Diary (Prapatti)ready

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Diary Kangali Charan Pati R. College, Cuttack. 1st. Year Arts, 1942

‘˛u π˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊-©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u (1942-43)

‘˛ush—–Q◊˙, N~◊ 1349 N˙`◊, ÷◊Ë◊÷◊ Dated the 16th july 1942, Sri Gundicha, Please do not open it or read it. From the 16th July 1942 to the 14th April, 1943 Cuttack

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

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What is a ‘‘Diary’’ ? : (·–◊~◊`–◊π–

÷◊íb ?)

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Importance of Diary-Writing :

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u Cuttack, Dated the 16th July 1942, Thursday Duty :

9 :

Ä˙©–◊@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊≠`◊ Δ‹˙Δ‹ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ~◊u@◊N, É·Í◊¡–◊s∂ à ~–◊@hf˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π@–◊ Ø≠~ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ Economics tutorial class ‹≥`◊˙ Nd◊, Ø˙d˛◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ > Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ s§◊u@◊ ·h◊º]@◊ ¡–◊rl ≠Δ ¡◊r’ Ä˙@◊}@h◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, Nhd◊@◊˙… ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ≠Δ π˜◊˙π˜–◊@◊ pressure ÷˛◊Ø‘º ¡◊˜–◊Δ–¡◊ Ü‹≥≠@◊ d–◊≠Î◊Ø˙d˛◊ N≠o◊≤◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ Ä™◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… ØF]’d◊˙@◊ π@–◊Q◊˙l÷◊ > On the way : Ä˙©–◊ ØÚ Ä˙N~◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ø◊˙d–◊≠@◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ π@–◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ä˙N~◊ ÉπΔhê◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Ä˙~◊o◊Øl ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ §◊urb ·h◊º]πFC’ ≤h◊Ü > Ü≤◊˙@◊ Éπ÷◊˙@–◊d◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊‘u, Äπ÷◊˙@–◊d◊˙ ØÚ ≠d◊≠d◊ ≠¡◊‘u > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ú˙~◊ ØÚ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ·h◊Å≠¡◊Î◊˙ Ä˙N~◊ ¡◊˙ Ú˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– @◊˙d–◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ Ä˙≠·◊˝ π˜h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ Q◊≠Î◊ > N≠ú N≠ú Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ≠‘˙Éø–◊ > §◊`◊ ]˙·ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ØÚ Ø–Îh◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷∑◊˙N÷h◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ Δ–¡◊˙-Ä˙N–¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ §◊urb ©_◊@◊ Ü¡◊… ÷˙‘, ·◊@◊©◊, NP–’◊, d◊μ– ·◊@◊©◊ Åd◊ä˙·–◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ø~◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §`◊ @◊≤h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– Ølh@◊§◊z@◊ Scholarship π˙É‹≥¡◊˙ π–`◊˙Ë–◊ Ø@–◊ø–◊ > ≠NÅË◊˙ π˙Å¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Ä˙≠Ÿ◊ ¡h◊`h◊ø–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ N¡h◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ¡–◊ÁÎ◊Ø≠~◊˙@◊‹ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ≠¡◊≠Î◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ Q◊˙π– ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ π@–◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b Ø~◊@◊ ¡◊Î◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ·◊} ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤Ω◊ ¡–◊≠¡◊÷◊@◊ ≠©◊◊˙@Í◊ ÷◊Øhø– > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É §◊s¡◊˙~◊ö◊ Åè◊˙ > ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@◊u ÷◊Ø–Ë–◊≠@◊ ~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ Δhê–◊d◊÷’◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ ≠¡◊˙S≤h◊Ü sbÄ˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙@◊ N}˙¡◊~◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Cuttack, Dated the 17th July 1942, Friday


÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ØÚ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙í ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ N¡’◊·◊˙ ‘˙¥–◊ @◊≤–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠÷◊≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ä¡◊N˙·◊, ·h◊º], ¡–◊π·,◊ ·h◊P–’◊~◊ N≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ πŸ–◊¡◊ à ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ø~h◊rä ·h◊~–◊Ä˙≠@◊ π˛ghd◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡˙◊ ÷–◊ ØF]’d˙◊@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ! Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙≠Î◊ @◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊˙lb ¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ (Mr. Mohanty, Deputy Director of A.R.P.) Training Certificate Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠N @◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊ ·–◊~◊ ≠·◊≠¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠` > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ø~◊≠@◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä ·h◊º] ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠N §◊`◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ ]hN– `◊˙s–`◊˙ > πœ‹≥¡◊uË◊˙ ≠Δπ@–◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ~–◊@◊˙Ë◊, @h◊O, ‘F~◊ä π@–◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙Éø–◊ > N≠d◊÷–◊ Ø~h◊rä ≠÷ÉΩ∫–◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ! ÷◊˙≤◊˙@–◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ ·h◊º], ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ©◊b˙Å π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > On the way Home : N˙S~◊˙ Åd◊ä˙·–◊ πFC’@F◊≠π ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙N~◊ ÷◊@–◊ N˙@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊ ]˙Å¡◊˙ ≠·◊˙r˙¡◊≤◊ > Nourising food ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ > Out-book Note ©◊Ø˙ ≠`]h ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ≠N ¡◊≤–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ π˜h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙í@◊ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ N·◊˙N¡’◊·◊˙ Nh] @◊≤h◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Nh] Ä˙÷◊˙‘-÷h◊NhØ à Ø~h◊rä÷◊À–◊d◊ Nh≠Δ˙s à Nh¡–◊S˙ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊≤–◊ ØÚ ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Events : ~◊–]≥Î◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N ¡≠¯≠@◊ August 4 ≠@◊ ¡◊N–¡◊ > ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ sbÄ˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Nœ¸– ≠≤◊¡◊˙ N}˙¡◊~◊˙ > @h◊rÍ à◊ ©◊Ø˙’~◊u≠@◊ §◊urb ΔhM◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 18th July 1942, Saturday Duty :


Ä˙©–◊ Economics Professor ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h◊ ÷∑◊˙NÍ 2Ë◊˙ 20≠@◊ Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊˙Å 4Ë◊˙≠@◊ ≠‘r ≠≤◊`˙ > Logic class ≠@◊ ØhΩ

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


πø◊≠@◊ ¡◊N– Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤–Ω > English ØÚ Sundaram Ø~◊`◊˙]≥ π˙∫◊ π˜◊˙É ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > Nhd◊@◊˙… Ø~◊≠@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Ä˙Ø Nú≠@◊ ≠¡Ê◊·◊ä~◊˙‹ Ø–‘˛ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü π–`◊˙ π≠˜◊ > ≠N Ü÷◊ ÄN˙S˙@◊b ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊ Ü¡◊… d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊u Ä˙Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Éf˙≤◊·◊˙l÷◊ > d◊˙í@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ˆË◊b˙¡◊Î◊u, ™◊˙~◊, ÷◊Ø’, N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ ØhΩ π˛‹≠Ø §h◊`–◊s`–◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É Ä˙©–◊ πhb– Q◊o˛◊≠‘]@◊ ¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > d◊˙ö◊@–◊ ≠Δ˙shΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ™◊˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > Nhd◊@◊˙… ≠N π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ≠~◊Å ¡h◊n–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü¡◊… π˜◊˙π˜–◊≠@◊ Éπ˙l πh~◊@◊˙l ¡◊d◊˙Å ≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ØÚ πFC’ π˛ghd Äø◊¥–◊ > ØhΩ ~◊Δ–◊¡◊˙@h◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ ÷◊¸ > Üπ@–◊ ≤–◊d◊˙÷◊˙^◊ÍOu ≠`◊˙÷◊ ·h◊~–◊Ä˙≠@◊ ¡–◊@◊Î◊ > ≠N ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ©◊≠b π˛S˙~◊ Éf˙≤◊·◊˙d◊˙ > πhb– ØÚ ¡◊˙Ø Ä˙]≥ ≠X◊ÅΩ¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… ¡◊˙Ø˙ú ‹@–◊¡◊˙@h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ ÄN≠¥◊˙r Ä˙bhø–◊ Ü¡◊… will-force ÷◊Ø˙Å ≠·◊Éø–◊ > Events : ~◊·◊u 15 ÁhË◊ π˛˙l > Å©–◊πÍË◊≠@◊ §◊urb ΔhM◊ > ©◊Ø˙’~◊Ø˙≠~◊ @h◊rÍ≠@◊ Äs˛sd–◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ÷◊…≠s˛N≠@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@◊u ÷◊Ø–Ë–◊@◊ π˛g˙¡◊ ≠~◊Å π—–d◊ ≠~◊≤◊h@◊ö◊ É·Í◊≠¡◊˙S~◊ Ü¡◊… ≠s˙¡–◊o◊ ¡◊`◊∑§◊ πA◊◊ö◊@◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ ØÚ ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ π˛ghd◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Éf˙≤◊ π˛·◊˙~◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 19th July 1942, Sunday


Duty : π˛d◊ä≤◊ @h◊Ë–◊~◊ ÷◊@–◊ S˙@◊˙¡◊˙≤–◊÷◊ π˙∫◊ ~◊ π˜–◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊…

≠÷◊ÉΩ·–◊~◊ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ¡◊˙ Q◊o˛◊≠‘]@◊¡◊˙¡h◊öh◊ ~◊ πQ◊˙@–◊≠`◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Q◊o˛◊≠‘]@◊¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Ä˙©–◊ Δ–¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ Ä~◊äd˛◊ Q◊˙`–◊s`–◊ > Ü‹≥@h◊ π˛Ø˙b–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Δ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˙∫◊π˜◊˙≠@◊ Ø~◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ Mr. R. N. Mohanty Ü¡◊… B.V. Roy ö ◊π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

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≠Á˙π˙Ÿ◊¥–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ¡h◊n–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ~–◊©◊d_◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ~–◊©◊@◊ ~–◊©◊d_◊÷h◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ Ø˙~–◊π˙≠@◊, ≠÷◊≤–◊ ~◊ Ø˙~–◊π˙≠@◊; d◊˙í≠¡◊˙`–◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ≠ø◊˙Ë◊ Ø≠~◊÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > πhb– ©◊b÷◊@◊ ~–◊©◊d_◊ Ä~◊ä ©◊b÷h◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙Å ~◊ π˙≠@◊ > sh—˙Ø–@◊ ~–◊©◊d_◊ s˙Õ–◊ö◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, Nhd◊@◊˙… sh—˙Ø– ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˛¡œ◊≈–◊≠@◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ SF@◊Õ◊@◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ÷◊·◊˙π– s˙Õ–◊öh◊ Ø˙~–◊≠¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü ÷◊◊À◊~◊˙ ØÚ ¡œ◊‹˙ > ÷◊˙@◊b d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ ‘ê–◊ ¡◊Î◊≠@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Ø~h◊rä d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊‘u§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Nhd◊@◊˙… Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ ‘ê–◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ π˛¡◊Î◊ ~–◊©◊d◊_ Ü¡◊… ≠‘˛B Äg–d◊_ Ä≠Ë◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙·_◊˙@◊˙ π˛÷◊œd◊ Ø˙~¡–◊÷◊d◊˙ ©◊~◊< ~–◊Ü > Events : π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊˙`–◊@◊ NØ˙©◊ ~◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ¡–◊≠‘r Od–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙◊·_◊˙@◊˙ ØhΩ ~–◊≠©◊ ∫◊÷–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ≠¡◊‘u ÷–◊ø–◊ π˜–◊π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 21st July 1942, Tuesday Duty :


Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü Period ‹≥`◊˙ > Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ NØh·◊˙l ·–◊~◊Ë–◊ øh◊Ë–◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@Íh◊ ≠Á@–◊`–◊ Nd◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠·◊≤◊ Ä˙˙·◊˝ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ Ø~◊ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˛d–◊·–◊~◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ©_◊@◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ø˙~◊N–÷◊ Ä¡◊N˙·◊ ¡◊˜◊ ˙Éø–◊ > ≠NÄ˙Ÿh◊ Ä˙N– π˛˙l Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙ Δ˙Ü ≠‘˙ÅπŸ–◊`–◊ > ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠·◊≤◊Ë◊˙ s@◊Ø à ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ ]@◊˙π π@–◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Åè◊˙ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ø~◊@◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ·◊} Ü¡◊… N˙≤◊N §◊˙ú–s`◊˙ π@–◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > N≠d◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠N˛˙d◊≠@◊ §◊˙N–Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙É @◊O˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ > Chandrasekhar Babuö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ `◊˙§◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ≠X◊@–◊≠@◊ sπ÷◊@–◊ ≠‘˙Å`–◊ >

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Sadhana : Ä˙N~◊

à ~◊˙Ÿ–◊‘hM–◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊≤y◊≠@◊ Ø~◊ Ø˙~h◊ ~˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ≠¡◊‘u ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ¡◊N– ÄSˆμ˙Ü §◊˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ø~◊@◊ Ä⁄–@◊d◊˙ ¡◊˜h◊ø–◊ > Tuition ¡– ؖΖ◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ~◊ ؖΖ◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä~–◊è◊˙ > ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Tuition÷h◊ §◊`◊ π˙Å`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ø≠d◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ]@◊˙π `◊˙shø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠¡◊≠Î◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ N…÷◊Ë◊˙π¤◊ π@–◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ : Events : @h◊rÍ N≤–◊d◊ §◊urb ΔhM◊ ñ @h◊r@ Í ◊ πø◊ˆGh ˙ ñ ÷◊…≠s˛N π˛g˙¡◊@◊ NØ˙≠`◊˙Q◊~◊˙ Ü¡◊… ÜØ˙≠~◊ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ü÷◊ ©–◊·Í◊ S@–◊ ¡◊N–≠`◊b– > ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ Ä‹˙’dÍ◊ September Ä˙Ÿ◊÷h◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 22nd July 1942, Wednesday


Duty : I felt miserable in the earliest part of the day.

(·–◊~◊@◊ Äd–◊ Ä˙@◊}≠@◊◊ ØhΩ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul Ä¡◊⁄˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ >) d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ π˛S˙~◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠≤◊Éø–◊ Ø~◊ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ≠·◊≤◊ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü N¡h◊ π˛˙l Ø˙≠N ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ˆ≠@◊ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ Ä~–◊lØ–d◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ‹≥`◊˙, Ø˙d˛◊ Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ N…Δd◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊`◊˙≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]˙ ØÚ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ¡–◊rπ@–◊ π˛d◊ulØ˙~◊ ≠≤É◊ø–◊ > ÷◊˙@◊b Ä˙s@h◊ ≠Ø˙≠Ë◊ ≠`◊]˙≠`◊]≥ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ ≠·◊]hø–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÜÅÄ˙Ÿ◊h Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ ÷◊@–◊≠·◊Éø–◊, d◊˙íÁÎ◊≠@◊ π≠@◊ ¡–◊rØ ÁÎ◊ ÁΖ◊Δ–¡◊, Ü≠¡◊ d◊ Ø˙Ë–˛◊÷h◊ä≠`◊N~◊≠@◊ ≠NÅl˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > Ü≠¡◊ ·h◊º] ÷◊≠`◊ ÁÎ◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©◊– N÷◊˙Î◊Ë◊˙@h◊ ~–◊·◊ Ø˙Ÿhø–◊ > ≠‘˙Å ≠‘˙Å ·–◊~◊ Äμh ~◊˙≤y◊ > ◊Äö◊shŸ–◊÷◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ~◊ ¡h◊n– ~◊ ÷◊r–¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Tutorial class ≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÜN¡h◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ]@◊˙π d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Ø~◊ Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > NÕ◊ä˙≠¡◊≠Î◊


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·◊‘Øu :

Duty : N÷◊˙Îh◊ ¡◊˙Ø Q◊Oh Œh@–◊¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü ≠≤◊≠`◊

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Events : ‘˛uΔhê◊ @◊˙Ø~◊o◊~◊ Ø–‘˛ Secratary & Organiser of All India Congress and Socialist party – ≠N Town Hall≠@◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊, ≠·◊‘@◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä Ü¡◊…

≠·◊‘@◊ NØg ≤◊˙¡§◊˙¡◊ d◊¤◊d◊¤◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ¡h◊n˙Å ‹≥≠`◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 24th July 1942, Friday Duty :

Ü÷◊˙·◊‘u :

Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ·h◊ÅË–◊ Period ‹≥`◊˙ > d◊˙≤◊˙ πhb– ·–◊~◊ ≠·◊˜◊Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ≠N∫◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ Ü÷◊˙·◊‘u Éπ¡◊˙N ‹≥¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠·◊≤◊Ë◊˙ ]h¡Í◊ ≤◊˙`h◊÷◊˙ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙Δ’äOØ ©◊b˙Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä N˙@–◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ ≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä Ä¡◊N˙·◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊≤◊≠@◊ ÷m◊˙¥–◊ `◊˙s–`◊˙ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ØÚ §◊`◊ `◊˙sh ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > d◊dÍ◊π≠@◊ Éπ¡˙◊N≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä ]˙Å≠·◊Å Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ ØÚ ≠‘˙Å πŸ–◊`–◊ > Ø~◊≠@◊ ≠d◊≠d◊ Ä˙~◊o ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊ ]˙`–◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ä˙N– ≠‘˙Å πŸh◊ø–◊ > ≠·◊≤◊ ÷m◊˙¥–◊≠@◊ Ä¡◊‘ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸh◊ø–◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ¡◊˙Ë◊Q◊`◊˙ π˛‹≠Ø Ä§◊ä˙N ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h◊ Üπ@–◊ ÷◊¸ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØÚ Éπ˙l≤◊u~◊ > π˙∫◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ØÚ §◊`◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØÚ Ø~◊≠@◊ ‘˙¥–◊‘œõÎ◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– ØÚ Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙N~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ > ÷◊˙@◊b Éπ¡◊˙N ‹≥`◊˙ > πhb– Ä˙N~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ØÚ ≠·◊≤◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ light `◊˙sh ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÜN¡h◊ ÷◊‹˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ §◊˙¡–◊ Ä˙N~◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ exercise ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ > πhb– practical theory @◊≤–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä`◊s˙ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ @◊˙d˛–≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ π˜–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ÷m◊˙¥–◊ > ≠¡Ê◊÷h◊£ ~◊˙Ø÷◊ π–`◊˙ ˆ. 2.30 @◊˙d–◊Δ˙Ü π˜h◊ø–◊ > πhb– Ø≠~◊ Ø≠~◊ M.L.O. ÷h◊ Group change ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ > M.L.O. ≠@◊ π˙@– É∫–◊¡◊˙ N≤◊©◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ >

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u Events :


≠¡◊‘u ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊‹˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ ñ

Cuttack, Dated the 25th July 1942, Saturday,

·_◊˙·◊‘u :

Duty : I have not done properly my works and neglected every part of my work. It will not do me good as I do now-a-days. This does not behave me well to get up at 7. a.m. and again after taking bath to sleep. I had a habit to get up at 4 a.m. but unfortunately I have given up that habit and it does not enable me to do what I was doing then. Again fever was serious at evening. I have read nothing at night but I have talked a good deal at night with a boy named Jaganmohan Roy, a rich and moneyed fellow but strange in his behaviours. Sadhana : I have been doing the Asanas regularly but that is not sufficient for me. Again I am a servant of my palate. It always cheats me well. Events : Sabastople has been occupied by German in Russia. There will be a meeting tomorrow on Sunday.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 25 ©h◊`◊˙Å, 1942, ‘~–◊¡◊˙@◊, ·_◊˙·◊‘u : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ N¡h◊ ÷◊˙Ø ∫–◊÷Í◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙Δ’ä@◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ Ä…‘≠@◊ Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ §◊`◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y > N÷◊˙Î◊ N˙d◊Ë◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ É∫–◊¡◊˙


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Ü¡◊… d◊˙íπ≠@◊ s˙≠S˙Å πhb– ≠‘˙Å¡◊˙, ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ N÷◊˙Î◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙≠@◊ É∫–¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ‹≥`◊˙ ÷–◊¥h◊ ·h◊§’◊˙sä¡◊‘d◊º ØhΩ ≠N ħ◊ä˙N d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@h◊‹≥`◊–, ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ NØ‹’ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– NÕ◊ä˙≠@◊ N˙…˙ˆ˙d–◊÷◊ ©_◊@◊ Ä˙N–‹≥`◊˙ > @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ©◊s~Í◊≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ @◊˙l ~◊˙Ø÷◊ Ü÷◊ S~◊u Ü¡◊… ÄÒh◊d◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊@h◊‹≥¡◊˙ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü π–`◊˙ N≤–◊d◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ sπ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > N˙S~◊˙ : ØhΩ ~–◊lØ–d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ä˙N~◊ ÷◊@–◊ Ä˙Nhø–◊; ÷–◊¥◊h d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ Δ≠‹¸ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > πhb– ØhΩ ©–◊≤_◊˙`◊˙Î◊N˙@◊ ·◊˙N ≠≤◊˙Ås`–◊b– > Ü≤◊˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ §◊`◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ∫◊≠÷◊Å ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Éø–◊ > ˆË◊b˙¡◊Ζ◊ : Ör–Ä˙≠@◊ N˙¡◊˙NÍ≠Ë◊˙πÍ`Í◊ ©◊Ø’˙~◊u ·_◊˙@◊˙ ÄS≥÷œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > Ä˙s˙Øu ÷◊˙`–◊ @◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊, Ü÷◊ N®–Î◊~◊u ¡◊N–¡◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 26th July 1942, Sunday, Duty :

d˛◊≠l˙·◊‘u :

Ü ˆ≠@ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ ‘F~Í◊ > ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ¡◊≤–◊πd˛◊ ≠]˙`–◊ ~◊˙◊≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ π˛˙l N˙≠˜◊ 6Ë◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ É∫–◊‹≥`–◊ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ÷–◊ N˙S˙@◊b ≠`◊˙÷◊ É∫–◊ s˙≠S˙Å N˙@–◊‹≥≠`◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘ê–◊, N˙≤◊N, ≠d◊©◊, ¡◊uΔ’ä ≠Δ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊≠÷◊ ÷◊Ø–Δ˙Åø–◊ Ü‹≥≠@◊ d–◊≠Î◊≠≤◊≠`◊ N≠o◊≤◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ É∫–◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ØÚ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊`–◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > ÷◊íb Üπ@–◊ Ä˙Î◊Nä≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ s˛˙N ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ÷–◊π@–◊ π‹@◊ π@–◊ ©◊Ÿ◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊©’◊u¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ π˛d–◊ π≠·◊ π≠·◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ø–◊ > Ü ¡–rl Ä˙É Ø~◊ ØÚ §◊˙¡h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ØhΩ ØÚ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ·h◊º] ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ·_–◊d◊uld◊º Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ É∫–◊ Ä˙N~◊ à Ú˙~◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠π≠Ë◊ ÷◊N–÷◊@–◊ ·◊≤–◊QF◊Ÿ◊˙ ]˙Å≠·◊Å π@–◊©◊˙ N˙≠≤◊¡◊,

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u B. Prasad


Ü¡◊… Mr. R. Pati ö◊ π˙]÷◊h Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > NØgö◊◊ N≤–◊d◊ ≠§◊Ë◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ B. Prasad ö◊ N≤–◊d◊ ≠§◊Ë◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ÄSˆμ˙Ü ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠‘˙Å Ä˙N–`◊– > ≠N ~–◊÷h◊z ¡◊~◊@◊ ØShØÎ◊l, ‘˛˙¥–◊≤◊˙@◊u πhwshè◊@◊ NhsÕ–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ob÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙í@◊ Äö◊π`◊ö◊÷h◊ Ë◊˙b– ≠~◊`◊˙ > ≠·◊≤◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ñ N÷◊˙≠Î◊ πd◊Î◊˙ n˙Ÿ◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠πË◊ ]@◊˙π > d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b π@◊·–◊~◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊shŸ◊˙Ü π–©h◊Ζ◊ ]˙Å‹≥`◊– > n˙Ÿ◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠·◊≤◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü ÉN_˙N ØÚ `◊˙s–`◊˙ Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊d◊˙ ÷◊Ø–s`◊˙ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡◊˙Ë◊Q◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊¸÷◊@◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊`◊˙, N≠d◊≠Δπ@–◊ Øœd◊π˛˙l ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ Mr. R. Pati ö◊ ∫◊˙@h◊ ≠¡◊‘u Ä˙·◊@◊ π˙Å‹≥`–◊ > d◊˙ö◊dh◊`◊ä sh@h◊ Ü¡◊… π–d◊˙NØ ¡œ◊M◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ·h◊~–◊Ä˙Ω≠@◊ ؖΖ◊≠¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, Ø~h◊rä@◊ Ø~h◊räπb–Ä˙ ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ? d◊˙í@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊≤y◊ d◊˙í@◊ NØg Ø~h◊räπb–Ä˙ Ü¡◊… N˙Shd◊˙ > ≠Δ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ≠ΔÉΩ ·œ◊¸–≠@◊ ≠·◊≠], Ä~◊ä÷h◊ ≠N≤–◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@◊ Δ·–◊ ~◊ ≠·◊≠] ≠N ÷–◊ §◊`◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ? Ü≤–◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ëN–í ¡◊˙¡h◊ ~◊sbä > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ø~h◊rä@◊ shŸ◊˙Ü ‘h ™◊˙~◊ @◊≤–◊≠`◊ Q◊Ζ◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ N≠ú N≠ú d◊˙í@◊ ≤◊˙¡◊§◊˙¡◊÷h◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠πË◊÷h◊ Q–◊≤∂–◊ π˙@–◊≠`◊ Ø~h◊rä@◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊ Ø~h◊räd_◊ Ü¡◊… Ø≤◊d◊πb–Ä˙ ©◊b˙π≠Ÿ◊ > Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ëN–í ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ ≤◊©◊˙@◊ ‹@◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ·–◊≠~◊ ¡–◊ ≠N ≠§◊˙÷◊≠@◊, ≠‘˙r≠@◊ ¡◊˙ ·h◊º]≠@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠·◊Åπ˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ≠N N¡h◊ ©◊˙b¥–◊, N¡h◊ ‘hÄ˙ π@–◊ ≠ˆ˙r–÷◊@–◊ ÷◊≤◊¥–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠NshŸ◊˙÷◊ ‘h ÷◊‹˙ ø◊Ÿ◊˙ Ä~◊ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊äê–◊sd◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ÷◊πË◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… ‘∫◊d◊˙πFC’ > Ø˙d˛◊ πd–◊¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊@◊ ≠N∂≤◊ ‹≠@◊ π˙Å≠`◊ §h◊`–◊≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ d◊˙ö◊ ˆ≠@◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ π˛˙l 9Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ π≤h◊G≥‹≥`–◊ Ä‹˙’dÍ◊, ∫–◊÷Í◊ ]˙Å¡◊˙ NØl≠@ >◊ ≠N ≠N≠d◊≠·◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠§◊˙÷◊ ≠¡◊‘Í ¡h◊n–π˙@–◊ Äd–◊ Ä˙·◊@◊≠@◊ s≠— ]˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N‹≥≠@◊ ØÚ Ø~◊≠@◊ s§◊u@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ à N≤◊˙~h◊§F◊d–◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ > ≠·◊]≥`–◊


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N÷◊˙Îh◊ ]h¡Í◊ ‘uˆ˛ É∫–◊‹≥`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊‹˙π– ≠‘r≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ ≠‘˙Å πŸ–◊`–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ≠·◊≤◊ §◊`◊ `◊˙sh ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊@◊˙¡◊@ ◊constipation (≠÷◊˙B÷◊˙∫–◊~◊ä) ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > d◊˙í◊ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ ©_◊@◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > πhb– Ä˙©–◊ ØÚ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ ·h◊ÅË◊˙ QF◊Ÿ◊˙ ]˙Å Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠@◊˙≠rÅ ≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


≠Ø˙@◊ NØl ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊ ~F◊Ä˙ ≤◊˙—–÷◊@–◊ Ü÷◊ Ä≠‘˝Q◊ π˙ÅΩ πÅd◊˙ Åd◊ä˙·–◊ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊‹≥`h◊ > Ø˙d˛◊ ØhΩ ÜN¡h◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Ü÷◊Ød◊ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ > d◊‚≠@◊ ÷◊≠`©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ·h◊ÅË◊˙ Period ≠‘r÷◊@–◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ ≠Á@–◊`–◊ > ˆ≠@◊ πhb– ·h◊ÅË◊˙ ‘h]≥`◊˙ §◊˙d◊ Ü¡◊… ]@◊˙π d◊@◊÷◊˙@◊u ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ä‘˙¥–◊≠@◊ ]˙Å ≠‘˙Å πŸ–◊`–◊ > ·–◊~◊≠@◊ π˛˙l ·h◊ňμ˙ ≠‘˙Å ·–◊~◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ É∫–◊`–◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠@◊ πhb– §◊urb ©_◊@◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü¡◊… ©_◊@◊ @◊˙d–◊ 10Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ à≤∑◊˙Å`◊˙ > d◊˙íπ≠@◊ @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ πhb– Ë–◊≠÷◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊ π˜–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ π·◊˙@◊¡–◊o◊ π˙]÷h◊ ]≠— πd˛◊ ≠`◊]h‹≥`–◊ > d◊‚≠@◊ ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å ≠‘˙Å`–◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ π˛˙l ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Ä˙É ≠‘˙Å¡◊˙ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ ≠‘˙Å ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Q◊Ζ◊‹˙í¥◊˙, πhb– N÷◊˙Î◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊·◊ §◊˙ú–‹≥`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊‹˙π– N÷◊˙Î◊÷h◊ ‹—˙ Ü¡◊… §◊urb ¡◊r˙’ ≠Δ˙shΩ ≠‘˙ÅπŸ–◊`–◊ > Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`◊– ØhΩ Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ §◊urb ØÉ©◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ë◊÷◊Î◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊ N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ¡œ◊‹˙ Ü¡◊… π˛d–◊≤◊d◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 28th July 1942, Tuesday


College closed on account of rainy day. Duty : In these days I am extremely sorry and indeed disappointed at all times to go to any place or to have anything. It seemed as if I am dead and have got no spirit, no enthusiasm, no courage or inspiration to do anything at all. I left even my diary-writing or totally fell a victim to the terrible sufferings of Malaria and influenza.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Yesterday I took medicine from the college dispensary but because of ill-luck I was solely devoid of any real benefit from it. So this day I got three doses of medicine which helped me a little better and did me well to recoup my health. In these days of idleness and luxury I slept quite a long time and did not prepare my class task. It is indeed a pitiable thing to mark that now I hesitate to do any good work that I was doing in the days gone by. My spirit is blown off, ideas gone to heaven, and I am now a complete mass of negation, always given to disappointment and despondency and hopelessness. All about Ramanarayan Babu that can be told is that I have never gone to him since last 15 days. The world event is changing. Time and tide waits for none. The Congress is now at a crisis as well as the nation is. Every man is looking intently to the resolution of the Congress and the world-war that is going on. Today I thought a good deal of things and tried to take part in all the extra-curricular activities in the village as well as of the outside places. I am trying to send one Patrika named ‘‘Nivedan’’ to my villagers through which they will know the events of the world as well as to ignore the unreal facts that is existing in the village. No one is taking part now-a-days in the village affairs but disappointedly every one is trying to be a leader.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


Again to settle the quarrel about home affairs I will also do my best. We cannot stay in this condition for many more years. To day I close my diary-writing with a view to omitting three days affairs. In another place things will be described clearly. K. C. Pati 31.7.42

÷◊Ë◊÷◊ 28 ©h◊`◊˙Å, 1942, ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊ : ¡◊r’˙≠Δ˙sh ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ¡◊o◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ÜÅ ≠÷◊≠d◊·–◊~◊ S@–◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊≠‘r ·h◊º]≥d◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º N¡’◊·˙ ≤◊d◊˙‘ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸ–◊ø–◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊ÉΩÄ˙≠Ÿ◊ Δ˙Å π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ≠Δπ@–◊÷–◊ ØhΩ Øœd◊, Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ÉP◊uπ~◊˙, Éf˙≤◊, N˙≤◊N, É≠≈◊©◊~◊˙ ¡◊˙ ≠π˛@◊b˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]˙ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊Åø–◊, Øä˙≠`◊@–◊Ä˙ à Å~Í◊Á∑&hÜz˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ä˙÷˛◊˙¥◊ ≠≤◊˙Å §◊lö◊@◊ Δ»◊b˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ÷◊˙`–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ X◊˙ê◊@◊]˙~◊˙@h◊ ârS Ä˙b–‹≥`◊– ÷–◊¥h◊ ·h◊§’◊˙sä¡◊‘d◊º d◊≤y◊@h◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ NhÁÎ◊ ؖΖ◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ d–◊~–◊ π˙~◊ ârS ]˙Å`–◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ë◊–÷–◊Ü §◊`◊ `◊˙s–`◊˙ Ü¡◊… Nh⁄ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ > Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ ·–◊~◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙Î◊Nä Ü¡◊… ¡–◊Î◊˙N ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ·◊uˆ’ NØl ≠‘˙Å @◊≤–◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷∑◊˙N π˜◊˙ π˛ghd◊ ÷◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ¡–◊rl Ü¡◊… Äd◊ud◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠ΔÉΩN¡h◊ §◊`◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@h◊‹≥`–◊ Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`– d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ·_–◊S˙≠¡◊˙S ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Éf˙≤◊ ÷h◊Ä˙≠Ÿ◊◊ Q◊˙`–◊Δ˙Åø–◊, Q–◊¥◊˙‘ê–◊ ≠`◊˙π π˙Åø–◊, ØhΩ NfiFC’


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≠·◊‘@◊ Øhê–◊ `◊˙s– É·◊äd◊, d◊‹˙π– ≠·◊‘@◊ CommunistØ˙≠~◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ Ü≠d◊ ≠ø◊˙Ë◊÷◊@–◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊@◊ ΔhM◊ É·◊äØ≠@◊ Ø–‘hø◊¥–◊ > ÷◊…≠s˛N Ü‹@◊ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊≠‘r N˙d◊·–◊~–◊Ä˙ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ π˛ghd◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ ≠·◊‘ul @◊˙©◊äØ˙~◊ö◊ π˛d–◊ ØÚ π˛≠Δ˙©◊ä ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ > ≠·◊‘@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊Î◊˙π ØÚ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡ > Cuttack, Dated the 1st August 1942. Saturday Duty :


