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JUNE 2015



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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied







P18; Studio Italia new showroom launch with delicious Italian food from Tito Cucciniello (Mr Pane e Vino) with Gabriele Marangoni; Gary Langsford & Vicki Vuleta P121; Shale Chambers, Chair of the Waitemata Local Board enjoys a little Pop Foolery in Ponsonby last month

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4 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




6 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LETTERS + EMAILS Our caring Herne Bay community Last month I was overwhelmed by the care and generosity of people in our Herne Bay community. And through your pages/Facebook page, I would just to thank a number of people whose names I do not know who helped me, and especially as these very positive things of how helpful and concerned folk are towards others often don’t make the news. I tripped on a crack in the bitumen on the footpath just outside the shop Father Rabbit. I landed full length on the footpath straight onto my chin and nose! Immediately folk came to my aid. As I lay on the ground catching my breath I could hear folk making helpful suggestions. The young man from Father Rabbit ran to see if I was ok, returned with his first aid kit, and then a drink of water; a woman grabbed some serviettes from Dear Jervois to try and stem the blood - she and another woman, both ex-nurses helped me to eventually stand up and then sit on a chair that appeared from Dear Jervois. Two retired dentists were walking by and offered to check that my teeth and jaw were ok. When I was recovered enough to walk, one of the women, Helen, helped me along to the Herne Bay Medical Centre close by and then disappeared. There, the receptionist, doctor and nurse were also so helpful even though it is not an A & E kind of health centre. I felt as if I had jumped the queue! After a check-up and four stitches to my chin, the nurse, Dianne, then offered to take me home. You can see why I have been overwhelmed by people’s generosity of spirit. As Tara, at the Herne Bay Post Shop further along the road, commented - we live in an amazing, caring community. I heartily agree. Thank you everybody. JUDITH CRIMMINS, Herne Bay Amused by John Elliott’s columns I love Ponsonby News. I am always amused with John Elliott’s columns; he is so far left, he would never be able to negotiate a roundabout! I have far greater faith in today’s young people. This country has so much talent - as we regularly see in your mag. What does “neo liberal” mean anyway? Literally “new freedom” Helen Clark was the absolute master of that. Keep up the good work. ROBERT LEAHY, Henderson John Elliott responds: Neo-liberalism since about 1980 has been characterised by extensive economic liberalisation policies such as privatisation, fiscal austerity, de-regulation, free trade, reduced government spending, reduced taxes, and an enhanced role for the private sector, all of which in themselves may be ok, if it wasn’t for the great inequality that has resulted between the rich and the poor in Western countries. Government by the 1%, for the 1%, is a reality in the United States, and an increasing worry in New Zealand. But on a lighter note, your comment about my perceived extreme left-wing views reminded me of my days at Otago University, where four of us bought an old car for £14. It had no brakes, no WOF and no lock to the left. You had to go right, right, right to get left! Franklin Road Cycleway The letter in last month’s issue from Bruce Copeland is disparaging of the residents of Franklin Road who are objecting to the proposed cycle lane along the footpaths of Franklin Road. He may be surprised to learn that the residents are not in fact against cyclists but are actually on their side and are trying to fight for a safer alternative for them rather than the current plan proposed. I suggest he tries to cycle the proposed route along the existing grass berm, amongst the fallen leaves and debris and experiences the unsafe and slippery surfaces he will be confronted with if the plan proceeds. Mix that with the cars backing in and over the footpath under the pending new streetscape design and he may not be so quick to judge. ROSS THORBY, Freemans Bay



PONSONBY NEWS (Nielsen Media)

June 2015

Views in Ponsonby News reflect the authors’, and not those of Alchemy Media. www.twitter.com/Ponsonby_News Franklin Road upgrade A group of vociferous Franklin Road residents are apparently having conniptions at the thought of provision for cyclists being included in the road upgrade. A marked cycle path is hardly a revolutionary plan and all roads should include them where possible. The reaction of this group displays a disappointing ignorance of best practice in urban road design. We cyclists already regularly use Franklin Road and are fully entitled to do so, but we need safer streets that are marked in a way that encourages cycling and improves safety. Franklin Road doesn’t just belong to the residents, so stop your selfishness and share the road. BARBARA GRACE, Grey Lynn Point Erin unofficial campsite In response to last month’s correspondence and the illegal occupation of the Point Erin carpark, I’d like to say that thanks to the combined action of resident groups and individuals. ‘People power’ has won the day and we have reclaimed our park for all inner city residents. Early this year Herne Bay 1011 (Herne Bay Residents’ Association Incorporated) and the St Marys Bay Residents Association lobbied the Waitemata Board to remove campers from the carpark as they were depriving locals of the ‘reasonable’ use of and access to their park and pool. Thankfully the board took up the issue with Council’s Parks Department resulting in the freedom campers moving out and a safer, more accessible and clean park for locals. The sad fact is that the freedom campers have moved, we understand, to Cox’s Bay and the Tank Farm which suggests that there’s a need for a long-term solution - council needs to investigate this. As demonstrated with this issue, united voices are far more effective and I would encourage residents to join their local associations. We actively lobby on your behalf on a number of issues to ensure that our beautiful inner city suburbs are safe and maintained for everyone to enjoy. To find out more visit hernebay1011.nz CHRISTINE CAVANAGH, Chair, Herne Bay 1011 Western Springs College rebuild As a parent of two children at a local primary, I’d like Nikki Kaye to inform the local community of the Government’s plans for Western Springs College. It’s my understanding that the current Government promised the school a total rebuild several years ago. Can Nikki Kaye please confirm if the rebuild will be going ahead and, if so, when will work commence? The school has a strong academic reputation and surely deserves higherquality facilities. I’m sure the current state of the buildings is deterring some parents in sending their children to our local school. Local schools are an integral part of the community and the Government needs to provide answers. PAUL KENNY, Ponsonby Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central responds: The Ministry of Education is working on a business case and various rebuild and redevelopment options. I completely understand and sympathise with people’s concerns for things to go faster. I also want to see progress for the college and community as soon as possible. However, as this is potentially one of the largest and most complex school projects ever undertaken in New Zealand, there are significant geotechnical challenges involved, therefore it has been crucial that things are done properly for the safety and welfare of both students and staff at the school. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to achieve an amazing, modern school for the Western bays and surrounding areas, and everyone is working towards that. The Government confirmed last year as part of a school infrastructure package that this redevelopment is a priority. Once the ministry has completed the business case, options will be put to cabinet who, by law, are required to consider any investment over $25 million. The ministry has been liaising with the board of the school on the options in the business case. The board has requested a little bit of time to ensure the community has visibility of the options. We are expecting options to be considered by cabinet within the next few months.

PONSONBY NEWS+ is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic.



LIKE US! www.facebook.com/ponsonbynews The question of Auckland house prices continues to dominate the news. But you will note John Elliott’s optimism that the so-called bubble is unlikely to burst - P20. For the last 40 years house prices have doubled every 10 years. Further evidence that current house price hikes are not new can be found in the editorial about it at 3 Beaconsfield Street - P32.

Readers will note that the application for a 45-seater cafe, where the Little Grocer was based will be heard on 5 and 12 June - P57. In case you’re nosey, like us and are wondering what is going on at 107-119 Great North Road (between Mackelvie Street and Scanlan Street) this development is described as a new eight level mixed-use building, incorporating motor vehicle sales and services premises (including servicing bays, vehicle displays, customer parking and staff parking), an entrance foyer, ancillary cafe and three levels of commercial offices above (including ancillary parking). More and more locals are travelling to Vietnam and when they return they have tales of beautiful scenery, great beaches, friendly people and delicious food. We remind readers that we now have several Vietnamese restaurants in Auckland and you

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

photography: Michael McClintock

It’s been interesting keeping up to date with all the new building development happening in our community. We support the council’s plan to intensify the population in the inner city, but we believe there must be balance and good design for new buildings. Every month we see further evidence of lovely old villas disappearing from our neighbourhood, usually in the dead of night. In this issue, Waitemata Local Board member Vernon Tava writes about the possible demise of two old heritage buildings at 16-18 Crummer Road - P30.

Martin Leach, Jo Barrett, Angela Martin, Jay Platt and Gwynne Davenport

don’t need to go further to find one of the best than Ponsonby Road’s Mekong Baby - P56. Local resident Fionna Hill has recently published ‘how to grow edibles in containers’. This could provide an incentive for inner city dwellers to explore ways of growing food in a small space. In some cities, beekeepers have used rooftop gardens to produce honey. This issue of Ponsonby News has a focus on healthy food. Sustainability has become the mantra as a definition of a livable city. We have included some interesting

material in this issue on this most important topic. The increasing availability of green and or electric vehicles in Auckland will assist our shift towards greater sustainability - P83. When we moved in to our Arch Hill property we created two bathrooms out of one. However, now that Ponsonby News is run from an office on Richmond Road and not from home, we have recently gone back to one fabulous space. In this issue some of our advertisers are encouraging us to consider renovating PN our old villas. (MARTIN LEACH) F




DAVID HARTNELL’S: ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW Mary-Jane O’Reilly is New Zealand’s premier dance entrepreneur. She’s a long-time resident of Herne Bay where she loves living because of the smell of the sea. What was your childhood like? Really great. I have a large, loving and supportive family. Do you come from a dancing background? Yes, my mother was a passionate dancer, trained in ballet and tap. She and Dad also loved dancing in the kitchen and at parties. Mum took me to ballet classes from the age of four. You’re in your 60s and you look amazing, what is your secret? I think its mainly to do with my posture. I stand tall because of my dance training, but also I’m lucky to be inspired and stimulated by life. Your greatest achievement in dance? History will decide but I think being able to have a long career in dance as a profession is pretty good. I’m proud to have been part of Limbs Dance Company and the 1990 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony and taking Tempo Dance Festival to new heights and properly employing lots of dancers over the years including the ones working for me now performing In Flagrante How do you explain to people what a dance entrepreneur is? Someone who creates opportunity, initiates ideas and accepts a level of personal risk. Which do you prefer tweeting or Facebook? Facebook and Instagram (mine is ‘swingyahips’). What/who is the greatest love of your life? What - the art of dance. Who - my partner Phil. How would you like to be remembered? I helped keep dance central and relevant to New Zealand contemporary life. What do you love most about your age? Seeing ideas come to fruition. Having a wonderful store of memories and experience to look back on.

How do you chill out? Going to the beach, reading a good book, listening to music, hanging with friends and family. Which item of clothing can you simply not live without? Footless tights to keep my butt warm in winter; in the summer my sarong. You favourite time of the day? Late afternoon/early evening. What do you love about your life right now? Most importantly that we are going to be grandparents later this year! Your dream home would be? North facing, near the sea! What are you insecure about? Everything and nothing. What is your greatest fear? Being unable to dance. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My negativity. Which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be more articulate - to find the right words to express myself accurately, at the right moment! Do you have a life motto? Be honest and kind.

What is something that you really disapprove of? Hats and handbags on dining tables - they are repositories of an enormous amount of germs!

What cliché do you most abhor? At the end of the day.

What song makes you happy? At the moment, anything by Paolo Nutini. Saw him at the Powerstation recently... sexy and passionate!

Are you a handshake or a hug kind of person? Both - depending on who/where.

Your biggest disappointments? When I was 16 and I failed my RAD Advanced ballet exam the first time! If you won a million dollars what is the first thing you would do? Pay off the mortgage. What is your comfort food? Cheese and crackers. What motivates you? Music - anything you can dance to. What do you think happens when we die? Nothing - but we live in people’s memories. What was the last time you cried? When I said goodbye to our daughter Morgana as she headed back to Oz. Give your teenaged self some advice? Enjoy yourself, don’t worry so much. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Our daughter Morgana.

10 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

What gizmo can you simply not live without? My phone.

What is your all time favourite season? Summer. Do you have a party trick? I cross my eyes then can move either eye independently! How do you take your coffee? Strong. Do you travel light or heavy? I think light - though Phil would disagree! What is the best holiday you’ve ever had? We have a family beach house at Waihi Beach and we have had some amazing times there with everyone in summers in the past (2009 was a particular winner!) and continue to do so. This bach is our turangawaewae! What is your opinion on today’s man? Lovely. If you could change one law or policy in New Zealand, what would it be? Legalise marijuana - the law at the moment is ridiculous and is not working! (DAVID HARTNELL MNZM) F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




12 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




SHALE CHAMBERS: WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD REPORT This year’s council 10-year budget was always going to challenge the Mayor and your elected representatives. To meet the demands of Auckland’s growth and resolve transport problems, at the same time keeping rates and charges affordable and restrained. Auckland has nearly 200,000 more residents than it had when the super city was formed, growth rates are significant, the housing shortage real and infrastructure spend needs large. Only a basic not-quite-business-as-usual transport plan, along with the City Rail Link, was funded in the draft budget, with a 3.5% average rates increase proposed; 5.6% for residential ratepayers.

photography: Martin Leach

An Auckland Plan level of transport spending, at least one more focused on public transport, is necessary to make any inroads into Auckland’s congestion problems. Congestion was set to worsen under the basic plan. So Aucklanders were asked what they supported and how to pay for it. Demonstrating the challenge we ask of our local politicians, the outcome of the consultation was in favour of the more ambitious Auckland Plan transport spend, with the largest group, but not a majority, supporting funding this through motorway tolls, but by a large margin to be at rates increases of under 3.5%. The problem was that the Government still doesn’t support motorway charges or the alternative, supported by this local board, of higher regional petrol taxes. Even if they did, this would take time to implement. The only interim tool ever available to council was to rate higher, if the more expensive transport plan was adopted. A proposal for an interim transport levy of a flat per household $58.99 was buried in the small print of the budget consultation documentation. Local boards were busy last month meeting with the Mayor and the Governing Body, with each local board also individually presenting their requests and concerns. The Governing Body then met to make some big decisions. Through further savings and lower interest rates, average rates in the first year of the budget were cut to 2.5%; 2.4% within the Waitemata area. Other years remain higher. Controversially, an interim targeted rate transport levy of $114 per residential household and $183 per business was struck; nearly double the original small print proposal. In addition the city centre targeted rate, supporting improvements to downtown, of an additional $57.50 per dwelling was confirmed. An alternative transport proposal, supported by my local board and Counsellor Mike Lee, providing for a smaller flat residential rate and a larger share by business based on rateable values was defeated. Apparently it is ok for solutions to our congestion problems, in large part caused at peak hour travel by people getting to and from their place of work or business, to be funded by a Fonterra paying the same notional tax deductible flat rate as the corner dairy, or the residents of Mangere.

Shale Chambers addresses the crowd at the 100 year Anzac Day anniversary On the positive side, some real progress can be made on public transport and cycling improvements. The discussions with the Government on a permanent funding solution will continue. We all hope for rates relief to result, but motorway charges come at a price too. In the meantime it is difficult to be comfortable with the average householder in Mangere facing rates increases next year of 16.9%. At the local level it was very pleasing to maintain library hours. Only Grey Lynn Library will close at the slightly earlier hour of 5.30pm. All other hours are as now. Local boards have a small capital budget restored so that the little projects that matter to communities can be undertaken. Unfortunately this has come at the expense of the very valuable central facility partnership fund that I chair, and which helped seed fund community projects for facility upgrades. This results in a significant net reduction in the available funds for capital projects in the old Auckland City Council area, as there has been in grants funds available to community groups. Both funds have been divided up around all parts of the region, but previously more generously funded in the central area. Both these issues will have an impact in the short to medium term.

All of this means an average residential rates rise of 9.9% next year. But no one is ever the average. Where your property sits compared to average property value rises determines your actual rates figure.

You will judge whether council has delivered. Auckland Transport can certainly deliver more for the inner city communities. The local board will continue to deliver the best local services within the budget constraints your 2.4% base average rates increase delivers. (SHALE CHAMBERS) F PN

As the inner city had slightly lower than average property rises this time round, the average residential rates rise next year is lower at 7.7%. Business is 2.6%.

Contact me: shale.chambers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

14 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


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Tackling the hard issues for New Zealand in Budget 2015 The last few years have been tough for a lot of people as we have been through some very difficult times financially as a nation. Budget 2015 has confirmed that we are on track to reach surplus next year. While it would have been great to get there this year, one thing I have learned as a minister, and as your local MP, is that most of the hundreds of decisions that I make monthly are hard ones. Slashing public services and hurting people was not the right thing to do even if at a very superficial level we could have reached surplus earlier. When we get there it will be because of hard work to get the books in order, reform of our public services and not at the expense of our most vulnerable. That is the right thing to do. I am writing this column from Tokyo where I am representing the Government at the Nikkei Forum, and the Prime Minister is at the Pacific Asian Leaders summit. Sometimes as a country we can be a bit hard on ourselves. One of the takeaway lessons I got from talking to prime ministers and other leaders in the Asia Pacific region is how much many of them admire our comeback as a country in terms of being one of the few developed nations in the world in such a good economic position. However, with progress can come growing pains. Auckland property is currently at high demand from a lack of houses being built over decades and people wanting to live in our great city. We are aiming to increase the supply of affordable housing by the KiwiSaver Homestart scheme. Homestart is a $218 million investment that will help about 90,000 low and middle income first home buyers. Couples are now able to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 if they are buying or building a brand new home, or $10,000 if they are buying an existing home. The package is aimed at increasing the supply of new housing, and encouraging companies to build affordable homes for first home buyers. This complements a comprehensive plan of work freeing up land supply, reducing building material costs, reining in infrastructure and compliance costs, and investing in skills and productivity in the building sector. In the budget the Prime Minister announced $29 million of extra funding for Inland Revenue.

