Stainless Steel in the Built Environment

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In Spring 2022 Hotel La Tour in Milton Keynes opened to critical acclaim as one of the most impressive architectural projects completed over the Covid 19 pandemic Standing thirteen stories high, the hotel is the tallest structure in the area and has panoramic views of both the city and open fields and spaces

Constructed from ninety tonnes of 1 5mm 316L UltraMarine Polished stainless steel the building is stunning and reflects the excellent use of stainless steel in the built environment

The use of reflective stainless steel finishes is not new in an architecural setting There are many examples from buildings clad in this finish from Dubai to Birmingham and now Milton Keynes joins them with a project that is both asthetically pleasing and providing a surface that will withstand urban contamination with the correct cleaningregime.

Like all construction projects, limiting the crosscontamination of ferrouson sitewhen thebuildingisbeingfinished and fitted out can be a challenge Concrete splash is also something to avoid when the infrastructure is being dug out and developed but with the quality team on site inspecting for issues such as these any affected panels were able to be either cleaned or quickly replaced

The UltraMarine finish is produced with polishing mops and compounds with a technique that minimises the mechanical mop marks for the final finish With reflectivity measuring 63 > 70% on the 316L 2B substrate the consistency of the finish made it an ideal finish to ensure visual matchability on the structure as a whole

Project managing such a large project can be time consuming and difficult With a weekly schedule for sizes and quantitiesof sheetsto be completefor the next stage in the project working closely together with the supply chain is essential

Overall the project was finished three months early meaning the fit out and snag stages could commence in the majority prior toopening

Keeping the finish looking its best is essesntial on such a landmark building and the use of UltraMarine on 316L stainless steel means that the surface is less than 0 05 µm which will help mitigate cross contamination of particles sitting on the surface finish anddiscolouring

The machines used to polish the material were two Autopullit polishing lines which had been installed during thesummer of 2019 asadditional lines to expand the Bright Polishing section Workingwith arotatingand oscillating polishing mop the finish of each sheet was checked on completion against a control sample piece that had been approved by the architects at the initial design stage This continuity of finish ensured that each panel has the same degree of reflectivity and colour enabling theformationandfabrication of thepanelscould bein any order that suitedtheconstructionof thebuilding

One of the downsides to using such a reflective finish is that scratches on the surface can be ugly and very obvious and spoil the 'wow' factor particularly at eye level. If the scratchesarehigher up on thebuilding then whilst the may not be visible to the naked eye they do pose a risk for streaking and discolouration if contaminates sit within the scratches and then are flushed with rain wash off Thesescratchescan also besubject to aqueous contamination where particlesin rain,fromexhaust fumesor nearby construction are depsoited. However once the structure is complete the higher panels are unlikely to be scratched or damaged and thoseat 'peoplelevel' usually have regular inspections as part of maintenanceregimes.

Cleaning the external cladding should be done with a mild washing up liquid solution andrinsed well,not rubbed,to avoidstreakingandscratching.


Stainless Steel has an enviable position in the metals marketplace It currently doesn't have a proven end of life-cycle as proven by the Chrysler Building in New York From 1929 to 1960 the Nirosta stainless steel (18% chromium and 8%nickel) was inspected every five years to determine the durability of the correct type of stainless steel in architecture In 1960 the inspectionscarried out by the American Society for Testing Materials were cancelled becausethestainlesssteel panelshadshown minimal signof deterioration

Of coursethelifecyclewill only besustainableif thecorrect grade and finish are chosen for the correct application.This includes whether the building is in an urban or ultra urban environment or if it is in a coastal area and subject to salt spray.

The life cycle isn't the only aspect where stainless steel is sustainable. All European stainless steel flat products are produced without using coal fired technology and the mills are working hard to measure and improve the carbon footprint . Stainless Steel is 100% recyclable and typically European Mills produce new stainless steels made with approximately 85% recyled material.

This means that when planning a project to use stainless steel in the built environment, at the design stage the project can plan to fully recyclethestainlesssteel at theend of lifefor thebuilding.

Workingon aproject of thissizeisincredibly rewardingand trips to site as the Hotel was being built enabled the Team at PPStoseetheir hardwork realised


Every now and then a project comes along that is incredibly special

During 2019 Craig Barnshaw from Inductaflex visited Professional Polishing Services to talk about having some 316 2B sheets polished to UltraMarine. Whilst the quantity required was quite small, just 250 sq mtrs, the actual project was fascinating and much bigger than the quantity of stainless steel

Inductaflex were making the largest and most complex bending project in the World The huge three dimensional formed twisted aluminium profiles were formed on a bespoke machine manufactured by Inductaflex UK after hundreds of hours of engineering analysis before they produced the first bend. This structure would then be clad in the polished stainless steel

Professional Polishing Services Ltd, Kirsty Davies-Chinnock visited the Globe when it was being assembled prior to shipping to Dallas to inspect the polishing finish as it was installed onto the frame

Initially polished in sheet sizes 3000 x 1500 x 6mm and 4000 x 1500 x 6mm the finish itself has a high degree of reflectivity with clean clarity suitable for the impressive design.

The design strategy of the District showcases diverse elements and is a unique redevelopment of their headquarters, making them a centre for visitors, employees and the local community.

It is fitting that such a unique design serves such a unique function AT&T describe the Discovery District® as ?A new downtown destination where tech, culture and entertainment combine to create unique experiences?

The end result was to be an interactive stage with lights and sound to be installed in the center of AT&T?s Discovery District® in Dallas, Texas Called the Globe, the internal structure is as stunning as the exterior use of UltraMarine finish on the stainless steel which reflects the surrounding buildings If you venture inside the Globe there is an interactive light and sound experience

Managing Director of

The Globe itself is 30 feet high and incorporates 300,000 LED lights as well as the most innovative bending structure and 250 sq mtrs of UltraMarine 316 Stainless Steel.

YOUR PARTNER IN POLISHING Thank you to Lensi photography for taking our photgraphsof Hotel La Tour. Thank you to Inductaflex and AT&T Discovery District for allowing usto feature you in our Case Study Professional Polishing ServicesLtd

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