Education Business 24.3

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THE ED-TECH STRATEGY IN FOCUS The DfE wants to ensure schools can take advantage of the opportunities available through technology. But what support will they get?



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THE ED-TECH STRATEGY IN FOCUS The DfE wants to ensure schools can take advantage of the opportunities available through technology. But what support will they get?


Getting the most out of educational technology The government wants to ensure the education sector can take advantage of the opportunities available through technology, and its EdTech Strategy outlines the support it will give schools to help them do this. Thankfully, this includes addressing some of the barriers that schools have, such as slow internet connections and outdated networks. Acknowledging that schools may sometimes be overwhelmed when procuring EdTech, the strategy outlines measures to support schools. This includes allowing them to learn from other ‘demonstrator schools’, as well as an initiative from BESA called LendED, which is a free service that lets schools try educational software before they buy them.

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The strategy also highlights that EdTech companies often find it hard to get into schools. Not being able to pilot new solutions and get feedback could be hampering innovation. The strategy therefore says the DfE will establish small ‘test beds’ of schools and colleges to support the development, piloting and evaluation of technology. We explore the government’s EdTech strategy in detail on page 61. Angela Pisanu, editor

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Contents Education Business 24.3 29

07 News

Labour would make climate change core to curriculum; Most parents do not choose their nearest school; Cash incentives for maths and physics teachers

17 Academies

The debate around academies tends to focus on the potential shortcomings without always considering some of the benefits. Liz Anderson, chief executive officer of the Djanogly Learning Trust, shares her experience of the advantages to being part of a multi academy trust

21 Finance

A new academies chart of accounts has been launched by the Department for Education as the first step to automated financial reporting

25 Procurement


The ‘share of savings’ cost model from procurement consultants is designed to enable the buyer to pay no upfront costs but instead pay a percentage of the savings that are achieved. Crescent Purchasing Consortium explores this model to help you determine if it best fits your school

29 Air Quality 51

Public Health England’s report into air quality highlights the need to reduce air pollution in the vicinity of schools. Education Business reports on the measures that can be taken to decrease children’s exposure to harmful pollutants

35 Design & Build: Pupil places

With 640 new schools needed across the UK over the next couple of years to meet projections for pupil demand, the government, local authorities and developers need to make a concerted effort to work collaboratively, according to a report from the Scape Group

39 Design & Build:

RIBA regional Award winners

A number of schools have been named regional RIBA award winners for embodying excellence in architecture and demonstrating how a well designed school building can promote academic achievement and pupil and teacher wellbeing


43 Lighting

The best lighting designs take account of natural and electric lighting, and are controlled to balance one carefully with the other throughout the working day, writes Iain Carlile, President of CIBSE’s Society of Light and Lighting

46 Facilities Management

The ‘Good estate management for schools’ guide from the Department for Education is an online tool with advice on how to effectively maintain the school estate as well as plan new projects. This year, the DfE has updated the guidance on estate-related projects to include skills and planning

51 Health & Safety


Many schools built between the 1950s and 1980s may contain asbestos, so how can they ensure people aren’t exposed to it? Fiona Riley, Chair of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Education Group, explores the issue

Education Business magazine

55 Fire Safety

From educating pupils about the dangers of false alarms, to considering the flammability of paper display boards, fire safety in schools is more complex than you think. The Fire Industry Association shares what you need to know

61 IT & Computing

The government wants to ensure the education sector can take advantage of the opportunities available through technology. Its EdTech Strategy outlines the support it will give schools to help them do this. Education Business examines the strategy


By linking classroom learning with exciting job roles in engineering, students will realise the value of these subjects for the future. A new guide by EngineeringUK shows STEM professionals how to do this

71 EB Awards

On 4 July this year, schools from the primary, secondary and independent sectors will once again be recognised for innovation and leadership in the 12th Education Business Awards

77 Catering: NSMW

LACA’s National School Meals Week takes place 11-19 November and will once again see a flurry of activity around the country celebrating all that is great about healthy school meals. Here’s what is happening this year to inspire your preparations

81 Catering: LACA Main Event

LACA’s main event will focus on creating a healthy and sustainable future for school food, recognising the important part school caterers play in delivering this to their students each day

83 Outdoor Learning

The Wildlife Trust’s ‘30 Days Wild’ initiative challenges everyone to get outside and do something with nature and wildlife every day in June. Independent studies have shown this can significantly improve wellbeing. Here are some ideas on what schools can do to get involved

91 Play

School breaktimes are as much as an hour shorter than they were two decades ago, meaning children are missing out on opportunities to play, make friends, develop social skills and exercise. Education Business examines what schools can do to ensure playtime is a critical part of the school day

95 Sports Grounds

A new Pitch Grading Framework from the Institute of Groundsmanship will allow schools to showcase the quality of their sports turf facilities, as well as the expertise of their grounds teams

97 Sport

Children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust (YST) has started the countdown for this summer’s YST National School Sport Week, which takes place from 24 to 28 June – with a call for more time for PE on the curriculum Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE


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Expert group to advise on activities that help build character in pupils

A new advisory group has been set up to look at how best to support schools to run more activities to help build character and resilience. The DfE has also called on young people, parents, teachers and community groups to give their views on what they think are the best non-academic activities to offer young people and how to make

the most of them, as well as the traits and skills they need to get on in life. Education Secretary Damian Hinds said: “Life lessons are learned by having a go. With all of us – but particularly young people – spending more and more time online, we should all put our phones down, look up and get involved in activities that stretch and challenge us. “The reason character and resilience matter so much to me is that they are key to social mobility. Social mobility starts with giving young people the unstoppable confidence that they can achieve amazing things, teaching them to cope with the challenges life brings and recognise their achievements – because they each have their own, unique potential to fulfil.”

The call for evidence will help shape the recommendations the group makes later this year on character building. It will consider what has been identified as the five foundations for building character: sport, creativity, performing, volunteering, and experience of work. The advisory group is chaired by Ian Bauckham CBE of the Tenax School Trust and includes James Arthur OBE, Director of Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, and Dame Julia Cleverdon, Co‑founder of Step up to Serve. READ MORE


Labour would make climate change core to curriculum The Labour Party wants climate change to be a core part of the curriculum from primary school onwards. Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner set out plans that would ensure all young people are educated about the ecological and social impact of climate change, under a Labour Government. A review of the curriculum will also make certain that it focuses on the knowledge and skills that young people need in a world that will be increasingly shaped by climate change, particularly in renewable energy and green technology jobs. The knowledge and skills required for the green jobs of the future, such as climate change adaption and mitigation, are severely underrepresented in the current curriculum, the Labour Party says. As part of the review, an expert panel will consider how climate

change and its impact are taught from primary school onwards. One of the key demands of the climate school strikes is that the national curriculum is reformed to address the ecological crisis as an educational priority. Currently, teaching climate change is restricted to Chemistry and Geography in Key Stages 3 and 4. Angela Rayner MP, Shadow Education Secretary, said: “We need to equip people with the knowledge to understand the enormous changes we face, and skills to work with the new green technologies that we must develop to deal with them. “That must be part of a broad education and that prepares pupils for adult life. Climate change should be a core part of the school curriculum, and under a Labour government it will be.” READ MORE


‘30 Days Wild’ returns to get pupils connecting with nature The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge – 30 Days Wild – takes place this June. The challenge calls on everyone to do something with nature and wildlife every day in June. A record number of 60,000 schools, people, families, businesses and care homes throughout the UK have signed up to receive a free pack of ideas and to take part. 30 Days Wild encourages everyone to enjoy nature in our neighbourhoods through daily Random Acts of Wildness: listening to bird song, gazing at butterflies, growing borage for bees and making the most of our parks, gardens and school grounds. Evidence shows that taking part can also make us happier and healthier. The impact of taking part in 30 Days Wild has also been tracked by academics at the University of Derby. Their study found that people who did something ‘wild’ each day for a month, felt happier,

healthier and more connected to nature, with added benefits for the natural world too. Miles Richardson from the University of Derby said; “Our research looked at the impact of 30 Days Wild on 1,000 people, two months after completing the challenge. All those taking part benefitted, feeling 30 per cent healthier than when they started on average. People who reported a disconnect from nature and who spend less time outdoors, showed the greatest improvement in happiness and pro-conservation behaviours. “At a time when poor mental health is on the rise and the decline of our wildlife show no sign of slowing down, 30 Days Wild demonstrates what a much-needed new relationship with nature might look like, for everyone, throughout the year.” READ MORE






Council-run schools more likely to remain good or outstanding

Schools which remain with their council are more likely to keep a good or outstanding Ofsted rating than those which become an academy, a new report by the Local Government Association has revealed. The report looks at how primary and secondary schools’ Ofsted grades have compared over the past five years, comparing those which remained councilmaintained to those that academised. It also found that schools that were rated as requires improvement or inadequate were

more likely to become good or outstanding if they remained council-maintained and did not convert to an academy. The report looked at a sample of 12,814 schools which remained maintained, and 4,033 schools which academised, and compared them for the period of February 2014 to February 2019. It found that 90 per cent (9,400) of schools remaining council-maintained have kept their good or outstanding rating, compared to 81 per cent (2,275) of schools which converted to academies. 88 per cent (2,048) of schools requiring improvement or judged inadequate in February 2014 which remained maintained became good/outstanding in 2019, compared with 59 per cent (723) of schools which converted to academies. 41 per cent (502) of schools requiring improvement or judged inadequate in February 2014 which

converted to academies still had the same rating in February 2019. The LGA has a #CouncilsCan campaign which is calling for councils to be allowed to intervene and improve all types of school found to be inadequate – regardless of whether it is a maintained school or academy. Under current rules, councils are stopped from helping, even in cases where a failing school cannot find an academy sponsor. Maintained schools with inadequate Ofsted judgements, which are considered to be failing, now have to become sponsor-led academies. These are schools taken over by an academy chain, or multi-academy trust (MAT) identified by the Department for Education. READ MORE



Oxford university to increase intake of disadvantaged students

Competition for 7-19 year olds to design EV chargepoints

Oxford University has unveiled two access admission schemes which will enable more academically talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds to study at the university. The two new programmes – Opportunity Oxford and Foundation Oxford – aim to increase significantly the number of most promising students from groups who are currently under-represented in Oxford. Opportunity Oxford is aimed at students from more disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Foundation Oxford will be open to students who have personally experienced severe disadvantage or educational disruption. These new programmes will accommodate up to 250 state school students a year, representing 10 per cent of Oxford’s UK undergraduate intake. This represents a significant step change for the University, boosting the proportion of students coming to Oxford from under‑represented backgrounds from 15 per cent of the current UK intake to 25 per cent.

The schemes offer students the chance to immerse themselves in the Oxford environment, developing their study skills and their subject knowledge. The students will benefit from the University’s teaching facilities while living and studying in a college community. By the end of their programmes they will have developed the confidence to meet the challenges of a demanding undergraduate degree. Both schemes will be free and students’ residential and living costs will be fully funded throughout the courses. The Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, Professor Louise Richardson, said: “This is a sea change in Oxford admissions. Colleagues from across the University, its colleges and departments have united behind a commitment to accelerate the pace at which we are diversifying our student body and ensuring that every academically exceptional student in the country knows that they have a fair chance of a place at Oxford.” READ MORE

The government has launched a competition for 7 to 19 year olds to design the electric vehicle chargepoints of the future. The ‘Eco Innovators’ competition calls on students to submit creative designs for public electric vehicle chargepoints. It aims to encourage budding innovators, engineers and artists to learn more about the engineering sector and zero-emission transport. Winners of each of the 2 age categories will have their winning designs made into real-life prototypes with support from industry experts and their chargepoint displayed at the Electric Vehicle Experience Centre in Milton Keynes. The submissions to the competition will be judged by a panel from organisations including the RAC Foundation, the National Grid, the National Transport Design Centre, Design Council, Living Streets, EV Thank You, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles and the minister, Jesse Norman. The ‘Eco Innovators’ competition is open to students via engineeringcloserlook. The competition closes at 18 October 2019. The winning entries will be announced shortly thereafter.




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Only 15 per cent of new PSBP schools built with sprinklers Of the 673 new schools built and open under the government’s Priority School Building Programme, only 105 were fitted with sprinklers, the Business Sprinkler Alliance (BSA) has found. School fires have a devastating impact on both a school and a community. Measures such as sprinklers drastically reduce the amount of damage done when there is a fire, and enable schools to get up‑and‑running quickly, reducing the cost, both economically and socially, to the public. The Selsey Academy opened the doors to its rebuilt premises in April after a

fire devastated the original building in August 2016. It didn’t have sprinkers then – and neither has the new re-built. The Association of British Insurers says the most expensive school fires typically cost around £2.8 million to address, and over the past four years an average 24 of these large-loss fires have occurred every year, totalling £67.2 million. Currently, sprinklers are mandatory in new school buildings in Scotland and Wales, but not in England and Northern Ireland. The BSA is calling for better education on the substantial benefits that fire

sprinklers can deliver to the business community and wider economy. Fire does not discriminate; whether it is a school, a car park a warehouse or an office, fires happen on a regular basis. However, they can be contained and extinguished by systems such as sprinklers to ensure that life is not put at risk and businesses, jobs and the economy are protected. READ MORE



Cash incentives for maths and physics teachers

BBC Bitesize supports pupils starting secondary

Maths and physics teachers that are early in their career in the North East, Yorkshire & the Humber and other ‘Opportunity Areas’ will receive a £2,000 government incentive to encourage them to stay in the profession and subject area. The pilot will test a new way of incentivising maths and physics teachers to remain in the profession during the first five years of their career. The scheme is based on evidence from the Gatsby Foundation and Education Policy Institute, which highlighted the potentially significant impact of such retention payments. Minister for School Standards Nick Gibb said: “Teaching remains a popular career, but we want to make sure that we can continue to attract and keep the brightest and best graduates, particularly in subjects where specialist

knowledge and expertise are vital to the future success of the economy. “The number of young people studying science and maths subjects has increased since 2010 and we have today pledged £10 million investment to ensure teaching remains an attractive and fulfilling proposition and that every child has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.” The pilot runs alongside Government plans set out in the Teacher Recruitment & Retention Strategy to improve incentives on offer to teachers in England to include retention‑based payments for those who stay in the profession by staggering additional payments throughout the first years of their career. READ MORE

BBC Bitesize, working with the charity YoungMinds, is starting a new campaign to support pupils, parents and teachers in the critical step of beginning secondary school. Packed with videos, interactive games, tips and advice, Starting Secondary School will help children during their last term in primary school and through their critical first weeks at secondary school. Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for many young people, but it can also be a daunting prospect. Research shows that, for some young people, it can negatively affect their social, emotional and academic outcomes leading to less engagement, lower attainment, reduced confidence, increased anxiety, loneliness and behaviour issues. Helen Foulkes, senior head of content production, BBC Education says: “Beginning secondary school is a huge milestone for children and

research repeatedly shows that if it goes badly there can be long term consequences. The BBC is working in partnership with YoungMinds to help support children directly, but also provide advice for parents and resources for teachers. We hope this will further support the schools and charities working hard to ease transition at such an important time in children’s lives.” Starting Secondary School has lots of content hosted on BBC Bitesize, including peerto-peer advice from the stars of CBBC series Our School who have first-hand experience of making the move to secondary school. It also has practical tips for parents on how to prepare their child for secondary school, as well as resources for teachers on BBC Teach, to help start discussions around transition, produced in partnership with YoungMinds. READ MORE





New accreditation standard for digital skills courses

The Institute of Coding (IoC) has announced that it will be working with BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT (BCS), to develop a new industry relevant accreditation standard for digital skills courses across the UK. This new accreditation standard will help to ensure that learners have the skills that industry needs, making them more employable. The accreditation standard will recognise both academic and professional achievement and will assess students’ ability to learn and apply their skills to real world situations. It will also independently signal the quality of these courses to external organisations by benchmarking IoC courses against other national and international offerings. The IoC will be collaborating with the BCS on the new accreditation standard, using the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) as the basis. The Open University and IBM, both IoC partners,

are also working on the development of this framework. Rachid Hourizi, director at the IoC comments: “Working with the BCS improves the quality of the new IoC accreditation standard and will ensure that courses developed by IoC partners meet the high standards required by industry. By rolling out cutting-edge, flexible courses, the IoC is helping to upskill existing employees and enable future generations to develop high quality technical skills.” Bill Mitchell, director of policy, BCS comments: “Time and again employers have told us they want graduates to be able to evidence they have both the academic expertise and the professional skills that they need. We are delighted to be working with the IoC to develop a new standard that will give employers the assurance they have been asking for. This relationship between the IoC and BCS will go some way to helping ensuring we close the country’s graduate skills gap.” The IoC is a government funded consortium of educators, industry, outreach groups and professionals formed to help respond to the UK digital skills gap. READ MORE

T LEVELS Support for employers hosting T-Level placements The Department for Education has announced a package of support for industry placements which make up part of T-Levels. The placements must be 315 hours, or approximately 45 days and students are expected to build the knowledge and skills they need in a workplace environment. The package includes new guidance to support employers to offer tailored placements that suit their workplace and the needs of young people – such as offering placements opportunities with up to two employers and to accommodate students with part time jobs or caring responsibilities.

Ahead of the roll-out of the first three T Levels in September 2020 - a new £7 million pilot scheme will explore ways to help cover the costs associated with hosting a young person in their workplace such as equipment and protective clothing. Bespoke ‘how to’ guides, workshops and practical hands-on support for employers will be developed - designed alongside industry bodies to make it as easy as possible for them to offer placements. READ MORE

Review: KidZania London for a school trip KidZania London is an excellent concept. It’s an indoor city with streets and a town square studded with shops, cafes, a stadium and other businesses – all with recognisable names, such as British Airways, Shell, H&M, and Capital Radio, to name a few. It’s a replica of the real world, but in a safe indoor environment where children get to be in charge. By that I mean they get to be the fire fighter, the till worker, the newsreader and the pilot. And that’s just to name a few careers they can try out – there are over fifty in total. The great thing is that it is inherently educational but not obviously so. We all know kids love role play and imitating adults. And at KidZania London, they get to try a whole range of careers and even get paid in KidZania’s own currency – KidZos. And in true ‘real-world’ style, there are some activities, such as those that involve training, where children are charged, teaching them the valuable lesson that you have to spend as well as earn. I’ve had the pleasure of attending a preview night at KidZania London to try the activities myself and have brought my seven year old son Leo and two friends Macie and Emily to see how they found it – and they loved it. It’s interesting to see what activities they were attracted to, and reassuring to see that any stereotypes about male and female careers were not present. My boy was happy styling mannequins in H&M as the girls were working with cars or fighting fires. The government wants to increase its home-grown talent

pool of STEM skilled workers. But for that, children almost need to work backwards; think what careers they want to do and then choose the subjects that will lead to that profession. And what better way to do that than by getting them to try a range of careers early on. KidZania London is perfect for trying out a STEM career, with its BA Aviation Academy, Shell Forecourt and Energy Lab, and Nike Air Lab. Then there’s the emergency services, like ambulance, dentistry, fire fighting and police that children can try, as well as veterinary surgery and private detectives. Another nice touch is seeing children as couriers independently dropping off and picking up parcels around the city, or crawling up vents as air conditioning repair people. The government also wants to improve careers guidance in primary schools to raise children’s aspirations and counteract stereotypes about people who do different jobs. Again, KidZania London is perfect for this, with a non discriminatory and welcoming atmosphere for all. The safety of children at KidZania London is taken very seriously. All children wear wrist bands which are linked to the group and teachers so that no one from the group can leave. A school trip to KidZania London would tick a lot of boxes, and link classroom learning and the curriculum to the real world.

By Angela Pisanu, editor, Education Business





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‘Low value’ degrees should be scrapped or changed

Universities offering ‘poor value’ degrees should scrap or revamp the courses, the Education Secretary Damian Hinds has said. The call comes following new analysis shows that on more than one in 10 of all courses, there is a 75 per cent chance that graduates won’t be earning

enough five years after leaving university to start repaying student loans. The percentage of courses where the loan repayment threshold is not met five years after graduation varies from subject to subject. For example, for psychology it’s more than a fifth of courses and for

creative arts it is almost 40 per cent of courses. Graduates must start repaying their loans when they earn £25,000 or over – a threshold that was raised by the government in April 2018. The same analysis identified around 20 providers where at least three quarters of all students are still not earning enough to start repaying their loans five years after graduation. Around 45 per cent of the value of outstanding post-2012 student loans are not expected to be repaid, which comes at a significant cost to the taxpayer. READ MORE



Most parents do not choose their nearest school

Update ‘weak’ school meal rules, government urged

Only a minority of parents, 39 per cent, choose their local school as their first option. More than 60 per cent opt for a school that is further away – generally because they have better academic results. The study, from researchers at the universities of Cambridge and Bristol, assessed more than 520,000 applications from 2014 to 2015. It found that many parents use the system of preferences – and were not accepting their nearest option. The study found that only 27 per cent of parents make the maximum number of choices permitted. “On average we found parents and pupils usually attempt to try to study at the highest-attaining school, rather than the one which is closest,” said Prof Anna Vignoles, from the University of Cambridge. There was no significant difference in behaviour between wealthier and more

disadvantaged parents as both were similarly engaged in using choices to seek more desirable school places. Parents in poorer areas were more likely to opt for schools further away. This could be because richer families are more likely to live closer to highperforming schools, the report suggests. Different parts of the country allow different numbers of preferences - usually three or six options - and the study found that where more options were offered, parents made twice as many choices. The researchers said parents wanted to express more preferences, and having three rather than six choices could push parents into making pragmatic choices, rather than what they might really want. READ MORE


Two thirds of teachers have suffered with mental health Online tutoring agency Tutor House has surveyed 2,276 tutors from its site who used to be teachers, and found that two thirds (62 per cent) have suffered from mental health issues because of teaching. Tutor House conducted the survey to find out why they left the profession and discovered that three quarters (75 per cent) became a tutor because it’s less stressful, and that nearly all (95 per cent) said they would never return to teaching. Two thirds (62 per cent) of the tutors surveyed have suffered mental health problems whilst teaching, with a quarter (27 per cent) suffered from depression,

half (52 per cent) suffered with anxiety and a fifth (21 per cent) suffered with chronic stress whilst teaching here in the UK. According to the survey results, two thirds (68 per cent) said they left the profession because of unmanageable workloads, a fifth (21 per cent) said they weren’t paid enough and more than a tenth (11 per cent) answered for health reasons. READ MORE

The government has been encouraged to bring in a mandatory meat-free, ‘plant-based protein day’ to school meals each week to tackle the climate change and obesity crises. With the Department for Education currently reviewing its School Food Standards, the Soil Association is calling for a meatfree day with meals based around beans and pulses compulsory each week. The recent EAT-Lancet and UK Climate Change Committee reports have both emphasised the need for dietary change including a shift towards less but better meat, but the School Food Standards currently only includes a non-mandatory recommendation to include a weekly meat-free day. Few schools are doing it and, when it does take place, options are often restricted to less healthy options like cheese laden pasta or pizza. As part of its review, the Department for Education is set to consider recommendations that children should eat more beans and pulses to bring the standards in line with the latest evidence on too little fibre in our diets. Rob Percival, head of Policy for Food & Health at the Soil Association, said: “The updated School Food Standards should require that all schools serve a plant-based protein day each week. The current, non-compulsory advice for a meat‑free day is too weak. We know children would benefit nutritionally from eating more beans, pulses, and plant-based proteins and the climate would also benefit – we should all be eating less and better meat. Leading Food for Life schools are already showing that it is possible to serve children healthy plant-based meals, with the cost saving used to ‘trade-up’ to higher-welfare and more sustainable meat for the rest of the week. It’s time the government caught up.” READ MORE



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Being part of something bigger The debate around academies tends to focus on the potential shortcomings without always considering some of the benefits. Liz Anderson, chief executive officer of the Djanogly Learning Trust, shares her experience of the advantages to being part of a multi academy trust

Culture We believe that every child has a right to an education that gives them the best opportunity to succeed. We have a shared ethos to be innovative in order to improve, to develop resilience in order to face challenges, and to strive for excellence in everything we do. We strive to foster a culture where all staff feel valued and believe in what we are doing and why. At our Trust, which sponsors seven schools in the East Midlands,

it really does matters that all of our staff at each of our academies possess a sense of pride and belonging and that they see themselves as a part of the whole. This also creates genuine and committed collaboration between academies and fosters a shared sense of accountability – Djanogly children are Djanogly children whichever academy they attend. Yet within that, each academy has a responsibility to be at the heart of the community they serve and to adapt what they do to overcome contextual barriers and engage their individual communities. It is not a top down and one size fits all approach. We are proud that our schools can and do keep their individual identities within our multi academy trust.

Academies can look at what others are doing, take it away and personalise it to their needs. There are also opportunities for staff at all levels in all roles to visit other academies in the Trust. We also collaborate with other trusts and schools to share ideas and practice that works.

Professional development To be a successful teacher you have to start by making sure the children feel safe in your care. If they feel safe, they will be happy. If they are happy, they will learn. As a leader, you have to make your staff feel safe and secure so that they open themselves up to develop as a professional and feel safe to be innovative and take risks to meet children’s needs. As a Trust Sharing good practice you have a wider network to ensure that All our academies have a shared sense all staff feel safe and secure, and that they of purpose and are open minded to the have opportunities to move forwards in sharing of good practice. At our monthly their professional practice and careers. heads meeting, for example, all the heads Shared resources means that we can share a success that they are proud invest more time and money into of and a current challenge. professional development Other heads always offer for staff in all roles at all We support and most of the levels. Our professional are pro time the solution is in networks across the u d that ou the room – taking a Trust give everyone a can and r schools model that works rather shared commitment d o than re-inventing the and a real reason k eep their in wheel from scratch. to collaborate. E div

id identiti es with ual in multi a cademyour trust

Written by Liz Anderson, chief executive officer, Djanogly Learning Trust

Academisation and the growth of multi academy trusts are contentious issues in the education sector. Critics argue that the process is driven by the political agenda instead of what is best for pupils, staff, parents and carers and local communities. Whilst there are some legitimate concerns, the public debate tends to focus on the potential shortcomings without always considering some of the benefits. In my experience, there are plenty of advantages to being part of a multi academy trust, which include a positive impact on culture, good practice, professional development, recruitment and retention and finance from working together as a family of academies, each of which I will explore in turn.

Centre: Liz Anderson, chief executive officer, Djanogly Learning Trust



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î † We invest in training our own facilitators in key areas so that we can run our own continuing professional development programmes at no additional cost to individual academies. We also provide opportunities for staff to be part of crosstrust working parties to be innovative and engage in pilot projects to test and then disseminate more widely. Staff recruitment and retention Being part of a larger organisation is attractive to applicants and current colleagues, and helps to boost staff recruitment and retention. There are progression opportunities for individuals who want to advance their careers by moving within our Trust to take up promotions. This sense of identity, our growing reputation from the positive changes and our journey of improvement, particularly during the last four years, has increased the number of staff applicants to our schools, which have previously found it hard to recruit. I am a case in point, having worked my way up the ranks. I joined the Trust as head of a small primary in 2011 and then had the opportunity to turn around a previously struggling school. That school is now thriving and offering support to others who have subsequently joined us on our journey. We are extremely proud of what we are achieving in the East Midlands and the communities that we serve. Consequently, our reputation is growing and we are sharing our success by supporting other academies joining our Trust. Applicants have told us that they want to work for our Trust and actively look out for our vacancies whichever academy it happens to be. One of our academies that, before joining our Trust, considered themselves fortunate to get two teacher applications, if any, for some years is attracting four or five times that amount now.

Liz Anderson, chief executive officer, Djanogly Learning Trust

Some of the best feedback that I have received is from staff previously sceptical of academisation, who have since said that joining our multi academy trust is the best thing that they ever did for their school Finance Finally, there are clear financial benefits to being part of a larger group, for example, we can negotiate group discounts so that all academies benefit from savings. We share resources and are able to access shared funding for projects that need addressing sooner rather than later. We have an ability to benchmark across the Trust to ensure that we are using public

funding wisely and getting best value for money. We have specialists centrally, for example, human resources, estates management and governance that all of our academies can draw on for support. Summing up, our journey to excellence for our staff, pupils and our local communities is ongoing and we see being a multi academy trust as pivotal to that. Has it always been easy? Of course, not! Have we made a difference? Yes, absolutely. The improved outcomes across our Trust clearly evidence that as we have seen pupils in some of our academies, for example, achieving some of the best results in Nottingham. But our pride and success goes beyond test scores. Staff absence is significantly down, retention is up and more of our families are engaging with us. Some of the best feedback that I have received is from staff previously sceptical of academisation, who have since said that joining our multi academy trust is the best thing that they ever did for their school and themselves. Staff are treated with respect and, in return, they want to do their best not only for the children but also for our Trust. They feel well supported. They do not feel that they are alone and know they have the appropriate backing when they need it. Most importantly, our children are happy, resilient, open minded, aspirational and ready for the next stage of learning. L FURTHER INFORMATION



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Better financial reporting for academy trusts

“By having a standard chart of accounts, we create the essential building blocks for the new system as it provides a consistent way of recording financial data for all academy trusts. This will allow us to reduce the burden on trusts through the electronic submission of financial data directly from finance systems and adding greater value to trusts by enabling us to create new financial efficiency tools as well as improve the timeliness and quality of the existing tools.”

