Edition 74

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wesTBoUrne commUniTY trUsT is ABoUT To sTArT BUildinG A scheme desiGned BY chichesTer archiTecTs mha oF TWelVe AFFordABle sociAl renT homes AT mill roAd,wesTBoUrne For locAl people the deVelopmenT Will comprise A mix oF one, TWo And Three Bedroom homes. those inTeresTed in reGisTerinG For The AccommodATion shoUld VisiT The trUsT’s WeBsiTe Where TheY cAn Become A memBer oF The trUsT And Then reGisTer Their inTeresT.

A new concept to help address the housing crisis.

the projecT is The resUlT oF six YeArs hArd WorK BY A dedicATed GroUp oF locAl VolUnTeers Who WAnTed To TAcKle The AFFordABle hoUsinG proBlem ThAT AFFecTs wesTBoUrne And mAnY similAr VillAGes in The soUTh oF enGlAnd. frAnK cAmpBell, chAir oF wesTBoUrne commUniTY trUsT, sAid: “this projecT is A GreAT exAmple oF hoW consUlTATion WiTh The commUniTY

cAn deliVer mUch needed AFFordABle hoUsinG As Well As A rAnGe oF AddiTionAl BeneFiTs To improVe The qUAliTY oF liFe in The commUniTY” for more inFormATion VUsiT: hTTps://WWW.WesTBoUrnecommUniTYTrUsT.orG the scheme is expecTed To Be compleTed in ocToBer 2025.

OutstandingTalent at the Apex Construction Centre

pArK commUniTY school’s apex consTrUcTion cenTre oFFers sTUdenTs A Whole rAnGe oF opporTUniTies.these inclUde leArninG sKills in The FolloWinG AreAs: BricKWorK, plAsTerinG, pAinTinG And decorATinG, WAllpAperinG And An inTrodUcTion To mig And tig WeldinG.these Are 'sKills For liFe' And AlonGside prAcTice cscs cArd TesTs ThAT The apeX cenTre oFFers iT GiVe opporTUniTies To sTUdenTs. the apex cenTre cAn help YoUnG people Find someThinG TheY loVe To do And so moTiVATe Them For oTher lessons While AT school As Well As

prepAre Them For Their nexT sTep in liFe a sTUdenT From pArK commUniTY school spends hAlF her TimeTABled Time AT apeX deVelopinG her sKills And AcTinG As sUpporT To oTher sTUdenTs And sTAFF ThroUGh her enGAGemenT And ABiliTY recenTlY, she WAs GiVen A sKeTch BY A TUTor And WAs AsKed, 'cAn YoU replicATe This?' she GoT To WorK sTrAiGhT AWAY, lAYinG oUT her desiGn. she WAs ABle To TrY This chAllenGe BecAUse she hAd BAsic BricKlAYinG sKills needed From loTs oF preVioUs prAcTise the phoTo riGhT shoWs her FinAl WorK… conTinUed on pAGe TWo

clAssic cArs
the ridGe cenTre

Website Advice

Carl and reece invite your questions

deAr cArl And reece i'Ve jUsT enrolled on A diGiTAl mArKeTinG coUrse To help me deVelop mY BUsiness.as pArT oF The sYllABUs, i Will Be leArninG ABoUT KeYWords. i'm inTriGUed To Find oUT more ABoUT hoW These WorK. elizABeTh thAnKs For YoUr emAil, elizABeTh, And Good lUcK WiTh The coUrse! diGiTAl mArKeTinG is sUch An imporTAnT pArT oF AnY BUsiness.


seArch enGine AlGoriThms crAWl oVer WeBsiTes looKinG For speciFic KeYWords eVerY Time someone TYpes These inTo gooGle or BinG.the AlGoriThm Then GenerATes A lisT oF WeBsiTes Where These Words Are emBedded. iF YoU Were A FlorisT BAsed in emsWorTh YoU'd WAnT To inclUde 'FlorisT' And 'emsWorTh' As YoUr KeYWords. choose lonGTAil KeYWords And YoUr WeBsiTe Will AppeAr in A Wider seT oF seArch resUlTs. i.e 'emsWorTh AWArdWinninG FlorisT'. mAKe sUre YoU don'T oVerUse YoUr KeYWords As noT onlY Will These spoil The FloW oF YoUr WriTinG,

Hewitt Matthews Sound

Send your questions to: carl@hewittmatthews co uk reece@hewittmatthews co uk

gooGle Will penAlise YoU For Them this Will resUlT in YoUr WeBsiTe AppeArinG loWer doWn The lisT oF seArch resUlTs use A KeYWord seArch Tool sUch As uBersUGGesT, moz or gooGleads' keYWord plAnner And YoU'll Find KeYWords ThAT Are releVAnT To YoUr secTor neil pATel proVides A rAnGe oF excellenT conTenT Which cAn help YoU FUrTher UndersTAnd Which KeYWords Will WorK BesT For YoU BUT, in shorT, picK KeYWords ThAT Are As releVAnT As possiBle To YoUr BUsiness And oFFerinG And Be AWAre ThAT hiGhlY compeTiTiVe KeYWords Are UsUAllY mosT VAlUABle To rAnK For BUT TAKe The lonGesT To GeT To The Top spoT! wheneVer people AsK Us ABoUT Their WeBsiTes, We AdVise Them To looK AT The KeYWords TheY Are UsinG And AUdiT These on A reGUlAr BAsis. iT's Also A Good ideA To looK AT YoUr compeTiTors' WeBsiTes To see iF There Are AnY pArTicUlAr phrAses ThAT YoU coUld Use

Contacts: Telephone: 07876 248411

enquiries: enquiries@postcodepublications.com Advertising: advertising@postcodepublications.com editorial: editor@postcodepublications.com

Disclaimer the yoUr posTcode’ commUniTY neWspAper is pUBlished And oWned BY posTcode pUBlicATions limiTed Who AccepT no liABiliTY or responsiBiliTY For conTenT proVided BY iTs soUrces Copyright posTcode pUBlicATions limiTed reserVe copYriGhT oF All pUBlished mATeriAl oTher ThAn phoToGrAphs And AdVerTisinG prodUced BY Third pArTies anY re-Use oF pUBlished mATeriAl

‘the hoUsinG mArKeT is in iTs WorsT sTATe For 18 monThs, AccordinG To A leAdinG hoUse price sUrVeY Which sUGGesTed A "Whole GenerATion" oF FirsT-Time BUYers WAs BeinG shUT oUT. the inABiliTY oF BAnKs And BUildinG socieTies To oFFer AFFordABle morTGAGes To people TrYinG To GeT on The properTY lAdder WAs cAUsinG The hoUsinG mArKeT To slide

reporTed noVemBer 2009

sUBsTAnTiAllY, AccordinG To The roYAl insTiTUTion oF chArTered sUrVeYors. esTATe AGenTs And sUrVeYors Were AT Their mosT GloomY since april 2009, WiTh more people reporTinG ThAT hoUse prices hAd FAllen oVer The preVioUs Three monThs ThAn hAd risen. in ToTAl The "BAlAnce" in ocToBer WAs -49, doWn From -36 in sepTemBer’

decenTrAlisATion And plAnninG minisTer greG clArK sAid in 2010:


a recenT sUrVeY hAs hiGhliGhTed A lAcK oF AWAreness oF The imporTAnce oF wills And A misconcepTion ThAT All “will wriTers” Are reGUlATed

iF YoU Are ThinKinG oF hAVinG A will or UpdATinG YoUr cUrrenT will These Are The qUesTions YoU need AnsWered BeFore GoinG AheAd:

• is The Firm reGUlATed? unliKe soliciTors mAnY “will wriTers” Are noT sUBjecT To compUlsorY reGUlATion

• cAn TheY proVide relATed AdVice, ABoUT inheriTAnce tAx, cAre home Fees,trUsTs or lAsTinG poWers oF aTTorneY?

• do TheY chArGe exTrA For secUre sTorAGe or reTrieVAl?

the FinAnciAl cosT oF GeTTinG A will WronG coUld Be siGniFicAnT, noT To menTion The UpseT And disAppoinTmenT sUFFered BY loVed ones the deFecT mAY noT come To liGhT UnTil AFTer YoUr deATh – Too lATe For YoU To recTiFY! eVen A simple will is eAsY To GeT WronG iF The person prepArinG iT hAs noT Been leGAllY TrAined anYone cAn WriTe A will reGArdless oF TrAininG or experTise mAKe sUre YoU choose A compeTenT, reGUlATed AdViser To WriTe YoUrs for AdVice on YoUr Will, conTAcT oUr priVATe clienT TeAm on The nUmBers BeloW

Private ClientTeam pennY smiTh, soliciTor, direcTor & senior pArTner 01243 388 981 chris

grAnT-cAseY associATe soliciTor


“the cUrrenT oVer-cenTrAlised plAnninG sYsTem hAs Become one oF The GreATesT oBsTAcles To GroWTh in BriTAin,shUTTinG oUT opporTUniTies For deVelopmenT And BUrdeninG BUsiness WiTh BUreAUcrAcY And red TApe eVerY reForm To plAnninG in TodAY’s BUdGeT is desiGned To reVerse ThAT posiTion And

commUniTies secreTArY eric picKles Welcomed meAsUres To improVe The plAnninG sYsTem, AcTion To GeT The hoUse BUildinG indUsTrY BUildinG AGAin And sTeps To cUT The AmoUnT oF red TApe For coUncils And BUsiness seT oUT in TodAY’s BUdGeT. the depArTmenT For commUniTies And locAl goVernmenT is AT The cenTre oF The

recAliBrATe The sYsTem To sUpporT,rATher ThAn hinder economic GroWTh And sUsTAinABle deVelopmenT.these meAsUres Will help creATe A plAnninG sYsTem FiT For The chAllenGe oF recoVerY And reBUildinG BriTAin’s economY, While AT The sAme Time mAinTAininG The green BelT And enVironmenT.”

coAliTion’s plAns To reViVe And reBAlAnce The economY oVer The cominG monThs The commUniTies secreTArY Will oVersee A proGrAmme oF WorK To UnBlocK The plAnninG sYsTem, BoosT hoUse BUildinG And ATTrAcT neW inVesTmenT inTo The mArKeT, mAinTAin enVironmenTAl And coUnTrYside proTecTions.

OutstandingTalent at the Apex Construction Centre

iT is An exAcT replicA oF The iniTiAl sKeTch. she hAs cleArlY FoUnd her niche in BricKWorK. she hopes To AchieVe A ciTY And gUilds leVel 1 cerTiFicATe inclUdinG BricKlAYinG.the sTUdenT sTrUGGled in A school enVironmenT BUT noW ThriVes in oUr prAcTicAl, sKills For liFe, seTTinG And plAns To proGress WiTh her sTUdies AT colleGe And FUrTher inTo The consTrUcTion indUsTrY the FolloWinG sTUdenTs All pAssed Their ciTY And gUilds qUAliFicATion This YeAr: alFie smiTh,wesleY BATes, leWis BAldrY, ernie goodridGe, leWis JeWer, BlAKe mihill,

chArlie tomlin, rYAn aTillA, hArrison ford, lAceY mArie winn, sTAnleY crocKFord And archie thomAs. as The sUpplY oF hoUsinG is criTicAl For The economY We need YoUnG people To enTer The FAnTAsTic conTrUcTion indUsTrY so leT’s GiVe Them The proposed BUildinG school TheY need!



