December 2019 Prospective

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With the debate on climate change on the rise, how do students take initiative to lower their carbon footprints and make a difference?

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Bryant High School 801 N. Reynolds Road Bryant, Ark. 72022

Vol. 28 Issue 2 Dec. 13, 2019





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There I is No Planet


n the early 19th century, the “greenhouse effect� was identified and defined. Since then, within politics and news, it is a heavily debated topic. Is it really caused by human activity? Is it as serious as it sounds? Is there actual scientific information to back it up? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, is a group of 90 scientists from 40 countries who agree that the problem is severe. In a 2018 report, they warned that if current carbon emission levels are not reduced by 2040, the effects on our climate will

be irreversible. According to NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the current level of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere is up 412 parts per million over the past 100 years, and the average global sea level has risen almost 178 millimeters. While many individuals are trying to reduce their own carbon footprints, the major output of carbon dioxide from large companies is having the most effect. As of 2011, the Clean Air Act (CAA) sets limits on much of certain air

pollutants can be in the air anywhere in the U.S. The CAA also gives the government the authority to limit emissions of air pollutants coming from chemical plants, utilities and steel mills. While individual states can make these laws stronger, they cannot be weaker than those set by the act. Since 2017, the U.S. Climate Alliance has grown to include 24 states and Puerto Rico. This alliance has established goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, signed legislation to help ramp up clean and renewable energy and has

proposed regulations to cut harmful air pollutants. The current aim of the alliance is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 percent below the levels in 2005 by 2025. While federal and state regulation of carbon emissions are starting to make a dent, students are making their own efforts as well. Whether it is cutting out red meat, taking shorter showers or using reusable shopping bags, these individual actions can also lead to widespread change. more on page 6-7




H.E.A.T., Hornet Engineering and Technology, is not just about robotics. It includes a lot of different options for students to participate in STEM activities, including building robots, participating in rocket teams, flying drones and building in the shop. However, robotics is a big part of the organization, and the competitive VEX robotics team recently qualified for state. Of the four Bryant teams competing, two received four awards and an invite. The two teams are now preparing their bots to perform. “We have a laser engraver and a lot of high tech equipment for students to use in projects,” Engineering teacher Dexter Barksdale said. “Anybody can join H.E.A.T. and get involved.” The two state-qualifying robotics teams are called “Damos 2” and “Maxima.” Many of the robots’ names are based on mythological gods: Athena, Damos, Phobos. It’s a trend that caught on at Bryant when the robotics team was new. While this is where “Damos 2” originated from, the other team’s name doesn’t follow the tradition. “The other team is obsessed with Nissans, so that’s where their name comes from,” Barksdale said. “One

of the team members kind of turned it into an inside joke within the team, so they named it ‘Maxima’ after the Nissan Maxima.” Junior Tristan Matthews, who joined robotics in 8th grade, is on team “Maxima.” He competed with other students to drive the robot, and since then has been the designated operator. “Building robots and programming is pretty cool, and I do like going to competitive engineering every day, but I think the best part is that every time we have a competition, it doesn’t matter if we win or lose, it’s the memories we make,” Matthews said. “Not every competition is the same. It’s not always going to be a sweep, and it’s not always a complete defeat. You make friends with other schools and people on those teams, so sometimes it is more about the comradery you have.” The teams practice during 7th period and every Monday and Wednesday after school from 5-5:30 p.m. Their competition season is mainly in January or February, and state is usually in March or April. However, they competed in a competition in McGee Oct. 26, which is where they received their state bid. Matthews says their chances of doing well at state are promising. “From the intel Jake [Fannon,

Working together, sophomores Hayden Chasney and Dorian Izzo laugh while setting up a drone. The students were required to set them up in their Unmanned Aerial Systems engineering class. “We all set up drones and then competed against each other,” Chasney said. Photo | Abigail Weihe

Maxima team captain,] has collected from going to other places and seeing our main competitors, there’s a 60-70% chance for us to do good,” Matthews said. “Last year, we made it to state, and I made a mistake by shooting one of the opposing teams and getting us disqualified. We really want to go to Worlds this year, because this is [“Damos 2” team captain senior] Chris [Osborne]’s last year on high school robotics, and I really want to win for him especially, but also I want to win for my team. We’re trying to prove ourselves as a competitive program.” Osborne has inspired Matthews throughout this year. Osborne joined robotics in middle school, so although this is not his first year in H.E.A.T., his experience this year has differed because he is now a team captain. “I have a more authoritative role, so people look up to me more often,” Osborne said. “It’s kind of scary, but exciting at the same time. I try to be a role model so that the underclassmen can follow the example.” Osborne, like the others, is hopeful to go to the World championship. For him, it means even more, because it is his last chance. “Last year, we were in an upset and didn’t win state and go to Worlds, which was the first time in seven years, so we would really like to go again,” Osborne said. Unlike many of his students, Barksdale just recently learned about robotics. His first introduction was in the spring of 2018, when he knew he would take on the role of robotics sponsor as an engineering teacher. He went to a few professional development opportunities; however, he didn’t really learn about competitions and how the game was played until he started attending them. “It’s pretty addictive to go to competitions,” Barksdale said. “You show up and recognize a lot of teams from around the state, because there are online group chats, and everyone has been building. It’s innovation fueled with competition, and it’s a

Bryant robotics teams prepare for state

really contagious environment.” H.E.A.T. blends competition with academics as well as building and improving every day. These were also reasons why Barksdale gained an interest in being a sponsor.

“Without the students... it wouldn’t be worth it.” “Being a sponsor, you really get a taste of it all,” Barksdale said. “I really like the kids and the activities and the things we do. I’m here as a bystander on a lot of things, like the robots. I don’t build robots or anything; I just offer advice and am here to make sure things are done safely. To help drive teams and coach them up is probably my primary duty.” Both teams that qualified for state identified areas of weakness in the bots after the competition. They have a notebook of roughly 75 to 100 pages of documentation that they have been working on since the dawn of the teams. They are constantly thinking of ways to improve the bots, what is working and what is not. They are also constantly getting new ideas, either online or at competitions. After the McGee competition, even though they won, the teams were not happy with the way their robots performed because they knew that they could do better. So, they took them apart and are completely starting from scratch. “They started [prepping] last year the day the game was released, and they put in a ton of hours during the summer,” Barksdale said. “The team members would get together at each other’s houses and discuss ideas and preliminary builds. We had a few work days up here. The communication was constantly there, the research was

constantly there. They would even research top teams from China to try to innovate better robots.” At the state robotics competition, the teams compete against all other tournament qualifiers. Last year, there were about 64 teams, and Barksdale expects to see around the same number this year. “If you qualify at state, then you compete at Worlds,” Barksdale said. “Last year, we were fifth in state, so we missed Worlds by one or two spots. We were out in the match before getting to go to Worlds. This year, we’ve already qualified for state, so we are already light years ahead. Our end goal is to qualify for Worlds and compete against some of the best teams to possibly win.” Barksdale believes that robotics is important because it gives many kids a place to land and an outlet to compete. It also lets the community know that engineering and innovation can be fun and that they drive the products people use every day. “We do a lot of things with the elementary schools as well as for the community, so we are constantly looking down at the younger generations who can look up at the robotics team and think it’s cool and that they want to do it one day,” Barksdale said. “To do that, you have to learn to code, and you have to learn all of these skills that you can one day use as life skills in your occupation, especially if you go into the STEM field.” Barksdale enjoys engineering, but he says his favorite part of being a robotics sponsor is the students. The time he has shared with them has made him love the program even more. “A lot of my hobbies are woodworking and a lot of the same skills and different things we do in [engineering], but without the students, the personalities, the humor and seeing them really take off with what they’re good at, it wouldn’t be worth it,” Barksdale said.


MODEL UN COMPETES AT UCA Delegates win 10 individual awards, Turkey wins group award


Model United Nations members from Arkansas and surrounding states gathered Nov. 23 for competition at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. Model UN is an extracurricular activity in which students assume the roles of delegates from other countries to the United Nations. They debate real events and issues the world is facing today while remaining in character as the nation they portray. Topics are diverse and range from the legality of space weapons to the feasibility of nuclear weapon-free zones. At Bryant High School, Model UN is a club and Buzz Time activity, while at some other schools, it is a class. Senior Ian Brister serves as a delegate for Denmark in Model UN. He has been competing since 10th grade. “I like doing Denmark, because it has an interesting stance on most issues,” Brister said. “It has a similar moral compass to the U.S., but not really.” Because Model UN requires that members accurately portray the country they represent, lots of research is required. Members write “position papers” stating how and why their country feels a certain way about an issue or topic. This also helps them research and prepare for conferences.

“I’d say it’s helped me learn a lot more about the world,” Brister said. “Like, when I was doing Panama, I never would have learned that much about it before. But, as an American, it helps me understand the point of view of countries that are not American.” Model UN also places an emphasis on countries working together to come to agreements to solve problems. Solutions are written as like-minded countries form groups in the form of “resolution papers.” “I remember once, there was a resolution paper about malnutrition in Africa,” Brister said. “It was called ‘Obtain this Grain.’” Sophomore Madelyn Smith is another member of Model UN, serving as a delegate for Angola. “I really like Model UN, because it helps you learn how to talk to people and be more confident,” Smith said. “Normally, I’m kind of shy, and it helps me get out of my shell a little bit.” Model UN conferences have a unique system in which delegates vote throughout the day on what structure their debates will take. There are formal moderated caucuses, in which delegates take turns sharing their views, and more informal unmoderated caucuses, in which delegates debate freely. “In unmoderated caucuses, people get really intense,” Smith said. “They’ll cuss and stuff. Once, I saw a kid punch another kid. The other kid had broken his computer with all the notes,

research and stuff on it. The whole room went silent.” Award-winning delegates at the UCA competition were Lauren Clark, Joey Jelik, Jewell Regan, Jack Clay, Josh Mellor, Madison Waltz, Madelyn Hunter, Madeleine Amox and Avie Bishop. The delegates representing Turkey also won a group award. The next conference will be for the United Arab League in spring, where delegates will represent Kuwait, Iran and Yemen.