How to use the chart of accounts Adopting the chart of accounts means using the ledger codes in the chart of accounts. The A new academies chart of accounts has been launched by academy’s cost centres do not need to change. the Department for Education as the first step to automated Academies can map their existing ledger codes but they will need to consider whether their financial reporting. Here’s what you need to know existing ledger code structure has enough detail for full automation, particularly balance sheet reporting in the accounts return. The Department for Education has launched will allow academies to compare their If the existing chart of accounts doesn’t a new academies chart of accounts as the finances with other similar academies have enough detail, the academy may first step to automated financial reporting. with greater confidence. Adopting the still need to enter data manually using The new academies chart of accounts will academies chart of accounts is voluntary. the accounts return online form. be used as the standard for financial data Lord Agnew, Parliamentary Under Secretary The balance sheet codes in the chart that underpins the academies accounts of State for the School System, said: “Our of accounts reflect the full range of DfE’s return and budget forecast returns. Adopting better financial reporting programme is a it will lead to significant future benefits great step forward in our work to improve fixed assets, investments and disposals. for trusts, with the Education and Skills efficiency in schools. We have recognised Most academy trusts will not need to use Funding Agency saying that approximately that the current system of submitting all of these. You can mark these inactive 65 per cent of the accounts return comes financial data to the in your finance system and activate them from data within a trial balance. Being department is time if you need them in the future. able to have that data pre-populated consuming and By using the chart of accounts, The will be extremely helpful to trusts. offers insufficient the DfE will be able to understand chart o It also means that the Department for benefit to your data and automatically match f accoun Education can provide more accurate academy it to the right part of the online t s will allow financial benchmarking information, which trusts. forms when it introduces E

to prov the DfE accurat ide more e benchmfinancial informaarking tion



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The new academies chart of accounts will be used as the standard for financial data that underpins the academies accounts return and budget forecast returns.

The letter says that the DfE will be bringing a sharper focus on governance including the need for financial statements, under ISAs700 and 720, to state explicitly that the trust’s governance statement has been reviewed and whether it is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or knowledge obtained during the audit. L FURTHER INFORMATION To see the academies chart of accounts, go to

 automation. The DfE expects that this will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to currently fill out online forms. Mid year audits Academies minister Lord Agnew has written a letter to auditors of and accounting officers at academy trusts, saying that mid-year financial audit reviews would avoid failings going onto the public record. This would gives management teams the time to resolve the issues before the accounts have to be signed, the letter says. Agnew says that management letters – which must be signed to confirm an academies finances are accurate – are being increasingly used to help the DfE assess the quality of governance and control frameworks in trusts. The letter says: “If you identify serious concerns about an academy trust, we would always encourage you to speak to us early in the process. Whilst this is a matter for your professional judgment, there may be rare occasions where delay, and reliance on the standard channels for reporting audit findings, runs the risk of significant irregularity or impropriety. “At the other end of the spectrum, whilst management letters containing no recommendations can be a sign that a trust’s financial management and governance is in good shape, we will still look at these cases for indications of concern elsewhere. We will consider the volume and nature of adjusted and unadjusted errors that you report, to gain an insight into the quality and rigour of the trust’s financial accounting procedures. “We are particularly concerned where we see issues raised in one year that remain unresolved in the following year. Our view is that a simple way to avoid these failings going onto the public record is through mid-year audit reviews. This gives management teams the time to resolve them before the accounts have to be signed. Siren voices that complain about the cost of this action should be cause for concern in itself. Normally the failings identified will have a cost well in excess of an audit review. The sooner they are rectified the less risk and cost to the trust.”



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Procurement Written by Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)

Further insight into procurement consultancies

There are several methods to calculate a saving: budget versus tender cost; existing service cost versus tender cost; chosen tender versus nearest comparison; and cost avoidance. You will need to agree your preferred method to generate the most accurate savings figure by considering the following points. How was this budget calculated? How confident are you that the budget is a realistic figure for the goods/service you require? Are there any significant changes within the new specification that will add or reduce cost from your existing service cost i.e. increased staffing or fewer buildings to service? Will you The ‘share of savings’ cost model from procurement consultants be able to compare ‘apples with apples’? is designed to enable the buyer to pay no upfront costs but A tender comparison meanwhile would compare the chosen tender to the next best instead pay a percentage of the savings that are achieved. tender. This is usually an option taken where Crescent Purchasing Consortium explores this model to help you there is no benchmark or where the buyer determine if it best fits your school is unsure if their budget is realistic. Are the two tenders comparable in all aspects? Finally, consider if the avoided cost We will explore the share of savings Cost Model 2: A share of savings can be evidenced. cost model in this second article in The model is designed to enable the buyer Calculating the value the Insider Insight into Procurement to pay no upfront costs but instead using the share of It is Consultancy series, to help you determine choose to pay the procurement savings model is importa the best model for your institution. consultant a percentage of savings impossible until This series has been designed to that are achieved upon the the procurement to agre nt e with help you get the most out of your completion of the procurement process is t h e consu budget when using a procurement process. Percentage figures completed and ltant prior to consultancy and has been written by of up to 50 per cent of the final costs are t h comme e project professional procurement consultants achieved savings are charged established. ncing, h who are employed by a registered charity by procurement consultants What y ow our sav which operates a Public Sector Buying within the education sector. happens if a i be calc ngs will Organisation (PSBO). The articles offer It is important to agree saving is not ulated unbiased opinion and are designed to with the consultant prior to achieved? A buyer help you seek the best procurement the project commencing, how needs to agree in solution for your individual institution. your savings will be calculated. advance of appointing E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE


 a procurement consultant how they will get paid if a saving cannot be evidenced. Some consultants will offer ‘no win, no fee’ payment terms. The payment method can sound attractive, but the risk carried by the consultant is offset by the inflated percentage of savings figure, which means that a win will usually attract a high return of 25-50 per cent fees. This margin provides extra income for instances when no savings return is generated and the consultant receives no fee for their work. Consultants only offer ‘no win no fee’ offer where they are confident a win will occur. A tender exercise could be considered a success if price increases are avoided such as when buying energy (gas and electricity). This volatile marketplace offers fixed pricing for set periods of time providing cost certainty to the buyer for this period. When the buyer retenders, the pricing in the marketplace may have increased (or decreased). Maintaining a contract price may be classed as a victory when alternative offers would result in a price increase. The share of savings model usually requires the buyer to pay the fee directly to the procurement consultant. Advantages and disadvantages This model allows the buyer to only pay a fixed percentage of savings achieved avoiding

consultancy costs if no savings are achieved, subject to appointment terms and conditions. The disadvantage is that the actual cost to the buyer is unknown at the time of agreeing to the model as the supplier’s tenders have yet to be submitted. Would you write a personal blank cheque? Another disadvantage is the risk carried by the supplier is usually reflected in the fixed percentage payable upon a saving being evidenced. Charges of 25-50 per cent of your savings are commonplace. This illustration shows how fees are calculated: Existing service contract value = £300,000 (based on 3-year contract) 10% saving achieved on existing contract value = £30,000 50% share of saving agreement = £15,000 + VAT fee payable to Consultant Questions to ask consultants about this model Is the percentage fee negotiable? When the buyer is appointing a procurement consultant, it is the former’s responsibility to negotiate the price in the same way as you would expect the consultant to negotiate the best deal for the buyer. What saving methodology will be used to calculate if a saving has been achieved?

It is imperative that the buyer agrees this in advance of the procurement process commencing. Failing to do so would enable a consultant to choose a methodology that maximises their income. Additional to the income you are receiving from the buyer, are you receiving any other income by completing this assignment? Best practice would be for the consultant to put in writing the income they are receiving for the assignment and provide a record of the suppliers who have received business from the projects managed by the consultant. This would provide transparency of the consultants income and the supplier(s) the consultant has been awarding business to. Who are the main providers of the goods/service to education? Network in the education sector to seek guidance on this question so that you have something to benchmark the consultant’s answer against. PSBO deals will have vetted suppliers allocated and the PSBO will provide advice. Note, not all service providers will be comfortable bidding for this model. What steps will you take to engage with the marketplace to ensure the number of responses to the tender is acceptable? Pro-active consultants will undertake essential pre-market engagement to prepare the marketplace for your tender opportunity. Through this engagement your consultant will advise on the best route to market that will ensure the best response. Can you provide references of five similar organisations that you have worked with under this model in the past 12 months? Contacting referees will enable you to understand the consultant’s suitability for working with you and your organisation. It will also enable you to ask if past customers were happy with the outcome of the procurement process and whether the share of savings model was considered a fair and transparent model for them. It should be noted that suppliers will not openly offer a reference site for a project that didn’t go well. Use your network groups and contacts to gain referrals for consultants, then use the knowledge gained from this series to pick the one that is right for you.


The actual cost to the buyer is unknown at the time of agreeing to the model. Would you write a personal blank cheque?

Crescent Purchasing Consortium CPC is a not-for-profit organisation and is owned and run by the education sector. CPC provides trustworthy deals designed for educational establishments covering a wide variety of products and services. The Department for Education recommends 13 of CPC’s deals. Tenet Education Services are part of the CPC Group and provides procurement consultancy support. CPC membership is free of charge to all educational establishments. L

Look out for our next article which will cover the fixed price cost model, its advantages and disadvantages and the supporting questions to ask prospective consultants. FURTHER INFORMATION



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Air Quality

The harmful pollutants around schools Public Health England’s report into air quality highlights the need to reduce air pollution in the vicinity of schools. Education Business reports on the measures that can be taken to decrease children’s exposure to harmful pollutants Public Health England (PHE) has published a review of evidence on how to improve air quality, giving recommendations to local and national government on actions they can take. Part of the review focuses on children, saying that they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution, and urges for action to be taken to improve air quality in the vicinity of schools. It recommends that no-idling zones are implemented outside schools, for it to be made easier for children to walk or cycle to school, and to increase public awareness in relation to air pollution and children. Why are children more at risk? Exposure to air pollution in early life can have a long-lasting effect on lung function. There is evidence that the process of normal lung function growth in children is suppressed by long-term exposure to air pollution. Throughout childhood, there is a natural development of lung function and maximising this is important, as low lung function leads to less reserve if lung disease develops. Action in the capital Some of London’s most polluted primary schools have started to implement measures to help protect pupils for polluted air, with help from a £1 million fund from the Mayor of London. Detailed air quality audits were carried out in 50 schools across 23 London boroughs. The audits assessed the air quality in some of the capital’s worst polluted schools and have made a series of recommendations to protect pupils. These include major infrastructure measures, such as closing roads or moving playgrounds and school entrances, as well as targeting indoor pollution using improved ventilation systems, and installing green ‘pollution barrier’ hedges, tackling engine idling outside schools and promoting cycling and walking. The audits were conducted by global engineering consultancy WSP, who spent three months in schools assessing indoor and outdoor air pollution sources, looking at how students travel to school, and reviewing local walking routes including traffic crossings. One such school that has implemented a range of measures to improve its air quality is St Mary’s Bryanston Square Primary School in

Emily Norman, headteacher at Westminster, close to the busy St Mary’s Bryanston Square Marylebone Road. The school There Primary School, said: “Air has installed and tested a is evide quality is a big concern new filtration system to nce that the here at St Mary’s reduce pollution inside School. Our children the school. This is normal process of lung fu are extremely aware being delivered with growth nction of the dangers, both £20,000 in funding in suppres children is for their own health from the Mayor and s e d and for the community Westminster Council. b y term ex lo at large. We’re This coming summer, posure ngworking to combat the school will trial a pollutio to air n. this problem ourselves, year-long closure of the by encouraging more busy road, Enford Street, sustainable travel options, outside its entrance, to traffic at campaigning to stop vehicle idling the start and end of the school day. at the school gates, and turning the carpark The staff car park has been turned into a into a garden. The children have led the way garden and all staff and pupils are encouraged by monitoring traffic on nearby roads. to walk, cycle or use public transport. “We are very pleased to be part of the The school has also worked with British Mayor’s air quality audit, as it has identified Land to install a ‘green wall’ – a variety of ways to tackle air quality, such as closing plants across a playground wall – to the street to traffic at key points in the screen students playing outside school day and air filtration inside the from nearby traffic pollution. classrooms. This will make a real Pupils have also been difference to our children’s well-being involved in a ‘no-engine at school, and significantly enhance idling’ campaign to help the school’s work in this area.” educate their parents Fifty of the audited schools on reducing have received a £10,000 emissions. starter grant, and other London schools located in areas exceeding legal air pollution limits can apply for green infrastructure funding. E



Jonathon Hunter Hill explains how to maintain indoor air quality whilst maintaining comfort levels in classrooms The latest version of Building Bulletin 101 (BB101) ‘Guidelines on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools’ demands better control of draughts, temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) levels. In parallel, there is growing concern around the impact of external air pollution on the indoor environment of schools in built-up areas.

A major challenge for traditional mechanical ventilation systems is controlling CO2 levels and temperature independently of each other to avoid draughts. For example, with traditional ventilation systems an increase in CO2 levels can lead to demand for higher levels of incoming air at higher velocity, risking draughts in cold outdoor conditions unless appropriate control is included. It is this consideration that is now leading many ventilation designs to use mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) units that enable independent control of indoor air quality (IAQ) and supply air temperature to ensure compliance with BB101. Use of a centralised ventilation system (air handling units serving ductwork and diffusers) to meet requirements necessitates many extra components, with added cost. Alternatively, decentralised units that include these functions as standard can be installed each ventilated space. A recent study of London schools by University College London and the University of Cambridge found that a significant proportion of indoor air pollution is due to outdoor air pollution – sometimes resulting in illegally high levels of pollutants indoors.

In city and town centres, at least, this means incoming air must be filtered to higher levels than has traditionally been the case; ideally to ensure compliance with the new (July 2018) ISO 16890 standard. Filtration of both incoming and outgoing air also protects heat exchangers from pollutants. Any ventilation system must also meet the strict noise criteria of BB101: noise levels in standard classrooms should not exceed 35 dB(A), including noise from outdoors. Spaces for pupils with special educational needs should not exceed 30 dB(A). In designing such systems, account needs to be taken of all of the control parameters discussed here, which often necessitates additional cost for extra components such as sensors, dampers, attenuators etc. An alternative is to opt for a decentralised system using individual units in each space, which incorporate all of the required components and controls.

Jonathon Hunter Hill is Sector Manager for Education with SAV. FURTHER INFORMATION

Meeting the BB101 challenge: Smart Ventilation Units (SVUs) Tried and tested - 47,000 units installed in classrooms across Northern Europe Lars Fabricius - Managing Director



Air Quality

 Twenty-nine primary schools located next to some of London’s most polluted roads will receive a share of £400,000 for green infrastructure in playgrounds, such as pollution barriers, to reduce children’s exposure to harmful traffic emissions. Future improvements A report commissioned Sadiq Khan predicts that as a result of London’s action to improve air quality, no schools in the capital will be exposed to illegally high levels of air pollution by 2025. Carried out by air quality and climate change emissions consultants Aether, the report found that the number of primary schools in areas exceeding legal limits for harmful NO2 is projected to drop dramatically from 371 in 2013 to just four in 2020. The number of secondary schools is expected to fall from 82 in 2013 to only one in 2020, with no schools at all in high polluting NO2 areas by 2025. Support for banning cars from outside schools A survey by environmental charity Sustrans has found that almost two-thirds of teachers would support banning cars from the roads outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times. The charity polled 840 people in teaching roles across the UK. Over 40 per cent said idling car engines were a concern when it came to rising levels of air pollution near schools, while 63 per cent said their school’s location on or near a busy road was a worry. Almost 60 per cent said a lack of alternative routes for traffic was one of the main barriers to closing roads outside schools to cars at drop-off and pick-up times.

Detailed air quality audits were carried out in 50 schools across 23 London boroughs. The audits assessed the air quality in some of the capital’s worst polluted schools and have made a series of recommendations Thirty-four per cent said encouraging more people to walk, ride a scooter or cycle would help reduce toxic fumes, with 28 per cent saying that educating the school community would also help. Sustrans CEO Xavier Brice said: “Our survey makes it clear that teachers want urgent action to clean up toxic fumes. They see closing the roads outside their school as an effective solution but need support.” Last year, a report by Unicef UK found children were most exposed to dangerous air pollution on the school run and while in the playground Unicef UK’s Sophie Gallois, commented: “Every day, one in three children in the UK is breathing in harmful levels of air pollution that could damage their health and impact their future. “Worryingly, children are most exposed to toxic air on the school run and while at school, so a ban on motor vehicles outside the schools gates has potential to make a real difference. “Reducing children’s exposure to air pollution is not just about the school street itself, but also taking quieter routes to school, away from busy main roads. “The government must take urgent action to tackle this growing health crisis by putting children’s health at the heart of its work on air pollution.”

School car free zones to be trialled in Glasgow Glasgow City Council will be trialling car free zones around seven primary schools to improve road safety for children and reduce their exposure to harmful emissions. The scheme would see temporary pedestrian areas created outside the seven schools for limited periods in the morning and afternoon. The pilot programme follows a series of concerns such as poor and risky driving outside schools, obstructive parking that forces pupils on to the road as well as the issues created by congestion and harmful emissions. The proposals are currently being consulted upon by the council. Views are being sought from the council’s Education Services, head teachers, parent councils, community councils, elected members, Police Scotland and other members of the community. Indicators for the success of the project will include a reduction in congestion and speed of traffic around school gates and increase in the number of children walking and cycling to school alongside a reduction in the number of car trips to school.L FURTHER INFORMATION Find PHE’s report at



Advertisment Feature

Bringing more greenery to school children across the UK, one plant at a time! What if you can implement a fully automated vertical garden at your school of choice at no cost to the school? Plants4Kids is taking action to provide a healthier, cleaner environment for children We often can’t see or smell it, but it is now widely known that air pollution puts children’s vulnerable growing lungs at risk. The air-cleansing abilities of plants are well documented, but did you know that plants can also improve children’s mental health, alleviate stress, reduce noise pollution, improve concentration and increase urban biodiversity? With Plants4Kids (“P4K”), schools and communities can take action to provide a healthier environment and contribute to better air quality for all. What is the P4K campaign? The P4K Project enables schools to benefit from beautiful, self-sustaining, maintenance‑free living walls at no cost to the school itself. The living walls are funded by a simple plant sponsorship programme, which allows parents, grandparents, friends and local supporters of the school to make a small contribution which will make a big difference. Businesses are also invited to support schools (locally or nationally), either by becoming Ambassadors (providing sponsorship) or Partners (providing practical support).

Plants can be sponsored for as little as £15 – the sponsorship will not only pay for the plants themselves but will cover installation and maintenance of the living wall for 3 years. Names and messages of support of key sponsors will be displayed alongside the living walls themselves. Once fully funded, the living walls will take pride of place in schools or playgrounds within reach of the children. Whilst the plants will be monitored remotely using the latest technology, pupils will be encouraged to interact with and care for the plants, touch and smell the foliage and learn about the different species in their wall, whilst having unlimited access to our plant care experts for guidance. The children will be involved from Day 1, from raising awareness of the campaign, to fundraising, to helping out with the installation day! Pupils will learn about the amazing air cleansing abilities of plants and the many benefits that plants can bring. A full Schools Toolkit is available, providing all the resources a school or PTA will need to run their P4K Project without impacting resourcing levels or teaching time.

Help us support children’s innate tendency to explore and bond with the natural world and their love of nature. Find out how visit: Campaign runs between 1st April-30th July 2019. L FURTHER INFORMATION

P4K toolkit Handouts and instructions Plant list for indoor and out Design grids and examples Monthly tips for each season Unlimited access to plant care experts Sponsorship aids and information packs Video tutorials and more…



Many schools across the UK open up their facilities for use by local clubs and groups, generating valuable revenue for the schools, and benefiting their local communities. Kajima Community launched its Open Your Space Awards in acknowledgement of the strong partnerships forged between schools and their local communities

BookingsPlus is an online letting system tailor-made to assist schools in opening their space and maximising community use of their facilities. Last year, BookingsPlus, powered by Kajima Community, launched its Open Your Space Awards in acknowledgement of the strong partnerships that are forged between schools and local community users, such as local sports clubs, charities and businesses. The award, which has a cash prize of £8,000, recognises those schools that are exceptional in building lasting partnerships with their local community. Nominations are invited from all secondary schools who are doing great things in their community by partnering with local groups, clubs and charities. To nominate your chosen school, an entry form must be completed including a description of the partnership in no more than 100 words. The awards entry for 2019 will launch in May and nominations will be accepted via the entry page at or via email to Amersham School The inaugural ‘Open Your Space’ Awards 2018 was won by Amersham School in Buckinghamshire, nominated by the Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts. Sharon Jarrett, head teacher of Amersham School, commented: “I am delighted that the

school has been recognised for its purposeful and strategic engagement with the local community. With the resources that a school can offer, we believe that it is our duty and responsibility to share our facilities with the local community. We host the Pauline Quirk Academy and love doing so as the engagement in the Performing Arts is so beneficial for the development of self-esteem and self-confidence of young people. The strength of these arrangements becomes even more powerful when both organisations can benefit from the relationship.” Liz Charleston, Principal of Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts explains their experience of working with Amersham School: “We are lucky enough to work in complete partnership with Amersham School. On Saturdays we hold performing arts classes in the school’s dance and drama studios, for members of the local community. We are able to offer the school work experience for its students who are interested in the performing arts, as well as running workshops dedicated to the school’s drama students. “The partnership works really well – we benefit from the use of excellent facilities, whilst supporting the school by providing classes that help students to develop vital communications skills, which, given the demands of the curriculum, the school might not otherwise have the capacity to teach. We are thrilled to be working with Amersham School in this way.” Over 100 nominations were received last year from schools, hirers, users and members of the community. From the nominations, five schools were shortlisted as finalists including Vale of York Academy, Forge Valley School (Sheffield), Ashton Community School (Preston) and Cheney School (Oxford). Active community engagement Thanks to its strong links with the local community, The Vale of York Academy recently held an Active Community Engagement Day, with local groups and services coming out to support the event. The day consisted of a range of activities for the children to enjoy, including dance classes and art lessons, all with the aim of inspiring students to try new hobbies and engage with their local community. Through using BookingsPlus, The Vale of York Academy can manage the lettings of their facilities effectively and efficiently, whilst also providing a quick and simple

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Everyone’s a winner when schools ‘open their space’ to use booking system for their clients. The extra admin hours saved by the streamlined process allows for the more time to be given back to the Academy, helping them to create and maintain their outstanding learning environment and engagement with young people in the community. In addition to the finalists, the judges highly commended Manor C of E Academy, based in York for their outstanding partnership work within the community. The Academy first started letting their state-of-the-art facilities with Kajima Community’s BookingsPlus service two years ago and now have a huge range of clubs and organisations that enjoy them. As well as sports clubs and dance and theatre groups, Manor C of E Academy regularly host church meetings and larger evets including parties and weddings, even hosting the BBC’s live ‘The Big Questions’ show once a year. User friendly software BookingsPlus helps schools to let their facilities for community use in a time and cost-effective way. The platform streamlines the letting process, bringing together bookings requests, administration and invoicing on one, easy to use platform. By adopting such software, schools can be busy hubs of community activity in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays, whilst generating healthy revenues. Summary Schools have a central role in the local community beyond the working school day. As the Open Your Space Awards acknowledge, partnerships between schools and hirers promote positive community cohesion and integration, and as many of the pupils of the schools attend the groups and activities on offer, it ultimately contributes to improving and developing the learning outcomes for students and young people. L FURTHER INFORMATION



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With 640 new schools needed across the UK over the next couple of years to meet projections for pupil demand, the government, local authorities and developers need to make a concerted effort to work collaboratively, according to a report from Scape Group New research has revealed that an additional 12,835 school classrooms will be needed in England by 2021/2022 in order to meet rising demand. According to the Scape Group’s School Places Challenge 2019 report, more than 385,000 additional pupils will enter the primary and secondary school system by 2021, while the school-aged population in England is expected to increase by 5.5 per cent over the same period. With 640 new schools needed across the UK over the next couple of years to meet current projections, the report argues that government, local authorities and developers need to make a concerted effort to work collaboratively. The report points out that local authorities, that are required to make sure there are enough school places for their areas, should have a say on where free schools go, and suggests that perhaps government funding would be put to better use by refurbishing and extending existing schools. Mark Robinson, Scape Group chief executive, said: “The current government believes free schools are the answer, but I would argue that this standpoint has been born out of ideological stubbornness, rather than a genuine effort to tackle the school places crisis. Deploying government resources to existing school structures instead would enable local authorities to refurbish and extend current schools to provide additional school places. This would be a much more efficient way of spending taxpayers’ money.”

Design & Build

Building to meet demand will see very limited school-age population Local authorities growth, and for some, the number of Local authorities hold the responsibility of primary and secondary school pupils under providing enough school places for residents, their jurisdiction will actually decline. As however the process for establishing and we have seen in previous years, remote funding schools is often outside councils’ locations such as the Isles of Scilly, Isle control. Local authorities have no direct of Wight and Cumbria all fall within the control of free schools, grammar schools top ten local authorities with enough or academy places, despite the fact these school places to meet current demand. types of schools make up the bulk of the current government’s school places strategy. The picture in Birmingham But the report points out that some free Birmingham City Council will need to schools are being delivered in areas where build 111 new primary school classrooms, demand is low, and that government 319 new secondary school classrooms, funding would be put to better use by or a total of 25 new schools to meet refurbishing and extending existing schools. demand from the additional 12,904 Birmingham City Council is faced with the school-age children expected to be most substantial projected increase, with living in Birmingham by 2021/22. Manchester City Council coming in a close Birmingham is the second largest city in second. Both cities can expect more than the country by population, with over 1.1m 12,000 extra secondary school pupils by residents, 23 per cent of whom are children. 2021/22. Between them, they will need to In the coming years, thousands of primary build the equivalent of 53 new schools by and secondary school pupils are 2021/22. It is not just densely populated likely to be affected by the cities which are affected. shortfall of places, as the The areas surrounding London city struggles to keep are also experiencing More pace with demand. a significant strain. than 38 To tackle the Essex, Kent, Surrey and additio 5,000 current demand for Hertfordshire all rank additional school within the top ten will ent nal pupils e r places, Birmingham areas which will be t h ep and sec City Council plans most impacted by the ondary rimary school to deliver 1,035 new growth of the schoolsystem b school places by the age population. the rep y 2021, next academic year On the other hand, a ort says (2020/21). E number of local authorities

The regional picture Although all regions will experience an increase in pupil growth above three per cent over the next two years, London, the South East and the South West can all expect to see the largest increases, the report predicts. Local authorities in the South East will have to build the most primary school classrooms (568), but local authorities in London will have to build the most secondary school classrooms (1,872). Overall, London needs to build the equivalent of 89 schools. The number of primary school classrooms needed in each region has reduced since Scape Groups last report in 2017, but every region (except for the North East) will still have to build more than 100 primary schools in the next two years to accommodate projected pupil increases. The problem is more significant for secondary schools however. On average, each region in England will need to build 1,100 new secondary school classrooms to meet the projected demand.



