UPROAR, 2020 Summer

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Editor and Designer: Kristina Barroso Burrell Photo Credits: Zoo Staff 2020 General Info: Open June 14 – November 30 Open daily from 10 am – 5 pm Open June - August 10 am - 8 pm www.potawatomizoo.org (574) 235-9800

Our Mission: To inspire excellence in education, conservation, and improved animal quality of life. Contact Us: Community Outreach: (574) 235-7654 Development: (574) 235-7654 Education: (574) 235-7621 Gift Shop: (574) 235-5615 Guest Services: (574) 235-7620 Marketing: (574) 235-7576 Membership: (574) 235-7651 Special Events: (574) 245-6163 Volunteers: (574) 235-9070 Zoo Camps: (574) 235-9801 Copyright 2020: All rights reserved. Potawatomi Zoological Society, Inc. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 1764 South Bend, IN 46634 (574) 235-9800

Drive Through Zoo! Because the Zoo had to remain closed for two months due to coronavirus safety guidelines, the Zoo held a fundraising event for four days called Drive Through Zoo. Ticketholders drove down the back access road to meet Zoo keepers, ambassador animals and check on some of their favorite animals.

The Potawatomi Zoological Society is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.

Cover Photo: The Zoo’s critically endangered Chacoan peccaries had two peclets this winter.

Summer 2020



FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Zoo Friends, What a challenging year this has been for all of us as we navigate the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As a non-profit organization we rely on our visitors to support the Zoo’s operations. It is your visits, memberships, events, train tickets, and concession sales that provide the necessary care for all of our animals. It is your support that allows us to continue developing this Zoo into a state-of-the-art conservation and education facility that our community can be proud of. Despite the setback this year has brought, the future of our Zoo looks brighter than ever, in large part because of the incredibly supportive community we are a part of. I could not be more proud of our dedicated staff who continued to work throughout this pandemic. Animal care staff worked under restricted guidelines like adjusted hours, face masks and gloves, and off-site precautions to ensure the health and safety of all our animals. I am also so grateful for the support of our community through generous donations. I am thankful to the members who renewed early understanding that we needed this revenue more than ever. With the extended season and summer hours, we are confident that all of our members will get the most out of this year’s membership. These tough times always come with a silver lining. This has been a time to reflect on what matters most to all of us. To go from focusing on our mission of conservation and education to trying to figure out how we are going to pay staff and care for our animals is something we could have never predicted. I find comfort knowing we can get through anything with the support of our community. I look forward to our future and can’t wait for you to see what is next! Animal Care Manager Jami Richards and Zoo keeper Lauren move the ring-tailed lemurs to their summer island.

Josh Sisk Executive Director




New Zoo Hours!

June through August 31 10 am to 8 pm

Ever wanted to see red pandas at dusk? Find out what the tigers do after 5 pm? Or pet alpacas after dinner? Now you can! Check out our new, longer summer hours this year!

Community Helps Provide Animal Care During the spring COVID-19 coronavirus stay-at-home restrictions, the Zoo was unable to open on April 3 as scheduled. As a non-profit, the Zoo relies on income from visitors, members, events, and EdZOOcation programs. In order to make up the budget shortfall, the Zoo created an Animal Care Fund and participated in two fundraising events. The first was #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5, a one-day social media event. The other was the Drive Through Zoo, four days where people could buy tickets to drive along the back access road of the Zoo, see some of the animals in their habitats, meet ambassador animals, and talk to zoo educators and keepers. Both events were overwhelmingly successful thanks to the outpouring of support from the community. The Zoo is so proud and grateful to announce that it was able to raise just over $60,000, which goes directly toward helping feed and enrich animals, provide veterinary care, and pay salaries during the time the Zoo was unable to be open. “We are so grateful for this amazing community we are a part of,” says Margie Anella, director of development. “Thank you so much to everyone who helped support the Zoo during this difficult time!” Top to Bottom: Zoo keeper RJ watches Lenny, the two-toed sloth, enjoy the sun. Families enjoyed ambassador animals like Ms. Travis, the black-throated monitor.

