Bognor regis post issue 54

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Issue: 54

Bognor Regis Post ISSN 2397-8724

BognorRegisPost Your FREE weekly independent newspaper

Friday, May 12, 2017

t es er g r p La spa p s ' i ea ew sh Ar E N der E a FR Re See page 15 XX

Model railways are a big delight

See pages 16 & 17 XX

A Yapton home gets the DIY SOS treatment - see page 3

Town hall offices could move CIVIC meetings could be on the move from Bognor Regis Town Hall after nearly 80 years. Decades of decision making in the democratic heart of the town could be coming to the end. THey began in the months after the visit of King George V and could end with the building becoming a Brewer's Fayrestyle pub/restaurant. Bognor Regis Town Council has begun

to investigate leaving the Grade II-listed structure at the corner of Clarence Road and Belmont Street. It has set up a small working group to look into alternative sites within the town so it is ready to leave the town hall if Arun District Council's regeneration proposals for the site and the adjoining Regis Centre come to fruition. Cllr Jim Brooks (I, Marine) told Monday's annual meeting of the town

council he would be sad to see it leave its only home. "THis building would have to be in extraordinary bad shape for us to give it up. THis is the heart of Bognor Regis Town Council. "THis is potentially a very good building where our staff could be efficiently housed. We have to look at it but I would hope the building is not lost. "Even if it does not remain an official

building, I would hate to see it turned over." THe town hall's foundation stone was laid in May 1929 and it became the offices of the then Bognor Regis Urban District Council the following year. THe council continued to meet there until 1974 when its functions and assets were taken over by Arun District Council. A neighbourhood council was formed Turn to page four

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2 Advertising Feature

Friday, May 12, 2017

How much can your property make you? WE LIVE in one of the UK’s most popular tourist locations and as such there is a huge demand for short-term, self-catered accommodation. THe short-term holiday lettings market has seen exceptional growth recently, with some of our clients achieving three times the amount they would from a long-term tenancy. At Fresh Air Management one of our clients began their journey with us when they decided to travel for six months. THey considered letting their home for a six-month tenancy, however, decided against the idea just in case they chose to come home sooner. Rather than leaving their home empty they wanted to find a way of making their home ‘work for them’. THey instructed us and we listed their property on Airbnb, Home Away, Holiday Lettings and Trip Advisor, for them to receive what they thought would be a few weekend bookings and a little ‘pocket money’ for their trip. THe retired couple had an amazing trip and achieved more income from their property during their six-month trip than they would have done over a twelve month long-term let. When they returned to the UK they decided to rent another property on a long-term tenancy in order to continue letting their own home for short-term holiday lets. THey are now achieving triple the amount they would from a long-term tenancy per year and are planning more holidays! THe key to obtaining these returns is professional 'hands on management'.

Managing short-term lettings is a full-time job, which is incredibly labour intensive. Our success means we see the same tenants wanting to return year on year and the properties we manage are amongst the most viewed on the short-term lettings sites we use. Fresh Air Management is a family business set up to cater for the huge increase in short term lets. We offer fully comprehensive management service to ensure the process is streamlined and hassle free for our clients. Our professional management company takes all the hassle away from the owner, leaving them free to enjoy the substantial income short term lets can supply. If you are planning a holiday, own a second home or looking to earn some extra income from your primary residence give us a call on 01243 940330.

Phil wears his chain to work NEW BOGNOR REGIS town mayor Phil Woodall wore his chain of office on his first day at work after his appointment. Customers at the Tradepoint section at the town's B&Q store had the novelty of being served for the first time ever by its senior elected citizen. THe down-to-earth approach is typical of Phil's community champion attitude to the long-standing role which dates back to the late 19th century. He said: "My supervisor kept telling all our customers I was going to be the town mayor. "Being a councillor and working in a store like that is a good thing. I can find out a lot about what people think about the town. It's good to talk like that in that sort of environment." Phil's appointment at the town council's annual meeting on Monday came exactly two years after his election as a Liberal Democrat councillor for Orchard ward. He said: "THere are a couple of forums about the town on Facebook with a lot of negative comments. I was one of the Mr Negatives. One day, Cllr Francis Oppler who I grew up with on the West Meads estate, posted a photo of his mum. "I recognised her. We got chatting and he suggested I should become a councillor. "I agreed and got elected so I help to make decisions which affect the town. THat's a really worthwhile thing to do. "I wanted to put my mouth where my fists were in action on the keyboard. "I would tell anyone who is negative

about the town to do the same. THey should come along to council meetings and sit in the public gallery to find out what happens. THat's what I did." Phil, 55, of Renoir Mews, moved to West Meads with his parents and brother and sister in 1970. He attended Michael Ayres Junior School and Bognor Regis Comprehensive School, with a Saturday job as a milkman at West Meads, before he trained as an electrician at a Worthing college. He is also a carer and began work at B&Q two years ago just as he was elected on to the town council. He was recommended last year by the then town mayor, Pat Dillon, as his deputy because of their shared liking for getting involved with community work. He is looking forward to the coming year with its mixture of formal occasions of meeting and receptions and more relaxed events. THe first will be tomorrow at Rox Around THe World in Hotham Park. Phil will also be at the town's carnival on June 10 for the third of the parades since he helped to revive them as the organising committee's treasurer. "It seems to be going well," he said. "We've got about 25 entries and there's still time for more people to enter." Phil is in a relationship and has a grownup son and daughter and six grandsons. He will be raising money for the Alzheimer's Society and Epilsepy Action and is aware of both charities' work through family connections.

Trees start to be felled to allow A259 cycle path to be installed TREE clearance work has begun for a new cycle path from Bognor Regis. West Sussex Highways staff started to fell trees and remove and prune branches on others along the route from Flansham to Littlehampton on Wednesday. THe combined cycle and footpath will be the shortest and safest route to pedal between the two coastal towns. It will be a 3m-wide path along the northern side of the A259. A county council spokesman said: "Work started on Wednesday and is expected to last for two weeks. It will be done Monday to Friday, from 9.30am-

3.30pm. No road closure is necessary but two-way traffic lights will be in place. "A licensed ecologist will be on site to supervise tree surgeons if any nests are discovered." He added: "West Sussex Highways has been given permission to remove trees by Arun District Council on the grounds the scheme improves safety of the highway." THe £1.4m cycle route will be 4.5km long and will link the eastern end of the Bognor Regis Relief Road in Felpham to the Ferry Road junction in Climping. As reported, some of trees - such as oak, ash and maple - were protected.

Friday, May 12, 2017

News 3

Community rallies round to answer Amanda's SOS

New loos cause stink on seafront

BUILDERS, carpenters, plasterers and electricians from around the area have come together this week to help the BBC's DIY SOS team to change the life of a Yapton woman forever. As part of the television programme DIY SOS: The Big Build, the home of Amanda Worne, 46, is being completely rebuilt. THe new home will be adapted for her needs following an accident in 2015 that left the mum-of-four wheelchair-bound. Along with the well-known team of DIY SOS, which is fronted by familiar face Nick Knowles, the completion of the project is aided by a large number of volunteers from around West Sussex who are selflessly donating their time and expertise. Carpenter Matt Talman, from Littlehampton, is enjoying working

alongside the other volunteers. He said: “It’s been really brilliant. I’ve loved meeting everyone working here. "I think there have been about 70-80 volunteers here so far. THere are even volunteers here making cakes.” Gary Fisk, a Felpham-based decorator, shared Matt's views. He said: “I usually work on my own but it’s been great, I’m loving it. "Meeting Amanda was really emotional. I can’t wait for her to see the final result.” THe way in which DIY SOS operates is entirely unlike other building work. With such a short time-scale all kinds of skilled people find themselves working together. THe show's resident carpenter Chris Frediani acknowledged this. He said: "THis is something the

volunteers would have never experienced before. Nowhere else would you get an electrician, a plasterer and a carpenter all in the same room.” Chris was also looking forward to Amanda’s reaction. He said: "It will be a completely different house - suited to Amanda’s needs. THis will allow her to be a mum to her kids more easily. "THere’s such a feel-good factor to this job." Amanda's neighbour, Dale Birol, 23, shared this excitement for the finished house. He said: “I can’t wait for Amanda to see it. She’s going to be blown away. "Amanda deserves it so much, she’s such a lovely lady." THe DIY SOS team have nine days to complete the new home. THe results of their hard work will be revealed to Amanda and her family next THursday.

Cinema work to be watched by councillors - see page 5

TEMPORARY toilets along Bognor Regis seafront have been criticised as an eyesore. THe Portaloos were opened on Wednesday at their location opposite Walton Avenue. THey were installed last Friday by Arun District Council to replace the nearby traditional underground toilets. But town councillor Jeanette Warr, pictured above, said the grey structure with men's and women's loos were wrong for the seafront. "THey take up half the width of the promenade. THis place is absolutely heaving with people in the summer, especially on bank holidays and weekend and people will be queuing up to use them and getting in the way of the train," she said. "I'm not so sure they are going to be big enough either. "However, long these toilets are going to be here, this is not going to work. It's ridiculous to have them." THe men's permanent toilets were closed by Arun last year because of their misuse. THey are also unsuitable for disabled people, who are unable to use the women's loos as well. "It's good that people have somewhere to go to the toilet but I can't see why the council couldn't have the underground toilets staffed," said Cllr Warr, a Liberal Democrat councillor for Hotham ward. Cllr Warr has previously spoken

out about Arun's long-term plans to move the promenade bandstand from its location a few hundred metres west of the toilets to Waterloo Square Gardens. THe council wants to use the bandstand's site, with its extra width, for concessions and above-ground toilets. "THis is a promenade and people come down to walk along it and look at the sea. I don't see why Arun don't realise that. Moving the bandstand to somewhere more secluded will see people sitting and drinking in it," she said. An Arun spokeswoman said "THe toilets are likely to be open throughout the summer and into the autumn to coincide with the main visitor season. Underground toilets are inaccessible to our main visitor groups, such as families with small children and older people. "Hence, the provision of the temporary toilets and new purposebuilt above-ground toilets are planned for summer 2018." A lack of plumbing links to the sewer system made it impossible to install more temporary toilets, she said. Surveys had shown residents and visitors wanted better toilets on the seafront as their top priority. She added: "Accordingly, the council is investing in purpose-built, above the ground toilets planned for next summer, 2018"

4 News

` Bersted in Bloom CHILDREN have been invited to enter a revamped version of Bersted in Bloom. THe gardening competition will include a category for the best children's A4 drawing of a garden. THe age ranges will be 3-6, 7-10 and 11-14. Adults will be able to enter containers/hanging baskets, a front garden and an eco-friendly garden which makes the most of recycling. Entry into the event held by Bersted Parish Council is free. THe deadline is June 30. Forms are available from the parish council at the Jubilee Parish Hall off Chalcraft Lane.

` Homes meeting A PROTEST meeting is being held tonight by Bersted Parish Council against the thousands of homes planned for its area. THe open air event will take place from 7pm at Jubilee Fields off Chalcraft Lane. Cllr Brian Knight, the council's chairman, said the proposals were ridiculous and the council wanted as many people as possible to oppose them. "It is vital we act now," he said. Arun District Council has earmarked farmland off Chalcraft Lane for some 3,000 homes in a proposed development it has called West Bersted. THe parish council is also hosting a session from 10am-4pm tomorrow in the Jubilee Parish Hall, next to the fields, to show residents how to formally object to the scheme.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Council looks into moving its offices From page one In 1978 to represent the central Bognor Regis area. THis became the current town council in 1984. It rents rooms from Arun for its offices and hires the council chamber for council meetings. Arun has some officers based in the town hall. A host of voluntary organisations is based there as well. THey include Bognor Regis Shopmobility, as reported last month, and Citizen's Advice. THe town council working group to look at the option of future office provision consists of Cllrs Adam Cunard, Jan Cosgrove and Dougal Maconachie. Cllr Cosgrove (L, Orchard) said the town council should not just accept any offer by Arun to sell the building. "I know there has been long-standing support for the idea of this council taking on this town hall. "I would like to urge very substantial work on the condition of the building, what it would cost us and, given our current commitments, if that is a sustainable way forward. "I accept the working group should look into all the possible options because, if Arun had wanted to do this in the past, and there was a very good reason for it, they would have done it a long time ago. "It looks like this could be dumped on us and could become a burden on the council tax payer for years to come. "We should not just become the backstop for Arun. THere are other

options in the town." Cllr Cunard (I, Pevensey) said much of the detail of any alternative accommodation had to be discussed in private for commercial reasons at this early stage of the investigation. But he stated: "In the main, the town hall is only one potential option." Setting up the working group would enable the town council to be prepared if Arun carried out its plans to sell the building. THe town council would only be given a short period of time to quit its offices and a lot of work needed to be carried out in advance if that happened. "Hopefully, we can find something that suits the town and the town council's aspirations. I would like to leave the matter there but, hopefully, there are many options on the table. "A number of people have come forward about this." Cllr Steve Goodheart (I, Hotham) said he wanted to know how the town council had decided to look at other choices to move into. Cllr Pat DIllon (C, Pevensey) said: "As Cllr Cunard has said quite clearly and quite rightly, we don't want to put all our eggs in one basket and rely heavily on what Arun are going to do. "We have decided to look around at every opportunity. So that, if push comes to shove, we can say to them 'thank you very much but no thank you'. "What we are going to do and where we are going to go is not ready yet to be discussed in public."

f The mystery quilt

Mystery quilt is in handiwork in latest exhibition by Quilters QUILTS of all shapes and sizes are going on display in Pagham today and tomorrow. Aldwick Quilters are holding their ninth exhibition to showcase their members' handiwork. Among the items on display is a mystery quilt, pictured above, put together from a complete quilt kit in a collection donated by the daughter of a local quilter. THe design was by well-known American quilter, Jinny Beyer, and it was sewn by Aldwick Quilters' Nancy Baldry and Janice Mandry. Some members will also demonstrate various techniques to visitors to

the exhibition. Committee member Barbara Pearce said: "THere will be quilts from cot size to 80-90ins. "THere will be about 12 quilts and various other articles, which have been hand and machine crafted, on show. Our membership is at its maximum of 60 members and we have a waiting list. "I find quilting therapeutic. I used to work at the Royal Norfolk Hotel and the Royal Hotel and it was good to sit down at the end of the day and do my sewing." THe exhibition is taking place from 10am-4pm both days at Pagham United Reformed Church in Pagham Road. Entry is £2, with accompanied children and husbands free.