¡◊ ˙ g¡◊ ≠ @◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙©– ◊ ÷ ◊ ˙ `– ◊ Ä˙Î◊ N ä π˛ ÷ œ ◊ d – ◊ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙b– > ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠·◊˝ π@–◊‘˛Ø, ≠`◊]˙≠`]≥, prayers Åd◊ä˙·–◊ ¡◊˙ N÷◊˙Îh◊ ‘uˆ˛ É∫–◊¡◊˙ Åd◊ä˙·–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü Ø~h◊räπb–Ä˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊π–~◊ ¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊˙ö◊∫◊˙@h◊ ]≠— Certificate (π˛Ø˙b πd˛◊) ØÚ Ä˙b–π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷◊˙@◊b ≠N ≠Ø˙@◊ NØg §◊˙@◊ ©◊≠b ‘–O÷◊ö◊ Éπ≠@◊ `◊·–◊ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ¡–◊Q–◊d˛◊ ˆË◊b˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙b– > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, ≠N∫◊˙@h◊ ≠Á@–◊ ]˙Å÷◊@–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ s`◊–◊ Ü¡◊… 12-45 ≠@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ Principalö◊ Lecture ≠≤`◊˙ Ü¡◊… Classes were dissolved after 2.45. d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ Ä˙N– ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ > @R◊˙÷◊@◊ ¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ ¡◊N˙÷h◊ s`–◊ ]≠— Certificate π˙ÅΩ > ≠N∫◊˙@h◊ ]≠— Certificate Ä˙b– ≠Á@–◊`–◊ > d◊˙ö ◊ˆ≠@◊ ØhΩ ¡◊˙Nh¡◊˙¡h◊öh◊ ≠·◊]≥‹≥`– Ü¡◊… ≠N ≠NÅ ë‘˙¥–◊S˙@◊˙í@◊ ≠`◊]÷◊ ¡◊˙Nh≠·◊¡◊ Ø≤◊˙π˙d˛ > ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ > d◊˙ö ◊ˆ≠@◊ πhb– Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ π˛N˙·◊ π˙Å Ä‹˙’dÍ◊ ¡◊˙Nh¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ Ä˙~◊ud◊ N˙Ou≠s˙π˙Î◊ ≠§◊˙s ©◊Î◊]≥Ä˙ π@–◊ ]˙Å ≠Á@–◊`–◊ > Ø~◊≠@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Δ ØhΩ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠Δ ≠~Ê◊d–◊÷◊


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ØhΩ ¡◊@◊˙¡◊@◊ ≠·◊]≥π˙@h◊ø–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ~–©’◊u¡◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙Î◊Näπ@◊˙lb ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Health (N_˙⁄ä) ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ≠Δ ÷◊Ø–Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü‹≥≠@◊ N≠o◊≤◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙@◊b ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˛d◊ä≤◊ ©_◊@◊ ≠≤˙◊Å ≠·◊≤◊ §◊˙ú– Δ˙Åø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ·–◊~◊d◊Ø˙Ø ≠ˆ˙@◊ ¡◊r˙’ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ·◊–~◊d◊Ø˙Ø ~–◊¢–¥◊≠@◊ ≠‘˙Å¡◊˙ ø◊Ÿ◊˙ Ä~◊ä÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊˙Ø ØhΩ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤–◊π@–◊ ÜÅÄ˙Ÿh◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ NØg ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä ≠‘r

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


÷◊@–◊≠·◊Åø–◊ > ØhΩ ~◊ π˜–◊ ≠‘r÷h◊ ≤◊Å@◊˙b ≠≤◊¡–◊ Nhd◊@◊˙… ÁÎ◊˙ÁÎ◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ]@◊˙π ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ä˙Î◊Nä≠@◊ ·–◊~ ÷◊Ë–◊ø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 3rd August 1942, Monday : Duty : ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@ Ø˙d˛◊ d–◊~–◊Ë–◊ period

‹≥`˙ > d◊‚≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠Á@–◊`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ N÷◊˙Îh◊ É∫–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ≠X◊@–◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ~–◊©◊@◊ ~–◊d◊ä÷◊Ø’ ¡◊˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊˙Δ’ä ØÚ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙í◊ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ Ø˙o◊◊˙ `◊˙shø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊˙≠~÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ Äø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ @◊˙d–˛◊≠@◊ Ü∫◊˙÷h◊ Police ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡–◊rl inquiry π˙ÅΩ Ä˙N– ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ~◊˙~˙◊ ÷◊‹˙ πQ◊˙@–◊¡◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ Übh≠d◊bh ¡◊≠≤◊ ¡◊≠d◊Åø–◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ≠N Police S.I. Ë◊˙ ¡◊Ÿ◊ `◊˙GhÄ˙ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ë◊˙Ü > d◊˙í@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ØΔ’ä˙·◊˙ ™◊˙~◊ ØÚ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É ØhΩ ≠¡◊‘u ÷◊@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≤–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ·◊≠·◊Å, É≠`◊Å ˆ@h◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ > ˆ@◊@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ Ü÷◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ Øo◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]hø–◊ ˆ@◊ ]h¡Í◊ §◊`◊≠@◊ Q◊Îh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… s˙Ç øh◊Ä˙ ©◊~<◊ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ~◊˙≠÷◊Å sø◊Ë◊˙, ≠ΔÉΩ sø◊ ÷–◊ 200 ¡◊r’@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙í@◊ X◊˙Î◊N¡h◊ §◊˙ú– πŸ–◊`◊˙b– > ¡◊Ÿ◊ ·h◊º]@◊ ¡–◊rl ≠NÅË◊˙≤y◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ π˛S˙~◊ sø◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ÷◊˙≠Î◊Å sø◊ ØÚ Ø@–◊ø–◊ > s˛˙Ø@h◊ ØÚ ¡◊…‘u N_˙ÅΩ, ØFr˙-Ø˙ π˛§œ◊d–◊ Ø@–◊s≠`◊b– > ¡◊Ÿ◊ ·h◊º] `˙≠s Ä≠~◊÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ÜÅ Ä÷◊˙Î◊≠@◊ Ü≠¡◊ Ø@–◊ Δ˙Éø◊¥–◊ > World Events : ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ˆŸ–◊NÕ–◊ ≠¡◊Î◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ > Ø≤◊˙k˙©◊u d◊˙ö◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ≠‘r N…s˛˙Ø Ä˙Ø@◊b Ä~◊‘~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊Ë◊˙Å≠¡◊ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ÄË◊◊Î◊ π˛d–◊™◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ ≠·◊‘ ØÚ Q◊Ø÷–◊ É∫hø–◊ > ≠N ÷◊≤h◊ø◊¥–◊ ëÜ ≠·◊‘@h◊ Å…≠@◊©◊ ~◊ s≠`◊ Ü÷◊d◊˙ ÷◊·◊˙π– Ä˙N–¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ π˛S˙~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠Δ ≠·◊‘@h◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Å…≠@◊©◊öh◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

d◊Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Dr. Rajendra Prasad ØÚ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ Ü‹@◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N ≠`◊˙÷◊öh◊ shΖ◊, ≠¡◊˙Ø˙Ø˙Ÿ◊ Ü¡◊… N¡h◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ·◊Ø~◊`◊uÎ◊˙ N≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ü‹@◊ ≠©◊`◊ Δ–¡◊˙ Äd–◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ÷◊‹˙ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ≠N ØÚ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ É·ÍÍ◊≠¡◊˙S~◊ ≠·◊Å ≠·◊‘@◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ Ø–‘–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊≤–◊ ø◊¥–◊ > π—–d◊ ≠~◊≠≤◊@h◊ ‘‘Mr. Amery”öh◊ ©◊¡◊˙¡◊ ≠·◊Å ÷◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ ëëÄ˙Ø@◊ ≠‘r `◊Oä≤y◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ N…s˛˙Ø Ü¡◊… Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä > Ü‹@◊ N_@◊˙©◊ ≤◊˙N`◊ ÷◊@–◊¡h◊ ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ Ø@–◊¡h◊ >íí ¡–◊©◊l ¡◊˙ Øœd◊hä Ü‹≥@◊h ≠ΔÉΩË◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > ≠d◊≠b ©◊Ø˙’~◊u Ör@h◊ ]≠— ]≠— @◊˙©◊ä ≠~◊Å πÎ◊˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘≠@◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ Ä@◊˙©◊÷◊d◊˙ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 4th August 1942, Tuesday


Duty : I am quite unwell and suffering from colic pain. It is painful and terrible to note that I am attacked with one disease after another. This does not do me well. Today I got up so late that it cannot be put into words. In these days it seems to me as if I have lost all my energy and capacity to do anything, to go under any hardship. The works now seem to be so hard which I could do so easily. I am undone and disappointed at every moment to think of my terrible apathy and miserable condition. I do not think now that I will do something better in this world and can live well. To live well, to be well-known, and well-fed is the birth-right of every man who works with the mind. However I am undone.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


Sadhana : It is also depressing. Day by day I am going from bad to worse in this respect. Events : B. Kishore Acharya died at 12.40

÷◊Ë◊÷,◊ 4 Äs¸ 1942, ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊ : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ØhΩ NfiFC’ ÄNh⁄ Ü¡◊… ≠πË◊¡◊ä‹˙@◊ Δ»◊b˙ ≠§◊˙s ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ §◊lö◊@◊ Δ»◊b˙·◊˙l÷◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü π≠@◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ≠@◊˙s ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ä˙÷˛◊˙¥◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅQ◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ä˙≠·◊˝ §◊`◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ Ü≠d◊ ¡–◊Î◊¯≠@◊ É∫–◊`–◊ ≠Δ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ N≠d◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊˝bN–÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ, ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊∫–◊~◊d◊˙ ØÚ ≠·◊Å Δ–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ, ≠Ø˙@◊ NØg ‘ê–◊ à N˙Ø‹’ä ≤◊@◊˙Å ¡◊N–ø–◊ > Äd◊ud◊≠@◊ N≤◊©◊≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊‹≥¡◊˙ ÷◊˙Δ’äshŸ–◊÷◊ ≠Ø˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Äd–◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊lö◊@◊ É·◊˙Nu~◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul Ä¡◊⁄˙ N¯Õ◊≠@◊ §◊˙¡–◊ ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ ¡–◊~◊¸ Ü¡◊… ≤◊d◊˙‘ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸh◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ §◊˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ Ü≤–◊ ©◊sd◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ NÁÎ◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ > NÁÎ◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙, ]ä˙d–◊N…π¤◊◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÉ∫–◊¡◊˙, N_è◊Î◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ¡◊äê–◊@◊ ©◊~<◊sd◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ ÷–◊ Ø≠~◊˙≠Δ˙s N≤◊÷◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@◊¥–◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, ≠Ø˙@◊ N¡’◊~◊˙‘ ˆË–◊ø–◊ > N˙S~◊˙ : Ü≤◊˙ ØÚ ≤◊d◊˙‘©◊~◊÷ > Ü ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ØhΩ ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ]@◊˙π ≠≤◊˙ÅQ◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ◊ ˆË◊b˙¡◊Ζ◊ : ¡˛◊©◊÷–◊≠‘˙@◊ Ä˙Q◊˙Δ’ä 12Ë◊˙ 40Ø–~–◊Ë◊≠@◊ π˛˙bd◊ä˙s ÷◊≠` >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Cuttack, Dated the 5th August 1942, Wednesday


Duty : Not attended the class of English in the first period lamenting over my lot. I have become weak, and despondent. Brooding over the terrible misfortune that I have to go through the undesirable hardship through which I want to pass. I have lost most of my doubled vigour and spirit as well as true genuine character. I do not find any beauty, charm, neither joy nor cheerfulness in this world. I am terribly suffering from the colic pain and I have tried my best to forgo those things. Events : Congress people are trying to meet in Bombay where the All India Congress Committee will sit and on this auspicious occasion which will decide the fate of India. Mahatma Gandhi will preside over this meeting. It will be held on the 7th August 1942.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 5 Äs¸ 1942, ¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊ : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊˙sä N¯≠Õ◊ ·h◊º] ÷◊@–◊ π˛‹Ø π–@–◊ÄXÍ◊≠@◊ Å…@◊˙©◊u ÷∑◊˙N÷h◊ s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ Ü¡◊… ≤◊d◊˙‘ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ≠ΔÉΩ §◊lö◊@◊ ·h◊§’◊˙sä N÷◊˙≠‘ Ä¡◊˙L≥~◊ul ÷◊∫–◊~◊d◊˙ ØÚ ≠·◊Å NØl Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ÷@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠N ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ NØl S@–◊ ØhΩ Q–◊¥◊˙÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ·_–◊shb–d◊ ≠·Ê◊≤–◊÷◊ ‘ê–◊ Ü¡◊… Éf˙≤◊ d◊‹˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊ shb ØhΩ ≤◊@◊˙Å ¡◊N–ø–◊ > Ü ©◊sd◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä, Ä˙÷◊r’b, Ä˙~◊o◊ ¡◊˙ π˛Áh`∑◊d◊˙

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≠·◊]h ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ §◊lö◊@◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≠πË◊¡◊ä‹˙@◊ Δ»◊b˙ ≠§◊˙s ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÜN¡h◊ ¡–◊rl÷h◊ §h◊`–◊Δ–¡◊˙ `◊˙s– Δ‹˙N˙Ú ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ˆË◊b˙¡◊Ζ◊ : ÷◊…≠s˛N ·◊Î◊@◊ N§◊äØ˙≠~◊ N®–Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ ¡◊≠¯≠@◊ ≠ΔÉΩ∫◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊]≥Î◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N N®–Î◊~◊u Ä~h◊B–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤–◊ Nh≠Δ˙s≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ §◊˙sä ~–◊M’◊˙@◊b ÷◊@–◊¡◊ > Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ Ü≤–◊ N®–Î◊~◊u≠@◊ N§◊˙πd–◊d_◊ ÷◊@◊≠¡◊ > Ü≤–◊ N®–Î◊~◊u 7 Äs¸ 1942 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ Ä~h◊B–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 6th August 1942, Thursday


Duty : Today I went to the college quite unhappily. I found no place to take rest though I was suffering from colic pain. It gives me a terrible shock which cannot be put into words. I am always depressed. No sign of cheerfulness is on my face. I find no pleasure, comfort or enjoyment of life. Pleasure and comfort of life have left me. I live as a ghost coming from the other world. How am I to note down my terrible nature ? While returning from the college unluckily I felt to attend nature's call. I went to the Canal bank to attend it. I felt so weak that I was quite unable to walk a few steps. Then coming home I was compelled to take my meal at night. The socalled rude father could not understand my difficulties. He rebuked me like anything and I simply wept and cried. All about the world I can say is that the world is now in a sea of miseries. No peace, no enjoyment.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 6 Äs¸ 1942, sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊ : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ NfiFC’ ÄNh] Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ > Δ·–◊à ØhΩ ≠πË◊¡◊ä‹˙@◊ Δ»◊b˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊‹≥`–◊, ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ¡–◊‘˛˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ⁄˙~◊ π˙Å`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Üπ@–◊ §◊lö◊@◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d ≠·◊Éø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@◊–≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ ≤◊≠d◊˙f˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸh◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙ Øh]≠@◊ π˛Áh`∑◊d◊˙ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Nh], Ä˙@˙Ø-Éπ≠§◊˙s π˙Åπ˙@h ~◊˙≤y◊ > Nh] à Ä˙@◊˙Ø ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@h◊ ¡◊˙·◊ πŸ–◊ø–◊ > Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊˝bN– ©◊sd◊@h◊ Ä˙N–‹≥¡◊˙ §F◊d◊ π@–◊ ØhΩ ¡◊˙N ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü≤– ◊ §◊ l ˙~◊ ÷ ◊ π˛ ÷ œ d – ◊ ÷ h ◊ Øh Ω ÷– ◊ π @– ◊ ≠`◊ ] ≥ ¡ – ◊ ? ÷◊ ≠ `◊ © ◊ @ h ◊ ≠Á@–◊`◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ ·h◊§’◊˙sä¡◊‘d◊º ≠Ø˙≠d◊ π˙Å]˙~˙ ≠·◊]˙Å`˙ > Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ~◊˙Î◊-÷FÎ◊÷h◊ s`–◊ > Ü≤◊˙π≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü≠d◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ `◊˙s–`◊˙ ≠Δ ØhΩ◊ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ÄOØ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ Ä˙N– ØhΩ @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ]˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ d◊‹˙÷◊‹≥d◊ ~–◊Bh@◊ π–d◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊¸÷◊@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙÷h◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@–◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Åè◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ s˙Ζ◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊˙o–◊‹≥`–◊ > ©◊sd◊@◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ N¯≠Õ◊ ØhΩ Üd–◊÷–◊ ÷◊≤–◊π˙≠@◊ ≠Δ ©◊sdÍ◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ·h◊º]@◊ N˙s@◊ ØÚ≠@◊ ¡h◊Ÿ–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > ‘˙¥–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, Ä˙~◊o◊-Éπ≠§◊˙s ~◊˙≤y◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 9th August, 1942, Sunday


Duty : Done absolutely nothing worthy. Events : Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Azad, Mahadev Desai, Kasturi-bai, Miraben were arrested from the A.I.C.C. in the morning of Sunday. From Orissa

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


altogether 54 leaders have been arrested. From all the provinces most of the prominent people (almost all) are arrested. In Bombay, Ahamedabad, Benaras, Lucknow, Lahore, Allahabad there are general strikes, hartals and the Police force has in some places charged lathi and ordered shooting. Most of the people were demoralised and a few were wounded. Now the news where Gandhiji remains or where Pandit Nehru remains is not given to anybody. Well, the news has been kept secret and the editors can only support the news that they will receive from O.P., A.P. and from the correspondents of Delhi. College strike on the 11th August. As a result of which my free-studentship has been drawn off.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 9 Äs¸ 1942, @◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊ : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ≠÷◊˝bN– ØF`◊ä¡◊˙~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > ˆË◊b˙¡◊Ζ◊ : Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊, ≠~◊≤◊@h◊, Ä˙©◊˙·Í◊, Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊ ≠·◊‘˙Å, ÷◊gh@◊u ¡◊˙Ç, Øu@◊˙≠¡◊~Í◊ π˛§œ◊d–◊öh◊ @¡–◊¡◊˙@◊ ·–◊~◊ N÷◊˙≠Î◊ ~–◊]≥Î◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ ÷◊…≠s˛NÍ ÷Ø–Ë–◊ ÄÁ–NÍ@h◊ ≠s˛ÁÍd◊˙@◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Åø–◊ > àŸ–◊‘˙@h◊ NØh·◊˙l 54 ©◊b ≠~◊d◊˙ ØÚ ≠s˛ÁÍd◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > N¡h◊ π˛≠·◊‘@h◊ ¡–◊‘–¸ ≠~◊d◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ (π˛˙l NØ≠g) ≠s˛ÁÍd◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > ¡◊≠¯, Ä≤◊Ø·◊˙¡◊˙·◊, ¡◊~◊˙@◊N, `◊≠O∂˝, `◊˙≠≤◊˙@Í◊, Ä˙`∑◊˙≤◊˙¡◊˙·◊≠@◊ N˙S˙@◊b ≤◊@◊d◊˙Î◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠π˙`–◊NÍ ≠Á˙N’ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ⁄˙~◊≠@◊ `◊˙∫–◊ π˛≠l˙s ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… shΖ◊ π˛≠l˙s ÷◊@–◊¡˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊,


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

ÄS≥÷◊˙…‘ ¡◊äê–◊ ~◊ud–◊§˛◊¸ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ¡äê–◊ Ä˙≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊u à π—–d◊ ≠~◊≠≤◊@h◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ∫–◊ Äø◊¥–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@–◊÷h◊ ©◊b˙Å ·–◊Ä˙Δ˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊ N…¡◊˙·◊ shD @◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ πd˛◊-πd˛–◊÷◊˙@◊ Nfi˙·◊÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ N¯˙·◊ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ N…¡◊˙·◊-π˛d–◊~–◊S≥ Ü¡◊… ·–◊`∑◊u@◊ N…¡◊˙·◊·◊˙d◊˙Ø˙~◊ö∫◊˙@h◊ π˙É‹≥¡◊˙ N…¡◊˙·◊÷h◊ NØ‹’~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > Äs¸ 11 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≤◊@◊d◊˙Î◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ π@–◊b˙Ø N_@F◊π ØhΩ π˙É‹≥¡◊˙ ø◊˙d˛◊-¡œ◊≈–◊ ¡◊o◊ ÷◊@–◊·–◊Ä˙Δ˙Åø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 12th August, 1942 :

ØΩh ≠Δ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ©◊u¡~◊ S˙@◊b ÷◊@–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ à ÷◊˙≤◊˙π˙ÅΩ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü NÕ–◊ NØl≠@◊, Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊@◊ ɤ◊d◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ Ü≠d◊ Ø˙o◊˙ Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊’ u¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ÷◊íb◊, É≠P◊‘ä ÷◊íb ? ≠NN¡h◊ Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠·É◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘@◊u@◊@◊, ©–◊≤_◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… NØg Åo–˛◊l@◊ ·◊˙N ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡–◊rl ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡◊–rl ©◊˙b–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠~Ê◊d–◊÷◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ¡◊˙ π˛¡◊Î◊ Ø˙~◊N–÷◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ØÚ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ §h◊`◊ ¡h◊nhø–◊ > ‘˙@◊u@–◊÷◊ ÄNh⁄d◊˙@◊ Δ˙¡◊d◊ul ÷◊˙@◊b ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ]˙·◊ä ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ‘ê–◊ ØÚ Ä≠~◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ > 11 d◊˙@–◊] ·–◊~◊ Ä˙Ø ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≤◊@◊d◊˙Î◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ π˛˙l 75% π–`◊˙ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > Ø˙d˛◊ Nh]@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ¡◊˙ ·h◊º]@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ÷∑◊˙N≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü‹≥≠@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠ΔÉΩ N˙Ø˙~◊ä N˙≤◊˙Δä π˙Å¡◊˙@◊ ‹≥`◊˙, d◊˙≤◊˙ ØÚ π˙Å¡◊˙@◊ Ä˙‘˙ @◊≤–◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ·h◊º] > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä˙¥◊@–◊÷◊ Nh] Ü¡◊… N≠}˙s Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ Ä˙©–◊ Øhê◊

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

words, Mahatma Gandhi, the world-renowned patriot, the enthusiastic leader of the Indians, has already announced that this time the Congress will either do its duty or die. The expectation that are likely to come out of it is not known and anarchism, confusion, disorder will prevail and hundreds and millions will die if necessary. To-day in Patna two thousand men gathered at a meeting and the police force shot at the mob, but gradually and suddenly the spirit of enthusiasm aroused and people became more and more furious. Then again the students of Madras have not taken any part. It was a meeting protesting the B. Govt. by the students of R. College. It seems as if the students are in the lap of their mother. The mother is in danger. More over I applied today to change my previous combination and to take up M.L.O. as my combination as it had been the case with me. I will surely secure good marks in Oriya, but unfortunately I will be quite ignorant of the present economic and political conditions. However Mr. C. S. Mishra was quite right in his statement to tell me that I should take up Oriya principal. Then I went on the 9th & the 11th to Mr. R. N. Bramhachari. I found that his plans are quite terrible and are not well. He wants to say to kill and cut every one of those who are against the National Government in order to rouse the spirit of the people and mass. So that

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there will be a ready performance of the actions that was likely to be done by him. K. C. Pati 13/8/42

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All about the present situation that can be referred that day by day the national crisis is becoming more and more important, dangerous and hopeless. In Bombay altogether 789 people have been killed. In Patna nearly 70,000 people gathered near the secretariate and almost broken the building and destroyed the records and official papers. It is heard that Mahatma Gandhi has been doing his fasting. Nothing is known about this man. He is also not allowed to know the world-events and of the natural situation of India. Then again in all parts the students play the prominent part in the national cause. The Madrasi students have dead-locked every thing. No news can be

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brought from the place. Every railway line and telephones have been destroyed and in Delhi all sorts of disobedience have been done. But even today it seems to me that the fight for national cause might be mitigated and the repression might be able to keep India for years in bondage. This is the most critical time and the terrible time ever known in history. Gandhiji’s last message to India is to recognise themselves as free men when he has been arrested but even today the spirit of the Oriyas has not arisen, they simply think like a matter of joke but never feel for the cause. Even the best and oldest people of the province cut jokes at these national movements and do not allow their aged sons to take part and to sacrifice themselves completely for the cause of the country. They do not feel that the best son of India has been arrested and for what other reason they should live and why should they sustain their lives and even they have not tested the sweetness of independence. In our college there are hundreds and thousands who never feel for the cause of the nation. There was a meeting at 5 p.m. at the Gourishankar park on the 13th instant. People gathered there in large numbers but the Police force dispersed the gathering by lathi charge. The mass then dispersed and did not face the likely calamity that was before them. But haphazardly


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there was a procession and the cook of Mr. Mahatab gave many beautiful slogans and led the mass. I think people in the town think that this is an unsuccessful job and barking like this these cowards will go back again to their home and they are destined to live under the same bondage and nasty British imperialism. Now vigorous plans are going on in every province to disobey the present British Govt. and discard the present situation in order to bring peace and comfort.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 13 Äs¸ 1942, sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊ : ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ N¯≠Õ◊ Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ ÷h◊≤◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ ≠Δ ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ©◊˙d◊ul NØNä˙ ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ sh@h◊d_◊πFC’, ¡–◊πû◊~◊÷◊ d◊‹˙ ~–◊@◊˙‘˙©◊~÷◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÉ∫h◊ø–◊ > ¡◊≠¯≠@◊ NØh·◊˙l 789 ©◊böh◊ ≤◊d◊ä˙ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Åø–◊ > π˙Ë◊~◊˙≠@◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊u ÄÁ–N ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ π˛˙l 70,000 ¡◊äê–◊ N®–Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊˙∫◊˙¡◊˙Ÿ–◊ §◊˙ú– ÄÁ–NÍ@◊ ~◊‹≥πd˛◊ S_…N ÷◊@–◊≠·◊≠`◊ > ‘hb˙Δ˙Ü ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ Ä~◊‘~◊ ÷◊@–◊ Ä˙Nhø◊¥–◊ > Ü≤–◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ¡◊äê–◊ö◊ N¯≠Õ◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ¡–◊‘_-ˆË◊b˙¡◊Ζ◊ Ü¡◊… §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ N_˙§◊˙¡–◊÷◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ N¯≠Õ◊ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ d◊˙öh◊ Ä~h◊Ød–◊ ØÚ Ø–Îh◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πh~◊¢ NØg ÄGÎ◊≠@◊ ©◊˙d◊ul ɤ◊d–◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ø◊˙d˛◊NØ˙©◊ ¡–◊≠‘r sh@h◊d_◊πFC’ Ä…‘ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > Ø˙X˛◊˙Nu ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙≠~◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Ü÷◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ Nœ¸– ÷◊@–◊ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ⁄˙~◊@h◊ N¯˙·◊ Ø–Îh◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠@◊Î◊π‹ à ≠Ë`–◊≠Á˙~Í◊ Nfi÷’◊ ~◊¸ ÷◊@–◊·◊–Ä˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ·–◊`∑◊u≠@◊ N¡h◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ Ä˙Å~Í◊-ÄØ˙~◊ä ÷◊@˙◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊

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≠N∑˙s˙~Í◊ ≠·Å ©◊~◊d◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠sÅ ≠~Å‹≥`◊˙ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü, N≤◊@–◊Ä˙ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ §◊˙¡h◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠Δ Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÄNÁÎ◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Ü¡◊… ÷h◊÷h◊@◊ §◊Ζ◊ §h◊÷–◊ §h◊÷–◊ Ü≤–◊ §◊u@h◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ πhb– ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ ≠Á@–◊Δ–≠¡◊ Ü¡◊… ÷hf–d◊ ¡˛–◊Ë–◊‘Í N˙Ø˛˙©◊ä¡◊˙·◊@◊ Ü÷◊≤–◊ ¡◊Õ◊~◊≠@◊ @◊≤–◊¡◊˙≤y◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ §◊˙sä~–◊·–’◊¸ > ¡◊≈’Ø˙~◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ π˛≠·◊‘≠@◊ ¡˛–◊Ë–◊‘Í N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘ π˙Î◊~◊ ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊÷h◊ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠·◊‘≠@◊ Nh]‘˙¥–◊ ≠Á@◊˙Å Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠©◊˙@Í◊≠N˙@Í◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > Dated the 14th August 1942, Friday : I have done nothing. My health is improving by degrees. I think I do not feel worried myself by not going to the college. But certainly I have become ease-loving, peaceful and luxurious. I have had no luxuries of life but unnecessarily I waste my valuable time that will never come in life again. Moreover, I have become greedy about food and other articles. I used to give away alms to the miserable due to ill luck everyday last year, but I have forgotten that this year. Besides, I always disliked to see myself in a sweetmeat-stall, but now it has no shame for me. Again the food tempts me so much now that I am inclined to take food at any moment even if I may be in danger or when I have heavy work or prayer. Again I have lost the sense of my holy prayer that is to be performed every day. However, about the national

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


movement I am a bit well and feeling enthusiastic. I am fully prepared to sacrifice myself for the cause of the nation. It will be a very grand thing if my father gives permission to do that. On this day all the colleges in Patna, Benaras, Allahabad, Lucknow have been closed. In every city gatherings have been fired at every movement and reserved soldiers are going from this place to that place. The situation in Cuttack is going from bad to worse. I find now-a-days C.I.D. people everywhere. There are also student informers in the college. The month of June is coming when I will surely leave the college for the national fight and independence. A boy named Chittaranjan Das, an eminent scholar, who was enjoying a scholarship of Rupees 15 has left the college for good, the sacrifice he has shown to the people and the ideal which he has put before the mass of students is of immense value. No one can imagine how he is inspired by the national movement. Each student and every boy must follow his good and noble example. Comrade Drugacharan and Nrusingha Tripathy have been arrested today. Some people of the various Govt. offices are now going to resign their offices. Some of the good secretariate people are likely to resign and one clerk of the Ravenshaw Girls School has resigned his office. Let every people


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

resign the office for six months and after we have our independence we shall start our national Govt. The English people are very proud to think that India’s situation is completely in their hand. Even the Labour Party and other papers criticise the Congress quite wrongly and having false imaginations of the present national crisis. However, I pray earnestly to God to give time and hope to sacrifice ourselves completely for the cause of the nation.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 14 Äs¸ 1942, ‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@◊ : ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ø˙d˛◊˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ N_˙⁄ä@◊ ɤ◊d–◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ ~◊ Δ–¡◊˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ØhΩ Q–◊¥–◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ~–◊¢–d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä˙@˙Øπ˛–l, ‘˙¥ à ¡–◊Î◊˙Nu ≠≤◊˙Å πŸ–◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ¡–◊Î◊˙N ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙, ÷–◊¥h◊ ÄΔ‹˙≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ØF`◊ä¡◊˙~◊ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ πh~◊¡’◊˙@◊ ≠Á@–◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÄS≥÷◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ]˙·◊ä Ü¡◊… Ä~◊ä ©◊–~–◊rπd˛◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠`◊˙§◊u ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ > sd◊¡◊r’ ØhΩ ≤◊d◊§◊˙s˙ ·◊@–◊·˛◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ π˛d–◊·–◊~◊ §–◊O˙ ≠·◊É‹≥`–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ≠N÷◊‹˙ §h◊`–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ Ø–∫◊˙Å ≠·˙÷◊˙~◊÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤h◊ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠N‹≥ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙@◊ `◊û◊˙ ~◊˙≤–Ω > πh~◊¢ ]˙·◊ä ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü≠d◊ Ø˙d˛◊˙≠@◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ π˛`h◊¡Í◊S ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– Øh≤F◊≈’◊≠@◊ ]˙·◊ä ]˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤h◊ø–◊, Üπ@––◊÷–◊ ¡–◊π·◊≠@◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ¡◊˙ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Äø–◊ > πhb– π˛d◊ä≤◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ≠¡◊˙S ØhΩ ≤◊@◊˙Å ¡◊N–ø–◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, ©◊˙d◊ul Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ N¯≠Õ◊ ØhΩ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü ≠¡◊‘u Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Éf˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ >

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college afterwards. That would be the greatest and one of the brightest examples that a man can possibly set not only in Orissa, but in India. It is the proper and due time to do like that. It is unnecessary to add that Mr. (x) master-planned so and did so. The college was to-day no more. We all vanished in a moment from the college and came to our houses. The event which reacted on us as well as in the town had a great influence. I think some students will give up their studies for good finally. How the college will again continue I can not imagine. Every body is not willing at all to do anything or to go to the college. Rather the college should be closed for ever until the war ends. It would be an opportunity offered to the students to go to their respective villages to work. Mr. Chittaranjan has sacrificed much. When I think of myself I am lost in complete admiration. I can not think whether I am able to do anything for my country and to sacrifice whole-heartedly for the country. I am undoubtedly and unhesitatingly ready to offer myself into the burning fire of nationalism which will make India free from its bondage. Then again all about my studies that can be told that I can read no more. Democratic principles are being preached and people’s Govt. will be formed. I know surely that my


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beloved father will not allow me to do anything for the country. My mother, so sympathetic, so mild, generous, extremely kindhearted will burst simply into tears to know that I will give up my home. But my eldest brother will, I suppose, gladly tell me to do that. However, if my Mother India can be freed by my little efforts, and small and insignificant activities, then I do sacrifice myself for the country. Oh ! Dear Mother, thou art in danger and in the hands of the enemies in bondage and I must relieve you as I am your worthy son. Do accept my request and allow me to do some service for Thee. I am deeply grieved at heart and will die of hunger and thirst if they fail to offer me to save you, to make you free, to make you able to see us in good heart and good look. You look today so pale, remorsed, despaired and thine forty crore of people can not free you and your ablest son Mahatma Gandhi is in jail now. Let them no more hesitate to send me into the burning fire of nationalism. They must be sure of it that I must depart one day and today or some day I will die. Death must follow birth. Death is inevitable and unavoidable. Mother ! do not you want to see your child dying a heroic death ? Let you bless me, give me the dust of thy feet and send me with cheers and joys to put up a gallant fight against the enemies who are ruling

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over us. I do not want to die a death of sufferings, wants, needs and of starvation, but a sacrifice of life in heroic process. We may win or be vanquished, that matters little. We jump to swim, it may so happen that we may survive or we may be put to utter death. Defeat and victory are the two flat surfaces of a coin. If any one wants to take that coin, he must be subjected and able to bear up all the difficullties. Our life is too short and it has no use to live like a beast. Some of the greatest world-renowned persons die in the battle and why should we not ? Pandit Nehru said, ‘‘We throw ourselves to the burning fire; we may come succesful or die there.’’ There is not a second place. ‘‘ Either Do or Die !’’ This should be our motto. We are entitled, destined, fated to work, act and do. We are not the people to see the result of our action. It may bear some fruits or not. The great Indian sage has various times preached, ‘‘Enjoyment lies in the attempts, not by reaching it.’’ So I must sacrifice myself for the country.

