2022 Proctor Magazine - Web Version

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Our Motto

Our Mission

Taking inspiration from our motto, Proctor Academy creates a diverse learning and living community: one that values the individual and recognizes the potential of each member to stretch beyond what had been thought possible.

Balancing academic rigor, structure, and support with the freedom for students to explore, create and define themselves, Proctor encourages students to achieve their optimal growth. A deep commitment to a learning skills program and a strong emphasis on experiential learning is interwoven throughout Proctor’s academic, athletic, artistic, and environmentally conscious programs both on and off campus.

Proctor students graduate understanding the values of honesty, compassion, respect, and responsibility, proceeding with confidence and with strategies to become life-long learners and thoughtful contributors to their communities.

For more information about the school, please visit our website at www.proctoracademy.org.

Proctor’s magazine is published by Proctor Academy. Letters and comments are welcomed and can be sent to Scott Allenby, Director of Communications & Strategic Initiatives, Proctor Academy, P.O. Box 500, Andover, NH 03216; (603)735-6715; communications@proctoracademy.org.

SECTIONS 04 Message
from the Head of School
To Be Safe, Happy, and Engaged
An Educational Model for the Future
The Impact of Integrated Academic Support
Evolution of the Arts at Proctor
Celebrating the Class of 2022
Reunion 2022
Alumni Stories
Sustain Proctor Through Support
Alumni Updates
“Live to Learn. Learn to Live.”
WRITER Scott Allenby CONTRIBUTORS Lynne Bartlett P’25 (pg. 20) Lauren Smith (pg.
Brian Thomas (pg. 2) DESIGN
Allenby Featured Articles Setting a Vision for the Future (Page 6) An Educational Model for the Future (Page 14) A Science Curriculum for the Future (Page 23) Inclusivity and Belonging in High School Athletics (Page 26) Remembering David Fowler (Page 50) 2 3

Welcome back to Proctor’s Magazine. Within these pages you’ll find so much information about a place that so many of us adore. We take inspiration and energy from the land. In return, we give her our devotion and stewardship to make the future - our future - a reality.

In the summer of 2021, making my way across the country to tackle what has been a dream that I could have never imagined, Proctor’s land and its people captured my heart. Flash forward to today - this one clear and bright moment I am still baffled by my great, good fortune and thankful for the truly wonderful souls I have met and get to work with each and every day. There is an alchemical process that happens at Proctor with students and alumni, and by extension their families and loved ones. It is through the people who are here, who have been here, that we are set on our course.

Last summer we set out “to become the healthiest school possible, understanding, valuing, and connecting individuals to community with compassion, integrity, and growth.” This intention remains clear for us and with a greater sense of purpose and, with what Dr. Martin Luther King called, “the fierce urgency of now.” Now more than ever for a “vision without a plan is only a dream.”

Like any good intention, the concept of a creative yet aspirational vision must come next for Proctor. Many of you who know the quotation above about “vision” know that there is more to the equation. The rest goes: “Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world” (Joel Barker, Futurist). At Proctor, we are in the world changing business. We have to be. Our world needs all that we can do - in this moment - to muster up a brighter future for more people.

To that end, we have begun to plan. The Strategic Visioning team has been hard at work over these last few months to provide Proctor with a one-of-akind deep dive into what the community suggests should be Proctor’s next and critical priorities for our collective future. They will create a plan of plans with input from every constituency at the school. In addition, the Campus Master Planning process will be working to update and renew the plan for our physical spaces which will further utilize and amplify what we do on our 2,500 acres.

The ability to set sail on a world-changing course of action starts simply and evenly in the map room of our planning processes. The actions we secure today, with purpose, inspiration, and determination, are now underway with intentions as well as curiosity and the knowledge of who we know ourselves to be. Together, we will discover new horizons as a school. When successfully completed, both plans will allow the school to march forward with purpose and determination for the next 174 years and more.

As you leaf through these pages, my hope is you will find inspiration and energy embedded in everything we do especially from our land and our people because that continues to be Proctor’s gift to the world.

It starts with you!

My Very Best,

4 5

During the spring of 1973, Proctor graduated its first female students since the early 1930s. Over the past fifty years, the makeup of Proctor’s student body has evolved, not just in terms of gender and percentage of students who identify as nonwhite, but in terms of the overall size of the student body. The 120 students in the Class of 2023 is more than double the size of the Class of 1973, and with increased school size and physical plant comes increased opportunities for students to pursue their passions and connect with a more geographically, culturally, racially, and socioeconomically diverse group of peers.

Over the past five years, the transformation of the west end of campus -- Brown Dining Commons, West End Dormitory, Cortland House Dormitory, Mike Henriques and Betsy Paine Outdoor Center, a fully renovated Farrell Field House, and updated Teddy Maloney ‘88 Hockey Rink -- has provided a foundation on which to grow and evolve our programming.

Understanding the importance of exercise, outdoor activities, open classroom spaces, health and wellness practices, and afternoon programming in the life of our students, Proctor’s investment in physical spaces, and, in turn, the programming they support, have positively impacted the student experience, and aided in Proctor’s enrollment efforts in recent years.

Simultaneously, Proctor’s intentional efforts to shape a more diverse, eclectic, unique student body are evident in the profiles of each graduating class. The school is in the process of further developing and implementing a strategic enrollment strategy that builds on the work done over the past decades. Through strategic planning work with Proctor’s Office of Equity and Belonging and the school’s broad strategic visioning work, we will continue to make strides toward building a school community that is more representative of the world in which our students will enter after graduating from Proctor.

Demographics and A Growing School Class of 1973 Total Students: 56 Gender Breakdown: 20% F | 80% M Students of Color: 2% Class of 1983 Total Students: 80 Gender Breakdown: 34% F | 66% M Students of Color: 0% Class of 1993 Total Students: 78 Gender Breakdown: 29% F | 71% M Students of Color: 10%
of 2003 Total Students: 98 Gender Breakdown: 39% F | 61% M Students of Color: 13%
of 2013 Total Students: 109 Gender Breakdown: 46% F | 54% M Students of Color: 12%
of 2023
120 Gender
54% F | 45% M | 1% Other Students of
20% School Census and Identity: Past and Present 1,318 Inquiries 73 Walk & Talks 420 Tours 392 IN PERSON INTERVIEWS 202 ZOOM INTERVIEWS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS EVENTS ATTENDEES 459 534 Applications Complete 122 New Students EnrolledAccepted Students Revisited 150 2021-2022 Admissions Cycle: BY THE NUMBERS 31 Children of Alumni Enrolled for 2022-2023 6 7
Total Students:

Strategic VisioningProcess and Engagement

How does a 174 year old organization, one rooted deeply in an educational philosophy that has proven life-changing for generations of students, vision for its future without changing that which has made it so successful? This has been the challenge Proctor’s Board of Trustees and employees have embraced over the past year. Recognizing an organization that does not adapt to a changing environment will eventually perish, Proctor partnered with Mission & Data, a firm specializing in mission-driven, community-centered, and data-informed strategic visioning work in independent schools, to set a course for Proctor’s future.

Proctor’s visioning process has produced one of the largest data sets for strategic planning ever collected for a school. Through surveys, focus groups, and on-campus retreats, a Core Team comprised of faculty and staff, and led by Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communications, Scott Allenby, and Chair of the Institutional Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees, former Head of School, Steve Wilkins, listened intently to parents, students, alumni, employees, and Board Members. The Core Team’s mission was to create as inclusive a visioning process as possible, for as many constituents as possible. Recognizing that the diversity of experiences within the greater Proctor family mirror the opportunities afforded each of our students, the task of working to uncover consistent themes within that data was a monumental one.

A formal Strategic Vision will guide Proctor into its next chapter (read more on the ensuing pages), however, the road to that vision is perhaps the most valuable part of the process. The listening, engaging, and asking for feedback proved to be an incredibly empowering endeavor for those involved. To dig deeply into our work, our mission, our values, and our programs, with a critical eye can feel threatening at times, but, in fact, the process itself is life giving to an organization. Understanding the intersection of Proctor’s mission and programs and external factors driving an evolution in the independent boarding school model will allow Proctor to thrive in the years to come. We must look objectively at all that we seek to do and affirm that which aligns with our mission, and then work hard to evolve that which does not. While our vision is being set, our work securing a foundation for Proctor’s future is just beginning.

2022 Strategic VisioningCore Team Members

Over the course of the past year, the following members of the Core Team led the visioning process for Proctor internally. From designing surveys, to hosting focus groups, to leading conversations during retreat work days, this group of dedicated employees served a critical role in driving the visioning process forward.

Steve Wilkins, P’02, ‘05 Chair Institutional Advancement Committee, Board of Trustees

Scott Allenby

Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communications, Advisor, Coach

Stephanie Beaudet

Director of Finance

John Bouton

Assistant Dean of Student Life for Day Students, English Department, Advisor, Coach

Lindsay Brown ‘01 Math Department, Advisor, Dorm Parent, Coach

Tracey Perkins P’26 Development Office

Heidi Thoma, P’22, ‘25 Head Librarian

Will Wamaru

Dean of Equity and Belonging, Dorm Parent, Advisor, Coach

Strategic Visioning Engagement by the Numbers

Strategic Visioning Timeline: Constituent Engagement

March 30

Employee Initial Survey

April 21-22

Parent Survey Distribution

April 28 Student Survey Distribution

May 2-9

Student Focus Groups

June 4-6

Alumni Reunion Weekend Focus Groups

June 6-20

Alumni Survey Distribution

July 10-29

Parent Focus Groups

August 15

Board of Trustee and Employee Visioning Work Day

August 20-22

Institutional Advancement Committee Focus Groups

September 15-22

Employee Focus Groups

September 22

Board of Trustee and Employee Visioning Work Day October Refinement of Strategic Vision by Institutional Advancement Committee November Publication of Proctor’s Strategic Vision

Board of Trustee Members

340 Students 200
8 9

Stewarding What is Core While Thinking Boldly

Proctor’s work over the past nine months has been to understand the intersection of institutional capacity (resources available for evolution), programmatic capacity (how many different programs can we successfully offer), and adaptive capacity (the ability of individuals within the school community to embrace and adopt change). It is at this intersection point that we affirm what is core to us and our mission.

Finding the Core of Proctor

1. Understand and Solidify the Essentials of Proctor (those aspects of a school that every school must provide like classes, safe place, food, housing, quality teachers, facilities)

2. Identify and Evaluate the Exceptionals of Proctor (programs and attributes that set us apart, or could set us apart, from competition)

3. Affirm and Preserve the Immovables of Proctor (two or three underlying factors that, if taken away, Proctor would no longer be Proctor)

Agreeing Upon Proctor’s Immovables

Discussing, listening, and looking at data collected throughout the visioning process led to strong alignment of the “immovables” of Proctor’s educational model, while reinforcing that the “exceptionals” of Proctor are many, across all aspects of school life. An exercise with employees and members of the Board of Trustees during the August 15th Strategic Visioning retreat produced the following three immovables as we consider the future of Proctor.


• Valuing and championing neurodiversity within all areas of Proctor.

• Experiential, hands-on learning at the center of all Proctor does.

• Informal, authentic relationships between community members that builds trust and belonging.

Establishing Lens For Decision-Making

The data that emerged from our strategic visioning work also established three underlying lenses through which we conducted our visioning work. These lenses will guide our internal decision-making processes and will serve as central tenants of all future strategic planning and campus master planning work.


#1: Financial Sustainability

Lens #2: Environmental Sustainability

Lens #3: Equity and Belonging

The four strategic themes that sit at the core of this emerging vision include the following:

• Engagement and Human Relationships • Experiential Learning and Neurodiversity

• Supporting and Sustaining Proctor’s Model • Employee Recruitment, Benefits and Retention

Next Steps: Strategic Planning, Campus Master Planning, Financial Planning and More!

At the time of this publication going to print (early October), Proctor’s Strategic Vision documentation is in draft form and will be shared with all in the greater Proctor community upon completion. The next steps in the planning process, each following Proctor’s Strategic Vision will include:

• Implementation of Equity and Belonging Planning (Currently Happening)

• Campus Master Planning (August 2022 February 2023)

• Strategic Planning Work (December 2022 - June 2023)

• Strategic Enrollment Planning (April-June 2023)

Institutional Capacity Programmatic Capacity Adaptive Capacity Core = Immovable + Essential + Exceptional
Mission & Data Framework for Assessing Organization Capacity 10 11

A Simple Goal: To Be Safe, Happy, and Engaged

Prior to the start of the school year, Head of School Brian Thomas shared our collective theme as a community to become the healthiest school possible by engaging individuals in community with integrity, growth, and support. We do many things at Proctor to challenge and support students -- in the classroom, on off-campus programs, in dormitories, in advisories, on the athletic fields, on the stage, in the art studios -- and yet at the core of all that we do, all the details, all the planning, all the programming is one simple goal: to help teenagers find a safe place to explore their passions, find new interests, stretch their identity, and grow into good, kind, compassionate humans.

Through Strategic Visioning parent focus groups and surveys, this notion of safety, happiness, and engagement in students emerged time and again. We believe we take care of our students well in these areas, but becoming more intentional around asking students about their own engagement, their own perceived sense of safety and belonging, and their own emotional well-being is critical to our continued pursuit of our mission. In order for students to effectively learn, to take risks, and to take full advantage of all that Proctor’s educational model provides, we must first ensure their basic needs are being met. Learn more about how we are gathering data to better understand our students and the effectiveness of our work in the pieces below.

A Campus Study: Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Sexual Minorities at Proctor

Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, Dylan Teng ’22 engaged in a campus-wide research project studying the sense of belonging at Proctor as it relates to gender identity. As a capstone project for his Academic Concentration, Dylan designed, executed, and analyzed a campus-wide survey of all students related to gender identity and a sense of belonging. Among Dylan’s preliminary findings were the following:

• Of the subjects in this study, 74.52% self-reported as heterosexual.

• Sexual minority students scored significantly higher on Mood Disorder (Depression Anxiety, etc.), Loneliness, and Perceived Stress scales than non-sexual minority students.

• The mental health of students who are members of sexual minorities at Proctor is particularly poor compared to those of other groups.

• Discriminatory language and prejudicial attitudes are indicators of a less than inclusive school culture for some students, and may have an impact on students’ mental health, especially among sexual minorities.

These findings will serve as a baseline for future surveys and will help guide Proctor’s Administration and Health and Wellness teams as they design programming and support systems for students. Dylan shares, “Language is powerful, but sometimes it can be hurtful, and awareness of mental health is never enough. In collective change, individual power is always limited. As Generation Z, we’ve seen the change in the past and we’ll see it in the future, but more importantly, we need it now. We need to do better. We can do better.”

Where do you feel most happy or most safe on campus?

Colin ’22

In or around the pond because it is relaxing and connected to so many happy memories.

Cal ’23

On the baseball field because it makes me happy and relieves stress.

Lily ’22

In Slocumb because I really enjoy making pottery and I find peace when I am able to create whatever I like.

Emma ’23

In the dance studio because I love dancing and it’s where I can fully be creative.

Griffin ’24

In the woods because just taking a hike for 40 minutes with music or just listening to nature really helps me calm down and take in nature.

Victoria ’23

On my dorm’s porch because when it’s almost night time, being there with people I love watching the sunset…it’s perfect..

Bella ’22

I feel the safest in the Athletic Training room because the people in there (Kelly, Chris and Austin) help with so much.

Lily ’22

What Can an Engagement Score Tells Us? | The Wellington Index

During the 2021-2022 school year, Proctor piloted the Wellington Engagement Index as a means of tangibly measuring student engagement across academic courses. A product of the Wellington School in Columbus, Ohio, the index asks students periodically to plot their engagement on two axis quadrant: Challenged/Unchallenged and Love It/Hate It. Each plot point helps us understand where that student is in their journey in that class. Are they grinding through (challenged but hating it) or bored (unchallenged and hating it)? Entertained (unchallenged, but loving it), or truly engaged (challenged and loving it)?

As we seek to improve how we engage our students in their learning, the Wellington Engagement Index will serve as a powerful tool. Academic Dean Derek Nussbaum Wagler notes, “As professional educators, we thrive on honest, open, consistent feedback. While we know that no survey tool is perfect, the WEI is one tool that allows us to quickly and simply collect snapshots of student engagement throughout the year that can be analyzed based on the course, the discipline, or general student demographics. This helps us ask questions about why a particular subset of students may be responding in a particular way when asked about their engagement.”

My advisory because everyone including my advisor is very kind and respectful and I know that I can trust them.

Zack ’24

In my dorm because that is where I am [at] home and I always feel safe when I’m at home.

Stewart ’24

In Learning Skills because it is a safe place where you can be yourself and talk about what’s bothering you.

WEI Student Engagement Scores for the 2021-2022 School Year
12 13
Students Proctor’s Engagement Average

An Educational Model for the Future:

The Off-Campus Experience and Curated Challenge

Our role as an educator is not to develop a feel-good, cheerleader relationship with our students. Instead, we are charged with forging a trusting relationship in which the adult knows the child, and the child learns to trust the adult because they give honest, consistent, constructive feedback.

As parents and educators, we have to fight the tendency to smooth the path of our students as we emerge from a trying two years of pandemic disrupted education. We are at an inflection point, both in our children’s lives and our lives as adults, where we can choose to lower expectations for our students because we are worried about their well-being, or continue to push them toward challenge because we know that is where growth and confidence blossom. At Proctor, we believe we must trust that challenge, when combined with consistent feedback and support, yields powerful learning experiences for our students. This is exactly what Proctor’s Off-Campus Programs do for more than 100 students each year.

