Step 2

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Step 2

Here is a checklist of what needs to be completed before the next phone appointment Your scheduled call with your trainer is _____________________(fill in to remember) ___ Read going for the NO ___ Recommended- get a separate checking account in which you will conduct your Pure Romance business. This does not need to be a business checking account. (they often cost) You will want to put checks from customers in this account and pay for products also. ___Call 25 people off your top 50 list and use the booking scripts from step 1 to book parties. ___Schedule your second consultant shadow. From list given to you by your sponsor It is on_________________ Mark it in your calendar ___Mail out invites for your debut party. Remember over invite. Some of those people won’t be able To attend anyway. ___Read the example of an opening speech (in this packet) ___Create your opening speech using the worksheets found in this packet. ___Does your opening speech contain the 8 components of a good opening speech ___Practice your opening and speech over and over until it becomes engraved in your brain. ___Write your closing speech. ___Practice your closing speech until it also becomes engraved in your brain. ___Recommended- order business cards from vista print.(info in packet) your business cards must be from the Pure Romance vista print! With the PR logo these are the only cards that are approved by corp ___Write your Pure Romance Commercial ___While out and about, practice your Pure Romance Commercial ___Print out the 100 ways to book parties document. On the COO Training-How to find a party- click, how to find a party (10) Look it over and find ways that you will fill your calendar. ___Print out “Lingerie sizing chart”. On COO, Training>product knowledge> lingerie information> sizing chart You will want to take this to your parties It may also help to carry a measuring tape to parties.


___Print out “Toy Comparison sheet” On COO(this will help answer questions on toys you don’t carry) Training>product knowledge>product information>toy comparison sheet ___Print out “Proper Care sheet” On COO Training>Product knowledge>product information>Proper care sheet. ___ Read the “January 2013 product launch and demos” found in the “Your Burning Desires” Facebook group. (April 2013 coming soon) ___Read the “2013 Meeting dates” found in the “Your Burning Desires” Facebook group. Add to calendar. ___Read the “Facebook contest rules” found in the “Your Burning Desires” Facebook group. (From time to time I offer contest and challenges) ___From here on out, (until you have went through them all), spend time reading/listening to the sexual health documents/mp3s. There are a lot of them (over 75, but most are short). The more you know, the smarter you sound to your customers, the more they will want to buy from you, the better you can meet their buying needs, the more they will put your name out there because you have been able to help them get the products they need. This is not expected for you to do all in one shot. Spread it out when you have a some free time, It can be more fun that watching tv. On the COO>Training>Sexual Health,

Going for the NO There's One Major Roadblock Standing Between Most People and Sales Success... Everyone loves the sound of the word YES... it’s so positive, so empowering. And then there’s “NO!” For most people, NO is just the opposite: negative… draining… the antithesis of yes. But what if that could change? What if you could achieve every quota… hit every income goal… and reach every personal dream… simply by changing the way you think, feel, and respond to hearing the word NO? Well, you can. Here's a Simple Truth... The relationship you have with the word NO… what you think and feel when you hear it, and what you do afterward as a result... is THE single most important factor in determining the level of success you will achieve in your life. Which is why, despite having a great product, service or opportunity to offer, so many people fail to succeed in business... and in life. But it doesn't have to be that way. The funny thing is that, as kids, we weren’t fazed at all when we heard NO! We shrugged it off, laughed at it, we ignored it. But somewhere along the line our natural sense of persistence and tenacity gets lost. Or, worse, it got drummed out of us.


But... • What if… starting today… the word NO stopped stopping you? • What if… starting today… you could get that tenacity back? • What if… starting today… every time you heard the word NO you became STRONGER… more POWERFUL… more RESILIENT? What if a simple change in attitude and perspective could transform you from someone who is slowed down by failure and rejection into someone who is actually energized by it? • How much could you earn? • What would you buy? • Where would you travel? • Who would you become?

And what other amazing things could you achieve for yourself and your family? NO doesn't mean never. No mean not right now or not yet. Research shows that: 44% of all sales people give up after hearing one "no" 22% more give up after hearing a second "no" 14% more give up after hearing a third "no" 12% more give up after hear a fourth "no" This means that 92% of all salespeople give up without asking for a sale the fifth time! But the same research also shows that: 60% of all customers say "no" 4 times before finally say "yes" That means 8% of people share 60% of the business 80% of all sales happen between the 5th and 12th contact. Don't take "no" personally 70% of people in direct sales fail because they don't ask. What is the worst they can say...? 3

What you are not prepared for.