15 Äs¸, 1942 (‘~–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ Q◊Ζ◊d◊ ‘d◊˙›◊u@◊ Ø≤◊≈◊Ø◊ ÄÚ˙k¡◊˙·◊u π—–d◊ ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o◊ ≠ˆ˙rö◊@◊ NDd–◊d◊Ø ©◊~<◊·–◊¡◊N > ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ©◊˙d◊ul Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ ¡◊˜–◊Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙≠~◊


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various ill-dreams of death and firing and I think there are dangers in store for me in future. Be ready and be able to face the hardships, dangers and difficulties of the world. If you hesitate to go further you will be crushed down and shot down. Do not be afraid to see the red-hot eyes of the world. You shall have to give up everything if you want to have a complete sacrifice for the country.

16 Äs¸, 1942 (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙s@h◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≤–◊ø–◊ ≠Δ N¡h◊·–◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ π˜◊˙ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊¡–◊ > sd◊ 14 d◊˙@–◊]∫◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ ¡◊≤–◊πd˛◊ øh◊ÅΩ ~◊˙≤–Ω > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å Δ–¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ §◊˙¡h◊ ‹≥`–, ÷–◊¥h◊ s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ @◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊˙lb ¡◊˙¡h◊ö ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷h◊ s`–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N Ä˙}Ø˙~◊öh◊ s˛˙Ø˙GÎ◊@◊ πh~◊s’∫◊~◊ N¯≠Õ◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙~◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, ≠NN¯≠Õ◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > s˛˙Ø˙GÎ◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊≤y◊ Δ‹˙‹’ Ü¡◊… N≠¡’◊˙≈◊Ø NØl > N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ·_◊˙@◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, ØhΩ Éπ@◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ d–◊~–◊Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Á@–◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… §◊˙¡–◊`–◊ ≠Δ ÷–◊ø–◊·–◊~◊ π≠@◊ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ ⁄˙~◊÷h◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ–¡–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü, ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙ö◊ ÷‹˙÷h◊ ØhΩ Äs˛˙≤◊ä ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ◊–ö◊ π˛˙Å≠§◊ËÍ◊ ≠N≠÷˛◊≠Ë◊@◊u Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊ ≠·◊‘˙Å à `◊O<u ¡◊˙Ç ≠·◊≤◊d◊ä˙s ÷◊≠`◊ ≠¡◊˙`◊– ‘hb˙Δ˙Éø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü≤◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊·F◊@◊ Nd◊ä, ØhΩ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊¡– ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ·–◊ Ü≤◊˙ Nd◊ä ≠≤◊˙Å‹˙Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ ·h◊Å©◊b ¡–◊‘–¸ à Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠~◊d◊˙öh◊

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≤◊@◊˙Å¡◊ > sd◊ @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ Ä≠~◊÷◊ NØl ≠‘˙Åø–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Äd–◊ ]@◊˙π à É≈◊Ø N_˙⁄ä N÷◊˙≠‘ ¡–◊≠‘r Od–◊÷◊˙@◊÷◊ > ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ Øœdh◊ä Ü¡◊… shΖ◊≠s˙Î◊˙ ~–◊≠Oπ@◊ ~◊˙~◊˙ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ]@◊˙π N_π∂ ≠·◊]≥ø–◊ Ü¡◊… §◊˙¡h◊ø– ≠Δ §◊¡–◊rädÍ◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ ¡–◊π·◊ sè–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > ©◊sd◊@◊ ~◊˙~◊˙ ÷◊∫–◊~◊d◊˙, ¡–◊π·◊ à ¡◊˙S˙¡–◊ˆ∂@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ π˛ghd◊ Ü¡◊… NØ‹’ ≤h◊Ä > Δ·–◊ dh◊≠Ø Ä˙s÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ ·_–◊S˙≠¡◊˙S ÷◊@, ≠d◊≠¡◊ dh◊≠Ø ÷m–◊¸π–¸ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡◊ Ü¡◊… Øœdh◊äπ˛˙D ≠≤◊¡◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ©◊sd◊≠@◊ π˛Q◊— É≠≈◊©◊–d◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠·◊]≥ §◊l§◊ud◊ ≤h◊Ä ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ·–◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠·◊‘ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ N…πFC’@F◊≠π Éfs’ ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Dated the 17th August 1942, (Monday) : It is real and declared by the Govt. of Bombay that Mahadeva Desai, the private secretary of Mahatmaji expired. It is not only a irreparable loss to India but to the world at large. India can never have such a leader again. He was the true disciple, the most faithful and deserving secretary of Gandhiji. This loss must have pained Mr. Gandhi so much that he too, I think, would die if it is possible. He has lost his intimate, obedient, ascetic servant who by his untiring perseverance and divine power acquired the best sort of knowledge in all aspects of life. In the sky of spiritualism, nationalism,


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

politics, journalism, he was the ablest man to understand Gandhiji. He is unique in his character. There is not a second and parallel to him. His loyalty, sincerity, prudence are beyond speech. Still the people of different places, especially of Orissa have not been aroused. They merely do not face the dangers and difficulties. As if their service mentality has not gone. It seems that they want to remain in bondage. They have not yet been aware of the present situation. Today a few students went to the college. The percentage is nearly 15 or something like that. Many people went to the college, but they did not join the college. Most of the boys are Bengali, those who go to the college. Mohammedans never feel or not want to mix in it. There are only altogether 50 students out of 380 in both the hostels of the college. All have gone home but they do not like to do any work in their villages. I have given up my studies. I am in the service of the country. I can not think whether I can face it immediately. It is sure and certain that I must give up my studies for good and I must take the vow of celibacy and to lead the life of a nationalist. I shall give up my home. I am simply for my country and I must sacrifice my life for the cause of the nation. Today I did not join the college, but went to see the college. It is heard that many of the new records

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have been burnt up and still ¼th of the whole has not caught fire. There are always armed forces in the college. There is no regulation. The Common Room and the Library are closed, the Science practical classes dropped. I do think and feel even our own people and the socalled relatives, proffessors do not believe us, do not feel for us. Some of the most brilliant boys of the college have given up their studies and a few womanish boys are going. Mr. Parija never thinks for so many children. The women students are never coming to the college. It is true that in Patna 500 Police have resigned their posts. Here I am compelled to note how Mahatmaji is great, noble, and extremely non-violent. His policies are so much sympathetic and it has such a great psychological effect that even the tyrant’s heart will be melted. In Patna when the Police force did attack the mob, the people immediately garlanded the Police and took them as their own people and simply by this they gave up their lathis and everything else and the mob went on to do anything and everything. Pandit Bijay Lakshmi, sister of Pandit Nehru, while leading a large procession of girls also treated Police like that. Some Indian soldiers left their services and did not do anything. So they were successful in their procession. In Peshwar there was fight between the European and Indian soldiers.


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This too happened in Calcutta. There are every where revolution, plot, conspiracies and burning of Govt. houses, especially offices and everything else. The true news are not available in the papers. Some of the well-known papers like A. B. Patrika, Hindustan Standard and others will be stopped until the present situation is solved. There are also much disturbances every where in Cuttack. News has reached that all the shops in Benaras, Allahabad, Bombay, Patna, Calcutta are closed. The Calcutta University is closed for seven days and Assam too. In Lucknow, today on the 17th instant, there was bomb explosion made by the people of Lucknow. This is the condition of India today.

17 Äs¸, 1942 (≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊) : Ü≤˙ Nd◊ä Ü¡◊… ¡◊≠¯ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ≠ˆ˙r–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ö◊ π˛˙Å≠§◊ËÍ◊ ≠N≠÷˛◊≠Ë◊@◊u Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊ ≠·◊‘˙Å Øœdh◊äπ˛˙D ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, NØs˛ ©◊sd◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØÚ Ü÷◊ ÄπF@◊bul Od–◊ > §◊˙@◊d◊ Üπ@–◊ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠~◊d◊˙öh◊ πhb– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ö◊ Δ‹˙‹’ ‘–rä, N¡h◊∫◊˙@h◊ ≠¡◊‘u ¡–◊‘_g Ü¡◊… ÉπΔhê◊ ≠N≠÷˛◊Ë◊˙@◊u ‹≥≠`◊ > Ü≤–◊ Od–◊ Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ö◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ Ü≠d ≠¡◊‘u ÷◊¸ ≠·◊Å‹≥¡◊ ≠Δ, ≠N ≤h◊Üd◊ Ø@◊b˙¥◊÷◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@◊¥–◊ > ≠N d◊˙ö◊@◊ Äd–◊ ˆ~–◊B, Ä˙™◊˙¡◊≤◊ à d◊ä˙su ≠N¡◊÷◊öh◊ ≤◊@◊˙Åø◊¥–◊, ≠Δ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ä÷m◊˙¥◊ ÄÚ¡◊N˙l Ü¡◊… ·–◊¡◊ä‘ê–◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊

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I decided to give up my studies and go to the different villages to work. But today unnaturally I have somehow gone mad. All my duties seem today in a strange condition. I am always thinking of my duties towards the country and why I should read. What can I do for the country ? Can I not sacrifice myself for the Country ? Today I neither went to the college nor to the


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X. I remained silent and felt quite uneasy, uncomfortable and unpeaceful. A few students are going to the college and the percentage is nearly 25. But other 25 Percent have taken leave from the college. So the percentage is above 50 or 60. I have been absent continually for two days. Today my father came from my home and asked why I did not join the college. I replied, ‘‘To join the college now means to face the firing of the Police. Someone may again set fire to the official records, but we people will die by the firing of the Police.’’ But he replied ‘‘How then that hundreds of students are going to the college ?’’ I said they might too face the danger, might be put into double actions. In this way I instigated my father, but he never believed me. I found that not to join the college at this stage means to give up my home and everything else. I am also ready to give up my studies and I fear a little that today I am ill and uneasy.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 18 Äs¸, 1942 (ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊) : ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊Å ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ s˛˙Ø÷h◊ Δ˙Å ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ⁄–@◊ ÷◊`–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä˙©–◊ ÄN_˙§◊˙¡–◊÷◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ π˙sÎ◊ N·œ◊‘ ≠≤◊˙Ås`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ NØg ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä Ü÷◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ π˛˙D ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ ≠·◊‘π˛d–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡ä ÷◊íb d◊‹˙ ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ π˜–◊¡–◊ ñ Ü÷◊‹˙ Q–¥◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ `◊˙s–`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØhΩ ÷◊íb

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÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ? ØhΩ ÷◊íb ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊÷h◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡– ~◊˙≤y◊ ? Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Ä‹¡◊˙ ë÷◊í ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷h◊ s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ~◊u@◊¡◊ @◊≤–◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… NfiFC’ Ä⁄–@◊, ÄN_è◊Î◊ à Ä‘˙¥◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ > ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Éø◊¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ N…]ä˙ π˛˙l ‘d◊÷◊Ÿ◊˙ 25 ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ øh◊Ë–◊ ≠~◊Åø◊¥–◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙~◊ö◊ N…]ä˙ π˛˙l ‘d◊÷◊Ÿ◊˙ 25 ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ü≤–◊ NØg ø◊˙d˛◊ö◊ N…]ä˙ π˛˙l ‘d◊÷◊Ÿ◊˙ 50 ¡◊˙ 60@h◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠¡◊‘u ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ sd◊ ·h◊Å·–◊~◊ S@–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ Ä~h◊π⁄–d◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙ ˆ@h◊ Ä˙N– π≤◊G≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ πQ◊˙@–◊≠`◊ > ØhΩ É≈◊@◊ ≠·◊`–◊, ëë¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊¡◊˙ Ä‹’ ≠π˙`–◊NÍ shΖ◊@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ > ÄÁ–NÍ@◊ ÷◊˙s©◊πd˛◊≠@◊ πhb– ≠÷◊≤–◊ ~–◊Ä˙Ω `◊s˙Å ≠·◊Åπ˙@◊¥–◊, ÷–◊¥h Ä˙≠Ø≤y◊ ≠π˙`–◊NÍ shΖ◊≠@◊ Ø@–◊¡h◊ >íí ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠N π˛‘∂ ÷◊≠`◊, ëë≠d◊≠¡◊ ‘≤◊ ‘≤◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ ÷–◊π@– ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Éø◊¥–◊ ?íí ØhΩ ÷◊≤–◊`–◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ØÚ ¡–◊π·◊@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@◊¥–◊; ≠NØ˙~◊öh◊ ·h◊Åshb˙ ¡–◊π·◊πFC’ ÷˛–◊l˙÷◊Î◊˙π@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > ñ Ü≤–◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙öhh◊ §h◊`◊˙Å ≠·◊`–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷◊·◊˙π– ¡–◊‘_˙N ÷◊≠` ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ ¡◊≈’Ø˙~◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ~◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙ Ä‹’ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ Ü¡◊… N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊÷h◊ π@–◊d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ π˛ghd◊ Äø–◊ > ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü §◊l `◊˙shø–◊ ≠Δ Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ πuŸ–◊d◊ à ÄNh⁄ ≠¡◊˙S ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 19th August 1942, (Wednesday) : Now I am completely at sea. I cannot think what I can do and what I can not do. The call of the nation has


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come and I must respond to that. Otherwise I think I have got no value, rather I am invalid. At one hand I shall have to give up my father, mother, home and on the other hand studies until the national Govt. is formed., But the situation has been a bit changed. Today I went to the Revenshaw college but I can not think it how it is a college having no library no common room, no practical classes and no recess and moreover which is all the time guarded by military force. Today I felt as unhappy as possible. My good friends have all left the college. The college now seems to be a deserted place. A few students numbering about 100 are going to the college. They never think nor feel for the patriots nor for the country. However, today I took eight days leave to go to different villages to work and to organise the villagers. Then I went to Mr. R. N. Brahmachari, but I found that he was not well, He told me a few words and I really thought to give up my studies completely and to go abroad. He has got a lot of disciples and he is inducing them to join the movement. Some of them being afraid of his personality are not going to him. Really the man may be very great but if he has no fire of nationalism in his heart he is an invalid and senseless man. I think they are very poor and helpless people too.

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However I must respond to the nation’s call and must go to work something for the good of the country. Today I had long discussion with Mr. Baidyanath Mishra on several points. But he has totallly misunderstood the conception of Gandhiji or of any other man. He says that out and out he is a communist and he supports communism. Communists have got no faith in themselves what I found from his topics. I saw that religion in his mouth was uttered to be a woman’s affair. He does not believe in God or religion or in the scriptures at all. They are all Europeanised Indians. All what he could say I found that he was simply guided by others. I wonder how before the begining of a work they go after vain results and can do nothing. Then I came back and telling a lie I declared that I found a pamphlet today. But that is by no means can be called a lie, because for nation's good I did like that and for the nation's need I shall sacrifice my life. I will be able to do many duties to our country. Time has come and I must take an opportunity of it. Otherwise I will be a slave, a dull, a nonsense and foolish man being disloyal to my country.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 19 Äs¸, 1942 (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) : ¡◊≈’Ø˙~◊ ØhΩ NfiFC’ Ü÷◊ Ä~–◊P–’¸ Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ÷◊íb


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ¡◊˙ ÷◊íb ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠·◊‘@◊ Ä˙≤_◊˙~◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙≠d◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ É≈◊@◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ ØhΩ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊, ¡◊@◊… ØhΩ ÄNØ‹’ > ≠s˙Ë◊–Ü ·–◊s≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π–d◊˙, Ø˙d◊˙ à ˆ@◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, Ä~◊ä ·–◊s≠@◊ ©◊˙d◊ul N@◊÷◊˙@◊ s∫–◊d◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ πΔ’ä¥◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊Ë◊˙ ¡◊·◊Ζ◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ≠@◊≠§◊~Í◊N˙ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ §◊˙¡–◊ π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ ≠ΔÉΩ∫–◊ `◊˙Å≠¡˛◊@◊u, ÷◊Ø~Í◊ @h◊ØÍ, π˛˙÷Í◊Ë◊–÷◊˙`Í◊ ÷m◊˙N à øh◊Ë◊– ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠NÊ~◊äØ˙≠~◊ N¡’◊·◊˙ ©◊s– @◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷–◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ π@–◊bd◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ Δ‹˙N}¡◊ ÄNh]u ≠≤◊˙Å É∫–◊`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ É≈◊Ø ¡◊Õh◊Ø˙≠~◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ π@–◊d◊ä˙s ÷@–◊ Q◊˙`–◊Δ˙Åø◊¥–◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Ø@h◊§◊FØ– π@–◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊©◊b, π˛˙l ‘≠≤◊ ©◊b ø◊˙d˛◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷◊h Δ˙Éø◊¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠·◊‘≠π˛ØuØ˙~◊ö◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ d◊‹˙ ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊˙¡◊¥–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É ~◊˙ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊, ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ s˛˙Ø÷h◊ Δ˙Å ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ s˛˙Ø¡◊˙NuØ˙~◊öh◊ N…s∫–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ Ä˙∫◊·–◊~◊ øh◊Ë–◊ ≠~◊`–◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ØhΩ ‘˛u Ä˙@Í. Ü~Í◊. ¡˛◊≤<◊Q◊˙@◊uö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷h◊ s`–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ ≠N ÄNh⁄ ‹≥≠`◊ > ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÄÀ◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ N…πFC’@F◊≠π π@–◊d◊ä˙s ÷◊@◊– ¡–◊≠·◊‘÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ⁄–@◊ ÷◊`–◊ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ‘–rä Äø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N π˛≠d◊ä÷◊öh◊ ©◊˙d◊ul Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ π˛¡≈’◊˙Éø◊¥–◊ > ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊äê–◊d_◊÷h◊ §◊l ÷◊@–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷h◊ Δ˙É ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ¡◊äê–◊ ≤–◊N˙¡◊≠@◊ ≠N ]h¡Í◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@◊¥–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Δ·–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@◊ ©◊˙d◊uld◊˙@◊ Äs∂– ~◊˙≤y◊ d◊˙öh◊ ÄNØ‹’ Ü¡◊… Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ¡h◊n–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Äd–◊ s@–◊¡◊ Ü¡◊… ÄN≤◊˙l ¡◊äê–◊ >

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I went to the college but was thinking of the strike and college day and night. I can not imagine how my


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

country will improve and how I shall be able to serve my country and be able to see Gandhiji the worldrenowned patriot. That is the aim of my life. I can not think how the work in the village will go on.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 20 Äs¸, 1942 (sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊) : ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ·–◊~◊ @◊˙d–◊ SØ’ˆË◊ à ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ÷◊‹˙ §◊˙¡h◊‹≥`–◊ > ØhΩ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ ÷–π@–◊ ≠Ø˙ ≠·◊‘ ɤ◊d–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊, ØhΩ ÷–◊π@–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠N¡◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ NØ‹’ ≠≤◊¡–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊‘_¡–◊]ä˙d◊ ≠·◊‘≠π˛Øu s˙Õ–◊©◊uöh◊ ≠·◊]≥ π˙@–◊¡–◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙≤y◊ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ `◊Oä > ØhΩ §◊˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ s˛˙Ø˙GÎ◊≠@◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä N…π¤◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅQ◊˙`–◊¡◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 24th August 1942 (Monday)


Arrival at Cuttack after some days : I had been to my village on the 20th instant and came back on the 24th of the current month. I went solely to see the condition and pitiable plight and circumstances of the villagers to start a movement of the new type. One evening I hold a meeting of the villagers and then delivered a beautiful inspiring lecture about the present situation as well as about the national and the world crisis. They heard me whole-heartedly and supported, but I saw there were a few people whose

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


heads could not grasp such things and it was not possible for them to know the present situation of the world. Continuously I started propaganda and converted many youths to come and join the movement and to sacrifice their life for the sake of the country. It was possible that there were some youths whom I found that they were ready to sacrifice life for the sake of the country. These youths and other people who were willing to join the movement may come and join this. I tried my best to elucidate the modern facts and tried to do my best for the sake of the country.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 24 Äs¸, 1942, ≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊ : ÷–◊ø–◊·–◊~◊ π≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊≠@◊ Ä˙N– π≤◊G≥`–◊ ñ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙ s˙Ω÷h◊ 20 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü Ø˙N 24 d◊˙@–◊]≠@ ≠Á@–◊ Ä˙N–`–◊ > ~F◊d◊~◊ S@◊b@◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Ä˙@◊} ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ N…πFC’@F◊≠π s˛˙Ø¡◊˙NuØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ ·h◊P’◊‘˙©◊~◊÷◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØhΩ s˛˙Ø÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > Ü÷◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠@◊ ØhΩ s˛˙Ø¡◊˙NuØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ Ü÷◊ N§◊˙ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ d◊‹˙ ©◊˙d◊ul Ü¡◊… ¡–◊‘_@◊ NØNä˙◊ N¯≠Õ◊ Ü÷◊ Nho◊@◊ ≠π˛@≠◊b˙P◊uπ÷◊◊ §◊˙rb ≠·◊Å‹≥`–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ πFC’ ≤◊˙P–’◊÷◊d◊˙ N≤–◊d◊ ≠Ø˙ ÷◊‹˙ ‘hb–≠`◊ Ü¡◊… NØ‹’~◊ ÷◊≠`◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ØÚ≠@◊ Äd–◊ ÄÀ◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙~◊◊ö Øg– Üπ@◊– ÷◊‹˙÷h◊ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ ¡–◊‘_-π@–◊⁄–d–◊ N¯≠Õ◊ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ π≠O N}¡◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

~–◊@◊¡◊è–◊¤◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ØhΩ π˛Q◊˙@◊ Ä˙@◊} ÷◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä≠~◊÷◊ Δh¡◊÷◊öh◊ ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ü≤◊– Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ π@–◊¡◊≈–’◊d◊ ÷◊`–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ N}¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ Δh¡◊÷◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ ≠·◊‘ N÷˙≠‘ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ π˛ghd◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ > Ü≤–◊ Δh¡◊÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ N®d◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Ä~◊äØ˙≠~◊ Ü≤–◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊Å π˙@◊¥–◊ > Ä˙Sh~–◊÷◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊ ˆË◊b˙N¡h◊÷h◊ ¡◊ä˙]ä˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ØhΩ Δ‹˙N˙Ú ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊`–◊ > Cuttack, dated the 25th Aug. 1942 (Tuesday)


This day I did not go to the college but went to Mr. R. N. B. By his competent personality and sweet speech he has won our heart and we are trying to follow and accompany him. Nothing can be stated as he is not available today on the 25th. The percentage of the college is 25 and students are increasing day by day. More and more are coming. The movement has become more and more vigorous and now in Orissa works are going on at Bagalpur, Bari, Salepur and Indupur. They have done that marvelously well and people of the villages are now more enthusiastic. It is a pitiable thing that even today the people of the town are asleep. If there would be fire in every village there is no man to extinguish it.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


÷◊Ë◊÷◊,25 Äs¸, 1942 (ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ü≤–◊ ·–◊~◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷◊h s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊¥◊h ‘˛u R. N. B. ö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷◊h Δ˙Å‹≥`◊– > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ≠Δ˙säd◊˙Nfi¤◊ ¡äê–◊d_◊ Ü¡◊… Ø–∫◊˙÷◊‹˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ≠N Ä˙Ø ≤œ◊·◊l÷h◊ ©◊l ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠Ø d◊˙öh◊ Ä~h◊N@◊b ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊‹˙ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Nú`◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@h◊øh◊ > ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ÷h◊≤◊˙Δ˙Å π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊dh Ä˙©–◊ 25 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ≠N Éπ⁄–d◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ π˛˙l ‘d◊÷◊Ÿ◊˙ 25 ø◊˙d˛◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ N…]ä˙ ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ¡◊˜h◊ø–◊ > ÷˛◊≠Ø ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ Ä˙Nhø◊¥–◊ > Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ‘ê–◊‘˙Î◊u ≠≤◊˙ÅQ◊˙`–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙~ àŸ–◊‘˙≠@ ¡◊˙s`◊πh@◊, ¡◊@◊u, N˙≠`◊πh@◊ Ü¡◊… Åoh◊πh@◊ ÄGÎ◊≠@◊ Ü‹≥N÷◊˙≠‘ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ħh◊d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ §◊`◊@F◊≠π ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊Q◊˙`–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… s˛˙Ø¡◊˙NuØ˙≠~◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~ ÄS≥÷◊ Éf˙≤◊u ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ¡–◊rl ≠Δ Üπ@–◊÷–◊ Ä˙©–◊ ØÚ N≤◊@◊@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ NhD Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ Äø◊¥–◊ > Δ·–◊ sΩ˙≠@◊ ~–◊Ä˙Ω `◊˙≠s ≠d◊≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ `–◊§◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ¡–◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 26th Aug. 1942 (Wednesday)


Duty : Today I did not go to the college. I have taken leave from the college up to the end of the 28th. But decidedly I do not want to join the college and want to give up my studies for good. Now a call has come from the nation, from the people and I must join it and sacrifice my life for the cause of the country. The independence of a country is always held by the bloodshed and by the sacrifice of the people. We must


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

throw-ourselves to the burning fire of nationalism that arising in the different parts of the country today. There was a meeting in the town Hall. Mr. L. N. Sahoo presided over the meeting and Mr. Harihar Mohapatra brought a resolution regarding the present situation and to release the patriots for the good of the country. But I found that people were not inspired or did not get their desired feeling there. I found that all are afraid of being arrested.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 26 Äs¸, 1942 (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > 28 d◊˙@–] ≠‘r πΔ’ä¥◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ øh◊Ë–◊ ≠~◊Åø–◊ > ~–◊ºN≠o◊≤◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä˙É ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… N¡h◊·–◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ πY◊˙πY–◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠·◊‘ πO@h◊, ©◊~◊d◊˙ πO@h◊ Ü÷◊ X◊˙÷◊@◊˙ Ä˙N–ø– Ü¡◊… ØhΩ Ü‹≥≠@ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊Å ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ ©◊u¡◊~◊÷h◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > ≠·◊‘@◊ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ @◊O˙ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ @◊ê◊π˙d◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éfs’÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ ÄGÎ◊≠@◊ É·–◊d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥¡◊˙ ©◊˙d◊uld◊˙@◊ ©_◊Î◊¥◊ Äs∂– ØÚ≠@◊ Ä˙≠Ø Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ~–◊≠Oπ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > Ë◊˙É~Í◊ ≤◊`Í◊≠@◊ Ä˙©–◊ Ü÷◊ N§◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > ‘˛u `O<u~◊˙@◊˙lb N˙≤h◊ Ü≤–◊ N§◊˙≠@◊ ≠π˝@≤–◊d◊ä ÷◊@–◊‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ‘˛u ≤◊@–◊≤◊@◊ Ø≤◊˙π˙d˛◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ N¯Õ◊≠@◊ Ü¡◊… ØúÎ◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠·◊‘≠π˛ØuØ˙~◊öh◊ Øhê◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊˙@◊ Ü÷◊ π˛g˙¡◊ Ä˙b–‹≥≠`◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ Ü‹≥≠@◊ Ä~h◊π˛˙b–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ ¡◊˙L~◊ul Ä~h◊§F◊d–◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ > ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ NØ≠g s–@◊Á ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ §◊l ÷◊@h◊‹≥≠`◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u Cuttack, dated the 27th Aug. 1942 (Thursday)


I did not join the college, but went to Mr. X and found that he was good to teach us to what to do and what not to do. By his personality, by his labour and affection he was able to win our hearts and we agreed to sacrifice our lives for good. We are fully under his direction. Bihar has already declared independence. At Bari and Jajpur the case is very serious and troublesome. Even Villages of Orissa have declared independence and the internal Govt. of India has been very very week. Nothing can be achieved by this Govt. It seems that day by day the movement is being decreased and nothing is impossible that it may be out by the British Govt. Mr. R. N. Rath and Mr. Mishra have been arrested.

÷◊Ë◊÷, 27 Äs¸, 1942 (sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ‘˛u ë÷◊í ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ s`◊– Ü¡◊… ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡ à ÷◊íb ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ‘–O˙ ≠·◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ≠N ©◊≠b É≈◊Ø ¡◊äê– > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊äê–◊d_◊, ‘˛Ø à ≠N∂≤◊·_◊˙@◊˙ ≠N Ä˙Ø ≤œ◊·◊l÷h◊ ©◊l ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ NOØ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠Ø N¡h◊·–◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙Ø@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ @◊˙©–◊ ≠≤◊`h > Ä˙≠Ø N…πFC’ @F◊≠π◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ~–◊≠P◊’‘ ·_◊˙@◊˙ π@–◊Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊`h◊ > ¡–◊≤◊˙@◊ N…πFC’ N_˙Su~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠ˆ˙rb˙ ÷◊@–◊ø◊– > ¡◊@◊u Ü¡◊… Δ˙©◊πh@◊≠@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ N˙…ˆ˙d–◊÷◊ Ü¡◊… ≠s˙ÎØ˙Ζ◊Ä˙ > Üπ@–◊÷–◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

àŸ–◊‘˙@◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ s˛˙Ø N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ ≠ˆ˙rb˙ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ Ä˙§◊ä¥◊@◊ub N@◊÷◊˙@◊ Äd–◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø◊¥–◊ > N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊¡–◊ ≤◊˙N` ÷◊@–◊≠≤◊¡ ◊~◊˙≤y◊ >◊ Ø≠~◊≠≤◊Éø–◊ ≠Δ ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÄN}¡◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠Δ ¡–˛◊Ë–◊‘Í N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ü≤–◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ ¡◊≤–◊ œd◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > Ø–º Ä˙@Í◊, Ü~Í◊, @◊‹ Ü¡◊… Ø–º Ø–‘˛ s–@◊Á ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Cuttack, dated the 27th & 28th Aug. (Thursday and Friday) : College Holiday :

øh◊Ë–◊ ≠~◊Å‹≥¡◊˙ π–`◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ ≠Á@–◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊b–, Ä≠~◊÷◊ ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊ §◊l≠@◊ πÎ◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ Hostelers ØÚ Q◊˙`–◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊b– > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ πhb– ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡–◊Q◊˙@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ÷◊íb Ü ≠·◊‘@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ à ÷–◊π@–◊ Ü≠·◊‘≠@◊ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ Nœ¸– ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n– ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y > ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ‘–O–d,◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ ≠·◊‘π˙ÅΩ π˙∫◊ π˜–◊ø◊¥–,◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ä˙©–◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊, ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ä˙©–◊ ‘˙¥◊ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠÷ÉΩ·◊Î◊ N˙≤˙Δä≠@◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ Ä˙N–π˙@–◊¡◊ ? àŸ–◊‘˙≠@◊ s˛˙≠Ø s˛˙≠Ø Ä˙©–◊ Ä~◊˙≤◊˙@◊ > ~–◊πuŸ–◊d◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ö◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠ΔÉΩ Ä˙·◊‘’ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊, ≠ΔÉΩ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@–◊d◊˙◊ à ‘ê–◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊ à ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠·◊Å Ü Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊÷◊h ¡◊G˙Å @◊]¡≥ ◊˙÷h◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@◊hø◊¥◊–, d◊˙≤◊˙ §◊˙¡–◊≠`◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≤h◊Ü◊ > ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊h ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠π˛@◊b˙, ‘ê–◊ N˙≤◊N ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ ≠`◊˙≠◊÷◊ Ä≠÷m◊‘≠@◊ N¡h◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≤◊˙N`◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@◊≠¥◊ > ÜN¡h◊ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙Q◊~◊˙ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ~–◊¢l ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > NØl Ä˙N–ø–◊, Ü¡◊… Ä˙Ø÷h◊ Nh≠Δ˙s ؖΖ◊ø–◊ ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ > Ü N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ Ä˙Ø@◊ @◊ê◊≠@◊ s˜◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ > π˛d–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ @◊ê◊≠@◊ s˜◊˙Δ˙Å‹˙Ü > d◊˙≤◊˙ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠·◊‘ à Ø≤◊˙©◊˙d–◊ ¡◊G≥ @◊≤–◊‹˙Ü à @◊≤–◊¡◊˙ N}¡◊π@◊ ≤h◊Ü > d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ d◊ä˙s≠@◊ ©◊˙d–◊@◊ ØúÎ◊ > Cuttack, dated the 29th Aug. 1942 (Saturday)


Today I did not go to the college. I have a great deal of work to do. I must do some thing for my country – this is the call that arises from my spirit. I must somehow or other sacrifice myself for the cause of the nation. When I went to the college I saw the boys loitering here and there and never thinking of the things that is going around them. When through out India all the colleges are closed and people have gone away for their work, the people of Cuttack and the students of R. College do not think of the situation. How foolish and how cowards they are ! They are all traitors to the country. Nothing can be done with their help and they will run away when they will hear the slogans. Today I told my father to withdraw my name under the present situation. He, out of anger and greed, told that I must do as I like. But the very voice expressed that he was very very angry with me. I could not give a fitting answer to his anger. I told him of the international situation but out of anger he referred to others and hesitated to hear me when I thought of giving up my studies. I was lost in complete admiration and shyness.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Practically how many people want to sacrifice their lives for the cause of the nation ? Many people say but a few do. Here my language fails to express the feelings that came. So I begin :*

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 29 Äs¸, 1942 (‘~–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Äø–◊ > ≠Ø˙ ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷–◊ø◊– ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷ ◊ñ Ü≤– Ä˙≤_◊˙~◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä¥◊@◊@h ÉT–◊d◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ~◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙≠@ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h ≠≤◊¡◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ≠Δ π–`◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ Ü≠b ≠d◊≠b ¡h◊`◊˙¡h◊`–◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ Q◊dh◊ºπ˙‘_’≠@ ÷◊íb ˆËh◊ø–◊, ≠N ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ NØs˛ §◊˙@◊d◊≠@◊ NØg ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ¡◊o◊ @◊]˙Δ˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä N÷◊˙≠‘ ·F◊@÷h◊ Q◊˙`◊– Δ˙Åø◊¥–◊ ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊ N≤◊@◊@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ Ü¡◊… ≠@◊≠§◊~˘◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙≠~◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ N¯≠Õ Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@h◊~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ~–◊≠¡’◊˙S Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊≠d◊ §◊u@h◊ ! ≠NØ˙≠~◊ NØ≠g ≠·◊‘@◊ ¡–◊‘_˙Nˆ˙d◊÷◊ > ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ N˙≤◊˙Δä ·_◊˙@◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤◊y Ü¡◊… ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠N∑˙s˙~◊ ‘hb–≠¡◊ ≠N≠d◊◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ·F◊@◊÷h πÎ◊˙ÅΔ–≠¡◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙öh◊ ÷◊≤–◊`–◊ ≠Δ ¡≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~◊˙Ø ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h ÷◊Ë◊˙Å Ä˙b–¡–◊ > Ü÷◊‹˙ ‘hb– ≠N @◊˙s Ü¡◊… ≠`◊˙§◊ ≠≤◊dh◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊, ëëdh◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Q◊˙≤h◊øh◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@h◊ >íí ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ * The remaining part is written in Oriya only.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


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≠≤◊˙Å s˙Å≠`◊ : ëëØ–‘h ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·◊≤◊ Ü ≠·◊‘ Ø˙Ë–◊≠@◊ ≠·◊‘¡◊˙Nu Q◊˙`–◊ Δ˙Ä˙¥h◊ π–∫–◊≠@ > ≠·◊‘@◊ N_@◊˙©◊ä π≠‹ ≠Δ≠d◊ s˙Ÿ◊ πh@h◊ d◊≤–◊Ω πŸ–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø˙…N ≤◊˙Ÿ◊ > N_˙Su~◊d◊˙π≠‹ d–◊≠Î◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ~◊@◊ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊·◊˙≠~◊ ≠≤◊É Äs˛N@◊ >íí Beautiful ! feel it and see – how fine it is ! This is more practical than emotional.

