace environment. Those that do not doodle might think it as a waste or pointless. Though, for many it can be their method to solve problems.

If you can get your team, especially those that noticeably sketch, to doodle you may find rewarding solutions to complex problems. Encourage those employees that do not draw, to try as it may offer them an exercise that helps focus differently on a topic to generate ideas. This will have your team working together in a playful way to overcome problems with efficiency.

Creative resources build creative teams. Having your team run through exercises that force them to be more creative can be an enjoyable connecting experience. The best creative ideas come from releasing your team free from the usual way of doing things. Get out of the office, rent a condo at the beach, take a day trip to a park, go bicycling together. Getting out of your environment refreshes the creative thought process. By brainstorming, writing, and sketching, you are providing your team with skills that can access thoughts and ideas that boost creativity and can carry forward into their personal lives as well.


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Select the Right Creative Agency Prepare questions of your organization and possible agencies prior to signing any agreements, as selecting the right vendor can be the gamechanger you need. Nearly every organization, regardless of size, contracts with creative agencies several times within its existence. There are countless reasons for this. Many agencies concentrate on specific areas that would be too costly for a brand to achieve on its own. For instance, some agencies are laser focused on only new ventures and or product launches. Agencies bring a breath of fresh air in the form of knowledgeable new ideas and varying perspectives across industries and current trends, not to mention know-how in generating numerous types of advertising content. One of the first times I used an outside agency was for a campaign early on in my career. We launched a campaign around purchasing tickets for the high school football state championships. Seven games across three days. The campaign was specifically concentrated on local resident ticket sales. The agency helped us create a new strategy that ultimately translated to print media in more prominent local publications. We used recognizable business leaders in the campaign to show community interest and enthusiasm about our community’s pride in hosting the event. The campaign was very well received.


Though, I learned some difficult lessons that first time out. I learned that when working with an outside agency, I was still responsible for the campaign’s execution and how it was communicated across all channels. An agency may produce content on TV well, but it might not be as focused on how a TV strategy combines with other brand assets, such as on a website, or radio spots, etc. Therefore, two crucial factors when working with an outside agency are to, first, ask are they the right agency for the goal, and second, how can you implement strategies to ensure you maximize their efforts? Set expectations. What will your campaign consist of? Commercials, out-of-home advertising, social media? All to boost brand awareness? Draft key performance indicators (KPIs) and build a list of advertising platforms. These will help you create a request for proposal 9RFP) or request for qualifications (RFQ) that clearly summarizes your goals. Next, reach out to other clients and colleagues to discover recommendations for agencies that are best-in-class. Be sure to put your network to use and consider an agency’s size and type of campaign history. Not all agencies are a good fit, and you don’t want to burn your time or theirs. Set clear expectations about your goals from the get-go. Doing so will allow you to achieve your desired goals.


Seek collaborative partners. It is simple to find creative agencies that have won advertising awards and landed internationally recognized brands as clients. Though one should discover an agency that is the right fit for company culture and that works well with your co-workers. No one hits a home run every time at bat. Same goes for campaigns. To place yourself in a better position going in we all need to understand what makes a campaign fail or succeed. Any business professional should possess the ability to objectively understand why mistakes happen and learn from those lessons when they do. Work to build a sense of how the agency approaches problems, whether they will take accountability, and resolve what may go wrong. Finding an agency whose focus is to build something special together, rather than concentrating on using your brand to accomplish its goals is vital. If an agency displays an environment where it knows your brand better than you do and does not listen to your opinion, that’s a huge warning sign staring you in the face. Schedule regular checkups. Follow this line of thinking with any vendor you contract with. What comes out of the relationship is only what you put in. To be successful together, schedule weekly or biweekly check-in and forecasting meetings--whichever method you and your co-workers feel comfortable with to remain laser focused with the agency and your account representative. Particularly when working with a creative agency, it should seek feedback after each phase of a project. So, make sure you provide that thorough feedback in a timely manner, and be honest with the agency during the process. These actions will safeguard success and diminish the possibility of feeling dissatisfied at the end.




