What is Sikhism
Script by: Gurmat Missionary College, New Delhi
Religion and Philosophy
The Sikhs do not recognize the caste system nor do they believe in idol-worship, rituals, or superstitions. The gods and goddesses are considered as nonentities.
This religion consists of practical living, in rendering service to humanity and engendering tolerance and brotherly love towards all. The Sikh Gurus did not advocate retirement from the world in order to attain salvation. It can be achieved by anyone who earns an honest living and leads a normal life.
‘He alone, O Nanak, knoweth the Way, who earneth with the sweat of his brow, and then shareth it with the others.’
(Guru Granth P.1245)
Nanak gave new hope to the downtrodden mankind to join his fraternity as equals. He is creator of the NEW MAN in the New World supported by a New morality.
Riches and personal possession are not hindrance in living by spiritual ideals. Sikhism does not believe in the maxim, ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. “On the other hand the Sikh dictum is as under;
‘They, who are attuned to the Lord, by the Guru’s Grace, Attain to the Lord in the midst of Maya (i.e. Wealth).’
(Guru Granth P.921)
Sikhism does not accept the ideology of pessimism. It advocates optimism and hope. The maxim, resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on the right
cheek, turns to him the other also”, does not find any place in Sikh way of life. On the other hand it enjoins its followers:
“When an affair is past every other remedy it is righteous indeed, to unsheathe the sword.” (Guru Gobind Singh)
Distinctive Personality
A Sikh has a distinctive personality. This distinctive is represented by five symbols, popularly known as five K’s because the first letter of each symbol begins with the letter ‘K’. These are Kesha (long and unshom hair), Kangha (a comb), Kara (a steel bracelet), Kachha (a pair of shorts) and Kirpan (a sword).
People who wear a uniform and who are imbued with disciplined outlook, are better able to achieve unity of purpose and acquire a real sense of brotherhood than those who have set no particular standards. A Sikh without these symbols is a nonentity.
Those who cut their hair or trim their beard commit a breach of the Cardinal Rules of the Order, and are considered as ‘apostates’.
Sikh Baptism
Amrit (The Sikh Baptism) is a must for every Sikh. No minimum or maximum age is stipulated for getting baptized. A Sikh undertakes to uphold the principles of its faith and Code of Conduct as prescribed by the Gurus.
Any man or woman of any nationality, race or social standing, who adheres to the principles of the Faith has a right to receive baptism and join the Sikh Commonwealth- The Khalsa Panth.
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
iswK Drm kI hY
ilpI: gurmiq imÈnrI kflj, nvIN idwlI
Drm aqy drÈn iswK nf qF jfq-pfq nUM mfnqf idMdy hn aqy nf hI Auh mUrqI-pUjf, rIqI-irvfjF jF vihmF-BrmF nUM mMndy hn. dyvI-dyviqaF nUM ÊYr-mUrqI mMinaf jFdf hY.
ies Drm ivwc ivhfrk jIvn, mnuwKqf dI syvf aqy sfiraF pRqI sihxÈIlqf aqy BfeIcfrk ipafr pYdf krnf Èfml hY. iswK gurUaF ny mukqI pRfpq krn leI sMsfr qoN sMinafs lYx dI vkflq nhIN kIqI. ieh iksy vI ivakqI duafrf pRfpq kIqf jf skdf hY jo iewk iemfndfr jIvn kmfAuNdf hY aqy iewk afm jIvn jIAuNdf hY.
kyvl AuhI, hy nfnk, mfrg nUM jfxdf hY, jo afpxy mwQy dy psIny nfl kmfAuNdf hY, aqy iPr dUijaF nfl sFJf krdf hY.
(gurU gRMQ pMnf 1245)
nfnk ny dwby-kucly mnuwKF nUM afpxy BfeIcfry ivwc brfbrqf nfl Èfml hox dI nvIN AumId idwqI. Auh nvIN nYiqkqf duafrf smrQq nvIN dunIaF ivwc nvyN mnuwK df isrjxhfr hY.
dOlq aqy inwjI kbËf aiDafqimk afdrÈF duafrf ijAux ivwc rukfvt nhIN hn. iswK Drm ies kQn nUM nhIN mMndf, ‘AuwT df sUeI dy nwky ivcoN lMGxf iksy amIr afdmI leI rwb dy rfj ivc dfKl hox nfloN sOKf hY. “dUjy pfsy iswK isDFq hyT ilKy anusfr hY; ‘ijhVy mnuwK gurU dI ikrpf nfl pRBU nfl rMgy jFdy hn, Auh mfieaf (Bfv Dn) dy ivckfr pRBU nUM pRfpq kr lYNdy hn.’
(gurU gRMQ pMnf 921)
iswK Drm inrfÈfvfd dI ivcfrDfrf nUM svIkfr nhIN krdf. ieh afÈfvfd aqy AumId dI vkflq krdf hY. mhFpurK, burfeI df tfkrf nf kro pr jo koeI quhfzI swjI gwlH ‘qy mfrdf hY, Auh dUjy vwl vI moV lYNdf hY, iswK jIvn-jfc
ivc koeI QF nhIN imldI. dUjy pfsy ieh afpxy pYrokfrF nUM hukm idMdf hY: “jdoN koeI mfmlf hr dUjy Aupfa qoN bIq jFdf hY, qF qlvfr nUM KolHxf swcmuwc shI hY[“ (gurU goibMd isMG)
ivlwKx ÈKsIaq
iswK dI ivlwKx ÈKsIaq huMdI hY. ies ivÈyÈqf nUM pMj icMnHF duafrf drsfieaf igaf hY, ijsnUM pMj ky dy nF nfl jfixaf jFdf hY ikAuNik hryk icMnH df pihlf awKr ‘ky’ awKr nfl ÈurU huMdf hY. ieh hn kyÈf (lMby aqy axcwly vfl), kMGf (kMGI), kVf (iewk stIl df kMgx), kwCf (CotIaF df iewk joVf) aqy ikrpfn (iewk qlvfr).
ijhVy lok vrdI pihndy hn aqy anuÈfisq idRÈtIkox nfl rMgy hoey hn, Auh AudyÈ dI eykqf nUM pRfpq krn aqy BfeIcfrk Bfvnf dI asl Bfvnf nUM pRfpq krn dy Xog huMdy hn, ijnHF ny koeI ivÈyÈ mfpdMz inrDfrq nhIN kIqy huMdy hn. iehnF icMnHF qoN ibnF iswK iewk asfDfrnqf hY.
ijhVy lok afpxy vfl kwtdy hn jF afpxI dfVHI kwtdy hn, Auh afrzr dy muwK inXmF dI AulMGxf krdy hn, aqy AunHF nUM ‘DrmiqafgI’ mMinaf jFdf hY. iswK bpiqsmf aMimRq (iswK bpiqsmf) hr iswK leI ËrUrI hY. bpiqsmf lYx leI koeI Gwto-Gwt jF vwD qoN vwD Aumr inrDfrq nhIN kIqI geI hY. iewk iswK gurUaF duafrf drsfey gey afpxy ivÈvfs aqy rihq mirafdf dy isDFqF nUM brkrfr rwKx df kMm krdf hY.
iksy vI kOmIaq, jfqI jF smfijk ruqby dy iksy vI mrd jF aOrq nUM, jo Drm dy isDFqF dI pflxf krdf hY, nUM aMimRq Ckx aqy iswK rfÈtrmMzl-Éflsf pMQ ivwc Èfml hox df aiDkfr hY.
Chief Editor/Publisher: Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager: Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: Ronnie Sidhu muwK aYzItr/pRkfÈk: zf: aYNzI iswDU jnrl mYnyjr: dyv iswD aYziminstryÈn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI iswD
Punjabi Editor
Advertising Executive
Graphic Designer
Gurneet Sidhu : : : : : Administration Assistant
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal, Manvir Kaur Jawanda
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
gurdIp isMG gryvfl prmjIq isMG kMzf eykm bYnIpfl gurmIn bYnIpfl, mnvIr kOr jvMdf gurjIq kOr muhfr gurnIq isWDU : : : : : : :
pMjfbI aYzItr aYzvrtfeIijMæg mYnyjr tfeIipst lyafAUt zIËfeIn gRfiPk zIËfeInr aYziminstryÈn aisstYNt
New manufacturing jobs coming to Fraser Valley
New support for manufacturing businesses in the Fraser Valley will help create 108 jobs and promote the development of made-in-B.C. products, while strengthening local economies and communities.
“By growing local industries through the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (BCMJF), we’re helping communities across our province flourish,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “We are bringing high-value manufacturing opportunities to businesses, which brings direct benefits to workers and families, while strengthening B.C.’s diverse economy.”
Through the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund, the Government of B.C. is contributing as much as $6 million toward three capital projects and one planning project in the Fraser Valley. These projects will see local manufacturers contribute to the region’s economic development by enhancing local supply chains and contributing to the housing sector, while growing and diversifying their operations through new product lines and the use of new
advanced equipment, helping to establish 108 new, sustainable local jobs.
AE Concrete Products Inc. is a precast concrete manufacturer that specializes in civil infrastructure and is relocating to Agassiz. It is receiving as much as $4.5 million to help construct a new facility on Sq'éwqel First Nation territory and will be the first anchor tenant at the new Seabird Island Industrial Park. The funding will allow the company to expand its business lines to include new precast products, which will support home and commercial infrastructure projects and create 40 jobs, providing employment and helping generate future business opportunities for Sq'éwqel members.
“We’re excited about our new home on Seabird Island and our partnership with the Sq'éwqel First Nation,” said Ian Graham, president of AE Concrete Products Inc. “It provides a foundation upon which to grow our business, while creating new employment opportunities for the community.”
Sherry Sandhu will enhance her clinical research skills through a new internship program
Sherry Sandhu will enhance her clinical research skills through a new internship program “OUR research focuses on improving the lives of Panjabi men who use substances and their family members by creating interventions using a community and patient-centred approach,” says Sherry Sandhu, a research assistant with Roshni Clinic. “The skills I will gain through the internship will help us get ready for the next phase in which we will test our interventions, understand their outcomes and determine clinical relevance.” Sherry has been awarded funding to participate in the Canadian Consortium of Clinical Trial Training (CANTRAIN) and Michael Smith Health Research BC Internship/Practicum for Clinical Research Professionals program.
The CANTRAIN clinical research internship program, in partnership with Michael Smith Health Research BC, offers a unique blend of online training, engaged learning opportunities and mentorship. It will provide Sherry with
invaluable skills and experience in clinical research. She will complete her internship at the B.C. Centre on Substance Use and Changemark Research + Evaluation. “I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to develop my clinical research skills,” says Sherry. “My entire team and I are excited as this opportunity will provide us with new learnings and innovations for our research.” Sherry is currently supporting a research program called Rahi, which means ‘a companion along a path’ in Panjabi and Hindi. Rahi is co-led and co-created by Dr. Nitasha Puri and team at Roshni Clinic in collaboration with people who have lived and living experience using substances and their families. Together, they aim to develop and test the feasibility of culturally relevant interventions to treat substance use disorder among Panjabi men in the Lower Mainland. As the team prepares for the next phase of testing the intervention, Sherry is using this unique opportunity to gain clinical research skills that she can share with her team as they test their community-led interventions. The research will be crucial in changing the landscape of culturally tailored health care for South Asians across B.C. “I’ve always been passionate about research and its power. Research is a cornerstone of health care, and we need to understand the needs and the barriers a community may face to support them,” says Sherry. “Growing up in the Panjabi community, l’ve seen these challenges firsthand and always wanted to help build a stronger community. I’m grateful to contribute to this important work at Fraser Health.”
DATES: A Barrier to support for Kevin Falcon and Jonn Rustad
The lack of representation, and visibility of South Asian women within Falcon or Rustad team not only alienates this vital demographic but also hinders their ability to connect with and mobilize a crucial segment of the electorate. The exclusion sends a clear message to the community that their voices, perspectives, and contributions are not adequately valued or represented. The South Asian community has been supporting political parties for nomination membership recruitment and fundraising for many decades. By failing to field SAW candidates, a significant opportunity to engage with a diverse range of voters and address issues that are particularly relevant issues such as equality, cultural representation, and social inclusion are critical concerns, and the absence of candidates who can authentically speak to these issues may limit the Partys’ ability to connect on a meaningful level. This absence can create a sense of disconnect and disillusionment an among South Asian voters to a reluctance to support any of the two parties in the upcoming election.