Summer 2020



Zoo Planning Reopening The Potawatomi Zoo is scheduled to reopen this month. The Zoo will open to Potawatomi Zoo members only on June 14 and open to the public on June 19, 2020. The Zoo is also debuting new summer hours, 10 am to 8 pm, every day until August 31. “We are working to prepare the Zoo for this reopening,” says Josh Sisk, executive director of the Potawatomi Zoo. “With continued concerns about COVID-19 and social distancing, we are changing some things about the Zoo experience, but we are so excited to have an opening date scheduled.” One significant change is that all Zoo visitors must get a ticket for timed entry online prior to arriving at the Zoo. Members will continue to have free entry for regular admission, but they will also need to reserve a time. This allows the Zoo to limit the number of people entering the Zoo and promotes contactless transactions and social distancing.

The new gift shop will be open immediately, but the entrance will remained closed through June.

“We take the health of our staff, animals, and visitors very seriously,” says Sisk. “We’ve followed CDC guidelines, made modifications, and taken precautions to promote social distancing, and we encourage every visitor to read the basic safety guidelines and frequently asked questions online before visiting.” In June, the Endangered Species Carousel will not be open, and the Zoo’s new entrance will not be used for admission. However, the Potawatomi Zoo Express Train and the Zoo Gift Shop will be open. Some of the food and drink stations may not be open, but the Zoo’s main café will be. The Zoo Farm and Carp River feeding stations will be closed to protect the health of visitors and animals, and the Zoo’s playground and bronze tortoise statue will be roped off. The Zoo will continue to evaluate CDC, state, and local health guidelines and make changes as necessary.

Tickets can be acquired at www.potawatomizoo.org/RTZ.

New Zoo Sponsors This year, the Zoo started a new corporate sponsorship program called the Alpha Pack. By joining the Alpha Pack, corporations and organizations can receive benefits based on their level of sponsorship and will be recognized at the front of the Zoo and in Zoo communications. Currently, there are nine Alpha Pack members for the 2020 season. The Zoo is proud to be partnering with Ancon Construction, Indiana Michigan Power, Lake City Bank, Lyons Industries, Martin’s Supermarkets, Myndi Aven of Northwestern Mutual, PepsiCo, Sym Financial Advisors, and Wells Fargo Advisors Anella & Anella Group. The Alpha Pack sign stands in the new entrance plaza.

To join the Alpha Pack, contact Margie Anella at (574) 245-6138 or manella@potawatomizoo.org.

The Zoo works with each sponsor to create a sponsorship package that fits the sponsor’s needs. Some of the benefits Alpha Pack members may enjoy include things like discounted memberships for employees, corporate events on Zoo grounds, VIP areas at Zoo events, exclusive behind-the-scenes opportunities, and more.




New Zoo Staff Surgery for Dian

Over the winter, the Zoo welcomed two familiar faces into new positions at the Zoo.

By Audrey Siegrist, DVM Zoo Veterinarian

Anna Pelc, formerly Collection Manager and Animal Registrar, became the Zoo’s General Curator. Pelc’s background is in zoology with a proMSc in zoo and aquarium management. A 8-year veteran of the Potawatomi Zoo, in her new position, Pelc oversees the Zoo’s entire animal collection.

A keen observer may notice something different about snow leopard, Dian. He looks like he has a permanent wink to his left eye. Dian has battled a disease known as multiple ocular coloboma syndrome since he was a cub. The syndrome is a genetic abnormality which has been found in other snow leopards. It affects the eyelid and multiple parts of the eye itself. Dian has had multiple eye surgeries over the years as his ocular disease progressed. As a result of Dian’s ophthalmic syndrome, he developed a detached retina and complete cataract in his left eye which led to blindness and chronic discomfort, similar to a migraine headache in humans. This required him to receive daily pain medication. Dian’s long-time veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. Andras Komaromy from Michigan State University, evaluated Dian last year and determined that his ocular disease had progressed enough that surgical removal of his eye was the best option to control his pain. Dian underwent surgery to remove his left eye (called “enucleation”) in December 2019. He was the perfect patient and never messed with his incision once!