Our work is focused on finding that sweet spot of accountability and trust, rigor and support, demanding expectations and honest feedback. We see our students thrive when we are willing to embrace these dichotomies as a community, and we are confident this next generation of Proctor student is ready to jump with two feet into the inherent challenge at the core of Proctor’s educational model.

Mountain Classroom Winter and Spring Terms

Since 1972, Mountain Classroom has stood as a cornerstone of Proctor’s commitment to experiential learning. During the winter and spring terms, ten students and two experienced instructors embark on a ten week exploration of the American West, gaining first-hand experience from local activists and guest speakers. Combining outdoor education and academic inquiry, Mountain Classroom students examine the complex and intricate connections between nature and culture, all while tenting and living out of “Deb”, Proctor’s Mountain Classroom bus.

Proctor en Segovia (Spain) Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms

Ten students each term have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Spanish culture through living with a host family, studying under Proctor’s Segovia faculty members Luis and Ellie Mendoza, Maria José Ortega Rokiski, and Rosa María Palomares Gómez in the city campus. Regular excursions throughout Spain bring to life all that is studied in literature, history, and Spanish language classes.

European Art Classroom Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms

The creation of a mini-artist colony in the hills of Aix-enProvence, France was the vision of European Art Classroom directors David and Jennifer Fleming. Each term, eight students immerse themselves in European culture through their study of history, literature, the French language, and art skills. Plein air painting, traveling throughout Europe’s most famous museums, and finding beauty around every corner, while learning independence through travel sit at the heart of the European Art Classroom experience.

Proctor en Monteverde (Costa Rica)

Winter and Spring Terms

Each winter and spring, between four and six sophomores travel to Monteverde, Costa Rica to study in Proctor’s Monteverde program. Continuing with their regular sophomore courses under the guidance of program directors and teachers in Monteverde, students live with host families while exploring all the Monteverde region - one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world - has to offer.

Ocean Classroom

Fall and Winter Terms

Nine weeks aboard a wooden tall ship, The Harvey Gamage, learning navigation, marine biology, maritime literature, seamanship skills, keeping watch 24/7, and developing lifelong bonds with shipmates pushes students well beyond their comfort zone into deep, lasting learning. Add in a powerful winter curriculum rooted in a historical analysis of involuntary servitude and its lasting impact in America and a partnership with the MET School of Providence, RI and you have an incredibly powerful learning experience. Learn more on the next page.

Summer Service Learning: Rosebud, South Dakota

Each summer, ten students travel to the Rosebud Reservation to learn from and give back to part of the Lakota Nation. Students stay with a local Proctor family, experience traditional ceremonies, learn about the history of the Lakota people and the land, and give back to ongoing projects on the reservation with their strength and energy. Students have the chance to visit local historic destinations such as the Black Hills (Paha Sapa) and Wounded Knee. Students also have the chance to meet a number of Proctor alumni who continue to live and invest in their communities in Rosebud and Pine Ridge.

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If anything seems uncomfortable, run toward it because that is where you will change and grow the most. -River ’22

An Educational Model for the Future:

Winter Ocean Classroom

Since 1994, Proctor has offered an Ocean Classroom experience to students aboard traditional tall ship schooners. The brainchild of the late Dave Pilla and others in the tall ship community, Proctor pioneered a high school semester at sea program that has since become a model for other programs around the country. Last winter, through a shared vision with Proctor’s partner Sailing Ships Maine, the schooner Harvey Gamage and the MET School of Providence, a powerful evolution of the Ocean Classroom experience emerged under the leadership of Ocean Classroom Director Brooks Bicknell ’77, P’11,’15.

Joining two groups of students (one from Proctor and one from the MET School) aboard the Harvey Gamage, Proctor’s winter Ocean Classroom program sailed from Charleston, South Carolina to Mobile, Alabama. Along the way, students studied the complicated history of involuntary servitude, racism, and continued racial inequalities and injustices impacting not only the American south, but the country as a whole. While all of Proctor’s off-campus programs provide life-changing experiences, Winter Ocean Classroom has introduced a new model of shared educational programming that affords both Proctor students and MET students the opportunity to share their own unique perspectives and life experiences with one another.

On January 6, 2023, twelve Proctor students from six different states will join ten MET School students at nearby Camp Kenwood and Evergreen for a pre-program orientation that will include snowshoeing, hiking, team building, and meals shared on Proctor’s campus, as well as facilitated discussions on race, bias, and harm protocols that will serve as an important foundation for the term at sea. The ensuing two months will see this group of intrepid sailors hauling lines, staying up all night on watch, cooking, cleaning, and learning to operate the Harvey Gamage, all while digging deeply into hard, complicated issues in their history, literature, and marine science courses. Be sure to follow their adventure on Proctor’s blog, The Buzz, throughout the winter months.

“The great Frederick Douglass believed that every free person’s dream of liberation and freedom could be found in two things–in learning that makes it impossible to be shackled and upon a ship that has set sail. Indeed, we offered both to our Proctor and MET students during last winter’s Ocean Classroom, and will do so again this year. As Douglass opines in his metaphor, he sees both as a “swift-winged angel,” which is embodied succinctly in Proctor’s own motto Learn to Live, Live to Learn, leading to fearlessness and courage. Learning and being aboard a ship involves sacrificing the desire of ‘what I want now’ while giving oneself to the larger needs of a group and a common purpose of learning together. Always: Ship. Shipmates. Self.”

“What I take away from Ocean Classroom is the patience and perseverance when you are on that boat and how I’m going to apply it to the rest of my life. There were many moments when it really wasn’t fun [I threw up 18 times when we were first underway], it was hot or cold, maybe you weren’t feeling well but you had to pitch in and do the dishes. And this is how it had to be, ‘all hands in.’ The people around me helped me recognize it was all a part of the experience. I don’t remember being tired, I remember seeing the dolphins lit up by bioluminescence at night, seeing octopi and fish, and having late night conversations with new friends on bow watch.” -Katherine ’22

“The amount of trust placed in you is incredible, but the captain and crew are trusting juniors and seniors for bow watch at 4:00 am when sometimes you can’t see 100 feet in front of you [and you are guiding a boat that] is 250,000 pounds and 131 feet long. You learn the skills to sail a schooner -- splitting ropes, raising sails, fixing sails -- and in a 24-hour day you are sailing the ship on your own three times. You feel like such a strong individual by the end of Ocean Classroom. It is such an accomplishment and achievement; I’ve never felt so proud of something.”

Winter Ocean Classroom 2023 Itinerary & Curriculum: PORTS OF CALL: Cumberland Island, GA St. Augustine, FL Key West, FL Tortugas, FL St. Petersburg, FL Pensacola, FL Mobile, AL • Marine Science • Nautical Science and Navigation • Humanities focus: General maritime history with an intentional focus on the history of indentured servitude, slavery and equal justice. • Watch rotations and hours at sea applied to Coast Guard Licensing 16 17

Synthesis and Student Driven Learning

Academic Concentrations lie at the intersection of intellectual curiosity and academic rigor. By empowering self-directed students to design an individualized program of coursework, experiential learning beyond campus, and a culminating capstone, Academic Concentrations assist intellectual development on a sophisticated level. Each of the five Concentrations aligns with intentional interdisciplinary guidelines that students tailor to create individualized academic and experiential plans. Since 2015, the development of the Academic Concentrations program has allowed students to engage deeply in a research process that works to synthesize their Proctor experiences in the classroom, on the athletic fields, in the art studio, and on off-campus programs.

The Class of 2022 had 18 members (roughly 20%) complete an Academic Concentration in one of five areas of study: Global Citizenship, Social Justice, STEM, Creative Studies, or Environmental Studies. Throughout the multi-year process of developing, proposing, and completing an Academic Concentration, students take ownership of the learning process. They must plan their academic courses with their advisor and Learning Specialist, organize independent internships outside of school, identify and capitalize on experiential learning opportunities both on-campus and off, and design and develop a capstone project that synthesizes their learning. Learn more about the Academic Concentrations Program and the remarkable learning that is being inspired by our students at www.proctoracademy.org/ac.

Academic Concentrations Completed by the Class of 2022

Ada Gardner ’22 | Environmental Studies | The Industrial Food System and Local Food Security

Brynne Makechnie ’22 | Creative Studies | The Power of Art

Cam Estella ’22 | STEM | The Correlation Between Female Anatomy and Athletic Injury

Cara Jones ’22 | Environmental Studies | Plastics Breakdown in the Natural World

Colin Shaver ’22 | Social Justice | The Effects of Food Insecurity on Charlotte’s Latinx Population

Dylan Teng ’22 | Independent Project | Mental Health of Sexual Minorities

Hank McCabe ’22 | Global Citizenship | Climate and Coffee

Jessica Stanton ’22 | STEM | The Neurobiology of ADHD: A Case Study

Kara Hort ’22 | STEM | COVID-19’s Impact on the Lungs

Katherine Flannagan ’22 | Global Citizenship | Socio-Economic Disparities in Education

Mason Guerster ’22 | Creative Studies | Portraits of Inspiring Women

Nora Flannagan ’22 | Social Justice | Mass Incarceration and the Roots of Poverty


Interdisciplinary credit requirements encourage students to explore their passion from many subject areas.

Petition for Credit provides the opportunity to include unique credits or classes by approval.

Integrate student’s 4- year plan with a Concentration.

Proctor’s Academic Concentration program provides more than merely an opportunity to gain research experience or explore ongoing issues of social justice and equality; it provides skills that are sorely needed in the current educational system to prepare for a subsequent career and academic development — the ability to think critically and independently, to engage in research, and to develop insights from empirical observations. By encouraging students to observe from a variety of viewpoints, this program reminds students of their civic responsibilities and assists them in developing the lifelong skills of asking and addressing issues, gathering and producing knowledge, and giving and applying proposals with an emphasis on humanity.

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The Four Pillars of an Academic Concentration


Each concentration has experiential requirements which may be met through Proctor programs or other activities.

Ideally, this section highlights activities students are already interested in.

Engagement also includes regular meetings with mentors and other adults supporting their work.


Competencies demonstrate applied knowledge to perform skills related to a concentration. They leverage key learning from student’s courses, experiences & capstone work.

Competencies are outlined in the Concentration Brief and can be refined as a student progresses.


The final piece of a student’s concentration will be a capstone paper or project.

A capstone allows the student to think critically about their chosen focus area and produce a final work that communicates their understanding.

The proposal process will help define the student’s capstone.

River de Vink ’22 | STEM | Restoring a Vintage Sportscar: The Triumph Spitfire

River Turnbull ’22 | Creative Studies | The Power of Storytelling

Sarah Morgart ’22 | Social Justice | So, You Want to Talk About Gender Inequality?

Sasha MacKenzie ’22 | Global Citizenship | The Power of Borders

Sophia Fontaine ’22 | Social Justice | Amplifying Voices of the Unheard Trey Chickering ’22 | STEM | Why Engineers Make the Best Entrepreneurs

“ ”

As I take a final look back on my concentration, I give it large amounts of credit for shaping the person I am today at Proctor and whom I will continue to be. Because of this opportunity through Proctor and the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation, I discovered a true passion of mine. I have decided to continue in college as a Women’s Studies and Sexuality Studies minor. My whole worldview has shifted, which in the bigger picture has allowed for mental growth beyond what I had thought was possible within just two years here. I believe this style of integrated learning has elevated my love for nontraditional learning, as I am gaining real-world experience. As I have noticed throughout my years in a classroom, I am a visual learner. I was able to observe oppressive power and understand what groups can accomplish when we can put ourselves aside for the greater good of humanity. I have hopes for the future generation of women as we continually take back our rightful ownership of the power of womanhood.

Social Justice

So, You Want to Talk About Gender Inequality?

River de Vink ’22 Mason Guerster ’22 Hank McCabe ’22 Cam Estella ’22
An Educational
Investigate the Possible Concentrations Enroll! Before Dec 15th Junior Year (as early as 9th grade!) 1 Submit Concentration Brief Before February 28 Junior Year Academic, Experiential & Competency Planning Submit Capstone Proposal Before April 15th Junior Year Complete Capstone Junior & Senior Year Execute Project or Write Paper Present, Reflect, Celebrate! Senior Spring What are the steps of an Academic Concentration? 2 3 4 5 6 18 19
Model for the

An Educational Model for the Future: The Impact of Integrated Academic Support

In 1938, a young faculty member named Lyle Farrell (who would later become Proctor’s Head of School for 20 years) began a remedial reading program after working with the renowned Dr. Samuel T. Orton, who pioneered the psychometrics and pedagogy of reading disabilities. Farrell worked to establish the nation’s leading tutorial support system for college-bound dyslexic students. Farrell’s vision asserted that, with the right support and confidence, every student could find success in even the most rigorous of academic curricula.

Over the past 75 years, Proctor’s Learning Skills Program has evolved into one of the leading integrated academic support programs in the world, not because of a specific methodology or uniform approach to support, but through a shared understanding that at the core of learning for students with learning differences is a need to build, sustain, and nurture trust with adults in their lives. For the past fifty years, the department, through the leadership of Alice Fowler, John Schoeller, Donna Jonas, Kathy Bianchi, and current Learning Skills Department Chair Jennifer Fletcher, has rooted its work in a relationship-first approach that elevates a student into the driver’s seat of their educational journey. Facilitating communication with academic teachers, advisors, dorm parents, coaches, parents, and students, Learning Specialists sit at the center of a student’s Proctor experience, serving as far more than an academic tutor for students.

It is this student-centered, fully integrated approach to supporting a student through their high school years that Proctor is known for throughout the independent school world, a world that now sees nearly every school offer some level of academic support. As Proctor looks to the future of academic support, the entire school, not just Learning Skills, must dig deeply into understanding the intersection of human relationships, brain research, and the imperfect science of building and sustaining a community of diverse learners. It is an exciting time to be involved in the work of helping students understand themselves, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how they can become self-aware, self-advocates for their own learning.

Professional Development and Learning Skills Initiatives

Learning Specialists collaborate with the Math Department to engage in workshops to support a transition to Integrated Math I, II, and III, as they replace traditional Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 sequence of courses.

Departmental reading of Joe Feldman’s, Grading for Equity, followed by discussion across academic departments.

Departmental attendance at NAIS People of Color Conference and participation in Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion training and book groups on campus.

The S.E.A.L Foundation ran a professional development day for all faculty and advisors in which faculty worked their way through six simulation activities to illustrate what it feels like to learn with various learning differences. While our faculty’s learning profiles are as diverse as our students, the simulations were an incredibly powerful way to empathize with our students who have a documented learning difference (roughly half of Proctor’s population).

The Student Perspective: The Impact of Learning Skills

” “ “ ”

Learning Skills has had an incredibly positive impact on my Proctor experience. The relationship I’ve formed with my Learning Specialist is something I am very grateful for and has been a huge part of my success at Proctor. Owen ’23

As I entered into the Proctor community my freshman year, I was self doubting of my academic capabilities, but my uneasy feelings were met with the most gracious, loving support system: Learning Skills. The relationship that I have built with my Learning Specialist is one that I cherish and hold close to my heart. I have felt immense support that inherently fostered a confidence in myself that I have not encountered in any other environment. As a Proctor student with ADHD and Dyscalculia who went into her freshman year feeling unconfident in her academic capabilities, I can now say as a junior that I have found immense academic success with the support and guidance of my teachers and Learning Skills Specialist. I am proud of how far I have grown academically and interpersonally in my short two years at Proctor. Zoie ’24

” “ ” “

As a student who has been in the program since freshman year, Learning Skills has taught me a lot and given me the super power of self advocacy. I have learned about planning, keeping track of assignments and making sure that I take all assessments in a space that is going to make me successful. I am not the strongest math student so I use the whiteboard to work out and solve math problems before putting them down on paper because it is better to see the full picture. What I have learned in Learning Skills has not only helped me at Proctor, but has prepared me for life beyond Proctor. - Syd ’23

The Learning Skills program at Proctor is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in school. I am lucky to have built a strong connection with my specialist, Stefanie, who has pushed me, and in turn allowed me to grow my confidence over the past two years. It is hard to describe just how beneficial it is to have someone who understands exactly how I learn best, and who teaches me how to advocate for myself to be taught in a way that compliments my learning style. - Brooke ’24

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Continuing a Legacy of Multiuse Land Management and Student Engagement

I arrived at Proctor in the spring of 2000 as an intern, just in time for the maple sugaring project period with Dave Pilla and a group of enthusiastic students. I had just graduated from the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources. I believed I knew quite a bit about sustainability, land use, and timber management, but I gained the equivalent of a second degree through Dave’s mentorship! Like so many, Dave took me under his wing. Whether it was riding in the Forestry Truck, stacking wood with Woods Team, investigating a tree stand or dinner with Terry and Kai at their home, there was always something new to learn!

Dave managed Proctor’s forest resources through three distinct, yet interwoven lenses: wildlife habitat, forest and plant health, and human use and recreation. Every decision was made with those three groups in mind because “mixed forest use” is our reality here in New Hampshire; hunters, foresters, hikers, campers, conservationists and others need to cohabitate.

