January/February 2022

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portfolio VERO BEACH

A publication of Sandbox Magazine

BECAUSE LIFE IS JUST BETTER BY THE SEA ~ ten year anniversary ~

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inside the issue J A N UA RY- F E B R UA RY 2 0 2 2


FEATURE STORY Sharks: The Raptors of the Deep Blue Sea


LIFE CAPTURED Cassandra Scott


THE LOCALS Lifestyle, Art & Fashion


THE SPREAD Food & Drink


THE ABODE Home & Garden


THE EXPLORED Nature, Travel & Sporting


THE NOURISHED Health, Wealth & Happiness

the current

10 11 86 88 90 8

Editor’s Note This Is Us Eat, Shop, Play Oceanside Business District Map Mainland Business District Map

January-February 2022


Photography by Jared Rice

Portfolio-VeroBeach.com Portfolio-VeroBeach.com

January-February 2022239 January-February 2022

editor’s note

“Sharks are beautiful animals, and if you are lucky enough to see lots of them, that means you’re in a healthy ocean. You should be afraid if you are in the ocean and don’t see sharks.”

- Sylvia Earle

January-February 2022 Vol. 12 Issue 1 Contact Us Editor@Portfolio-VeroBeach.com (321) 438-8733 3055 Cardinal Drive, Suite 107 Vero Beach, 32963 Owner/Editor/Sales Creative/Delivery Penny Tranchilla Art Director Christina Alta Luboski altagraphicdesign.com Copy Editor Alyssa Tranchilla Main Feature Photographer Cassandra Scott Contributing Photographers Reilly Koontz, @reillykoontz Alyssa Tranchilla, @alyssatranchilla Penny Tranchilla, @n2sup_penny Social Marketing & Brand Communications Reilly Koontz

Diving Deep Into 2022


hat a year it has been! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to 2022. I am so excited for this issue. For so long, sharks have gotten such a bad rap. These predators of the deep are vital for our ocean’s health and survival. We need to change our perspective about sharks. Our “Blue Issue” is packed with remarkable images of these alluring yet feared creatures. Our cover and featured photographer, Cassandra Scott, does an amazing job at capturing the vast variety of sharks that swim in the waters offshore. From tiger sharks to an occasional great white, these sharks aren’t the dangerous monsters that are always portrayed. Let’s change our perspective and learn how vital they are to ocean conservation and our planet. We’ve got to start protecting Earth’s invaluable resources. One person can make a difference! Ocean conservation is just as important as our blue skies and environmental preservation. If you love our beaches and blue water, what’s under the sea is just as critical to the survival of our planet. My resolutions for the new year are to be a better steward of environment. Showcasing beautiful imagery is what we strive to do in every issue of Portfolio. We believe that if you love something, you will protect it. What will you do differently in 2022 that you love and want to protect? Happy 2022! It’s our 10th Anniversary of publishing Vero Beach Portfolio Magazine. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Join us by celebrating our first launch party of the new year on January 20th at American Icon. We can’t wait to party with all of you! Happy New Year!


January-February 2022

Contributing Writers Olivia Assaf Vicky Dominguez Susan Harris Reilly Koontz Alyssa Tranchilla Penny Tranchilla @verobeach_portfoliomag @PortfolioVeroBeach

Published six times per year. Sandbox Magazine-FL, LLC d/b/a Portfolio Vero Beach 3055 Cardinal Drive, Suite 107 Vero Beach, FL 32964-8155 ©2022 Vero Beach Portfolio. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of Vero Beach Portfolio. Neither advertiser nor publisher will be held accountable for errors, omissions or accuracy of statements, nor does the publisher accept liability.


this is us

Time to Celebrate the New Year! As we start the new year, there is a lot to celebrate. It’s our 10th Anniversary of publishing Portfolio! We are so grateful for the support of our wonderful advertisers, our community, our friends, and our families. The last 10 years would not be possible without all of YOU. If you have an interesting story to share, reach out to us; we’d love to hear from you. Interested in joining our Portfolio advertising family? Join us for our March/April issue—deadline will be January 20th. Our mission at Portfolio has always been to inspire our readers by showcasing the beauty that surrounds us with breathtaking photography and great content. Because life is just better by the sea…

Penny, Reilly, and Alyssa


January-February 2022


Sharks: The Raptors of the Deep Blue Sea

Written and photography by Cassandra Scott


January-February 2022


South Florida is well known for its beautiful coconut lined, Caribbean teal beaches, but what most people don’t know or ever get to experience is what lies beneath that... the most beautiful part, Big Blue! The southeast coast of Florida is such a special spot because it's the closest the Gulf Stream gets to land. This powerful ocean current brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico that not only keeps the Florida winters warmer and summers cooler for us, but it's also a giant highway of vast ocean life. This ocean current provides a constant supply of coral and fish larvae from the Caribbean, along with other nutrients that help maintain continual plant and marine life to our very own Florida Reef Tract. This reef system runs from Port Saint Lucie all the way down to Key West, making it the third largest coral barrier reef system in the world, and the only living coral barrier reef system in the continental United States!  Within any living ecosystem, there is a complex and fragile food web complete with an apex predator. They are incredibly important in helping keep ecosystems healthy; think of them as the white blood cells that clean up the diseased, the dead, and the dying inside our bodies. In the ocean, that job belongs to the sharks.


January-February 2022


Sharks have been around for about 450 million years. Yes, that’s way before the dinosaurs. They have survived through five mass extinctions and are the ultimate evolutionary success story. Today, we have around 500 different species of sharks worldwide, each one with their own body shape, size, color, and specially evolved fins for their purpose and place in their ocean territory. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, we have quite a diversity of sharks migrating here due to changing temperatures and food opportunities. We have the opportunity to see up to 20 different species in our waters. Year-round, we can see bulls, lemons, nurses, and more in our underwater reefs. In the summer months, we get our pelagics; silkies, duskies, and sandbars. The winter months is typically when we get our bigger sharks like the tigers, hammerheads, and the occasional drive-by from a great white shark. Having the ocean highway so close, you never know what you could see, and that’s the most exciting part!


January-February 2022


“With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you’re connected to the sea. No matter where on Earth you live.” - Sylvia Earle


January-February 2022



January-February 2022


One of the most common questions I get asked a lot is, “Aren’t you scared they are going to eat you?” Well, if you’ve been in the ocean, there’s a good chance you’ve been close to a shark and not even known it. Growing up in the Jaws generation, we are ingrained that sharks are these manic man-eating machines as soon as you step foot in the ocean, but the reality is so far from that. Sure, they have rows upon rows of sharp teeth, but sharks are highly intelligent creatures who use them way less than Hollywood perceived. Once you take the time to understand what sharks are really like, you can see they are extremely misunderstood animals. So, when most people get out of the water because there’s a shark, we get in.


January-February 2022



January-February 2022


Sharks have a very sharp sense of sight, sound, smell, and they also have a notorious sixth sense—electroreceptors that help pick up electric currents of potential prey. They are extremely opportunistic hunters since they can’t just pop into the grocery store, but they are also very calculated to ensure the risk will be worth the reward. Our local sharks’ primary source of food is fish. So, this brings up our number one rule while diving with sharks here; don’t look or act like a fish in distress. If a shark is able to see you as this big unknown creature, it could see you as a threat and want nothing to do with you. If you are splashing around in murky water with schools of fish present, a shark could mistake you for a fish and bump you with its nose or even go for a test bite. If we learn to stay shark smart, we can coexist and share the water with these charismatic megafaunas.


January-February 2022


The more we are in the water with them, the more we start to understand them: how they interact with each other, their symbiotic relationships with other marine life, how full moons can affect behavior, what makes them curious, what makes them go into “shark mode,” and even what spooks them. We see that specific species can have quirky behaviors; we even see certain shark individuals with unique personalities who visit year after year on their migrations. The more time we spend in the water with them, the more we can understand their layers and help debunk this Jaws misrepresentation.  Even though sharks have survived and evolved through so much in the oceans, they are faced with new threats. Overfishing is reducing their food source and is also making them become potential bycatch, with a growing market for shark products, such as shark fins and squalene. On top of that, our oceans are suffering in response to climate change. This year the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) reported one-third of all species of sharks and rays are threatened with extinction; that includes 86% of the common shark species we see here along Florida’s east coast. With everything sharks have been through over hundreds of millions of years, sadly, humans have become their biggest threat.


January-February 2022



January-February 2022


With how little is known about the life of sharks and how much the shark diving industry is in the water, we have teamed up with Hannah Medd, founder and lead shark scientist of American Shark Conservancy, to share useful data from our dives. We record the number of sharks seen, types of species, size and sexes in hopes of getting more data on migration patterns to see if they are changing along with water temperatures. We pluck parasites for DNA sampling to see where they have potentially visited. We take photos and skin scrapes of visible skin issues to see if it could be due to water quality from our waterways. We record interesting behaviors to understand their cognitive abilities. The American Shark Conservancy can use this data to understand more of what is happening to the sharks off our coast to help implement policies for shark conservation, and hopefully even create a Marine Protected Area off our coast to help restore biodiversity.