By :Lakhvinder Jhaj
Recommendations to address the challenge of limited support from the South Asian Community and enhance their electoral prospects, they should consider recruiting and promoting South Asian women candidates to enhance diversity and representation. Provide platforms and opportunities for SAW leaders to take on prominent roles within their campaigns. Collaborate with SA women’s organizations, community groups, and leaders to better understand the concerns and priorities. By addressing this one issue head on, realigning the campaign strategy can improve with the voter support.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles and editorials of this newspaper are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the publication
amndIp kOr hfkm isMG vflf
iËMdgI ivc Aumr dy vwK-vwK pVfa hn pr bcpn aijhf smF huMdf hY, jo bhuq hI afnMdmeI qy byiÌkrI nfl lbryË huMdf hY. bcpn ’c inwkIaF-inwkIaF cIjF vI sfnUM vwzIaF ÉuÈIaF idMdIaF hn. inwky bwcy hr cIË ivwcoN ÉuÈI qy afnMd Bfl lYNdy hn qy Aus nUM mfxdy hn. ijvyN skUloN af ky bwcy afpxI inwkI ijhI sfieklI nUM clf ky ikMnf afnMd mihsUs krdy hn pr iehI bwcy vwzy ho ky vwzIaF kfrF ’c vI Auh bcpn vflI inwkI sfiekl df afnMd nhIN mfx skdy. ajokf bcpn Pon ’qy gymF jF hor izjItl sfDnF rfhIN KyzF Kyzdf hY pr asl bcpn vflIaF KyzF qF ikqy ivsr geIaF hn. ies ivc keI vfr mfqf-ipqf dI vI ÊlqI huMdI hY. bhuqy mfpy bwicaF nUM imwtI afid ivc Kyzx nhIN idMdy qy afKdy aKy qUM ilwbV jfvyNgf jF kihxgy nf puwq ies imwtI nfl qYnUM ienPYkÈn ho jfAU pr ies dy Ault jy bwcf imwtI nfl Kyzdf hY qF Aus dy aMg-pYr KuwlHdy hn qy Auh PurqIlf bxdf hY pr asIN bwicaF nUM izjItl gymF ivc AulJf ky aflsI qy icVicVy bxf idwqf hY. keI vfr qF lwgdf hY ik asIN bwicaF dy bcpn df smF Cotf kr idwqf hY ikAuNik hux ZfeI-iqMn sfl dy bwcy nUM hI skUl Byjx lwgdy hF. Aus ’qy ikqfbI igafn lwd ky Aus dy bcpn df kql kr rhy hF, qf hIN pihlF dy mukfbly hux bcpn Cotf jfpdf hY. bcpn ieMnf ipafrf huMdf hY ik inwky bwcy nUM hr ÈYa iKzOxf jfpdI hY. ies Aumr ’c hr bwcf iqqlIaF nUM PVnf cfhuMdf hY, pMCIaF sMg Auwzxf cfhuMdf hY. sfry asmfn df gyVf lf ky khfxIaF vflIaF prIaF nUM vyKxf cfhuMdf hY. ieh Aumr Cl-kpt qoN inrlyp huMdI ho. bcpn aijhf ÉuÈnumf pVfa huMdf hY ik sfrI Aumr mnuwK muV bwcf bx jfxf
locdf hY. inwkI Aumry bwcf vYr-ivroD
qy eIrKf vrgy Ëihr qoN mukq huMdf hY. bcpn sfiraF leI pRsMnqf Biraf huMdf hY, BfvyN koeI rfjy df bwcf hovy jF iBKfrI df. bcpn ’c mfxIaF mOjF iËMdgI Br
Xfd rihMdIaF hn, ies leI bwicaF df bcpn suKfvF qy ipafrf bxfAux leI
AunHF nUM mOjF mfxn idAu. ieh bcpn rwb vloN imilaf qohÌf hY. ies axmuwly qohÌy qoN bwicaF nUM dUr nf hox idAu. AunHF nUM imwtI nfl Kyzx dyeIey, kdy mINh ivc msqI krn dyeIey. AunHF dy imwtI icwkV nfl ilwbVy hwQF-pYrF nUM vyK ky icMqf nf krIey sgoN ieh socIey ik asIN vI aijhy smyN ivwcoN lMG cuwky hF qy afnMd mfixaf hY. kdy-kdy Éud vI bwcy bx ky AunHF sMg
KyzIey qy kuJ smyN leI iÌkrF nUM alivdf
afKIey. ieh afnMd sfrI iËMdgI ivc muV
nhIN imldf. ies leI jdoN vI koeI afpxy
bcpn nUM Xfd krdf hY qF Aus dIaF awKF
ivc afnMd BrI cmk af jFdI hY qy sfnUM imwTy aihsfs nfl Br idMdI hY. bwicaF nUM
Aumr qoN pihlF isafxy-smJdfr bxfAux
dI dOV ’c asIN Buwl gey hF ik bcpn
bMidÈ ivc rihxf nhIN sgoN KuwlH ky AuzfrI mfrnf locdf hY. ies leI bwcy nUM rwj ky hwsx-twpx idAu, Aus nUM aYvyN ÌËUl dy
idKfvy kfrn kYd nf kro. inwkf bwcf skUl
nUM jylH vrgf smJdf hY ikAuNik ijhVI
Aumr Aus dI twp-kuwd ky srIr nUM ivksq
krn dI huMdI hY, Aus vkq hI asIN Aus
nUM ikqfbF df boJ cuwkx leI mjbUr krdy hF. iesy leI bhuqy bwcy mfnisk rogF
df iÈkfr ho rhy hn. inwky-inwky moiZaF
’qy Bfry bsqy cuwkx krky bwicaF dy kwd
vI TIk qrHF nhIN vwDdy qy Auh hr vyly
iKJy-iKJy rihMdy hn ikAuNik asIN nf qF
AunHF nfl iËafdf gwlbfq krdy hF qy nf
AunHF dIaF sfrIaF gwlF suxdy hF.
roËfnf svyry KflI pyt pIE ikÈimÈ df pfxI, ishq sMbMDI keI smwisafvF qoN imlygI rfhq
sImF rwl
svyr dI ÈurUafq koeI ishqmMd cIË Kf ky jF pI ky krn qoN ibhqr kI ho skdf hY. afKrkfr
aMgryËI khfvq “Health is Wealth” dI pflxf krnf ikMnf mhwqvpUrn hY, ieh qF ipCly kuJ sflF ivwc hr koeI smJ igaf hY.
aijhI siQqI ivwc afpxI ishq df iDafn rwKx leI, qusIN roËfnf svyry KflI pyt ikÈimÈ df pfxI pI skdy ho. ikÈimÈ ‘c keI ËrUrI poÈk qwq pfey jFdy hn, ijnHF nUM jy rfq Br pfxI ‘c iBAuN ky rwiKaf jfvy qF ies dy gux vI Aus pfxI ‘c iml jFdy hn. ies lyK ivc asIN hr roË svyry KflI pyt sOgI jF ikÈimÈ df pfxI pIx dy ÌfieidaF (Beneifts of Riaisn Water) bfry jfxFgy. srIr nUM zItOks krnf bhuq ËrUrI hY. aijhf nf krn nfl ilvr ‘qy bhuq iËafdf qxfa pYNdf hY, ijs kfrn ies nfl juVIaF smwisafvF ÈurU ho skdIaF hn. aijhy ‘c sOgI df pfxI srIr nUM zItOksPfeI krn ‘c kfPI mddgfr sfbq huMdf hY. ies ‘c aYNtI-afksIzYNt aqy hor qwq pfey jFdy hn, jo srIr ‘coN ËihrIly qwqF nUM bfhr kwZdy hn aqy lIvr nUM ishqmMd rwKx ‘c mdd krdy hn. srIr ivwc afiern dI kmI anImIaf df kfrn bxdI hY. ies nfl srIr ivwc lfl KUn dy sYwl Gwt hoxy ÈurU ho jFdy hn. ieh smwisaf iËafdfqr aOrqF ivwc dyKx nUM imldI hY. ies smwisaf qoN bcx leI sOgI df pfxI vI kfrgr sfbq ho skdf hY. ikÈimÈ ivwc afiern pfieaf jFdf hY jo srIr ivwc afiern dI kmI nUM dUr krdf hY qy anImIaf dI smwisaf qoN bcfAuNdf hY. sOgI dy pfxI ivwc aYNtI-afksIzYNt, potfÈIam qy hor poÈk qwq vI huMdy hn. ies leI svyry KflI pyt sOgI df pfxI pIx nfl nf isrP ipafs buJdI hY sgoN rfq nUM hox vflI zIhfeIzRyÈn vI dUr huMdI hY. ies kfrn qusIN aYkitv aqy PrYÈ mihsUs krdy ho. vDdI Aumr dy kfrn hwzIaF kmËor hox lwgdIaF hn. Kfs qOr ‘qy aOrqF ivc hwzIaF dI Gxqf Gwt hox dI smwisaf 30 sfl qoN bfad ÈurU ho jFdI hY. ies smwisaf qoN bcx leI sOgI df pfxI pIxf ÌfiedymMd ho skdf hY. ikÈimÈ ivwc kYlÈIam aqy potfÈIam pfieaf jFdf hY jo hwzIaF dI mËbUqI leI bhuq ËrUrI hY. ies leI svyry KflI pyt sOgI df pfxI pIxf ishq leI bhuq ÌfiedymMd huMdf hY. ikÈimÈ ivwc ivtfimn ey, eI aqy aYNtI-afksIzYNt pfey jFdy hn. ieh sB sikn leI bhuq ÌfiedymMd huMdy hn. ies leI roËfnf svyry KflI pyt sOgI df pfxI pIx nfl sikn ishqmMd rihMdI hY aqy ies nfl juVIaF smwisafvF ijvyN ik muhfsy, PfeIn lfeInË afid vI Gwt huMdIaF hn.
boldy hF.
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
skUl nMU mukfbly ivwc rihx aqy afpxI pCfx bxfAux leI dusiraF qo vwKrf idwsx leI, vDIaf pVHfeI, Kfs progrfmF leI vfDU gqI ivDIaF nfl cMgf mhOl sQfpq krn leI afpxIaF jVHF lokF ivwc lfAux leI ieh smyN dI muwK loV bc geI hY.
skUl leI hr sfl bwicaf dI igxqI df vDxf bVf aihm hY. Ies mukfbly dy Xuwg ivwc skUl nMU lokF ivwc afpxy pRqI jfgrUkqf vDfAux leI skUl ivwc clfey jFdy progrfmF, slybs aqy afpxy kYMps pRqI bwicaF aqy mfipaF nMU shI mfrkIitMg dI muwK loV hY.
skUl ivwc ividafrQIaF dy sdKly ivwc vfDf krn leI ZukvIN lVIvfr mfrkIitMg qrIky skUl dy dfKly ivwc vfDf kr
skdy hn. skull dI mfrkIitMg leI asI skul dy Kfs progrfm dI shI qfkq aqy kdrF kImqF nMU smfj ivwc drsf ky
pirvfrF dI islcspI aqy pryrnf nfl
joVn ivwc mdwd ho skdI hY.
skUl dI vDIad ZMg nfl kIqI afrkI-
itMg nMU clfAux leI vDIaf afriQk
Xogdfn pf skdI hY. jy bwicaF dI igxqI vDygI Aus nfl skUl dI PIs df vfDf
hovygf qy skUl pYsy dy leI afqm inrBr hovygf. Ies nfl skUl afpxy skUl dy bwicaF aqy aiDafpkf leI hor shUlqF vDf skdf hY aqy kul bwicaF dy insfny nmU prfpq krn leI lokF nfl bhuq awCy sbMD bxf skdf hY. dUjy skUlF dy
mukfbly ivwc rihx leI skUl dI mshUrI
leI skUl dy pVHfAux leI vDIaf pwK, phMUc, Kfs progrfm, akfdimk gqI
ivDIaF nmU vDf skdf hY.
shI ZMg nfl kIqI mfrkIt kImqI aqy
shI jfxkfrI phMucf ky skUl mfipaF ividafrQIaF aqy kimAUntI ivwc afpxI Tik QF bxf skdf hY. Tik kIqI
mfrkIt skUl nMU lokF dy vDIaf suJf iml
skdy hn ijs nMU vrq ky skUl afpxy progrfmF, gqI ivDIaF aqy syvfvF nMU lokF dIaF AumIdF qy pUrf kr skdf hY. kIqI hoeI mfrkIt skUl dy stfP nM Pfiedf hovygf ijs nfl skUl ivwc skfrqimk mfhOl pYdf hovygf. ijs nfl
bwicaF dy dfKly ivwc vfDf hovygf, skYl lokF ivc afpxf kMm krky nfm cmkf skdf hY. ies nfl skUl dy aiDafpkF aqy hor stfP dI sLkUl pRqI vcnbwDqf nMU drsfvygf. cMgI skIm nfl kIqI mfrkIt skUl afpxy insfny qy iljf skdI hY.
aMq ivwc asIN ies nqIjy qy puhMcdy h
Fik cMgI mfrkIt leI quhfzy imQy insLfny prfpq krn Xog hoxy cfhIdy hn. cMgI
mfrkIt skIm skUl dy vfDy nMU Tik rsqy
iljfx leI sfhiek ho skdI hY qy bwicaF
nMU apxy vwl afikrsLq krdI hY. shI
mfrkIt bwicaF aqy skUl stfP leI
skUl df vDIaf mfhOl isrjx leI shfeI ho skdI hY.
2024 Toyota 4Runner TRD OffRoad – A Canadian Icon!
Review by Veeno Dewan
nvyN zYNtl kyar plYn vfly mrIjL lY rhy hF.
The venerable Toyota 4Runner has sold over four million units and actually celebrated it 40th anniversary in 2023.
A Canadian icon, it is beloved for its ruggedness, durability, and longevity. It can be found wherever its toughness and reliability is needed, seen in the high desert, deep jungles, Arctic conditions and outside the coffee shop and on family driveways across the world. There is a totally new 4Runner coming in 2025, so for this 2024 model year is unchanged except for two new colours. The 4Runner still has a cool power-retractable rear window you don’t really find any more on SUVs you don’t really find anymore.
This midsize body-on-frame SUV is still powered by a V6 engine and with standard part-time four-wheel drive. Depending on the trim, the 4Runner offers two rows for five passengers, or a third row for up to seven.
boxy look, high ground clearance and purposeful stance. It is still a solid body-on-frame chassis constructed vehicle featuring a four-link rear axle and coil spring suspension for harsh roads and off-road conditions.
The 2024 Toyota 4Runner lineup has a comprehensive range of models for any tastes. The line up includes grades SR5, TRD Sport, TRD Off-Road, Limited and TRD Pro with equipment options for more specialized off roading. Equipment and options on the different models vary according to package and trim lines selected. Pricing ranges from: $51,050 to $66,475.
anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy.
* mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ.
* AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog.
* ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
Under the hood, a standard issue 4.0L V6 engine delivers 270 peak horsepower and 278 lb-ft of torque. This is mated to a five-speed ECT-I automatic transmission featuring sequential shift mode, plus either on-demand or fulltime 4WD.
Aside from cosmetic packages the 4Runner carries on with its a rugged
Standard equipment levels are decent with a heated steering wheel. heated front seats, a 120V and two 12V outlets, the Toyota Smart Key System with Push Button Start, and Connected Services is available on models fitted with Audio Plus with Remote include Service Connect, Safety Connect, and Remote Connect, while those fitted with Premium Audio with Remote add Embedded Navigation with traffic and weather and Destination Assist Connect.
