r u o Y
Edition 56
9 10
Established 2012
November - December 2021
Edition 47
January - Feuary 2020
our adverTisers are supporTingyour communiTy so please supporT Them
building siTes are no playground gardening
fred’s food
national house-builder teaches children about the dangers of building sites - see story page 20
HAVANT good news For local Team’s Third evenT
customers and repairers came together for the fourt time on 2nd october at the pallant centre in havant to hold their repair café for the first time with refreshments available for a modest contribution. the next event on 6th november and future events are planned for the first saturday each month. don’t skip your stuff, bring it along and see if it can be fixed. pre-book an appointment with a repairer by visiting the website: www. repaircafehavant.org
The river ems
your money
Jonathan in two ports
from John millard
a group campaigning to preserve the river ems has welcomed a planned review of portsmouth water’s licence by the environment agency (ea), the national environmental watchdog, to see if it needs changing. the licence, dating back how much it should pump into the river to the 1960s, governs how much may be abstraced from at times of low flow – a process known as augmentation. the river’s underground see story on page 3 sources. it also governs
local history
New locallycompiled Crossword
Station House North Street Havant PO9 1QU Tel: 023 9248 4356 morriscrocker.co.uk
See ‘Your Money’ column for how to include SEISS grants on your tax return
postcode publications
alan mak mp
celebrating our home-grown olympic success the olympics are always a special occasion that brings the whole country together to cheer on our sporting stars. as a former olympic torch Bearer from london 2012 i also cherish the moments when the olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect are displayed. the best moment for us locally was when hayling island’s eilidh mcintyre crossed the line with her partner hannah mills to win the 470 class sailing gold medal. it was a wonderful achievement and means eilidh follows in the footsteps of her father mike, another islander, who won gold for team gB in the star class at the 1988 olympics in seoul. i really hope eilidh’s success will be an inspirational springboard for young people across the constituency who might want to try sailing for the first time at one of the many excellent local clubs to follow in the footsteps of eilidh and hannah. over the summer i also had the opportunity to welcome the rail minister chris heaton-harris to havant, warblington and emsworth railway stations where he launched the government’s new national flexible rail ticket. the government appreciates that the
way we are all working is now very different and the new flexible rail tickets respond to some of the rapid changes in working practices which have accelerated during the covid-19 pandemic, whilst also encouraging people back on to the rail network. looking ahead, i’m now planning my next major community event, the Jobs, apprenticeships and careers fair. it is taking place for the sixth consecutive year on friday 3 december from 10am to 2pm at havant leisure centre – admission is free. there will be over 50 exhibitors at the fair, and it will be the perfect opportunity for anyone searching for work or looking for a career change. representatives from public, private and voluntary sector employers will be there to offer jobs and advice, from the armed forces to care agencies and retail. local employers and businesses who are interested in exhibiting should contact me by e-mail at: alan.mak.mp@parliament.uk don’t forget that i continue to provide regular updates to my email newsletter subscribers. if you wish to subscribe for updates, visit alanmak.org.uk/newsletter
information postcode publications limited, 19 the parchment, havant, hants po9 1hd
Established 2012
information: editorial: advertising: hamesh:
inform@postcodepublications.com editor@postcodepublications.com a.westbrook@postcodepublications.com hamesh@postcodepublications.com
disclaimer the postcode community newspaper is published and owned by postcode publications limited who accept no liability or responsibility for content provided by its sources. copyright postcode publications limited reserve copyright of all published material other than photographs and advertising produced by third parties. any re-use of published material shall be permitted only on receipt of written permission granted by postcode publications limited. this is an independent newspaper printed by Jpimedia printing ltd. portsmouth, united kingdom
greaT Feedback From waiTrose customers at waitrose & partners in havant asked if they could have `your postcode` paper on display in their store. waitrose decided that they would give this a trial and since day one the papers have been really popular with their customers and partners. “the feedback has been so positive that we will be continuing to have this on display in our store" said waitrose community activator kathy heidstrom pictured right with store manager harry fuidge.
As the sun rises on a new year at HTC there are lots of exciting developments. The new all weather pitch is now complete and being enjoyed by both our students and the wider community. The groundwork’s got underway in June this year to demolish the previous tired and outdated AstroTurf pitch and 22 September saw the official opening of the new pitch. We welcomed representatives from our fabulous funding and support partners, our staff and Governors, two Portsmouth FC players (Kieron Freeman and George Hirst) and some returning ex-students who had huge success in winning the County Cup only a few years ago.
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Gardening Article from the Hayling Island Horticultural Society
in addition to supporting our large membership, the society is always keen to be involved in the local community and to support local initiatives and events. one such initiative is our help in renovating the stead & ritchie memorial garden (located on selsmore road on the right hand side next to ramsbottom’s solicitors). more recently we helped out with activities at the community fun days
organised at hicca for local children and their families in the summer holidays. the garden has a very interesting history going back to the 19th century when william stead, social reformer and editor of 'pall mall', the 'gazette' and 'review of reviews', owned holly Bush house on selsmore road, which he used as a holiday home from 1895 to 1912. he was one of the most famous people lost in the titanic disaster of 1912 and was an early pioneer of investigative journalism, paving the way for today’s tabloid press. william was also a spiritualist, a supporter of women’s rights, a defender of civil liberties and an influential peace activist. he was on his way to new york attend a peace conference when he boarded the titanic at southampton in 1912. he is remembered by the stead/ritchie memorial garden, established at mengham in 1986, which commemorates both garden ial or em m hie tc stead, and norman ritchie, a the stead & ri blind local man who set up the
The sTead & riTchie memorial garden from liese holden
talking newspapers for the blind project. when stead close was developed on selsmore road, this piece of land was donated to the Borough of havant. over the summer a small team have cleared all the weeds from the garden which was an enormous task. a section is planted but most is still bare and ready to plant. we need easy care, evergreen shrubs for the back and easy care, evergreen, perennial ground cover for the front. some areas are heavily shaded. this is where we now need some help so if you have any spare plants or would be able to grow some from seeds please get in touch. we would be happy to supply some seeds and collect any plants you might be able to offer. we won’t be planting it all at once,so any time over next year will do. if you would like to get involved and if you can spare some time, please join us to help maintain the garden we would be delighted to see you. next time you are passing, take time to have a look at the garden. a big thank you goes to positive
william stead
pathways of havant who sent us a team to clear the last of the tougher weeds. also thank you to ramsbottom’s solicitors, our neighbours at the garden who gave us access to a vital water source. getting involved in the community is really fulfilling, so if you have a little time to spare and can help, please message lesleyt.horti@gmail.com or a.athill@ntlworld.com for more information about the society visit our website www.hihs.org.uk or busy facebook page.
no mow may
a learning journey from grainne rason
i am sure there are many of you who have been delighted to see that our local councils have extended the no mow may to suitable verges. no mow may aims to protect our declining insect population by creating more favourable conditions for them in our gardens. sadly they are in catastrophic decline due to changes in farming practices and climate changes. our gardens can become a haven. in may 2020, i asked my neighbours if they would agree to the area outside our houses known as the ‘the mound’ to become a wildlife garden. i was inspired by the no mow may campaign by plant life.the area is about 80m long by 5m wide and thankfully they all agreed. meantime, i consulted a wildlife gardener and we planted some Buddleia, Juniper, Quince, as well as kidney vetch, fox and cubs, oxeyed daisies, knapweed and Bird’s foot trefoil and let nature do the rest. it has been a weird year and the weather has been difficult.we did a rough cut in september 2020, leaving some tufts for over wintering butterflies such as meadow Browns and gatekeepers and another rough cut in early april, again leaving some longer grass, collecting the leavings and putting them under the shrubs.as every allotment owner knows, there has been great growth but not much flowering and the mound was the same. in June, we also cut some patches so the grass stayed shorter for the clover and bird’s foot trefoil. then the meadow bindweed took off, swamping the grasses and the flowers. it was disappointing that so few wild flowers were able to flourish. last week, i continued to hand cut patches and found myself almost eyeball to eyeball with the beauty below; the not so common, common Blue butterfly. so not so disappointing after all.
good news For The river ems continued from front page
campaign group friends of the ems (fote) was formed in august last year to highlight the need to improve flow in the river - a rare chalk stream that supports chichester harbour. last year, a failure of portsmouth water’s augmentation system left large sections of the river dry, with fish stranded and dying. fote believes the licence is totally inappropriate for the ems, which has such a variable flow. in february, when the river is usually at its peak, there can be 700 times as much water flowing as in a typical september. But the company's licence allows it to remove the same amount of water every day of the year. now, in a meeting with fote, the ea has said it wants to review the licence in two phases – the first looking at better augmentation and the second looking at longer-term changes to make the licence more sustainable. however, the agency has warned that the work depends on resources being available. simon moody, area director for the agency, said he would like to see better augmentation in place before next summer, when the river is at greatest risk. a fote spokesperson said: “this is a very encouraging pledge from the ea. we are still cautious and will wait and see
what actually happens. But after only a year of campaigning for our beautiful river, which is on a cliff edge, this is a major piece of good news. “it is still important to remember that while water flow is crucial – otherwise there would be no river – we also need improvements to the ems as a wildlife habitat and to the quality of the water.” portsmouth water says it is looking at sustainability and to make changes, but has a primary legal responsibility to supply water. this month it ran an experiment over a few days, with the help of fote, to see what happens to the river when the amount of water it abstracts is reduced (while ensuring customers’ supply). fote is part of greening westbourne, an environmental campaign based in the village. greening westbourne has been supporting a proposal by chichester district council to make the area along the ems a designated “wildlife corridor” because of its environmental importance. local people who want to join fote can get involved by signing up as supporters. they should email greeningwestbourne@hotmail.co.uk for more information search greening westbourne campaign online.