Start time:_______

End time:______

Name of Consultant you are Shadowing:____________________________________ Hostess Name:____________________________________________________________ 1. Did she have an opening speech? What caught your attention the most about her opening speech?

2. What kind of relationship did her and the hostess seem to have? Did they seem like they knew each other well or like they just met? Good hostess coaching will make them seem like they have known each other for awhile.

3. Did she play an ice breaker game? If so write down the rules/instructions here:

4. What items did she demo?

5. Did she play a booking and/or a recruiting game? If so write down the rules/instructions here:

Write down any questions you might have for her on back, to ask at the end of the party: 4

It’s Showtime! Example of an opening speech. More opening speeches can be found on the website under the training-new consultant corner- your first party-during the party. Intro: Good evening ladies! My name is …….. and I will be your Pure Romance consultant tonight. You can call me ……. or just “The Sex Lady” I respond to it all! Quick show of hands – how many of you have NEVER been to a romance party before? Terrific! We have some virgins here tonight – you’re my favorite! Ladies, you are in for a real treat. We are going to learn how to take the boredom out of the bedroom and put the ‘O’ back in your Romance! You’re going to taste some wonderful edible products and sample our scented products – including a product that has pheromones. So I always warn girls – if you don’t have someone waiting at home for you, you’re going to be liking yourself a whole lot by the end of the night –fair warning. Of course, what everyone’s excited for – you’ll handle the fun bedroom accessories! Who wants to meet (name one of the toys you will be showing)?! I think he’ll be making an appearance. You’re going to fall in love with so many fabulous products tonight. Your biggest dilemma will be which ones to take home with you. When you find yourself in that position, the very best way to take care of it is to book your own party to get those for FREE! I want to extend a special thank you to (hostess name) for inviting me over this evening. (Hostess name) –here’s a little gift for you. (you can give her something small as a thank you in front of all her friends) You can open it now, or wait until later if you like…it might take batteries. For hosting tonight, (hostess name) will receive some fabulous gifts as well as a portion of the party sales in free products. Most of my business comes through word of mouth, and hostesses are the backbone of my business so I make sure to take extra good care of them. Now let’s get to know each other. (Play icebreaker game). So you know a little bit about me… (brief history of how I started w/ Pure Romance)(created after this example) Each of you should have a customer connection card in your book. Go ahead and take that out and fill out the front of the card, the side where it ask for your name address etc. Please don’t fill out the back yet, we’ll talk about that later. I just like to have ladies put down contact info at the beginning of the night because…well…there’s often a lot of drinking at my parties and if I wait until the end for you to fill this part out, I often can’t read your handwriting. Please do know that this is for my records only. I will not share with any third parties. 5

Please note that all orders are confidential. No one will know what you’ve ordered tonight, not even the hostess! We have set up a special private shopping room in (point to shopping room) that I like to call “Vegas.” You’ve heard the saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? That’s our motto tonight. What happens in the shopping room – aka “Vegas” stays there. No one will know what you’ve ordered, not even the hostess. (If you have no inventory) Ladies I do apologize that I may not have what you order tonight. I am still working on building my inventory as I am new. Do not worry your products will arrive in your mailbox in 14 days. But look at it as an added bonus it’s like Christmas when your package does arrive. or I do carry inventory, so the great news is that much of what you order is going home with you tonight. Pay today – Play today! However, if I happen to run out of something, or I just don’t have it in stock, it will arrive in 14 days in a big pink envelope that says “DILDO” so you’ll see it coming down the street and so will all your neighbors. You’ll be like “ALRIGHT – momma’s got a new toy!!!” Just kidding ;-) Anything I don’t have in stock tonight will arrive in a plainly wrapped package with my home address on it – very discreet.

I also want to note that there is a $6 shipping fee on all orders. That’s per order, not per product and applies whether or not I actually have to ship something to you. If I have the items you order her tonight, I pay a ton to get it here for you to take it home tonight. If I don’t have your items in stock, I have to pay to get it so I can get it to you, so I just have to pass that cost on. I like to make sure to put that out there so there are no surprises in the shopping room! We’re going to start with the mild products and work our way up to the wild. You’re wondering where all the toys are? They’re coming out later. Be patient! I’m going to ease all the party virgins into it. As I’m going through the presentation, you’ll notice that I talk really fast. To keep track of everything please: mark up your wish list on the other side of your customer card. This will also save time in the order room so you don’t have to describe products to figure things out. One last thing – you may have already gotten the idea that this isn’t your typical home party. We’re not at a candle or a kitchen party. I LOVE those products and own a lot of them myself, but ladies, we are at a SEX party! We’re here to have a good time! Please feel free to ask questions, or point out how much you love these products to your friends, If you need to, get up to refresh your drinks, laugh, whatever. It doesn’t bother me. Actually, what does bother me is when it’s really quiet because then I get nervous. So have a fun time! I think that’s about it for the housekeeping stuff. Are you ready to get started?!