Compiled by the late Michael Curtis

sUpporTed BY hAVAnT insUrAnce serVices lTd, 20 eAsT sTreeT, hAVAnT, hAnTs po9 1aQ

solUTions on pAGe 16


i heATher WiTh noThinG For YoUnG Flier (8)

6 lYricAl WorK ABoUT cAll BAcK (6)

10 BAcK pAYmenT For drAUGhTsmAn (6)

11 soAK colleAGUe holdinG cApiTAl riGhT (8)

12 pAY no heed To desiGn oresTes emBrAced (6)

13 oBscUre coTeries - sTrAnGe (8)

14 aqUATic mAmmAl in cenTrAl chinA (5)

16 censUre rAce AFTer BlocKAGe (9)

19 fAncY, insecT-liKe, iT's AnnoUnced (5)

21 fell heAdless AFTer nUmBer one BAnKed (8)

23 Bench, riVer pUll cUT shorT (6)

24 perVerT isn'T AFTer cosmeTics (8)

25 uproAr – FATher Goes To conciliATion serVice (6)

26 enTered BUildinG, sorT oF (6)

27 hoW ABoUT shArper shrUBBerY? (8)


2 verTicAl, jUsT (7)

3 sTooped, When oVerTUrned BoWl WAs drAGGed (8)

4 old prime minisTer Trimmed people (6)

5 go And sTicK WiTh colleAGUe - All oVer (4,3,3,5)

7 eAsT end Wish To sUpplY emploYmenT (9)

8 neArlY pAss oVer plAYWriGhT (6)

9 uncle richArd hid priesT (6)

15 reAson To sUpplY smArT mAn shorTlY (9)

17 mAKe seAn FAncY AnoTher seAn, perhAps (8)

18 admiTs Bill hAs TroUsers (7)

20 sTorm dAmAGe To Adorn (7)

21 gUArAnTee A leTTer, We heAr (6)

22 fAde BAdlY AFTer The french ThUmBed ThroUGh (6)

Phone: 023 9259 6044

Email: enquiries@crookleyparkestate.co.uk

Opening hours: Café: Mon–Sat 09:00–15:30 Retail: Mon–Sat 09:00–16:30 We are closed on Bank Holidays

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Park Community School Greenpower racing

A brilliant international final!

all cArs sTArTed sTronG WiTh AmAzinG TeAmWorK ThroUGhoUT The dAY

rAce 1.we GoT All AWAY AT Good pAce And mAinTAined This pAce we Were A liTTle loWer ThAn We hoped in The rAnKinGs BUT This WAs The FinAl.

all cArs jUsT cArried on in The chAsinG GroUp To The leAders BUT WAs cATchinG Them qUicKlY keep up cAUGhT Up WiTh The Top GroUp From 26Th To 15Th ts2 Finished 17Th chAse 20Th From 60 KiTs cArs on TrAcK dAsh in The hiGher rAnKed rAce qUAliFied 31sT BUT oUT in A GreAT sTinT And Finished 22nd a reAl AchieVemenT in iTs second eVer rAce rAce 2.aGAin, We sTArTed BrilliAnTlY AFTer TWo oF oUr cArs GeArinG Up For more speed

Nature Mind

Joshua Dyer (14) was tasked at school to write a poem for Remembrance Day.An hour later (without any help) he produced this incredible poem.

one thousand men are walking one ThoUsAnd men Are WAlKinG wAlKinG side BY side sinGinG sonGs From home the spiriT As Their GUide.

theY WAlK ToWArd The liGhT milord, TheY WAlK ToWArds The sUn TheY smoKe And lAUGh And smile ToGeTher no Foes To oUTrUn.

these men liVe on ForeVer in The heArTs oF Those TheY sAVed A nATion TrUlY GrATeFUl For The pATh oF peAce TheY pAVed.

theY mArch As Friends And comrAdes BUT TheY do noT mArch For WAr sTep closer To sAlVATion A TrAnqUil sTeAdY corps.

For no oTher reAson ThAn 'WhY noT, iT's The FinAl!' this mAde A reAl diFFerence And We Were in The mix WiTh The leAders WiTh ts2 And keep up chAse WAs TrUndlinG AlonG nicelY And improVinG on rAce 1. unForTUnATelY There WAs A VerY lenGThY red flAG so rAce sToppAGe sAdlY This did noT help dAsh AT All And We GoT cAUGhT AT The piTs For This cAUsinG A BiG delAY FinishinG 28Th. keep Up Finished 16Th. chAse Finished 22nd. BUT ts2 WAs Well Up There in 8Th onlY 4 seconds Behind 6Th! a Top 10 Finish! the sTUdenTs Were AmAzinG! their relenTless pUsh For conTinUed deVelopmenT WAs oUTsTAndinG TodAY!verY proUd! a GreAT dAY hAd BY All!

the meAdoWs liT WiTh Golden BeAms A BeAcon For The BrAVe, The emerAld GrAss UnTrAmpled, A reWArd For WhAT TheY GAVe

theY dreAm oF Those TheY leFT Behind And KnoW TheY dreAm oF Them ForeVer in Those poppY Fields There WAlKs one ThoUsAnd men leAsT We ForGeT.

What’s happening at Making Space

as Well As rUnninG reGUlAr clAsses in A VArieTY oF crAFT Forms, mAKinG spAce hAs A BUsY oUTreAch proGrAmme, proVidinG sUBsidised AcTiViTies in The commUniTY, And in iTs home To A nUmBer oF proFessionAl mAKers Who hAVe Their oWn sTUdios on siTe mAKinG spAce Aim To mAKe crAFTinG AVAilABle To eVerYone as Well As sUBsidised coUrses TheY Also oFFer BUrsAries To mAKe crAFT AccessiBle To All.

iF YoU hAVen’T heArd oF Us UnTil noW, We ’ re deliGhTed ThAT posTcode pUBlicATions is GiVinG Us A liTTle spAce eAch issUe To Tell YoU All ABoUT WhAT hAs Been hAppeninG, And WhAT is cominG Up, in oUr ThriVinG crAFT cenTre for The Third YeAr, mAKinG spAce Will Be hosTinG iTs mAKer cUrATed WinTer crAFT FAir on The 29 (4-9pm), 30 November & 1 December (11am-4pm) there Will Be A mAnned crAFT FAir And pop-Up shop, A chAnce To looK AroUnd The mAKers sTUdios, And YoU cAn enjoY some seAsonAl reFreshmenTs the mArKeT Will inclUde An inspirinG selecTion oF locAl mAKers And independenT shops sellinG jeWellerY, homeWAre, poTTerY, TexTiles, prinT And more.

For more information, Bethany Wood, Communications Coordinator: BeThAnYW@mAKinGspAce.orG

shAron JUsTice oUr JeWellerY TUTor in oUr JeWellerY sTUdio

mAKinG spAce is hAVAnT’s VerY oWn commUniTY crAFT chAriTY, BAsed in Their pUrpose-BUilT premises in The heArT oF leiGh pArK.we liTerAllY mAKe spAce For people And orGAnisATions To GeT inVolVed in crAFT WheTher phYsicAllY in oUr oWn BUildinG or diGiTAllY in oUr VirTUAl neTWorKs And eVenTs. throUGh oUr oUTreAch projecTs We WorK WiTh pArTners inclUdinG schools, children’s cenTres, FAmilY leArninG enVironmenTs And reTiremenT homes. oUr speciAllY TAilored projecTs inspire, chAllenGe sKill-Up, enGAGe And BUild neW AUdiences For The secTor we enABle people To deVelop neW WAYs oF ThinKinG ABoUT The crAFT And experience FirsT-hAnd The imporTAnT presence oF crAFT in eVerYdAY liFe

New Chief executive

siôn mcgeeVer (picTUred riGhT) Will Become chieF execUTiVe AT The soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK aUThoriTY From The end oF noVemBer

siôn BrinGs 25 YeArs oF experience oF WorKinG in enVironmenTAl policY, inTernATionAl deVelopmenT And BUsiness. he mosT recenTlY hAs Been depUTY direcTor, access, lAndscApes, peATlAnds And soil AT deFrA, leAdinG The TeAm responsiBle For policY And FUndinG For All oF enGlAnd’s proTecTed lAndscApes.

siôn sAid:“i Am incrediBlY proUd And exciTed To TAKe Up The posiTion As We FAce hUGe chAllenGes in The nATUre And climATe crises.we mUsT enGAGe eVerYone, eVerYWhere in TAcKlinG These proTecTed lAndscApes presenT A hUGe opporTUniTY To do This, And none more so ThAn The soUTh doWns ThAnKs To The sTronG pArTnership WorKinG, And deep pAssion, innoVATion And commiTmenT oF The sTAFF And memBers, oF The FArmers, commUniTies, VolUnTeers, BUsinesses And All Who loVe This nATionAl pArK. i cAn’T WAiT To Be pArT oF The joUrneY To A more nATUre-rich, ThriVinG soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK, loVed And enjoYed BY All.”

siôn is mArried WiTh TWo TeenAGe Kids And hAs Been liVinG in The soUTh eAsT For The lAsT nine YeArs AFTer reTUrninG From

tAnzAniA. he hAs A liFelonG loVe oF The oUTdoors, is A Keen oUTdoor sWimmer And enjoYs phoToGrAphinG WildliFe And lAndscApes. he’s Been A reGUlAr VisiTor To The soUTh doWns BoTh ThroUGh WorK And For pleAsUre vAnessA roWlAnds (picTUred leFT), soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK aUThoriTY chAir, sAid:“folloWinG A riGoroUs selecTion process, The aUThoriTY Were deliGhTed To AppoinT siôn As The neW chieF execUTiVe his pAssion, KnoWledGe And Vision For The soUTh doWns And nATionAl pArK shone ThroUGh. he BrinGs sUBsTAnTiAl experience oF WorKinG WiTh KeY pArTners Across The nATionAl pArKs lAndscApe, And cAn noW pUT his experience oF oVerseeinG The secTor inTo deliVerinG here in The soUTh doWns.we looK ForWArd To WorKinG WiTh him As he leAds The nATionAl pArK dUrinG This crUciAl And chAllenGinG Time For nATUre, climATe And people “i And The aUThoriTY memBers WoUld liKe To exTend oUr ThAnKs To tim slAneY, Who hAs sKilFUllY And diliGenTlY led The aUThoriTY TeAm dUrinG This inTerim period, And hAs conTinUed To deliVer on oUr innoVATiVe WorK.we Are pleAsed To sAY ThAT tim Will conTinUe To leAd The aUThoriTY As inTerim chieF execUTiVe UnTil siôn joins, And Will Then reTAKe his posiTion oF direcTor oF plAnninG on oUr senior leAdership teAm.”

posTcode pUBlicATions

Norfolk Knit & Natter

some oF The residenTs oF norFolK hoUse in hAVAnT hAVe Formed A "kniT And nATTer" groUp meeTinG ForTniGhTlY on A tUesdAY eVeninG. theY decided To KniT And crocheT For chAriTY lAsT YeAr TheY KniTTed And crocheTed poppies For The sT fAiTh's chUrch For rememBrAnce dAY theY hAVe noW mAde TWelVe BlAnKeTs For A locAl cAre home, And TWelVe BAGs ThAT TheY Will Also donATe the GroUp hAs BroUGhT people ToGeTher, AFTer The pAndemic sTopped reGUlAr meeTinGs, meAninG ThAT residenTs hAd Become more isolATed. theY hAVe noW noT onlY GoT compAnY, BUT TheY Are doinG Their BiT To help oTher people theY Are looKinG ForWArd To mAKinG more To help The locAl commUniTY

from kAren gAUnT, scheme mAnAGer

Suicide Memorial Quilt

exciting new scheme for children to discover the South Downs

schoolchildren From Across The soUTh eAsT Will Be ABle To enjoY The Wonders oF The soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK ThAnKs To A mAjor FUndinG BoosT. the “discoVer the doWns” iniTiATiVe Will GeT scores oF children inTo The GreAT oUTdoors, BrinGinG exciTinG experiences To YoUnGsTers Who don’T hAVe eAsY Access To nATionAl pArKs.