After wrapping up a conference at the University of Central Arkansas Nov. 23, the Model UN team poses with their certificates. Junior Lauren Clark received an Honorable Mention for Outstanding Delegate, and Turkey, the country the group was representing, won an Outstanding Delegation award. “The best parts of Model UN are speaking in front of the General Assembly, establishing friendships and best of all, creating enemies [with other teams],” Clark said. Photo| Courtesy of Will Heatherly


ONE LAST RUN Legacy performs at Lucas Oil Stadium, finishes season at State


Lucas Oil Stadium. Home to the NFL’s Colts, Drum Corps International (DCI) finals and Bands of America Super (BOA) Regional competition. Seating up to 67,000 people and covering approximately 1.8 million square feet, the stadium is a sight to see. This past marching season, the Legacy of Bryant marching band had the opportunity to perform in Lucas Oil for the BOA Indianapolis Super Regional competition. In 2009, the Legacy went to BOA in Indianapolis, scoring well under the usual placement of the band now. After the band’s ten-year absence from Lucas Oil, the band has gone from scoring 23rd out of 30 bands to 28th out of 84 bands. For Jay Chipman, the percussive arts coordinator and associate band director of seven years, the results from the trip were very pleasing. “The competition this year was particularly more fierce compared to last year,” Chipman said. “I am familiar enough with many of the groups participating in Indianapolis

this year to know we stood a good chance of falling somewhere into the 30s. When I read we landed at 28, I was thrilled.” Looking back on how the band has progressed as a whole the past few years, the changes have been drastic, but the score from last year’s BOA performance at St. Louis went up by one point. “Many people might expect our score to rise significantly each year that we progress as an ensemble,” Chipman said. “But what some may not realize is that bands are getting better everywhere. If everyone but us stayed static, our score could potentially have risen into the 80s.” While Chipman is the director over the percussion section, he is also the father of the center snare, senior Hayden Chipman. This trip was memorable in more ways than one. “Getting to watch my students perform inside one of the most revered venues in the country gave me chills,” Jay Chipman said. “I literally had goosebumps throughout their show as I watched from the sidelines. I might

have teared up a little knowing that my own son experienced this his senior year.” After the competition, he took some time to talk to Hayden about it. “I just remember asking Hayden about how it felt to know that not only is this the last time you get to march in a BOA competition, but you did it in Lucas Oil,” Jay Chipman said. “The huge smile and giggle from him was enough for me to realize where the culmination of the last three years of marching band has brought us. It was emotional for me. [That’s] why I’m so proud of the team he has worked hard to lead to this moment.” Chipman also spoke to sophomore Andrew Morse about the competition. “[Morse] explained that for the first few moments of the pre-show, he completely forgot everything he learned up to that point,” Chipman said. “But once downbeat of the opener hit, he went on autopilot.” The intimidation factor of Lucas Oil can push through to the performance. “It’s truly a joy to know that these students are trained to handle these

situations,” Chipman said. “The whole group handled this show like champs. I am extremely proud of how they all put on a theatrical performance.” For Hayden, this was the last BOA performance he will be a part of. “It sucks knowing this is my last year marching forever,” Hayden said. “It makes me excited for the next drumline, because I know they are going to do great.”

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Laughing, members of the Legacy marching band bond before they practice their show at Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana. The band stopped there for a rehearsal on the way to the Bands of America Super Regional in Indianapolis. “Band is like a second family, and we get to joke around and goof off,” clarinet player senior Mary Hinkson said. Photo | Courtesy of Jimmy Jones

3 | PROSPECTIVE | News | Dec. 13, 2019


ALTERED COLLEGE TESTING ACT announces new subject test options for students P

Providing more options to “address students’ needs,” ACT announced Oct. 8 that they will offer students three new testing options: retake specific sections of the test; choose between online testing with more immediate score results and the traditional paper-and-pencil form; and receive a “superscore,” giving colleges the option to use a combination of students’ best scores from all tests taken. ACT plans to put the changes in motion beginning Sept. 2020. According to the ACT website, “these new options offer students more choices, a better experience, and greater confidence that their ACT test scores best reflect their hard work, overall academic achievement, and potential for success throughout their lives.” Junior Gavin Miller currently holds an ACT score of 32 after taking the standardized test four times, qualifying for the Arkansas Governor’s Scholarship and still seeking to raise his score. In order to prepare, he studies in Honors Seminar and takes practice tests on the ACT Prep Google Classroom provided by teacher Doug Vann. Miller believes he will benefit from the upcoming ACT options, primarily retaking individual sections of the test. “It’s exciting, because the [sections] I struggle on, like science and math, are usually at the beginning of the test,

so it’s harder,” Miller said. “[With the changes], you can just go in there and take that one part and really prepare for it instead of having to focus on multiple subjects. Scores are going to go up.” Senior River Holland agrees that this will assist those who struggle on specific sections of the test. “[Retaking sections] will help if there’s a lot of variation between scores,” Holland said. “Say someone scores high in Math but not so well in Reading, then it’s pointless for them to take an entire test, worrying and preparing for every section when they can just do their areas of weakness. If they have the option to just take English or Reading, then that can greatly benefit their scores because they can be more precise with what they’re studying.” According to ACT, 100 percent of Arkansas’s graduating class took the test in 2018, receiving an average composite score of 19.4. As this year’s seniors prepare for college, they attempt to raise their ACT scores for college applications and scholarships; however, many are bothered by the upcoming changes that are not provided to them. Holland remains optimistic, though, with the idea that seniors are still provided with many opportunities concerning the ACT. He believes students in lower grades benefit from the superscore specifically, but that it may also depend on the policy’s acceptance from colleges. “My first instinct was just like, ‘Man, that’s unfair,’ but I think a lot of it

depends on the criteria set by the colleges, like depending on if they accept superscores and how they deal with this new option for testing,” Holland said. “I’m not that sure if it’s going to be as unjust as it seems, but I think really we’ve had the same opportunities to get our scores, so it won’t make that big of a difference.” While these changes may lead to a greater increase in scores, colleges are not obligated to accept them. AP Language and Honors Seminar teacher Tara Seale agrees that these opportunities could be less valuable than they seem if colleges refrain from taking superscores. “I worry that some colleges may decide not to accept the superscore ACT test anyway,” Seale said. “I am not sure we will really know until after it all rolls out next year and colleges have to decide how they feel about these new options.” Assuming scores will be accepted, junior Rachel Harmon supports the concept of the superscore and believes it will be advantageous to the majority. “I think superscores will be better,” Harmon said. “It’s good to give people the opportunity to focus on the scores that are lower if they already have really high scores in another subject.” Although this change may allow students to improve, Miller worries that more opportunities for students to raise their ACT scores will result in higher competition.

“The thing is, if everyone’s scores go up, scholarships that come as a benefit off those big scores are going to have increased requirements,” Miller said. You can’t just think ‘Oh, that’s the best thing ever,’ because everyone’s scores are going to go up, so it will be more competitive.” These upcoming changes may be primarily useful to ACT, considering its expected influx of profits through its marketing efforts for the new subject tests. “[The changes are] a good way for ACT to make more money, because the more opportunities to take the smaller parts of the test, the more people will try to take the test, and the more money the business will make,” Harmon said. Seale believes this may not only bring in more business for ACT, but that the company may have developed these changes because of its competition with SAT. “The ACT may have been responding to the SAT diversity score, even though the SAT has since withdrawn this plan,” Seale said. Although ACT guarantees costs will be lowered for the single-section tests, Seale believes the students incapable of affording the original costs will still be at a disadvantage. “This may be a way for the ACT to offer parts of the ACT at a lower cost, but I still believe that students who can afford to retest over and over

will have a distinct advantage,” Seale said. “I think exams that cost money will always benefit students who have the money to keep retaking the test to increase their scores.” Miller argues that if the costs are lowered, it could still be more beneficial to students who struggle to test because of their financial situations. “They haven’t released the price yet, but kids like the ones that only take that free one at school have more opportunities to improve, even if they don’t have as much time, money or resources,” Miller said. “I guess it depends on the price, though.” The online test-taking option can be advantageous to students who dislike having to wait so long for their scores. ACT promises scores within days rather than weeks, and if this is the case, Miller is willing to attempt it. “If I could get the online results like day after, then I would take it online,” Miller said. “If it turns out to be the same waiting time as on paper, then I prefer paper, because it makes me feel less stressed, not like I could mess everything up with just a click.” Despite the mixed feedback for the unveiled options, students seek scholarships and a good image for colleges, and that can be done with the ACT with or without the changes. “At the end of the day, most people are just trying to get to college,” Harmon said.


IMPEACHMENT POSSIBLE House hearings underway regarding Trump, Ukraine S

Since September, President Donald Trump has been under investigation by the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee for activities that could lead to his impeachment. The inquiry is to determine whether Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine in exchange for them investigating Hunter Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, to increase his chance of being re-elected in 2020. Trump has strongly denied the accusations. The first public hearings began Nov. 13. According to the U.S. Constitution, a president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanours.” In Trump’s case, Democrats argue that bribery is the impeachable offense. However, in order for a president to be removed definitively, the Senate has to convict and decide to remove them. Although she does not like Trump as president, junior Lexie Ellis would rather let Trump finish his term than face impeachment and removal and have a year of Vice President Mike Pence as president in his place. “Pence is much more effective

than Trump is,” Ellis said. “Trump is a lot of talk, and Pence has actually gotten stuff done that I don’t think is beneficial for the country.” Many Republicans, including Trump himself, have claimed that the Democrats are falsely accusing Trump of crimes that he did not commit. Trump’s lawyers believe that the Democrats are pushing for Trump’s impeachment in order to remove him from office and increase their own chances of winning the 2020 election. Ellis disagrees with these claims and believes that there is a valid reason behind the impeachment investigation. “I think the impeachment is not just people trying to get rid of him,” Ellis said. “Whether anyone thinks he’s guilty or not, it’s up to Congress.” While many Democrats support the investigation, many Republicans are choosing to stand by Trump and claim he is innocent. However, sophomore Paulmer Smith considers himself a “conservative nationalist” and believes that Trump should pay the consequences if proven guilty by the House investigation. “I don’t completely support them hunting for Trump’s impeachment, but I believe that if he is found guilty of an impeachable offense, he should be punished,” Smith said.

In the first public impeachment hearing Nov. 13, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, William B. Taylor, Jr. stated to the House Intelligence Committee that Trump has been interested in the investigation of Biden’s son Hunter, who had business dealings in Ukraine. In Taylor’s testimony, he restated previous claims and mentioned a phone call between the president and Gordon D. Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union. Following the conversation, Sondland claimed that “President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which [his lawyer, Rudy] Giuliani was pressing for.” In senior State Department official George P. Kent’s opening statement, Kent claimed that Giuliani has been leading an effort to increase politicallymotivated investigations of Trump’s political opponents. Republicans on the House Intelligence committee attempted to discredit the witnesses, pointing out that none of them had a personal interaction with the president. According to The New York Times, Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan attacked Taylor’s testimony that “military aid for Ukraine was withheld and conditioned on Ukraine launching

the investigations that Mr. Trump wanted.” The aid was delivered in September following the White House learning of a complaint “alleging that the freezing of the money had been part of a scheme by Mr. Trump to enlist Ukraine to help him in the 2020 election.” The New York Times also reported that Republicans have declared the impeachment inquiry a “sham court” and have consistently claimed that the accusations against Trump are not impeachable. Junior Kamryn Ray, president of Young Republicans, believes that if the impeachment goes through, it will cause further conflict between Democrats and Republicans. “If [Trump] were to be impeached [and removed], the Democrats would be making a mistake,” Ray said. “Most Republicans would vote for Pence, which would set him up for a term and possibly two.” The House Intelligence Committee has laid out their argument for impeachment in a 300-page summary, which also claims that Trump has

Photo | Sophia Ocampo

overstepped his executive authority during the proceedings. “Even President Richard Nixon, who obstructed Congress by refusing to turn over key evidence, accepted the authority of Congress to conduct an impeachment inquiry and permitted his aides and advisors to produce documents and testify to Congressional committees,” the report states. New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler gave the White House a deadline of Dec. 1 to decide whether they were going to appear at the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearing. Lawyers for Trump have announced in a 123-page rebuttal that they will not participate in the hearing, claiming that the process has been unfair and Trump is innocent. The first judiciary hearing took place Dec. 4, while Trump attended the NATO summit in London.


