Urbofilia, pages 1-465

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But in a narrower sense: no; I would not dare to select a single, or even a few creations that fascinate me. Nor only a few authors. Earlier, when I was younger, I was more self-confident and I would start naming them. Michelangelo Buonarotti would be at the top of the list. He would bring me back to the city: Michelangelo and the Florence of the Medicis – a genius and his milieu. In general, I am most fascinated by the aspects of human endeavour that are positioned somewhere between ratio (reason) and intuition, which synthesise knowledge and the instincts. Latin ratio and Japanese hara. Yes, maybe exactly like that; philosophically, and geographically as well as culturally: East and West.

10. What do you consider to be your failure? In what way can a failure influence you? A failure? Plural, please. I have had many failures, as, I believe everyone’s has. Most of them are on an intimate, human level and, chronologically, most of them are related to those years of the late-Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav insanity. Many are related to the discrepancy between a desire to do good and the inability to be good towards all those who deserve it.


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