We tested the 4Runner TRD Off-Road trim which adds to the trail capability. There is a crawl control system works for tackling rough surfaces,
steep inclines, and declines. The cool terrain view monitor uses multiple on-board cameras to help a driver see obstacles on the trail. There’s a lockable rear differential, and recovery points front and rear. Also adding to the off-road performance is Toyota’s kinetic dynamic suspension system (KDSS), with heavy-duty stabilizers
The TRD Off Road package adds a front skid plate and some graphics.
Interior wise the TRD offers a sunroof, sunroof an eight-inch touchscreen
Wired connectivity allows for Apple CarPlay or Android Auto functionality. Have to admit its dated interior and a lot of fancy convenance and high-tech equipment you see in the recent crop of SUVs is missing or just not available.
No doubt he new 2025 model will address this.
Inside, the 4Runner’s cabin is designed to carry five or seven people and a large amount of cargo. Interior room is impressive with a 40/20/40 split folding second row seats and, on seven passenger models, a 50/50-fold-flat third row seat. Stowing these opens up 2,540L (89.7 cubic feet) of cargo capacity behind the front seats, allowing the 4Runner to accommodate up to 773 kg (1704 lbs.) of payload. It is a versatile cargo area, especially with the optional slide-out floor.
With its integrated tow hitch receiver and wiring harness, every 4Runner is capable of towing up to 2,268 kgs (5,000 lbs.). Safety is also high with a comprehensive package of safety technologies and systems. These include Toyota Safety Sense-P – an advanced suite of driver operated and active safety technologies and systems to keep drivers and occupants safe in all conditions.
The positives are the impressive offroad capability and excellent choice of vehicle configurations to suit most buyers. The 4Runner is at its best when off-road exploring or adventure camping. Its multimode 4WD system, and high ground clearance make it masterful on rocky trails and out in the boonies. However, the on-road ride is so-so and the V6 engine is a shade thirsty with all that 4x4 weight to lug around. Still, in a world of pretender ‘soft roaders” the tough truck-based body on frame4Runner is extremely capable off-road, with good towing ability and cargo carrying capacity. The 4runner is legend and deservedly so.
2024 Toyota 4Runner TRD Off Road Edition.
Price as tested - $56,400 Including freight, PDI and levies.
More info at
nfjr isMG df Gr ipMz dy cMgy srdy-vrdy GrF ‘coN iewk sI. vIh ku ikwly inafeIN nfl lgdy twk dy iewko QF jwt nUM iksy cIjL dI rwb ny QoVH nf idwqI. iewk DI mndIp ijs nUM ipafr nf; dIpo qy iewk puwqr mnrfj dovyN cMgy skUlF ‘c pVHn lfey hoey sn. mnrfj Aus qoN pihlF kflj dI izgrI pUrI krdf, Aus df kYnyzf qoN afeI lVkI jYsmIn nfl ivafh ho igaf qy Aus ny knyzf jf ky afpxf Gr-pirvfr vsf ilaf. dIpo mnrfj qoN pMj ku sfl CotI hox krky mnrfj dy knyzf afAux smyN vI ajy pVHdI peI sI. dIpo mnrfj dIaF knyzf bfry ByjIaF qsvIrF vyK ky afpxy mn ivwc iewk vwKrf hI jhfn vsfeI bYTI sI. Aus nUM qsvIrF vyK ky ieMJ lgdf sI ik ijvyN dunIaF qy jy svrg hY qF isrPL knyzf ivwc hI qy aYsL arfm dI vDIaf ijLMdgI Aus nUM ieWQy ieMzIaf ‘c rih ky nhIN iml skdI.
dIpo bfrHvIN krn mgroN afeIlYts krky bfhr jfx dI ijLd krn lwgI pr nfjr isAuN cfhuMdf sI ik kuVI df ivafh krky afpxIaF ijLMmyvfrIaF qoN Pfrg ho jfvy. jd dIpo nf hI mMnI qF nfjr isAuN ny dIpo nUM stwzI bys ‘qy mnrfj kol knyzf Byj idwqf. QoVHy ku idnF bfad mnrfj ny XUnIvristI ‘c dIpo df dfKlf krvf idwqf, nfl dI nfl dIpo df nF bdl ky dIpo qoN dIp ho igaf. pihlF-pihlF qF dIp pVHfeI cMgf mn lgf ky pVHdI rhI pr hOlI-hOlI Aus ‘qy knyzf df pRBfv pYxf sLurU ho igaf qy Auh afpxy nfl pVHdy stUzYNt nfl GuMmx-iPrn lwg peI. sLurUafq ivwc dIp, mnrfj qoN puwC ky jFdI, jy ikqy jfxf huMdf. pr Pyr Aus ny Auh vI bMd kr idwqf qy afpxI mn-mrjLI krn lwg peI. mnrfj dy mn ivwc ajy vI Auh CotI bwcI vFg hI sI, Auh Aus dIaF glqIaF nUM axdyiKaF kr Cwzdf. pr jd kdy jYsmIn mnrfj dI qF Auh Aus nUM iegnor kr Cwzdf qy kihMdf, ‘Eey koeI gwl nI, bfpU dI lfzlI rwKI vI af, eysy kr ky iehnUM vfD-Gft df pqf nhIN, nfly ikMnf icr krlU mn-mrjLIaF, jdoN ivafh ky sOhry Gr clI geI qF afpy iswK jU sfrf kuJ hfly kr lYx dy aYsL[[[[ Brf dy isr ‘qy[[[ qy aYvyN nf tYnsLn ilaf kr.’ ieh sux jYsmIn cuwp kr jFdI.
sfl ku bfad hI dIp df nfl pVHdy goiraF dy muMzy jsitn nfl ipafr ho igaf. dIp qy jsitn bfhr GuMmdy-iPrdy, jvfnI dIaF mOjF mfxdy. ajLfd mulk dI ajLfdI dIp nUM kuJ ijLafdf hI iml geI. iewk idn jsitn jdoN dIp nUM Gr Cwzx afieaf qF jYsmIn ny ieh ilivMg rUm dI ivMzo ivcoN dI sfrf kuJ dyK ilaf. zor vVidaF hI jYsmIn ny dIp qoN svfl puwCxy sLurU kr idwqy, ‘kOx sI ieh gorf? qUM kI krdI eyN iehdy nfl qy qyrI kfr ikwQy geI?’
eyny svflF df juafb dIp ny iewko gwl ‘c hI
idMidaF ikhf, ‘E kMm aOn BfbI[[[ jst rIlYks. myrI kfr Krfb ho geI qy ieh mYnUM Gr rfeIz dyx af igaf qy qUM aYvyN[[[‘ kihMdI hoeI afpxy rUm ‘c clI geI. jYsmIn ny soicaf jy mYN ies bfry mnrfj nfl gwl kIqI qF Auh Pyr socU ik mYN dIp dIaF gwlF bxfAuNdI aF pr Aus nUM dIp ‘qy sLwk jLrUr ho igaf sI ik dIp dy lwCx kuJ cMgy nhIN. ikAuNik Aus ny dyK hI ilaf sI donF nUM[[[[ pr Auh nf cfhuMdy hoey vI cuwp rhI.
mnrfj dy idny kMm ‘qy hox krky dIp kdykdy jsitn nUM afpxy Gr vI lY afAuNdI qy donoN jxy rMg-rlIaF mnfAuNdy. iek idn jYsmIn dI qbIaq TIk nf hox krky Auh idny 12 ku vjy hI kMm qoN CuwtI lY ky Gr vfps af geI. Aus ny afpxIaF kfr dIaF cfbIaF ‘coN Gr dI cfbI nfl drvfjLf KoilHaf qF sfhmxy hI ilivMg rUm ‘c dIp qy jsitn soPy ‘qy pey afps ivwc guwQm-guwQI hoeI jf rhy sn. dIp dy AuWqy jsitn nUM pey dyK ky jYsmIn dy qF hosL hI AuWz gey qy Aus ny cIk ky ikhf, “dIp[[[“ eynf suxdy sfr hI dovyN jxy AuWT Kloqy, jsitn afpxy kwpVy TIk krdf hoieaf soPLy ‘qy bYT igaf qy dIp AuWT ky afpxy vfl sMvfrdI hoeI pfsy ho ky KVHI ho geI.
jsitn ny jYsmIn nUM hYlo kridaF nIvIN ijhI pf leI pr jYsmIn ny koeI juafb nf idwqf qy
dIp nUM bFh qoN PV ky aMdr kmry ‘c lY geI qy kmry df drvfjLf Tfh krky bMd kr idwqf.
jYsmIn ny dIp nUM bYWz ‘qy DUh ky vgf mfiraf qy bolI, “cMgy gul iKMzf rhI aF, qYnUM Borf vI sLrm nf afeI afh kuwqy gory nfl Kyh KFdI nUM? hfAU kuwz XU zU dYt? Auh vI afpxy Gry swd ky, af lYx dy qyry vIr nUM, ptfAuNnI aF qyrI guwq?”
jYssmIn df mUMh qy awKF guwsy ‘c lfl dyK ky vI dIp dy kMn ‘qy jUMa nf srkI qy bolI, “zU vwt aYvr XU vFt tU zU” kihMdI hoeI kmry ‘coN bfhr clI geI qy jsitn nUM bolI, “XU go nfE, afl sI XU tUmfro.”
jYsmIn guwsy ‘c BrI-pIqI afpxI qbIaq bfry Buwl ky ikcn ‘c jf ky BFzy Dox lwg peI. pr Aus dy sIny df BFbV lFbU bx ky mwc irhf sI qy Auh soc rhI sI ik kwlH ijhVI dIp nUM Aus ny afpxI CotI BYx smiJaf sI, awj Auh
hI AuhnF dy isr Gwtf pfAux lwg peI. socF dIaF GuMmx-GyrIaF ‘c AulJI jYsmIn nUM pqf hI nhIN lwigaf ik kdoN iqMn-cfr GMty gujLr gey qy mnrfj Gry af igaf. mnrfj ny af ky lMc bYg rwiKaf qy jYsmIn nUM vyK ky boilaf, “ikvyN af myrI srkfr? awj bVf mUMh iZwlf ijhf krky bYTI aF[[[[ suwK qF hY?”
qF jYsmIn bolI, “nhIN koeI gwl nI. iek dm kMm ‘qy mfeIgRyn ijhI AuT KVI qy mYN CuwtI lY ky Gry af geI.” eynf suxdy hI mnrfj iPr
boilaf, “Auey beI koeI golI-gflI leI ik mYN dyvF…?”
“nhIN golIaF qF mYN afAux sfr hI lY leIaF sI. qusIN bYTo, mYN quhfzy leI pfxI df glfs lY ky afAuNdI hF.”
soPy qoN AuWTdI jYsmIn dI bFh iKwc ky mnrfj ny afpxy kol ibTf ilaf qy kihMdf, “Auey qUM Cwz pfxI nUM, mYN afpy lY lUM, qUM afrfm kr lf qy ilaf mYN qyrf isr nwp idaF.” kihMdf hoieaf donF hwQF nfl isr nwpx lwg ipaf.
jYsmIn ny mnrfj dy hwQ afpxy isr qoN PV ky pfsy krdI bolI, “rihx idE kI krI jfny EN… ieh mfeIgRyn df rojL df hI isafpf ey[[[[ kdy itk jFdf, kdy duKx lwg jFdf.”
“Auey koeI nf, eynI tYnsLn nf ilaf kr. ieh qYnUM ‘kwlI nUM nhIN eyQy qF sfiraF nUM af. ieh kMmF-kfrF dI strYs nfl ho jFdf. qUM bfhlf soicaf nf kr[[[[ dyK afpxy Gry ikhVf iksy cIjL df Gftf ey. Gr afpxf PrI af, kfrF afpxIaF py-aOP af qy Kfx-pIx jogy afpF kmf hI lYny aF. qy qYnUM ikMny vfrI ikhf vI jy qyrI ishq TIk nhIN qF kuJ dyr aOPL lY lf, eyQy ikhVf sflf jvfly ny sLfh hoxf, bs afeIclfeI cwlI jfvy eynf hI bhuq af, qy rwb df sLukr kiraf kr vI eyny vDIaf mulk ‘c afey aF, ijWQy sB kuJ imldf, Auh vI loVoN vwD. nhIN qF ieMzIaf mihMgfeI ny lwk qoVy pey lokF dy qy AuqoN nf koeI kMm-DMdf lwBdf. lokI qRYa-qRYa krdy eyQy afAux nUM, afpF qF iksmq vfly aF, mUMhoN kwZI cIjL iml jFdI af eyQy.” Enf isr jYsmIn df mfeIgRyn nfl nhIN sI duiKaf ijMnf mnrfj dy lYkcr ny dubfrf lf idwqf. jYsmIn AuWT ky bolI, “koeI nI qusIN iPkr nf kro, mYN iblkul TIk aF. qusIN afpxf sLfvr lY lvo qy mYN rotI-tuwk df kr lvF.” kihMdI hoeI ikcn ‘c clI geI. mnrfj sLfvr lY ky tI[vI[ dy mUhry bYT igaf. Kfxf iqafr huMidaF hI jYsmIn ny hfk mfr idwqI, “mnrfj, Kfxf Kf lvo, rYzI af.” mnrfj ny zfeIinMg tybl
‘qy bYTidaF hI puwiCaf, “beI dIp ikwQy af? awj idsI hI nI nfly Auhny nI rotI KfxI?”
jYsmIn ny ikhf, “afpxy kmry ‘c hI af, qusIN swd ilafE.”
mnrfj bihMdf-bihMdf Pyr KVHf ho ky dIp dy kmry vwl nUM cilaf igaf qy jf ky dyiKaf qF dIp kMbl lY ky bYWz ‘qy peI sI. mnrfj ny kMbl iKwcidaF ikhf, “Auh beI dIp qUM rotI nI KfxI awj? ikvyN mUMh-isr lpytI peI aF.” qF dIp ny ikhf, “nhIN vIry, mYnUM BuwK nI lwgI, qusIN Kf lvo.”
mnrfj iPr boilaf, “hY kmlI qyry ibnF qyrf vIr ikvyN Kf lU rotI, Auh vI ‘kwlf, qYnUM pqf ijwdyN dIN qUM afeI aF, EdoN dI iekwTy rotI Kfny aF afpF[[[“
“vIr jI myrI qbIaq nI TIk awj[[.” suxdy sfr hI mnrfj boilaf, “awgy qyrI BfbI khI jFdI sI, myrI qbIaq nI TIk qy hux qUM khI jfnI aF. sB kuJ TIk qF hY, ikqy dovyN lV qF nIN peIaF, ijhVf donF nUM iewko hI ibmfrI hoeI peI af, qbIaq dI[[[.”
dIp ny ivwcy hI gwl tokdI ny ikhf, “nhIN-nhIN vIr, aYsI koeI gwl nhIN, AuNJ hI bs awj mn ijhf hI nI krdf rotI nUM.”