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postcode publications stronger, more Flexible, pain-Free readers … tips and exercises from our award winning chartered physiotherapist improve your golf are you a golfer? do you want to improve your performance? my name is natalie march from physio-logical, a chartered physiotherapist in stansted park and rowlands castle. things have been busy for the physiological team, with the opening of our new premises in the newly refurbished stable Block on the stansted park estate. we were honoured to have the earl and lady Bessborough - chairman of the stansted park foundation, cut the ribbon to officially open our clinic on 10th may. it has always been my dream to have my own place, where my team can all work together and make people feel better. anyway onto today’s topic what exercises could i do to help improve my golf performance? when golfers get injured they seek the help of physiotherapists and sports therapists who are general practitioners and not specialists in golf and golf related injuries. we want this to change. in order to return you back to the course pain-free, stronger and performing better, you need a therapist who can provide a tailored advice and treatment based on your injury and
how you perform your golf swing. the way you swing a golf club is dependent on how your body moves. any muscle imbalances or tightness can alter the way you swing a club. injuries lead to altered swing patterns due to changing how we move our body (or lead to fear to move it). here are some movement and strengthening exercises you can do. please be aware of your body and take advice from your gp before exercising or send an email to (enquiries@physiological.net) for advice and guidance. when exercising do not push into sharp pain. golf exercises bridging - repeat until your muscles feel tired (buttock muscles)
• lie on your back • Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor • push down through your heels and squeeze your buttocks, count for 3 seconds up, hold for 1 second at the top and then 3 seconds back down • you should feel the bottom muscles working mid back (Thoracic spine) rotations:
repeat 5 times each side • sitting with your arms crossed • rotate to the right five times, hold the last one for thirty seconds • then repeat rotating to the left five times, hold the last one for thirty seconds dead bugs: repeat until your muscles feel tired (core muscles)
• lie down • lift your hands so your elbows are above your shoulders with your fists facing in toward each other. • Bend your hips and knees 90-degrees, lifting your feet from the ground • this is your starting position • engage your core, maintaining contact between your lower back and the mat. • keep your right arm and left leg exactly where they are, then slowly reach your left arm backward, over your head and toward the floor as you simultaneously extend your right knee and hip, reaching your right heel toward the floor. move slowly and steadily, avoiding
any twisting or movement of your hips and abs. stop the movement just before your arm and leg touch the ground. • reverse the movement and return your left arm and right leg to their starting positions. • move slowly and steadily. • perform the same movements to the opposite sides, this time keeping your left arm and right leg steady as you extend your right arm and left leg. • do the same number of repetitions on each side. at physio-logical we offer a golf screening service.the first thing we do is understand what is causing your pain and work to correct that, allowing you to return to a pain free, active healthy lifestyle. following that, we use a combination of golf specific movement screens to analyse to fully understand how you are currently moving and how this may be affecting your swing.we work with you to correct these resulting in you being better than before. we utilise our 9 test movement screen to highlight the areas in which you need to improve in order to not only improve your performance but improve your symptoms as well. If you want to improve your golf contact us via: enquiries@physio-logical.net For more tips and guidance please visit https://physio-logical.net/golf/
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website advice carl and reece invite your questions
dear carl and reece buy the majority of my shopping on amazon and i want to bag a bargain on Black friday. however, i'm concerned about being scammed! do you have any tips? thank you for your email. friday 26 november is Black friday, one of the hottest dates in the retail calendar. millions of shoppers will be joining you in searching for early Xmas presents. it's also a time when scammers will be looking to steal your hard earned money by sending out rogue emails. here are three internet scams to be aware of: 1. you've won a £100 amazon giftcard - the email will be poorly designed, which is always a big red light. no genuine business will ever send out an email littered with spelling errors. 2. amazon locked account - hackers will send out a text message to say that your account has been locked and that you must click on a button to open it. don't! 3. spin to win a prize - “amazon 30th anniversary celebration! we give our members 1 free spin for chance to win many exclusive prizes." this con was set up to encourage people to click through to another website so they'd enter their details to win a prize. ironically, amazon's not even 30! hackers will use the dark web to sell off stolen data as they know they can make a fortune from organised criminals, identity thieves, spammers, etc. they filter the data into segments to be sold off in bulk for future phishing campaigns. if you've fallen victim to a scam and given out your personal information, reset your passwords. contact your
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bank immediately to inform them that you've been scammed. update your it anti-virus software too. if you've transferred money within the last 24 hours, phone the police.
warning signs • the sender has requested personal information, like a credit card number or login credentials • if the url doesn’t match the company’s website • if the link seems weird. are there strange characters embedded in the text of the email? • the sender’s phone number doesn’t match the company’s good luck and safe shopping!
Medical Aesthetics
By Samantha Adams Skin Blemish Removal
Shelley Murray Verruca Removal Using Cryotherapy to remove those horrible Verucca
For more details call Shelley
Skin tags - Moles - Seborrheic Keratosis
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time to get your feet treated! fungal nails treated with intense pulsed light (ipl) & salicylic acid
fantastic results for those who hate their infected nails
Seborrheic Keratosis
Sun damage Easily removed - with diathermy cauterisation and Cryotherapy 2 weeks for healing for a clear result - ‘Back’ to normal!
Samantha Adams Medical Aesthetics - Affordable treatments the chapel medi spa, west street, havant po9 1ln
Havant Clinic 07928 806807 page: 5
postcode publications
page: 6 2
YOUR MONEY seiss grants & your 2020/21 Tax return october 2021. (it should be noted here that the government will be ending this method of submission as part of its making tax digital for income tax self assessment regime starting from april 2024).
the self-employment income support scheme (seiss), launched in may 2020, provided essential financial support to many individuals impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. self-employed individuals or business partners who were eligible could have claimed up to £21,570 in total from the three grants available during the tax year 2020/21.as the seiss grants are taxable they need to be included on the tax return. the self assessment deadline to report online all taxable income for 2020/21 is midnight on 31 January 2022. paper tax returns should be filed by 31
reporting the seiss grants if your unincorporated business had annual trading profits of £50,000 or less and was adversely affected by the pandemic you would have been eligible to obtain the first three seiss grants in 2020/21. these should be included in the ‘profits from self employment’ section of your tax return for 2020/21 and will be subject to income tax and class 4 nics. the grants also form part of the small-profits threshold for class 2 nics. there is a separate box on the tax return within the ‘other tax adjustments’ section for disclosing the amount of seiss received. if you claimed the maximum amount (£21,570) this will be added to any other taxable income before you are assessed for income tax on the excess above your £12,500 personal allowance.
By paul underwood, director
the fourth and fifth seiss grants will also be taxable for income tax and nics but not until 31 January 2023 as they will have been received in the 2021/22 tax year. seiss records required you need to have records of the amounts you claimed from any or all of the three grants received in 2020/21, along with the claim reference number. for the first two grants, you should disclose evidence of how the pandemic impacted on your business’s trading profits. this could include: • Business accounts showing lower turnover • evidence of any covid-19 business loans you received • dates your business closed due to lockdown restrictions • dates your staff were unable to work due to covid-19 symptoms, shielding or caring responsibilities due to school closures. for the third taxable grant, having records of fewer invoices, contract or appointment cancellations, test-and-trace
communications, and positive covid-19 test can demonstrate to hmrc how your business was affected. all other personal income, such as from investments, savings, pensions or rental proceeds should also be declared in your tax return. hmrc state you must keep your records for at least five years after the 31 January submission deadline of the relevant tax year. If you have any questions regarding your tax return you can call the HMRC self assessment helpline on 0300 200 3310. If you have a National Insurance number and Self Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference, make sure you have them with you when you call.
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postcode publications
is proud to announce that our new store is now open in Havant’s Meridian Shopping Centre Untill January 2022
By making a purchase you will help raise funds for the charitable projects that the FatFace Foundation has committed to supporting. Every penny will help make a positive and lasting difference to people within the local community. Here are some of our partners and chosen local charities
Quality clothing at knock do wn prices our nor th street, havant store will remain open for our autumn and winter collections
We sell FatFace unworn, outlet stock at discounted prices.
Extensive showroom
Quality flooring products
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33 Creek Road, Hayling Island, PO11 9QZ
whether the industry is retail, corporate or industrial
page: 8 2
Health & Well-being by Denise Kelly when it comes to men’s health, it can often take a back seat compared to women, and you men deserve a look in! us ladies are far better at discussing our issues openly compared to men and according to data, men generally avoid going to the doctors, skip more recommended screenings, and are more likely to practise riskier behaviour! men are more likely to die sooner, live with more years of bad health, and have higher suicide rates. of course, you cannot completely generalise, as all men and women are different, and things are slowly beginning to shift. increasingly there is more growing recognition that treating preventable causes of death and disability could close the medical gender gap, and we all need to do our bit to push our men to get healthier, keep up with regular health checks and screening, and live happier healthier lives wherever possible. the most common conditions affecting men’s health are heart disease, prostate, testicular and colon cancer, and in later life osteoporosis. chronic lower respiratory disease and stroke are also on the radar, as are mental health issues. i cannot emphasise enough how keeping the body in balance is vital. if you are an excessive drinker, smoker, and zero exercise person,
Health and fitness in 2021
and live on fish and chips every day, your risks are going to increase. mindful meditation and exercises such as yoga are ridiculously good for you guys, as its more common for you to hide your stresses and emotions, causing internal turmoil on your body, contributing to more risk of mental health issues. i know some of you may be thinking “i’m not going to yoga! no way!” But it’s meant to be a man’s sport! and the physical body you can also gain from regular yoga practise is extremely powerful and defined! think greek god! so, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! exercise is key, enough rest and sleep time is important, spending time in the fresh air is essential, drinking enough water and eating nutritious foods daily to keep your heart, hormones, digestion, muscles, bones and brain in tip top condition will all
Super charge for men! Life is for thriving…not just surviving contribute to a more balanced you. there are so many common everyday foods that you can also be eating to help more than you may realise. 1. leeks – they can support sexual functioning and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. chop the green part of a medium leek into thin ribbons and add it to soups, sautés, and salads as often as possible. these cousins of garlic and onions are also packed with bone-bolstering thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium, and they're also rich in folic acid, a B vitamin that studies have shown to lower levels of the artery-damaging amino acid homocystein in the blood. 2. artichokes – lauded for centuries as an aphrodisiac, this fibre-rich plant contains more bone-building magnesium and potassium than any other vegetable. its leaves are also rich in flavonoids and polyphenol, antioxidants that can cut the risk of stroke. they are also high in vitamin c, which helps maintain the immune system. Basically, eat them as often as you can! ripe ones feel heavy for their size and squeak when squeezed. 3. ginger - contrary to popular belief, ginger, which is a piquant addition to
so many asian dishes, is not a root, it's a stem, which means it contains living compounds that improve your health. chief among them is gingerol, a cancer suppressor that studies have shown to be particularly effective against that of the colon. chop ginger or grind it fresh and add to all your dishes, smoothies and juices daily! 4. Figs - packed with potassium, manganese, and antioxidants, this fruit also helps support proper ph levels in the body, making it more difficult for pathogens to invade. the fibre in figs can lower insulin and blood-sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. select figs with dark skins (they contain more nutrients) and have them as a snack or add to your breakfast foods. It’s the simple things that make the difference! Small changes!