IOWA CAUCUSES HEAT UP Democratic candidates show out at Liberty and Justice Dinner T

how America would pay for them. Pete Buttigieg, a military veteran and mayor of South Bend, Indiana, would be the youngest president at 38, but his age is accompanied by a lack of federal experience. He would also be the first openly gay president, giving a voice to the LGBTQ community. No other candidate’s polling or fundraising numbers are high enough to reach the nomination at this time. With that being said, every candidate wants to break through to prove how their bid for the White House is the best. At the Liberty and Justice Dinner, formerly known as the JeffersonJackson Dinner, where Barack Obama burst into the Democratic Party leadership in 2007, all of the candidates hoped to do just that. Some candidates bussed supporters in to boost their ranks, while others relied on volunteers. Some made little effort to show their prowess. In any case, it was one of the most significant events



The Democratic Party has long known its goal: to take back the presidency from current President Donald Trump. However, a growing divide in the party leads its members to a second pressing question: Who should replace him? Joe Biden, vice president under former President Barack Obama, had a strong presence after his initial campaign announcement, but has since lost ground to other, more active candidates. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Independent candidate who lost the 2016 Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, is seen by many as too old to keep up with the stress of the presidency, and he also runs the risk of alienating more moderate and conservative voters with his far-left policies. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren also faces this problem, as well as the issue of making lofty plans that leave some voters questioning

Prospective writer junior Jack Clay spent some time with presidential candidate Julian Castro at the Liberty and Justice Dinner in Iowa Nov. 1. Castro answered these questions about his campaign and goals for America.

leading up to the Iowa caucuses Feb. 3, 2020. The festivities started well before the dinner itself as a “Sign War” began. On what seemed to be every available patch of dirt, there was a sign that proudly proclaimed “AMY” Klobuchar, “PETE” Buttigieg or “BETO” O’Rourke to the pedestrians simply on their way to work. Even more pervasive was the intentional subversion of some signs. Some were innocent, like a large Klobuchar sign placed cheekily in front of a Warren sign. Some were more along the lines of vandalism, such as a Buttigieg sign torn in two and trampled. The candidates who had the strongest sign game were Klobuchar, O’Rourke and Buttigieg. Then, the pre-rallies started. Some candidates, like Andrew Yang, the meme-fueled tech entrepreneur, went all-in with a performance by Weezer for his “Yangapalooza.” Others had simple, gameplan-focused rallies.

Q: How do you plan to enact your vision for the future of America? A: We can get there if we earnestly try to find common ground and utilize executive authority under the Constitution as well.

Q: How do you intend to attract those who may not vote Democratic, or may not vote at all? A: I have a track record of working with people that see things differently to me. When I was in local politics, we ran in a non-partisan environment. So even though I am a proud Democrat, I ran to seek the support of people who didn’t

Buttigieg, who was confirmed to have the most people attending the event, appeared with singer-songwriter Ben Harper and worked to energize his rain-drenched crowd. Warren’s rally featured a giant balloon version of her dog, Bailey, wearing two pennies, a reference to her two-cent wealth tax plan. As their rallies came to a close, Democrats made their way to the arena where candidates would soon appear in front of the largest gathering of the Democratic Party in this election cycle so far. On a rather peculiar note, Biden did not do any of these things. He had very few signs, and the closest thing to a rally that he hosted was a brief and quiet meeting with a select few supporters before the dinner. It was around this time that a shocking report came in. O’Rourke, once the charismatic new face of the Democratic Party, dropped out of the race, leaving hundreds of supporters stranded in Iowa. While

agree with me. Some of my biggest accomplishments, like getting Pre-K for S.A. done in San Antonio, I did because I reached across the aisle and worked with people who were more conservative than me, and I can get it done in this race if I am the general election nominee. I also believe that people are ready for someone who can restore integrity to the Oval Office versus Donald Trump, and somebody who is trying to bring this country together instead of tear it apart, and someone who will be a president for everyone, not just their core base of 37%.

Q: What Foreign Policy actions would you carry out in the White House?

A: I believe that the United States has a role to play in lifting up the values that has made this country special, especially championing freedom, democracy and opportunity. That begins with repairing the damage this president has done, especially with our European allies. My first call in office would be to the leaders of Canada and Mexico, who are our neighbors and most important to our national and economic security, but also to the European allies who have lost faith in us because of the erraticism of this president. In addition to that, I believe we should maintain a consistency with the values we believe in, and that includes trying to get back into the Iran

other campaigns celebrated their candidates surviving another day, O’Rourke’s supporters were left with a surplus of yard signs and a shortage of hope. Inside the Iowa Events Center, tables were already set with fliers and campaign staffers. Industrial trash bags filled with noise makers were tucked behind candidates’ booths. On display screens, void advertisements for O’Rourke slid by. Supporters anxiously hurried to their seats where they waited for the main event.

Scan this QR code to continue reading on Nuclear Deal, the J.C.P.A., so that we can have a better shot at actually reaching an agreement with North Korea. It means being a supporter and a friend to Israel, but also a neutral broker in trying to get a peace deal in the Middle East. It also means being smart about immigration to our own country, for instance. I’ve called for a 21st century ‘Marshall Plan’ to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, so people can find safety and opportunity at home instead of having to make a dangerous journey to the border of the United States. Those are some of the things I’d like to focus on in regaining our standing around the world.

4 | PROSPECTIVE | A&E | Dec. 13, 2019


GAMING ON THE GO Students play console games on mobile devices W

What started off as a Tetris variant on the Hagenuk MT-2000 back in 1994 has now exploded into a billion dollar market: mobile gaming. Mobile gaming has skyrocketed in popularity as portable technology and devices have become more incorporated into modern life. 2.1 billion people have entered the mobile gaming atmosphere, encountering a selection of almost one million games to choose from. However, this growing number of mobile gamers has yet to stop, as by 2021, it is predicted to reach 2.7 billion people according to Statista. Increasing in traction with the early release of classic mobile games such as Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Candy Crush and Flappy Bird, mobile gaming has also extended to transforming console games into a portable medium. Recently, console games such as Mario Kart and Call of Duty have arrived on phones worldwide, captivating thousands who anticipated their releases. Having played the PC and console games, sophomore Ben Wertenberger decided to give their mobile counterparts a try. “I feel like [Mario Kart] is good for a mobile game,” Wertenberger said. “But, compared to Mario Kart on the Wii or [Nintendo] Switch, it seems a little bit lacking. It’s not very complex, it’s simple.” Wertenberger hopes to see the

improvement of mobile games in terms of detail and complexity. “I would like to see more storydriven games with depth that take longer to complete and aren’t just arcade games,” Wertenberger said. Mario Kart has also teased a multiplayer option since its release, but currently only allows players to race against computerized opponents. Sophomore Callie Maurer dislikes not being able to compete against real players. “It’s not as fun, because you can’t play multiplayer,” Maurer said. “That’s the best part of gaming, [that] you can do it with friends.” According to the Global Games Market Report of 2019, the global gaming market is estimated to be worth $152 billion dollars with 45%, or $68.5 billion dollars, derived from mobile games. The wealth of mobile gaming can be traced back to various money-making methods used by developers. The majority of mobile games are free to download and play, but are chock-full of “gacha” mechanics in an effort to monetize the game. Originating in Japan, the term “gacha” was used to describe toy vending machines that allowed someone to turn a crank and receive a random item. Developers replicate this activity in gacha mobile games, allowing players to use a special in-game currency to obtain rewards. However, players can also spend real money to receive virtual currency.

Playing “Call of Duty” on his phone, sophomore Luis Garcia immerses himself in an intense match. The game arrived on mobile phones in early October, encompassing lively action and advanced features that reportedly live up to its console counterpart. “I felt powerful,” Garcia said. Photo | Jordan Atterberry

Playing games that incorporate gacha mechanics such as Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Cookie Run, junior Madelyne Hunter has seen the expensive side effect of earning rare rewards. “In both of them, to get a mystery box or fortune cookie you have to use a special kind of in-game currency, which is usually really hard to get,” Hunter said. “The only way to get a ton of it is to buy it with real money." Mario Kart is also no stranger to

gacha mechanics. Using rubies as the unique in-game currency, Mario Kart allows players to use five rubies on a pipe that shoots out characters, karts or gliders, sometimes producing a rare one. Players can also spend actual money to attain rubies through an in-game shop-for example, 135 rubies cost $69.99. Although microtransactions such as these have earned a negative reputation, they are woven into the fabric of mobile gaming with no signs of stopping. “I understand why there are so many

microtransactions, but I wish they [would] lay off,” Hunter said. Although mobile gaming may seem lacking in some ways compared to its PC and console counterparts, it still has its advantages. It can help pass the time and provide entertainment in certain situations. If someone finds themselves bored while in line or a waiting room, mobile games serve as an easy cure only a few clicks away. “It can go anywhere,” Wertenberger said.


WINTER HOLIDAYS Diwali, Hmong New Year among cultural celebrations

Photo| Luis Garcia


From autumn leaves and cornucopias of food to colorful ornaments and spruce trees, winter is beginning to unravel as the fall season ends. Most students celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving; however, some may differ in holidays and traditions. When people think of winter holidays, the one holiday that crosses most people’s minds is Christmas. Although Christmas tends to be the

main winter holiday celebrated, people from around the world celebrate other unique holidays while incorporating Christmas in their celebrations. Due to relatives living apart from each other, some students struggle to see their families reunite as one for the holidays. Junior Lucy Isham and her family created their own holiday, where they reunite between Thanksgiving and Christmas,

called “Thankmas.” “Thankmas started a really long time ago,” Isham said. “Since Christmas and Thanksgiving are so close together, we made ‘Thankmas’ where [the family] gets together. Isham’s family celebrates with her family with a typical feast people would have on Thanksgiving but mixed with Christmas traditions as well. Everyone will get a bunch of food, like turkey, sausage balls, green beans or a regular Thanksgiving meal at around 2 p.m. and hang out and talk with each other. Sometimes, we exchange gifts like we do on Christmas.” Diwali is a festival of lights, a religious observance by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists around the world. “I celebrate it with my immediate family,” Business teacher Mital Kilburn said. “My mom and sister in law always go all out and make special snacks and treats for the Diwali season.” People attend fireworks displays, prayer services and festive events to celebrate the occasion. “Diwali is a five day festival, and each day we celebrate by having celebrations with family, and we light diyas [candles],” Kilburn said. “We end with lots of fireworks each night.” Although the Indian community is not as large in Arkansas compared to other states like California, Texas, Illinois and New York, the community continues to host events

for people to celebrate together. “The Indian community has a huge Diwali celebration for members to attend,” Kilburn said. “There are other organizations in Little Rock that have celebrations as well.” Living in a mixed culture family, sophomore Katie Kandlbinder celebrates Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and Hmong New Year, celebrated in the fall. It is a communal and social event that occurs during late November and early December, a time for Hmong people to serve their favorite dishes, wear traditional clothes and honor the fruitfulness of the season. “Hmong New Year [to me] is when all of your family gets together, and you dance and have a matchmaking event for the start of the new year," Kandlbinder said. At the start of the Hmong New Year, parents match their sons and daughters with suitors to follow a tradition that was passed down from the Laotian people. “Your parents will match you with someone, and it’s not as traditional as it is in Laos, but it is still a tradition that we do even if we don’t follow through with the whole matchmaking side of it,” Kandlbinder said. Not only do they follow the matchmaking tradition, Hmong people wear uniformse or skirts as their traditional wear. “We dress into traditional Hmong clothes instead of just formal wear,” Kandlbinder said. “We wear lots of layers, and some of the girls will wear

uniforms because they perform dances.” The U.S Census Bureau released demographic profiles for Hmong Americans in 2018, with an estimated total population of 309,564. However, the small communities of Hmong Americans host huge events for people to celebrate together. “I’ve been to Hmong New Year in Ozark, Arkansas," Kandlbinder said. "There’s going to be Hmong New Year hosted in Little Rock, and I’m going to be there. I’m also going to be going to California this winter to celebrate with my relatives.” A Hmong New Year brings families together from across the state to celebrate with Laotian food and traditions. “The aunties will get together and make a whole bunch of food during the day or the day before [the celebration]. The kids usually hang out and do nothing while the dads sit around and have ‘grownfolk talk.’” While there is a wide variety of holidays that people celebrate around the world, they all have one thing in common: being together with family and friends. “[Holidays] are days where I am able to spend time with my entire family,” Kandlbinder said. “A time to relax, and a time to think about how I’m grateful for the love my family shows me.”