“Eey cwl-cwl AuWT[[[ krdf nI mn iehdf[[“ kihMdf hoieaf mnrfj dIp nUM bfhoN PV ky zfeIinMg tybl ‘qy lY igaf. do plytF ivc rotI pfeI dyK ky dovyN jxy rotI Kfx lwg pey. pr awj pihlf idn sI jdoN sfry jxy cuwp-cfp rotI Kf-pkf rhy sn, nhIN qF awgy ikcn ‘c cVHcoVl pYNdf rihMdf, rotI vyly.
dIp rotI Kf ky Pyr afpxy kmry ‘c clI geI qy mnrfj rotI vfly hwQ Do ky Pyr tI[vI[ mUhry bYT igaf. pr jYsmIn df mn ajy vI smuMdr vFg sLFq nhIN sI hoieaf. CwlF vFgUM AuWTdy mn dy iKafl qUPLfn vFg sB kuJ qoV PoV dyxf cfhuMdy sI. jYsmIn rotI-tuwk mukf ky BFzy DosfP krky mnrfj kol bYTx dI bjfie afpxy rUm ‘c clI geI. mnrfj vI GMtf-zyZ GMtf tI[vI[ dyKx mgroN tI[vI[ qy ilivMg rUm dIaF lfeItF bMd krky kmry ‘c jf viVaf. pr awj Aus nUM afpxy hI Gr ‘c ajIb ijhf lwg irhf sI ijvyN iksy ibgfny Gry af igaf hovy, ijWQy sLFq-sLFq swnftf ijhf Cfieaf lwg irhf sI. mnrfj bYWz ‘qy pYx lwigaf iPr boilaf, “hux TIk af jYsmIn awgy nfloN[[[[ vYsy swc puwCyN qF awj mYnUM qyrI qbIaq nfloN qyrI koeI hor gwl lgdI af, nhIN awgy isr duKdy qoN qUM ieMnI cuwp nhIN DfrdI ijMnI awj mYN dyK irhF. jy koeI hor gwl af qF dws mYnUM[[[[ mYN jdoN df Gr afieaF, AudoN df hI noits kr irhF.”
“nhIN qusIN pY jo afpxf, svyry kMm ‘qy vI jfxf, myrf qF bs aYvyN hI rihxf.” hmysLF dI qrHF mnrfj ny bFh Aus dy isr QwloN dI kwZI qy Aus nUM afpxI qrPL iKwc ilaf. “dyK jYsmIn mYN qYnUM awgy vI bhuq vfrI smJfieaf vI, pqI-pqnI isrP do ijsmF df myl nhIN huMdf, ieh do rUhF qy iewk ijMdjfn ho ky rihx dy nfl-nfl iewk dUjy nUM smJxf vI pYNdf ey. jy afpF hI iewk-dUjy nfl duwK-suwK sFJf nhIN krFgy qF hor Pyr iks nfl krFgy. nfly qyrf-myrf hor hY vI kOx eyQy dIp dy isvfey.”
jd jYsmIn ny dIp df nF suixaf qF afpxy afp nUM rok nf skI qy bolI, “dyKo mYN QonUM awgy vI dIp bfry dwisaf sI vI qusIN kuVI dI ingHf nhI rwKdy, hux Auh inafxI nhIN rhI.”
“Auh pr gwl kI hoeI? ijhVf qUM eynf dIp dy mgr hI pY geI af.” kihMdf hoieaf mnrfj boilaf.
gRMQ sfihb jI dI gurbfxI hY bhuq vwzf amolk afqimk KjLfnf bIr isMG
df vyrvf ies qrHF hY
sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy ivc Cy guru sfihbfn jI dI bfxI df vyrvf:
1[ sRI guru nfnk dyv jI – 974 sLbd, 19 rfgF ivwc
2[ sRI guru aMgd dyv jI – 62 slok
3[ sRI guru amrdfs jI – 907 sLbd , 17 rfgF ivwc
4[ sRI guru rfm dfs jI – 679 sLbd
5[ sRI guru arjn dyv jI – 2218 sLbd
6[ sRI guru qyg bhfdr jI – 116 slok kuwl joV -4956
Bwt jnf jI dI bfxI df vyrvf :
1[ Bwt kl shfr jI – 54 svwXy
2[ Bwt gXMd jI – 13 svwXy
3[ Bwt iBwKf jI – 2 svwXy
4[ Bwt kIrq jI – 8 svwXy
5[ Bwt mQrf jI – 12-14 svwXy
6[ Bwt jflp jI – 5 svwXy
7[ Bwt swl jI – 3 svwXy
8[ Bwt Bwl jI - 1 svwXy
9[ Bwt bl jI – 5 svwXy
10[ Bwt hrbMs jI – 2 svwXy
11[ Bwt nl jI – 16 svwXy
kuwl joV = 121/123
15 BgqF dI bfxI df vyrvf :
1[ Bgq kbIr jI – 541 slok
2[ sLyK PrId jI – 134 slok
3[ Bgq nfmdyv jI – 60-61 slok
4[ Bgq rivdfs jI – 40-41 slok
5[ Bgq DMnf jI – 3-4 slok
6[ Bgq byxI jI – 3 slok
7[ Bgq iqRlocn jI – 4 slok
8[ Bgq jYdyv jI – 2 slok
9[ Bgq BIKx jI - 2 slok
10[ Bgq rfmfnMd jI – 1 slok
11[ Bgq sYx jI - 1 slok
12[ Bgq pIpf jI – 1 slok
13[ Bgq prmfnMd jI -1 slok
14[ Bgq sUrdfs jI – 1 slok
15[ Bgq sDnf jI – 1 slok
kuwl joV = 795/798
(s) 4 guriswKF dI bfxI df vyrvf :
1[ BfeI mrdfnf jI – 3
2[ bfbf suMdr jI - 6
3[ rbfbI blvMz jI – 5
4[ rbfbI swqf jI – 3
kuwl joV = 17
A - 6 gurU sfihbfn jI dI bfxI df kuwl joV = 4956
a – 11 Bwt jnF dI bfxI df kuwl joV
= 121/123
e – 15 BgqF dI bfxI df kuwl joV = 795/798
s – 4 guriswKF dI bfxI df kuwl joV = 17
36 bfxIkfrF dI bfxI df joV = 5889/5894
At least 192 British Columbians lost to toxic drugs in July 2024
Updated reporting from the BC Coroners Service about unregulated drug toxicity deaths indicates at least 192 people died in July 2024.
Between January 2024 and July 2024, 1,365 lives were lost to drug toxicity, according to preliminary data.
“Unregulated toxic drugs continue to cause more loss of life in British Columbia than homicides, motorvehicle incidents, suicides and natural disease combined, tragically equating to about 6.2 people losing their lives each day,” said Dr. Jatinder Baidwan, chief coroner. “The unregulated drug market is volatile and continues to put people’s lives at grave risk each month.”
The data from July 2024 represents a 15% decrease from the number of deaths reported in July 2023 (226). Further to that, the annualized rate of death in 2024 is 41 per 100,000 residents, which is less than the annual rates from 2021 (43.9), 2022 (44.5) and 2023 (46.6).
Despite the decrease, people who use drugs in communities across B.C. face risk of significant injury or death. While the greatest number of deaths in 2024 have occurred in the cities of Vancouver (296), Surrey (130) and Greater Victoria (101), the highest rates of unregulated drug deaths have been reported in the health authorities of Northern
(75.7 per 100,000) and Vancouver Island (53.4 per 100,000).
“Tomorrow, we mark International Overdose Awareness Day. To the loved ones of the approximate 15,140 British Columbians who have lost their lives to drug toxicity since this public-health emergency was declared in 2016, I extend my deepest condolences,” Baidwan said. “These losses impact people far beyond our province, and we must not forget these are sons and daughters, parents and grandparents, co-workers and teammates.”
Additional findings from the latest report include:
Eighty per cent of unregulated drug deaths in July 2024 were males, up from the year-to-date figure of 73%.
The rate of female deaths in 2024 (22 deaths per 100,000 people) is almost double that from 2020 (13 per 100,000).
Fentanyl was detected in nearly nine out of every 10 unregulated drug deaths in July 2024 that have undergone expedited toxicological testing.
Smoking is the primary mode of consumption of substances (64%) among unregulated drug deaths, according to coroner investigations.
Please note the data is subject to change as additional toxicology results are received.
Riding, rolling, strolling toward healthier communities
Communities throughout British Columbia are invited to make active transportation an even better option for people to get around.
The B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant program opened its 2024-25 intake on Sept. 3, 2024, inviting First Nations and local governments to apply for support for projects that promote healthy, affordable travel and cleaner communities.
There is $20 million in funding available this year for active transportation network planning and infrastructure projects. Since 2019,
the Province has invested more than $80 million through the program, which last year helped deliver 80 infrastructure and network planning projects. Since 2019, $10.2 million has been awarded to 47 projects for Indigenous communities.
The Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant program helps government meet its CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 goals, reducing carbon pollution from transportation and increasing sustainable travel.
This year’s program intake begins Sept. 3, 2024, and continues until Oct. 31, 2024.
Welcome Day Event to Celebrate Newcomers
A Welcome Day event on September 19th will celebrate newcomers from around the world who now call Abbotsford home. Community members are invited to join the official welcoming ceremony event hosted by Archway Community
Service in collaboration with the City of Abbotsford.
The event is part of the national Welcoming Week, which is a movement to bring communities and neighbours of all nationalities together to strengthen shared be-
longing and foster a sense of unity within our community.
“Whether you are new to Canada or are looking to support your neighbours, we invite you to attend,” said Amy Van Bergen, event organizer. “Events like this show what makes our city a community.”
Kanta Naik
There will be greetings from local officials followed by a keynote speech from community champion Kanta Naik, who brings her own experience immigrating to Canada and supporting newcomer communities in Abbotsford for decades. Attendees can learn about local community resources at the service fair and enjoy light refreshments.
The Welcome Day event will be held on Thursday, September 19th at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium with doors opening at 6:00. Please register for this free event at
aYbtsPorz dy 5vIN jmfq dy bwicaF nUM swdf hY!
pMjvIN jmfq
leI muPLq pfs pMjvIN jmfq leI muPLq pfs
aYbtsPorz jF mYtksI rYkrIeysLn sYNtr ‘qy afE aqy afvdf pfs awj hI iqafr krfE.
pfs nflL sqMbr 3, 2024 qoN agsq 31, 2025 qwk pbilk sivimMg, skyt, jF ijMm jfx leI muPLq dI azimsLn imldI hY.
pfs bxfAux smyN mF-bfp jF gfrzIan nUM bwcy dy nflL afAux dI jrUrq hY. aYbtsPorz PRC PisltI jF vYbsfeIt ‘qy jf ky rijstrysLn zItyl lY skdy ho.
D I R E C T2 R E C . C O M
Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation Funds Summer Programs for Youth
Adolescence is a unique and formative time, however the past years we have seen a significant increase in mental health related problems and disorders. Multiple factors affect mental health, including stigma, poor living conditions, trauma and more. In the Fraser Valley we are fortunate to have programs available to help youth, such as Fraser East Early Psychosis Intervention Program (EPI).
EPI program helps provide assessment and treatment of psychosis for people between 13-30 years of age. Some of the services they offer include: symptom management strategies, family education, and relapse prevention planning.
The summer program, funded by Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation, helped promote well-being by encouraging youth to incorporate move-
ment, spend time outside by learning together, and building better habits and life-skills.
The program according to youth care worker Sage, from EPI, was extremely helpful, “watching clients connect with one another, gain confidence and build self esteem through groups has been an incredible experience. Many clients would go a lifetime without having to do any of the events we were able to offer, watching them engage and grow has been so fulfilling”.
Promoting wellness and life-skills training is not just a summer thing. It needs to be year-round, which is why the EPI program needs financial support in helping fund more wellness related programs for their youth. According to some of the youth, the program is definitely rewarding for their recovery journey:
“the summer activities helps me get out of the house, and work on overcoming my anxiety. I made many friends along the way, and made even more memories. From rock-climbing to Cultus, to ice-cream and beyond” (EPI client).
“the socialisation with people, with great support, has made an important impact in not only my recovery, but life in general” (EPI client).
The Foundation relies on the support of the community to help fund programs such as this and if you would like to support EPI’s autumn and winter program please contact: Lakhbir.Jassal@ and visit to learn more.