Dave inherently knew that learning needed to be interactive, so he introduced students to his vast network of friends and contacts for off-site and on campus visits. He would engage local wildlife biologists, timber managers, New Hampshire Fish and Game Officers, large scale maple sugar producers, and local sawmill operators. Dave made the woods and the outdoors a place for people to engage and feel comfortable no matter their background. He introduced me to forester Jack Bronnenberg, whose motto “to do the best thing by the forest, the environment, and my client” matched both Proctor’s and Dave’s core values.

As a forest scientist, Laura Ostrowsky’s work over the last three years to engage students in the process of scientific data gathering has been transformational. Laura continued Dave’s legacy of students’ familiarity of tree species, threats like beech bark disease, and carbon sequestration. Laura’s students were contributing to graduate level forest research that would make her alma mater, The Yale School of Forestry, extremely proud.

Our charge is to continue to bring the Proctor Forest and Natural Resources into sharper focus for Proctor students. The Woodlands Building allows us to bring more students closer to the important work Dave, Laura, and others have done before us. The north-facing doors open straight towards the diverse “edge habitat,” where the forest meets the field. The greenhouse attached to the new structure will provide possibilities for every science discipline and the community as a whole. Is there anything more “Proctor like” than outdoor, hands-on coursework and getting our hands dirty?

Science Courses Offered: Anatomy and Physiology

AP Biology

AP Environmental Science Biology (Honors and Regular)

Biology (Cellular and Environmental)


Chemistry (Honors and Regular)

Climate Science College Physics and Calculus (Honors)

Conservation Ecology Epidemiology


Forest Ecology Research Design (Honors)

Forest Science


Neuroscience (Honors)

Organic Chemistry (Honors)

Physics (Honors and Regular)

Wildlife Science

Jack Bronnenberg | Woodlands Manager

In the 2019 edition of the Proctor Magazine, Jack and Jake Bronnenberg were featured as we discussed the evolution of Proctor’s land management program. For the past three years, Jack has partnered with the school and forester Laura Ostrowsky to execute Dave Pilla’s tenyear land management plan. With Laura’s departure to earn her PhD in forest research at the University of Minnesota, Jack will continue to manage Proctor’s woodlands through his company, Bronnenberg Logging and Trucking, based in Hillsboro, New Hampshire. Jack’s focus both managing Proctor’s land and other parcels around the state continues to be centered on sustainability and habitat creation, “Everything we do, we do through the lens of sustainability and habitat management. Proctor’s commitment to the land is a model for others to follow, and I feel privileged to continue to play a role in that management moving forward.”

Alan McIntyre, P’23,’26 | Science Department Chair

Alan McIntyre joined Proctor’s Science Department in 2004 and has taught AP Environmental Science and biology while serving as Proctor’ Environmental Coordinator for the past 15 years. Starting in the fall of 2022, Alan stepped into the role of Science Department Chair (a big thank you to outgoing chair Buz Morison for his service to the school for the past decade). Alan takes over leadership of the department during an incredibly exciting time for the school with the opening of the Proctor Woodlands Building and continued evolution of the science curriculum.

Alan notes, “The outdoors has it all. Direct interaction with life, whether it is witnessing a woodpecker nest in a tree, knowing a striped maple versus a sugar maple or the history entangled in a wolf tree in our woodlands, that knowledge expands our understanding of self, community and planet. This form of understanding, this seeing of interactions and relationships is often called eco-literacy. I strongly believe that students that learn the skills of eco-literacy will be better suited for solving problems and asking questions.” He adds, “The Woodlands building features an indoor heated greenhouse, which will give us a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the power of plants. Because of this facility, our learning community will be able to purposefully explore the science and skills that are coupled with fields like agriculture, silviculture and ethnobotany. Understanding plant ecology is vital for understanding our past, present and future with a changing climate. By learning skills from basic plant identification to regenerative practices to enhance ecological services our science students will be able to expand their understanding.”

If you ever find yourself on campus, please stop into the science department in Shirley Hall or wander over to the Woodlands Building to see Proctor’s young scientists in action!

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EVOLUTION OF THE ARTS AT PROCTORPerforming Arts and Visual Arts

The arts afford an unparalleled opportunity for students and adults to join together in the creative process of experimentation, failure, refinement, more failure and adjustments before a final product is put forth for community viewing. As educators, we know well the role risk-taking plays in the learning process for adolescents, and nowhere is that process more visible than in the arts.

At the end of each trimester, art performances and an art show place the creative process on display for the community. Hundreds of eyes watch the stage, examine the piece of artwork, and yet this is where we see the beauty of an authentic

learning process unfold with our students - both with those whose work is on display and those observing the art. These performances and exhibits are not about perfection; they are about understanding, valuing, and appreciating the process. When Scott ‘25 stepped in front of the microphone for his first solo vocal performance at the winter Jazz/Rock Ensemble performance, he took one of the biggest risks of his young life. His performance was tremendous, but not perfect. And yet in the eyes of those in attendance, perfect pitch was not on the rubric of assessment. Everyone in the audience recognized the bravery it took to do what he did and celebrated this step in the process alongside him.

We are all works in progress, all at different stages of development, all seeking to become better versions of ourselves. It is in this vein that Proctor split the Arts Department into a department for Performing Arts and for Visual Arts. Their work will remain inextricably rooted in a shared appreciation for the creative process and desire to engage young people in art classes and afternoon programs. Each department will evolve in unique ways over the coming year under the leadership of interim department chairs Starr Fair (Performing Arts) and Molly Leith (Visual Arts), and we cannot wait to see how this evolution in departmental structure allows for the future development of student experiences in the arts.

This evolution in departmental structure in the Arts at Proctor serves as an exciting opportunity for the Visual Arts department to really analyze our unique assets, individually and collectively, and to explore new opportunities with greater effectiveness as a team. Our hope is to amplify what we do well while empowering each of us to explore and invest in what keeps us inspired. Authentically engaging and inspiring the students, creating unique opportunities for them to process, experiment with and explore their creative potential is critical to a thriving learning environment, especially during

We believe in the importance of doing life alongside our students. Sometimes that includes acting, singing, and modeling how to be a novice at something. From faculty and staff (and their children) playing key roles in the show to our Head of School Brian Thomas making a cameo as Shrek’s father in the opening scene to a talented cast of students from all corners of campus, Proctor Drama’s production of Shrek! The Musical was truly a community-wide performance.

A well-known show filled with humor, references to other musicals and fairy tales throughout, Shrek! The Musical made us laugh, smile, and applaud in awe of the diverse talent that lives within the Proctor community. Calvin Monfried ‘23 (Lord Farquaad) had us laughing harder than we have in years, while Abba Ramsey ‘22 (Donkey) and Helen Armstrong ‘23 (Fiona), Campbell Keith ‘25 (Dragon), and a whole host of ensemble talent were amazing in their roles. The show would not have happened without alum Tahg Healey ‘21 returning to campus from the University of California - Berkeley for the last month of the school year to play Shrek. Tahg, thank you for your commitment and willingness to share your talents with us!

Like any great show, the work of the Drama Tech team was critical to a successful production as they tirelessly supported the show through scene changes, lighting, and sound to run like a professional operation. Relive highlights from the show on Proctor’s blog The Buzz: www.proctoracademy.org/shrek.

Performing Arts give

the opportunity to explore who they are and find their unique voice, all while learning real-world skills. Whether on or back stage, the exploration of history, culture, and identity through music, theater, and filmmaking, to name just a few disciplines, allows students the chance to connect with themselves and others in a new way. With the creation of a Performing Arts Department, Proctor underscores the importance of these activities, classes, and skills for our students. Our focus will be creating a wide breadth of performance options in and out of the classroom, and inviting and encouraging all students to join in, not just those who see themselves as a musician, dancer, or actor. -

challenging times. Molly Leith Interim Visual Arts Department Chair A Community Wide Production:
24 25
The students Starr Fair P’19 Interim Performing Arts Department Chair

Inclusivity and Belonging in High School Athletics

On June 23, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law Title IX banning sex discrimination in educational programs receiving federal funding. Title IX’s impact on women’s sports around the country, and at Proctor, has been remarkable. More than 3.4 million high school girls compete in sports and more than 215,000 women play in NCAA athletics. Today’s Proctor female athletes have access to participate in 21 varsity sport offerings, however, this was not always the case.

When Proctor recommitted to being a coeducational school in 1971, school leadership understood the relationships formed through athletics, for all students, were absolutely critical to the development of the school’s culture. With the passing of Title IX and the increased enrollment of fe male students during the early 1970s, Head of School David

Fowler and Assistant Head of School Chris Norris allocated resources necessary to ensure female coaches and athletes had opportunities to build their programs. Proctor’s earliest female coaches (like Dani Hinkley pictured above with Proctor’s undefeated 1978 girls soccer team) were crucial to the development of female athletics at Proctor.

There remains much work to be done on the national level around pay equity and opportunities in professional sports, just as there is more work to be done to support non-binary athletes participation in high school athletics. Proctor’s Athletic Department under the leadership of Athletic Director Gregor Makechnie ’90, P ’17, ’19, ‘22, ’25 and Assistant Athletic Director Trish Austin ‘01 are engaging in conversations with NEPSAC (New England’s prep school governing body),


Proctor Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions

We are excited to announce the induction of five individuals and two teams into the Proctor Athletics Hall of Fame. This 2023 induction class will be celebrated during Reunion 2023.

• 2008 Football Team | 8-0 Record, New England Bowl Game Runner Up

• 1978 Girls Soccer Team | 14-0 Record, Lakes Region Champions

• Max Cobb ’83 | US Biathalon, Skiing

• Chris Smedley ’78 | Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse

• Caite Zeliff ’12 | Skiing, Soccer

• David Fowler | Coach

• Anne Swazye | Coach


130 students attend Pre-Season Sports Camp.


Mountain Biking competes in Northern New England Mountain Biking League races with a record 38 riders.


Varsity Field Hockey Earns NEPSAC Tournament bid, advancing to the NEPSAC Semi-Finals and finishing season with a 12-4 record.


Proctor Ski Area opens top to bottom earlier than any prior year, and Phase 4 of Field House Renova tions completed.


190 Proctor students spend their afternoons “on snow”.

coaches, students, alumni, and parents to understand the challenges facing non-binary athletes and how Proctor can best support students as they pursue athletic endeavors. It is this on-going commitment to ensuring a sense of belonging in afternoon activities and athletics that will help ensure the student experience remains Proctor’s priority.

It is remarkable to reflect on how significantly the athletic landscape has shifted in the past fifty years due to Title IX. The dramatic progress realized since 1972 encourages us to consider what progress we might realize in the next 50 years. We can be proud of the significant expansion of opportunities for female athletes realized at Proctor. But we can’t rest. We are optimistic that this year’s audit of our afternoon programming as it relates to belonging and acceptance among teams will solicit feedback through surveys and conversation groups to help us identify opportunities to effectively include and support students who identify as non-binary. We must ensure there is a place for all students on teams at Proctor and that each person feels a sense of belonging.


Girls Varsity Basketball earns NEPSAC tournament bid, finishing season 14-7.



Spring Break.

Whitewater slalom kayaking paddles and trains with Holderness School on local rivers, including new Whitewater Park in Franklin, NH.

MAY Girls Varsity (7-1) and JV Tennis (undefeated) teams complete record setting seasons, including winning #1 singles, #2 singles, and #2 doubles at Lakes Region Tournament.


17 members of the Class of 2022 compete in college or juniors athletics next year.

Baseball, Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Lacrosse engage in pre-season training trips during
Hornet Highlights 2021-2022
26 27
Gregor Makechnie ’90 Director of Athletics
Athletics Update

Celebrating The Class of 2022

As the Class of 2022 walked across the stage during Proctor’s 174th Commencement ceremony, we watched with pride at the humans they had become. Four years pass in the blink of an eye. The high school experience of this class has been as tumultuous as any: a normal freshman year was followed by missing their sophomore spring due to COVID-19, a heavily impacted junior year living through on-campus quarantines, restrictions, and missed activities, a senior year, again, heavily influenced by the pandemic.

In the 1990s, Proctor adopted an informal motto: Attitude is Everything. Every now and then you will see some tattered t-shirts on our most veteran faculty with the block print reminding us of the importance of this mindset. The Class of 2022, through their positivity and resilience, lived this motto to their core. Through quarantines, disappointment, and fear, they chose joy.

During a special feather-tying ceremony for his daughter Trinity ‘22, JR White Hat ‘00 shared the following, “I think I speak on behalf of all the parents today when I say that from the moment you were born, we have committed our lives to you. To your safety, to your well-being, to protecting you. You are the first thing we think of when we wake in the morning, and when we lay our head at night, you are in our final thoughts. We love you. And at some point, we entrusted this community to continue those teachings and be a partner in raising you. On behalf of the parents of the graduates I want to say thank you to all of Proctor for preparing them for this next step in life.” Many of us who have children of our own or who see this class as our surrogate children felt tears stream down our faces as JR shared his words.

We truly believe there is no graduation ceremony like a Proctor one. It serves as this culminating celebration of our collective work as a community over the past four years alongside this group of young people. The tears that steadily stream down our faces during Commencement are this unique mixture of happy-, sad-, proud-, exhausted-tears.

We cry because we care so deeply about these kids, because when we sit on the mountain top we appreciate the difficulty of the climb. We cry because this chapter of our lives with these kids is over, and because we are so excited to see how the next chapter unfolds. We cry because we see now that the Class of 2022 courageously taught us to choose joy when so many others chose despair. What a gift to their families, their classmates, and to us as a school.

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Commencement | Awards and Recognition

Alice S. Fowler Award

Awarded to Brynne Makechnie

A graduate who best exemplifies strength of character, personal dedication, and commitment to the Proctor community.

Charles Levy Award

Awarded to Ada Gardner

Class Valedictorian

Charles A. Jones Outstanding Athlete Award

Awarded to Victoria Morales and Trey Chickering

Two most outstanding athletes in the graduating class.

Citizenship Award

Awarded to Katherine Flanagan and Hayse Broome Best all-around citizens in the graduating class.

Allan S. Bursaw ’67 Award

Awarded to Violet Sperry

Student who exemplifies high effort and citizenship.

Carl B. Wetherell Award

Awarded to Patrick Duffy

Faithful and willing performance of all extra curricular responsibilities.

Fred Elroy Emerson 1886 Award

Awarded to River de Vink

A student who, during their junior and senior years, has shown the greatest development in attaining the ideals of Proctor.

Robert J. Livingston Community Service Award

Awarded to Brynne Makechnie

A student who has made outstanding contributions to the community through volunteer service to others.

Lyle H. Farrell Award

Awarded to Gunnar Larsson, Lillian Menard and Trinity White Hat

A senior who has performed outstanding service to the school and to their fellow students.

Philip H. Savage Award

Awarded to Nora Flanagan

Student who exhibits outstanding leadership qualities.

Renaissance Teacher Award

Awarded to John Bouton English

Recognizes a Proctor faculty or staff member who has gone above and beyond to make the experiences of students at Proctor more meaningful through their encouragement and support.

Class of 2022 College Decisions and Matriculation

Arizona State University

Bentley University Boston College

High Point University

To relive commencement 2022 visit : www.proctoracademy.org/classof2022

Since I stepped off the plane in Manchester, New Hampshire in the fall of 1992, I have been taking risks. I have been fighting every day for visibility. As long as I can remember, my goals have been to make this world a better place for indigenous people. Because of my access to this education at Proctor, I would step into the awesome and powerful responsibility and privilege this education provides. I hope you each recognize the access you have because of your privilege; to see how women are treated, how our LGBTQIA relatives are treated, to use your visibility to recognize, trust, and support those who are less visible.

Emily White Hat ’94, P’14

Commencement Speaker


Proctor is a place of curated opportunities. My challenge for you is to embrace the opportunities that come your way. Opportunities are all about doing the hard things and growth doesn’t happen without challenges...Lean into the opportunities that come your way, even if it’s hard, especially if it’s hard.

Nance Patten Barrett Staff Award

Awarded to Wendy McLeod

Learning Skills

This award recognizes extra-ordinary service to the Proctor Community by a non-faculty member and heightens awareness of the dedication, hard work, and loyalty of all its employees which makes possible the smooth operation of this institution.

John O’Connor ’79 Award for Excellence in Teaching

Awarded to Ian Hamlet Science

Alumni two and five years out of Proc tor vote for the individual among the current faculty who in their opinion is most deserving of this Excellence in Teaching Award.

California Poly Tech State University

Clark University Clarkson University Coastal Carolina University

College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Colorado School of Mines

Connecticut College

Curry College Denison University DePaul University Elon University

Embry-Riddle Aero. Univ. Emmanuel College

Emory University

Endicott College

Fordham University Hampden-Sydney College


When we strive for perfection, we limit the risks we take...Some of us may be striving for perfection when we arrive here, but Proctor casually stops the quest for perfectionism by allowing our eyes and hearts to try new things. Struggle isn’t hidden at Proctor, packed away and overlooked. It is embraced.


Hobart and William Smith


Keene State College

Loyola Marymount Univ.