(Nho◊@◊ ! Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊] ≠Δ Ü≤◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Nho◊@◊ ! Ü≤◊˙ §◊˙¡◊π˛¡◊bd◊˙ Ä≠πO˙ ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊ä˙¡◊≤◊˙@–◊÷ >◊) S~◊ä ≠s˙π¡◊Õh◊ ! dh◊Ø@◊ ¡◊˙÷◊ä≤y◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä à ©◊u¡◊~◊ > dh◊Ø@◊ ≠π˛@◊b˙ Ä˙©–◊ ‘dshb≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Éf˙≤–◊d◊ ÷◊@h◊, ‘d◊shb≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ¡◊Î◊ à N˙≤◊N ≠·◊É, ‘d◊-‘d◊ Δh¡◊÷◊@◊ @◊ê◊ ≠·◊É > ØhΩ ≠·◊‘@◊ Éπ÷◊˙@◊, ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠N¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ @◊ê◊ Y◊˙Ζ◊·–◊Ü > ØhΩ ≤y◊ ≠·◊‘ à ≠·◊‘≤y◊ ØhΩ > Ä˙É ≠÷◊≤–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ sd–◊ ÷◊íb ? §◊˙¡h◊ §◊˙¡h◊ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊, ‘‘Let my fortune be left to God or Anarchy. Let me throw myself to the burning fire of nationalism !’’

(≠Ø˙@◊ §◊˙sä §◊s¡◊˙~◊ö◊ Éπ≠@◊ Ä‹¡◊˙ Ä@◊˙©◊÷◊d◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ·–◊Ä˙Δ˙É > ©◊˙d◊uld◊˙@◊ ©_◊Î◊¥◊ Äs∂– ØÚ÷h◊ ≠Ø˙ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ~–◊≠Oπ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ·–◊Ä˙Δ˙É !) Events : ¡◊@◊u, Δ˙©◊πh@◊ ÄGÎ◊≠@◊ §◊urb s—≠s˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… Éd◊äê◊ ©◊~◊d◊˙ ~◊˙~˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙—÷◊˙@◊]˙~◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ]h¡Í◊ Éf˙≤◊ Ü¡◊… N˙≤◊N ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Åø–◊ > àŸ–◊‘˙@◊ ¡◊@◊u ÄGÎ◊@h◊ πh`–◊N Ø˙Ÿ◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

]˙Å πÎ◊˙Å Ä˙N–ø◊¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ §◊urb §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ π˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊ ëNØ˙©◊≠@◊í Ä˙É ÷–◊ø–◊Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊ ]¡◊@◊ Ü÷◊˙≠¡◊Î◊≠÷◊ ¡◊o◊ > Cuttack, dated the 30th Aug. 1942, (Sunday)


Ü≤˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ˆË◊b˙ ˆË–◊ s`◊˙b– > ≠NN¡h◊÷h◊ Ä˙ØFÎ◊QF◊Î◊ ¡◊C’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊N@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊@◊… §◊s¡◊˙~◊ö◊ ·◊l˙@h◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ > Dated the 30th November, 1942, Cuttack :* N. B. The diary can be found in another khata of the same name. N. B. The diary from the 30th August was stolen away by my father who by unfair means kept the diary, read it thoroughly and rebuked me shamelessly for my national spirit. So I could not get it then but afterwards by various plans I could have this diary book.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 30 ~◊≠§◊¯@◊, 1942 : ¡–◊. ·˛◊. Ü≤◊˙π≠@◊ `–◊]≥d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ X◊˙Ü@◊u Ü≤–◊ ‘–≠@◊˙~◊˙Ø˙≠@◊ Ä~◊ä Ü÷◊ ]˙d◊˙≠@◊ ؖΖ◊π˙@–◊¡◊ > ¡–◊. ·˛◊. Äs¸ 30 d◊˙@◊–] π@◊∫◊˙@h◊ ≠`◊]˙‹≥¡◊˙ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙ ÄN·Í◊ Éπ˙l≠@◊ ≠~Ås≠`◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ~–◊©◊ π˙]≠@◊ @◊]≥≠`◊, * É`∑–◊]≥d◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ≤◊gsd◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > ñ π˛÷◊˙‘÷◊

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


Ë–◊÷–◊~–◊]≥ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ π˜–◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊˙d◊ul ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ~–◊`∑’◊©◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ s˙Ζ◊≠·◊≠`◊ > ≠d◊bh ØhΩ ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ü≤◊˙ π˙Å π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤–Ω > ÷–◊¥h◊ π≠@◊ ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ ≠÷◊˝‘Î◊ ÷◊@–◊ Ü≤–◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u π˙Å‹≥`–◊ > Cuttack, dated the 3rd December 1942 (Thursday) : Duty : I have been much slack and after all feeling disgusted and disappointed at all circumstances. However, at any rate I am going to the college, but unfortunately not doing well or feeling well. I am weak and miserable at every point and know not what to do. The zeal for nationality has gone and to a great extent I am despondent and unwisely foolish. In the long vacation of the college, which I have not mentioned here, I did not read my lessons and I was suffering from fever during the vacation. I came to cuttack on the 25th Nov., but found none of my friends present. I thought a good deal about the movement and of the national failure. I found that illiteracy and backwardness was the cause of the national failure. I am astonished the boys who took active parts in the college are not allowed to take re-admission in the college. Even strictly there is a bar against every one who joined the college. At a time we were flying in the air and making


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

castles in the air, but could not thought of the consequences that followed. There are many things to write here. I have become practically lazy and idle in these days and do not do any thing. I have got new experiences in the movement but there is not enough time to write.

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

5. Arts and Charka. 6. Untouchability and racial distinction should be discarded.

1. ëëπ˛‹Ø ≠‘˛bu@◊ ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l@◊ ≠÷◊˙∫◊˙ˆ@◊Ø˙~◊ö◊≠@ dœ◊d◊ul ≠‘˛bu@◊ ‘–O÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ @◊≤–◊‹≥¡◊˙@◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Ü Ü¡◊… ¡–◊§–◊¤◊ πM◊d–◊@◊ ‘–O˙÷h◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@◊u ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ~◊˙~◊˙ Éπ˙l Ä¡◊`◊¯~◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ > (~◊˙s@–◊÷◊ Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ ‘–O˙) 2. N˙@◊˙ π˛≠·◊‘≠@◊ ©˙d◊ul ¡–◊‘_¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l Ü¡◊… Éé◊ Å…@◊˙©◊u ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l π˛d–◊B–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > 3. ¡–◊‘œõΖ◊d◊ π˛Q◊˙@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ N_s’÷h◊ ~◊÷’◊ Ü¡◊… ~◊÷’◊÷h◊ N_s’≠@◊ π@–◊bd◊ ÷◊≠@◊ > 4. πh~◊s’∫◊~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä : (÷◊) à_˙M◊˙’ πM◊d–◊@◊ ‘–À◊ à ‘–O˙ (]) Δ»◊π˙d–◊·_◊˙@◊˙ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙É‹≥¡◊˙ ÷◊˙Δ’ä > 5. ÷◊Î◊˙ Ü¡◊… Q◊@◊]˙ > 6. Īœ‘äd◊˙ Ü¡◊… ©◊˙d–◊sd◊ ≠§◊·◊§◊˙¡◊ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > Cuttack, dated the 3rd Dec. 1942, (Thursday)


Events : 1. Bloody battles are going on all sides of Stalingrade and inch by inch defended. 2. Fierce cyclones occurred in Balasore and Medinipur on the 6th Nov. 3. Cyclones occurred on the 16th Oct in Ganjam,


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Puri, Koraput and Malud in Balasore. 30,000 people were killed and 95% domestic animals died and altogether 400 houses damaged in Puri and on the coasts of Chillika.

÷◊Ë◊÷,◊ 3 X–◊≠N¯@◊, 1942 (sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊) 1. π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ÅG §F◊Ø–÷h◊ @◊O˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ¸˙`–◊~Í◊≠s˛XÍ◊@◊ Q◊dh◊ºπ˙‘_’≠@◊ @◊ê◊˙ê◊ ΔhM◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > 2. ~◊≠§◊¯@◊ 6 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ¡◊˙≠`◊‘_@◊ à ≠Ø·–◊~◊uπh@◊≠@◊ §◊lö◊@◊ ˆFC–’¡◊˙d◊ä˙ ˆË–◊s`◊˙ > 3. Ä÷Í◊≠Ë◊˙¡◊@◊ 16 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ sz˙Ø, πh@◊u, ≠÷◊˙@◊˙πhË◊ à ¡◊˙≠`◊‘_@◊@◊ Ø˙`h·∫◊˙≠@◊ ˆFC–’¡◊˙d◊ä˙ ˆË–◊‹≥`◊˙ > πh@◊u à Q–◊`–◊÷◊˙ Éπ÷F◊Î◊≠@◊ 30,000 Ø~h◊rä π˛˙b ≤◊@◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ > π˛˙l ‘d◊÷◊Ÿ◊˙ 95 Ä…‘ sœ≤◊π˙Ζ◊d◊ π‘h Ø@–◊‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… πh@◊u à Q–◊`–◊÷◊˙ Éπ÷F◊Î◊≠@◊ NØh·◊˙l 400 sœ≤◊ Od–◊s˛g ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > Cuttack, dated 13th Dec. 1942 (Sunday) :

Ü≤◊˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ·–◊~◊ ÷◊Ë–◊s`◊˙b– Ø˙d˛◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]h ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ : 1. ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N π˛˙l Ü÷◊˙≠¡◊Î◊≠÷◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊s`◊˙b– ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ Ädh◊äê–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊·–◊≠~◊ ħ◊ä˙N ‹≥¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ §◊`◊ ≠`◊]˙ ≠`◊]≥ π˙@h◊‹≥`–◊ ¡◊˙ π˛d◊ä≤◊ ~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ àŸ–◊Ä˙ πhg÷◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ≠Δ˙shΩ ØÚ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ≠`◊]˙≠`◊]≥ ÷◊@–◊ π˙@h◊‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØÚ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@h◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > ÷–◊ àŸ–◊Ä˙, ÷–◊ Å…≠@◊©–◊ ≠÷◊˝bN–

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πhb– Ä˙©–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ ~F◊Ä˙ ≠N˙π˙~◊ ¡◊≤–◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ > ÷◊íb ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ Üπ@–◊ π˙sÎ◊π˛˙l ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ π˛d–◊ §◊`◊ ·œ◊¸– ≠·◊Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä≠~÷◊ ·–◊~◊ d◊≠Î◊ Group change ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ > πhb– change ~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ à ≠‘r≠@◊ change ØÚ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊ Freestudent-ship ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ©◊˙b– π˙@–◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊≠©◊ Mr. Parija

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


ØÚ Ü≤◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊‹≥≠`◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, πhb– Mathematics ø˙Ÿ–◊ History ≠~◊`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ª¸ Ä~h◊§F◊d–◊ Ü¡◊… sud◊˙@h◊ ¡h◊n–◊`–◊ ≠Δ Mathematics, History, ¡◊˙ ≠Δ ≠÷◊˝bN– Subject d◊˙≤◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠NÅl˙ > ≠÷◊≤–◊ ≠N‹≥@h◊ Ä˙≠π Ä˙≠π §◊`◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˙∫◊÷◊ ¡◊˙ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡h◊M–◊¡◊Î◊≠@◊ ≠NshŸ–◊÷h◊ ÉE◊Î◊ Ü¡◊… Ø≤◊ul˙~Í◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ > Nhd◊@◊˙… ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠s˙Ë–◊÷h◊ ≠~◊Å πŸ–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ §`◊◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü‹≥≠@◊ d–◊≠Î◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ N≠o◊≤◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ≠·◊]hø–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ N˙ú, N˙‹u, π@◊Ø¡◊Õh◊ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ≠N≤–◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ sud◊˙ > Ø˙~◊N–÷◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ Δ·–◊à Ü≠Ÿ◊ N…÷◊Ë◊˙π¤◊ Ü¡◊… N¡’◊·◊˙ ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊‹˙π– sud◊˙@◊ Éπ≠·◊‘ Ä~h◊N˙≠@◊ πhb– Δ‹˙N˙Ú N˙x◊~◊˙ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊‹≥`–◊ > sud◊˙÷h◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊≠`◊, sud◊˙÷h◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@–◊≠`, ≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡h◊n–¡◊ ≠Δ π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ Ü≤◊˙◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ Ä¥◊@◊@ Ä¥◊@◊ ¡◊˙bu ÷◊≤–◊≠·◊Éø–◊ > ≠N≤–◊π@–◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ π@–◊Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ø≤◊˙Ø˙~◊¡◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊u ≠·◊‘@◊ §◊˙sä¡◊–S˙d◊˙, ≠·◊‘@◊ ÷◊C’S˙@◊, ≠·◊‘@◊ ©◊~◊~◊˙l÷◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É πhb– 4¡◊r’ π˜–◊¡◊˙@◊ Nh≠Δ˙s ؖΖ◊`◊˙ > college ≠@◊ Graduate ≠≤◊˙Å N˙@–◊`◊˙ π≠@◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ–¡◊ > Δ·–◊ ≤h◊Ü History M.A. complete ÷◊@–◊¡– ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ Philosphy≠@ complete ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙S˙¡–◊ˆ∂ Ä˙N–≠`◊ NhM◊˙ ØhΩ ÷◊·◊˙π– π˙∫◊π˜◊˙ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˛‹Ød◊º π˙∫◊ π˜–◊ N˙@–◊`˙◊ π≠@◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ > ~–◊©◊@◊ ·◊Od◊˙ ~◊ @◊]≥ ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠~◊d◊˙ N˙©–◊≠`◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ `◊˙§◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y > §◊s¡◊˙~◊ ÷◊@◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ~–◊¡–’◊ˆ∂≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ 4¡◊r’ π˜◊˙ ≠‘r ÷◊≠@◊ > ≠‘r≠@◊ Ø˙¸@◊ (‘–O÷◊d◊˙) Q◊˙÷–◊@–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡– ñ Ü≤◊˙ ~–◊¢–d◊ > Ü‹≥ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Ü≠b≠d◊≠b πÎ◊˙ÅΔ˙Å ¡◊˙ Hindu University÷h◊ Δ˙Å π˙∫◊π˜–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Åè◊˙‹≥`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠N N¡h◊ ¡œ◊‹˙ > Ä˙É Q◊˙@–◊ ¡◊r’ π˜–◊`◊˙ π≠@◊ ≠ΔÉΩ ÷◊‹˙ > ·–◊¡◊˙÷◊@◊ πd–◊ (The So-called


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


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~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ Q◊˙≤h◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊u≠@◊˙Q–◊d◊ Øœdh◊ä, Üπ@–◊ Ü÷◊ Øœdh◊ä Δ˙≤◊˙@◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ü÷◊ d◊˙‚Δ’ä Ü¡◊… Ä˙¥◊@–◊÷◊ Nd◊ä >)

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u Cuttack, dated the 22nd dec. 1942, (Tuesday)

103 :

Duty : Tomorrow will be a critical juncture of my life. This has not yet been decided. I have now become some what a fool, an idiot and nonsense. I am doing everything without the least consideration of the good knowledge. This is indeed conducive to human nature. It is whether gratifying or sad to note that I have been devoid of my free-studentship for which I cannot prosecute my studies further. The principal warned me of the fact that I was absent on the 11th Aug. 1942 for observing the Hartal and for that purpose I will not get free-studentship. This was a great shock in my life and in the afternoon, at evening I went to the principal and there I was treated bitterly. I told him that I have no other means to go further and to pay my college fees. I very frankly told him all about my condition and he gave me word that he will make provision for me and told me that I should give an explanation for which cause I was absent on that day. I cited the cause of my illness and this was the day of the 21st Dec. Today is also a red-lettered day in my life. Because Babu Ratnakar Pati offered me Rs. 10.00 as a token of encouragement and delight. Undoubtedly he was a patron of learning and used to help poor and needy students.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 22 X–◊≠N¯@◊, 1942 (ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊) : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙N¥◊˙÷◊˙`–◊ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ N…÷◊Ë◊πFC’ NÕ–◊Ob ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ ⁄–@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙, ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S à ØF]’ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊ > N˙Ø~◊äd◊Ø N·Í◊™◊˙~◊@◊ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ØhΩ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º Ü≤◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ Ø˙~h◊ru π˛÷œ◊d–◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ N_˙§◊˙¡–◊÷◊ > Ü≤◊˙ N≠¥◊˙r©◊~◊÷◊ ¡◊˙ ·h◊º]·◊˙l÷◊ Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É ~◊˙ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊, ØhΩ Á˛–-¸h≠Ÿ◊μN–πÍ π˙Å¡◊˙@h◊ ¡◊G≥d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˙∫◊π˜◊˙≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä˙É Äs˛N@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π–˛~Í◊Nπ˙`Í◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü ¡–◊rl≠@◊ N˙¡◊S˙~◊ ÷◊@◊˙Å≠·◊Å ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ 11 Äs¸, 1942 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ≤◊@◊d◊˙Î◊ π˙Î◊~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ≠Δ˙shΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ Ä~h◊π⁄–d◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ Á–˛-¸h≠Ÿ◊μN–πÍ π˙Å`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > Éπ@◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ à NÕ◊ä˙≠@◊ ØhΩ π–˛~Í◊NÍπ˙`Í◊ö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ Ü¡◊… d◊˙ö◊∫◊˙@h◊ d–◊ê◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ π˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ØhΩ d◊˙öh◊ ÷◊≤–◊`–◊ ≠Δ π˙∫◊π˜–◊Q˙◊`–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… ÷◊≠`◊©◊ Á–NÍ ≠·◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊˝bN– Éπ˙l ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ≠]˙`◊˙≠]˙`–◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙‹≥’÷◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷◊‹˙≠·◊≠`◊ ≠Δ ≠N ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ > ≠N πhb– ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ ≠N·–◊~◊ Ä~h◊π⁄–d◊ @◊≤–◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ≠·◊]˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÄNh⁄d◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠·◊]˙Å`–◊ > ≠N·–◊~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ X–◊≠N¯@◊ 21 d◊˙@–◊] > Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ N<@◊bul ·–◊¡◊N > ÷◊˙@◊b ¡◊˙¡h◊ @◊R◊˙÷◊@◊ πd–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Éf˙≤–◊d◊ à Ä˙~◊o–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ·◊‘Ë◊ö◊˙ Éπ≤◊˙@◊ ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > ~–◊ºN≠o◊≤◊≠@◊ ≠N ™◊˙~◊˙©’◊~◊@◊ πœB≠π˙r÷◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… s@–◊¡◊ à N˙≤◊˙Δäπ˛˙‹’u ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ N˙≤◊˙Δä ÷◊@h◊‹≥≠`◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

New year 1943 Cuttack, dated the 1st January 1943, (Friday)


One year has passed and I have done nothing, absolutely ignored my duties of life. One day one wild, delicate inspiration spread through my veins and I was delighted to see my far-reaching aims and objects of life. But today under circumstances of life I have become ease-loving, peaceful and nonsense to a degree. Today I find a good deal of difference between myself and the so-called sadhana life. It is sad to relate here that I have forgotten even to write my diary daily and to pray God regularly. I am now idling away my time, seeing nothing, hoping nothing, only miseries and the greediness for wealth and money. The second thing to relate is my duty towards my studies and other things. To speak of my studies, I have left it since the 14th Aug, 1942. Besides, I have fallen back from class-lessons and do not do well to improve my studies. There are a lot of hindrances to overcome these difficulties of life. First the cook, second the distance to cover daily, third, the financial difficulties and other things. In these days I find no happiness in my life.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Moreover, my health has broken to a great extent and now a mass of negation, absolutely dullard, foolish and a complete wretch. This is indeed my fault as well as the fault of my father. I am now wanting food and necessities of life. In the days past, we could not experience these difficulties. It is very hard to go through such miseries of life being compelled by circumstances. I have been spinning yarn for a few days but not been completely successful in these affairs. It is a mania with me that I do everything haphazardly and crudely. I used to go daily through good books, but now completely devoid of that life. This is nothing but simply a cry in wilderness to write all these things here unless one practises them and put it into action. How far this would be successful that matters a little. I have been feeling exhausted and dull by going regularly since last three days to the principal’s house. I do not know what will happen, whether he will be angry or happy with me. Everything will be recognised after a few days. I went to Ramanarayan Babu. He is dabbling in politics, but that is a failure with him. He has renounced his home for the last 17 years. Who knows what will happen to him ?

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 1 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@◊) : ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ¡◊r’ Äd–◊¡◊˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä÷h◊ NfiFC’§◊˙≠¡◊ Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > ·–◊≠~◊ Ü÷◊ ‘ê–◊‘˙Î◊u NFO< ≠π˛@◊b˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘–@◊˙-π˛‘–@◊˙≠@◊ ≠]Ζ◊s`◊˙ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Nh·F◊@◊π˛N˙@◊u `◊Oä à É≠P◊‘ä÷h◊ ≠·◊]≥ Äd–◊ Ä˙~◊o–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä˙©–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ÷◊¡◊Î◊≠@◊ πŸ–◊ ØhΩ Ä@◊˙Øπ–˛l, ~–◊≠¢¸ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊äê–◊d_◊ à d◊‹˙÷◊‹≥d◊ N˙S~◊˙-©◊u¡◊~◊ ØÚ≠@◊ ØhΩ Δ≠‹¸ π˙‹’÷◊ä ≠·◊]≥π˙@hø–◊ > Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ É≠`∑◊] ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ü÷◊ ·h◊º]·◊˙l÷◊ ¡–◊rl ≠Δ Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·Ê◊~–◊÷◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊lØ–d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ §◊s¡◊˙~◊öh◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ §h◊`–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙~◊ ØhΩ Ä˙Î◊Nä≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊; ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠·◊]≥π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊; ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ·h◊º]-÷◊¸ ØÚ≠@◊ à ]˙·◊ä N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠`◊˙§◊ N≤–◊d◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠ΔÉΩ ·_–◊d◊ul ÷◊‹˙ Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ É≠`∑◊]ä d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÄÚl~◊ à Ä~◊ä ¡–◊rl π˛d◊– ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊≈◊’¡◊ä > ≠Ø˙ π˜◊˙ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ÷◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ s≠`◊, ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙ 14 Äs¸, 1942@h◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊Åø–◊ > ØhΩ ÷∑◊˙N-π˜◊˙@◊ πø◊≠@◊ πŸ–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙@◊ ɤ◊d◊– π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊ø◊– §◊`◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü≤–◊ ¡◊˙S˙-¡–◊π·◊÷h◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ä≠~◊÷◊ π˛d–◊¡◊Õ◊÷◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > π˛‹Ø ÷◊‹˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ πhn˙@◊u, ·_–◊d◊ul ÷◊‹˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ π˛d–◊·–◊~◊ Ü≠d◊ ¡◊˙Ë◊ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊˙, dœ◊d◊ul ÷◊‹˙ Ä˙‹≥’÷◊ ÄNh¡–◊S˙ Ü¡◊… Ä~◊äN¡h◊ ÷◊‹˙ > Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ ·–◊~◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– Nh] ≠·◊]h ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÄS≥÷◊¥h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ N_˙⁄ä Ä≠~◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ §◊˙ú–πŸ–◊ø–◊, ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘@◊u@◊ Ü÷◊ ÄN_˙⁄ä÷◊@◊ ©◊Ÿ◊ π–—≠@◊ π@–◊bd◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ØhΩ NfiFC’ ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙, ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S Ü¡◊… ≤◊d◊§◊˙s˙ π˙`◊Ë–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊


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d◊˙. 8. 1. 1943 (‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@)◊ : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≈◊’¡◊ä ≠¡◊˙`–◊ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä≠·◊˝ ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ~–◊©◊@◊ π˛¡◊Î◊ Åè◊˙ π˛≠l˙s ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@,◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤Ω◊ ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷∑◊˙N@◊ ≠~◊˙Ë◊ π˛§œ◊d–◊ ØÚ ≠`]h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØÚ Ä≠~◊÷◊ NØl≠@◊ ‘hbh ~◊˙≤y◊ > English Åd◊ä˙·–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ π˜–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Mathematics ≠@◊ ¡◊@◊˙¡◊@◊ defect @◊≤h◊ø–◊ > N…ΔØ : Exercise Åd◊ä˙·–◊ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– ]˙·◊ä≠@◊ à ≠‘˙Å¡◊˙≠@◊ N…ΔØ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > d◊‚≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ §h◊`◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ]h¡Í◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ sπ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ä˙XÍ◊X◊˙ ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙ > Events : ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ ~˙≤y◊ > ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u 26 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙ ·–◊¡◊N π˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ Ø˙d˛◊ arrest ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠`◊˙÷◊ π˛ghd◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠d◊·F◊@◊ ÉπΔhê◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ §◊˙¡–◊¡◊˙@◊ ¡–◊rl Ä≠Ë◊ > d◊˙. 9.1.43 (‘~–◊¡◊˙@)◊ : π˜◊˙π˜–◊ π˛˙l ØhΩ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊`◊b– > ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Δ Üπ@–◊ ˆËh◊ø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ §◊`◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > I can now better express these things in English than in Oriya. The fact that I want to write my diary in English is that I do not like English most but people like my stupid father can not read it if I write it in English. He has not understood the value of writings the diary. But at times I will write my diary in English.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Events : Serious fighting is going on in Russia’s Cacasus in Arakan and N. Africa. They say that the war has not yet begun. (Ör–Ä˙@◊ ÷◊≠÷◊NNÍ≠@◊, Ä@◊˙÷◊˙~≠@◊ Ü¡◊…

É≈◊@◊ Ä˙Á˛–÷◊˙≠@◊ sh@h◊d◊@◊ ΔhM◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ÷◊≤¥–◊ ≠Δ Ü πΔ’ä¥◊ ΔhM◊ Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ >) Ä˙©–◊ ¡◊~◊Ø˙Ζ◊ ¡◊˙¡h◊öh◊ ≠§◊Ë–◊‹≥`– >◊ ≠N ≤–◊o◊u Question ≠·◊◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ≠NN¡h◊ ¡–◊rl ‘hb˙‘hb– ÷◊@–◊ ≠Á@–◊ Ä˙N–`–◊ > Today I went to Mr. Parija who told me that I was qualified for the free-studentship. It is a joyous day for me. I find Truth is far interesting than untruth.

( Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ Ø–º π@–◊©◊˙ö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ Á–˛. ¸h≠X◊μN–πÍ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØhΩ ≠Δ˙sä ≠¡◊˙`– ¡–◊≠¡◊Q–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ Ü÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ·–◊~◊ > ØhΩ ≠·◊]hø–, ÄNd◊ä Ä≠πO˙ Nd◊ä ÄS≥÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊·◊˙l÷◊ >) S~h◊ 29·–◊~◊ ≠π˝r ‘h÷m◊ rBu d◊˙. 13.1.43 @–◊] (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) :

÷◊≈’◊¡ä : @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ π˜◊◊˙π˜–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ¡◊≤h◊d◊ NØl ¡œ◊‹˙≠@◊ ÷◊Ë–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > sπ ÷◊≤–◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ Åû◊d N@h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ¡h◊nhø–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ~–◊d˙¥◊ sπh◊Ÿ◊– ≠≤◊˙Ås`–◊b– > ≠Ø˙∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙@◊ ~–◊©◊d_◊ Ü¡◊… s}u@◊d◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ø˙d˛◊ s}u@◊ @◊≤–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ > πhb– Exercise, Prayer, ≤–◊o◊uπ˜◊˙ ¡◊˙ Spinning ØÚ regularly ≠≤◊É~◊˙≤y◊ > Out-books ØÚ ∫–◊÷◊Í §◊` ◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ π˜–◊ π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ Class ≠@◊ Ü≠¡◊ NhM◊˙ Mathematics follow ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤–◊Ω > N…ΔØ : ≠ΔÉΩ·–◊~◊ ¡◊˙÷◊ä≠@◊ N…ΔØ Ä˙N–¡◊ ≠N·–◊~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ πFC’d◊˙ > Su@◊⁄–@◊ Ü¡◊… ÄQ◊Î◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠≤◊¡◊

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊`◊ ħ◊ä˙N Äø–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠NN¡h◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä≠@◊ `◊˙s–¡◊˙ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊◊ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ > @◊˙©÷–◊≠‘˙@◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ ≠Ø˙ π˙]÷h◊ Mathematics ÷◊r–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Nhø–◊ > Ä˙Ø@◊ Ü÷◊ club ÷◊@–◊‹≥`h◊ > d◊≤y◊≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡◊–rl @◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊≤h◊‹≥`–◊ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ ≤–◊o◊u π˜–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… NFd◊˙÷◊˙Ë–◊¡◊˙ π˛S˙~◊ ÷◊˙@◊b Ä≠Ë◊ > ÜN¡h◊ ¡–◊rl π˜–◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… NFd◊˙ ÷◊˙Ë–◊≠`◊ ©◊˙d◊ul Ü÷◊d◊˙ Ä˙N–¡◊ > π˛S˙~◊d◊º : ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ ]¡◊@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü÷◊ ~F◊Ä˙ ordinance ©◊˙@◊– ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ §◊˙@◊d◊@◊O˙ Ä˙Å~◊≠@◊ ≠·◊˙ruØ˙~öh◊ Á˙‘–◊ Ü¡◊… ·_◊uπ˙¥◊@◊ ·◊— ·–Ä˙Δ–¡◊ > Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ Ü≤◊˙@◊ π˛S˙~◊ ÷◊˙@◊b > Dated the 14. 1. 43 (Thursday) : The same and common defect goes every day. Today sir G. C. Ghose the Principal of the Vidyasagar College delivered a fine lecture on the “Proposed University for Orissa.’’ He gave several examples that how the present system of education is detrimental to the growth of the nation. He, by his undoubted capacity and thorough knowledge, explained that what a university should aim at. He was the principal in the Vidyasagar College for eight years where 800 students get freestudentship and 4660 students read. He said that our education is based on imperialistic views and not on democratic principles. When the system will be democratic then the whole sphere of circumstances will be changed.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

To-day it is notified that I will get only Rs. 2.00 from the social service guild. What will happen about the Dhenkanal scholarship that I cannot relate. My disappointing lot is thrown in the mystery of the future.

