Garr Reynolds_The Naked Presenter

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it’s a much richer experience when we can see the musician’s faces and body movements and feel what they are feeling. The experience is enriched and more memorable when we can see and feel the performers’ displays of passion. Yes, an R&B/soul performance is different from a business presentation, but in a very real sense, they are both sincere performances. Dale Carnegie says the same thing in How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking (Pocket, 1991). “Put your heart and soul into your talking. Real emotional sincerity will help more than all the rules.” Carnegie also stresses the importance of exuding energy in your talk. “It is magnetic. People cluster around an energetic speaker like geese around a field of autumn wheat.” Carnegie goes on to talk about the importance of smiling sincerely and displaying interest in your audience. “Like begets like,” he says. “If we are interested in our audience…our audience will be interested in us.”

We are naturally drawn to energetic presenters just as we are attracted to passionate performers.


The Naked Presenter

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