Loyola University of Maryland

Lynn University

Maine Maritime Academy

Middlebury College

Montana State University

North Carolina State Univ. Northeastern University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Purdue University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Roanoke College

Rollins College Sacred Heart University

Skidmore College Southern Methodist University

Southern New Hampshire University

St. Lawrence University St. Olaf College

Syracuse University Trinity College Union College

United States Naval Academy University of California - Davis University of Colorado Boulder University of Denver University of Montana University of New England University of New Hampshire

University of North Texas University of Oregon University of the Puget Sound University of Utah

University of Vermont University of Wisconsin-Madison Utah State University Wesleyan University Whitman College William and Mary College

Time moves differently in high school. The days are so long, but the weeks and months fly by...The truth I’ve chosen to overlook for too long is that there are so many things about Proctor we will never experience again. We romanticize the moving on, but must take time in the moment...This school is so unique in the way it grabs you, holds you, and keeps you. Today is going to be a blur, but take that breath and enjoy the moment.

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reunion 2022

For more than two years our alumni have lived in a virtual relationship with Proctor. They attended more than a hundred online events offered through our Alumni Office since March 2020, and while a few came to campus on special occasions, our annual Alumni Reunion weekend was twice postponed. The result of a two year hiatus on reunion? Record numbers and an absolutely amazing weekend in relationship with each other.

We knew attendance at this reunion would be record setting, but we did not anticipate the emotional weight that would accompany the more than 200 alumni making the pilgrimage back to Andover. With the passing of long-time Head of School David Fowler just days before he was planning on traveling to reunion, memories of the influential leader and his impact on Proctor were a topic of conversation all weekend.

What was most beautiful about these memories and moments of silence were that they included so many former faculty who were in attendance - Chris and Kit Norris, Tim and Suzy Norris, John and Nancy Schoeller, Bert and Dani Hinkley and many others. The school they collectively shaped lives on, both in Proctor’s educational model and in the lives of the alumni it has graduated.

We are all busy, all going a million different directions with competing priorities: our own families, our jobs, community responsibilities, expenses. Each serves as a valid excuse as to why we cannot attend events like Alumni Reunion, but time and time again, when we prioritize relationships with those we love, our roots are strengthened and we are energized.

Friday night’s 50th year celebration honored the classes of 1970, 1971, and 1972. Each class regaled us with stories of a bygone era, including an epic tale by Peter Carney ‘70 who returned the Keeper of the Spirit megaphone he stole on graduation day. Saturday was packed with activities offered by current faculty: ceramics, metal work, ax throwing, softball, tours of campus, kayaking, cycling, hiking, baking, swimming, and more. Following Saturday evening’s class photos and dinner, we celebrated the past three years of Athletic Hall of Fame inductees, and capped the night with drinks and dancing with Nick’s Other Band featuring Director of Development Keith Barrett ‘80, Spanish teacher Scott King, and former faculty members Phil Goodnow and Chuck Will.

Sunday morning’s festivities included a brief tour of the new Proctor Woodlands Building followed by the dedication of the Dave Pilla Memorial Forest. With well over 200 alumni, faculty, staff, families, and friends of Dave in attendance, we celebrated Dave’s love and commitment to Proctor’s woodlands with a beautiful granite entrance to Hopkins Pond trail network.

Our hope is that each of our alumni, faculty, and staff left Sunday exhausted, and yet fully rejuvenated from the weekend. We recognize each gave up something to attend, yet, strengthening our roots requires intentionality, effort, and work. This work yields a safety net that sustains us when life gets tough. Too often we gather with those we love at weddings and funerals. That’s not enough. Thank you to each of our alumni for showing us what it means to prioritize friends and family.


“It’s a great day to be a Hornet!” This Proctor adage rang especially true this past June, as we welcomed a record number of alumni back to campus for a historic Reunion Weekend. With reunions being on hold for two years, classes ending in 0,1,2 and 5,6,7 celebrated a mile stone reunion. Witnessing the pure joy of classmates reconnecting after years–sometimes decades–apart, new friendships forming, and the general merriment associated with being back on campus was a firm reminder of Proctor magic.

Sometimes, it takes a trip back to your roots or a conversation with a classmate to remember why this place is so special to you. Whether you graduated 5 years ago or 65 years ago, it’s worth taking a trip back to Andover. Stop by and see us anytime throughout the year, but we would especially love to have you back next spring. So, save the date for Reunion Weekend 2023: June 2–4, 2023! In the meantime, draft a text, write an email, or send some good ol’ fashioned snail mail to a classmate, and encourage them to meet you in New Hampshire next June. Let’s see if we can get everyone together and top 2022’s numbers!

Sending a little Proctor magic your way,

4 7 1 3 15 12 1 1 3 1 1 21 1 6 2 1 3 2 1 5 7 63 53 10 1 4 Where did Alumni travel from? Switzerland Sweden Australia Japan Poland 1 1 2 1 1
32 33
Lauren Smith, Director of Alumni Relations

Alumni Service Award Recipients

During Reunion 2022, Alumni Service Awards were given to all of the former Alumni Association Presidents. This role, while it has evolved over the years, is absolutely critical to the engagement of Proctor’s alumni body. Thank you to each of the past presidents for their tireless commitment to Proctor and its alumni!

With 45 classes celebrating their milestone reunions in person at Proctor’s 2022 Alumni Reunion, an impressive philanthropic effort by alumni raised $671,822.22 with gifts from 478 Alumni. The 25% participation giving rate from alumni who celebrated a reunion in 2022 was led by the 50th Reunion Classes of 1970, 1971, and 1972. Led by a challenge from Jay Fisher ’72, these three classes raised $144,934.02 from 50 classmates!

Thank You

Alumni Council &

Class Chairs!

With help from Class Chairs and the Proctor Alumni Association, we held an historic Reunion Weekend 2022. Thank you to all who helped out in this capacity! Encouraging attendance at Reunion and other Proctor events is just one part of being a class chair. It is not very time-consuming, and it’s a great way to get involved and give back to Proctor.

Other Class Chair responsibilities include quarterly calls for Class Notes, communicating with classmates to collect updated contact information, locating “lost” classmates, and promoting class participation in annual giving.

If you are interested in being a Class Chair or learning more about the role, please contact Lauren Smith, Director of Alumni Relations, at alumni@proctoracademy.org.

A Delayed Celebration for the Class of 2020

On May 30, 2020, we celebrated the Class of 2020 with the most unique graduation ceremony in the school’s history. We mailed home caps and gowns, custom sweatshirts, yard signs, and other tokens to celebrate the day with families. We shared livestream links to both the ceremony and awards night, with faculty rolling out the red carpet - and making it an amazing celebration of a truly remarkable class.

A third of the class and their parents joined together with faculty and staff for a cruise of Boston Harbor on a beautiful midJune Saturday afternoon. The time spent together reminded us just how amazing this group of students is, and how much they missed out on by not being able to celebrate their graduation together. When we are asked by prospective families why invest in a Proctor education, all we need to do is point them to our graduates. Have a conversation with the Class of 2020, the most resilient, positive, dynamic young adults you will ever encounter, and see for yourself what is possible at Proctor, what it means to Live to Learn, and Learn to Live.

Canfield ’69 Bill Bolton ’69 Russ Materne ’68
Walter Perry
Alex Estin
W. McClintic ’74 Robert D. Foster ’57 Curt Peterson
Jesse Putney
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1970 1970 1991 1972 1997 CLASS YEAR # OF DONORS % PARTICIPATION 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 DONOR PARTICIPATION % Top 5 classes by Amount Raised and Participation: 1991 $125.840 2001 $76,379 1970 $75,849 1972 $61,144 2011 $59,638 34 35

Elemy Colome ’15

Mentorship and CoaChing: a Foundation For suCCess

Proctor’s relationship with the Lawrence (MA) Boys and Girls Club dates back more than a quarter century. Like so many Boys and Girls Clubs around the country, mentoring figures take young people in need of support, love, and accountability, and provide the guidance and opportunities that will change their lives. For Elemy Colome ‘15, former Lawrence Boys and Girls Club Director Steve Kelley and Proctor alum Stevie Martinez ‘02 served as mentors on the basketball court and in life, and led Elemy to Proctor as a 9th grader.

Arriving at Proctor as a thirteen year old had its challenges, but Elemy very quickly found that the people in her life - her classmates, teachers, coaches, dorm parents, advisor would support her, challenge her, and mold her into the person she is today. “The people at Proctor became not only lifelong friends, but family to me. People like Lindsay Brown ‘01 were involved in every aspect of my life - she was my softball coach, my basketball coach, my math teacher, and my dorm parent. My advisor, Shauna Turnbull, and basketball coach Liz McNamara played the same role for me. I learned so many life long lessons on and off the court thanks to these amazing women.”

“I encourage current and future Proctor students to invest in the relationships with those around you your classmates and the adults in your life. Everyone at Proctor wants to see you win, and will help you win, regardless of your goals. Proctor was the best thing that happened to me and I hope one day to provide my future children the experience I had here.”

While basketball first drew Elemy to Proctor, she embraced the entirety of her Proctor experience, studying abroad in Costa Rica as a sophomore, loving her time with Greg Allen learning woodworking skills, and playing soccer and softball. She reflects, “My best advice for current and future Proctor students is to just do it all. Someone has given you a key to open a metaphorical door, and you just need to go and open it to see what life will bring you.” She adds, “Step out of your comfort zone and try things you never thought you could. My time at Proctor was filled with opportunities that were truly once in lifetime experiences. I studied abroad in Costa Rica, I did wood-shop, I went camping, and the list goes on. Each of these adventures teaches you things that will prepare you for the real world and life.”

Following Proctor, Elemy matriculated to James Madison University on a NCAA Division 1 athletic scholarship. After her freshman year, she transferred to the University of

Rhode Island where she played for the next three seasons while completing her bachelor’s degree in Communications. With a final year of eligibility available, Elemy decided to complete her collegiate career at Syracuse University while earning a masters degree in Instructional Design. During her graduate-season, Elemy’s Syracuse team earned a trip to March Madness, only to be sent home as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. She reflects on this experience, “During my first March Madness ever, the COVID-19 pandemic was in its earliest stages, and the NCAA sent us all home just as the tournament got underway. I felt lost and unsure of what I would be doing while back at home in Lawrence.” She adds, “While I was able to play professionally for my country (Dominican Republic), I still wasn’t sure how to get started with my career outside of basketball. My mom thought I would be a great trainer, so I tried it out and loved the idea. I eventually opened my own facility to train kids called Hardwood Hustle and now have been running my business since early 2022.” Through her training and coaching with Hardwood Hustle, Elemy is providing young people the same mentorship and coaching that shaped her life. In a recent interview with Boston’s News 10, Elemy noted, “Steve Kelly was the most influential person in my life when he coached me during my 7th and 8th grade seasons. I don’t think he realizes how much he changed my life, and my family’s life, for the better. Knowing that I could have an impact like him is what makes me want to keep doing this work. Knowing that we can change lives through coaching is the most humbling feeling ever.”

While coaching and training the next generation of basketball players fuels Elemy to make a difference, she continues to pursue her own basketball career professionally playing for the Dominican Republic National Team. She helped lead her team to a bronze medal and earned MVP in her first professional event in El Salvador during the summer of 2021, and led her team to a bronze medal this season in Colombia. “I love being able to travel and do what I love, all while running a business at the same time. Playing professionally is a lot more physical than college basketball, but the experiences are like no other!”

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Harris Williams ’10

sCaling iMpaCt: the deMoCratization oF learning

When Robert Frost wrote “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”, it is assumed he had a choice. Sometimes, we, like Frost, encounter a fork in the road and have the privilege of choice. Other times we simply see that the easy road is closed. For Harris Williams ‘10, his journey to Proctor and through Boston College into the professional world as a professor and start-up founder has been filled with both self-acknowledged privilege and unforeseen challenges.

As an eighth grader from Lynn, Massachusetts, Harris and his parents arrived on Proctor’s campus for their tour in the midst of a historic snowstorm. Proctor’s admissions office had called to cancel the tour due to the weather, but the Williams family missed the call and showed up to an unplowed campus. A cobbled together interview and tour did not dissuade Harris or Proctor from kindling a relationship that continues to this day. Harris reflects, “Proctor was the only school that accepted me, and yet with all of the doors that closed for me, the right door opened.”

Like so many students, it was the relationships Harris formed with his peers and the support he received from the adults in his life that he attributes to his growth, “One of the greatest things I appreciate about Proctor is that everybody was human in how they approached their relationships with one another. The support I received in the dorm from Scott and Lindsey Allenby in MLS during my first two years, and Caddie Jackson and Patrick Donnovan in Carr House during my junior and senior years was incredibly influential in shaping me as a human. Likewise, coaches Chuck Reid and Ben Rulli saw there was more in me than I ever saw. The same was true with my friend group - Mark Woo ‘10, Orlando Aponte ‘10, and Mirwan Abid ‘11 the four of us were from as different backgrounds as you could imagine, but we learned about each other’s cultures, not in an academic sense, but a human sense. We saw the potential in each other and rooted our friendship in pushing each other to be our best.”

football players to earn a degree in Computer Science. “I took a Photoshop and Adobe Flash course at Proctor that exposed me to a tiny little bit of programming, and I was hooked. I had in my mind that I would go on to play foot ball and become a doctor (studying pre med), but that little exposure to programming changed the course of my life quite dramatically.”

Injuries continued to provide “character building opportu nities” for Harris throughout his years at Boston College. “When you dislocate your wrist during your freshman preseason camp and miss that whole season, or break your leg, or have a surgery that forces you to relearn how to walk, it reveals what you want and what you don’t want in life. Each injury affirmed to me that I loved this medium of competition and that I wanted to push my self to do my best against the best.”

“Often, we set our sights on something, and look at the reward at the end without accepting the struggle along the way. Proctor gave me the support and tools to find success, but I had the mindset that if I work hard enough, I will reach my goals. I had to break the shackles of that type of entitlement, to embrace the notion that sometimes hard work is not enough, and to simply learn from the journey.”

Six surgeries and two season-ending injuries later, Harris appealed for, and was granted, a second medical redshirt year, completing his career as a team captain and offensive lineman in 2016 with both an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and an MBA from Boston College.

It was during his fifth year while taking his first corporate finance class in his MBA program that Harris had an epiphany. “I was fully set on making it in the NFL, but when I realized the scale of the numbers on an Apple spreadsheet, my mind was blown. What I thought was big (an NFL salary and fame), I saw something bigger. My mind expanded at that moment as I began to understand how impactful business could be with the right mission. I chose the business route realizing I could help a lot more people.”

new realm of competition that I really enjoy.”

In need of a steady source of income, Har ris chose to take on an adjunct professor role teaching computer science at Bunker Hill Community College, among the top 10 most diverse colleges in the country. “I could have taken the easy road and signed on with a big tech company, but I wanted to pursue my own business ideas as well. I was 27 at the time and when I stepped foot into the classroom with half the students the same age as me or older and majority being first generation immigrants or college students, I became acquainted with individuals from around the world. I saw there was a huge issue out there to solve regarding access to technology. Recognizing that in the field of computer science and IT, your zip code has a greater impact on your success than your skill, I knew I wanted to work toward a solution.”

Following four years at Proctor, including a leg injury during his junior year that would keep him out of his entire senior football season, Harris matriculated to Boston College where he would become one of the only Boston College

Harris’ first business endeavor was developed during his final season at Boston College as he designed a software that would allow football coaches and players to learn plays on a mobile device. After three years, the company scaled to a global level, but would eventually run into financial strug gles. “Business school taught me how to take a business from 100-1000, but not from 0-100. And making some thing out of nothing, going from 0 to 100, is the hardest. I learned so much during the process: how to build a team, how to market it, and how to go out to the market while accepting intellectual rejection. I learned there is this whole

Accelerated by COVID-19 and a remote classroom, Harris and his colleagues at Bunker Hill understood they needed to rapidly provide access to computers to their students. “We looked at the big tech companies as a potential solution, but nothing emerged so I took it upon myself to create a platform for our students to have some sort of technology that would allow them to plug in and do their work regardless of the hardware they had access to.” This virtualization of a personal computer reduced the barrier to entry for students, and Harris has since brought his product to Boston College and local school districts. With tens of thousands of virtual computers active and a goal of hundreds of thousands within reach, Harris is realizing an amplified impact of a mission driven business. “Through this project, we are able to open a technological door to un derserved communities, all while reducing capital expenditures by more than 70% for school districts. I often think about the scale of impact we can each have in our lives, and I want to operate where both scale and impact are significant. This work is doing just that.”

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engineering a Creative Future

Nashville. Austin. New York. Los Angeles. Andover, New Hampshire. Arguably, four of the five aforementioned locations are reflexive answers when it comes to producing stars in the music industry. Andover, NH, however, is not to be discounted. That’s because folks like Seth Richardson ’10 are rising through the ranks to help produce widely broadcasted songs and podcasts.

A Portland (ME) native, Seth attended his freshman year at his local high school. It quickly became apparent that the school district was not equipped to accommodate his learning style, so Seth and his family started to evaluate different options. No stranger to the independent school world (his father attended a boarding school), they began to entertain the idea of looking at other educational institutions. Coincidentally, a conversation with neighbor Trilbey Smith ’09 guided him toward Proctor.

After touring a few Lakes Region schools, Seth went on “the typical first tour” of Proctor’s campus. He spent the day shadowing Thomas Jennings ’10 and was able to glean a student’s dayto-day experience. But it wasn’t until he was dropped off at the recording studio that he was sold on what Proctor could become for him. Already interested in recording and being a musician, the smaller building on the eastern edge of campus cemented his decision to spend the next three years in New Hampshire.

“He was simply a really good person who treated everyone with kindness and respect. I’ve modeled a lot of the values I try to uphold as an adult after him.”

