3 minute read

Manage Your Brain for Greater Creativity

A section of your brain helps your creative insights; kick it in gear.

Looking to get creative? Start by improving your mood. If you are looking to become more creative, find happiness. Having happy thoughts can help you when you need a burst of creativity of your own. How do you get happy, or momentarily happier, so you can be more creative? Here are three ideas:

1. Show gratitude.

Focusing on the things you have in your life to be grateful for is one of the most effective ways to lift your spirits. Practicing gratitude can exist in diverse ways, but here is one that garners results repeatedly. Create a list of three things in your life that you are grateful for, which could be anything from the love and support of family, your positive health results, the location you live, the last vacation you took, or the fact that your favorite restaurant has your favorite entrée on the menu again.

2. Build connections.

Connecting with friends or family members is an excellent way to immensely improve your mood. Making connections can even improve your longevity.

From time to time, I will send out a motivational, self-care, or challenging idea text message to a few folks in my inner circle. Regularly, they reply, and we end up in an ongoing conversation. Every one of them says that contacting their loved ones, even when overcoming tough obstacles at work or personally, is one of the most positive actions they can take to help themselves.

Therefore, take fifteen minutes to call one of your loved ones or seek out a coworker for a conversation. It can also become an opportunity to discuss your project a bit. These simple actions just may be what you need to get your creative juices flowing for the task ahead.

3. Exercise.

Exercise is one of the most reliable methods to boost your mood. Regular exercise can lower stress and increase your mood through the release of endorphins. You will increase your exercise benefits if your activity takes place outside in nature. Talk a walk in your neighborhood. Go to a park and walk or bike on a nature trail. If your hobby can take place outside, even better. Draw or paint a picture on your front porch. Go swimming in a pool or ocean. Any type of exercise and activity in the outdoors has mood boosting benefits. Plus, the time-out that exercise provides will clear the mind to new creative endeavors.

Changing your mood, being appreciative of what you have in life, connecting with your support group, and regularly getting out to experience nature and get the heart pumping are just a few hacks to help your brain for more enhance creativity.