The capital’s challenge Parents are finding it increasingly difficult to get their children into their first, second or even third choice of school in London. In March 2019, a record 33,000 children missed out on their first choice of secondary school in London. Overall, London will have an extra 68,260 primary and secondary school pupils in the next two years, a 6.6 per cent increase on the current number. This breaks down to 7,550 new primary school children and 56,149 new secondary school children. Secondary schools in particular will feel the strain as they try to cope with increasing pupil numbers. The London Borough of Havering will face the biggest challenge, with pupil numbers due to increase 11.3 per cent by 2021/22. This equates to the need for 93 new primary school classrooms and 59 new secondary school classrooms by 2021/22, or 15 extra schools. On the other hand, the London Borough of Haringey will experience the smallest rate of growth of all London’s boroughs. In fact, it is projected that there will be 155 fewer schoolage pupils living in the borough in two years’ time. This breaks down to a 4.3 per cent fall in primary school pupils (962 fewer), but a 5.4 per cent increase in secondary school pupils (712 extra). On balance, this means that only one new school will need to be built. The London boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Merton and Islington are among the top places to live for the availability of school places in the capital. If they do have to build any new schools, this would only be one in each borough. Scotland The number of primary school pupils entering the education system in Scotland is set to fall. With 19,700 fewer primary school pupils by 2020/21, there is no requirement for new primary schools. However, the primary school pupils that entered into the system five years ago are due to progress to secondary school in the next couple of years, putting pressure on S1 (the equivalent of KS3 in the English education system) across the country. By 2020/21 there will be an additional 13,600 secondary school pupils, a 4.8 per cent increase on current numbers, which will require the equivalent

of 453 extra classrooms or an additional 13 schools to accommodate them. Aberdeen City Council will experience the biggest increase in secondary school pupils in the next two years – with an additional 1,400 pupils (a 17.5 per cent increase), equating to the need for an additional 47 classrooms. Edinburgh City Council also needs an additional 47 classrooms as pupil numbers will climb by 7.5 per cent by 2020/21. The council has agreed on a £1bn package of spending as part of a four-year Change Strategy. This includes a £66.7m investment in new or refurbished primary or secondary schools to help meet current need. Education and training in Scotland are devolved to Scottish Parliament, with Holyrood providing funding to local authorities across the country. The Scottish government’s Schools for the Future programme, which began in 2009, is investing more than £1bn into the delivery of 117 new schools to help meet the growing demand for secondary school places in Scotland.

by using traditional methods. If modular can grow in scale, building schools will become more efficient and cost-effective. A fairer education funding model for local authorities is also needed, which ensures that they can work with central government to set budgets that reflect local need. In particular, local authorities should play a part in judging and approving free school proposals to make sure that new schools are established where they are most needed. There should also be greater collaboration between councils and developers to ensure that secondary schools are built in major urban extensions and developments first, through agreements between developers seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, so that the area is prepared to meet increased demand. L

Wales Wales is not expected to experience any growth in primary school pupils in the next year, so the projections suggest no new primary schools are needed. However, the country will see 12,248 more pupils enter the secondary school system by 2020/21. This represents an eight per cent increase on the current number of pupils attending secondary school and will place a huge strain on education providers. To alleviate this problem, 408 secondary school classrooms, or 12 new secondary schools will need to be built. As well as fighting with a growing secondary school population, Wales is also battling school closures. Nearly 200 schools have closed in Wales (and only 69 have opened) since 2013 as the education landscape changes and local authorities struggle with budget cuts. All but two of Wales’ 22 local authorities – Swansea and Newport – have closed schools in the past five years. Although it is currently projected that Wales will need 12 new schools, if schools continue to close, this figure could become much higher. Meanwhile, new schools and improvements to existing school buildings are being financed through the 21st Century Schools Programme, an initiative that is jointly funded by the Welsh government and local authorities. This is a long-term strategy for Wales’ educational estate. The second phase of investment announced in 2017 dedicated £2.3bn to rebuilding or updating more than 100 schools and college buildings which are deemed to be reaching the ‘end of their life’. Despite the Welsh Government actively encouraging local authorities to embrace Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), such as offsite techniques, the uptake has been very limited.

Guidance on getting housing developers to pay for school places

Recommendations The report says that the adoption of offsite construction as the main method of building for all new schools and extensions would mean that they are built quicker than

Design & Build

 The upcoming Commonwealth Games, which is being held in the city in 2022, will lead to more building development. Alongside the desire to transform the Athlete’s Village into 1,400 homes after the games, contractor Lendlease will also be building a new secondary school for 1,260 pupils, which is due to open in 2021. Being part of the West Midlands Combined Authority, Birmingham has significant opportunity for a more collaborative approach to school building across all local authorities that make up the combined authority. Devolving further powers and allocating fairer funding to the combined authority could help make sure there are enough school places across the whole region.


The government has published new guidance that will help local authorities to negotiate what funding and land is required from housing developers for new schools and school expansions. While housing developers already contribute to the cost of new schools, council requirements vary around the country. This guidance will support local authorities to secure funding where development puts pressure on school places. Where developments mean new schools are needed, local authorities can seek both funding for construction and for suitable land to be set aside. Alternatively, developers may build schools themselves rather than contributing money to councils. New schools should be built at the right time, so that places are available for the children who need them, when they need them. New Schools Network director Luke Tryl said: “We welcome the clarity this guidance provides local authorities on how developers can help contribute to the provision of new schools. We hope it will minimise the amount of time schools planned as part of housing developments spend in the pre-opening phase, while land acquisition and access are negotiated.” View the guidance at



A number of schools have been name regional RIBA award winners for embodying excellence in architecture and demonstrating how a well designed school building can promote academic achievement and pupil and teacher wellbeing

Alleyn’s Lower School, designed by Tim Ronalds Architects

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) have named a number of schools as winners of its regional awards. The buildings are amongst the best architecture around the UK. The schools selected showcase a commitment to designing and developing educational spaces for the improvement and enhancement of pupil and teacher’s lives. More regional winners will be announced in the coming weeks, and all winning buildings will be in the running for highly coveted RIBA National Awards, which will be announced on 27 June 2019. Commenting on London’s winning buildings, RIBA London director, Dian Small, said: “Each year RIBA London Awards celebrate a diverse and eclectic range of project types and scales and celebrate the very best new buildings across the Capital. 2019 winning projects include beautifully-designed school extensions, several significant public sector housing projects, state of the art office buildings and exquisite conservation projects, which breathe new life into some of London’s greatest treasures. Once again, all winning buildings demonstrate the extremely high standard of design quality in London and the breadth of its architectural output.”

Design & Build

Celebrating beautiful school buildings

The triangular building maximises the best use of the site, and creates a clear, legible and easy-to use building internally. The classrooms have been successfully distributed in clusters of two, grouped around the three sides of the atrium over two floors. The upper classrooms are particularly successful, as they utilise the pitched roof space to create a spatial characteristic reminiscent of home. The building’s layout has eliminated the need for long, intimidating corridors. This has resulted in circulation spaces being cleverly integrated with social spaces. The central space is small but creates an intimate space for the children to gather and socialise. Its size has the added benefit of creating visual connections between teachers and the children, offering important non-verbal reassurance to children who feel unsure in their new environment. The spatial arrangement of classrooms in a triangular form around the central atrium creates an intimate building that is attuned to the scale and spatial requirements of the 300 pupils who occupy the building. It is abundantly apparent that the architect has given careful consideration to the needs of the children and their teachers. The building provides a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment for them to learn, socialise and grow, setting a fantastic precedent for future school projects.

All winning buildin in the r gs will be the RIB unning for Awards A National be ann , which will ou 27 June nced on 2019

top-lit central space, and the warm palette of robust materials, which include timber and brick. The building, designed by Tim Ronalds Architects, makes a positive contribution to the wider urban context through its definition of the triangular site. Its sensitive approach to scale and massing ensure it does not overwhelm residential neighbours. Its distinctive appearance – achieved by its form and restrained brick detailing – creates a readily identifiable landmark for the school.

A curious science lab Eleanor Palmer Primary School’s new Science Lab has also scooped a RIBA London Award. It was conceived as a ‘wonder room’; a place for discovery and experimentation. The small, wooden lab, designed by AY Architects, accommodates classes and after school clubs for up to 31 pupils (aged 3-11 years) and is a shared resource for the school, neighbouring community and other schools. The modest construction budget, partly funded with section 106 money deployed by Camden Council as part of its program for developing science, E

Eleanor Palmer Primary School’s new Science Lab, designed by AY Architects

Alleyn’s Lower School Alleyn’s Lower School has won a London RIBA Award. The new building has been successfully achieved through the building’s layout of classrooms, which are arranged around a



Creating a warm, quiet and safe study environment with Selectaglaze Secondary Glazing

From primary schools through to universities; we all learn better in a quiet and comfortable environment. Many schools and colleges occupy traditional buildings in noisy locations, with original single glazed windows, which can have an adverse impact on the learning environment. Secondary glazing can help resolve these distractions, simply and effectively. It can also significantly improve a building’s energy efficiency which improves comfort during winter months and increase window security as educational buildings are often targets of theft and vandalism. Secondary glazing offers a very essential

option to educational establishments as it is particularly suited to traditional buildings, those in conservation areas or Listed buildings with preserved facades. Selectaglaze was approached to help provide a solution with secondary glazing at Stansted Airport College; the first on-site education facility of its kind at any major UK airport, designed by Pascall+Watson and built by Willmott Dixon. Courses on offer for the students, looking for a career in the aviation and related industries include; aviation operations and cabin crew, engineering and aircraft maintenance, hospitality and events management, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships and work transition courses. Acoustic tests have shown that Selectaglaze secondary glazing can provide a 45dB reduction if set 200mm from a single glazed primary window with 6mm glass. Based on this, if used in conjunction with high performance primary windows, then the dB rating requirements would be met. Selectaglaze went onto install 32 units across the site with their Series 10 2 and 3 pane horizontal sliders and a Series 41 casement door. All were installed with a cavity of 200mm and tightly sealed.

Not only have the staff and students already seen the enormous acoustic benefit of the secondary glazing, as well as the thermal insulation it provides and the added security. The roar of the overhead planes has been silenced, creating a quiet and conducive space for teaching and studying. Selectaglaze’s purpose made systems arrive fully assembled to allow rapid installation with minimum disruption but where work could impact on staff or students it can be programmed to coincide with holiday periods. Founded in 1966, and Royal Warrant Holder since 2004, Selectaglaze has a wealth of experience working in schools, colleges and universities. A wide range of extensively tested products and fully bespoke manufacture allows sympathetic designs to be created for all types of window. Contact Selectaglaze for more details; literature requests, free technical advisory or to book a RIBA approved CPD. FURTHER INFORMATION 01727837271

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Design & Build

Torriano Primary School’s STEM Lab was designed by Hayhurst and Co.

 technology, engineering and maths in primary schools, is used to very good effect. It a is a carefully crafted, environmentally minded, sensitive addition to the local urban fabric. It responds to complex site and boundary conditions. The columned functional rear facade is built against a Victorian boundary wall and punctured by a single deep-silled window providing both glimpses onto a noisy road and a shop window display opportunity to signal to and engage the neighbourhood. A pair of triangular exposed spruce frame roof volumes constructed from sawn spruce beams and joists in standard sizes are lifted above the main space. They present only their apexes to the road, visually masking their impact and giving generous daylight, ventilation and additional height for experiments in the plywood lined interior. The legible timber frame construction promises to engage children with its structural and material logic and the architectural intent is for children to be able to unpack and analyse the parts of the building intuitively. The glazed wall to the playground lined with sinks, work surfaces and shelving and the functional rear wall with display cabinets filled with artefacts gathered by the school and specimens brought in by children, define an adaptable free space that visually connects to the external environment. The details, internally and externally, are enjoyably child scaled and the use of a linear bench along the full width of the façade serves to unite previously disjointed playground areas. RIBA says this is an excellent example of simple, thoughtful passive environmental design and a notable achievement for everyone involved. STEM Activity Lab Another winner of the RIBA London Award was Torriano Primary School’s STEM Lab,

by Hayhurst and Co. It was developed by remodelling an existing two-storey ‘turret’ at the top of a historical, locally listed building and creates a small roof-top extension with an external learning terrace. The ‘turret’ previously housed IT rooms with mezzanine floors but has been opened up to the full extent of its internal space. Windows have been refurbished and fitted with remote shading and opening devices to control light and afford natural ventilation. This area forms the main activity zone and it features irregular, CNCcut, laminated ply ribs which splay and arch across the space to define a secondary layer within it. These ‘portals’ include openings, fixings, crossbars and pulleys which facilitate activities to enhance practical teaching such as enabling objects to be hung or fabric suspended. Star constellations are also CNC milled into the faces of the timber. A plywood box constructed offset staircase gives access to a small mezzanine which enables students to gain additional height when undertaking practical experiments. Clever uses of minimal space abound such as fold-down demonstration desks at two different heights for different age students and shelving nooks exploited at every opportunity. A bright yellow/green marmoleum flooring links seamlessly through to the new built part of the scheme, a simple pitched roof construction extending over what was a flat roof. Here more light floods in via a large skylight and timber framed single and double doors give access to an external, south-facing semicircular terrace above a curved stair core below. This allows views back to the gable end of the new extension which is clad in polished stainless steel shingles, which glimmer in the sun and reflect the sky.

East Midlands Northampton International Academy, by Architecture Initiative, won a RIBA East Midlands Award. It is a 2,200-pupil academy built in an early 1980s postal sorting office. Boldly chopping lightwells through the existing waffle slab structure the architects set up a clear language of new teaching interventions in graphic black and white with oversized lecture and music boxes helping to articulate new cafeteria and break out spaces. These are flooded with natural light and surrounded by new workshops that celebrate the existing scale of the sorting office spaces. A building of this size has several grand staircases, each with a black armature and flashes of colour that help orientate you around this vast building without resorting to large amounts of dull wayfinding. Where signage is needed the architects have developed a brand for the academy that is inspired by the sorting office typeface, a nice tactile touch. Exploring the building is somewhat like walking around a hilltop village with glimpsed views to all levels, departments and years with the sixth form due to inhabit the uppermost level. There is an existing sorting office staff canteen and rooftop courtyard being the perfect size for a spectacular new sports hall, clad in plywood panelling with ribs of lighting – the citadel at the top of the village. Major interventions into the façades provide new classroom windows and from the main road a new entrance plaza with a set of triumphal steps leads you up to two entrance boxes. A highly polished mirrored veil, that reflects the sky and buildings of the surrounding local community in its fabric, connects these entrances. L FURTHER INFORMATION




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In a school, good lighting is not simply about ensuring staff and pupils can go about their business comfortably and safely. As a minimum it must provide enough illumination to encourage the fulfilment of school activities, but a well-designed lighting scheme, incorporating both natural and electric lighting, will enhance a space and help to create a pleasant learning environment. So what are the elements that make a good lighting scheme? When it comes to providing light in schools the best source of illumination for almost all teaching spaces is natural light introduced through strategically located windows and roof-lights. There is some evidence to suggest that spaces with high levels of daylight can have significant long-term health and wellbeing benefits and may even result in improved academic achievement. Daylight is important in regulating and maintaining biochemical, physiological, and behavioural processes in human beings through their circadian rhythm, or body clock. The primary link to the circadian rhythm is daylight, so it is important that both pupils and staff are exposed to high levels of daylight, particularly in the morning. A lack of daylight can disrupt this system and cause problems such as depression and poor sleep quality, which could lead to more serious problems.

Different requirements Artificial light The amount and distribution of daylight in Of course, there will be times of the year and a room will vary depending on the learning times of the day when there is insufficient environment: typically, art rooms require more daylight while dance studios and daylight during normal school hours and at lecture theatres will require less daylight. such times electric lighting will be required. In addition, computer rooms, which often The traditional way of artificially lighting have high heat loads and high-density a teaching space is with a regular array of occupancy, are best located in areas within ceiling-mounted light fittings. This approach the building that have limited daylight as will ensure a uniform task illuminance this would reduce heat gains caused by the anywhere in the space, which is useful in sun. Similarly, a ‘special educational needs’ allowing the space to be reconfigured easily (SEN) school may require that some rooms in order to accommodate different layouts have few distractions and, as such, views may and uses. The downside to this approach is need to be temporarily obscured by blinds. that it will waste energy by lighting all areas While daylight is dynamic and good for of a space, including the areas not in use and occupant’s wellbeing you can, sometimes, may also appear un-exciting. A more energy have too much of a good thing in both new efficient and visually appealing, although less and refurbishment projects. For that reason, adaptable, design can be created by focusing it needs to be considered at the outset of the light on the surfaces where it is needed. any design or layout by a lighting designer The colour of the artificial light is important. in order to avoid glare and excess Colour temperature is a measure of a heat from the sun making lamp’s colour. A light source with a the room uncomfortable. colour temperature of 3000K will While Failure to properly appear warm, slightly reddish dayligh consider daylight could white while one with a colour result in the use of temperature of 5300K will dynami t is blinds, which will appear as a cold, blueish good fo c and r negate any of its white. For educational o c c u wellbei pant’s potential benefits. interiors, a light source E ng

Written by Iain Carlile, President of CIBSE’s Society of Light and Lighting

The best lighting designs take account of natural and electric lighting, and are controlled to balance one carefully with the other throughout the working day, writes Iain Carlile, President of CIBSE’s Society of Light and Lighting


The key elements of a good school lighting scheme

Similarly, where teaching is likely to rely on the use of projection onto a screen, it is important to consider the position of the screen in relation to daylight sources to avoid blinds having to be closed when the projector is in use. The most effective lighting designs will be those where the architectural form and associated shading system serves to provide adequate levels of daylight throughout a space whilst simultaneously shading it from undue levels of direct sun. If the design is wrong the space will likely be too dark at the furthest points from the façade and too bright adjacent to the façade, a scenario which typically leads to the worst scenario of lights on and blinds closed. To give advice on this tricky area of lighting design, The Society of Light and Lighting has published SLL Lighting Guide LG10: Daylighting and window design.

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you make. Typical payback is three to five years and there is no financial outlay required by the school. You will see savings every year and as part of our service ESL will guide you through the application process on your behalf. As a company ESL ensures the building is taken into consideration when installing LEDs and the light levels meet current UK lighting standards. The company seeks to enhance the schools lighting helping to create a quality learning environment which is up-lifting for both pupils and staff. ESL is sensitive to your needs and will carry out the installation at times suitable to you and dispose of all the old fittings free of charge. ESL is so confident in the quality of its lights that they are guaranteed for seven years ensuring minimal maintenance costs during this period.In the event of any performance issues ESL will supply replacement products free of charge during this period. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01344 883399

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 somewhere between these two extremes, with a temperature of around 4000k will blend well with daylight. Where discrimination between colours is important, for example in an art studio, lamps will also need to have a high colour rendering index – a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colour of an object faithfully in comparison with a natural light source. Keeping control Energy used by electric lighting is currently responsible for about one third of carbon emissions in primary schools and nearly half in secondary premises; for educational establishments operating outside of normal daylight hours the figure can be significantly higher. There are two components to energy use: the power used by the lighting equipment and the number of hours it is in use. The power used by the lighting installation is decreasing as technology evolves. But, no matter how energy efficient a lighting installation is, if the lights are left on when they are not needed then energy will be wasted. The way to prevent unnecessary energy use is to ensure the lighting installation can be controlled effectively. The best lighting designs take account of natural and electric lighting and are controlled to balance one carefully with the other throughout the working day. Within classrooms, for example, detectors can measure light-levels and whether the room is actually occupied. Detectors can be used to control the electric lighting in rows parallel to the window, to allows individual rows

The appearance of an interior is affected by its general brightness, which depends on the distribution of light in the room to be automatically switched on and off as the daylight levels change across the depth of the room. For optimum efficiency, this system should be set up to be ‘manual on’, ‘automatic off’ to save energy and prevent the lights being left on unnecessarily. Surface light The appearance of an interior is affected by its general brightness, which depends on the distribution of light in the room and the lightness of room surfaces. To create a feeling of visual lightness and a pleasant learning environment it is necessary to direct light onto room surfaces, particularly those surfaces that are prominent in the normal field of view. Often these will be the walls but the ceiling may also be included, especially in large rooms. Where workstations are employed using vertical partitions, some light on the partitions will be beneficial and without it the room can appear gloomy and under-lit. The primary presentation wall, containing the whiteboard, should be of a different and complementary colour and darker hue than the other walls. This helps to reduce eye strain as the viewer looks from desk to board-based tasks and back again. Whilst it may be desirable for lighting efficiency to provide higher reflectance surfaces, a deep tone on one wall will provide visual form to the space and reduce glare.

In addition to lighting the task and room surfaces it is important to fill the volume of space occupied by people with light. It should be remembered that we see the reflected light from surfaces and hence the choice of colour scheme can significantly affect the overall impression of the room. Cost Cost is always a major concern for both new and refurbishment lighting schemes. Capital and running (operational) costs must be considered together, if they are not then a scheme with a low capital cost might have a high operational cost, which could prove significantly costlier over the lifetime of the scheme than an installation with a more expensive capital cost but a low operating cost. If these two cost elements are paid for from different budgets or by different organisations a conflict of interests may arise. The input of a professional lighting designer will help develop the optimum lighting solution to deliver a solution that enables students, teachers and other staff to carry out their various tasks safely, efficiently and in comfort. L FURTHER INFORMATION



Facilities Management

A guide to successful school estate projects The ‘Good estate management for schools’ guide from the Department for Education is an online tool with advice on how to effectively maintain the school estate as well as plan new projects. This year, the DfE has updated the guidance on estate-related projects to include skills and planning Last year, the Department for Education released an online tool to guide those responsible for costeffective estates management. Called the ‘Good estate management for schools’ (GEMS), the guidance allows schools to assess their current arrangements and identify where improvements can be made. It covers issues ranging from guidance on health and safety management to advice on how to minimise energy and water usage. A set of self-assessment questions are also included to help headteachers and governing boards to gauge where they are doing well and which areas require more attention. There is also information on the important policies and processes that schools should have in place, guidance on how to plan estate projects, and tips on making the most of property assets.


Estate projects the necessary technical and construction This year, the DfE updated its guidance on skills within their organisation, the estates projects to include skills and planning. guide recommends they are hired. It says that a new estate project requires Schools or organisations remain ultimately careful planning so that the project meets responsible for the delivery of the desired outcomes. Informed their estate projects. They planning will also ensure should therefore make School that resources are used to suitable arrangements best effect and that the to make sure that are urg s e school’s responsibilities skilled resources d not to are understood before are appointed and f o c solely o us the project starts, during available at the n cost bu the initial the project, and after it start of the project t to con has been completed. and that specific the per sider For any estate projects requirements f o r m ance of the taking place, schools of the project asset o need to have suitably are documented v e r its life qualified and experienced and understood by people to help to deliver school management the project. If they don’t have and the contractor.


Facilities Management

Good project delivery makes sure that the impact on school operations are minimised and that appropriate and constructive communication takes place between the contractor and school operation Every project must be managed in accordance with all health and safety regulations and CDM Regulations. The guide also recommends that someone is appointed to be responsible for any new or changed school facilities, before the start of the project. Doing this will make sure that there is a good understanding of the key operating requirements and that potentially complex new systems, such as heating, are managed effectively. It will also ensure that the intended benefits from the project, for example, lower energy consumption and costs, are achieved. Schools should only seek approval to start more detailed project planning, design work and costing after completing some preliminary activities. This could include a feasibility study; technical surveys; and cost reports. These will help a school to identify risks, validate the need for the project and identify any planning or abnormal site conditions. Whole life issues Schools are urged not to focus solely on the initial cost. Consider the performance of the asset over its life, such as the future maintenance needs or energy costs. Some studies show that over a 30-year period, the operational costs for a building can be five to ten times as much as the initial capital cost. Consideration of the long-term impact of investment is referred to as whole life appraisal. Issues to take account of in a whole life appraisal include minimum lifespan of materials and systems, repairs, maintenance and redecoration. It also considers energy use, environmental and social impact and the flexibility of the building for alternative future uses. Financial issues – such as long-term financing, operational costs including rent, rates and income, and facilities management costs, should also be considered. A school’s decision should not focus solely on shortterm cost comparisons. Investing more initially can often save money and improve building and service performance in the longer term. You should always consider the revenue implications of capital investments. This requires a rigorous assessment. Decision makers should be given clear information on the whole life implications of each option and take decisions in that wider context. Project delivery Delivering a project on site can have a significant impact on the school’s operation. It’s essential that the delivery of any project on site is carried out in accordance with agreed programmes, procedures and protocols. Good project delivery makes sure that the impact on school operations are minimised and that appropriate and constructive communication takes place between the contractor and school operation. Careful delivery also makes sure projects are delivered within the approved budget and risks of financial penalties are minimised and that potential contract performance issues are identified and appropriate actions are taken to minimise delays. The different stages of any project will require and involve different skills. It’s important that the roles of everyone involved are understood at the outset and that the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 are met. Even on a small project, specialists might be required. It is important that specialist support is procured in the most efficient way to deliver overall value for money. Mistakes in

procurement processes can be costly and result in significant delays. You should seek advice on procurement options at an early stage in the project planning process. You should ensure you adhere to your organisation’s procurement procedures. L FURTHER INFORMATION The ‘Good estate management for schools’ guide can be found here:

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Facilities Show 2019 – working smart and well With more than 280 exhibitors from a range of facilities management professions and leading industry insight from accredited speakers, Facilities Show 2019 brings you thousands of innovative, solutions to help you work smart and well in the FM profession

Taking place at ExCeL London on 18-20 June, Facilities Show is the global hub for facilities and field service management professionals. It brings together the entire facilities management profession, showcases of thousands of innovative, cutting-edge facilities management solutions from more than 280 leading exhibitors, and gives you the chance to source and trial cost-effective solutions across, such as workplace technology; cleaning; health and wellbeing; waste management; energy management, office management; washroom; space planning and design, and much more. The event will allow visitors to source products across fire safety equipment, lighting, lifts, pest control, waste disposal products and more from exhibitors including Ricoh, Verizon, Asure Software, Kirona, Viridor Waste Management, Vaclensa, SquareFM, Service Works Global, Clearabee, Planon Software, JW Crowther & Son, Evaccess UK and many more. Facilities Show is the only show supported by the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM). This means the event is uniquely placed to connect you with the industry bodies helping to drive innovation and set the standards guiding the profession. Smart Buildings Expo Smart Buildings Expo – launched in partnership with Master Systems Integrators Vanti – is a brand-new feature that showcases the emerging smart building sector, with a full-sized replica of a smart office and panels and presentations outlining the opportunities of integrating cutting-edge technology and the internet of things with modern office and commercial buildings. These take place under three headings: ‘Educate’, a packed seminar programme including ‘A Human-centric Approach to Smart Buildings’, and ‘Making Every Building Smart: When Innovation Meets Reality’; ‘Experience’, the smart office replica;


and ‘Consult’, pre-arranged meetings for independent smart buildings advice. This is a unique opportunity to engage with some of the most transformative new technologies on the facilities management market.

It’s this commitment to education, thought leadership, and providing the opportunity to examine key developments and innovative ideas shaping the facilities management profession that sets Facilities Show apart.

Workplace Wellbeing Show The new Workplace Wellbeing Show highlights new methods for improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. The Workplace Wellbeing Theatre will host talks including ‘Mental Health and the Law’ and ‘The Wellbeing Professional of the Future’. Visit the Healthy Eating Café for delicious healthy snacks, and the ‘Wellness Wall’, where experts from IWFM share their big ideas for tackling wellbeing challenges.

Be inspired by celebrity speakers Facilities Show welcomes three inspirational speakers, who share the lessons of their varied careers and life experiences to help the audience appreciate risk, courage and perseverance. Steph McGovern will talk about her career journey from an apprentice engineer to an award-winning journalist and TV presenter. She will share learnings from some of her biggest interviews – including Donald Trump – and the importance of good business practice and vocational training. Eddie the Eagle is the legendary Winter Olympic ski jump underdog. He tells a story drawn from a career fraught with considerable risk, but made possible by the courage to try something new and daring. England rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson’s high-profile struggles with his mental health in a male-dominated environment led to depression, panic attacks and anxiety. Hear what experience has taught him about mental health, balancing work with his personal life and the danger of overwork.