Design| Alex Beyerlein

5 | PROSPECTIVE | A&E | Dec. 13, 2019



Stage management kicks off theater season


“Peter and the Starcatcher,” the fall play presented by Stage Management, is a whimsical and humorous prequel to Peter Pan that tells the origin story of the boy who never grows up and his notorious arch-nemesis Black Stache. Originally a novel by Dave Barry and Pearson Ridley, “Peter and the Starcatcher” now takes the stage as a lively adaptation. When the worlds of Boy, a miserable orphan, and Molly, a starcatcher, collide, they band together to protect a trunk filled with dangerous stardust from the villainous hands of Black Stache. Taking on his first lead role, junior Ben Levisee portrays the character of Boy who eventually adopts the child-like persona of Peter Pan. With his life turned upside down in the midst of a demanding mission and wicked antagonist, Boy undergoes a major personality shift. “In the beginning, he is super depressed,” Levisee said. “He’s not happy about anything, he’s an orphan. He does develop, you see him get happier and he’s more outgoing. He does stuff for everyone else. He’s for everybody, saving people.” Molly, an ambitious and independent young girl played by senior Annslee Clay, takes Boy and the other orphans under her wing throughout the play during their quest to overcome the forces of

pirates and thieves. Clay’s personality reflects that of her character’s. “She loves to be in charge and is kind of a control freak,” Clay said. “I like being a leader and so does she. She’s very kind to the people around her.” In productions of “Peter and the Starcatcher,” the young characters are usually played by adults. In this case, high schoolers closer to the ages of Boy, Molly and the other orphans or characters take on the roles, which Clay admires. “It’s kind of cool that I get to play this character while I’m growing up,” Clay said. Portraying the role of the opposite gender, senior Ella Hill plays Black Stache, who is hard to miss with his trademark moustache and brash characteristics. “He tries to act smart, he wants people to think he’s smart, but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time,” Hill said. “He just wants to be known as the fabulous, clever pirate who stole the queen’s treasure. He speaks in rhymes. He’s insanely loud and he screams all the time.” In order to accurately convey the chaotic nature of Black Stache, Hill attempts to place herself in his shoes. “I just try to go into my head space,” Hill said. “If I was Captain Hook, and my entire life boiled down to running after one child, how would I act?” While Boy transforms into Peter Pan as the play progresses, Stache also experiences life-changing events that

morph him into the infamous Captain Hook. The play takes the audience on a magical journey, exhibiting themes of growth, friendship and perseverance. Performed in a school setting, students can resonate with these themes, as similar to Boy, their environment and peers can influence their character and actions. “You get to see Peter Pan get shaped by the people around him,” Hill said.

In rehearsals for “Peter and the Starcatcher,” which premiered Nov. 14, senior Ben Levisee is lifted in the air by seniors Lauren Belk and Ella Hill. Levisee played the lead role, Peter Pan, and believes this scene is a turning point in the play for his character. “It was a moment where he was what he wanted to be, when he wanted to be it,” Levisee said. Photo | Portugal Diaz


FEASTING WITH FRIENDS Students celebrate Thanksgiving with peers


irst found in written form on a 2007 tweet, the term “Friendsgiving” is believed to have originated from Twitter and progressively spread to other social media platforms through comments and hashtags. Others argue that it developed from a Thanksgiving episode of “Friends” in 1994, or from an ad campaign promoted by Bailey’s Irish Cream, “Friendsgiving with Baileys,” in 2011. Despite its debated origins, Friendsgiving has become an integrated part of the holidays. Out of 110 surveyed students, 69.5 percent celebrate Friendsgiving, the majority celebrating before Thanksgiving. Many gather with their peers, bringing food, games and gifts to celebrate all they are thankful for, including each other. Junior Shanti Adair typically celebrates Thanksgiving with both friends and close family, but because her parents planned to return home to Ireland, this year was one for friends and siblings. “I’ll do [Friendsgiving] with my youth group friends [from] Indian Springs Baptist Church, and we’ll eat a lot of food together and watch Christmas movies,” Adair said. “My older brothers and sister-in-law also [came], so it’s more like sibling-giving

this year.” Although she values time with her friends, Adair prefers time with her family and remains nostalgic for her family and home in Ireland. “I love being with my friends and appreciating them, but I like having all of my family together,” Adair said. “Thanksgiving in Ireland is almost bigger than here in Arkansas, because all my extended family lives there. There’s so many people, and my grandma makes so much food; it’s so good. Because my mom’s American, they’ve celebrated it ever since my dad married her.” Spending the majority of her Thanksgiving break with friends, sophomore Stephanie Anderson believes Friendsgiving is essential to the holiday’s celebrations. “My parents are divorced, and we aren't really close, so we don't do much other than go out to eat,” Anderson said. “But I have several Friendsgivings with my friends throughout Thanksgiving week. I go up to the UALR college campus to celebrate with my college friends that have known me since I was a baby. Kayla is a sophomore and Alex is a junior. Our mothers are friends, so they've known me forever.” After celebrating with her college friends, Anderson spends more time with another close friend.

“I’ll go over to Gabi’s house, where we do Romanian traditions, because she’s Romanian, and make pasta noodles and everything by hand,” Anderson said. “We’ll put in all this hard work making all the food and make a huge feast. Afterwards, we’ll let the kids play and then go out in the living room, talk, share stories and say what we're thankful for.” English teacher Dana Curry sponsors the Best Buddies club and provided a chance for its members to engage in their own Friendsgiving during Buzz Time. Students brought food and gathered to watch movies, eat and spend time with one another. “Friendsgiving is an opportunity for our Best Buddies club to get together, for the buddies and their peer mentors to have a fun activity where everyone can bring things so we can have a party-like meal,” Curry said. “It's an opportunity for students who don't get to see things around the entire Bryant High School campus to get out and engage with some of these other students, and it's a great opportunity for their peer mentors to have an act of service.” Senior McClinton Bush values the club and the friends he makes through Best Buddies and Friendsgiving. “You get to see what [your buddy is] like and ask them questions, and just do what normal friends do,” Bush said.

“You never know when you might leave and never see your friends again, so spend time with your friends and family.” Curry’s primary goal in hosting the club’s Friendsgiving was for the students to remember that they are cared for and loved in a fun and welcoming environment. “[Friendsgiving] just shows how important all of these relationships are,” Curry said.

Posing for a photo, seniors Mylisa Angel, Libby Majors and McClinton Bush and teacher Kerri Polke celebrate Best Buddies Friendsgiving Nov. 22. Club members ate food and had fun together during the Buzz Time celebration. “We just get to talk, have some fun and watch movies,” Bush said. Photo | Jordan Atterberry







EGO malnutrition and will not form properly into adulthood. It’ll make living harder because of the heat waves and weather events. Either we have to stop it for future generations, or they have to get used to it, but they’re going to have to figure out on their own on what to do. I think it’s just better to stop it instead of giving our kids a future where the planet is barren.


Studies of ice cores extracted from the Greenland ice sheet are released, showing there had been 25 rapid climate change events in the last glacial period.

Prior to the report, almost no scientists believed climate could change Q: Do you believe in human- tell the legislature to regulate massively within a decade or two.

Madelyne Hunter | 11


Scientists conclude that the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica were to see little change over the next hundred years.

caused global warming? A: It’s been pretty well established by now. Anyone who does basic research on global warming has found out. Official reports from the UN say that humans and fossil fuels are contributing to global warming and that it is hurting the environment. I can’t see why people can still live in denial.

those fossil fuels so that stops them.

Q: What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint? A: I try to avoid anything that is oil-based. [However,] I don’t have my own car, so I have to ride with my parents. I don’t have a choice to not ride in a car. For anything else, like food, I generally avoid eating meat. Not because I’m vegan or Q: Do you support legislative vegetarian, but because I don’t action for global warming? like meat. I make sure that What actions do you support stuff I buy and the companies and why? I support don’t use fossil fuels A: [I support legislative or contribute to pollution. I just action] because the biggest research brands I’m buying. cause of global warming is carbon emissions, which Q: How can this be a threat to comes from huge companies, future generations? so your average person can’t A: Since global warming is do anything to stop those causing fewer resources, it will companies from using fossil hurt young children in countries fuels. The most we can do is with fewer resources. They have

SEPT. 1 2019 Hurricane Dorian’s winds intesify from 150-185 miles per hour in nine hours, showing scientists the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather.

Q: Who do you believe contributes the most to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions? A: Fossil fuel industries are creating the most emissions. There have been studies that fossil fuels are harming our Earth. People are getting aggressive about [protesting], but we need to seriously start pushing senators and any kind of legislature to start pushing for things against climate change. Personally, I think legislatures don’t care that much--they’ll talk about it but not do anything about it. We need to show them that if they want to keep their seats, then they must do something about climate change.

Q: How can this be a threat to future generations? A: I think if we don’t do anything for a super long time then the small things are gonna make a bigger difference than just doing it all at once, so that might cause more problems. It’s just a problem that future generations are gonna have to face and not one that we’re gonna have to face.

EARLY 2000S Scientists conclude that an irreversible collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet had begun. The melting could raise sea levels up to six feet by 2100, drowning cities like New York, London and Hong Kong.

Q: What effects of climate change have you seen? A: One of my friends was talking to someone who grew up in a field of butterflies and now they barely see any anymore. I remember that when I was younger, I used to see bees around a lot. Now, I can barely see them around the springtime and summertime.