January-February 2022



January-February 2022



January-February 2022


Although shark populations are in decline, it’s not too late to reverse this trend. Each day, we make choices that impact the future of this planet and essentially, ourselves. How we evolve and adapt will dictate the future of this planet, we have now become the apex predator. So, what kind of future are you going to choose? By day, Cassandra Scott is an engineer in Jupiter, Florida, but her heart swims in the ocean with sharks to educate, protect and raise awareness for ocean conservation. For more shark adventures, follow her on



January-February 2022


“We need to respect the oceans and take care of them as if our lives depended on it. Because they do.” - Sylvia Earle


January-February 2022



January-February 2022


life captured


January-February 2022


Cassandra Scott

Designing a Life Dedicated to Shark Conservation


was born and raised in North Palm Beach, Florida. My New Zealand parents, threw me into the water as a baby where my first connection to the ocean began. Growing up, most of my free time was spent in the canal behind our house and in our jungle of a yard watching wildlife. I loved observing how they were all so different, but still coexisted. As a kid I became obsessed with National Geographic magazines and their wildlife photos, so I picked up an old Nikon film camera my mom had and started shooting. I began to learn that photography is not just being able to capture a moment in time, but it can also capture an emotion. After examining so many Nat Geo magazines, I realized it can be used as a gateway to get other people to feel that emotion also. Being surrounded by so many animals at a young age, I wanted to use photography to help build a connection towards wildlife. My goal, even today, is to get people fascinated by showing how animals can have relatable personalities, how important they are even just to this planet, how vulnerable they can be, and showcasing just their raw beauty. I think this can be a way of getting the public to connect to the wildlife that we share this earth with, and care about them. My family was known as the Doolittle’s in our neighborhood. We were the ones everyone called if there was an animal in need of rescuing. It became such a big part of my life, I wanted to fix them all. After high school, I moved to California and worked at a wildlife hospital. It is here that I ended up falling in love with raptors and became fascinated with misrepresented apex predators. I moved back home to Florida after being offered an opportunity to work on a shark diving boat. I didn’t know anything about sharks at the time, except that they have a lot of very sharp teeth. I accepted the position and was excited to learn more. After a few dives, I instantly fell in love with these ocean raptors and spent my first summer in the water for hundreds of hours, observing everything about these amazing creatures of the deep. You meet all kinds of people when you work on a shark diving boat. Some people are curious about overcoming the “Jaws mentality,” but after spending time in the water and getting educated, they really leave with so much more. The initial fear of these great creatures turns into a fascination making people fall in love with sharks. Most, usually leave the boat asking how they can get more involved to help. This industry creates a wave of ocean advocates, and it prompted me to want to do more. I helped Shark Allies with the Shark Fin Trade Ban Bill here in Florida, where I learned the legislative side of protecting these ocean predators. Once that bill passed, Portfolio-VeroBeach.com

I teamed up with Hannah Medd, and her nonprofit, American Shark Conservancy; an all women-run research and outreach organization that uses science to help create policies for conservation. We geared up together running scientific shark dives to the public, incorporating a purpose of collecting data on these dives. We quickly became friends with shared dreams of having our own boat for research and education, and even a conservation facility where all types of researchers and non-profits can work together and collaborate. Over the past 34 years, I’ve seen the ocean change firsthand. The marine life in the canal behind my parent’s house is dwindling, the reefs are diseased, the sea grass is disappearing, the shorelines are eroding, mangroves have been replaced with buildings, and plastics/chemicals are now everywhere in our waters. It can be extremely overwhelming and sad to witness, but I've met so many motivating people of different ages and diverse careers who are trying to make a difference. I believe the more we can inspire people to care, the more we can work together, and the bigger the impact we can have to help save our planet. Cassandra Scott is an engineer in South Florida but spends all her free time diving into the depths of our local waters educating, photographing, and protecting these predators of the ocean. She shares her shark adventures on @covascott. Be sure to follow along to learn more. Written by Cassandra Scott Photography provided by Max Blakesberg, @maxblakesberg

January-February 2022


the locals

L I F E S T Y L E , A R T & FA S H I O N

Photography by Riley N. 30

January-February 2022



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January-February 2022


T H E L O C A L S L I F E S T Y L E , A R T & FA S H I O N

On the Road with the Highwaymen

The Perfect Intersection of Life, Love, and Art


t's been a long and twisting road for the twenty-six Florida Highwaymen artists, who first made their magic with a brush, pallet knife, oil paint, and Upson board in the middle of the last century. With the recent passing of Highwaymen artist, Willie Daniels, came the realization that there are only nine surviving Highwaymen artists. The creators of the most intense, compelling, and unforgettable Florida landscapes are departing this Earth and leaving behind a legacy of art and a story of an incredible journey. The most unusual part of their story is that they were never alone. In the beginning, they were championed and guided by acclaimed artist Bean Backus and Fort Pierce art teacher, Zenovia Jefferson. Beanie's door was always open to them, and Zenovia never failed to be a mentor and true believer. Many of the artists in the 1960s painted together at Alfred and Doretha Hair's home on Dunbar Street in Fort Pierce. The music would be playing and there was always good food and drinks on hand. Alfred's leadership style made for a friendly, fun place to paint, create, and sell art. There were good stories and people to drive with, as they set out on the road to sell the still-wet art. Student artists made the frames and prepped the Upson board, all listening avidly as the artists told stories of their time on the road and the people they met. It was fun, carefree, and extremely profitable. Then, in 1970, Alfred Hair was murdered in Fort Pierce at Eddie's Place. The music stopped and though some still painted, the artists went their separate ways, for the most part. Fast forward to the mid 1990s, the paintings had fallen from favor, but they were starting to be noticed again. It was coming full circle when Gary Monroe published his first Highwaymen book in 2001. It became a bestseller, and the handbook of Highwaymen art. Monroe began to travel and tell the story of the Highwaymen artists. People listened, the 32

January-February 2022

media noticed, and the artists came out of retirement. Some reluctantly, some amazed, some down on their luck, and some from other career paths; all found their champions. Vero Beach native, Highwaymen collector, and NFL star, Kenny Holmes, told me the part that he enjoys most are the friendships between collectors, artists, and the surprising circles that intersect and expand. One circle that has expanded exponentially is collector Roger Lightle. Six years ago, Roger retired and focused his passion and drive on the art and story of the Highwaymen. He has crisscrossed Florida, promoting their technicolor landscapes and "Made in America" story. Highwaymen art is now in the Smithsonian Museum. There are exhibits throughout the state of Florida and the summer months, which used to be slow for the artists, has brought them many commissions. Two auction houses in Vero Beach feature Highwaymen Art; Manor Auctions has monthly sales and Rennick Auction Galleries has three auctions during the season. John Jetson, the founder of Jetson TV and Appliances, met the Highwaymen when he started his business in Fort Pierce in 1974. He quickly became friends with the artists. Each year, on the last Saturday in January, Jetson’s has its annual Highwaymen event. The 200 paintings in the Jetson collection are on display. The Highwaymen artists set up to sell their art and there are experts to give estimates on the value of your paintings. The event will be held on January 29th, 2022, from 11am to 3pm at the Fort Pierce Jetson location at 4145 S U.S. Hwy 1, Fort Pierce. Call (772) 464-7050 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Written by Susan Harris Photography by Roger Lightle


818 Beachland Blvd. (772) 231-3733 Mon - Sat 10 to 5 Portfolio-VeroBeach.com

January-February 2022


T H E L O C A L S L I F E S T Y L E , A R T & FA S H I O N


You Are an Amazing Teacher


asked a young mother I recently met, “Are you thinking of homeschooling?” Without hesitation, she said, “No! I don’t want to mess up my kids!” She is not alone. I have had the same conversation with many parents some who already homeschool and some who do not. I had observed this same mother with her two daughters earlier. She was patient, encouraging, and she easily got her girls excited about what they were looking at. I thought to myself, “She loves her children, knows her kids the best, and obviously wants them to succeed; she makes the perfect teacher!” It’s easy to forget, as parents, that we have a unique position in our children’s lives. A starting point that gives us a leg up on educating our children in any subject. Whether you are the most creative, crafty mom or a math wizard, you can offer your children an environment where it is safe to make mistakes and try new things. But I know what you’re thinking… “I can’t even get my child to listen to me!” I’ve never met a child who is a perfect listener and always obeys on command, except for perhaps Little Lord Fauntleroy! Learning the habit of listening the first time is just that; a habit that must be learned and practiced daily. We forget that we are educating a whole person for life. Remember every day is another opportunity to learn a new skill, a new habit, build vocabulary, and grow a hunger for learning and discovering new things.


January-February 2022

No parent is perfect, no child is perfect, and no day is perfect. Homeschooling can be messy and that’s ok! Work from your strengths. Think through the subjects that you are most passionate about and work from there. Your kids will get excited about what you are excited about. Are there subjects that scare you? Identify them and find a great curriculum to be your support and then learn together. I am constantly re-learning with my nine-and four-year-old. We recently memorized the cube song, and I must admit, I understood cubes for the first time. I was so excited it got my kids excited. We built cubes and sang our cube song together, “1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343 … 3,375.” I would never have ventured into this had I not found a great math curriculum. The point is, homeschooling is about being together, learning together, and having fun together, and you are the perfect teacher for your kids. So, be encouraged whether you’ve been home educating for years, you just started, are thinking of starting, or you just love teaching your kids outside of their “formal” schooling; you’ve got this! Just be you and remember despite what you might believe, your kids really do want to spend time with you. You are an amazing teacher! Written and photography provided by Olivia Assaf


C H R I S T I AN S I R I AN O February 23, 2022

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Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) Cabane des Douaniers (Custom House), (detail), 1882, Oil on canvas, 23 5/8 x 27 7/8 inches, Private Collection.