Tyre among 35kg oF rubbish Found on hayling beach
litter pickers found a tyre and golf tees among the 35kg of rubbish they picked up during a hayling island beach clean on a sunday. in august the shocking amount of rubbish, which
also included nappies, cans, plastic bottles, rope, a fishing hook and a lot of confectionary wrappers, was cleared in two hours by volunteers. hampshire house-builder, Barratt
homes organised the litter picking event in partnership with the final straw foundation, which kindly provided gloves, litter pickers, bags and buckets. Barratt’s finance director, glen o’nion came along to help with his daughter. he said: “it was great to see all the volunteers who came along to help pick up this amount of rubbish in a short space of time. it shows just how many discarded items will be heading into our seas across the country.” it was at the oyster bed area, behind the esso garage near stoke, where the seafront clean-up happened and all volunteers donned eco-friendly “volunteer” t-shirts made from recycled cotton. Barratt homes is committed to protecting the environment. it arranged the tidy-up operation to ensure the beach is tidier and safer for its visitors, and to raise awareness of plastic pollution. glen added: “with 35kg of rubbish found on one beach, just think about the impact this must be having across the world. Beach cleans are a way for us to help a small bit.”
every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans, which has a devastating effect on the world’s marine life. without action, it is predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans – a terrifying statistic. for Barratt homes, its sustainability is a high priority – the housebuilder advanced its ranking in the industry specific next generation, sustainability Benchmark report, published in march 2021, and its sustainability actions were recognised in the ftse100 with an 11th rank in the responsibility 100 index, developed by tortoise, in april 2021. the environmentally friendly housebuilder has already pledged to reduce its construction waste by 20% by 2025 and has worked on a variety of initiatives to reduce the number of raw materials it consumes. Barratt will be bringing new homes to hayling island at its pebble walk development in the autumn – a collection of two, three and four bedroom homes. for more information, please visit www.barratthomes.co.uk
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postcode publications
chris davies remembered farewell to mileater chris 1936 - 2021 members of portsmouth ctc are amongst those saddened by the recent death of chris davies, a great promoter of cycle touring and enthusiast of all things cycling, and one of the region's most remarkable sporting characters of all time. in 2010, chris set an english record when he reached 906,900 miles of cycling, at age 74. he eventually reached 916,791 miles before he became ill and was forced to stop cycling. he rode over 10,000 miles every year for more than 50 years of his life! to do that you would need to cycle 27 miles every day over a period of 1820 successive days. there is a 300,000 mile cycling club which was set up in 1962 and of course, chris was a member. one of only 153
people ever to be accepted as a member. chris was born in 1936 and in 1954 joined the portsmouth district association of the cyclists’ touring club, now cycling uk and did more and more cycling. as a schoolboy he kept a record of all the miles he cycled and continued to do this throughout almost all his life. chris loved cycle-touring holidays and visited many countries by bike, including france, spain, cyprus, israel, argentina, usa and new Zealand. chris used to cycle to
france every summer to cheer on riders in the tour de france. at times he would ride on some of the roads closed by the gendarmes for the tour. amid much whistle blowing from them, and cheering from the spectators they were always unsuccessful at stopping him. in france chris came across 'audax' rides; long distance rides which must be completed in a limited time. chris was one of the first english cyclists to complete the paris-Brest-paris audax ride of 750 miles in 90 hours. he then went on to become a
founder member of the audax club in the united kingdom, auk. in 2004 chris cycled from havant to lands end, then to John o'groats via north devon before returning to havant via north devon – a distance of just under 2000 miles chris was always keen to encourage others to cycle and gave useful tips and advice. he was also a cycling campaigner and published a cycling column in the portsmouth news, turning up at their offices by bike (of course) and never missing a deadline he was also a competitive cyclist and from his 20s he competed in 25, 50 and 100 mile time trials and then 12 and 24 hour time trials. in the 1960s he achieved a career best distance of 438 miles in 24 hours.
waterlooville bowling club what a month september has been!! there has been a lot happening at waterlooville Bowling club. the most prestigious event was the formal opening of the new clubhouse. the mayor of havant councillor rosy raines, performed the cutting of the ribbon before declaring the clubhouse open. representatives from the various funders, sports england, hampshire county council and havant Borough council were also invited. there were many other guests from departments at havant Borough council as well as havant sports association, martin critchley architects and various other stakeholders. everyone was very
enthusiastic with their praise of the new building saying how light and airy it felt, and much more modern. fizz and nibbles were the order of the day. it may be the end of the season for Bowling (although waterlooville Bowling club continue to play throughout the winter) but september saw the presentation of trophies for the various competitions during the summer. Brian lemarquer had an excellent season by winning all but one of the final matches, as well as winning the portsmouth and district ivan robb trophy and being a runner up (with derek holt) in the county golden pairs. the presentation of
trophies was held at the presidents versus captains day. a fun day where the presidents team won 4 to 1! the day finished with a BBQ and a beer (yes, the bar was open). what else happened in the month? ladies social afternoon, another taster day for people to have a go, the continuation of the get up and go course instigated by havant Borough council,yoga course for members. so much, there is not enough room to report it all. why not come along to the club and experience the fun for yourselves? www.waterloovillebowling.club or phone 07823 887623
derek holt and Brian lemarquer with their runner up plate county golden pairs
portsmouth cycle Touring club’s 95th birthday portsmouth cycle touring club has been going for 95 years and needed to celebrate in some way. covid pandemic has impacted activities for over 18 months and large indoor gatherings have not been encouraged, so the current president of the club, Joy forrow and her husband wilf agreed to combine the annual prize giving which had been postponed by the pandemic, and hold a celebration in the garden of their home on hayling island. By 3:30 pm members started to arrive, mostly by bike, of course, but those with non cycling partners drove to the address, and gathered in the garden where there was space to mingle, in a socially distanced way. after so long only being able to meet in prearranged groups with limited numbers it was gratifying to meet up with old friends, and to renew stories
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of rides and activities enjoyed. also attending were Jack and peter davies, the brothers of the late chris davies, with their wives as mentioned elsewhere. chris had left provision in his will for a celebration tea for club members, and Joy had organised this to take place at 4:00 pm by which time we had all gathered and were able to sit at well spaced garden tables. a few of the club members had volunteered to act as waitresses bringing round tea and coffee pots to replenish mugs as required so there were no crowds milling round the tea tables. the culmination of the refreshments was a magnificent cake. designed, baked and decorated by Joy and wilf, it incorporated two types of cake underneath the icing so that members who preferred fruit cake could have that, or a madeira type cake as an alternative. the cake was formally cut by derek
hayday (right), the oldest member present. at 5:00 it was time to present the awards, starting with a celebration of the past 95 years. there followed a formal presentation of a certificate from ctc reflecting the clubs achievement in surviving so many years, and introducing and developing so many riders into the joys of club cycling and cycle touring. portsmouth ctc was founded in 1926, just 48 years after the original founding of the ctc (then known as the Bicycle touring club originally for high wheelers, or penny farthing bikes as some people know them) sadly, due to the particular circumstances, many of the prize winners were unable to be present so the trophies had to be set aside for a less formal delivery to them in due course. By 5.00 the
formal part of the gathering was over and some members hopped on their bikes and went home while the rest settled down to an evening barbecue to round off a rare and special afternoon birthday party.
havanT hockey club in The communiTy havant hockey club has been at the centre of the Borough for well over 100 years, since it’s founding in 1905 . in the 1970s they were one of the first clubs in the country to establish a Junior section and in the 1990s extended their coaching support into the community, this programme has been running uninterrupted ever since. the club continues to maintain a strong junior section, currently with more than 200 members. they aim to provide opportunity for all levels and abilities, both boys and girls, and in recent years have regularly developed players who have represented their country in the national age group sides. one of the key community programme aims has been to take hockey into local state schools where the teaching of the game is patchy at best. many schools now have poor and out-dated equipment, many teachers struggle with confidence to teach a game they perhaps find technical. the programme sets out to address this head on, introducing a new generation of
children and teachers to safe and fun hockey-based activities. as a sign of success, in the season 2020-2021 there were 29 borough schools represented in the club’s minis section alone. the benefits to the local community are wide ranging and support key elements of the havant Borough council 2036 plan and government national aims to improve health across communities by promoting more active and healthier lifestyles. clearly this programme with young children is developing the benefits of exercise and healthy living through sport in their early years, which can have a knock-on effect throughout their lives. alongside the well documented benefits of team sports the aim is to bring a sense of belonging and a place where friendships are made, often for life. they are fortunate to have a number of sponsors who support their desire to provide better opportunities for sport, especially for community and youth development. improved facilities will be a central element of increasing our offerings in the longer term and the club is actively
working on that at the moment in conjunction with havant Borough council. other projects the club is ambitious to pursue include walking / social hockey and flyerz (disability inclusive hockey), trying to arrange this within the time availability of just one pitch is a challenge however. in addition to the impact and benefits which the community programme brings to children in and around the Borough, the club also look
to help local worthy causes and those who are less fortunate. organisations supported recently are the mayor of havant’s charity (hannah’s holiday homes) plus foodbank po9 (through both goods given by club members and also a cash donation from match fees). most recently they have also supported the Blurt foundation in memory of a young club member who died very unexpectedly late in 2020.