Q: What effects of climate change have you seen? A: I don’t think about this on the top of my head, like ‘Oh, climate change is going to get Q: Do you believe in good cutbacks we can make. me today.’ I’ve seen the maps and stuff, like the icebergs human-caused global I don’t think banning cars melting, but other than that I warming? and plans like the Green can’t think of anything else. A: I believe that yeah, we New Deal is a good idea are causing some global because that’s gonna hurt Q: Who do you believe warming, but I don’t a lot of people, especially contributes the most to global think it’s a huge problem people who live on islands. warming and greenhouse gas today. A lot of people Some legislation is good emissions? like to make it out that if it’s going to cut back on A: I think the largest country it’s life threatening, like some things such as that caused a lot of this is we’re going to die in seven requiring how many China, because they don’t months. hours factories can run really want to cut back on producing emissions in the [pollution] like a lot of other Q: Do you support atmosphere, but large countries are doing in the legislative action for global legislation is going to West. I don’t think enough warming? What actions do hurt people. people there are protesting you support and why? for improvements like a lot of A: I think there are some other countries are.

Brodie Horton | 11

Ben Wertenberger | 10


UN scientists report in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that we have 12 years to maintain a 1.5 degree Celsius increase in temperature before damage to the Earth is irreversible.

Q: Do you believe in human-caused global warming? A: Carbon emissions have been increasing over the years along with global temperatures. With greenhouse gases and their effects, it makes sense why humans could have caused this.

later on, but now we have more pressing issues that require immediate attention. Nuclearization of countries, especially our own, is causing tension with other countries. Famine, and all that, just much more here-andnow issues other than rising temperatures.

Q: Do you support legislative action for global warming? What actions do you support and why? A: I feel like it’s not the biggest problem right now. It might be a bigger problem

Q: How can this be a threat to future generations? A: As glaciers melt, water will rise, which could threaten coastal cities, as Venice has had flooding issues recently.

Q: How do you reduce your carbon footprint? A: I don’t drive too much or use a whole lot of things that emit carbon, but I haven’t been actively trying to. Q: What effects of climate change have you seen? A: There haven’t been many effects here in Arkansas. Maybe in other places, but not here.


Students share perspectives on climate change they’re not helping the communities around them. They’re not helping them get food, water or helping them evacuate or anything. They’re just spraying the stuff to make the fire go away. People, right now, are living with their families because they can’t get back into their homes. I think it’s not going well.

De’La Moore | 12 Q: Do you believe in human-caused global warming? A: I think humans have a really big part in it. Q: Do you support legislative action for global warming? What actions do you support and why? A: I do support [legislative actions], but I feel like they’re not taking necessary action. They’re not cleaning up their messes. Like, for the wildfires, they’re actually helping, but

Q: How can this be a threat to future generations? A: A bigger threat is children not knowing that they can help. They don’t know how to help because the government is not helping or giving them classes or teaching them how to do it. The news only shows what it wants to show. They only show the good side of what they’re doing and not the bad. Future generations are only going to see “Oh, we’re doing good,” but it’s not going anywhere.

A: I’ve actually tried. We have stores around our house, and instead of me driving to a store, me and my family will walk. We’ll walk our dog and we’ll use less gas. And then we’ll use a fire outside instead of gas. Q: Are enough people protesting for improvements? Is the government responding? A: I don’t think enough people are protesting, but I think the people that are protesting aren’t getting heard.

Q: What effects of climate change have you seen? A: Everyone contributes to it. Just don’t do unnecessary things. Q: What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?

Q: How can this be a threat to future generations? A: I was reading an article, and it was like, “We thought we had 17 months before global warming was universal, and now we only have 13.” As ice caps melt from temperatures rising, that means oceans rise, and that means you can’t live on the coast anymore. You can’t live on small islands anymore, because the water will only continue to rise and take over those homes. As temperatures rise, it’s just hard to sustain life. It’s harder for plants to grow, and it’s harder for animals to sustain themselves, and it just all goes back to humans. Q: What effects of climate change have you seen? A: The weather is all over the place. There have been highs and lows because global warming causes global extremes. It’s not really global warming; it’s climate change. In the summer, it’s way hotter Q: Do you believe in human-caused global and it stays hot, but when it’s cold, it’s weirdly cold warming? temperatures. In Arkansas, it hasn’t been this cold A: Global warming has shot up. It’s supposed to this early. Other physical effects are the melting ice raise by a certain amount every century, but it’s caps. Polar bears are dying because they don’t have raised exponentially, more than we thought it anywhere to stay. was supposed to. A big cause of this is because of the carbon emissions we’ve been putting into Q: Do you support legislative action for global the atmosphere, and 46 percent, I believe, of warming? What actions do you support and why? the carbon emissions are from red meat. Cows A: There’s the Paris [Climate] Agreement that are sent off to big slaughterhouses and killed, countries were supposed to get on board with, and and the cows release greenhouse gases into the then Trump pulled the U.S. from it, so I think we atmosphere. The reason it’s caused by humans shouldn’t have that. We should all be involved is because we have such a large demand for red with climate change, and I think the U.S. should meat, so it could be why global warming has be involved. We need to make sure we can support shot up. Also aerosol stuff, like hairspray and science more, and that’s something our government things from aerosol cans causes it to go up. should focus on.

Lexie Ellis | 11

Q: What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint? A: I have lowered my consumption of red meat, and I don’t use hairspray at all. I haven’t gone vegan or vegetarian, but I try to lower my carbon footprint by not typically purchasing red meat from any big company. Hunting can actually help lower it, because you’re not eating a cow processed through a company. Support local farmers, and don’t use a can of hairspray a week. Small steps can help. It’s really the companies big companies that are the issue. It’s not one person. Companies are the ones that need to lower their carbon footprint the most. Q: Are enough people protesting for improvements? Is the government responding? A: A lot of people say they want to help, but they don’t know how. There’s not enough people. Everyone has that mindset of “Oh, someone else is going to do it, so I don’t have to.”. If more people would get out of that mindset and realize not everyone is doing something about it, then more people would be involved. The government should take more action against climate change. They shouldn’t pull us from big agreements that help, should pass more legislation on climate change and support people who believe in science, because not something we just made up.


Use reusable bags


Take shorter showers

Use reusable water bottles

Save gas and take a walk

Shop locally and eat seasonally

Unplug gadgets when not in use

8 | PROSPECTIVE | FEATURE | Dec. 13, 2019

#MYASUPERFAN K-9 Mya praised for work in school district ISABELLA HERRING | STAFF WRITER


n the 2018-19 school year, Resource Officer Sgt. Paul Tarvin introduced the school’s newest drug dog, Mya. Mya is a Belgian Malinois and is specifically trained to sniff out and locate drugs on campus. The possibility of bringing a drug dog on campus began two years ago when Tarvin presented the idea, as well as sources for funding, to the school. “Obviously, like anywhere, there are drugs on campus, and we want to keep drugs out of the school as much as possible,” Tarvin said. “We thought it would be a really good deterrent if we had a drug dog at the school.” Tarvin says that students and teachers are supportive of Mya and her efforts to keep drugs off campus. “I think Mya has been very well-received,” Tarvin said. “We’ve done a good job at making her a part of the school district.” After the yearbook staff

decided to include a portrait of Mya in the 2019 yearbook, Mya’s photo reached beyond Saline County. Mya’s smile could be seen across the nation as she was featured on Good Morning America and other national news broadcasts and papers.

“She is really cute and is benefiting the school.” Mya has her own Instagram account, @mya_hornetk9, on which Tarvin post photos of Mya and her everyday activities. Mya’s account has over 1800 followers, and many students make comments on her page in order to show their support. “The students seem to really enjoy [Mya’s instagram page],” Tarvin said. “I try to post at least once a week on there with some kind of picture of Mya.” Post on Mya’s instagram include Mya relaxing by the fireplace,

playing fetch and visiting local elementary students. Senior Lucian Robustelli claims to be Mya’s biggest fan and often hashtags his comments with #Myasuperfan or #Myatheavenger. Robustelli makes the time to comment on every Instagram post of Mya and encourages other students to show the same support. “Most students, except the ones who do drugs, like Mya,” Robustelli said. “I comment on her page because she is really cute and is benefiting the school.” In the two school years that Mya has been on campus, Tarvin says she has drastically reduced the amount of drugs being brought and used on campus. Like many, Robustelli supports Mya and believes that she has made a positive impact on the school district. “I like that Mya is helping put a stop to [drug use],” Robustelli said.

Sgt. Paul Tarvin and Mya. Photo | @mya_hornetk9 on Instagram


LANDING THE SCHOLARSHIP Weber receives acrobatics scholarship for Baylor


Senior Sara Weber. Photo | Ashia Walls

or some, athletics are just a hobby, but for others, it’s a source of scholarship money. Senior Sara Weber, a diver and cheerleader, received an athletic scholarship offer for acrobatics from her dream school, Baylor University, located in Waco, Texas. “It’s awesome,” Weber said. “You have to put a lot of time and effort into getting that scholarship, and it’s not just something where you go and try out; it’s a whole process.” Weber has been cheering since she was four and diving since freshman year. Her diving is associated with the school, but cheerleading is not. She started the application process her junior year. “Even though I’ve gotten the offer, I still have to keep my skills up, because I’m not going to be there until [next] fall,” Weber said. “Even after that, it’s still competitive with everything. There [were] 200 recruits [from] my grade, and only eight were offered a scholarship.” In addition to the challenging scholarship process, Weber has also faced injury in her

athletic career. “I got my first major injury in cheer last year,” Weber said. “I broke my foot, and I thought that was going to push me back. I just made sure I communicated with my coaches [and] kept up with my physical therapy. I didn’t do anything I wasn’t supposed to do, and hopped right back into cheer.”

“I love Baylor, and I’ve honestly wanted to go there forever.”

“I started cheer as a hobby, just because my mom put me in small gymnastics classes, and I did really well, so I continued to do it,” Weber said. “As for swim, I swam a little bit in middle school, and when I found out we had a dive team, I joined.” Between the two, she says cheer is her favorite. Her cheer skills translate well to the athletic scholarship for acrobatics. “I’m very excited,” Weber said. “I love Baylor, and I’ve honestly wanted to go there forever, so now that I get to be there, it’s really great.”

Weber says she balances her two sports with school through careful planning. “Since cheer is outside of school, we can work with our coaches and make it fit our school schedule, which is nice.” Weber said. “When I don’t have practice, I hang out with friends or relax, because I don’t get much time to.” Weber’s motivation comes from a commitment years in the making, along with a love for cheer and gymnastics.



