Woodhaven Parks & Rec Profile Magazine

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POLICE DEPT. FINANCE, TREASURER, AND ASSESSING The City Treasurer/Finance Director is responsible for the management and coordination of the activities of the Finance Department (i.e., Accounting Department, Assessors’ Office, Purchasing Department, Tax Collections and the Treasurer’s Office).

INFO PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION All parcels in the City of Woodhaven receive two tax bills per year: • A City "Summer” tax bill is mailed around July 1st, and is payable by August 31st without penalty. • A County "Winter” tax bill is mailed around December 1st, and is payable February 14th without penalty.

If you do not receive a Summer bill by July 15th, or a Winter bill by December 15th, and do not have an escrow account, please call the office at the number above and we will mail the bill to you. Tax information can also be accessed at bsaonline.com If you elect to pay your property taxes through an escrow account, your tax bill will be sent directly to your mortgage company. If you receive your tax bill in error, please forward it to your escrow agent. For billing accuracy, it is important that you inform the City of Woodhaven of changes that may affect your tax billing status. Some examples of these changes include: • Principal residence information • Transfer of ownership

PENALTIES FOR LATE TAX PAYMENTS Penalties are assessed immediately after the due date at the following rates:

STREET SWEEPING Street sweeping will be suspended during the winter months. Your street is typically cleaned the day after your trash day. This schedule will remain the same and will resume again in the spring. • Summer Tax Bill: Beginning September 1st, a 3% penalty will be added to the unpaid School and County portion along

with a 4% penalty added to any unpaid City portion. • Winter Tax Bill: Beginning February 15th, a 3% penalty will be added to the unpaid County portion.

DELINQUENT TAXES You can pay your property taxes to our office from July through February. Any taxes that remain unpaid after February 28 must be paid at the Wayne County Treasurer's Office. Contact their office at 313-224-5990, or by visiting their website at pta.waynecounty.com, for payment arrangements.

PAYMENT OPTIONS All City of Woodhaven invoices can be paid by mail or in person at the Treasurer’s office, located at 21869 West Rd., Woodhaven, MI 48183. Payment may also be left in our dropbox, located outside City Hall next to the mail boxes. If using the drop box, please place your payment (no cash) in an envelope or attach the bill and check together. Payments placed in the drop box after City Hall has closed are considered on-time, and will not be charged penalties or interest, as long as the due date has not already passed. Postmarked envelopes will be considered as proof of timely payment. Payment can also be made by credit/debit card or by electronic check by going online. To pay online, visit bsaonline.com and follow the prompts. There’s a convenience fee for payments made by credit/debit card, or e-check. If you wish to arrange to pay your Water bill by Automatic Payment, please contact our Water Department at 734-675-4908.

The Woodhaven Police Department shall establish and maintain a safe, friendly environment conducive to business and family life, through the delivery of superior police service and community involvement.

NEWS The Woodhaven Police Department serves the citizens of Woodhaven and the State of Michigan by providing safe streets and safe neighborhoods through excellence at policing and the development of a partnership in the community.

TOYS FOR TOTS The Woodhaven Police Department is an official drop-off/collection point for the TOYS FOR TOTS program Sponsored by the United States Marine Corps (November 1 - December 10, 2021).

HOLIDAY CRIME PREVENTION TIPS With the Holiday season approaching, here are some suggestions from our Detective Bureau to ensure a safer shopping experience. • Avoid leaving valuables in plain sight in your vehicle: purses, phones, wallets, packages. Lock the items in your trunk. • Avoid leaving purses, wallets or phones in a shopping cart unattended. • Avoid leaving packages on your porch after delivery, make arrangements with neighbors to pick up upon delivery or have the item shipped to your workplace or family member to accept. • Be aware of your surroundings. If you see suspicious activity, notify the police, security or appropriate store personal.

Beginning November 26, 2021, Uniformed Officers will be conducting frequent Holiday Patrols in and around the Businesses.

SHOP WITH A HERO Every December this event provides a holiday shopping opportunity to children in need. With generous support from local businesses and proceeds from our Woodhaven Police Charities, children’s holiday wishes are fulfilled thanks to Police Officers, Reserve Officers, Firefighters and City employees, who accompany them.

SNOW EMERGENCY An accumulation of 3 inches or more, a SNOW EMERGENCY can be declared by city officials. The snow emergency will remain in effect and is self-cancelling

in 24 hours unless extended. (Notices will be posted via Facebook, city webpage and Nixle). Any vehicles left parked on city streets, unmoved during the snow emergency can be ticketed or towed. (Refer to City ordinances 94-71 through 78). Snow and ice removed from driveways and sidewalks should not be deposited on city streets, as it impedes the safe flow of vehicle traffic. Reminder to be extra cautious when driving in and around School Zones, Bus Stops and residential areas, especially during inclement weather.

NIXLE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM The Nixle notification system now in use for advisories from the City Emergency services on your smart cell phones. To sign up for Nixle Emergency notifications visit Nixle.com or sign up with your mobile device and receive text messaging (standard messaging rates apply) by sending a text with 48183 in the message body to 888777.

HANDGUN PERMITS Handgun Permits are by appointment only, contact the administrative assistant.

OFFICE INFO The Police Department front desk is open & staffed 24 hours a day, all year. Records can be requested: In person from 8:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding Holidays), a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) form must be completed or via email to pdadmin@woodhavenmi.org If you see something, say something!!! Don’t wait for trouble to happen. If you suspect trouble in your area, call the Police and we will make sure everything is OK. Officers may need further information like- description of subjects/vehicle, where they are/what are they doing and their direction of travel. Are weapons involved like knives, guns (pistol/rifle)? Please be as descriptive as possible for the safety of our officers and citizens.

WRAP Water Residential Assistance Program Like or follow our official Facebook page WOODHAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT or visit the city government webpage at woodhavenmi.org/departments

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