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Traditional Crafts Weekend at Amberley Museum Saturday 27th to Monday 29th May Over the Bank Holiday Weekend we have many visiting craftspeople, some demonstrating their skills and techniques. With a visiting mobile Reptile Zoo ‘RepTylers’ and Morris Dancing displays from ‘Thakeham Morris Dancers’ on Saturday and ‘Magog Morris Dancers’ on Sunday For this event we will be offering a discount for local residents in Sussex, if you live within the following postcodes: PO18, PO19, PO20, PO21, PO22, GU28, GU29, RH20, BN11, BN12, BN13, BN14, BN15, BN16, BN17, BN18, BN44, and BN99. To redeem the offer please bring proof of address with you on the day. You will gain entry to visit the Museum at our child rate of £6.00

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Group formed to oversee expansion of town cinema

A MONITORING group has been formed to ensure Bognor Regis town councillors keep up to date about their first million pound project. THe four-strong group will regularly visit the Picturedrome Cinema to see the progress of the project to build its fourth screen. THe initiative is the biggest the town council has undertaken since it was formed in 1984. Details about the group's formation were agreed at the council's annual meeting on Monday. Cllr Tony Gardiner (C, Marine Ward North) suggested the idea. He said: "I would like to have a small group set up to record the business of the extension with a camera in place so we can see the project through. "If anything didn't go right, it would e memberinform councillors what is happening. ere will beWe would also need to kill off any rumours that would come in." ins. quilts and THe group's members were agreed h have beenas Cllrs Pat Dillon (C, Pevensey), Jan d, on show.Cosgrove (L, Orchard), Steve Goodheart maximum of(I, Hotham) and Martin Smith (LD, waiting list. Hotham). It is likely two at a time will go c. I used toto view the building work. otel and the Town council clerk Glenna Frost said to sit downsaid monitoring group members would my sewing."need to attend health and safety sessions. place from THe visits to see the extension for the ham Unitedfourth screen take shape had to be preham Road.arranged with the council's contractor, ed childrenCheesemuir Building Contractors, at regular intervals.


Friday, May 12, 2017

"All councillors can come along to the working group meetings, if they want, and the group will provide regular updates to me and to the council," she said. As reported, last month saw the council agree to spend about £966,000 on the extension after a delay of more than a year because of issues regarding site access. THe additional screen at the cinema, which it owns, will be sited at the rear of the historic Grade II-listed building. Work should start next month and should be finished by late April 2018. It is expected film fans will be able to enjoy more choice of Hollywood's latest big screen hits from early next summer. THe new screen's 110 seats will make it the second largest at the cinema. Mrs Frost said outside the meeting: "We are delighted that construction will shortly start. Even though the overall project cost is around £966,000, much of the increase is covered by the cinema operator (the Picturedrome Electric THeatre Company. "THe town council have always considered the cinema expansion an important part of the town's regeneration and, with work going on to improve the upgrade the railway station opposite, this high profile gateway to Bognor Regis will take on a smart new lease of life." A cinema spokesman said the new screen would mean more of the latest films being shown as well as the popular live-streamed events.

News 5

` Men's rape charge TWO MEN have appeared in court charged with raping a 15-year-old girl in Bognor Regis in 2015. Michael Bissett, 19, formerly of Lyon Street, Bognor Regis, has been charged with engaging in sexual activity and rape of a girl aged under 16. George Lawrence, 20, of Sandringham Way, Bognor Regis, has been charged with two counts of rape against a girl aged under 16 on July 6, 2015, at an address in Lyon Street West. THe victim was known to them. Lawrence appeared at Worthing Magistrates' Court on April 18 and Bissett appeared there on April 25. Both were on conditional bail. THe case has been sent to Portsmouth Crown Court for trial on May 22.

` New vets' practice

f Work is set to start on a fourth screen

A LEADING veterinary practice is set to open in Westergate. Arun Veterinary Group's new premises on Nyton Road will be fully operational by June 24. THe new practice will offer the same comprehensive on-site facilities as the existing three premises. THese include consultations, surgery, medicine, dentistry and radiography. Matt Giddings, the group's owner, said: "THe new practice will deliver the same high standard of services and care that over 4,000 clients at our other practices are accustomed to." Experienced veterinary surgeon Lisa Chalmers has also joined the group. Matt added: "She is highly experienced and very well known and respected in the area."

New leader for council NEWLY-ELECTED Felpham Parish Council chairman Dave Smart is looking forward to the coming year. Following the resignation of David Edwards at the parish council meeting last week Cllr Dave Smart, pictured below, was voted their latest leader. When Cllr Smart, 58, joined the council a year ago it was his first venture into community politics. However, he quickly became involved in as many aspects of the council as possible, something that will only increase with his new role. He said: "I believe that if you want to do something well you have to commit yourself to it. "I go to all the committee meetings because I can learn from them." Cllr Smart also appreciates the advice of those members who have been on the council for years. He said: "I’m quite lucky at Felpham in that we’ve got very experienced people who are willing to share

their knowledge. We also have some new blood which makes it a good mix." With Cllr Smart's impending retirement in August this year he believes this is the ideal time for him to lead the parish council. He said: “THis role came at the right time. "I’ve also got the enthusiasm to make a go of it." THere is much for the council look forward to. August 26 sees the annual Fun on the Prom event take place, and Cllr Smart is also enthusiastic about the growth of Felpham's Emergency Resilience Group. Cllr Smart and his wife Elaine, 55, moved to Felpham in 2014 from Swindon. After visiting Felpham for a holiday they fell in love with the village. He said: “Felpham's a real mix of old and new. I aim to make sure that mix still gives you the feel of a small seaside village. Felpham has been kind enough to give us a home, and I want to be kind back."


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More women join pension fight - see page 7

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Friday, May 5, 2017

er independ ent newspap Your FREE weekly

See page 5 XX

Think pink and

Pension anger unites women WOMEN around Bognor Regis and Chichester who have lost out on tens of thousands of pounds because of pension changes are planning an action day. Some 20 of them have created the area's first branch of the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) national organisation. THey have begun to meet regularly to discuss how to change a situation in which they have missed out on tens of thousands of pounds from their expected payouts. THey hope their special day on May 26 will highlight their cause. Events will be planned at their next session, led by branch founder Jill Robertson, at THe George Inn in Felpham next THursday. North Bersted resident Jill was featured in the Post two months ago. One of those who have since joined the branch is former midwife Helen Downes, 62. THe mother-of-two started paying National Insurance at 16 and expected to receive her state pension at 60. But she is now forced to wait until she is 66. "I calculate that I could have lost as much as £48,000 by having to wait another six years for my pension. I also don't qualify for a bus pass or the fuel allowance until then," she said. "For the majority of my working life, I was expecting to retire at 60 and had budgeted for that. It is impossible to make up the shortfall." Helen discovered in 2010, when she was 55, she was expected to work until she was 64 years and six months. "I was working in an environment in which decisions had to be made efficiently and effectively because, if those decisions

are wrong, a life can be lost or irreparable damage caused. "I knew I was not going to be capable both mentally and physically - to work until I was 60 let alone 64 and six months. "My mental ability was becoming slower, my physical ability of being 'with woman', on the floor, bent over the birthing pool, running to theatre in an emergency was being affected and my sleep was grossly abnormal," she said. She took out her NHS pension - reduced by her maternity leave - and calculated it would be enough, with occasional work, to last her until she received her state pension. But the date suddenly moved back again in 2011 as a further government change took it to 66. Mrs Downes is among 63,797 women in West Sussex affected by the delaying of the pension age as it moves to the same starting age for both sexes. Bognor Regis resident Christine Bryan, 58, a former secretary, said: "THe changes will have a big impact on my husband and myself. I will not receive a state pension until I am 66, thus missing out on six years of payments. THat's thousands of pounds when you add it up." Joining WASPI was a chance to meet others in the same position and gain strength from that unity. "THis affects so many people. By joining in, I do feel that we are supporting each other, helping each other and doing our bit rather than just sitting down and accepting the situation," she added. Contact bognorsouthcoastwaspi@gmail. com for more details.

Bognor Regis 26 Queensway,

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and best neighbourhood street locality. THe best licensed premises, cafe or restaurant and the best business frontage will allow commercial organisations to be thanked as well for the time and effort they have spent on their premises. THe closing date for entries is July 1. Judging is likely to take place later that month followed by the awards ceremony in the autumn. THe working party's members have also decided to launch another search for the town's heaviest pumpkin. "Following the success of last year's competition, the working group have decided to do it all over again," said Rebecca."All you have to do is to grow a giant pumpkin and bring it along to the Rox Halloween extravaganza in Hotham Park on October 28 for weighing." Free pumpkin seeds are available from the town council's offices on the town hall first floor. Call in to a collect a packet and an entry form.


with parking


Issue: 53

Bognor Regis Post

BognorRegisPost Sailing Club turns 50

See page 8 XX

Food and Folk Festival

- see page 3


Post as it warned has told The Chichester affected people across money difficulties BY RUTH SCAMMELL the city. Debt Centre, run Now, the Chichester Poverty group, ruth.scammell@sus Christians Against come forward falling by the people to Chichester are ask for is encouraging PEOPLE across it runs to support too ashamed to and join the course into debt but are help. those who need help. advice charity THat's what a financial

runs the courses, Peter Sutton, who part of a national is said: "THe course been going since the charity which has really successful. late 90s. It's been was a real need for it. "I just felt there they are situation where People are in a where there are quite living in an area they aren't wealthy. wealthy people and


to come forward "THey are too scared credit cards and their and are using THey are scared getting into debt. forward and exposing about coming and family. People themselves to friends feel ashamed. seven Continued on page

& Fowler | Sanderson | Colefax Anna French | ROMO

n ! e O ks oc Comu R Yo See page 15 XX

Priory Park ready for celebrations at Plenty of music Bognorphenia


your home wonderful


Friday, May 5, 2017

er independ ent newspap Your FREE weekly

ss the city Hidden debts acro popular brave the rain for

ISSN 2397-8724

See page 26

Issue: 53

AN ANNUAL competition to create a mass of colour in Bognor Regis has been given a shake-up. THe changes to Bognor Regis In Bloom have included new categories for children and schools. In Bloom working group officer Rebecca Vervecken said: "If you live within the six wards of Bognor Regis, and fancy getting involved, now is the time to enter." THe additional classes will see prizes awarded for the best garden or vegetable plot designed and looked after by a child, up to and including 11 years at the time of judging and the best vegetable plot at a school. THey join the traditional categories which recognise residents and businesses who put the most effort into making the town look pretty each summer. THese include the best kept front garden of any size, best private balcony window box, hanging basket or container

News 7

many more… | Harlequin | plus


See page 11 XX

16 and joy - see pages

t Warning about deb Rocks' promotion

problems 39

in the Vineyard The centre is basedSquare and is run Waterloo someone is helping group. pay Church in appreciative that Against Poverty amazing when they by the Christians town for she said. them. They feel established in the and everything off their debts." lives of desperate," by This has been Liddy joined in 2016. are affecting the their I'm "They are really anxious money owed years and PROBLEM debts A couple of people as young as The amount of sometimes ten service is open to those of all faiths is out of control. have got eviction those who seek assistance Bognor Regis residents The include was helping at the moment Liddy's current clients not been she said, but it early 20s. charity has warned exceeded £10,000, that. Her clients' and none. and a Muslim. because they have A financial advice being faced by a notices Buddhist usually less than are centre in Chichester, about a lack a paying their rent. money difficulties in the town. CAP also has a woman in her early inability to pay was as much overall and runs money "There is one young as well but abilities and their level of with some 30 clients, wide range of people manager Liddy Turn to page three there are pensioners are in their of budgeting than the total CAP debt centre of the clients she 20s and I help financial situation the majority of people Blunden said some financial situation. their bills. dire helped were in a she is assisting 36 of forties. we get chatting, they are really "When At the moment people are very these clients. "Some

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Fun bus is back PLAY is going mobile again around Bognor Regis. THe town's famous Fun Bus is set to be revved up and return to the roads. THe previous red double-decker Routemaster-style bus, a popular destination for thousands of the town's youngsters, is likely to be replaced by a Greek double-deck coach. News of the scheme's revival was given by its operator Jan Cosgrove to his fellow Bognor Regis town councillors on Monday. He said the Number 18 youth project he helped to found in Waterloo Square had closed. THe remaining trustees had received a settlement from the

building's owner, Arun District Council. "THis is a case of deja vu," he said. "THe coach is somewhere in Greece and will cost 10,000 euros. "I would like to say we will be able to put it on the road and move it around the district so children can come and play on it." THe coach had all the facilities needed to convert it into a travelling play pen. "It's the bees' knees," he said. THe vehicle would take play into areas where children lacked permanent facilities. THe Fun Bus was a popular play scheme for many years around the town before a lack of cash caused its to be closed by its trustees.