14.1.1943 (sh@h◊¡◊˙@◊) : ≠N≤–◊ Ü÷◊ Ü¡◊… N˙S@◊b d´◊Ë–◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ¡–◊·◊ä˙N˙s@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@◊ π–˛~Í◊NÍπ˙`Í◊ N˙@Í◊ ©–◊.N–. ≠ˆ˙r àŸ–◊‘˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ π˛g˙¡–◊d◊ lh~–◊§◊N–’Ë–◊ N¯≠Õ◊ Ü÷◊ Nho◊@◊ §◊˙rb ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > ≠N ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ É·◊˙≤◊@◊b ≠·◊Å ¡h◊n˙Å‹≥≠`◊ ≠Δ ©◊˙d◊ul ¡–◊÷◊˙‘ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ‘–O˙@◊ N˙…π˛d–◊÷◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ ÷–◊π@–◊ Od–◊÷◊˙@◊÷◊ > ≠N d◊˙ö◊@◊ ~–◊ºN≠o◊≤◊ N˙Ø‹’ä Ü¡◊… s§◊u@◊ ™◊˙~◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ¡h◊n˙Å‹≥≠`◊ ≠Δ lh~–◊§◊N–’Ë–◊@◊ `◊Oä ÷◊íb > ≠N Ä˙∫◊¡◊r’S@–◊ ¡–◊·◊ä˙N˙s@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@◊ π–˛~Í◊N–π˙`Í◊ ‹≥≠`◊ > ≠N≤–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ 4460 ©◊b ø◊˙d˛◊ π˜◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… 800 ø◊˙d˛◊ Á–˛-¸h≠Ÿ◊μN–πÍ π˙Ä˙¥–◊ > ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ Ä˙Ø@◊ ‘–O˙ sbd◊˙»–◊÷◊ ·œ◊¸–≠÷◊˙b@h◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ N˙Ø˛˙©◊ä¡◊˙·◊u ·œ◊¸–≠÷◊˙b@◊ §–◊≈–◊≠@◊ π˛d–◊B–d◊ > ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ‘–O˙@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ sbd◊˙»–◊÷◊ §–◊≈–◊ ≠@◊ π˛d–◊B–d◊ ≠≤◊¡,◊ ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ NØs˛ π@–◊≠¡◊‘ à π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ¡◊·◊Ζ◊Δ–¡◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠~◊˙Ë–◊NÍ ·–◊Ä˙Δ˙Åø–◊ ≠Δ NØ˙©◊-≠N¡◊˙ N…ˆ d◊@◊Á@h◊ ØhΩ ·h◊ÅË◊ö◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ π˙Å¡–◊ > ≠Y◊ö◊˙~◊˙Î◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ÷◊íb ≠≤◊`◊˙, ≠N N…π÷’◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊@◊˙‘˙©◊~◊÷◊ §◊˙sä §◊¡–◊rädÍ◊@◊ @◊≤◊Nä ØÚ≠@◊ ~–◊O–D ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ >

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


Cuttack, dated the 15th January, 1943 (Friday) I have done nothing, read nothing, only took my food and slept. I am such a foolish man that I cannot avoid the taste for food. My mind is always tended for food. I have very minutely watched that want of food leads to much abuse in food. If I could get my food properly then I can not have so much greed for food. It is absolutely bad that I can not have proper food and due meal everyday. Everything else is wrong. College closed from 16th to 20th due to Muharram. (Both the days inclusive.)

ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ π˜–◊~◊˙≤y◊, ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ]˙Åπ–Å ≠‘˙Åø–◊ > ØhΩ Üπ@–◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ≠Δ ]˙·◊ä@◊ N_˙·◊÷h◊ π@–◊d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø~◊ N¡’◊·◊˙ ]˙·◊ä π˛d–◊ Ä˙Nê◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ Äd–◊ NFO< §◊˙¡◊≠@ ·œ◊¸–≠·◊Å ≠·◊]–ø–◊ ≠Δ ]˙·◊ä@◊ ħ◊˙¡◊≤y◊ ]˙·◊ä@◊ ÄN·Í ◊¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ ·–◊s≠@◊ ≠~◊ÅΔ˙Ü > ØhΩ Δ·–◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ @◊ ]˙Å¡◊˙ π˙Å π˙@h ‹˙í¥–◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ]˙·◊ä π˛d–◊ Ü≠d◊ ≠`◊˙§◊ ≠≤◊É ~◊ ‹˙í¥◊˙ > Ü≤◊˙ N…πFC’ ]@◊˙π ÷◊‹˙ ≠Δ ØhΩ π˛d–◊·–◊~◊ Δ‹˙‹’ ]˙·◊ä à ≠§◊˙©◊~◊ π˙Å π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ >◊ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ≠s˙Î◊Ø˙Ζ◊Ä˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊ 16 d◊˙@–◊]@h◊ Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊˙Å 20 d◊˙@–◊] ≠‘r NhM◊˙ Ø≤◊@◊ØÍ Éπ`◊≠O ¡◊o◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Cuttack, dated the 16th January 1943 (Saturday)


To-day was a holiday. I have done nothing practically. I wrote two articles today and went to the club-meeting. Narendra did not attend the meeting. We were only five in the club. The discussion went on whether knowledge of Hindi is essential for national growth or not. Mr. Gouranga and Charupada deferred in opinion. They went on saying that Hindi is not a language to read. Today I have not touched my books practically. But what is the reason ? Because I wrote two beautiful articles so I could not read anything. I forget what I have to do. Events : Muharram Holidays continued. Nothing important. It is heard that the Japanese are bombing Calcutta now-a-days. I cannot say whether it is wrong or right.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 16 ©◊˙~h◊Ä˙@◊u, 1943 (‘~–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ øh◊Ë–◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ·h◊ÅË–◊ π˛¡◊Õ◊ ≠`◊]≥`–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷m◊¡Í◊ Ø–Ë–◊…÷h◊ s`–◊ > ~◊≠@◊o˛◊ ≠N≤–◊ Ø–Ë–◊…≠@◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷m◊¡Í◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠Ø Ø˙d˛◊ π˙G©◊b ‹≥`h◊ > Ä˙≠`◊˙Q◊~◊˙ Q◊˙`–◊`◊˙ ≠Δ ©◊˙d◊ul ɤ◊d–◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≤–◊o◊u§◊˙r˙@◊ ™◊˙~◊ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ ÷–◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Ø–º ≠s˝@◊˙ú Ü¡◊… Q◊˙@h◊π·◊ ɧ◊lö◊@◊ Ød◊≠§◊·◊ ≠·◊]˙≠·◊`◊˙ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ÷◊≤–◊Q◊˙`–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ ≤–◊o◊u Ü÷◊ π∫◊~◊ul §◊˙r˙ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Ä˙©–◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊≤–◊ øh◊ÅΩ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ÷◊íb ? ÷◊˙@◊b ØhΩ ·h◊ÅË–◊ Nho◊@◊ π˛¡◊Õ◊ ≠`◊]≥`–◊ Δ≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ π˜–◊π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ §h◊`–◊Δ˙Ü > ˆË◊b˙¡◊Î◊u : Ø≤◊@◊ØÍ N÷◊˙≠‘ øh◊Ë–◊ ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ≠Nπ@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊≠‘r ˆË◊b˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ‘hb˙Δ˙Ü ≠Δ Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊ ©◊˙π˙~◊uØ˙≠~◊ ÷◊`–◊÷◊d◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ ≠¡◊˙Ø˙ π÷◊˙Éø◊¥–◊ > ØhΩ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ Ü÷◊‹˙ §h◊`Í◊ ~◊˙ ∫–◊÷Í◊ > Cuttack, dated the 17th January 1943, (Sunday)


I have worked something good to-day. Still much work would have been done if I would have tried a little. I am very sleepy in the night. But it is impossible to do likewise. Very good day. There is nothing more to relate here.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 17 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊`◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > d◊‹˙π– Ü≤◊˙ Ä≠πO˙ ÄS≥÷◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Å π˙@–◊‹˙í¥◊˙ ØhΩ Δ·–◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊‹˙í¥–◊ > @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠¡◊‘u ~–◊·˛◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠Nπ@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ÄN}¡◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ]h¡Í◊ §◊`◊ ·–◊~◊ > Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠¡◊‘u÷–◊ø–◊ ¡◊C’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 18th January 1943


Done some work, but very little, idling away time in gossips and a lot of boast. Not wishing to live like


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

beast, yet automatically living like a beast. What can I do ? I am trying my best but habit never leaves me. I am totally undone. I cannot think of any other remedy. There are a lot of things to do. I have experimented them, but found them hopeless. What can I do ? I cannot do anything. My habits compel me to do that. It does not behave me well. I am now practically a mass of negation, a dullard. I want to take a ring in my hand as a result of which I may be escaped. I cannot know even how pollution goes with me. There is some sort of disturbances with me always. I cannot do well to think any other remedy.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 18 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 : Ä˙©–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊`–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ]h¡Í◊ ÄÀ◊ > ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙Ø– ÷◊@–◊ ¡◊˙≠©◊ sÀ◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊Ÿ–◊Ø˙πFC’ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ NØl ÷◊Ë◊˙Å ≠·◊`–◊ > ØhΩ π‘h §◊Ζ◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤hΩ◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, d◊‹˙π– N_d◊º π‘h§◊Ζ◊ ¡◊Ghø–◊ > Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ ? ØhΩ Δ‹˙N˙Ú ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ħ◊ä˙N ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ N…πFC’@F◊≠π ~◊¸ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛d–◊÷◊˙@◊ N¯≠Õ◊ ØhΩ Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ Äø–◊ > ≠NN¡h◊÷h◊ ≠~◊Å ØhΩ π@◊uO˙ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ~–◊@◊˙‘ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ ? ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠NN¡h◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ ħ◊ä˙N÷h◊ ≠~◊Å ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ØúÎ◊ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷◊˙Δ’äd◊º ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊≠@◊˙Su ‘ê–◊N¡h◊@◊ Ü÷◊ NØ˙≤◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊, Ü÷◊ ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙ ¡◊~–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > ØhΩ ≠Ø˙ ≤◊˙d◊≠@◊

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü Øh·–◊ π–Õ–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤h◊ø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ ¡◊·◊§◊ä˙N@h◊ ØhΩ ·F◊≠@◊Å Δ˙Åπ˙@–◊¡–◊ > ØhΩ ©◊˙b–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ÷–◊π@–◊ ÷◊Îh◊r–d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Éø–◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙ N≤–◊d◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠s˙Î◊Ø˙Ζ◊Ä˙ Ä¡◊⁄˙ @◊≤–◊Δ˙Éø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙@◊ Ä~◊ä ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊`◊ π˛d–◊÷◊˙@◊ ØhΩ §◊˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Dated the 19th January 1943 :

÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ Ü Ä˙‘˙- π‹≠@◊ ≠·◊˝Ÿ–◊¡–◊ Ü◊≠d◊‹@◊ ? ≠÷◊˝bN– Éπ˙l d◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ©◊˙bhø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ §◊úh@◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ ÄS´¡◊ ≠NÅ‹≥≠@◊ πhb– Ø◊˙d–◊É∫◊hø–◊, ≠NÅ‹≥≠@◊ πhb– ©◊u¡◊~◊ Y◊˙Ζ◊≠≤◊Éø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≤h◊Üd◊ ≤◊≠d◊˙f˙≤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠Á@–◊¡–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ Éπ˙l ÷◊íb ? ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊íb Ü≤–◊π@–◊ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ §◊˙¡–◊ Ø~◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ¡–◊@◊ê◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊Q◊Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ØÚ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷◊≠`◊©◊ @h◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ 3Ëö◊˙ ≠`◊]˙ÜΩ N˙≤˙Δä 8 Ø˙N πΔ’ä¥◊ ؖΖ◊`◊˙ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷œ◊πb π–d◊˙ö◊ π≠O ≠N◊d–◊÷–◊ Δ≠‹¸ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ØhΩ ¡◊@◊˙¡◊@◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ·◊@◊Ø˙@h◊ d˛◊˙≤–◊ ~◊ π˙Å≠`◊ Éπ˙l ~◊˙≤y◊ > Nhd◊@◊˙… Üπ@–◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊·–◊~◊ Δ–¡◊ ? Ä˙©– Mr. Parija ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊˙öh◊ π˙Å`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠N ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ > d◊˙ö π˙]÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠Y◊ö◊˙~◊˙Î◊ scholarship ÷◊‹˙ ¡h◊n–¡◊˙ > Ø˙d˛◊ ØhΩ §◊`◊÷◊@–◊ ©◊˙bhø–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠Y◊ö◊˙~◊˙Î◊ ¡œ◊≈◊– ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤Ω◊, ≠NÅ‹≥π˙ÅΩ ≠·◊˝Ÿh◊ø–◊ > Üπ@–◊ ≠·◊˝Ÿ–◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ÷◊íb ? Why do I hope against hope ? Has anything there for me in store ? Perhaps nothing. It is of no use if I go against my will. But there are certain free-studentships by which I can be benefited. He has not yet announced to whom the free-studentships will be given. Therefore


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

I am everyday as a rule driving the cart to his house. But in these days what will be done for me ? I am telling a good deal of false things before every body. How I am to be believed ? To-day I thought a good deal about my hopes, but shattered and battered, could not do well. In the night I talked good deal about a murder case that recently happened near Niyali (~–◊Ä˙Î◊u) > It is of a peculiar type murder. Four mussulmans murdered a zamindar only for rupees ten. It would become a bright story if I enumerate them else where. When I came to hear all these peculiar talks I went mad and lost my energy to do anything at all.

19 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 : (Å…@◊˙©◊u Ä…‘@◊ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊) ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ Ä˙‘˙ ¡–◊@h◊M◊≠@◊ Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ? ≠Ø˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ÷–◊ø–◊ NG≥d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ÷–◊ ? ≠¡◊˙S≤h◊Ü ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ N…÷◊À◊ ¡–◊@h◊M◊≠@◊ Δ–¡◊˙ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ Á–˛-¸h≠Ÿ◊μN–πÍ (ø◊˙d˛◊¡œ◊≈–◊) Äø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙·_◊˙@◊˙ ØhΩ Éπ÷œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡–◊ > ÷◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ÜÅ ø◊˙d˛◊-¡œ◊≈–◊ ≠·◊◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠N ÜπΔ’ä¥◊ ≠ˆ˙rb˙ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ≠d◊bh ØhΩ π˛d–◊·–◊~◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊lØ@F◊≠π d◊˙ö◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊@◊ Ü≤–◊ NØl≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊ ? ØhΩ NØgöh◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Ø–‹ä˙ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤h◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ¡–◊‘_˙N ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊ ? Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙‘˙ N¯≠Õ◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ §◊˙¡–◊`–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ §◊s∂Q–◊¥◊˙≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊`◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > @◊˙d–◊≠@ ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊·–◊~◊ d◊≠Î◊ ~–◊Ä˙Î◊u ~–◊÷◊Ë◊≠@◊ ˆË–◊‹≥¡◊˙ ≤◊d◊ä˙÷◊˙— ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈◊˙’ ÷◊`–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ S@◊b@◊ ≤◊d◊ä˙÷◊˙— > Q◊˙@–◊©◊b

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


ØhN`◊Ø˙~Í◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ·◊‘Ë◊ö◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ©◊≠b ©◊Ø–·◊˙@◊öh◊ ≤◊d◊ä˙÷◊≠`◊ > ØhΩ Δ·–◊ Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊˝bN– ⁄˙~◊≠@◊ Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊C~’ ◊˙ ÷◊≠@ ◊≠d◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ Nho◊@◊ sÀ◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ü≤–◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ ÷◊‹˙ ‘hb`– ◊,– ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ØhΩ π˙sÎ◊π˛˙l ≠≤◊˙Ås`–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘ê–◊ ≤◊@◊˙Å ¡◊N–`–◊ > 20-1-43 (Wednes-day) : Duty : To-day I have done nothing. It is the usual formula with everyday life. Time is no doubt a life itself. If we waste time, we waste the very valuable time of our life and we can never do anything. The time which we waste can never be regained, so what I am doing ? Yoga : Practically I am a parrot-like student. I do say everything, I wish to do well, but in reality I do nothing, no good at all. Exercises are the valuable things. It gives strength, energy, power, vigour and skill to drive the body, As a machine is rusted without its proper use, so also a body gets idle without its proper exercise. So exercise is very urgently necessary. Events : Russians have shown marvellous skill in the battle-field of Stalingrade. They have defeated the Germans and they have progressed all around Stalingrade to its highest degree. The greatest defeat of the Germans are now being felt at Stalingrade. That was their greatest victory and the greatest defeat. I have contributed two articles to the Revanshawvian.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

20.1.1943 (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ N˙S˙@◊b NFd◊˛ Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Ä~h◊N@◊b ÷◊@◊– ØhΩ ≠·Ê◊~◊o◊–~◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@◊hø◊– > ~–◊ºN≠o◊≤◊≠@◊ NØl ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ñ N_l… ©◊u¡◊~◊ > Ä˙≠Ø Δ·–◊ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@◊h ≠d◊≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ Ä˙Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Äd–◊ ØF`◊ä¡◊˙~◊ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠Ø ≠÷◊≠¡◊¡◊– ÷–◊ø◊– ÷◊@◊–π˙@–◊¡◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙≠Ø ≠ΔÉΩ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@◊h d◊˙≤◊˙ πh~◊`◊˙§’ ◊ ÷◊@◊– ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@◊hø◊– ? ≠Δ˙s : ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ØhΩ Ü÷◊ ‘h÷◊πOu¡◊dÍ◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ > ØhΩ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≠≤◊, N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ §◊`◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊; Ü≤◊˙ Ü≠÷◊¡◊˙≠@◊ §◊`◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ¡◊ä˙l˙Ø Äd–◊ ØF`◊ä¡◊˙~◊ > Ü≤◊˙ N˙Ø‹’ä, ‘ê–◊, Éf˙≤◊, ≠·Ê◊≤–◊÷◊ ¡◊Î◊ ≠Δ˙s˙Ü Δ˙≤◊˙·_◊˙@◊˙ ‘@◊u@◊÷h◊ ÷◊˙Δ’äOØ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > ≠Δπ@–◊ Δ‹˙‹’ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ≠ØN–~Í◊ ÷◊Î◊ö◊ S≠@◊ ≠N≤–◊π@–◊ ¡◊ä˙l˙Ø ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ‘@◊u@◊ ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü > ≠d◊bh ‘@◊u@◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊ä˙l˙Ø Ü÷◊˙¥◊§◊˙≠¡◊ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > ˆË◊b˙¡◊Î◊u : ÖrÍØ˙≠~◊ ¸˙`–◊~Í◊≠s˛XÍ◊@◊ ΔhM◊≠Od˛◊≠@◊ Q◊Øe◊˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝‘Î◊ π˛·◊‘’~◊ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ©◊Ø˙’~Í◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ π@◊˙g ÷◊@–◊ ¸˙`– ◊ ~ Í ◊ ≠ s˛ Ÿ ◊ @ ◊ Q◊ d h ◊ º π˙‘_ ’ ≠ @◊ Éé◊ d ◊ Ø Ä¡◊ ⁄ ˙÷h ◊ É∫– ◊ Δ ˙Åø◊ ¥ – ◊ > ©◊Ø’˙~Í◊Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ Q◊@◊Ø π@◊˙g ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ¸˙`–◊~Í◊≠s˛Ÿ◊≠@◊ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > d◊˙≤◊˙≤y◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ Q◊@◊Ø ¡–◊©◊l à Q◊@◊Ø π@◊˙g > ØhΩ ≠@◊≠§◊~Í◊N˙ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@◊ πd–˛◊÷◊˙ (Revenshavian) N÷◊˙≠‘ ·h◊ÅË–◊ π˛¡◊Õ◊ ≠·◊Åø–◊ > 21st January 1943,

sh@h¡◊˙@◊ :

÷◊≠`◊©◊ Ø≤◊@◊Ø øh◊Ë–◊π≠@◊ ≠]˙`–◊`◊˙ > øh◊Ë–◊≠@◊ ≠d◊≠d ◊≠¡◊‘u π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ¡◊˙ ≠¡◊‘u ~F◊Ä˙ ¡–◊rl ‘–]≥ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊ ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


≠Q◊¸˙ ØÚ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ ≠d◊≠d◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ ÷–◊ ]h¡Í◊ Ä⁄–@◊d◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ]h¡Í◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ Ü¡◊… ‘ê–◊≤◊u~◊ Ø≠~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ÷◊˙@◊b Ü≤◊˙@◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ : (1) ÉπΔhê◊ ]˙·◊ä@◊ ħ◊˙¡◊ (2) ÉπΔhê◊ ¡◊ä˙l˙Ø, π˛˙b˙l˙Ø ¡◊˙ Ä˙N~◊@◊ ħ◊˙¡◊ > (3) πhb– ‘@◊u@@◊◊ shD ‘ê–◊@◊ ¡–◊≠‘r OlN˙S~◊ > ¡–◊≠‘rd◊º Ü ≠‘≠r˙ê◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠~◊Å ØhΩ ¡–◊≠‘r Q–◊¥–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ◊–ø–◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙Ø π˙ÅΩ energy ØÚ Ä˙Nh ~◊˙≤y◊, N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ~◊–©’◊u¡◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙Éø–◊ > @◊˙d˛–◊≠@◊ ~–◊·◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙@h◊ ≠¡◊‘u π˜˙π˜–◊ ~ ÷◊@–◊ ≠‘˙ÅπŸ◊–`–◊ > Üd◊P_◊˙@◊˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ π˜◊˙@◊ ¡–◊≠‘r Od– ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > d‚≠@◊ Ä˙©–◊ Dhenkanal Scholarship ¡–◊rl ¡◊≤h◊d◊ §◊˙¡–‹≥`–◊ > Ø~◊≠@◊ ]h¡Í◊ ‘ê–◊ Ü¡◊… N˙≤◊N ≠~◊Å will force apply ÷◊`–◊ > d◊˙í@◊ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷˛◊Ø Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ à`◊Ë◊˙Å ≠·◊Å‹≥`– > ≠ΔÉΩ π@–◊©◊˙ ¡◊˙¡h◊ ñ (Principal) ≠Ø˙ Éπ≠@ ◊Ü≠d◊ Q–◊Ÿh◊‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ S˙@b˙÷h◊ Ü≠÷◊◊¡◊˙@◊ Q◊Ø÷◊˙Å ≠·◊Å à`Ë◊˙Å ≠·◊`–◊ > ≠N ≠Ø˙ Éπ@◊÷h◊ ¡–◊≠‘r @◊˙s–‹≥¡◊˙@◊ ØhΩ ©◊˙≠b Ü¡◊… Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ d◊‹˙π– ]h¡Í◊ ‘ê–◊ π˛≠l˙s ÷◊@–◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠s˙Î◊Ø˙Î◊≠@◊ π÷◊˙Å ≠·◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡œ◊≈–◊ π˙Å¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊`–◊ > ¡–◊≠‘r ˆË◊b˙ : ÷◊`–◊÷◊d◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ ©◊˙π˙~◊@◊ NDØ ‹@◊ Ä˙÷˛◊Øb > ¡–◊≠‘r ≠÷◊˝bN– ]¡◊@◊ ·–◊Äs`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ø˙d˛◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ Éπ@◊÷h◊ ¡–◊π·◊ Ø˙Ÿ–◊ Ä˙Nhø–◊ > ÖrÍ πO Ä≠~◊÷◊ N≤◊@◊ ©–◊d–◊ ≠~◊Éø◊¥–◊ > Dated the 22nd Jan. 1943 (Friday) :

Ä˙©–◊ Ø~◊ ≠d◊≠d◊ ]hN– ~◊h≠≤Ω◊, ÷◊˙@◊b ÷–◊ø–◊ ÁÎ◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊≤h◊ πF¡’◊@h◊ S˙@◊b˙ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ ØhΩ ~–◊≠¢ ¡œ◊≈–◊ π˙Å¡–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ π≠@◊ ≠·◊]˙s`◊˙ district ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN–‹≥≠@◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊@◊ Ä˙‘˙ ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠d◊bh Ø~◊≠@◊ s§◊u@◊ ·h◊º] à Ä~h◊d◊˙π ≠≤◊`◊˙ > d◊‹˙π– Oub §◊˙¡◊≠@◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Ø≠~Ø≠~◊ §◊˙¡h◊‹≥`–◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊íb π@–◊‘˛Ø ¡œ◊‹˙ Ü¡◊… ©◊u¡◊~◊ Ä÷◊Ø’ ? π@–◊‘˛Ø@◊ ÷◊íb Ü ·h◊~–◊Ä˙≠@◊ §◊˙s ~◊˙≤y◊ ? ÜØ–d–◊ §◊˙¡–◊ §◊˙¡–◊ ‹÷h◊‹≥`–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊‹˙π– §◊˙¡h◊‹≥`–◊ Ü≤◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠÷◊˙b≠@◊ NÁÎ◊◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > Ø~◊ Ä˙©–◊ Éé◊ N_@◊≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊ É∫h◊ø–◊ ‘‘Labour and wait.’’ ‘‘Honest labour never goes in vain.’’ ‘‘π@–◊‘˛Ø ÷◊@◊ Ü¡◊… Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@◊ >íí ëë~–◊ πË◊ ‘˛Ø ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ¡◊ä‹’ ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤y◊ >ííÜ≠¡◊ π@–◊‘˛Ø@◊ ÁÎ◊, Ä¡◊‘ä ~–◊©◊ ≠Q◊¸˙@◊ ÁÎ◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ø–◊ > Ø˙d˛◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø~◊ Ä˙©–◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ Ä˙Ÿ◊÷h◊ Y◊Ζ◊πŸh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘@◊ ØØd◊˙ dh◊Ë–◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ ! Ü÷◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊≠@◊ Üπ˛÷◊˙@◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊ π˙Å Øb–r ¡o◊u ©◊u¡◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü, ¡◊Õ◊˙ ·◊˙N ØÚ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü > ÜN¡h◊ π˙Å¡◊˙ Ä‹’ ¡–˛◊Ë–◊‘ N˙Ø˙©◊ä¡◊˙·◊ ~ud–◊÷h◊ π@–◊πh¸ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ > Ø~◊≠@◊ Ä˙©–◊ s§◊u@◊ à Äπ@–◊NuØ Ä˙~◊o◊ à π˛‘˙¥◊Q–◊≈d◊˙ Éπh©–◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ §◊˙Åö◊ π˛d–◊ s§◊u@◊ ≠π˛Ø à ≠N∂≤◊§◊˙¡◊ ©◊˙s@–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÉ∫h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ~–◊≠©◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ≠π˛Ø≠@◊ ¡h◊Ÿ–◊Δ˙Éø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ N_d◊º Ø~◊ ≠NÅ Ä˙Ÿ◊÷h◊ ˜◊Ζ◊ πŸh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ø~◊≠@◊ Äπ˙@◊ Ä˙~o◊ É∫h◊ø–◊ > ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ø–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ~–◊·◊˙~◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ∫–◊ ? §◊˙Å, ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ dh◊≠Ø ! ØhΩ dhØ ◊π˛d–◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ Ü≠d◊ Ä˙÷œ◊¸ Ü¡◊… §◊ê–◊~–◊B, d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠≤◊, ØF÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ! ØhΩ dh◊Ø@◊ ·◊˙N◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡◊˙≤y◊ ≠‘˛l@◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙©–◊ dhØ@◊ π·d◊≠Î◊ >◊ ≠·◊¡◊ ≠≤◊, Ä˙‘u¡◊˙’·◊ ÷◊@◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ NÁÎ◊÷◊˙Ø ≤h◊Ü Ü¡◊… dh◊Ø@◊ ©◊ls˙~◊ ÷◊≠@◊Ω > 1942 ©h◊~◊∫◊˙@h◊ 8 Ë◊ö◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ Ø˙N÷◊h ¡œ◊≈–◊ ؖΖ◊¡◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Ä˙∫◊ Ø˙N@◊ 64 Ë◊ö◊˙ ؖΖ◊π˙≠@◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊≤–◊πd˛◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷–◊b˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊, πhb– Ä≠~◊÷◊ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊u ©–◊~–◊r ÷–◊b˙≠≤◊¡◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@◊ Ä˙Ø s˙Ω L. P. School ⁄˙π~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ Ü÷◊Ø˙N@◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊ à Social Service Guild@◊ (NØ˙©◊ ≠N¡◊˙ N…ˆ) Ë◊ö◊˙ ≠·◊Å≠·◊¡–◊ > ØhΩ ≠ΔÉΩ π˙∫◊ π˜–◊ Ä˙©–◊ Ø≠d◊ §◊`◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Q–◊≤∂–◊π˙@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊÷h◊ S~◊ä Ø≠~◊÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ≠NÅ

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


π˙∫◊@h◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ N˙~◊ §◊˙ÅØ˙~◊öh◊ ¡◊…Q–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊ π˙≠@◊ > πhb– s˛˙Ø÷h◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü Permanent ‘Samaja’ Weekly (⁄˙lu§◊˙≠¡◊ Ü÷◊ N˙D˙≤–◊÷◊ ëNØ˙©◊í) π∫˙◊Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊ > The 1st task : A handsome contribution to the village L. P. School. 2. To send a weekly newspaper to the village.

(π˛‹Ø ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : s˛˙Ø@◊ π˛˙‹Ø–÷◊ ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l÷h◊ Ü÷◊ §◊`◊ Ä~h◊·◊˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > ·_–◊d◊ul ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : s˛˙Ø÷h◊ Ü÷◊ N˙D˙≤–◊÷◊ N¯˙·◊πd˛◊ π∫◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ >) 23rd January 1943, (Saturday) :

Ä˙©–◊ ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ø~◊ ]@◊˙π Ü¡◊… Ø~◊≠@◊ ·h◊º] à Ä¡◊N˙·◊ ©◊~<&h◊ø–◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Åè◊˙ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≤–◊o◊u π@◊uO˙ ]h¡Í◊ ÄÀ◊·–◊~◊ @◊≤–◊`◊˙, d◊‹˙π– ≤–◊o◊u §◊`◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, N¡h◊‹≥≠@◊ Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ @◊≤–◊Δ˙Éø–◊ > N…Δd◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ØÚ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > Üπ@–◊ ·h◊P–’◊~◊≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ÷◊Ë◊˙Å¡◊˙∫◊˙@h◊ ¡◊@◊… Ø@–◊Δ–¡◊˙ §◊`◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙Δ’ä §◊`◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ~–◊©’◊u¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–◊d◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙©–◊ Ü÷◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ ÷◊‹˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > Ä˙Ø@◊ N˙~◊ `◊£~◊÷◊˙Q◊Ë◊˙ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@◊ QF◊~◊˙÷◊@–◊ §◊˙…s– ≠·◊`–◊, Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊˝bN– Ø≠d◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˙G¡◊r’ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠N ÷◊˙Q◊ ≠N≤–◊ π@–◊ ~F◊Ä˙ ≠≤◊˙Å `◊˙s– Ä˙N–‹`≥ ◊˙ > ÷–◊¥◊h ≤◊∫◊˙dÍ◊ §◊˙ú–Δ¡– ◊˙@h◊ Ø~◊≠@◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ Ä¡◊N˙·◊ à ·h◊º] ©◊~◊–‹< `≥ ◊˙ > ·◊≠·◊Å s˙Ζ◊≠·◊≠¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷–◊ø◊– ÷◊@◊–π˙@–◊`◊– ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü¡◊… π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ Ü≠d◊ X◊@–◊s`–◊ Ü¡◊… Üπ@–◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

will force apply

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24th January

1943 xw#ckj]

÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : ≠s˙≠S˙Å, ]˙Å¡◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ≠X◊@–◊≠@◊ Ø˙d˛◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊Ë◊˙ §◊`◊ `◊˙s–`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊, Ä˙©–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Girls’ School Novel Ë–◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… @◊˙d–˛◊≠@◊ 400 s©◊ ]≠— NFd◊˙ ÷◊˙Ë–◊¡◊˙ ø◊Ÿ◊˙ Ä~◊ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ Q◊≠Î◊ > Girls’ School ~◊˙Ë◊÷◊@◊ ≠`◊]÷◊ ‘˛uØ˙~Í◊ ÷◊¡–◊Q◊o˛◊ ÷◊˙Ζ◊Q◊@◊b πÏ~◊˙l÷◊ > ÷◊¡–◊Q◊o˛◊ Éπ˙S≥ N_·◊≈◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ s∫–◊d◊ > Ø~h◊rä πÅN˙ π˙ÅΩ Üπ@–◊ ~◊@◊≤◊d◊ä˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ É·◊˙≤◊@◊b Ü Girls’ School. ø–◊ ! ÷–◊ ÷◊·◊Δ’ä Ü¡◊… §˛◊˙¥◊ ÄπFC’ Äπ˛˙Nú–÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ > d◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊]≥ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Δ ©◊sd◊≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Øb–r πÅN˙ ≠`◊˙§◊≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷◊@–◊, ¡◊≤–◊ ø◊π˙Å ÷◊·◊Δ’ä ÷◊˙Ø ØÚ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ Ü¡◊… ≠¡◊π˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ > Ü≠d◊ ÄNúd◊ ÷◊‹˙ Ü¡◊… Üπ@–◊

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ÄØFÎ◊÷◊ ¡–◊rlË◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ≠Δ d◊≤y◊≠@◊ Ø~◊ Ø˙~h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠¡◊Î◊˙≠·◊¡◊u ~◊˙l–÷◊˙ Ü¡◊… N˙s@◊¡˙¡h◊ ~◊˙l÷◊ > ≠@◊bh÷◊˙@◊ π@–◊bd–◊ Äd–◊ ·h¡’◊≤◊ Ü¡◊… Ä≠‘˙§◊~◊ul @◊N–÷◊ ÷h◊Î◊@◊ Ø˙~◊ N®˙~◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ¡◊…‘@◊ π@–◊Q◊l ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– N˙Å¡◊ π–`◊˙ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊‹≥¡◊˙ ¡◊˙π˙ö◊ ˆ≠@◊ I. A. π˙‘Í ÷◊@–‹≥¡◊˙ ≠¡◊Î◊˙≠·◊¡◊u ~–◊≠©◊ ]hN–≠@◊ à Ä˙¡◊˙S≠@◊ Q◊Ζ◊≠`◊ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ NØ≠g ]hN–≠≤◊≠`◊ > πhb– ~◊l~◊˙@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ÄπFC’ Ü¡◊… ≠N d◊˙í@◊ ≠Δ˝¡◊~◊÷h◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Äπ’b ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– ≠‘r≠@◊ @◊N–÷◊ à ≠@◊bh÷h◊ Ø–Î◊˙Å¡◊˙ ÷–◊ ÷◊·◊Δ’ä à §˛◊ØπFC’ > S~◊ä dh◊ ≠¡◊π˙@u ! ≠N‹≥≠@◊ πhb– ÷◊…≠s˛N◊ à s˙Õ–◊öh◊ π˛÷◊˙@˙◊¥◊≠@◊ s˙Ζ◊ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘@◊ ©◊Ø–·◊˙@◊, @◊©◊˙öh◊ π˛‘…N˙ ÷◊@–◊ Ü¡◊… ·◊Î◊sd◊ @◊˙©◊~◊ud–◊ ÷◊‹˙ ≠`◊]≥ à ≠`◊]÷◊ ~◊–©◊@◊ ÷–◊ ]@◊˙π Q◊@–◊d˛◊ ≠·◊]˙Åø◊¥–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˙∫÷◊ Ø˙d˛◊≠÷◊ ¡h◊n–¡◊ > Üd–◊÷–◊ ÷h◊≤◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ ≠Δ Ä˙Sh~–◊÷◊ ]h¡Í◊ ÄÀ◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ö◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ Üπ@–◊ ˆË◊b˙ ˆËh◊ø–◊ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ πhb– ¡◊˙πØ˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ N¥h◊¸ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ > ©◊≠b ]˙μ– àŸ–◊Ä˙ π˙∫◊÷◊ ≠Δ÷–◊ Å…≠@◊©◊u Ä~◊§–◊™◊ ≠N Ä˙≠·◊˝ ~◊˙Ë◊÷◊@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ¡h◊n–¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü‹≥≠@◊ àŸ–◊Ä˙ πh@◊π`∑◊u◊, s˙Ÿ–◊Ä˙ ≠π˙]@◊u, n–`, ¡–◊`◊, ~Ç, ¡◊b@◊ π˛˙÷œ◊d–◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ ~˙◊≤y◊ > Ä`◊@◊˙ ¡◊Î◊˙, ÁhË◊¥◊ ≠Δ˝¡◊~◊, ÷◊Î◊˙ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊Ë◊ @F◊π, Q–◊@◊˙`h◊s˙, ÷◊G˙ s˙ÉΩ`–◊ ÷◊‹˙ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ àŸ–◊Ä˙ NØ˙©◊@◊ Q–◊≤∂◊ à @F◊π > ≠NÅ‹≥≠@◊ ÁhË◊– É∫–◊¡◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ à ÷◊Î◊˙ > ≠`◊]÷◊ Ä˙Sh~–◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙÷h◊ ¡◊˙@◊b ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊íb Nd◊ä ≠¡◊˙`–◊ π˛d–◊π˙·–◊d◊ ÷◊≠`, d◊˙≤◊˙ ØÚ ≠`◊]≥≠`◊ ~˙◊≤y◊, Üπ@–◊ ÷◊‹˙@◊ ØF`◊ä ≠÷◊≠d◊ ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > 25th January 1943 Monday : Duty : Very little task I have performed and I am solely dependent on nothing but my idleness. I am


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

practically neither reading Hindi nor doing my own task. It is a very bad and ignoble thing though I am spinning daily. Again what is the value of writing these sorts of dairy ? If I do not do what I propose to do, then it is of no use to struggle hard and waste these papers. I have not done any mathematics even to-day.