The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment and programs funded or endorsed by the Fraser Health Authority. They serve
the communities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs. Visit
Call 604 851 4890
sqMbr 13 - 22, 2024
GrylU aqy hwQ nfl bxy pqJV dy PlyvrF df iqAuhfr
Explore a selection of diverse local events and week-long promotions, beginning on Friday, September 13 th with the Night Market in Abbotsford. iviBMn sQfnk smfgmF aqy hÌqy-lMby qrwkIaF dI iewk cox dI pVcol kro, Èuwkrvfr, sqMbr 13 qoN ÈurU ho irhf hY aYbtsPorz ivwc nfeIt mfrkIt dy nfl.
kYnyzf ‘c pMjfbI iksfn qy nslI hmlf
aYbtsPorz ivKy sjfieaf ngr kIrqn
(gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr klonf dy AuWGy bfgbfnI iksfn qy sMDr PrUt pYkrjL dy mflk bIr isMG sMDr qy aMgryjL blfgr vloN afnlfeIn nslI hmlf kIqf hY blfgr zYrl grFt mYkeysikwl ijs ny sosLk mIzIay qy gYgstIirjLm afAUt nF df afnlfeIn pyjL bxfieaf hoieaf hY Aus ny sMDr pirvfr leI bhuq mfVI sLbdfvlI vrqI hY zYrl ny afpxy blfg post ivwc sMDr pirvfr nMU awqvfdI, zrwg zIlr, kfql, mnuwKI qskr qy DoKybfjL iliKaf hY. iej mfVI sLbdfvlI ilK ky Aus ny keIaF nMU eImyl vI ByjI hY jd ik bIr isMG sMDr BfeIcfry c siqrkirq sKsIaq hn qy Auh afpxy do puwqrF nfl hjLfr eykV sybF qy hor PlF dI KyqI krdy hn. qy klonf c AunF dI sMDr PrUt pYkrjL ilm. kMpnI hY ijwQy sYlVy vrkr kMm krdy hn sMDr pirvfr df kihxf h Yik mYkeysikwl vlo vrqI mfVI sLbdfvlI kfrn AunF dy akd nMU Zfa lwgI hY ijs krky hx Anf ny Aus iKlfP ibRitsL kolMbIaF dI suprIm kort c mukwdmf dfier kIqf hY.
Bfrq df ajfdI idvs mnfieaf.
pMjfbI klcrl kimAUintI asosIeyÈn afP ivktorIaf vwlo ivktorIaf dy bYkivQ pfrk ivwc pMjfbI mylf mnfieaF igaf. myly dI surUafq knYzf aqy Bfrq dy rfÈtrI gIq nfl kIqI geI. Bfrq dy 78vy aËfdI idvs dy jÈnF nUM mnfAuNdy hoey gdrI bfibaf nUM isjdf kIqf igaf ijhnF dI bdOlq asI aËfdI df anMd mfx rhy hF. myly dIaF rOxkF vyKx vfÜIaF sn. sfry hI BYx- BrfvF, bËurgF, aqy bwicaF ny bVy hI AuqÈfh nfl ihwsf ilaf.
myly ivwc gurU nfnk dyv XUnIvristI dy sfbkf pRoPYsr aqy zIn zfktr rxivMdr isMG sMDU sfihb aqy AuhnF dI pqnI zfktr jsmIq kOr sMDU Aucycy qOr qy afey. AuhnF ny ajfdI idvs qy dys BgqF nUM Xfd krdy dys dI vMz bfry bhuq hI pRBfvÈflI ivcfr sFJy kIqy. myly ivwc vwK vwK bulfiraf ny dys Bgqf nUM srDFjlI Byt krdy hoey ikhf ik awj asI jo ajfdI df anMd mfx rhy ieh iehnF ÈhIdI dI bdOlq hI hY. iehnf ny hI sfnUM axK dI ijMdgI ijAux dI pRyrxf idwqI hY. ies dy nfl hI mfxXog siBafcfrk aqy Kyz mMqrI lYnf pfphYm, aYm aYl ey rvI prmfr, ivktorIaf pulIs cIP zYl mfxk, mfxXog myar zIn mrzk, kOslr mInf vYsthYvr, jYk zI rfeIË, kOln plFt aqy sUËn brfeIs, ny afpxy ivcfr sFJy kIqy. ies dy nfl hI gihixaF pMjfbI juqIaF, sUtF qy cuMnIaF - PulkfrIaF dy stfl sn. pMjfbI klcrl kimAUintI asosIeyÈn ivktorIaf vwlo Kfxy dI syvf mylf Kqm hox qwk muÌq kIqI geI. ies dy nfl hI rMgfrMg pRogrfm df vI hr iek ny anMd mfixaF. aKIr ivwc sfrIaF BYxF ny rwl ky bolIaF pfeIaF aqy igwDy df ÉUb rMg bMinaF.
aYvtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf suby dy sLihr aYbrsPorz ivKy isLR gurU gRRMQ sfihb jI dy 420 vyN pihly pRkfsL idvs nMU smripq gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr dI pRbMDk kmytI vlo sMgqF dy sihXog nfl mhfn ngr kIrqn df afXojn kIqf igaf ijs ivwc sQfnk qy dUr durfzy qoN lwKF sMgqf sfiml hoeIaF gurdafrf sfihb ivKy sRI aKMz pfT sfihb dy Bog AprMq pMj ipafiraF dI rihnumeI hyT ngr kIrqn gurduafrf sfihb qoN jYkfiraF dI gMUj nfl svyry 11 vjy afrMB hoieaf rMg ibrMgy PuwlF nfl sjfey suMfr pflkI sfihb dy Plot ivwc sRI gurU gMRQ sfihb jI dI hjUrI ivwc rfgI jQy gurbfxI df gfien kr rhy sn qy sMgqF siqnfm vfihgurU df jfp kr rhIaF sn rsqy ivwc BFq BFq dy pkvfnF dy lMgr lgfey sn ies mOky kYnyzIan jMmpl bwicaF dy gwqky dy jOhr vyKxXog sn. ngr kIrqn c isafsI afgUaf qo ielfvf pMjfb qo phMUcy sMq bfbf slyr isMG isMG KyVI vfly, sMq avqfr isMG bwDnI, sInIar pwqrkfr jspfl isMG iswDU aqy ZfzI surjIq isMG vfirs, mMgl isMG mihrm, rfgI suirMdrpfl isMg huisafrpur, bldyv isMG bulMfpur, mohn isMG gurdfspur, siKdyv isMG nvfsLihr, kQfvfck snmuWK isMG pTfnkot qy blivMdr isMG BOrlf qy igafnI htjIq isMG ny vI hfjrI lgvfeI.
vYnkUvr dI pMjfbx ividafrQx nMU imilaf vkfrI snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf srkfr ny vYnkUvr siQq XUnIvristI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI hoxhfr pMjfbx ividafrQx rfbIaf DflIvfl nMU Auwc snmfn mYzl afP guwz istIjLnisLp 2024 dy ky invfijaf hY afrzr afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf qoN bfad sUbf srkfr vloN idwqy jFdy dUjy vwzy Auc snmfn mYzl afP guwz istIjLnisLp vfsqy sUby Br co 18 ivakqiaF nMu cuixaf igaf hY ijMnf ivwc iewko iewk pMjfbx ividafrQx rfbiaf DflIvfl nMU vI ieh vkfrI snmfn idwqf igaf hY ibRitsL kolMbIaf srkfr vlo ieh snmfn
AunF ivakqIaF nMU idwqf jFdf hY ijmnf ny idaflqf nfl inrsvfrQ ishq iswiKaf, swiBafcfr aqy smfj dy Kyqr ivc aihm Xohdfn pfiraf hovy smfj syvI sMsQf voafiess Pfr hop dI sMsQfpk rfbIaf DflIvfl ny XU bI sI qo jIv ivigafn dI pVfeI krn AuprMq hux mYzIsn dI pVfeI kr rhI hY qy Aus ividafrQIaF nMU mfnisk ishq bfry jfgrUk krdI hY rfbiaf DflIvfl nMU ibg imrfklj vlo 70 hjfr zflr df PMz qy tYrI POks ihAUmntyrIan avfrz qihq 28 hjfr zflr df vjIPf imilaf sI.
B.C. substantially increases dangerous driving impound fees
Following two summers marked by a surge in highway fatalities, the B.C. government is taking action to make roads safer and place higher penalties on those who drive dangerously.
Effective Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024, drivers engaging in reckless driving behaviour such as impaired driving, excessive speeding, street racing or driving without a licence will face significantly higher fees for the towing and storage of their impounded vehicles.
“Too many lives have been lost due to reckless and dangerous driving, particularly this summer,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “We’re making it clear that if you
endanger others on our roads, you will face serious consequences, both criminally and financially.”
The adjustments include a flat-rate towing fee increase of 38% to $110, and a storage fee increase of up to 96%, up to $40 per day. These increased fees send a strong message that dangerous driving will not be tolerated on B.C.’s roads.
By adding harsher financial penalties, the government aims to deter reckless behaviours and encourage drivers to think twice before engaging in dangerous activities that put lives at risk. With these changes, B.C. is reinforcing its commitment to enhancing road safety and reducing the loss of life.
rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad pIE ieh hrbl zirMk, mwKx dI qrHF ipGlygI crbI qy
pudInf pfcn ikiraf nUM ibhqr bxfAux leI jfixaf jFdf hY pr kI qusIN jfxdy ho ik ies qoN bxy izRMk iZwz dI crbI nUM Gwt krn ivc kfrgr sfbq huMdy hn. jy qusIN rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad pudIny dI cfh pINdy ho qF gYs, aYsIiztI vrgIaF smwisafvF dUr ho jFdIaF hn aqy Bfr
GtfAuxf vI afsfn ho jFdf hY.
lfeIPstfeIl zYsk, nvIN idwlI : Bfr
GtfAux leI sB qoN mihMgI Kurfk lYx ivc koeI hrË nhIN hY pr jy qusIN vI afpxy Gr dI rsoeI ivc mOjUd kuJ kudrqI cIËF nUM nËraMdfË krdy ho qF ieh iblkul vI smJdfrI vflI gwl nhIN hY. ies lyK ivc asIN quhfnUM aijhy 5 hrbl izRMks (Herbal Dirnks For Wieght Loss) bfry dwsFgy, ijnHF nUM rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad pIx nfl motfpy dI smwisaf qoN kfPI rfhq imldI hY. jI hF, ienHF izRMks (Wieght Loss Dirnks) nfl qusIN nf isrP qyËI nfl vD rhI crbI nUM ipGlf skdy ho sgoN srIr ‘c mOjUd ËihrIly qwqF nUM vI bfhr kwZ skdy ho. afE pqf krIey.
1) inMbU pfxI qy Èihd inMbU pfxI ivwc mOjUd ivtfimn sI Bfr GtfAux ivwc bhuq mddgfr ho skdf hY. ies dy nfl hI Èihd ‘c aYNtIafksIzYNt BrpUr mfqrf ‘c pfey jFdy hn jo srIr dI mYtfboilk ryt nUM vDf skdy hn. aijhy ‘c rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad inMbU pfxI ‘c Èihd imlf ky pIx nfl pfcn ikiraf
‘c suDfr huMdf hY aqy Bfr Gwt krn ‘c mdd imldI hY.
2) adrk dI cfh
adrk ivwc ijMjrol nfmk iewk imÈrx pfieaf jFdf hY
jo mYtfboilËm nUM vDf skdf hY. ies leI rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad adrk dI cfh pIxf vI ÌfiedymMd huMdf hY, ies nUM bxfAux leI adrk nUM pfxI ‘c Aubfl ky Aus ‘c Èihd jF inMbU df rs imlf lE. rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad ies cfh nUM pIx nfl Bfr qyËI nfl Gwt kIqf jf skdf hY.
3) qulsI dI cfh
qulsI ivwc aijhy aYNtIafksIzYNt aqy
aYNtI-ieMPlymytrI gux huMdy hn jo Bfr
GtfAux ivwc lfBkfrI ho skdy hn. qulsI dI cfh bxfAux leI qulsI dy pwiqaF nUM pfxI ivc Aubflo qy ies ivc
QoVHf ijhf Èihd jF inMbU df rs imlf lE.
jy qusIN hr roË rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad ies
cfh nUM pINdy ho, qF qusIN dyK skdy ho ik quhfzf motfpf jldI hI Gwt huMdf hY.
4) pudIny dI cfh
pudInf pfcn ikiraf nUM ibhqr bxfAux leI jfixaf jFdf hY pr kI qusIN jfxdy ho ik ies qoN bxy izRMk iZwz dI crbI nUM
Gwt krn ivc kfrgr sfbq huMdy hn.
jy qusIN rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad pudIny dI cfh pINdy ho qF gYs, aYsIiztI vrgIaF smwisafvF dUr ho jFdIaF hn aqy Bfr
GtfAuxf vI afsfn ho jFdf hY.
5) gRIn tI
rfq dy Kfxy qoN bfad gRIn tI pIx nfl vI Bfr Gwt kIqf jf skdf hY. ies ivwc
mOjUd kYtyicn nfmk imÈrx mYtfbOilk
ryt nUM vDfAuNdf hY. ies nUM bxfAux leI
grIn tI nUM pfxI ‘c Aubflo aqy iPr ies ‘c QoVHf ijhf Èihd aqy inMbU df rs imlf lE.
ilvr nUM
ishqmMd rwKx ‘c mddgfr huMdy hn Detox Dirnks, ienHF nUM kro zfeIt ‘c Èfml
sImF rwl
ilvr nf isrÌ iewk aMg hY, sgoN iewk glYNz vI hY jo srIr ivwcoN ËihrIly pd-
frQF nUM bfhr kwZxf, pfcn ivwc shfieqf
krnf, purfxy lfl KUn dy sYwlF nUM htfAuxf, kolYstRol bxfAuxf afid keI mhwqvpUrn
kMm krdf hY. hflFik sfzI jIvn ÈYlI
aqy Kfx-pIx dIaF afdqF kfrn vI
ilvr dI ishq ivgV skdI hY. ienHF
kfrnF kr ky ilvr ‘c hox vflIaF sB qoN
afm smwisafvF ‘c PYtI ilvr df nF sB
qoN Auwpr afAuNdf hY. ies leI ishqmMd
rihx leI ilvr df iDafn rwKxf ËrUrI
hY. iesdy leI, isrP iewk ishqmMd
jIvn ÈYlI qy Kurfk hI ËrUrI nhIN hY, kuJ izRMks (liver detox dirnks) vI hn
jo ilvr dI ishq nUM vDfAux ivwc mdd
kr skdy hn. sux ky hYrfnI ho skdI hY
pr pfxI qoN vDIaf pIx vflf koeI nhIN
hY. bhuq sfrf pfxI pIx nfl srIr nUM
hfeIzRyÈn imldI hY qy ËihrIly qwqF nUM vI
bfhr kwZdf hY. ies nfl ilvr ishqmMd
rihMdf hY aqy ies nfl juVIaF smwisafvF
vI dUr huMdIaF hn. kOPI ilvr zYmyj nUM
Gwt krn ivwc mdd krdI hY. ies nfl
isroiss df Kqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY. kOPI
keI hor purfxIaF ilvr dIaF ibmfrIaF nUM rokx ivwc vI mdd krdI hY. inMbU pfxI srIr ivwcoN ËihrIly pdfrQF nUM bfhr
kwZx ivwc bhuq mdd krdf hY. ies nfl ilvr
ishqmMd rihMdf hY aqy ibhqr PMkÈn krdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf inMbU pfxI pfcn ikiraf leI vI ÌfiedymMd mMinaf jFdf hY. cukMdr df rs aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl BrpUr huMdf hY jo ilvr nUM nuksfn qoN bcfAux ivc mdd krdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf, ieh nfeItRyt df iewk cMgf sroq vI hY jo KUn sMcfr qy ilvr dI ishq nUM vDfvf idMdf hY. KIry df jUs hfeIzryt krdf hY aqy srIr ivwc pfxI dI kmI nUM pUrf krdf hY. ies kfrn ieh srIr ‘coN ËihrIly qwqF nUM bfhr kwZx ‘c vI mdd krdf hY. ies nfl ilvr ishqmMd rihMdf hY. ishqmMd ilvr leI ienHF gwlF df rwKo iDafn
Èrfb nf pIE - bhuq iËafdf Èrfb pIx nfl ilvr nUM nuksfn huMdf hY, ijs nfl ilvr isroiss ho skdf hY.
ishqmMd Bojn KfE- Pl, sbËIaF, sfbq anfj, pRotIn aqy ishqmMd crbI vrgy ishqmMd Bojn Kfx nfl ilvr ishqmMd rihMdf hY.
roËfnf ksrq kro- roËfnf ksrq krn nfl ilvr ishqmMd rihMdf hY.
qxfa GtfE - qxfa sojÈ nUM vDfAuNdf hY, ijsdf ilvr ‘qy mfVf pRBfv pY skdf hY, ies leI qxfa pRbMDn qknIkF df aiBafs kro.