Chichester: 01243 717986 Southampton: 02380 089009 Head office: Wessex House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh SO50 9FD

8 News

Friday, May 12, 2017

Reg's honour from French

` Trust's meeting hears of success A BARNHAM man's charity is going from strength to strength, its annual meeting was told. Tyler's Trust was set up by Tyler Murphy, during his brain tumour treatment, to provide gift bags for seriously ill children in hospital, their siblings and parents. His mother, trust chairman Jan Ellis, said: "THe trust continues to increase the services that we offer to vulnerable families. THey include personalised and unique gift boxes for children with life-threatening illnesses. To show ongoing support, we now offer these annually. "We also offer personalised and unique gift bags for each and every sibling under 18. We are one of the few charities to support the siblings in this way." THe trust provides fantastic free family fun days and home essentials kits as well. Tyler is pictured below with outgoing Bognor Regis mayor Pat Dillon.

f Felpham students at a science workshop

Lentils are a sound choice

VEGETABLES which showed how sound waves move made science interesting for Felpham students. THe Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils at Felpham Community College each attended a 45-minute workshop to promote the subject and prompt them to consider it as a career. THe highlight for many students was the sight of a speaker filled with lentils and cornflour, allied to a metal slinky, to demonstrate the behaviour of sound waves. Plenty of goo and a robot also featured in the unusual demonstrations along with the chance to join in the fun. Jessica Juniper, of Year 9, was among those who attended the sessions. She said: "It was really good. It definitely makes you see science in an interesting and fun way."

She is pictured above left with fellow students Mae Fairbairn and Reuben Lyall with the session's leader. THe interactive workshops were part of a coastal-wide funded project aimed at encouraging students to continue to study science and earn a living from it after they have qualified. Gill Woodman, the college's careers co-ordinator, said: "Students really enjoyed taking part and they seemed to pick up some new skills. "THe college has been involved with a lot of the events organised within the campaign to promote science, technology, engineering and maths subjects. "It is great to show students just what careers are out there and how interesting these curriculum subjects can be."

FRENCH president Francois Hollande has paid tribute to the wartime efforts of a member of a Bognor Regis charity. Mr Hollande appointed Reg Bennett to the rank of Chevalier in his country's Legion d'honneur award. A letter from Sylvie Bermann, at the French embassy in London, states: "I offer my warmest congratulations on this high honour in recognition of your acknowledged military engagement and your steadfast involvement in the liberation of France during the Second World War. "We owe our freedom and security to your dedication, because you were ready to risk your life." Former sailor Mr Bennett, who is 92 this Sunday, attends 4Sight in Victoria Drive and was stunned to be told he would receive the medal. "After 73 years, I was quite amazed. I found it hard to believe," he said. "THere are not many of us left. According to the Ministry of Defence, there are 2,800. THat's only a few when you consider how many took part in the D-Day landing." Mr Bennett spent a year serving on an ocean escort trawler, similar to a corvette, off the beach at Arromanches providing cover to the landing troops from D-Day. He said: "It was just awful. I can recall seeing the landing craft - with 30-40 troops on board, going up and down on the rough sea with half a gale blowing. THe soldiers were being sick and I felt sorry for them, knowing they had to fight when they got

on the beach." Mr Bennett served in the Royal Navy from 1942 to 1946 as a Wireman (L) to make use of his civilian skills as an electrician. His trawler was also the first Allied ship into Dieppe after its liberation. He has a host of British medals in recognition of his service as the trawler carried out duties such as towing, escorting convoys and mine-sweeping. He grew up in Gloucester and returned after the war. He moved to London to work as an electrician and met and married his late wife of 60 years, Lena, in Croydon before a move to Littlehampton in 1983.



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Friday, May 12, 2017

News 11

Putting their best foot forward in memory and support of loved ones EXCITEMENT filled the air as energetic supporters of St Wilfrid's Hospice took part in their annual Moonlight Walk. Over 700 people participated in the walks that covered either five or ten miles of Chichester at night. Setting off from the Everyone Active leisure centre, walkers started arriving at 8.45pm ready for registration, an important warm-up with Natalie from Fit-Joy and, of course, the 10pm start. Most of the walkers were there to raise money in memory of a relative or friend who have received help from St Wilfrid's Hospice. Tania Stubbington, aged 42, from Chichester, was there with her relatives and neighbours in memory of her mum, Brenda. She said: "THe hospice were incredibly supportive when mum was ill. She started fundraising for the hospice before she died. She wanted us to carry it on. Together, we've got over £2,500. "In the group we've got leg injuries and a hip replacement but we'll power through!" THis year's event saw an increase in large groups taking part. Helen Humphry, from the hospice's fundraising team, said: "We've had more large groups this year which is really nice to see." One of the largest groups of the walk, the Lovely Ladies and Stan, was made up of 29

members of staff from Southway Primary School and Stan, the son of Tracey Judd, whom the group was walking for. Tracey Merrett, 47, from the Lovely Ladies, was pleased to be doing the walk again this year as her colleague, Mrs Judd, was no longer able to. She said: "We did it last year and were top earners. We are really excited to be doing it again." THe group completed the ten-mile walk in times ranging from 3 hours to 3 hours 45 minutes and raised around £2,000. Tracey said: "We were all tired and had a few aches and pains but ended the walk with the same buzz we started with." Not only were many of the participants veterans of the walk but there were several familiar faces volunteering. Hospice volunteer Jean Voltz, 70, was there to marshal the split between the five and ten mile walks. She said: "I've lost count of how many times I've helped out at this event. It's fun for those taking part and is what we're all there for." James Cooper, the hospice's chaplain, who had come dressed as mascot Wilf the owl, agreed: "It's lovely to see so many people coming together for loved ones." Nurses from the hospice also entered the walk. Ward healthcare assistant Caz Martin, 36, signed up for the five-mile walk in memory of everyone she's met while

working there. She said: "THis is the third year running I've done this. THere's such a great community spirit, even if you're doing it on your own it's fun. My group got back in 1 hour 50minutes. We had a great evening. THe atmosphere was amazing. We felt very proud to have taken part and raised much needed funds." Many of those taking part felt humbled by the work of the hospice which looks after palliative patients in the community as well as on its ward. Guardian Angel worker Lowri Green, 40, was there for her dad, Mick Rowe. She said: "St Wilfrid's is brilliant. Even a year after my dad died they still checked up on me." Her husband, Mike Green, 43, agreed: "THis is our little way of saying thank you to the hospice, but we'll always owe for the work they did." THey entered alongside friends Don, David and Roy Allsopp, who walked in memory of Chris Allsopp. THis was the ninth Moonlight Walk held by St Wilfrid's Hospice. THe fundraising team are hoping that the final tally will amount to some £75,000 which will contribute towards the running of the hospice's much-needed services. Photographs by Debra Flynn Photography

f Tania Stubbington and team walking for mum Brenda

f The Lovely Ladies and Stan walking for Tracey Judd

f Glow in the dark bunny ears proved a hit

f Walkers and volunteers eager to get going

12 News

` Road safety event MOTORISTS will be urged by Bognor Regis fire crews to ditch their mobile phones while driving. Firefighters will be in the town centre today and tomorrow to support a worldwide campaign to promote road safety. Since 2008, 5,430 people have been injured or killed on West Sussex roads in collisions where speeding was a factor. Distracted driving is also an increasing problem, with the endless uses of smartphones adding to the temptations of motorists to take their eyes off the road. Gavin McCourty, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service's road safety co-ordinator, said: "THere are many dangers on our roads. But limiting speed and maintaining concentration are two factors that are well within every driver's control. "If every driver watches their speed and never takes their eyes off the road, our county's roads will become safer for everyone."

Friday, May 12, 2017

Businesses learn how digital hub could help Bognor Regis

` Dementia week COASTAL West Sussex Mind is marking Dementia Awareness Week by bringing together a variety of groups concerned with the condition. THey will include Alzheimer's Society, Age UK, NHS Carers' Health Team and Dementia Support at Tangmere. THe information, help and support event will take place from 2pm-4pm next Tuesday at Arundel Baptist Church Hall in Torton Hill Road in Arundel. Further details from Julia Dendle on 07932 784979.

f Discussing the future of Bognor Regis

BUSINESSES are looking forward to a more creative future for Bognor Regis. Plans for a digital creative hub, named the Platform, in the town's train station are currently being developed by West Sussex County Council with the help of Vinco Marketing and Wired Sussex. With this in mind, various business owners and creatively-minded people met last week to share their ideas and experiences of working in Bognor Regis. THis gave them a taster of what a hub could mean for them and their companies. Tricia Johnson, who runs her own art classes, gained tips on how to promote her business. She said: "THis has been great to see other small businesses involved and hear how they put their names about.” Others agreed. Shirley Scott from Handprinted, said: “For us, it’s about getting known locally. We’re quite an unusual business. More people who live further away know about us than people here.” Bognor Regis was always at the fore of their discussions though, and those at the meeting considered the place of their businesses in the town. Katy Alston, of Pinks Vintage Ice Cream, spoke about her initiative to create more jobs. She said: “I want to prove that there enough people in Bognor Regis that want to work. "People say that no one wants to pay for a really good product in this town. But I think that’s wrong.”

Mikes Music Workshop

Organisers of the meeting were pleased to see people from all kinds of businesses working together. Victoria Hilditch, from Vinco, said: “It’s all about building a community and being a part of that community. "We also hope that following the regeneration university students will want to stay in the area after they finish studying." County council economic growth team member Anne De Sausmarez shared her thoughts on the meeting. She said: "THe event was really good, we had really positive feedback from it. "THe development of the hub is still in progress. It needs to be looked at as one element in the much larger regeneration scheme for Bognor Regis. "We know that there are companies in the area that provide these types of creative jobs and the hope is this hub will allow them to come together." Wired Sussex has been brought in to help design the hub. Jennie Lloyd, from Wired Sussex, was enthusiastic about the project. She said: "THere are few high value job opportunities here, and creative industries are a growing sector. THis will encourage people to expand their businesses within the town." THe Platform hub is part of a wider regeneration plan for Bognor Regis that includes the winter gardens, a tech park at the university and a new place brand provided by HemingwayDesign.




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Friday, May 12, 2017

Small models are big delight WELSH industrial history came alive in a first for a Bognor Regis exhibition. Model railway fan Dave Roberts brought his display of an imaginary colliery line in his homeland to the latest SWING day of layouts and trade stands. THe O standard gauge display - called Graig Wen - depicts a series of colliery shunting engines in Swansea Docks. Retired refinery worker Dave, from Neath, said: "THis is the first display for my layout this year and my first time at this exhibition. "I grew up right at the very end of the steam trains around 1960 and I had a Hornby model railway set when I was a child. I found other interests as I grew older but I then became the part owner of a Pannier Tank steam locomotive. "When that was sold, I used my share of the money to create this display. THe engines on show here are the same as the one I owned. "I like industrial railways because you can modify the designs slightly for each train. You get a buzz when someone says they like the layout and you've done a beautiful job with it. THere's a real pleasure in building the models." Dave's 9ft 8ins long x 15ins deep display was among 16 in this year's ninth SWING exhibition staged by the South Downs 7mm Narrow Gauge Association. Exhibition manager Richard Rundle said he hoped the attendance at Felpham Community College would top 500 for the first time.

"Two themes among our displays have emerged this year," he said. "We have got lots of layouts of railways that were involved in mining of different types, like Graig Wen, as well as dockside railways." THese included Fulton Terminal in Brooklyn, by Andrew Browne, and Tom Nicholls' Zevendaal in the Netherlands. THere was also the chance for some fun with a Minions display by Matt Wildsmith, from Petersfield, and his two sons, Monty, ten, and Rory, seven. Matt said: "THe boys had some Minion characters given to them. I thought I would create a layout of a secret supervillain lair with a rocket."