We are also introducing a new package targeted at helping children in hardship. This builds on the hundreds of millions of dollars we have spent helping vulnerable children and their families insulating houses, providing access to early childcare and increased health services such as free visits for under 13s. Budget 2015 includes a $790 million package to reduce hardship among children in New Zealand’s poorest families, as the next step in the Government’s commitment to address the long-term drivers of deprivation. The package includes increased work obligations for sole parents on a benefit, more childcare support for low-income families, a $25 increase in benefit rates for families with children, and an increase to Working for Families payments to low-income families not on a benefit. This package strikes a balance that offers more support to low income families with children, while ensuring there remains a strong incentive for parents to move from welfare to work. Moving to paid work is the best way to lift more families out of poverty, while an increase in benefit rates will help address our concern about children whose family’s resources have been falling behind other households. Through hard work we now have more opportunities than ever to be a stronger country and take an investment and more long-term approach. This means continuing to focus on the hard issues like housing and helping vulnerable children. A strong economy enables us to do this better. Budget 2015 is another step in the right direction. (NIKKI KAYE) F PN Hon Nikki Kaye is the MP for Auckland Central. www.nikkikaye.co.nz

This is to help enforce the introduction of new processes that ensure that people buying and selling residential property for profit - including overseas buyers, pay their fair share of tax. These changes will see that all non-residents and New Zealanders that are buying and selling any property other than their main home, must provide a New Zealand IRD number as part of the usual land transfer process. The Government has introduced these measures because under New Zealand’s existing tax laws, anyone who buys a property with the intention of selling it for a gain is liable for tax on any gain. This applies equally to New Zealanders and overseas buyers. The Government wants to make sure this existing law is enforced across the board. As Minister of ACC, I was pleased to announce that this year’s budget signals ACC is on track to provide further levy cuts of around $500 million over two years, and will be spread across the motor vehicle, work and earners accounts. These cuts will see some self employed people and small businesses get quite substantial reductions. These cuts are possible because of ACC’s sound financial performance under the current Government, which means the scheme is now essentially fully funded. In other words, it now has enough money invested to meet the future costs of all current claims. This is a far cry from six years ago when we inherited a scheme that saw the gap between its assets and liabilities grow by $4.8 billion in one year alone. We are also introducing a new ACC levy-setting framework. There has been ongoing work over several years between the Government, ACC board and officials about what the frame work should be once the scheme is fully funded. The legislation that I am introducing will bring the levy setting process into line with the kind of accountability and transparency requirements that already apply to the operation of the Government’s core budget under the Public Finance Act.

16 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Ponsonby News interview with Ponsonby resident the Hon Nikki Kaye Thank you for agreeing to talk about the proposed amendments to the Resource Management Act, Nikki, you describe yourself as a blue/green and have a record as an environmentalist... PN - Sir Geoffrey Palmer’s suggestion about the merits of “process-oriented changes” will hopefully address issues like fences, decks, hedges and unnecessary bureaucratic interference and time wasting especially on private land. Do you agree? Nikki Kaye - I agree that at the moment there’s too much bureaucracy around parts of the RMA focused on process issues. It’s Nick Smith’s intention that the reform will address this. PN - Would you agree, however, that so-called private land is only held in trust by present owners and must not be desecrated for financial gain at the expense of the wellbeing and enjoyment of future generations? Nikki Kaye - The purpose of the RMA is to ensure that land is there for the well-being and enjoyment of future generations. However, there needs to be a balance to ensure that people’s basic property rights here and now are also respected. PN - Don’t you think that is enough change to the Act, and that Palmer’s criticism of changes to Part 2 are a totally different matter and will result in a weakening of environmental protection? Nikki Kaye - It is important to understand that there’s a lot of discussion happening around what potential changes will happen. It’s a bit soon to be making criticisms before final decisions have been made.

PN - We all know that time is money, but when there is a potential challenge to environmental or species protection, the matter must be carefully considered and will take time. Surely that is a strength of the RMA and not a weakness? Nikki Kaye - I agree there needs to be careful consideration, particularly when it comes to species protection. However, this is different to taking advantage of the process simply to stop something from happening that you disagree with. There needs to be a balance, because continued conflict and litigation through the courts can be unhelpful to all parties. PN - There is a perception that proposed changes to the RMA are a Government attempt to increase the relative importance of development principles to the detriment of environmental ones. Is this a fair complaint? Nikki Kaye - It’s important to stress that final proposals haven’t been agreed on. These are complex and challenging issues, but the Minister for the Environment has stated a number of times that the RMA is there to deal with the environmental impacts associated with development that occurs when ordinary people are getting on with their lives. He does not support the RMA becoming an Economic Development Act or an equivalent of the Town and Country Planning Act which in its time produced a number of unintended consequences. PN - How can weakening the environmental importance of Part 2 of the RMA specifically help the housing situation in Auckland?

Nikki Kaye - It is my understanding that the minister is not proposing to weaken the environmental importance of Part 2 of the RMA. PN - Is it the environmental preoccupation of the Greens that antagonises National and Labour, or is it more their perceived ultra-left position on the left-right political spectrum, and so-called socialistic stances?

Nikki Kaye pictured with Lily Kaye

Nikki Kaye - I think we can make greater steps as a nation when these issues aren’t seen as a matter of left or right. Ultimately it should be about outcomes. We need to get to a position where all parties are able to advocate greater conservation and environmental protection without having a political label attached to it. We’re focused on achieving greater environmental protection and reporting, and better overall conservation outcomes, but it’s important that decisions can be made in a faster and less complex, bureaucratic and costly way. PN (JOHN ELLIOTT) F

photography: Martin Leach

Above L to R: Kelly McEwan & Greer Stephens; Kevin Stephenson & Deborah Kelland

Above L to R: Valeria Carbonaro & Kevin Stephenson; Jaala Smith & Paula Stephenson; Darryl Ojala & Richard Brasell

STUDIO ITALIA NEW SHOWROOM Great night tonight for the opening of the Studio Italia’s new showroom with nibbles, pasta and pizza from Tito’s team at Pane e Vino. It was so nice to catch up with friends. If you haven’t seen the showroom, check it out... it’s the best in Auckland with some of Italy’s most iconic brands.

18 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


DEIRDRE THURSTON Daily, our social media sites, newspapers, TV and radio are jam-packed with distressing news. It would often appear to an alien onlooker that war, cruelty and greed are what we aspire to.

Supporters from the neighbourhood and miles around gave of our time to help search for this dear little dog. Kindness tramped our streets, backyards and parks until he was found, close to death, in the local mangroves. My heart sings when community bands together on this level.

to accept kind acts. They have no measure of or understanding of a gift with -out strings. That’s where compassion and love are needed.

Lately, kindness has been on my mind more than usual. As I look around our ‘hood’, I see, and hear of, acts of kindness and generosity everywhere. Even small gestures help shape our neighbourhoods to become better places.

I have heard of friends and neighbours paying for groceries at the supermarket when others’ cards have been declined, or the few dollars those in need have had just don’t cover the basics - like toothpaste. Brilliant. We take so much for granted.

Other’s reactions are usually a window into their inner lives. I love this quote: “A wise physician once said - ‘The best medicine for humans is love.’ Someone asked - ‘If it doesn’t work?’ He smiled and answered, ‘Double the dose’.”

Yesterday, I watched a small dog tethered outside a shop, scared and trembling, awaiting the return of its owner, lifting high its wee drooping tail and nuzzling into a kind elderly man who had stooped to pat it and have a chat. Win-win.

In my own life, especially in the last 18 months, I have been the recipient of many acts of kindness from friends, which have been my lifeline and for which I will always be grateful. Kindness begets kindness and truly is its own reward.

I’m not suggesting it’s all rainbows and fairy tea parties but if we can all make one person smile as we go about our days, that’s a great blessing in our ‘hood’.

A friend of mine’s dog recently was run over outside her house and several locals dropped what they were doing and stopped to help her in her distraught state. A few days later, a gentleman who had witnessed the sad affair, knocked on her door and proffered a “so sorry for your loss” bunch of flowers in the hope they would cheer her up. She will never forget that. It is these random acts of kindness from strangers and friends that mend our hearts.

I believe we are all here to serve. Not for what we get out of it. If that was the reason we doled out kindness then it is not actually kindness - rather self-service. There is nothing wrong with self-kindness. It is a necessity. We must nurture ourselves to be able to nurture others.

I cannot fathom how or why anyone could even contemplate blowing up innocent children. And those photographs depicting hunters and poachers standing with leering grins across their faces, one foot firmly planted on a bleeding, tuskless elephant, make me nauseous and despairing for our world. While I do not close my eyes to this side of life, I prefer to concentrate my energy on the good in us all - I do believe there is good in everyone.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

I’m almost sure there is no one who hasn’t heard of Dunhill - the partially deaf and blind Jack Russell who went missing recently.

Westmere resident Dunhill

Most days I go walking around Herne Bay and Ponsonby and there is never a time that at least one person doesn’t smile or say good morning, and vice versa. Life feels better. Desmond Tutu: ‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.’ (DEIRDRE THURSTON) F PN

Hand in hand with kindness come compassion and love. We may sometimes offer a kindness to someone who spits it back in our faces. Some people don’t know how





House prices - will the bubble burst? We have a hot housing market with prices continuing to rise, but this is not the first time this has happened. House prices have been doubling in Auckland every 10 years for 30 or 40 years. John Key commenting in the Herald that said house prices had doubled under Labour. Of course he was playing party politics, but he was quite correct. It is highly unlikely that recent curbs on property speculators deposit rates, and a new capital gains tax on properties held less than two years, will have much effect on Auckland house prices. In the mid-80s, speculators were buying houses one day and selling them the next for a fat profit, without even settling on their purchase. And then came the October 1987 stock market crash.

photography: Gwynne Davenport

Kids lost their pocket money savings, persuaded by their grandfathers to begin investing in the stock market. But the property market did not collapse. It stuttered and prices fell, but only those who had invested in the previous few years at the top of the market, and who had to sell, perhaps because they lost their job, lost badly. Those who had borrowed up to 80 or 90% found themselves with negative equity. But if owners didn’t have to sell, and could still pay the mortgage, they survived the crash. A similar thing played out in 1997 and again during the Great Financial Crisis in 2007. One expert said Auckland house prices retreated by 9% on average after the GFC. That was hardly catastrophic for homeowners. What we have in Auckland is a dearth of housing stock in a fast growing city. Immigration, especially from Asia, returning New Zealanders and urban drift are still active accelerants of prices. Demand has outstripped supply.

Only the pharmaceutical and oil companies will complain. Len Brown, the bureaucrats, and the property speculators can then have Auckland all to themselves. PN (JOHN ELLIOTT) F

UBS Securities’ Christopher Simcock, says Auckland house prices are still seen as cheap by many overseas buyers. “If you are a potential buyer in China or an ex-pat New Zealander living in London, even a Kiwi in Australia, you will see Auckland property as cheap,” Simcock says. The new requirement for overseas buyers to have a New Zealand bank account and IRD number, may deter some investors and some speculators. The problem remains that Auckland is shaping up like other large cities around the world - Sydney, London, New York - all far more expensive to live in and buy homes in than smaller centres in the provinces, and most incomers want to live in Auckland. Our city council is trying to intensify population in Auckland with infill and high rise with mixed success. We cannot, or should not, spread ourselves across valuable farmland on Auckland’s fringes covering good fertile land with another concrete jungle, not to mention the infrastructure problems. Despite this, new Aucklanders must have somewhere to live. The Government is, I admit reluctantly, correct that more land must be opened up on the fringes of Auckland, but those in the central city who are opposed to further intensification must expect higher rates to pay for new infrastructure in Kaukapakapa, Beachlands and other suburbs miles from Herne Bay or Grey Lynn.

ST MARY’S STUDENTS FUNDRAISE FOR NEPAL St Mary’s College pupils Madeline and Amy, held a fundraising event for Nepal in Grey Lynn Park last month. They made cookies and had some old books they were selling. Everything was sold by way of donation. They set up beside the playground for about two hours and made $143 which was donated to the Red Cross. They would like to thank the generous Grey Lynn residents who supported them. They tell us their first customer had been in Nepal at the time of the earthquakes. F PN

Auckland will cool down, especially as our economy goes through an inevitable downturn. It may be, however, that most first home buyers will not be able to afford to buy in Auckland. They may have to start more modestly in Wellsford or Huntly. That start may be a rental, to build up equity, until they have a deposit for an Auckland home if they wish to continue living and working here. I predict Auckland house prices will double again in the next 10 years. But the apocalypse is possible. So will there then be a mass exodus to the rural outback with a tent and some vegetable seeds for a subsistence existence? Perhaps we will all need a bolt hole in the country to escape the carnage. If we can finally see the madness of rampant consumerism and keeping up with the Joneses we might look for, and see, the light. If we can smell and breathe clean air, wake up to the dawn chorus of saved native birds, and go to sleep when it’s dark, the rhythms of nature may restore our health and well-being.

20 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



LOCAL NEWS Grey Lynn’s worm farm challenge THE GREY LYNN COMMUNITY CENTRE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GREY LYNN 2030 Waste Away group is holding a free Worm Farm Challenge workshop, open to everyone, at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on Saturday 27 June from 12noon - 2pm. The Worm Farm Challenge will continue for two months, with opportunities to discuss progress during that time. “Grey Lynn residents are known for being dedicated farmers - worm farmers, that is,” says community centre manager Cath Bathe-Taylor. “Sustainable living has long been a buzz word in our community, due in great part to the Grey Lynn 2030 movement’s Waste Away group, which among other initiatives promotes food waste action through worm farms and Bokashi buckets. “The workshop will answer all the questions you could have about setting up a worm farm and will respond to issues from people who already have a worm farm and find it is not working properly.” Sunshine Yates, a director of Grey Lynn based Waste Not Consulting, was one of the authors of the New Zealand Food Waste Audit. She says that in the Auckland region 37% of domestic kerbside refuse is food waste, which could be used sustainably in worm farm bins. Cath says the Grey Lynn Community Centre is working towards being more sustainable in the community as part of the centre’s philosophy of working towards zero waste - and encourages the community to follow suit. “To this end we encourage our centre users to take their rubbish home at the end of the day and to do the right thing with it - recycle or compost. We will also establish our own worm farm for the resident offices on site.” At the workshop future dates will be set for participants to get together to discuss progress with the establishment of their worm farms. There will be ongoing support for the two months of the challenge, which will also enable networking for like-minded people in the community. “You don’t have to be a hippy to be a worm farmer - it is the modern progressive way of thinking to care about your environment,” says Cath. Every month between seven and eight thousand people visit the Grey Lynn Community Centre for a myriad of reasons - from the Sunday Farmers Market to the wide range of children’s and adult’s groups and classes. A relative newcomer to the centre that has established its office on the first floor is Te Roopu O Wai Ora, which provides support services for young people at risk and their families. Programme manager Rob Poupouare is a long-time Grey Lynn resident. In the office with him is Adam Latoa who mainly undertakes club and mentoring work with their young clients. Rob Poupouare (programme manager) and Adam Latoa of Te Roopu O Wai Ora

Rob and Adam and others aim to make a positive difference in the lives of young people by opening the door to a new world of positive experience and challenges. There is a mentoring programme, which is part of the legal process beginning at Family Group Conferences, activity-based weekly club nights and the early intervention programme which supports both young people and their families to provide a structured link between school and home. The early intervention programme identifies problems early and targets anti-social behaviour. “Kids can do well on the mentoring and early intervention programmes - they learn to make positive decisions and changes in ways they may not hear about at home,” says Rob. “We like that we are working at the grass roots level when we are working with the kids.” Young people are referred to the services by a variety of sources, including CYFS PN and schools. (PHILIPPA TAIT) F GREY LYNN COMMUNITY CENTRE, 510 Richmond Road, T: 09 378 4908 www.greylynn.org.nz

22 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

Questions flowed at the end of Jill Goldson’s talk to Ponsonby U3A at its May meeting. Jill, who is director of The Family Matters Centre in Westmere (and daughter of U3A member Mary Goldson) spoke about the reforms in current Family Court policy and the impact of the reforms on families going through transition. She pointed out that separation affects most families to some extent and awareness of the latest research and practice is of relevance and interest to most people. She gave examples of her work and current research findings Guest speaker Jill Goldson (left) with U3A president in her specialty of child Annie Webster and Jill’s mother U3A member -inclusive mediation and Mary Goldson. explained why it can be helpful for families to have children participating in the process. Jill was first a social worker, then progressed to counselling, lecturing, mediation and research. She has won awards for her research and extensive work with families and children going though separation. She said that the day of children staying in one place when parents separate have pretty much gone and that children moving across homes is complicated and there are real stresses for children. She made the point that raising children is a joint parenting responsibility. She also noted that grandparents often feel that they do not get enough access to their grandchildren, but says that the law is enlightened enough to involve grandparents in mediation. “We all know from our daily lives that grandparents are of enormous help.” Jill explained the roles of Family Dispute Mediation and the Parenting Through Separation course. She commented that there is no legal solution that can compare with one parent recognising the position of the other parent and their children. U3A member Dianne Speed was the May 10 minute speaker. She introduced us to the annual Laser World Championships organized by the International Sailing Federation - and talked about the fascinating places that she and her husband visited as he competed in the Laser Masters Class of the event. She explained that 200 identical new laser yachts are built for each year’s championships and that these are divided into the divisions of those taking part. For many years they visited countries round the world while her husband competed. These days, she says he has “moved on” and his interests now lie with his Electron radio-controlled yacht. There are two speakers at each monthly U3A meeting - an invited guest speaker and a 10 minute speaker from within the U3A membership. U3A members come from a wide range of backgrounds and share the belief that keeping brain and body active is the key to a fruitful and happy retirement. The lifeblood of U3A is its special interest groups offering the chance to delve into a wide range of subjects as well as relaxing and convivial leisure activities. Ponsonby U3A offers 14 special interest groups: Antiques and Collectables, Armchair Travellers, Art History, Classical Studies, Current Events, Dining Out, Gallery Visits, Garnet Station Tiny Theatre Supporters, Green Fingers, Music Appreciation, New Zealand History, Petanque, Ramblers and Scrabble. Most special interest groups meet in members’ homes. Monthly meetings are held on the second Friday morning of the month at the Leys Institute, Ponsonby. Visitors and guests are welcome at the monthly meetings. The June guest speaker will be Rosalind Giffney, acting programme manager, Sistema Aoteroa, a learning programme teaching Otara children to play musical intruments. The 10 minute speaker will be U3A member David Oliver - “This is my life”. PN (PHILIPPA TAIT) F NEXT MEETING:

9.45am, Friday 12 June, First Floor, Leys Institute, St Marys Road


Annie Webster, President, Ponsonby U3A, T: 09 376 2902 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Raised in a family aware of the importance and health benefits of sport, Ben tried several sports from a very young age. At the age of six he played soccer for Western Springs for one season. Later he began playing basketball and although he enjoyed being part of the school team it didn’t fit in with his swimming schedule; his swimming results were promising and so he opted to make this his prime focus instead. Ben moved to Dilworth Junior Campus and there he did well in swimming placing third, then first overall. At Dilworth, Benjamin had to take up a winter sport and he was put in the rugby team. Not surprisingly, his rugby days didn’t last very long, with his teammate quoting, “Ben runs like a chicken, away from the ball instead of towards it!” Ben’s great uncles, Murray and Peter Watkinson, were rowing legends and with rowing having been a past strength for the family, Ben decided to take it up, initially with the Dilworth rowing squad.

photography: Sandy Austin

Westmere resident and former Bayfield Primary student Benjamin Watkinson has showed outstanding efforts over the past rowing season, being rewarded with gold in the under 18 single sculls at the National Event Maadi Cup.