schools From Across hAmpshire And sUssex – WiTh oVer 30 per cenT oF Their pUpils eliGiBle For pUpil premiUm FUndinG –Are noW BeinG inViTed To ApplY For FUllYFUnded VisiTs To The nATionAl pArK. acTiViTies miGhT inclUde “discoVerY dAYs” To deVelop A connecTion WiTh nATUre, inclUdinG leArninG ABoUT conserVATion, BUshcrAFT, Wild ArT And nATUrAl sciences, All WiThin The BreAThTAKinG sUrroUnds oF The nATionAl pArK.as The soUTh doWns is one oF onlY 22 inTernATionAl dArK sKY reserVes, children Will hAVe The opporTUniTY To enjoY

Havant Lions Club

this BeAUTiFUl ‘speAK Their nAme’ memoriAl qUilT WAs creATed BY hAmpshire people Who hAVe losT A loVed one To sUicide fromworld sUicide preVenTion dAY on 10 sepTemBer iT BeGUn A ToUr To VenUes Across hAmpshire To BrinG AWAreness To The AcTion We cAn All TAKe To help preVenT sUicide the poWerFUl ArTWorK conTAins A ToTAl oF 72 sqUAres represenTinG 61 indiVidUAl liVes And mAnY more UnnAmed. oVer 60 people hAVe Been inVolVed in iTs creATion As pArT oF The ‘speAK Their nAme’ moVemenT And WiTh The sUpporT oF Thevoices collecTiVe A GroUp WiTh liVinG experience oF sUicide iF YoU hAVe Been AFFecTed BY sUicide, ampAro: sUpporT FolloWinG sUicide cAn help To proVide emoTionAl And prAcTicAl sUpporT. experienced liAison WorKers Will lisTen To YoUr needs And AssisT YoU in AccessinG help go To: hTTps://AmpAro.orG.UK

sTArGAzinG, leArn ABoUT nocTUrnAl WildliFe And spend A niGhT Under The sTArs. the nATionAl pArK hAs Also TeAmed Up WiTh the sUsTAinABiliTY cenTre, neAr peTersField, To oFFer FUn residenTiAl sTAYs For children, As Well As goodWood edUcATion trUsT, neAr chichesTer, To oFFer FArm VisiTs. the iniTiATiVe, mAde possiBle BY FUndinG From deFrA As pArT oF deFrA’s onGoinG sUpporT For Access To nATUre, Will BUild on The sUccess oF generATion green.the projecT, led BY TheyoUTh hosTel associATion WorKinG WiTh A rAnGe oF pArTners inclUdinG nATionAl pArKs, sUpporTed schools As TheY recoVered From The pAndemic, connecTinG oVer 100,000 YoUnG people Across The uk WiTh nATUre And The enVironmenT. a Wide BodY oF reseArch hAs shoWn ThAT connecTinG WiTh nATUre And leArninG oUTdoors cAn BeneFiT children’s menTAl And phYsicAl heAlTh, inclUdinG AssisTinG BrAin deVelopmenT, increAsinG ATTAinmenT, sUpporTinG sociAl sKills, And redUcinG AnxieTY

hAVAnT lions clUB held Their VerY popUlAr BoTTle sTAll AT The emsWorTh shoW recenTlY thAnKs To All The GeneroUs people in The AreA Who donATed To oUr “hAVeyoU goT The BoTTle” reqUesT pUT ThroUGh Their leTTerBoxes We rAised in excess oF £1600. these FUnds enABle Us To help deserVinG cAUses in oUr locAl commUniTY.

the mAYor oF hAVAnT opened And plAnTed A Tree AT The hArBoUr plAce deVelopmenT Green open spAce the AmeniTY AreA inclUdes pUBlic open spAces, AlloTmenTs, FooTpAThs, lAWns, A children’s plAY AreA, sUsTAinABle drAinAGe FeATUres.

“discoVer The doWns” conTinUes The soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK’s onGoinG commiTmenT To YoUnG people since The nATionAl pArK WAs creATed in 2010, more ThAn 40,000 YoUnG people hAVe Been ABle To Access leArninG opporTUniTies in The

GreAT oUTdoors ThAnKs To VArioUs GrAnT schemes From The nATionAl pArK aUThoriTY And soUTh doWns nATionAl pArK trUsT. to Find oUT more ABoUT discoVer The doWns, VisiT WWW.soUThdoWns.GoV.UK/leArninG-AndYoUTh-VolUnTeerinG/schoolsGroUps/discoVer-The-soUTh-doWns/

norFolK hoUse kniTTers hArd AT iT prodUcinG some GreAT ThinGs For chAriTY

posTcode pUBlicATions

Blended Learning Area

funded byThe ridge foundation to support young people with emotional, mental health and social needs

we sTArTed The AcAdemic YeAr WiTh A neW hUB To sUpporT sTUdenTs WiTh A rAnGe oF speciAl edUcATionAl And menTAl heAlTh needs, FUnded BY A chAriTABle FoUndATion seT Up BY enTrepreneUr dArren ridGe

the ridGe cenTre is A neW hUB AreA proVidinG A qUieT, cAlm seTTinG Where sTUdenTs Who Find clAssrooms chAllenGinG cAn leArn And receiVe one-To-one sUpporT. iT WAs FUnded BY A donATion oF £30,000 From the ridGe foUndATion, seT Up BY dArren To help YoUnG people From chAllenGinG BAcKGroUnds To AchieVe Their poTenTiAl. dArren, Who co-FoUnded Telecoms proVider onecom And conTinUes To inVesT in Telecoms And Tech BUsinesses, WAs A pUpil AT The acAdemY When iT WAs KnoWn As wAKeFord comprehensiVe school.

the hUB is FiTTed WiTh TechnoloGY ThAT AlloWs sTUdenTs To lisTen To liVe lessons From Their TeAchers on Their oWn, While sTill BeneFiTinG From BeinG in The school enVironmenT. heAdTeAchervicKi dillon-thiselTon sAid:‘oUr school hAs A hiGh leVel oF need, BoTh in Terms oF The leVels oF depriVATion oF The children Who come inTo The school, And Their sociAl, emoTionAl, And menTAl heAlTh concerns.

“some oF Those YoUnG people Find iT diFFicUlT To respond AppropriATelY To siTUATions ThAT TheY Find chAllenGinG, And We need proVision in The school To sUpporT Them on A more indiVidUAlised BAsis.thAT TAKes Time And moneY, And is Where The ridGe foUndATion hAs Been ABle To help

“in The hUB We Welcome A rAnGe oF YoUnG people WiTh diFFerenT leVels oF need, And AdUlTs WorKinG WiTh Them, so TheY cAn Access edUcATion in A WAY TheY coUldn’T BeFore. “thAnKs To This donATion We’Ve GoT YoUnG people Who Are AccessinG edUcATion And Are GoinG To GeT qUAliFicATions ThAT TheY simplY WoUldn’T hAVe hAd oTherWise” on A VisiT To his Former school To see The hUB in AcTion, dArren meT sTUdenTs inclUdinG 15-YeAr-old lAYTon oUTen, Who Uses The FAciliTies There To help him FocUs. lAYTon hAs AlreAdY mAde hUGe proGress To oVercome mAnY oF his chAllenGes, And hAs seT his siGhTs on BecominG An enGineerinG ApprenTice folloWinG The VisiT, dArren sAid:“meeTinG YoUnG people liKe lAYTon BrinGs home The chAllenGes YoUnG people And TeAchers FAce, especiAllY in AreAs AFFecTed BY depriVATion, BUT Also hoW TheY cAn AchieVe exTrAordinArY ThinGs ToGeTher i seT Up The ridGe foUndATion To help proVide resoUrces To sUpporT WorK To rAise AspirATions AmonG YoUnG people, And iT WAs FAnTAsTic To see FirsT-hAnd hoW This projecT is AlreAdY mAKinG A diFFerence” the ridGe foUndATion conTinUes To WorK WiTh hAVAnT acAdemY To sUpporT A rAnGe oF projecTs, inclUdinG A ForThcominG AWArds eVeninG To reWArd proGress And perFormAnce find oUT more ABoUT iTs WorK AT WWW.TheridGeFoUndATion.com


oUr yeAr 9 sTUdenTs hAd The opporTUniTY recenTlY To inTerAcT WiTh A rAnGe oF TechnoloGies sUpplied BY The tech:truck A BrAnd neW moBile edUcATion And TechnoloGY roAdshoW. Born To help enGAGe And inspire children And YoUnG AdUlTs inTo The World oF Tech And cAreer opporTUniTies open To Them. folloWinG AddiTionAl FUndinG From The locAl sKills improVemenT fUnd, The lATesT Version oF The tech:truck hiGhliGhTs speciFic cAreer pAThWAYs WiThin secTors ThAT The solenT reGion hAs pinpoinTed For deVelopmenT. theY inclUde The creATiVe indUsTries, mAriTime, loGisTics And heAlTh & sociAl cAre secTors.

sTUdenTs enjoYed The experience immenselY And Were ABle To GAin insiGhT inTo hoW The TechnoloGies TheY UsUAllY onlY Use For GAminG cAn Also help Them in Their FUTUre cAreer AspirATions.

the TrUcK inclUdes on BoArd VirTUAl And AUGmenTed reAliTY sYsTems, mArine And FliGhT simUlATion TechnoloGies, FUllY proGrAmmABle roBoTic Arms, drones, 3d prinTers And more. fArehAm colleGe led The projecT in collABorATion WiTh Ten oTher locAl edUcATion proViders, inclUdinG: hsdc, eAsTleiGh colleGe, ciTY oF porTsmoUTh colleGe, iow colleGe, BrocKenhUrsT colleGe, htp apprenTiceship colleGe, solenT pArTners, soUThAmpTon colleGe.

heAdTeAchervicKi dillon-thiselTon, pUpil lAYTon oUTen, And dArren ridGe

WakefordsWay, Havant. PO9 5JD

Opening Hours: 8:30am - 3:00pm enquiries to: enquiries@havant-tkat.org

Gallery of excellence

we recoGnise The imporTAnce oF shoWcAsinG exAmples oF excellenT WorK BY oUr sTUdenTs we Feel shArinG This oUTsTAndinG WorK rAises AspirATions And shoWs All sTUdenTs The sTAndArd TheY shoUld Be AiminG For throUGh oUr gAllerY oF excellence, The sTUdenT’s WorK creATes An exciTinG And AspirATionAl AreA WiTh A sense oF pride the neW AreA noT onlY mAKes oUr school looK AmAzinG, BUT Also shoWcAses The sTUdenT’s excellenT AchieVemenTs.

eAch hAlF Term, We reqUesT For All TeAchinG sUBjecTs To shAre exAmples oF exemplArY WorK, AchieVemenTs And/or celeBrATions.the FolloWinG Are cUrrenT recoGniTions WiThin The AUTUmn one:

Alexie-Grace Avis (yeAr 7) – enGlish WorK looKinG AT The diFFerence BeTWeen YeAr 8 fooTBAll teAm – foUr nil VicTorY in The hAmpshire cUp elise (yeAr 11) – arT coUrseWorK

Callum (yeAr 11) – poeTrY compArison

looKinG AT hoW poeTs shoW The poWer oF nATUre

Keeley (yeAr 11) – cATerinG WorK, eVAlUATinG cooKinG TechniqUes

Keris (yeAr 11) – gcse spAnish 90-Word TAsK For WriTinG exAm cheerleAdinG

enrichmenT – creATiViTY And A GreAT roUTine

Priyanka (yeAr 11) – mAThs WorK And exAm reVision simUlTAneoUs eqUATions And percenTAGes