25 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊) : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä N…π˙·–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ N…πFC’@F◊≠π Ä~◊ä÷–◊ø–◊ Éπ≠@◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙Î◊Nä Éπ≠@◊ ~–◊§’◊@◊‘uÎ◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > ÷◊˙Δ’äd◊º ØhΩ ≤–◊o◊u πYh◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ π˙∫◊π˜◊˙ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ØÚ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ]h¡Í◊ ]@◊˙π à ~◊uQ◊ ¡–◊rl Δ·–◊à ØhΩ π˛d◊ä≤◊ NFd◊˙ ÷◊˙Ëh◊ø–◊ > πhb– Ü≤–◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]≥ ¡◊˙ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊íb ? ØhΩ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛g˙¡◊ ≠~◊Éø–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Δ·–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä≠@◊ π@–◊bd◊ ~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊, ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ π@–◊‘˛Ø ÷◊@–◊ ÜN¡h◊ ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙s©◊ ~◊¸ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷–◊ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊d◊˙ Äø–◊ ? Üπ@–◊÷–◊ Ä˙©–◊ ØÚ ØhΩ sb–d◊‘˙‰@◊ ÷–◊ø◊– π˜◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Cuttack, Independence Day, the 26th January 1943 (Tuesday) : Duty : I have not worked out mathematics in the morning. Some boys are now studying hard to develop their power in studies, but what will they do if they do not serve their country ? To-day is one of the brightest days in the modern Indian History. The Congress took

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


birth on this day but no body in the college today had even hoisted a flag on the buildings of the premises. It is absolutely bad and ignoble for the boys not to do so and only chant the lessons daily. We, a few students today distributed some of the Congress pamphlets. Today eight communists were arrested and some 4 or 5 Congress leaders were arrested in the collectorate and commissioner’s office. However some people are ready even today to sacrifice themselves for the country. But what will happen if I shall jump to the fire ? Besides this, I have not even performed my tasks or daily duties. Not reading the lessons regularly, neither reading Hindi at four o' clock. Today I drew Rs. 56/- form the college as my state scholarship and gave everything to my father again. I want to send a newspaper to my village where the people are ignorant.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊ (N_ ˙ Su~◊d◊˙ ·– ◊ ¡◊N), 26 ©◊˙~h ◊ l˙@◊u, 1943 (ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊) : ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä : Ä˙©–◊ N÷◊˙≠Î◊ ØhΩ sb–d◊‘˙‰◊@◊ π˜◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ø◊˙d˛◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊≠@◊ ‘ê–◊ ¡◊˜◊˙Å¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ÄÚl~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ü≤–◊ π˙∫◊π˜◊˙ ≠~◊Å ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ Δ·–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠N¡◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ? Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙Sh~–◊÷◊ É©_◊Î◊d◊Ø ·–◊¡◊N


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

ØÚ@h◊ Ü÷◊d◊Ø > Ä˙©–◊ ·–◊~◊≠@◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ul ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ ©◊~<◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙, ÷–◊¥h◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@◊ π@–N@◊ ØÚ≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– sœ≤◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊≤–¡–◊ πd◊˙÷◊˙ É≠≈◊˙Î◊~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠·Ê◊~–◊÷◊ π˜◊˙ Øh]⁄ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ñ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙~◊ö◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ü≠÷◊¡◊˙≠@◊ ]@◊˙π Ü¡◊… ~◊uQ◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä > Ä˙≠Ø, ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊©◊b ø◊˙d˛◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˛Q◊˙@◊-πd˛◊ ¡–◊d◊@◊b ÷◊@–◊‹≥`h◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊≠`◊÷Í◊Ë◊≠@◊ËÍ◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊Ø–‘~◊@◊ ÄÁ–NÍ≠@◊ Ä˙∫◊©◊b ÷◊Øhä~–◊¸ Ü¡◊… 4/5 ©◊b ÷◊…≠s˛N ≠~◊d◊˙ s–@◊Á ≠≤◊≠`◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ØÚ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ Éfs’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ π˛ghd◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ Δ·–◊ Ü≤–◊ ©◊˙d◊uld◊˙@◊ Äs∂– ØÚ÷h◊ `Ó ·–◊Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊íb ˆË–◊¡◊ ? Ü≤◊˙ N≤–◊d◊, ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·Ê◊~–◊÷◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä ¡◊˙ π∫◊~◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Nfi˙·◊~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ~–◊lØ–d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷∑◊˙N π˜◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ Q◊˙@–◊Ë◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≤–◊o◊u ØÚ π˜h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛˙≠·◊‘–÷◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊@F◊≠π ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ ø◊π~◊ Ë◊ö◊˙ Ä˙b–`–◊ Ü¡◊… πhb– N¡h◊Ë◊ö◊˙ ¡◊˙π˙öh◊ ≠·◊Å≠·◊`–◊ > s˛˙Ø@◊ Ä™◊˙~◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙~◊ö◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØhΩ Ü÷◊ N¯˙·◊πd˛◊ π∫◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤◊ > Cuttack, 27th January 1943 : (Wednesday) : Why I am writing this dairy that even I do not know. I am only trying to not to-do anything. I am neither reading Hindi, nor doing well in any one of the subjects. If I do not read well the theories, then it is not possible for me to answer well all the questions put in the Tutorial Classes. Very bad in economics too. It is indeed pitiable and miserable if I do not do well.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 27 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u 1943 (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) : ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ Ü≤–◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]hø–◊, Üπ@–◊÷–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ØÚ ØhΩ ©◊˙≠b ~◊˙, ØhΩ ¡◊@◊… ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ≤–◊o◊u π˜h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ¡–◊ §◊`◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ Δ·–◊ ¡–◊rl¡◊gh §◊`◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ~◊ π≠˜◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ë–◊É≠Ë◊˙@–◊Ä˙`Í◊ ÷∑◊˙N≠@◊ §◊`◊§◊˙≠¡◊ N¡h◊ π˛‘∂@◊ É≈◊@◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π≠O N}¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä‹’‘˙‰≠@◊ ØÚ ØhΩ ]@◊˙π ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ Δ·–◊ §◊`◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙g¡–◊÷◊ Ü≤◊˙ Äd–◊ ·h◊º]©◊~◊÷◊ à ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul Ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ > 28th January 1943, Thursday : Duty : π˛d◊ä≤◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]hø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷–π˛÷◊˙≠@◊

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


¡◊≠¯≠@◊ ©◊~◊d◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ shΖ◊, Ä≤◊Ø·◊˙¡◊˙·◊≠@◊ ©◊~◊d◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ shΖ◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊`–◊÷◊d◊˙, ØÚπ˛≠·◊‘ à É≈◊@◊π˛≠·◊‘@◊ `◊≠O∂˝≠@◊ ≠¡◊˙Ø˙ ¡–◊≠Œ˙@◊b Ü¡◊… ~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ÷◊`–◊÷◊d◊˙≠@◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙≠~◊ Ü÷◊ Øg¡◊Ÿ◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙Δ˙d˛◊˙ ÷◊@◊– ¡–◊§◊–¤◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷◊h Δ˙Å N§◊˙NØ–d◊–, ¡◊ê◊œd◊˙ Ä˙·–◊ ÷◊@◊–‹≠≥ `◊ > ≠NN¡h◊÷◊h ≠π˙`–◊N Ä≠~◊÷◊ Δ˙s˙≠@◊ ¡◊˙S˙ ØÚ ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > ¡◊≠¯≠@◊, πz˙¡◊≠@◊ ØÚ ≠NÅπ@–◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Δ˙s˙≠@◊ ˆË–◊ø–◊ > Ø–d˛◊πO d–˛◊≠π˙`–◊ ·◊]`◊ ÷◊≠`◊ > ÖrÍ≠NÊ~◊ä ÄÒh◊d◊ N˙≤◊N@◊ N≤–◊d◊ ©◊Ø˙’~Ø˙~◊ö◊h d◊Ÿ–◊ ≠·Éø◊¥–◊ > Roosevelt & Churchill ◊ ÷˙‘˙¡∑◊˙ö˙≠@◊ ≠§◊Ë◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡–◊rl ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈◊˙’ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ©–◊d–◊≠¡◊ ÜÅπ@–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä@◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙-©◊À◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > 29th January 1943, Friday (New Clothes) I bought some new clothes and used them. I could not avail the opportunity of buying Khadee cloth as it was not available in the market. I am sorry to relate this, though I understand that buying one yard of foreign cloth is to snatch away a piece of bread from the mouth of the poor. I am always grieved within my heart that I could not mould my character as I wanted to be. When will be my life fulfilled ? Again there was one period in the college today and after that we had a club-meeting in which all the members were present and something about the sincerity of the students was called upon.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

29 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@◊) ñ (~◊¡◊¡◊‰) Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ~F◊d◊~◊ ¡◊‰ ÷˛◊l ÷◊`–◊ Ü¡◊… π@–◊S˙~◊ ÷◊`–◊ > ¡◊©◊˙@◊≠@◊ ~◊ ؖΖ◊¡◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ ]·–◊ ¡◊‰ ÷–◊b–¡◊˙@◊ Nh≠Δ˙s `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–◊ π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ·h◊º] `◊˙shø–◊ Δ·–◊à ØhΩ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ø–◊ ≠Δ Ü÷◊ s©◊ ¡–◊≠·◊‘u ¡◊‰ ÷–◊b–¡◊˙ Ä‹’ s@–◊¡◊≠`◊˙÷◊ö◊ Øh]@h◊ ]—–Ü ≠@◊˙Ë–◊ ø◊Ÿ◊˙Å ≠~◊¡◊˙ > ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ ·h◊º]≥d◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ≠Δπ@–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤hΩ◊ø–◊ ≠Nπ@–◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Q◊@–◊d˛◊÷h◊ s˜–◊π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ π@–◊πFC’ ≠≤◊˙ÅÉ∫–◊¡◊ ? Ä˙©–◊ πhb– ÷◊≠`◊©◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü π–@–◊ÄŸ◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü¡◊… d◊˙íπ≠@◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ÷∑◊¡◊ Ø–Ë–◊… ‹≥`◊˙ ≠ΔÉΩ‹≥≠@◊ N¡h◊ N§◊äØ˙≠~◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ Ü÷◊~–◊Bd◊˙ N¯≠Õ◊ Ä~h◊≠@◊˙S ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > Cuttack, 30th January 1943 :

π@–◊Q◊l : ‘˛uΔhê◊ @◊˙©◊≠s˙π˙Î◊˙Q◊˙@◊uö◊@◊ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊ Ä˙sØ~◊ > ≠N ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ πh@◊b˙ ≠~◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ø˙o◊˛˙©◊@◊ §F◊d◊πF¡’◊ π˛S˙~◊Ø»◊u ‹≥≠`◊ > π˙÷–⁄˙~◊ ≠~◊Å Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N N≤–◊d◊ Ød◊≠§◊·◊ ˆË–◊¡◊˙@h◊ ÷◊…≠s˛N@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@◊u ÷◊Ø–Ë–◊@h◊ ≠N ¡–◊·◊˙l ≠~◊≠`◊ Ü¡◊… N_d◊»◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠·◊‘≠N¡◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ > ≠N ÷◊…≠s˛N Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Ä˙@◊} π≠@◊ §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ NØ˙S˙~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊`◊˙Ëö◊◊ N…≠s ¡◊≤h◊d◊ nsŸ◊˙ `◊s˙Å≠`◊ > d◊˙öh◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊uöh◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ·–◊Ä˙s`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ¡–◊`◊˙d◊ à Ä˙≠Ø@–◊÷◊˙÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä~h◊Ød–◊ ØÚ Ø–Î–◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊ NhM◊˙ ≠N ¡–◊ÁÎ◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø◊¥–◊ñ §◊s¡◊˙~◊ ·–≠~◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ø~◊˙Ø~◊˙ πFC’ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ > ≠N s˙Õ–©◊uö◊@◊ N¯Õu >◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ n–Ä÷h◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ πhÄ ≠·◊¡◊·◊˙N s˙Õ–◊ ¡–◊¡◊˙≤◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > ≠N Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙≠@◊ ·◊O–b§◊˙@◊d◊@◊ s˙Õ–◊ ÄË◊¥–◊ >

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u His Appearance


(d◊˙ö◊ ≠Q◊≠≤◊@◊˙) :

d◊˙ö◊ ≠Q◊≠≤◊@◊˙@h◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ¡–◊rl ¡hn– ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ > ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ s˙Õ–©◊u◊ö◊ π@–◊ > ∫–◊÷Í◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ~◊˙÷◊, Øh—≠@◊ s§◊u@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙‘uÎ◊d◊˙@◊ Q–◊≤∂◊, N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Su@◊, ⁄–@◊, ~–◊¢–¥;◊ ¡◊lN π˛˙l 70 > N˙Ø˙~◊ä ]≠— ]·–◊ Ü¡◊… ]≠— ÷◊Ø–©–◊ à Q◊˙·◊@◊ Ä˙b–‹˙í¥–◊ > ≠`◊˙÷◊Ë–◊ πd◊Î◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠SŸ◊ú˙ ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠¡◊‘u ≠X◊ú˙ ØÚ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛‹≠Ø d◊˙öh◊ ≠·◊]≥ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠N Ü÷◊◊ N_su’l ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ ©◊≠b π˛÷œ◊d◊ N¥◊˙~◊ > ≠N ÷◊íb ≤◊N, ≠]Î◊, ≠÷◊˝dh◊÷◊, Ä˙≠Ø˙·-π˛≠Ø˙·◊, ·h◊~–◊Ä˙@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊, ≠÷◊ÉΩ‹≥≠@◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ? N≠d◊÷–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ©–◊~–◊r ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ≤◊©–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ¡◊˙ ˆ≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠s˙Î◊Ø˙Î◊ `◊˙s–ø–◊ ¡◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ Ü÷◊ s§◊u@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ Ä˙N– π≤h◊G≥ø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠N ∫–◊÷Í◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ! ≠N s˙}uΔ’ä, ≠⁄ÊΔ’ä à NØd_◊@◊ Éé◊g@◊≠@◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊ Ø≤◊≈◊Ø ≠N˙π˙~◊÷◊h É∫–◊ø◊¥–◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ø˙ñ §◊˙@d◊Ø˙d◊˙A Ä˙Ø@◊ Ø˙d◊˙ NØgö◊ π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > π˛÷œd◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Δ˙≤˙◊ ≠`◊]≥`–◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ≠NÅ ÷◊‹˙ d◊˙ö◊ ˆ≠@◊, d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@,◊ d◊˙ö◊◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ˆË–◊ø–◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ π˛S˙~◊ ¡◊Õh §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ ¡–◊S˙d◊˙ s˙Õ–◊©◊u Ü≠÷◊d◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊¡◊ä˙πu N≤◊÷◊Ø’u ≤–◊N˙¡◊≠@◊ πhb– ·_–◊d◊uld◊º N…N˙@–◊÷◊ N¯Õ◊ ≤–◊N˙¡◊≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊∫◊˙@h◊ Ä`◊s˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠©◊`◊≠@◊ π‘–ø◊¥–◊ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ n–Ä ≠©◊˙ÅΩ, N¯Õ◊u, ¡◊Õh◊¡◊˙Õ◊¡◊, N≤◊÷◊Ø’u NØ≠g Ä˙©–◊ ≠©◊`◊≠@◊ π‘–ø◊¥–◊ > @◊˙©~◊ud–◊≠@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ Ød◊≠§◊·◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ NhM◊˙ Ä˙É ÷◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠~◊Å ¡◊äê–◊sd◊ N¯Õ◊ Ü¡◊… N@◊Î◊ π@–◊⁄–d–◊ ⁄˙π~◊ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ ? NØ≠g ≠©◊`◊≠@◊, NØ≠g π–z@◊˙≠@◊ ‹≥`◊˙≠¡◊≠Î◊ ©◊≠b π·◊˙≠@◊ @◊≤– ◊ñ Δ·–◊à §–◊¤◊π˛÷◊˙@◊≠@ ◊ñ d◊‹˙π– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Nh]u ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ¡◊êœ◊d◊˙@ ≠‘r˙…‘≠@◊ ◊ ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ ëëØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ s§◊u@◊ ·h◊º]


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊, ÷◊˙@◊b ØhΩ Δ·–◊à àŸ–◊‘˙ Ä˙N–`–◊ d◊‹˙π– ≠Ø˙@◊ N≤◊÷◊Øu’, ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙©–◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ π·◊˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > NØ≠g Ä˙©–◊ ¡◊o◊u‘˙Î◊˙≠@◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ N≤◊÷◊Ø’u àŸ–◊‘˙@◊ §F◊d◊πF¡’◊ Øh]äØ»◊u, ]˙μ–Nh~◊˙@◊ Øb–r (a man of Gold) ¡–◊‘_~◊˙‹ ·◊˙N ØÚ Ä˙©–◊ ≠©◊`◊≠@◊ >íí Ü‹≥@h◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙Ü ~◊ud–◊≠@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ Ød◊≠§◊·◊ ‹≥◊≠`◊ NhM˙ Øb–r Øb–r÷h◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ §◊`◊ π˙Ü, ≠N∂≤ ÷◊ ≠ @◊ ◊ > ÜÅ∫◊ ˙ ≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠ ≤◊ ` ◊ ˙ π˛ ÷ œ ◊ d ◊ Ø~h ◊ r äd_ ◊ ≠N ≠·◊]˙Åø◊¥–◊ > His Speech (d◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊êœ◊d◊˙) : π˛˙l 3Ë◊˙ ≠¡◊≠Î◊ Ø–Ë–◊… Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊¡◊˙@◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊r˙’·–◊~◊ π@–◊ ‘ud◊·–◊~◊≠@◊ §◊lö◊@◊ ¡◊r˙’, π˛¡◊Î◊ ÷◊˙`h◊Ä˙ π¡◊~◊ ≠¡◊˙≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ Ø–Ë–◊…≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊Å π˙@–◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ ØÚ◊ ¡◊r˙’ ≠≤◊˙Å ·–◊¡◊N@◊ ØSh@◊d◊˙ à ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä÷h◊ ~◊¸ ÷◊@–◊ ≠·◊Å‹≥`◊˙ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`˙, ≠¡◊˙S≤h◊Ü ≠؈ à π¡◊~◊ Ü ≠·◊‘@◊ ·h◊P–’◊~◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– §◊`◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@◊˙Å ≠·◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ·h~–◊Ä˙N˙@◊˙ N¡h◊ ÷◊‹˙ ˆË–◊Δ˙Éø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Everything goes wrong this year with the world. ÷–◊¥h Ü ¡◊r’ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ≠¡◊∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙≠¡◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈◊˙’ Ü¡◊… ¡hM–◊ à Q◊dh◊@◊d◊˙ Äd–◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä©◊~◊÷◊ > Ü≠d◊ d◊u«¡h◊M–◊Nfi¤◊ ≠Δ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊‹˙≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ > ≠N Üπ@–◊ Q◊dh◊@◊d◊˙ N≤–◊d◊ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ d◊˙≤◊˙ ]h¡Í◊ ¡h◊M–◊Ø˙~Í◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@◊–◊ ¡◊ > ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ëëØhΩ ©◊≠b ‘–O˙¡–◊dÍ◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ¡◊˙ ØhΩ ‘–O˙ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ≠¡◊‘u ÷◊–ø–◊ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ©◊Ø˙’~◊@◊ ‘–O˙ Ä˙·◊‘’ ‹≥`◊˙ > πhb– Ä˙Ø@◊ ‘–O˙≠@◊ ]h¡Í◊ §◊`◊ ÷◊‹˙ Äø–◊ > d◊˙÷h◊ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊≠`◊≤y◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > dh◊≠Ø ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Q◊˙÷–◊@–◊ ~◊ π˙Å¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ·h◊º] ÷◊@◊~˙ > πœ‹≥¡◊u dh◊Ø∫◊˙@h◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ©–◊~–◊r ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊≠@◊ > dh◊Ø@◊ clear mind, purified brain Ü¡◊… strong reasoning power ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ dh◊≠Ø ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ >

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


He cited the example of Mill*, the great philosopher’s mistake and how he was again corrected by himself. He was a great man having a scientific brain. Again while the principal read out the list of the persons who have got jobs in the secretariate and in the executive service, referring to that he said, ‘‘you, my boys, should not worry about all these things, rather you should be glad to read as much as you can. The world expects something more than that from you. Your brain is not an empty box so that you will come to laboratory and fill with some useful things and go away. Your brain is as a musical instrument. It will vibrate in any tune if it is correct, right, direct and exact. So you should not worry about the jobs and should not think whether you will be a magistrate or not. Again referring to the educational system he calculated ‘‘The education in our country is far better than the education in other countries, because you are to some extent free here, and on the whole, the Govt. cannot subjugate your mind’’. Then he came directly to Pakistan and cited various basic instances to show how Pakistan is necessary nowa-days. From what is said, it seems to my poor brain that Pakistan is a policy with him and not a practical thing. * John Stwart Mill (British Philosopher and economist).


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

It will be necessary as long as we are dependent and it is a means by which independence can be achieved. He said Pakistan did not mean the division of India geographically but politically. Again unity does not necessarily consist in indivisibility. Indivisibility is not unity. Unity differs also from union. What we want is that we should have union. By mutual co-operation and union we can gain freedom. Supposing there is a very long piece of cloth worn out in the middle. It can never again serve the purpose of cloth. If it is stitched again it will be torn out at that place. So it is better to make the cloth into two pieces and use it in some other way which will be better, stronger and more useful. Here fractional quality is necessary. Unless we do that, we can never do well with the cloth. So the division of India is necessary for the time being. However, it is a policy with him. As the British Govt. urges the unity of Muslims and Hindus, it is a vital point to cheat the Govt. now. More over, he said about the University of Orissa. Though your province is a very small one, yet men in authority will look from one end of the province to the other end and can make it many ways. Ask the Swiss people, ‘‘Do you want more ?’’ They will say, ‘‘No, We want small but better in quality.’’ That is why we want quality not quantity. So the Orissa University will be a good and nice one that I expect.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


Lastly, and at every step he spoke, ‘‘You must not want politics from me. We should avoid that and try to make a compromise between education and politics. As you know this is a Govt. institution so I should not embarrass the principal to face the Police and the Govt. by talking on Politics to the students. But how long the Govt. will last here ! Even if they try with all their means and powers to sit tight in their position yet the y will not. It is your college and you should make endowments for it. You must know that it is our institution. Lastly I am very much sorry and I today regret that though I have come to Orissa yet I could not meet my colleagues and co-workers. They are now all in Jail. Especially the ex-chief minister Mr. Biswanath Das who is a man of gold is also in the Jail.’’ At this very word the whole crowd became silent and felt sorry and disappointed. All was over at about 5 p.m. It seemed to me as if the man is regretting the unhappy lots of his Mother India and is trying his utmost to solve the present dead-lock to some extent. He did not wish to attend any public meeting here except the convocation address in the commemoration day. Today in absolute despair and hopelessness I wish the longevity and health of his life. It is already worn out and gone. May God bless him and fulfil his desires and cherished hopes.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

30 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 : (Å…@◊˙©◊u Ä…‘@◊ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ :) dh◊Ø@◊ π@–◊ ˙@◊ Ø~◊, ¡–◊‘hM◊ Øg– à ·œ◊˜◊ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ‘ê–◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ dh◊≠Ø ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ·◊˙‘’~–◊÷◊ Ø–`Í◊*ö◊ ¡–◊§˛◊˙¥–◊@◊ Ü¡◊… πh~◊¡◊˙’@◊ ≠N ÷–◊π@–◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ N…≠‘˙S≥d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ñ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ É·◊˙≤◊@◊b ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ > ≠¡Ê◊™◊˙~–◊÷◊ Øg– N≤◊ ≠N ©◊≠b Ø≤◊˙πh@h◊r ‹≥≠`◊ > πh~◊¢ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ÄÚO ≠N≠÷˛◊≠Ë◊@◊uÜËÍ◊ à Ü÷Í◊©–◊÷–◊ÉË–◊§Í◊ N§–’N≠@◊ ÷◊˙Ø π˙Å‹≥¡◊˙ ¡◊äê–◊ö◊ ~◊˙Ø-d◊˙`–◊÷◊˙ π˙∫◊÷◊≠`◊, ≠NN¯≠Õ◊ ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊, ëë≠≤◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊sb, Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ dh◊≠}Ø˙≠~◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Q–◊¥–◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, ¡◊@◊… dh◊≠Ø ≠Δ≠d◊ π˙@◊ ≠N≠d◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ä˙~◊o–◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ > ©◊sdÍ◊ dh◊}Ø˙~◊ö◊∫◊˙@h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä≠πO˙ Ä˙É÷–◊ø–◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ä˙‘˙÷◊≠@◊ > dh◊Ø@◊ Øg– ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü Áfi˙ ¡◊˙°◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ dh◊≠Ø ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ π˛≠l˙s‘˙Î◊˙ (π@◊uO˙s˙@◊)÷h◊ Ä˙N– ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ul ¡◊gh≠@◊ πFC’÷◊@–◊ Q◊˙`–◊Δ–¡◊ > dh◊Ø@◊ Øg– ∫–◊÷Í◊ Ü÷◊ N…sud◊Δ»◊ N·œ◊‘ > Δ·–◊ Ü≤◊˙ ~–◊§h’◊`Í◊, Δ‹˙‹’, π˛d◊äO Ü¡◊… Δ≠‹˙Q–◊dÍ◊ ‹˙Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ N…sud◊@◊ ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– d◊˙~◊≠@◊ Ü≤◊˙ ªo–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÉ∫–◊¡◊ > ≠d◊bh dh◊≠}Ø˙≠~◊ Q◊˙÷–◊@–◊ π˙ÅΩ Q–◊¥–◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, Ü¡◊… §◊˙¡–◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ≠Δ dh◊≠Ø ©◊≠b Éé◊π·◊⁄ Ø˙©–◊≠¸˛ËÍ◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ ÷–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– ‘–O˙-¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ N¯≠Õ◊ ¡–◊≠¡◊Q◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ ≠N ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊, ëëÄ˙Ø ≠·◊‘@◊ ‘–O˙¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ Ä~◊äN¡h◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ‘–O˙¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ Ä≠πO˙ Ä≠~◊÷◊ §◊`◊, ÷◊˙@◊b dh◊≠Ø ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ N_˙Su~◊, Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙Ë◊˙≠Ø˙Ë–◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ dh◊}Ø˙~◊ö◊ Ø~◊÷◊h ¡◊‘u§F◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ >íí * ©◊~Í◊ ¸hÄ˙Ë’◊ Ø–`Í◊ (¡–˛◊Ë–◊‘Í ·◊˙‘’~–◊÷◊ Ü¡◊… Ä‹’~◊ud–◊™◊) >

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Today practically I read nothing, done nothing, but ate much; laughed enough, enjoyed innocent joys fully. But how is it that I am still not happy ! It leads to me to think that real happiness consists in regular and punctual life. Unless one is regular and punctual he can never be wise, healthy and wealthy. It is a golden maxim of human life that everyone should be regular to his best. I went to the college, there automatically I met Sri Padarbinda, the old friend of mine. I went to the hostel, there I met Goura, Baman and Adam. In the Hostel I talked a lot with Mr. Padarbinda and Goura. Language fails to describe the talk with them.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 31 ©◊˙~h◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ]˙Åø–◊, ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ≤◊N–ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊≠‘r §◊˙≠¡◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-Éπ≠§◊˙s ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊‹˙π–


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

ØhΩ ÷–◊π@–◊ ]hN– ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ! Ü≤–◊ ·œ◊¸–@h◊ ØhΩ §◊˙¡h◊ø–◊ ≠Δ Δ‹˙‹’ Nh] ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~–◊lØ–d◊ d◊‹˙ NØl˙~h◊¡◊≈’◊u ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ؖΖ◊π˙≠@◊ > ¡◊äê–◊ ~–◊lØ–d◊ d◊‹˙ NØ˙l˙~h◊¡◊≈’◊u ~◊≠≤◊≠`◊, ≠N ≠÷◊≠¡◊¡–◊ ™◊˙~◊u, Nh⁄ à NØœM–◊‘˙Î◊u ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊π˙≠@◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ Nhπ˛d–◊B–d◊ Nh¡◊C’ ~–◊lØ ≠Δ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ¡◊äê–◊ Δ‹˙N˙Ú ~–◊lØ–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ s`–◊ > ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ N_d◊º ≠Ø˙@◊ πh@h◊b˙ ¡◊Õh◊ ‘˛u π·◊˙@◊¡–◊o◊ö◊ N≤◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ØhΩ ≤◊≠¸`◊÷h◊ s`–◊ > ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠s˝@◊, ¡◊˙Ø~◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙·◊Øö◊ N≤◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ≤◊≠¸`◊≠@◊ ‘˛u π·◊˙@◊¡–◊o◊ à ≠s˝@◊ö◊ N≤◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈◊˙’ ≠≤◊`–◊ > ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ N≤◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈◊˙’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠NN¡h◊÷h◊ §◊˙r˙≠@◊ ¡◊C’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Cuttack, dated the 1st February 1943, (Monday)


Üb–÷–◊ N¡h◊·–◊≠~◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ~–◊©◊@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ Ä˙l≈◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Δ≠‹¸ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ π˛S˙~◊ π˛S˙~◊ ˆË◊b˙ ¡◊˙ ¡–◊‘–¸ Essay π˛§œ◊d–◊ ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙≠@◊ NØl ≠·◊¡◊˙ ØhΩ ÉπΔhê◊ Ø≠~◊÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠Nπ@–◊ ≠¡◊‘u ÷–◊ø–◊ ˆË◊b˙ ~◊˙ÅΩ, ≠d◊≠¡◊ §◊˙sä¡◊‘d◊º Ä˙©–◊ Pandit Jawaharlal ¡◊≤–◊Ë–◊ π˜–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Nehruö◊@ Glimpses of the World History π˙Å`–◊, Ø˙d˛◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ]h¡Í◊ ÄÀ◊ NØl π˙ÅΩ > Dated 2nd Feb. 1943, Tuesday (Cinema-Day) :

Ä˙©–◊ πhb– ≠·◊]h ≠·◊]h ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ ÄÚ˙l Á–Ë–◊s`◊˙ > I feel utter wild revolution in my mind. My views are totally changing and I find religion is entirely a private

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


affair and it has nothing to do with politics. Indian politics is nothing but religion. But the world has suffered a lot for this religion. I am today astonished seeing the creeds, rules and manifold things of the world. I can not believe now whether there should be religion or not. The great event is that I went to cinema, Capital– to sea a film called ‘Roti’– jhfV. The picture was beautiful, fine and miraculous. I found those natural sceneries exceptional. I was kept unmoved and undaunted. Especially the picture of the desert and the beauty of the girls attracted my mind and thought. I unhesitatingly thought what it is ? I saw myself completely at nothing, but unmoved, unflinching and uncorrupted. The divinity and simplicity attracted me too much but I could hardly find any lustre in her face. It is true that beauty, excellent beauty– that divinity is expressed to some extent through the movie stars– and they are nothing but the expression of beauty, truth and divinity. Mother, Thou art beauty, thou art divinity of Goddess. Is your face spoiled ! No, you are the child of beauty, extreme joy. In this way revolution is going on in the mind and hardly I can face any difficulty here. Why there should be any foolish religious bar for the progress and growth of the country ? They should absolutely be discarded and thrown out.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

2 ≠Á¡œ◊l˙@◊u, 1943 ñ ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊ (N–≠~◊Ø˙ ·–◊~◊) : Ø~◊≠@◊ Äd◊ä¥◊ d◊u¡˛◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ Ød◊ N…πFC’ ¡◊·◊Ζ◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ≠·◊]hø–◊ ≠Δ SØ’ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ N…πFC’ Ü÷◊ ˆ≠@◊˙Å ¡–◊rl Ü¡◊… @◊˙©◊~◊ud–◊ N≤–◊d◊ Ü≤◊˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– N…π÷’◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > §◊˙@◊d◊ul @◊˙©◊~◊ud–◊ SØ’ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ Ä~◊ä÷–◊ø–◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü≤–◊ SØ’ N÷◊˙≠‘ πœ‹≥¡◊u Ä≠~◊÷◊ ·h◊º]÷◊¸ ≠§◊˙s–ø–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ SØ’Ød◊, ~–◊lØ÷◊˙~h◊~Í◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≤h◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ¡–◊rl ≠·◊]≥ Ä¢Δ’ä ≠≤◊`–◊ > ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊‘_˙N ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ SØ’ @◊≤–◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊dÍ◊ ÷–◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Ä˙©–◊@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ˆË◊b˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ÷◊ä˙π–Ë◊˙`◊ N–≠~◊Ø˙ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > N–≠~◊Ø˙@◊ ~◊˙Ø ëë≠@◊˙Ë–◊íí > ø◊¡–◊Ë–◊ Äd–◊ Nho◊@◊, ÄÒh◊d◊ ˙ ≠N≤–N¡h◊ π˛˙÷œ◊d–◊÷◊ ·œ◊‘ä ≠·◊]≥ ØhΩ Ä¡–◊Q◊Ζ◊d◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊§’◊u÷◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ¡–◊≠‘rd◊º Ø@h◊§F◊Ø– à ¡◊˙Ζ◊÷◊˙Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø~◊ à Q–◊¥◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙÷œ◊¸ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ ~–◊No–◊sÍS §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ §◊˙¡–◊`–◊ ≠Δ Ü ÷◊íb ? ØhΩ Ä˙k≠¡◊˙S ≤◊@◊˙Å ¡◊N–`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Ζ◊d◊, ÄNöh◊Q–◊d◊ à ħ˛¸ ‹≥`–◊ > ·–◊¡◊äd◊˙ à N@◊Î◊d◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Äd◊äS≥÷◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ä˙÷œ◊¸ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`◊˙ ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ d◊˙í@◊ Øh]≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ·◊uD– ≠·◊]≥ π˙@–◊`–◊ ~◊≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Nd◊ä ≠Δ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä, Q◊Øe◊˙@◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä ñ Ä‹˙’dÍ◊ ·–◊¡◊äd◊˙, ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ Q◊Î◊é–◊d˛◊-d◊˙@◊÷◊˙ Ø˙~◊ö◊ ØÚ≠·◊Å π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹˙Ü Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä, Nd◊ä Ü¡◊… ·–◊¡◊äd_◊@◊ π@–◊π˛÷◊˙‘ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ Ä~◊ä ÷–◊ø–◊ ~h◊≤Ω◊¥–◊ > ≠≤◊ ·–◊¡◊ä©◊~◊~◊u, dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä, dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ π@◊Ø˙ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊@◊ ·–◊¡◊äd_◊, dh◊Ø Øh]@◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä ÷◊íb ~◊¸π˛˙D ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ! ~◊˙, dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä, Q◊@◊Ø Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ N¥◊˙~◊ > Ü≤–◊ π˛÷◊˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷_◊Q–◊dÍ◊ ØhΩ Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡◊˙S˙-¡–◊π·◊@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > ÷◊˙◊≤y◊÷–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ɤ◊d–◊ Ü¡◊… ħ–◊¡œ◊M–◊ ~–◊Ø–≈◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

≠÷◊˝bN– ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S SØ’sd◊ π˛d–◊¡◊Õ◊÷◊ @◊≤–◊¡◊ ? ≠NN¡h◊ N…πFC’@F◊≠π π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙d◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊O–D ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊d◊ > Dated the 3rd, 4th, 5th February, 1943


I have even left my daily bathing in the morning and I am not doing my works properly. I am now reading Glimpses of the World History which is a very big volume containing some 1000 pages or more than that. It is a treasury of human knowledge and a good book of history, politics, economics & revolution. However it is not the proper place to relate what I feel and how I admire it. On the 3rd and 4th I did not go to the college, because I was wholly absorbed in reading that book. But on the 4th I went to join the last period.