Cycle Clinic By mike skiffins, portsmouth ctc
Q there has been talk of government obesity strategy, and government green strategy. can cycling help either of these. a there is a lot of information about the problems of obesity, and in the course of debate in parliament it was stated that “currently 64% of all adults and 30% of children are classified as overweight or living with obesity. “helping people to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is one of the most important things we can do to improve our nation’s health,” as usual with debates there was a lot said, but most of the planned action is around food and how to limit the amount of fattening content, and advertising of fattening food. the national statistics show that if you're not active enough, you do not use the energy provided by the food you eat, and the extra energy you consume is stored by the body as fat. (i think we all knew that but its worth repeating), so the government recognises the importance of physical activity in promoting and maintaining healthy weight, and proposes increasing access to walking and cycling. But they cannot force everyone to ride a bike, nor would they want to. in the same
way they cannot limit the amount or type of food we choose to eat. (they did during the war and just after, and the older ones among us will remember all those ration books, but that would not be a course of action we'd accept) the government green strategy, however, has more to say about cycling. most of the planned action is about decarbonising private vehicles, moving towards electric cars and buses and taxing fossil fuels to make them unattractive,but they also wish to increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. the aims are to give towns and cities cycle lanes worthy of holland.they say “we will build first hundreds, then thousands, of miles of segregated cycle lane and create more low-traffic neighbourhoods to stop ratrunning and allow people to walk and cycle. the target is to deliver over 1,000 miles of safe and direct cycling and walking networks delivered by 2025 “ i'm sure most of us regular cyclists will be delighted to see this, and if the new cycle lane provision makes us feel safer it will encourage those who are not yet riders to take up this form of transport, to schools, shops, work or even just for pleasure. we wouldn't want to do away with motorised transport altogether. carriage of goods is essential, there is a limit to what we can carry on a bike and for how far. if we want to cycle further away from home its good to take the train with our bikes, anyway, but the proposals should make cycling easier and safer whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions.
artificial pitch opens in horndean a state-of-the-art artificial grass pitch was recently officially opened by portsmouth football club, at horndean technology college, on wednesday 22nd september 2021. the new artificial grass pitch was made possible thanks to investment from the premier league, the football association and government's football foundation. after netting a £505,000.00 grant from the football foundation, work begun on the site in June 2021. the new facility replaces a smaller 9 v 9 artificial grass pitch which needed repair. the grant enabled horndean technology college to develop a full size 11 v 11 pitch so more clubs could use the facility within the local horndean area. the new facility comprises of one 11 v 11 pitch, two 9 v 9 pitches, two 7 v 7 pitches and four 5 v 5 pitches. the site will be used by various clubs including: horndean hawks fc, clanfield fc, horndean youth fc, havant and waterlooville social club, horndean technology college and portsmouth football club. the project includes a football sports development plan. horndean technology college will be working alongside the key partner clubs to develop women and girl’s
htc football team with pompey players
football as well as disability football. within the plan it will also include growth of grassroots football with the current key partner clubs using the facility. horndean technology college are excited about portsmouth fc academy regularly using the facility to train and develop their team. Julie summerfield, headteacher of horndean technology college, said “we are truly delighted with the artificial grass full sized football pitch. thank you also to the premier league, the fa and government’s funding through the football foundation, east hampshire district council, hampshire county council and key partner football clubs.” robert sullivan, chief executive of the football foundation, said: “we are delighted that horndean technology college’s artificial grass pitch is now open to the public after receiving football foundation investment.
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postcode publications
young people geT a sTep up on The co-operaTive career ladder as the number of young people in employment remains below pre-pandemic levels, a regional co-operative is working to kickstart youth employment in its stores, head office and funeral branches. southern co-op is preparing to welcome its third cohort of kickstarters at the beginning of september - a government scheme for 16 to 24 year olds on universal credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment. the latest joiners will take the number of people on kickstart placements to nearly forty. the placements spread across southern co-op's head office in portsmouth and the co-operative food and funeralcare
locations in addlestone, Banstead, Bristol, camberley, havant, lake on the isle of wight, newbury, overton, portsmouth, romsey, Basingstoke, southampton, staines, tadley and wimbledon. sarah kavanagh, Business transformation & hr director at southern co-op, said: "unemployment has been higher in younger age groups for some time and unfortunately this has been exacerbated by the pandemic. it is clear to us that they need additional help now to get back into work or to take the first step toward full time employment. "the kickstart scheme means we look for people aged sixteen to twenty-four, with the right attitude, and give them the
opportunity to learn new skills whilst being paid. "we expected it to take a bit of time for some to find their feet and get into the routine of work but, after about three weeks, we have been getting some great feedback. one manager described their new starter as ‘100% amazing', ‘flexible, keen and willing to try anything'." the kickstart scheme placements are funded by the government for twenty-five hours a week for six months and referrals are made on to the scheme via local Jobcentres. the job placements provide opportunities to young people who may have been overlooked before due to lack of experience.
in order to help them gain as many skills as possible, southern co-op's programme is also giving young adults a chance to gain a level one certificate in employability skills which is being run by havant & south downs college. People interested in a Kickstart placement should speak to their local Jobcentre. For other vacancies at Southern Co-op, visit: https://www.southernco-opjobs.co.uk/jobs/.
for pooches and how her walks are parTnership Takes lead on passion a great time to bond with her dog and playful elements – all while responsible dog walking introduce keeping her best friend under control and top tips on how to make dog walks fun and interesting – while also helping to protect our beautiful countryside – are being shared by a leading canine behaviourist as part of a new regional initiative. dog expert natalie light and her Jack russell “fish” are the stars of a new series of informative films called “love dogs, love nature”. the opening film explains natalie’s
sticking to the paths. over the coming months, five bitesize 50-second top tips films will be released, with natalie sharing advice on how to get a better recall, new games to make walks more fun, being spearheaded by the southern counties canine access management partnership (sccamp). it includes the south downs national park authority, new forest national park authority, Bird aware solent, heathland
hounds, dorset dogs and devon love dogs. it builds on the south downs national park’s successful take the lead campaign, which has been running for several years and encourages responsible dog walking with simple actions, such as keeping canines on leads around livestock and bagging and binning dog poo. working with the dog community, the national park authority launched a dog walking code to encourage responsible dog walking throughout the new forest.visit www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/things-todo/walking/dog-walking/dog-walking-code/
Mayor Visit for Great Big Green Week On Tuesday 21st September some of our Eco Committee members met with the Mayor of Havant, Cllr Rosy Raines. They showed her some of the amazing eco projects taking place here at Warblington and told her about the activities we were running for Havant Borough Council Great Big Green Week. They also had the opportunity to have a discussion with her about the borough.
We are incredibly proud of our students and the way they presented themselves and the school during the visit including asking lots of insightful questions and clearly explaining how and why we plan to become an Eco School. ‘Anything is possible, it’s just trying to help ‘make it happen’.’ - Cllr Rosy Raines
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Warblington School, Southleigh Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2RR www.warblingtonschool.co.uk admin@warblingtonschool.co.uk 475480
Emily L
GREENPOWER greenpower is a charity funded organization that invites young students from the ages of 11 to 16 to build an electric car (hence the name greenpower) and race it at a variety of different venues around the country. greenpower “promotes sustainable engineering to young people’’. here at park community school, havant, hampshire, we believe that we are “much more than just a school’’, which is why we have become part of the greenpower family.