Enhance your knowledge with CPD accredited seminars With new technologies such as green energy management and smart buildings, and challenges such as workplace wellbeing rising the fore, Facilities Show also lets you access critical thought leadership and insights from industry leaders, and a programme of over 100 CPD-accredited educational sessions to help you remain at the forefront of industry knowledge. Seminars range from flexible working, office design and mental health to AI and office moves, taking place days in one of four dedicated theatres: the Keynote Arena, Smart Building Expo’s ‘Educate’ theatre, the Workplace Wellbeing Theatre and the Facilities Management Theatre. Highlights include a session on technology Trends such as AI & machine learning at work; a talk on what Brexit means for FM, and workplace design and its impact on productivity and wellbeing. There weill also be a session on productivity and technology, and diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Access three co-located shows under one roof Your ticket to Facilities Show also gives free access to FIREX International, IFSEC International and Safety & Health Expo – enhance your facilities management strategy with solutions from fire safety, security and health and safety. Opening times The show takes place on 18-20 June 2019 at ExCeL London, and is open between 10:00 and 17:00 on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June, and 10:00 and 16:00 on Thursday 20 June. L FURTHER INFORMATION Book your free ticket at


Safety & Health Expo, the UK’s biggest event for health and safety professionals, takes place at ExCeL London on 18-20 June. The event will showcase new solutions and products to an audience of over 13,000 professionals

18-20 JUNE 2019 EXCEL LONDON UK Safety & Health Expo takes place at ExCeL London on 18-20 June. The exhibition, together with its free‑to‑attend CPD-accredited seminar programme, is a global hub with products and solutions stretching across PPE, site safety, hazardous materials, hygiene, lone worker safety, training and more – everything to keep staff and pupils safe. In proud partnership with NEBOSH, HSE, IOSH and RoSPA, Safety & Health Expo is once more driving change in the sector, bringing new products, new thinking, and new ways of working to an audience of over 13,000 H&S professionals What’s on? Showcasing top health and safety solutions from 300+ UK and international suppliers, visitors can source from a range of behavioural safety, risk management, training and occupational health products and services from trusted names including Safety Media, SoloProtect, MSA Britain, Boplan, Evac + Chair International, Birkenstock, IKAR GB, Skyguard, Draeger Safety UK, Citrus Training, Toyota Material Handling UK, Effective Software and Alcumus. New – Workplace Wellbeing Show Discover how to create your own culture of wellbeing to eliminate stress, increase resilience and give your school, college or university a real competitive advantage with the brand-new Workplace Wellbeing Show. The Workplace Wellbeing Theatre is set to host a range of fascinating and informative sessions and panel discussions on key aspects of workplace wellbeing, including ‘Mental Health and the Law’, ‘The Wellbeing Professional of the Future’ and ‘Tackling Fatigue in Your Organisation’. Plus there’s

the Healthy Eating Café – with salad boxes and delicious protein power bowls to promote healthy eating in the workplace – and a Wellness Wall where experts from the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) will share their big ideas for tackling wellbeing challenges. Exhibitors in the Workplace Wellbeing Show include SoundEar, The Healthy Work Company, Eurofins Workplace Drug Testing, AlphaBiolabs, i-act for Positive Mental Health, Randox Testing Services, Lifestyle Checkpoint, Cardiac Science Holdings and Resilient People. Discover PPE at the brand‑new PPE Attack Zone Are your staff s as protected as they could be? With the new PPE legislation in force from 21 April, Safety & Health Expo 2019 is introducing the PPE Attack Zone, where PPE is subjected to rigorous, real-time, visual tests that demonstrate how equipment is accredited and provide evidence of the efficacy of different products. These real-world scenarios let PPE buyers discover how this equipment meets – or goes above and beyond – industry standards. Make sure you’re sourcing the very best kit to keep your staff safe. Innovate at the brand-new Safety Technology Zone The new Safety Technology Zone will let visitors explore the implications of the most innovative technology on the market, including drones, AI, VR and wearable devices – new, disruptive health and safety solutions set to transform the workplace over the coming years. Discover the latest trends, meet suppliers, enjoy hands-on product demonstrations and interactive talks and case studies to help you remain

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Solutions and information to keep staff and pupils safe at the forefront of what’s happening in health and safety across all sectors. Access world-class educational seminars With over 75 hours of CPD-accredited seminars across five different theatres, keep up to date on critical legislation, technologies, trends and developments. Topics will look at what an emotionally healthy workplace will look Like; protecting the health and safety of an ageing workforce; effective investigation implementation; and how modern technology can help you with increasing employee engagement. Inspirational speakers –­ hear from Jonny Wilkinson, Steph McGovern and Eddie the Eagle We’re proud to introduce an incredible line-up of inspirational speakers for Safety & Health Expo 2019 – rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson, journalist and broadcaster Steph McGovern and Olympic hero Eddie the Eagle. Get ready for unique new insight on how to transform your health and safety strategy as they share the lessons of their varied careers and life experience on the theme of risk, courage and perseverance. Set up 1-2-1 meetings in advance Make the most of your time at the show with the free Meetings Service, a bespoke networking service that allows you to make contact with suppliers and solution providers and pre-book meetings in advance of the show – perfect for making vital new connections and maximising the use of your time. Access to co-located shows under one roof Your badge for Safety & Health Expo also give you free access to three co-located shows: FIREX International, IFSEC International and Facilities Show – so you can enhance your health and safety strategy with solutions from fire safety, security and facilities management. Don’t miss the main event for health and safety professionals. Visit: and register for your free ticket today. Opening times Tuesday 18 June 10:00 and 17:00 Wednesday 19 June 10:00 and 17:00 Thursday 20 June 10:00 and 16:00 ExCel London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Docks, London E16 1XL Nearest station: Custom House. L FURTHER INFORMATION



Creating a baseline for compliance, avoiding complacency and the need for regular updates

Do your premises measure up against compliance imposed by statute? ASAP Comply ‘Health & Safety Premises Audit’ provides a thorough baseline to work from including details of legal drivers imposing these requirements upon you, tasks required to correct the situation; tasks as high, medium or low risk issues, and whether tasks should be completed in the short, medium or long term. This Audit covers a minimum of 36 areas of compliance from Asbestos to Electrical Testing to Fire Safety. Detailed knowledge of these areas provides a baseline to move forwards from, but once created, don’t be complacent and remember regular updates are required. In terms of complacency, consider Asbestos – often considered to be well managed and

up to date. However, many boiler rooms we re-survey following Asbestos removals still have shocking levels of contamination. Recently we found chrysotile Asbestos heat mats in science labs! If you have Asbestos in your premises – have staff had an Asbestos familiarisation course? How often is Asbestos being re-inspected? Consider Fire Risk and developing your knowledge to cover the compartmentation in your building. Do fire walls remain undamaged? Are builders work holes properly fire stopped? Has the correct fire stopping material been used? Are fire doors in good condition? Electrical Testing is another area for concern. In many cases periodic testing has been completed but repairs remain outstanding months later. Category 1 repairs are “Danger present. Risk of injury. Immediate remedial action required”. Category 2 are “Potentially dangerous – urgent remedial action required”. Repairs must be completed to demonstrate compliance. Regarding regular updates; consider both the competence of the assessor carrying out updates and the frequency of updates required. Each report should state when

Property Compliance is our business - delivering a quality service within budget, on time, every time.

it must be updated. As a minimum, we recommend annually, although low risk areas may warrant a longer gap whilst high risk areas need more frequent reviews. Competence key indicators can include qualifications, knowledge and reputation. High professional indemnity insurance (£5-10million) maintained over a prolonged period with no claims are also a good indicator. Consider an organisation with very few staff members are less likely to have the breadth of training and knowledge required. Professional certification demonstrate competence. For Asbestos surveying and re-inspections – UKAS ISO 17020:2012 accreditation. Fire Risk Assessors should have either Fire Protection Association or Institute of Fire Engineers membership. Legionella Risk Assessors – Legionella Control Association or ISO 17020:2012 accreditation. So with an established baseline, avoiding complacency and ensuring periodical reviews are completed, you should be well on the way to successfully managing compliance. FURTHER INFORMATION

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Health & Safety Written by Fiona Riley, Chair of IOSH’s Education Group

Asbestos in schools: how big an issue is it?

all about the risks and how they can be managed, this is simply unacceptable. And it isn’t just teachers who could be exposed, of course; children are at risk. In fact, Government research has found that children who are exposed to asbestos are five times more likely to contract the disease than adults aged 30. There have been many estimates about Many schools built between the 1950s and 1980s may contain how many school buildings contain asbestos. The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) asbestos, so how can they ensure people aren’t exposed to it? suggested in 2012 that 37 per cent of Fiona Riley, Chair of the Institution of Occupational Safety and buildings are likely to contain it, which Health (IOSH) Education Group, explores the issue equates to 11,000 schools. However, other estimates have suggested the figures may be If you go back a few decades, asbestos was How big a concern is as high as 75 per cent or even 83 per cent. viewed as the wonder material. Its versatility, asbestos in our schools? What is for certain is that many strength, and heat and chemical resistance Since 2001, more than 200 teachers schools contain this killer material. meant it was widely used in new buildings. have died across the country from Research by the BBC has found that just over How times have changed. We now mesothelioma, according to the half of schools in the North West are known know that asbestos is a killer – one National Education Union. to contain asbestos, but local authorities do which is responsible for 5,000 deaths Mesothelioma typically develops not know if 44 per cent of schools a year in Britain – which is why its use over 20 or more years following have the material or not. This is has been banned here since 1999. exposure to asbestos. So, because many schools (61 While this means buildings constructed since someone who dies this per cent) are outside local It is then don’t contain it, it doesn’t mean it has year is likely to have been education authority control, estimat been removed from those built before. In fact, exposed at some point including academies e at least d that it is estimated that at least 500,000 buildings in the 1990s or before. and free schools, and in Britain still contain it, many of them However, the fact are not obliged to building 500,000 schools. It can be found in many products that so many buildings report to them. still con s in Britain including roofing, spray coatings, lagging, still contain it gives The HSE, which tain asb estos, insulating boards, ropes, yarns and cloth. cause for concern that requires all employers to and ma ny Asbestos fibres are invisible to the people are still being notify them if asbestos schools are naked eye. When breathed in, they can exposed today and may is released into the stick into the lining of the lungs, causing be suffering the life-limiting air “sufficient to cause serious illnesses over time, including effects by 2040 or beyond. potential damage to the fatal cancers like mesothelioma. In an era when we know health of any person”, E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE


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Is your school at risk and what you should do? There have been calls in recent years for the complete removal of asbestos from all buildings. A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health has called for all pre-2000 buildings to have a full asbestos survey by 2022. It went on to call for the removal of all asbestos from schools by 2028. This report, and questions over the likelihood of such a target being met, were highlighted by Charles Pickles, of asbestos management experts Lucion Services, in a document he produced called Asbestos in Schools: the case for reassurance air monitoring with Scanning Electron Microsopy. The fact remains, however, that asbestos is present in huge numbers – likely thousands – of schools so it is crucial, therefore, that they manage it properly. Quite simply, if asbestos isn’t disturbed it doesn’t present a risk. But

A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health has called for all pre2000 buildings to have a full asbestos survey by 2022. if your school is undergoing a refurbishment, for example, you must consider whether there is a risk of disturbing asbestos. So, what can schools do to manage it properly? Most teachers, other school staff and students aren’t directly involved in the management of buildings or in any maintenance and repair work. However, in the case of employees, they should be informed of the location of any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). For the past year or so, IOSH’s No Time to Lose campaign has focused on asbestos and how organisations should manage it. For the campaign, IOSH has produced free resources to help businesses. All schools should be aware of whether there is any asbestos in their premises. If it was built before 2000 then there is a chance it will contain it. Those that do contain it should have an asbestos management plan, which includes details such as where it is, who is responsible for managing it, and a schedule for monitoring the condition of ACMs. Employees – and of course students or any contractors – must not be asked to do any work which could disturb asbestos

Health & Safety

 says that it has received an average 40 reports from schools per year for the past five years. There have been a number of prosecutions for asbestos management failures. A recent example was the £200,000 fine for Kent County Council, in September 2018, for failing to manage asbestos in a school under its control. As a sign of how seriously the Department for Education is taking the matter, it has launched its Asbestos Management Assurance Process, a scheme where schools have to provide written assurance that their buildings are compliant with legislation on the management of asbestos.

and must know exactly where it is located. Training should also be provided on how to work safely around ACMs. If anyone believes they may have disturbed, or may be about to disturb, ACMs, they should take the following steps: stop work immediately; move everyone away and ensure no one enters the area; and do not remove equipment or materials. They must also close, seal or lock off the area, put warning signs up and report it to your employer. No one should have their life cut short by work activities. As with fatalities from workplace accidents, deaths from exposure to asbestos are avoidable. Organisations can all play their part in ensuring workers do not have a death sentence like mesothelioma hanging over them. The IOSH Education Group will be holding a networking event, ‘Embracing risk in education’, on 10 October 2019 at Leicester Racecourse, which will look at legal responsibilities including asbestos in educational premises. This event will be relevant for personnel with health and safety responsibilities within the education sector. L FURTHER INFORMATION




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Written by the Fire Industry Association (FIA)

A false alarm The Chief Fire Officer’s Association (CFOA), in combination with the FIA, highlighted the impact of unwanted fire signals. The publication, ‘Reduction of Unwanted False Alarms 2010’, states that unwanted fire signals divert ‘essential services from emergencies, putting life and property at risk’, are ‘a drain on public finances’, and are a ‘disruption to training of operational From educating pupils about the dangers of false alarms, to personnel’. In the period between December 2014 and March of 2015, Fire considering the flammability of paper display boards, fire safety and Rescue Services in Glasgow attended in schools is more complex than you think. The Fire Industry premises with false alarms 1908 times – Association shares what you need to know an outstanding average of 119 times per week. Figures for other cities across the UK are the same or even worse than this. Additionally, on a more school-based level, there are further impacts for false alarms. The FIA spoke with a number of teachers to gain further insight into the consequences of false alarms. Jason Pickett, a Year 6 teacher from Berkshire noted that false alarms ‘cause disruption to lessons’ and can also cause teachers to ‘lose preparation time’. When it comes to false alarms, it’s all a matter of education. If the bright young ones of the school discover that pressing a fire alarm button (technically known as a manual call point or MCP) equals ‘out of lessons excitement’ as Pickett put it, then there are two strategies you can try. First, educate everyone New about the dangers of false alarms. Second, researc install covers from BR h E over the manual a n FIA has d call point to The issue of fire safety within schools is and hospitals have a ‘duty to s h o w n detecto avoid damage a sensitive one; there are many factors take general fire precautions’ rs can a that ctivate or deliberate to consider, especially in a place where in order to minimise the risk from fa ults if t activation in the parents place their trust in the school to of fire. A ‘responsible person’ he are not case of a nonsafeguard their children from harm. has the duty to ensure the correctly y fire. A localised A school that makes inadequate provisions safety of employees and ‘all installe d or ‘squawk alarm’ towards their fire safety could suffer from relevant persons who are not mainta can also be put in routine disorganisation and disarray when employees’, i.e. the children, ined place as a second practising a regular fire drill, or worse, any contractors or agency staff, deterrent, so that when actual fatalities in the event of a real fire. or other general visitors onsite. the cover is lifted, a sound is Thankfully, government statistics for 2013 In the case of a school, the ‘responsible created specific to that call point. In that 2014 show that schools have the lowest person’ could be someone within the instance, teachers can react, preventing the rate of non-fatal casualties in the UK, with local authority for state maintained fire alarm from being activated and give only four in 1,000 fires creating casualties. schools, the person who has control of the appropriate discipline to the child activating However, in a place where potentially hundreds premises (e.g. a caretaker or health and the alarm for the fun of getting out of class. of both staff and children are present, the safety manager), the headteacher, or a However, false alarms are not just a result case for minimising the risk is still strong. nominated deputy. It would be their duty of deliberate or malicious activation. It is a sad fact that the Fire Industry to ensure that all fire risk assessments Association (FIA) noted that in 2011/12 are regularly reviewed (and up-to-date), Faulty installations there were 700 fires in schools in the UK. The that the maintenance of the fire safety New research from the Building Research effects on schools can be devastating – loss equipment and alarm system is routinely Establishment (BRE) in conjunction with the of educational buildings, a drop in teacher carried out, and to schedule routine testing FIA has shown that detectors can activate and pupil morale, perhaps even disruption of all equipment pertaining to fire safety. from faults if they are not correctly installed to those all-important exams and a real A paper produced by HM Government or maintained, or even from dust or steam. At and actual loss to valuable teaching time. entitled ‘Fire Safety Risk Assessment – this precise moment in time, it is unclear as to Educational premises’ highlights the need to whether the age of the detector is a factor in The ‘responsible person’ identify high-risk individuals, and to ‘inform the creation of false alarms from malfunctions, Who is accountable for ensuring pupil students of the relevant risks to them’, as but some European Union countries such as safety, and maintaining a robust fire safety well as provide them with ‘information about Austria and Germany recommend replacing management strategy? The Regulatory Reform who are the nominated competent persons’ smoke detectors every eight years. Certainly (Fire Safety) Order 2005 clearly outlines that and the fire safety procedures. Whilst many a study by Kings College London reported E all non-residential buildings, such as schools schools are highly efficient at ensuring their

Fire Safety

Fire safety in schools is a complex issue

pupils understand what to do in the event of an alarm, they perhaps may not highlight to staff and children the cost of false alarms.



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Fire Safety

 that old detectors were responsible for 4.9 per cent of false alarms. Additionally, government statistics for 2013-14 reported that the alarm failed to operate altogether in 13 per cent of fires in the United Kingsdom (equating to an actual figure of 2600 fires nationwide), and this could also be a result of poorly maintained equipment. Therefore it is the FIA’s recommendation that all equipment pertaining to fire safety be routinely checked for faults in order to safeguard everyone in the building. Certainly the CFOA has stated that ‘a fire alarm and fire detection system is unlikely to be reliable or effective if it has not been designed, installed, commissioned and maintained by trained and competent person(s). Many fire detection systems are complex and [the school] should ensure that the company they employ to carry out the design, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of their fire alarm system can demonstrate competency.’ Ideally this should be through third party certification. Fortunately there is a simple way to check: look for the FIA symbol on the company’s literature and website. This is a recognised quality standard within the industry and ensures that the company’s training is upto-date and they will have the requisite knowledge to service the fire safety equipment and advise as necessary, as all members of the FIA have third party certification. However, it must also be stressed that the risk of fire can be minimised by the use of a robust risk assessment. In line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, a risk assessment ‘must be reviewed by the responsible person so as to keep it up to

To prevent false alarms, educate everyone about the dangers of false alarms. You could also install covers over the manual call point to avoid damage or deliberate activation in the case of a non-fire. date’ and particularly if ‘there is reason to suspect it is no longer valid’ or ‘there has been significant change in the matters to which it relates including when the premises, special, technical and organisational measures, or organisation of work undergo significant changes, extensions, or conversions’. Essentially a risk assessment is a legal requirement and must be reviewed on a regular schedule, and additionally when changes around the school building occur – such as when new school buildings are erected, repaired, or converted – for example if classrooms are changed into IT suites or given any other purpose. A robust fire risk assessment should identify fire hazards and help to minimise the fire risk. However, there are a number of things to remember around schools: fire doors must be kept closed, so remind children and staff not to prop them open. If doors must be kept open, use a fire door retainer. Dorgard is a device that keeps doors open, but closes the fire door on the sound of the alarm, helping to stop the spread of the fire. As these are sound activated, they can be highly effective, but they will only close the door after the sound of the alarm has rung for 14 seconds

or more, so there shouldn’t be a problem with the door closing when the school bell rings after each lesson or at breaktime. Again, these should ideally be supplied and fitted by a competent individual or company, so do check for third party certification where possible via the FIA symbol. Minimising the risk There are many other ways to minimise fire risk through passive fire protection, such as reconsidering the use of (highly flammable!) paper display boards in corridors; the use of multi-sensor detectors; fire-proof paint (layer upon layer of paint in the corridors of old school buildings can actually be extremely flammable – consider this carefully when redecorating the school); fire-proof fabrics and carpets; and ensuring that fire doors contain an intumescent smoke seal to prevent smoke escaping through the cracks around the door. For more information about risk assessments, reducing the risk of fire, and how to reduce false fire alarms, visit the FIA website below. L FURTHER INFORMATION



Supporting administration and improving the learning experience

As schools, colleges and universities attempt the tricky balancing act of cutting costs while improving service levels, more and more are discovering the benefits of deploying Fujitsu scanners in the classroom and administrative offices. Enhance collaboration, productivity and GDPR compliance. Fujitsu offers a wide range of scanners, including sheetfed, flatbed and overhead models. Different models are suited to different applications, but all perform the same essential function, the conversion of printed and handwritten information into digital images that can be shared, stored and distributed digitally. Visit to find out more

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Please scan here for a YouTube hosted video featuring teachers talking about using scanners and the benefits of them in the classroom and for admin

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Supporting administration, enabling GDPR compliance and improving the learning experience As schools, colleges and universities attempt the tricky balancing act of cutting costs while improving service levels, more and more are discovering the benefits of deploying Fujitsu scanners in the classroom and administrative offices. Experience enhanced collaboration, productivity and more effectively address GDPR compliance concerns such as Subject Access Requests. Contact us today to understand how a partner solution can help make GDPR Subject Access Requests simpler, more compliant and efficient and save up to £50,000 per annum. Primary and secondary school teachers are working almost 60 hours a week according to the DofE and a lot of this time is spent carrying out bureaucratic tasks such as form filling and general paperwork. By implementing digital working practices including the scanning and digitisation of material a school will very quickly see the benefits bought about from the enhanced collaboration between staff members, pupils and parents as well as supporting SENCO in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) which is laid out in their code of practice 2001. The speedier capture of correspondence such as permission slips, catering requests, HR material, bursaries and paperwork related to special needs as well as the implementation of technology driven teaching methods for a more enriched learning experience and marking will additionally see time being freed up whether for teaching or personal recreation. By the time children start school many are already familiar with technology, giving teachers a platform of knowledge on which to build. Infant and junior schools that have the technology to enhance

learning are setting the benchmark, both in terms of actual achievement and parent or government recognition. Enhanced Learning For many customers in the education sector, the ability of Fujitsu scanners to aid learning is as important a benefit as improved administration. It is also a major priority for Fujitsu, who are working with a number of establishments to explore how scanners can be used to improve learning in the classroom. Capturing Evidence of Progress An important aspect of this programme is to discover how technology can help early learners develop confidence in their abilities and recognise the progress that they have made. Fujitsu scanners can help in this regard by capturing a pupil’s work throughout the term so that children, teachers and parents can see how their work has evolved and improved as ell as providing a discussion point in school. Providing digital files at the end of term instead, or as a supplement to, the actual artwork is also convenient for parents. Some schools are even charging for this service to recoup the cost of the scanner. Improved Communications Schools are making use of Fujitsu scanners, both to improve their administrative processes and to enhance collaboration with students and parents. The Student Services department at Ryburn Valley High School is a case in point. It is using a Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 scanner to digitise and distribute the large number of financial documents handled by the bursaries office and to streamline everyday administrative processes, including the management of absence notes. Pre-planned

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Fujitsu Scanning Solutions

absence notes handed in by parents used to be photocopied by the department, stored in filing cabinets and handed out to teachers spread across the school grounds – a slow, time consuming and unreliable process. Now, absence notes are digitised on the iX500 and, using the scan-to email function, circulated instantly to the teachers concerned. The iX500 doesn’t just save paper and time; it has also enabled Ryburn Valley High School to improve the learning experience. When a pupil is absent, missed classwork can now be scanned and emailed to them so that they can catch up on coursework remotely. The Anglia Ruskin University - Since implementing a scanning solution, survey response rates have trebled - rising from 15-20 per cent to 65 per cent, - while the total volume of documents scanned has increased 20-30 per cent and is expected to double by next year as the solution is expanded beyond module evaluation surveys. The scanners have already been drafted in to process surveys from other departments which are heavy paper users, processing surveys on accommodation, catering, the union environment and other student services which are increasingly becoming as important to the student experience as teaching and learning. The solution is saving time and resources, making data more easily accessible from the automatically archived files, and streamlining reporting of corporate key performance indicators - of which an increasing number are satisfaction based and can be pulled directly from the survey figures. The University of Bristol to comply with legislation needed to store passport and visa details for foreign students. They have implemented an easy-to-operate data capture and management solution based on Fujitsu scanners. As a result, it is now able to fulfill its statutory obligations in an efficient manner, processing information quickly and accurately. L FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on how we can help on your GDPR journey, for case studies, white papers and videos visit our website:



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The government wants to ensure the education sector can take advantage of the opportunities available through technology. Its EdTech Strategy outlines the support it will give schools to help them do this. Education Business examines the strategy Through its EdTech Strategy, the government wants to support and enable schools to use technology in a way that cuts workload, creates efficiencies, removes barriers to education and ultimately drives improvements in educational outcomes. But it recognises that schools, colleges, universities and other providers face a range of barriers to integrating technology, such as slow internet connections and outdated internal networking and devices. The strategy aims to address these challenges. At the same time, the government is offering support to the EdTech companies, acknowledging that innovation is sometimes hard without schools willing to test and buy EdTech. The strategy says it will “support the development of a vibrant EdTech business sector in the UK to provide proven, highquality products that meet the needs of educators and foster a pipeline of fresh ideas.” Tech to tackle challenges The Department for Education wants tech firms to work with the education sector and create

IT & Computing

A spotlight on the EdTech Strategy

realise the huge potential of technology to transform our schools so that teachers have the time to focus on teaching, their own professional development, and – crucially – are able to cater to the needs of every single one of their pupils.” Director of corporate strategy at Ofsted, Chris Jones, said: “The government’s EdTech strategy highlights some exciting opportunities for teachers to harness technology that allows them to dedicate their energies to the substance of education: effective teaching of the curriculum that produces great outcomes for pupils.”

Getting the infrastructure right The strategy acknowledges that for this solutions to tackle key education challenges. vision to work, schools need to have such as reducing teachers’ marking the right infrastructure in place, as slow workload, having time to train and internet connections and outdated improving outcomes for those with SEND. equipment is holding schools back. When launching the strategy, Education Mary See, headteacher at Cheselbourne Secretary Damian Hinds said: “We are living in Village School in Dorset, explains the a digital world with technology transforming difference it makes having a fast connection, the way we live our lives – both at home and especially in a remote area: “Having new in the workplace. But we must never think super-fast broadband reach our school has about technology for its own sake. revolutionised the way we work. The Technology is an enabler much faster and reliable access and an enhancer. For The to the web has allowed staff to too long in education, strateg work more efficiently, while technology has been acknow y the children, although still seen as something geographically remote, are that adds to a that for ledges t no longer technologically teacher’s workload h i s vision to work isolated and will have the rather than , need to schools same opportunities as their helps to ease. urban peers in preparing for “This strategy right in have the frastr a more technological future.” is just the first The government has step in making in placeucture a goal of a nationwide sure the education full-fibre infrastructure by sector is able to take 2033. For schools most in need advantage of all of however, it is looking to fund fullthe opportunities available fibre connections over the next two years. through EdTech. We now call on schools, This work is part of DCMS’s Rural Gigabit businesses and technology developers to Connectivity Programme. It represents the start of government’s “Outside-In” approach, which was identified in the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review as necessary to ensure future-proof connectivity to areas that are not likely to receive commercial full-deployment by 2033. The actual internet speed experienced is also affected by the



Create Education & Rolls-Royce Partnership brings state‑of-the-art technology to Derby school children

The Create Education Project has teamed up with Rolls-Royce with a combined passion and drive to bring game-changing technology to Derby school children through an exciting new initiative. The start of this inspiring venture will see a local primary school in Derby win the opportunity to become the first Create Education Primary School Hub in which both organisations will fully support throughout. The sensational prize includes


3D printers, curriculum consultations and CPD consultations, software, technical training and support. Many schools in the local area have already shown great interest and submitted their applications telling the project why they should become the first Primary School Create Education Hub. Create Education report that pupils are eager to learn through this level of technology and as it is transferable across all subject areas, we are seeing young pupils absorb core subjects in a new and comprehensive method. Children are also appreciating how to operate computers and 3D printers including diagnosing and resolving simple issues. Michelle Chatterley, head of create education says: “Giving children the chance to try out new thinking with emerging technology is very valuable in equipping them with the sorts of skills they may need in the future. 3D printing has captured the imagination of many young people and many school children find it hugely inspiring.” Rolls-Royce is equally as passionate about being a part of the project as giving children the opportunity to engage in active learning is all part of their STEAM initiatives and their vision of Pioneering the Power that Matters.

Paul Broadhead, head of community investment & education outreach for Rolls‑ Royce says:“To continue to innovate and remain at the cutting-edge of technology we require a pipeline of diverse STEM talent inspired by and equipped with the skills that advancements in technology such as digital, electrification and 3D printing will require.” Together, Create Education and Rolls‑Royce will be continually involved with the Create Education Hub so teachers need not have any concerns regarding difficulties in operating or maintaining the equipment. This is also a huge opportunity for teachers to become familiar with this ground‑breaking equipment at no cost whatsoever to the school or local council and hopefully inspire other schools in the local area. Keep up to date with events, contact Create Education on the details below. To discover more about Rolls‑Royce initiatives, visit the website below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0800 772 0257


IT & Computing

technology and Wi-Fi arrangements in place within institutions. With the growing number of devices in schools, colleges, universities and other providers, the demand for robust and reliable local networking and highspeed Wi-Fi is greater than ever before. The strategy acknowledges that schools, colleges and universities can struggle with the interruption to teaching and the wasted time caused by buffering and slow upload, download and login times that accompany poorly implemented local networking and Wi-Fi. The DfE has published guidance documents that will help steer schools, colleges and other providers through the key questions and issues to consider when implementing technology infrastructure, including broadband and local infrastructure issues. In addition, Jisc provide colleges and universities with infrastructure, training, guidance, consultancy and services such as Eduroam, which delivers secure and seamless internet access across locations and devices. Securing high speed internet connectivity opens opportunities for education providers to move to cloud-based services and storage. Cloud technology allows information and services to be stored, maintained and managed remotely through the internet rather than on a local hard drive or an on-site server. The DfE is recommending that all education providers actively consider and evaluate the benefits of moving to a cloud-based approach for their IT system (moving away from relying solely on ‘on-site’ servers). Cloud-based systems are usually more secure, cheaper to run and enable more flexible working. The skills to make it happen The strategy also acknowledges that the teachers and staff may need to improve their own digital skills. The strategy says: “We know that many leaders can struggle to know where to start with technology; they may be experts in education but are often not experts in digital technology.” Boosting training is therefore a central part of the EdTech strategy. Online training courses for teachers and school leaders, produced by the Chartered College of Teaching, will provide access to high-quality continued professional development and equip them with the knowledge required to make the best use of technology. To learn from others, part of the strategy is to launch a network of ‘demonstrator’ schools and colleges to provide peer-topeer support and training. The strategy says it wants every school and college to have the opportunity to visit one of these schools or colleges and see the impact of effectively used technology for themselves.