Maci (yeAr 8) – hisTorY excellenT presenTATion sKills, reseArch And

Visit to West Cowes Activity Centre

a GroUp oF 20-30 sTUdenTs And sTAFF enjoYed An inspirATionAl proGrAmme UsinG sAilinG And WATer sporTs As A cATAlYsT For posiTiVe chAnGe the WeeK-lonG residenTiAl Trip proVided sTUdenTs WiTh An inTensiVe proGrAmme oF AcTiViTies And WATer-BAsed proGrAmmes desiGned To increAse liFe sKills sTUdenTs BrAVed The solenT crossinG in chAllenGinG condiTions, WiTh sTronG Winds And choppY WATers TesTinG Their resolVe despiTe The WeATher, spiriTs Were hiGh As We mAde oUr WAY Across, shArinG lAUGhTer And sTories on The WAY

sTUdenTs hopped inTo dinGhies, leArninG The BAsics oF sAilinG under The WATchFUl eYe oF Their insTrUcTors, eVerYone hAd A chAnce To TAKe The helm And Feel The Wind in Their hAir weT TeAm GAmes meAnT TheY hAd To sTrATeGise in A series oF FUn chAllenGes sTUdenTs nAViGATed The BeAUTiFUl WATers, honinG Their sKills And BUildinG conFidence on The WATer wiTh eAch AcTiViTY, The sTUdenTs GreW closer As A TeAm, creATinG memories ThAT Will lAsT A liFeTime And For mAnY This WAs Their FirsT experience oF WATer-BAsed AcTiViTies.

seVerAl sTUdenTs TrUlY sTood oUT WiTh Their excepTionAl eFForT And deTerminATion. Joe B impressed The dinGhY sAilinG insTrUcTors so mUch ThAT TheY oFFered him exTrA chAllenGes To TesT his sKills. pixie m consisTenTlY GAVe 100% in eVerY AcTiViTY, inspirinG Those AroUnd her mAcKenzie r pUshed himselF oUT oF his comForT zone, emBrAcinG neW chAllenGes WiTh enThUsiAsm. Blossom BroUGhT her compeTiTiVe spiriT, AlWAYs GiVinG her All dUrinG compeTiTions. dArcY r mAinTAined A posiTiVe ATTiTUde ThroUGhoUT The Trip, moTiVATinG her TeAmmATes To do Their BesT. these sTUdenTs exempliFied The spiriT oF TeAmWorK And perseVerAnce, mAKinG oUr AdVenTUre eVen more memorABle!

sTUdenTs enjoYinG The tech:trUcK experience

inVesTiGATion oF The french reVolUTion Megan (yeAr 11) – mAThs AUThenTic seqUence And cUmUlATiVe FreqUencY WorK, excellence

“iT WAs GreAT To see hoW enThUsiAsTic The YoUnG people oF hAVAnT acAdemY Were, GeTTinG sTUcK in To All The AcTiViTies And GroWinG more And more conFidenT in The WATer WiTh eVerY dAY TheY spenT AT uksa. oUr insTrUcTors loVed BeinG pArT oF The memories The children mAde, And ThinK some oF The sTUdenTs coUld eVen hAVe A FUTUre in dinGhY sAilinG! iT WAs oUr GenUine pleAsUre To Welcome hAVAnT acAdemY For Their FirsT Trip To uksa, And We hope To see Them AGAin mAnY more Times in The FUTUre” – chArlie fAircloUGh, schools & groUps mAnAGer

Olivia (yeAr 9) – arT reseArch oF sArAh grAhAm

posTcode pUBlicATions

emsValley Memorial Arboretum

as mAnY reAders Will AlreAdY KnoW, emsvAlleY memoriAl arBoreTUm is A chAriTABle TrUsT Which WAs seT Up in 2022 To creATe A memoriAl ArBoreTUm AT hAmpshire fArm meAdoWs in emsWorTh. iTs deVelopmenT And mAinTenAnce Are enABled ThroUGh chAriTABle donATions From The locAl commUniTY And The WorK oF VolUnTeers.the ArBoreTUm Aims To celeBrATe The liFe oF loVed ones BY plAnTinG Up To 250 Trees oVer The nexT FeW YeArs To esTABlish A plAce oF rememBrAnce commemorATiVe plAqUes Will proVide A TAnGiBle meAns oF memoriAlisinG people WiTh A linK To emsWorTh,wesTBoUrne or The locAl AreA.the in memoriAm BooKs, To Be locATed in emsWorTh mUseUm, The liBrArY And wesTBoUrne pArish chUrch, Will Be compleTed And pUT in plAce shorTlY aFTer The loss oF BrendAn giBB-grAY lAsT YeAr Who WAs The FoUnder oF The evma, iT is WiTh GreAT sAdness We reporT ThAT TrUsTee richArd hiTchcocK died on 19Th aUGUsT 2024 in hospiTAl. he WorKed hArd ToGeTher WiTh BrendAn And oTher TrUsTees on ensUrinG The evma WAs A shAred projecT BeTWeen wesTBoUrne And emsWorTh To BeneFiT The Wider commUniTY richArd’s commiTTed inVolVemenT in so

Coastal rowing

coAsTAl roWinG is A GroWinG sporT in The po9-po11 AreA, eVer since 1999 When The locAl lAnGsTone cUTTers roWinG clUB sTArTed - Up iT hAs GroWn eVerY YeArthere Are noW oVer 16 diFFerenT plAces YoU cAn jUmp inTo A coAsTAl roWinG BoAT Across The 3 hArBoUrs oF porTsmoUTh, lAnGsTone And chichesTer

mAnY locAl commUniTY GroUps hAs conTriBUTed siGniFicAnTlY To The eArlY And conTinUinG sUccess oF The arBoreTUm. his KnoWledGe, BAlAnced ApproAch, prompT response And cApAciTY For WorK conTinUed eVen When he hAd To selF-isolATe he ATTended TrUsTee meeTinGs remoTelY And WoUld Be seen on The peripherY oF The meAdoWs dUrinG plAnTinG And WorK pArTY sessions.we exTend oUr sYmpAThY To his FAmilY And The mAnY oThers, liKe Us, Who Will serioUslY miss his qUieTlY eFFecTiVe And VAlUABle conTriBUTion. his And BrendAn’s WorK WiTh The iniTiATinG oF evma Will Be A lAsTinG leGAcY

a ToTAl oF 122 Trees hAVe so FAr Been plAnTed - 40 diFFerenT species inclUdinG 9 diFFerenT species oF oAK. theY Are mApped on oUr WeBsiTe eVmA.orG.UK WiTh A Tree locATor so, When VisiTinG, AnY speciFic Tree mAY Be idenTiFied UsinG A sUiTABle phone plAns Are Also in hAnd To hAVe lABels Fixed To The Tree GUArds For AddiTionAl idenTiFicATion.there is A neW edUcATion secTion on The WeBsiTe WiTh UseFUl linKs Which Will Be UpdATed As plAns Are deVeloped. donATions mAde in memorY oF BrendAn hAVe Been rinG-Fenced To creATe An AnnUAl edUcATionAl AWArd And iT is sTill possiBle To conTriBUTe To This.

from miKe gilBerT:the coAsTAl roWinG acAdemY

from roWinG cornish piloT giGs, celTic lonGBoATs And coAsTAl slidinG scUllinG BoATs, The VArioUs clUBs oFFer recreATionAl roWinG For FUn, locAl excUrsions For coFFee or To WATch The sUn Go doWn; eVenTs From roWinG ThroUGh The heArT oF london; pAris or venice And rAcinG To All sTAndArds, From locAl reGATTAs To represenTinG YoUr clUB or greAT BriTAin in A world chAmpionships

whATeVer YoUr AGe From 12 To 80 (And BeYond) YoU cAn roW WiTh A GroUp ThAT oFFer TeAchinG, coAchinG And FUn hAVAnT BoroUGh coUncil oFFers sUBsidised ‘leArn To roW’ clAsses deliVered BY The locAl

coAsTAl roWinG acAdemY: As pArT oF The geT up And go! proGrAmme or YoU cAn siGn Up For A ‘TAsTer’ WiTh AnY oF The locAl clUBs or The acAdemY as Well sociAl And FiTness AspecTs, There Are All sorTs oF roles in roWinG clUBs: repAirs And mAinTenAnce oF BoATs And eqUipmenT, AdminisTrATion And sociAl mediA; coxinG And insTrUcTinG As Well As mAKinG TeA & cAKes For eVenTs the lAnGsTone cUTTers roWinG clUB celeBrATed in GrAnd sTYle WiTh A pArTY AT The roYAl oAK And WiTh A roW-pAsT WiTh glAdYs – The BoAT ThAT sTArTed coAsTAl roWinG in And AroUnd hAYlinG islAnd. oVer The lAsT 25 YeArs lAnGsTone cUTTers hAVe roWed The chAnnel; rAced (And Won) london 2 pAris; ToUred in irelAnd, pAris;venice; The BroAds; morBihAn And BeYond. the coAsTAl roWinG acAdemY clUB qUAd And doUBle TeAms WenT rAcinG in The welsh open in aBerdoVeY; Where TheY cAme BAcK WiTh 2 x gold medAls. noW inspired To ThroW ThemselVes AT The world coAsTAl roWinG chAmpionships, in genoA, iTAlY in ocToBer hoW GreAT ThAT locAl residenTs –sophie, roWenA, liz And Jo Are All seT For A crAcK AT The Top oF The sporT in 2024.

Don’t stop Wining

Cognac and Armagnac; Classic Brandy for the festive Season. JonAThAn Fromvin wine merchAnTs in emsWorTh looKs AT These World-FAmoUs BrAndY reGions.

when We TAlK ABoUT BrAndY We mAinlY ThinK oF The coGnAc And armAGnAc And These TWo reGions in frAnce prodUce some oF The BesT And soUGhT AFTer BrAndies in The World. BrAndY cAn Be mAde All oVer The World, BUT coGnAc And armAGnAc Are nAmed AFTer The reGion The GrApes Are GroWn in, mUch liKe chAmpAGne coGnAc aoc is AroUnd 86000 hecTAres And is mAde Up oF smAller reGions WiThin The aoc these inclUde grAnde chAmpAGne, peTiT chAmpAGne, fins Bois, Borderies, Bois ordinAires And Bons Bois. the reGion is siTUATed in The soUTh-WesT oF frAnce in The chArenTe mAriTime reGion norTh oF BordeAUx And sTreTches From The riVer chArenTe All The WAY To The aTlAnTic coAsT. mAde From seVerAl GrApe VArieTies Which inclUde uGni BlAnc, folle BlAnch, monTils And foliGnAn, iTs disTilled TWice And AGed in french oAK. mosT prodUcers Blend A smAll AmoUnT oF older coGnAcs WiTh The YoUnGer ones so YoU rArelY GeT VinTAGe coGnAc a FeW YeArs AGo, i WAs TrAVellinG in The reGion And WAs GiVen A spArKlinG coGnAc To TrY iT WAs FAnTAsTic BUT sAdlY iT’s noT common And onlY prodUced For locAl consUmpTion BY locAl prodUcers. BecAUse oF The doUBle disTillATion And oAK AGeinG coGnAc TYpicAllY hAs A soFTer And eleGAnT chArAcTer And some cAn Be qUiTe nUTTY armAGnAc is A reGion soUTh oF BordeAUx in The gAsconY AreA And BelieVed To Be The oldesT BrAndY in frAnce dATinG BAcK To The eArlY 1400’s And predATes coGnAc BY AroUnd 200 YeArs. the KeY diFFerence To coGnAc is The prodUcTion And AGeinG meThod. iTs disTilled onlY once Which Adds A more roBUsT chArAcTer WiTh oTher chArAcTers sUch As eArThY Tones, oAK

And dArK FrUiT. mAde From The sAme GrApes As coGnAc iT cAn Be spliT inTo TWo cATeGories,vinTAGe (From GrApes GroWn in A sinGle YeAr) And non-VinTAGe (Blend oF diFFerenT YeArs). liKe coGnAc, The diFFerence in AGe is idenTiFied From These speciFic Terms.

vs (verY speciAl) is The minimUm AmoUnT oF AGeinG in Wood TYpicAllY TWo YeArs.

vsop (verY speciAl old pAle) is AT leAsT FoUr YeArs AGeinG in Wood. Xo (exTrA old) is more ThAn six YeArs hors d’AGe is Ten plUs YeArs AGeinG. yoU shoUld Also TrY pineAU de chArenTes Which is GrApe jUice Blended WiTh coGnAc And floc Which is The eqUiVAlenT prodUced in armAGnAc BoTh hAVe A FAnTAsTic rich smooTh, sWeeT chArAcTer And mAKe A WonderFUl AlTernATiVe To desserT Wine BoTh AVAilABle ATvin.

i Tend To WorK WiTh TWo AmAzinG prodUcers:

Jules GautretVS Cognac - £35.99 smooTh And eleGAnT WiTh hinTs oF VAnillA And TropicAl FrUiT.