CREATING YOUR OPENING SPEECH Your opening speech should have the following key points included: a. Thank the hostess b. Tell about hostess benefits, use whole numbers instead of %. Example, most hostess receive between $50 and $100 in free product. c. Any special bonuses you have for booking now. (on top of the normal hostess credit) d. Dynamics of the show, do wish list, taste and feel products, privacy in ordering, separate ordering room, e. Shipping of back orders, you don’t give to the hostess. f.

shipping cost, tax on all orders etc.

g. Forms of payment h. Your story Ask yourself these questions before writing your own opening speech. You can use parts of the opening speeches you have read about or heard from other consultants. The following will just give you that little extra to help you put your own personal touch on yours. WHAT DID YOUR LIFE LOOK LIKE BEFORE YOU JOINED PURE ROMANCE? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT DID YOU LIKE AND DISLIKE ABOUT YOUR LIFE BEFORE PURE ROMANCE? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WHY MADE YOU FINIALLY JOIN PURE ROMANCE? 7

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOW THAT YOU ARE RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS HOW IS YOUR LIFE? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT DO YOU VALUE MOST ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Write your opening speech. Take your answers from the above questions and put them all together to create your Opening Speech. Use a piece of notebook paper. _____________________________________________________________________________________


Closing speech This is going to be a brief recap of your opening speech. A reminder or booking specials, privacy rules (one at a time in the ordering room) forms of payment, and back orders. Also be sure to let them know they may obtain information about the business opportunity in the ordering room. Have them fill out the rest of the customer care cards at this point if they haven’t already done so. Your closing speech can look something like this: I would like to again thank our hostess….. for allowing me to come into her home and meet all of you. I’ve had a lot of fun and am hoping you have too. Please take a moment to fill out the rest of your customer cards. Please bring them with you into our “O” (ordering) room. If you are not planning to order tonight you can still give your cards to me so I can contact you with future sales. Just a reminder, one person at a time in the ordering room for privacy plus it makes it a little easier on me to focus on getting you the right products. As forms of payment I take Visa, Master Card, Discover. Yes the card will be ran tonight while you are in the ordering room. I take personal checks made out to me, not Pure Romance. I do need a drivers license when you write a check. I cannot take post dated checks. (not a legal form of tender because you accept it knowing the money is not in the account) and then of course my favorite, cash. Any back orders go through the US Mail not our hostess. It will arrive at your house in 2 weeks. If for some reason I can’t get it by then (a corporate back order which does not happen very often) I will call you, so make sure you put your phone number on your customer card. Please realize the ordering room will take a few minutes to get each person through. I ask that anyone who is in a hurry to leave come in first. I promise to give everyone the time that they need to ask any questions and make the right purchases to fit their needs. I will be bringing all of my items that I just demonstrated into the ordering room so if you have any questions or need to see something again I will have it. Again thank you for coming and I will see you in the ordering room in just a few minutes to complete your order, book your party or give you business opportunity information.


Write your closing speech. (yes you may copy as much of the example as you need) The important part is knowing it. Use a piece of notebook paper.

Getting To Know The Pure Romances Business Partners. On the COO go to Orders>Business Partners and click to come up to the following. -For ordering business cards, from Vista print. It is a rule that we are not able to make our own business cards. Think of it like the Nike logo. Our symbol is recognizable as are our business cards. Use the link for Vista Print to get to our business cards. If you go to their main website, Pure Romance items are harder to find. -Vista print- You can also order other things such as stamps, postcards for specials you may run in the future etc. -Pure Romance gear. Get your Pure Romance clothing here. You may need to register to get into the site. It will give you directions on how to get into the site. -Office max has a retail card. This is different the office max card you can sign up for at the store. If one didn’t come with your kit, be sure to print it up. This will save you a ton of money on printing and some items in the store. -JT productions is where you would order a name tag if you would like one. -Personalized checks, is place to order checks for your checking account that have the Pure Romance logo on it. (It’s a bit pricey) -E-Collect is a service you can sign up for to help you collect bad checks. They honestly do the same thing you can do if you ever get one. This does not work if you already have the bad check written to you before you sign up for the service. This is optional. -PR Gifts is an expensive place to order flowers from -Verizon has a partnership with Pure Romance. If you have Verizon, it might be something for you to look into -Insurance is a search engine for finding health insurance. It is not insurance provided by Pure Romance. It’s just to help you find health insurance that is right for you if you need coverage. -media center is a service that is to help you send emails to your customers, there is also an invite service through this. It has a lot of useful tools, It is free for the first 90 day. This is optional.


