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MODDSYS A GLIMPSE INTO A MODULAR FUTURE Powered by Inside Sustainability



modDsys is a pioneering force in modular construction. Utilising the latest developments in modern building methods to perfect its innovate process, the company ensures a continuous flowing value chain, from design to onsite assembly, at any scale imaginable. Managing Director Joshua Coetzee explained more to Hannah Barnett.

ASa leading innovator, modDsys operates a one-stop-shop for volumetric modular solutions capable of building durable, affordable and sustainable buildings. The modular

build trend is growing worldwide, having been successful in the USA and the UK for several years.

“We want to take the trend to the next level,” said Joshua Coetzee, Managing

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Director. “And we’ve seen it growing in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia, where there have been very aggressive timelines on the new giga developments we are working on. The only way to meet such deadlines is by doing a modular build. This is where the awareness that we have created about what we do is starting to pay off – not as a business, but as an industry.”

modDsys is a relatively new company, founded around three years ago, and has enjoyed impressive expansion ever since. In just two years, the company has grown from 30 staff to 8,000 highly skilled engineers and professionals. It manages a site of 45,000 square metres, of which 30,000 square metres are under roof.

“From the start, we were privileged to take on some key clients with projects like NEOM in Saudi Arabia,” said Mr Coetzee.

“So, it’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride. Looking back, I think we’ve achieved a lot. And we’re very excited for the future.”

The innovative process modDsys uses its volumetric modular solutions to complete up to 95% of a construction project offsite, in a climatecontrolled facility, reducing build time by up to 50%. The company procures construction materials of proven quality and durability that fit each clients’ requirements and constraints.

The production process is optimised by technology ranging from robotics, to industrialised processes for improving quality, speed, consistency and safety at each stage of manufacturing.

“We have a dedicated R&D department,” Mr Coetzee explained. “They are always looking at different materials and how to

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use them in new ways, and they are always developing the fabrication process; adding automation or introducing more machinery and equipment. It all boils down to being more efficient, and at the same time, not jeopardising quality.”

Modular manufacturing, by its nature, generally ensures a superior product. At modDsys, this is enhanced by a stringent quality-control team and digital technology monitoring of the entire production line.

The process also allows for total traceability. The company is able to track each component as it makes its way through the production line, ensuring process accountability, adjustment of discrepancies and warranty management.

More pros than cons

The advantages of modular building are numerous. The aforementioned closely controlled environment ensures both the highquality of the process and the end product, as well as providing a much quicker return on investment. The commercial impact to

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the client is generally more up front with modular construction, rather than with conventional building, where paying as projects progress is more common.

“And with modular building, we can focus more on procurement of the materials needed to be more sustainable,” Mr Coetzee added. “We do not have the CO2 emissions that are usually found in a conventional construction domain. Also, the risks that come from work at a site are reduced, so, we can truly add value to a construction project.”

There are, of course, challenges that come with this sort of construction too. A lot of those challenges revolve around education

and the perception of modular construction. “In the Middle East region in particular, people still tend to think they are temporary buildings,” said Mr Coetzee. “So, we often have to explain that this is a permanent solution, that we lock in the design, do the whole fabrication and complete most of the building in a factory.”

Sustainable building modDsys keeps abreast of sustainable construction practices and regularly achieves strong U-value and R-value ratings for insulation on its builds. Ensuring that all constructions are airtight also adds value to the building itself

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Managing Director Joshua Coetzee

“The materials we use are all non-combustible,” Mr Coetzee explained, “and where we can, they are recyclable too. Obviously, the goals are dependent on the project itself. Completing 90 to 95 per cent of the building within the factory minimises site work, reduces waste and increases efficiency. This means a far

more sustainable product at the end of the day.

“There are thousands of other modular fabricators worldwide, but here in the Middle East, our competitors don’t focus on the sustainable side as much as we do. Nor are they looking at efficiency, quality and waste reduction as aggressively as we are. That is something that we are consistently revisiting and making sure that we stay on top of, as the leaders in the market.”

The other clear advantage to energy efficient designs is a carbon footprint that is reduced once the buildings are in use too, meaning added long-term value for the end user.

In order to be so successful, it is vital that modDsys maintains collaborative and trustworthy partnerships with all its supply chain, based on trust and respect. “We’re always ensuring our suppliers understand what our key objectives are and that we are all on the same page,” said Mr Coetzee.

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modDsys looks set to forge ahead and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the construction space. However; a company is only as strong as its people.

“Of course, we want our clients to be happy,” Mr Coetzee concluded. “But ultimately, we can’t do anything without our own team. The team needs to be happy first, and then clients are happy almost automatically, because the quality of the work is so good.

“Modular construction is a very exciting industry to be in, it’s so fast moving. And now we want to reach different market sectors, like hospitality. So, there are a lot of things we are still looking at and plenty of goals we are planning to hit.” n

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