LOCAL RESIDENT BEVERLEY MORRIS WEARING HER CNZM Local resident Beverley Morris is photographed at the Herne Bay Petanque Club, holding boules and wearing her CNZM (Companion of the Order of Merit). Beverly Morris was awarded her CNZM earlier this year for services to early childhood education in Wellington. This delightful lady who is in her early 90s is still a very active being a member of U3A and Herne Bay Petanque Club. F PN

His season was going averagely until on 7 November 2011, Ben was involved in an accident. Both his arms went through a glass window, severing his arteries and tendons 100% in his right hand and 70% on his left. This could have meant the end of any sporting career for Ben, but thanks to the wonderful surgeons at Middlemore Hospital who worked tirelessly, they made sure that Ben had another chance. He was lucky to be able to row after his accident, and was even luckier to be alive. The following year and healed from his accident Ben was ready to get back into rowing. However, he found Dilworth had taken rowing off the curriculum. Because of the family ties with rowing, the obvious solution was to join West End Rowing Club. Ben has shown determination and commitment to the sport and has had the motivation to achieve. Ben has now been selected for the New Zealand Junior Rowing Squad, competing in the Junior Worlds in Rio De Janeiro in August this year. F PN Benjamin has a fund raising page should any wonderful people wish to help him on his way. https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/benjimanw360

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Trams to make a comeback? Auckland’s 21st Century light rail future Auckland Transport’s announcement in January that it was seriously investigating a light rail solution for Auckland as a part of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, came as a surprise to many people but it’s the best news on the transport front for Auckland since the go ahead for rail electrification. Auckland Transport has taken this remarkable step - leap more like it - because its modelling and number crunching in the City Centre Future Access Study kept pointing to the inescapable conclusion that, by 2021, the recommended maximum of 130 buses per hour on key city corridors like Symonds Street will be seriously exceeded - even with the City Rail Link. This means chronic grid-lock. AT is therefore scoping a modern Light Rail Transit system comprising four lines, Dominion, Sandringham, Mt Eden and Manukau Roads, converging on Queen Street and Symonds Street, with the first stage a 7km Wynyard Quarter, Queen Street, Dominion Road line. Much more modest than Auckland’s historic 72km electric tramway but, in our time, without doubt a bold and visionary concept. Auckland’s position is not unique. The world-wide revolution in urban mass transit which occurred 60 years ago, that saw light rail, (electric trams) replaced, mainly by diesel buses, is now turning full circle - but this time buses in inner cities are giving way to modern high-tech, light rail vehicles or trams. This is happening in small to large cities across Europe, North America and Asia. There are 400 cities with LRT now operating. In Australia, in addition to Melbourne, the smart exception that held fast to its trams, Sydney has a major LRT construction underway, Gold Coast has completed the first 13km stage of its light rail system, Adelaide its expanding its light rail system and Canberra is at a tender stage. Across the world 60 LRT networks are under construction and another 200 are planned. Apart from its basic transport efficiencies light rail has been a proven catalyst for urban development. Modern trams on the Gold Coast, for instance, have dramtically transformed the place, rescuing it from what once seemed an inevitable fate of tackiness and instead giving the place a European-style gravitas. Light Rail Transit is more efficient and more economical, emission-free and much quieter than buses. As LRT carries more people, 300 - 450 passengers on a modern tram versus 60 people on a bus, it is passenger and therefore revenue rich. This heavy patronage (low-margin, high-turnover model) was of course a feature of the historic tram systems. Because of this factor all the New Zealand tram systems in the 20th Century were unsubsidised and indeed ran at a modest profit. In regards to the Auckland tramway, when it was terminated in 1956, it was carrying over 80 million passengers a year when Auckland’s population was only around 300,000 people. After the trams were withdrawn public transport patronage levels in Auckland collapsed.

Despite the population now being around 1.5 million, and the expenditure of billions of dollars in subsidies over recent years, public transport in Auckland has yet to fully recover from that disastrous decision. It is now just 79 million trips per annum for all modes. Yet in its first year of service in 1904, the Auckland Electric Tramways Co Ltd carried over 13 million trips per year (Auckland’s current train patronage level). This at a time when Auckland’s population was only 70,000 people. The company made a net profit of £20,823.00 in its first year and this increased modestly with patronage growth over the years. The strength of LRT is its flexibility in the way it can operate. Running through inner cities, sharing the road with cars, buses and pedestrians, and then running through the suburbs, often on dedicated tracks, more like a train. The private sector lobbying (from the oil/motor industry interests) which was a feature in the removal of the trams in the mid-1950s, right across the world, is again a factor in the worldwide light rail revival. This time from international operating and infrastructure companies, interested in public-private partnerships These see light rail as mutually profitable for both cities (in terms of city building and transport solutions) and their shareholders. This innate ‘bankability’ also makes start-ups financially feasible. A note of caution: If Auckland were to adopt light rail we would need to ensure that the financial efficiencies to be gained from the expected high patronage and lower cost operations are not cancelled out by the twin menace of local government gold-plating on the one hand, and rorting by the construction sector on the other - a particular danger in New Zealand’s monopolistic construction environment. Auckland Transport first signalled its intentions for light rail in the draft Regional Land Transport Plan and despite this being a major surprise, the idea was well received by Aucklanders. A total of 1390 public submissions were received on light rail and of those the vast majority 1250 (89%) were in support, 73 were opposed and 74 not indicating PN an opinion either way. (MIKE LEE) F Declaration: Mike Lee is a director of Auckland Transport and a qualified (heritage) tram driver. Councillor for Waitemata and Gulf www.mikelee.co.nz

26 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






Queens Hall

June is a special time for New Zealanders as we welcome in the Maori New Year.

The imposing brick and cement building on Paget Street has an intriguing history and is still an object of curiosity to passers by. The street was originally part of a large block extending to Ponsonby Road that was divided into lots, one of which auctioned off to a Mr Knapp in 1886.

Matariki takes place at different times each year according to the star cluster known as the Pleiades or The Seven Sisters. Celebrations start with the new moon that follows the rise of Matariki. Matariki is also an indication that winter is beginning. Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). According to myth, when Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatuanuku, the earth mother, were separated by their children, the god of the winds, Tawhirimatea, became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens.

The street itself is named after the redoubtable Earl of Uxbridge, whose family name was Paget. Alexander and Bessie Thorne married in 1880 and moved to Paget Street as well. Alexander was born in Auckland in 1848, and must qualify as one of New Zealand’s New Zealand’s earliest European citizens. The Thornes were both active members of the Methodist Church and Mrs Thorne was a foundation member of the Women’s and Christian Temperance Union’s local branch.

Traditionally, it was a time for remembering those who had departed this world, and celebrating new life. But it was also time of joy and prosperity as crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected in preparation for the cold season ahead. On completion of all this hard work, Matariki was commemorated with lots of singing, dancing and feasting. This year, Matariki starts on 18 June.

Sometimes in the early 1900s Bessie and Alexander were the registered owners of two wooden buildings on Paget Street. Bessie decided to have a hall built adjacent to her property where the family lived. The apocryphal story is that she had an ambition to provide a recital hall for her two daughters’ musical talents. She engaged Alexander Wiseman, the son of James Wiseman who came to New Zealand with his brother, Alexander from Tasmania, to set up a saddlery business like their father had back at home. The younger Alexander trained as an architect and had designed the Ferry Building, one of Auckland’s significant landmarks. He designed an impressive brick building for Bessie with a cement stucco front that had a hall, gallery, dressing rooms and all the up-to-date amenities.The building was constructed in1906 and a description of the opening was published in the New Zealand Herald in August that same year.

Kite flying is another special way to mark the occasion according to ancient custom, as kites flutter close to the stars. Enjoy one of our lovely local parks on a windy day and have a go!

The article describes the Queens Hall as a welcome addition to Auckland’s public halls and it was intended to serve as a meeting place for various social purposes, which gives lie to the story that it was solely for her family’s use. The hall provided enough chairs to seat 170 people and the gallery had a handsome serpentine front and polished rail, which was reached by a broad flight of stairs leading from the street. The stage and gallery combined to accommodate an additional 120 people. Ante rooms behind the stage were designed as dressing rooms and above them was a photographic studio. The large basement was turned into a well-equipped kitchen. The Mayor, Sir Arthur Myers, in declaring the hall open said that a small charge for the hall’s use would only be sufficient to cover expenses because Mrs Thorne’s chief object was to provide a suitable place for “musical, literary and social evenings of an elevating character and for religious work.” Phew, a worthy goal indeed! He wound up his address by declaring that Mrs Thorne’s efforts would result in great benefit to the locality. Applause followed and on the motion of the chairman a vote of thanks was tendered to the Mayor. The Misses Thorne then had the opportunity to contribute a duet to a short musical programme and all present enjoyed an afternoon tea dispensed by a ladies’ committee.

Here at Leys institute Library on Tuesday, 16 June at 6pm, we invite all budding astronomers, young and old, to attend a special presentation by an expert from Stardome Observatory. Learn about celestial navigation and other fascinating features of the stars. Bring along your binoculars if you’d like to do some stargazing afterwards. In honour of the event, a cup of tea and a chocolate fish will be provided. RSVP would be appreciated.

Next month, during the school holidays, we have some exciting activities planned to celebrate Matariki. Details can be found soon on our Facebook Page and the Auckland Libraries website as well as July’s Ponsonby News. Auckland Libraries has many fabulous resources on Matariki if you would like to learn more. And while you’re at it, why not read a novel written by one of our excellent Maori writers this month? Patricia Grace, Witi Ihimaera, Paula Morris and my all-time favorite, Kerry Hulme’s ‘The Bone People’ are some outstanding New Zealand classic authors to choose from. Pop in and see us or check out the Auckland Libraries’, website to make PN a request. (RACHAEL TE AOTONGA) F LEYS INSTITUTE, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 374 1315 www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz


Interior alterations were carried out in 1922, which were overseen by Bessie whose husband had died the year before. Mrs Thorne died in 1944 and the property was transferred to her daughter who, two years later, sold it to a young businessman, Alick Wilson, who had established an upholstery business with Lionel Nicholson in 1938. They ran a highly successful enterprise from the Queens Hall for three decades. When they eventually retired the building was sold to the well known restaurateur of the 70s, Tony White who converted the building into a four bedroom dwelling with a British pub-style bar in a corner of the living room. Aucklanders Gwen and Don Bowman were the next purchasers and the brilliant acoustics attracted the next owner, pianist Barry Margan who installed his Steinway piano.

L to R: The Iko Iko team; Maiko Miyazaki, Thomasin Bollinger and Kirsten Pleitner

Margan sold Queens Hall to its current owner who prefers to remain anonymous. She fell in love with the building and sees herself “growing old in it”. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) F PN

Iko Iko, the K'Road gift store has just relocated to 53 Ponsonby Road where Shell Shock were once based. They held their opening party last month.

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LOCAL NEWS MENDING THE HOLES IN THE HERITAGE PROTECTION BLANKET 16-18 Crummer Road, Ponsonby This story is complex but illuminating as to the state of heritage protection in Auckland. Currently standing at 16-18 Crummer Road are a pair of two-storey Victorian wooden villas built, according to Council Heritage, in the 1880s-1890s. In July 2014, the Waitemata Local Board was informed that council had received a Certificate of Compliance application for the demolition of the buildings. A CoC is unlike a resource consent application - it is an administrative exercise to confirm compliance with the District Plan. It had been our understanding that planning rules had a blanket application to any buildings built before 1944, requiring special consideration from council before demolition can be allowed but in this case we’ve learnt that the heritage blanket has holes in it! We were very surprised to be informed by council officers that although the pre-1944 heritage/character rules of the Unitary Plan are now in effect, they do not apply to 16-18 Crummer Road and, by inference, a number of other sites. Given that there are no rules, overlays or protection for the properties in question, no heritage/character assessment is required so the District Plan and the draft Unitary Plan permit demolition of the buildings. The fact that these particular buildings were constructed prior to 1900 will mean that some form of Heritage NZ (until recently, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust) approval is required prior to demolition but only relating to the recording of any items of historic interest found on site. This is far from a satisfactory state of affairs so I have requested clarification from Council Heritage about what areas have had sites removed from the overlay. The search has been narrowed to areas on the boundary of industrial or commercial areas but it is still a large undertaking. The challenge is to identify at-risk sites before the hearings at which Heritage will be submitting to the Unitary Plan commissioners. This work will be fed to a pre-1944 survey team that has been established by the Heritage department. The project is set to run for another 18 months with the possibility that they may be called to the Hearings Panel as early as this month. The Survey Team have identified 12 priority areas including Grey Lynn, Ponsonby and the Res 1 fringe. They have identified ‘hot spots’ where there is high-development pressure and mapped proposals for Special Housing Areas in the pre-1944 overlay areas. The local board is pursuing this as a matter of urgency to ensure that important heritage sites are properly identified and protected. In the same month as applying for the CoC, the owner of the site lodged an application for the construction of a mixed-use development of 24 residential apartments and 112m2 of commercial floor space. The 15m height limit was proposed to be infringed by 6.2m (total 21.2m) and floor area ratio of 2:1 was to be breached by the proposed ratio of 3.9:1. The local board does not have binding authority on resource consent applications but we do have non-binding input into notification. After speaking with neighbours of the site, I recommended to the consenting officer that the application be publicly notified.

TAMAKI SPORTS ACADEMY - FREE METAL COLLECTION Tamaki Sports Academy offers mentoring, coaching and work experience to South Auckland youth who have dropped out of the mainstream school system but show some sporting talent. A major fundraiser for the academy, and an excellent source of work experience for our members, is the free metal collection service we offer. We will pick up any old metal - computers, whiteware, roofing iron, metal piping, Venetian blinds, batteries, car panels, cars, metal shelving, filing cabinets, machinery, lawnmowers, engines and so on. If you do have any metal rubbish to PN get rid of, we are keen to pick it up for you. It is a win-win for both of us. F Contact Tricia on M: 027 510 5890; T 09 276 0328; www.facebook.com/#!/TamakiSportsAcademy; www.rmcullen.com/tamakisports.php

ROAD CLOSURES - WYNYARD QUARTER Street and utility upgrades in Wynyard Quarter will require road closures on sections of Halsey and Gaunt Streets from late May 2015 to mid-2016; Pakenham and Madden Streets from mid-2015 to mid-2017.

When informed by the duty commissioner that the proposal would be notified, the applicant significantly scaled back their proposal and the amended proposal lodged in January 2015 removed the top penthouse floor to reduce the height and bulk of the building.

These major works are part of the transformation of Wynyard Quarter to create a vibrant and accessible waterfront, as well as to accommodate future growth in the area.

This resulted in a mixed-use development of 20 residential units and one commercial unit. The height infringement is now 1.05m (mainly lift shaft) and the proposed floor area ratio has been reduced to 3.5:1. The duty commissioner accepted this scaled-back proposal and the application was approved on a non-notified basis.