News 15

` Council pays tribute to Laurie

f Visitors found plenty to interest them

A MINUTE'S silence was staged by Bognor Regis town councillors in tribute to a late resident. Some 40 councillors, staff and public made the gesture of remembrance for Laurie Barnes. THe tribute was held at the start of Monday's annual meeting of the council and was led by Cllr Jan Cosgrove. He said Laurie, below, was well known for his work for the town. "I knew Laurie even before the Out of Arun campaign when we campaigned to keep the play area and the old boating pond at Hothamton. "THe Fun Bus was involved in that and Laurie came along with a group of supporters and that carried on to the Bognor Environmental and Amenities Movement," he said. BEAM was the forerunner of the Bognor Regis Civic Society, in 1998, and which Laurie had always chaired. Cllr Cosgrove described Laurie as an honourable man always willing to listen to other people's points of view. "In that regard, he was a very fine servant of this town," he said. He added a fitting memorial would be a tree in the Station Square and hoped councillors would agree. As reported, Laurie died in late March, aged 76, from prostate cancer.

f Dave Roberts with his display



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16 News

Friday, May 12, 2017

Area turns blue again in county elections POLITICAL normality has been resumed as voters turned the Bognor Regis area into a sea of blue at the county council. THe electors in six of the seven divisions around the town elected their Conservative candidates, pictured below, to forget the party's misery of four years ago. Bersted, Felpham, Middleton and Pagham all switched back to the Tories from the UKIP gains in 2013. Bognor Regis West and Fontwell stayed in Conservative hands as well. Just over 300 votes stopped the dominant party making a clean sweep of the seats as the Liberal Democrats kept their hold on Bognor Regis East. THe success formed part of the county-

wide march of the Tories last THursday to increase their grip on the council. THe new make-up of 56 Tories is an increase of ten against the 2013 poll and compares to nine Lib Dems (up two) and five Labour (down one). All ten UKIP seats and the three Independents were wiped out. THe lone opposition councillor to succeed around the town was Lib Dem Francis Oppler. "To have a majority of over 300 compared to the 30 last time is something I am very proud of," he said. "I have kept this seat for 12 years. THe most important thing is to represent the views of the local residents and I will continue to speak up loudly for those

residents. "I have spoken very clearly in my leaflet and on my campaign about the main issues - the tip, the bandstand and the housing developments." For the Conservatives, David Edwards nearly doubled the party's vote in Bersted to reclaim it from UKIP. He said: "I need to get to know how county council works and really start getting stuck in to the things that matter to the people of Bersted. I want to make sure open spaces are clean, safe and accessible. I also want to see more funding for social care and education." Nyetimber was another seat which returned to Conservative hands after a four-year spell with UKIP. Delighted victor Dawn Hall polled more than the other four candidates added together. She said: "I can't believe the majority. THe housing plans are a big thing. We need to make sure housing is not foisted on us, we get the infrastructure to go with it and that we do not get more housing than we can cope with." Felpham was the first division around the town to be declared for the Conservatives. Hilary Flynn easily took the seat from UKIP as well as the division's former councillor, Graham Jones, who stood as an Independent. Mrs Flynn said: "I am really looking forward to looking after the people in Felpham. I will still be on the parish council. I have learned an awful lot in the two-and-a-half years I have been there. "My priorities are to get the road

f Lib Dem victor Francis Oppler mitigation scheme sorted out, better pavements and the bus route started to the Blakes Mead houses." Derek Whittington achieved his fourth success in Fontwell by a wide margin. He said: "THere are two main issues I will get stuck in to. THe first is the third phase of the cycle network, between St Philip Howard and Eastergate primary schools and on to the Six Villages Ormiston Academy, to create a safe off-road route. "I will also continue to fight against the proposed unsustainable housing which the central government and Arun District Council have got in their draft local plan." Ashwin Patel increased his majority in Bognor Regis West and Aldwick. He said: "Better pavements, social care and funding for schools will be my priorities, along with helping older people." THe last result around the town saw Jacky Pendleton complete the Tories' victories by comfortably replacing UKIP in

Middleton. "My first priority is to look at the infrastructure in the Middleton, Yapton, Climping and Ford area and to try to help the residents by supporting new projects to make life better and easier for them. "I want to focus on adult services and to make sure we provide better services for our elderly residents," she said. For UKIP, Middleton candidate Yusuf Ali said: "It's been tough for us but we will continue to fight for local issues. "For myself, that will be for working families and young people and our community organisations as well." THe elections were the first county polls in which the Green Party fielded a complete set of candidates. One of them, David Meagher, said: "We are really pleased with the results. We can now go and increase our profile. People have become more aware of green issues and the inequality in society."

Friday, May 12, 2017

Tories triumph HERE are the full county council election results around Bognor Regis:

Alan Gale (LD).............................231 Nathan Meagher (G)....................104


C gain Turnout: 31.2 per cent

David Edwards (C).......................901 Martin Smith (LD).......................531 Ruth Kenward (UKIP).................498 Vincent McCabe (L)....................390 Gillian Yeates (I)...........................270 David Meagher (G)......................105 C gain Turnout: 28.1 per cent

Bognor Regis East Francis Oppler (LD)*...................962 Katherine Eccles (C)....................644 Heather Robbins (L)....................357 Chloe Watson (UKIP)..................227 Steve Goodheart (I).....................216 Conrad Meagher (G).....................83 LD hold Turnout: 25.9 per cent

Bognor Regis West and Aldwick Ashvinkumer Patel (C)*............1715 Paul Wells (LD)..........................1089 Alison Sharples (L)......................335 Matilda Watson (UKIP)...............298 Susan Livett (G)............................146 C hold Turnout: 36 per cent

Felpham Hilary Flynn (C).........................1846 Graham Jones (I).........................423 Martyn Eaves (L)..........................241

` Cycle ride for polio

Fontwell Derek Whittington (C)*.............1890 Barbara Roberts (LD)..................303 Isabel THurston (G)......................303 Roger Nash (L).............................247 Patricia Wales (UKIP)..................224 C hold Turnout: 32.1 per cent


f David Edwards

Jacqueline Pendleton (C)..........1961 Linda Sheppard (L)......................256 Kenton Batley (LD)......................237 Yusuf Ali (UKIP)...........................196 Derek Ambler (I)..........................179 Sarah Rands (G)...........................153

CYCLISTS around Bognor Regis are being urged to pedal to beat polio. THe town's two Rotary clubs have joined with Littlehampton Rotary Club to stage the sponsored event in aid of its worldwide campaign to beat the disease. THe cycle ride will take place on June 18 and cover the 28km in the return ride between Littlehampton and Bognor Regis. Geoff Watts, the Littlehampton club's press officer, said: "THe Rotary Sponsored Cycle Ride is a national initiative in which Rotary clubs across Great Britain and Ireland will be hosting a range of cycle rides for all ages and abilities in aid of End Polio Now." THe initiative had seen the number of countries in which the disease occurred drop from 125 to just three in the past 30 years as 2.5 billion children received vaccinations. Entry packs for the ride can be obtained from:, 01903 724198 or Mr G Watts, 9 Barn Close, Littlehampton, BN17 6JU.

` Signal's green light

C gain Turnout: 33.9 per cent

Nyetimber Dawn Hall (C).............................1996 Michael Warden (UKIP)..............623 Brooke Olsen (LD).......................363 Jan Cosgrove (L)...........................280 Carol Birch (G).............................211 C gain Turnout: 37.3 per cent *denotes sitting councillor

News 17

f Jacky Pendleton

RAILWAY semaphore signals have been approved for the premises of Barnham Signal Box Trust. Arun District Council has granted planning approval for the steel lattice framework post to support the signals at the site at Aldingbourne Sports and Community Centre. THe post will be sited to the immediate north of the signal box, which is the clubhouse of Bognor Regis Model Railway Club. It will be some 24ft high and slightly below the building's height. THe signal's operating hours have been mainly limited to 6pm-9pm weekdays and from 9am-1pm Saturdays.

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18 News

Friday, May 12, 2017

French friendships f Dancers at last year's festival

Festival's cash to help the jobless MORE than £3,000 has been awarded to help unemployed people gain skills at a Bognor Regis event. Southdowns Folk Festival received the cash to enable its organisers to work with town-based community interest company Making THeatre Gaining Skills to run a course to help jobless people find work. THe £3,200 has come from the Sussex Community Foundation. Festival chairman Roger Nash said: "We are very grateful to the Sussex Community Foundation for this funding which will enable us to work with and involve local unemployed people in planning and running this year's festival. "THe event from September 21-24 is

very much community-based and takes over the whole of the town centre. Being able to work with local people who need help to get them into the working environment is an opportunity which we are delighted to take forward." Hilary Strong, from Making THeatre Gaining Skills, said: "We have a lot experience helping unemployed people gain confidence and improve their skills. "A project like this, involving a popular local event which attracts many thousands of people to the town, is worth its weight in gold." Participants would learn about health and safety, first aid and event management, she added, in stewarding and dealing with the public.

FOREIGN friendships have been formed between students of Felpham and Saint Maur des Fosses in France as they met for the first time. Arranged by the Bognor Regis Twinning Association, students and teachers from both towns gathered together at Felpham Community College for a day of languages, quizzes and fun. English teacher from the school Lycée Teilhard de Chardin, Sonia Tuval, enjoyed seeing the schools unite last week. She said: “THis is the first school visit we’re doing. We are pleased they’ve all been so welcoming. It’s a great opportunity

to exchange and practise languages together. Hopefully, we will come back next year.” For the students it was an opportunity to test their language skills. Megan Atherfold, aged 15, from Aldwick, said: “It’s been really great, I’ve made some friends. It will also be beneficial for our GCSEs and it gives us more of a taste of what life for French students is like.” French student Laure Colin, aged 15, reflected on the contrasts between the schools. She said: “It’s really different from our schools in France. It’s more colourful here with things on the walls - a bit more

fun. "THe students are really nice here. I’d like to come back.” Céline Martinet, who teaches French at Felpham, felt connections like this were now more important than ever. She said: “As Brexit has only just started we haven’t really seen the effects yet. However, I worry it might become more difficult for the students to understand how important the language is. "At the moment, we’ve still had the same number of students taking up French. Hopefully our relationship with the school will remain the same.”

f Students and teachers from Lycée Teilhard de Chardin and Felpham Community College

GOT ONE OF THESE? Lose up to 40% of your ‘problem area’ by July! with Cryogenic Fat Reduccon May r o f off 50% ou can... - so y

* Safe * Non-Invasive * No Downcme * Clinically Proven to be 85% Effeccve * Lose up to 40% of the fat in treated area * The No. 1 Cosmecc Procedure in the USA Call Now for your Free Personalised Consultacon: 01243 380100

“OH no! How did I let this happen?” We’ve had our first, wonderful burst of warm weather and I’m sure many of you - like me - are suddenly realising that the days of large, forgiving winter woollies are gone! Now we face the looming stress of donning our summer wardrobe and revealing our ‘winterised’ bodies! While diet and exercise have proven inadequate for ‘spot reduction’ of our problem areas, science has come to the rescue! It all began in the most uncanny way: Harvard Medical University researchers noticed that children who ate lots of ice lollies had more dimples than other children. THey realised there might be a correlation! And there is! After extensive (over 60) clinical trials, it is proven that freezing kills fat cells! And, because fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than other bodily tissues, no damage is done to the surrounding areas. THese multiple studies show that 85% of people treated

with selective freezing lose between 20 - 40% of the fat cells in the treated area over a 12-week period. Add all that to the fact that it’s safe, completely non-invasive and works with your body’s natural processes, and you have a winning alternative to liposuction! Six months ago, CryoSculpt UK opened in f Cryogenic Fat Reduction (fat freezing) Chichester. THey tell reduces stubborn fat by 20% - 40%! me that most people will require 2-3 treatments in any ready for summer! THey are offering 50% off given ‘problem’ area and because it can take up to 12 treatments for the entire month weeks for the full effects to show of May to encourage people to - now is the ideal time to get get started.

Kate - a 50 year-old mother of two - Lost 1.5 inches from her tummy in just two treatments! “I AM so excited by how effective they (cryosculpt treatments) have been - and how quickly. I have lost an inch and a half on my tummy after only 2 treatments! "I can't believe it, as my pooch has been the bane of my life since

I had my children. I just hated the way it looked in my clothes. And even though I am my ideal weight and I eat healthily, it just always seemed to stick out! "THe difference is huge and my boyfriend and I are amazed - I actually have a FLAT STOMACH

now! And that’s saying something at 50 years old!" Call CryoSculpt today and schedule your free, personalised consultation and treatment plan: 01243 380100. Or you can visit their website at

s here. I’d like

es French at ke this were er. y just started effects yet. ecome more understand s. had the same up French. h the school

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20 Advertising Feature


Friday, May 12, 2017

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Advertising Feature 21

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22 Ace

Friday, May 12, 2017


To promote your event email Fiona Callingham at: or phone: 01243 908506 History groups re-enact historical battles

Castle Siege May 27-29 Arundel Castle 01903 882173 FOR THE final May bank holiday weekend, Arundel Castle are hosting another exhilarating insight into English history. THe year is 1485 and Richard III is King of England. Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, has laid claim to the throne and landed in Wales, supported by French forces. Seeing an opportunity, a French force has also crossed the Channel, seized the Kings Ordinance (artillery) and surrounded the castle at Arundel. THe French intend to hold the Earl of Arundel’s fortress so allowing a stronger invasion force to cross from France, sail

up the River Arun, and so into the heart of Sussex. Although there was no historical siege of Arundel Castle in the 15th century, the three-day event will show the importance of artillery in taking a castle, and as a battle field weapon, skirmishes between the two sides, and crafts, costumes and armour of the period. With the tented encampments of Raven Tor Living History Group, THe Wessex Medieval Alliance, and THe Company of St Barbara around the upper grounds of the castle, the bank holiday weekend will be filled with the sounds of battle and conflict. THis is an exciting way to see history vividly brought to life in a way that the whole family can enjoy. Tickets start at £11 for children and £21 for adults.