SempeVS Armagnac£31.99 richer in sTYle WiTh more roBUsT chArAcTers And An eArThY Finish.

giftvouchers Are AVAilABle For AnY AmoUnT oF For one oF oUr mAnY TAsTinGs And lUnches.the perFecT chrisTmAs giFT!

Pilot Gigs - meAnWhile, lAnGsTone piloT giG clUB; rn; eca And The acAdemY clUB heAded oVer To seAFord in eAsT sUssex

To rAce in The FirsT reGATTA oF The neW soUTh eAsT enGlAnd giG leAGUe celTic lonGBoATs: There Are noW eiGhT oF These in The posTcode reGion From dell

QUAY To lAnGsTone WiTh The lATesT in BoshAm Which ArriVed recenTlY BeloW Are some rAcinG in chichesTer hArBoUr for more inFormATion on AnY AspecT oF coAsTAl roWinG – TrAininG; TAsTers; sociAl or rAcinG, messAGe miKe gilBerT on 07767 350512 or emAil: AcAdemYmiKe@YAhoo com

YOUR MONEY Tax efficient giving

tAx eFFicienT GiFT-GiVinG cAn Be An essenTiAl AspecT oF esTATe plAnninG ThAT cAn siGniFicAnTlY redUce YoUr inheriTAnce TAx liABiliTies While BeneFiTinG YoUr loVed ones. BY cAreFUllY plAnninG And UTilisinG The AVAilABle AlloWAnces And exempTions, YoU cAn ensUre ThAT more oF YoUr WeAlTh pAsses on To YoUr FAmilY And less is losT To TAxes.aT oUr prAcTice, We BelieVe ThAT UndersTAndinG The rUles AroUnd GiFTGiVinG is KeY To mAKinG inFormed decisions.

the cUrrenT uk TAx rUles proVide seVerAl WAYs To GiVe GiFTs WiThoUT incUrrinG immediATe TAx liABiliTies. hoWeVer, These GiFTs’ TiminG, sTrUcTUre And docUmenTATion Are ViTAl To ensUrinG TheY remAin TAx eFFicienT.as oF The 2024/25 TAx YeAr, iht is chArGed AT 40% on esTATes ABoVe The nil-rATe BAnd, Which remAins AT £325,000, There is Also A ‘residence nil rATe BAnd’ oF £175,000 per person, sUBjecT To cerTAin resTricTions. properlY plAnned GiFTs cAn redUce The TAxABle VAlUe oF YoUr esTATe, poTenTiAllY

sAVinG YoUr BeneFiciAries A siGniFicAnT AmoUnT in iht tAx eFFicienT GiFT-GiVinG is essenTiAl To esTATe plAnninG, AlloWinG YoU To pAss on YoUr WeAlTh While minimisinG TAx liABiliTies. BY UndersTAndinG The AVAilABle AlloWAnces And exempTions, KeepinG AccUrATe records And seeKinG

proFessionAl AdVice When needed, YoU cAn ensUre ThAT YoUr GiFTs Are BoTh GeneroUs And TAx eFFicienT. giFTinG properTY, shAres or oTher hiGh-VAlUe AsseTs cAn hAVe siGniFicAnT TAx implicATions, pArTicUlArlY WiTh respecT To cApiTAl GAins TAx (cgt).when YoU GiFT An AsseT ThAT hAs increAsed in VAlUe since

YoU AcqUired iT, YoU mAY Be liABle For cgt on The GAin.

hoWeVer, There Are sTrATeGies To minimise cgt liABiliTies When mAKinG sUch GiFTs for exAmple, YoU coUld TrAnsFer AsseTs ThAT hAVe noT AppreciATed siGniFicAnTlY or UTilise The cgt AnnUAl exempTion, Which AlloWs YoU To mAKe GAins oF Up To £3,000 WiThoUT incUrrinG cgt For The 2024/25 TAx YeAr oUr Firm speciAlises in helpinG clienTs nAViGATe The rUles AroUnd GiFTGiVinG And esTATe plAnninG we cAn WorK WiTh YoU To deVelop A personAlised sTrATeGY ThAT mAximises The TAx BeneFiTs oF YoUr GiFTs While ensUrinG ThAT YoUr WeAlTh is preserVed For YoUr loVed ones wheTher YoU ’ re looKinG To mAKe smAll GiFTs To FAmilY memBers, TrAnsFer hiGh-VAlUe AsseTs or seT Up A TrUsT, We ’ re here To help conTAcT Us TodAY To discUss YoUr esTATe plAnninG needs And leArn hoW We cAn help YoU And FUTUre GenerATions

Using Classic Cars in 2024

yoU coUld Be ForGiVen For ThinKinG ThAT clAssic cArs Are mUseUm or displAY pieces, To Be Admired BUT neVer Used. while This is TrUe oF some sUper rAre cArs, And There Are collecTors Who simplY WAnT cArs To looK AT And polish, The VAsT mAjoriTY oF clAssic cAr oWners GeT oUT And Use Their cArs.the clAssic cAr World is FUll oF enThUsiAsTs Who WAnT To enjoY Their cArs As mUch As possiBle clAssic cArs proVide A driVinG experience ThAT is compleTelY losT in modern cArs. generAllY, older cArs Are liGhT And nimBle compAred WiTh modern Vehicles.theY oFFer A sense oF connecTion To The roAd And The mAchine AroUnd YoU, Which hAs Been compleTelY erAdicATed in TodAY’s cArs. to mAnY, The ThoUGhT oF driVinG An old And poTenTiAllY UnreliABle clAssic cAr For mAnY miles is noT VerY AppeAlinG. as sUch, The clAssic cAr indUsTrY hAs deVeloped mAnY BrilliAnT UpGrAdes To mAKe clAssics more reliABle, comForTABle, And UsABle elecTric coolinG FAns To preVenT oVerheATinG, poWer sTeerinG To AssisT WiTh mAnoeUVrinG, A FiVe-speed GeArBox For moTorWAY crUisinG, or elecTronic iGniTion For reliABiliTY – There reAllY is no end To The possiBiliTies.these Kinds oF UpGrAdes cAn redUce The AmoUnT oF mAinTenAnce reqUired, mAKinG clAssic sUiTABle For noVices WiTh no mechAnicAl experience theY cAn Also GreATlY enhAnce prAcTicAliTY, sAFeTY And UlTimATelY YoUr enjoYmenT oF driVinG A clAssic cAr for me, FronT disc BrAKes

And inerTiA seATBelTs Are A mUsT For A prAcTicAl clAssic iF YoU’re ThinKinG oF GeTTinG inTo clAssic cArs BUT Are dAUnTed BY The ideA ThAT The cAr miGhT Be diFFicUlT To liVe WiTh, iT is WorTh considerinG WhAT UpGrAdes miGhT mAKe A clAssic more UsABle For YoU. speAK To clUBs, VisiT shoWs And TAlK To YoUr locAl clAssic cAr GArAGe those WiThin The commUniTY Will Be more ThAn hAppY To shAre Their WeAlTh oF KnoWledGe WiTh YoU And GUide YoU ToWArds The riGhT cAr And UpGrAdes For YoUr liFesTYle And BUdGeT.


posTcode pUBlicATions

What’s on

Monday 9th December - 1845 For 1930

- flT lT miKe monK – ‘liGhT-heArTed memories From seA, JUnGle &winTer sUrViVAl’ And helen tempesT – ‘hAVinG Been AwinG-wAlKer’

Do you love to sing? Come and join us.

eachThursday we meet AT 7.15 in The BedhAmpTon commUniTY cenTre, po9 3es And hAVe loTs oF FUn sinGinG All sorTs oF sonGs, A cAppellA sTYle, From clAssicAl To popUlAr And AnYThinG in BeTWeen.yoU’ll Be Welcomed WiTh open Arms And A cUp oF TeA

Air Aces

miKe monK WAs A memBer oF raf 18 sqUAdron BAsed AT raf odihAm. dUrinG his 12 YeArs oF serVice As A commissioned nAViGATor, he UnderTooK some AmAzinG ToUrs, in mAnY pArTs oF The World. miKe Will GiVe A liGhT-heArTed presenTATion on his experiences, Good And BAd, WhilsT ATTendinG raf sUrViVAl coUrses - From The cold WATer oF The enGlish chAnnel, To The hUmid mAlAYAn jUnGle, his memories Are sTill ViVid! these TAles, Told in miKe’s liGhT-heArTed WAY, promise To enTerTAin And AmUse in The second hAlF, helen tempesT Will presenT - ‘hAVinG Been A winG-wAlKer’.

Monday 25th November - 1845 For 1930 ‘hArrier, f35 AndverTicAlvX4 –tesTinG fixed winG evtol aircrAFT’ presenTed BY Jim schoField Who FleW oVer 100 AircrAFT TYpes And is The FirsT piloT To FlY FronT-line FiGhTers spAnninG 100 YeArs: 1917 BrisTol fiGhTer, se5A, spiTFire, mUsTAnG, viGGen, JAGUAr, hArrier,tornAdo, gripen, tYphoon, f-15, f-16, f/a-18 And f-35. he WAs one oF The FirsT piloTs To lAnd A locKheed-mArTin f-35 on A ship AT niGhT.

hAVinG sTArTed WinG WAlKinG AGed jUsT 15, helen is proBABlY one oF The World’s mosT experienced WinG WAlKers WiTh oVer 25 YeArs’ experience aT 21 she joinedvic normAn's WinGWAlKinG TeAm,aerosUperBATics And spenT 19 YeArs WinGWAlKinG WiTh VArioUs sponsors in oVer 1,000 AirshoWs ThroUGhoUT The uk, eUrope And BeYond she Will Be explAininG ABoUT The FUn ThAT she hAd on The Top WinGs oF The sTeArmAn AircrAFT, inclUdinG leArninG hoW To climB AroUnd The AircrAFT in mid-Air And perForminG GYmnAsTics moVemenTs in FronT oF mAnY AirshoW AUdiences And mAKinG And BreAKinG World records AlonG The WAY

dUrinG 20 YeArs oF serVice in The raf

Jim BecAme The mod’s leAd hArrier And f35 TesT piloT. in This FAscinATinG TAlK, he Will discUss This experience conTrAsTed WiTh TesTinG The neW GenerATion oF evtol (elecTricverTicAl tAKe-oFF And lAndinG) AircrAFT sUch As TheverTicAlvX-4.