January-February 2022


WHEELS & KEELS of VERO BEACH Antique & Exotic Car & Boat Show

Save the Date APRIL 22-23, 2022





Saint Edward’s School graduates are poised to excel in college and in life. Rain or shine, we prepare our students to be leaders in careers of the future. Pirates to Wolverines (L to R): Elizabeth Zoltak, UM Class of 2023 Communications & Media Major Anirudh Mysore, UM Class of 2022 Economics Major Katie Croom, UM Class of 2025 Biology Major


At Saint Edward’s School • 1895 Saint Edward’s Dr. • www.steds.org • (772) 231-5192 Portfolio-VeroBeach.com

January-February 2022


the spread


Photography by Roan Lavery 38

January-February 2022



The Aztec Orchard Kick off the new year by heading over to Heaton’s, located in the Kimpton Vero Beach Hotel, to try this tangy drink, or make it at home! 2 oz. Chai Tea Infused Herradura Reposado 0.5 oz. Apple Shrub 1 oz. Orgeat 1 oz. Orange Juice 3 Dashes of Pumpkin Bitters Shake and strain into a tall glass. Garnish with fresh mint sprig and enjoy! Photography by Alyssa Tranchilla


January-February 2022



What’s Brewing

Icon Haze IPA


con Haze is a New England-style IPA with a ton of juicy hop aroma and flavor without bitterness. This American Icon flagship brew boasts a frothy, haze-like appearance with a medium body and smooth finish. Because of its low bitterness and hop oils, this beer blends well with spicy and fatty foods; think buffalo wings, burgers, pizza and sharp cheeses. Icon Haze is on tap daily, available in growlers and 16 oz. cans. It can be found in restaurants, bars, hotels, and retail locations from Cape Canaveral to Key West. We're excited that we have re-brewed the popular Rainbow Sherbet and it is now available to enjoy!

Written and photography by BD Creative


January-February 2022



January-February 2022



Giving Seed

High Vibrational Foods for Extraordinary Health


iving Seed was created to nourish your mind, body and soul. So, why is this different than your regular hummus, familiar artichoke dip, or even vegan cheese spread on the market? The addition of adaptogenic herbs and probiotic benefits are the difference. In the Nourishing Nacho Cheese, you will find Lions Mane to revitalize your brain by improving memory and supporting concentration. Other adaptogens like reishi and cordyceps can be deliciously infused into your diet with ease. Then, you can dip into the Probiotic Parsley Pesto to conveniently support gut health with each yummy bite! Giving Seed believes that a clean diet is like preventative medicine. Each meal we consume is an opportunity not only to feel nourished, but to enhance every function of our body. This is why Giving Seed has designed each dip and spread to bring you extraordinary health. By consuming clean plant-based foods, the direct result is vibrancy in all areas… whether it’s better digestion, improved cognition, brighter skin, or enhanced energy. 42

January-February 2022

Let’s talk about the versatility of this product! With a variety of flavors, you can create quick delicious meals in minutes. While each spread can be presented as a lovely appetizer, they can also elevate your sandwich, taco, pasta, wrap, buddha bowl, salad, or burger. It doesn’t stop there; Giving Seed can conveniently enhance every meal you eat. When you choose Giving Seed, you choose to elevate. I am dedicated to delivering quality vegan spreads with a medicinal twist. I know how good I feel when I am consciously choosing foods that are bright, clean, and full of life, which is why I created these plant-based spreads. I want people to have something on hand that brings more health and vitality to each meal. Creator and Founder, Brianna Beard, wants to help you feel your very best! Her love and passion for plant-based food reaches back into her childhood, during which she would happily choose sprouts and mushrooms over mac n’ cheese. With a direct experience of how good it feels to consciously choose foods that are bright, clean, and full of life, she was eager to create something she could share with others. A product that was easy and convenient, but with the most vibrant quality that brings more health and vitality to each meal. Visit GivingSeedSpreads.com or follow on @givingseed. Written and photography provided by Brianna Beard



The Finest Wine List in Vero Beach with 30+ Wines by the Glass 35-Day Dry Aged Steaks | Oceanfront Dining Lead Mixologist Jacob Turner





Support Vitality

Turn to Local Farmers


et us all agree that no matter what, nutrition is vital and optimum health is the goal. Local farmers provide exactly what our bodies crave, nutrients! Ever wonder why some meals just give us that whole body satisfaction? Your local farmers have the wisdom you’re looking for. Local food is harvested at its peak nutrient density, defining the farm-to-table fresh taste. It’s scary to think about how far removed we have become from our food. Many of us eat food not having a clue where it came from, when it was harvested, or what has it gone through. These questions can all be eliminated by supporting your local farms. Take it from a farmer, that whole body satisfaction has a lot to do with being connected to our food. Every time you buy from a local farmer you have an opportunity to ask questions, learn about their farming practices, and gain a better understanding of your food. If we consider how we ate before the modern-day grocery store, we ate what was available during the season. Eating locally grown crops takes us back to eating seasonal foods. Growing crops in their thriving seasons allows the plant the ability to reach its peak nutritional value, as well as allowing the crop to “ripen on the vine.” Food allowed to “ripen on the vine” is proven more nutritious. Anytime a crop is harvested, it immediately begins to lose nutritional value. Sure, a crop will still have nutritional value, however, food harvested early to be shipped is already lacking nutrient density and declining with the time. Eating locally grown will support getting the most vital nutrients to our overall body being that our crops are harvested once they have ripened. Farmers understand that a plant is only as healthy as the environment in which it is grown, and as nutrient dense as the soil is rich. What better connection to our food if we eat the food grown in the same environment we live in, and what better feeling for our body to be nutrient rich the natural way. Knowing essential nutrients are being delivered through whole foods, our bodies are granted with the feel-good effect. Farmers know the dirt and not one row is ever planted straight. There is always a rock or stick to move. Your direct support helps us remove the unwanted and make a straighter row! Locally farmed food promotes food safety. From the business standpoint, local farms are more accountable to our consumers because it is their community in which we grow and sell to. There is less potential for contamination during any phase from harvesting, washing, packaging, and distribution. Therefore, the less distance from your food-to-table, the less risk of contamination. It is our obligation as farmers to provide our community with the utmost quality foods. Support your local farms as we pride ourselves on supporting you. Always remember, if you ate today, thank a farmer! Written and photography provided by Blake Goodwyn


January-February 2022



Balanced Tiger

Superfood Mushrooms Made Tasty and Convenient


alanced Tiger is a new-generation health food company striving to make functional mushrooms mainstream. These little-known ingredients, which have been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, boast an extensive array of health benefits, from boosting energy levels (cordyceps) to sharpening cognitive ability (lion’s mane) and beyond. We believe that incorporating them into your everyday routines should be easy, enjoyable, and convenient. The Balanced Tiger story began a few years back, when a health-conscious friend introduced me to the concept of functional mushrooms—ancient superfoods (some of the world’s most nutrient dense) that could boost my energy levels, sharpen my focus, and help me feel like the best version of myself. My first question was, why were they tucked away in the supplement aisle? Why hadn’t anyone figured out a more accessible (and honestly less intimidating) way to incorporate these magical mushrooms into everyday life? So, Jackson Gorman and I started Balanced Tiger to combine adaptogens with something most people already know and love: protein bars. By collaborating with some of the world’s most reputable food scientists, we’ve created a product that’s delicious, nutrient-dense, and most importantly, convenient. Because we know that life can get complicated—feeling great shouldn’t be. For more information or to order your first box, visit BalancedTiger.com. To shop locally visit: Chelsea’s Gourmet Market, Rio Coco Cafe, Quail Valley River Market, Bent Pine Golf Shop, or Endo50. Written by Adriano Bordoli Photography by Goodo Studios


January-February 2022


the abode


Photography by Atman Studios 46

January-February 2022


Owning a Darling built home means


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Benjamin Moore

2022 Color of the Year


he trend forecasters are at it again. As you might recall from reading my most recent article (and if you didn’t read it, what’s up with that? Back issues are online!), the tastemakers in interior design predicted a move away from grey towards warmer, more welcoming colors. Benjamin Moore has gone a step further to give us their paint color of the year for 2022: October Mist 1495. Now, I know what you’re thinking: how on earth does that tell me what the color actually is, and I’m right there with you on that. October Mist is a light, neutral sage green intended to “evoke the silver green stem of a flower.” It’s a neutral with a kick, essentially. It would be a welcome addition to a bathroom, living room, or screened in patio. Particularly, if you are already working with a palette of neutrals that feel, for a lack of a better term, nature-y. If you like natural wood tones, botanical prints, and an abundance of houseplants, October Mist is right up your alley. With our ability as Floridians to be outside year-round, a color like this can help to bring the feel of the outdoors inside.


January-February 2022

As always, with incorporating a new color into the interior scheme of your home, my recommendation is to start small. Don’t want to commit to paint? Maybe your couch could use some throw pillows in a similar shade! Also, don’t forget about coordinating colors. Benjamin Moore most certainly has not, and their website features a curated selection of shades that pair nicely with October Mist. This includes a selection of neutrals that fall nicely in line with the creams and taupe's many of us already have in our homes. However, let’s not forget one very important thing: Benjamin Moore’s goal is to sell us paint. Our goal is to have homes we love to live in. Don’t feel bad about sitting out a “color of the year” round. I mean, do you really want to redecorate every single year? If you do, call me, of course. I’d be happy to be perpetually employed! For more design inspiration, visit ChristinaBruceInteriors.com, or follow on @christinabruceinteriors. Written by Christina Bruce Photography by Norwood Themes Residential and Commercial Portfolio-VeroBeach.com Design