That's Life - The Frank Sinatra Story May 26 Kings Theatre, Portsmouth 023 9282 8282 THAT’S Life is a brand new theatre production celebrating the life and music of one of the 20th century's greatest icons, Frank Sinatra. THis authentic show takes you from his first early recordings with the big bands, through to his rise and fall. Along the way it also considers the women, notorious connections and collaborations that assured his rise again to international stardom, in a spectacular career spanning 70 years. Sinatra impersonator Frank Cognoscenti assumes the persona of Frank down to the finest detail with his blue eyes and the uncanny ability to

The true story of John Merrick

convey the most subtle vocal nuances. He will deftly interpret the classic torch songs and the swagger of Frank's Vegas years - all with a dry and mischievous sense of fun honed from years of performing the Sinatra songbook to audiences worldwide. THe concert includes a specially arranged collection of his biggest hits including I’ve Got You Under My Skin, Fly Me to the Moon, Come Fly with Me, My Way and New York alongside stunning and captivating set piece recreations of other pivotal collaborations, tours, TV specials and landmark concerts rarely heard in mainstream productions. THis is the ultimate night out for any fan of old blue eyes and his unforgettable music, so make sure you don't miss out and book your ticket soon as they are already selling fast! Tickets start at £18.50.

The Elephant Man May 22 Connaught Studio 01903 206206

"Worthing Theatres are offering audiences the chance to see this harrowing classic once again on the big screen."

"One of the most impressive tribute acts to Frank Sinatra in this country."

Frank Cognoscenti as Sinatra

"Watch as history is brought to life at the beautiful Arundel Castle."

DAVID Lynch's classic film The Elephant Man is being screened at the Connaught Studio as part of Isolation Chamber Vacation at Worthing Museum and Art Gallery. John Hurt gives a career-defining performance as John Merrick, a real-life disfigured man who is mistreated and scrapes a living as a side-show freak. However, behind his monstrous facade lies a person of intelligence, sensitivity and intense loneliness. THe film is available to be watched as part of the museum event or separately. THe Isolation Chamber Vacation is an

exhibition of various artists’ responses to the subject of loneliness and an exploration of cultural representations of solitude. THe work of artists at varying stages in their careers will be shown alongside contextualising objects and ephemera from the curator’s research into the theme. Artists from the exhibition will also host a panel discussion exploring cultural representations of solitude represented in throughout the Isolation Chamber Vacation. THe museum event will start at 7pm at Worthing Museum and Art Gallery with the curated talk and glass of wine. THe film screening will start at 8.30pm. Tickets for the museum event, the film and a glass of wine costs £15. Film only tickets start at £5.


, 2017


Friday, May 12, 2017

Explore the best in food at the Great Taste Market

Ace 23

Funny Girl

Great Taste Market May 25-27 Goodwood Racecourse 01243 216610 BRINGING a cornucopia of Great Taste award-winning products, from gin, cider and coffee to cheese, oils and preserves, the Great Taste Market will be a main feature at Goodwood Racecourse for the first time this year. Goodwood's Festival of Food and Racing

in association with Great Taste, the world’s most coveted food awards, will showcase the finest in food and drink alongside a busy schedule of high quality racing, during the three-day festival. THis artisan market is a must-visit for anyone in search of exceptional food and drink, bringing together a collection of some of the best tasting products from the UK and beyond. THroughout the three-day festival, race-

goers will also be able to gain inspiration for using Great Taste award-winning products at home in the delicious magazine food theatre. Hosted by editor, Karen Barnes, there will be three demonstrations each day and all products used will be on sale at the market. Ticket prices start from £21 for THursday and Friday and from £10 for Saturday, May 27. THere is free admission each day for children under the age of 18.

"This is the perfect day out for foodies everywhere."

Sheridan Smith as Fanny Brice

The Big Band with Five Star Swing May 14 Alexandra Theatre, Bognor Regis 01243 861010 SWING-ALONG with classic songs from Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and other legends performed by the immensely talented Five Star Swing musicians. Founded five years ago by Chris and Simone Smith, Five Star Swing boasts an impressive repertoire of swing and jazz music. THeir multi-instrumentalists and vocalists also perform original compositions and arrangements that show off the impressive versatility of all the players - as they perform

The talented musicians of Five Star Swing

everything from jazz favourites, Miller classics, Rat-Pack tunes and Ella Fitzgerald belters. THe talented musicians of the band alternate between saxophone, flute, clarinet and other instruments, creating the ultimate treat for lovers of live swing music. Chris has even been known to play the trumpet and piano at the same time! And to top it all off, vocalist Simone is renowned for her jazzinfused voice that effortlessly enraptures and delights audiences across the country. So prepare for an evening packed with superb non-stop swing and jazz that's guaranteed to have you tapping your toes all night. Tickets range from £13-£15.

"Five Star Swing are renowned nationwide for their passionate and feelgood performances."

May 22-27 Mayflower Theatre, Southampton 02380 711811

"This biographical musical promises to be charming, hilarious and heartfelt."

HOT ON the heels of a record breaking, critically acclaimed West End run, this new production of Funny Girl stars Olivier Award-winning Sheridan Smith as Fanny Brice. Funny Girl brought global fame to Barbra Streisand 50 years ago, boasting some of the most iconic songs in film and theatre history, including My Man, I'm The Greatest Star and, of course, Don’t Rain On My Parade. And now, after wowing critics and audiences alike in London’s West End, this production comes to Southampton. THis iconic musical tells the true story of performer Fanny Brice, whose vocal talents and comedic ability see her rise from Brooklyn music hall singer to Broadway star. However, along the way, her career is compromised by her on-off relationship with the charming entrepreneur and gambler, Nicky Arnstein. THis dazzling new adaptation stars the unforgettable Sheridan Smith, who is perhaps best known for her television appearances in Gavin and Stacey, Jonathan Creek and Mrs Biggs as Fanny Brice. Now making a name for herself in musical theatre, Sheridan continues her streak of exceptional stage performances with this most recent role. Tickets range from £23.50-£48.50.

24 Ace

Friday, May 12, 2017


12th May ‘17 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 (12A) FRI / MON & TUES: 4.15PM, 7.30PM SAT & SUN: 1.15PM, 4.15PM, 7.30PM WEDS: 4.15PM THURS: 1.30PM, 4.45PM


FRI / MON-WEDS: 1.30PM, 4.45PM, 8PM SAT & SUN: 4.45PM, 8PM THURS: 12.45PM, 3.45PM, 8PM


FRI / MON-WEDS: 3.15PM, 5.45PM SAT & SUN: 11AM, 1.45PM, 5.45PM THURS: 2.45PM

Your FREE weekly entertainment guide


FRI / MON-WEDS: 1.15PM, 8.15PM SAT & SUN: 8.15PM THURS: 5.15PM






SAT & SUN: 10.30AM, 12.30PM, 3.15PM

Plus What's On


WEDS: 7.30PM THURS: 8.15PM









Alien: Covenant The path to paradise begins in hell.








Miss Sloane)


Release date: 12 May Director: John Madden Starring: Jessica Chastain, Mark Strong, Gugu, Mbatha-Raw Genre: Drama, Thriller

Release date: 5 May Director: Sean Foley Starring: Julian Barratt, Essie Davies, Simon Farnaby Genre: Comedy

In the high-stakes world of political powerbrokers, Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) is the most sought-after and formidable lobbyist in D.C with a willingness to bend the rules for her clients. Known equally for her cunning and her track record of success, she has always done whatever is required to win. But when she takes on the most powerful opponent of her career, she finds that winning may come at a higher price than she ever could have envisioned as both her job and the people she cares about most become threatened.

Washed-up Richard THorncroft (Julian Barratt) peaked with hit 1980s detective show Mindhorn, playing the titular Isle of Man sleuth, sporting a signature robotic eye that allowed him to literally “see the truth”. Decades later, when a deranged Manx criminal demands Mindhorn as his nemesis, THorncroft returns to the scene of his greatest triumphs for one last chance to reignite his glory days, professional credibility and even romance with former co-star/paramour Patricia Deville (Essie Davis).

f Miss Sloane f Alien: Covenant Alien: Covenant Baby Release date: 12 May Director: Ridley Scott Starring: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup Genre: Sci-f, Thriller Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with Alien: Covenant, the latest chapter in his ground breaking franchise. THe film both a sequel to 2012's Prometheus and also the second instalment in the prequel series, making Covenant the sixth Alien film

overall. THe crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, stumble upon what they believe to be an uncharted paradise. However, this initial optimism quickly deteriorates as the planet reveals itself to be a dark and dangerous world inhabited by a host of monstrous creatures. While there, they meet David, the synthetic survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition. When the team uncover a threat beyond what they could ever have imagined, they must attempt a harrowing escape before it's too late as they enter a deadly fight for survival. Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, Demián Bichir, Carmen Ejogo and Amy Seimetz all star in what looks set to be another box office hit.

`"When the team uncover a threat beyond what they could have ever imagined, they must attempt a harrowing escape before it's too late..." f Mindhorn

26 Food & Drink

Friday, May 12, 2017


Just a Lidl more of these delicious wines please! Martin Lury Our very own bon vivant gets to grips with all the best buys

THIS week I raid the remnants of Lidl's Spring Wine Cellar, in addition to their regular range, to unearth wine gems for your delectation . I propose to concentrate on European wines, with Spanish wines to the fore. At a meagre £4.49, the Velada Moscatel of the 2015 vintage is a good summer wine, but not one for those of you with a very dry palate , and is semi-sweet, fruity with more than a hint of elderflower, has a floral nose with honey notes and is a most fragrant wine which would adorn any pasta dish! For the same price I next espied a 2015 Pays d'Oc Sauvignon Blanc Vif with a modern-type of label and the Vif part reflects the slight spritz on the tongue and taste-wise flavours of pleasant stone fruit and understated citrus along with fresh acidity make this a distinctive wine and a bargain, as it is essentially most quaffable! THe Pays d'Oc area has a wine-making tradition dating back to 600BC when the Greeks introduced the vine to the Languedoc-Roussillon and the region has been resurgent over the last 30 years. Expending an extra 50p, I next turned to another ancient wine-making region, that of Navarra, Spain, whose vines date back

to 200BC when the Romans built wineries (bodegas). THe Mezquiriz Chardonnay of the 2015 vintage is a very pleasant number, lighter in style than neighbouring White Rioja, exudes freshness and nutty flavour with notes of vanilla oak and is a wine well worth a try at just £4.99. On reflection, this wine belies its low price and is a veritable joy! Escalating to an outlay of £6.49, I ventured to the regular

section and availed myself of a 2015 Mâcon-Villages and noted its inherent creaminess juxtaposed with a tangy aftertaste and thus value for money! Returning to the Cellar, a 2015 Corte Allodola Soave Classico priced at £6.99 caught my eye with its green apple flavours, ideal with roast pork. With good acidity and lingering flavour - this is a cut above your average Soave! In terms of reds, the Côtes Du Rhône


of 2015, priced at a miserly £3.99, has hints of raspberry and vestiges of spice, does not remotely offend the palate and is very drinkable as well as being an ideal sauce wine in a boeuf bourgignon dish! A fruity, easy drinking number to seriously consider, I believe! My two favourite reds at Lidl remain the 2013 Promesse Château Soleil which, given its proximity to St Émilion, is a serious wine which would regale any dinner party for



difficulty: medium

total time: 5h 10mins

total time: 3h 30mins

serves: 4

INGREDIENTS • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves cubed • 1/8 cup margarine • 1 (.7 ounce) package dry Italian-style salad dressing mix • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese • 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup

Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff

Method 1. Put chicken, margarine and dressing mix in slow cooker; mix together and cook on low for 5 to 6 hours. 2. Add cream cheese and soup, mix together and cook on

serves: 6


high for another 1/2 hour or until heated through and warm. Source:

Topping: • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/2 cup white sugar • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 6 tablespoons butter • 1/4 cup boiling water Filling: • 2 tablespoons cornstarch • 1/4 cup cold water • 2 cups fresh blueberries • 1 1/2 cups fresh raspberries • 3/4 cup white sugar • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

I READ som businessman success was you do. It got me th THere is s and positive impossible. Is it beca when most they handle continue mo just £9.99. It has well structured tanninsdistraction? and, once it has breathed, will deliver taste I have wit times, and y to relish! THe 2012 Amarone della Valpolicellapurely throu Classico priced at £12.49 is a wine craftedmyself in t from partially dried grapes and exudesdistressing d cherry and damson fruit with lush darknever be ha that I was ha berries to the fore - a wine to revere! A brief post-scriptum - the Venetofor real. Chardonnay will retail at just £2.99 over the So basical possible, no weekend of May 13-14- stock up ! to popular b a positive at attitude that Finding la fitness, you want to see r THe longe happiness c were closely

Raspberry and Blueberry Cobbler

Method 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 2. DMix flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt in a bowl; mash butter into the flour mixture until crumbly. Stir boiling water into the flour mixture to form a dough. 3. Dissolve cornstarch in cold water in a separate large bowl. Stir blueberries, raspberries, 3/4 cup sugar, and lemon juice into the cornstarch mixture; transfer to a cast-iron skillet and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Drop dough into the skillet by the spoonful. Put skillet onto the

Have you got a recipe for a home-made dish you'd like us to feature? We would like a picture too! Please send them to:

prepared baking sheet. 4. Bake in preheated oven until the topping is golden brown, about 25 minutes. Source:

