Journal Publication Process for Research Paper – Pubrica

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Journal Publication Process for Research Paper An Academic presentation by Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: Email:

TODAY'S Prepare Manuscript DISCUSSION Submit

Manuscript Peer-review Decision Manuscript Publication in Journals Check for Plagiarism Preparation of the artwork Submission Post-acceptance/ Rejection


A research paper's publishing support in a journal is a lengthy and laborious process, and it entails several steps that the author must perform before submission to a journal. Following submission, the publisher takes different approaches the author has no influence. An author must grasp the many processes involved to acquire a success full journal publication promptly. The major steps involved in publishing a research report, from manuscript preparation to journal publication:

WORK ON YOUR RESEARCH Have original research work on a topic that is currently of interest. To advance in the discipline, scholars should focus on highquality research. Finding the present state of knowledge will be aided by a thorough literature review.

PREPARE MANUSCRIPT Find a journal with similar

goals and scope to your research. This is the period when the author needs to look up all of the journal's details and policies, such as copyright, authorship, submission policies, and journal publication fees. After you've found an acceptable journal, style your manuscript according to the journal publication's author guidelines. Come up with what you believe are unique hypotheses while writing up your findings, base your work on reliable data, and apply an appropriate research approach. Share theoretical and practical ramifications for your work and provide theoretical insight.

SUBMIT MANUSCRIPT Submit your paper online through the webpage of the targeted journal and include all relevant information in the online journal submission system. Do not send your work to more than one journal simultaneously (according to the guidelines).


PEERREVIEW Following the editorial screening, the peer-reviewing process for a wellformatted manuscript that falls within the journal's scope will begin. During the review process, be patient and wait for a response from the editor, which could take a few weeks. Reviewing time varies for each journal; you may obtain an approximate necessary reviewing time by visiting the about section of an individual j ournal publication support.

DECISI ONThe editor on

will give you one of the following decision letters based the reviewer's recommendation:

REVISION REQUIRED: Revise the manuscript in light of the feedback and resubmit. This link will take you to a video tutorial on how to submit the amended manuscript to Journals.

DECLI NE: Examine

your manuscript for a cause to decline. Resubmit your manuscript after spending a lot of time improving it.


is the momentto rejoice; your submissionwill be copyedited final publication by the journal.

MANUSCRIPT PUBLICATION IN JOURNALS After your work has been accepted, you will receive a galley proof version for minor proofreading modifications, and your article will be published. By the journal's licence policy, it's time to share your published work and cite it in other related publications. Contd...

CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM Journalists have frowned upon plagiarism since it violates ethical journal publication standards and frequently results in rejection. Plagiarism rejection can damage an author's reputation and credibility as a researcher. Will find portions in your paper that the journal might flag as instances of unintentional plagiarism.

PREPARATION OF THE ARTWORK To successfullyexplain your findings, artwork

as graphs, photographs,

like illustrations, infographics, or other visuals are required. Every publication journal has its own set of technical artwork criteria, which can be time-consuming. Both before and after your paper is approved, our Artwork Preparation service will guarantee that your artwork fits all of the journal's standards. Our graphic design experts are familiar with technical artwork rules and have dealt with the artwork preparation guidelines of various periodicals.

SUBMISS ION After you've finished

writing your novel, you'll need to prepare it for submission, including a cover page. You must make an account with the journal on their website, and then you must complete the entire submission process. This is a timeconsuming and challenging task. Contd...

We understand the journal's expectations and can handle this process because we've worked with over 154,000 writers. The editor makes the ultimate decision on any research paper and sends it back to the author with comments from the editorial team or peer review. The author must provide a revised manuscript to the editor along with a detailed statement describing the modifications made and a persuasive academic or scientific justification for why specific proposals were not accepted. Contd...

The editor may decide to decide on their own or re-share the research article for the second round of peer review, depending on the severity of the revisions. While delaying the proces publication these steps s, j only increase the quality and ourna publication's support are l critical.


POST-ACCEPTANCE/ REJECTION If the magazine accepts your work with adjustments, the chief editor will send you questions and editing suggestions, which you must respond to. These suggestions will also require you to rewrite your manuscript. If your article is rejected because it does not follow the journal's guidelines, consider reformatting it according to the policies of another journal publication that is more relevant for your research.

We understand how difficult and time-consuming this procedure is. With ourpublication support services assistance bundles, you can journal delegate the onerous chore of handling the submission and publication process to pubrica.

CONCLUSION Authors should clearly understand how a magazine publishes their work, and they should plan accordingly to guarantee a seamless journal publication process.

ABOUT PUBRICA Our pubrica team helps academics, scientists, and scholars prepare their papers for submission by providing high-quality journal publication support services. Pubrica takes pride in our ability to provide industry- leading service consistently. We are dedicated to assisting you in your quest for success, regardless of where you are in your research.

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