The DfE is also creating an EdTech Leadership Group, drawing in industry expertise and support and learning from schools and college leaders about what they would find useful. The BESA LearnED programme, which is a roadshow of events showcasing EdTech products and best practice, is also supported by the DfE. These are free to teachers and education leaders and provide the opportunity to see a range of technology in action in the classroom as well as to hear from the experience of other educators on their EdTech journey.

The strategy points out that the education sector spends £470 million on software and hardware for learning. With such high spend, a key part of the strategy is to help schools get it right when buying EdTech

BESA director general, Caroline Wright, said: “It is deeply worrying that in 2019 too many teachers are still apprehensive of using technology as a teaching aid. They may fear the humiliation of attempting to use digital devices in front of technologically tooled-up students because of an aging and antiquated school network infrastructure, or, most often in my experience, they simply don’t dare to go digital because they just don’t know where to start or who to ask for help. “This strategy is a welcome move to help schools’ better use technology to support teaching and learning outcomes. “The DfE’s work partnering with key teaching and industry bodies to focus on practical school-led solutions, showcasing best-practice uses of technology in schools, and teacher tech training in peer-to-peer groups will help raise both the confidence and competence of the teaching workforce.” E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE


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Leading assistive technology developers and education experts will make recommendations to the government on ways to harness the power of technology to support learners with conditions such as dyslexia or autistic spectrum disorders to thrive in the classroom. key data protection activity, including compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, by developing policies and processes for data management, from collecting and handling their data through to the ability to respond quickly and appropriately to data breaches. Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation Chris Skidmore said: “As the way we interact with technology is changing at an ever-increasing rate, it is more important than ever that the education system keeps pace with the change around us. We need to work with leading head teachers, education experts and tech companies to unlock the benefits for our children and young people. “The collaboration enabled by this strategy will provide an unprecedented boost to the role technology has to play in schools, colleges and universities, and support the UK’s dynamic EdTech sector to develop an ever-wider range of exciting products and technology solutions.”

IT & Computing

 Knowing what to buy The strategy points out that the education sector spends £470 million on software and hardware for learning. With such high spend, a key part of the strategy is to help schools get it right when buying EdTech. Working with the British Education Suppliers Association (BESA), schools will also receive help to identify the right products when buying technology through LendED, a free service which enables schools to try educational software before they buy them. This platform will help to ensure that schools and colleges are getting the best value from the hundreds of millions spent every year on digital technology, to ultimately improve student outcomes, reduce teacher workload and help schools save money. The DfE has also developed recommended buying deals for schools so they can get cheaper prices through pre-negotiated contracts for a wide range of products and services, including education technology. This includes seven different endorsed ICT deals covering a wide range of technology products and services. The ‘G-Cloud deal’, for example, is helpful for schools that want to purchase either cloud-based technology that is not included in standard buying catalogues, or cloud support to help move information and services to the cloud or provide ongoing support. To ensure IT security and data protection, the DfE has published a data protection toolkit which helps guide schools through

Helping industry EdTech businesses are integral to the success of the strategy. But for this sector to thrive, it needs help getting its products tested, and ultimately, into schools. The report says that one of the main challenges felt by both businesses and schools is the issue of market fragmentation. Thousands of schools, multi academy trusts and colleges in England procure goods and services individually and it is difficult for businesses to engage efficiently to build a customer base. The activity described throughout this strategy will play a crucial role in driving demand and developing this vibrant market, directly benefitting EdTech businesses. The DfE and BEIS will help businesses understand school procurement approaches in England so they can respond accordingly. EdTech businesses often struggle to test, pilot and prototype their products within schools due to a lack of time from teachers and school leaders. This means E



Targus joins forces with Tech Data to make adoption of technology easier for the education sector

The digitisation of education means today’s education establishments spend a significant amount of money on IT tools and hardware to support teaching, improve productivity and facilitate students. However, technology devices come with short lifespans – the average life cycle for laptops is three years meaning that they should ideally be replaced with newer models regularly. With limited funding, however, such an approach might not be feasible for most establishments. Targus, a leader in laptop cases and mobile computing accessories is joining forces with Tech Data, a global distribution company specialising in IT products, to support the roll out of its Tech-as-a-Service (TaaS) subscription services for the Education industry. TaaS is a strategic investment that can reduce the total cost of ownership while allowing organisation to regularly upgrade technology and ensure it is up-to-date. Analysts at IDC report that an average

repair costs approximately £130 and six lost hours per device. Comparing that to the average cost of a protective bag to carry and protect your devices, which is a much more affordable £15, brings to light the crux of the issue – organisations and educational establishments alike are paying the price by not investing in the right accessories to safeguard their valuable technology products. The business case for investing in TaaS is clear. Educators can save up to 30 per cent on total cost of ownership of hardware and software solutions. They can get up-to-date equipment faster and more often to ensure they get the best from the technological advances available, all while being fully compliant with UK State Education Legislation. The TaaS programme has already made a big splash within the public sector, with over 43 schools and 17 NHS trusts already using the programme to

procure equipment worth millions of pounds. “TaaS is the way forward for the education industry,” said Marcus Harvey, sales director EMEA at Targus. “In today’s digitally connected world, having the right tools & technology forms the basis of any successful education programme. However, the costs associated with owning the latest technology tools coupled with repairing damaged devices can cause a big hole in the pocket for education establishments. “We are thrilled to be working alongside Targus to extend the benefits of TaaS subscriptions to the education industry,” added David Nelson, services director at Tech Data. “With technology evolving at breakneck speeds, educators need to be armed with the latest devices to provide students with the best possible education. We strongly believe that our partnership with Targus’ Designed for Education range of products will help educators achieve this.” FURTHER INFORMATION For more information, visit

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16/05/2019 10:09

Not-for-profit organisation London Grid for Learning (LGfL) and Virgin Media Business will expand their partnership to create improved digital classrooms and increase connection speeds in LGfL schools.

The ‘G-Cloud deal’ is helpful for schools that want to purchase either cloud-based technology that is not included in standard buying catalogues, or cloud support to help move information and services to the cloud or provide ongoing support.  the feedback that EdTech products and services developers receive can be limited, which in turn hinders the ability of EdTech innovators to evaluate and refine their offer. The strategy therefore says the DfE will work with industry, research and education groups to establish small ‘testbeds’ of schools and colleges in England to support the development, piloting and evaluation of technology. Head of education Europe at Google Liz Sproat said: “The strategy takes an important stance in supporting schools, colleges and universities to invest in technology, not only for the benefit of educators, but for their students too. “From our work across Europe we are seeing how schools are embracing technology with impressive results. These positive developments come as a result of coupling technology with investment in professional growth, equipping educators with the knowledge they need to use technology effectively. “It is encouraging to see how the DfE is pledging to support schools, not just with investment, but guidance on infrastructure and teacher skills to assist them in taking full advantage of the exciting array of technologies on offer.”

Special educational needs For some children, technology can have a profound effect in opening up channels of communication – making learning accessible in ways not possible without the intervention of technology. Technology has the power to bring children with certain special education needs new independence in learning and communicating. As part of the strategy, leading assistive technology developers and education experts will make recommendations to the government on ways to harness the power of technology to support learners with conditions such as dyslexia or autistic spectrum disorders to thrive in the classroom. Government will also work in partnership with the UK’s innovation foundation Nesta, to find technological solutions on essay marking, formative assessment, parental engagement and timetabling technology – four of the ten EdTech challenges set out in the plan. Director of education at Nesta, Joysy John said: “We welcome the launch of the Department for Education’s new EdTech Strategy, which will bring much needed coordination to the field. Part of the Government’s new EdTech Fund will be supported by Nesta to bring together schools and the tech industry, building an evidence base and supporting the EdTech products that really work.

IT & Computing

Faster connection speeds for schools

What’s more, accompanying investments in network security will help ensure that LGfL’s network is one of the safest in the world for schools. Schools on LGfL’s Ignite Network can now benefit from ultrafast connections of up to 1,000Mbps at no additional cost, placing them at the forefront of UK internet connectivity. The increased bandwidth at the core and edge of LGfL’s network will enable and empower schools to bring augmented and virtual reality, livestreaming and 1:1 student/device ratios into the classroom, as well as providing access to public sector networks Govroam and Eduroam for remote working – both of which require a high bandwidth connection to operate effectively. Under LGfL’s refreshed plans, all schools will be offered free upgrades to a minimum connection of 100Mbps (for both upload and download) with LGfL schools, on average, receiving a 200 per cent plus boost in their bandwidth enabling hundreds of schools to increase their connection speed to 1,000Mbps. In addition, schools will be equipped with futureproof technology which can be quickly and remotely upgraded, helping save schools time and money should they wish to further boost their connection in future. In addition to increased speeds, schools will also benefit from next generation firewalling, designed to keep them safe from hackers and other online threats.

“Schools and colleges will be involved every step of the way in product development and implementation, and we believe this is a crucial step in creating a smarter system that benefits both teachers and students.” UK director of education for Microsoft, Chris Rothwell, added: “Technology is having incredible impact in all aspects of education today, but there is always more to be done. We welcome the announcement of an EdTech strategy for England, with its focus on building on existing best practice and lowering barriers to adoption for all.” L FURTHER INFORMATION Find the EdTech Strategy here:




Inspiring engineering as a career choice By linking classroom learning with exciting job roles in engineering, students will realise the value of these subjects for the future. A new guide by EngineeringUK shows STEM professionals how to do this EngineeringUK has released a new free guide to help STEM professionals and ambassadors to deliver exciting and varied activities to help encourage young people to consider engineering as a career choice. ‘Getting the message across’ is a top tips guide for anyone who provides engineering outreach activities in schools. It encourages STEM professionals and ambassadors to plan inspiring and impactful activities by providing real-world examples of engineering matched to what students might be learning in the classroom. Linking the classroom to life Engineering cuts across all life, from addressing some of society’s pressing challenges like climate change, to building and designing new technology like mobile phones or apps for improving health and wellbeing. The guide suggests that making links between the skills involved in the subjects young people study – such as maths, science, D&T, computing, geography, art and languages – and exciting job roles in engineering can really help students realise the value of these subjects for the future and switch them on to the idea of a career in engineering. The guide, created with the support of the Tomorrow’s Engineers Careers Working Group, helps those delivering outreach activities reinforce what makes an impactful talk or activity such as what factors motivate students when thinking about a career. For example, research for Tomorrow’s Engineers Week suggests 90 per cent of young people dream of a career that tackles social issues, so including examples of how engineers use their skills to solve issues like creating renewable energy, developing new cure for diseases or tackling homelessness might be of interest. An inclusive approach While the guide encourages the person leading the activity to be authentic and build outreach activities using their personal experience, it also reminds them that there isn’t just one route into becoming an engineer. It prompts them to be inclusive in their approach by encouraging everyone from different backgrounds to participate and involving students who might have additional needs in the outreach activity. ‘Getting the message across’ includes real-life examples from global engineering firms Siemens and Atkins. ‘SeeWomen’ from Siemens highlights a project to improve the visibility of female role models in STEM with a view to improving gender disparity in engineering. The ‘YES! Programme’ at


Atkins is a work experience scheme for year 8 students and is run with gender parity in mind and encourages schools to approve applications with 50/50 gender split. Eleanor Eyre, head of careers at EngineeringUK, said: “Engineers transform the way we live. Their work cuts across every conceivable area, from renewable energy to medical technology to disasters response and space exploration. “Recent research from EngineeringUK suggest the UK faces an engineering skills shortage,

with 203,000 roles requiring engineering skills needed to be filled annually through to 2024 so it’s vital that we nurture engineers of the future and demonstrate that through a career in engineering they could change the course of history and have an impact on a global scale. “‘Getting the message across’ is a free resource that supports STEM professionals and qualified engineers to achieve the greatest impact through their activity or talk to help them connect with the school audience to inspire the next generation of engineers.”


Resources and guidance ‘Getting the message across’ was developed with the support of the Tomorrow’s


Gemma Taylor, technology CPD lead at STEM Learning UK, said: “When running inspirational engineering activities for young people we need to make sure that the content supports the learning taking place in schools and colleges. ‘Getting the Message Across’ provides additional support to the thousands of STEM Ambassadors that are working every week to inspire young people and illustrate the wide range of careers available in engineering.” The top tips guide for STEM professionals and ambassadors is the latest free resource from EngineeringUK – other guides include a work experience guide for companies to plan an inclusive work experience or placement for students who are interested in getting a closer look at what engineers do on a day-to-day basis.

Engineers Careers Working Group (CWG). The CWG includes representatives from the Institution of Civil Engineers, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Physics and the Royal Academy of Engineering. Tomorrow’s Engineers careers resources provide clear, consistent guidance for

The guide suggests that making links between the skills involved in the subjects young people study – such as maths, science, D&T, computing, geography, art and languages – and exciting job roles in engineering can really help students realise the value of these subjects for the future.

young people and their teachers and parents. Developed in conjunction with the professional engineering institutions, these resources explain what engineering is all about, the huge variety of roles available and the university and apprenticeship routes into those engineering roles. Resources are available to download or order online. EngineeringUK is a not-for-profit organisation, which works in partnership with the engineering community to promote the vital role of engineers and engineering and to inspire the next generation. EngineeringUK leads engagement programmes The Big Bang and Tomorrow’s Engineers and produces a body of research including the biennial State of Engineering report. L FURTHER INFORMATION



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EB Awards

Who’s on the shortlist for an EB Award 2019? On 4 July this year, schools from the primary, secondary and independent sectors will once again be recognised for innovation and leadership in the 12th Education Business Awards Held at the Grange Hotel, London, on 4 July, the Education Business Awards showcase the effort and dedication of teachers, school management and support staff in 24 categories. Presenting the 2019 Education Business Awards is television and radio presenter Angellica Bell, best known for her work on CBBC and The One Show. Outstanding Progress Three Outstanding Progress awards (Primary, Secondary and Independent) are presented to schools which have achieved sustained success in both their exam results and in the running of the school. Last years independent sector winner, Bromley High School, was rightly proud of its GCSE results – the best in the history of the school with 49 per cent A* and 77 per cent A*/A grades. Some examples of the exceptional performance of its academic departments are the Royal Geographical Society’s Excellence Award and the Junior School winning first prize in the Primary Science Association’s National Practical Challenge Competition for KS1. Among those featured on this years’ shortlist are Seaton House School in Sutton, which was recently named as Prep School of the Year by the Sunday Times, and Dunnator School in Surrey, which is now part of United Learning and has demonstrated an exceptional turnaround since facing closure in 2014. In the Secondary school sector, Acklam Grange in Middlesbrough picked up last years’ Outstanding Progress Award after being designated a National Teaching School and providing support to over 40 schools in the region and beyond.

schools and colleges and accounts for 14,000 children in the surrounding area. This year’s shortlist includes New College Leicester, which is the busiest school in the country for community sport with some 2,500 local people using its facilities each week. Also on the shortlist, The Hayling College welcomes young people who are known to the police into the Heart of Hayling, a new Boxing academy which now has over 200 participants on its books.

Environmental Practice Hitting the headlines recently, an estimated 1.5 million youngsters across the world have taken part in Climate Change protests. The Sponsored by the Schools Advisory Service, Environmental Practice Award recognises shortlisted this year are Spalding Academy school projects that can demonstrate in Lincolnshire, which has witnessed a a benefit to the environment and the remarkable turnaround in fortunes since environmental education of its pupils. Last 2016, and Pleckgate High School, Blackburn, year’s winner, Hever Church of England Aided which has been hailed a ‘beacon of success’ Primary School, is fully powered by electricity, by the Department for Education. removing the need for a gas supply. The On the shortlist for this year’s Outstanding annual electricity consumption for is Progress Award for the Primary around 30kWh per m2 per annum Sector, which is sponsored by as opposed to 120kWh for a Fun and Active Playgrounds traditionally built alternative. P r esentin Ltd, Queen’s Park School in Featuring on this year’s g the 201 London takes a creative shortlist is Putney High 9 EB Awards approach to curriculum School in London, design. The progress which has run two and rad is television io and achievements innovative projects in p r e senter Angellic of its pupils is the last year including a B e ll, know for her among the highest a four month Biophilic n work o performing schools Classroom study. This n C B and Th in Westminster. Also demonstrated how, by e One BC featured is Kirton Primary incorporating direct or Show in Lincolnshire, which indirect elements of nature serves a community of high into the classroom, you can deprivation but has been placed improve wellbeing, increase in the top three precent nationally at creativity and productivity. Also Key Stages 1 and 2 due to its recent progress making the Environmental Practice shortlist in English, reading and mathematics. is Denton Community Primary School in Newhaven, which closed the road outside Community Award the school to improve air quality and safety The vital work the schools undertake to outside the school gates as part of the further the progress of the communities ’School Streets’ initiative, a competition in which they serve is recognised in the to promote cycling, walking and scooting Community Award, one of the most highly to school. entered categories. Last year, Eastbourne College in East Sussex scooped the award Educational Visits after setting up the The Eastbourne Schools Sponsored by sponsored by Westminster Partnership (ESP), which works to provide Abbey, The Educational Visits Award features community, educational and sporting educational establishments that can activities involving pupils, staff and the demonstrate a commitment to providing general public. ESP now comprises 12 students with a range of subject specific E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE



Providing financial management for schools

The BPA is proud to sponsor the EB Awards

Alan Patient & Co specialise in providing financial management for schools. Despite being Chartered Accountants, the company does not just deliver numbers. Instead using its background in auditing, Alan Patient converts the language used by auditors into clear strategic and practical actions, offering strategic support and advice based on a school’s numbers. Its intent is to add financial clarity so that Head Teachers have more time to focus on teaching with less need to think about finance. Based in South Woodford, Alan Patient support schools and academies across London and the Home Counties with their financial systems and procedures. Essentially, the company can help make your funding go further. Specific services include: pre conversion to an academy; post conversion; changes in your corporate structure; updating

The British Parking Association is a not for profit organisation, representing, promoting and influencing the parking and traffic management profession throughout the UK and Europe. Their membership of more than 900 organisations and individuals includes local authorities, car park operators, retail parks, healthcare facilities, universities, railway stations, technology providers, trainers and consultants. Members benefit from a wide range of services including networking, advice and support, knowledge, lobbying and engagement and professional development. Members can connect with their peers nationwide, in person or online, to ask questions and share solutions and access specialist benchmarking data and a dedicated members’ only website section with access to the BPA knowledge bank. The BPA engenders

financial management procedures. Alan Patient’s expert team has a thorough understanding of the challenges in your changing environment with the experience to support school leaders, Chief Financial Officers and School Business Managers to give you peace of mind. The team’s support and guidance will help you meet the requirements of the ESFA and the Academies Financial Handbook. Alan Patient & Co offer a Free Financial Health check for schools and academies, if you arrange your appointment before the autumn term. Alternatively, call Alan Patient for ideas on improving the structure and management of your school’s finances.


collaboration between stakeholders, members and government to support growth for communities, improve compliance amongst those managing and using parking facilities, and encourage fairness and consistency to achieve their vision of excellence in parking for all. The BPA is committed to promoting innovation, technology, growth and sustainability, and the very highest of standards with the aim of making parking a recognised profession. The BPA are proud to support the Education Business Awards and sponsor the Parking Management and Travel Planning Award.


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Children need toys and furniture that are simple and natural to enable open-ended, imaginative play. Your love for children is the basis of your work, and Community Playthings share that commitment. The company’s conviction that children deserve the very best has driven every aspect of its business since 1947. Community Playthings designs and manufactures furniture and play equipment for primary schools and early year’s settings. Having listened to the concerns and inspirations of leaders and educators for over 70 years, Community Playthings is uniquely equipped to support your staff. Their furniture is modular and adaptable, enabling the environment to be changed and developed. Nothing from their indoor product line comes flat packed. You won’t have to put in a single screw. Where assembly is unavoidable it’s simple and tool-free. All products

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ICT Facilities and Innovation Sponsored by Exa Education, the ICT facility Award is presented to schools that have made outstanding progress in the provision of a first class environment for the teaching of ICT and related subjects. Leighton Park School, last year’s winner, has been awarded as a Centre of Excellence for Computer Science and been able to disseminate support and guidance through its vast and varied experiences that it provides young people, both within the school and the wider Thames Valley Community through its whole school iSTEM+ initiative. This has included trips to leading IT organisations such as Google, Microsoft and Cisco, empirical academic research all of which has been shared with many primary and secondary schools across the UK and Europe. Making the shortlist this year is Aberdour School in Surrey, which has has invested millions in re-designing its curriculum and learning practices, and building state-of-theart premises that embed technology in all aspects of school life. The ICT Innovation Award, sponsored by Fujitsu company PFU, is for schools which can demonstrate innovation in their approach to teaching and deploying Information and Communication technologies. Last year’s winner, Open Academy Norwich, ran the ‘Project Refurb Club’, which involved students refurbishing old PCs to distribute throughout the local community, a cause close to the hearts of both students and staff. The idea was devised by students in Years 7, 8 and 9 and championed by students in Years 10 and 11, who study Creative Media and Computer Science. This was achieved by integrating the project units. ‘Project Refurb’ is currently managed by ‘Digital Ambassadors’ in Years 7 to 13, whose roles are diverse and include mentors who teach at ‘Codeclub’ an afterschool club to learn how to programme. Featuring on this year’s shortlist is the Holy Name School in Pembrokeshire, which were early adopters of the Welsh Government’s Hwb digital platform and have been instrumental in the development of pupil and staff digital skills. The school has worked with

more than 20 schools in its local authority, sharing good practice. The Tiffin School in Surrey has been shortlisted for the work of its ICT manager Jamie Frost in furthering Maths education through The website offers an excellent collection of free teaching resources, videos, and a bank of exam questions. Used by over 2000 schools internationally, the teaching resources have been downloaded over 1.5 million times. Special Needs Education The SEN Provision Award is presented to an SEN Establishment that can demonstrate an increase in the quality of care and education services provided to students with special educational needs. A record amount of entries this year has produced a highly competitive shortlist, including Gilbrook Primary School in Wirral, which is rightly proud of its outdoor learning programme. This supports primary age children with social, emotional and mental health issues and features a dedicated land based learning area, where children can learn woodcraft, cooking over a fire pit, tracking and photographing animals, gardening skills and many other activities. Last year’s winner of the SEN Inclusion Award, Ernesettle Community School, prides itself on an inclusive ethos where every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Rigorous systems for tracking children’s progress are managed by a highly dedicated team and strong relationships with other supportive agencies to foster an environment where children who have had difficulty accessing a mainstream environment are able to thrive. This year’s shortlist includes Marine Academy Primary, which has achieved the ‘Good Diabetes Care in School’ Award from Diabetes UK, continues to be a Makaton Friendly Organisation and has a full time speech and language therapist. STEM Another hotly contested category is the STEM Award. Last year, this was presented to Bromley High School in Kent, which organises a biennial trips to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Switzerland and has also worked with a grant from HSBC to provide robotics equipment. The shortlist this year features Egglescliffe School in Durham, which hosted a series of lectures across an entire school day, including a live Skype Q&A with Dr Andrew Aldrin (son of Buzz Aldrin), lectures from Dr Suzie Imber (Associate Professor in Space Physics), Professor David Southwood (Chair of the UK Space Agency) and Doug Millard (Keeper of Technologies and Engineering of the Science Museum). Building The School Building Award showcases what is judged to be the most technically advanced building constructed for the purpose of teaching present and future pupils. On the shortlist this year is St Edmund’s School, Canterbury which has recently completed the first phase is a new 2.5 storey building to provide seven classrooms, mathematics studio, toilets and storage facilities, replacing existing modular classrooms and forms a new

public ‘face’ for the school. The disposition of materials is intentionally reflective of the 1858 original Grade II listed Victorian Gothic school building to provide continuity of scale, colour and tone. Also featured is Woodmansterne Secondary School and Sixth Form, a new five form-entry school providing 900 places for pupils aged 11 to 18 years old. Located in the London Borough of Lambeth, sustainability, daylight and ventilation were important considerations in the development of the design to ensure that running costs are minimised and pupils and staff are provided with a bright and well-ventilated working environment.

EB Awards

 educational visits in order to further their learning experience. Last year, The Marine Academy in Devon picked up the title with pupils being provided with a huge range of subject specific educational visits, all of which are fully funded by the Academy at no cost to parents/carers. Children from Year 5 were provided with the opportunity for a once in a lifetime trip to Lapland. The Academy worked with experienced polar explorers to plan and fundraise for the trip, which combined interactive workshops with outdoor learning and confidence building. This year’s shortlist includes Ernesettle Community School in Devon, which has a long history a engaging pupils in creative, challenging education visits, Prudhoe Community High School, which in summer 2018 provided pupils with an experience of a lifetime on an 11 day trip to India, and The Weald Community School and Sixth Form, which took 16 Year 10 students on a cultural trip to China.

Play Space A new category for 2019 is the Play Space Award. Sponsored by Community Playthings, the award recognises the outdoor playground environment and spaces in nurseries/primary schools where innovative equipment creates opportunities for learning. Featured on the shortlist is Marjory Kinnon School, all age special school for children aged 4-16 years in the London Borough of Hounslow, along with Dell Primary School in Lowestoft, which has completed an outdoor learning area featuring raised beds to grow vegetables, a climbing frame and a road for larger imaginative play. An all-weather sand house and a solar powered water feature complete an innovative play area. Sporting Excellence The School Sports Award, sponsored by the Schools Advisory Service, was last year won by Radley College, Abingdon, which features state of the art sports facilities including a new strength and conditioning centre which sits next to an athletics track and Rowing Centre supporting the college’s curriculum. This year, the shortlist features Lindley Junior School, which offers high quality PE curriculum and provides pupils with the opportunity to take part in both non-competitive and competitive sports. Success has recently been achieved in Boys’ Football, Panathlon, Disability Athletics, Boccia, Orienteering, Tri-Golf, Cricket and Cross Country. School Security Sponsored by SECOM, the School Security Award recognises efforts to increase security through a combination of increased awareness in staff and pupils and the procurement and installation of additional security measures. This year’s shortlist includes the Moorland School in Lancashire, which has recently installed an access control solution to address the challenge of allowing access throughout the school, whilst maintaining security due to the large number of keys that were necessary. Also featured, Selsted Church of England Primary School in South East Kent has installed perimeter fencing which features good visibility, allowing the school to quickly assess any hazards from beyond the fence line. Academy Partnerships Sponsored by Evac + Chair, the Academy Partnership Award is presented to the established specialist academy that can E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE



Are you prepared for safe emergency evacuation?

Delivering innovative connectivity for schools

Evac + Chair is the world’s number one supplier and original manufacturer of evacuation chairs. The chairs are designed to accommodate disabled or mobility impaired people, allowing them to descend a staircase in an emergency situation without the need of great physical strength or lifting. With over 35 years’ experience, and more than 30 distributors worldwide, including in the USA, Germany, and South Africa, Evac + Chair has become a leading specialist in emergency evacuation, providing comprehensive education, ensuring its customers comply fully with health and safety regulations. This can range from providing products,

Exa Education has always facilitated schools with the latest and most innovative connectivity options possible. In fact, in 2016 they were the first to offer dark fibre connectivity with flexible bandwidth. Connectivity is however, often seen as a modern day utility and requires adapting to the user – Exa’s in‑house built content filtering service, SurfProtect facilitates safe use for all users through its customisable settings. In 2015 Exa Education diversified, offering more to schools and created the exa. foundation – a not-for-profit arm who’s sole intent is to help inspire, support and promote the effective use of technology within education. adopts many approaches to achieve this, be it an informal session with a group of computing teachers exploring different technologies, a carer and child session discussing online safety, GCSE Computing

advising on the legalities that surround evacuation planning and deployment to specific and regular maintenance. The company’s most popular Evac + Chair is the 300H MK4 model which can take a 182kg payload capacity and is also available in AMB format which has larger rear wheels for prolonged/external rough terrain use. It is used as Evac + Chair’s standard model as it can be used as a one person operation, meaning it is easy to use and light weight at only 9.5kg.