www.postcodepublications.com greenpower helps unlock potential and spark enthusiasm for science,Technology, engineering and maths (sTem) through the excitement of motorsport. park community school has three cars called: keep up,Team spirit 2 and chase
park has competed for thirteen years in greenpower with our original car, named ‘team spirit’, being designed and built by students. this car is now redundant and does not meet current safety regulations so we have invested into three new kit cars that are supplied by greenpower. the greenpower members have built the three new cars and have named them ‘team spirit 2’, ‘keep up’ and 'chase'. we have had some recent success in the 2019 season qualifying for the national final at silverstone motor circuit. our most recent event post covid 19 was at goodwood where one of our cars put in a very good 30.2 miles within the 80min race time. this puts us 5th nationally and should enable us to qualify for this year’s final. we are going to take a risk at the next race as a result of increasing our gear ratio. two members of greenpower share their experience of greenpower at park. student carly Burrows said: “i joined greenpower at the beginning
of year seven, seeing it on the school’s open day made me want to join. i was let into the team after winning a competition that gave me my place. i have done multiple races since joining and even though they are not always successful they are extremely enjoyable and enriching. my knowledge of engineering, which was originally non-existent, has grown and that i am extremely grateful for.” student shelby mitchell: said “i joined greenpower in year seven because i want to be a mechanic when i'm older. my experience so
far has been amazing and i have really enjoyed being a part of it. i have been able to make a car from scratch and then i was able to travel with my school and drive the cars around different race tracks in competitions.” greenpower are grateful for the support given to them by postcode publications and school governor ralph cousins. Greenpower is a charity funded organisation that ‘’Promotes sustainable engineering to young people’
• Main hall (11 metres by 10 metres) • Chairs and tables for 80 people • Accessible toilets and babychanging facilities • Kitchen with crockery and cutlery • Private garden and parking for 20+ cars Mondays: 9.30am to 10.30am 5.30pm to 7.00pm 7.15pm to 8.15pm Wednesdays: 7.00pm to 8.00pm Fridays: 9.15am to 10.15am 10.45am to 1.15pm 7.00pm to 9.00pm Saturdays: 8.30am to 12.30pm 1.00pm onwards Sundays: 1.00pm onwards
Calton School of Pilates 2nd Denvilles Brownies (girls aged 7 to 10 years) ((Bounce)) ((Bounce)) Barbells Calton School of Pilates Jiggy Wrigglers Homewell Scouts (aged 10 to 14 years) Slimming World Available for Private Hire Available for Private Hire
Tuesdays: 10.00am to 11.00am 6.00pm to 7.00pm 7.15pm to 8.45pm Thursdays : 4.30pm to 5.30pm 6.00pm to 7.00pm 7.15pm to 8.15pm
TADAA Ballet Tots (aged 2 to 4 years) Calton School of Pilates Yoga 1st Denvilles Rainbows (girls aged 5 to 7 years) Calton School of Pilates ((Bounce))
For Availability and Booking contact the Bookings Secretary by email at: stridebookings@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/stridecentre
saturday & sunday afternoons available for private hire at competitive rates
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postcode publications
THE CAT & RABBIT RESCUE CENTRE hello from your favourite out and about reporter at the cat and rabbit rescue centre, hulky Bear. last time i spoke to you, i told you about our pet of the month the rabbit dairylea dunker, well sadly, he is still waiting to find his forever home. i am happy to update everyone on our recent virtual fayre. you may have seen that we were unable to hold our normal summer fayre at the centre again this year. which was of course hard for everyone as it is our biggest fundraising event of the year. therefore, my staff decided to hold a virtual fayre online to try to raise some money for the centre. the virtual fayre included a raffle, auction and photography contest. i am pleased to let everyone know that in total the virtual fayre raised £4418! my staff want to thank everyone who donated or joined in the competitions, this money will really help us to continue caring for the animals at the centre. i overheard my staff talking the other day about a sweet older female cat that
hulky bear Holborow Lodge, Chalder Lane, Sidlesham, W. Sussex PO20 7RJ
had come into the rescue. this little cat had just come in and while one of the staff was adding her details on to our system, she then realised that this cat was actually rehomed from us many years ago. you see sadly this cat’s owner had died and her son had brought the cat into us, he lived far away and did not know it was from us. the reason why i wanted to tell you this story is because i wanted everyone to know that most good rescue like us will always have back the animals that they rehomed to find him or her a new home. we do not like to think about passing away but i think it is important for a family to know that if you adopt a rescue cat it will always have somewhere to go. we were full at the time we were asked to take this cat which meant they went to the bottom of the waiting list but if we had known she was from us she would have skipped the queue and saved a lot of time. see you next time love hulky P.S Please keep an eye on our website www.crrc.co.uk and our Facebook page for all the latest news and info regarding Rehoming and Centre Life.
huberT is peT oF The monTh this time we would love to introduce you to the very handsome hubert. hubert is a 4 year old male cat who has been here at the centre since march after he was found living as a stray. we do believe that hubert must have had a home at some point as he is such a lovely boy who wants to be fussed. unfortunately, when
hubert arrived he was not in the best condition but after seeing our vets it was discovered that he has kidney disease. he is on medication for this but is on our part foster care scheme, which means he can continue to see our vet here at the centre. he is such a lovely boy, occasionally he can come
across at little shy at first, but really he just loves attention and sometimes even to be picked up and cuddled. still a big kitten at heart he also loves to play with his toys. hubert would be best suited to home without other pets but he could happily live with older children. if you think you may be able to offer hubert a loving home please give the centre a call on 01243 967111 or visit : www.crrc.co.uk
school trash art trosnat school pupils created a piece of art from things we’d normally throw away like plastic bottles and lids, as part of the national celebration of climate action, the great Big green week. according to recycle now, it is estimated that an average of 35.8 million plastic bottles are used every day in the uk, but only 19.8 million are recycled each day. this means there are on average 16 million
plastic bottles a day not making their way into the recycling bin. four local community groups collaborated to raise awareness of the extent of plastic waste. the arts society portsdown has teamed up with the havant climate alliance and making spacein leigh park to create the ‘trash sculpture’ with young people, on display in the meridian centre.
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Don’t stop Wining get ready For christmas porT By Jonathan rogers of vin wine merchants
there are several different drinks that i sell in abundance over the festive period and very little the rest of the year. port is no exception although i sell more outside of the festive period then drinks like cointreau or Baileys. port has been in our hearts for generations and is the favoured drink at christmas time when the cheese board comes out. the varied styles appeal to the masses and the quality of the wine is superb. port is made by draining off red wine which has only partly fermented so it still contains a fair amount of the natural sugars, into a vessel containing brandy. the fermentation stops, and the result is a mixture which is both strong and sweet. the wine still needs the colour extraction from the skins along with the tannin which is normally achieved through a longer fermentation, but as with port the fermentation is short, this extraction must come from another process, and that is treading. i’m often asked if treading the grapes by foot still exists and port production is pretty much still done this way, although some of the bigger house have introduced mechanical treading that mimic the gentle action that treading by foot achieves. the vineyards have a classification from a down to f which reflect the quality of their natural advantages which include altitude, soil, location and age of the vines. the higher the classification the more valuable the grapes. the grapes used for production are touriga nacional, touriga franca, tinta roriz which is related to the tempranillo grape grown all over spain, tinta cao and tinta Barroca. the many different classifications of port make it somewhat confusing to understand. for example,vintage port is made from grapes from one year and is only declared a vintage in exceptional years like vintage champagne, and must be aged in barrel for a minimum of 18 months. late Bottled vintage (lBv) is vintage port but aged for much longer typically for around 4 to 6 years. lBv does not have the intensity of vintage
Fred’s Food beef or venison wellington recipe
port but finer examples can show an elegant, velvety rich style and can offer great value for money. here are a couple of good examples that i stock:
Feuerheerd lbv 2013 - £17.99 still foot trodden, this classic lBv from a very old producer has an amazing bouquet with a rich smooth velvety character.
Feuerheerd 10 yo Tawny wood aged £20.99 rich and balanced with a good depth of flavour and a smoky finish.
our tasting room upstairs is available for wines, beers, spirits by the glass with light cheese platter lunches. its also available for private hire and wine tastings.
support your local independents – shop local
Beef or venison wellington is a delicious seasonal dish which uses the finest cut (fillet of beef or venison loin) and pairs it with wild mushrooms and prosciutto, wrapped in puff pastry.you can make individual portions which can be prepared the day before, perfect for christmas eve or new year’s eve. serves 2 ingredients: • venison loin or Beef fillet – 400g • prosciutto – 6 slices • puff pastry – 200g • Butter – 25g • 125g chestnut mushrooms chopped, or dried porcini mushroom – 25g • 1 x shallot – finely chopped • 1 x sprig of thyme • 1 egg yoke – beaten method: 1. soak the chopped, dried wild mushrooms in hot water for 20 minutes. 2. season the venison loin and sear all sides for a minute in a hot frying pan, put aside to cool. 3. in the same frying pan, sweat the shallots before adding sprig of thyme and the soaked mushrooms with the
liquid and reduce to a thick sauce or duxelle. remove from the heat and cool. 4. on a sheet of cling film, put down a layer of prosciutto with each piece overlapping, then place half the duxelle over the prosciutto and add the venison on top. add the remaining duxelle over the top of the venison and roll the whole thing into a large sausage, twisting the ends of the clingfilm until it is tight. place in the fridge overnight or while you prepare the pastry. 5. roll out the puff pastry into a layer large enough to envelop the venison parcels. Brush with egg, place the unwrapped venison loin in the centre and close the pastry parcel. 6. place on a tray with baking paper, brush with egg wash and score. 7. roast in a pre-heated oven at 180 °c for 20 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown for medium rare. 8. serve with seasonal veg and a reduced red wine gravy. alternatively you can buy a pre-made venison or Beef wellington for christmas along with all your christmas turkey, meats, veg and cheese at stansted park farm shop. www.stanstedfarmshop.com
023 9241 3576 Rowlands Castle, Hants PO9 6DX
Pop into 6 Queen St., Emsworth, Hants PO10 7BL FREE WINE TASTINGS EVERY WEEKEND!
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Compiled by Michael Curtis
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supported by havant insurance services ltd, 20 east street, havant, hants po9 1aQ
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generous Ben hur's transport loses nothing clever (9) fire bag (4) raver hit-right (8) Blunt kind of pub rat (6) Back heel, therefore (4 old painter in hats - not laughing - seen at weddings (9) distressed singer mel, perhaps, has agreed, not half (9) guide o right milk provider (5) respond to cater, somehow (5) children jump away first (9) payment with german in broken decanter, heading off (10) stop alan hiding gem (4) stable uniform (6) colonist mastering no small change (8) short trousers sound real (4) signified no quiet speed dating arrangement (10)
Down: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 15 16 18 20 21
nurse surrounding caged joiner (9) arranged marriage without a squire (7) secures drunk writers, not starting (8) meddler will suffer when robbie includes single digits (4,4,7) please change end (6) teacher, say, has supply to deliver up (9 inclined to be n repair bag (7) friend has crockery in scheme (9) controlled glue trade in chaos (9) escorting east ender keeping quiet, perhaps, about advance of Queen (8) smart chap lheading off but has energy before hill constituent (7) introduce simple trimmed worker (7) remained grave, say (6)
new book
escaping to the 1950s was a perfect antidote to the turbulent covid times for hayling island crime author, pauline rowson as she wrote the third inspector ryga mystery, death in the nets, which available now.