The Zoo also welcomed back Jami Richard as the new Animal Care Manager. Richard has a degree in biology and environmental science and worked with a wide range of animals as a zoo keeper at the Potawatomi Zoo for more than 11 years. She is very familiar with the Potawatomi Zoo staff and animals. “The Zoo is so fortunate to have Anna and Jami, says Executive Director Josh Sisk. “Their skills and knowledge will play an essential role as we continue to move forward with our goal of building a more modern zoological institution.”

He is now completely healed up and off all of his pain medication. His keepers report that Dian is acting healthy and comfortable again.

Top to bottom: Anna Pelc and Jami Richard

Summer 2020



Care By Audrey Siegrist, DVM Zoo Veterinarian



uring the coronavirus pandemic, zoos across the world have been closely monitoring captive wild animals for symptoms related to COVID-19. The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians has been in constant contact with zoos providing updates and recommendations for care of the animals during this outbreak. At this moment, the main focus of the Association is animal health but inevitably, this relates to health of animals AND humans. Zoonosis is when humans become infected with disease that originates from animals. Reverse zoonosis is when animals become ill from infected humans. You may have heard about a tiger at the Bronx Zoo that tested positive for COVID-19. It is suspected that reverse zoonosis was the cause of this. Preliminary research findings suggest that other animal species may become ill with COVID-19 if they have a particular receptor in the body with a similar shape as it is in humans. These animals include primates, felines, bats and mustelids. Based on this information many zoos, including our Zoo, have temporarily changed animal care protocols. Changes in care are similar to what we do to reduce human to human COVID-19 transmission: keep at least 6 feet from vulnerable animals, reduce the number of keepers in an animal area at a given time, frequent hand washing, wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) when in animal areas or preparing animal diets, and discontinuing hand feeding or training sessions that require close contact. We have increased the amount of non-training enrichment the Zoo animals receive day to day to prevent boredom or stress while training is discontinued. Fennec fox George goes for a walk with Zoo keeper Kim.

We have also postponed some medical procedures until the threat of COVID-19 is reduced in order to keep our animals and staff as safe as possible. Even though we have made temporary changes to the animal care protocols the zoo animals are still being closely monitored, receive important vaccinations, take medicines for chronic health issues and are promptly treated for other health conditions that arise. My veterinary technician and I perform daily visual exams on the animals to screen for any signs related to COVID-19 or other ailments. We are happy to report that our animals are healthy and doing very well! It is important to note that a small number of pets outside of the United States have been reported to have become infected with COVID-19. I encourage all pet parents to speak with your veterinary provider if you have any other questions about COVID-19 and pets. For additional guidelines and FAQs visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-lifecoping/animals.html We hope that all humans and animals stay as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even when we reopen, please know we will continue to doing everything we can to keep your community’s zoo animals happy and healthy, especially during this uncertain time.




Support Big Cat Conservation By Maria Sheehan Zoo Keeper

The Zoo keepers use a range of enrichment including toys like this plastic iceberg Glinda is playing with in one of the ponds.


isitors to the Potawatomi Zoo nearly always spend time visiting the Amur tigers. These beautiful big cats are fascinating to watch, and by learning more about Amur tigers, we hope people are inspired to do more to help them in the wild. Amur tigers are the largest cat species in the world, slightly larger than their Bengal tiger cousins. Also known as Siberian tigers, they can weigh more than 650 pounds and stretch 10 feet from nose to tail. Amur tigers are native to the willow forests of eastern Asia but due to poaching, loss of habitat, and loss of prey sources, they are marked as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Amur tigers almost went extinct in the 1940s, but Russia became the first country to ban tiger hunting and offer tigers full protection in 1947. Now, it is estimated that there are fewer than 500 tigers in the far east of Russian with a small number ranging across the border into China and possibly North Korea. This is a 95% decrease in population size over the last century. Hunting of the main prey species, boar and deer, became restricted by annual quota based on the results of population counts to ensure the protection of the tigers’ resources. However, the poaching of tigers still poses a threat to this species because there is a high demand for tiger skins and other body parts in some surrounding countries and on the black market. In addition to poaching, tiger numbers are Amur tiger habitat has decreased significantly in the last being affected by human-tiger conflict, disease, and habitat loss. century. Credit: Guilbert Gates