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MOOC, writing articles for Tes and Hello World, sharing ideas on innovation on age old situations, or even teaching/observing a class with 360o feedback. Having a great backbone of connectivity, filtering and support is one piece (or three) of the ICT puzzle; it is down to the schools to implement these fit for their institution. Over the years Exa Eduction have seen some amazing ICT facility’s and some less than ideal. This is why the company is proud to support the ICT Facility award to celebrate those schools who have provisioned the best facilities to encourage learning and nurture the techies of the future.


Innovative mission critical software solutions

Outdoor learning and games for active play

Fathom provides innovative mission critical software solutions to a broad range of businesses. Industry sectors include the credit services industry, law firms, central and local government, universities, insurance and healthcare. Powerful and flexible facilities enable configuration of the entire lifecycle of your account receivables and provides your customers with a seamless and compliant journey from account management to financial hardship. Fathom prides itself on providing exemplary support services to its customers as well as providing users with a friendly experience. Fathom’s CaseflowFusion® and BillChaser® software integrates with numerous technologies including Diallers, SMS, Automated Email, all Microsoft products including SQL and Reporting Services, Direct Debit, Money Claims Online, Mailhouse,

Fun & Active Playgrounds Ltd is a UK wide company with over 10 years industry experience in the design and installation of thermoplastic outdoor markings. These are suitable for a wide range of applications including school playgrounds, nurseries and pre-schools. They can also deliver and install large bespoke projects, corporate markings, sports courts and car parks. Fun & Active Playgrounds is passionate about not just making playtime fun, but helping children to learn outside of the classroom whilst helping reduce childhood obesity. Most of the games they manufacture and install are designed to be fun, educational or to motivate and encourage children to be active. Fun & Active Playgrounds offers an exceptional service and experience to all of its customers, at a price which provides great value for money. Fun & Active Playgrounds found

Payment Service providers and Credit Reference Agencies. Fathom also provides migration and interfacing services to other systems. Highly scalable and modular by design, there is a solution for any size of business. With market leading feature content and functionality already in place, fast return on investment is guaranteed. All Fathom systems come with a variety of deployment options, whether you require an in-house or a hosted solution. Modular pricing together with a range of finance options means there is a Fathom solution for most requirements and budgets.


that most of the market just sold to schools; however its own service differs in that the company personally visits every school interested in its products and works alongside the school (and sometimes the pupils), to deliver a product which meets all of their requirements and vision. Fun & Active Playgrounds aims is to be the first name that people turn to for playground markings in the UK.



EB Awards

 demonstrate benefits to the community through a partnership with a existing establishment. Featuring on the 2019 shortlist, Rawlins Academy in Leicestershire was involved with TARMAC in the completion of a personal enrichment programme to help sixth-form students prepare for the world of work. Located just a few miles from Tarmac’s Mountsorrel Quarry in Leicestershire, the Academy presented their experiences taken from the scheme and skills they developed throughout the process to Tarmac and SkillForce colleagues. L

The full shortlists for the 2019 Education Business Awards will be published online at FURTHER INFORMATION

EB Award categories Academy Partnership Award Sponsored by Evac + Chair Art & Craft Award Sponsored by Kidzania Community Award Educational Visits Award Sponsored by Westminster Abbey Environmental Practice Award Excellence in Health and Safety Award ICT Facility Award Sponsored by Exa Education ICT Innovation Award Sponsored by PFU, a Fujitsu company Outstanding Progress - Independent School Outstanding Progress - Primary School Sponsored by Fun and Active Playgrounds Ltd Outstanding Progress - Secondary School Sponsored by Schools Advisory Service Parking Management & Travel Planning Award Sponsored by the British Parking Association Play Space Award Sponsored by Community Playthings School Building Award School Catering Award School Finance Award Sponsored by Fathom School Music Award School Procurement Award Sponsored by Alan Patient & Co School Recruitment Award Sponsored by Eteach School Security Award Sponsored by SECOM Security Systems SEN Inclusion Award SEN Provision Award Sports Award Sponsored by Schools Advisory Service STEM Award

Learning at awe-inspiring Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is a living Church where daily worship has been offered for over 1,000 years. It is also a great visitor attraction and school visits here are awe-inspiring. Over 3,000 men and women are buried or memorialised here: kings and queens, scientists and engineers, statesmen and politicians, lawyers and warriors, clerics, poets and novelists, actors and musicians. The Learning Department offers guided tours, creative workshops, self-led trails, outreach sessions and special events for school groups. Sessions are curriculum-linked, and designed to complement programmes of study for EYFS and all key stages, including GCSE and A-level. The Abbey covers popular themes in RS, History, British Values and the Arts, as well as linking with national learning initiatives such as Shakespeare, Science and Parliament Weeks.

Many of its special events are led by costumed interpreters and in partnership with other organisations, and all are designed to support learning in creative and engaging ways. For those unable to visit in person we offer videoconferencing direct to your classroom and a Virtual Tour of the Abbey on our website. With a rich tradition of Christian worship and over a thousand years of history, pupils will be inspired by a visit to Westminster Abbey.




Advertisment Feature

Growing a love for fresh fruit and veg School caterers ISS explain how they use gardening and cooking to promote healthy living, enhance practical learning, and make other subjects such as science and maths more exciting

School lunchtimes are for re-energising after busy mornings ready for productive afternoons, but they also present great opportunities for learning too. That’s not to say teachers need to give up their well‑deserved breaktimes, but rather that caterers can use their part in the school day to provide children with more than a meal. Caterers ISS, offer an extensive programme of gardening and cookery activity for the schools they serve, including initiatives both inside and outside the school restaurant. Their recent ‘Green Fingers – The Big Grow’ event, which they ran in partnership with popular household brand innocent drinks, shows how organisations can use gardening to create real excitement around healthy produce. Green Fingers – The Big Grow Run in May 2019, Green Fingers – The Big Grow was a gardening themed week, created to make children question where their fruit and veg comes from, as well as giving them the opportunity to try healthy snacks and feedback to their school chefs. Pupils at participating schools were challenged to try a special food taster each day. The treats included a mix of familiar flavours (berry biscuits and homemade tomato and herb bread) and new textures and tastes (melon and pineapple salsa). Following the sampling sessions, pupils were asked to vote on whether they loved, liked or disliked what they had tried. The results were sent back to ISS’ chef development team, who use the feedback when developing the schools’ menus for the new academic year. Every diner received ‘I tried something


new’ stickers to prompt conversations about healthy food with friends and family. Golden tickets hidden under plates also made for an exciting week, with those who discovered them winning packets of seeds (provided by innocent) to grow at home or in class. Getting out in the garden All schools participating in Green Fingers – The Big Grow were entered into a prize draw to win one of four gardening experience days, which were run by TV Gardener Chris Collins and supported by innocent with school growing kits and refreshments. ISS has worked with Chris for several years to deliver gardening assemblies and workshops. His practical sessions focus on teaching children about how to sow, grow and harvest fruit and veg but he also provides guidance for parents and teachers on how to approach gardening with children – from

teaching them the joys of growing their own, to using the environment to facilitate other subjects, such as maths and science. In addition, Chris is involved with ISS’ gardening grant scheme, a project run in partnership with charity School Food Matters, to help schools upgrade their gardening facilities. ISS provides schools with funding (which is managed by School Food Matters) and Chris delivers workshops to groups of pupils and/ or teachers to help them get started. Cultivating value Through running Green Fingers and gardening programmes, ISS hopes to inspire a love of fresh fruit and vegetables in as many people as possible. Gardening offers a multitude of benefits to child health – be it getting them moving, prompting curiosity around provenance, or more confidence when it comes to trying new foods. Over 500 schools took part in Green Fingers – The Big Grow, with around 100,000 children enjoying daily tasters and taking part in voting throughout the week. 2,500 children won packets of seeds and four schools enjoyed gardening experience days with Chris Collins. Tasters which ISS expected to be less popular, such as the beetroot and yoghurt dip, were a hit in several schools – helping to inform future menus and increase popularity of school food through the children having their say. Several schools engaged with ISS over social media to share their feedback on the week, promoting the scheme even more widely. Since their partnership began, ISS and Chris Collins – along with School Food Matters, have held numerous workshops, reaching over 3,500 people. Events like Green Fingers can also help caterers and schools to demonstrate that the ingredients in school lunches are high quality, seasonal and British, showing families that they offer a nutritious alternative to packed lunches and, at around a couple of pounds for a main meal and dessert, provide great value too. L FURTHER INFORMATION For further details, contact:


LACA’s National School Meals Week on 11-19 November will once again see activities take place around the country celebrating all that is great about healthy school meals. Here’s what is happening this year to inspire your preparations National School Meals Week (NSMW), hosted by LACA, is a week’s worth of activities across the country, celebrating all that is great about the modern school meal. As well as providing nutrition, energy and enjoyment to pupils, the benefits stretch far wider to include better health, wellbeing, behaviour, concentration and academic attainment. The week, which takes place 11-19 November, also celebrates the people behind the meals, who work tirelessly to make sure pupils have a healthy and delicious prepared meal. There will be a number of events taking place during the week, with a mixture of political activity, schoolbased events and engagement with school caterers, pupils and parents. Schools are invited to start thinking about how they will get involved in the event.


Thinking ahead to National School Meals Week

journalists, dignitaries and the public to enjoy some freshly prepared school food. This will be an opportunity to promote some of the less well known facts about a school lunch and tackle outdated perceptions. It will also encourage pupils who currently don’t take a school meal to try one. ‘Move it with LACA‘ will include a number of initiatives to get pupils moving during NSMW, and will be tied in with the ‘daily mile’ campaign which is popular in schools. As in previous years, LACA is planning to serve a school lunch at the Palace of Westminster so that MPs can try for themselves how great a modern school meal is. It is also a great opportunity to highlight the importance of policy and government support when it comes to school food. Last year, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families, Nadhim Zahawi MP addressed the guests and spoke about the importance of children having a hot, healthy and nutritious two-course lunch on a daily basis. The Minister’s comments endorsed the messages that LACA had been taking around the country about the qualities and benefits of a school meal.

What’s new for NSMW 2019? As LACA celebrates its 30th year, NSMW will have a new campaign called ‘#30 people, 30 stories’, which will uncover the stories behind everyone involved in putting a school lunch on the table. This includes the farmer that produces the food, the delivery driver that brings the food to the school kitchen, An event that has evolved the cook, the kitchen assistant, the school Neil Porter, LACA chair of events, comments leadership teams, and the MPs fighting on how NSMW has evolved since its inception: to protect funding for school meals. “There is no doubt in my mind that when One such ‘school meal hero’ is MP Sharon the LACA Board launched NSMW that they Hodgson who has been the education had great vision in creating a platform catering industry’s champion and standard for communication of the great work that bearer in the House of Commons for virtually school caterers were – and still the last ten years, as well as Chair are – doing that was going of the School Food APPG. largely unheralded. There will be a ‘Taste For N ational “Since that time, NSMW Yourself’ road show, which School has evolved into a will go to England and Meal flagship event E Wales inviting parents,

which s Week, 11-19 takes place also ce November, leb people rates the be the me hind als



50% LESS SUGAR HOT CHOCOLATE DRINKS DELICIOUS Hot Chocolate – with 50% Less Sugar – with hot chocolate being the most popular hot drink between 11 to 18 year olds, and with ever increasing levels of obesity in our society – the compact table top hot chocolate dispensers have been designed especially for schools to offer a 50% less sugar hot chocolate drink. There are two models available – just hot chocolate on its own, or with fat free skimmed milk for added Choco-latte, this offers a healthier option than all the leading brands of hot chocolate.

OBESITY – has been much publicised across the Media and many voices within the NHS over the increasing costs year on year in treating obesity and rising and concerning levels of diabetes in our children. The government introduced a sugar levy/tax on soft drink manufacturers in April 2018 on soft drinks – highlights the concerns and effects of high sugar levels in our food and drink. HFactor – Healthy Vending doesn’t have to cost the earth– with unlimited school complaint soft drinks and an ever-increasing range of healthy snacks available, vending can once again, become popular in school and generate profits again. With 75% of student cash spent outside the school gates to and from school, schools can capture some of this revenue for themselves – just like the bad old days!

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SCOTY winner Steven Cross worked with Alyn Williams at the Westbury, in the Westbury Hotel, Mayfair

 that has grown in its importance to the education catering industry and created greater awareness to not only the general public, but to all the thousands of dedicated individuals who do such a great job throughout the school year. “However back in 1993, I doubt that even the most optimistic of LACA Board Members would have imagined that the fledgling week of celebrations would have developed into the colossal annual event that is NSMW today. Activities have included regular presentations to government to make sure that school meals are kept high on the political agenda; engaging thousands of schools across England and Wales in a plethora of activity and promotions; school chefs working in Michelin Star restaurants; and producing a cake to mark the 70th birthday of HRH Prince Charles. There is just so much more for everyone in the education catering industry to be involved in and to be rightly proud of.” NSMW’s ‘Host a School Chef’ Previously part of NSMW, this year Host a School Chef is now a standalone year long programme. Now in its sixth year, the scheme offers school chefs opportunities to work in some of the most exclusive restaurants and venues in the country, working alongside some of the most celebrated chefs, demonstrating the breadth and depth of talent of today’s education caterers. Neil Porter comments: “The success of the Host a School Chef programme over the past five years has exceeded all our expectations and the list of venues that have participated would grace any publication on fine dining. It became clear to us that the demand from school chefs and interest from venues wishing to host chefs, gave us enough reason for LACA to expand the programme and launch it as an event in its own right. Sarah Johnson from Alaska Seafood, who is sponsoring the event said: “We recognise the importance of the education catering

industry and the role school caterer’s play influencing children’s food choices for the better. We also recognise the challenge of diversifying meal plans encouraging children to be open minded about the food they eat, particularly at a time when the concept of healthy eating is under the spotlight. “LACA’s ‘Host a School Chef’ campaign has shown itself to be a great opportunity for Alaska Seafood to work with school caterers in their quest to provide nutritious meals to children. We know that seafood from Alaska is already being served in school kitchens up and down the country and hope that our sponsorship of this programme will help school chefs with their day to day challenges to persuade children to eat more fish.” Cooking in Micheliln Star venues This year’s Host a School Chef kicked off with two school chefs working at the Michelin Star Chester Grosvenor. Julia Wood, assistant cook at Weaverham High School in Northwich, and Sally Hazlehurst, business support supervisor for Edsential, the Community Interest Company founded by Cheshire West and Chester and Wirral Councils, spent the day with Chester Grosvenor’s executive chef Simon Radley. Julia commented: “The first thing that struck me was the sheer number of staff employed across the numerous kitchens and I really appreciated Simon and his team taking time out of their busy day to give me the opportunity to enjoy such a wonderful experience. “I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but for me the best experience was working with the pastry chef. I was astonished with the wondrous variety of pastries and desserts being made that day. They tasted scrumptious.” Edsential colleague Sally added: “It was a real honour and pleasure to work inside the kitchen at the Grosvenor with such talented chefs and it really was “wow” from start to finish. The

only problem was that the day went far too quickly, it was mesmerising. Simon’s brigade are a really welcoming, friendly and inclusive group, who made us feel part of the team from the moment we arrived, which helped everything to run so smoothly throughout the day. “I think the best way I can sum up the day is that it wasn’t just about cooking and serving food, it was about presenting diners with art on a plate. Thank you to Edsential for the experience and to the sponsors for making it possible.” Steven Cross, the winner of the 2019 LACA School Chef of The Year (SCOTY) competition, spent the day cooking with Alyn Williams at the Westbury in the Westbury Hotel Mayfair as part of the programme. “We have been involved with Host a School Chef from day one when LACA first introduced it”, said Alyn “and there is no doubt it is a great way for caterers in whatever part of our industry they work, to share knowledge and experience and discuss new techniques that can benefit all. Steven and the team in the kitchen here have worked together brilliantly today and we have enjoyed having him along. He is clearly a talented chef who has had a lot of experience in the industry” Steven, who cooks at Park Community School in Havant, said: “What a tremendous day and it is such a pity that it has gone so quickly. I cannot thank Alyn, head chef Tom Booton and all the rest of the team enough for giving me such a great experience. In addition I must thank LACA and our sponsors Alaska Seafood for making this all possible, without their significant input none of the school caterers across England and Wales would be able to experience this and I hope all my colleagues have an experience as good as mine.” L FURTHER INFORMATION


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The LACA Main Event LACA’s Main Event will focus on creating a healthy and sustainable future for school food, recognising the important part school caterers play in delivering this to their students each day

Delegate workshops Wednesday’s proceedings will commence with four important delegate workshops on tendering and procurement, veganism and plant-based diets, allergens, and apprenticeships. After the Annual General Meeting, the conference session will open in the Kings Suite and LACA are delighted to be joined once again by Dr David Bull in his role as Conference Chair. David is an English doctor, author, television presenter and commentator who has appeared on a number of British and US television programmes including the BBC’s Watchdog, Newsround, The Wright Stuff, Tomorrow’s World, and Sky’s The Breathing Life Awards. In the afternoon, Dr Hazel Wallace, Founder of the Food Medic, will deliver a session reflecting the conference theme of a heathy and sustainable future. Hazel is a qualified medical doctor, best-selling author, content creator, and health influencer. She believes that doctors should have food and nutrition training as part of their medical degree but that the scale of the problem extends beyond the walls of a hospital, and it is now time for all of us to take our share of the responsibility for global health. For Hazel what we do today,

and everyday moving forward, will determine our future health and it should make for a very informative session for our delegates. On Thursday morning, we are delighted to be joined by Prue Leith CBE DL, whom many of you will know from her role as one of the judges on Great British Bake Off. Never one to shy away from demanding change, Prue has been an advocate for better food and nutrition in the public sector for many years and was the first Chair of the School Food Trust at its inception in 2007. Prue continues to be vocal on education catering including the need for a return to teaching cookery in schools and will deliver a thought-provoking session to start Thursday’s programme. After a strategy update session, Andy Holcroft, from Bug Grub Chef, will discuss the science and environmental benefits of insect protein and how insect-based food and ingredients can be used to create exciting and tasty food. Andy will also hold one of the LACA Live demonstration sessions so delegates will be able to sample some dishes!

Excellence, one of the highlights of the week for me, take place on the Thursday evening. The annual awards are the opportunity for LACA to formally acknowledge and celebrate the individuals and teams of people who continue to make a real difference in education catering. Good management, strong performances and high achievements deserve to be recognised at any time and the awards are a fitting tribute. We will also be raising money on the night for the Stroke Association and Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group. Over my year as National Chair, I have taken on the challenge of walking 30km in each of the LACA regions. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone once again for their fantastic support.

Written by Michael Hales, LACA national chair

The LACA Main Event will take place at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole from 10-12 July 2019. For those who are unaware, it is the only national event dedicated to catering in education. The Theme for 2019 is about creating a healthy and sustainable future and will look to recognise the important part school caterers play in delivering this to their students each day. It is also set to recognise the work that LACA has done in driving this message forward during its 30 years of operation. Every year, the Main Event attracts more than 300 delegates with an exceptional line up of speakers and presenters. 2019 is no different, and as National Chair I am delighted to confirm that our speakers include Dr Hazel Wallace, Founder of the Food Medic, Prue Leith CBE of the Great British Bake Off and Liz Bonnin, host of BBC TV’s landmark documentary Drowning in Plastic. Running alongside the Main Event is the Education Catering Exhbition which attracts more than 1,340 attendees from across the school meal sector over two days. The exhibition is the ideal place for anyone in the industry to find solutions to a wide range of requirements. These include food and beverage products which all help education caterers meet the nutrient guidelines in place, cashless payment and nutrition software solutions as well as furniture and dining room marketing. The exhibition is once again open to all school caterers, managers and contract caterers free of charge and I would encourage everyone to attend.

LACA’s year in focus Friday’s session will commence with the Chair’s Year in Focus. I have been enormously proud to have been National Chair during LACA’s 30th Anniversary Year. Throughout the year I have been representing our members Considering plastic tackling our key priority issues such as In the afternoon, Liz Bonnin, host of BBC TVs childhood obesity, the proliferation of fast food landmark documentary Drowning in Plastic, restaurants around schools and by continuing will deliver a session entitled “the War on to campaign for Universal Infant Free School Plastic Waste”. This is a very important Meals to be extended to all school years. issue for many of our delegates and Following this address, there will Liz saw first-hand the global be a further update on key problem of plastic waste LACA and industry initiatives Great and the contribution it facing school caterers British B makes to pollution and including holiday hunger, a k e Off jud the health of the oceans the healthy food ratings g e Prue Leith w in her documentary. In scheme and potential her session Liz will ask changes to the School though ill deliver a t-provo the question “What Food Standards. session king can the school food In addition, I would sector do to reduce also encourage all educati on o packaging and improve attendees to visit the cateringn recycling to assist the Finishing Touches culinary global challenge of reducing salon. Co-run by LACA plastic waste?” Liz will go and the Craft Guild of Chefs, on to host a panel session with the Finishing Touches salon will industry experts looking to tackle the showcase the artistic skills and talent issue of plastic waste where delegates will that our colleagues display on a daily basis be able to have their say on any measures across the sector. Now in its 12th year, the currently in place or how to implement competition is aimed at all levels of staff change in schools to play their part. employed across education catering, who To complete the afternoon session Katharine are capable of creating craft pieces. There are Tate, also known as The Food Teacher some fantastic cakes on display every year and will address the conference. Katherine I am particularly looking forward to one of the combines a background in education and new categories for 2019, sweet macaroons, as nutrition and has developed an international these are a favourite in the Hales household. reputation as an expert on the impact of If you are attending this year, I look forward nutritious food for all individuals, especially to welcoming you to the Main Event. Please growing children and families. We are do come up and introduce yourself. I’m lucky to have her at the Main Event. looking forward to what should be another fantastic few days in Birmingham. L Recognising excellence One of the greatest benefits of being at the FURTHER INFORMATION Main Event is the unrivalled networking opportunities it offers. The LACA Awards for



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Outdoor Learning

Get pupils connecting with nature and wildlife The Wildlife Trust’s ‘30 Days Wild’ initiative challenges everyone to get outside and do something with nature and wildlife every day in June. Independent studies have shown this can significantly improve wellbeing. Here are some ideas on what schools can do to get involved The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge – 30 Days Wild – calls on everyone to do something with nature and wildlife every day in June. A record number of 60,000 schools, people, families, businesses and care homes throughout the UK have signed up to receive a free pack of ideas and to take part. 30 Days Wild encourages everyone to enjoy nature in our neighbourhoods through daily Random Acts of Wildness: listening to bird song, gazing at butterflies, growing borage for bees and making the most of our parks, gardens and school grounds. Evidence shows that taking part can also make us happier and healthier. Ellie Harrison, presenter of Countryfile and President of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, is supporting the event this year. She said: “Being outside in nature makes us all well. The smallest moments connecting – the surprise of a beetle revealing its wings; the fleeting secrets of bats at dusk; or the puff of valuable pollen from flowers we saw as weeds – all bring us wonder and enchantment. This

June we’re challenging you to a Random random acts of wildness – notice something Act of Wildness every single day of the new in nature, climb a tree or create month. What will you be delighted by?” space for nature in your neighbourhood Also supporting the event is James McVey – The Wildlife Trusts has lots of ideas and of The Vamps. He said: “30 Days Wild is a inspiration to help you make the most of fantastic challenge and everyone can take the 30 Days Wild challenge. Go Wild!” part - whether it’s building a den, listening The Wildlife Trust’s Leanne Manchester says: to the dawn chorus or visiting a favourite “30 Days Wild is a much-loved challenge wild place, enjoying our wonderful and it’s set to be an exciting month wildlife can help us to feel for everyone taking part. happier and healthier, I’ll be Experiencing a moment People joining in this June!” of nature every day on who di Dr Amir Khan from our doorstep or during d someth Channel 5’s GPs lunchtime at work is i behind closed doors elating in June when each dang ‘wild’ said: “Spending time wildlife is so active y f or a month, outdoors, enjoying and visible. Take time f e l t happier healthie wildlife on our doorstep out to sit in a wild r and m , and in our communities spot, enjoy the sunset o c r onnect is free and can benefit or feel cool grass ed to e our mental and physical between your toes – nature health in so many ways. June is such a beautiful Spend a few moments month and the perfect time every day in June taking part in to go a bit wild.” E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE


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Mill Strand Integrated School reading outdoors © Deidre Doherty

30 Days Wild encourages everyone to enjoy nature in our neighbourhoods through daily Random Acts of Wildness: listening to bird song, gazing at butterflies, growing borage for bees and making the most of our parks, gardens and school grounds. Case study Mill Strand Integrated School is fortunate to be located on the spectacular Causeway Coast and makes frequent use of the nearby beaches, in particular its namesake Mill Strand or West Strand, as well as its local landscape for outdoor learning. Pupils can often be found on the local beach undertaking various investigative and environmental activities. The school and pupils care deeply about protecting and caring for their environment.

Outdoor Learning

 Proven benefits The impact of taking part in 30 Days Wild has also been tracked by academics at the University of Derby. Their study found that people who did something ‘wild’ each day for a month, felt happier, healthier and more connected to nature, with added benefits for the natural world too. Miles Richardson from the University of Derby said: “Our research looked at the impact of 30 Days Wild on 1,000 people, two months after completing the challenge. All those taking part benefitted, feeling 30 per cent healthier than when they started on average. People who reported a disconnect from nature and who spend less time outdoors, showed the greatest improvement in happiness and pro-conservation behaviours. “At a time when poor mental health is on the rise and the decline of our wildlife show no sign of slowing down, 30 Days Wild demonstrates what a much-needed new relationship with nature might look like, for everyone, throughout the year.”

Deidre Doherty, the school’s Science & ECO Co-ordinator, first saw 30 Days Wild on social media. She says: “We use our local beach & environment as an outside classroom. We are so passionate about it, we have adopted the school end of West Strand beach and we work hard to look after and protect it. During June we use the beach and local environment each day for our Random Acts of Wildness; activities incorporating nature, and wildlife. Sometimes we explore marine life along the strandline and the rockpools, other days we take books outside and read, or lay and watch the clouds floating by. It’s so important to connect our children to nature and to respect their unique marine environment so we regularly clean the beach and are very creative with what we find, leaving messages behind for the local community” “The school won the Ulster Wildlife Trust’s marine litter competition with a colourful butterfly fish, created with flotsam and jetsam found on the beach. And we were the first school in NI to purchase a 2 Minute Beach board – we’ve now got two – with litter pickers and bags to make clearing up rubbish easy.” These ‘wild’ activities aren’t entirely random, June’s month long nature challenge fits perfectly with the school’s ethos, as Deirdre explains: “Today’s children engage less and less with nature, so it’s very important that as schools we put the natural world at the centre of our teaching and 30 days wild helps us to do this. It’s a different way of learning, but it works across the breadth of the curriculum, and engages students in their work. Why teach data handling indoors, when you can collect your data outdoors, using your surroundings? It’s still maths, but lessons capture children’s attention.” Deirdre says this style of teaching suits students of all abilities: “Everyone benefits, I’ve seen how learning in nature can have an impact on children of all abilities especially those with special educational needs. Remove the classroom walls, and the sky’s the limit.” The grassroots start to Mill Strand in 1987 is reflected in a free thinking and innovative approach to education at the school which advocates for a variety of holistic and hands-on learning. This mindset is well suited to the Wildlife Trusts’ 30 days Wild and the programme has flourished at Mill Strand since 2015. L FURTHER INFORMATION



Play Business Information for Education Decision Makers


ACTIVE PLAY There is a widely reported STEM skills gap in the UK. Getting children engaged in technical subjects from an early age is one way to improve the situation. Our panel of experts from KidZania London discuss how role play can stimulate interest in STEM related subjects and careers, as well as improve the wellbeing of children The government’s Industrial Strategy acknowledges that technical education in the UK has its failings, which has resulted in a skills gap in STEM related careers. Forty per cent of employers reported a shortage of STEM graduates as being a key barrier in recruiting appropriate staff, the strategy says. Less than a third of students studying STEM related A levels go on to gain a STEM degree, and a significant proportion of STEM graduates do not go into STEM occupations. This gap in STEM-skilled employees has been plugged by overseas workers. But given that Brexit is imminent, the government wants to increase its home-grown talent pool. It is therefore committing £406m to maths, digital and technical education to help address the STEM skills shortage. So how can schools get pupils more engaged and skilled in STEM subjects? One of the key ways is to spark interest in the subjects at an early age. “A huge part of promoting STEM is to open kids’ eyes to the types of STEM careers available to them through role-play, that they perhaps wouldn’t have considered before or know existed,” commenting Benjamin Gunn, KidZania London’s content & theming manager. “We continue the work we started with Year of Engineering in 2018 by introducing new activities with our STEM partners. To illustrate, I am working with the Children’s Intelligence Agency this year in time for STEM Fair, offering ‘Coding 101’ as a brand new activity in the KidZania city based on the KS1-2 Computing curriculum. Children will learn how to code, while building up their creativity and curiosity.” As jobs evolve in the wake of automation and technology, STEM skills will only become more important, believes Victoria Gregory, general manager at KidZania London. She said: “At KidZania we ensure that many of our role-play activities can be linked to STEM subjects in some way. “KidZania is passionate about inspiring children to see how the subjects that are taught in the classroom can be applied to real life jobs and careers, and we do this through ‘real-play’ with industry partners. For example, putting maths skills to use in our bank and managing money with


Victoria Gregory, general manager, KidZania London Victoria is responsible for overseeing the running of KidZania in London. She has a wealth of experience in attractions that are passionate about providing educational value. She has worked at KidZania London since September 2016, and has led the team to achieve the School Travel Award for the Best UK Destination or Attraction for the past two years.