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Vero Beach, FL


Hazel House

One Year Anniversary of Kitchen + Bath Custom Cabinetry


t’s been one year since we launched our Kitchen + Bath Cabinetry Division with Jessica Mahoney at the helm of design. Jessica is an NBKA certified interior designer and together with our two cabinetry lines, we are proud to have completed over 20 quality kitchens and bathrooms during one of the industry’s biggest booms. Whether your kitchen or bathroom needs renovating, or you simply want to update your space, our Kitchen + Bath Designer, along with our team of interior designers, can help you embark on your project. Hazel House will make it easy for you by providing resources for everything you need to create a functional and beautiful space. When you come into the Kitchen + Bath showroom you can view our two custom cabinetry lines, hardware options, and countertop and backsplash selections that will help inspire your project. Once the foundations are determined, the Hazel House team will assist with light fixtures, barstools, wallpaper, and other details that make the kitchen design personalized to fit your style. Kitchens are no longer just a place to prepare meals, they’ve become the social hub of the home. All this time spent around the kitchen has dictated the demand for updates. Functionality is the top priority, but customers also want flexible open layouts where cooking and work can happen harmoniously. A few interesting trends on the horizon for 2022 are texture, such as visible wood grain, and leathered stone finishes, and wallpaper is spilling over from the living room into the kitchen to unify the two spaces. After spending so much time in our kitchens in 2021, we want them to reflect our lifestyles and personalities. Our Kitchen Design Studio is open during Hazel House store hours for inspiration, but we highly recommend booking an appointment with our Kitchen Designer, Jessica, to learn more about the process. Call (772) 213-3024 or email jessica@hazelhousevero.com. Written and photography provided by Hazel House

house 772.213.3024 | 1882 Old Dixie Highway | www.HazelHouseVero.com 50

January-February 2022


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Building with Passion and Purpose

Our Repeatable Formula for Success


or over 15 years, Darling Construction has been empowering and motivating our clients to successfully build a home that communicates their soul within its walls. With each project is a lesson learned. We’ve been filing away every setback and every win. Every hard-won piece of knowledge feels like gold because we remember what that lesson cost. It’s made us passionate about the work we do every day. And over time, we’ve refined our process to ensure a successful build. When working with Darling Construction, you’ll be part of our repeatable formula for success. Since 2015, the Kagans are a testament to the repeat success of the Darling-built way. When the couple from the North Shore of Boston began searching for their vacation home in John’s Island, they serendipitously discovered one with the same street number and name as the cabin they spent many years holidaying at in Jamaica. The 1970s ranch house had old Florida charm but needed an upgrade for the new family of five. Long-time friend, Anthony Catalfano—an interior designer who worked on their home outside of Boston—walked through the home and immediately began sketching on the back of a napkin. “It was a charming setting with lovely bones.” he said. The Kagans wanted everything in the house to be beautiful, extremely comfortable, and durable for their family, while paying careful attention to the indoor and outdoor living spaces. With Darling’s help, the house was gut-renovated. The result is a sophisticated yet relaxed home with cheerful vibes – much like the homeowner! As the Darling team worked their magic, the flowing spaces took shape, from the open concept kitchen to the updated living areas. Upon the success of the project, it was time to renovate the outdoor area with the help of landscape


January-February 2022

architect, Warren McCormick. The redesigned pool, patio and landscaping set in bright magenta-upholstered furniture, complimented the lush tropical gardens and areas for friends and family to hang out, sunbathe, or read. Three times a charm, and the Kagans called us back for phase three—an addition of a two-bedroom cabana. Catalfano worked closely with local architect Pamela Fernandez to create a cozy cottage feel. The limited space called for high ceilings to add dimension. It was so tight, she claims it “was like building a Swiss watch.” The additional space proved useful and helped the family through COVID-19 lockdowns, Zoom meetings, and remote learning. “When you have a client that comes back for another project, you know you’ve done something right,” says Ramie Darling. “When they call back for a third time, we know it’s a result of a trusted relationship and a great friendship.” Since founding Darling Construction, Ramie has carried over these lessons of building a great organization, developing a formula for success that is tested over time, and attracting the most talented craftsman in their fields. The Kagans chose Darling’s attention to detail, unparalleled service, and worry-free project management over other competitors three separate times. It is this repeatable formula for success that allows our team to build with passion and purpose. Darling Construction is located at 622 Beachland Boulevard, Suite 101 in Vero Beach. For construction inspiration, visit DarlingBuilt.com, or follow us on @DarlingBuilt or @Darling_Built. Written by Robyn Flick Photography by Daisy Burns Photography


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Like Father, Like Son

Designing and Building Landscape Gardens


andscape Concepts was founded in 2009 by Chris Runge, Senior Consultant and Owner. With the sole purpose of designing, building, and managing estate landscapes, as well as courtyard gardens and every level of landscaping, Landscape Concepts offers their services throughout all Indian River County as well as, nationally and internationally. Landscape Concepts built the foundation of its business model on one word… stewardship. Recently, the company has expanded and now offers boutique landscaping services which is headed up by Chris’ son, Kurt Runge, Landscape Consultant. Together, the father and son team bring to the firm, as well as their clients, over 70 years of combined landscaping experience. Landscape Concepts’ resumé ranges from the Bahamas to Florida, Texas, and as far as Colorado. When asked how the firm deals with such varying climates and plant palettes, Chris Runge answers, “It is simple. A plant or a tree still requires the same three basics: water, soil, and sun, regardless of being in Vero Beach or the Colorado Rockies. We simply match the two together.” He continues, “Today, since the firm was founded, we have completed close to 400 projects. We currently have 25 projects running locally, as well as a large-scale project in Houston for the past five years. Each project is different, and singular in nature. We listen very carefully to our clients. We pay close attention to the site and bring back a solid foundation of wisdom and insight to mirror the project to the clients’ expectations all while still taking in the horticultural requirements of the plant material.” Kurt adds to the thoughts expressed by his father, “Working side by side with my dad gives me great pride. He’s taught me a lot over the years, and I am excited to see how we can grow the business together. I believe the purpose of Landscape Concepts is to be a liaison between the client's vision and the finished project, while being a sole point of contact, thus minimizing the stress involved, and ensuring the most competent and skilled vendors are being utilized for the best outcome.” Projects at Landscape Concepts range in size from a single clay pot to large estate gardens and up to 1,200-unit master planned communities. Both Runge’s agree, “As much as it is about the scope of services connected to each project… it is more about the people, because people matter.” To learn more or to schedule your landscape consultation, they can be reached at the office at (772) 794-0622 or contact Chris Runge (772) 559-1530, lconcepts@bellsouth.net or Kurt Runge, (772) 494-3907, lcbsvs@att.net. Written by Penny Tranchilla Photography by Chris Runge


January-February 2022




January-February 2022



Aiello Landscape

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Garden


tart the new year with a fresh look for your garden and use a professional designer to get the best results. Every year, many of us look at the landscapes in our yard and choose to add a few plants here and there. Hopefully, the look comes together, but often we end up with too much variety as some plants thrive and others fail. A big reason garden spaces look incomplete is because they were not designed as part of an overall plan. Using a landscape designer or landscape architect will greatly improve the overall success of your garden and the process can be educational and fun. The design process starts with an initial consultation. Usually, this is a no-cost experience, where a member of the design firm meets you on site to review your goals, capture your vision, and assess the current landscape situation. Good questions that should be answered are: “What are your goals for this project?” “Do you prefer a formal, native, or tropical look?” “Do you have favorite colors?” “Can you describe plants that

Garden Elegance (772) 563-0071 | AielloLandscape.com 56

January-February 2022

you have seen that you like?” “Is there a specific budget and timeline for your project?” Before the designer leaves, you should agree on a communication method and a commitment for when you will receive your preliminary proposal. In the second meeting, you should get a chance to see some of the designer’s ideas for layout and plant material. Ask the designer to take the time to spray paint the proposed bed lines and flag the locations of trees. If you are trying to achieve privacy or hide a second-floor window, designers can use a tree pole or tape measure to show the heights of proposed plants. You should ask for pictures of plants—making sure to get an idea of what they will look like at installation and maturity. Many designers can provide additional visualizations through computer renderings. In this stage of the process, it’s fun to learn about the proposed plants and trees. Ask questions like “Why have you selected this plant or tree for this location?” “What can we expect from this plant or tree in 3 years? Or ten years?” And of course, “In what budget range are these ideas?” In the next meeting, it is time to make decisions and work toward a proposed budget. This is where having the advice of a professional pays off. You should listen to the advice of your designer as long as you are comfortable with the reasons for his or her choices. Your designer will have the experience to know what works and does not work well in your location. Let your designer be creative with the design and challenge yourself to think differently about a space. A great design will offer a new perspective on your garden from a new set of eyes. Finally, nail down your numbers. Get a firm estimate for the costs associated with the plan. Give your garden the gift of professional design expertise for a fresh start to the new year. Written and photography by Peter Benedict