Symptoms of head injuries affect student athletes


t happened three months ago. The fans were gripped with fear. The rest of the team impatiently rested on their knee. His girlfriend, teary-eyed, waited and silently begged for him to get up. This was a common occurrence in soccer matches, but it never failed to strike panic in all watching. Senior J.J. Giron was laying on the ground in a daze after being elbowed in the face at full speed in the midst of a soccer game. “I threw up,” Giron said. “My tooth chipped. I didn’t black out--I was completely aware of the situation and everyone freaked out.” According to Prevacus, a development-stage company focusing on a new treatment for head injuries, 30-80 percent of athletes who have sustained concussions still had postconcussion signs and symptoms three months after being injured. “I’ve felt so different ever since,” Giron said. “I feel slower with processing things, especially when I’m on the field. I hesitate a lot and I get scared to make contact with other players.” Symptoms of head injuries vary from person to person, but the most common ones are headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, nausea,

light and sound sensitivity, confusion, amnesia and emotional distress. “If you look at these things, it’s hard to imagine how these symptoms wouldn’t affect a student athlete's life,” sports medicine teacher Bree Keith said. “We tell most athletes to limit screen time when dealing with a concussion. This alone is a difficult task in this day and age when the majority of our work requires a screen.”

concussion before the first has healed, which can create severe permanent problems. “If you had a hairline fracture in your ankle, and you were required to be in a boot for six weeks for it to heal, we wouldn't take you out of the boot and force you to act normal,” Keith said. “If we did that, chances are strong that you would end up with a much more severe fracture of that area. By forcing the athlete to continue

damage they will suffer is inevitable.” Junior football player Austin Schroeder suffered two concussions, one in football and one in basketball, before taking measures to prevent further potential injuries. “My parents and I bought the Speed Flex helmet, which is proven to prevent concussions,” Schroeder said. “So far this year, there have been no headaches during football.”

“My parents and I bought the Speed Flex helmet, which is proven to prevent concussions.”

Junior Austin Schroeder. Photo | Ashia Walls

If a concussion is ignored, Second Impact Syndrome can develop, a condition that occurs when an athlete sustains a second

to complete school activities as normal, we are essentially taking off the boot and forcing them to walk and run. The increased

Schroeder was not heavily affected by his injuries in certain environments, but experienced some typical symptoms. “The [symptoms] didn’t affect me too much in school, except for the lights,” Schroeder said. “I’m definitely a lot more sensitive to lights than I was before, and that usually caused headaches.” As more research is conducted regarding concussions, researchers are learning more about the side

effects that can be inflicted by head trauma and how to properly handle them. “We should be more conservative when it comes to our brain health,” Keith said. “The problem is, we cannot see the physical damage with our eyes, so it's difficult for some people to believe it's real. However, you wouldn't argue with a doctor or an athletic trainer if the athlete had a severely broken bone that was only fixed by surgery, so why do we do it when it comes to an injury concerning the very thing that controls everything we do and say?”


WINTER BLUES Students, faculty experience seasonal affective disorder A

s days get shorter and nights get longer, the lack of natural lighting can make days feel more tiring, even bland. But for some, winter months bring more than extra sleepiness. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that occurs at the same time every year. Typically beginning in the late fall and continuing throughout the winter season, those struggling with SAD may feel fatigued, depressed, hopeless and isolated. The Cleveland Clinic reports that around half a million people in the U.S. suffer from winter SAD, while 10 to 20 percent may suffer from a mild form of the winter blues. 75 percent of sufferers are women. People who live in cloudy regions are more likely to be affected by SAD than people living at lower altitudes with more sunlight. For example, a person living in Washington state is more likely to suffer from SAD than a person living in Florida. Current AP Psychology teacher John Watson covers SAD in his classes, especially when it comes to how SAD can lead to depression. As SAD is a mood disorder caused by low levels of light, it is not as prevalent in Arkansas as it is in places like Alaska or arctic regions, because they have months of limited to no sunlight. “Here in Bryant, we do have shorter hours of daylight, and students spend most of those hours indoors in class, so I

Photo | Hunter High

could see how this might be a bit of a problem,� Watson said. “[However,] I do not think it is an epidemic, by any means, here.� As teachers are already monitoring their students for signs of emotional distress, Watson believes teachers should be even more aware of student emotions in the winter months. While some people buy light therapy lamps to replicate the effect of sunlight in typically overcast areas, Watson says going outside and standing in the sun for a few minutes is just as effective. “Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating getting a melanoma, but a few minutes is not going to hurt you,� Watson said. “It is important to remember that this is a good way to combat SAD, but SAD might just be a symptom of a larger issue causing the depression, and like any disorder, you have to treat the underlying cause as well.� Even if feelings of depression are not related to SAD, Watson advises talking to someone, such as a friend, family member, teacher, clergyperson or trained professional. If talking to someone seems too intimidating, exercising can also release endorphins that make people feel happy, potentially warding away symptoms of SAD. When the seasons change, junior Sarah Roberts has noticed her motivation changes with them. Having struggled with SAD since freshman year, Roberts first learned about the disorder in a middle school health class, but she wasn’t sure if that was what she was struggling with. “I start becoming less motivated to

do school work, clean my house or even take care of myself,� Roberts said. She says she is usually able to complete her classwork unless she is having a particularly bad day. “Usually, if I keep myself busy, then I have more good days than bad days,� Roberts said. After first starting to struggle with seasonal depression in college, current band intern Holden Jones did not initially seek help. Though he now knows that he is most affected between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, he did not immediately realize what he was struggling with. It began after his grandfather died, when Jones was a senior in high school. He says the holiday season is difficult because it reminds him of people who are not there anymore. “I realized there wouldn’t be a Christmas with him anymore, and that’s when it kind of hit,� Jones said. “Around holiday time, you think about people you can’t give holiday presents to anymore, and it gets you.� Now, Jones surrounds himself with people he loves, and he tries to focus on what he does have rather than what he doesn’t. He says that working with students who look up to him during this time of year is helpful for his mindset. “Don’t be afraid to get help,� Jones said. “That’s the biggest thing. Counseling will never make you weak. Just finding someone that you can talk to about it is the biggest thing you can do.�


HEAVY METALS IN BABY FOOD Study finds arsenic in rice especially common


n October, Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) released a study showing that 95% of baby foods tested contained toxic heavy metals, including arsenic and lead. The study included brands such as Gerber, Enfamil and Target brand up & up. The 49-page study suggests safer food alternatives, provides a list of all the brands with their metal levels and goes over the current federal standards for baby foods. Within the study, most foods containing arsenic have a direct correlation to rice products. Arsenic occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust and makes its way into soil and water supplies through regular weathering processes. It is also common within industrial use, such as pesticides and wood preservatives. Because rice is grown via irrigation, it is more susceptible to soak in arsenic from the irrigation water. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, inorganic arsenic has been shown to persist in soil for more than 45 years. This means that certain arsenic heavy pesticides banned in the 80s could still be absorbed by crops today. HBBF has reportedly called on to the Food and Drug Administration to respond to this study and establish standards for these heavy metals, but so far, the FDA has not commented. Stacey Finch, the Director of Clinical Nutrition at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, noted that arsenic in rice cereal has been a concern for a while. “In 2016, the AAP [American Academy of Pediatrics] published a statement regarding arsenic in particular,� Finch said. “We have all consumed them at one point or another, but the majority of us have not consumed toxic amounts.� Overexposure to chemicals like arsenic can lead to declining health. “[This exposure] has been linked to certain types of cancers [like] liver, kidney and bladder,� Finch said.

“As far as young children, a toxic amount can lead to developmental delays and issues with appropriate growth.� While arsenic in rice cereals is concerning, it is especially concerning for small children.. “It is an issue with infants and toddlers, because small children typically eat three times the amount of rice that adults consume in relation to body weight,� Finch said. “It is usually one of the first foods that infants will eat when first beginning to learn how to eat solids. It was really never meant to offer complete nutrition; it’s more like a starter food.� While rice is one of the most prevalent foods babies eat, it is not the only option. “The AAP recommends offering other cereal grains such as multigrain, oatmeal and barley cereals,� Finch said. “The levels of these potentially dangerous toxic minerals are much less in these types of grains because of the way that they are grown and cultivated compared to rice.� As far back as April of 2016, the FDA proposed a limit for inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal in a news release. They proposed a limit or “action level� of 100 parts per billion (ppb) for inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal.

“Our actions are driven by our duty to protect the public health.� “Our actions are driven by our duty to protect the public health and our careful analysis of the data and the emerging science,� Susan Mayne, Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, said. “The proposed limit is a prudent and achievable step to reduce exposure to arsenic among infants.� Among foods available today, the majority of the rice cereal consumed by children meets the action level that was proposed. While the FDA is not advising the general population to change their current rice consumption based on the presence of arsenic, they are providing targeted information for pregnant women and infants to help reduce exposure.

Photo | Sophia Ocampo

Eating Healthy For The Holidays Â? Â? Â?

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Design | Eric Williams




Bryant High School 801 N. Reynolds Rd Bryant, AR 72022 501.653.5328



enice is drowning in water, California and Australia are on fire, famine ravages Yemen and our storms are getting stronger. The Earth is dying. She is losing her ice caps and her diverse ecosystems, and she’s running out of clean air to breathe. Since 1980, the U.S. alone has sustained 254 climate events where the overall damages and costs reached or exceeded $1 billion, as reported by the National Centers for Environmental Information. As of Oct. 8, there have been 10 weather and climate disasters with losses exceeding $1 billion each. That’s over $10 billion. Americans tend to develop a harmful mindset that we are somehow immune to tragedy and suffering. We believe that floods won’t ravage our towns and that we won’t be at risk of fighting each other over water when it’s scarce, because this is America. That isn’t supposed to happen here. Countries such as Yemen, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq have shown us the conflict and famine that comes with water scarcity. But it’s hard for us to imagine a world where we don’t have access to water or a safe environment. Most Americans continue to eat meat or some kind of dairy product almost every day, despite the proven detrimental effects of the meat and dairy industries on the atmosphere. While talking about cow farts may just seem funny, in reality, the methane they release contributes to about a quarter of the gases damaging our atmosphere from livestock

farming, which already makes up about 18 percent of all gases contributing to global warming. Not funny. On top of that, the amount of grain and water used to sustain the vast number of farm animals that Americans eat could be used to end world hunger. But for many of us, that doesn’t matter too much when Chickfil-A nuggets exist. Choosing to live a more sustainable lifestyle (for example, going vegan) is a difficult transition, there is no question about that. Not only is it outside many of our comfort zones, but buying vegan food is also a financial investment that not everyone can afford. However, even one day without animal products, such as “meatless Mondays,” benefits the environment tremendously. Even if eating less meat or dairy is helpful, the idea that there is a one-sizefits-all solution to global warming is unreasonable. Not every person in the world has access to the same products or resources, and not everyone can sustain the most environmentallyfriendly lifestyle. However, if we continue to believe that we, as individuals, cannot make a difference, then climate change will kill us. In America, we live in a democracy that is controlled by the people, so we must use our power to pressure our legislators to push for environmental regulations. Just 100 corporations are responsible for 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions, as reported by the Guardian, and there need to be consequences for corporations that choose to endanger the Earth. ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Chevron are the biggest polluters, yet in the