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escaping to the 1950s a perfect antidote to the turbulent covid times for hayling crime author, pauline rowson death in the nets is set in January 1951 in the small fishing town of Brixham in devon where the body of a man stabbed through the heart is found tangled up in fishing nets.after a series of startling revelations, scotland yard's inspector ryga is tasked to discover why the dead man who left the town eleven years ago has returned and why someone hated him enough to murder him. pauline says, ‘while it was great to take refuge in 1951 and escape all the news on covid, it wasn’t exactly a picnic back then. housing was in dire supply with people living in nissan huts on disused airfields and abandoned army camps, in converted torpedo boats, old houseboats, railway carriages and shacks.there was still rationing on some foodstuffs, an acute shortage of many consumer goods, make-do-and mend was still very much the order of the day and black marketeers flourished. added to that there was war in korea, national service and the cloud of nuclear war hanging over everyone. life was pretty tough for many including my fictional sleuth, inspector ryga.’ pauline is on twitter at @paulinerowson
iT donaTion call For aFghan evacuees laptop, smartphone, and tablet donations are urgently being sought for evacuated afghan families local charity community first has been co-ordinating donations in hampshire for evacuated afghan families who are staying in temporary accommodation across the county. the charity is now requesting laptops, smartphones and tablets in its latest donation drive. so far, community first has provided six laptops to families from its emergency response fund, enabling families to keep in touch with their loved ones and access online services. donations should be new, nearly new, or used devices that are in good condition and donated together with the correct leads and chargers. if you have suitable equipment to donate, please get in touch with the community first team using their contact form at https://www.cfirst.org.uk/contact/. community first's chief executive, tim houghton, said "now that we are successfully distributing the most essential items to families, we can turn our attention
to supporting families with establishing their life in the uk and staying socially connected during a very difficult time. supplying laptops, smartphones and tablets will go a long way to ensuring families can keep in contact with loved ones who may be very far away and start accessing vital services that will help them in the resettlement process.” visit https://www.cfirst.org.uk/donatingto-help-afghan-evacuees/ to find out how you can support the cause.
we really wanted to make this summer special for young people after the tough past year. so we jam packed it full of exciting activities for for them to build their confidence skills and resilience, learn new skills, focus on their emotional health and well-being, and, most importantly, have loads of fun! since the start of the summer holidays we have delivered 46 activities offering spaces for over 1,000 young people across all of our areas. at motiv8 we're really proud of what we have achieved over the past year. Below are some stats that reflect just how hard all of our staff have been working to keep on supporting young people when they need it most.
"you get to do so many different things in one day, it is lots of fun"
young person, aged 9
exciting news - we partnered with guinness partnership housing to offer lots of free activities to young people in havant this summer! from forest school type activities, through to cooking, crafting and games there's something for everyone.
trip to planet ice in gosport!
we're excited for this to be an ongoing partnership hopefully, supporting many more young people across our organisation, particularly those in guinness. keep a look out for more exciting things!
engaging new drain art project highlights the impact of littering on the environment a colourful new art project has been launched in emsworth, hampshire, targeting littering on our streets. ten new pieces of art based on designs by local schoolchildren are being installed on pavements next to road drains to highlight the link between littering in our towns and plastic pollution in our rivers, harbours and wider seas. the project has been enabled by local hampshire charity the final straw foundation. the charity’s founder, Bianca carr, explains, “Back in early 2020, we decided that we would love to install art to highlight the way that litter and other pollutants can be washed with rainwater down the road drains on our streets and end up in the sea. we ran a competition
hope this project will bring a bit of fun and colour to the pavements of local area, as well as delivering a vital message. Bianca continues, “it's so important that we all protect our delicate ecosystems, and these artworks will help drive that message home and we hope it will make a difference to the levels of littering locally. the message really applies not just to drains but to all litter on our streets. it's so easy for it to blow around and end up in our countryside as well as our waters - fingers crossed these murals remind people to value and take care of our wonderful planet!”. full permissions were obtained prior to installing the artworks from the highways agency. local councillors are also positive about the project. "the emsworth drain
open to local schoolchildren to create some beautiful designs for us that we could use as a base for the drain murals. we chose around 15 beautiful and colourful designs that a local artist would then paint onto our local streets. we are thrilled with the results and hope that we can roll the project out to other areas too.” the artist brought onboard to paint the designs onto the pavements is also based in emsworth. deborah hochreutener was pleased to get involved. “recreating the children’s artwork has been a joy,” she enthuses. “painting their brilliant ideas whilst hearing the positive comments from the residents of emsworth has been a really lovely experience.” the team at the final straw foundation
art is a colourful reminder from our younger residents on how we can protect our environment now and for everyone in the future,” states cllr Julie thain-smith, emsworth councillor and cabinet lead for environment and climate change at havant Borough council. “this is a great example of individual and community action, which has true meaning for us in emsworth as we see the results of pollution from many sources in our waterways and harbours daily." you can find out more about the drain art project here: https://finalstrawfoundation.org/projectsand-activities/drain-art-project/ Final Straw Foundation CIO is a registered UK charity number 1191500 that is working with businesses, communities and schools to raise awareness of plastic pollution in our oceans and land environment. Please find the Final Straw Foundation on all social media networks and at www.finalstrawfoundation.org https://www.facebook.com/finalstrawfoundation https://www.instagram.com/finalstrawfoundation/ https://twitter.com/FinalStrawCIO
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What’s on
havanT agm the committee of havant wea are holding their agm on Thursday 4th november in the meeting place in havant at 2-30pm. due to covid restrictions it has been a difficult time for the wea but fortunately it has been possible to continue providing courses and day schools, often on Zoom. it is expected that courses will return to face to face in the near future. members of the wea are welcome to attend the agm. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bedhampton community centre
saturday night at The pallant the pallant, havant, po9 1Be doors open 7pm a new series of musical events shining a light on hampshire and west sussex based musicians and community groups. this beautiful spacious hall has high ceilings and cabaret tables allowing for easy social distancing and keeping covid safe. £10 in advance £12.50 on the door. discounts for group bookings.
13th november - tom kennar - blues vocalist and piano player hayling folk and acoustic club the dielle trio eagles/hollies style acoustic trio “harmonies that leave you breathless”
every wednesday 1pm-3pm - free wednesday social - free lunch (book in advance), hot and cold drinks and cakes, crafts, table games, cafe area. the first saturday of every month is our tabletop sale, free entry 10am-12pm (6th november, 4th december), tables are £6 bookable in advance. 23rd october - 80s party night tickets are £7, advance booking only 12th november - christmas shopping and pamper night - tickets are £10, advance booking only. 4th december - christmas party night - tickets are £7, advance booking only. 15th december - local schools christmas singing coffee morning - free entry. have a look at our shop at: https://bedhampton-communitycentre.sumup.link caroline setford - centre manager 023 9248 0654 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
waterlooville probus club Tuesday 9th november at the hampshire hog, clanfield, starting at 12.00 noon. lunchtime meetings are held on the second tuesday of the month with a sit down lunch followed by a talk from a guest speaker. men and women who are retired or semiretired from business or professional life are most welcome to join us. contact our secretary peter Quine for further information about probus on 0792 662 0530 or by e-mail at: piater89@aol.com |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
air aces
arun & chichester (air) enthusiasts society www.airaces.org.uk
monday 13th december-1845 for 1930 ‘coal gas to concorde - the race across the atlantic - from Balloons to concorde’ presented by mr. peter griffith early attempts to cross the atlantic were by balloons filled with coal gas, this did not give the lifting power of helium, but was readily available, and cheap. in may 1919, four curtiss nc-4 seaplanes set out from new york to england via newfoundland, the azores, portugal and france. one made it – taking 23 days! in June 1919, came alcock and Brown, then in July 1919, major george scott (raf) commanded airship r34, from east fortune in scotland to new york, and back a few days later. this flight was the first to carry fare paying passengers, from the uk to new york. thereafter there ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
st. george's market, waterlooville
4th december - the igloo choir bringing some seasonal cheer! the portsmouth shantymen for ticket information please visit www.diellemusic.com/gigs
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a home produce market held, in the centre of waterlooville, at st. george's church hall. teas and coffees are available. the market with eggs, cakes, plants, craft, cards, jewellery and knitwear on sale is held every Thursday from 9.30 - 11.30.
were many crossings, including those by lindbergh, early inflight-refuelling, piggyback flights, flying boats, the comet, B707, and onwards to concorde. this talk will be in two parts, the first from 1844 until ww2, and the second half, from ww2 until concorde. airaces is an aviation talk society, providing its members with regular talks, given by experts in many different fields related to the world of aviation. the talks are held at the chichester park hotel, westhampnett road, chichester 7pm for 7.30 start. members £4, visitors £6 and under 16s free. doors open at 6.45 no pre-booking, no reserved seating. for further information please go to: www.airaces.org.uk or call david Batcock on 01243 823007
a creative collaboration an exciting new exhibition of paintings and crafts is taking place on the 6th – 7th november at the parish hall, links lane, rowland’s castle, po9 6ad. rowlands castle painting society and rowlands castle w.i have joined forces this year to put on a long awaited art exhibition and display of crafts. the w.i. are providing the catering in the small hall where they will have a craft table. they are providing refreshments with home baked cakes. the main art exhibition can be viewed in the main hall. there will be a good selection of paintings in various
What’s on
mediums and styles at affordable prices. this is a new venture and visitors are in for a real treat, there is much to see, hand painted cards, a new painting perhaps and prizes to be won in the tombola. the two societies are delighted to bring this autumn art exhibition and craft fayre to the rowlands castle parish hall and look forward to welcoming visitors. entrance is free and good disabled accessibility. there is free parking on the road, also parking at the recreation ground nearby. for further information go to http://rowlandscastlepaintingsociety.co.uk
The probus club oF havanT
youth action returns bigger & better than ever! young people are being invited to get involved in hands-on conservation as south downs youth action returns with an exciting programme this autumn. a series of inspirational free events have been organised across hampshire and sussex to help young people connect with nature and find out more about the environment.