Benjamin Gunn, content & theming manager, KidZania London Having trained at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and worked as a freelance theatre practitioner, Ben specialises in the use of theatre within community and educational contexts. During his time at KidZania London, Ben has utilised his background to enhance learning through reality-based role-play. Ben is responsible for the educational content of activities.

Jodi Kelly, business development manager (education), KidZania London Jodi has more than nine years’ experience both teaching and working directly with teachers across the UK through Explore Learning’s education support centres. She promotes KidZania London’s education programme when visiting schools and attending education events.

KidZania currency, or developing awareness of engineering skills with British Airways in the Aviation Academy, or Science skills with PDSA in the Pet Wellbeing Centre.” Changing stereotypes Recent data from the Department of Education has shown that girls in England are substantially less likely than boys to consider taking STEM subjects at A Level. Whilst the number of girls taking STEM A Levels has increased by 26 per cent since 2010, the research shows 15-year-old boys are more likely than girls to see STEM subjects as being useful when it comes to getting a job. So why are females not taking STEM subjects further, and ultimately entering a STEM related career?

For Athene Donald, professor of experimental physics at the University of Cambridge, this is linked to stereotypes that discourage girls from an early age. It is seem as a male dominated industry and is under represented by women in the media. Jodi Kelly, business development manager for education at KidZania London explores the issue of gender, and points out that background and ability can also pose a barrier to STEM take-up. She says: “KidZania is an inclusive environment where every child can make choices that are right for them, irrespective of background, gender or ability. “We aim to remove career stereotypes that children may have developed, usually early on in childhood and from those close to them, like family and friends.



Such stereotypes can have a detrimental effect later in life, where children might not consider certain career choices due to a lack of awareness or perception. “During the activities, children apply classroom learning into first-hand, practical experiences. Here, they are taught what STEM subjects are, as well as how they make a difference in our daily lives and world of work. That’s why KidZania makes a great platform for early career exploration; carried out in a highly interactive and engaging way.” Mental health Mental health problems affect about one in 10 children and young people, according to the Mental Health Foundation. And a new study by NurtureUK found that one in four children have hidden social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs, which shows it is not always obvious from the outside which pupils are suffering. Numerous studies have demonstrated how play is crucial for children’s emotional, social, cognitive and physical development. The Mental Health Foundation states that “being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, and having time and freedom to play indoors and outdoors” can help keep children and young people mentally well. How can active play help reverse this trend and improve children’s mental health? “There is a significant amount of research that links mental health to physical activity,” comments Victoria. “Encouraging children to engage in different activities stimulates active participation, creativity and imagination and supports overall emotional wellbeing. “At KidZania, we find that learning new skills through play, completing the activities and being rewarded for it, can provide a huge sense of achievement for children. This in turn builds their confidence and supports their emotional wellbeing and sense of self worth.” Jodi points out that many children find it difficult to interact and communicate their feelings, often caused by high levels of screen time. Jodi says: “Our active play activities help children develop their social skills and boost confidence through collaboration and teamwork, with opportunity to interact with others of different ages and background. “Insecurity and self-esteem are also huge factors in mental health, and we are proud to be hosting WWE and NSPCC’s anti-bullying campaign during Parliament Week and Anti-Bullying Week in our city. KidZania is supporting the initiative to drive awareness around anti-bullying through debating workshops. The workshops will encourage students to think about the causes and impact of bullying, providing the opportunity to explore related issues and opening communication about it earlier in childhood.” Ben believes that mental health in young people is complex:. He says: “Mental health isn’t black and white. It’s complex and unique to an individual. Learning, and the way we like to learn, is the same. At KidZania we try and move away from the traditional teaching style, looking at different opportunities to learn

through participation. Active play is a natural way of learning for young people and is crucial in developing physical, social and emotional skills needed to lead healthy lives and make confident, independent decisions later in life.” The negatives of screen time A new report from the Association of Play Industries (API) has shown a strong link between screen time and children’s inactivity, with children choosing to spend hours indoors and on screens instead of playing outside. The report ‘Movement for Movement’ reveals that children have never moved so little and points to evidence that screens are a key reason. There has been a 50 per cent increase in children’s discretionary screen time (DST) in less than a decade. By the age of eight, the average child will have spent one full year sitting in front of a screen. The Association of Play Industries’ is now calling upon the government to issue an official recommendation of two hours discretionary screen time per day for children. “A life spent looking at a screen, instead of outside, can be extremely isolating, and doesn’t allow kids the chance to explore and discover their own interests,” comments Ben. “As technology grows, play declines, and sadly I believe that KidZania offers an alternative to what will be normal in future. “At KidZania, kids are exposed to other children in a safe, positive space. They go out in pairs and work with people they may have never met before. If a child is usually glued to their screen, they might be out of their comfort zone, but from the smiles on their faces you can see they soon become in their element and it’s hugely rewarding. “We try and make our activities as current and modern as possible, but we actually find that the hands-on, practical activities with no technology are some of the most popular, like window cleaning! It’s easy

to assume that kids are obsessed with technology, but see at KidZania that if there are opportunities available that don’t involve a screen, they will enjoy them and thrive.” Collaborative play is beneficial to promoting positive mental health, according to Victoria. She said: “In this modern world of technology, children can become insular and uncomfortable in the presence of others, leading to insecurities and lack of selfconfidence. Collaborative play activities such as the ones at KidZania build interpersonal skills, confidence and self-esteem through interaction with other children. “KidZania offers a broad range of activities to stimulate the mind and body from crawling through the air vents to as an air conditioning engineer, running around the city delivering parcels as a courier, through to learning how to play a new sport with Middlesex Cricket Club and learning new moves with Just Dance. In approaching the activities on offer, we have taken steps to ensure that there is a good balance of activities that are educational but also active to help children learn being healthy can be easy, and fun,” Victoria adds. Jodi points out that screen time is also having a negative effect on children’s verbal and written communication skills. Recognising this, Kidzania has created a wide range of activities to help support this skill development. This includes hands-on experience writing and developing stories for the Metro newspaper or collaborating as a team whilst working on verbal presentation skills in its radio station, to name but a few. “With constant developments in technology, we know that screens are very much part of the now and future of children,” Jodi says. “It is important then, that teaching healthy habits within this area remains in focus. That’s why we’ve started working with Goozby, a new app that offers kids enticing rewards for time offline. It’s still in its development phase, so E Issue 24.3 | EDUCATION BUSINESS MAGAZINE



How can schools get pupils more engaged and skilled in STEM subjects? One of the key ways is to spark interest in the subjects at an early age.  kids in our city are lending a helping hand with beta testing, to make sure it’s user-friendly to children on its release.” Health & Safety Some schools are reluctant to take children on school trips because of health and safety fears, despite the Department for Education (DfE) acknowledging that learning outside the classroom is hugely beneficial. The DfE has recently published new guidance on the health and safety of educational visits, which covers topics such as consent from parents, what to do when using outside organisations, and how to risk assess for adventurous activities, as well as trips abroad. What advice would our panelists give to those schools concerned by health and safety risks? Jodi said: “We recommend that schools spend time thoroughly researching school trip destinations in line with the DfE’s ‘Health and Safety on Educational Visits Guidelines’. Schools should look for organisations that hold accreditations, such as the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom’s Quality Badge, demonstrating appropriate standards in safety. As well as holding this badge, KidZania ensures safety for all with safeguarding procedures and risk assessment documents in place and easily accessible online. Safety is everyone’s number one priority and KidZania uses RFID security bracelets that are linked to adults so that children can’t leave the city without their group. We also have robust risk assessments in coordination with Westfield London, manned entry and exit points and all staff are DBS checked. “We would recommend that teachers and Educational Visits Coordinators also look

for locations that offer pre-visit tours. Here, they can conduct visual risk assessments, as well as getting a feel for the educational benefits of a school visit. KidZania offers free teacher pre-visit tours as a chance to see the environment personally before a trip.” Victoria highlights how seriously Kidzania London takes security: “We constantly scrutinise our practice to ensure we are a fun, active and educational day out all year round. We are constantly speaking to schools to understand their priorities and concerns to ensure we are evolving our offering to cater to their ever-changing needs. We have a strong operations team on hand to deal with any situation, DBS checks for staff, and health and safety practices in accordance with Westfield London shopping centre.” Ben points out that children need to encounter different types of learning, rather than just being dictated to in the classroom. He said: “Children learn in different ways, and the format of a teacher standing at the front of the class doesn’t work for all young people. It didn’t work for me. I needed to be practical and I needed to be moving. Throughout life, you’re not going to be in the same place and environment like you are in the classroom. “Learning outside of the classroom has huge benefits in terms of exposure and meeting different people. Broadening a student’s horizons is only going to be a benefit. It’s so important to get exposure of the outside world in ways that work for your classroom, like in school trips. Teaching shouldn’t be didactic, but realistically the education system isn’t going to reform any time soon, so teachers should be looking at how they can help students learn in different ways however they can.” L

Final thoughts Victoria Gregory Active play inspires the mind and with over 50 activities to explore across the city, a visit to KidZania is sure to be an active one! Sedentary lifestyles can lead to obesity and other health issues which also can impact negatively on confidence and self worth. Encouraging children to actively play, and roleplay, helps overcome some of these issues. KidZania offers a broad range of activities to stimulate the mind and body from crawling through the air vents to as an air conditioning engineer, running around the city delivering parcels as a courier, through to learning how to play a new sport with Middlesex Cricket Club and learning new moves with Just Dance. Benjamin Gunn Learning outside of the classroom has huge benefits in terms of exposure and meeting different people. Broadening a student’s horizons is only going to be a benefit. It’s so important to get exposure of the outside world in ways that work for your classroom, like in school trips. Teaching shouldn’t be didactic, but realistically the education system isn’t going to reform any time soon, so teachers should be looking at how they can help students learn in different ways however they can. Jodi Kelly KidZania is an inclusive environment where every child can make choices that are right for them, irrespective of background, gender or ability. We aim to remove career stereotypes that children may have developed, usually early on in childhood and from those close to them, like family and friends. Such stereotypes can have a detrimental effect later in life, where children might not consider certain career choices due to a lack of awareness or perception.



KidZania London empowers children by providing a hands on learning experience, offering an array of career opportunities to raise aspirations, in a constantly evolving environment

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Importance of career-related learning at KidZania London are given the same opportunities and advice for their personal development. We ensure at KidZania that there is inclusivity by tracking activities children partake in so that we can find ways to encourage more girls to consider STEM careers and aiding where we can to enable every child to have their independency. Secondary schools Our support doesn’t just stop at primary level, we also provide secondary school teachers with the ability to meet the Gatsby Benchmark as enforced by the Careers Strategy 2017. KidZania covers three benchmarks: Linking curriculum learning to careers through our scripted activities; encounters with employers and employees with our educational events; experiences of workplaces as each activity is themed based on real-life work situations. We will continue to deliver more in-depth careers focused workshops for secondary schools on our next Careers Fair in January 2020.

A world created for children KidZania London has been pioneering the ability for children to ‘learn by doing’ and explore the range of career opportunities available to by experiencing first-hand. Our concept was developed with the idea that a world would be created for children to help raise their aspirations and empower our next generation to be independent leaders of the future. It has been a continued vision for us that we prepare children for the world ahead and to nurture those future life skills that they need to tackle the everchanging environment around them. Curriculum and careerrelated activities KidZania is an indoor city, located in Westfield London, Shepherd’s Bush and aimed for children aged four to 14 years to explore a range of careers. As part of a school trip, students will have the opportunity to enact different activities designed as if they were real-life jobs in a unique and secure environment. These activities, which are created with KS1-3 national curriculum in mind within Science, Maths, English and PSHE, enable students to utilise and develop their future life skills such as communication, problem solving and teamwork. They will interact with other

students by having tasks to complete within the activities and use their verbal and written communication to overcome any obstacles. For example, we see students collaborating on reading a script about the latest news for the Radio Station and performing surgery on an ill patient. Furthermore, our city has its own currency, kidZos, so that children can understand the value of money by using their financial literacy skills. They can earn and spend their kidZos, as well as save them by opening their own account in our Bank. This hands-on approach is what we take pride in, so much so that on a global level we have collaborated with OECD on their Education 2030 project to provide insight and guidance on the skills required to best equip children for a changed world in 10 years. We believe that the recent announcement from the Department of Education to fund careers-related education for primary school children is a step in the right direction. We value the research commissioned by Teach First and Education and Employers that proves careers-related learning should start as early as primary years as this supports our mission and finally brings it to the forefront. KidZania creates a space for children to challenge some of the career stereotypes they form at an early stage. It is important that all children, irrespective of background,

Our Careers Fair We hold various educational events across the year that assist in raising aspirations by demonstrating to students how their subject learning at school can be applied to our real-life jobs. Careers Fair delivers a great platform for our partners to have one-on-one sessions through workshops and Q&As to provide secondary and primary school children interaction with potential employers and to ask them how they made it in their careers as well as trying out the jobs for themselves. Our Science Week 2019 celebrated how Science is apparent in our daily lives, helping to save lives and solve crimes. Students were given worksheets to direct them to the Science related jobs in the city in which they received stamps and a certificate in class for completing their Science Week trip with us. Plus, we highlight STEM related jobs in our next STEM Fair in June 2019, incorporating engineering, design and coding workshops so that students can see STEM coming to life and appreciate the range of opportunities available in this field. Our Parliament Week event in November will encourage students to have their say by voting and debating on current issues, our Theatre will be set up like the Houses of Commons with a speaker and two topical motions! Prices start from £10 per pupil and includes a four-hour experience in the city, plus free teacher tickets, resources and planning trips. L FURTHER INFORMATION To book your next school trip with us or to find out more, visit or contact us at




Breaktime cuts means less play in the school day

Squeezing free time Lead author, Dr Ed Baines (Department of Psychology and Human Development) said: “Despite the length of the school day remaining much the same, break times are being squeezed even further with potential serious implications for children’s well-being and development. “Not only are break times an opportunity for children to get physical exercise – an issue of particular concern given the rise in obesity, but they provide valuable time to make friends and to develop important social skills – experiences that are not necessarily School breaktimes are as much as an hour shorter than they learned or taught in formal lessons.” were two decades ago, meaning children are missing out on “Whereas at one time afternoon breaks were a daily experience for nearly all primary opportunities to play, make friends, develop social skills and school children, now they are increasingly exercise. Education Business examines what schools can do to a thing of the past. And there has also ensure playtime is a critical part of the school day been a decline in lunch breaks, which is of particular concern,” added Dr Baines. “Children barely have enough time to queue According to a new study by UCL 13 per cent of secondary schools reported an up and to eat their lunch, let alone have Institute of Education, school break afternoon break period. Now only one per time for other things like socialising, physical times are as much as an hour shorter cent of secondary schools report having one. exercise, or exploring self-chosen activities.” than they were two decades ago. Lunch breaks have also been cut down. In The researchers found that pupils were The research looked at how school breaks 1995, just a third of secondary schools (30 overwhelmingly positive about taking breaks and young people’s social lives have changed per cent) reported lunch breaks of less than (particularly longer lunch breaks), with over 25 years, comparing data from over 55 minutes. Now, that figure has risen 87 per cent of children saying 1,000 primary and secondary schools in to 82 per cent. Furthermore, a they ‘liked’ or ‘really like’ 2017 to data collected in 2006 and 1995. quarter of secondary schools P upils them. Just five per cent of The study showed that children at Key reported lunchtimes of valued children said they did Stage 1 (five to seven years of age) now 35 minutes or less. t h e opportu not like break times. have 45 minutes less break time per As well as having some fr nity for Pupils at primary and week than children of the same age in less time for breaks, ee time secondary levels valued 1995 and pupils at Key Stage 3 and 4 nearly 60 per cent of choose to breaks first and foremost (11 to 16 years) have 65 minutes less. schools also withhold w h a tt wanted for the opportunity they The researchers found that there has been breaks from children to do, a hey provide to socialise with an almost ‘virtual elimination’ of afternoon when they or their nd the chance to enga friends. They also valued breaks, with only 15 per cent of children in classmates have been ge in playf the opportunity for some Key Stage 2 and just over half of Key Stage 1 poorly behaved or need u l free time, and the chance E children having an afternoon break. In 1995, to complete work. ac




Anti-trap bow top fencing secures playground in £4.3 million development

Mote Park playground has recently undergone a £300k redevelopment as part of a £4.3 million investment in the area by Maidstone Borough Council. Plans for the new playground have been PiPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) approved, making it the only facility in Kent to offer this standard. Engaging the senses is proven to help children develop academically and in their well-being, and the design of the playground – led by Allen Scott Landscape Architecture and Eibe Play Ltd, will include activities which are designed to engage at least 3 of a child’s senses, no matter their ability.


To safely secure the perimeter of the new play area, Jacksons Fencing supplied and installed 230 metres of Anti-Trap Bow Top fencing and a number of matching gates. Due to the nature of the site and the large volume of families with young children expected to visit the play park, safety was a top priority throughout the project. Anti-Trap Bow Top fencing is a RoSPA approved play area fence, manufactured to fully conform to BS EN 1176. The fence is designed to specifically eliminate the risk of children getting their heads or limbs stuck between the pales and hoops within the panels. The new playground fencing was

supplied in 1.2m high panels, providing a strong perimeter to keep children safe while playing, and reducing the risk of children scaling the fence to get out. Four matching single leaf gates were installed to allow for safe, uncongested access in and out of the play park. All gates are self-closing with magnetic latches, which allow the gates to automatically shut at timed intervals using a magnetic system. Using a controlled system of entry and exit reduces the risk of injury and the ability for children to leave the play park without parental guidance, while reducing the risk of dogs entering the play area. One matching double leaf gate was also installed for service use, primarily to allow for the maintenance of the play area and for emergency service use. The fence panels and matching gates were all supplied with polyester powder coating in green RAL 3005, which blends in with the natural surroundings of the park. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information or to arrange for a site visit and security audit, please contact us on 0800 408 13 59 or email



 to choose what they wanted to do and engage in playful activities. School staff said the breaks gave children the opportunity to get some physical exercise, fresh air and something to eat. After the school day Most primary pupils, but only a minority of secondary school pupils, attended after-school clubs and clubs outside of school. There has been a marked decline in the attendance of after-school and out-of-school clubs in the 10 years since the previous survey in 2006. The types of clubs attended include sports and music, and out-of-school youth organisations, such as Brownies, Scouts. Most pupils, particularly older students, reported that they go straight home after school. Children are half as likely to meet up with friends in person after school, with 31 per cent of children reporting that they seldom get to meet peers and friends compared to 15 per cent in 2006. Watching TV or playing on devices without friends physically present is now the principle after school activity. These findings highlight that school is increasingly the main, and in some cases, the only context where young people get to socialise directly with peers and friends of their own age. Recommendations The report makes a series of recommendations for schools to consider. The time available for breaks should be assessed to ensure that pupils in both primary and secondary schools have adequate breaks in the day. This should include a lunch time that allows reasonable time for pupils to meet with friends, collect and eat a meal, and some free time for self-chosen activities, whether this is play, participating in a club or socialising freely with friends and peers. Schools should aim to develop a policy on breaks in the school day. While breaktimes make up around 20 per cent of the school day, they are overlooked, and this is reflected in the lack of school policy. A school policy should cover their nature and length, their staffing and training for break time supervision, making clear what the school hopes pupils will gain from breaks and how it is perceived that these times support children’s development, learning and wellbeing. Schools should work with pupils to enable them to have a say on break times, the activities and clubs on offer and how the outdoor space is set up, resourced and decorated. There are a number of organisations

that provide useful advice on, and support for, improving opportunities during breaktimes. Secondary schools, in particularly, should also try innovative ideas to enrich the quality of breaktimes for pupils. Schools should consider providing adult led clubs/ extended learning opportunities as part of the school day or after school rather than during break times. Schools should reconsider the practice of withholding break time as punishment or for pupils to use it to complete work, especially if this is routinely used. There is evidence that this approach is likely to be counterproductive to children’s well-being generally. It is also important to note that although there appears to be no legislation requiring that pupils are allowed time for a break, article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which the UK is a signatory, states that children have a right to play. Schools should consider alternative, constructive ways of motivating and sanctioning pupils and enabling them to finish academic work rather than withholding breaktimes. Supervisor training The training of supervisors should be reviewed to ensure they support, manage and facilitate positive and constructive breaktime experiences. Training should ensure that staff know how to manage

Breaks should include a lunch time that allows reasonable time for pupils to meet with friends, collect and eat a meal, and some free time for self-chosen activities, whether this is play, participating in a club or socialising freely with friends and peers.

everyday problems that can arise during breaks in an inclusive and strategic fashion. Policy makers should consider legislating for time for pupils to have breaks. Working adults, including teachers have a right to breaks but there is no equivalent policy for pupils. Legislation should convey an average expectation that ensures all pupils have regular and sustained periods of break time everyday to undertake activities of their own choosing, with peers and in an outdoor space for the purpose of play, recreation and social development. Co-author professor Peter Blatchford, from the Department of Psychology and Human Development, said: “We believe that schools should carefully consider the time available for breaks and refrain from cutting them further. Policy makers should also consider legislating for time for pupils to have adequate breaks – whereas working adults, including teachers have a right to breaks, there is no equivalent policy for pupils.” Josh Hillman, director of education at the Nuffield Foundation, the organisation that funded the research, said: “School break time is the sort of issue that easily falls below the radar, but this research – spanning two decades – sheds light on a very worrying trend. As concern for the mental health and well-being of school children grows, break times have got shorter. Working adults are entitled to breaks to improve productivity so it is surprising school age children do not have equivalent rights. We hope that the report’s findings and recommendations will encourage policy makers to take action to ensure pupils have adequate breaks during the school day.” L FURTHER INFORMATION



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Sports Grounds

Showcasing the effort and skills behind sports grounds A new Pitch Grading Framework from the Institute of Groundsmanship will allow schools to showcase the quality of their sports turf facilities, as well as the expertise of their grounds teams finance managers, as well as heads of sport and grounds managers, by identifying key issues and opportunities and then shaping solutions. An IOG expert will visit the site to carry out an assessment of the sports pitches. Following this a comprehensive report is produced which contains suggested steps to implement to improve facilities Another service is the Training Needs Analysis. This unique service maps out a suggested training and education journey for grounds team members to undertake. After assessment, schools receive a tailored education plan to help meet goals and Pitch Grading Framework targets by helping to determine the steps to be taken to raise the position of pitches on the framework. Since its launch, the Training Needs Analysis has been a very popular service for IOG members, particularly in the independent school sector. The service complements the IOG’s Pitch Grading Framework by helping to set benchmarks for schools and allows standards to continually improve. Site audits Another IOG offering to help schools enhance facilities, which also supports their positioning on the Pitch Grading Framework, are consultancy visits. This was something utilised by St Joseph’s College in Ipswich where the IOG was engaged to assess the management of grounds and sports fields with an aim to developing a coherent strategy for the management and development of the college grounds. As a result of the visit, the IOG delivered a bespoke training course which focused on the requirements of developing an effective

grounds maintenance budget. The course consisted of three core components: creating and developing a 12-month work programme; developing a resource profile to achieve the work programme; and creating a budget to meet identified needs. To support the course, the IOG also developed an interactive work programme planner specifically for St Joseph’s, which demonstrated how to analyse staff input on each facility and relate this to monthly workflow, staffing and material requirements, as well as monthly cash flow expenditure for budgeting purposes. Danielle Clarke, the Principal of St Joseph’s, said: “The IOG supported St Joseph’s and its grounds team, providing guidance in the workplace to ensure staff are up-to-date with the latest estates management. The IOG reviewed the grounds budget and staffing requirements for our 60-acre campus, whilst also catering for the needs of the business. Support was timely and constructive, resulting in a positive, fair and reasonable outcomes.” This was the first time this particular course has been delivered and was well received, as such it has since become available for further customisation to suit other independent school requirements as part of aiding the Pitch Grading Framework programme. To be eligible for assessment as part of the Pitch Grading Framework, and to utilise the other services offered by the IOG, schools must be a member of the IOG. This also grants access to significant training and service discounts. L

Written by Institute of Groundsmanship (IoG)

A selection of independent schools are soon to take part in a nationwide pilot scheme being carried out by The Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) as part of the launch of its new Pitch Grading Framework. The involvement of these schools will help inform the Pitch Grading Framework from a schools’ perspective before the scheme is rolled out. The concept has been supported by all National Governing Bodies of sport and aims to boost industry standards for grounds facilities, improve the knowledge within the sector and set benchmarks for playing surfaces. The framework will not only highlight the level of quality of an individual playing surface but also the appropriate training and the recommended levels of turf management qualifications, needed by the ground’s management team who maintain it. This will allow a new way for schools to showcase quality sports turf facilities and recognise the skills and expertise of its grounds teams while adding a new dimension to attract potential students and their parents. Natural turf sports pitches standards will be graded from levels 0 to 5, with 5 being ‘elite’ status. Within this Framework, grounds teams are advised to have a certain level of qualifications to obtain certification for each grade. Each level is complemented by a training and qualification recommendation framework that features specific and accurately blended learning, delivered both online and in the traditional format. Geoff Webb, CEO of the IOG, commented: “The Pitch Grading Framework delivers a muchneeded requirement in the industry. It creates a standard for facilities to be compared against, which will be of huge benefit to schools when attracting new students and providing the students with sports pitches to excel on. In a similar style to OFSTED, schools will be able to promote their rating and highlight the standards of its sports and green-space facilities, as well as the knowledge and expertise among its team.” Audits and training The IOG Pitch Grading Framework will help to progress standards and provides an outline for how schools can take their facilities to the next level. To aid this, the IOG offer Site Audits and Training Needs Analysis services, as well as a vast array of online and on-site training courses and qualifications to support the professional development of grounds staff. A key service, that will help schools advance to a higher level on the Pitch Grading Framework, are Site Audits. This is a three-step process, designed to support the bursars and




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Written by Youth Sport Trust

Get ready for YST National School Sport Week

Helping mental health Lipa Nessa (20), who is a youth ambassador for the YST and a football coach, featured in a new video created by the charity to raise awareness of how sport can help mental health. She said: “For myself, sport has helped me to deal with anxiety and depression. Children’s mental health is not talked about in the community at all. Mental health and sports together is such a good combination. It’s the best way, I feel, to deal with anxiety and depression and mental health in general.” The video also challenges stereotypes of young people and how sport can unlock potential in an age where a generation is facing Children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust (YST) has started the enormous pressures from exams, childhood countdown for this summer’s YST National School Sport Week, obesity, and a mental health crisis. It can be viewed via which takes place from 24 to 28 June – with a call for more time Among those championing the week will be on the curriculum for physical education in every school Ben Smith, the man who ran 401 marathons in 401 days. Schools will be given an YST National School Sport Week will inspire “The focus of YST National opportunity for their pupils to be schools and supporters up and down the School Sport Week 2019 will part of his next awe-inspiring YST country to use physical education and be on raising awareness challenge, USA 2020, through Nationa school sport much more intentionally of the vital role of PE a partnership with the l School to promote wellbeing and support the and school sport in Youth Sport Trust and his S p o rt Week w personal development of young people. helping young people 401 Foundation, which ill inspir schools Every school will have the opportunity experience the ‘Five will culminate in National e to to take part in ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ Ways to Wellbeing’: School Sport Week 2020. educatio use physical between 24 to 28 June to celebrate getting them active; Ben is a wellbeing n and s port the power of PE and school sport to connecting, giving ambassador for the Youth to prom ote improve young people’s wellbeing. back, taking notice; Sport Trust. He said: “I’m wellbein The charity, which has been working in and learning. delighted to be working g partnership with education for 24 years to “I’d urge anyone who with the Youth Sport Trust. improve the provision and impact of physical cares about young people’s Their mission is really close to education, play and sport, has said too many health, happiness and success my heart because I believe that young people are missing out on the lifein school to sign up and join our physical exercise can help people to ‘find changing benefits that can be delivered with campaign to improve young people’s lives.” their happy’ and improve their wellbeing the right approach, and it’s time for change. irrespective of their ability or background.” Ali Oliver, chief executive officer at the Give sport a more central role There will be the chance for schools to win Youth Sport Trust, said: “The wellbeing of Across YST National School Sport Week, a visit from one of the Youth Sport Trust’s young people has been in decline and too schools and leading sports organisations inspirational athlete mentors by sharing their many are struggling with issues that a good across the country will be uniting behind best photos and videos during the week on quality physical education could support an urgent call for physical education, play social media demonstrating this year’s theme. them with. But four in five young people and sport to be given a more central role in Schools can take part in YST National aren’t active enough and schools have been addressing the many challenges faced by School Sport Week by signing up at www. cutting time for PE on the curriculum. this generation from physical and mental The charity will “To turn this around we need like-minded health, to personal and social development. share key developments and provide free schools, teachers, parents, young people The Youth Sport Trust will co-ordinate the resources with schools and supporters to and others to join together this YST National week profiling the five ways to wellbeing help promote events, offer tips and ideas School Sport Week and show why PE and across the five days of the week. On Monday, for getting the most out of the week. L sport have an essential role to play in every the theme is to be active, on Tuesday it is young person’s development and the subject to connect. On Wednesday the theme is to FURTHER INFORMATION should have the same importance as Maths give back, while on Thursday it is to learn. and English within a child’s education. Friday’s theme is to take notice.