They are being undertaken by Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, Waterfront Auckland and Watercare and involve wastewater and stormwater upgrades and street refurbishments.

It has been troubling to observe this death-of-a-thousand-cuts to the built heritage of Auckland’s inner suburbs. I can assure readers, though, that we will be watching closely as the heritage assessments progress and will report back to you on the decisions made by the independent commissioners on the Unitary Plan Hearing Panel. We are determined to protect our heritage gems for future generations. (VERNON TAVA, Waitemata Local Board) F PN

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

Due to the complexity and scale of the works road closures are necessary on Halsey and Gaunt Streets and staged road closures on Pakenham and Madden Streets. Motorists are advised to expect delays when travelling through and around Wynyard Quarter and to consider walking, cycling or public transport as an alternative. For more information please go to https://at.govt.nz/projects-roadworks/wynyard-quarter/#works F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


The budget - a surprise but not a plan There are many reasons why MPs get into politics. Child poverty has always been one of my main motivations. It’s lucky then that child poverty is one of those issues that is ultimately man-made, because that means it is something we can change if we have the political will. In the budget announced on 21 May, the Government finally acknowledged that we have a problem with child poverty in New Zealand, and I absolutely welcome that. Any extra support for families experiencing the most hardship in this country can only be a good thing. But sadly the scale of the problem essentially means that they’ve just made it a little bit easier to live in poverty, without taking families out of it. But how do we fix a problem that has become so large? Thankfully we don’t have to look far for the answers. The statistics tell us everything we need to know if we want to help the up to 260,000 children in need.

If only that were true. Sadly the numbers again have told us that of all the families in poverty, two out of five are working, but they aren’t earning enough. Simply put, if we want to solve poverty issues, we need a plan to lift wages, reduce the cost of housing, and ensure we have an economy that genuinely works for everyone. In this budget I am really pleased the Government acknowledged that we have a problem, PN but, sadly, they just haven’t fixed it yet. (JACINDA ARDERN) F JACINDA ARDERN, Labour List MP based in Auckland Central. www.jacinda.co.nz

The first thing we know is that children are spending their longest and hardest periods in poverty when they are very young. That instinctively makes sense - it’s harder to be in work when you have a young child, so sole parents particularly have a tough time in these early years. Yes, giving those families an extra $25 a week is a good thing, but let’s be realistic, it won’t go far, especially when it abates if you get the accommodation supplement meaning some families will get more like $10. In Labour, we looked at the evidence too, and took a slightly different approach. Our Best Start package went to the same families the Government has targeted, but it was $60 per week, and more importantly, per child, and for the first three years of a child’s life when it is the most difficult for families to juggle work and care. It was more targeted, but it was also more generous, because that is what the evidence told us we needed to do. In Labour, we also recognised that this was just one part of the picture - the other part of the picture is the families in poverty who are working. This Government has persistently said that the way to get out of poverty is to get into work.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LOCAL NEWS THE STORY OF A GREY LYNN VILLA - 100 YEARS ON When an old man stood staring at the old villa at 3 Beaconsfield Street, Grey Lynn one day recently, owner Ben Calway asked him about his interest in the house. He replied that he had lived there with his mother and sister during the war. Ben invited him in and Mr Bridges told his story. The house was owned by an Augustus Henry Baggarley, who also owned the concrete house next door at No.1. Mr Bridges produced photographs of himself with his mother and sister, and with Mr Baggarley. This visit spurred Ben and partner Megan McQuinn to find out more about the history of their villa. It is an amazing story, as Ponsonby News uncovered. Beaconsfield Street was part of the subdivision of the Surrey Hills farm in what was then the Grey Lynn Borough Council. It was not until 1914 that Grey Lynn amalgamated with Auckland City. The valuation rolls of Grey Lynn Borough for 1908 show a villa at number 3 with a land value of £100 and a house value of £400. There are no records of the villa prior to 1908. We can pretty safely assume that the house was built by William Phoenix Ogilvie in 1908. Ogilvie was a draper with a shop in Queen Street. His Scottish parents, John and Isabella, arrived in Auckland in 1855, lived in Queen Street and set up the drapery shop, which their son William Phoenix subsequently owned and ran.

Unfortunately that also caught fire, so young William Phoenix was born with fire raging around him. Isabella and baby William survived, and they gave him Phoenix as a second name in honour of the famous mythological story of the rise of the phoenix from the ashes. William Phoenix Ogilvie and Elizabeth Boyd Edgar raised five children at 3 Beaconsfield Street. Elizabeth died in 1919 but William Phoenix lived on to the ripe old age of 89. He sold his Beaconsfield villa in 1943, and died in 1947. In all earlier records Ogilvie was described as storekeeper, but by 1942 he was named as retired. The history of the sales of the villa in subsequent years makes interesting reading. Ogilvie sold Beaconsfield to Augustus Baggarley for £925. Baggarley only owned it for a year before selling it to Malopito Asotau, who must have been one of the very early Pacific Islanders in Grey Lynn. He was listed as a ‘meat trimmer’ in the valuation records. Asotau sold the house in 1951 for £1750. It sold again in 1954 for £3500, and in 1956 for £5000.

William Phoenix was the second born to John and Isabella, but it is the story of his birth which is so fascinating.

The capital gain that we think is so recent didn’t stop there. No.3 Beaconsfield sold in 1971 for $9000 (we changed to decimal currency in 1968), and again in 1972 for $17,000. It was in four flats by that time, but was restored to a single dwelling in 1976. By 1986 it was on the market for $170,000.

In 1858, there was a huge fire in Queen Street which razed a number of buildings including the home of John and Isabella. Isabella had just gone into labour when the fire broke out. It engulfed their house so they quickly shifted Isabella to the hotel next door.

So the elderly visitor, Mr Bridges, lived there during the brief ownership of Augustus Baggarley, described as a “pensioner”, when the house was in flats. An advertisement in the Herald of 22 December, 1944 advertises a “room furn, gas stove, holiday

HONDA CR-V 2015 REVIEW Like most drivers, I don’t have the best knowledge when it comes to what’s under the hood. However, when it comes to the look, feel, and features of a vehicle, I know exactly what I want. After spending a week driving around in Honda’s latest addition to the CR-V 2015 range (2WD) and then going back to my 2014 model (AWD), there are quite a few excellent new features that have me wishing to upgrade. Let’s start outside the car: Looking similar to the previous model in size and shape, the latest CRV has had a redesign at the front and rear - a glamorous facelift, if you like - making it more bold and sporty than ever before, while maintaining its very attractive style. While other car companies might liken their vehicle to fast cats, to me, this one looks like a mighty dragon! Let’s step inside: Not only has Honda improved the outside, they’ve gone to town on improving the inside. Comfortable seating, with driver’s memory seat, chrome detailing, soft-touch materials, and a new-look touchscreen with lane watch and multi-angle rear cameras were some of the cool new features I noticed right away. There may be a bit more inside but there’s still that enormous amount of space to fit the family or to make room for my outdoor gear (mountain bikes, surfboards). Nevertheless, safety and comfort have clearly taken priority here. Now, let’s take it for a spin: It’s not until we drive a car that we begin to get a good feel for it and, whether it’s around town or cruising along the motorway, the 2015 CR-V is exceptional on the road. The handling on the 2WD model is dreamlike - smooth, effortless and precise, and with power to boot. To be honest, I don’t know what they’ve done, but I love it! I also noticed that the fuel efficiency seems to have had an improvement. With a conservative driving style, at one point I was able to get the average fuel usage down to just over 8L/100km. Not bad for a large SUV, if you ask me. With a growing family and an outdoor lifestyle, the outside, inside and handling of this vehicle combine to make it, by far, the perfect car for us. Jared Turner

32 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



The old villa at 3 Beaconsfield Street, Grey Lynn

Pictured above: Ben Calway & Mr Bridges Pictured below: front row Oskar, Luca & Grace; back row: Maddox & Ben Calway

period - report 3 Beaconsfield”. Augustus Baggarley certainly did not have his wife with him at Beaconsfield Street. They had had an acrimonious divorce in 1919 and prior to that Baggarley had been in court for drawing a pistol and threatening to kill his brother-in-law. As I explained to Ben and Megan’s four kids, it must have been a quiet, tranquil place to live, but there was an interesting incident about 1920. Residents got up a petition to have the “night soil collection removed from his yard in Great North Road because of the offence it caused to nearby residents”. Most of today’s kids would have no clue what a night cart was. How times have changed, but this grand old villa still stands proud near the top of Beaconsfield with loving new PN owners. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F

Honda CR-V 2015 range (2WD)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Capybara; check out our new arrivals

You can’t get cooler or cuter than Auckland Zoo’s newest species - one-year-old capybara half-sisters and great mates Rosita and Consuela. These South American beauties - famed for being the world’s largest rodent, have come to us from Adelaide Zoo. They recently moved into our rainforest where they’re happily co-habiting with our squirrel monkeys - something they’d also do in the wild. Giraffe calf Zuri, whose name means ‘beautiful’ in Swahili, is now integrated with the rest of our giraffe herd, zebra and ostrich

The zoo’s primate team leader, Amy Robbins, who, along with her team, looks after the pair, is completely smitten: “Capybara have these gorgeous faces, big eyes, shaggy hair, strong legs and partially-webbed feet that make them great swimmers and see them leaving beautiful star-shaped footprints in the mud. While they can be quite stand -offish, they’re also quietly confident and are not afraid to stand their ground. They’re so endearing and great time-wasters!”

Baby giraffe Zuri

Like the hippo, a capybara’s eyes and ears sit high, enabling it to still see and hear what’s going on while swimming, and can stay submerged under water for up to five minutes!

While already well over six foot (1.8m) she is of course completely dwarfed by the rest of our giraffe herd - especially dad Zabulu who is a towering five metres! When next visiting, be sure to stop by and see Zuri in Pridelands.

Zuri, the zoo’s 32nd giraffe calf born on 23 April to mum Rukiya and dad Zabulu, is growing up fast.

Keen to check them out? The best time to see Rosita and Consuela swimming, exploring their rainforest home, eating (which they need to do a lot of) and also resting up on land, is mid-morning until early afternoon. Capybara are herbivores and in their ecosystem have the role of specialised grazers of long grasses. In fact the name capybara means ‘master of grasses’. Their large sharp incisors also enable them to chew on logs, bark and branches. Here at the zoo, Rosita and Consuela are also given rodent pellets, fruit, vegetables and bamboo. Will you hear them? You might! Capybara have a range of vocalisations, but Amy explains Rosita and Consuela’s grunts and clicks can be quite subtle. “However, if one of them is calling the other from a distance it can be quite loud and sounds like a loud guinea pig,” says Amy. While the capybara girls are on their own for now, they’ll be joined by a young breeding male from England’s Chester Zoo later this year - which could mean the pitter-patter of little star-shaped feet in the future, and the start of a family group.

Zuri with mum Rukiya

Celebrate elephants and be in to win…

With the imminent arrival of the new elephant Anjalee from Niue, Auckland Zoo is taking the opportunity to celebrate elephants with a range of exciting activities this June and July. From 22 June - 19 July, come and share your memories of Auckland’s elephants at our photographic exhibition celebrating 92 years of Aucklanders’ very special relationship with elephants. This exhibition at our Old Elephant House will feature beautiful nostalgic archival photos from the New Zealand Herald and Auckland Zoo archives.

You can now discover capybara in the rainforest at Auckland Zoo

The last weekend of June and first weekend of July will see our friends from ASB running fun family elephant-themed weekends for our younger visitors based around activities at our band rotunda. Our July holiday programme (4 - 19 July) will also be all about elephants.

Win a trip to Niue!

Visit the zoo anytime from 1 June - 31 July and you’ll go in the draw to win a trip to Niue for four people! In partnership with Niue Tourism, Auckland Zoo is offering visitors the opportunity to win a trip to the wonderful island of Niue for four people, including flights and accommodation. (Full details at www.aucklandzoo.co.nz) To double your chances, visit the zoo in June - when every visitor will get two entries per visit to enter to win this holiday package. July visitors will be eligible for one entry per visitor per visit.

34 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


LOCAL NEWS THE ART OF REMEMBRANCE Inner city church covered in international artworks to raise funds for restoration. One hundred years since the start of the Gallipoli campaign in the first world war, renowned New Zealand artist Max Gimblett has joined forces with Auckland’s inner city ‘soldiers’ church’ to create a dazzling display of shimmering artworks on the façade of the historic building. Thousands of Gimblett artworks on bright brass quatrefoils have been fixed to the exterior of the imposing St David’s Church near the top of Khyber Pass Road to form a shimmering, golden tribute to New Zealanders who have served in all wars. They will remain in place for three months. Ponsonby resident and Art of Remembrance volunteer Craig Dwerryhouse holding a Max Gimblett remembrance artwork with Art of Remembrance project director and curator Paul Baragwanath. www.rememberthem.nz

A ‘quatrefoil’ is an internationally recognised shape resembling a flower - poppy, lotus, hibiscus - or an early Christian Iona Cross. The remembrance artworks are about the size of an outstretched hand. Gimblett created multiple handpainted inkworks rendered with Japanese Sumi ink on Arches cold-pressed water-coloured paper. The artist then selected seven designs from these works to be hand-printed on the New Zealand brass quatrefoils. The strong support of Max Gimblett, an artist of international stature, has sparked international interest. His works hang in galleries and collections around the world including the Guggenheim in New York. The 79-year-old Gimblett lived in the inner city, mostly in the vicinity of Khyber Pass Road as a young boy, and although now based in New York has always retained an affinity with St David’s Church. Built in 1927 the church itself was built as a place of remembrance of the first world war and was known as the ‘soldiers’ church’, which has played an important part in the life of Auckland. New Zealand’s only VC winner from Gallipoli, Corporal Cyril Bassett, an active yachtsman at Westhaven, was married there. Keen demand for artworks of remembrance Paul Baragwanath, project director and spokesman for the Friends of St David’s Trust, says, “New Zealand families are welcoming the opportunity to purchase these artworks of remembrance to hang on the wall at home, or put on the mantelpiece, as a permanent remembrance of past sacrifice, in many cases involving a family member.” They are being offered for $100 each through the website www.rememberthem.nz and the proceeds are intended to be used to help restore the old inner city church. Paul Baragwanath says St David’s Trust will be grateful for whatever public support is forthcoming. “There is no particular target we need to achieve, but obviously we want to sell as many of these special artworks as possible.” “A restored church, with its magnificent stained glass windows, can be the centrepiece of a great community asset on its large, strategic site in Khyber Pass Road, perhaps in association with educational facilities and used for a variety of community activities as well as being a place of remembrance for the New Zealanders who have served overseas in the cause of peace.” If, for any reason, the restoration of the church does not proceed, the funds raised will go to the Returned Services Association and the Royal New Zealand Engineers’ Charitable Trust, and used to restore other war memorials. The spectacular public display of the Gimblett artworks on the Auckland church is a South Pacific version of the recent international spectacle created by nearly a million red ceramic poppies surrounding the Tower of London to honour the fallen in the first world war. All of these poppies have now been sold around the world, raising millions of pounds for the charities involved in the project. F PN Further details are available at www.rememberthem.nz www.maxgimblett.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LOCAL NEWS PEACE POPPIES IN WESTERN PARK Cristina Beth, artist and organiser, told Ponsonby News, “This is part of a project which has been running for three years in local communities. It started with 1000 poppies and this year some 42,000 were made.” "The felt poppies are each individually handmade often in group situations to create a platform for discussions around family stories from the war and to have time to reflect on thankfulness for these sacrifices made by these men and their supporting families.

It also offers an opportunity to consider a peaceful future. We give the poppies away afterwards as another vibration of peaceful intentions." F PN For more information: Facebook page: thepeacepoppyproject www.peacepoppies.com


Above L to R: The amazing poppy field in Castle Street; The Signals, Pipes & Drums; Marching to Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street

Above L to R: The Military Re-enactment Society; Reverend Mua Strickson-Pua; Rick Bryant and the Jubilation A Cappella Gospel Choir

Above L to R: Labour List MP Jacinda Ardern; Tim wearing his grandfather’s medals & Steve Spencer; Maia Gomes from Grey Lynn School and Kris Hall

36 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


BOAR & BLADE ‘Trust the Barber’ a sign says on the back wall. Mounted above it is a fierce looking boar’s head, all beady eyes, whiskers, and tusks like blades. By this he means the full grooming service; along with your haircut you can have your beard trimmed, styled and oiled, moustache and eyebrows tamed, anything from the neck up! I take that to mean even ear and nose hair. Affirmative. And there’s the specialty of the house, a hot towel shave with a cutthroat razor. There’s one gleaming from the top pocket of his crisp white tunic. Being of the un-be-whiskered gender, I am somewhat relieved I won’t be offered one.

He’s talking tight traditional haircuts; fades, low tapers, tight fades, a hard part. It’s a language unfamiliar to me, perhaps because it’s a style trend that comes out of another century. “When I opened Boar & Blade in Wellington, there was no one doing what I do,” Brendan explains. “There was a resurgence of old-school barbering overseas but it had yet to take off here.”