airaces is An AViATion TAlK socieTY, proVidinG iTs memBers WiTh reGUlAr TAlKs, GiVen BY experTs in mAnY diFFerenT Fields relATed To The World oF AViATion. NeWVeNUe BoxGroVevillAGe hAll, the sTreeT, BoxGroVe, po18 0ee memBers £5, non-memBers £10 And Under 16s free. doors open AT 6.45 no pre-BooKinG, no reserVed seATinG for FUrTher inFormATion pleAse Go To: WWW.AirAces.orG.UK or cAll dAVid BATcocK on 07502 400657

Denmead Horticultural Society

we meeT on The firstTuesday of the month AT 7.30 in all sAinTs chUrch hAll denmeAd- opposiTe The co-op all eVenTs Are Also AT The sAme VenUe oUr agm is on November 5th Where We FolloW The BUsiness WiTh cheese And Wine AccompAnied BY crUsTY BreAd And picKles

liKe All orGAnisATions We need more VolUnTeers To help Us the annUAl crAFT fAir is on sATUrdAY November 9th From 10-2 Where YoU cAn BUY loVelY chrisTmAs GiFTs And enjoY A liGhT lUnch or TeA And home mAde cAKe AT VerY reAsonABle prices. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


open meeTinG

we Formed oVer Ten YeArs AGo And Are An AWArd WinninG choir we sinG AT locAl commUniTY eVenTs And hAVe GreAT FUn rAisinG moneY For oUr chosen chAriTY

HerOISM AND HeArTBreAK some sTories From oUr WAr memoriAl an illUsTrATed TAlK GiVen BY niGel peAKe - from 2.00pm sATUrdAY 9Th noVemBer AT the meeTinG plAce, norh sTreeT, wesTBoUrne, pol0 8ul - free enTrAnce All Welcome fUrTher inFo And FUTUre meeTinGs Will Be AVAilABle on oUr WeBsiTe WWW.WesTBoUrne-hisTorV.orci.UK or From Jim clArKe AT jim@clArKeUK.neT

Do you feel controlled?

iF YoU, or someone YoU KnoW needs sUpporT pleAse cAll Us on 0330 0533 630 or emAil Us AT: AdVice@sTopdomesTicABUse.UK locAl BUsinesses And commUniTY GroUps WishinG To sUpporT Us, Are inViTed To conTAcT: chAnGemAKer@sTpdomesTicABUse UK Is your relationship abusive?


St Albans Church, Bartons Road, WEST LEIGH


St Michaels & All Angels Church, Dunsbury Way, LEIGH PARK 9.15am & 11am


St Nicholas Church, Belmont Grove, BEDHAMPTON 9am &10.45am 4pm, 5.30pm & 7.15pm 7.45am & 9.15am

Havant WeA

the hAVAnT BrAnch oF The wea hAs ArrAnGed AnoTher inTeresTinG hisTorY coUrse “the empire And iT leGAcY BoTh home And ABroAd“ To Be held eArlY in The neWyeAr, TUTored BY JenniFer goldsmiTh.

the BriTish empire plAYed A mAjor role in shApinG The modern World And The liVes oF millions oF people BoTh AT home And oVerseAs. hoW did iT come ABoUT?

the 10 WeeK coUrse Will Be held AT The emsWorTh commUniTY cenTre commencinG on Thursday 9th January From 10Am To middAY And FinishinG on 27th March, WiTh A one WeeK BreAK For hAlF Term.

the coUrse is open For BooKinG noW eiTher on The wea WeBsiTe AT: hTTps://WWW.WeA.orG.UK/ or Telephone 0300 303 3464


Wed 27th November - 7.00pm agm And memBer sociAl sUpper And tABle QUiz Monday 2nd December – rhs wisleY gloW - a hiGhlY popUlAr, UnmissABle opporTUniTY To herAld The sTArT oF chrisTmAs Wednesday 11th December – a chrisTmAs worKshop all eVenTs TAKe plAce in The urc chUrch hAll in holloW lAne, hAYlinG islAnd. for more information visit our weBsite WWW.hihs.orG.UK or emAil Us on Admin@hihs.orG.UK

reTUrninG Fr Trip To aBerTiller wAles in ocToBer solenT mAlev

20th November AT 8.00pm

friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd November 10Am To 4pm.BeAUTiFUl chrisTmAs mArKeT AT griTTenhAm BArn, tillinGTon, peTWorTh gu28 0pg. fABUloUs GiFTs And delicioUs Food And drinK. enTrAnce jUsT £2.50. in Aid oF the

sUssex snoWdrop trUsT.

Thursday 5th December 10.30Am To12 noon, chrisTmAs coFFee morninG AT 3 williAm BooKeryArd,wAlBerTon, Bn18 0pf - 01243 572433. - Join Us For coFFee, mince pies,tomBolA, And A fesTiVe rAFFle. neWcomers VerY Welcome

BUcKlinG doWn To reheArse For A BUsY concerT proGrAmme in decemBer their FirsT concerT oF chrisTmAs mUsic Will Be in Aid oF roWAn’s hospice And held in The porTchesTer meThodisT chUrch on Saturday 7th December AT 7.30pm. this is one oF smvc’s FAVoUriTe concerTs oF The YeAr Where TheY meeT old Friends And rAise FUnds For A VerY deserVinG chAriTY the smvc’s oWn chrisTmAs concerT is To Be held in sT fAiTh’s chUrch, hAVAnT on Thursday 19th December AT 7.30pm. a Good mixTUre oF chrisTmAs sonGs And cArols For The AUdience And choir mAKe This A jollY And inFormAl oFFerinG AT chrisTmAsTime oUr Third eVenT Will Be joininG WiTh oThers AT The commUniTY cArol serVice, AGAin AT sT fAiTh’s on Sunday 22nd December

so iT looKs To Be A BUsY And FUn Time For The solenT mAlevoice choir This chrisTmAs And, iF AnY GenTs ThinK TheY WoUld enjoY sinGinG some concerTs AT chrisTmAs TheY Are Welcome To come AlonG on A tUesdAY niGhT And join Us. we prAcTise eVerY tUesdAY From 7.30pm in the pAllAnT cenTre in hAVAnT.

- Havant reservoir An UpdATe BY mArK JessUp From porTsmoUTh wATer

please note later start time we meeT AT sT wilFrids chUrch hAll, pAdnell roAd, coWplAin, po8 8dZ. free pArKinG. non memBers Welcome £4 cAsh on The door inclUdinG reFreshmenTs, or BooK YoUr TicKeT online AT: hiWWT.orG.UK/eVenTs conTAcT: 023 9259 8000 emAil: soUThdoWnsGroUp@GmAil.com


Downing Street Hosts Down Children

memBers oF porTsmoUTh doWn sYndrome associATion (dsa) experienced A memorABle pre-elecTion hiGhliGhT WiTh An inViTATion To VisiT no.10 doWninG sTreeT. in A speciAl GATherinG, Ten YoUnG represenTATiVes From The chAriTY Were WArmlY Welcomed BY mrs. mUrTY, The WiFe oF The Former prime minisTer rishi sUnAK.

chAriTY amBAssAdor mAx ross sAid, “mrs mUrTY WAs VerY Kind And pUT Us All AT eAse she Told Us To cAll her ‘ash’ And she shAred personAl sTories ABoUT herselF, inclUdinG her FAVoUriTe coloUr is pinK, And ThAT she And her dAUGhTers loVe tAYlor sWiFT’s mUsic then she AsKed Us To Tell her All ABoUT oUrselVes.” mrs mUrTY

AccompAnied The GroUp on An exclUsiVe ToUr oF doWninG sTreeT, FolloWed BY lUnch. the VisiT WAs orchesTrATed BY porTsmoUTh dsa’s chAir rAchAel ross mBe, Who hAd Also helped To orGAnise A lArGe recepTion The preVioUs dAY AT doWninG sTreeT For oVer 150 indiVidUAls WiTh doWn sYndrome From Across The uk To celeBrATe The enAcTmenT oF The doWn sYndrome acT 2022 And To rAise AWAreness ABoUT The condiTion. gUesTs inclUded AcTor tommY Jessop (line oF dUTY) And cBBc presenTer georGe weBsTer iT is ThoUGhT To hAVe Been The lArGesT GATherinG oF people WiTh doWn sYndrome in The BUildinG’s hisTorY three children WiTh doWn sYndrome, inclUdinG mAx Were inTerVieWed BY doWninG sTreeT press And TooK pArT in An iconic phoTo shooT To mArK This lAndmArK

folks in Harmony fund-raising

aT oUr open eVeninG recenTlY eVerYone joined in The sinGinG sonGs From oUrr exTensiVe reperToire

there WAs A VerY Good TUrn oUT WiTh some VisiTors expressinG A Wish To join The choir also GoinG doWn Well Were TeA And cAKes AT The inTerVAl. we donATed £3,000 To locAl disABiliTY chAriTY enABle aBiliTY chAirmAn alAn keY sAid “i Am deliGhTed To Be ABle To GiVe This To oUr chosen chAriTY This YeAr sinGinG is someThinG ThAT We cAn All do Which UpliFTs The spiriTs And mAKe Us All Feel so mUch BeTTer’.the choir meeT everyThursday evening AT 7.15 in BedhAmpTon commUniTY cenTre

aT The FronT: from leFT To riGhT: richArd soUTAr - The enABle aBiliTY chAriTY mAnAGer, alAn keY, chAirmAn oF folKs in hArmonY, Jon mUller - enABle aBiliTY chAirmAn oF trUsTees And hollie sherred - enABle aBiliTY pArTnerships And eVenTs oFFicer


the ArTicles Were Then prominenTlY FeATUred on BoTh The Former prime minisTer rishi sUnAK And mrs mUrTY’s sociAl mediA pAGes.

reFlecTinG on The WeeK’s eVenTs rAchAel expressed her enThUsiAsm,“we Were All VerY exciTed To Be inViTed To no10. we Were ABle To speAK WiTh minisTers And KeY policY mAKers ABoUT The dAilY chAllenGes people WiTh doWn sYndrome And Their FAmilies FAce the WeeK WAs A hUGe sUccess, And We cerTAinlY AchieVed oUr Aim To rAise