Summer 2020



But there is still hope for tigers. Experts agree that if the demand for tiger parts can be curbed and we are able to protect the tigers and their habitats in the wild, tiger species may be able to rebound. This year Potawatomi Zoo and the local AAZK chapter are focused on helping this species by raising money for WildCats Conservation Alliance (WCA), a group focused on solving these issues that threaten wild populations of Amur Tigers. WCA works to manage all aspects of human-tiger conflict by educating human populations living in the areas tigers are native to on the troubles facing tigers as well as rehabilitating injured or orphaned tigers Morgana can often be found basking in a sunbeam. and releasing them into carefully identified remote areas where the big cats will be less likely to have interactions with people. WCA is providing park rangers and law enforcement with a combination of software, training materials and patrolling standards to help conservation managers monitor animals, identify threats such as poaching or disease and make patrols more effective. They have set up special reservations to help protect the remaining forest from wildfires and logging which would destroy the tigers’ only remaining natural habitat. In addition to helping wild tiger populations, Potawatomi Zoo is working with the Amur Tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP) to make sure that we have a genetically diverse and healthy population of tigers living in zoos. As we open this year, you will notice that we no longer have two of the four Amur tiger sisters who have lived at the Zoo for the past few years. Taj and Ursula have moved to Lake Superior Zoo and Bramble Park Zoo on the recommendation of the SSP. We know that they will be loved by their new keepers and zoo patrons, and this move allows even more people to appreciate the value of Amur tigers. This move also allows our two remaining tigers, Glinda and Morgana to have more space in the exhibit and back holding area. In addition to receiving daily enrichment, both tigers participate in voluntary training sessions with keepers. These training sessions help to keep the tigers mentally active while teaching them behaviors that would allow vet staff to give injections and take blood in a stress-free way. Guests will be able to watch our two remaining girls sunning themselves, playing in their pools, and playing with enrichment items all season long.

To learn more about WildCats Conservation Alliance, visit their website at:


Visitors to the Potawatomi Zoo can look forward to celebrating National Tiger Day at the Zoo on July 29 to help raise money for WildCats Conservation Alliance. We plan to have a scavenger hunt around the Zoo and spots to learn more facts about tigers. With your help, we can do more to save this important species in the wild.




by Melissa Gunter Youth Programs Coordinator

Melissa helps program attendees disect owl pellets to learn about owl diets.


he Zoo is finishing work on the new AEP Foundation Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classroom this year. Formerly the old Gift Shop, the Zoo’s red barn has been undergoing renovations this winter and spring, making it into a new facility for learning and fun! Although we don’t have a schedule for starting classes in this new building due to continued coronavirus (COVID-19) safety guidelines, in the future, this new classroom will be used for classes, camps, birthday parties, private events, and more. While our camps and classes have always had a focus on conservation education through STEM objectives, the new classroom’s equipment will allow for us to further integrate these goals. Equipped with a smartboard, student tablets, microscopes, and field sampling equipment, students will be able to take their learning experience to the next level. Updating our learning environment at the Zoo with newer technology helps students apply wildlife conservation practices into the modern world. What can students expect from STEM Zoo camps and classes? Here are just a few examples of the types of activities students might be able to participate in with the new STEM technology: •

Engineer a NEW animal species out of Legos with adaptations based on a set of environmental factors.

Identify animals smaller than the period at the end of this sentence by viewing pond water samples under a scope. •

Understand how renewable energy works by constructing a solar powered oven.

Meet an endangered species, and then create a video to help educate others on how to protect them.

While projects such as these help boost technological abilities, children will also gain other important social-emotional skills through creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving. Just like in any field, these skills are vital for the future of animal conservation.