Low Blood Pressure df sMkyq huMdY acfnk cwkr qy DuMdlf nËr afAuxf,
jfxo qurMq rfhq leI kI krIey ?
jdoN Blood Pressure 120/80 imlImItr dI afm blwz pRYÈr ryNj qoN Gwt huMdf hY qy 90/60 qoN hyTF jfxf ÈurU ho jFdf hY, qF iesnUM Hypotenison ikhf jFdf hY. aijhy ‘c ies nUM nËraMdfË krnf ishq leI iblkul vI TIk nhIN hY. loa bIpI dy keI kfrn ho skdy hn, ijs ivc pOÈitk qwqF dI kmI, gMBIr sMkrmx, zIhfeIzryÈn, qxfa, hfeIpoQfeIroizËm, anImIaf jF KUn dI mfqrf ivwc kmI, grB avsQf, idl nfl sbMDq smwisafvF afid Èfml hn.
Low Blood Pressure iSgns : lfeIPstfeIl zYsk, nvIN idwlI : awjklH bhuq sfry lok blwz pRYÈr dI smwisaf df iÈkfr ho rhy hn. afm qOr ‘qy jdoN blwz pRYÈr dI gwl afAuNdI hY qF lok sB qoN pihlF hfeI bIpI XfnI hfeIprtYnÈn dI gwl krdy hn pr Gwt blwz pRYÈr nUM aksr nËraMdfË kIqf jFdf hY. ieh ies leI ikAuNik Gwt bIpI dy lwCx ieMny spwÈt qOr ‘qy idKfeI nhIN idMdy qy lok iesnUM hfeIprtYnÈn dy mukfbly Gwt Éqrnfk mMndy hn. hflFik, swcfeI ieh hY ik loa blwz pRYÈr, ijs nUM hfeIpotYNÈn vI ikhf jFdf hY, awjkwlH iewk afm smwisaf bx geI hY.
jdoN blwz pRYÈr 120/80 imlImItr dI afm blwz pRYÈr ryNj qoN Gwt huMdf hY qy 90/60 qoN hyTF jfxf ÈurU ho jFdf hY, qF iesnUM hfeIpotYNÈn ikhf jFdf hY. aijhy ‘c ies nUM nËraMdfË krnf ishq leI iblkul vI TIk nhIN hY. loa bIpI dy keI kfrn ho skdy hn, ijs ivc pOÈitk qwqF dI kmI, gMBIr sMkrmx, zIhfeIzryÈn, qxfa, hfeIpoQfeIroizËm, anImIaf jF KUn dI mfqrf ivwc kmI, grB avsQf, idl nfl sbMDq smwisafvF afid Èfml hn. BP loa hox ‘qy hyT ilKy lwCx idKfeI idMdy hn. cwkr afAuxf byhoÈI
DuMdlf nËr afAuxf ipafs lwgxI
AultIaF afAuxf qy Qkfvt
lMby smyN qwk bYTx jF lytx qoN bfad KVHy hox dOrfn cwkr afAux nUM poscrl hfeIpotYNÈn ikhf jFdf hY. ienHF lwCxF nUM iDafn ivc rwKdy hoey afpxy blwz pRYÈr dI jFc kro aqy ies df ielfj kro. nfl hI, jykr quhfnUM
acfnk mihsUs huMdf hY ik quhfzf blwz pRYÈr
loa ho irhf hY qF qusIN ienHF GrylU nusiKaF dI mdd nfl qurMq rfhq pf skdy holUx
pfxI ‘c lUx Gol ky pIx nfl blwz pRYÈr
sMquilq ho jFdf hY. vYsy qF WHO anusfr lUx
dI mfqrf iek idn ivwc iek cmc nmk qoN vwD nhIN hoxI cfhIdI pr loa blwz pRYÈr ‘c sozIam dI mfqrf nUM vDfAuxf ËrUrI ho jFdf hY, ies leI pfxI ivwc lUx Gol ky pIx nfl
qurMq rfhq imldI hY. pfxI KUn dI mfqrf vDf ky quhfnUM hfeIzryt rwKx ‘c mdd krdf hY, jo zIhfeIzRyÈn dI smwisaf qoN rfhq idMdf hY aqy blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol krdf hY.
qulsI pfxI
qulsI dy pwiqaF ‘c potfÈIam, mYgnIÈIam qy ivtfimn sI pfieaf jFdf hY qy XUjynol nfmk aYNtIafksIzYNt vI pfieaf jFdf hY, jo blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol krdf hY. ies leI pfxI ‘c qulsI dIaF kuJ pwqIaF pf ky Aubflo qy iPr ies pfxI df syvn kro.
sOgI nUM rfq Br pfxI ‘c iBE ky svyry ies df syvn kro. ieh blwz srkUlyÈn nUM sucfrU ZMg nfl kMtrol krdf hY ijs nfl blwz pRYÈr kMtrol huMdf hY.
ivtfimn bI 12 BrpUr Kurfk
ivtfimn bI 12 qy Polyt dI Gft anImIaf df kfrn bx skdI hY, ijs nfl blwz pRYÈr loa ho jFdf hY. ies leI afpxI Kurfk ‘c
mIt, aFzy, mwCI, duwD qy pnIr vrgIaF Kfx
vflIaF cIËF nUM Èfml kro qy hrIaF pwqydfr
sbËIaF, broklI, dfl, inMbU jfqI dy Pl, myvy qy bIjF df syvn kro, ijs nfl srIr nUM ivtfimn bI12 qy Polyt dI BrpUr mfqrf imldI rhy.
cfh qy kOPI afrËI qOr ‘qy blwz pRYÈr vDf skdy hn. hflFik, ies bfry Koj ajy vI jfrI hY.
kMprYÈn stoikMg
ieh srIr ‘c KUn dy pRvfh nUM sucfrU bxfAux
‘c mdd krdy hn qy lwqF ivwc KUn dy jmHF hox nUM rokdy hn. ieh loa blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol krdf hY.
ikwqy ’c sPlqf dy nukqy, pVHo afpxy Profe- sison ’c sPl hox leI
gwlF hn ËrUrI
zf[ rxjIq isMG
bhuqy nOjvfn afpxf kfrobfr ÈurU krn qoN ies krky
kMnIN kqrfAuNdy hn ikAuNik AunHF nUM zr huMdf hY ik jy
sPl nf hoey iPr kI bxygf. aijhI soc df afDfr
Éud ’qy Brosy dI Gft huMdf hY. iemfndfrI (Honesty) nfl kIqI imhnq kdy ajfeINN nhIN jFdI. kfrobfr ’c sPlqf (succeed in profession) leI iewQy swq nukqy ivcfry gey hn, ijnHF nUM sqrMgI afiKaf igaf hY. ienHF ’qy aml kIiqaF XkInI sPlqf hfisl kIqI jf skdI hY.
iewCf ÈkqI/vcnbwDqf
kfrobfr ivc sPlqf (succeed in your profesison) leI ËrUrI hY iewCf ÈkqI. afpxy ikwqy dI cox kr ky jy idRVH ierfdy nfl ÌYslf kr ilaf jfvy ik mYN ieh ikwqf krnf hY, kr skdf hF qy ies ’c sPlqf pRfpq krFgf, iPr kfmXfbI ËrUr imldI hY. AuhI musfÌr mMiËl Auqy puwjdf hY, ijs nUM afpxI mMiËl df pqf huMdf hY. kudrq ny hr mnuwK nUM ÈkqI rUpI qÉqI bÉÈI hY, ijs ’qy Auh afp afpxy krm ilKdf hY. krm krn dI ÈkqI lgBg sfiraF ’c ieko ijhI huMdI hY pr krm krn dI iewCf mnuwK dy afpxy vws huMdI hY. ijhVf mnuwK krm krn dI ÈkqI dI pUrI vrqoN krdf hY qy lgn nfl imhnq krdf hY, sPlqf Éud Aus dy kdm cuMmdI hY.
ibnF imhnq kIiqaF nhIN huMdI pRfpqI ibnF imhnq kIiqaF koeI pRfpqI nhIN huMdI. ieh pRfpqI AudoN hI ho skdI hY, jy iemfndfrI nfl afpxI iËMmyvfrI kbUlidaF imhnq krIey. imhnq hI mnuwKI ÈkqI hY. jy koeI awj df kMm kwlH ’qy Cwzdf hY qF Aus df kMm kdy pUrf huMdf hI nhIN ikAuNik kwlH qF kdy afAuNdf nhIN. keI vfr jy hfr df mUMh vyKxf pvy qF Gbrf ky mYdfn nhIN Cwzxf cfhIdf. hfr qoN GbrfAuxf nhIN cfhIdf sgoN ies qoN pRyrnf lYxI cfhIdI hY. jy mn ’c lgn qy ÉfihÈ hovy qF muÈklF dy hwl lwB hI pYNdy hn.
afqm-ivÈvfs dI ËrUrq kfrobfr ’c sPlqf bhuqf krky afqm-ivÈvfs (Self Conifdence) Auwqy inrBr krdI hY. ijs mnuwK nUM Éud ’qy Brosf nhIN, Aus dy ierfdy kdy puKqf nhIN ho skdy. Auh ÌYsly lYx qoN iJjkdf rihMdf hY qy kdy vI pUry hOsly nfl iksy kMm nUM hwQ nhIN pf skdf. kfrobfr ivc keI vfr KVoq af skdI hY. Aus nUM vyK ky inrfÈ nhIN hoxf cfhIdf sgoN ies dy kfrnF df ivÈlyÈx kr ky AunHF nUM dUr krnf cfhIdf hY. jy mnuwK nUM Éud ’qy Brosf hovy qF muÈklF dy hwl lwB hI pYNdy hn. iemfndfrI hr kMm ies inÈcy nfl ÈurU krnf cfhIdf hY ik jy mYnUM koeI rfh nf vI imilaf qF nvF rfh bxf lvFgf pr sPlqf ËrUr hfisl krFgf. iemfndfrI (Honesty) nfl imhnq kIiqaF ijhVI sPlqf pRfpq huMdI hY, Auh hI sQfeI hY. byeImfnI jF hyrfPyrI nfl kIqI kmfeI POrI suwK qF BfvyN dy sky pr ieh ÉuÈI sQfeI nhIN huMdI. afqmf ’qy boJ pY jFdf hY, ijs df aihsfs hmyÈf pRyÈfn krdf hY.
ikwqy ’c muhfrq hY ËrUrI afpxy ikwqy ’c sPlqf leI iemfndfrI, idRVH ierfdf qy imhnq dy nfl-nfl Aus ikwqy ivc muhfrq (Skill in Work) vI ËrUrI hY. hunr bÊYr qF kfrobfr TIk ZMg nfl nhIN cwl skygf. jy quhfnUM afpxy ikwqy bfry pUrf igafn hovygf, imhnq df Pl vI AudoN hI pRfpq ho skygf. ijhVy lok cuxy hoey ikwqy ivc muhfrq hfisl kr ky pRiswDI pRfpq krdy hn, AunHF ivc iemfndfrI, lgn qy imhnq vrgy hux huMdy hn. sPlqf leI hmyÈf afpxy igafn ’c vfDf krdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. igafn df Gyrf jy sOVf hovy qF kfrobfr ’c Tihrfa af jFdf hY.