Friday, May 12, 2017

Health &


by Denise Kelly

Good lives start with a simple smile I READ something recently about a very successful businessman, and he was saying that the secret to success was happiness, being happy and loving what you do. It got me thinking, and it's true. THere is so much talk about positive thinking and positive people, but sometimes things can feel impossible. Is it because positive people see opportunities when most people see closed doors? Is it because they handle failures with grace and confidently continue moving in their desired direction without distraction? I have witnessed many people go through hard times, and yet completely turn their lives around, purely through their actions and attitude. I include myself in this, having been through the most distressing divorce, and at times felt like life could never be happy again. I almost pretended at times that I was happy, but eventually you begin to feel it for real. So basically what I am saying is, being happy is possible, no matter how dark your days are. Contrary to popular belief, being happy isn’t all about having a positive attitude. It’s about cultivating a realistic attitude that fully embraces life as it is. Finding lasting happiness is a lot like physical fitness, you have to work your muscles daily if you want to see results over time. THe longest Harvard study ever completed on happiness concluded that healthy relationships were closely linked to happy people. Having close

you feel better if you stick with it. Body image improves as a result of exercise and eventually you’ll begin to experience that ‘exercise high’, thanks to the release in endorphins. Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping your mind and body strong. If you are putting good stuff in, no matter what your heartache you will feel better. Even on the lowest of days, if you take care of your body, your mind will stay stronger and you will be clearer about the decisions you need to make in your life. If you hit the bottle, stay up all night and reach for the processed quite fix foods, life will seem even worse than it is already. Everything can be worked out, no matter how hard it seems in this moment. Putting all your energies into learning a skill that you are good at also has a big impact on your happiness. It may be tough in the beginning, but the feeling of satisfaction when you look back at life is rewarding and fulfilling. Experiencing life and putting yourself out of your comfort zone (living in another country, learning to fly a helicopter, traveling the world) make us far happier and more interesting people than spending money on material goods. THis is because they can be social, uplifting and something you will remember forever, and they all add to your feel good factors and connections with people. Also, why do so many of us want to avoid sadness? It's common for us to try to resist the flow of tears, but the truth is you need sadness if you are going to experience happiness. Resisting such emotions will only turn into

Health & Beauty 27

something more ugly down the road. I love this quote from spiritual master Osho: “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. THe bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. THat is balance." If you need help getting your strength and happiness contact me to discuss your options. Denise Kelly is a passionate and motivated 'health expert/nutritionist'. Her company is called DK - The Wellbeing company and represents all things health and fitness. Denise also runs a juice company 'Juice It' that makes and delivers healthy juices and smoothies. She is involved with motivational talks, conferences and corporate events regarding health all over the world and believes that knowledge is power and, ultimately, health is your only wealth! Life is for thriving and not just surviving. For your health questions, or to book a consultation with Denise, please contact her on:

"Studies are now showing links between happiness and having a stronger immune system."

relationships has been found to help us live longer and gives us a better quality and more fulfilling life. Having people who understand you, relate to you, lean on you, laugh with you and cry with you is worth its weight in gold for your health and well-being. Be careful not to get things confused. Self-esteem that is bound to external success can be quite damaging and fickle. For example, to tie your self-esteem to a job role or promotion, or that flash car, or expensive house, will give you a temporary boost, but it won't last for long. And very soon you will want the next fix, and so the happiness search continues. Exercise has been proven again and again to make

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Letters 29

Community News & Views A VOLUNTEER from Bognor Regis has been invited to Buckingham Palace in recognition of his efforts. David Taylor, pictured below, has spent the past ten years helping Hft, a national charity which supports adults with learning disabilities. As a thank-you for his dedication, the charity nominated him for an invitation to a royal garden party. David, who has a mild learning disability, said the news of his invitation came as a complete surprise. "I was shocked but very proud. I phoned my mum straight away and she's so excited. It's a huge honour to be invited to go to Buckingham Palace," he said. He will be among several thousand guests mingling with the royal family next Tuesday at the first of the palace's three garden parties this summer. Guests are free to eat, drink and take a stroll around the palace gardens and may also have the chance to speak to members of the royal family. Hft operations manager, Sarah Shalis, said: "We're delighted that David has been invited to go to Buckingham Palace. I can't think of anyone more deserving. "It's rare to find a volunteer who's prepared to get involved with such a range of activities and for such a length of time. He really is one in a million." As a volunteer at Hft's Sussex service in Walberton, David's role is extremely varied. He can garden one day or tackle DIY jobs and press apples and bottle their juice at the service's orchard the next. He also created and manages THe Engine Room - a vast working model railway, complete with landscaping and scenery, which people at the service help to maintain. Later this year, he will be joining a team of staff on a fundraising trek in Iceland alongside one of the people supported at the service. His commitment was also recognised last year. He was named Volunteer of the Year at Hft's Fusion awards, which reward people who go above and beyond to enhance the lives of the people they support.

PREPARATIONS at Arun District Council are well underway for the general election in a month's time. Poll cards for the June 8 voting are being issued to those who are registered to vote. Electors around Bognor Regis have been asked to check the details on their cards carefully. Anyone who fails to receive a card by early next week should contact the council's elections team on 01903 737616 to ensure they are registered to go to the polling booths. Nigel Lynn, the acting returning officer at Arun, said: "Please keep a look out for your polling card coming through the letter box and let us know if you don't receive one or if there are changes to the details. It is so important to be able to use your vote and we wouldn't want anyone who is eligible to be denied that right. You have until May 22 to register to vote in this election." New postal votes, or changes or cancellations of existing votes, have to be requested by 5pm on May 23. Visit:

A FREE test which can be a life-saver is being offered to men in Bognor Regis. THe town's two Rotary clubs have joined together to stage the blood test to enable potential cases of prostate cancer to be detected. THe session will take place at 10am-4pm on June 10 at THe Salvation Army in Queensway. It is being held jointly with the charity, Prostate Cancer Support Organisation. Booking is essential by calling Neil on 07850 348258 or by emailing: rotarybognorhotham@gmail. com. Brian Clarke, the press officer of Bognor Hotham Rotary Club, said: "Don't miss this opportunity of a free test that could help save lives. "THis simple test can help alert a man to possible dangers at an early stage." One in every two men will have a problem with their prostate at some time in their lives. It could be infection, enlargement or cancer. Prostate cancer will develop in one in every eight men. THose of African-Carribean

origin and those with a family history of the disease are two to three times more at risk. THe test consists of a simple blood sample taken from an arm and sent to a laboratory. THe result is posted to the patient in about ten days. Known as a Prostate Specific Allergen (PSA) test, it is not a direct test for cancer. But a moderately raised reading can be a sign of a prostate problem. A high reading should trigger further tests to determine if there is the need for further treatment. "Without screening, around 47,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year," said Mr Clarke. "It is now the leading cancer found in men. Almost 11,000 men die of this disease annually. Caught in the early stages, cure rates are dramatically improved with over 80 per cent success. "General symptoms of prostate problems are a frequent need to urinate especially at night, bursting to urinate, slow flow, difficult, painful, stop/start, dribbling or urine in the blood."

CHAIRMAN Geoff Lockwood has been re-elected as the chairman of Chichester and District Society of Model Engineers, pictured above. Mr Lockwood received the further backing of members at the society's latest annual meeting. His vice-chairman for the coming year will be Ian Simpson. THe treasurer is David K Smith and Michaela Terry is the media relations officer. THe new executive committee members are Alan Munday, Peter Atkinson, Robert Copeman, Alan Edwards and John Mills. A spokesman for the society said: "THe committee of management reflects the wide range of interests that are enjoyed by the members. "THese include model making in many different scales and sizes, historical

research and studies, tool making and maintenance and improvement of our railway tracks, grounds and buildings." Mr Lockwood thanked the members for making the public events a success in 2016. THe portable track was taken to the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum and THe Emsworth Show. "THe popularity of the Steam on Sunday open afternoons at the society's home site in Blackberry Lane, Chichester, showed that people of all ages in the Chichester area continue to enjoy seeing, and riding on, miniature trains," the spokesman said. Mr Smith told members that 2016 had been a satisfactory year for finances and the society had a sound future. THe first Steam on Sunday of 2017 will be from 2pm to 5pm on May 21. Rides are ÂŁ1 each.

NINE churches across the Bognor Regis area are seeking to raise thousands of pounds to help refugees. THe members of the churches will be taking part in the latest annual Christian Aid week. One of their fundraising events will be a collection between about 6.30am-8.30am next Tuesday outside the town's railway station. THey will also be staging door to door collections, events and other public collections to help them to beat last year's total of more than ÂŁ6,200. In 2016, a total of 41 collectors from eight churches joined together to enable Christian Aid and its global partners to provide refugees with essentials such as food and shelter as well as advocating for policies to protect and help them. Chris Bemrose, the town's co-cordinator for Christian Aid, said: "People in Bognor Regis have been very generous in supporting Christian Aid week. "Sadly, over the years, the need for support has increased rather than diminished but I am confident that, as always, people will rise to the occasion." Christian Aid has been working with refugees since the Second World War and celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. With tens of millions of people across the globe forced from their homes due to war, conflict and disaster, many have to make life-threateningly dangerous journeys in search of a safe place to call home. While the majority of refugees seek sanctuary in poor countries, in 2015 some one million people crossed into Europe. With borders across the continent now closed to refugees, thousands are stranded - and in need of urgent help. Christian Aid chief executive Loretta Minghella said: "We have been supporting refugees since European refugees sought refuge in London in the aftermath of the Second World War and we are not turning our backs now. "Still today there are millions of families - mothers, fathers, children - who are running from conflict, danger and persecution around the world in search of a safe place to call home. "It is time to say they have been running enough." THis year's Christian Aid week is being held from this Sunday until next Saturday. Further information from Chris Bemrose on 07910 130415 or

MORE than 50 supporters of Bognor Regis Pier took the chance to mark its 152nd birthday. THey gave their congratulations at its latest anniversary at this month's meeting of Bognor Regis Pier Watch, pictured above. THe meeting took place last Wednesday - a day before the pier opened on May 4, 1865. Jan Malpas, one of the Pier Watch founders, dubbed the pier the town's Grand Old Lady. THe meeting also discussed the first Bognor Regis Pier Watch drop-in session between 6.30pm-8.30pm on May 25 at the Pier Hotel in Waterloo Square. "THis will be an informative evening for members of the public and our members to find out more about Bognor Regis Pier Watch's vision and work," said Jan. THe 2017 events calendar was also discussed where the new Pier Watch gazebo will be shown to help the group raise its profile in and about Bognor Regis and neighbouring villages.

CONTACT US: or 01243 908506 or 63 London Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DF




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Heavy Duty 6ft x 6ft Feather Edge Fence Panels £24! DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS

Heavy Duty 6ft x 4ft Sheds from £200! 27 Highcroft avenue, Bognor Regis , West Sussex , PO228DQ | 07538 690465


Friday, May 12, 2017

Puzzles 31







Codeword is the crossword puzzle with no clues. THe number in each square corresponds to a letter. Work out the words in the grid using the letters provided. Fill in these known letters first, then use skill and judgement to work our the others.









3 8





12 26


























22 16














8 21



















8 6







6 10









Down 1. Cooperation; alliance (13) 2. Shout of appreciation (5) 4. Concurs (6) 5. Style of piano-based blues (6-6) 6. Breathe (7) 7. Amazingly (13) 8. Detective (12) 14. Rewards (anag) (7) 16. Without ethics (6) 19. Nationality of Oscar Wilde (5)

Across 1. Young lions (4) 3. Capital of Australia (8) 9. Novice driver (7) 10. Beginning of something (5) 11. Make right (5) 12. Version of a book (7) 13. Strange thing (6) 15. Toffees or chocolates (6) 17. Mercury alloy (7) 18. Small antelope (5) 20. Inactive (5) 21. Incrementing; elevating (7) 22. Channels of the nose (8) 23. Dairy product (4)






























































































Q K 14





I 16


















T R A N Q U 5


















4 8 1


5 3 4

1 8


1 2

You have 10 mins to find as G C many words as possible O N using the letters in the D wheel. Each I I must use the hub letter R V and at least 3 others. Letters may be used only once. You cannot use plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. THere is at least one 9-letter word to be found.







9 2


Test your grey matter have fun at the same time








1 7 1








You have been given a start word and an end word. In order to win the game, you must change the word progressively, creating an existing word at each step. You must only on each step change a single letter.
















21 2











19 23




















Z E I 12



F M S L E O U Y X T 17











Check out all the solutions next week

3 9 5 4 6 8 7 1 2

1 2 4 7 9 3 8 5 6

8 6 7 2 1 5 3 4 9

4 5 2 3 8 6 1 9 7

6 8 9 5 7 1 2 3 4

7 1 3 9 2 4 6 8 5

2 7 8 1 4 9 5 6 3

5 4 1 6 3 7 9 2 8

9 3 6 8 5 2 4 7 1



THIS is the 9 letter word:

CELEBRITY We hope you had lots of fun coming up with words in the 10 minutes allowed.