In addition to staying busy with the music program and playing with the jazz/rock ensemble, Seth participated in European Art Classroom. “The experiential learning programs at Proctor are important because being well traveled as a teen expands your thinking to a global scale. When you’re an adolescent, everything is so ‘you-centric,’ so to be given that perspective is beyond valuable.”

Following his graduation, Seth took a semester off and worked on his music before matriculating to Berklee College of Music, where he majored in the labor-intensive study of music production and (application based) engineering. A highly selective program, he applied in his second semester and was admitted, a feat he largely credits to Bill and Proctor’s recording program.

“I had no formal training in live audio, and that landed me on tour buses, installing speakers in castles in Italy, and working for Spotify. It’s working hard, but it’s also thinking outside the box.”

“I saw this beautiful recording studio helmed by the one and only Bill Wightman ’73, and that solidified my choice to go to Proctor.”

Bill would prove to be a pivotal player in Seth’s Proctor experience. In fact, Bill continues to affect the former Hornet. “I owe a lot of my fundamentals as a recording engineer to Bill and to that program,” he noted. “To this day, because of what I learned at Proctor, I have 4-8 more years of experience than my peers. Bill and the recording program taught me the fundamentals of learning how to be a good assistant engineer, attention to detail, and other transferable skills that all helped me in (and after) college as a production assistant.”

In addition to Bill, it was George Emeny, former faculty member and Seth’s advisor, who made a lasting impact.

Landing a job after college isn’t the easiest for those in the creative arts sector, but Seth was able to tour with a band before moving to New York in late 2014. Holding down multiple jobs–including work as a DJ and running dry cleaning deliveries–he was eventually offered a position to support a band on a national tour, ultimately solidifying his role in the world of live audio where he worked his way up through the audio engineering ranks. It has not always been easy, though. He learned much in a short amount of time, largely by making mistakes along the way and, yet, persisting with confidence. Eventually, he became a tech director for a popular Spotify segment that ran for two successful seasons before looking over Gimlet Media’s technology in Spotify’s New York City and Los Angeles spaces.

So, what’s next for Seth? Just prior to production, he started a new role as Director of Post-Production with At Will Media. He’s looking forward to growing and thriving in the new position. For current students, he recommends participating in all that Proctor has to offer. “There are a lot of resources at your disposal that you can use to both expand your thinking and your worldview. It’s a great opportunity to figure out what you like doing and what you’re good at doing. Be creative with the things that you identify that can be marketable and that you can monetize, and that can lead to a colorful and fulfilling career.

Seth Richardson ’10
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Charlotte Tweedley ’12

eMbers to Fire: the Journey oF a soCial aCtivist

Sitting down with her, it is immediately apparent that Charlotte Tweedley ’12 is a force of nature. She has an air of confidence, but her natural inclination is to inquire about those around her. So, it is of particular interest to learn this wasn’t always the case.

The first thing you need to know about Charlotte is that she’s a triplet. Her two siblings both attended boarding school for their freshman year of high school, and Char lotte soon realized she wanted to have that shared experi ence. She was hesitant, however, due to the rigors of aca demia she had encountered up to that point. “As someone who struggled with ADD and reading comprehension abilities, I didn’t believe in myself in the same way as my siblings,” said Charlotte.

Ultimately, it was a combination of the Learning Skills program, experiential learning, and the ski program that drew the Westport, Connecticut native to Proctor for her sophomore year. The one-onone guidance was a big factor as well, she noted, “The advisory program is very intentional. To be able to have that support and a personal advisor, that’s what hit the nail on the head for me. Younger students and older students form a community, a little family within the larger Proctor fami ly. Karl Methven was one of my champions – I felt like he was a second dad to me while I was at school.”

Charlotte was able to put her knowledge to the test through experiential learning activities, which she cited as being an “incredibly unique part” of Proctor. She was able to learn about another culture in an up-close-and-person al way during a trimester in Proctor en Segovia in 2010. Her time spent on Mountain Classroom the following year, “pushed me beyond my comfort zone at times, but I still think of it as one of the best experiences of my life.”

Upon graduating from Proctor, Charlotte attended the University of Colorado Boulder where she studied Inter national Affairs with a specialization in Latin American Studies and served as a Peace Corps campus ambassa dor. Inspired by her social activism class at Proctor, and contributing what she could to make the world a better place, she hopped on the global affairs track. She proceed ed to study in Cuba for a summer learning term about race, gender, and social dynamics, while learning hands-on about Cuban culture through an anthro pology class.

“Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of confidence in the classroom. I didn’t think I was smart enough or academic enough to be a top-level student and chase my dreams; now I’m working at a place I dreamed of working when I was a kid. Proctor gifted me with a new way to learn and a new way to view what was attainable.”

Charlotte reflects on the role of the entire Proctor com munity on her learning, “The faculty and staff at Proctor were all so incredible, interesting, and supportive. They facilitate an environment where students can pursue their passions regardless of where they are academically, social ly, etc. It’s a challenging environment, but it felt like a nontraditional curriculum at times. Jen Fletcher was my strongest advocate. She let me see that I had good ideas; that I had something to contribute. And Lynne Kenney’s Social Activism class blew my mind because it challenged me to think about things in new ways. We discussed all these issues and inequities around the world that our glob al community is facing. It helped us see how we can apply our ambitions and skill sets to the world. I felt this inher ent responsibility that I wanted to give back.”

As amazing as it was being out west, Charlotte felt drawn back east to be closer to family. Follow ing college, she applied for jobs in the development sector in New York City. Her mom has worked in various public health roles, so Charlotte tapped into her knowl edge and landed an internship working on strategic partnerships and development at Global Health Corps (GHC). During her time there, she was fortunate to work with (GHC) Co-Founder Barbara Bush Jr.

When it was time for a fulltime job, she wanted to give back to her new home (NYC), so Charlotte accepted a job at Success Academy Charter School in the Bronx. She wore numerous hats, from running the parents asso ciation, planning events, managing operations, advocat ing social advocacy with local changemakers, and more. This laid the foundation for the next career move: work ing at EMpower - The Emerging Markets Foundation to help at-risk adolescents with a focus on education, livelihood, and health. “Their mission really resonated with me,” said Charlotte. “They taught me everything about a public charity. My skill set is relationship man

agement, program management, and op erations, but I went all-in because I really believed in the mission to help enable these individuals to live fulfilled lives.”

After nearly four years at EMpower, Char lotte made the jump to Associate of Strate gic Partnerships at The Rockefeller Foun dation, a scientific philanthropy that seeks to promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world by making opportu nity universal and sustainable. Everything Charlotte had been striving toward and dreaming of funneled into this organiza tion. “My mom was a consultant when she was pregnant with me, so I’ve been a long time admirer of the foundation. They’ve made a huge global impact, and their mis sion to improve the lives of people on the planet has always resonated with me. It’s a huge institution, but I’m so happy here.”

In her role, Charlotte helped develop mul tiple rapid response grantmaking packages to support urgent global issues such as sup porting civil society in Ukraine, support ing independent care providers after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and designing a train the trainer program to help lower in come communities become more resilient against natural disasters. After 10 months in this position, Charlotte has advanced in the Foundation to Sr. Associate, Program Strategy where she is working closely with the Executive Vice President and her team to develop the Foundation’s new program matic, operational, and investment strate gies to address climate change.

Looking forward, Charlotte is excited to continue her work at the foundation, and quipped, “There’s a lot of interesting things on the horizon, and I feel fortunate to uti lize my skills to help others.” But she often takes time to reflect on the past as well. The 2012 Citizenship Award recipient en courages current Proctor students to take advantage of everything the school has to offer. “Get to know the faculty: pick their brains, ask questions, and use them as a re source for you to help you formulate your ideas and thoughts. Also, always be curious and follow your passion. If that changes, and you need a moment to reinvent your self, that’s okay!”

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Nikki Gorman ’12

No two paths to Proctor are identical. Discovering how one found their way to the school is commonplace in an initial conversation with someone in the community, and the stories are as varied and vast as the individuals who make up Proctor. For Nikki Gor man ’12, the journey to Andover started on the ice.

A native New Englander, Nikki grew up in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, where she learned to hold her own on the ice rink playing against her brothers. A natural at the sport, she eventually played under the tutelage of former Proctor faculty member, Athletic Director, and coach Toby Gibbons. It was Toby who first introduced her to the idea of attending a boarding school in Northern New England. Before she knew it, she was driving to New Hampshire with Toby and his wife, Meredith.

The connection was immediate –Nikki had no chance against kismet. Meeting with other students and talking with faculty and staff members including future hockey coaches, Doug “Dougo” Houston and Christina Dotchin, made it official.

impact of all, however, came from the late George Emeny and his wife, Deborah. “The Emenys took me under their wing as if I was their child. They were my Proctor parents. They shaped me while I was at Proctor … they made me feel like I was home.”

“As cliché as it is to say, for me, it was true. When I first stepped on campus I realized, ‘Oh, I’m meant to be here… this is home.”

Following graduation, Nikki matriculated to the University of Rhode Island in her hometown of South Kingstown. While there, Nikki nurtured that desire to help others that she latched onto while in Andover. A kinesiology major, she served her community by volunteering on campus as a first responder and EMT. That propelled her to a medical assistant position with a spinal surgeon for three years before applying to Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Manchester, New Hampshire, where she completed a two-year accelerated program during the pandemic. A job offer from New London Hospital working in Express Care ensured her plans to become a New Hampshire resident, and she and her partner, Ryan Peel ’13, continue to reside in the local area.

Similarly to folks taking different journeys to arrive on campus, the way individuals spend their time on and off school grounds is unique. For Nikki, time on campus meant time on the rink and on the soccer fields. “I was a big athlete, so the sports teams and having those people become your family meant everything to me,” said Nikki. “Being a part of that team environment, where they (players and coaches) become your family shaped my experience at Proctor. At a boarding school, you become that much closer with your team mates because you’re with them every day, all day.”

Nikki also found support outside of the athletic arena. Longtime faculty member Sarah Will served as her advisor, and was instrumental in shaping Nikki into the person she is today simply by being present for her. The support and guidance of Dougo, Christina, Karin Clough, Karl Methven, and Gregor Makechnie both on and off the ice helped Nikki find her path and inspired her to help others. The most significant

“I got into this position to change peoples’ lives and to help them become the best versions of themselves. That’s still my goal,” said Nikki. “That’s why I love what I do. You never know who or what is about to walk through the door. I love being that outlet for people and helping them get where they need to be. It’s important that I can be a person whom they trust. I would love to be in Express Care for a while – I’m really happy where I am now.”

When reflecting back on her time at Proctor and how it led it to where she is now, she emphasized how fleeting the time is on campus. “Time flies! We’re all kind of stuck in the digital space, but take time to look up and show gratitude to faculty and staff. The connections you make at Proctor truly last a lifetime. Enjoy it, take it all in, and don’t be afraid to ask for help, (faculty and staff) are there to help, and that support lasts long after your time as a student.”

getting baCk and giving baCk to CoMMunity
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Dr. Stephen Alli ’09

lessons in Mindset and adaptation

For most Proctor students, a singular program or focus initiates their interest in attending the school. For Stephen Alli ‘09, this initial attracting force was the sport of basketball, but as is the case for nearly all Proctor alumni, the relationships developed and experiences encountered during his time at Proctor expanded his identity well beyond the basketball court.

A Toronto, Canada native, Stephen arrived at Proctor in September 2008 eager to take advantage of Proctor’s breadth of academic courses while playing football and basketball. Then head boys basketball coach Gregor Makechnie ‘90 helped guide Stephen and his family to Proctor, and the support he found through his coaches (Gregor and Scott Allenby in basketball and Ben Rulli and Chuck Reid on the football team) was mirrored by his classroom teachers and dorm parents. “Dave Fleming as my dorm parent, Brenda Godwin as a huge support and amazing person, Mike Koenig in College Counseling, so many people embraced me, challenged me, and helped me understand and feel at home at Proctor.” He adds, “Perhaps the teacher who had the biggest impact on my development was Chris Rogers ’95. I don’t think Chris (or I) realized at the time the impact he was having on me, but I came into Proctor hating math, and to this day I still do. Chris gave me the confidence to approach math. As someone with dyslexia, ADHD, and dyscalculia, math was my kryptonite, but there were so many times Chris offered to give his time for extra help, making it so much easier for me. I would not have majored in Biology and Psychology without having the confidence Chris helped give me in trusting myself as a learner. I eventually ended up earning my Ph.D. and teaching statistics at the college level, something I never would have imagined earlier in my academic career.”

dent person, who was resourceful, and yet Proctor helped provide me the support system and relationships to learn how to interact with adults, to advocate for myself, and to live on my own.” He adds, “The biggest thing I learned was how to adapt. You are at this critical stage in your life where you are crystalizing your identity, and have the opportunity to experience new things, but you have to seek them out and have the confidence to embrace the challenges before you. I was the youngest person in my cohort in my Ph.D. program. I was the only Black man in my cohort. I was the only athlete in my cohort. But my prior experiences and exposure to different cultures and situations provided me with the background to know how to handle these situations.”

athletes transition out of college into the professional world, and I worked to develop research and wrote my dissertation on how to better support collegiate athletes as they transition to life after their sport.” Stephen’s research and clinical focus in his Ph.D. program eventually led him to a clinical internship with the NFL Player’s Association and brief stint at Clemson University in Student Athlete Development before being hired by the Philadelphia 76ers as a Mental Performance and Player Development Manager. After three years in the NBA, Stephen moved to California to serve as the Sacra mento Football Club’s Director of Operations and Cognitive Development.

“My parents were from different cultures, I had traveled the world as a kid, but when I arrived at Proctor, I found myself surrounded by a group of people unlike any I had ever encountered. I learned to ask questions, to get to know people for who they were, to appreciate our differences, and this experience helped me adapt to new situations I have encountered in college and in the professional world.”

Throughout his time at Florida earning an undergraduate degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Mental Health Coun seling, Master’s in Education, and Master’s of Business Management, as well as his Ph.D. in Counseling, Stephen would time and again need to adapt to unexpected chal lenges. “When I graduated from Proctor, I was planning to play football and basketball in college, and to study pre-med. But I never played on the basketball team, I broke both my legs and sustained multiple season ending injuries during my football career, and eventually had my athletic career end prematurely. I had to work hard to come to grips that my worth was not directly correlated to my athletic statistics. So many athletes and this is what I work to help them with professionally - attach their worth to what they do on the field, to their statistics and highlights. Florida, and Proctor before that, gave me the op portunity to learn to adapt, to learn new skills, and to get outside of my comfort zone so that my worth extended beyond the field as I saw myself as more than just an athlete, but as a community member.”

Stephen reflects on his own jour ney in relation to his work with athletes, “I believe in planned happenstance where we can plan for the best thing to happen, and put ourselves in a position to walk through the door when it opens. I have tried to live with this mindset myself and help my athletes embrace it in their work, as well. Your mindset and attitude of how you approach things in life can play a significant role in dictating the outcome of a situation. If you approach a situation with the confidence that you can do it, that you belong, that you can make a difference, it is a force multiplier in the success you can find.”

While his original plan was to spend two years at Proctor, the football recruitment process shifted Stephen’s plans just before his senior year. The first in a series of experiences that would accelerate Stephen’s appreciation for adaptability, the University of Florida encouraged Stephen to enroll a year early to play football. His year at Proctor gave him confidence in the transition, “I was raised as an indepen

It was this first hand experience of identity expansion that served as the basis for Stephen’s dissertation work in his Ph.D. in Counseling program, “When I came to the realization I was not going to play profession ally, my academic counselors were critical in helping me develop a post-football plan. At the time there were not enough structured systems for helping collegiate

Photo Courtesy of Matt Pendleton
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David Bamforth ’15 & Ethan Butterworth ’15

ManuFaCturing liFelong ConneCtions

For Ethan Butterworth ’15 and David Bamforth ’15, a friendship formed at Proctor has led to a shared passion for manufacturing and a career working alongside each other at David’s company, Rennscot. Read about their journey to, through, and from Proctor into the world of manufacturing.

How did you and your family find Proctor?

Ethan: I first heard of Proctor at a secondary school fair and was attracted to the truly great programs and unique campus, as well as the Learning Skills Department as a way for me to build study skills and independence. When we asked the secondary school counselor at my middle school about Proctor, they said it was a great school but that I had no chance of getting in, so we applied anyway to spite them! In the end, I was accepted and the rest is history.

David: My family and I found Proctor thanks to Steve Wilkins (former Proctor and Carroll Head of School). With Proctor being a boarding school, it was definitely out of my comfort zone at the time, but after just a few weeks I knew it was the right place for me. I have Dyslexia and had amazing support from the Carroll School as I worked to overcome my reading and writing challenges. Proctor did an amazing job continuing the support I had at Carroll and helping me gain the skills to become a more independent learner.

When reflecting on the people and programs that shaped you, what and who were critical pieces of your Proctor experience?

Ethan: The two biggest impacts on my development were Learning Skills with Lori Patriacca ‘01 and Ocean Classroom. Lori spent so much time helping me develop good study and time management skills, both for in class work and keeping goals and hobbies in my own time organized. I would not have been able to get through college and my professional work without those foundational skills. In a different way, Ocean Classroom helped me get out of my shell. I was able to learn to communicate and work together with a diverse group of peers, and the responsibility given to us at different points in the voyage gave me the confidence to be able to take more risks when we got back, knowing that I could do more than I initially thought.