Summer 2020

Leopard gecko, Lhyl




EdZOOcation Updates

dZOOcation programs might look a little different at the Zoo this year, but we’re still planning to bring you classes, camps, and other learning opportunities. Although we have had to cancel a few of our earlier summer camps for the health and safety of our visitors and staff, we will be starting a new ZooCamp-In-A-Box program until we are able to restart our Zoo Camps on-site later this summer.

ZooCamp-In-A-Box will have about three hours of activities per day for a five-day span that includes instructions and materials for crafts, games, and other activities, as well as links to videos of animal encounters, zookeeper encounters, and behind-the-scenes experiences at Potawatomi Zoo. There will also be a small, bonus item for campers in each box. The boxes will be available for purchase at $85 per box. You will be able to order and receive ZooCamp-In-A-Box in June. To register for EdZOOcation summer camps or to buy a ZooCamp-In-A-Box visit our website at


ZooCamp-In-A-Box Topics

On-Site Summer Camp Themes

Junior Naturalists, ages 5-6

Junior Naturalists, ages 5-6

Colorful Creatures

June 29 – July 3 & July 20 – 24

Future Zoologists, ages 7-9

Critter Classifications: Zoo campers will learn what makes each classification of vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish) unique from each other.

Zoology 101

Wild Rangers, ages 10-12 Wild & Rare

Future Zoologists, ages 7-9 July 6 – 10 & July 27 – 31 Hoosier Habitats: From the Indiana Dunes to the Ohio River, and everything in between, Zoo campers will explore different Indiana habitats and its inhabitants.

Wild Rangers, ages 10-12 July 13 – 17 & August 3 – 7 So You Want to be a Zookeeper? Zoo campers will be given the opportunity to see what really goes on in the daily life of a zookeeper with hands on zookeeper tasks.




By Margie Anella, Director of Development


rom start to finish, the campaign to build the new Zoo entrance has been an amazing joint effort among donors, the community, staff, and visitors.

Our donors and community foundations helped us raise the funding for this project in six months, which allowed us to break ground in September 12, 2018, and one of this is finish within 18 months. In the meantime, we are so grateful conceivable without that our visitors and members endured a season of messy, the contagious passion muddy construction. We hope the end result is worth it!


We also achieved some significant firsts for the Zoo. This entrance and plaza project is the largest capital campaign in the Zoo’s history, one in which we received the largest single private gift in the Zoo’s history, and the first time we have received state funding. It showed us that you believe in making the Potawatomi Zoo the best South Bend regional zoo it can be.

Cost of Building $2,438,683

Amount Raised $3,735,456

Funding Sources

~$1.785 million private ~$1.5 million City of South Bend

$450,000 Regional Cities Initiative

of the board members, staff, and Zoo members who truly believe, and rightly believe, that a great city deserves a great zoo.

~ Pete Buttigieg

Another generous thing our donors did was help us exceed the funds necessary to build the entrance itself, which has allowed us to add to the project, including creating a family restroom and nursing station and renovating some of the office and Zoo Camp space. Every day we hear compliments when people visit the new entrance and gift shop. We are so proud to have finished this project that will make visiting the Zoo an even better experience for our members and visitors. Thank you for making this dream a reality. Together, there is nothing we can’t achieve.

Our Thanks to the Donors

Summer 2020



who contributed to the Front Entrance Capital Campaign.

The Newton Family Entrance Building

Margie and John Anella and Family Katie and John Anthony I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation The Employees of Lazar Scientific, Inc. Kristin and David Pruitt Peggy (Margaret) Shea Wells Fargo Foundation Todd, Sarah, Mia, and Maren Woelfer Plaza Benches