Can you solve our fiendishly tricky crossword? Take your time, you may need to



Friday, May 12, 2017

By Sylvia Endacott

North Bersted was surrounded by open fields The area started to be developed in the 1930s with the Newtown Estate ACCORDING to the 1807 guide named, ‘THe Origin & description of Bognor or Hothamton and an account of some adjacent villages,’ South Berstead (note the spelling) is: “A village to the north of Bognor, at the distance of about a mile. "Two ways conduct to it; one is a pathway that crosses the fields in a direct line from the Post Office; the other is the high road that passes by the Crescent, but pedestrians would prefer the latter.” THe description continues: “Berstead was a well-known village, and in some degree of repute when Bognor was still in embryo; and prior to the birth of that place was reckoned among the principal villages of the district.” It is very difficult to equate this description with the area known today as South and North Bersted (note the change of spelling). For many people, the history of this area consists of St Mary Magdalene Church in South Bersted, which is of course one of the oldest in the area. Many people, therefore, do not really take into consideration the church at the entrance to the area, that of the parish church of the Holy Cross almost hidden at the junction of Chichester Road and North Bersted Street. A diverse church, that outwardly has an old and drab appearance, it was dedicated in 1884.

THe original spire of this church was removed in 1979 but the surprise is the interior, which is a remarkably modern church, with a very active congregation. Other aspects of Bersted are ‘coloured’ by their location such as a busy roundabout, but colourful is the correct description of the Royal Oak public house, which was not without much controversy when it was painted red in 1984. It is alleged that there has been a building on this site since Elizabethan times. It is a listed building and still retains much of its historic appeal since the first recorded publican in 1842. It is believed Sir Richard Hotham, Bognor’s founder, owned it at one time. Local landlord Richard Sharpe succeeded in making his public house known countrywide. THe Sharpe family were publicans of the Rising Sun on the Chichester Road from 1895 until 1933 and it was during this period it became renowned for the displays that were produced by the attachment of postage stamps over the walls, ceilings and even furniture. It was a bet that started the act of making pictures with stamps and the craze just grew in line with the number of visitors that started to arrive. THere were even special coach trips to see 'THe Stamp House' as it was known for a time.

There were even special coach trips to see 'The Stamp House' as it was known for a time

f Holy Cross Church

f The Royal Oak

When driving around this area today, it is very easy to forget it was originally two small villages, on the outskirts of Bognor Regis, but sadly, like many small communities, they have lost much of their identity with the expansion of housing, roads and the erosion of the fields and open spaces that was once enjoyed by the villagers. In 1920, North Bersted was surrounded completely by open fields. THe village of North Bersted has a number of links with the past, such as Chalcraft Lane as the word Chalcraft is a derivation of a Saxon word meaning calves' croft. THis was once an ancient highway connecting Pagham with North Bersted. THe area known as Rookery Farm was originally believed to have links with smuggling. THe need for housing and employment drives the developer to move to the ‘outskirts’ of a town or village until eventually each separate community is joined into seemingly one community, with no visible boundaries. In the 1930s, one of the largest developments was that of the Newtown Estate, with its distinctive fish and chip shop on the corner of the shops on the bend in North Bersted. How this estate must have dominated the area when it was built by Neal’s the Builder. It must have been quite a shock with the number of houses, a floor plan is above, and also the influx of so many people into the area at that time. Many of the roads in this area were ‘named’ by the builders, Norbren Avenue is thought to be the combination of Norman and Brenda, relatives of the estate developers. Gradually, over the years, the growth of housing has crept over the area and, of course, the industrial estates based around the Durban

Road area. Previous articles on this area have given us some very descriptive prose on the developments taking place. One in 1973 refers to ‘Horrible Bognor, not content with ruining itself, has all but put paid to the Bersteds now, pouring inexorable and glue-like with its shapeless blobs of bungaloid developments.’ Another report in 1978 commenced with the comment that ‘golden wild mustard fringes part of the A259 road between Chichester and Bognor in a landscape as flat as a bowling green and happily there seem to be no hideous gipsy encampments this summer.’ THe report continues from the road junction next to the Royal Oak, remarking that, ‘this is where suburbia starts, a nondescript hotchpotch of bungalows and semis and some more pretentious houses, giving no indication at all that the English Channel lies before you only a mile and a half ahead.’ I am sure that the owners of the premises to which the writer was referring would not appreciate some of these descriptions. Who would have anticipated in the 1970s the developments that were to arrive around the ‘outskirts’ of the town, with a bypass and many more houses? Makes one think of the future and where these developments will reach in the next 30 years. However, if you take some time to walk through the villages you can still find their identity. THere are rustic cottages with their thatched roofs and people who think of their way of life as being within a village community. THere are still a number of old premises: like Shripney Manor, Rookery Farm House, the row of cottages, opposite the war memorial hospital, Homing Cottage and many, many more.

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34 Classified

Friday, May 12, 2017

PostJobs For advertising or for more information contact us on or call 01243 908506

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Please call Volunteer Now! On 01243 864220, email:, check out our website: follow us on Twitter @2VolunteerNow or like us on Facebook

Volunteer Now! Help Line Volunteer – Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester (VAAC) Volunteers are needed to support the work of Volunteer Now! by providing telephone information to prospective volunteers. Ideally the volunteers will also support staff members at one-off Volunteer Now! events. Your main task will be answering calls on the Volunteer Now! Helpline; providing information on using the do-it website (training will be given) and offering further guidance and advice if necessary. You may also be required to: make follow up calls to volunteers and organisations and record any feedback; promote volunteering via social media (training will be provided); assist in the preparation of promotional materials and help at events (with a staff member). Two volunteers are needed to cover the helpline on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Trustee – Cancerwise Cancerwise is a successful, independent cancer charity based in Chichester, serving the communities of West Sussex and East Hampshire. The charity provides a growing number of cancer patients and their carers with specialist support, complementary therapies and therapeutic activities, most of which are provided free of charge. They are experiencing a period of growth and looking for enthusiastic and able trustees with financial,

HR, fundraising, marketing and IT experience to join their current board which meets every two months to ensure the smooth running of the charity. They would welcome enquiries from either employed or retirees. Computer Buddy – West Sussex Library Service Computer Buddies needed! Could you help someone learn how to use a computer and learn new skills? Bognor Regis Library is looking for computer buddies to teach people basic computing skills and how to use the internet on a one-to-one basis. Duties will include: Running training sessions to complete novices to help them get started with computers, including keyboard and mouse skills; and running training sessions to customers who have some experience in ICT, particularly in the areas of email and internet. Depending on demand, the general commitment is two one-hour sessions per week. More frequent and less frequent attendance will be considered in appropriate situations. If you are able to teach/demonstrate ICT, have good communication and interpersonal skills, and are happy to engage with people of all ages and differing levels of skills, this could be the role for you! Industrial Sewing Machine Operator - Rug Wash – Aldingbourne Trust The Aldingbourne Trust is dedicated to helping local

businesses, communities and people with learning disabilities reach their potential and enjoy life, together. They are committed to the support and well-being of people with learning disabilities; developing their skills, helping them gain employment in the local community and encouraging them to lead more fulfilled, independent lives. Help is needed for a person to operate an industrial sewing machine. Rug Wash is an enterprise at the Trust where rugs are washed and repaired. You will ideally have sewing experience and be happy meeting clients and taking their orders. Community Fundraising Volunteer – Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group aims to research, conserve and enhance the landscape, biodiversity and heritage of the Manhood Peninsula through community involvement and foster its care, enjoyment and understanding. They are looking for volunteers to help develop a Community Fundraising Team to create and organise innovative ways of raising funds for the Group and encourage others to fundraise on their behalf. There are lots of possibilities for this role such as: developing events, networking with local businesses, supporting local people who are keen to fundraise, utilising social media and developing online giving

To apply for any of these opportunities, or to see other opportunities in your area, please go to

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Friday, May 12, 2017






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Classified 35

My name is Paul Bentley and I have worked in

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36 Classified

Friday, May 12, 2017

PostSell It Vehicle

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Bognor impress with the ball - but PostSport fall just short in home run chase BOGNOR Regis CC came up agonisingly short as they looked to kick-start the Division Two campaign with a victory. Max Ashmore's side took advantage of home conditions to restrict Billingshurst to 202 all out. But Bognor came up five runs short in the chase, losing their last two wickets in successive balls. Despite the setback, Ashmore will have seen enough from his side to give him confidence they will be able to perform well this season. Bognor head to THree Bridges tomorrow (12.30pm) looking to chalk up their first win of the season. THey do so knowing that their bowlers are in good form and eager to make the most of the spring conditions. Bognor showed what they could do with the ball in hand last weekend, rising to the challenge after Billingshurst won the toss and elected to bat. Sam Adams (3 for 29) led the way before Joe Ashmore (4 for 28) and Josh Sargeant (2 for 36) pegged back Hurst's middle order. With 202 to chase, Max Ashmore (4) and Ollie Adams (12) looked keen to give their side

a good start but both were dismissed cheaply. Coming in at number three, Mikey Harris anchored the innings, looking calm and composed in his 77. But despite Josh Seward (30) looking to have put Bognor in the driving seat, they lost their last three wickets for just three runs to mean the home side came up just short. Elsewhere, in Division THree both Pagham and Chichester Priory Park made winning starts to the campaigns. Pagham secured an impressive 91-run win on the road at Brighton and Hove Seconds. THe platform for victory was built by an impressive half-century from Joe de la Fuente (91). Sean Rutter then took 4 for 28 as Pagham bowled out B&HCC for 148 with ten overs to spare. Meanwhile Chichester Priory Park cruised to a ten-wicket win over Roffey Seconds at Goodwood after a fine team bowling display. Matthew Geffen (3 for 11) had the best figures as Priory dismissed the visitors for 97. Skipper Geffen (42*) and Peter Lamb (47*) then knocked off the runs inside 24 overs. Pagham host Bexhill Seconds tomorrow while Chi travel to Burgess Hill (both 12.30pm).

DARTS: BRSA Wanderers' Gary Blackwood was in inspired form, firing a 32-dart average in his side's narrow 9-8 win over Friary Z in the Bognor Friday Summer Darts League. THis included an amazing 12-dart league, completed by a 155 finish. Here are the results from week four:

f Bognor celebrate taking a Billingshurst wicket


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f Bognor bowled well to restrict Hurst to 202 - but just failed to beat their run target

Heather stars in Middleton victory


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Sport 37

f Middleton posted 249 in the comfortable win

MIDDLETON CC's captain Sean Heather led the way with a fine all-round display as his side made a winning start to the Sussex Premier League campaign. THe former county player top scored with 81 before taking 4-20 with the ball in the 84- run over Bexhill at the sports club. It ensured Middleton took the maximum of 30 points from the match, putting them jointtop in the county's top division. Middleton will hope to make it two from two tomorrow when they make the long trip to East Grinstead (12pm). EG also made a winning start to the season, sealing a 212-run victory away at Hastings and St Leonards Priory last weekend. Heather will hope to repeat his home performance against Bexhill where everything seemed to go his way. After winning the toss, he elected to bat. After losing Angus Robson (4) early on with just four on the scoreboard, Heather came out to the middle to join wicketkeeper-batsman

Gerhardt Abrahams. THe pair added 68 as Bexhill's attack struggled to contain the Middleton top order. Abrahams quickly took aim and scored a rapid 42 in just 34 balls, which included eight 4s and one 6. When he departed Heather had scored just 19. THe Middleton skipper pushed on, reaching a total of 81, but only after he had taken his side's total above 200. Jamie THompson (53) batted excellently in the final stages while Patrick Colvin (29) added able support as Middleton were dismissed for 249 in the final over of their allocated 50. Bexhill made a good start to chasing down the total. But Heather's introduction with the ball turned the game on its head, with his 4-20 in his eight overs tearing the heart out of the visitors' middle order. Tommy Davies (2 for 19) and Craig Fowle (3 for 32) ensured Bexhill were dismissed for 165 sealing an comfortable 84-run win.