Throughout his 15 years in the trade Brendan had a distinct vision for his own barbershop. You can see it in the detail of this stylish little space; three classic barber chairs (1950s reproductions handmade in Japan), bespoke wooden mirror frames, the sculpted scissors, antique shaving pots and, of course, the family heirloom - the nameinspiring boar’s head. Brendan’s grandfather Kiwi Blake was an All Black, Captain of the Maori All Blacks and a pig hunter. He shot that boar in 1940 at age 17.

photography: Stacey Simpkin

I am in Boar & Blade, the newly opened gentleman’s barbershop in the heart of Ponsonby Central. Brendan, alias ‘Bundy the Barber’ is just finishing off a fade; he flicks off the cape with finesse, and the customer departs looking well pleased. “It’s important to us that people leave the shop looking sharp, groomed and feeling great.” Brendan says, “You can spot a guy in the street who has been in here, it’s a distinct look and style.”

Mat and Brendan

NEAT MEAT We pride ourselves on sourcing the finest organic and free range meat in the country, we know exactly where its from and we can tell you how best to cook it!

T: 09 378 2180 www.neatmeat.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Brendan and his partner moved to Auckland earlier this year, and leapt at the opportunity to open up Boar & Blade in Ponsonby Central. Mat aka ‘Stitch,’ joined him as second barber soon after. “It’s perfect... to live and work round here and be part of a neighbourhood. You’ll soon start to notice our look on Ponsonby Road,” he laughs. A bearded chap is hovering at the doorway. Mat welcomes him in and I sense it’s time to leave. It is after all very much a male enclave, a grooming salon for the modern gentleman. Cigar anyone? (FIONA GARLICK) www.boarandblade.co.nz Brendan, M: 021 215 6041 Mat, M: 022 049 8830



All our smoothies are made from scratch with organic raw wholefood ingredients, as we believe superfood smoothies need to be just that, maximum nutrition packed into every sip!

Jimmy is serious about where he sources his fish. Sustainable, line caught and freshly selected from the early morning fish markets, he’s the go-to guy for specialty seafood.

T: 09 215 8380 www.ceres.co.nz

T: 09 360 1554 www.jimmythefish.co.nz

CREPES A GO GO From the vibrant market area of Ponsonby Central, we specialise in traditional crêpes and galettes that are naturally gluten, dairy and sugar-free. For breakfast, lunch and all day treats.






Move it... Take a look around the streets any day of the week and you’ll have to agree - Ponsonby is active! A tonne of purpose-designed apparel dresses local bods for running, yoga, walking, the gym and more. The active sportswear category currently boasts some of the most expressive, exuberant fashion to be found. Here’s a taste of what’s new and fabulous for your workouts, available in stores locally.








7 9

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



10 13


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Icebreaker pant $179.95 New Balance trainer $170 Adidas jacket $130 Adidas bag $100 IBSIM x taylor sweater $145 and skirt $147 Adidas cap $40 We’ar leg warmers $4

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

8. Adidas high top $150 9. We’ar track pant $125 10. Icebreaker tank $99.95 11. Nike X Liberty trainer $180 12. We’ar yoga mat $89 13. New Balance Surface Run Jacket $120

WHERE TO BUY IN GREATER PONSONBY Adidas www.adidas.co.nz IBSIM x taylor www.theshelter.co.nz Icebreaker nz.icebreaker.com New Balance www.newbalance.co.nz Nike X Liberty www.platinumsports.co.nz We’ar www.wearyogaclothing.com




ANGELA LASSIG: LETTERS FROM MAUDIE The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig. VERMONT STREET, PONSONBY 15 JUNE 1925

Dear Zinnia,

Oh Zin, I’ve had the most marvellous past two days and all by chance! After two very grey weeks and continuous rain, you can imagine my pleasure at waking to blue skies and the joyful chirping of happy birds. Even the loud chortling tui that frequent the rata outside my bedroom window were tolerated without ill will! With my orders up-to-date, on account of being confined by the dreadful weather, I decided to treat myself to morning tea at Mrs. Gavin’s.[i] No sooner had I walked in the door when I was summoned to a fully laden tea table by one of my regular customers, Amelia Johns.[ii] Completely unexpectedly she bade me join her and a friend, which I happily obliged (not the least because of the presence of my favourite tea cake on the stand). Without any ado, Amelia introduced me to her friend Marguerite who has just returned to New Zealand on the Corinthic, after three months abroad. Marguerite is married to one of the buyers for Ballantyne’s in Christchurch and, on this occasion, had decided to accompany him on his travels. Marguerite spent almost the entire time shopping, which endeared her to me greatly, and we spent a good hour fully engaged in fashion talk, drinking tea and eating delicious treats. How often does one have the opportunity to hear about the latest overseas fashions from a New Zealand perspective? Very quickly I found that Marguerite, like Amelia, has exquisite taste in fashion, so she was able to indulge me by answering my many questions about details of dress that, frustratingly, the magazines inevitably fail to mention. A most wonderful consequence of this chance meeting was that I was invited to inspect Marguerite’s new wardrobe the very next day at Amelia’s house. (Amelia is hosting Marguerite and her husband until Saturday when they return to Christchurch.) I shall make you wait a little longer to hear about that! Shall I tell you what Marguerite was wearing at tea? I know you’ll be interested to hear that her entire ensemble was purchased in Vienna. It was made of fine serge in the most delicious shade of plum. With it she wore low Louis-heeled glace [iii] leather pumps in darkest plum, which matched her handbag. She was even able to find matching suede gloves, all in the one department store. Think of the hours we spend trudging around the shops to find matching accessories, especially if we’re looking for an unusual colour! No wonder we so often opt for black. I mustn’t omit mentioning Amelia who, of course, was wearing ‘Maudie’! Her ensemble was made from a gorgeous deep rustcoloured serge (admittedly not the fineness of Marguerite’s suit), the colour selected for the way it complements Amelia’s thick russet bob. Happily I was not too shabbily dressed myself, but I shall not describe my frock as you will have seen it many times before. So yesterday afternoon at two, with much anticipation, I rang the bell of Amelia’s beautiful Epsom home, where I was treated to three hours of utter bliss.


There was so much to see that I shall describe to you only two of my absolute favourites and leave the full disclosure until your next visit. Hopefully this provides incentive enough for you to get yourself up here sooner than the two months it took you last time. Through her husband’s business contacts, Marguerite was able to attend showings at some exclusive London salons including Reville. Can you imagine my excitement at being able to talk at length to someone who had seen with their own eyes the exquisite creations of one of my favourite London houses. And then she laid out on the table, before my gaping eyes, a Reville lamé coat with a jazzy zig zag pattern woven in silver at the top and graduating to gold at the lower. An incredibly soft and luxurious fur of some type trimmed the collar and cuffs. I was allowed to examine it in detail and even to try it on. I am jealous beyond belief ! Another favourite and perhaps the most unusual ensemble originated in Paris. It was a black silk crepe dress and jacket. The dress was plain apart from narrow bands of red and black beading to the neck, armholes and hem. The jacket, however, was wonderful fun, with a striking beaded design of single stems of bright red flowers emerging from beaded flowerpots that formed pockets at the lower front. After all this indulgence we retired to the conservatory for tea. As if we hadn’t already been spoilt enough, I presented my host with a box of Mortensen’s[iv] best truffles that Marguerite promptly opened and shared around. I must admit that I hadn’t tried these before (as the price is a little steep for private consumption!) and bought them on Soren’s recommendation. They were utterly and sublimely delicious. As I believe Marguerite will today be sending for a dozen boxes to take back with her to Christchurch, I think Herr Mortensen owes me a half box as commission, or at the very least some free samples, next time I grace his store with my presence. Well my dear, after two days with very little work done, I do need to get back to the workroom and earn my keep. Oh yes, please don’t forget to let me know how much more you need of that lovely royal blue velvet you bought from Shanley’s last time you visited. I noticed yesterday that they had less than 10 yards left. The Colonial Drapery Co.[v] has just this week got a velvet of similar quality in, but the shade is not nearly as rich as Shanley’s. I might just buy five yards tomorrow as I’d hate you to be caught short. I can always find use for such a lovely fabric. Wishing you blue skies and a relaxing weekend. Your friend always,

Maudie xx Ellen Gavin, Florist & Tea Rooms, 18 Jervois Road (1925) The name is purely fictitious [iii] patent [iv] Sorren Mortensen, Confectioner, 17 Ponsonby Road (1925) [v] 256 Ponsonby Road (1925) [i]



illustration: Michael McClintock

Thank you for the pretty postcard! I’m so pleased that you and Sissy had such a happy holiday in Taupo. However, I am supremely jealous that you caught so many fish! While I love fishing from Ponsonby wharf (another new hobby to which George has introduced me), I have only ever caught two. George tells me that fly-fishing is quite the art and requires much skill, so well done both of you! You must bring some snaps with you next time you come to Auckland. I haven’t visited the lake since I was a child but I remember being completely charmed by my time there.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




FASHION + STYLE RETAIL SUPERSTAR Linda Chandler Apartment 86 Boutique How did you come to be a retail salesperson? It all started when I worked for various international designers many years ago. I became interested in how the garments were made. Ultimately, I ended up styling for a few years in New York.

The REPERTOIRE Go To Coat Available in Camel, Blush Pink & Black. 100% Wool. 100 Ponsonby Rd www.repertoire.co.nz

What brought you to Apartment 86 Boutique? I met the most amazing Kiwi guy in New York 12 years ago and the rest as they say is history! We moved to Auckland where I opened Apartment 86 Boutique eight years ago. What do you love about your store? I love selecting everything that goes into the boutique, plus the opportunity to introduce unique designer collections, while offering personal styling advice to my customers. What makes a standout retail salesperson? An interest in what really goes into making the garment, including fabrications which determine how the garment is going to fit. It’s easy to see how it looks on a hanger but how it feels and looks on the body is more important. I’ve been able to apply this knowledge for my customers over the years making sure the garment is flattering for their body types. As a fashion buyer and stylist it’s important to listen to your customer. Frankly it’s not about what I think, but it is about making sure she feels amazing! Tell us about a memorable sale you’ve made this year... Well, anyone can tell you in this sometimes moody retail business we can have one or two crazy moments. For me it was when a lady walked in with her daughter and straight away wanted me to close the door so that they could have the boutique to themselves. I was a bit shocked because it was only midday, I was thinking, “What? Ok, let’s see where this goes.” Needless to say two hours and four bags later it was a good sale. If you could wave your wand and have anyone in the world walk into your store right now, who would it be? It would have to be the Italian-born editor-at-large for Vogue Japan, Anna Dello Russo. I’ve been admiring her style for many years. She has the ability to re-create herself and stay ahead of everyone with her unique style choices but more importantly she isn’t afraid to wear what she wants. She doesn’t follow, she leads. If you could wave your wand and have anyone in greater Ponsonby walk into your store right now, who would it be? Pippa Wetzell, I haven’t met her but I love her personality on the show. She seems like she’d be a great person to enjoy a glass of wine with. Where do you enjoy shopping? I love shopping at Citta, because they have so many cool things for the home. Farro for their pasta! And Rocket Kitchen for those chocolate whiskey cakes - yum! Name someone you think is a great greater Ponsonby brand... The team at Ockham for their stunning and quality designer buildings, making Ponsonby and Auckland an even more amazing place to live. F PN APARTMENT 86 BOUTIQUE, 5 Great North Road, Ponsonby, T: 09 361 1233 www.apt86.co.nz

42 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015





PREMIUM POSITIONS AVAILABLE TO BOOK ADVERTISING: Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or Angela Martin on 0274 108 320 t: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 e: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz e: ponsnewsnz@gmail.com w: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




FASHION + STYLE ORGANIC HAIR OFFERING FOR WEST LYNN West Lynn is the organic heart of the city, so a friendly local salon thought it was time to put organic hair on offer too. This month, Amica Boutique proudly launches Organic Colour Systems - a range of colour, care and styling products using the fewest possible chemicals and the most certified organic and natural ingredients. “Ingredients matter to people around here, so we’ve had to do our research to find the cleanest professional product available,” says Amica Boutique owner, Kirsten Lloyd. “We were actually amazed at how few apparently ‘natural’ ranges didn’t even contain any organic or natural ingredients. OCS is loaded with them.” But for a salon that prides itself on its craftsmanship, premium ingredients were not the only consideration. The stuff had to work. “The most mind-boggling thing about Organic Colour Systems is the repair. It really does fix damaged hair like it promises,” says co-owner Jason Pearce. “People really are about great condition of hair, and it’s so exciting that we have the tools to genuinely offer that. It’s a whole different philosophy.”

THE GEMSTONE FOR JUNE Donna Mills, owner of Jewels and Gems introduces us to the qualities of peridot. Most of the information comes from the scientifically conducted trials of German stone specialist Michael Gienger, interpreted by Donna.

And the colour? “We love it,” Kirsten explains. “It’s beautiful to work with and the results are stunning. But it has to be, we wouldn’t work with anything that didn’t offer exceptional colour results.” A client evening is planned for people wanting to learn more about the system. To book your complimentary seat, call Amica Boutique on 09 360 1954 or email amicaboutique@xtra.co.nz. Kirst and Jason would love to see you there. F PN AMICA BOUTIQUE, 453 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 360 1954 www.amicaboutique.co.nz

I choose the Stone of the Month by a meditative process and I’m always happy when it is one of the zodiac stones for that month. If it isn’t, I go with it anyway. Although traditionally not a June birthstone, peridot has presented itself as the stone for this month. I guess many people are needing its strong, clarifying and freeing energy at this time. The Ancients wore peridot to keep away evil spirits and bestow wisdom and friendship. Today we can think of evil spirits as negative energies, attracted by our thoughts and emotions. In helping to avert and dissolve these tendencies in us, peridot is certainly a protection for the aura. Spiritually, peridot motivates growth and helps bring about necessary change. It helps us detach ourselves from outside influences; meaning we can live our own life, understand our own destiny and spiritual purpose. Peridot helps us glean wisdom from experience and put it into practise with current and future decisions. In other words, come into closer contact with our higher, inner self, our “I am presence”. Emotionally, peridot dissolves oppressive feelings that arise from self blame, or blaming others, so that we can take positive responsibility for our lives and become emotionally independent. It particularly helps with stored up anger and rage. Mentally, peridot promotes psychological clarity, helping us to see the truth. It stimulates us to admit our own unbalanced thinking and behaving, forgive ourselves, do things we have neglected and make up for damage caused. Physically, peridot detoxifies and helps with infections. It stimulates the liver, gall bladder and metabolism. It is very good for skin problems, including fungi and warts. It is hard to get cheap, tumbled peridot. It usually comes as faceted or smooth cut gemstones but is not necessarily one of the more expensive cut stones. There are many grades. Wear it as a bracelet, ring or necklace close to the skin, or tape it to the skin, over the liver for instance. Then sit back and watch the magic happen. Bye-bye bad, PN blamey spirits; hello happy friendships! F JEWELS AND GEMS, 54 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 378 4389, www.jewelsandgems.co.nz

44 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




FASHION + STYLE DYNAMITE NEW WEEKEND CAPSULE FROM TAYLOR Designer Vicki Taylor of taylor and Ponsonby store The Shelter has collaborated with Joshua Jang, of the emerging label I Still Believe In Miracles, to create a collection of quality pieces at excellent, affordable price points.

46 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

The taylor x ISBIM range of casual essentials offers weekend staples in quality cotton and viscose fabrics. These pieces are thoughtfully designed, meticulously cut and feature a range of interesting shapes - a unique take on hardworking basics.

The range includes some of taylor’s trademark styling such as the long back tails that appear on the Tailed Top, in high quality soft 100% cotton knit, perfect to wear with their details peeking out under taylor knitwear.

“We all need a good stable of cotton pieces - these form the backbone of every wardrobe. We felt that we could create a range that still provided all the functionality, but with a twist. This collection is designed to work in with current taylor pieces, and work hard on the weekend as well,” says taylor designer Vicki Taylor.

All 24 ISBIM pieces in the collection are pre -washed so they will not shrink or twist. taylor x ISBIM offers beautiful quality and is made in Korea. F PN taylor X IBSIM www.taylorboutique.co.nz/isbim


FASHION + STYLE PONSONBY NEWS READERS ARE EVERYWHERE St Marys Bay residents Phil and Darryl Mulvey emailed several photos and told us, "The magazine made it to the Rasa Ria Shangri La in KOTA KINABULU BORNEO. We were there for the wedding of Julia Scott to Iqbal Kalsi. F PN

Dear readers please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.

PLEASE LIKE US! www.facebook.com/ponsonbynews

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






The Paradox of India At one end of Mumbai’s great metropolis is a park known as the Hanging Gardens. It is an oasis in a city bursting at the seams with sights and sounds that have to be seen to be believed. At night, a cast of suburbanites come to promenade and enjoy the views that the park offers and bask in the cooling airs from the day’s heat. At the entrance to the park is a sign that reads, “No strenuous activities, no walking, no jogging, no cycling, no eating, no drinking, no picking the flowers, no walking on the grass, no sleeping, no dogs, no animals, no reading, no music” and in a country where to save power, the cars drive at night without their headlights, you can expect that every one of these regulations would be completely ignored if not flagrantly flouted.