U.S., regulations keep being rolled back, allowing these corporations more freedom to pollute as much as they please. While we should pressure our representatives to restrict these polluters with federal regulations, one reason they are able to get away with their polluting is because of our demand for their resources and products. When we create the demand for more sustainable products, corporations will listen, and those that don’t won’t be able to thrive. We have control over more than we believe. However, we have to choose to act. Our world is divided, with some of us refusing to sacrifice meaningless luxuries for the future of humanity and some of us taking action. There isn’t a single meat that doesn’t have a vegan alternative. Lush and other cosmetics companies are leading the way in environmentally-friendly, low waste hygiene and spa products. Even Ben and Jerry’s has started producing dairy-free ice cream. Hour-long showers don’t matter. There’s no reason to leave the faucet on when you’re brushing your teeth. There’s no reason to eat meat every day. There’s no reason to leave the bathroom light on at night, wasting electricity that is generated by fossil fuels. There’s no reason for us to hold on to habits that bring no real value into our lives and are contributing to the death of our planet. We can save the earth--our home-but we can’t wait. According to a 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which consists of 90 scientists in 40 countries, if we

cannot lower levels of global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2040, the damage to our planet will be permanent. This means we must reduce carbon emissions worldwide by about 40 percent by 2030, only ten years from now. This might seem impossible, but we are a society of inventors and problemsolvers. Technology can advance with sustainability. We can do this if we commit to trying. So, we can’t make excuses. We must write and call our legislators, encouraging them to enforce corporate greenhouse gas regulations and join worldwide efforts to reduce carbon emissions. We must campaign and vote for candidates who are committed to passing legislation that reverses global warming. We can cut down on meat and dairy products, trying a Meatless Monday or a vegan meal once a week. We can recycle. Plant a tree, or two or three. Use environmentally-friendly light bulbs. Turn the lights off. Drive less when we can. Get some exercise and walk, cycle or skate somewhere, or make new friends on public transportation. Take shorter showers. Buy reusable containers. Buy more natural, non-toxic products. Avoid plastic bags. Educate others about what they can do. Protect the earth for everyone’s sake, because we have the power. Our earth hasn’t been silent. She is sick with famine, her forests are on fire and she is drowning in rising ocean levels and floods. It’s time we take the steps we must take to save our planet. It’s time we start listening to her.



ou’ve seen it, you’ve heard it: “I’m not like other girls,” “Girls are so much drama,” “Girls are petty,” “Girls are shallow.” Girls’ locker rooms vs. boys’ locker rooms. The infamous Karens, Stacys and Lindas. The memes, starting as jokes, poke at the differences between genders, revealing the flaws we need to work on and providing conversation starters that reveal the similarities between strangers on the Internet. If you spend thirty minutes reading through comments or searching in posts, you’ll see things starting to slide from lighthearted jokes to misogyny: “Women will cheat on you,” “Women who make false accusations of rape should face jail time,” “Women born after 1993 can’t cook, and all they do is charge their phones, twerk and lie.” Once, in the anonymity of a comment section, I jokingly said, “if

you hate women so much, just date men.” Everyone online assumes I’m a guy, and I like it better than way, lest I receive unwanted attention. The first reply was, “I could never date someone I respected.” I remember when I was younger, I would scorn makeup and skirts and dresses. I was better than that “stupid stuff,” I was smarter than the girls who’d waste money on them. I wasn’t obsessed with boy bands or the “Office,” I hated pink, I hated emojis and I brought my 3DS to school instead of my phone. I wasn’t like other girls. Who were the other girls, in my mind? They were the opposite of me: the fashion-obsessed, makeup-caked, catty things who bullied others and hated the outdoors. They were the ones who were always on Instagram or Snapchat with their pink iPhones in one manicured hand and a Starbucks drink in the other. I know better now: they don’t exist. Hobbies are fine, and makeup can be fun. Liking pumpkin spice doesn’t make you “basic.” Skirts on anyone can look attractive. Some of the stereotypes have changed: put the Starbucks drink in a Hydro Flask, add a scrunchie,

Tumblr posts and hipster fashion and you’ve got definition of a “VSCO girl,” according to Urban Dictionary. I see others, women and men, fall into that misogynistic mindset. It’s self-deprecating to think that other girls look better because they have longer hair or weigh less. Sometimes it’s “unlike other women, I have morals” or “REAL men don’t cry.” Sometimes it’s, “Why do women get offended at catcalls? They’re compliments.”

“Just treat each other as humans.” Sometimes it’s your father telling you that you can’t work at his store anymore because he knows his customers will harass you, because the creepy guy who visited the other day knows your face and work schedule now. Sometimes it’s your mother telling you you have to wear a towel over your one-piece swimsuit when you’re eight years old at Disney World, but you don’t understand what she means

when she says, “People will look at you,” not until years later, and you feel sick. And it’s not just those “other girls”-there’s more being wedged into the gap between men and women. The internet is so useful for getting information and understanding what goes on in other people’s heads, but it is also becoming a massive echochamber of harmful opinions and fake facts. Guys don’t have some secret leader-follower dynamic in their friend groups, and they don’t constantly think about sex. Girls don’t always “friendzone” guys who ask them out or expect their boyfriends to read their minds. When someone is upset, you don’t solve the problem by turning to your friends or your phone and saying, “Women, am I right?” or “Why are men like this?” Just treat each other as humans. We often discuss the opposite sex as if we were narrators on a nature documentary, observing another species. We’ve made progress toward gender equality, but we need to be careful with what we say and what we tolerate others saying, lest our hundreds of steps forward start turning into steps back.

Editors Maxton Preuniger, Carly Lidzy, Emily Rutledge, Tiffany To

Photo Editors Ashia Walls, Sophia Ocampo

Page Designers

Maxton Preuniger, Javiya Lawson, Kai Lawson, Carly Lidzy, Emily Rutledge, Tiffany To, Sophia Ocampo

Graphic Designers

Javiya Lawson, Alex Beyerlein, Eric Williams

Business Manager Kai Lawson

Photographers Ashia Walls, Sophia Ocampo, Jordan Atterberry, Portugal Diaz, Luis Garcia, Hunter High

Writers Maxton Preuniger, Carly Lidzy, Emily Rutledge, Tiffany To, Natasha Arendt, Madison Basco, Kaycee Browning, Jack Clay, Ghada Hasan, Bella Herring, Sean Kirby, Olivia Orr, Rhea Patel

Adviser Lisa Stine Prospective is a monthly publication produced, edited and maintained by Newspaper Journalism II, III and IV students at Bryant High School. prospective is a member of the Arkansas Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll, Columbia Scholastic Press Association and National Scholastic Press Association. Ad space may be purchased. Prospective does not accept advertising that is illegal for minors. The editorial board accepts letters; however, letters must be addressed to student interests and may not violate the sudent publication policy. Letters can be submitted by delivery to 10-319.



met her in fifth grade. I was a part of the “Big Brothers, Big Sisters” program in my elementary school. Through this program, my counselor paired up students from fifth grade who were chosen to participate with students in kindergarten through second grade who faced hardships in their lives. We were in the counselor’s office when I first saw the small Hispanic girl. She only came up to my hip. Her dark hair fell in messy waves in front of her face, and right beneath it, her eyes were wide with curiosity. The smile on her face showed off her crooked teeth. “This is Maria, your little sister,” I heard my counselor say to me. When I first saw Maria, and even as I got to know her, I couldn’t imagine her facing any hardships, because she

was always so happy. I knew better, however, because she wouldn’t have been a part of the program otherwise. She was shy at first as well, so whenever I ate my lunch with her, we just ate in silence. Gradually, she started warming up to me and even occasionally asked what my favorite color was or how many siblings I had. The questions were always simple and never too inquisitive. One day, out of the blue, she asked me, “What is your mom like?” “My mom is wonderful,” I said. “What is yours like?” She replied in a sad tone, “I like my dad more.” I was curious, but I held in my questions and changed the conversation. As the weeks passed, Maria and I grew closer and closer, but I continued to wonder about her home life. I was back in the counselor’s office several months after meeting Maria when my counselor finally told me a little bit

LETTERS to the EDITORS Email us at prospective01@gmail. com to share your thoughts, or bring your letter to the journalism room, 10-319. Select responses will be published in February.

Positive Example As a member of the Lady Hornet Soccer Team, I enjoyed the points expressed in your feature “Unfinished Battle” published Oct. 23. During the soccer season, I spent hours nearly every day with Coach [Nicole] Inman, and although she was going through a troubled time, she never lost spirit or showed any signs of selfpity or doubt; rather, she radiated with courageous faith and joy in the Lord. While I can nowhere near compare my troubles with my coach, her steadfastness in God through times of trouble and times of joy

more about her. She told me that her parents were in a custody fight at the moment over Maria and her brother. She told me that Maria’s mother was neglectful, which is why she moved in with her dad. She told me that Maria had moved more times than the average American, even though she was just in first grade. Everything started to piece together for me when Maria told me that she never wanted to go back to California. California was where her mom resided and where Maria used to live. Maria hated her mom so much that she was willing to never see her again. As a fifth grader, this was incomprehensible to me. I was ignorant to the struggles of the world because my life was so good. I didn’t know that children who face neglect are nine times more likely to be involved in criminal activity, according to the Childhelp organization. I didn’t know that the U.S. has one of the worst encouraged me and my fellow teammates to exert all our effort in both soccer and daily lives outside of practice. Whether we know it or not, people often look up to and admire our actions, right and wrong. Challenge yourself to set a positive example in people’s lives, as Coach Inman has done in mine, and it may play a role in affecting others’ mindsets and actions. -Margaret Murray, 12 Extra Stresses As a band student, I have to agree with your article “Hearts on Fire, Minds

records for child neglect. I didn’t even know what neglect fully meant. On the last day of school, I went to say goodbye to Maria. We made a plan to exchange our parents’ phone

“That day, my heart mourned the loss of a friend and sister.” numbers so we could continue to stay in touch. When I got to the hallway of crowded first graders, I looked around to find her. I spotted some of her friends and asked them where she was. “She went back to California to stay with her mom,” a little girl said before running away. That day, my heart mourned the loss of a friend and sister. I was upset that she didn’t tell me she was going.

on Ice,” published in the Oct. 23 print issue. The article portrays the typical band student and what they go through very well. However, there was not much mention of how stressful being a competitive marching band student is. Many of these students are in multiple AP classes and have a very large caseload. They also “burn out,” or start to give up in classes. Some students also threaten to drop out of band or school all together. Overall, the story is amazing and shows the upside of being in marching band. -Mackenzie Cook, 12

We didn’t even get the chance to exchange numbers. Now, my heart mourns for what Maria had to go back to. I think about her every once in a while and pray that she is doing better. Since we weren’t able to stay in touch, all I have left of her are fading memories. The way I like to remember her is not by the struggles that I now understand she faced every day, but by the bright smile she always carried. I was supposed to be her mentor, but there’s no one I know that is more inspiring than her. Even in her hard times, she taught me that there is always something to smile about. If you or someone you know is a victim of child neglect or abuse, please call the National Childhelp Child Abuse Hotline at 1(800) 422-4453.