David: Like Ethan, the first person that comes to mind is my Learning Specialist Linda Sargent. She was truly amazing. Over the course of my four years at Proctor, she not only helped and supported me academically, but also helped with

my transition away from home. Josh Norris ‘92, Chris Rogers ‘95, and Gordon Bassett ‘96 were probably the most influential people in helping me discover that engineering and manufacturing was what I wanted to study in college. I was so fortunate to have exposure to engineering in high school and to go into the college process already knowing that I wanted to major in Mechanical Engineering.

What has your path looked like since graduating from Proctor?

Ethan: After Proctor both David and I went to Wentworth Institute of Technology where we both studied Mechanical Engineering. In fact, we were roommates for the whole time there. In the manufacturing minor, I realized it was an industry I had a real interest in because I tend to learn better in a hands-on situation. I am able to see and feel what I am working on rather than designing intangible goods. While in school, David started Rennscot, and after graduation I joined him and another one of our classmates.

David: As Ethan noted, we both attended Wentworth to study Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Manufacturing after Proctor. Throughout my degree I continued to recognize how well Proctor prepared me for college. During my junior year at WIT, I began my business, Rennscot, as an opportunity for me to advance my understanding of manufacturing and to combine my passion for cars and making things. That summer I bought a used Haas CNC machine, set it up in a small industrial unit near school and began designing and making parts. Wentworth has a really strong co-op program, so for my senior fall co-op I petitioned, and was allowed, to be the first student to have an Entrepreneurship Co-op, a program that is still running and now has up to five students participate each term. During that term I began to form the vision of what my company would become.

Tell us a little about your current work with Rennscot?

Ethan: Currently I am the Lead Manufacturing Engineer and Environmental, Health, and Safety Manager. I started doing more 3D design focused work, but got more and more involved with the machining of metal parts. Now I program

and run milling machines, making mostly parts for the automotive industry. I also manage the health and safety programs, an industry I had no training in, but have learned is far more in-depth than just wearing safety goggles. It is great to be able to make sure my colleagues are safe and able to do their best work.

David: I continued to work on Rennscot through my senior year of college and actually hired my first two employees about two months before I graduated. Rennscot has since grown and matured into a design and manufacturing company with ten employees, serving the automotive, electronics and soon the aerospace and medical industries. We are building a new facility that will have a dedicated space for precision CNC machining, metal 3D printing, and office space for operations and engineering. This new building will really allow the company to continue to grow at a rapid pace, while offering new services and better quality parts to our customers. I’m proud of the work environment we have created for our team. Historically, manufacturing has been a dirty dark industry with a pretty poor work environment, but this new building will be a radical change from the norm. To support this theme of employee quality of life we are also investing heavily in automation, so machines can run throughout the night and weekends without the need of a second or third shift.

What advice would you give to current Proctor students about their time at Proctor and how to best prepare for life in the “real world”?

Ethan: My advice is simple: take full advantage of the off campus programs! I made friends on Ocean Classroom that I would not have otherwise and was prepared for the “real world” by having learned how to live with other people and handle so many varied situations and different types of people.

David: My advice is to use your time at Proctor to focus on learning what you want to do as a potential career in the future. Try classes you have an interest in, and even some you don’t. If you use your time in high school, instead of in college, to explore your passions, you will be far more effective in choosing your post-Proc tor path, whether that be in college or the work force. Additionally, surround yourself with friends that have similar interests that aren’t just sports. All four of my closest friends at Proctor: Ethan ‘15, Ben (Spooner) ‘15, Stuart (Hull) ‘16, and Nathaniel (Herring) ‘14 loved learning how things worked and how to make things. This shared interest really helped excite and fuel each other’s interest in engineering and in part because of this we all went on to earn degrees in Mechanical Engineering!

48 49

The Lasting Legacy of David Fowler (1935-2022)

Each of our lives are shaped by individuals who take the time to appreciate our individuality, to ask questions, to challenge us to dream, and, in turn, push us to become better versions of ourselves. Institutions are no different. It is with great sadness that we share the passing of former Head of School David Fowler, a leader who transformed Proctor during his 25 years as Head of School and inspired gen erations of educators and students with his vision for what high school could be.

David arrived at Proctor in the fall of 1964 with his wife, Alice, and young family. A Marine and graduate of Colby College where he co-captained the football team, at Proctor David taught history, coached football, hockey, and lacrosse, and served as a dorm parent before being named Head of School in 1970. Recognizing a need for Proctor to evolve the traditional all-boys boarding school model of the 1950s and 1960s was no longer thriving - David, alongside dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators, made radical changes to Proctor’s educational model. Inspired by the Outward Bound approach to relationship building and connection, Proctor adopted a firstname basis, a Wilderness Orientation program, committed to small dormitory communities, re-introduced a co-educational model, elevated the Learning Skills model through Alice’s leadership, and designed and built novel off-campus programs like Mountain Classroom, Proctor en Segovia, and Proctor in France that immersed students in small-group experiences around the world. David had the vision for these programs, but they came to fruition

Reflections on David’s Leadership

In my office, David Fowler’s picture hangs next to my window alongside Proctor Academy’s inaugural Girls’ Hockey Team. The young women are all smiles because of their historic accomplishment. David smiles, too, with a wide open-grin, hands crossed in repose, wearing warm gloves and a two-toned hat in the photograph. In my head, I can still hear our conversation echoing in my head after I had accepted the position to be Proctor’s Head of School. Me: “What was it that made your tenure at Proctor so successful?” David: “I just facilitated. Nothing more.” If every one else “had the good ideas,” as David put it, then David was the uber-mind that created the pathways by which those courageous ideas became possible, effective, impactful, and enduring over time–like David Fowler himself.

David represents a turning point for Proctor, injecting a boldness into the school’s DNA that has always encouraged the community to pursue what is best for students and to shun the conventions of the time if they are not. That boldness has not left the school. He deepened Proctor’s commitment to the experiential while also staying true to supporting students with a variety of learning profiles. Did I know him well? Not the way those who worked for him or who were students during his tenure. Did I feel his presence? Every single day. And I tried to live up to, as we all must, the legacy he left behind. Not an easy task, but absolutely critical for the success of the school and its students.

Here’s one truly remarkable feature of David Fowler’s legacy: Twenty seven Proctor commencement ceremonies have been celebrated since David stepped down as Head of School. Although most never met him, everyone of the students who graduated after David’s tenure ben efited profoundly from his vision of a school that gave voice to its students and its faculty. The same impact will endure for all Proctor students for the foreseeable future. By redefining culture and programs of a northern New England boarding school, the faculty and David built an envi ronment in which diversity is prized, difference is respected, and the status quo expects to be challenged. They built a school that dares to be complex and surprising: college preparatory and experiential, rigorous academically and supportive, informal and structured. No one, absolutely no one, has had a greater impact on more Proctor students than David Fowler.

because he trusted faculty to help the school evolve. The Proctor of today was born under David’s leadership.

Leaders like David not only transform schools, but the people who make them. Perhaps David’s greatest legacy as a leader was giving voice to those whose voices were traditionally minimized in school communities: students, staff, and teachers. His ability to facilitate conversations, to upend and question the status quo, to dream about a school community designed by those in the proverbial trenches, attracted and inspired educators to live their lives fully alongside their students. David believed deeply that when adults in the community felt ownership over their work and were connected, fed, and energized by their colleagues, students would thrive.

Having a vision for a school community and emboldening that same community to pursue the vision on an organic level are two very different challenges for a leader. David masterfully did both as Head of School. He did not shape Proctor’s mission after himself, but after what was best for students. If you worked with David, you felt it. If you were taught by teachers under David’s leadership, you felt it. If you work at Proctor today, you still feel it. This is the power of strong, visionary leadership. It inspires stewardship of a school culture that transcends the leader’s time at the institution.

Nance Barrett Administrative Assistant to Head of School 1971-2003

I had the privilege and honor to work with David as his assistant for 24 years. David’s words to me at the very beginning were “I’m not your boss, we are a team that works together.” We were a team that never had a disagreement in those 24 years. He often said we worked so well together as we both were Aquarians. David’s leadership as Head of School transformed Proctor into the school it is today, and it was his kindness, thoughtfulness, ability as a listener, way he respected students, faculty and staff that made him that leader. He was my friend as well as my “boss.”


It was not an easy transition when, in the early 70’s, David first became Head of School. The country was immersed in the Vietnam morass. And private schools were hurting for admissions and struggling to find purpose. But under David’s leadership, Proctor moved from being a floun dering traditional boarding school to a school which defined itself through thoughtful informality, a strong sense of community, diversity, academic support, and most significantly, through experiential learning. He believed to his core that learning through doing, learning through engagement, learning through accomplishment, learning through taking on challenges, and learning through the acquisition of confidence was the most effective form of education for teenagers. By his side was Alice, a champion of the Learning Skills Department and perfect partner in leadership for David, someone who embodied trust, care, and love for all in the community.

50 51

1988-2022 | Proctor Maintenance Department

Lynn was the recipient of the 2022 Green Lantern Yearbook dedication as the Class of 2022 honored her decades of service to Proctor. The class wrote, “The Class of 2022 dedicates the 2022 Green Lantern to Lynn George, Proctor Academy’s Assistant Director of Maintenance and Hazardous Waste. Since 1988, Lynn has been central to the operation of Proctor’s complex campus, helping maintain the school’s 52 buildings, 365 days a year. While often behind the scenes, Lynn’s influence on Proctor is felt by each of us daily: as we walk into buildings, play on our fields, ride buses to games, and sleep comfortably in our dorms. This school, and our lives as students at this school, can never take for granted the countless hours and years Lynn has committed to the Proctor community throughout her career here. We wish you the very best in your retirement.”

Bill Wightman ’73


If Proctor had a soundtrack, it would be as unique as the programs and people that make up our community. If someone were able to actually put this community to music, Bill Wightman would be the one to find a melody that wholly fits us. For the past seventeen years, Bill served as Chair of the Arts Department and director of Proctor’s instrumental music program. Whether it was accompanying the Jazz/Rock Ensemble during performances, advocating for the arts during faculty meetings, supporting students in their individual artistic pursuits, or mastering the technology behind an audio production class in Proctor’s recording studio, Bill’s talent, passion, and commitment to the education al value of the arts in every single high schooler’s experience has empowered generations of Proctor students to find and pursue their passions. Thank you, Bill, for your dedication to Proctor and to our collective artistic pursuits over the past two decades. You will be missed!

Lynn George, P’12 | Arts Department Chair, Instrumental Music Director
Thank YouDEPARTING FACULTY & STAFF Faye Okma, P’04,’07 1999-2022 | Admissions Adam Jones 2008-2022 | Technology, Social Science Valerie Ferris, P’10 2009-2022 | Learning Skills Jon Beard 2011-2022 | World Language Angela Warn | 2014-2022 | Admin. Support Morgan Braley | 2017-2022| Admin. Support Amy Makechnie, P ’17, ’19, ’22, ’25 2014-2022 | Science Jamie Ardine 2015-2022 | Dining Services Jim Hanson 2015-2022 | Maintenance Brenda Brown 2017-2022 | Housekeeping Brooke Haynes 2017-2022 | Social Science Dawn Allair 2018-2022 | Health Center Mike Fairbrother 2018-2022 | USS/FIS Skiing Becky Smart 2018-2022 | Housekeeping Candace Gatzoulis 2019-2022 | Vocal Music Laura Ostrowsky 2019-2022 | Science & Woodlands Judith Shedd ’78 2019-2022 | Dining Services Sean Wheeler 2019-2022 | USS/FIS Skiing Caroline Feeney 2021-2022 | Mountain Classroom Allie Clarke ’16 2021-2022 | USS/FIS Skiing Nate Chipman, P ’22 2021-2022 | USS/FIS Skiing 52 53

Sustaining Proctor Through

In October 2021, Proctor’s Board of Trustees formally closed The Campaign for Proctor: The Time is Now, the largest fundraising campaign in the school’s 174 year history. Raising more than $45,000,000 in support of capital projects, endowment, and annual support, The Campaign for Proctor catalyzed a transformation in the physical plant on the west end of Proctor’s campus, while simultaneously growing Proctor’s endowment by more than $5,000,000. Our collective investment in Proctor sustains the relationships that will always remain core to our educational model. Each new building, new endowed fund, or infrastructure investment facilitates these relationships, and in turn, nurtures our community.

It is with deep gratitude that we thank donors for their investment in Proctor. It is with equal anticipation that we look ahead to Proctor’s next chapter. As the school engages in a Strategic Visioning and Campus Master Planning process, priorities will emerge and will require intentional investment by the Proctor Community. Thank you for believing in the impact we, as a school, can have in this world.

Investing in Proctor’s endowment is critical to securing the financial future of the school and ensuring the optimal experience for students. Endowment funds help underwrite financial aid, professional development for employees, as well as specific programs like Learning Skills, Project Period, and Off-Campus Programs. Over the past decade, Proctor’s endowment has grown from $20.6M in July 2016 to $32.5M in July 2022 through intentional investment and oversight by Proctor’s Board of Trustees’ Investment Committee.

As Proctor looks to its future, the continued growth of the school’s endowment will be critical to a sustainable financial model. The following quick facts help show the importance and impact of Proctor’s endowment:

• $32.5M in total endowment funds as of 7/1/22

• $8,460,000 invested or transferred into Proctor’s endowment since July 2015.

• 40 endowed Scholarship Funds allow for increased access to Proctor.

• Roughly 6% of the annual operating budget is offset by a planned endowment draw each year.

• 43% of Proctor’s endowment is invested in a Socially Responsible Investment Fund.

Each year, Proctor relies on generous donations to the Proctor Fund to bridge the gap between tuition and other revenues and operating expenses. With a 2021-2022 fiscal year goal of raising $1.6M in unrestricted funds for the Proctor Fund, the extended Proctor family set a new standard for support by giving $1,800,000! Thank you to all who gave to the Proctor Fund this year. Your generosity unlocks a world of learning for students and faculty as we pursue Proctor’s mission, together.

Where does the money go?





Supports Learnings Skills, Athletics, Arts, and Off-Campus Programs.


Provides for Student Activities, Residential Life, and care of our Buildings and Grounds.

Giving Challenge

Alumni and Parents Connecting Through the 1848 Challenge

Each February, Proctor’s Alumni and Development Team hosts Proctor’s annual day of giving: The 1848 Challenge. For 18 hours and 48 minutes, 708 alumni, parents, grandparents, parents of alumni, employees, and students joined together to donate $275,469 in support of the Proctor Fund. Both the number of donors and the total amount raised shattered previous giving day records for Proctor, but it was the engagement - online, over the phone, and in person - that was most inspiring during the 1848 Challenge. New connections were made and old friendships rekindled, and for us, that is what a giving day is all about!

1848 Challenge Alumni and Current Parent Class Leaders Save the Date! Proctor’s 1848 Challenge | February 21, 2023! 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 CLASS OF 2023 CURRENT PARENTS | $64,335 46 DONORS CLASS OF 1991 ALUMNI $11,698 | 40 DONORS CLASS OF 2024 CURRENT PARENTS $23,563 | 40 DONORS CLASS OF 2017 ALUMNI $4,448 | 29 DONORS CLASS OF 2025 CURRENT PARENTS $13,822 | 39 DONORS CLASS OF 2021 ALUMNI $8,570 28 DONORS CLASS OF 2022 CURRENT PARENTS | $12,548 33 DONORS CLASS OF 2014 ALUMNI | $3.097 27 DONORS 1ST Place 2ND Place 4TH Place 3RD Place # OF DONORS
Addresses immediate needs allowing the school to achieve its unique mission with confidence and strength.
financial aid, competitive salaries and professional development opportunities.
One Chapter of Investment, Opening Another Brown Dining Commons $7,785,459 2016 2016 West End Dormitory $1,782,157 2017-2021 Farrell Field House Renovations Phase 1-4 | $12,536,398 2019 Mike Henriques and Betsy Paine Outdoor Center | $3,354,185 Proctor Woodlands Building $3,000,000 2022 The path to a record year! Faculty/Staff & Friends $144,751 | 9% Alumni $554,522 30% Current Parents $590,178 | 32% Parents of Alumni $526,717 | 29% WHO GAVE? Thank You! 1348 Individuals Gave to The Proctor Fund 1856 Total Gifts Given 300 Leadership Gifts of Over $1,000 The Impact of Endowment: Proctor’s Investment in the Future
Support 54 55


Tom Bryant ~* 1942 Dave Colt * 1944 Stu Brewster * 1945 John Pearson 1948 Bud White ~ 1950 Mark Claff 1951 Charles Beebe 1953 David Coffin * Peter Elbow # Jesse Putney # 1954 John German # 1955 Jim Graves Quin Munson # 1956 Paul Haus Mike Nash * Tim Purdy 1957 Jim Duncan Charlie Forsberg # Everett Jones * 1958 Mike Boyd # Dick Clemence * Robert Kvalnes # David Norman

Alumni Giving | The Hornet’s Nest

Thank you to the 711 alumni who made 1,130 gifts totaling $1,098,621 during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Your loyal support of Proctor’s educational mission is vital to our continued success as a school!