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January-February 2022




January-February 2022


Home Is Where the Heart Is

Think Pink, Think Cathy Curley, Realtor ®



athy Curley is known as Vero's favorite PINK Realtor. She moved to town five years ago and hit the ground running, making a big pink splash; she’s a marketing guru, graduating with her BSBA in Sales and Marketing from the Sam M. Walton College of Business at Arkansas. She has branded herself and earned Top Producer from DSRE (Vero's #1 real estate brokerage company) for the past three years. In addition, she has won multiple awards for marketing and social media, as well as being inducted into the DSRE President's Club. Since her arrival, Cathy quickly became familiar with people and places in our community and her friends tease her that she is like the “Mayor of Real Estate” or a Vero's Welcome Wagon! Her bubbly personality is infectious, as she is always smiling. Cathy is well-known in the community and is a real go-getter. Community is very important to her. She supports various organizations and non-profits in Indian River County. “I’m all about building life-long relationships and supporting our local community,” says Cathy in her sweet southern accent. One of her favorite places in Vero is McKee Botanical Gardens. It reminds her of when she lived in Asia, visiting the Singapore Botanical Gardens every day on her morning walks. She loves when the lily pads are in bloom and often takes new clients to McKee for lunch and a garden stroll. Cathy was instrumental in raising awareness and funds for the new Children's Garden. Cathy is not only a real estate professional, but a wife and mother of two young sons. In her spare time, she spends many evenings and weekends cheering for her boys on the sidelines at basketball, flag football, and lacrosse games. Growing up in small town Arkansas, she says she always had big dreams. After college, she moved to Vail and met her husband, Mike, who was living in Manhattan at the time. Once he saw her golf swing, he asked her to relocate to New York. Cathy sold her car, spent her life savings to make the move to New York City to be with Mike and luckily, it all worked out! For the next 10 years, she was based in Connecticut and grew to love the northeast. Obtaining her real estate license at the age of 25, she launched her business in Westport, Connecticut; later moving to Greenwich where she loved renovating a grand old home that dated back to the 1900s. Mike convinced Cathy to move their little family of four to Singapore, exploring all of Asia. Life gave them several opportunities to move back to the States and they decided on Vero Beach. Mike was familiar with John’s Island, having visited here many times growing up, and after researching Saint Ed’s School, Vero Beach was selected as their new home. Today, both of their businesses are thriving, as well as her boys, and Cathy is busy renovating their pink home in Riomar. On weekends, the family enjoys bike rides to Casey’s Place and family football games on the beach. Once you get to know Cathy, she has a go big or go home attitude, is a self-proclaimed perfectionist, and has a keen attention to detail. She prides herself on going above and beyond and giving everything her all. One of her favorite things about being a realtor is meeting new people, making them feel at home, and sharing valuable local resources. (She loves shopping and eating locally, and considers it her "duty" to stimulate our local economy—at least that's what she tells her husband, Mike!) Follow Cathy on @cathycurleyrealestate for lots of pink adventures!

• Licensed REALTOR® for over 15 years • DSRE Top Producer 2019, 2020, 2021 • DSRE President’s Board • Over $28 M Sold & Under Contract in 2021 • Specializes in million dollar+ properties on the Barrier Island • Extensive network in the Northeast including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut • BSBA in Marketing and Sales • DSRE Social Media Superstar Award 2018 • Winner “Best of Vero” in the Vero Beach Easter Parade 2018 • DSRE Most Innovative Marketing Award, 2017 • Lives on the Barrier Island • Actively involved at Holy Cross Church • 2 sons who attend Saint Edward’s School

I F T E P phone: (772) 559.1359 ccurley@sorensenrealestate.com

Written by Penny Tranchilla Photography by Alyssa Tranchilla


January-February 2022


the explored

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Photography by Cassandra Scott 60

January-February 2022


N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G T H E E X P L O R E D

Down Sea Charters

Sailfish Season on the Treasure Coast


intertime sailfish are starting to show up in good numbers here in the Treasure Coast. As continual cold fronts arrive, the bite should become even better. November all the way through March are the prime times to go pursue sailfish in this area. There are many techniques used to catching sailfish. This includes trolling, sight fishing, kite fishing, or even fly-fishing. Trolling consists usually of pulling four hooked baits, primarily ballyhoo, one from each outrigger and two flat lines close to the boat. One often pulls at least one dredge, if not two, which is an important component to the spread. The teasers, which are usually squid chains, attract increased numbers of sails while we troll. Dredges, whether artificial or natural, mimic local bait schools that draw sailfish to the boat. These are a few of the many methods used for a successful day at sea. Kite fishing entails using a kite from which a drop line hangs, attached to a lure or bait. The kite is flown over the surface of a body of water, and the bait floats near the waterline until taken by a fish. Kite fishing is highly


effective in areas south of Jupiter, where the Gulf Stream is in close proximity to shore. However, kite fishing is incredible in our area when used in certain locations during a specific time of year. Whichever technique is used, one must always be mindful of the sea surface temperature and current change. Sailfishing can turn on and off from day to day. Sailfishing in Florida is considered world class during the winter months. Sailfish as a species are one of the most well conserved and dominant species of our offshore waters. They thrive in our waters during the winter months and for this reason they are one of the most sought-after species. For inshore and offshore charter inquiries, please contact Captain Sam Atwell at sam@downseacharters.com, or call (772) 532-9347. You can also find him on @captsamatwell. Written by Sam Atwell Photography by @natehphoto

January-February 2022


T H E E X P L O R E D N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G

Hummingbird Migration

Natural and Native Blossoms to Support Pollination


eighing in between 2 to 6 grams, yes, the weight of a quarter to a pencil, these beautiful little acrobatic birds care called hummingbirds. There are 18 known species of hummingbirds found in North America, but most commonly found is the ruby-throated hummingbird for us here in the Southeastern United States. Many other species can be found in areas of Florida, like South Miami or in the Apalachicola region during migration. The ruby-throated hummingbird is of ‘low-risk’ when discussing the conservation rating between avian organizations. Many just do not see the little bird as is darts through trees, shrubs, and flowing annuals that would be able to provide enough nectar for it to stop and take a sip. Many of us set our hummingbird feeders with wonderfully prepared sugar-water in hopes to attract a hummingbird, but typically are unsuccessful. One of the greatest resources these birds need are natural or native blossoms to forage from, not just a feeder. Think about using red-type flowering trees and plants to help support their need. Many of these only blooms seasonally, so you will need to have a variety of plant species that can provide their desired food resource all year long. Some of our favorite flowering species to recommend are Hong Kong Orchids, Geiger Trees, Bottle-Brush, and African Tulip trees. When considering 64

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ornamentals, think about tuberous flowers that would naturally encourage them to penetrate for the nectar like Firespike, Firebush, PowerPuff, and Panama Rose. One of our top favorites to attract and help support pollinators are scarlet or red Pentas. These Pentas will grow year-round in South Florida and some areas that do not get hard frosts. When trying to find these desirable speed demons, sit back and relax near the above-mentioned flowering vegetation. Watch for their activity around the perimeter areas of the tree and its flowers. These birds enjoy foraging, but will typically perch on the same branch that does not have leaves to be able to get a good look at its surroundings. They are voracious foragers and need to consume 50% of their body weight daily just to maintain. Can you believe that they burn anywhere between 6,000 to 12,000 calories per day? There are many mobile apps for tracking hummingbirds and their migration, in addition to other resources for learning more about all the wonderful species in North American look at AllAboutBirds.org. For more information, contact Brian@NativeBirdBoxes.com and follow along on @NativeBirdBoxes. Written and photography by Brian Beckner


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T H E E X P L O R E D N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G

Playing with Plastic

The Impact of Plastic Waste on Marine Life


n the Bahamas, seaweed is a favorite toy for wild Atlantic spotted dolphins. They entertain themselves with games of keep away and chase, effortlessly scooping up the seaweed with their tail or fins. But sadly, they also play with plastic. “Unfortunately, we often see dolphins playing with plastic in the Bahamas. It's easy for them to drag around on their pectoral fins, much like they do with the floating sargassum seaweed,” says Wild Dolphin Project biologist, Cassie Rusche. In the 2021 field season for the Wild Dolphin Project, directed and founded by Denise Herzing, Ph.D., myself, and other biologists with the project observed dolphins interacting with plastic a total of four times—even putting it in their mouths at times. While that may not seem like much, it’s a problem for many reasons, from entanglement to ingestion that can result in death or illness. So, when we see the dolphins playing with plastic, or see it in the water while we are observing the animals, we pick it up (once the animals drop it). “Just this past summer I had an encounter with a dolphin who was playing with an old piece of plastic,” says Cassie. “The plastic was deteriorating and at one point the dolphin had it in her mouth. She started shaking it back and


January-February 2022

forth and it looked like it was stuck on her teeth. Thankfully, she was able to shake it off and I was immediately able to grab it before she could.” I’ll never forget swimming in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean years ago, and coming across Sunami, an adult male spotted dolphin, playing with a flip-flop tossing it back and forth and even balancing it atop his head. At first, it was funny and amusing. But quickly, the sad reality struck that our impact on this planet exists even in the middle of the ocean. It’s estimated that 56% of the planet’s whale, dolphin, and porpoise species have consumed plastic, with plastic harming more than 800 marine species globally. If current trends continue, the amount of plastic entering the global oceans will quadruple by 2050, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency. So, what can you do? There are so many simple ways to reduce your plastic consumption, including avoiding single-use plastics, such as water bottles and grocery bags. Instead, opt for reusable water bottles, or household items, such as laundry and dishwasher detergents that come in boxes or recycled packaging. Written and photography by Bethany Augliere



January-February 2022


T H E E X P L O R E D N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G

Wild Dolphin Project

Four Generations of Dolphins


or 36 years, researchers with the Wild Dolphin Project have studied generations of dolphins in the Bahamas. It was founded in 1985 by current research director, Denise Herzing, Ph.D. In 2016, the project reached a major milestone when the first fourth generation calf was born, a little male named Bueno. “We are proud to have tracked this family throughout our decades including great grandmother Paint, grandmother Brush, mother Burgundy, and now Bueno, through their lives,” said Denise. “I was there the first time we saw a fourth generation calf and it was Burgundy's male calf that we named Bueno,” said WDP biologist Cassie Rusche. “It was really awesome to witness Dr. Herzing's excitement at the news! She has seen so many of these dolphins grow up and have babies of their own.” Recently, WDP discovered a few more fourth generation calves in the population. Burgundy has a new female calf, named Basmati. Bijyo has had her first calf, named Bullet. Bullet’s family includes great-grandmother Blotches, likely born in the fall of 1992, grandmother Bishu, and mother Bijyo. When Bijyo was a youngster, she was always one of the more friendly and playful dolphins. So, we’ll be curious to see Bullet’s “dolphinality” emerge. Lastly, one of the more famous dolphins in the population, Nassau, just had a granddaughter, named Nesta. Nassau was featured on the cover of National Geographic Magazine in 1992 as a calf with her mother Nippy. 70