“these experiences are perfect for anyone who is is passionate about making a difference for the environment and looking to learn practical conservation skills. “the events and residential experiences are accessible for all and will be very relaxed and informal, with no previous experience necessary. all activities are free. participants can claim back expenses for travel and meals. registration is essential. Book a place by visiting www.southdowns.gov.uk/sdya
local schools Funding boosT over £2.8 million of additional funding will be invested in local schools from over the coming school year, part of the largest cash increase to school funding in a decade. the funding boost will see an increase in per pupil funding for every school in the havant constituency by at least 2%, with some such as purbrook infant school, morelands primary school and mengham infant school receiving more than double this. nationally the overall schools budget is rising by is 3.2%. however, in havant the
rise in the overall budget for all our schools combined is 4.2%. every school in havant will also continue to receive more than the national minimum in terms of per-pupil funding. each primary school receives £4,891 per pupil on average and each secondary school receives £6,219 on average. the national minimum per-pupil funding figure is £4,265 (per primary pupil) and £5525 (per secondary pupil). the announced rise fulfils the
government’s commitment to invest an additional £14.4 billion in english schools in the three years up to 2022-23, with an extra £7.1 billion of funding due in the coming year alone. as part of this commitment, support for children with special educational needs and disabilities will receive a particular boost in the next school year of £780 million, or an additional 9.6 per cent. this follows the £1.5 billion increase over the previous two years, and brings the total high needs
the club is delighted to announce it has restarted it’s monthly lunch meetings. the october meeting, the first since covid began last year, was a big success, with a high turnout, new members joining, and an interesting talk to follow the lunch. if you are a retired or semi-retired professional and/or Business person, and would like to meet with like-minded people once a month, for a social drink and lunch, with guest speakers, who cover a wide range of subjects, you should consider joining the probus club of havant. our members come from a broad background of banking, military, business, engineering , it, local government etc. normally the probus club of havant meets on the first monday of the month, at denvilles club, 33, emsworth road, havant, at 12.00. parking is available. we are keen to meet potential new members and offer a warm welcome for more details visit our website: www.havantprobus.co.uk |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
budget to £8.9 billion, an increase of over a third since 2019-20. the rise also comes on top of the over £3 billion which has already been committed to support education recovery in response to the covid-19 pandemic. local mp alan mak said: “i’ve campaigned in westminster for more funding for local schools since 2015 and i’m delighted that every school in the havant constituency is getting an increase in per pupil funding.
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postcode publications
naTional housebuilder warns children abouT building siTe dangers national house-builder Barratt homes is warning children to stay away from its building sites. the house-builder says new home developments under construction may look like fun and exciting places to play, but they also pose serious dangers. mark keen, Barratt homes construction director said: “Building sites are full of potential dangers and, as the school holidays are here, it is important to remind children and their parents of the need to stay away from them. “youngsters are often on the lookout for somewhere new and exciting to play, but construction sites are not adventure playgrounds. while our construction teams
watch out for youngsters during the day and we secure our sites at night, we also ask parents to make sure they know where their children are during the holiday time.” Barratt homes holds regular safety talks and site visits for schools close to where it is building, to highlight the hazards of playing on or near building sites. Barratt homes have compiled its top five dangers on a construction site, information which forms part of site safety talks in schools. • things may fall on you • you may fall into holes in the ground • you might be hit by machines • you may fall or trip over something • you could get trapped in pipes or drains
“it’s important to get youngsters thinking about the dangers that exist to
emphasise the message they should stay away from building sites,” mark added.
denmead horTiculTural show success denmead horticultural 70th annual show went ahead on saturday 21st august and was a resounding success.
despite the rain there was a great turn out, and a lovely atmosphere. the arena staged an enthusiastic over
50’s dance demonstration by the better Body club led by lisa lingard; malcolm the magician kept everyone entertained with his conjuring tricks and balloon modelling and homes and hounds of denmead organised a splendid fun dog show. numerous local groups and businesses supported the show with stalls, tombola prizes and publicity and local farmers provided transport, hay bales and much needed muscle
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postcode publications
ENDLESS GIFTS 12a West Street, Havant, PO9 1pF
new faces help bird aware solent gear up for winter
Endlessgifts.co.uk - 023 9248 6599
Opening hours - Monday to Friday 10.00 - 5.00 & Saturday 9.30 - 4.00 Open Sundays in December 10.00 - 4.00 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
scores of young people to benefit from new funding an exciting new funding scheme is giving young people from across the region the chance to experience the great outdoors and get up close to our amazing natural world. thirteen grants have been awarded to a diverse range of youth organisations as part of the national park’s new south downs youth action fund. the young people will be taking part in activities leading to positive social and environmental action in some beautiful locations in the national park. the grants will enable: • fifty young people with complex needs including adhd, autism, odd, and global learning delay to gets hands-on in the management of heathland near east clayton farm, west sussex. • twenty young people to litter pick by
bike with sylvia Beaufoy youth centre at petworth, west sussex. sixteen young archaeologists to learn about the heritage of the national park at Butser ancient farm in hampshire, with help from the Brighton young archaeologists’ club. ten young refugees and asylum seekers to participate in a south downs discovery project with the rural refugee network. ten girls with mental health challenges to take part in a “space to Breathe” summer camp ten young people to develop heritage skills at the weald and downland museum, near chichester, west sussex. eight young people with learning disabilities and asd to create “great outdoor” films that celebrate access for all.
three new rangers miranda lugg (left), louise ellis and gail richens joined the Bird aware solent team ahead of a busy winter season for the organisation. miranda lugg, louise ellis and gail richens have boosted the team’s numbers to increase awareness of birds which spend the winter in the unique setting of the solent. the 11-strong team will be visiting busy places where people and birds share the shorelines, covering important areas from calshot in hampshire, the isle of wight, and across to chichester in west sussex. Bird aware solent is a partnership of local authorities and conservation groups which helps safeguard the future of internationally
protected geese, ducks and wading birds. the rangers will be talking to the solent’s visitors about its worldwide importance for wildlife thanks to its patchwork of nutrient rich mudflats. up to 125,000 birds migrate to the area every year from as far away as the arctic. rangers are encouraging people to follow the Bird aware coastal code: look out for birds; to move further away if they become alert; to keep dogs close; and to follow requests on signs. for more information visit: www.birdaware.org or contact kate price mccarthy, Bird aware solent 07871 990823 kate.price.mccarthy@hants.gov.uk
• young people who are vulnerable and have poor mental health to take part in conservation and well-being activities with impact initiatives. • twelve young people to enjoy practical conservation activities at the railway land wildlife trust, in lewes. the grants have been made possible thanks to funding from the south downs national park trust, the official independent charity of the national park, the clarion futures charity and the #iwillfund, an englandwide scheme supported by the department for digital, culture media and sport and the national lottery community fund. amanda elmes pictured right, who leads learning, outreach and volunteering in the
national park, said: “young people are the future custodians of this precious landscape and that’s why these kind of initiatives are so worthwhile.” a second tranche of funding for youth projects across the region will be announced this autumn.
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Belcher Frost 3 west street, emsworth, hants po10 7dX property may be held by two or more persons jointly, either as joint tenants or as tenants in common. Joint tenants means that each person is entitled to an equal share of the net sale proceeds, whatever their contributions to the purchase price or mortgage repayments. on the death of the first owner, the entire property automatically passes to the survivor, irrespective of any statement to the contrary the first owner’s will. if one person is contributing more towards the purchase price and/or mortgage re-payments, then you
may wish to hold the property as tenants in common.you may also wish to hold the property as tenants in common if you wish to leave your share of the property to someone other than the co-owner in your will. a declaration of trust can be prepared to record the respective shares of the parties if the property were sold, so that everyone “gets back what they put in.” this also allows each co-owner’s share in the property to pass by
their respective will and their share can be left to someone other than the co-owner. for this reason, it is essential that wills are prepared as well as a declaration of trust. if you would like to discuss any of the above in further detail, please call us on 01243 377 231.
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postcode publications
girl guides’ designs for berewood show home girlguiding members in the waterlooville area have entered a competition with local developer, Barratt homes, for the chance to have their construction pictures on display. Barratt homes asked Brownies and guides from girlguiding Bere forest division to come up with designs to fit in with the surroundings of Berewood, to display in the show home at the housebuilder’s Berewood green development. there was an impressive selection of entries from girls between the ages of 7 and 13, from delicious cakes with strawberry rooftops to lego constructions
with spaghetti thatches. the house builder hosted a fantastic evening on monday 26th July for the girls to collect their certificates and prizes and celebrate with family and friends. Barratt homes also donated hi-viz jackets to keep the girls and adults safe when they are out and about having adventures in the local community. tracey morphett, Bere forest division commissioner, is extremely grateful to Barratt homes for taking the time to talk to the Brownies and guides about different jobs in the construction industry, and for asking guides and Brownies with their design entries “the level of entries was incredible, and the girls to take part in such an imaginative competition and celebratory event. we are thrilled that we will have the girls’ she said: “the activities that we have artwork on display in the Berewood show been able to undertake with Barratt homes home for months to come.” have been a perfect fit for the ‘skills for my girlguiding Bere forest division covers future’ theme within the guiding denmead, hambledon, waterlooville, programme. it has also been great to see our portsdown and purbrook. girls and adults girls get their creative juices flowing for this wishing to get involved with girlguiding can competition and to be able to get them register at www.girlguiding.org.uk. together to celebrate their innovative ideas.” Barratt homes is building homes across the girls have been awarded £15 the region, including at Berewood green a amazon vouchers – a perfect thank you fantastic collection of two, three and four from Barratt homes for each of their efforts. bedroom homes, part of a new community, anthony dimmick, Barratt homes’ which includes a new school, shops and community liaison manager, said: “we are sports facilities. surrounded by countryside committed to building relationships in the and walking trails, close to the coast and communities we develop in, and it’s with excellent transport links via the m27 wonderful that we have been able to work and a3, the development is an ideal place to with the girlguiding Bere forest division call home for this prize-giving evening.