Rusty Court Butch Crosbie Bill Grant John Neubauer Tom Niles Paul Rogers * 1960 Laurie Cannon # Larry Casey Peter Kroll Ken Lindquist George Morosani * 1961 Bill Lerchen San White Chris Whittaker # 1962 Bill Donovan Paul Lile Dave Lunger # Curt Peterson Frank Robinson # 1963 Dana Bent # Nat Cheney # Charles Hall * Scott Hughes * 1964 Jim Putnam Mike Rosenthal # Sears Wullschleger # 1965

Art Cox * Tom Geibel * Bill Hood # Bob Martin 1966 Howard Bleakie Guy Kelley # Kirby Whyte


Joe Berry Bob Bristol Richard Harris Andy Hatt # Tomp Litchfield Jim Morris # Knox Turner # 1968

Bruce Bartlett Jim Bird # John Gary # Mark Holmes Russ Materne Jon Randall # Park Smith Courtenay Taplin # 1969 Doug Armstrong # Bill Bolton # Tom Canfield # Bill Davis Gordie Harper # Phil Kernan David LeDuc

Ted Levering # Alan McLean # Dave Roper Steve Shapiro * John Van Siclen #


Charlie Backus Bruce Baker Ben Beale

Greg Beckstrom Dave Boyd Peter Carney Joe Coakley Alex Duncan Jeff Haas Pete Hoagland David Moulton * Ed Oakes Chris Olson Tom Rudkin

Bill Stetson Neill Trimble John Welsh # 1971 Tim Brown # Bill Buchsbaum Henry Burton Frank Gibney * Kevin Gillespie * George Hoffer Charles Howard George Kaknes Peter Kernan Jon Mansfield Hank Marks Peter Rolfe * Howdy Rue Greg Samaha # Bill Sides Jack Simonds Jim Summers Terry Traver Andy Verven Doug Windsor

1972 Jon Bursaw Stephen Cohen Jim David Jeff Davis Jay Fisher * Dave Hubbs Bryan Johnson Bill Levandowski Franklin Moore Doug Rendall # Torrey Wallace Roger Whyte Gary Wright

1973 John Allen Christopher Dey Walter Perry #


John Deas # Mike Klau Henry Vaughan * Don Woodbury #

1975 AJ Johnstone Bob Murchie # Andrew Sheppe

Jean (Tierney) Tarrant Don Wright


Betsy (Kalat) Harvey Steve Pope


KC Church Ned Harvey # Carl Jelleme # Ken Krauss Charlie Willauer 1978 Jeff Abramson Ramon Agosto Bob Anderson Fay Brownlow John Curtis Mike Dresner Garry George Allan Johnson # Curtis Kitchen Andy Lawrence Ed Lynch Dan Murphy # Jeff Power James Reid Lee Ross John Welch

1979 Eric Benoit # Sean Canty Bill Faulkner Dan Hart Ken Lifton * John O’Connor * Bill Pierce #

1980 Keith Barrett # John Halsted # Dave Moore


Liz Blodgett Smith # Scott Dow David Eberhart Rich Farquhar Chris Hadley # Mitch Horton Aaron Ketner Deb Kirchwey Ted Oliver Richie Sears Dawn (Douglass) Stevens Ann Thayer Lizabeth Tompkins Birdie Walker


Tom Colby Andrew Parker # Bredt Stanley Ayres Stockly # Emily (Montag) Vaughan Jon Wallace

1983 Mary (Denney) Bogart Max Cobb Alex Estin * Edward Johnson # Tom Keeler Bob Manning Travis Mathis # Dan Mori # Dan Morse Sam Reeves # Ted Wolf


Elizabeth Bauman * Christi Harris Rob Logan # Amy (Westerman) McKain #


Carlotta (Segars) Cunningham Russell Evans Rand Hinman Jon Johnson Amy (Emeny) Pattison Emma (West) Werner


Chris Bartlett # Wendy (Chambers) Brown # Johnny Buck #

Dana Fletcher # Jean Molloy Will Peabody

Jen (Ballou) Vogt # Tripp Wyckoff #


Jed Dickman * Seth Downs Trevor Foster # Scott Goodman

Anya (Reed) Goodridge Oakes Hunnewell

Sarah (Randle) Murawski # David Page

Jennifer (Swift) Wilson #


Nicole Bagley # Beth (Carpenter) Bartlett Rhys Brooks # Oliver Davis

Margaret (Sova) McCabe Mark McGhie Joe Pellerin # Dan Rauh Tariq Sheikh Tom Spang #


Will Boyd Chris Durell # Matt Hauptly Rob Ittner Bob Kaynor # Karyn (Gerschel) Lamb # Lindsey (Buck) Lynch Trask Pfeifle

Adam Rohner # Daphne (Wilmerding) Scalamandre Lans Taylor # Brett Wagenbach # Jeff Ziter #


Brad Andrews Mollie Burns

Max Corcoran

Jessica (Filoon) Cornell Bill Feinberg # Rob Hutchins #

Gregor Makechnie # MC Malboeuf Mark Maloney #

Sarah (Rowe) McIntyre # Allan Porter Vin Purpura Pedro Reynoso Jesse Schust

Chelsea (Kittell) Taylor # John Turner # Pete Whitehead 1991 Barney Aviles Domingo Benavides Cat (Ehlen) Breeden Erica (Doyle) Calder Kate (Ferris) Carter # Brad Courts # Darryl Daniel Josh Dunne # Julia (Perry) Elliott # Jim Gautreau

Liz (Webb) Green # Tony Hadzima Stephen Haycock Sarah Head Caroline Heatley # Brooks Holmes Julia Huggins Katie Kidder * Nathaniel Leach Brian Levy

Katie Lorentzen Roth Martin # John Matthews Erik Mayo

Meghan (McSheffrey) Morin # Kim (Eason) Nubel Oliver Preuss # Jen Putney Andy Ratrie Matt Richter

Kate (Shaughnessey) Smith Kitter Spater # Andy Taylor

Suzanne (Rapp) Troyer Alissa Van Nort Travis Warren # David Whitlock 1992

Drew Donaldson # Elizabeth (Taylor) Eckhardt Peter Farrow

Jeremy Green Spencer Harman

Ria (Gregorio) Jones

56 57

Corby Leith

Josh Norris #

Chiara Petrucci

Hadley (Kasnet) Scully

Smitty Smith

Whit (Hill) Sowles

Jeremy Stowe #

Sam Thompson #


Ryan Bowse #

Rinear (Thatcher) Coulter Clay Courts

Tom Dodge #

Stu Green

Jin Hayashida #

Maxwell (Boehme) Love #

Chris Lynch

Alex MacInnes

Liv Vogel-Eck

Blue Wheeler

Coya White Hat-Artichoker


Jake Abendroth

Abby (Landry) Chau

Bob Culver

Tom Lytle

Caroline (Galyean) Metsch

Amaliya (Jurta) Silsby

Sarah Taylor

Miles Welch

Emily White Hat


Anonymous #

Cassie (Heaton) Bowse #

Seth Currier

Mike Freeman

Andrea (Cafritz) Hamor

Brian Hamor

Jordan Matheson

Becca Newhall


James Beaudoin

Suzann (Decker) Delaney

Danielle (Dubard) Dunn

Ted Hudson

Megan Jepson

Andy Klein

Tim Nash

Adam Nelson

Lorna (Macdonald) Newman

Jeff Nowlan

Julie Parenteau

Kris Sanborn Lindsey Schust

Abby Usen-Berner #


Tom Allen-Ryan

Aaron Bishop

Abby (Smith) Buccella Adam Courville

Simon Etherington

Jessie (Milne) Freeman ~ Erin Hinkley Shaffer

Carla (Morgan) Isaacson Mark Johnson #

John Kiaer # Chris Knapp # Dale Krantz

Jorie McCann

Clare McCarthy

Lisa (Lefebvre) McNaughton

Courtney Monteiro #

Pete Moyer

Dave Orgain

Nick Rust

Chris Sanborn # Danielle Segars

Mugi Umemoto


Rana Abodeely George Blair #

Jon Cotton

Kat Darling Bob Downey #

Rachel Golden Kirscht #

Rod Kidder

David Lejuez # Brian Meehan

Fred Owsley

Andrew Sandler

Rich Symington

Sarah (Eldred) Taylor Shane Wadleigh

Leo Waterston

Shauna (Sylvain) Young


Ollie Ames

Brooke Donaldson #

Chris Donaldson #

Jed Hinkley

Pete Hustis

Phoebe (Rideout) Lambert

Christiana Makinde #

Spencer Martin #


Laura Anker #

Paul Behnke

Meg Cary Lindsay (Cross) Hanson

Sarah (Hamor) Greenshields

Sarah (Felch) Lindvall

Abbi Stern #

Melissa (Butler) Tuckerman #


Andrew Abendshein #

Kate (Smith) Austin # Trish Austin

Liz (Harrison) Bouchard-Hall Lindsay Brown # Hunter Churchill #

Taylor Cullen # Malcolm de Sieyes # Lyndsay DeVore Justin Donaldson # Edwin Fowler Greg Gagne Adrian Maldonado Laura Mason Doug Park

Lori Patriacca

Laura (Eaton) Rutkiewicz


Anonymous #

Robin Bartlett Rissi

Brad Cabot # Adam Gervais

Derrick Harris Nancy Heyl

Avery (Cushman) Hoglund

Ben Hoglund

Rebecca (Barban) Leavitt Meredith Leoni # Megan Manning Cairncross

Sarena Stern #


Chris Cave Jake Fitzpatrick

Sean Leavitt

Dave Shepherd Greg Stetson

Jackson Tufts # Stephanie Williams Joe Zeitler Zach Zimmerman


Lucia Cushman Garbatini Chris Jones Joe Lloyd Michael Murphy Sean O’Connell

Dan Risotti #


Kaedi Butterfield # Joe Chase Alex Fellows

Alex Felton Christine Frazier Victor Gomez Alicia Hager

Katharine Heyl Sara (Murphy) Howard Sarah Jordan

Jen (Kramer) Moran Dave Schleyer #

2006 Eddy Benoit

Georgi (Gomez) Bristol Nick Brown # Jeremy Carter Jake Colony Lindsey Lee Ty Morris # Evan Procknow # Katie (Klauzenberg) Richardson Kate (Lanphier) Schmidt # Claire Winship


Betsy (Maloney) Corbin Sara (Whipple) Froman # John Goheen # Chris Landers Matt Milley # Jon Morin


Joanna de Pena # Alex Milley # Becca O’Connor # Christina Pagano Britt Plante Marissa Ray # Brooks Whitehouse Charlie Willauer


Robert Baxter Spencer Corkran Ebby Gerry # Jaguar Sasmito


Keith Buehler

Chris Dale Jenny Galligan

Mike Hemingway Kerstin Middleton Haley (Gerber) Miller David Murphy

Abbie (Webb) Pederson Maggie Shine # Marion Smith Peter Wade # William Whipple # Harris Williams

2011 Jackson Bicknell

Sam Brown # Truman Fleming Evan Gaskin

Maddi (Koenig) Gaskin Elliott Hays-Wehle Jake Hines John Howard # Jamie Jaxtimer Zach Lee # Mansfield Middleton Ali Mitchell # Lily Munsill Ian O’Connor

Brian Perry # Stephen Sample # Spencer Schwenk Megan Subsick Kelsey Taylor


Tucker Andrews Eli Clare

Breanna Davis #

Warren Davis

Peter Durkin #

Nikki Gorman

Jessica (George) Hodge Jake Hoffman Dafne Leidi

Mike Lombard

Maddi Malenfant Maddie Sullivan Hano Webster


Tim Braley

Morgan Koenig

John Martin

Anne Neylon # Ryan Peel

Patrick Shine

Tori Smith # 2014

Michelle Asch # Sam Barrett # Nicola Bush

Elizabeth Cameron Baird Davis

Angie Duke # Kelly Fisher

Connor Hollenbaugh # Sam Jaxtimer # Abby Landers

Ben Mello Jordan Moore Kate Pattison Julia Sargent Nick Solley Ian Starkey Connor Tedesco Maddie Trefethen Mark White Hat #


Joost Aalmans Stiles Alpeter

David Bamforth

Noah Barehmi Alicia Barry Thaddeus Bicknell Hazel Brewster

Beau Collins Molly Comrie Catie Craig Miles Denney

Jackson Dickstein

Josh Gluck

Charlotte Hadley

Liv Henriques

Calvin Johnstone Will Reynolds #

Lindsay Richardson Ben Saef

Alex Sprague

Alex Van Raalte Ian Wood

2016 Riley Anderson Max Barrett # Daisy Bewley

Hailey Blatchford Keith Davis # Taylor Drewniak # Jack Hall Paris Healey Burke Hildner # Stu Hull Maddie Humphrey Henry Johnstone

Sophie King Miles Kittell Maddie Lidbeck Avery Melville Colby Near Jake Pappalardo Annie Sheehy Connor Simpson

2017 Anonymous Katie Ball Grey Bechok # Kali Brown

Simon Carruthers

Drew Childs

Luke Cuticelli

Chandler Devaney Logan Drewniak # Caroline Ellis

Crowley Gentile Makena Gorman K.Leigh Irving Annika Johnson

Caroline Jones Jack Laviolette Peter Laviolette Anna Leonardi Dall’Occa Dell’Orso

Cope Makechnie Harry Makovsky

JoJo McDonald Sydney Minnehan # Jacqui Morris # Max Newell Julia Steeger Tea Valette Reilly Walsh

2018 Megan Casey Sarah Ferdinand Sage Fletcher

Coop Murphy

Connor Timbrell

Siri Warren 2019 Myles Abbate Henry Bechok Matt Bent Ben Charleston Jada Eisenbud Andrew Harrell Declan Healey Chad Hildner J Johnson Lulu Larkin Hailey Lowman Andrew Rusis Jack Walker Ben Warren 2020 Ryan Estella Kaley Farmer Campbell Franz Hitch Graham Blaine Hinds Cole Kellogg Jake McElroy Cole Schwabacher PJ Shaw Mackenzie Timbrell Ronan Walsh 2021 Torie Ball Katie Bent Jack Fedele Camden Fletcher Nate Hazen Tahg Healey Sophie Lyras Luke Ryan Hannah Stowe 2022 Jake Allison Emily Charleston Trey Chickering River de Vink Pape Diop Patrick Duffy Bella Eaton Cam Estella Ella Farmer Griffin Franz Emily Gillis

58 59






Vincent Shea Reid


River Turnbull

Lucy Werner


In Honor Of

150th Class of 1998 2022 baby!

All Current and Past Faculty

Lauren Anzalone ‘23

Class of 2025 Honoring their Teachers, Staff and Administrators

Jane Bartlett ‘25

Ben Berton ‘10 and Eva Berton ‘13

Brice Bendixsen ‘24

Grey Bechok ‘17

Jon Beard Owen Bezos ‘24

Class of 1950

Class of 1976 Class of 1978 (3) Class of 1983

Class of 1984 Class of 1986 Class of 1987 Class of 1989 Class of 1991 (6)

Class of 1992 Class of 1993 Class of 1997

Class of 1998

Class of 1998 Class of 1998 (3)

Class of 2001 (2)

Class of 2002

Class of 2003

Class of 2005

Class of 2006

Class of 2009

Class of 2010

Class of 2011

Class of 2014 (2)

Class of 2015

Class of 2016

Class of 2021

Class of 2022 (10)

Class of 2023 (2)

Class of 2025 (2)

Ben Charleston ‘19

Karin Clough

Max Cobb ‘83

Charles Creamer

Lance Crate ‘18

Steph Davis ‘20 and Charlie Davis ‘23

Chandler Devaney ‘17

Andy Donaldson ‘92

Chris ‘89 Durell and Sean Durell ‘91

Bella Eaton ‘22

Garry George ‘78

Phil Goodnow and Lawre Goodnow

Brendan Gurtler ‘25

Andrea Hamor ‘95

John Harden

Mike Henriques

Jake Hines ‘11

Jake Hoffman ‘12

Sophie Holland ‘25

Matthew Hynes ‘21

Quinlan Kerr ‘22

Chloe Knowles ‘19 and Lexie Knowles ‘21

Learning Support Programs

Christin Lathrop Nelson Lebo

Hongxuan (Henry) Li ‘25

Gregor Makechnie ‘90

Samantha Madison ‘22

Zach Macey ‘23

Alan McIntyre

Sarah McIntyre ‘90 and Alan McIntyre

Daniel Moral ‘91

Ellie Moore

Tom Morgan Molly Morgan

Mt. Classroom 1996

Johnnie Mutkoski ‘22

Connor Nelson ‘23

Chris Norris

Tim Norris

Ocean Classroom

Jay Pier ‘17 and Eli Pier ‘13


So many memories...