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In 2013, photographer Brian Skerry joined WDP for an expedition to find and photograph Nassau as an adult for a story he was working on about dolphin intelligence. Nassau had Nereide in 2009, who recently had her first calf, Nesta. Nassau still has older calves in the population as well, like Nautica, Nautilus, and Nugget. Bishu has living offspring too, including Birch and Bonzai, as well as her newest calf, Baloo. Obviously, these moms are doing something right to be such successful mothers. Throughout the years, WDP has studied the complex lives of these animals, including everything from how these dolphins communicate to where they feed, and how long they nurse. The project has learned the dolphins as individuals through multiple generations, and watched animals go from calves to grandmothers. “It's amazing knowing who is related to who and knowing these dolphins on an individual basis. This knowledge allows us to really understand the community dynamics and it is vital to a long-term research project,” said Cassie. As human impacts and environmental change continues to threaten marine life, it’s our job to continue to track and observe these animals, so we can best understand how to protect them. Written and photography by Bethany Augliere


N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G T H E E X P L O R E D

“ If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

~ Loren Eiseley

Across the Pond

Water… My Circle of Life


ll my life I have been drawn to water: Water in any form or shape— lakes, rivers, ponds, oceans, rain, snow, even ice. Growing up in Austria with its breathtaking landscapes of mountains, glaciers, rivers, and lakes, water was a constant companion in our lives. At the young age of 18, I obtained my boater’s license setting out to explore all of Austria’s beautiful lakes and the majestic Danube River—way before I could even drive a car. Frozen water in the form of beautiful, white powdery snow was my favorite winter entertainment. I skied from morning until the ski lifts closed whenever possible. After finishing high school, my favorite place to hang out was the sunny coast of Spain. The Costa Del Sol near Barcelona is where my lifelong love affair with the ocean first began. From there, I followed my parents to Florida, the sunshine state surrounded by water on both sides. Finishing my MBA in Austria/Tirol with its romantic mountain rivers, I traveled once more to my beloved oceans in Europe and Florida. A few years later, I met my husband and best friend


right by the ocean in South Florida and we found our way to Vero Beach, where we have made it our home for many years. Together, we travelled the ocean all around Florida, the Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. White sand beaches filled with crystal clear water, fishing trips, and snorkeling the reefs were a gift from heaven. Since he passed and forever took a piece of my heart with him—I am again returning to my old beautiful places of lakes, rivers, and waterfalls across the pond, finishing a full circle. Rediscovering familiar places that I have always loved yet this time, being wiser, I realize life is fragile. Like the ocean, it ebbs and flows but my love for water will never change. Let me take you on a journey across the pond to discover and explore those magical places on this planet that contain water. Wheels up! Our journey is just beginning… Sea you out there, Nadja Written by Nadja Ricci Photography by Penny Tranchilla

January-February 2022


T H E E X P L O R E D N AT U R E , T R AV E L & S P O R T I N G

Blue Holes

Exploring the Mysterious Deep


ff the coast of southwestern Florida, scientists from FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute explore mysterious deep, dark holes that extend into the seafloor almost three times deeper than the overlying water column. Known as blue holes, these underwater sinkholes could help reveal what the ocean might look like under future conditions, said Jordon Beckler, Ph.D., an assistant research professor at Harbor Branch, and also a fellow at FAU’s Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering. The two blue holes of interest, called Amberjack and Green Banana, display unique chemistries, including a lack of oxygen and enrichment in hydrogen sulfide and acidity — conditions expected to become more common with a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. “As scientists, we have a natural lab like few other known places on the planet, and certainly the eastern half of North America, to study what our future oceans might look like due to changing environmental conditions,” Beckler said. To reach these inaccessible sinkholes, the team is using state-ofthe-art technologies, such as autonomous benthic landers, or underwater observational platforms, to more learn more about "nutrients coming from the sediments, as well as the hydrodynamics and biology of the sinkholes. Most recently, Beckler and his team discovered that the Green Banana is probably connected to mainland Florida through the groundwater, a discovery with potentially huge implications, Beckler said. “If we make changes on land that could affect the aquifer, via drinking water, that could affect the blue hole ecosystem—an ecological hotspot—as well as the greater Gulf of Mexico, an area prone to algae blooms and hypoxia.” Written by Bethany Augliere Photography by Harbor Branch/Getty Images


January-February 2022


Since the inception of FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, our scientific researchers have dedicated their efforts to intimately understanding the function of fragile ecosystems along the coast and in the ocean. They examine environmental responses to pressures like coastal land development, nutrient and plastics pollution, ocean acidification, warming temperatures and overfishing. Study results are essential for policy makers as they develop sound conservation, management and restoration strategies.


research ..in your backyard FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute researcher Jordon Beckler, Ph.D., is teaming up with an interdisciplinary group of experts to study blue holes in the Gulf of Mexico. These underwater sinkholes can extend into the seafloor almost three times deeper than the overlying water column, giving scientists the ability to study what the ocean might look like under future conditions.

2021 marks the 50th Anniversary of our pursuit of Ocean Science for a Better World®, learn more now:

fau.edu/hboi/50 FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute 5600 U.S. 1 North Fort Pierce, FL 34946

EST. 1971

the nourished

H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

Photography by James Thompson 74

January-February 2022





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T H E N O U R I S H E D H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

Eat. More. Plants.

Colorful Phytonutrients for Good Health


f you decide to do one thing for your health this New Year… Eat. More. Plants! Introducing a broader variety of plant foods in all the colors of the rainbow will increase the amount and diversity of beneficial phytonutrients in your diet. Phytonutrients are the natural compounds in plants that are powerful defenders of health. Studies show that people who eat more plant foods have reduced risk for chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, phytonutrient intake is associated with better brain health, positive mood, lower inflammation, enhanced immune function, and balanced estrogen levels. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of phytonutrients, along with whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and spices. Phytonutrients give food their color: green, orange, yellow, red, blue, purple, white, tan, and brown. Eating at least one serving daily from each color category is ideal to promote good health. We need no less than nine (9) servings total each day to adequately defend against chronic diseases. One serving consists of a half-cup of cooked vegetables, one cup of raw vegetables or leafy greens, or a medium-sized piece of fruit. Incorporating the foods below into your meals will ensure your diet is full of phytonutrients. High quality nutritional supplements contain many of these important phytonutrients and can serve as an adjunct to acquiring them from the diet. Supplements can be especially useful when you’re targeting a specific need and may not be able to get enough of that phytonutrient from your diet to reach therapeutic levels. At Indian River Acupuncture & Functional Medicine, we offer nutrition counseling and food plans to address specific health problems along with the best nutritional supplements to help you get healthy and live well! Written by Angela King, AP, DOM

RED - Protects blood vessels, heart, and brain, reduces the risk for certain cancers. Nutrient - Anthocyanin, lycopene, astaxanthin, carotenoids, quercetin, luteolin Food - Apples, tomatoes, beets, red bell pepper, cranberries, cherries, pomegranate, radishes, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, radicchio, rhubarb, red beans ORANGE - Anti-inflammatory, vitamin A, protects blood vessels, heart, and brain. Nutrient - Alpha/beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, curcuminoids, naringenin Food - Apricots, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, tangerines, carrots, orange bell pepper, acorn/butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams, turmeric root YELLOW - Anti-inflammatory, protect eyes, heart, support immune system and digestion. Nutrient - Lutein, rutin, zeaxanthin Food - Golden delicious apples, Asian pears, bananas, yellow bell pepper, lemons, pineapple, corn, millet, plantains, potatoes, summer squash, ginger root GREEN - Anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, protect brain, bones, cardiovascular, hormones Nutrient - Catechins, chlorophyll, EGCG, folate, I3C, isoflavones, phytosterols, phenols sulforaphane, tannins, gluconsinolates Food - Granny Smith apples, avocado, limes, kiwi, olives, olive oil, pears, kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli, artichoke, brussels, cabbage, celery, cucumber, edamame, green beans/peas, chard, collards, lettuce, arugula, okra, zucchini, green tea BLUE/PURPLE - Anti-inflammatory, protect heart, vessels and bone protect brain from damage, promote healthy cognition Nutrient - Anthocyanidins, procyanidins, pterostilbene, resveratrol Food - Purple cabbage, eggplant, purple kale, blueberries, blackberries, figs grapes, black olives, plums, prunes, raisins, black rice, purple potatoes WHITE/TAN - Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory Nutrient - allicin, cellulose, lignans, lignins, sesamin, tannins, terpenoids, theobromine Food - coffee, cocoa, mushrooms, beans, cauliflower, coconut, dates, garlic, jicama nuts, onions, seeds, soy, tahini, tea, turnips, whole grains, brown rice

Photography by Nadine Primeau


WELLNESS MATTERS! NOW MORE THAN EVER. A resilient body and mind are the best defense against disease. We’ll help you build immune heath, lower inflammation and manage stress so you can live healthy, happy and well. Amanda Milian, AP DOM >< Angela King, AP DOM Chelsey Dodd, AP DOM >< Christine Nielson, MD TRADITIONAL, MEDICAL & COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE >< FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE >< ADVANCED LAB TESTING >< PERSONALIZED NUTRITION THERAPY NEURO-EMOTIONAL TECHNIQUE (NET) >< CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE >< NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS >< ACUMICRO-NEEDLING FACIAL REJUVENATION

1300 36th Street, Suite H Vero Beach, Florida 32960 76

January-February 2022

772.564.8383 for more information


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T H E N O U R I S H E D H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

Mindful Meditations

Tapping into Our Humanness


here are billions of us in this world, experiencing life in different ways shapes and forms. However, we are never alone, we share feelings. Feelings are universal and part of this human experience. Love, fear, joy, sadness, anger, inner peace, and so many more are all part of what we came here to experience. Sometimes, we forget. In fact, recently it may seem like we have forgotten more than ever. But this is a new year, and with the new year comes the opportunity to begin new practices all over again. It is always a good moment to practice. To remind ourselves that all of us are going through something and all of us feel the myriad of feelings on the spectrum of what it is to be human. Moving forward, may we soften with ourselves and be more forgiving of those parts of us that we might feel are inadequate or unworthy, may we tread with love in this path, and hold space for all that is living, wholeheartedly and believing we are doing our best, even when it doesn’t seem like it. May we also approach others under this premise. May we encounter people with love and recognize ourselves in them, especially in the challenging moments. You see, challenges are always at the beck and call, however, it is our perception that changes things. When we begin to change how we think about things, things begin to change. Same with our fellow humans. When we approach them differently, our dynamics also begin to change.