Class Changes As a 12th grade student at Bryant High, I am all for the new and improved Buzz Time. Your article in the October paper refers to the students’ and teachers’ views on Buzz Time, the academic spectrum and the lighthearted pleasure of having a little time to wind down after three periods of class. Buzz Time is a good way for students to learn and connect with other students that they may not normally socialize with. I also feel that Buzz Time is a great way for students to connect with different teachers. This all started as a survey three or four

years ago and has turned into a great program. So, I am glad that I get to experience all these new and powerful classes for my last year of school. I couldn’t be prouder. -De’La Moore, 12

11 | PROSPECTIVE | PHOTO STORY |Dec. 13, 2019

LOOK BACK AT FALL SPORTS Cross country, golf, tennis, volleyball teams wrap up 2019 season

While maintaining a lead, senior Christian Brack runs hard at the finish of the home cross country meet at Bishop Park Oct. 12. While this is his last season as a cross country runner, Brack has consistently been a top athlete for the team. “[Cross country is] 100% mental, except for the physical part,” Brack said. Photo | Abigail Weihe Warming up for a tournament, senior Leighton Crawley putts at the Longhills golf course Sept. 25. Crawley joined the golf team after tearing her ACL. “I couldn’t do strenuous stuff, so I joined golf because it wouldn’t be hard on my knee, and I knew it’d be fun,” Crawley said. Photo | Sophia Ocampo

Preparing for a serve, sophomore Nick Skiavo hones in on the ball during the match at Tyndall Park Sept. 9. The team won the match against Benton. “We have fun challenging each other,” Skiavo said. “There was a lot of rivalry.” Photo | Sophia Ocampo At the annual Danny Westbrook Bryant Hornet Cross Country Invitational at Bishop Park Oct. 12, junior Hagan Austin finishes as the second runner for Bryant, earning an overall place of eighth in the race. The Hornets placed second out of 16 teams with a score of just 57 points. “It’s a very fast meet that’s pristine for setting a personal record,” Austin said. “I actually beat my Russetville time that was considered a three mile, not a 5k. We had many personal records, and our top five finished in the top 20.” Photo | Alex Melton

Focusing on her tennis ball, sophomore Hope Hartz practices her serve routine at summer practice Aug. 6. She uses this routine to reliably serve the ball during matches. “I think of how I’m going to play the ball and concentrate on what could happen next,” Hartz said. Photo | Abigail Weihe Jumping in the air, junior Cassidy Land tips the ball over the net during a junior varsity volleyball tournament game against Conway Oct. 22. Land also participates in cheer, taking on two extracurriculars. “[This was] one of the best games that the junior varsity [team] played,” Land said. Photo | Alex Melton

Advertise in Prospective! Submit your ad and promote your business or organization to over 2000 readers in our remaining print issues in February and April. Email for details!

12 | PROSPECTIVE | SPORTS | Dec. 13, 2019

THROWING FOR RECORDS Ledbetter sets school record, leads team to state championship SEAN KIRBY | STAFF WRITER


ince coming in at halftime of the 2018 state championship game against North Little Rock as a sophomore and leading the Hornets to a state title, junior quarterback Austin Ledbetter is having the season any 7A QB would dream of. The Hornets have pulled starters after halftime in eight out of ten games this season. So, essentially, Ledbetter has only played half a season. Even with this limited playing time, Ledbetter has put up stats that no one in school history has ever seen, with a total of 2,775 passing yards along with 36 touchdowns. He also broke a school record for touchdowns in a game with six against Conway. “This is my first year being a throwing quarterback,” Ledbetter said. “Since ninth grade, I was considered a running quarterback.” With 728 receiving yards accompanied by seven touchdowns, junior tight end Hayden Schrader is having a successful season as well. In every game, Ledbetter and Schrader connect for 70 yards or more and put on a show. Schrader attributes Ledbetter’s success to the work he puts in during practices and outside the game. “He knows the game inside and

out,” Schrader said. “He watches A LOT of film.” What makes Ledbetter so successful on the field? Is it talent? Skill? Coaching? Teammates? Preparation? There is not just a one word answer, and it just not as simple as throwing a ball. Playing quarterback takes knowing the defense before they move, memorizing the playbook to make sure he can perfect the plays, and then, of course, putting the ball in the right place at the right time. Ledbetter has done all these things extremely well, consistently.

“I’m where I am today because of my coaches and practice.” “I’m where I am today because of my coaches and practice,” Ledbetter said. “I’m practicing six to seven hours a day, along with [watching] three to four hours of film.” While only a junior, Ledbetter has thought about his future.

So far, no colleges have given Ledbetter official offers for football. He has committed to play baseball at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, so right now, Ledbetter’s future seems to be away from football. “I have talked to coaches about pulling a Kyler Murray [playing football and baseball at the same time in college],” Ledbetter said. “I really want to.” The Hornet defense has benefited from Ledbetter’s strong season. Defensive lineman Austin Bailey thinks the momentum created by the offense creates momentum for the defense to seal the game for the Hornets. “[When] they go out there and score big on the first play, momentum is already high,” Bailey said. “It makes the other team look at each other wondering what to do.” A common saying in football is “defense wins championships,” but with this explosive new offense, does this standard change? With Ledbetter, this Hornet team has hit top rankings, recruitment and wins, securing back to back state championships with a 21-7 win over North Little Rock Dec. 6. “He just has amazing vision and puts the ball right where it needs to be,” Schrader said. “He’s just an amazing quarterback overall.”

Passing the ball, senior Austin Ledbetter tries to find the perfect moment at the game against Conway Nov. 8. The final score was 42-7, with Ledbetter throwing a school-record six touchdowns. “It feels great [to surpass the school record], because there have been a lot of great quarterbacks, so I feel blessed,” Ledbetter said. Photo | Luis Garcia


2019 RESULTS MOTIVATE BASKETBALL TEAMS Hornets, Lady Hornets strive for state championships in 2020


ast basketball season left both the Lady Hornet and Hornet basketball teams with strong finishes that came up just a little short. The Lady Hornets ended with a 19-10 record and made it to the quarterfinals of the state tournament before falling to Fort Smith Northside 55-37. The Hornets ended the season 24-5 as state runners-up to Fort Smith Northside with a score of 44-41. After successful seasons, fans are left wondering if 2020 will hold improvement, redemption and possibly a championship. Boys coach Mike Abrahamson says that winning state is a goal that will definitely be accomplishable once all players are available to compete. “Right now, we’re kind of an incomplete team,” Abrahamson said. “[Senior] Treylon Payne is recovering from foot surgery, and once we get him cleared and get football players out, we’re going to be a lot different than we are right now.” For girls coach Brad Matthews, striving to win state and developing more as team while doing so are the main goals of the season. He says that the girls team has already grown and made improvements throughout the year that will carry

them further in the 2020 state tournament. “We’ve worked all spring and summer,” Matthews said. “As the season goes on, we’ll get better and better, and hopefully be playing our best basketball come tournament time.” The Lady Hornets have worked on fundamentals, including shooting and finishing possessions, but Matthews says that developing beneficial habits is going to be the determining factor in the team reaching their full potential this season.

“Habits are what build who you are.” “Habits are what build who you are,” Matthews said. “We’re building habits every day, highquality habits that lead to success. That’s what we’re working on.” Matthews adds that he expects his eight seniors to step up and lead the way for the whole team. Seniors this year include Alexis

Taylor, Tierra Trotter, Madyson Scifres, India Atkins, McKenzie Muse, Mekeycia Baker, Ivory Russ and Celena Martin. As for the Hornets, Abrahamson says that seniors Treylon Payne, Catrell Wallace and Arlon Jenkins and junior Camren Hunter are expected to lead the team, but juniors Aiden Adams, Austin Schroeder, Will Diggins and sophomore Khasen Robinson may also play a significant role in their success. While Payne recovers from his foot injury, he is excited to return to playing in his last high school basketball season. He reflects on last year’s runner-up finish at state as a bittersweet moment. “It’s a disappointing feeling to come so far and not finish what we practiced for all year,” Payne said. “But it was an accomplishment making it to state, even though we didn’t finish our goal.“ Payne adds that this season, he hopes to better himself as a player, person and leader, but his main goal is to bring home a championship. “Making it as far as we did last year and not winning is definitely motivation,” Payne said. “It’s motivation for me and the team every day, because it’s our ultimate

goal to win state.”

At basketball practice Nov. 19, sophomore Jordan Lana blocks junior Gavin Brunson from passing him. Lana was focused on playing defensively. “I felt good, because I blocked him successfully,” Lana said. Photo | Ashia Walls


SWINGING INTO SAU TECH Best friends seniors Beck and Work commit together for softball Haleigh is always with me,” Work said. “So, at least I’m not going to college with people I don’t know. I will literally have my sister and my best friend with me in the same room.” Work jumped at the first opportunity to commit to SAU Tech for softball.

For Beck, playing softball in college was completely unplanned. “It was kind of like a ‘God thing,’” Beck said. “I wasn’t going to go play college softball, and then [college scouts] just showed up to watch Hannah try out. They asked me if I played, and I was like, ‘Yeah, I play.’ They told me to go get my stuff and that they would watch me.” Beck and Work say their dads had big impacts on their lives. “My dad has taught me the most in softball, and he’s definitely believed in me the most,” Work said. “Not only as a dad, but as a coach. He tells me when I need to work harder, and he tells me when “I decided to go there because it he’s proud of me.” felt like home, and I liked that it Beck claims that her dad is one of was a small school because I’m the people who inspires her most. going from [Bryant] to there,” “I look up to my dad, because Work said. “It was also the only when I wanted to give up, he offer that I got, so I was going to would make me go home and work take it.” through it,” Beck said. “[Softball] Work has learned quite a bit has taught me a lot of maturity. from her experiences in softball. I’ve had to grow up and be the “I’ve been through a lot of bigger person in situations and adversity, and I have had a lot push through.” of people not believe in me in In the future, Beck intends to go softball,” Work said. “So, I had to into the medical field and become a push through despite the people surgeon. Work wants to transfer to who didn’t believe in me, and a four-year college after SAU Tech I proved a lot of people wrong. and become a teacher and coach. Freshman and sophomore year, I They say that softball has taught didn’t start varsity, and then I got them a lot of lessons through hard the chance to start last year. I’m work and determination. still proving people wrong.” “Don’t quit,” Beck said. “It’s Work was very much selfgoing to get hard, and there’s motivated when it came to softball. always going to be that one person “I worked hard, and if somebody who thinks they’re better than you, told me I couldn’t do it, I did it but just show them that you are anyway, and it worked for me,” equal and push through the hard Work said. situations no matter what.”

“I decided to go there because it felt like home.”

After listening to their coaches outline their athletic achievements, seniors Haleigh Beck and Hannah Work sign their National Letters of Intent. They will play softball at SAU Tech. “Me and Haleigh sat in our car and cried for a good 30 minutes,” Work said. “You don’t feel like a senior until little moments like that.” Photo | Ashia Walls


eing a senior can be the scariest time of a teen’s life. It’s the end of an era. The hardest goodbyes take place, and major decisions have to be made, often alone. However, seniors and best friends Haleigh Beck and Hannah Work received the opportunity to commit to SAU Tech for softball together. Beck and Work have been best friends for eight years. “We do everything together, like

literally everything,” Work said. “She even lives with me sometimes. We are never apart.” They met each other in fifth grade when they both attended Hill Farm Elementary. “I was trying to be friends with one of [Haleigh’s] friends, and she kept telling her that she didn’t like me,” Work said. “After that, we were inseparable.” Beck explains that their friendship seemed to come out of nowhere.

“I was like, the top dog in my group,” Beck said. “[Hannah] didn’t really have any friends, and she kind of eased her way into our group. I told [my other friends] that she was not going to ease her way into our group, and then boom, we became best friends.” Work is looking forward to attending college with Beck, because it takes some of the stress away from leaving home. “I like to be home all the time, and

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