girlguiding members with their certificates at Barratt homes Berewood green
crime and punishment 23 march 1750, derby mercury – fire at havant:yesterday there was a great fire at havant, which burnt down eight houses, and destroyed several ricks of corn and hay. i am told it was occasioned by a boy shooting at some small birds on a thatched house, by which the same took fire. – a sufficient caution to people who propose to cover their houses in straw. 15 november 1751, derby mercury – we hear that richard churcher was lately committed to winchester goal, for writing a letter to John moody, of havant, esq; sign'd by the name of isaac Bartholomew, demanding £500 to be lodged in a certain field, otherwise threatening to set fire to his house, Barns, &c. 15 march 1754, derby mercury – london 14 march: we hear from sussex that a few days ago farmer voke, of Birdham, near- chichester, went to havant in hants, to receive some money for his
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in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in havant and rowlands castle from newspaper reports extracts from a new havant local history Booklet no. 114 researched by steve Jones: steve195598@yahoo.co.uk read all booklets at: thespring.co.uk/heritage/local-history-booklets/
son, and calling at a publick-house, he pulled out some pieces of gold; and an hour after he left the house he was found murdered, and his money gone. this is the place where galley and chater stopped, and were misled in their way to major Batten's, and so inhumanly treated by the smugglers; and it is thought some of that villainous gang are concerned in this, they herding together in great numbers there. as soon as the poor man's son heard of his father's death, he took to his Bed, and died. 25 February 1765, salisbury and winchester Journal – winchester gaol: the 18th, John salter was committed to the same gaol, for robbing and defrauding his master mr. andrews, of havant, of a considerable quantity of strong beer. 8 march 1773, hampshire chronicle – notice: whereas sarah, the wife of william Buckhurst, of havant, in the county of southampton, malster, did, on the 29th, day
of may, 1770, elope from her husband, and now secretes herself. these are therefore to forewarn all persons from giving her any credit, as i will not pay any debt she hath contracted or may contract. march 8, 1773. w. Buckhurst. 12 april 1773 hampshire chronicle – winchester assizes, 10 april: ann thompson the mother, and ann and thomas thompson, her daughter and son, were yesterday committed, by edward ives, esq., for stealing a large quantity of leather from John knight, of havant in this county. 23 september 1776, hampshire chronicle – wood stealers: whereas several idle and disorderly persons have, under a pretence of nutting or gathering dead wood, made a practice of going into and damaging the woods and coppices of peter taylor, esq., of purbrook park, in this county; now this is to give notice that any person who shall hereafter be found in the
a somewhat earlier solution?
woods or coppices of peter taylor, esq., or within his manors of farlington and drayton, trespassing against the statute or statutes in such case made and provided, shall be prosecuted as the law directs. and any person giving information to mr James newland, in havant, shall receive a reward of two guineas, on conviction of the offender, over and above the moiety of the forfeiture allowed by the statute. 23 June 1777, hampshire chronicle – last week a dual was fought at the Bear inn at havant between an eminent mercer of that place, and mr…of portsmouth.the former received a slight wound, when, by the intereference of the seconds, the dispute was amicably settled, and the remainder of the evening crown’d with festivity.
sTop domesTic abuse To supporT 100 more women in reFuge one year on from first opening, portsmouth city council have extended the lease on a temporary refuge run by local charity stop domestic abuse in response to the pandemic. the last year has seen a severe shortage of national refuge spaces and a surge in demand for safe accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. ceo claire lambon says: “the extension over a 5-year period will provide us with the opportunity to support up to 100 women and 150 children. since opening in July 2020 this refuge has supported 19 women and 28 children. we have worked with our partners portsmouth city council to address the growing need of longer-term refuge provision within the city. lockdowns might be over however victims of domestic abuse continue to need our help. not having somewhere safe to flee should not be a barrier to women leaving an abusive relationship. stop domestic abuse will continue to work with our partners across multiple local authorities to recognise the
importance of safe accommodation for survivors of domestic abuse.” in april, the domestic abuse Bill was signed into law and the government committed £125million to local authorities for safe accommodation for women and children, a short fall of the estimated £174million necessary to ensure provision meets the need. domestic abuse survivor and portsmouth refuge resident ruth* says: *name has been changed to protect identity “most of my life i have been abused by family members or partners. i experienced physical and sexual abuse from aged 8. last year i came to this refuge broken, unable to take anymore, feeling suicidal but i knew i needed to escape to protect my three children from experiencing what i had. i was scared when we first got to the refuge but soon that turned to relief. the staff were amazing, they were there every hour of every day offering me encouragement, and giving me strength, never with any judgement. i can't begin to explain the
importance of having this refuge. if it wasn’t for the support i received here, i frankly would not be here today. every woman and child that passes through the doors of this refuge can begin to rebuild the life they so rightly deserve...without fear and with empowerment.” national domestic abuse charity women’s aid have been campaigning since 2014 to secure government funding to support refuges to stay open. so far, they have successfully received an investment of £70million and will continue to campaign until a funding solution is found that works for the lifesaving services women and children need. if you are experiencing domestic abuse, call the domestic abuse advice line on 03300 165 112. in an emergency call 999. if you need refuge accommodation out of normal working hours (9:30-5:30) on monday to thursday evenings please call 07771 125991. if you need to access emergency refuge accommodation at any time over a weekend or on a bank holiday please call 07501 378314.
l-r rachel Brooker and sally lemon (domestic abuse navigators: refuge) – who both worked to develop this new refuge and have been working in it from the first day it opened)
new skills & employmenT hub brings opporTuniTies
new skills & employment hub brings opportunities to havant. the pandemic changed many areas of our work and everyday lives, with increasing numbers of havant residents newly facing unemployment or searching for a new line of work. in response to this growing need, community first has launched a new skills
& employment hub in havant to help residents return to the world of work. catering to havant Borough residents aged over 18, the hub provides tailored advice and support towards seeking employment, access to training opportunities, as well as information about local job openings. with guidance from staff, the hub will help you find work in a role that suits you. the hub is open every thursday from 10am to 12noon.visit heart of the park (previously known as leigh park community centre) to register with the hub for regular support, or simply drop
in to find out about what the hub can offer you. 1-to-1 support and advice will be available on finding relevant roles and refining your interview techniques.you can also find out about training opportunities for a variety of industries, from hospitality to health and social care, as well as skills everyone needs for employment success. staff will be on hand to advise on which courses are right for you. what about if you need support after landing your first interview? if you need ongoing support to get into work, the hub is here to help you through every step towards your job interview and beyond. the hub can arrange for a companion to support individuals with higher support needs to attend interviews. the hub also aims to address digital exclusion, an issue
facing many more people without their own it equipment during the pandemic. hub attendees are welcome to use the hub’s it facilities to search for jobs and you can even borrow a tablet on loan. community first launched havant skills & employment hub thanks to funding support from the solent supporting employment programme, a project managed by the hampshire and isle of wight community foundation and part-funded by the european social fund. for further information, please contact positivepathways@cfirst.org.uk or call 023 9387 3808.
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a new lease oF liFe For The “liTTle church in The Field” the story of a remarkable church and its setting within beautiful downland has been brought to life thanks to a massive community effort. st hubert’s church, often called “the little church in the field”, has enjoyed a number of improvements, including new interpretation, walk leaflets, a children’s adventure trail and disabled access. the work has been led by a partnership between the idsworth church friends trust and the south downs national park authority, with support from east hampshire district council and hampshire county council. the completion of the four-year project was celebrated as partners gathered by the beautiful hampshire church. the church dates back to 1030ad having been ordered to be built by earl godwin, head of one of the most powerful families in anglo-saxon england and father to king harold. the building’s foundations are believed to date back to roman times. today the inside of the church contains some of the best surviving medieval wall
paintings in Britain, while the outside is a photographer’s delight, offering breathtaking views of chalk downland. andrew callender, chairman of the idsworth church friends trust, said: “st hubert’s is one of the jewels in the crown of the south downs national park and, we’re really excited to unveil these important additions.” the roadside frontage to the church was improved with the help of local
farmers andrew fisk and david uren, who cleared scrub, pruned trees, installed new fencing and gates, as well as resurfacing the lay-by area. hampshire county council marge harvey provided a grant towards this part of the project. the final piece of the access project was to install a gate adjacent to the kissing gate, which is next to the church. this has allowed ease of entry for the disabled, as well as families with buggies, artists with easels and musicians with instruments. east hampshire district councillor malcolm
Johnson provided a grant towards the installation of this gate. the idsworth church friends trust, together with the the national park authority, worked closely with church historian tanya heath, from oriel college, oxford, to produce the content for an interpretation panel that is crammed with fascinating information on the church and the idsworth valley. two new leaflets – one recounting the history of the church and the other featuring two walking routes – are also available by the panel for the public to enjoy. the two walks were devised by two of the idsworth trustees, tracy eggleston and david uren. meanwhile, children can now enjoy an adventure trail activity – aptly named “hubert’s adventure trail” – when visiting the church. andrew added: “i think we can all agree that the end-product is very impressive: the information is clear and concise, the panel itself is eye-catching and the oak lectern is an impressive structure built to last!” doug Jones, the local national park authority member for the area, said: “a huge well done to everyone involved in this project and for their hard work and dedication. i hope visitors get many hours of enjoyment learning more about the church and walking these wonderful trails.” the church leaflet is available to download here and the walk leaflet is here.
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