Anonymous Family Foundation Education Complex Renovations Anonymous Family Foundation Laidig Systems, Inc. Undesignated Gift Community Foundation of St. Joseph County Undesignated Gift Louise and Steve Anella Erin and Ryan Harding and Family St. Joseph County Regional Chamber Admission & Membership Services Area Barnes & Thornburg, LLP Landscape & Gardens $2,500 < Ancon Construction Cressy Commercial Real Estate Patti Crowley Carol and Tim Curran The Fortener Family Kari and Jerry Gallagher The Healy Group The Hibberd Julia and Ed Jordanich Krieg DeVault LLP Kristi and Brian Kubicki James L Management, Inc. Carmen and Damon Leichty Lincolnway Vet Clinic Jessica and Ryan Matthys Aaron Perri Barb and John Phair Cindy and Chris Shepherd Jen and Phil Smoker Stifel – The Elkhart Group

$1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (2) Denise Beidinger and Kevin Evans Lissa and Clayton Bill Jennifer and Jon Chadwell Jenica and Dan Cory Jenna and Mark Criniti Rachel Fulcher Dawson and Scott Dawson Michelle and Alan Engel

Lissa and Scott Eshowsky Explore Media Angie and Phil Faccenda The Farrell Family Traci and Brad Hummer Judi and Steve Infalt Kathleen Kusbach and Michael Guzik Margaret and John Lloyd Gwen and Doug MacGregor Laura and Judd McNally Ariane and Robert Mendoza Jenny and Lou Miller Dave and Susan Nufer Tammye and Bob Raster Mary Ann and Randolph Rompola The Ratigan Family The Rotary Club of Granger Phil and Laura Seng Frances L. Shavers and George E. Horn, Jr. Amanda and James Turnwald

$500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Elizabeth and Mark Adey Andrea and Joe Canarecci Concord Cars Kerry and Mike Cook Freeman-Spicer Charities Inc Tracy and Ed Maginn Sharon McBride

Myndi and Ken Aven Bottling Group LLC Bradley Co. Susan and Trevor Gasper and Family Kruggel, Lawton & Company CPAs Martin’s Super Markets Barb and Larry McHugh Plaza Concrete Seat Wall

McDonald Physical Therapy Carol and John Mertes Princess City Dental Care Christi and Carl Risk St. Joseph Church Dr. Bradley and Brooke Swanson John P. White Stanley F. Wruble III

$499 > Anonymous (1) Brittany and Joshua Black Lori and Daniel Boecher Kate and Joel Bowers Janette Burkhart-Miller Barb and Tom Cassady Myra Chapman Aaron Cleveland and Meg Gammage Tucker Shelby and Jeffery Cole Cody, Ashley, Charlie, Henry, and Piper Collins Brenda and Michael Cox Janilyn and Philip Daub Julie and David Deahl Regina and Brad Emberton Ken Fisher Rachel Hall Stacey and Michael Hall Mary and Al Harding Lisa Heffner Debra Hogan

Josh Jusko Bryanne and George Keegan Kuert Concrete, Inc. Sue and John Leonard Becky and Jerry Lutkus Dan and Karen Manier Kelly and Ted McNally Tami McNally Connie and Stephen McTigue Matt Meersman Colleen and Doug Morrison Laurel and Brendan O’Shaughnessy Barbara Osthimer Joddi and Scott Osthimer Athanasia Panopoulos Patty and Ed Patzer Kim and Bill Redman Nathan Rumely The Russo Family Elizabeth Schelle and David Go Natalie and Chris SchommerPries Aubrey and Ryan Sousley South Bend Firefighters Joann and Donald Sporleder Cari and Bryan Tanner Laura and Nathan Utz Lisa and Gary Wetzel Mary and Tom Wisniewski





ers, This year has given us some unexpected challenges, and we are so grateful for b m e M your continued support during these difficult times! Our opening was postponed to keep Dear