January-February 2022

This doesn’t mean you put your boundaries down, as being good to yourself and holding the line for your needs is where it all begins. Boundaries are not only good, but necessary. As the meme says, it doesn’t have to be an electric fence. It can be done with love, love for yourself and love for others. The world needs more of that kind nature of ours. May this be the year we don’t get caught up in our self-righteousness and may we allow everyone to be and march at the beat of their own drum. In the end, we are all as unique and special as the other. May we tend to our own gardens before we take a look at the neighbors. God knows the work never ends if we focus on the blooming of our hearts and minds. And above all, may we remember we are all human, we all have good days and bad days, we all feel, and we are all going through something. May we soften up with ourselves and others and be in joy and at peace. Follow Soulfully: Inner Work & Meditation on @bymeditacionesdeunaloca. For inquiries on 1:1 and workshop offerings contact Vicky Dominguez by email at bymeditacionesdeunaloca@gmail.com. Written by Vicky Dominguez Photography by Mohamed Nohassi


H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S T H E N O U R I S H E D

Level Yoga

The Benefits of Bringing a Friend to Yoga


friendship brings more joy into our lives. A friendship has an impact on our mental health and happiness. A friendship provides comfort; it can help you cope with the hard times and celebrate the good times. My yoga journey started from an invitation of a friend to yoga. When I was in college, my friend asked me to join her for a yoga class at the local gym. I didn’t know anything about yoga or what I was doing in that first class, but one thing I knew for certain was how I loved the way I felt afterwards. It was safe to say I was pretty much hooked from that moment on, and it was the start of my yoga journey. This led me to buying the book “Yoga for Dummies,” trying different studios around St. Augustine, and even taking yoga as an elective my senior year of college. Fast forward to the present, I have been teaching yoga for thirteen years and a studio owner for six, all because my friend invited me with her to yoga. I am sure many of us have tagged along with a friend to class and felt the same way I did after the new experience. There are benefits to having a friend to practice yoga with. Yoga friends provide a way to remain consistent on showing up on those days when you lack motivation. We are less likely to bail on a friend. Yoga friends show support for the


accomplishments. They are there for you throughout the practice and cheer you on when you nail that crow pose. It is always uplifting to chat with a friend after class about the asanas (poses) you’ve improved upon or laugh about the tree pose you fell out of. Yoga teaches us compassion for others, as well as for ourselves. When your friend is going through a hard time, yoga teaches us the skills needed to be an attentive listener and offer compassionate understanding. Yoga shows us how we are all connected. Going to your first yoga class can be intimidating. Self-motivation is hard to find on your own; that’s why going with a friend can be a way to break the ice of that first-class awkwardness and intimidation. You can hold each other accountable for showing up. If it wasn’t for my friend’s invitation, I don’t know how long it would have taken me to find yoga, the practice that changed my life in the greatest way possible. Grab a friend, book a class, and enjoy! Level Yoga is located at 29 Royal Palm Pointe Suite 2, and at 3055 Cardinal Drive, Suite 106, Vero Beach. For more information, visit LevelYogaStudio.com or call (772) 696-1160. Written and photography provided by Amanda Steadman

January-February 2022


T H E N O U R I S H E D H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

Love On A Montana Mountain Face

Capturing Intimate Moments Elizabeth Anderson & Garrett Jobe September 18, 2021


ove is a powerful force of nature. Words fall short defining it, but photographs immortalize the nuances of its beauty, power, and complexity. This intimate moment between Garrett and Elizabeth on top of Hatfield Mountain, on her family’s ranch in Montana, was the same place that Garrett proposed just four months prior and sits just above the ceremony site where they shared their vows with their closest friends and family. There are so many “what ifs” that come with having an outdoor wedding on the face of a mountain in Montana, but Elizabeth knew that there was no place else she wanted to get married. Behind them stands the Sheepeater Monument, built by the Shoshone tribe over 100 years ago, which has endured the intensity of nature’s elements. This monumental photograph embodies their love’s strength, vulnerability, and tenderness. Nothing, not even her grandmother’s dress soaring in the gale force wind, was a distraction to the love they share. “It was the first free time I had with my brand-new husband after the ceremony. The noise of everyone closest to us in attendance had dissipated and was replaced with only wind and our laughter,” said Elizabeth. My purpose in life is to love people, to make certain they know how special they are to me, and to the people in their lives. Seeing people love each other without inhibition and incorporating a sense of place that has meaning to their story, lets me capture emotional moments that are historically relative and embedded with meaning. Photography is the language I am most fluent in; the images I create aren’t bound by the limitations of the definitions of words of any language. My Greek mother defined love as a verb; she encouraged me to follow my passion by giving me my first camera. Over the last thirty years I have photographed hundreds of weddings around the world. I conscientiously create personal narratives, knowing that the photographs I create will be seen, and more importantly felt by future generations of their family. Melanie travels the world on editorial assignments and to photograph weddings. She was named one of America's top 15 wedding photographers by PDN, and her work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, Martha Stewart Weddings, The Knot, and many other publications. She has her BFA and MFA in photography and has taught at Montana State University. She enjoys spending as much time as possible at home in Montana and traveling with her children and friends. To see more of Melanie’s work, visit Nashan.com, or follow her on @melanienashan. Written by Elizabeth Jobe & Melanie Maganias Nashan Photography by Melanie Maganias Nashan


January-February 2022


New Year. New Location.

Weddings | Special Occasions | Life Celebrations | Parties 1850 43rd Avenue, Suite C3, Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 999-5418 | Verobeachflorist@yahoo.com | VeroBeachFlorist.net

Making Hair Current, Effortless and Fresh

Full Service Salon Member of Green Circle Salons BohoHouseSalon.com 1929 14th Ave. Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 925-1827

Hours of Operation: Sunday/Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9am-7pm Wednesday: 9am-5pm Thursday: 9am-7pm Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday: 9am-4pm


January-February 2022


T H E N O U R I S H E D H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

Avanti Salon

A New, Exclusive, Luxury Salon in Vero Beach


ndiamo! Salon owner, Josephine Conigliaro Baxter, is no stranger to creating great hair for her clients. She’s been in the beauty business since 1998. Born and raised on the island of Sicily until she was fourteen years old, her family moved to New York in 1989 where her parents and three brothers started in the restaurant business. Having come from a strong Italian family to a new country, Josephine ‘s work ethic has always been a lifelong dedication. In 1997, Josephine decided to enroll in beauty school. Growing up as a little girl, her mother’s family were hairdressers and owned beauty salons. She loved to go the salon with her mom. She dreamed of being a hairdresser when she grew up. While attending school, Jo worked part-time and on weekends at her friend’s salon. After finishing cosmetology school in 1998, she learned so much from her work experience and from her amazing mentors, particularly, Joe and John, and she is beyond thankful. In 2007, Josephine moved from New York to Vero Beach with her husband, William, along with their one-year-old baby boy. Building her clientele from 2007 to the summer of 2021 working at a local beachside salon for all these


January-February 2022

years, Josephine decided it was time to branch out, opening her very own Avanti Salon, located in the Pelican Plaza next to Village Beach Market. As scary as it was, she is so happy she did it. Her husband, son and her wonderful clients have been her biggest and best supporters through this entire process. Avanti Salon offers European luxury beauty brands like Goldwell and exclusively Kérastase. The salon has an extensive color bar from pastel hues to natural tones, where their highly experienced technicians can customize almost any hair color. Add a fresh cut and style, and you’re ready to go! Josephine’s salon manager and right-hand gal, Nancy Macias, is like her sister and her best friend. Nancy and William help keep Josephine balanced. Stop by and check out the beautiful new space and say hello! Now accepting appointments so please call the salon at (772) 231-3771, located at 4877 Highway A1A, Vero Beach. Written by Penny Tranchilla Photography by Alyssa Tranchilla


PROVIDING CUSTOMIZED SERVICES For Discerning Clients John Jennings is a financial advisor with The Kanner Group. He’s proud to be part of a team that shares their knowledge, expertise and creativity, blending styles and strengths to deliver services and strategies that help clients preserve and manage their wealth.

Kannergroup.com | 772.205.2141 625 Beachland Blvd. Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. The Kanner Group is not a registered broker dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services. 2021 Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC

T H E N O U R I S H E D H E A LT H , W E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S

How To Choose A Financial Advisor

Six Core Values We Believe a Good Financial Advisor Provides OBJECTIVITY - As an objective third party, we can step back and offer guidance on decisions that may be emotionally driven. We do the research and present to you the facts needed to move forward.

EDUCATION - By getting to know you, we can identify what specific pieces of financial planning knowledge is most important for you and your plan. We then explain the important topics, so you fully understand your options.

ORGANIZATION - We provide the tools and resources to tidy up your financial life. You are then able to track and monitor all your accounts in one place, our Client Portal.