The park at dusk is a refuge from the toils and strains of the city and is positively bulging to the gills with couples doing exactly as they are requested not to do. The result is fabulous. People are power-walking in suits and women in the Indian form of the burka, are laughing and dancing to the music from the fountains while older men dressed in ‘Kurta’ perform tai chi. Couples sit in the grass enjoying the cool and families watch their children laugh and play amongst the topiary bushes carved into, of all things, zebra, peacocks and kangaroos. It is as India is, a total contradiction; but sums up for me this visit of a few short days in this amazing country. A place full of inconsistencies and yet somehow, even though no one takes notice of rules and regulations, this place works. In fact, not only does it work but it thrives. I’ve been to this land of the Moguls before, so on the second day of this visit, I hired a guide, Vassant, who began the day by driving me from one side of the city to the other in search of a typically Indian suit called a Sherwani - the formal Indian outfit. Covered in sequins, pearls and Swarovski crystals, this understated piece of Bollywood elegance is usually worn by bridegrooms - or Kiwis with illusions clearly above their station. In the end, after a few hours of driving and out of the sheer frustration of continually looking for a car park, we left our vehicle in the tender care of a street urchin, grateful for the offer of a “tip” to ensure its safety, to then commandeer our own taxi.

2 1. Sally James, from the Great Ponsonby Art Hotel is pictured in HAVANA with Tata, Everall Deans’ friend and guide extraordinaire. 2. Waitemata Local Board member Christopher Dempsey sent us this shot of himself taken on Santa Lucia hill in SANTIAGO with Ponsonby News. You can ‘just’ make out the Andean foothills in the distance - the smog was quite thick. Christopher did a cycle tour of northern Argentina for six weeks during March and April. Dear readers please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.

Of course I am well versed in the art of picking the craziest taxi drivers and today proved to be no exception after managing to flag down one of the many yellow and black Hindustan Ambassadors that swarm around the streets. The dash was decorated with a large six-armed elephant and the driver looked like he had escaped from a local institution. After gingerly getting in we lurched into the traffic of Mumbai. Hindi music blaring out of one end and black smoke belching out of the other, the arms and head on the dash’s ‘Ganesh’ waving frantically and the driver screaming like a banshee, we looked just like locals. Careering and careening, we sped along the streets of old Bombay, swaying past Victorian architecture and ancient monuments, pedestrians fleeing, murders of crows scattering before us and our horn blaring loudly as if our life depended upon it. Which it probably did. We barrelled down one-way streets, through red traffic lights against the instructions of traffic police, then we were suddenly bought to a complete stop as a herd of revered cattle ambled peacefully across the road. Imagine that…unable to be controlled by modern civilisation and yet brought to a complete standstill by a herd of aged but venerable cattle. The paradox of the situation appealing only to me and completely lost on my companions as they sat patiently with the slight inconvenience to make way as if it happened every day. In fact, here it does. Mumbai is like that, somehow encompassing the 21st Century and strangely... not. The upshot of my guide/driver finding his own guide/driver, resulted in a bill of 200 rupees, or $US5, for four hours of comedic entertainment, being driven from one side of this city to the other and a fair amount in-between resulting in the eventual purchase of a discrete and very classy Sherwani, a piece that would make Elvis proud. (ROSS THORBY) F PN

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



EXPLORING EAST AFRICA by Ange Pirie, Director, World Journeys

AS WE TOUCHED DOWN ON A TINY AIRSTRIP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE Serengeti, gazelle scattered left and right into the bush. I had finally arrived in Africa! East Africa is my favourite safari destination - the vast herds of wildebeest, leaping Maasai warriors, and the soaring slopes of Kilimanjaro will never fail to take my breath away. I may have a hankering for true wilderness, but I do insist on some home comforts. My arrival at the safari ‘camp’ was heralded by a chorus of welcome song from the staff, citrus scented cold towels and a chilled fruit cocktail. My vast canvas tent was decked out with a proper bed with snug duvet, and a teak chair on my ‘deck’ that was perfect for G&T’s at sunset. Definitely not the camping of my childhood! All that aside, I had come to Africa to see the animals. Each day began with an early wake-up call, hot chocolate and a quick snack before heading out in a 4x4 with an expert guide and tracker. Just as we were rousing ourselves for the day, the animals were making the most of the cool morning air. The pressure was on to spot The Big Five game - lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo. In the bad old days of hunting these were the animals most difficult to hunt on foot. Even now they can be elusive, but for the expert and instinctive skills of our tracker, whose keen eyes spotted spoor (tracks) and fresh droppings that led us to even the shyest - the leopard. It’s such a thrill to see these beautiful creatures up-close in their natural wild environment - indescribable. We were also lucky enough to experience the annual ‘Great Migration’ in action, with wildebeest and zebra moving in vast herds, almost single file, to the fresh feeding grounds in the north. Quite a spectacle and truly one of the wonders of this world. The Ngorongoro Crater is also a veritable ‘Garden of Eden’ with its prolific wildlife - home to a permanent population of more than 30,000 animals in a mere 260km2. It was here that I had the opportunity to interact with the local Maasai tribe, who are integral in the success of the crater’s on-going preservation. Experiencing my first Maasai ‘Guard of Honour’ ceremony, with over 50 traditionally dressed Maasai armed with flaming torches, chanting as they leapt into the air, defying gravity, generated gasps of wonder all round.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Zanzibar is the icing on the East African cake for me, with peppery scents wafting from the spice plantations, delicious seafood at the Old Town’s night market, and truly idyllic beaches. All of this is set against the backdrop of remnants of a fascinating Arabic history. East Africa has it all, from the wildlife safaris to the stunning landscapes and a diversity of culture that will astound. This is PN my kind of Africa. F





Lucky Buddha Lauraine Jacobs goes to Southeast Asia without boarding a plane. When clever chefs get together to create a restaurant that celebrates the flavours they’ve grown up with in Southeast Asia, their exciting jumble of tastes make for an intriguing menu. Michael Choi and Simon Cho are the partners in the recently opened Lucky Buddha restaurant in the central city, bringing together a wealth of their cooking experience techniques and expertise in hospitality. Choi has worked alongside chef Michael Meredith and in such respected kitchens as the Grove and Otto’s, and teaches part time in the kitchens at AUT. Cho owned a couple of the very best sushi outlets (Bien) that have appeared in Auckland. They, along with their sous-chef Kevin Puyat could have successfully created high-end, refined food, but instead have aimed for a casual approach that is really appealing. And every dish exhibits lovely zingy Asian flavours and fresh ingredients that hark from the influences of the Philippines to China and almost everywhere in between. The site they’ve chosen for Lucky Buddha is almost off the beaten track, in that curious precinct two or three blocks back from Auckland’s waterfront that is Fort Street. Better known for seediness in a long stretch of times past, or maybe for those readers with very, very long memories, this area was where you could once upon a time find the excellent European restaurant Troika, a place my husband had his first real date (but not with me!) It is now a bustling and upcoming foodie destination in the inner city. It may lack the sophistication of nearby Britomart, but this new restaurant sits in good company nearby the wonderful Ima and Ima Deli, a Sal’s Pizzeria and juice/salad bar both about to open across the street, and a plethora of quirky little Asian eateries including a noisy Chinese barbecue restaurant that is packed to the walls every lunch time around the corner in Commerce Street. With a dizzily high ceiling, huge street front glass windows and an inviting bar running along the front, Lucky Buddha oozes the same casualness that the kitchen aims for on the plate. There’s a large central table to perch at (perfect if you are in the sad state of eating alone) and lots of face to face seating underneath some bright paintings that lighten up the walls along the side. It can be draughty here so dress warmly, but thoughtfully there’s a whole basket of light blankets proffered to drape around any bodies feeling the cold. And from the kitchen - a menu of dishes to share and savour, just as diners would in any casual Southeast Asian feast. Of the starters, there’s not a dish there that doesn’t deserve its place. The shumai, filled with prawns and waterchestnuts, are Choi’s favourite things on the menu, available at dinner only, sadly. These little steamed treasures are offered alongside nhem - little fried-till-they-are-crispy rice balls that reminded me of arancini, served with lovely coconut and something called bagoong dressing which was salty and sweet with a slight citrus tang. Not to be missed are the guo bao - genuine doughy steamed buns filled with sriracha basted pork, peanut seasoning and hoisin. You pick them up in your fingers, take a bite and they burst with flavour as all the yummy juices run down your chin. Lovely stuff. Also do not go past the eggplant; steamed until soft then grilled with miso and topped with grated parmesan which is a total surprise. Who knew that umami Japanese flavour would cosy up to Italian cheese? There’s a short raw section too, with tartare of beef, free range yolk, nashi pear and crisps, some fresh yellowfin tuna that reeks of Japanese flavours with accompanying komezu jelly, bonito and seaweed salad, and a refreshing interpretation of hamachi - the kingfish sashimi that comes with soy bean, yuzu and sesame and a topping of crisp nori.

Folded egg with soft spicy tofu, and vegetable salad

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

Michael Choi, Kevin Pujat and Simon Cho The salads that were on the late summer menu have been largely supplanted by more wintry food to match the season. The angry chicken remains - spicy, ever so crisp nuggets of chicken with a little jasmine rice, mayo and piles of fresh slaw with tangy sesame flavours. A spicy red curry is packed with pumpkin, chickpeas, sunflower seeds simmered in a reduced coconut sauce and then topped with a table of spinach and herby leaves and chilli and more grated fresh coconut. The ‘folded egg’ - lunchtime only - turns out to be the best omelette ever. Pale and soft, it contains tasty fried tofu cubes and a huge pile of fresh crisp vegetable salad bathed in a spicy vinaigrette and is the perfect lunch for the business crowds from the nearby towers of industry and commerce that sit above Fort Street. Vegetarians rejoice as you will be well looked after, despite the listings of other mains of steamed fish which tops a ramen noodle smoked pork broth, miso glazed duck leg, braised beef brisket with pinenuts and swede, meltingly tender lamb ribs that are simmered in a chinkiang vinegar caramel with carrot and apple and a huge 400g ribeye Angus beef steak with seaweed butter, lily pods and shiitake. This is food that defies boundaries, but is exciting, challenging and well thought through. Be sure to leave room for dessert. ‘Coconut snow’ turned out to be the most divine sweet treat I have eaten this year and the taste and perfume of this Filipino inspired dish certainly defied its rather messy look. Covered in flower petals, grated toasted coconut and Weetbix crumbs, it was totally enchanting to eat with a cooling coconut granita, big pearls of tapioca, and other delicious textures all submerged in a gorgeous sweet chilled milky broth. Sound strange? I can assure readers it is worth a detour. There’s also a three rice pudding that’s a play on gulab malaka, a black tea pannacotta with pineapple, lychee and black tea syrup, and a kaffir lime parfait with pandan butterscotch. Sweet heaven! In charge of the drinks department is Eddie Nadarajah, who has a wonderfully complex heritage of Asian and European heritage. He mixes up several stylish cocktails that all exhibit appropriate flavours reminiscent of Asia, and has put together a beer list from China, Vietnam, Japan and the craft beers of Baird Rising to match the cuisine. And there’s Lucky Buddha, of course. The wine list is not extensive but extremely well chosen with lots of lovely aromatics including Felton Road riesling and Loveblock organic gewürztraminer. I loved Lucky Buddha’s food at first bite, mainly as the flavours were subtle, the dishes were all piled with fresh crisp herbs and vegetables and everything was imaginative, defying the need to be labelled from any particular Asian cuisine but instead embracing them all. And the waitstaff were so helpful and delightfully knowledgeable about everything. Open; Lunch Monday to Friday, Dinner Tuesday to Saturday. Price range; Starters $9 to $16, Large Plates $18 to $28, Desserts $12. LUCKY BUDDHA EATERY, 48 Fort Street, T: 09 309 3990. PN www.laurainejacobs.co.nz (LAURAINE JACOBS MNZM) F

Red curry of pumpkin, chickpeas with coconut and chilli PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


Isabel Pasch, Bread & Butter Bakery Local business Bread & Butter Bakery is now at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market every Sunday. What’s your favourite thing about running a bakery? Having the best fresh bread available all the time. I love bread, it’s the reason why I started a bakery. How long have you been baking bread? Over five years now. Where did you grow up? I grew up getting moved around various cities in West Germany, but spent the longest time living in one city, Berlin. So I count myself as a Berliner. What’s the biggest business decision you have had to make? I started out on my own with a small bakery in Ellerslie called Paris Berlin Organic Bakery. The biggest decision for me was to go into a partnership with my now business partners to open Bread & Butter Bakery and give up my independence and freedom to make all the decisions myself. What’s your favourite way to relax after work? Running. Where is your favourite New Zealand holiday spot? I love the West Coast and Waitakeres. I don’t get much holidays, so going on bush walks or coastal missions in the Waitakeres are mini holidays for me, it’s what keeps me sane. What’s your favourite thing about coming to the Grey Lynn Farmers Market? The people. There is no better way to get to know a community than at a farmers market. People are interested in the products, they are usually in a relaxed weekend mood and a lot of them are regulars, so you really do get to know the community. F PN Bread enthusiasts’ Isabel Pasch and Mariya Sadykova

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

www.glfm.co.nz Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/GLFM Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GreyLynnFarmersMarket




EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY DELICIOUS HEALTHY EATING AT SABATO! Many of the products at Sabato are made using traditional methods to create quality foods that are in keeping with organic principles. Products full of flavour, without the nasty additives. Sabato Salsa Verde, made from a blend of parsley, capers, cashews, garlic and anchovies, has no preservatives and no artificial flavours or colours. For a delicious healthy meal, add a little extra virgin olive oil and stir through freshly cooked seafood, boiled potatoes and green vegetables. With so much flavour and natural goodness you tend to find that dishes are more satisfying so you won’t need to eat as much to feel full. You can also avoid additional calorie-heavy ingredients that are often used to improve flavour and texture. Ferron risotto rice is naturally creamy so you won’t need to add in any butter or cream to get that beautiful risotto creaminess. Just add some vegetables, a lean meat and a sprinkle of parmigiano reggiano for a nourishing winter dish. If you’re gluten intolerant or avoiding wheat products you can’t miss the gluten-free Italian gnocchi and pasta that maintain the appetising flavour and texture of traditional gluten products. Enjoy the gluten-free gnocchi and pasta tossed in a Sabato pasta sauce or pesto.


For more healthy meal ideas visit the retail store or the Sabato website www.sabato.co.nz F PN

Oven-baked pumpkin and sage risotto Serves six. Hands-on time 10 minutes. Cooking time 35 minutes. Vegetarian.

SABATO Limited, 57 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, T: 09 630 8751, www.sabato.co.nz

700ml reduced-salt vegetable stock 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 spring onions, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1½ cups arborio rice ¼ cup white wine 400g can chopped tomatoes 6 cups pumpkin, in 1cm chunks 2 tablespoons fresh sage, chopped, plus extra to garnish 4 cups Brussels sprouts, quartered 1 tablespoon olive oil ½ clove garlic ½ cup grated parmesan Black pepper, to serve

Warm up winter nights with hearty, healthy risottos.

1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Heat stock in a saucepan until just below boiling. Reduce heat and keep hot. 2. Choose an ovenproof pan with a lid. Heat oil over medium heat. Add spring onions and garlic and cook for 1 minute, without browning. Add rice and cook, stirring, for one minute. Pour in the wine and stir until absorbed. Pour over stock and tomatoes and add pumpkin and half the sage, stirring to combine. 3. Place risotto in the oven, covered, for 20-30 minutes, or until rice is tender and liquid has absorbed. Remove from the oven and set aside to rest for 5 minutes. 4. Steam Brussels sprouts in microwave or a steamer for 2 minutes. Heat second measure of olive oil in a heavy-based pan over a high heat and cook garlic for one minute. Add Brussels sprouts and stir-fry for a few minutes until tender and starting to caramelise. Set aside. 5. Stir parmesan and sage through risotto, reserving a little to garnish. Finish with black pepper and sage leaves, if desired. Serve with garlicky Brussels sprouts. Recipe: Niki Bezzant; Photography: Devin Hart; Food & Styling: Sarah Swain. Recipe reprinted from Healthy Food Guide magazine with permission from Healthy Life Media Ltd. You’ll find more delicious, healthy risotto recipes in the June 2015 issue of Healthy Food Guide magazine ($6.30), on sale in supermarkets and bookstores or subscribe at www.healthyfood.co.nz.

52 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY COMMITMENT TO AUTHENTICITY AND TRACEABILITY AT IE PRODUCE In 2000, IE Produce became New Zealand’s first BioGro certified retailer. BioGro certification reinforces a retailer’s commitment to authenticity and traceability. Buying from a BioGro certified retailer, guarantees that the retailer can back up any claim about their organic status made in store, or online. IE Produce is a 50/50 organic /conventional food store, and today carries thousands of organic and gluten-free products. Joyce Lowyim says, “The range of organics is growing in all food sections and I have to scrutinise every product offered to us. New products are often claimed to be organic but when you check, maybe only three out of six ingredients are certified. Commonly the vendor hasn’t done the work for themselves and isn’t aware their product isn’t as organic as they thought. I’m often teaching them. As retailers, we have to be responsible for what we allow into our store.

IE PRODUCE, 1 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna, T: 09 488 0211 www.ieproduce.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

“People do the research now and many know what their bodies need for optimum health. We have many customers who, for health reasons, have to eat organic or have nutritional requirements which can’t be met with conventional foods. I love talking with and educating customers who are new to

nutritional health, but I also learn a lot from them. It’s a two-way thing. Many perceive that eating organic food is expensive, and expect to pay maybe a third more, but what they don’t realise is that the food has a much better quality, high density nutritional content, and you don’t need to eat so much of it. I always suggest people downsize their plates, and chew each mouthful very well so their digestive system can make the most of the nutrients and doesn’t have to work so hard.” In 2001, the IE Produce website won the Auckland Virtual Top Shop award and was again a top shop finalist in 2002. Relaunched in 2014, Joyce has set it up so it is also an educational tool for consumers. She regularly invites experts to provide in -store seminars for customers on a range of topics from gluten-free alternatives, to coeliac management, nutrition and general health and well-being. These free seminars have raised thousands of dollars in gold coin donations for The North Shore Hospice. Joyce is currently completing The Donna Gates’ Body Ecology - Level 2, to become a Certified Body Ecologist.