our animals, staff, and customers safe, but we are excited to be able to open to members only on June 14! When we open, you’ll find some changes to the way you enter our Zoo, check in, and the event calendar. You may have already noticed a change to your membership card. This year, membership cards have a barcode on them. This is because we have a new membership and ticketing system. Your cards will now be scanned to check in, as well as to receive your discount at our new gift shop! This should make member check-in go more swiftly, though we ask you to have patience with us as we all adjust. The interior layout of our new building will change the way you enter the Zoo. Members will have a checkin area separate from general admission. It will be on your left when you enter the building. Staff at general admission counters can also check you in as well, so if one of their lines is moving more quickly than the members’ line, you are welcome to join that queue. COVID-19 health and safety concerns meant we were closed during the time we had scheduled for Member Appreciation Day, but we will still be having an event to show how much we appreciate you as members of our organization. The date will be in September, and we’ll send more information about this event once we have an exact date set. The Zoo is adding an extra month to the season, and we’ll also be open longer hours for you to visit, with extended evening hours and Members Mornings. The Zoo will be open from 10 am to 8 pm, (last admission at 7:00), through the end of August. On Saturdays and Sundays July through September, we’ll open at 9 am for members only, to give you more opportunities to visit the Zoo! The Potawatomi Zoo is so thankful for all the love and support you’ve given us during this difficult time, and we can’t wait to welcome you back to the Zoo on June 14!

Tips Especially For

Members Make sure you bring your photo ID every time you visit the Zoo so you can use your membership! Please remember that your membership is only valid with photo ID of one of the named adults on your membership card. If a babysitter or family member is going to be bringing your children into the Zoo without one of the named adults present, they must be a named guest on your card. Only named guests can visit the Zoo without a named member. If they are not named on your card, they will need to pay admission for all people entering the Zoo. You can check with us to make sure you know who is covered by your membership by emailing pzs@potawatomizoo.org or calling (574) 235-7651.

Summer 2020



AAZK UPDATE Hello from you

r Potawatomi


Chapter! We hope everyo ne is doing wel l during these zoo keepers, w crazy times! A e are essentia s l employees, so providing our an w e have been h imals with th ere e best husband possible. We ca ry and welfare n’t wait until everyone can co me back and se e us! Social distanci ng has made pl anning fundra more difficult isers and even this year. The ts good news is w to have our an e are still going nual BFR (Bow ling for Rhinos national fundra ) event. BFR iser with chap is a te rs all over the on events to ra country puttin ise money to h g elp conserve al l five rhino sp ec ie s. For more inform ation on this ev ent visit aazk rhinos. We’ve al .org/bowling-f ways loved pu ortting on Bowlin especially now g for Rhinos, bu that our rhino, t M asamba, has ar hoping to mak e an even bigg rived we are er difference for in the wild. his counterpar ts Taking everyo ne’s health into consideration, VIRTUAL! Th we have gone is year BFR w ill be a two week all of the acti long event and vities, informat ion and fundra via Facebook. ising will be di We’re kicking of gital f the virtual ev June 5. We will ent on Friday, be sharing fun facts about th love and suppor e animals you t, animals that are joining in on and videos of zookeepers do the excitemen ing what they t, lead up to our do best. This online silent au w ill al ction on Thursd l 6-7pm. For m ay June 18 fr ore details ab om out the event, page (see belo visit our Faceb w). We look fo ook rward to seeing the safety of you there (fro our computers m ). Sincerely, Erin Brunk, AA ZK President Aubrey Hughes , Community O utreach Coord


DID YOU KNOW? AAZK stands for the American Association of Zoo Keepers and is a nonprofit volunteer

organization made up of professional zoo keepers and other interested persons dedicated to professional animal care and conservation. The national AAZK fosters a professional attitude in animal keepers through publications, conferences, and chapter activities at local zoos. As well, the national AAZK and local AAZK chapters hold many fundraising events to support wild animal conservation and promote public awareness and education. The keepers at the Potawatomi Zoo worked with the National AAZK to create our current chapter in 2014. We are pleased to be part of the national AAZK organization and we look forward to contributing to animal conservation in the coming months and years.

Follow us at www.facebook.com/potawatomizooaazk to learn more about animal conservation!


Potawatomi Zoological Society 500 S. Greenlawn Ave. South Bend, Indiana 46615 Call 574-235-9800 for more information www.potawatomizoo.org

We’re Open!

Members: June 14 Non-members: June 19

For your health and safety, we have new ticketing and social distance guidelines. Before you visit, please check the website at


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