PUSH Financial


“We love the FIRE Movement (Financial Independence Retire Early); we’re not trying to flex fancy cars or live in 11-bedroom homes that take years to pay off, we just want to invest, live meaningfully, be able to travel and work because we want to, not because we have to.” @girlsthatinvest How the wealthy send their entire family to school, TAX FREE… They open a 529 account when their first child is born (or before, then make the child the beneficiary once the child has a social security number)… They then contribute $15,000 annually (gift tax limit) to the 529 plan or use the 5-year forward provision where you can contribute $75,000 all at once… When the first child goes to college, trade school, or any other eligible institution, they use the funds to pay for tuition, books, laptops, etc. and the full withdrawal comes out TAX FREE… Once the first child graduates, the rich transfer the 529 assets TAX FREE to a qualifying family member like a sibling, first cousin, etc. and the process starts over again… The entire time the assets are growing TAX FREE… Then, when the owner of the 529 plan dies, the assets are passed to a successor owner (a new owner) TAX FREE, and they continue the process… But wait, don’t they have to pay taxes on the assets if they die? Because why 529s assets are not included in their taxable estate, when the owner dies, they don’t have to pay taxes on the assets. This is a unique feature to 529s… Hence why the rich sometimes hoard their wealth in 529 accounts. It takes the money out of their estate. @getjoemoneyright “Don’t focus on trying to invest $1 Million. Focus on investing $5 - $100/ month. And then $101 - $250/month. Then $251 - $500/month. Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run.” @LPinFinance


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With top-notch facilities and expert support staff, Tallahassee is the perfect destination to host your next athletic event. In-between competitions, dine at world-class restaurants, take in some live music or explore one of our many local adventures.




Manage Your Brain for Looking to get creative? Start by improving your mood. If you are looking to become more creative, find happiness. Having happy thoughts can help you when you need a burst of creativity of your own. How do you get happy, or momentarily happier, so you can be more creative? Here are three ideas: 1. Show gratitude. Focusing on the things you have in your life to be grateful for is one of the most effective ways to lift your spirits. Practicing gratitude can exist in diverse ways, but here is one that garners results repeatedly. Create a list of three things in your life that you are grateful for, which could be anything from the love and support of family, your positive health results, the location you live, the last vacation you took, or the fact that your favorite restaurant has your favorite entrée on the menu again. 2. Build connections. Connecting with friends or family members is an excellent way to immensely improve your mood. Making connections can even improve your longevity. From time to time, I will send out a motivational, self-care, or challenging idea text message to a few folks in my inner circle. Regularly, they reply, and we end up in an ongoing conversation. Every one of them says that contacting their loved ones, even when overcoming tough obstacles at work or personally, is one of the most positive actions they can take to help themselves. Therefore, take fifteen minutes to call one of your loved ones or seek out a coworker for a conversation. It can also become an opportunity to discuss your project a bit. These simple actions just may be what you need to get your creative juices flowing for the task ahead. 3. Exercise. Exercise is one of the most reliable methods to boost your mood. Regular exercise can lower stress and increase your mood through the release of endorphins. You will increase your exercise benefits if your activity takes place outside in nature. Talk a walk in your neighborhood. Go to a park and walk or bike on a nature trail. If your hobby can take place outside, even better. Draw or paint a picture on your front porch. Go swimming in a pool or ocean. Any type of exercise and activity in the outdoors has mood boosting benefits. Plus, the time-out that exercise provides will clear the mind to new creative endeavors. Changing your mood, being appreciative of what you have in life, connecting with your support group, and regularly getting out to experience nature and get the heart pumping are just a few hacks to help your brain for more enhance creativity.


Greater Creativity A section of your brain helps your creative insights; kick it in gear.


3 Behaviors to Increase Creativity To consistently generate new ideas, begin with a few adjustments to your daily habits. Would you like to see your career grow? Do you wish for your organization to stand out from the crowd? Are you looking to reach the next pinnacle of your craft? Start by broadening your creative skill set. We are not born possessing the skill to be creative. Instead, creativity is a skill that is developed by embracing certain habits. Having creativity is one of the most sought after and valuable skill sets an employee can have. Here are three actions that can help kick start creativity in your work and personal life.


1. Build a supportive schedule. One would think that those with a creative mindset must need flexibility and freedom, rather than a structured schedule. However, having structure helps. When maintaining a schedule, you eventually remove the small task decision making process from your day. A structured schedule means you do not spend time pondering menial tasks like when to go grocery shopping, what to make for dinner, or even setting up a Zoom meeting with your co-workers, because it has already been scheduled. Relieving yourself from these responsibilities frees up more of your resources to concentrate on ideas and solutions.