AWAreness ABoUT doWn sYndrome AT The hiGhesT nATionAl leVel. pds associATion conTinUes To WorK WiTh GoVernmenT depArTmenTs To help shApe policies And prAcTices, And improVe oUTcomes For people WiTh doWn sYndrome

estate Agents Celebrate

emsWorTh’s BorlAnd & BorlAnd recenTlY Won the BriTish properTY aWArd 2024 For emsWorTh & hAYlinG islAnd. the sAles And leTTinGs TeAms rAised Their GlAsses And celeBrATed The compAnY Win WiTh A lUnch And Wine TAsTinG AT Their locAl VineYArd “we’re deliGhTed To Win This properTY aWArd - iT reFlecTs hoW hArd oUr TeAm WorKs To proVide cUsTomer serVices.we celeBrATes 30 YeArs nexT sprinG, so on A personAl leVel, This AWArd AFFirms oUr resilience, As Well As oUr dedicATion To proVidinG A qUAliTY properTY serVice in The heArT oF emsWorTh,” sAid senior pArTner, sTeVen BorlAnd

mAx ross, porTsmoUTh dsa chAriTY amBAssAdor AT no 10

Holborow Lodge, Chalder Lane, Sidlesham, W. Sussex PO20 7RJ Chekov

hello, mY nAme is cheKoV And i Am one oF The residenT cATs AT the cAT & rABBiT rescUe cenTre in mY ArTicle This Time i WAnT To Tell YoU ABoUT TWo orphAned KiTTens Who ArriVed sepArATelY BUT Are noW BesT Friends. liTTle chris ArriVed AT crrc AFTer he WAs injUred BY A doG AT onlY one dAY old Which resUlT in lArGe AreA oF sKin on his BAcK BecominG UnATTAched. he WAs rUshed sTrAiGhT To oUr VeT Who TreATed The WoUnd, BUT iT WAs sTill ToUch And Go BecAUse There WAs sUch A hiGh risK he coUld GeT An inFecTion in The WoUnd. he hAd To WeAr A liTTle compression socK on his WoUnd in The hopes iT WoUld redUce The risK oF inFecTion GeTTinG in. i Am pleAsed To sAY ThAT liTTle

chris is noW 5 WeeKs old And ThriVinG Under The cAre oF mY AnimAl cAre TeAm. his WoUnd hAs Been heAlinG nicelY And he onlY hAs A FeW scABs leFT And no lonGer needs To WeAr his compression socK. liTTle chris noW liVes WiTh AnoTher oF oUr orphAned KiTTens cAlled pinKY pinKY ArriVed WiTh Us When she WAs one dAY old WiTh her siBlinGs AFTer TheY Were FoUnd in A BUsh. sAdlY, AFTer deTeriorATinG qUicKlY pinKY’s siBlinGs Were diAGnosed WiTh A BAcTeriAl inFecTion And TheY didn’T mAKe iT. pinKY is A liTTle FiGhTer And AGAinsT All The odds she conTinUes To FloUrish, she hAs hAd A FeW Ups And doWns BUT is noW 6 WeeKs old. toGeTher TheY mAKe The sWeeTesT pAir, And iT is so loVelY TheY Will hAVe eAch oTher

this monTh We WoUld loVe To inTrodUce YoU To A VerY hAndsome mAle cAT cAlled merriTT. merriTT is 5 YeArs old And hAs Been WiTh Us since JUne AFTer he hAd Been liVinG As A sTrAY when he ArriVed, he hAd A

To GroW Up WiTh And leArn BoUndAries.theY Are BoTh noW eATinG solid Food And deVelopinG Their liTTle personAliTies. mY sTAFF hAVe Been so AmAzinG cArinG For Them, AT The BeGinninG TheY Were BeinG hAnd FeedinG eVerY TWo hoUrs And GiVen medicATion dAilY so iT’s sUch A relieF TheY Are noW GroWinG Up And BecominG more independenT. i Am AlWAYs in sUch AWe oF Their dedicATion To The AnimAls And i Am so hAppY These TWo hAVe Been GiVen The BesT chAnce AT A hAppY liFe

see YoU nexT Time loVe, cheKoV

VerY nAsTY injUrY To his eYe aFTer sUrGerY And medicATion, We Are reAllY hAppY ThAT is eYe injUrY hAs compleTelY heAled And he is reAdY To Find his ForeVer home.when he FirsT ArriVed, he WAs A liTTle BiT WArY oF The sTAFF, especiAllY As he hAd To hAVe A loT oF TreATmenT. hoWeVer, he WAs AlWAYs sUch A sWeeT BoY And noW he is no lonGer BeinG TreATed he hAs reAllY BeGUn To shoW Us WhAT A loVelY cAT he is. merriTT is so FriendlY And loVes To hAVe A FUss mAde oF him.as soon As YoU Go in his pen, he Will Be sTrAiGhT oVer rUBBinG roUnd YoU And he cAn Be qUiTe VocAl To mAKe sUre YoU GiVe him The ATTenTion he deserVes.we Feel merriT WoUld Be BesT sUiTed To A home WiTh older or no children, no oTher cATs BUT he coUld liVe WiTh A doG.

iF YoU ThinK YoU mAY Be ABle To oFFer merriTT A loVinG home pleAse GiVe The cenTre A cAll on 01243 967111 or VisiT oUr WeBsiTe WWW.crrc.co.UK.

as The niGhT’s drAW in And We spend more Time indoors, There Are sTill plenTY oF WAYs YoUr GArden cAn sTill Be An inTeresTinG plAce To looK AT And spend Time in.there Are seVerAl WAYs YoU cAn enhAnce YoUr GArden And here Are A FeW ideAs.

usinG poTs To mAKe A seAsonAl displAY oF inTeresT And coloUr, plAced Where YoU cAn see Them is A Good sTArT. cYclAmen And heAThers mAKe A loVelY comBinATion And YoU cAn Also Use pAnsies, helleBores And diFFerenT TYpes oF iVY use An eVerGreen plAnT For

sTrUcTUre And plAnT AroUnd iT And don’T pUT The poT in A sAUcer so iT Becomes WATerloGGed. eVen The poTs ThemselVes cAn Be pAinTed WiTh A WATer-BAsed pAinT To GiVe A splAsh oF coloUr there Are A VArieTY oF plAnTs ThAT reTAin Their silVer or GreY FoliAGe All WinTer inclUdinG silVer BUsh Which is A compAcT spreAdinG shrUB WiTh shinY leAVes or some TYpes oF arTemesiA – more commonlY KnoWn As wormWood. grAsses Are Also An opTion sUch As fesTUcA glAUcA (BlUe oAT grAss), BUT There Are mAnY oThers To choose From.

yoU coUld consider moVinG some WinTer FloWerinG shrUBs inTo poTs For WinTer so TheY Are more prominenT. theY oFTen spend The WinTer UnnoTiced AT The BAcK oF The Borders! exAmples oF These Are dAphnes, mAhoniAs, sArcococcA (chrisTmAs Box) AndviBUrnUms.

oBVioUslY leAVinG As mUch oF The sUmmer plAnTinG As YoU cAn (spenT

seed heAds And rose-hips For exAmple) Will Add inTeresT And Will Be AppreciATed BY The WildliFe in YoUr GArden.

iF YoU hAVe Wide WindoW sills, or A BAlconY, YoU cAn plAnT Up displAYs ThAT cAn mAKe A BeAUTiFUl displAY From indoors. thinKinG AheAd To nexT YeAr, All These conTAiners cAn BY UnderplAnTed WiTh BUlBs reAdY To BUrsT inTo coloUr As sprinG ApproAches.

cUTTinG BAcK YoUr eVerGreen plAnTs inTo A FormAl shApe cAn Add inTeresT BUT iF YoU preFer And more relAxed looK, YoU cAn TrY ‘cloUd prUninG’ Which is A JApAnese meThod oF TrAininG Trees And shrUBs inTo shApes resemBlinG cloUds. this WorKs Well WiTh plAnTs WiTh more deFined BrAnches sUch As Box, pine, YeW or priVeT. hAVe A looK roUnd YoUr GArden To see iF YoU hAVe someThinG ThAT miGhT WorK WiTh This sTYle oF

prUninG or jUsT creATe YoUr oWn shApes! finAllY To mAKe sUre YoU cAn see The resUlTs oF YoUr eFForTs, Add some GArden liGhTinG or TrAin some FAirY liGhTs AroUnd lArGer plAnTs or GArden ornAmenTs, To creATe A mAGicAl niGhT Time eFFecT.

posTcode pUBlicATions

emsworth Cricket

Club from hoWArd foUnTAin

as The GenTle WArmTh oF The sUn recedes, AlloWinG The FirsT chAnGes inTo AUTUmn coloUrs,The cUrTAin comes doWn on The oUTdoor seAson WiTh AUTUmn renoVATions BeinG The FinAle.the cricKeT sqUAre is eFFecTiVelY‘pUT To Bed’ UnTil The sprinG iT GiVes Us Time To reFlecT on The hiGhs And loWs oF The pAsT sUmmer BUT Also The chAnce To ponder,WiTh some AnTicipATion,WhAT The nexT TWelVe monThs miGhT BrinG.

A simp e look at the league tab es for the senior teams doesn t beg n to show the breadth of the club Whi e both the first and second teams had a m xed year on the pitch, finishing n mid-tab e pos t ons other groups across the club were growing the jUnior secTion noW BoAsTs Three TeAms AT u9, u11 And u13 leVels.all mAde proGress in BoTh Their indiVidUAl sKills And TeAm resUlTs And The FUTUre is looKinG mosT promisinG.wiThin The nexT YeAr or TWo, some oF These YoUnG plAYers Will BeGin To Feed inTo The senior TeAms As mAnY oF Their predecessors hAVe AlreAdY on A nUmBer oF sATUrdAY morninGs From mAY To JUlY, Up To 70 BoYs And Girls TooK pArT in The nATionAl all-sTArs And dYnAmos schemes creATinG A reAl BUzz oF exciTemenT AroUnd The clUB these Were coAched BY seVerAl oF The clUB memBers Who hAd preVioUslY pAssed ThroUGh The clUB’s jUnior rAnKs. iT hAs Been FAnTAsTic To WATch This conTinUiTY And see memBers GiVinG BAcK To The clUB aT The sAme Time As These YoUnG plAYers Were GeTTinG Their TeeTh inTo The Finer poinTs oF The GAme, oUr women’s cricKeT GroUp BeGAn.whAT sTArTed As A smAll GroUp oF FiVe hAs noW GroWn inTo


on A Fine sUnnY sUndAY in sepTemBer, soUThBoUrne BoWls clUB hAd Their clUB finAls dAY And eVerYone enjoYed The BoWlinG. oF pArTicUlAr noTe WAs The lonGleY cUp Which This YeAr WAs BeTWeen cUrTis hArrison And Winner pAUl BArKer. the men’s 4 Wood pAirs WAs Also A VerY close mATch WiTh peTe JAsinsKi And dAVe alner onlY clinchinG VicTorY on The lAsT end AGAinsT Jim spiVeY And roBin armsTronG.anTonY BUll For The 2nd YeAr rUnninG WAs The Winner AGAinsT rAY leGGeTT oF The men’s sinGles And This GiVes him AnoTher chAnce To Win The sUssex coUnTY chAmpion oF chAmpions For Which lAsT YeAr he WAs rUnner Up. mAnY ThAnKs Go To irene JenninGs And peTe JAsinsKi For orGAnisinG The clUB compeTiTions This YeAr thAnKs Also To oTher memBers Who oFFiciATed AT The finAls To help mAKe iT A sUccessFUl And enjoYABle dAY.the resUlTs Are: longley cup

pAUl BArKer BeAT cUrTiss hArrison 22-13 men’s consolation

scoTT treAGUsT BeAT dereK piKe 21- 7 men’s singles

anTonY BUll BeAT rAY leGGeTT 21-7 veteran singles

mAlcolm keAne BeAT rAY leGGeTT 21 - 16

miXed 2 wood singles

anTonY BUll BeAT dAVid alner 16 - 8 lewis trophy

cUrTis hArrison, dell morTon The mArKer, pAUl BArKer

men’s sinGles, leFT To riGhT rAY leGGeTT,anTonY BUll

kip sTorr/anTonY BUll BeAT dAVe alner/ michAel pope 22 – 6 men’s pairs

peTe JAsinsKi/dAVe alner BeAT Jim spiVeY/roBin armsTronG 19-15

miXed pairs 3 wood dAVe alner/roBin armsTronG BeAT mAlcolm keAne/michAel pope 25-16 yardstick

peTe JAsinsKi BeAT dAVeyoUnG 9-4

ThirTeen, All As Keen As mUsTArd To sTArT Their joUrneY inTo mATches in A locAl leAGUe nexT sUmmer add To ThAT oUr neW WAlKinG cricKeT GroUp And The clUB is ABle To oFFer cricKeT From AGe FiVe To 80+.

iT hAs Been A BUsY BUT VerY FUlFillinG YeAr and, AlThoUGh The oUTdoor seAson hAs Finished, cricKeT cArries on in The Form oF indoor GAmes.these Are leAGUe mATches plAYed AT fArehAm sporTs cenTre And AlloW A smAll GroUp To Keep Their eYe in oVer The WinTer monThs.