Absolute Performance provided Bryanston with an elite S&C facility to help motivate and inspire pupils to excel in sports

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Absolute Performance: supporting strength and fitness within education point in Bryanston’s signature colours. Three Pro-Series full racks take centre stage in blue and gold, finished with Werksan plates branded with the school crest. Fulfilling the brief to support the creation of a strong team ethos, benches, soft plyo boxes and dumbbells all bear the Bryanston crest, reinforcing the professional approach and team spirit the school encourages from all its pupils. The result A bespoke functional facility allowing the school to take their Performance Sport Programme to the next level. “Once installed the kit had an immediate effect on not only the pupils using it, but also everyone entering the new S&C area. Over time it will inspire both Bryanston pupils and elite sportspeople across the country.” Alex Fermor-Dunman, Director of Sport. What we supplied Branded Legend power racks; branded Legend benches; branded dumbbells; branded soft plyo boxes

The task Sport is key to life at Bryanston. It was therefore no surprise to hear that plans were afoot to expand their existing sports facilities. The main driver was to enable all pupils to develop affectionate connections with sport, whilst also acting as a catalyst for continued success and excellence for the school’s competitive sports teams. As part of this rejuvenation of facilities, the school added a purpose-built highperformance centre, incorporating an S&C area and sprint track, to support their Performance Sport Programme. Specialists in creating S&C facilities, AP was drafted in to work with the school team from the early planning stage – cementing a relationship that spans several years. We set about equipping an S&C area that would not only stand up to the daily rigours of school use but also rival professional elite centres, as well as support Bryanston’s focus on the individual and one-to-one approach.

Legend Fitness, who have a proven track record in delivering solutions to the US collegiate system. Fit for purpose, it is tried and tested to provide a unique focal

What we did Provided Bryanston with an elite S&C facility; used the school’s logo throughout; installed Legend Fitness equipment. L FURTHER INFORMATION

The solution Working with the school, AP designed an S&C facility using products from



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Apprenticeship levy: use it or lose it For many school leaders, you will feel that utilising the apprenticeship levy is an elusive opportunity, due to the confusion that still exists around the use and purpose of the available apprenticeship programmes and access to approved learning providers Apprenticeships offer aspiring and practicing school professionals the opportunity to combine practical training and study, whilst the school benefits from using the apprenticeship levy funding.

As we approach the two-year anniversary of the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy it provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on how schools can use this ring-fenced funding for professional development, the programmes available and how to find a local learning provider. Who can be an apprentice? There is a myth that apprenticeships are just for school leavers and/or new employees. Actually, any one at any age can become an apprentice as long as they are employed, working towards an approved apprenticeship and undertake at least 20 per cent off the job training. Apprenticeships have been designed to be used by existing and aspiring professionals and developed and led by employers to ensure that the learning objectives and tasks suit practitioners undertaking the role the standard describes. Where school leaders want the education context to be considered then it is important to review the individual training providers to check that the programme has been contextualised for education, where it is not a specialist apprenticeship such as teaching assistant, and how the provider supports the requirement for all apprentices to have 20 per cent off the job via completing reading and assignments. This time focused on learning can seem a daunting prospect for some school leaders who are upskilling an existing member of staff that works full-time. To overcome this concern, speak to other local school leaders who are using the levy for existing staff, explore how they have managed the 20 per cent element whilst maintaining capacity in their school.


Available guidance The DfE have developed guidance called ‘A guide to apprenticeships for the school workforce’ which is available at It explains: what apprenticeships are and how schools can use apprenticeships; how the apprenticeship levy applies to schools. It also covers whether your school should be paying the levy and how to benefit from the levy where you are a non-levy paying school. Get involved A growing number of training providers throughout the country are offering apprenticeships. See the Institute for Apprenticeships ( for more information. Remember that there are many more opportunities that are applicable for schools: Commercial Procurement & Supply – Level 4; School Business Professional – Level 4; Teaching Assistant – Level 3 Facilities Manager – Level 4. Amazing Apprenticeships is the ESFA‑approved communication channel commissioned by the National Apprenticeship Service. It offers apprenticeship support and knowledge. They offer free resources, apprenticeship champions and apprenticeship vacancies: school-workforce. ISBL has led the development of several new apprenticeships programmes, especially contextualised for the education sector. These include: Level 4 School Business Professional; Level 6 Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA), and Level 7 Executive Leadership.

What about End-PointAssessment (EPA)? For many school leaders the limitation has not been identifying the appropriate apprenticeship programme but finding an appropriate organisation to assess their apprentice once they have completed the programme. ISBL have been aware of this issue and have worked with Best Practice Network to ensure that there is an appropriate EPA organisation for the school business profession apprenticeship. BPN are now successfully registration as an EPAO with the IFA and employers can be reassured that any apprentice starting this programme will be able to be assessed at the end and complete the apprenticeship. For more information on the EPA and to register your apprentice with BPN visit: end-point-assessment For further information on the EPA available for other specific apprenticeships then the IFA can provide information on the EPAO registered for each of the different apprenticeships that are available. Use it or lose it In a time when schools are looking at their school resources and how to fund training; the levy provides a route that many school leaders have not yet fully explored. Take time to consider how your school can use the levy rather than lose this opportunity. L FURTHER INFORMATION If you would like further advice or information on what training and development is available for school business professionals, then either visit or call ISBL on 02476 231221.




High-quality and reliable school security systems

School security: care, duty and compliance

CCTV Security UK is a leading installer of security systems nationwide. It has over 20 years of experience in designing, installing and maintaining security systems within a wide range of industry sectors, especially to schools and local authorities. School references are available. Delivering the highest professional standards and exceptional customer service is of the utmost concern. The seriousness of protecting the school environment poses many complex questions, especially regarding the increasing need for security measures. CCTV Security UK offers a vast range of surveillance products including high definition and 4K CCTV systems and all its new installations come with a free maintenance package. All staff are registered under the Disclosure &

Established by family in 1883, Appleyard Security has expertise in school security and was the first locksmiths to install keyless access control in the early 1990s. Appleyard Security offers an all-encompassing service including a full security survey covering the perimeter of the school grounds through to the head’s office. It is a bespoke service, and the company cherrypicks the best products, using high security equipment where necessary and arranging dynamic lockdown and escape routes so that you can take care of pupils, staff and visitors. Fire doors and compartments are important but Appleyards also consider other needs for emergency escape. Health and safety is paramount. Appleyard Security can help you monitor and provide an audit trail to provide evidence of compliance with regulations. The company’s integrity is

Barring Services certificated for your peace of mind. The challenge lies not only in safeguarding your environment from crime, violence and intrusion, but also in the successful and cost-effective manner. Working in partnership with every client, CCTV Security UK understands their requirements and any potential risks and vulnerabilities, before using its extensive product knowledge and expertise to recommend and deliver high quality, reliable security solutions that are tailored to meet each schools individual needs.

FURTHER INFORMATION industry/school-security


important and they advise against use of shortcuts or inferior products which offer little security and no fire rating. Appleyard Security works nationally, advising, supplying, installing and maintaining security and ancillary systems such as video entry, intruder alarms and CCTV. The company’s engineers are CSCS card holders and the director, Mark Boynton, has IOSH certification. Appleyard Security is a member of the Master Locksmiths Association and has advanced DBS certification and holds the standard BS 9001:2015.



A robust IP lockdown solution in education

Are you ready for a fire emergency?

Bowker IT covering the North West, loves to do what it does best and that’s giving schools a complete IT service. The company has teamed up with UK based Netgenium to give schools outstanding building security systems. The potential of a security breach at a school, college or university has become more prevalent recently. This has led to the installation of many security systems such as CCTV, access control and barriers to help protect staff, students and parents. Netgenium offer a range of network based solutions that create an intelligent, scalable and feature rich security system to help provide a Lockdown solution. Netgenium’s IP Access Control and IP Public Address are typical systems that are used every day. However, the systems can

Fire is one of the biggest safety risks to your learning environment, threatening people and property. Are you ready if the worst happened today? Do you have fully trained and qualified fire marshals and first-aiders on site? Are your fire extinguishers operational and up-to-date? Starting with a risk assessment, Securitas provides a full break down of your fire risk and advises if you’re meeting your legal duty of care to students, staff and visitors. The assessment also includes a range of fire & safety solutions to ensure legal compliance and reduce your fire risk. This includes the supply and servicing of fire equipment, including fire extinguishers. This is an annual equipment check with option to install Securitas’ cost-effective and sustainable P50 extinguisher. The company also offers business continuity and

also work together so a push of a button, click on a screen or swipe of a smart card could send a site into Lockdown, immediately securing doors and gates and sending pre-recorded announcements around buildings. The system is incredibly flexible and allows the end user to design and achieve the Lockdown solution that suits their needs. To find out more contact Kim on 01524 385800 or visit


emergency planning, which is a robust continuity plan to keep your business running in the event of a fire or other emergency. Securitas offers specialist First Response vehicles with a trained team. From small fires to lift entrapments, environmental spillages, vehicle collisions and fire alarm activations, and first aid response, the First Response team will protect your people and property. The company also offers City & Guilds accredited fire marshal and Virtual Reality (VR) fire training for your teams.

FURTHER INFORMATION security-services/fire--safety




Learning vital skills on an Adventure Ardeche holiday

VX – the sport that ticks all your boxes

Change has never occurred so fast as in the past few decades, with advances in technology creating a global gateway and evolving the ways in which we work and interact in infinite measure. In this new world we are more connected, yet more divided than ever before, which is why stepping away from screens and into the great outdoors is one of the most important things a young person can do. It is through adventure that our youth can develop the skills and experience to thrive. On an Adventure Ardeche holiday, they’ll push themselves so far out of their comfort zones that when they emerge on the other side of a week of activities they’ll be armed with a whole raft of new traits: courage, grit, determination, adaptability, self-belief, empathy. Groups will experience culture and adventure in the picturesque

What is VX? The BBC called it ‘the best sport you’ve never heard of’. It’s a mixed and inclusive sport that is also accessible to the disabled. It increases participation and gets non-sporty children involved. It’s suitable for all ages, and beginners can be playing at a fast pace in just ten minutes. VX has had a massive impact in schools across the UK and is spreading rapidly across the world. It can be played as a team, singles or doubles and has an impact like nothing you’ve ever seen. Sitting squarely in the National Curriculum and suitable for all ages and abilities VX emphasises honesty and integrity in sport. Schools use it in many ways, both in the curriculum and for after-school. It involves a massive amount of both aerobic and anaerobic fitness – but the youngsters don’t realise how hard

mountains of the South of France. They’ll sail through the trees, canoe through the winding rapids of the Ardeche river and clamber up crags under the watchful eye of our brilliant instructors. This is a holiday your students will remember forever, so if you’re looking for your school’s next activity week, get in touch – Adventure Ardeche would love to help you create a programme of lasting memories that make a real investment in the young people of today.





they are working. It also ticks all your PE & Sport Premium boxes. As Rachel Mackenzie Jones, Thai Boxing World Champion & Sky Sports Athlete Mentor, says: “Fantastic that I got to play my new favourite sport, VX. It should be compulsory on the PE curriculum.”



Create outdoor learning leaders at your school

High-quality visual display equipment

Wild things! is an award winning environmental education charity based in Moray, Scotland. Wild things! offer accredited training courses for teachers, educators and outdoor enthusiasts throughout the UK, enabling students to deliver exciting outdoor sessions to learners of all ages. Wild things!’s Woodland Activity Leader Training (WALT) is an affordable, in-depth seven day equivalent to Forest School, accredited by the NCFE and endorsed by the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Packed full of practical skills, environmental learning, games and creative ideas, WALT equips educators with the knowledge and confidence to design and deliver your own outdoor sessions, bringing the benefits of outdoor learning to the students in your care. For those with schools near

What is vitally important to your business, when you are selling, advertising, training, or planning? All key activities, and all need something fundamental and reliable – high quality visual display equipment. The range of products is enormous- whiteboards, glass wall boards, free standing display boards, all have their own niche and best fit. It makes sense to identify what uses any equipment you buy will get, what space it will go into, and how user friendly it is before going to the time and expense of purchasing hard to handle goods. Boards Direct get this. No I mean really get this. The company not only supplies the largest range of these products

the sea, Wild things!’s Coastal Activity Leader Training course offers the same invaluable outdoor training coupled with the considerations and naturalist knowledge required to deliver outdoor sessions in a coastal context. Imagine having your own outdoor learning leader in your school. Not only will your teachers further their professional development, but your students will benefit from the many advantages of outdoor learning including increased focus, enhanced fun-factor and improved health & wellbeing.


in the UK, it also provides the crucial ingredient – expertise. Boards Direct don’t just sell a board in a box. It guides and advises the customer to find the solution to their specific need. Worried about the weight? Size? Surface quality? Portability? Just ask Boards Direct, either by phone, email or online chat. “We are not a supermarket,” explains Bex Easson, head of marketing. “We are a vital extension of your planning process, a consultant who can identify and then supply exactly what you need. Try us, and you will see!”





Get the benefits of a paperless environmnent

Buying and recycling redundant IT hardware

Data Planit is a proactive, innovative and reliable provider of state-of-the-art document management services, providing to schools, colleges and universities, as well as many other organisations in the education sector for over 20 years. Digitising your filing and information systems will have an impressive impact on how you operate as an organisation. You will quickly benefit from efficiencies that are not possible with archaic physical filing systems. Paperwork stored in filing cabinets is quickly becoming a thing of the past, with the world realising the benefits that comes with the paperless working environment. Data Planit can scan, store and help you manage your electronic files, starting with a simple consultation. Files that may need digitising may include

Revive IT is an established and highly accredited data destruction and recycling company since 2008. The organisation operates nationwide and helps its clients ensure compliance with the Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 Act (WEEE) as well as the European GDPR directive through end of life compliance. Revive IT offers two primary service offers, the first being a free nation-wide collection intended to return a zero-cost service to allow clients an ethical route to the recycling of their redundant IT and WEEE Equipment. The company’s second service allows companies to release residual value in their redundant equipment and Revive IT can offer direct payment or charity donation on client’s behalf to fulfil

student records, HR documents or invoices. Whatever type of files require scanning, Data Planit has over 20 years’ experience in handling the most sensitive documents, and never breaching data protection regulations. By outsourcing your document management needs to Data Planit, you will save time and money on administrative processes to concentrate on what’s really important. If you are interested in a world, where your information can be accessed anytime, anywhere, anyhow, get in touch today.



Corporate Social Responsibility. Every year IT and WEEE waste is discarded by households and companies in the UK, much of which contains hidden data and information in relation to your business and your customers. Revive IT ensures that risk is eliminated and the compliance and integrity of your data security is completely safe. Data security and destruction is the company’s speciality and it is accredited by UKAS ISO 27001, 9001, 14001 to sanitise your equipment completely.



Japanese Knotweed specialists based in London

Powering business to a brighter energy future

CYB Environmental is a modern and dynamic company who specialises in providing advice, treatment and removal of Japanese Knotweed and other invasive weeds for residential and commercial clients. CYB Environmental is the only Japanese Knotweed removal company and consultancy in the UK regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and to hold full Property Care Association (PCA) accreditation (Invasive Weeds Group) – something they are extremely proud of! Team members are experienced with key personnel including Chartered Surveyors, Chartered Building Surveyors, RICS registered Valuation Surveyors, PCA Qualified (CSJK) – Japanese Knotweed operatives, and PA1/ PA6 qualified operatives. CYB provides an unrivalled knowledge of issues and ensure clients’ needs

As part of Drax Group, Haven Power is enabling a zero carbon, lower cost energy future by supplying renewable electricity and energy services to UK businesses. Before suggesting solutions, the company strives to understand the customer’s business and energy needs. Existing clients include local organisations such as Suffolk FA and household names like Edgbaston Stadium, Gatwick Airport, Thames Water and Yeo Valley. Haven Power’s solutions can range from energy optimisation and risk management – helping reduce usage and costs – through to Demand Side Response and Power Purchase Agreements that generate income. In collaboration with parent company Drax, Haven Power also provides energy storage and electric vehicle solutions to corporations and enterprises.

are met without compromise. Based in Deptford, London, with satellite offices in Bristol and Cardiff, CYB Environmental is strategically located to serve its domestic and commercial clients across London and the South of England. CYB’s commitment to the RICS Code of Conduct ensures that it provides a high quality service, accurately meeting client objectives, whilst maintaining traditional values of honesty, integrity and professionalism. CYB Environmental is also able to deal with Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and other invasive species.

FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 3005 8755

In January 2019, the group added to its predominantly biomass-based generation business at Drax Power Station by acquiring a portfolio of flexible, low carbon and renewable generation sites. These include renewable biomass, hydro power and pumped storage facilities that enable the group to respond rapidly to sudden drops in energy supply and provide critical system support services.





Food equipment and preparation specialists

Helping you achieve the best value for money

Robot-Coupe created its signature food processor over 40 years ago, in the heart of Burgundy, France. The company now manufactures a wide range of food preparation equipment with each machine adapted to suit various professional needs, including those of restaurants, caterers, institutions and delicatessens. Robot-Coupe’s high quality products include table-top cutters, automatic juice extractors and automatic sieves, as well as a selection of unique machines. Robot Cook® is the first ever professional heating food processor and the only cooking cutter blender on the market. It allows the user to emulsify, grind, blend, chop, mix and knead to perfection, and is the ideal appliance for hot, cold, sweet and savoury dishes. Its combination of high speed

YPO is a public sector buying organisation and people often ask what the benefits are of buying from them. As a public sector buying organisation, YPO helps customers achieve the best possible value for money by providing a wide range of quality products and suppliers. YPO uses its buying power to ensure that its customers get the best deal. YPO can also help with navigating the intricacies of public sector procurement by providing free expert advice and support to help make the buying process as straightforward as possible. YPO can provide all the products and services catering teams need including: food service suppliers, catering services, food ingredients, catering equipment and disposables, cleaning materials, workwear, and dining furniture.

settings and enviable cutting quality, along with its ability to heat ingredients to a temperature of 140˚C, will be loved by chefs. The company also manufactures the Blixer®, a machine which combines the features of the cutter and the blender/mixer to allow the user to prepare all types of mixed and liquidised food. To see how Robot-coupe can help with your food preparation needs, head to the website, which includes the full product range and a selection of recipes. Free demo available on request.





YPO supplies products and services to a wide range of customers including schools, multi-academy trusts, local authorities, NHS Trusts, charities, emergency services and care homes. Its range includes around 30,000 products and 100 different frameworks providing access to leading suppliers in categories ranging from food to electricity. YPO is 100 per cent publicly owned and its profits are reinvested in the public sector. YPO is also extremely proud of its loyalty scheme which rewards public sector customers with YPO vouchers.



An established tree surgery business

Education staff for medium and long term positions

Tree World Services Ltd is an Arboricultural Association Approved Contractor, who specialises in tree surgery. The company carries out devegetation works, tree climbing and surgery, tree felling and stump removal. It is also committed to planting new trees to create new environments or replace trees that it has cut down. Tree World Services prides itself on looking after the natural environment and keeping trees well maintained for their continued overall growth and health, which ultimately contributes to the health and well-being for people in those environments. Established since 1986, the company is based in West Berkshire covering the southern counties. All of its employees are certificated by NPTC for tree works and are experienced in the industry.

New Formation is an education recruitment agency based in London focusing on medium, long term and permanent school roles. With new candidates registering daily at one of its modern and convenient offices, the agency has a wide range of pre-screened candidates to choose from. The directors insist on registering high calibre candidates that thrive in a school environment and have a positive impact on students. Many of the team have previously worked in schools giving them a useful insight into school staffing requirements. New Formation works with all types of schools across Greater London, with many happy to recommend their services. Dr Jane Oliver, senior education consultant responsible for the hiring of SEN staff for several schools, said: “New Formation has the knack of finding the

Tree World Services has undertaken varied contracts for Network Rail, Carillion Rail Plc, local authorities, construction companies, environment agency and domestic clients. The company has £10 million Public Liability insurance and all work is carried out to British Standard 3998 (2010). Tree World Services are able to carry out works to trees that have Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and or lie with Conservation Areas. It also holds CHAS accreditation and is a ‘TrustMark’ registered firm.

FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0118 930 6700

right person for the role. They are scrupulous in matching the skills of the people on their books to the requirements of the school. They are unfailingly helpful and always contactable.” New Formation takes a modern and adaptable approach with unique terms and conditions such as, free half day trials for teachers, free trial days for support staff, reduced rates for sponsored teachers, no permanent fees after agreed periods, free graduate experience days and negotiable charge rates.





Exciting circus shows and workshops for schools

Why risk it when you can send a drone to do it

Bigtopmania is a circus company based in Bristol. One of its specialties lies in providing exciting circus shows and workshops to schools across England. The main thing that sets them apart is that they offer a circus show that can thoroughly inspire your pupils and staff included with every circus workshop booking. This guarantees focused groups and doubles up as an inspiring role model visit. Regularly referred to by teachers as ‘the best assembly visit they’ve had’, Bigtopmania circus day is the perfect educational treat for teachers as well as pupils. Schools mainly book as a house reward, a kick start to a circus topic or used

Quayle Industries Ltd provides aerial photography using drones for businesses and individuals in Nottingham and across the UK. The company is proud to be Civil Aviation Authority approved, which means that it is fully licensed and work to the highest standards. Before Quayle Industries undertakes any project, it seeks appropriate clearance from the authorities to operate the drone. The company works with you to plan what is needed and how the footage will be used to give you the result you need. There are many instances where drone photography or filming is the best option. Drones are costeffective and reduce the need for scaffolding or helicopters. The quality of the photography and videos is of a very high standard. Drones can be used to access hard to reach areas

in line with sports premium funding to provide an alternative option to mainstream sports. The format for most bookings includes a morning circus show with the whole school in place of an assembly, a video of which can be seen on their website at Bigtopmania then take individual classes for 45 minute circus workshop sessions where you will get a chance to try plate spinning, juggling, diabolos and flower sticks. On special bookings they can even bring their circus tent, tightropes and trapezes.



Creative photography showing life at school

Fresh School Photography has been creating top quality images for schools for over 20 years. The company creates positive, real images of life in school, providing school professionals and the school community with inspirational, happy images that enhance the school environment and reflect positive values. Fresh School Photography is a friendly company, offering creative consultation, including display advice and offering a range of exciting and modern

products to survive the school environment. Based on the Surrey Hampshire border, covering the south, Fresh School Photography offers a wide range of photographic solutions which also include high quality class and pupil photography.

FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01428 715454 info@freshschool www.freshschool

inside and outside. Data and images can be relayed to you within 24 hours ready to download. Quayle Industries can provide stunning photography and videos for a wide range of purposes from, property developers wanting to showcase their properties for sale, individuals that need a roof inspection through to companies that want some aerial views as part of their marketing campaigns.



Support for children with speech, language and communication needs I CAN, the children’s communication charity, supports children with speech, language and communication needs through fun, evidenced interventions. Its fantastic Boost series has already reached thousands of children around the UK, specifically targeting the 10 per cent who suffer with delayed speech and language. I CAN does not believe any child should be left behind because of trouble communicating. Its Intervention Packs have been created by speech and language therapists and include all the materials, books, manuals and resources needed to run the 8-10‑week programmes repeatedly in any setting. Teachers and practitioners have access to the online Tracker, which screens children and monitors their progress from start to

finish, generating charts and tables to show evidence of progress. I CAN has a skilled network of licensed tutors based all over the country. These tutors go into schools and nurseries, giving practitioners the training they need to deliver its target driven programmes. If you’d like to learn more about how one of I CAN’s programmes can support the children in your school or nursery, we’d like to hear from you.

FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0207 843 2515



Canopy with decked floor, seating and fence

A world where no child fails through lack of nurture and educational opportunity. Visit for more information about how nurture can benefit the children and young people in your setting.

Outdoor Curriculum including Agility Trails, Canopies, Gazebos, Gym Equipment and Outdoor Classrooms





The publishers accept no responsibility for errors or omissions in this free service Absolute Performance 99 Airflow 28 AKA Design 38 Alan Patient & Co 72 Alton Towers Resort 90 Appleyard Security 101 Ardeche Adventures 102 ASAP Comply 50 AVR Group OBC Axo Leisure 96 Boards Direct 102 Bowker IT British Parking Association 72 Castle Minibus 84 CCE Group 78 CMC Catering Management 78 Community Products (UK) 72 Create Education Projects 62 Crown Commercial Services IBC CYB Environmental 103 Data Planit 103 Delaware North 94 ESPO 23 eTeach 16,72 Evac Chair 56,74 Exa Networks 74 Fairtrade Vending 78 Fathom 74

Fielo Sylvania 26 Floorbrite Cleaning 47 Fresh Air Fitness 96 Fresh School Photography 105 Fujitsu 58,59 Fun and Active Playgrounds 74 Gerflor 94 Glasdon UK 34 Harlequin Floors 36 Haven Power 103 I CAN 105 Institute of School Business 100 ISS Mediclean IFC,76 Jacksons Fencing 92 Kajima Partnerships 33 Kidzania 86-89 Let Me Play 98 LHC 38 Lucas Jet 105 Morgan Stewart Interiors 40 New Formation Education 104 Oasis 52 Office Depot 24 Pembrokeshire College 8 Pickerings Hire 18 Plum Innovations 6 Poole Bay Holdings 53 Quayle Industries 105

Ransomes Jacobsen 4 Revive It 103 Robot-Coupe (UK) 104 Safety Technology 54 SAV Systems 30 SaveMoneyCutCarbon 42 Schools Advisory Group 70 Securitas 101 Selectaglaze 40 Smart Electronic Technologies 44 South East Communications 101 Talk Straight & Schools 64 Targus 66 The Kings Ferry 10,82 Thinkers in Education 69 Thomas Ridley Food Service 80 Toshiba Tec UK 14 Tree Box 32 Tree World Service 104 UK CB Group 20 Unicol Engineering 60 VX I 102 Westminster Abbey 22,75 Wild Things 102 Yeoman Shield 12 YPO 104

“The supply teachers deal has reduced workload and helped us save £2,500 in 3 months.” Rob Owens Chief Operating Officer Rainhill School

Smart schools save with CCS Cutting your school’s running costs can be a challenge, but there are ways to save money. As the UK’s largest public procurement organisation, we are helping thousands of schools across the country get best value on everything from minibuses to computers. And, our expert teams have been working closely with the Department for Education to bring down costs in two important areas for schools:

Supply teachers and temporary staff deal

School Switch energy deal

It’s free to use our services and these new quick and easy to use digital solutions can make a real difference to your budget. How much could you save?

Find out more at or give our expert team a call on 0345 410 2222. We’re here to help

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Articles inside

Get ready for YST National School Sport Week

page 97

Showcasing the effort and skills behind sports grounds

page 95

Breaktime cuts means less play in the school day

pages 91, 93

Get pupils connecting with nature and wildlife

pages 83, 85

The LACA Main Event

page 81

Who's on the shortlist for an EB Award 2019?

pages 71, 73, 75

Thinking ahead to National Meals Week

pages 77, 79

Inspiring engineering as a career choice

pages 68-69

A spotlight on the EdTech Strategy

pages 61, 63, 65, 67

Fire safety in schools is a complex issue

pages 55, 57

Asbestos in schools: how big an issue is it?

pages 51, 53

A guide to successful school estate projects

pages 46-47

The key elements of a good school lighting scheme

pages 43, 45

Celebrating beautiful school buildings

pages 39, 41

building to meet demand

pages 35, 37

The harmful pollutants around schools

pages 29, 31

Further insight into procurement consultancies

pages 25, 27

Better financial reporting for academy trusts

pages 21, 23

Being part of something bigger

pages 17, 19
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