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DIVISION ONE - BRSA Wanderers 9 Friary 'Z' 8; Newtown Amity 12 Hunston Hares 6; QE2 Cobras 4 Squash Club 11 MAN OF THE MATCH - Gary Blackwood (BRSA Wanderers) 12 & 19 darts [32.32 av]; Stuart Rose (Newtown Amity) 18 & 26 darts [22.77 av]; Chris Williams (QE2 Cobras) 19 & 24 darts [23.30 av]. OTHER GOOD GAMES - Lee Franklin (Friary 'Z') 16 & 23 darts [26.18 av]; Lee Gladman (Friary 'Z') 18 & 19 darts [27.08 av]; Nathan Warren (BRSA Wanderers) 18 & 21 darts [22.77 av] - 2nd leg 4 left in 27 darts; Wayne Wadsworth (Friary 'Z') 21 & 28 darts [20.04 av] - 2nd leg 100 left in 21 darts; Richard Ragless (Squash Club) 23 & 29 darts [20.42 av]; Ricky Clark (Newtown Amity) 24 & 25 darts [20.45 av] 180s - Nathan Warren (BRSA Wanderers) x1; Gary Blackwood (BRSA Wanderers) x1. HIGH OUT SHOTS - Gary Blackwood (BRSA Wanderers) 155; Chris Williams (QE2 Cobras) 97; Stuart Rose (Newtown Amity) 89; Ricky Clark (Newtown Amity) 80; Nathan Warren (BRSA Wanderers) 78; Ian Hackett (Squash Club) 74 DIVISION TWO - Chi Snooker Club 10 Aldingbourne Mavericks 7; Friary 'D' 8 QE2 Galleon 10; Aldwick Legion 8 BRSA Ravens 8. MAN OF THE MATCH - Adam Hall (Aldingbourne Mavericks) 21 & 25 darts [21.78 av]; Andy Chant (Aldwick Legion) 24 & 27 darts [19.65 av]; Richard Pennells (QE2 Galleon) 27 & 28 darts [17.62 av] - 2nd leg 5 left in 30 darts. OTHER GOOD GAMES - Dave Bourne (Aldwick Legion) 17 & 29 darts [19.00 av] - 2nd leg 2 left in 33 darts; Mark H Todd (BRSA Ravens) 21 & 32 darts [18.91 av]; Rob Allen (Aldwick Legion) 27 & 28 darts [18.22 av]; Emma Bist (Aldingbourne Mavericks) 27 & 34 darts [16.43 av]; Simon Kimber (Friary 'D') 31 & 31 darts [16.16 av]. HIGH OUT SHOTS - Mark H Todd (BRSA Ravens) 116; Andy Chant (Aldwick Legion) 102; Emma Bist (Aldingbourne Mavericks) 79. DIVISION THREE - Royal Oak 6 Newtown 'C' 11; ASC 5 BRSA Jokers 11; Wheatsheaf 9 Richmond 'B' 9; Richmond Rebels 10 Lamb Steyne 8. MAN OF THE MATCH - Graeme Dutton (Royal Oak) 21 & 30 darts [19.65 av]; Neil Conn (Lamb Steyne) 26 & 37 darts [15.90 av]; Aston Seabridge (BRSA Jokers) 27 & 27 darts [18.56 av]; Glo Greene (Wheatsheaf) 28 & 35 darts [15.90 av]. OTHER GOOD GAMES - Martin Whale (ASC) 27 & 29 darts [16.63 av] - 2nd leg 173 left in 24 darts; Jamie Middleton (Newtown 'C') 28 & 32 darts [16.70 av]. HIGH OUT SHOTS - Martin Whale (ASC) 102; Dan Middleton (Newtown 'C') 90; Justin Moore (Richmond Rebels) 70; Graeme Dutton (Royal Oak) 66; Steve Middleton (Newtown 'C') 65; Ellie Gostick (Richmond Rebels) 64. ------------------------------------------BOWLS: Selsey's Little Spain Bowling Club, pictured below, showed there is no barrier to people enjoying the sport. At the annual Mens v Ladies match, two of the men dressed up in skirts and helped the fairer sex to victory over their gender counterparts.

38 Sport

Friday, May 12, 2017

Semark signs off with a win and record after 43 years in football

f Pagham's Richie Hellen and Mark Bennett

CHICHESTER City Ladies' Development Squad ensured the last match of the season was one to remember for Dick Semark, who has retired from management after 43 seasons in the game. Semark has managed a variety of teams through Hampshire and Sussex in his illustrious career. He started off in men’s football before he turned his hand to coach in female football. And, thanks to a 3-2 win over Abbey Rangers on the last game of the season, he led Chichester City Ladies' second string to a highest ever league finish of third Oaklands Park saw a record attendance for a development squad game and the players fittingly gave Dick a guard of honour on to the pitch. Once the match started the Chi players were fast out of the blocks with two quick fire goals from Steph Mills and Lauren Ellis. After conceding one, Miki Collins scored a third but Abbey reduced the deficit further. Despite the pressure, Chi held out for the last few minutes of the match to record a 3-2 win - a fine way to sign off Dick's career.

Lions primed for next year Chi Ladies crowned champions

PAGHAM chairman Tony Shea said his side was primed to push on for promotion next season. Hopes were high at Nyetimber Lane the club might be able to secure promotion from the SCFL Premier this year. But, with the league form dipping after Christmas, Pagham could only manage a fourth place finish. THe Lions did end the season on a high, though, with a 1-0 victory against champions Haywards Heath in the Peter Bentley Cup, the first silverware in 20 years. And chairman Shea told the Post the board was eager for more success next season. He said: "We all thought about what could have been. Clubs make mistakes throughout the season. We are not alone in that. We will grow stronger from that and will come back again next year. "Yes, we lost points to teams that are in the bottom six or seven which we shouldn't have lost and should have been a different story. "But I'm very happy with where we finished. "It was two places higher than last season and we won

a cup for the first time in 20 years while the youth team won both competitions they entered. "We are getting the benefits of the under 21s, youth team and that can only be good news for us moving forward." Pagham will have a new management team at the helm next year, with manager Mark Bennett taking a break from the game. He will be replaced by current assistant Richie Hellen and under 21s manager Tom Simmonds. Shea said: "Mark promised me when he came he would win a trophy. "He definitely succeeded in what he promised. It wasn't the one he wanted - he wanted the league title - but it's the next best one. "I want to thank him for everything he has done. "THe way it all planned out with him announcing his departure with a month to go it could have work out sketchy for us but it all went well to plan and he finished on a big high." Pagham will end the season with a presentation evening on May 20 at the club. More details on the club's website.

CHICHESTER City Ladies celebrated long into the night after securing the league title and promotion to FA Women's Premier League. THe green army have been in excellent form all year, winning all but one of their 21 games in the FA Premier Division One South West. Liam Greenfield's side wrapped up the title in front of a packed Oaklands Park on THursday with a resounding 10-0 win over St Nicholas Ladies. THe win sparked wild celebrations among the squad, who will be competing against some of the best amateur women's footballers in the country next season. St Nicholas started the game with only ten players, so the advantage was firmly in the hosts' court. But the green and blacks simply packed behind the ball from the offset and frustrated Chichester for lengthy periods. Chi finally broke the deadline on the halfhour mark, when Jess Lewry looped a header over the keeper. Lucie Challen doubled the lead moments later with a fine shot from outside the box. THe home team were, by now, in full flow and more goals were quickly to come. Lauren Cheshire was next to the party as she volleyed in superbly from a Challen cross and then Lewry grabbed two goals in quick succession to nail a first half hat-trick. Into the second period and captain Becky

Barron made it six with a thumping drive before Charley Wilson-Blakely added a seventh. Chloe Dowdell and Molly Clark added further to the tally, before the scoring was rounded off in injury time. Clark left fly from distance again, this time from easily 40 yards and saw the effort sail into the back of the net. Moments later and the final whistle sounded to spark joyous celebrations among players and management.

It was a very proud captain in Becky Barron, who had the special moment of lifting the championship trophy in front of her teammates and all the supporters. THe champagne flowed and the party continued in the clubhouse late into the night. Chi will round off their season with a trip to Bristol-based Keynsham Town on Sunday (2pm). Win that and they will complete an unbeaten season and extend their goal difference to more than +110. It's a title that's richly deserved.

f Chichester City Ladies celebrate winning the league

Great start to a new era at Felpham Colts

f The Lions rounded off the year with a cup win


f Dick Semark with members of Chichester City's DS

f Felpham Colts girls team

THESE footballing novices, left, had a dream debut season, rounding off the competition with a trophy from a world cup winner. For the first time in 10 years, Felpham Colts Football Club have a girls football team. THe team entered the ESF football festival at Butlins where they played in the year group above them against girls teams from all around the country. After battling hard, they emerged with great credit. THey were rewarded with trophies presented by England women's captain Casey Stoney and world cup winner Robert Pires. Steve Gracey, the team's coach, said: "THe conditions were very tough, we were sunburnt one day and blown away with the

wind and the cold the next. And the competition was even tougher! But these girls were a credit to their club and fought for every game right up to the final whistle. "All the other managers made a point of speaking to me afterwards to comment on our team spirit and sportsmanship." Felpham Colts is one of the largest youth football clubs in West Sussex with about 350 youngsters involved in league teams or in training. It's aim is to provide top quality football coaching for boys and girls aged between four and eighteen years old. THe club was formed in 1980 although its roots go back as far as 1972. More details at:

City's DS

Friday, May 12, 2017

Sport 39



By James Crane

f Bognor's tight-knit squad will have a new manager to play for next season

Pearce: New boss needs to be young and hungry for success BOGNOR boss and general manager Jack Pearce says the Rocks are in no rush to name a new manager - but did admit finances will reduce his options. Many supporters at Nyewood Lane were left shocked when Jamie Howell left to join Eastbourne Borough in a full-time role just days after winning promotion to National League South with the Rocks. It has left the Bognor board with a search for a new manager for the first time in eight years. And while many fans will be keen to see a replacement brought in quickly to ensure a settled squad is in place for next season, Pearce said he is no rush to name a successor. Speaking to the Post, he said: "Jamie and I have known each other for 20 years. He's been a player, coach and manager, he's done a very good job and I wish him all the best going forward. "But I have got the supporters to think about and I can understand their disappointment. "Our model at Bognor, due to our financial and geographical position, means we have a model with not much money for managers and players. "We will identify young managers who are hungry and want an opportunity and then if they do well they move on. "It's not a model we want but unfortunately, unless we have a wealthy benefactor, there's no other way to do it."

One man who will definitely be in the dugout next season is assistant manager Darin Kilpatrick. Pearce said the influential coach would be supporting him in the search for a replacement. Pearce said: "We will not rush into anything. "Over the next couple of weeks we will try to sign the players who we feel that can be part of the squad next year. "THen Darin and I will put our heads together to identify someone who will work with our philosophy of a fit disciplined footballing side. "If they are in employment then we will contact the club and go through the correct channels." Despite the sudden nature of the departure, Pearce maintains it was not a shock - adding that Howell had been in the frame for the Eastbourne Borough job in previous seasons. He said the former Arsenal and Torquay player had left the club on excellent terms something that Howell was keen to echo too. While he was not able to attend last week's presentation evening due to work commitments, Howell praised the fans and the squad he was leaving behind. He said: "Once the initial bit was out of the way, everyone has been supportive and I want to thank them personally. THe whole squad has been brilliant - Charman has been immense, Dan Lincoln, Sami. It's difficult to pick one out as they've all done so well."

Lincoln wins top Rocks honour GOALKEEPER Dan Lincoln, pictured above, walked away with the supporters' player of the year at the Rocks' annual presentation evening. THe former Reading youth player, who spent time on loan at Oxford United, joined the Rocks in October, 2016, and has quickly established himself as a fan favourite. In racking up 43 appearances for the club, Lincoln played a big part in marshalling Bognor's defence and helping the team have the best defensive record in the Ryman Premier. He also received the website player of the month honour for April. Lincoln received the awards at a packed Seasons bar last Friday in front of fellow players and members of the BRTFC supporters club. THe full awards were as follows: - Chairmans Cup - Gary Charman - Leading goal scorer - James Fraser - Most improved player - Jimmy Wild - Goal of the season - James Fraser - 200 appearances for the club - Doug Tuck - Players' player of the year - Sami El-Abd - Sportsman of the year - programme editor Rob Garforth - A special recognition award also went to stewards Lorraine Butler and Peter McGrath.

WHAT a few weeks it has been, with the Rocks gaining promotion then manager Jamie Howell announcing he was leaving Nyewood Lane. I had heard rumours about Jamie and that he could be on his way a few weeks before the season ended. Like anyone involved in football, your ear is always to the ground to hear various bits of gossip and some were saying that he was possibly going. All I can say is fair play to him - the job opportunity came up, the package works for him, Eastbourne Borough are looking to go up and establish themselves on the next level. It is a huge step up and good for him for having the minerals to say he's going to give it a go. Jamie told us all before the news came out. He text us all saying that he would speak to us all more in the coming days but that he wanted to thank us for everything and that he was moving on. My initial response was a little bit of 'really' as we had done well and I would have liked to keep the nucleus of the squad together and give it a good go. With Jamie at the helm, we have massively over-achieved every year. But things and people move on - it's a bit sad but you can't begrudge someone for wanting to better themselves. THat news rounded off a dramatic week that started with the 95th minute winner against Wingate in the semifinal of the play-offs. We did deserve to win the game but to get it with the last kick of the game then there has to have been an element of luck to it. But even with 30 minutes of extra time on the horizon we knew that we would have enough to win. THen it was on to Dulwich where the mood in the camp was extremely relaxed. In fact, everywhere you looked, people seemed on edge about what was a big game - there were extra stewards, an extra burger bar was brought in, and on the way in everyone that I spoke

to was nervous about what was to come, primarily because we were playing a team who we have struggled against at that time of the season previously. THat was everyone except the players and that relaxed attitude manifested itself on the pitch. Personally, it was good for me, too, as I was back in the side. Jamie told me to mark their wide-men and then whenever we got the ball to bomb on. And it worked. While I did not get on the scoresheet, I was in the box for both goals. THere was such a sense of togetherness, understanding and what we were all about that there was no panic at all. Even when we missed the penalty, and they then scored, we were all really calm. In fact, with ten minutes to go there was a break in play and I looked at Dan Beck and said to him 'in 12 minutes we will be lifting that trophy'. Some may think that was silly given what could have happened but we all knew there was no other thing that would happen. When the final whistle went the initial feeling was overwhelming relief because we have been in that position so many times and just missed out. To get the fans on the pitch was so special as they live and breathe the club. You could see it meant the world to them. THen after, us players were jumping around in the dressing room until 7pm when we went out in Brighton for the evening. In between getting thrown out of bars for being too rowdy, the sense of elation, achievement and gratitude and the togetherness of the team shone through. It's the most together feeling I have ever had as a team of footballer. We would literally die for each other, there's been such a good bond and that includes the management. Looking ahead, I will be staying and I know a lot of the lads feel the same way. We have something special and we want to see how far we can go.

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40 Sport


Friday, May 12, 2017

INSIDE: Our sports pages are packed with news about football, rugby and much more

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