once The neW YeAr rolls AroUnd, All plAYers, BoTh jUniors And seniors, cAn looK ForWArd To The sTArT oF indoor neTs Where All plAYers,women AndwAlKers inclUded, cAn shAKe oFF The WinTer BlUes, eAse Their joinTs And mUscles BAcK in AcTion, BreAThe in The smell oF linseed oil And dreAm oF hUGe 6s, BoWlinG hAT-TricKs And scorinG A hUndred.

the nexT piece oF reAl exciTemenT And AnTicipATion comes WiTh The AnnoUncemenT oF The neW leAGUe sTrUcTUre For The seniors.all TeAms Will Be KeenlY looKinG oUT To see Which neW leAGUe TheY Will Be plAYinG in nexT sUmmer insTeAd oF eAch diVision hAVinG 18 TeAms plAYinG eAch oTher once, diVisions Will conTAin 10 TeAms plAYinG eAch oTher AT home And AWAY all This exciTemenT doesn’T hAppen WiThoUT The sUpporT oF The mAnY VolUnTeers Who coAch And cApTAin TeAms, prepAre The piTches, ArrAnGe sociAl eVenTs And do The moUnTAin oF Unseen Admin ThAT AlloWs The clUB To FUncTion For The BeneFiT oF All iTs memBers And sUpporTers. thAnK YoU All VerY mUch. BrinG on 2025!! for fUrTher inFo conTAcT: nicK.WeBB21@YAhoo.co.UK)

Cycle Clinic

Cycle Clinic

Q. we’Ve hAd A loT oF rAin in sepTemBer WiTh Flooded roAds, And noW WiTh The TemperATUre droppinG, so Are The leAVes.whilsT The coloUrs oF The aUTUmn leAVes Are GlorioUs, TheY All seem To pile Up in The cYcle lAnes.

hAVe YoU AnY Tips on KeepinG sAFe in These condiTions, pleAse?

a drY leAVes Aren’T inherenTlY risKY To cYclisTs.the risK is in The FAcT ThAT YoU don'T KnoW WhAT's UnderneATh – A poThole, perhAps.weT leAVes Are A diFFerenT KeTTle oF Fish theY cAn slide YoUr FronT Wheel oUT From Under YoU liKe BAnAnA sKins.

weT leAVes collecT in The GUTTer, Where YoU Won'T Be iF YoUr roAd posiTioninG is Good. BUT iF There Are loTs oF Trees or iF The sUrFAce isn'T 'sWepT' oFTen BY The sWoosh oF pAssinG cAr TYres, YoU cAn encoUnTer lAYers oF leAVes eVen iF YoU're 'TAKinG The lAne'.

weT leAVes WheTher TheY’re cominG sTrAiGhT From oVerhAnGinG BrAnches or BeinG rAKed inTo The sTreeT presenT A dAnGer For cYclisTs on The roAd,And eVen more When TheY’re WeT.as leAVes decompose,TheY creATe A GreAsY Film oF Which Becomes preTTY slipperY When mixed WiTh WATer.iT GeTs eVen

Worse As TheY GeT driVen oVer And crUshed BY cArs.whAT ThAT meAns For YoU:an increAsed sToppinG disTAnce And The poTenTiAl To slip And crAsh on ciTY sTreeTs, especiAllY When mAKinG TUrns here Are some WAYs ThAT WeT leAVes coUld sUrprise YoU:

• theY cAn cAUse YoU To slide iF YoU’re TUrninG Across Them.

• theY cAn cAUse YoU To sKid iF YoU’re BrAKinG on Them.

• theY cAn cAUse YoU To lose TrAcTion iF YoU’re AccelerATinG (or GoinG Uphill) on Them.

• theY mAY Be hidinG A pAVemenT

hAzArd, liKe A BiG poThole, ThAT Will sUrprise YoU, And miGhT eVen sUrprise YoU riGhT oFF YoUr BiKe! i recommend The FolloWinG: do YoUr BrAKinG BeFore YoU hiT The leAVes, And Then eAse Up on The BrAKes As YoU Go oVer Them. especiAllY iF YoU Are execUTinG A TUrn – do iT VerY sloWlY, BUT WhATeVer YoU do don’T BrAKe While TUrninG.

1 aVoid AccelerATinG on leAVes.

2 aVoid BrAKinG on leAVes.

3 JUsT AVoid BiKinG on leAVes AlToGeTher! rememBer ThAT iT is perFecTlY leGAl, noT To menTion FAir And sAFe, For YoU To leAVe The mArGins oF The roAd And GeT oUT There in The middle oF The TrAFFic lAne iF YoU need To AVoid A hAzArd.the KeY To doinG This is ThAT YoU ABsolUTelY mUsT: A looK Behind YoU FirsT To mAKe sUre YoU ’ re noT GoinG To cUT AnYone oFF B use proper siGnAllinG BeFore YoU mAnoeUVre ToWArds The cenTre oF The lAne or inTo A neiGhBoUrinG TrAFFic lAne so The moTorisTs UndersTAnd, sYmpAThise, And AdjUsT To leT YoU in. the Good neWs is ThAT leAVes Tend To Be in pATches UnderneATh one or TWo pArTicUlAr Trees, so YoU shoUld Be ABle To GeT pAsT Them And ride normAllY UnTil YoU reAch The nexT pATch. to sUm Up All ThAT,treAT WeT leAVes The sAme WAY YoU’d TreAT cYclinG on ice: Keep GoinG in A sTrAiGhT line And don'T TrY To sTeer or BrAKe on Top oF Them. freeWheel or pedAl liGhTlY, so ThAT YoU Won'T spin The reAr Wheel.

men’s 4 Wood pAirs FinAlisTs - leFT To riGhT peTe JAsinsKi, dAVe alner, Jim spiVeY, roBin armsTronG
lonGleY cUp, leFT To riGhT

our mental health Y seAson cAn Be sTressFUl FinAnciAl And hiGh expecTATions.as opAThic nUTriTionisT i WoUld sUGGesT prAcTisinG mindFUlness, seTTinG BoUndAries, And prioriTisinG selF-cAre To mAinTAin menTAl WellBeinG.aFTer All,you Are The mosT imporTAnT person To TAKe cAre oF, so do noT ForGeT ThAT! for some, chrisTmAs BrinGs FeelinGs oF loneliness or sAdness. seAsonAl aFFecTiVe disorder (sad) Also impAcTs mAnY people dUrinG WinTer monThs. iT’s essenTiAl To recoGnise These FeelinGs And seeK sUpporT When needed, WheTher From loVed

ones or menTAl heAlTh proFessionAls. 2 Look after your physical health while chrisTmAs meAls Are oFTen indUlGenT, iT’s possiBle To enjoY FesTiVe Foods WiThoUT oVerindUlGinG. i WoUld recommend UsinG smAller plATes, sAVoUrinG eAch BiTe, And BAlAncinG rich dishes WiTh VeGeTABles And leAn proTeins.wiTh The mAnY holidAY pArTies, iT’s eAsY To drinK more ThAn UsUAl. moderATion is KeY To AVoidinG excess cAlorie inTAKe And The neGATiVe eFFecTs oF oVerconsUmpTion on phYsicAl And menTAl heAlTh. exercise is Also KeY To hAppiness, so eVen on The GreY dArKer dAYs mAKe sUre YoU Are GeTTinG oUTside dUrinG dAYliGhT

hoUrs, doinG AT leAsT one hoUrs WAlK, rUn or cYcle eVerY oTher dAY a 10 minUTe WAlK AFTer meAls coUld jUsT sAVe YoU From reAchinG For The GAViscon As iT helps Keep The Food TrAnsiTioninG properlY ThroUGh The diGesTiVe TrAcK And cAn help redUce BloATinG. people WiTh diABeTes shoUld Be mindFUl oF cArBohYdrATerich holidAY Foods. plAnninG meAls, moniTorinG Blood sUGAr leVels, And choosinG loW-sUGAr opTions cAn help Keep diABeTes Under conTrol. excess sAlT, sUGAr, And FAT dUrinG chrisTmAs cAn leAd To spiKes in Blood pressUre or cholesTerol. mY AdVise is To sTAY AcTiVe, eAT heArT-FriendlY meAls, And AVoidinG Too mUch processed Food.

3. Managing allergies and Asthma some people experience AllerGic reAcTions To reAl chrisTmAs Trees dUe To moUld or pollen on The Trees. opTinG For ArTiFiciAl Trees or rinsinG reAl ones BeFore BrinGinG Them indoors cAn help redUce sYmpToms. iT’s Also crUciAl To Be mindFUl oF Food AllerGies When prepArinG holidAY meAls or ATTendinG pArTies. cleAr lABelinG oF dishes And commUnicATinG AllerGies BeForehAnd cAn preVenT AccidenTAl exposUre

BY BeinG mindFUl oF These heAlTh AspecTs, YoU cAn enjoY A joYFUl And BAlAnced chrisTmAs While TAKinG cAre oF YoUr phYsicAl And menTAl Well-BeinG.

the finAl sTrAW foUndATion (fsf) is Thrilled To AnnoUnce A hiGhlY sUccessFUl YeAr oF edUcATionAl oUTreAch, mArKed BY siGniFicAnT AchieVemenTs in promoTinG oceAn heAlTh And redUcinG sinGle-Use plAsTics oUr proGrAms hAVe reAched ThoUsAnds oF sTUdenTs, UnderscorinG oUr UnWAVerinG commiTmenT To enVironmenTAl edUcATion And AcTion a wild BeAch school session is An oUTdoor edUcATion experience Where We TAKe children To BeAches To leArn ABoUT mArine conserVATion ThreATs And chAllenGes in The solenT.we Aim To inspire All WiTh A loVe For The seA, WhilsT encoUrAGinG AppreciATion And The imporTAnce oF cArinG For oUr shores BY endinG plAsTic pollUTion. BeAch schools Aim To AchieVe This BY enABlinG children To spend Time on oUr

BeAUTiFUl BeAches, connecTinG WiTh nATUre, creATinG FUTUre ‘oceAn GUArdiAns’, And spreAdinG oUr pAssion For oceAn heAlTh, ThroUGh sTorYTellinG, collABorATion And prAcTicAl AcTiViTies. we Are dedicATed To connecTinG children WiTh nATUre, redUcinG AnxieTY And sTress ThroUGh oUTdoor leArninG, rAisinG AWAreness oF mArine conserVATion ThreATs, And encoUrAGinG sUsTAinABle choices ThAT posiTiVelY impAcT The enVironmenT.we WorK WiTh schools in hAmpshire And wesT sUssex, prioriTisinG Those in more disAdVAnTAGed AreAs, ThUs ensUrinG ThAT eVerY child hAs The chAnce To enGAGe WiTh

ViTAl enVironmenTAl issUes.

“woW, WhAT A YeAr For BeAch schools. iT’s sUch A priVileGe To Be ABle To TAKe children oUT oF Their normAl leArninG enVironmenT, To experience someThinG neW And inspire Them To leArn ABoUT oUr shores And The imporTAnce oF cArinG For iT And oUr WildliFe doUBle The nUmBer oF children spenT The dAY WiTh Us on

The BeAch This YeAr And We Aim To do exAcTlY ThAT AGAin nexT YeAr, iF noT more we loVe The impAcT These speciAl dAYs hAVe on The children And hoW iT encoUrAGes Them To leArn in A ToTAllY neW enVironmenT” BiAncA cArr, ceo finAl sTrAW foUndATion for more inFormATion ABoUT oUr proGrAms And hoW To GeT inVolVed, pleAse VisiT oUr WeBsiTe or conTAcT Us direcTlY

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