Andrew Scott ‘92

Kyle Sargent ‘13 and Julia Sargent ‘14

Linda Sargent (2)

Gretl Shaw ‘23

Pernilla Shaw ‘20

PJ Shaw ‘20

Romy Soa Smith ‘23

Pete Southworth

Coach Justin Sperry Griffin Stewart ‘24

Terry Stoecker and Michael Littman

Rosemary Sullivan ‘09 and Madelaine

Sullivan ‘12

Andy Taylor ‘91

Jean Tarrant ‘75

Peter Wade ‘10

Travis Warren ‘91

Winnie Walker ‘24

Sarah Whitehead

Sanford White

Cade Wiley ‘25

William Lucien Wiener ‘17

In Memory Of

Rob Blair ‘90

Bowen Brinegar ‘14 (47)

John Burgess ‘97

Sarah Cave Mike Damien ‘14 (2)

George B. Emeny, Jr. (3)

Tom Eslick Alice Fowler David Fowler Jen Hauser

Eric A Johnson ‘88 (3)

Chris Lovejoy ‘71 Giles McGrath ‘98

Patrice Martin Dave Pilla (2)

Jeff Waleryszak ‘91 Nancy Means Wright Ryan Whelan ‘93 (2)

Alumni Updates

The past year saw a return to in-person alumni events around the country. In our travels we heard from generations of Proctor alumni, each living out our school’s mission in their own lives. We shared laughs, tears, and memories of Proctor that remain deeply rooted in who we are and how we live our lives. We are incredibly proud of the humans our alumni develop into, and share the following Class Notes with a deep appreciation for the impact our alumni are having in their own corners of the globe.

Please share updates from your life with your Class Chair and learn how you can get involved with the Proctor Alumni Association by connecting via email at alumni@proctoracademy.org or over the phone at 603-735-6720.


Mark Claff ’50 Venice, FL

Mark is doing well living in Florida where he spends time actively engaged with his neighborhood croquet club and landscaping. He had a great time reminiscing over his Proctor days–including fixing up the old cabin in the woods–when he visited with Director of Development, Keith Barrett ’80, P’14, ’16 and Director of Alumni Relations, Lauren Smith in March 2022.

1960 Ken Lindquist ’60 Leesburg, VA

Ken is enjoying his retirement in Virginia. He is playing golf, enjoying day trips into Washington, DC, and doing some traveling. He is also enjoying being a grandpa to five grandchildren.


Bruce Gasque ’65 West Wardsboro, VT

Reunion Giving

# 5 or More Consecutive Years of Giving

* 20 or More Consecutive Years of Giving

Member of The James L. Dunbar ’49 Legacy Society

~ Deceased

Bruce sends a warm “Hello!” to all his remaining classmates. Between COVID and a recent rotator cuff replacement, it has been a quiet year. At 75 3/4, he expresses his gratitude for being very much alive, in great health, and blessed with a full head of hair, like a wolf. He dearly misses his good friend, Richard Kimball Sprague ’65, and would love it if anyone who knows the whereabouts of Peter Crawford ’65 would let him know. He wishes all in the Proctor community a happy, healthy rest of the year!


Greg Hine ’66 Boulder, CO

Greg, who now lives in Boulder, CO, visited former Proctor classmate Guy Kelley ’66 (Oakland, CA) in October 2021 to catch up on each other’s lives. It had been nearly 50 years since they’d been in contact.


Knox Turner ’67

Alajuela province, Costa Rica

Knox reports that he was elected to a two-year term on the Board of Directors of the Monteverde Cloud Forest School (CFS), Monteverde Costa Rica last September. The CFS (known locally as the Centro de Educación Creativa) has been a component location for “Proctor in Costa Rica” off-campus experiential learning for several years. The CFS, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, serves both local and international students, and has a long-established reputation in bilingual education and environmental stewardship. As a resident of Costa Rica, and certainly as a Proctor alum, what an honor it is to be included in the work that both Costa Rica and Proctor have always valued.

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George Brengle ’68

Placida, FL

George and his wife, Anne recently moved from Stonington, CT to Placida, FL where they purchased a home on the Gulf Coast of southwest Florida. They settled south of Sarasota between Englewood and Boca Grande, west of Punta Gorda. It’s certainly different from New England which they will miss, but they are enjoying the change. They are continuing to operate Dream Vacations, their worldwide travel business, from their home office. Dream Vacations specializes in customized vacation and travel planning including river cruises, small ship ocean cruises, family vacations, African safaris, and global travel.


Ellen Masten ’76 Bellingham, WA

Ellen spotted Erin Hinkley Shaffer’s ’97 class note in the last issue of the maga zine and discovered she, too, lives in Washington. So, she reached out and learned Erin lives a mere one mile down the road! Ellen even played soccer for Erin’s mom, former faculty member Dani Hinkley.

1980 Ron Vacca ’80 Kauai, HI

Ron has moved back to Kauai after helping his father through some medical issues. He spent time in Vermont and Cape Cod before heading back to Kauai and is working at the Beach House Restaurant. Aloha!


Steve Gallagher ’82 Newport, NH

Steve was glad to see a familiar face with Dave Chambers ’83 stopped by Crow’s Nest Campground on the Sugar River for a visit. He also had the chance to meet Dave’s dog, Sugar.


1974 David McClintic ’74 Scottsdale, AZ

David reports that he and his wife Kim had a wonderful visit to Proctor, where they met with Lauren Smith, the new Director of Alumni Relations, and were delighted to meet with Head of School, Brian Thomas. He shared some wonderful memories of Chopper (David Fowler, Head of School, 1972-1995) from both a student and employee perspective. David and Kim received positive vibes from their brief time on campus, and they believe Brian and his team have the charisma and energy to take Proctor to new heights. He’s excited to see everyone back for their (and he can’t believe he’s writing this) FIFTIETH reunion in 2024. A thank you to Lauren & Brian for their gracious hospitality!

Heather Moore ’87 Cleveland, OH

Heather dropped by campus during Proctor’s Spring Break. She spent time exploring the arts facilities with Director of Enrollment Chris Bartlett ’86.


Kim (Eason) Nubel ’91 Victor, ID

Kim reports that she is running Abrakadoodle Art out of Atlanta and starting another art studio in Victor, ID.

Katie Lorentzen ’91, P’24, ’26 Grand Junction, CO

Katie shared that 2022 has been an incredible year! Her daughters, Anja ’24 and Freya ’26 (Go Class of ’24 and Class of ’26!), are attending Proctor this year with quite a few other legacies (or alumni turned current parents) that she knows. She was thrilled to attend Reunion Weekend 2022, which was, “super fun, what an incredible turnout!” She noted that meeting so many alumni from different decades and hearing their stories was pure joy. The absolute best part was reconnecting with teachers, coaches, Julia (Gwinn) Huggins ’91 and Maria (Gregorio) Jones ’92... what a trip! They all have that one incredible thing in common - Proctor! As the days count down for her daughters to head to Proctor, she is reminded of her Proctor experience, which has come full circle as she begins her next chapter at Proctor as a parent. Recon necting with Proctor and those she holds dear has just been mind-blowing this year. She is thrilled to watch her daughters grow and experience their own adventures as a Hornet. ‘Together… that’s what life is all about.”


Chris (Huge) Hugill ’99 Washington, DC

Chris is living in Washington, DC with his wife Andrea and their two kids, Ayla (6) and Cyrus (9). He’s a management consultant working mostly in healthcare strate gy and is an avid woodworker in his “ample spare time.”


Yancarlo Mondriguez ’00 Haslet, TX

Yancarlo reports he’s doing well living with his family in Texas, and he “misses y’all!”


Jared Minton ’01 Stoneham, MA


Reece Camp Carter ’95 Richmond, VA

Reece shared her excitement in reading the following short article about her artwork while in residency at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. (Her sculptures are site responsive environmental installations.) From Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) newsletter: “When sculptor and multidisciplinary artist Reece Camp Carter was in residence at VCCA last year, she took to the woods to create four art installations that are now a part of the VCCA landscape. Resident Fellow Paige Critcher writes of Carter’s works, ‘What makes them so exciting to the viewer is that one can’t tell initially if what they are looking at is an act of natural assemblage. They demand a pause, a careful scrutiny, which then becomes a magical sense of having stumbled upon the sacred.’”

Jared and his wife Hannah welcomed their second child, Park David Minton, on April 2, 2022. They also have a two year old daughter named Ingrid Beatrice Minton. Outside of that, Jared is working in big data analytics in the life sciences industry at Optum and also works on a couple philanthropic endeavors. He sits on the board of the New England Healing Sports Association in Newbury, NH and is also on the board of the Nathan Cummings Foundation in New York City.

2003 Lucas Feinberg ’03

Norwell, MA

Lucas was ecstatic to welcome baby number 3 (and it’s a BOY!... another boy!... Oh boy...!) on Saturday, Oc tober 16, 2021 while the Red Sox hit 2 grand slams. Benjamin Bucci Feinberg arrived in this world at 10:42pm weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz and 19 inches long. They are so in love with their little boy, and Tedy and Jack were ecstatic to meet their new lifelong friend and were (sort of) eager helpers.

2005 Matthew Carpenter ’05 Freeport, ME

Matthew reported that he has moved back home to Maine, where he is working as a hospitalist at Maine General.

1971 Doug Windsor ‘71, Greg Samaha ‘71, Bill Sides ‘71, and Gary Wright ‘72 played in the 31st Proctor Invitational Golf Tournament at Lake Sunapee Country Club.
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Christine Frazier ’05

Grafton, NH

Christine recently moved to Grafton, NH with her husband and two children Lydon (4) and Co sette (2). She is the Parent Relations Manager at Cardigan Mountain School.


Jeremy Carter ’06 Boston, MA

Jeremy is happy to share that future Hornet Vincent Jay Car ter was born on July 7, 2022 at 1:07am at Newton Wellesley Hos pital in Massachusetts. Parents and baby are all doing well!

Bill Powers ’06

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Bill showed some Proctor pride while he was working at the West Palm Beach International Boat Show last spring.

2007 Alison Berman ’07 San Francisco, CO

Alison has had a busy year! She is currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area, published “Beautifully Mundane,” a collection of poems, and recently started a new role as Se nior Manager, Research & Marketing Operations at Valo Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in companies building solutions across climate change, circular economy, and empowerment.

Samantha Veysey Gibbons ’07 Missoula, MT

Samantha writes that Proctor Academy instilled in her a need to give back to her community through volunteering. After settling into Missoula, Montana she began running a group, offering free clinics for women, non-binary and trans folks in and around MT through board sports. Girls on Shred became a nonprofit under the Montana Skatepark Association in 2019 and has since evolved into a 20+ event per year organization. The organization offers free snowboard, ski, and skateboard clinics and redistributes thousands of dollars worth of gear, helmets, and lift tickets to help folks get into these sports. Girls on Shred are always in need of new donors and sponsors to continue our support in rural Montana and beyond. If you would like to learn more follow them on Instagram @girlsonshred or check out their website.


Morgan Saunders ’08 Silver Spring, MD

Morgan married Daniel Martin in October 2021, bought a house in Silver Spring, Maryland in February 2022, and accepted a new job as a Staff Attorney with the Native American Rights Fund in Washington, DC.

Proctor was well represented at Charlie Willauer’s ’08 wedding this past August!

Pictured are (L to R) William Compton ‘09, Sean Kaul bach ‘07, Abby Landers ‘14, Willis Brown ‘07, Maddie (Charlie’s wife), Charlie Willauer ‘08, Andrew Landers ‘10, Chris Landers ‘07, and Charlie Willauer ‘77

Marion Smith Buglione ’10 Bethesda, MD

Marion married Brian Buglione on December 11, 2021 at the Yeamans Hall Club in Charleston, SC. A handful of Proctor alumni were on hand to celebrate with the happy couple. Pictured are (L to R) Gardner Kelley ’10, Marion’s husband Brian, Marion ’10, Patrick Shine ’13, and Maggie Shine ’10.


Dylan Rochon ’13

Boston, MA

Dylan graduated from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business with a double major in Finance and Entrepreneurship in 2017. He met his fiancée, Sophie, in Cincinnati, Ohio, where they both moved for their first jobs out of college. In 2020, they moved to Boston with new jobs. Dylan currently works for Dell Technologies selling data center equipment to the federal government and Sophie is a finance manager at Gillette. The two recently bought a house in Boston and got engaged a few months ago at Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach in Iceland. Now, they are busy traveling and planning their summer 2023 wedding!

Colby Rymes ’13

Washington, DC

2011 Maddie (Koenig) Gaskin ’11

Falmouth, ME


The Wood Siblings, Spencer Wood ’09, Anna (Wood) McKeown ’04, and Sarah Wood ’03, enjoyed a family dining experience at The Lost Kitchen in Freedom, Maine. An exclusive restaurant– it runs off a lottery-based reservation system–made the meal that much more spe cial. They dined on some of the best meals they’ve ever tasted, met with owner Erin French, and were filmed as part of the “The Lost Kitchen” TV series on the Magnolia Network. Be on the lookout for their episode!

Maddie and Evan Gaskin ’11 are thrilled to report the birth of their second child, a baby boy: Mason Henry Gaskin, born November 16, 2021 at 5 lbs 13 oz, 20 inch es. He was welcomed by mom, dad, and big brother, Emmett.

Jack Hyman ’11 Los Angeles, CA

It was a busy summer for Jack Hyman ’11 who’s working as the head hockey coach for Loyola Marymount University. He was inducted into the 2022 LMU Hockey Hall of Fame. Living and breathing hockey, Jack still maintains the highest number of games played in an LMU uniform.


Ned Pressman ’12

Colorado Springs, CO

Ned and his fiancee, Brynn, are actively planning for their September 2023 wedding in Colorado Springs. The couple met in Colorado a few years ago and are happy to call the Centennial State home.

Colby is enjoying her third year in DC after earning her master’s degree in International Affairs, with a specialization in Diplomacy from BU in 2019. She is currently working as Operations Coordinator for the Children’s National Research Institute and is enjoying working behind the scenes in support of groundbreaking medical research. Colby has had the chance to reconnect with some fellow Proctor alums in the area and looks forward to more opportunities to meet face-to-face in the future.

Tori Smith ’13

Pittsburgh, PA

Tori had a year full of changes. She is happy to report her engagement to Jack Roberts in spring 2022, and they recently moved to Pittsburgh, PA to be closer to his family.

2014 Speight Drummond ’14 Newburyport, MA

Speight had an eventful year! He and his fiancee, Katie, are looking forward to welcoming daughter Lyla who is due October 2022.

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Cope Makechnie-Hardy ’17 Provo, UT

Cope married Kaden Hardy in a beautiful ceremony in Provo, Utah this August. The couple continued the celebrations with another gathering surrounded by family and friends in New Hampshire. Many Proctor community members were present, and faculty member Patty Pond P’09 even made the gorgeous (and delicious!) cake. Pictured (L to R) are Jacqui Morris ’17, JoJo McDonald ’17, Alicia Barry ’15, Cope Mackechnie-Hardy, Annika Johnson ’17, K Irving ’17, and Linnea Saunders ’17.

Dave and Jen Fleming P’11, ’12 were overjoyed to welcome their first grandchild, Nova Lynn Fleming, in January 2022. Congratulations to the grandparents and proud par ents, Elliot ‘12 and Kelsey Fleming.

Chris Jones ’04 and his wife Lind say were thrilled to add another ad dition to the family last fall. Marle na Grace Jones was born November 5, 2021 at 6:45pm weighing in at 6lbs, 9oz and measuring 19” long. She joins big sister Adaline.

Chris and Kristen Farrell welcomed Olivia Sage Farrell on September 16, 2021.

2018 Peri Chase ’18 New York, NY

Peri graduated in May from Fordham University and re cently started a position as a Service Associate at Morgan Stanley.

Luis and Ellie Mendoza welcomed their son, Arturo, 7lbs 15oz, at 2:01am on July 1, 2022.

In Memoriam

While many of the alumni updates we receive are filled with exciting news highlighting the joyful moments in life, we also received news of the passing of the following members of the Proctor family. We recognize this list is likely incomplete, and appreciate your passing along any other information of which we should be aware.

James Acheson ’56

Bowen Brinegar ’14

Newman Durell, Former Staff

Tom Eccleston, Faculty

David Fowler, Former Head of School

Jessie Freeman ’97

Ronan (Ro) Gould, Former Staff

William (Bill) Litchfield ’68

Thomas (Tom) Martin ’57

Gordon (Gordie) Mauer ’66 John Myers ’55

John Nash ’50

Leonard (Pearly) Pearlman ’48

John Pendleton, Former Board Chair and Faculty

William (Bill) Prout ’65

Weston Riley ’70

Robert (Bob) Sawyer ’57

Rebecca (Becky) Teach ’77

Robert (Bob) Wilson ’66

Richard (Rich) Wind ’71

Nancy Wright, Former Faculty Christian Yemga ’07

Faculty & Staff
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Box 500
204 Main
2023 - Date TBA
Ocean Classroom Send-Off
2023 - Date TBA New York City, NY Gathering
2023 - Date TBA Washington D.C. Gathering
4, 2023 Proctor Ski Area Event Proctor Campus
2023 - Date TBA Los Angeles, CA Gathering
2023 - Date TBA San Francisco, CA Gathering
2023 - Date TBA Ski Day and Apres Gathering Park City, UT
2023 - Date TBA Alumni Peer School Networking Event Boston, MA
2023 - Date TBA Alumni Peer School Networking Event New York City
2023 - Date TBA Chicago, IL Gathering April 20-21, 2023 Spring Family Weekend Proctor Campus May 27 Commencement Proctor Campus June 2-4, 2023 Alumni Reunion 2023 Proctor Campus UPCOMING PROCTOR EVENTS To learn more about upcoming events visit www.proctoracademy.org/about/events Questions? Contact Debbie Krebs at (603)735-6721 or events@proctoracademy.org Visit us on Social Media! proctoracademy proctoracademyalumni Want to receive our Alumni Updates? Email communications@proctoracademy.org Reunion 2023 Interested in helping organize or spreading the word to your classmates about your next Reunion? >> Email us today at alumni@proctoracademy.org 68

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