Broken beak: the sequel

Letter to the Editor:

Gary Steel Veg Friendly “Broken beak” column, 1 May 2015

Gary Steel responds to the egg industry… It must be hard having to defend the indefensible. Michael Brooks, Executive Director of the Egg Producers Federation, wrote to Ponsonby News in response to my May issue column on the miserable life of the humble hen, pointing out supposed errors in my piece and making the remarkable claim that New Zealand has “world-leading standards of animal welfare”. It’s an outrageous, and erroneous claim of course. Television audiences have seen the footage of hens kept in atrocious conditions, and watched as the wheels turn, and precisely nothing is done to improve their lot. So, let’s address Brooks’ contentions and refutations. The conventional, colony and free-range farms shown on Campbell Live were clearly cherry-picked by the industry to show it at its best. Even so, I watched the item with a group of people who had no specific concerns about the egg industry, and yet they were appalled by both the conventional and colony cages, and the miserable-looking hens in their prison hell. The only impressive facet of these industry-promoted facilities was their hygiene and brightness; a tactic meant to assure people that the eggs they consume would at least be clean, but which did nothing to convince that the welfare of the hens was being taken into account. Brooks notes my “fantasies” about deformity, sadism and disease, but fails to produce any facts to refute my statements, and he wrongly attributes my statement about the use of antibiotics to layer hens, when it clearly referred to their use with meat birds. Chickens have indeed been crossbred since the dawn of the agricultural era and, as with other farm animals, humans have ended up, through their own endless greed and lack of empathy with the animals that give them so much, producing birds that are monstrous and defective. At least during the first 20,000 or so years of farming, crossbreeding wasn’t out of control, and the various breeds were still successful at being chickens. Factory farming has created mutants that are expected to live to serve man and they barely have lives at all. Now, the question of animal welfare. World-leading? That’s a bit like claiming ISIS is world-leading in recruiting Western converts. The fact is that chickens escape the constricts of even the already backward animal welfare standards New Zealand currently subscribes to. And according to Stop Craddock Farms spokesperson Deirdre Sims, both battery and colony cages are in breach of the Animal Welfare Act, because they quite clearly don’t allow hens “the opportunity to display normal patterns of behaviour”. The industry gets around, says Sims, with an industry-subscribed Code of Welfare for Layer Hens, with its many voluntary recommended best practices that effectively are loopholes. “Everything is intentionally set up to protect the cage industry and it’s stacked against the hens. “By still using cages, New Zealand is actually falling behind overseas trends. Internationally, the EU outlawed battery cages in 2012 and Germany, Switzerland and Austria have already set phase out dates for colony battery cages. By lagging behind overseas trends we are risking our international reputation.” Brooks disingenuously suggests that my claim of intentional injuries to hens is fictional, simply because the abuse hasn’t been reported to the Ministry for Primary Industries. MPI is legendary for clearing animal abusers of any wrongdoing, even when said cruelties have been clearly caught on video. But here’s the thing: the sadistic behaviour to which I referred occurred at the collection point for rescue chickens. When a farm offers to let hen welfare groups take a few hundred from a planned cull of thousands, the volunteers who collect the chickens are totally at the mercy of the employees of those egg factories. Rescuers have witnessed hens intentionally being thrown so hard that their legs and wings have been broken. Would the rescuer complain, knowing that instead of better treatment next time, the farmer might just not bother allowing the rescue at all? The letter finishes with a further advertisement for the Campbell Live item I referred to in my original column, claiming that it is indeed “the real story of the humble chicken”. But he ignores my point that there was never any story told here, just an advertisement for New Zealand egg producers. The piece did not tell the story of the chicken from birth, through its 18 months of incarceration, to its swift death 18 months later. What’s most appalling here is that Brooks even has the temerity to stand up for the egg industry, given the wealth of factual information that is out there about the awful, short ‘lives’ of those poor hens. It would make more sense if he merely agreed that hens were treated terribly, but insisted that they were too dumb to think and feel and enjoy their lives anyway, or perhaps take the medieval view that God created chickens for humans to do with whatever they wanted. As wrong-headed as that stance would be, at least it would have more integrity than the whitewashed version he’s presenting. Those interested in reading last month’s column can access complete issues of Ponsonby News free of charge online. The PN Campbell Live item is also available to view online. (GARY STEEL) F Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource. www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz. He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com

54 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

In the same way that Gary Steel seems unable to decide whether Campbell Live “raises genuine issues” or is “superficial and mild”, he is unable to appreciate world-leading animal welfare standards when they are plainly shown to him. The Campbell Live video footage he refers to of a conventional cage production system, a free-range production system and a colony cage production system (he omits to mention the last) are remotely distant from the cruel and lurid fantasies about illness, deformity, sadism and rape(!) that he feels characterise modern egg production. If Steel troubled to look past his multiple prejudices and wrong assumptions, he would learn that hens have been cross-bred from the beginnings of agriculture to produce a good supply of eggs; there can be few owners of backyard flocks who would be content with birds that produce eggs only now and then. Modern layer hens in New Zealand are also bred for optimum good health and do not use “vast amounts of antibiotics” to stay alive, as he alleges. Indeed, layer hens do not use antibiotics in New Zealand unless in the very rare case of a disease outbreak. New Zealand is internationally recognised as the healthiest place in the world to raise chickens due to its unique freedom from major poultry diseases. It is important for all consumers to be aware that the production systems that are clearly and accurately depicted in the Campbell Live investigation reflect world-leading standards of animal welfare. The production systems applying to layer hens, like meat chickens and all other animals that are farmed in New Zealand, are governed by comprehensive Codes of Animal Welfare devised by the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, an independent, Government-appointed panel of animal welfare specialists that includes veterinarians and representatives from the NZSPCA. Let me also assure your readers that any reported instances of intentional injury of hens would be subject to immediate prosecution of the individuals concerned by the Ministry for Primary Industries, with our support. Gary Steel refers to a reported incident - but nothing is said about the people making such a claim taking follow-up steps to prosecute. MPI reports no information about such an incident being given to them to take action. And finally, if any reader wants to learn more about “the real story of the humble chicken”, the visual evidence is plainly shown in the Campbell Live footage which is available on our website at www.eggfarmers.org.nz. F PN MICHAEL BROOKS, Executive Director, Egg Producers Federation of New Zealand


JULIE BONNER: NEWS FROM FROG POND FARM I don’t know about you, but I always love getting home after being away. Of course even a few days away can often mean that the garden becomes unruly in my absence. On my return, peering around the hedge I certainly wasn’t disappointed. The fennel had doubled in size (we ate one last night - delish), the chilli bushes, which are sporting loads of red habaneros, were sprawling everywhere (it won’t be long and they will be hoisted out so the garlic can go in) and the nasturtium! Hmmm, well in my absence these wonderful plants have gone nuts, crawling over everything in their way, choking several smaller plants and generally being a garden nightmare. So I spent much of Saturday hauling out the nasturtium. I did feel rather guilty doing this, especially when, in my eagerness, I hoisted out a zinnia by mistake! The good news is the peas can now breathe, I can walk between all the beds and most of my garden can now see the light of day! Don’t worry this stuff will grow back, it always does. I also removed my last spud bed. This space is earmarked for my brassica seedlings, which are busting to get out of their pots. I would love to say that I dug out bags of spuds from here - but the truth is, I only hauled out about 5kg of very interesting looking spuds in various shapes and sizes (mostly small) and as I had no idea of the varieties when I planted them, their heritage is still unknown. But they taste particularly good steamed and served with lashings of butter or served with kale and spinach pesto. A lesson learnt - I shan’t plant my potatoes in January. I love getting beds ready for the next planting. I dug in food scraps from the Bokashi bin, and then added homemade compost. I still need to add other amendments here rok solid and lime, all before poking kale, broccoli and cabbage seedlings into their new home, which are currently ‘hardening up’ outdoors. I won’t labour on the blue lupins, which I bragged about planting last issue - why I plant anything in the bed next to the chook paddock still makes me scratch my head. Because you see, no matter how you chook-proof their 24/7 free-range abode, there will always be one that manages to escape over the fence. And mentioning chickens... We adopted two very pretty Light Sussex hens a few weeks back that needed a new home. They seemed to fit in particularly well, posing for the camera and spending every minute together obviously being the very best of friends. As there is a ‘pecking order’ in the chook world, I envisaged that the new girls would arrive and spend time at the bottom of such which can often mean a bit of ‘hen pecking’! Little did I know that the pecking order at Frog Pond Farm had been drastically changed. Just prior to heading OS I had prepared a feast for my girls - nothing like a good spoil given our absence for a few days. Putting this tasty tucker into their feeder (think recycled guttering) the girls would normally be squawking and clambering over each other for the best bits, giving the odd head peck while doing this. To my surprise they all remained huddled in a corner while the new chickens casually sauntered into the feed area and started eating. Oh dear! It was fairly obvious that the new girls had done some serious muscle flexing and had elevated themselves to the top of the chook ladder. I was devastated, they appeared particularly happy! The good news is that those two feathered friends have been adopted yet again. We can now view them enjoying themselves in their new abode at our neighbour’s place. Perched on the hillside happily ensconced in a new chicken coop. Lucky girls... hilarious! PN (JULIE BONNER) F If you are interested in more news from our place, or perhaps some gardening tips, then make sure you visit my blog www.frogpondfarm.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





MEKONG BABY - CREATING SOUTHEAST ASIAN FUSION Restaurateur Dom Parat talks about his Ponsonby restaurant and bar Mekong Baby - a clever re-creation of Southeast Asian fusion on Ponsonby Road - a place to share, have fun and enjoy! Tell us about how you got into the restaurant business/how Mekong Baby began? I’ve been in the restaurant business my whole life; it’s the only business I’ve ever known! I’m originally a chef by trade and I think that has helped me to develop my own passion for food and delivering the very best dishes to my patrons. I love the food industry and we now have some of the best restaurants in the world. Mekong Baby was in the making four years ago - it takes time and planning to get the concept right and bring all the elements together. It’s fair to say that the Kiwi palette has changed over the last few years as people develop into braver flavours and more exotic foods. There is a clear lean towards Asian food especially the flavours of Southeast Asia, which are vibrant, fresh and flavoursome. What is the inspiration behind the Mekong Baby flavours and presentation? Southeast Asian fusion combines flavours come from south-east China, Vietnam and Cambodia all the way down to Thailand. Mekong Baby is truly a flavour trip along the Mekong River. The key is in the subtle balancing of flavours and high quality of ingredients. We design our menu with a fusion approach so we blend flavours from all parts and regions along that river. In the lead up to Mekong Baby opening we worked for months to create our own unique dishes and we still have some of those original dishes on our menu due to the popular demand of our patrons. Dining at Mekong Baby is like travelling down the Mekong and trying the whole blend of fresh exotic flavours, exploring the essence of spices, herbs and fusion blends, creating a harmony of flavours. We are dedicated to quality and visit the market every morning to source the freshest produce we then grind our spices every day to ensure optimal flavours in every dish. A great meal can be so amazing that the memory stays with you for years; can you describe a standout dish? The pad see ew is an outstanding dish, the mixed textures of the rice noodles and the freshness of the greens combined with the tender braised beef skirt leave my mouth watering for more every time. This has been a clear stand out dish for us and we often see our regular patrons coming back for more. Can you describe your favourite Mekong Baby dishes and don’t forget a dessert? Well there are several dishes that I really enjoy; I love the blue swimmer crab in betel leaves. Our grilled wagyu, our green fish curry and the slow cooked braised lamb shoulder is delicious and tender. On a hot day it’s hard to go past the kingfish sashimi. And my favourite dessert is the coconut sago with vanilla ice cream, praline and puffed black rice - a perfect ending.

really popular and a lot of our patrons enjoy a cocktail at the bar before settling in for their meal - it’s a great spot to start your night. Tell us about the kitchen staff at Mekong Baby (background, experience, kitchen atmosphere)? We have a lot of experience in the Mekong Baby kitchen, including our competent head chef Ben Convery. We also have two extremely experienced sous-chef chefs and a lot of knowledge of Southeast Asian cuisine including Vietnamese and Thai talent. The kitchen is a very hard working kitchen, we are an extremely busy restaurant, I am always amazed how the food comes out so brilliantly from the kitchen, especially given we are very busy day in and day out. Describe the ambience of Mekong Baby? Stepping into Mekong Baby is like stepping into a corner of Southeast Asia but with a fun Kiwi twist. We have plenty of space both indoors and outdoors and our private hosting rooms are a great place for private groups. We have a mezzanine level upstairs for events and the bar area is really spacious and has a range of seating. We have put a lot of effort into creating beautiful lighting, which complements the themed paint works and feature walls. Whether guests are after an intimate, casual dinner, a group experience or the start to a great night - there is just the right space for them. Do you have any specialties - or lunch or dinner specials upcoming? We are currently running People’s Choice Awards where our patrons can vote online on their favourite dishes. For us it’s all about serving up what people want and we work hard to keep things fresh and relevant. Our menu is always evolving and we are constantly doing new ’special’ dishes, to take advantage of seasonal produce and keep people really satisfied. The kitchen takes great pride in constantly evolving and experimenting with new flavours. Do you think you are a destination restaurant or have you found that it is mainly locals? We have become a destination restaurant and people do travel from all over Auckland to come and dine with us, as well as internationally. But we get great support from our local clientele and have so many amazing regulars. Even on really busy nights our experienced maitre d’s will go out of their way to make sure there’s a spot in the restaurant for everyone - we do our best to accommodate. F PN (MARTIN LEACH) MEKONG BABY, 262 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 1113, www.mekongbaby.com

Tell us about your wine list/drinks menu? At Mekong Baby we are very proud of our drinks menu, and find that there is the right mix to be enjoyed over dinner or just for a drink at the bar. From our boutique craft beers, to our wine list filled with boutique wine curated by our master sommelier Cameron Douglas. Our cocktails are also a very popular choice, the fresh inspired flavours and our Southeast Asian twist on old favourites have been really well received and proven very popular. From Thursday night through to Sunday night the bar area is

56 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY HEARINGS FOR CAFE APPLICATION ON LITTLE GROCER SITE Here are the details of the hearings into the application to build a 45 seat cafe (originally planned for 60 seats) on the corner in Grey Lynn formally occupied by The Little Grocer at 311 Richmond Road. Friday, 5 June: Level 26, Auckland Council Office, 135 Albert Street. The hearing will be for the applicant to make his case. Friday, 12 June: Town Hall Reception Lounge, 301 Queen Street. This hearing will be for those opposing to be heard. Under the RMA notice the decision must be given within 15 working days after the hearing. Please attend and support local opposition to this development. F PN GREY LYNN AND WESTMERE RESIDENTS’ SOCIETY INCORPORATED Enquiries: mwall@xtra.co.nz

photography: Michael McClintock

photography: Dallas Pickering

The Mekong Baby team: Dominique Parat, Ben Convery, Seth Tyler & Leah Bishton

Over 50 locals turned up for the April 2014 issue front cover photoshoot to show support for the application to be notified. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





The veg friendly challenge Finalist: Zus & Zo It’s the great Ponsonby News Veg Friendly Challenge, in which Ponsonby-area cafes and restaurants line up to be judged on their vegetarian friendliness. We’re going to name the cafes and restaurants that cater well to vegetarians and vegans, whether or not they’ve also got meat on their menus. Each month, we’ll review one of our favourite ‘veg friendly’ eateries, and at the end of it all, we’ll name an overall winner in our coveted Veg Friendly Challenge Top 10. I still remember a time in the early to mid 90s when there weren’t so many cafes in the Ponsonby area and those that were doing brisk business tended to either try too hard, or not hard enough. There were the on-trend cafes where you wouldn’t be seen if you weren’t in your smartest casuals, and the off-trend cafes where the staff wore opshop clothes and the food tasted like it. What’s great then, in this subsequent evolution and profusion of neighbourhood cafes, is the low-key, unpretentious greatness of so many venues that indicates we’ve at last come of age. The Dutch-flavoured Zus & Zo is like that. It’s certainly not lacking for style or character presentation, but there’s nothing stuck-up about this smallish cafe. And while the food on offer is distinctive enough to differentiate it from the hundreds of other cafes in the greater Ponsonby area, it’s clearly a place that locals come to catch up or relax, some on a daily basis. Situated towards the last line of Jervois Road shops and only a few doors along from Dear Jervois, it’s a highly functional dining and social hub, and because its menu features a number of vegetarian items, we thought we’d check it out. Being a morning sweet freak, Martin immediately powered into a mixed berry smoothie ($8) followed by coconut and almond milk risotto ($15). This looked gorgeous and, apparently, tasted just like it sounded on the menu, with “mango compote and almonds topped with whipped almond milk”. Hell, who even knew you could whip almond milk? I need my coffee, so I swilled down a perfectly good soy latte before chowing down on their smashed avocado ($15) with flat bread, two poached eggs and marmite. The very pleasant waitress assured me that this was her favourite item on the menu, and despite my hesitation - mostly because Marmite isn’t a flavour that really does it for me these days, probably because I got it every day in my school lunches as a child - it proved to be well tasty. The trick was to smear a little Marmite on the bread and then get a glob of smashed avocado and/or egg and lob it where the sun don’t shine. (Now-now, that’s my mouth, not the other end of the equation). It’s potentially a messy kind of breakfast, but it proved to be very tasty indeed, and I felt satisfied but not stuff full, which is a good thing. Other menu items I would like to try include the ricotta pancakes with macerated blueberries, maple syrup and rose infused mascarpone, the Dutch goat cheese with shaved cucumber, fig jam and boiled egg on seeded bread, and the vegetarian big breakfast with eggs of choice, rosti, sautéed tomatoes, mushrooms, wilted kale, avocado and chickpea sausages. The raw energy salad sounded like a healthy option, too. As is typical, there’s next to nothing for vegans, and no advertised options for those with food allergies, and I just wish that there were more vegetarian items sans eggs. While it’s great that their eggs are both free-range and organic, it just gets a bit boring for the vegetarian to see eggs in everything when there are other options. Still, Zus & Zo is a great wee place with attentive but non-intrusive service and an efficient preparation regime - our food came out so quickly it took us by surprise. Bravo! (GARY STEEL) F PN ZUS & ZO, 228 Jervois Road, T: 09 361 5060, www.zusandzo.net.nz Do you run a cafe or restaurant in the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn area that does vegetarian really well? If so, let me know on the email below. We’ll be sure to check out your eatery. And don’t be shy, okay? Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com

58 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY TEA TOWEL ART RAISES $50K FOR STARSHIP Ruby Seeto’s latest Cake Pop tea towel has raised $50,232 to help upgrade the operating theatres and surgical facilities at Starship. Designed by Ruby and produced by Wallace Cotton, the tea towel includes a colourful and fun Cake Pop recipe that’s easy to make for adults and kids alike. It launched in October last year, with patients on Starship’s Oncology & Haematology ward making the fun Cake Pops from their hospital rooms. Funds raised from the sale of the Cake Pop tea towel are helping the facilities Ruby has previously used when she had major surgery in October 2006 to remove a 1.6kg tumour from her liver. She then went on to spend 12 months at Starship Hospital undergoing intensive chemotherapy treatment. The cancer survivor has partnered with Wallace Cotton for the past eight years, designing eight limited edition tea towels which have raised more than $350,000 for Starship to date. Brad Clark, Chief Executive Starship Foundation, said; “Ruby is such a star for Starship. She has turned her Starship experience and her passion into a truly amazing annual fundraiser for the national children’s hospital. Together with Wallace Cotton, this venture has had such a wonderful impact on the many children and their families who need Starship just like Ruby and her family did.”