Creating your Pure Romance Commercial As you begin building your Pure Romance business, you will want to talk to as many people as possible to find booking and recruit leads. How you advertise your business can have a tremendous impact on your overall success. Let’s face it, companies spend billions on advertising and as consumers e are inundated with their messages at every turn. How you answer the question “What do you do?” Or “What is Pure Romance”, can turn and average conversation into an effective advertising conversation for your business. With most conversations, you typically have just a moment to interest an individual in Pure Romance. If you response feels like a sales pitch to the other individual you will have them running for cover. You will want your answer to be short and snappy and have the individual saying “Tell me more!” Keep in mind this is a brief intro to your business. It is long enough for the listener to develop interest, but not long enough for them to fully understand the concept. Your goal should be to engage the individual in a conversation, prompting her to ask you more questions. Curiosity shows interest and gives you the opportunity to explain the benefits of Pure Romance while developing a trusting connection. Turning a person into a new customer comes down to how prepared you are for the conversation. As you start telling people about your new business, it’s important to remember the power of a great first impression. That’s where your won Pure Romance commercial comes in. It should contain 4 parts. •

Introduction- Let them know you own and operate your own Pure Romance business.

The Company- Explain that Pure Romance is a party plan similar to (insert a well known party plan)

The Product- Keep it classy! Use tasteful words like lotion, lingerie, and relationshipenhancement products.

The Offer- This point is most important! Remember, you have a lot of offer: education, empowerment, and entertainment-plus free gifts for the hostess.

The following is an example of a 30-second commercial. “Pure Romance is an in home party plan similar to Mary Kay and Tastefully Simple. I have lotions, lingerie, and bedroom accessories available for purchase in a safe environment. My hostesses get some


of their girlfriends, family, and coworkers together for an educational, empowering, and entertaining evening. The Hostess normally receives $100 in free product that evening! Doesn't that sound awesome? How about we look over our calendars and get a date set for you to earn tons of FREE product?” “Hi my name is ……….. and I own and operate a Pure Romance business. Pure Romance is an in home party plan like Pampered Chef only instead of kitchen accessories, we sell bedroom accessories. We sell lotions, lingerie, games and bedroom accessories. Most people who host a party for me walk away with $50 to up to $150 in FREE product while experiencing a night of education, entertainment and laughter. When would you like to book your party?”

How to approach women you don’t know: *Comment on something about them. “Love our shoes, they look comfortable. I need comfortable shoes when I am doing my shows. I do in home parties for women, called Pure Romance. (then continue on into your 30 second commercial) Nails are also a good one to comment on. *PR-shirts. They speak for themselves. Don’t worry if they aren’t interested. Just move one. Opening your mouth is the best way to build your business. Spread the word. Keep in mind that as most women like a compliment. You must make sure it’s not fake. Women will see right through that. It’s a good idea before going into your 30 second commercial that you set the tone by giving her a compliment. Write your 30-second commercial. You can copy as much of the examples as you need. Just practice it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Bonus training, (Optional but good stuff) Hint: listen to these while you doing things such as folding laundry.

Corp Conference call #3 Get Parties NOW Please listen to the Pure Romance corporate conference call #3 by calling 641-715-3800 Access code 90496# Select call 3. You will want to have a piece of paper handy for notes during this 10 minute call. Please answer the following questions on this call before our next training call. 1. What is the #1 reason why Consultants don't get parties?

2. What is the #2 reason?

3. If you want 6 parties how many should you book?

4. It's not about _____________ it's about _____________ the opportunity.

5. Does no mean no?

List any questions you have from this call.


Corp Conference call #4 Party Central Please listen to the Pure Romance corporate conference call #3 by calling 641-715-3800 Access code 90496# Select call 4. You will want to have a piece of paper handy for notes during this 14 minute call. Please answer the following questions on this call before our next training call. 1.Hostess coaching is the difference between a ___________ to a _______________party?

2. Why should you only have mild products displayed on your table as guests first walk in for a party?. 3. How long should your opening speech be? 4. Why should you give your hostess a gift in front of your guests? 5. Why is it important to use proper terminology when giving your demo? List any questions you have from this call.


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