bolbfxI dI BUimkf sMsfr ’c mnuwK hI aijhf jIv hY, ijs kol bfxI dI ÈkqI hY. bfxI dI ÈkqI nfl sMgI-sfQIaF df mn ijwiqaf jf skdf hY pr ies ÈkqI dI durvrqoN sMgIsfQIaF qy gfhkF nUM dUr kr idMdI hY. imwTf bolx ’c kuJ Érc nhIN huMdf qy iksy Aucycy Xqn dI vI loV nhIN pYNdI. iPwkf bolx lwigaF jF kRoD smyN qF srIr dI qfkq loV nfloN vwD vrqI jFdI hY, ijs nfl mnuwK dI ishq hI Érfb nhIN huMdI sgoN Aumr vI GwtdI hY. kfrobfr ivc sPlqf qy sMgI-sfQIaF df ipafr qy siqkfr pRfpq krn leI iPwkf bolx df Xqn nf kIqf jfvy sgoN imwTf bolx df aiBafs kIqf jfvy. cVHdI klf ’c rho ies sfry kuJ qoN Auwqy hY cVHdI klf. ijhVf mfnv duwK-suwK qy aOKI GVI vyly vI cVHdI klf ivc rihMdf hY, Auh kdy asPl ho hI nhIN skdf. jIvn ivc Auqrfa-cVHfa qF afAuNdy rihMdy hn pr jy asIN duwK smyN vI AumId dI ikrn lY ky Èukrfnf krdy hF qF aOKI GVI afpxy afp hI dUr ho jFdI hY. jIvn cwldy rihx df nF hY. ijs ny ihMmq hfr idwqI, Aus ny bfËI hfr idwqI. idRVH ierfdy qy svY-Brosy sdkf cVHdI klf ivc rihMidaF ijhVf iensfn jIvn dI lVfeI lVdf hY, sPlqf Aus dy kdm cuMmdI hY. ihMmq aqy Auwdm hr muÈkl nUM dUr kr skdy hn. bwdl BfvyN ikMny vI sMGxy ikAuN nf hox, sUrj dI ikrn ËrUr cmkdI hY. ies krky inrfÈqf nUM kdy vI afpxy nyVy Zukx nhIN dyxf cfhIdf. lflc ’c af ky kdy Êlq rfh aKiqafr nhIN krnf cfhIdf. ÊlqI hr iensfn qoN huMdI hY pr awgy AuhI jFdf hY, ijhVf ÊlqI nUM mMn ky Aus nUM suDfrn df Xqn krdf hY. sPl mnuwKF aMdr diraf vrgI rvfngI huMdI hY. jIvn ’c sPlqf (Success in Life) hfisl krn leI mnuwK nUM swcI ikrq kridaF hmyÈf cVHdI klf ’c rihxf cfhIdf hY. ijhVy iensfn ÉuÈIaF vMzdy hn, dUijaF dI loV vyly shfieqf krdy hn, Auh hI mnmohk ÈÉsIaq dy mflk bxdy hn. lflc ’c af ky Êlq ZMg-qrIikaF nfl kIqI kmfeI nfl jIvn dy suwK qF ÉrIdy jf skdy hn pr ÉuÈI qy afnMd dI pRfpqI nhIN huMdI. hmyÈf iemfndfrI nfl imhnq kr ky kmfeI kro.
sqvMq kOr pMDyr
nvF sfl cVHny dI KusLI mYN mnfvF ijwQy, ipCly leI krF sdf sLukr-gujLfr.
TMZIaF qUM sIql hfvfvF sfnUM GwlIN, qYQoN mMgdI hF ieho myry prvrigdfr.
cfry pfsy bMg ho jfey Kun Krfbf, bldIaF lftF ivwc sVy nf sMsfr.
pfeI-pfeI joVdy musLwkqF dy nflL ijhVy, hwk dI kmfeI nUM qUM krIN mflo mfl.
Bfgo idaF BfeIaF df psfrf bMd kr dyeIN, pvy nf grIb nUM iksy pfisAuN vI mfr.
mnuwKqf dy ipafr vflf bUtf aYsf AuWgy jIhdf bIj iKMzy sgly sMsfr.
zuwlHdf hY Kun inrdosLIaF df inwq jdoN, mF DrqI qoN hux huMdf nhIN shfr.
qyrI ieh PuwlF dI PuwlvfVI rhy hwsdI, krdI arjoeI sqvMq hr sfl.
TMZIaF qUM sIql hvfvF sfnUM GwlIN, qYQoN mMgdI hF eyho myry prvridgfr.
qfrf mIrf Br QubIey, mYN qyry nI stysLnI jfvF.
qVky dI gwzI lMgxI, JUTy ijMdVy nUM lfry lfvF.
ijMd myrI suk nI geI, ikqoN mMigaf imly n pfxI.
nI Puwl sfzy qfry mIry dy, qUM klIaF brobr jfxIN.
nI Puwl sfzy ……
nI cyhrf qyrf GVn leI, rMgF myiraF nUM burC n iQafieaf.
nI XfdF nUM ilKx leI, dvfq suwkgI toBf muV afieaf.
nI Puwl sfzy qfry mIry dy
gurbcn kOr iZwloN
nI hAuikaF nUM Kf rwj lF, cIsF df glfs myrf pfxI.
nI Puwl sfzy qfry mIry dy, qUM klIaF brobr jfxIN.
nI Puwl sfzy ……
PulvfVI myrI suwk nI geI, iek dId df dy jf qUM pfxI.
nI bIqy dI iebfrq nUM, suwky pwqrF dy ilK jf khfxI.
sfzI BfvyN guV dI zlI, nI qUM imsLrI brobr jfxI.
nI Puwl sfzy qfry mIry dy, qUM klIaF brobr jfxIN.
jLihr pihr ivwc surjIq pfqr
aMimRq vyly rwb pukfy, mYN nf KylHy AuWT duafry, jLihr pihr ivwc myrf hux durkfry jfxf vI bxdf hY.
myry DuKdy sB hrvPF df, myrIaF sfrIaF hI njLmF df, iksy ndI dIaf lihrF aMdr qfry jfxf vI bxdf hY.
Auh puCdy ny kOx sI vfild, ikwQy dwibaf qyrf murisLd, ieho ijhF nUM kbrF puwt AuKfVy jfxf vI bxdf hY.
mYn kd bixaf nIr iksy leI,
mYN vI sF bydrd, iesy leI, iksy suafqy hwQ myrf sfVy jfxf vI bxdf hY.
mYN vI hwk prfey Bogy, mfxy mfx dUijaF jogy, axafeI prCfvyN myrf mfry jfxf vI bxdf hY.
awDI rfqI kUkF peIaF, jIdIaF sB tflIaF mr geIaF, AuT iksy nf sfrF leIaF, kwly kwly hux sBnF df mfry jfxf vI bxdf hY.
qur pYNdy ny awDI rfqy,
nI Puwl sfzy ……
GuMmr GyrI sLbdF dI, dy ik arQF nUM kuJ smJf jf.
ijMdgI dy hV dy ivcoN, qulf bx ky qUM pfr lMGf jf.
nI pqJV hr sLfK qy, kMm iZloN df hY dyxf pfxI.
nI Puwl sfzy qfry mIry dy, qUM klIaF brobr jfxIN.
nI Puwl sfzy ……
bldy usuvE AuT muafqy, ikho ijhy mihmfn ny afAuNdy.
awDI rfqy vwzy qVky, arQI ivc bdl jFdf hY, ijhVf vI drvfjLf KVky.
sB dy huMidaF kwly kwly vfrI ibn vfrI sB cwly, ies inrmohy sLihr df ieMj AujfVy jfxf vI bxdf hY.
nhIN vsyb khfvx jogf, vsdf hY pr AujfVn joga, ies axhoey df moey df mfry jfxf vI bxdf hY.
myK: pyt dI KrfbI, sQfn pirvrqn df Xog, sMpqI ivvfd, iesqrI nfl JgVf, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, agsq 3, 4, 4, 13, 14, 15 asLuB.
ibRK: vfXU rog nfl pRysLfnI, imwqrF qy bMDUaF qoN mdd, sMqfn dI icMqf, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29, agsq 6, 7 asLuB.
imQun: gupq icMqf, afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr, inwjI jn sihXog sMqfn jF iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc icMqf aqy zr, julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31, agsq 8, 9, 10 asLuB.
krk: ishq TIk, Xfqrf ivwc acfnk ksLt, zr, sMqfn pwKoN suwK, kMm bdlI qoN lfV, sLuB smfcfr imly. julfeI 16, 23, 24, agsq 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 asLuB.
isMG: cmVI rog qoN pRysLfnI, afmdn qoN Krc aiDk, nvI Xojnf qoN lfB hovy, rfj drvfr pwKoN sfvDfn rhy. julfeI 18, 25, 26, 27, asgq 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 asLuB.
kMinaf: ishq TIk rhy, sLnI dfn qoN suK imly, kfrobfr TIk, Dn lfB, iesqrI pwK sLuB, afmdn qoN Krc aiDk rhy. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29, agsq 6, 7 asLuB.
qulf: GrylU JgiVaF qoN sfvDfn rho, svfrI df suK, Dn lfB pUrf imly, sLwqrU qoN sucyq rho, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr bdlI qoN lfB. julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31, asgq 8, 9, 10 asLuB.
ibRsick: KUn dI KrfbI qoN pRysLfnI, Dn lfB ho ky vI Dn hfnI df zr, gupq sLwqrU qoN icMqf, kMm jF sQfn bdlI df ivcfr bxy. julfeI 16, 23, 24, asgq 1, 2, 11, 12 asLuB.
Dn: vfXU rog qoN pRysLfnI, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLwqrU qoN sucyq rho, kMm jF sQfn pirvrqn df ivcfr bxy. julfeI 17, 18, 25, 26, 27 agsq 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 asLuB.
mkr: ishq TIk, rfj drbfr qoN ijwq, Brf-bMDU ksLt, iesqrI pwK qoN lfB hovy, kfrobfrF ivwc lfB imlygf. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29 agsq 6, 7 asLuB.
kuMB: jLmIn jfiedfd sbMDI JgVy isrdrdI bxngy. afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, sLwqrUaF ivwc vfDf, svfrI qoN swt df zr. julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31, agsq 8, 9, 10 asLuB.
mIn: Dn hfnI qoN zr, gupq icMqf qoN pRysLfnI, iesqrI ksLt, afmdn qoN Krcf aiDk hovy. julfeI 16, 23, 24, agsq 1, 2, 11, 12 asLuB.
Any hectic activity that has just started to take shape can continue up to early September. This can include the need for much communication or running around, even on a daily basis. It might make you wonder this week whether some sort of pleasurable activity should be wound down, so you can apply yourself properly.
Be careful that you don’t become overly confident and as a result either take risks or overextend yourself. There is too much that is not entirely evident right now especially if somebody else feels they should have more say or have a greater degree of independence in some way. Time will bring things out into the open.
You might need to accept where you have got to, which may not be as much as you had planned to do from mid July. It may start to become obvious that financial expenses in other directions will be more than you had previously anticipated. This could continue on until early September, so it would be wise to pull back now.
You will need a lot of patience, especially in any situation where you are working with a group of people. You would be far better to sit back and observe rather than attempting to put your plans fully into action. Give out enough information to stimulate conversation. It is what they avoid or disagree with that will tell you a lot.
Something you hadn’t planned on could need your attention so that you create a balanced situation for yourself before matters move on in some way. Involvement with a group of people on either a work or personal level
You can experience others putting themselves first which puts a strain on things important to you. The realisation that this could be something that develops more in the future could be a wake up call to give greater attention to what it is that you want as time goes on. Giving yourself thinking time to mid August is a good idea
Focus on anything you are determined to develop more for your own independence in the future. You can realise that contemplation alone will not move things forward. From now to early September you need to look at the commitments that would need to be taken on. Doing this in stages will help you to get used to the changes.
Someone who is very much an individual and determined to do things in their own way could be an encouragement for you to realise certain obligations that need to change to create more balance in your life. This might encourage you to pay greater attention, even emulate
The detail involved in doing something properly may be of little interest to those who would rather create an impression in the quickest way possible. This could be more than frustrating. You might need to weigh up whether this would be better dropped, especially if you realise that most of the work could be left to you.
Someone else could seem secretive with their ideas up to mid August. This doesn’t seem to interfere with your need to be able to maintain a structure of doing things in your own way, which you feel is important to keep under your own control. There should be the opportunity
A pleasant and unexpected surprise could come your way from someone else. This may stimulate you to think about future possibilities quite differently, especially if it fits with what you enjoy. What you need to manage on daily basis will be busy and will tend to grow, rather than shrink up to early September so stay on track.
Alternative ideas on how to make things more pleasant in situations you need to deal with on a regular basis can be a big help in getting some matters completed. This might be due to dealing with different people, particularly up to mid August. You can make a lot of progress up to early
& Uber
2006 qoN afp dI syvf dy ivwc
• quhfzI syPtI leI kfrF dy dUhry styairMg aqy brykF hn.
• Gr qoN PrI lY ky jfx aqy CWzx df pRbMD hY.
• asIN quhfzy leI roz tYst buWk krdy hF.
• roz tYst leI kfr vI idMdy hF.
• nrvs ividafrQIaF leI KLfs tryinMg idWqI jFdI hY.
• asIN afeI sI bI sI qoN mnj rsLudf ieMstrktr hF.
• asIN pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU aqy ieMgilsL boldy hF.
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3 ways to help your grandchildren get ahead
Most grandparents will admit that being one is much easier than being a parent. You get the joy of meeting a new person and watching them grow and thrive, but then you can hand them back to the parents when a diaper needs changing or a temper tantrum sets off. No matter how hands on or off you are as a grandparent, there are some simple things you can do to help them along the journey of life.
Volunteer as the sitter
Young parents face countless new expenses, from diapers, soothers and baby food to strollers. One or both parents may also have taken parental leave with little or no income coming in during some of that time. In short, they don’t have a lot of disposable income. But it’s important for young parents to maintain a semblance of a social life, whether on a date night or just meeting up with friends without the distraction of kids. If and when you can, volunteer to take your grandkids off your kids’ hands. You’ll get to spend quality time with the children, and their parents get a chance to recharge their batteries. All involved will benefit.
Pass on your talents
Whether it’s when you’re babysitting or just visiting the little ones, share the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years every chance you get. If you speak another language, try to teach them some key words and phrases. Are you the chef in your family? Set the kids off on a lifetime of culinary exploration by teaching them your favourite dishes. Even the littlest ones can lend a hand by rinsing produce and, as they grow, they can graduate to stirring the pot or chopping veggies. Have a hobby? Get the grandkids involved when they’re old enough to participate safely. Even just talking to them about when and where you grew up will open their eyes to a world beyond their doorstep.
to their education
If you think back to how much it cost you to get your post-secondary education, including tuition, accommodations, meal plans and books, the dollar value probably wouldn’t even add up to a year’s tuition today. The CST Foundation projects the cost of a four-year university program while staying at home would be $78,000 in 2042 based on university websites and Statistics Canada data. One of the best ways to save for a child’s future education is through a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Anyone can open or contribute to a child’s RESP, including their grandparents.