Removing minute daily decisions can make an enormous impact regarding what truly matters. Be available to build a daily, weekly, and even monthly schedule for yourself, then implement it to save your momentum and ingenuity for the big picture items that make all the difference. 2. Consume content. Find time into your schedule to consume content that ignites interest within you. Discover yourself by getting into the creative process from surrounding your environment with books, magazines, journals, people, and art. Consuming creative content provides value by uncovering cracks or flaws that the creators have omitted. This allows you to bring your own experience through their content. Some would say there are no current ideas, it is about identifying differences and crafting your own spin on a creation. To accomplish this, you must consume content never seen before. Build in time to research media content, appreciate content from others, or viewing art or displays sepa-

rate from your own. Viewing creativity from other individuals and organizations will generate something exceptional only you can see. 3. Reflect. We cannot grow without reflection. Reflecting on what you consume allows you to be creative. Be curious about your surroundings as doing so will provoke creativity. Seek to understand and in the process do not be afraid to question what works and what does not. This consideration will help foreshadow the outcome and allow for a smooth process. I have a habit, at the end of each day, to review what I have learned and experienced. This type of reflection prompts your mind to watch what is happening each day. When you are tactfully curious about your surroundings, you will discover opportunities and ideas everywhere. Do not allow yourself to get discouraged about creativity. Use the creative process that exists within your environment from others to make your own. Be deliberate about structuring creative habits into your life to help your quest for success.

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Industry Confidencial Check in every issue for the unfiltered thoughts of our guest writers and contributors as they discuss the hottest topics in sports tourism. Join the conversation by tweeting us: @pushsports In this issue, our guest writer discusses the subject of 2022 travel trends.


Around this time of year, we all begin looking at travel methods to forecast trends that will enhance visitation, not only within our own destinations, but also globally. With the weight of the coronavirus moving in different directions as new variants present themselves, these intuitions become more important and help create a roadmap for how many of us will influence the industry towards an improved and stronger future. From data derived due to creativity and innovation among our peers we can see several trends forming as we head into 2022. Technology driven travel and data will be key. We cannot put enough emphasis on the fact that the role of technology in travel and tourism will continue to rise in 2022. With companies providing real time travel notifications and destinations requiring digital vaccine requirements, tech solutions will rise to the top by providing guidance for all travel decisions. These requirements will vary from destination to destination, country to country and will provide transparent and timely international travel requirements that support visitors throughout their experience. Furthermore, contactless technology, such as check-in and boarding, or food ordering via apps, will bring peace of mind to visitors. We expect to see visitors seeking personal guidance now more than ever. We got used to planning trips by reviewing websites, but now we have far more to consider, such as vaccine distribution rates in a destination to requirements at restaurants, or attractions. Travelers will seek information on these topics to better prepare and plan from social media posts, personal support, and even uber local focused destination content. Destinations must become a better source of knowledge and show support during the process. When it comes to lodging, cleanliness and safety are a necessity. Therefore, we expect to see a shift back to stays at hotels and resorts instead of recent trends at vacation rentals. Trusted brands provide security and confidence when considering whether health measures will be taken seriously. As the topic of sustainability rises, it too is expected to remain a travel trend next year. Destinations and companies that display an effort with environmental initiatives, eco friendly options, plastic free and recycling efforts, reducing an overall carbon footprint, and more, will see comfort and support increase from travelers looking to organizations focused on innovation through sustainability projects. The trend that is most up in the air is business travel. Everyone is eagerly watching how and if business travel will adjust in 2022. Most organizations have proven productivity can continue by working remotely, so extensive business travel may not be looked upon in the same light as it was prior to the pandemic. Individually, each organization will have to consider several factors including refocused annual budgets, border crossings, and vaccination status. Thus, it is anticipated that virtual on-boarding, webinars, and conferences will be the norm. Do you have to fly across the country to visit with a client, or colleague, when an hour long Zoom call catch up will do? Visitors will continue thinking about week-long vacations and exciting destinations with minds set on the outdoors and the flexibility to maintain social distancing. The future of the travel and tourism industry has been vague for almost two years, and we still have no certainty on what 2022 holds, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.



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