3, 4, 5 ≠Á¡œl˙@◊u, 1943 : Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·◊Ê~–◊÷◊ π˛˙d◊º N∂˙~◊ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ N¡h◊ ÷◊˙Ø ∫–◊÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Glimpes of the World History πhg÷◊Ë–◊ π˜h◊ø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ πhg÷◊ Ü¡◊… Ü‹≥≠@◊ Ü÷◊≤◊©◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙ d◊·h◊Z’◊ πœB˙ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊-™◊˙~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ s¥◊˙ˆ@◊ Ü¡◊… Åd–◊≤◊˙N, @◊˙©◊~◊ud–◊, Ä‹’~◊ud–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ É≈◊Ø πhg÷◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, Ü≤◊˙ π˜–◊ ØhΩ ÷◊íb Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙÷h◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ π˛‘…N˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ñ Ü N¯≠Õ◊ ¡◊C’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ Δ‹˙‹’ ⁄˙~◊ Ü≤◊˙


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > sd◊ d–◊~◊– d◊˙@–◊] à Q◊˙@–◊ d◊˙@–◊] ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷◊h s`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷◊˙@◊b ≠N≤–◊ ·h◊Å·–◊~◊ ØhΩ ≠N≤–◊ ¡◊≤◊–Ë◊–÷◊h π˜–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ ħ–◊~◊–¡◊–¸ ‹≥`◊– > ÷–◊¥h◊ 4 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ≠‘r π–@–◊lŸ◊Ë–◊≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > ØSh-N<&œd–◊-·–◊¡◊N, d◊˙. 4. 2. 43, sh@h◊¡◊˙@ : §◊urb ‘ud◊, Äd–◊‘l ‹—˙, π˛¡◊Î◊ ΔhM◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ØSh N<&œd–◊·–◊¡◊N Ü¡◊… ØSh¡◊˙¡h◊ Ø@–◊Δ–¡◊˙@◊ Ä˙©◊÷h◊ π˛˙l 9 ¡◊r’ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ àŸ–◊‘˙≠@◊ ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊@h◊ ·h◊ÅË–◊ period d◊˙ö◊@◊ N<&œd– Éπ`◊≠O ¡◊o◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > Ü÷◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙Δ˙d˛◊˙ ØÚ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@–◊‹≥`◊˙ > NÕ◊ä˙≠@◊ Town-Hall πŸ–◊Ä˙≠@◊ Ü÷◊ N˙S˙@◊b N§◊˙≠@◊ ØSh¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊@◊ shbs˙~◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Å ‹≥`◊˙ > ≠N‹≥≠@ Ä‹’Ø»◊u Ø˙~◊ä¡◊@◊ π—–d◊ G. Mishra N§◊˙πd–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ `◊O<u ~◊˙@◊˙lb N˙≤h◊, Δ·h◊Øb– Øú@◊˙©◊, N@◊Î◊˙≠·◊¡◊u π˛§œ◊d–◊ ¡◊êœ◊d◊˙ ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡–◊≠‘r ÷–◊ø–◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Δ·h◊Øb–¡◊˙¡h◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Äd◊ud◊ N<&œd–◊ ÷◊≤–◊‹≥≠`◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠·◊‘≠·˛◊˙≤◊u, ~–◊`’◊û◊ Ä˙É ÷œ◊d◊ˆ∂ > Ä˙©–◊·◊–~◊≠@◊ Üπ@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠¡◊‘u ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ‘˛uΔhê◊ `◊O<u~◊˙@◊˙lb N˙≤h◊ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊‘–¸ ¡◊äê–◊ > ≠Ø˙Ë◊ Éπ◊≠@◊ ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ØSh¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊@◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ¡◊äê–◊d_◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > π—–d◊ Ø–‘˛ ë¡◊u@◊πF©◊˙í ~◊˙Ø÷◊ π˛¡◊Õ◊ π˜–◊ ØSh¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ > ¡◊˙g¡–◊÷◊ ØSh¡◊˙¡h◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ·–◊s@h◊ àŸ–◊‘˙÷h◊ ØShØl ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ≠N Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠NN¡h◊ ©◊˙d–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘@◊ ɤ◊d–◊ π˙ÅΩ > ≠N≤y◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ≠Δ ≠·◊‘@◊ ‘–À◊-N…s∫◊~◊ π˛S˙~◊ ÷◊≈’◊¡◊ä ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ¡h◊n–‹≥≠`◊◊ Ü¡◊… d◊˙≤◊˙ §◊`◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ©◊b˙Δ˙Ü > ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊˙ö◊ π≠@◊ π≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ÷◊˙@◊]˙~◊˙ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Δ §◊˙ú–s`◊˙ Ü¡◊… ÷–◊π@–◊ §◊˙ú–¡◊˙÷h◊ s`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n–¡◊˙ N≤◊©◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ >

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


d◊˙. 5. 2. 43, ‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@◊, ÷◊≠`◊© ◊ñ ¡◊o◊ : District Sports : πhb– ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ Ü÷◊ ÄÚ˙l Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊`◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊ πhb– @◊˙G≥@h◊ Ü÷◊ Q–◊∫–◊ π˙Å`–◊ > π˛˙l d◊˙. 24, 25 January ≠@◊ ]≠— Q–◊∫–◊ ≠·◊Å‹≥`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Äd–◊ ‹Ï˙Ζ◊Ä˙ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Q–◊∫–◊ ≠`]≥‹≥`– > Δ˙≤◊˙ Åè◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠`◊]≥‹≥`–◊ Ü¡◊… Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ¡◊˙π ÷◊‹˙ §h◊`–◊ ≠`◊]≥‹≥`–◊, ëëdh◊≠Ø à dh◊Ø@◊ π@≠·◊‘u π˛bl–~◊u≤y◊ N¡’◊N_ à Ä˙≠Ø≤y◊ π@◊íí > ≠N‹≥@h◊ ©◊Ø˙ Q–◊∫–◊ π˙Å¡◊˙ Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ ¡◊˙ Q–◊∫–◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠`◊]≥ ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä˙©–◊ πhb– ]≠— Q–◊∫–◊ π˙Å`–◊ > ≠N‹≥≠@◊ ≠N ~–◊©◊@◊ ~–◊≠·◊˙’rd◊˙ Ü¡◊… ~–◊≠©◊ π@◊‰u s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ≠`]≥ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… π≠@◊ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ > π˛‹Ød◊º : ≠Ø˙@◊ d◊˙ö◊ Nú≠@◊ ¡◊Õh◊π@–◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… ÜÅË◊˙ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ ÷◊·◊Δ’ä ÷◊‹˙ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊˙π Nú≠@◊ πhÄ@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊≠@◊ ~–◊r–M◊ > ·_–◊d◊uld◊º : π@◊Øh]@h◊ ÷◊‹˙ ‘hb– ¡–◊‘_˙N ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ä~h◊≠@◊˙S à Ü≤◊˙@◊ Nd◊ä˙Nd◊ä π˛Ø˙b ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠N∫◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Å ≠·◊]≥ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ ÉQ–◊d◊ > dœ◊d◊uld◊º : §◊˙ÅØ˙~◊ö◊ ≠Δ˙shΩ ≠N ˆ@◊÷h◊ Ä˙N–≠¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≠ú πhb– nsŸ◊˙ `◊s˙Å¡◊˙ Ä~◊˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > Q◊dh◊‹’d◊º : ~–◊©◊@◊ N≠Q◊˙Ë◊ πb–Ä˙@◊ É·◊˙≤◊@◊b Ü¡◊… ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊≠@◊ ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ]h¡Í◊ Éé◊π·◊ Ä‹˙’dÍ◊ ≠ø◊˙Ë◊~◊˙sπh@◊ Ée◊Î◊ ©◊˙d◊ul N§◊˙@◊ N§◊˙πd–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > πGØd◊º : ¡–◊¡◊˙≤◊ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊˙Î◊πFC’Øu ≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊ Ä˙N–≠¡◊ > ≠N≠d◊◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ n–Ä@◊ ¡–◊¡◊˙≤◊ ÷◊‹˙ ¡h◊n–≠¡◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N ÷◊Ë◊÷◊≠@◊ N˙d◊·–◊~◊ @◊≤–◊≠¡◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@◊ Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊‹˙ > πhb– Üπ@–◊ Q–◊∫–◊@◊ Ä‹’ ÷◊íb Ü¡… ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Δ πhb– Ü ~◊˙Ë◊÷◊@◊ Ü÷◊ ÄÚ˙l Á–Ëh◊ø–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n– π˙@h◊~–◊ > ·h◊Å¡◊r’ d◊Î◊@◊ ÷◊‹˙ πhb– ©◊˙s– É∫–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… πhb– Ø~◊≠@◊ É·Í◊≠¡◊s à N…≠·◊≤◊ ©◊˙d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙~◊˙ π˛÷◊˙@◊ §˛◊˙¥◊ S˙@◊b˙ ©◊~<◊`◊˙§◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

Q–◊∫–◊ ≠·`–◊, ≠N÷◊‹˙ Ø~◊@h◊ §h◊`–◊s`–◊, Üπ@–◊÷–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ π˛˙S˙~◊ä ≠·◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ d◊˙í@◊ ÁÎ◊ Äø–◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ Ä˙‘˙≠@◊ π@◊˙g ≠~Ê◊@◊˙‘ä≠@◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ à Ä˙~◊o◊ > ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ÜÅË◊˙ ¡◊˙@◊…¡◊˙@◊ ˆËh◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ˆË–◊`◊˙b– > ~–◊ ˙Ø ÷◊Ø’ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ > πhb– ·◊≠·◊Åöh◊ Q–◊∫–◊ ≠·◊]˙Å¡–◊ ÷–◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ Ü¡◊… ÷–◊π@–◊ ≠·◊]˙Å¡–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü¡◊… Ø≠~◊≠≤◊Éø–◊ Q–◊∫–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ≠·◊]˙Å¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠·◊]˙Å¡◊˙ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü‹@◊ ØhΩ ~–◊≠©◊ ÜN¡h◊ ÷◊˙Ø dh◊`◊˙Å¡–◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊≠©◊ π@–◊ ˙@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ Ød◊ Ä~h◊N˙≠@◊ ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ > π@◊ Éπ≠@◊ ~–◊§’◊@◊ ÷◊@–◊ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊íb ? ¡◊@◊… ÄNh¡–◊S˙ Ü¡◊… ·_–◊S˙ ˆË–◊¡◊ > ~–◊≠©◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ NÁ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N¡’◊·◊˙ ¡◊˙L~◊ul > Ü≤◊˙@◊ ≠‘r π@–◊bd–◊ ÷◊íb ? Ü¡◊… ÷–◊π@–◊ ÜN¡h◊ πhb– ‹≠@◊ ˆË–◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ñ I cannot imagine what will follow after this. Certainly I can not say anything of it to my father but all to my brother and friends. All right, let me see what happens.

(ØhΩ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ÷◊@π – ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ Ü≤◊˙ π≠@◊ ÷◊íb ˆË–◊¡◊ > ~–◊¢–d◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ü N¯Õ◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊˙π˙öh◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊¡◊˙@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊˙Å à ¡◊Õh◊Ø˙~◊öh◊ ÷◊≤–◊¡–◊ > ∫–◊÷Í◊ Äø–◊, ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É ÷◊íb ˆËh◊ø–◊ >) Dated the 6th Feb. 1943, (Saturday) : In these days of hurry & excitement when the people from one to the other part run ahead facing imminent danger and difficulties of life, I am practically doing nothing, reading nothing, thinking nothing. Further I have given up my own habits of taking bath & doing

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


prayer. What a loss it is to me ! I am a beast now. Almost a dullard neither following the class nor reading out books even. Tomorrow on the 7th there will be wholly Hindi (izkjfEHkd) Examination and I have not prepared for it. Let me see what happens. (Ä˙©–◊÷◊˙`–◊, ÜÅ

d_◊@◊˙ Ü¡◊… É≠≈◊©◊~◊˙@◊ NØl≠@◊, ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ Ä˙N¤◊ ¡◊˙S˙-¡–◊π·◊@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙≠sÅ Q◊˙`–◊ø◊¥–◊, ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ØhΩ ÷◊˙Δ’äd◊º ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊ø–◊ πYh◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πh~◊¢, N∂˙~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ü¡◊… π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ØhΩ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊Åø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠÷◊≠Ÿ◊ Od–◊@◊ ¡–◊r◊l ! ØhΩ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Ü÷◊ π‘h π˙`◊Ë–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ > Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ØF]’≠@◊ π@–◊bd◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷∑◊˙N≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ Ä~◊ä ¡◊≤–◊πd˛◊ ØÚ π˜h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ä˙N¥◊˙ ÷◊˙`–◊ 7 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ≤–◊o◊u π˛˙@◊}–÷◊ π@◊uO˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü¡◊… Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ N…πFC’@F◊≠π π˛ghd◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É, ÷◊íb ≠≤◊Éø–◊ >) ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ Nh≠@◊o˛◊ ·_–◊≠¡◊·◊uö◊@◊ Ø÷◊P◊Ø˙ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ N‘‰ ≠π˙`–◊N π≤◊@◊˙ @◊≤–◊ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ 16 ©◊b Ü÷◊ N≠ú ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ≠÷◊‘≠@◊ πŸ–◊ø◊¥–◊ > ·_–◊≠¡◊·◊uö◊ Ø÷◊P◊Ø˙≠@◊ π˛˙l 120 ©◊b arrest ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Dated the 7th Feb. 1943 (Sunday) : I have read nothing, but talked much and I appeared today in the Hindustani Examination ¼fgUnqLrkfu tk“p½. Not done very well, unhappy indeed. Uchhab Lenka came. I wrote a letter to my brother whom I refered all the matter whatsoever.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

7 ≠Á¡œ◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ sπ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≤–◊oh◊g˙~◊u π@◊uO˙ ≠·Åø–◊ > Ü≤–◊ π@◊uO˙≠@◊ ¡–◊≠‘r §◊`◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠d◊bh ¡◊˙g¡–◊÷Í◊ ØhΩ ·h◊º]≥d◊ > Éè◊¡◊ ≠`◊ö◊˙ Ä˙©–◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ > ≠Ø˙ §◊˙Åö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊ Ü÷◊ Q–◊∫–◊ ≠`◊]≥ø–◊; d◊≤y◊≠@◊ d◊˙öh◊ N¡h◊÷◊‹˙ É≠`∑◊] ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ > Cuttack, dated the 9th February 1943, (Tuesday), Basanta Panchami ‘Saraswati Puja’ : What I feel : Why I am writing my diary and wasting a lot of pages ? I cannot understand that. It is better to correct oneself by thinking than writing. If I cannot be true to my words then it is better to remain silent.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊ , 9 ≠Á¡œ◊l˙@◊u, 1943 (ØúÎ◊¡◊˙@◊) : ¡◊N¥◊ πGØu (N@◊N_d◊u πF©◊˙) : ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä~h◊§F◊d–◊ : ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü≤–◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]hø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≠d◊ πœB˙@◊ ÷◊˙s©◊ ~◊¸ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ? Ü≤◊˙ ØhΩ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤–◊ ≠`◊]˙ Ä≠πO˙ Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@◊– ~–◊©◊÷◊h N…≠‘˙S≥d◊ ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙ Ä≠~◊÷◊ §◊`◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊‹˙ π˛d◊– ØhΩ Δ·–◊ Ä˙¥◊@◊–÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ π˙@–◊¡◊–, ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊ @◊≤◊–¡◊˙≤y◊ §◊`◊ > Cuttack, dated 10th February 1943, (Wednesday) :

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

ÜN¡h◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊d◊˙¥◊ ·◊@◊÷◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ π@◊ª@◊ ≠Δd–◊÷–◊ ‘ê–◊ Äø–◊ ≠dd–◊÷–◊ ≠~◊Å §◊s¡◊˙~◊öh◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ N_˙⁄ä à Ä˙lhr ≠·◊Å s˙Õ–◊©◊uöh◊ ¡◊…Q◊˙Å ≠~◊¡◊˙ > ÷ı◊@◊, ÷h◊Ë–◊Î◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊`◊˙Ë◊ö◊@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l π@–◊¡◊≈’◊~◊ ≠≤◊É Ü¡◊… Ç‘_@◊ Nh¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ Ø~◊˙Ø~◊˙ πFC’ ÷◊@◊¥h◊ > Cuttack, dated the 16th Feb. 1943, (Tuesday)


π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ¡◊˙πh©◊uö◊@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ¡◊Ÿ◊ N…÷◊Ë◊˙π¤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å É∫–◊`◊˙b– > ≠N π˙b– ØÚ π–Å π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > NØs˛ §◊˙@◊d◊≠@◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ Q◊˙G`◊ä à É·Í◊≠¡◊s π˛÷◊˙‘ π˙Å`◊˙b– Ü¡◊… Q◊˙@–◊Ä˙≠Ÿ◊ ~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ s—≠s˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… ©h◊`◊Ø Éπ⁄–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙b– > §◊˙@◊d◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙πh©◊uöh◊ ]`◊˙N ÷◊@–◊≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ NØ≠g ¡◊äs˛ ÷–◊¥h◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ≠NÅ ©◊˙∫◊·◊Ζ◊Ä˙ ~◊ud–◊ s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊≤hø◊¥–◊ ≠Δ Ä~◊‘~◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙Ü ≠@◊˙s ≠≤◊˙Å s`◊˙b– > ÜÅ SØ÷◊≠@◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ @◊˙©◊~◊ud–◊÷h◊ ©◊Î◊˙zΖ◊ ≠·◊Å ~◊ π˙@◊¥–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊Ë◊÷◊ Ë◊˙É~◊≤◊`◊≠@◊ N§◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ N§◊˙ ≠¡◊Ä˙Å~◊ ≠ˆ˙rb˙ ÷◊ @ ◊ ˙ s`◊ ˙ Ü¡◊ … Q◊ ˙ @– ◊ Ä ˙≠Ÿ◊ ≠~◊ ˙ Ë– ◊ N ·– ◊ Ä ˙s`◊ ˙ ≠Δ Øh~h◊äN–π˙`–◊Ë–◊ ÄGÎ◊ ØÚ≠@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN–π˛÷◊˙@◊ N§◊˙NØ–d–◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊≠¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü÷◊‹˙ ≠·◊]≥ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ÷◊˙¡◊˙ `◊˙s–`◊˙b– > ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊@–◊¡–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ §˙¡–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Q◊˙@–◊Ä˙≠Ÿ◊ ¡–◊≠·˛◊˙≤◊@◊ ¡◊≤∂–◊ ©◊Ζ◊É∫–◊`◊˙b– > Ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠ˆ˙@◊ N…÷◊Ë◊˙π¤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å É∫–◊`◊˙b– Ü¡◊… ÷◊íb ÷–◊Ü ÷◊@–◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡h◊n˙πŸh◊~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ·–◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ Od–◊≤h◊Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ~–◊≤◊˙d–◊ ]@◊˙π ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡◊ > ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊ Ü¡–◊rl≠@◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ §◊˙¡–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠¡◊≠Î◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ Äd–◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙¡◊äs˛ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸ–◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ÄN≤◊˙l Ø≠~◊÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ñ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ? Ä˙©–◊ πhb– ≠NÅ Ø˙ö◊Ÿ◊ N_π∂ Ü¡◊…


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

~◊˙~◊˙π˛÷◊˙@◊ ]@◊˙π ÷◊‹˙ ≠·◊]hø–◊ > Perhaps misfortune awaits me and there is danger in store for me. If by serving the nation danger and difficulties of life come, then let it be so and let me die for its upliftment.

(≠¡◊˙S≤h◊Ü ·h◊§◊˙’sä ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡–◊π·◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > Δ·–◊ ≠·◊‘@◊ ≠N¡◊˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ¡–◊π·◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊˙S˙ Ä˙≠N, ≠d◊≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙≤y◊ ≠≤◊É, Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙@◊ ÉdÍ◊‹˙~◊ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ø@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊É >) Cuttack, dated the 18th February 1943, (Thursday) :

Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ö◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ : Ä¡◊⁄˙ Äd–◊ N…÷◊Ë◊©◊~◊÷◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ > d◊˙ö◊@◊ N˙S˙@◊b N_˙⁄ä ]@◊˙π Ü¡◊… ≠N ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤˙¥–◊ Ü¡◊… π˙b– π–Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > 74 ¡◊r’ ¡◊lN≠@◊ ≠N ≠ˆ˙@◊ ·h◊º] à ≠‘˙÷◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ≠·◊‘ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙ö◊@◊ @◊ê◊Ø˙…N ¡◊Ζ◊ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ > ≠N @◊ê◊@h◊ ≠N≤–◊ Ø˙…N@h◊ ‘≤◊‘≤◊ ©◊~◊≠~◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… s˙Õ◊–◊©◊u ¡◊˙≤◊˙@¥◊◊h, Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ä¥◊@◊@◊ Ä˙‘˙ > §◊˙@◊d◊ N_˙Su~◊ ≠≤◊É, s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ ©◊l ≠≤É > ©–◊~◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠~◊dœ◊ N®–Î◊~◊u≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ ÷◊˙@◊b ≠NÅË◊˙ ≤–◊oh◊Ø˙~ö◊@◊ N®–Î◊~◊u ≠≤◊¡◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙…‘ ØhN`◊Ø˙~◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ØÚ Ü‹≥≠@◊ ≠Δ˙s ≠·◊É ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ñ Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ·h◊º]@◊ ¡–◊rl > Ø–. Ä˙≠~◊, ÜQ◊-¡–◊-≠Ø˙·–◊ à ~◊Ζ◊~◊u@◊z~◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ ÅgÁ˙ ≠·◊Åø◊◊¥–◊ > ≠NØ˙≠~◊ §◊˙@◊d◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ö◊ N§◊ä ‹≥≠`◊ > ≠·◊‘≠@◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ É·Í◊≠¡◊s, Ø≤◊˙k˙©◊uöh◊ ¡–◊~◊˙ N≈’◊≠@◊ ]`◊˙N ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ NØ≠g ·◊˙¡–◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ‘h÷˛◊¡◊˙@◊ ·–◊~◊ Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ–◊ö◊ Ä~◊‘~◊ ¡–◊rl ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


π˙ÅΩ Ü÷◊ ≠~◊ d œ ◊ N®– Î ◊ ~ ◊ u ¡◊ N h ø – ◊ > ≠N‹≥ ≠ @◊ π˛ ‹ Ø ·– ◊ ~ ◊ ‘˛u @◊˙©◊≠s˙π˙Î◊˙Q◊˙@◊u Ü¡◊… ·_–◊d◊ul ·–◊~◊ ‘˛u `◊˙`◊¡◊˙≤◊˙·F◊@◊ ‘˙‰u N§◊˙πd–◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ > ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É ÷–◊ ˆË◊b˙ ˆËh◊ø–◊ > Cuttack, dated the 19th February 1943 (Friday)


s˙Õ◊–◊©◊uö◊@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ : ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ñ ≤œ◊d◊π–— ÷–˛◊l˙ ¡◊o◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙Nhø– > X◊˙ê@◊◊Ø˙≠~◊ N¡’◊·◊˙ Q–◊¥–◊d◊ > Ä˙É Øb–r Q–◊≤∂–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ ¡◊˙ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > d◊μ–≠@◊ π˙b– sÎh◊ ~◊˙≤–◊Ω > ≠`◊˙÷◊ö◊ N…≠s ≠·◊]˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø~◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ > X◊˙ê◊@◊Ø˙≠~◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠`◊˙÷◊÷◊h d–◊~–◊Ø–~–◊Ë◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊É ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ > ØÎ◊ØFd˛◊ s˛A–◊ ¡◊o◊ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙b– > d◊μ– ]@◊˙π ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙b– > ≠πË◊ ·◊@◊©◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥¡◊ > ≠·◊≤◊@h◊ ÅÉ@–◊Ä˙ ÷◊Ø– Ä˙N–`◊˙b– > ÅÉ@–◊Ä˙ ¡◊Î◊≠@◊ Øb–r ¡◊…Q–◊ @◊◊≠≤◊◊ > ¡◊Ÿ◊ ·h◊º]@◊ ÷◊‹˙ N@◊÷◊˙@◊ d◊‹˙π– ]¡◊@◊ ≠·◊É ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊, Ä˙≠·◊˝ ≠÷◊˝bN–∫˙@h◊ ]¡◊@◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@◊h ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ Ü¡◊… N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ~–◊@◊˙‘≠@◊ @◊≤h◊ø◊¥–◊ > ≠·◊‘¡◊ä˙πu ≠ˆ˙@◊ Q◊˙G`◊ä Ü¡◊… É·Í◊≠¡◊s > Ø≤◊˙k˙ s˙Õ◊uöh◊ ¡–◊~◊˙ N≈’◊≠@◊ ]`◊˙N ÷◊@–◊≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠·◊‘@◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ä˙Ÿh◊ ·◊˙¡–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊Ÿ◊`◊˙Ë◊ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ N¡h◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Ë◊`–◊s˛˙Ø Ä˙Nhø–◊ > ≠~◊dœ◊ N®–Î◊~◊u Ä˙©–◊ ¡◊N–¡◊ Ü¡◊… Éπ@◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ ‘˛uΔhê◊ @˙©◊≠s˙π˙ÎQ◊˙@◊u N§◊˙πd–◊ 1Ø ·–◊~◊ à 2l ·–◊~◊ ‘˛u N˙π´ N§◊˙πd–◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ > s˙Õ–◊©◊uöh◊ ]`◊˙N÷◊@–◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ØF`◊ä¡◊˙~◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠·◊‘ N÷◊˙≠‘ @◊O˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Å…`◊—, Ä˙≠Ø@–◊÷◊˙ π˛§œ◊d–◊≠@◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ Q◊˙G`◊ä π˛÷◊˙‘ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ·h◊º]@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ≠NN¡h◊ ≠·◊‘÷h◊ ÷◊‹˙ π∫◊˙Δ˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ¡–◊≠‘r ]¡◊@◊ ≠Δ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä~◊‘~◊ ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙≠}Ø˙≠~◊ π˛d◊ä≤◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊uöh◊ πF©◊˙÷◊@–◊ Ä~◊‘~◊ ÷◊@h◊øh◊ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ä˙©–◊ ·–◊~◊N˙@◊˙ Ä~◊‘~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

d◊˙. 20.3 .43 (‘~–◊¡◊˙@◊) : s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ N_˙⁄ä : Ä¡◊⁄˙ Äd–◊ N…÷◊Ë◊˙π¤◊ à Äd–◊ sh@h◊d◊@◊ > ‘uˆ˛ s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊h ]`◊˙N ÷◊@–◊≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠·◊‘@◊ Q◊˙@–◊Ä˙Ÿh◊ ·◊˙¡–◊ > Ä˙≠Ø@–◊÷◊˙ à ◊¡–◊`◊˙d◊≠@◊ ØÚ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊˙Ø ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ Øœdh◊ä@◊ πF¡’◊ `◊Ob ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ä¡◊⁄˙ Äd–◊ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ‘hb–`◊˙≠¡◊Î◊÷h◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ §◊l ≠≤◊Éø–◊ > s˙Õ–◊ s–@◊Á ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ‘˛uΔhê◊ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊ ≠·◊‘˙Å Ø@–◊Δ˙Åø◊¥–◊ > d◊‚≠@◊ N_l… ¡–◊‘_¡◊Õh◊ s˙Õ–◊©◊u ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Éø◊¥–◊ ñ Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ·h◊º] à Ä¡◊N˙·◊@◊ ¡–◊r◊l > ÷íb◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡h◊n˙Δ˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ > 21. 3 . 43, (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙©–◊ ≤–◊o◊u π˛˙¥◊ul ‘–O˙ ¡–◊§◊˙s@◊ π˛S˙~◊ π—–d◊ ‘˛u Ä~h◊NFl˙ π˛N˙·◊ π˙∫◊÷◊ Ü¡◊… π—–d◊ ‘˛u ¡◊~◊Ø˙Î◊u Ø–‘˛öh◊ shÅo◊˙ ≠π˙`–◊N s–@◊Á ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ > ¡◊~◊Ø˙Î◊u¡◊˙¡h◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊≠@◊ ©◊≠b ¡◊Ÿ◊ ÷◊Ø’u ‹≥≠`◊◊ > ≠NN¡h◊ ÷◊˙s©◊ `–◊≠‹˙ ÷◊@h◊‹≥≠`◊ > Diary writing stopped due to some inconvenience. Gandhiji's fasting ended on the 2nd March 1943. He survived the ordeal.

(≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ ÄNh¡–◊S˙¡◊‘d◊º X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]˙ ¡◊o◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ > s˙Õ–◊©◊uö◊@◊ Ä~◊‘~◊ 2 Ø˙é’◊, 1943≠@◊ ≠‘r ≠≤◊`◊˙ > ≠N Äs∂–π@◊uO˙≠@◊ É≈uC’ ≠≤◊≠`◊ >)

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


d◊˙. 29. 3 . 43, (≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊) ≠Q◊Êd˛◊ ‘h÷m◊ rBu : Ü≤◊˙ ØÚ≠@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ ˆË–◊s`◊˙b– Ø˙d˛◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠`◊]≥π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊π˙@–◊~◊– > Ä≠~◊÷◊ nz˙, Ä≠~◊÷◊ Nh], Ä≠~◊÷◊ ÷◊‹˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ ¡◊≤–◊ø◊– > ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ~F◊Ä˙ ~F◊Ä˙ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ Øh—≠@◊ ≠]Ζ◊ø–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠NshŸ–◊÷h◊ S@–◊ @◊]≥π˙@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π˛S˙~◊ ˆË◊b˙ ≠`◊]≥ ≠·◊¡–◊ > Ü‹≥ØÚ≠@◊ d◊˙. 28.2.43 ≠@◊ 33 Ë◊ö◊˙ ≠·◊Å ]≠— N˙Å≠÷◊`◊ ]@–◊·◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Q◊˜–◊¡◊˙ ØÚ πo◊@◊ ·–◊~◊≠@◊ ‘–]≥ s`–◊b– > N˙Å≠÷◊`◊ Q◊˜–◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ]h¡Í◊ ¡◊˙¡h◊ Ø≠~◊÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷–◊ §˛◊Ø ! πhb– ØÚ d◊˙. 21.3.43 ≠@◊ N˙Å≠÷◊`◊≠@◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊‘_@◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`h◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ·–◊≠~◊ @◊≤–◊ d◊˙. 22.3 ≠@◊ πÎ◊˙Å Ä˙N–`h◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ]h¡Í◊ Ø©◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… π˜◊˙π˜–◊ π˛˙l ≠NØ–d–◊ ≠NØ–d– >◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊‘_@◊≠@◊ πŸ–◊ ≤◊˙d◊, Ä˙£hs£– §◊lö◊@◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊π˛˙D ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÷–◊ø–◊ ØÚ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊~–◊ > àŸ–◊‘˙@h◊ 6 `◊O Ø≤◊b Q◊˙ÉÎ◊ ÷◊`–◊÷◊d◊˙ Δ–¡◊ Ü¡◊… àŸ–◊‘˙≠@◊ 1 `◊O 22 ≤©◊˙@◊ Ë◊~◊ π˛d–◊ ¡◊r’ Q◊˙ÉÎ ◊¡◊≠Î◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ N@◊÷◊˙@◊u @–◊≠π˙Ë’◊@h◊ ©◊b˙ > N@◊÷◊˙@◊ ≠ΔÉΩ ~◊ud–◊ S@–◊ø¥–◊ ÷◊íb ≠Δ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡hn– ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y ◊ñ famine is going to occur in the country. ( ≠·◊‘≠@◊ ·h◊§–’◊O ˆË–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ >) National movement : All about this important chapter that can be said is that in Orissa this movement has been collapsed and in other places like Bombay, Ahamedabad, Surat, Lucknow, there is a continual of strike, hartals and burning of Govt. institutions through-


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

out the year. From cuttack the second front : Mr. Saktisekhar Das, Biswanath Pandit, Sivaji Joshi, Mayadhar Jena and Anil Kumar Ghose have been arrested and most of them will be detained and will be kept as security. Previously Mr. Baishnab Ch. Mohanty, a prominent worker has also been arrested. Mr. Surendra nath Dwibedi has been sentenced a six years rigorous punishment. Mr. Mishra, some Jena has not been accused and Sreeman Banka Bihari Das has been put to a course of 4 years rigorous punishment. Our house was going to be searched and therefore all my belonging including my dairy also transferred. So I stopped dairy writing. My habits, life, movements have been completely changed and hardly find myself engaged in some great tasks. To a degree I even have left the habit on writing good articles, spinning daily. I have become a comfortseeker and do all sorts of mischief. Yesterday on the way home from Raju's house on the Kathjuri Bank I met an accident with a milk man, a cyclist. He was all right and I was mistaken as a result of which his milk pots were destroyed to an amount of Rs. ***. He did not rebuke me, but calmly said that it was my fault, but somehow I escaped. This is indeed disgrace to us. It was again night and I go without a light. What a painful happening !I

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


never find any joy in me from yesterday. Examination is going to be held on the 10th or 15th of April but unluckily I have read nothing, done nothing. I have lost my fountain pen on the 23rd March 1943. Someone stole it away and with it one Gunji, and an eight anna piece.

29. 3. 1943, (≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊ ≠QÊ◊d˛◊ ‘h÷m◊ rBu) : Å…@◊˙©◊u Ä…‘@◊ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ : ©◊ ˙ d◊ u l Ä˙≠o◊ ˙ Î◊ ~ ◊ : Ü≤– ◊ sh @ h ◊ d _ ◊ π F C ’ ¡– ◊ r l≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊ ˙ ÷h◊≤◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ àŸ–◊‘˙≠@◊ Ü≤–◊ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊~◊ Ä÷œ◊d◊÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊≠¯, Ä≤◊Ø·◊˙¡◊˙·Í◊, Nh@◊˙ËÍ◊, `◊≠O∂˝ §◊Ζ◊ ⁄˙~◊≠@◊ ~–◊@◊¡◊è–◊¤◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≤◊@◊d◊˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… N@◊÷◊˙@◊u N…⁄˙≠@◊ Äs∂–N…≠Δ˙s N˙@◊˙ ¡◊r’S@–◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > ÷◊Ë◊÷◊@h◊ ·_–◊d◊ul N®h] : N¡’◊‘˛u ‘ê–◊≠‘]◊@◊ ·◊˙N, ¡–◊‘_~◊˙‹ π—–d◊, ‘–¡◊˙©–◊ ≠Δ˙‘u, Ø˙l˙S@◊ ≠©◊~◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ä~–◊`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@◊ ≠ˆ˙r ≠s˛D˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ØÚ@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙…‘ ~–◊@◊˙π≈◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ÄË◊÷◊ ÷◊@–◊ @◊]˙Δ–≠¡◊ > ÷–◊ø–◊·–◊~◊ πF≠¡’◊ ‘˛u ≠¡Ê◊á◊ Q◊o˛◊ Ø≤◊˙¥–◊ ~◊˙Ø÷◊ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊]ä˙d◊ ÷◊Ø’u ØÚ ≠s˛D˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > ‘˛uΔhê◊ Nh≠@◊o˛◊~◊˙‹ ·_–◊≠¡◊·◊uöh◊ ø◊í¡◊r’ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ÷◊@◊˙·◊— ·–◊Ä˙Δ˙Åø–◊ > ‘˛u Ø–‘˛ Ü¡◊… ‘˛u ≠©◊~◊˙ ≠·◊˙ru@F◊≠π N˙¡◊äg ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤◊˙¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ‘u ¡◊˙ö◊¡–◊≤◊˙@◊u ·◊˙N Q◊˙@–◊¡◊r’ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ÷◊˙@◊˙·◊— π˛˙D ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ > Ä˙Ø ˆ@◊ ØÚ ]˙~◊d◊`∑◊˙N ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u N≤–◊d◊ N¡h◊ ©–◊~–◊rπd˛◊ ⁄˙~◊˙¥◊@–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > ≠d◊bh ØhΩ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]˙ ¡◊o◊ ÷◊`–◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

≠Ø˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N, ©◊u¡◊~◊, sd–◊¡œ◊≈–◊, N¡h◊÷–◊ø–◊ ¡◊·◊Ζ◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ÷◊Ø’≠@◊ ¡◊ä˙πœd◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙@◊ ÷_◊Q–◊dÍ◊ ≠·◊]hø–◊ > Üπ@–◊÷–◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊÷◊ π@–◊Ø˙b≠@◊ §◊`◊ π˛¡◊Õ◊ ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·Ê◊~–◊÷◊ NFd◊˙ ÷◊Ë–◊¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ØÚ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊ ≠·◊Åø–◊ > ØhΩ Ä˙@◊˙Øπ–˛l ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… N¡h◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ·h◊¸˙Ø– ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > sd◊÷◊˙`–◊ @◊˙©h◊ö◊ ˆ@◊÷h◊ Δ–¡◊˙ ¡◊˙Ë◊≠@◊ ÷◊˙∫◊≠Δ˙Ÿ–◊ ÷F◊Î◊≠@◊ N˙Å≠÷◊`◊ Q◊˜◊˙Î◊u Ü÷◊ sÉŸ◊ N≠ú ØhΩ Ü÷◊ ·h◊ˆ’Ë◊b˙@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊`–◊ > ≠N ∫–◊÷Í◊ ¡◊˙Ë◊≠@◊ Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙, Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ §h◊`Í◊ ≠Δ˙shΩ d◊˙í@◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Ë◊ö◊˙@◊ ·h◊sÍS π˙d˛◊ §◊˙ú–Δ˙Å‹≥`◊˙ > ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊ s˙Ζ◊≠·◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Su@◊⁄–@◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊`◊˙ ≠Δ Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ §h◊`Í◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙≠@◊ ØhΩ Øh÷h◊Ζ◊ Ä˙N–`–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ `◊û◊˙@◊ ¡–◊rl > πhb– @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ¡–◊~◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Δ–¡◊˙ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ÷–◊ ·h◊º]·◊˙l÷◊ ˆË◊b˙ ! sd◊ ÷◊˙`–◊∫◊˙@h◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Üπ–˛`◊ 10 ¡◊˙ 15 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ π@◊uO˙ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ·h◊§◊˙’sä¡◊‘d◊º ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > 23 Ø˙é’◊ 1943 d◊˙@–◊]≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ Á˙É≠μ~Í◊ ÷◊`◊ØË–◊ ≤◊@◊˙Åø–◊ > ≠÷◊≤–◊ ©◊≠b ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü sz– à Ä˙∫◊Äb˙ πÅN˙ N≤–◊d◊ Ü≤◊˙ ≠Q◊˙@–◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠~◊Åø–◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 4th April, 1943 (Sunday)


Disappointment and despondency fill my mind whenever I think of myself and my studies. I wonder, what can I do in the coming examination ? It is hopeless to relate here that I have read nothing, understood nothing and still spending time in tall talks and humour. Is it a

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


fact that when a man is disappointed, he feels more or less free to do everything and anything ? This is indeed the cure of the moment. I am preparing to fall like anything and I never think of my competitors. I know what my mind tells me. Diary-writting has been irregularly done. I do not find any pleasure in it. Again, I am moving in dream and imaginary land. More over, this sort of life continues to be more or less in a disgusting manner. I have left all my good and first-rate habits of life and have become idle, nonsense and foolish. What habit is this ? What sort of manner is it ? It is to live like a beast, like a hunted hare, like a bird in its cage. Will irregular and indisciplined life give us pleasure ? It can never offer us anything. A life that has no rudder no peculiarities, no particular path, how can it lead ? How can it foster ? Life must run, otherwise is becomes stagnant. I have passed the Hindi examination in the third division hopelessly and disappointedly but nevertheless insecure. I feel nothing for it. If at all there is anything in securing position, then I must follow it like a sinking star. But if there is nothing, then it is desirable that I should never try to look for them. Again I have not yet tested any portion of Bengali literature. How shameful it is not to know the Bengali letters fully


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well ! I must try to know them. My friends prove better in any respect whatsoever.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 4Üπ˛–`Í◊, 1943 (@◊¡–¡◊˙@◊) : ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Ü¡◊… ≠Ø˙@◊ π˙∫◊π˜◊˙ ¡–◊rl≠@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙÷◊≠@◊, ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø~◊≠@◊ ~–◊@◊˙‘˙ à ≤◊d◊˙‘˙ §◊@–◊Δ˙Ü > ØhΩ Ä˙¢Δ’ä ≤h◊Ü ≠Δ Ä˙N¥◊˙ π@◊uO˙≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡–◊ ? Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊≤–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊@◊˙‘©◊~◊÷◊ ≠Δ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ¡h◊n–~◊˙≤y◊ Ü¡◊… d◊‹˙π– `◊¯˙ `◊¯˙ ÷◊‹˙ ÷◊≤–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ Ü¡◊… @◊≤◊Nä ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ NØl ÷◊Ë◊˙Éø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ÷í◊b Ü÷◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊ ÷◊‹˙ ≠Δ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ¡◊äê–◊ ≤◊d◊˙‘˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠@◊, ≠N≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠N Ñb˙-ÄS≥≠÷◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ¡–◊rl ¡◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡–◊rl ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ Øhê◊ Ø≠~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ? Ä¡◊‘ä Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ NØNä˙@◊ NØ˙S˙~◊-πA◊˙ > ØhΩ ≠Δ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ πd◊~◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ π˛ghd◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛d–◊≠Δ˙suØ˙~◊ö◊ N¯≠Õ◊ Q–◊¥◊˙÷◊≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πhb– ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷◊íb ÷◊≠≤◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ©◊˙≠b > X◊˙Ü@u◊◊ ≠`◊]˙ Ä~–◊lØ–d◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ > Ü‹≥≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙@◊ N≠¥◊˙r ¡◊˙ Ä˙~◊o◊ π˙Åπ˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πh~◊¢ ØhΩ N_π∂ d◊‹˙ ÷◊˙À◊~–◊÷◊ @◊˙©◊ä≠@◊ ˆh@–◊ ¡h◊`hø◊– > ÄS≥÷¥h◊, Ü π˛÷◊˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Ñb˙-ÄS≥≠÷◊ Ü÷◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ ¡–◊@◊ê–◊÷◊@◊ §◊˙≠¡◊ Q◊˙`h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ N¡h◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ É≈◊Ø Ü¡◊… π˛‹Ø ≠‘˛bul shbN¡h◊÷h◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙, ~–◊≠¡’◊˙S à ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙ ¡◊~–◊Δ˙Éø–◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ÷◊– π˛÷◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ? Ü≤◊˙ ÷– ◊π˛÷◊˙@◊ Ä˙Q◊˙@◊¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@◊ ? Ü≤◊˙ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ Ü÷◊ π‘hdh◊`◊ä, ‘–÷◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥¡◊˙ Ü÷◊ πOudh◊`◊ä ¡◊˙N ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ >

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Ä~–◊lØ–d◊ à ¡–◊‘œõÎ◊–d◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ Nh] ≠·◊Å π˙@–◊¡◊ ÷–◊ ? Ü≤◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠·◊Å π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠~◊˝÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊C’S˙@◊ N·œ◊‘ ≠ΔÉΩ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ π@–◊Q◊˙Î◊÷◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠¡Ê◊‘–¸ä ~◊˙≤y◊, Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ ~–◊P–’◊¸ π‹ ~◊˙≤y◊, d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷–◊π@–◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ π@–◊Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@–◊¡◊ ? ©◊u¡◊~◊ sd–◊‘uÎ◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊, ~◊≠Q◊dÍ◊ Ü≤◊˙ ~–◊¢Î◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü > ØhΩ ~–◊@◊˙‘©◊~◊÷◊ à ≤◊d◊˙‘πFC’ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ≤–◊o◊u π@◊uO˙≠@◊ dœ◊d◊ul ≠‘˛bu≠@◊ ÷œ◊d◊÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ d◊‹˙π– Ü≤◊˙ ~–◊@◊˙π·◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Éé◊⁄˙~◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ Δ·–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊≠‘rd_◊ ‹˙Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ ØhΩ Ü≤◊˙÷h◊ Ü÷◊ πd◊~◊‘uÎ◊ ~◊Od˛◊dh◊`◊ä Ä~h◊N@◊b ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠N‹≥≠@◊ Δ·–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊≠‘rd_◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊˙L~◊ul ≠Δ ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > πh~◊¢ Ü πΔ’ä¥◊ ØhΩ ¡◊úÎ◊˙ N˙≤–◊d◊ä@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– Ä…‘ ÄO@◊N¡h◊ ~◊ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙ ≠÷◊≠Ÿ◊ `◊û◊˙@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ! ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊Õh◊Ø˙≠~◊ ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡–◊rl≠@◊ ɤ◊d◊d◊@◊ > Cuttack, Dated the 5th April 1943, (Monday) Holiday : Today there was no college, practically I was at home, but in the afternoon I had been to the college to see the programme of the coming examination. The final examinations of I. A. and I.Sc. are going on and I was amazed to see the vast number of boys appearing in the examination. The English question was a bit difficult. It is from what I could guess. It is very very difficult to


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pass in the first division and to get first class. Indeed I have fallen back from my former ideals. Always I find myself exhausted and never find any peace. I have become so idle and so foolish that it seems to me that I am nothing but a mass of negation. Such is the result of a boy who is wishing to be better, nobler and more active in life. Really the good habits of those days are gone. I cannot find any reason why I should not follow them. Surely I am gone, gone, gone, to dust, to hell. My competitors will beat me like anything. I am at far distance, lagging behind them. Mathematics for me has become a burden. Oriya is too lovable a subject for me, but I did not take it. It is hardly possible for me to pass in the first division. I wonder today what is the value of fasting and reading of great men’s life in human mind. Really it is the life of great and noble men that tells us to do more to become active and hard working. But I have left the habit of reading biographies. What a vast universe is this ! Can any body gain anything ? What is man ? Man is a rational being, but is no more than a beast if he has no better life than that of a beast.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 5 Üπ–˛`◊, 1943 (≠N˙Ø¡◊˙@◊) : øh◊Ë–◊·–◊~◊ : Ä˙©–◊ ÷◊≠`◊©◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ØhΩ ˆ≠@◊≤y◊ ‹≥`–◊ > Éπ@◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ Ä˙s˙Øu π@◊uO˙@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷˛◊Ø ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠`◊©◊÷h◊ Δ˙Å‹≥`–◊ > Ä˙Å.Ü. Ü¡◊… Ä˙Å.ÜNÍ.N–.@◊ ≠‘r π@◊uO˙ Q◊˙`h◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ Ä˙¢Δ’ä ≠≤◊`–◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠¡◊‘u N…]ä˙≠@◊ ø◊˙d˛◊Ø˙≠~◊ π@◊uO˙ ≠·◊Éø◊¥–◊ > Å…@◊˙©–◊ π˛‘∂ Ë–◊÷–◊Ü ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ > ØhΩ Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ Ä~h◊Ø˙~◊ ÷◊`–◊ > π˛‹Ø ¡–◊§◊˙s≠@◊ π˙NÍ ÷◊@–◊ π˛‹Ø ≠‘˛bu π˙Å¡◊˙ Äd–◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ¡–◊rl > ¡◊˙g¡–◊÷Í◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ πF¡’◊@◊ Ä˙·◊‘’@h◊ πø◊≠@◊ πŸ–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > N¡’◊·◊˙ ØhΩ ÷m◊˙¥◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ‘˙¥–◊ π˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ > ØhΩ Ü≠d◊ ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙ à ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙ π˙`◊Ë–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ≠Δ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ¡–◊π@◊ud◊ ¡◊ghN÷◊Î◊@◊ Ü÷◊ NØ˙≤◊˙@ > ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ɤ◊d◊d◊@◊, Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ Ü¡◊… N÷–˛◊ld◊@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤hΩ◊‹≥¡◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊@◊ π@–◊b˙Ø Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡◊d◊º ≠N≤–◊N¡h◊ Äd◊ud◊ ·–◊~◊@◊ N·◊§◊ä˙N Ä˙©–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊˙@◊b ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ π˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Δ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ≠N≤–◊N¡h◊ É≈◊Ø Ä˙·◊‘’ Ä~h◊N@◊b ~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ > ~–◊¢–d◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ØhΩ SFΖ◊N˙dÍ◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊, ~◊÷’◊s˙Øu ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛d–◊≠Δ˙suØ˙≠~◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ≠Δ≠÷◊˝bN– §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ÷◊@–◊Δ–≠¡◊ > ØhΩ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ·F◊@◊≠@◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊, ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ πø◊≠@◊ πŸ–◊Δ˙Åø–◊ > sb–d◊‘˙‰ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ Ü÷◊ ≠¡◊˙nπ@–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ > àŸ–◊Ä˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Äd–◊π–˛l ¡–◊rl > ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠~◊`–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > π˛‹Ø ≠‘˛bu≠@◊ π˙NÍ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ π˛˙l ÄN}¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä `◊˙shø–◊ ≠Δ Ø~h◊rä@◊ Ø~◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ Éπ¡◊˙N@◊ Ü¡◊… Ø≤◊˙πh@h◊rØ˙~◊ö◊ ©◊u¡◊~u◊ π˙∫◊@◊ ØF`◊ä ÷◊íb ! ¡◊˙g¡◊≠@◊ Ø≤◊˙πh@h◊rØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊uπ˙∫◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ÷◊Ø’N…π˙·◊~◊,


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

N·◊˙N÷–˛◊l Ü¡◊… ÷◊∫–◊~◊÷◊Ø’˙ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ‘–O˙ ·–◊Ü > ÷–◊¥h◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊uπ˙∫◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N ØhΩ ø◊˙Ÿ–◊≠·◊Åø–◊ > ÜÅ ¡–◊‘_ ≠÷◊≠Ÿ◊ ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ ! ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡◊äê–◊ Ü≤–◊ ¡–◊‘_@h◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ ÷–◊ ? Ø~h◊rä ÷◊íb ? Ø~h◊rä Ü÷◊ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊¡h◊M–◊Nfi¤◊ N≈◊˙, ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠N π‘h∫◊˙@h◊ ≠÷˝bN– π˛÷◊˙@◊ ¡◊Ÿ◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Δ·–◊ ≠N π‘h∫◊˙@h◊ §◊`◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊Δ˙π~◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ > Cuttack, dated 10th April, 1943 (Saturday)


I have become as lazy as possible. I do not mind my lessons well nor I do not feel for my studies. Days are passing away one after another, the things of the world are changing from day to day, but what I am doing ! My works and endeavours are very little for achieving the aim. I care not for my life even. I have neither will nor desire, nor-sufficient will-power to do anything at all. It does not behave me well to talk, to eat, to drink. If I have to live in that manner then it would become very bad. I would have expired long ago. Life seems to be very miserable, sighing and disappointing at every moment. I neither read good books nor do I have any good association. All that is being done is merely to idle away the time. Today I went to Sri Ramanarayan Babu. He was present there with a few people and I found him to be very simple, wise and benevolent. He was too kind to me but I am such a stupid disciple what I understood today.

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


(ØhΩ ≠Δ≠d◊·F◊@◊ N}¡◊ ÄÎNhÄ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸ–◊ø–◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ π˜◊˙π˜–◊ π˛d–◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ Ø~◊ ≠·◊É ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ·–◊~◊ π≠@◊ ·–◊~◊ Äd–◊¡◊˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅQ◊˙`–◊ø–◊, ·–◊~◊÷h◊ ·–◊~◊ ©◊sdÍ◊ π@–◊¡◊≈–’◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ ÷◊íb ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ ! ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ `◊Oä ≤◊˙N`◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ ~–◊Ø–≈◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊Ø’ à π˛≠Q◊¸˙ Äd–◊ N˙Ø˙~◊ä > Üπ@––◊÷–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ØÚ ]˙d–◊@◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– N…÷◊À◊ ¡◊˙ Åè◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ N…÷◊À◊-‘ê–◊ ØÚ ~◊˙≤y◊ > ÷◊‹˙¡◊˙≈’◊˙, ]≥Ä˙π–Ä˙≠@◊ ØÚ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘–¸˙Q◊˙@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ·–◊ ØhΩ Ü≤–◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ¡◊G≥ @◊≠≤◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊˙ Od–◊÷◊˙@◊÷◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ πF¡’◊@h◊ ØhΩ π˛˙b ≤◊@◊˙Å ‹˙í¥–◊ > ©◊u¡◊~◊ Äd–◊ ≠‘˙Q◊~◊ul ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊Éø–◊, π˛d–◊ Øh≤F◊≈’◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≤◊d◊˙‘ ≠≤◊˙Å ·◊uˆ’‘_˙N ø◊˙Ÿh◊ø–◊ > ØhΩ N·Í◊s˛A◊ π˙∫◊ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊˙ NdÍ◊Nú ØÚ ÷◊@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙÷–◊ø–◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊, ≠NN¡h◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÄÎ◊NhÄ˙Ø– ÷◊@–◊ NØl ~◊¸ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ > Ä˙©–◊ ØhΩ ‘˛uΔhê◊ @◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊˙lb ¡◊˙¡h◊ö◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊ s`–◊ > ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊©◊b ¡◊äê–◊ö◊ N≤–◊d◊ ≠N ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü¡◊… ØhΩ d◊˙öh◊ Äd–◊ N@◊Î, ™◊˙~◊u à π≠@◊˙π÷◊˙@◊u ¡◊äê–◊ @F◊≠π ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ π˙Å`–◊ > ≠N ≠Ø˙ π˛d–◊ Äd–◊ N·◊l ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Üπ@–◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊≠¡’◊˙S ‘–rä, Δ˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ Ä˙©–◊≤y◊ ¡h◊n–π˙@–◊`–◊ >)◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ˆ˙d◊π˛d–◊ˆ˙d◊, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ħ◊˙¡◊-ÄNh¡–◊S˙, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·h◊º]-≠·Ê◊~◊ä, ≠÷◊≠d◊ Nh]-Nh¡–◊S˙≠@◊ ≠N ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > ©◊u¡◊~◊÷h◊ N@◊Î◊, Nho◊@◊, Nh@h◊Q–◊πFC’ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Éπ≠·◊‘ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ π@◊Ø N˙Ou > d◊˙ö◊@◊ ·◊l˙, ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ N≤◊~◊‘uÎ◊d◊˙, Ü¡◊… N≤◊©◊ §◊˙¡◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ N@◊Î◊, ØSh@◊, ≠N≤–◊π@–◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ > Ü≤–◊π@–◊ ©◊≠b Éé◊S@◊b@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ π˙Å¡◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊·F◊@◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊, ◊d◊˙≤◊˙ ~◊ ¡h◊n– ØhΩ ¡œ◊‹˙≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊ π˙]÷h◊ Δ˙É ~◊ ‹≥`–◊ > Ä˙©–◊ πhb– ≠NÅ sπ, ≠NÅ ≤◊N, ≠NÅ ¡◊œ‹˙ ‹Ï˙Î◊–Ä˙Ø–@◊ Ä¡◊≠‘r ~◊˙≤y◊ >


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

πhb– N÷◊˙Îh◊ É∫–◊¡◊˙ ≠≤◊É ~◊˙≤y◊, ¡◊˙ @◊˙d–◊≠@◊ ∫–◊÷Í◊ S@◊b@◊ ≠‘˙Å¡◊ ˙ ≠≤◊ É ~◊ ˙ ≤y ◊ > ÷– ◊ π @– ◊ ≠s˙Ë˙Ü unconscious (Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊) Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@◊ ÜN¡h◊ ˆËh◊ø◊– d◊˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≠≥ `◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ]h¡◊Í ¡–◊@◊ê◊– à ·h◊º] `◊˙≠s > π˛d◊–·◊–~◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ S˙@◊˙¡◊˙≤–◊÷◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊Î◊˙π ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙@h◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > s˛˙Øä©◊u¡◊~◊ ØSh@◊ñ Nh@h◊Q–◊πFC’ñ ÷◊À◊~◊˙π˛¡◊b Åd◊ä˙·–◊ ]˙·◊ä˙§◊˙¡≠@◊◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ > ≤◊˙ Ĥ◊, ≤◊˙ Ĥ◊@◊ ¡–◊÷◊Î◊ ÷◊£≠@◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, πFC’ ‘˙¥–◊ à N@◊Nd◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ÉπΔhê◊ N…ΔØ à NØ˙≤◊˙@◊◊≠@ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > My heart bleeds today for my humble, poor, delicate village and I am at complete admiration and love for my village. At all risks I must start a school, having the name ‘‘The Ramakrishna L.P. School’’ in 1944. 1. On every Sunday, boys will go to beg rice from door to door. Free and compulsory education must be introduced. 2. Boys will be benefitted and get the books from the school. 3. To refer to Ramkrishna Mission for sympathy and generous aid.

(Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡–◊~◊Ø˛, ·◊@–◊·˛◊ à Nho◊@◊ s˛˙Ø π˛d–◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ N≤◊˙~h◊§F◊d–◊ Ä~h§◊Fd◊ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ Ü¡◊… s˛˙Ø π˛d–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ πFC’ ‘˛M◊˙ à ≠π˛Ø @◊≤–◊ø–◊ > N÷◊Î◊ ÄNh¡–◊S˙ à ¡◊˙S˙@◊ N}˙¡◊~◊˙ N≠j◊ ≠Ø˙ s˛˙Ø≠@◊ 1944

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


]˛u¸˙›◊≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l Ä˙@} ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙@◊ ~◊˙Ø @◊]˙Δ–¡◊ : ëë@˙Ø÷œ◊à ~–◊Ø∂π˛˙‹Ø–÷◊ ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊líí > 1. π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ @◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊ π–`◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ ·_◊˙@◊-·_◊˙@◊ ¡h◊`–◊ §–◊O˙ ÷◊@–◊ Q◊˙ÉÎ◊ Ä˙b–≠¡◊ > ¡–◊~◊˙ πÅN˙≠@◊ ¡◊˙Úd◊˙ØFÎ◊÷◊ ‘–O˙·◊˙~◊@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ–¡◊ > 2. π–`◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ `◊˙§◊¡◊˙~◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊·◊ä˙Î◊l@h◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊@◊ Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊ul πhg÷◊ π˙Åπ˙@–◊≠¡◊ > 3. N≤◊˙~h◊§F◊d–◊ Ü¡◊… É·◊˙@◊ §◊˙¡◊Nfi¤◊ N˙≤◊˙Δä ~–◊Ø–≈◊ @◊˙Ø÷œ◊à ؖ‘~◊÷h◊ ©◊b˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ >) I wonder today how much I have gone back to the lowest pit of human thought ! I have found miseries. This is undoubtedly the effect of bad company and I can very rarely achieve the ideals for which I have been fighting. Today I understood my mistakes and could fully recognise. My boastful talk, my laughing and gossiping do not give me pleasure. Mr. Pattanaik told me all about the fact and reminded me of my duty and labour. He urged me to do well and to do good in the college and he also condemned me upon the fact that I am spending my time in vain on mere fanatic talks. However, I am very much obliged to him for his advice and wise sayings. I was abstained from going astray and could find the truth earlier that how he felt for one and realised the merit of one.


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

It had a great reaction on me. I could feel it very much and was inspired by noble sentiments of hearts. It encouraged me, awakened in me the dormant sentiments of the heart and thought a good deal about the matter. I found that I was a bit wrong and as bad as anything in this matter. One year has been passed and I have to appear in the examination without reading and writing ! That is indeed too silly. I have not still read all the portion of Economics. I do not know the task what was even assigned for us in the class. This fact of my idleness, together with vicious circle remind me of the bright past days and tell me what to do. But I find it is too late to do any thing. The long summer vacation is coming and it would be unwise to not apply all the strength and power to study and to do good in the writings. Never mind. Be careful and with unchangeable heart go on for ever. Cuttack, dated the 11th April 1943 (Sunday)


This is the way of my writing Dairy. I am always doing my works carelessly. Then will it be of any value at all ! Particularly about my habits, I am very slow and pay little heed to it. Those habits that once inspired me with will, enthusiasm and courage, those habits that once awakened in me the dormant sentiments, the noble

‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u


qualities of the heart are now gone. Vague, stupid, quarrelsome habits are here. This makes life indeed pitiable and miserable. I know in these days that I am doing something wrong, still continuing it. How is it ? Only by good and better associations we can make our life sublime and more comfortable. In these days great events are occurred : 1st Event : there is complete anarchism in Balasore. People are starving near the road side, under the tree. They have searched every corner of life, but they are so helpless and hopeless that they are even giving away their children. 2nd event : A great Muslim leader named ‘Akram Rasul’ has died on the 6th April. He was a great friend of Late Pandit Gopabandhu Das. He was one of the eminent workers of Congress. He retired from congress for his old age, but still he dreamt that India will get independence some day or other. In the critical period of Indian national crisis, he left his body.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 11 Üπ–˛`◊, 1943 (@◊¡–◊¡◊˙@◊) : Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u ≠`◊]≥¡◊˙@◊ S˙@◊˙ > ØhΩ N¡’◊·◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÄΔR◊§◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ÷◊@h◊ø–◊ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊˙@◊ ØF`◊ä ÷◊íb ! ¡–◊≠‘rd◊º ≠Ø˙@◊ ħ◊ä˙N N¯≠Õ◊ ÷◊≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ s≠`◊, ØhΩ ]h¡Í◊ Ø∫h◊Ä˙ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙Δ’ä π˛d–◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ~◊©◊@◊ ·–◊Ü ~◊˙≤y◊ > ≠N≤–◊N¡h◊ ħ◊ä˙N Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü÷◊ NØl≠@◊


‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u

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‘˛uπ˛π≈–◊ö◊ ø◊˙d˛◊©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ X◊˙Ü@◊u was in jail during the last six months.


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Tomorrow the examination of the Ist Year Annual begins. I have simply read nothing, mastered nothing nor faced any question. This is the first instance in which case I am going to face the examination extempored. This is indeed a very pathetic and foolish thing. Even I

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am very careless and stupid to make spelling mistakes. However, I am below the competitive degree, and below the standard of anything. Merely I will pass and nothing else I can do. The examination lasts from the 15th April till the end of the 20th April. But in Science it is from the 15th up to the 29th instant.

÷◊Ë◊÷◊, 14 Üπ˛–`Í◊, 1943 (¡h◊S¡◊˙@◊) : Ä˙N¥◊˙ ÷◊˙`–◊ π˛‹Ø ¡◊˙r–’÷◊ π@◊uO˙ Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊¡◊ > ØhΩ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ π˜–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ Ä˙l≈◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛‘∂@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ > Ü≤◊˙≤y◊ π˛‹Ø É·◊˙≤◊@◊b ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– πF¡’◊π˛ghd–◊ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ØhΩ π@◊uO˙@◊ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ > ¡◊˙g¡–◊÷Í◊ Ü≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ Äd–◊‘l ÷◊@h◊b à ~–◊≠¡’◊˙S ¡–◊rl > Üπ@––÷– ¡◊C’˙‘hM–◊ N¯≠Õ◊ ØhΩ ]h¡Í◊ ÄN˙¡◊S˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅπŸ–◊ø–◊ > Δ˙≤◊˙≠≤◊É, ØhΩ ¡≈’◊Ø˙~◊ π˛d–◊≠Δ˙s–d◊˙ØFÎ◊÷◊ g@◊ Ü¡◊… Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊˝bN– π˛÷◊˙@◊ g@◊@◊ Äd–◊ ~–◊Ø∂≠@◊ Äø–◊ > ØhΩ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ π@◊uO˙≠@◊ π˙NÍ ÷◊@–◊¡–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä˙É ÷–◊ø–◊ §◊`◊ ÁÎ◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ N}¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ > 15 Üπ–˛`Í◊@h◊ Ä˙@◊} ÷◊@–◊ 20 Üπ–˛`Í◊ ≠‘rNhM◊˙ π@◊uO˙ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊ π@◊uO˙ 15 d◊˙@–◊]@h◊ Ä˙@◊} ≠≤◊˙Å 29 d◊˙@–◊] ≠‘rNhM◊˙ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊ > 

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