B.C. taking action to prevent overdoses, make students safer on campus
The Province is moving forward with new guidelines to protect students and reduce the risks and harms of toxicdrug poisonings.
“Our post-secondary campuses should be a safe space for students, staff and faculty,” said Lisa Beare, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “That’s why the Province has worked with the post-secondary sector to create new guidelines for toxic-drug overdose awareness and response for institutions to use to keep students, staff and faculty safe on campus.”
B.C.’s Post-Secondary Overdose Prevention and Response Steering Committee was formed in May 2024 after being convened by Beare. The committee has developed overdose prevention and response guidelines to support public post-secondary institutions implementing strategies to protect students and reduce the risks and harms of the toxic-drug crisis.
“The toxic-drug crisis continues to have a devastating impact on families and communities in B.C., and the impact on students has been heartbreaking,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions.
“Poisoned drugs have become incredibly toxic and more people than ever before are at risk of dying. We’re taking action to make sure students have the tools and knowledge they need to keep themselves and their peers safe in an emergency.”
The steering committee has released guidelines for the public sector to help keep students safe.
These guidelines include promoting awareness of overdose prevention and treatment services available on campus or in the community, the Lifeguard and Brave apps, take-home naloxone kits and drugchecking services, and ensuring students know they can call first responders for help without fear of academic repercussions.
Other guidelines will help improve overdose-response protocols and procedures, such as clear training recommendations for campus security, other campus staff and faculty.
To see the full guidelines for postsecondary institutions, visit: https://
The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, in partnership with the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, and the Ministry of Health, is distributing nasal naloxone to all B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions, as well as First Nations Mandated Institutes.
These supplies will be located in student residences, social venues such as bars and restaurants, and other areas on campus.
The steering committee will continue to meet during the school year to continue its work. Further guidelines are being developed to supporting training and communications related to addressing the toxic-drug crisis.
Quick Facts:
Take-home naloxone kits are available at more than 2,320 locations, including 911 pharmacies in B.C.
Since 2015, more than 2.4 million take-home naloxone kits have been shipped.
As of June 2024,161,854 take-home naloxone kits have been reported being used to reverse a drug poisoning.
Aus ny aOrq nUM jIvMq pRfxI vjoN svIkfr
kIqf hY ijs dy afpxy supny aqy iewCfvF
hn. Auh aijhI aOrq dI gvfh hY jo smfijk pRMprfvF krky iewCfvF nUM nhIN
dbfAuxf cfhuMdI hY. aMimRqf pRIqm 31
akqUbr 2005 nUM ies sMsfr nUM alivdf
kih geI.aMimRqf pRIqm pMjfbI sfihq
jgq df lokipRX nF hY. Ausdf jnm 31
agsq 1919 nUM s[ krqfr isMG ihqkfrI
dy Gr mfqf rfj kOr dI kuwKoN guwjrFvflf
(pfiksqfn) ivwc hoieaf. aMimRqf mihË
11 sfl dI sI jdoN Aus dI mfqf df dyhFq ho igaf. ies AuprMq Auh qy Aus dy
ipqf lfhOr af ky vws gey ijQy Aus ny imzl, igafnI qy dsvIN dI pRIiKaf pfs
kIqI. Ausdf ivafh pRIqm isMG kvfqVf nfl hoieaf. afpxy pqI df nF Ausdy nF nfl juVn krky hI Auh aMimRq kOr qoN aMimRqf pRIqm bxI. aMimRqf ny afpxI kfiv-Xfqrf 1930-31 qoN ÈurU kr idwqI
sI. pMjfbI dy afDuink sfihq jgq dI
Auh pihlI kivwqrI hY ijs ny aOrq dy mn dy BfvF nUM afpxIaF rcnfvF df ivÈf bxfieaf hY. Aus df pihlf kfiv-sMgRih 1935 ivwc ‘TMzIaF ikrnF’ nF hyT Cipaf hY. Auh lgpg 20 kfiv-sMgRih pMjfbI
sfihq jgq dI JolI ivwc pf cuwkI hY. ies qoN ielfvf Aus dy nfvl, vfrqk
aqy bhuq sfrIaF pusqkF df anuvfd vI
kIqf hY. aMimRqf pRIqm nUM sfihq akfdmI
pIVq aOrq dI afvfË sI aMimRqf pRIqm
rivMdr isMG
aYvfrz qy BfrqIX igafnpIT aYvfrz
pRfpq hoey. Auh hI pMjfb dI pihlI aOrq
lyiKkf hY ijs nUM 1969 ivwc pdm sRI
aYvfrz qy 2004 ivwc pdm ivBUÈx aY-
vfrz imilaf hY. AusnUM keI XUnIvris-
tIaF qoN zI[ ilt dI izgrI vI imlI. Auh
rfj sBf dI mYNbr vI rhI.axvMzy pMjfb
ivwc aMimRqf pRIqm ny 1938 qoN 1947 qwk
lfhOr ryzIE styÈn ’qy kMm kIqf aqy
vMz qoN bfad Ausny afl ieMzIaf ryzIE
styÈn, idwlI kMm krnf ÈurU kIqf. 1966
ivwc ‘nfgmxI’ nF df pMjfbI mfisk pwqr
afrMB kIqf ijhVf sfihqk hlikaF ivwc
byhwd pRvfn ciVHaf[ ies nUM ‘pRIqlVI’
ijMnI hI sPlqf imlI. aMimRqf srbFgI
sfihqkfrf sI. Ausny kivqf, nfvl,
khfxI, inbMD, svY-jIvnI, sÌrnfmf
iliKaf qy bhuq sfry anuvfd kIqy pr
Aus nUM kivwqrI vjoN hI jfixaf jFdf hY.
aMimRqf dI kivqf vwKrI pCfx vflI hY.
Auh ipqf qoN sfihqk gux lY ky kivqf nUM
rvfieqI qrIky nfl nYiqk iswiKaf qoN
ilKxf ÈurU krdI hY. smfijk qbdIlI
kfrn jdoN lokF df Êm Ausdf afpxf Êm
bx igaf qF sfihqk svr dI nuhfr bdl
geI. ieh ivakqI pwDr qoN smUihk pwDr
ivc qldIl ho geI“husn ieÈk dIaF
gwlF vy muMizaf vyhly smyN dIaF gwlF, awj
vftF dI Cnkfr bdl geI pYr ËMËIrF
nfl”. dyÈ vMz nfl sMbMiDq AusdI kivqf
‘awj afKF vfirs Èfh nUM’ ivwc 1947 df
duKFq, aOrq dI qrsXog hflq, pMjfb
dI ikrsfnI df drd, isafsq, vfrs
Èfh, swiBafcfr qy Ausdf afpxf ËfqI
duwK afps ivwc ieMj rl gey ik ienHF
nUM alwg kr skxf muÈikl hY. BfvyN ik
lok 1947 dIaF iGnOxIaF XfdF nUM ipCy
Cwz afey hn pr awj vI ies kivqf
dI sfriQkqf AuNJ dI AuNJ bxI hoeI hY.
nfvl ‘ipMjr’ ’qy iPlm vI bx cuwkI hY.
sfihqkfrF qy buwDIjIvIaF vloN aMimRqf
pRIqm nUM pMjfb dI afvfË, iesqrI dI
avfË aqy pMjfb dI hUk ijhy ivÈyÈx
idwqy gey hn. Aus ny pMjfbI BfÈf nUM
amIrI krn aqy ies nUM ivÈv pwDr
qwk iljfx ivwc mhwqvpUrn Xogdfn
pfieaf. aMimRqf dIaF ilKqF isrÌ aOrq
dIaF pIVF nUM hI nhIN sgoN BfrqI/pMjfbI
smfj dIaF mfnv ivroDI pRMprfvF ’qy vI
svflIaf icMnH lfAuNdIaF hn. iesy krky
Ausny hfkmF dy kuJ iKlvfV dy ivruwD
lok-lihrF nUM pRmfixkqf idwqI. rumFitk
BfvF nUM lFBy rwK ky afpxI kivqf rfhIN
smfijk XQfrQ nUM ibafn krn dI koiÈÈ
kIqI hY. Aus dI BfÈf lokDfrfeI aMÈF nfl
BrpUr hY. pfTk nUM afpxy nfl qor lYNdI
hY. Aus dy ijhn ’qy gihrI Cfp CwzI hY.
aMimRqf pRIqm dI smuwcI rcnf sfmMqI qy
ipqrkI dIaF pwkIaF pIzIaF kMDF nUM Korf
lfAuNdI hY. nfrI dy suqMqr ivakqIqv nUM
sQfpq krn leI bihs CyVdI hY. aMimRqf
suqMqr aOrq ivwc afpxI hoNd aqy pCfx
dI CvI kfiem hox dfavf krdI hY. aMimRqf dI klm sfhvyN jfgIrdfrI ZFcy
dIaF ikrcF sn jo smfj dy vzyry Bfg nUM jfq, Drm, amIrI, ÊrIbI qy ipafr
dIaF duÈmx bx ky ivMnHdIaF sn. Auh
ies ZFcy nUM muwZoN hI nkfrdI hY. Auh locdI hY ik DrqI df koeI vI mrd aOrq iksy pwKoN AUxf nf hovy. Auh smuwcI mfnvqf dIaF pIVF nUM svY dIaF pIVF nfloN ikqy vwD duKdfeI smJdI sI. Auh lok ihqYÈI
ivcfr dI vfirs sI. BfrqI/pMjfbI smfj ivc aOrq dI qRfsidk hflq dI pyÈkfrI sUÌI kivqf qoN lY ky awj qwk huMdI af rhI hY pr ijs lihËy ivwc aMimRqf ny smMqI smfj dy ipqrkI soc nUM swt mfrI hY Auh iksy hor kvI dy ihwsy nhIN afeI. kivqf aMndfqf ies dI imsfl hY. Auh aOrq, pqI qy pRymI dI byimsfl iqkox isrjdI hY ijs ivwc iqMny hI pIVq iDrF ho inbVdy hn. Aus ny aOrq nUM jIvMq pRfxI vjoN svIkfr kIqf hY ijs dy afpxy supny aqy iewCfvF hn. Auh aijhI aOrq dI gvfh hY jo smfijk pRMprfvF krky iewCfvF nUM nhIN dbfAuxf cfhuMdI hY. aMimRqf pRIqm 31 akqUbr 2005 nUM ies sMsfr nUM alivdf kih geI.
In Loving Memory of Mohinder Kaur Seikhon
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, grandmother, great grand mother, aunt, and friend, Mohinder Kaur Seikhon, who left us peacefully on August 27th. She touched the lives of so many with her kindness, warmth, and unconditional love.
A funeral service to honor her memory will be held on September 7th at 3:00 PM at Fraser River Funeral Home.
She will be deeply missed and forever cherished in our hearts.
BfrI ihrdy nfl asIN afpxI ipafrI mfqf, dfdI, pVdfdI, mfsI aqy dosq moihMdr kOr sNyKoN dy akfl clfxy df aYlfn krdy hF, jo 27 agsq nUM sfnUM ivCoVf dy gey hn. AuhnF ny afpxI idaflqf, inwG aqy ibnF Èrq ipafr nfl bhuq sfry lokF dIaF iËMdgIaF nUM CUihaf.
AuhnF dI Xfd nUM snmfinq krn leI aMiqm sMskfr syvf 7 sqMbr nUM dupihr 3:00 vjy PryËr irvr iPAUnrl hom ivKy afXoijq kIqI jfvygI.
AuhnF nUM bhuq Xfd kIqf jfvygf aqy sfzy idlF ivwc hmyÈf ipafr kIqf jfvygf.
gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr aYbtsPorz ny sfihb sRI guru gMRQ
sfihb jI dy 420 vyN pihly prkfsL dy sbMD ivwc ngr kIrqn df aXojn 1 sqMbr 2024 nMU kIqf igaf.
svyry Tik vkq qy phMuc ky Plot nMu sjfieaf igaf. ies iqafrI ivwc imAUjk aqy pMjfbI izpfrtmYNt dy nfl nfl nfl mfipaF ny vI bVI
vDIaf mdd kIqI. Plot bVI CyqI vkq nfl iqafr ho igaf. sMgIq dIaF mnmohk DwunF ivwc pro ky kivqfvF aqy kvIsLrIaF nfl skUl dIaF bwcIaF ny sMgqF
nMU inhfl kIqf. iehnF kivqfvF qy kvIsLrIaF ivwc isWK ieqhfs nMU rUpmfn kIqf
igaf. skUl dy bYNz dI pysLkfrI leI vDfeI dy pfqr hn. Bhuq hI vDIaf DwunF
krdy hn. AumId aqy ardfs nfl afsvMd h Fik skUl hor qwrkIaF kry. ngr kIrqn aYbrsPorz 2024 ivwc dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dI smUlIaq
nfl Zol vjf ky lVikaF ny mfhOl nMU sohxf bxf idwqf.
dsmysL pMjfbI skUl vwloN sMgqF nMU prsLfdf pfxI CkfAux leI do QfvF
qy lMgr dy tfl vI lfvy gey sn. ijs ivwc bwicaF nMU iswK ieqhfs nfl jfxUM krvfAux kuJ gqI iv-
DIaF AulIkIaF geIaF. aMq ivwc
skUl borz ies leI prsMsF aqy
vDfeI df pfqr hY ijs dy asfry sfrf kuJ sMBv ho sikaf. Klybrn toieMg vfilaF
df bhuq hI DMnvfd hY ijhVy afpxIaF syvfvF sfry hI ngr kIrqnF vfsqy arpx
Jasbir Bhogal
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-300-2885
Rushal Chawla
Financial Services Manager
Phone: 604-300-7015
Sunil Desai
Sales Manager
Phone: 778-868-5757
Ned Bhatti
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-308-4944