PARTNERSHIP - To help you achieve your best life, we strive to understand your background, philosophy, needs, and objectives to work with you and for you. As fiduciaries, we take pride in our transparency around our own costs and compensation. Most importantly, you need to feel comfortable with your Advisor. If you are not working with a fiduciary advisor or would like a second opinion, set up a confidential complementary appointment. Our planning and investment services are structured to always to be in your best interest. Learn more at C1ag.com.

ACCOUNTABILITY - We stick with you along the way to help make sure you follow through on your financial goals. We regularly review your plan and give guidance on the next steps required to reach your goals. PROACTIVITY - We work on looking ahead and planning life's transitions. We anticipate life's many changes, so the action plan is on standby and ready to go.

Written and photography provided by Client 1st Advisory Group

Sharon Bastide, Craig Phillips CFP, AIF, CeFT 4445 HWY A1A, Suite 239, Vero Beach, FL 32963 x (772) 231-3122 x C1AG.com Client 1st Advisory Group is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Offices in Clearwater and Vero Beach, Florida and Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 84

January-February 2022


General & Cosmetic Dentistry Crowns in One Visit Dentures and Partials Implant Restorations Mercury Free Restoration Invisalign Teeth Whitening Porcelain Veneers Preventive Care CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR AMAZING EXPERIENCE! 2980 9th Street SW, Suite 102, Vero Beach, FL 32968 (772) 567-1011 x DorisFerres.com Military family owned and operated. Proud supporter of local veterans.


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January-February 2022


eat, shop, play

the locals


LILY PAD 3121 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-7405 RIVERSIDE THEATRE 3250 Riverside Park Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-6990 RiversideTheatre.com SASSY BOUTIQUE 3365 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-3998 SassyBoutique.com SEA GLASS BOUTIQUE 3500 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 774-4965 VeroBeachHotelAndSpa.com/ Sea-Glass-Boutique ST. EDWARDS SCHOOL 1895 St. Edwards Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-4136 StEds.org THREADS BOUTIQUE AND CONSIGNMENT 1875 14th Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 217-2871 ThreadsBoutiqueand Consignment.com VERNON SCOTT 818 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-3733 VernonScott32963.com VERO BEACH DILLARD’S 6200 20th Street Vero Beach, FL (772) 770-2141


January-February 2022

VERO BEACH MUSEUM OF ART 3001 Riverside Park Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-0707 VBMuseum.org

GRIND AND GRAPE 925 Bougainvillea Lane Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-5536 GrindandGrape.com


HEATON’S 3500 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-5666 CobaltRestaurant.com

the spread FOOD & DRINK

AMERICAN ICON BREWERY 1133 19th Place Vero Beach, FL (772) 934-4266 AmericanIconBrewery.com BEACH BITES 1840 Wabasso Beach Road Vero Beach, FL (772) 581-0700 BeachBites.Biz CHELSEA’S ON CARDINAL 3201 Cardinal Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-8300 ChelseasOnCardinal.com COBALT RESTAURANT 3500 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 469-1060 CobaltRestaurant.com COUNTRYSIDE CITRUS 3300 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-8299 CountrysideCitrus.com EL SID TAQUERIA 3300 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-8299 FROSTING 2915 Cardinal Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-2915 EatFrostingCupcakes.com

HURRICANE GRILL & WINGS 943 15th Place Vero Beach, FL (772) 562-2226 HurricaneWings.com JAYCEE PARK SEASIDE GRILL 4200 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-1911 KOUNTRY KITCHEN WITH LOVE 1749 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL (772) 567-6733 OSCEOLA ORGANIC FARM 6980 33rd Street Vero Beach, FL (772) 567-1530 OsceolaOrganicFarm.com PETERSON GROVES & NURSERY 3375 66th Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 562-6900 RHONDA’S SEAFOOD 29 Royal Palm Pointe, #4 Vero Beach, FL (772) 473-6388 RhondasSeafood.com THE WAVE KITCHEN & BAR 3244 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 410-0100

TRATTORIA DARIO 1555 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-1818 TrattoriaDario.com

the abode


ABBATE TILE AND MARBLE 1136 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL (772) 569-9113 Abbate.net ACCENTO HOME (772) 999-8369 AccentoHome.com AIELLO LANDSCAPE (772) 563-0071 AielloLandscape.com CATHY CURLEY DALE SORENSEN REAL ESTATE 3206 Cardinal Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 559-1359 DARLING CONSTRUCTION 622 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL (772) 978-6502 DarlingBuilt.Business.site DAVID COX CONSULTING 2044 14th Avenue, Suite 24 Vero Beach, FL (772) 564-0540 Davidcoxconsulting.com DECORATIVE ARTS 1923 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL (772) 563-0040 DecorArtsInc.com HAZEL HOUSE 1880 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL (772) 213-3024 HazelHouseVero.com


HURYN CONSTRUCTION 1902 Wilbur Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-4130 HurynConstruction.com JETSON TV & APPLIANCE 1231 20th Street Vero Beach, FL (772) 567-3200 ShopJetson.com JOHN’S ISLAND REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1 Johns Island Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-0900 JohnsIslandRealEstate.com LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS 2425 15th Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 794-0622 LConceptsofVero.com LIFESTYLE SOLAR POWERED HOMES 3453 W. New Haven Avenue Melbourne, FL (321) 727-8188 BuildingALifestyle.com MACEVOY REAL ESTATE 800 20TH Place, Suite #1 Vero Beach, FL 844-MACEVOY www.MacEvoy.org O’DARE BOGA GROUP PREMIER ESTATE PROPERTIES 675 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL (772) 713-5899 (772) 559-4800 PremierEstateProperties.com SURFACES DESIGN STUDIO 3960 US-1 Vero Beach, FL (772) 778-2622 SurfacesDesignStudio.com

the explored

the nourished



CORPORATE AIR 3450B Airport W Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 562-1199 Corporate-Air.com

AVANTI SALON VERO BEACH 4877 Highway A1A Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-3771 AvantiSalons.com

COSTA D’ESTE BEACH RESORT & SPA 3244 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 562-9919

BLOCK & SCARPA 601 21st Street, Suite 401 Vero Beach, FL (772) 794-1918 BlockScarpa.com

DOWNSEA CHARTERS Capt. Sam Atwell (772) 532-9347

BOHO HOUSE SALON 1929 14th Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 925-1827 BohoHouseSalon.com

ELITE AIRWAYS (877) 393-2510 Res.EliteAirways.net HARBOR BRANCH 5600 US-1 Vero Beach, FL (772) 242-2293 INDIAN RIVER CLUB 800 Carolina Circle SW Vero Beach, FL (772) 770-0757 IndianRiverClub.com MOUNTIAN AIR (828) 682-8200 Info@MountainAir.com PURSUIT BOATS 3901 St. Lucie Boulevard Fort Pierce, FL (772) 465-6006 PursuitBoats.com

CLIENT 1st ADVISORY GROUP 4445 Highway A1A, Suite 239 Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-3122 C|SPA AT COSTA D’ESTE 3244 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 410-0101 FACES-THE SKINCARE LOUNGE 1973 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL (772) 492-6196 FERRES DENTISTRY 2980 9th Street SW, Suite 102 Vero Beach, FL (772) 567-1011 DorisFerres.com

LEVEL YOGA: ON CARDINAL 3055 Cardinal Drive, Suite #106 Vero Beach, FL (772) 696-1160 LevelYogaStudio.com LEVEL YOGA: ON THE POINTE 29 Royal Palm Pointe, Suite #2 Vero Beach, FL (772) 696-1160 LevelYogaStudio.com OCEAN DRIVE PLASTIC SURGERY 5070 Highway A1A, Suite A Vero Beach, FL (772) 234-3700 OceanDrivePlasticSurgery.com THE KANNER GROUP, LLC AT RAYMOND JAMES 625 Beachland Boulevard, Suite #2 Vero Beach, FL (772) 205-2141 VERO BEACH FLORIST 1850 43rd Avenue, Suite C3 Vero Beach, FL (772) 999-5418 VeroBeachFlorist.net VERO FITNESS 1060 6th Avenue Vero Beach, FL (772) 380-4188 VeroFitness.fit WHITE ORCHID SPA 3500 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL (772) 231-1133 WhiteOrchidSpa.info

FLORIDA CANCER SPECIALISTS 3730 7th Terrace, Suite 101 Vero Beach, FL (772) 567-2332 INDIAN RIVER ACUPUNCTURE & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1345 36th Street, Suite H Vero Beach, FL (772) 564-8383 IndianRiverAcupuncture.com Photography by Cassandra Scott


January-February 2022


1. Beach Bites 2. Cathy Curley Realtor 3. Chelsea’s Gourmet 4. Client 1st Advisory Group 5. Cobalt 6. Costa d’Este Beach Resort 7. Countryside Citrus 8. Darling Construction 9. El Sid Taqueria 10.Frostings 11. Grind + Grape 12. Heaton’s


January-February 2022

13. Level Yoga 14. Lily Pad 15. Mike Kanner/Raymond James 16. Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery 17. Ocean Grill 18. O’Dare Boga 19. Portfolio Magazine 20. Riverside Theatre 21. Sassy Boutique

22. Sea Glass Boutique 23. Vernon Scott 24. Vero Beach Museum of Art 25. White Orchid Spa at Vero Beach Hotel


© Vero Beach Portfolio 2022


January-February 2022


© Vero Beach Portfolio 2022

7 3

5 8

6 1 9

2 4


12 11 1. American Icon Brewery 2. Boho House Salon 3. Corporate Air 4. Cultural Arts Villag 5. David Cox 6. Decorative Arts 7. Elite Airways 90

January-February 2022

8. Faces The Skincare Lounge 9. Hazel House 10. Huryn Construction 11. Kountry Kitchen 12. Threads Boutique & Consignment


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