My Weight Matters Week eleven: weight loss plateau
Before t r a t s u o y week eleven Take a few moments to review your goals and ensure you reward yourself...
This week we will look at tips to help if you reach a weight loss plateau
Review your diary
Are you eating regularly and trying to make healthier choices?
Do your portion sizes match the recommended?
Are you drinking enough?
Use the food diary on the back page to record what you eat and drink. It’s known to be helpful when on a weight loss programme.
Weight loss plateau Most people who lose weight will find themselves at a weight loss plateau at some point. Try not to be discouraged as it may be your body’s normal adaption. When we first begin a weight-loss plan we may see larger losses in the beginning. In time your body adapts to exist on fewer calories. This may mean you are not losing weight despite eating the same amount of food and doing the same levels of physical activity.
Assess your weight loss so far Is this a gradual trend or sudden change? • Has there been anything happening recently that has taken you off plan? • Are you confident that you are following the plan – meeting the daily recommended portions and physical activity levels? Use your diaries to help • Has there been a change in your health? Seek advice from your GP if necessary Remember it is usual for a person to metabolise no more than 0.5-1kg (1-2lb) of fatty tissue a week on a weight loss plan.
Is maintaining your weight best for you right now? You may decide that you are happy with your weight loss. If you have lost at least 3-5% of your body weight, it is likely that your health is already benefitting from the changes you have made and the weight you have lost. If you are content with your current weight, then you could consider moving to a weight maintenance phase. A period of maintaining your weight can help you identify if your new behaviours have become truly embedded. You may later decide to begin another weight loss phase or continue to maintain if that is best for you. Remember, your weight may not be ‘ideal’ but it might be right for you at the present time. All weight loss, including modest losses have a benefit to health.
More to lose? If you want to get back on track with weight loss, consider the following common pitfalls...
Calorie-creep Check that your portion sizes haven’t increased. It is so easy for them to creep upwards without you being aware. It is wellknown that sometimes eating a few extra treats or slightly bigger portions may not reflect in your weight status immediately. There is a lag phase where your weight might continue to drop even though you have eaten a bit more. This may mean you wrongly conclude that you don’t need to be so careful! The weight gain shows up further down the line, by which time your habits have slipped a little. Try being extra careful to follow the recommended portions for the next week and see if it kick-starts your weight loss.
Feeling hunger pangs Experiencing additional hunger pangs on a weight management programme is common. This is your body’s hormonal response to weight loss.
Try filling up on extra fruit and veg portions and ensure your carbohydrate portions are wholemeal, wholegrain or high-fibre versions. Keep your fluids up to the recommended levels too. Remember to chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly and mindfully with no distractions.
Not getting enough movement in your day Consider introducing some physical activity is you haven’t already done so. Refer to week 3 of the programme for guidance and tips If you are doing physical activity, are you able to step it up a level? Our bodies gradually adapt to a new exercise programme by burning fewer calories for the same effort. Can you introduce something new to your physical activity routine? Muscles use energy. If you are able to, introduce some weight lifting or heavy-duty gardening.
Use the food diary on the back page to record what you eat and drink. It’s known to be helpful when on a weight loss programme.
Motivation dropping off Refer back to your reasons for joining this programme and remind yourself of these. Would more support from others help you? Refer to week 9 of the programme for ideas. Try not to get stuck in rut. We can easily become bored with eating the same foods. Ring the changes by trying new healthy foods, healthy recipes or a try a new physical activity.
Why did I want to lose weight?
Other behaviours I am finding are helpful
Healthy eating behaviours that are helping me so far
What are my stumbling blocks?
Physical activity behaviours that are helping me to stay on track
Devise a plan for getting back on track Use the overcoming challenges tool from Week 10 to help you solve problems
Use the AmaraHealth™ app to stay motivated and track your weight loss
Week 11 Action check list Continue with your self-monitoring (diaries) Set yourself 1-2 SMART goals Plan one new healthy recipe to try or one new activity
Prefer to record your weight online? Track your weight, set goals, and stay motivated with the AmaraHealth™ app
Food diary Day:
Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbs
7 (Women) 8 (Men)
Fruit and vegetables
Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins
Dairy and alternatives
Oil and spreads
Other foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugars
At least 5
1 max
TOTAL number of portions: Recommended number of portions:
Physical activity log: Step count:
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