L to R: Johannes and Charlie Meads with Ruby Seeto at Starship Hospital

Wallace Cotton Director Paula Wallace adds, “Our customers have huge affection for Ruby’s tea towels and we are so happy to help her bring this latest design to life for a worthwhile cause.”

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

The $10 tea towels are 100% thick cotton and $6 from every sale (all the proceeds after PN costs) goes to Starship The tea towel is still available for purchase. F Wallace Cotton, 1/138 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 6133 www.wallacecotton.com




EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY WARM WINTER WELLNESS AT HARVEST Winter is settling upon us and with it the need to rug up, warm up and fortify our immune systems with nourishing soups, herbs and remedies. Visit us at Harvest Wholefoods to stock up on everything to keep you healthy over winter. From natural lozenges and immune boosting teas, to fresh fruit, rich in vitamins, we have it all. We have a huge range of whole foods for you to prepare delicious, nurturing winter fare. We offer natural and organic options and we ensure that all our products are free of genetically modified organisms, contain no MSG, no conventional eggs or other questionable ingredients. Come and see our naturopath for a complementary consultation. Whether you’re feeling the first signs of illness or aiming to build up your immunity, our naturopaths will provide you with the perfect supplements or herbal remedy for your needs. We cater to those with speciality dietary needs such as dairy free, gluten free, sugar free or vegan. If you want some dietary advice or recipe ideas, just ask. Our friendly staff love to share their knowledge of healthy food and take pride in helping find the right product for you. Visit us today and keep happy and healthy this winter! F PN HARVEST WHOLEFOODS, 403 - 407 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 3107 www.huckleberryfarms.co.nz

THE SUGAR CLUB AT SKY CITY The Sugar Club is a sophisticated, elegant and chic restaurant. It is a ‘foodie’ destination with spectacular views and contemporary deco style furnishings, and is the return to New Zealand of a well-loved restaurant brand. The first opened on Wellington’s Vivian Street back in 1986. In those days, it was a revelation on the local dining scene as owner and chef Peter Gordon ‘mixed and matched’ Asian and European flavours and ingredients - a fusion of cuisines that hadn’t been done before. The next two opened in London. The first on Notting Hill’s All Saints Road in 1995, followed in 1998 by one on Warwick Street in West Soho. The fourth incarnation is currently located on Level 53 of the fabulous Sky Tower, with its breath-taking views across the dynamic city of Auckland. The menu is based around small seasonal plates packed full of flavour. They source the finest produce from around New Zealand and mix it up a little with flavours from around the world. They call it ‘Fusion Cuisine’ - their guests call it delicious. The decor evokes 1930s Art Deco Italy and is inspired by the sensual film ‘I Am Love’. Brass fittings, stone table tops and gorgeous tableware all add to the atmosphere. I’m sure you’ll feel cosseted and invigorated after a meal of discovery, complemented by their deliciously creative cocktails and their favourite wines from around New Zealand and Italy. Offer: $59 three course menu - two savoury dishes plus one sweet. Free one shot parking included. Unique Selling Point: The experience of the view and exquisite food by PN renowned chef Peter Gordon. Free parking. F THE SUGAR CLUB, Level 53 Sky Tower, T: 09 363 6365 www.thesugarclub.co.nz Head chef Neil Brazier with The Sugar Club founder Peter Gordon

60 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY photography: Manja Wachsmuth

The fourth incarnation of the Sugar Club is located on Level 53 of the fabulous Sky Tower, with its breath-taking views The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Amateur reviewers - parasites or propagators I am a serial reviewer of cafes and restaurants. Trip Advisor, Yelp, Zomato, Urbanspoon, Menus. You name it, I’ve posted a review on it. So I noted with some interest a number of articles and stories recently about the role of “amateur” restaurant reviewers. Yes that’s me, and anyone else who has dared to post a review online!

So what are we to make of all this? Well to recap: Lauraine Jacobs suggested, “When it comes to reviews, the ability to eat is not enough” and “I do not agree with commercial sites like [Zomato] that rely on unqualified and unpaid restaurant reviewers”.

My columnist colleague Lauraine Jacobs got the ball rolling when she declined an invitation to speak at an event organised by online review site Zomato.

Molten’s Sven Nielsen labeled a review “unfair, unjust and a little bit vindictive” and hit back with a stinging review of the disgruntled group.

In an article by Simon Plumb in the Herald on Sunday titled, ‘When it comes to reviews, the ability to eat is not enough’, Lauraine is quoted as saying, “In all conscience I cannot attend as I do not agree with commercial sites like [Zomato] that rely on unqualified and unpaid restaurant reviewers.” Oops that’s me she’s talking about!

Jonny Rudduck of Il Buco fame suggested, “angry diners should boycott, not rant online”.

I wouldn’t say the article, and Lauraine’s reported comments, got my hackles up, but it did pique my interest and get me thinking about the roles and responsibilities around reviewing eateries in particular.

And Peter Calder concluded by saying, “It takes a good deal more curiosity and persistence than most casual browsers and surfers employ to separate the wheat from the chaff.” Fair point. Sort of.

It wasn’t long before the subject erupted in the media again when Mt Eden restaurant Molten hit back at a group of disgruntled diners who had given Molten a very low rating.

I may well be an “unqualified” restaurant reviewer and I’m certainly unpaid but we amateurs have a role to play and are entitled to our (reasonable) opinion and to express it responsibly.

Molten owner Sven Nielsen labeled the review “unfair, unjust and a little bit vindictive” and responded to the disgruntled group with a vehement review of their own suggesting that the diners were “rather rude to the people that worked at our restaurant”.

Ekim Burgers’ Mike Duffy had a death wish. Enough said.

So how are we doing? Out of interest I checked on Zomato what customers are saying about Molten. Still averaging four out of five. More interesting is Trip Advisor where 77 reviews yielded 82% excellent or very good and one terrible.

As if the Molten meltdown was not enough, lo and behold the next day Jonny Rudduck from favoured Ponsonby eatery Il Buco chucked a hot chilli into the pot. He said we were parasites. Ouch! Well actually that comment might have been directed at the review site but ouch anyway.

Interesting that the legendary Prego scores 4.3 out of five on Zomato and 245 reviews on Trip Advisor produce a score of 4.5, an 86% excellent or very good rating and there were three terribles. Quelle horreur!

The New Zealand Herald joined in the act by running a poll in which it asked readers, “Should restaurants have the right to fight back to online reviews?” Over 5000 readers responded with a resounding 91% yes. Of course they should.

So I checked out the big daddy of them all, The French Café, and found a Zomato rating of an excellent 4.7 and a Trip Advisor score of 4.5, with a 93.4% excellent or very good rating and six terribles. Sacre bleu!

And just when I thought the matter was at an end Wellington’s Ekim Burger owner Mike Duffy as reported by Stuff’s Robert Kitchin “sparked a social media uproar with a vitriolic rant on the Wellington business’s Facebook page after a customer accused the burger bar of giving her son food poisoning”. A complete over reaction by Mike Duffy? I would have thought so.

My point? You can’t please all of the punters all of the time. Not very original I know - but true nonetheless. Once in a while even the best are going to get it wrong. C’est la vie.

But wait there’s more. No sooner had we digested Mike Duffy’s burger bomb then respected reviewer Peter Calder joined the fray. Actually, I think the burger bomb was more a case of indigestion! Anyway, the Herald’s Calder, in a thoughtful story headlined “Waiter, these ‘parasites’ [are] not to my liking”, conducted a sympathetic symphony of support for restaurants in which he said it was “easy to feel for restaurants angered by bad reviews written by ill-informed diners in the safety of cyberspace”. Ouch again.

And negative reviews? See them in context; they represent less than 5% of opinion! So what are the ‘professionals’ getting all hot and bothered about? Beats me! But one things for sure, we ‘amateur’ reviewers are here to stay. PN Bon appetit. (GEOFF LAWSON) F

And by the way, you can check out what Poncentric is up to at www.poncentric.com and www.facebook.com/poncentric

Above L to R: Robert Tulp of Harcourts-Charlston Realty and Jo Montague of Harcourts-Cooper & Co; Fatu Feu’u and Soala Wilson; Jo Barrett, Eru Wano, Evotia Tamua and Evan Donnelly


62 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015




Wine regions of New Zealand

Good produce from small spaces. Local resident Fionna Hill's practical, well-illustrated guide includes more than 45 edible plants, along with delicious recipes.

Our widely diverse wine country. New Zealand’s temperate climate favours white grape varieties (over 90% of plantings).

From the author of the internationally successful How to Grow Microgreens, this companion volume is all about growing edible plants when you only have limited space. Fionna Hill grows a huge range of crops throughout the year on her apartment balcony and writes candidly about the successes (and failures) of those plants that crop well or not. She introduces some more unusual varieties such as water chestnut, ginger and tatsoi. With over 45 edible plants described, there is something for all tastes and seasons. Fionna again includes delicious recipes with suggestions on how to use the produce you grow so that you can enjoy salads and cooked vegetables from your garden all year round. There is a chapter on encouraging children to grow their own favourite container edibles (children enjoy vegetables so much more when they have grown them themselves), as well as troubleshooting any issues with your container plants and easy instructions on watering and plant nutrition. Fionna Hill is a high-profile New Zealand author, floral designer and stylist. A London -trained florist, she contributes to lifestyle and garden magazines as well as writing travel articles. This is her sixth book. How to Grow Microgreens (2010) has been published in 11 countries and has been translated into five languages; earlier international books include Country Style Flowers and The Christmas Book. See more information at PN www.fionnahill.com F

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Sauvignon blanc alone accounts for around 75% of our grape crop. And the remaining grapes are mainly early ripening, cool-climate reds like pinot noir and merlot. Having said that, our climatic variation (from 35 degrees latitude at the top of the North Island to 46 degrees at the bottom of the South Island) allows for many variations in microclimate, in addition to soil types, prevailing winds, rainfall, protective mountain ranges and so forth. Consequently we are able to ‘have a go’, as we say, at just about any international grape variety, albeit with a variable measure of success. Each of the regions from north to south has its own distinctive scenery from snow-capped mountains, to rolling green countryside, to breath-taking golden beaches. Any time of year is a good time to visit, a sunny summer outdoor tasting overlooking neat rows of lush green vines, or sampling in a cosy winter cellar door with a blazing log fire. To that end I can now announce, in a shameless piece of self -promotion, that I have just published a New Zealand wine region e-book: New Zealand Wine Regions - A Visitor’s Guide. It has been 18 months in the making as I updated a previous incarnation published by Random House in 2008. It is designed to be an informative and entertaining guide to New Zealand’s wine history, grape varieties, soil types, grape growing regions, local activities and winery dogs! As a mobile-device-friendly publication, it is aimed to guide the interactive traveller in exploring our fantastic wine regions. Further info - search Amazon books online ‘New Zealand Wine Regions.’ Speaking of fab regional wines, here’s a few. Pegasus Bay Waipara Pinot Noir 2012 - $48 Enticing aromas of pot pourri, Maraschino cherry, and liquorice with savoury spice. In the mouth, it’s all ripe flavours and soft tannins with black cherry, spicy, savoury baked game and a lengthy finish. Dry River Martinborough Viognier 2014 - $47 Aromas of herbs and blond tobacco. The palate is lush, ripe and just off-dry, with flavours of nectarine, guava, triple sec, herbs, clover honey and tonic water. Villa Maria Ihumatao (Mangere) Gewürztraminer 2013 - $26 Great value. On the nose, it’s lime juice and gingerbread. In the mouth, just off-dry with flavours of tonic water, Turkish delight, lime juice and a lengthy spicy palate Saint Clair Pioneer Block Big John Marlborough Riesling 2013 - $22 Light on the alcohol, but a lovely complex riesling with bang for buck. Smells like beeswax, citrus blossom, lime juice and apple juice. On the palate - initially sweet, but opens up with mouth-watering crisp acidity and a full palate of lemon squash, lime juice, Granny Smith apple. Just 9% alcohol. (PHIL PARKER) F PN Phil Parker is a wine writer and operates Fine Wine Tours in Auckland. www.insidertouring.co.nz Read Phil’s Blog at nzwineblogger.blogspot.co.nz





Craggy Range Prestige Collection A must for any cellar. The Prestige Collection sits at the top of the Craggy Range quality ladder, encapsulating its very essence: Single vineyard expressions that highlight the marriage between the ideal grape variety (or varieties) and the diversity of growing regions across New Zealand. Craggy Range was established in the late 90s when American born Terry and Mary Peabody set out to create a family legacy; a winery that would survive for generations and continue to be 100% family owned and managed. Their initial instincts sent them to France to explore opportunities, but after a meeting with Baron Eric de Rothschild they decided to turn their attention to New Zealand. Why? Because when they asked Eric where he would establish a vineyard if he was to start over again, he quickly replied “New Zealand”. Once in New Zealand they were introduced to Steve Smith who was the first specialist viticulturist in the world to pass the Master of Wine Examination. Steve and Terry set about searching for vineyard land and in the process established the concept that continues at Craggy Range today - producing only single vineyard wines across various regions. On 1 June 2015, Craggy Range’s 2013 Prestige Collection wines will be released. This year there are three red wines; two from Hawke’s Bay and one from Martinborough. The 2013 Hawkes Bay vintage has been widely hailed as a once in a lifetime vintage, whether it is or not will be open for debate in the future, but what won’t be contested is the sheer quality of these wines. Each of the Prestige wines has a little brother (keeping with the family theme); a wine made from similar grape varieties, grown in the same region and sitting in what’s called the Family Collection. Sophia is the Prestige Collection merlot cabernet - based wine from Gimblett Gravels in Hawkes Bay. The 2013 is a merlot dominant cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc and petit verdot blend with 19 months in French oak (a reasonable portion of it new) and will benefit from time in the cellar. Sophia’s little brother is Te Kahu, also from the 2013 vintage and also grown in Gimblett Gravels. Te Kahu is just over 70% merlot, followed by malbec, cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc - the petit verdot is reserved only for the Sophia. Le Sol is the flagship in the Prestige Collection and Craggy Range’s top wine. Having had the opportunity to taste this pre-release I can definitely concur - the 2013 is stunning. A Gimblett Gravels syrah, Le Sol clearly places New Zealand on the global wine map

Matt Stafford, Craggy Range winemaker in terms of its ability to produce exceptional syrah. Le Sol’s little brother is the 2013 Gimblett Gravels Syrah in the Family Collection range. The third wine in this year’s Prestige Collection release is Aroha - a Martinborough pinot noir. Whilst there’s been a huge amount of attention on the quality of Hawkes Bay 2013 wines, Martinborough’s outstanding 2013 reds have gone somewhat unnoticed. I’m not sure whether it’s the relatively small size of the region, the number and nature of producers there, or if it’s simply our best kept secret (so far)! After a controversial 2012 vintage in Martinborough (some producers opted not to release a wine at all and others hailed the success of the vintage) one of the key aspects of the 2013 pinot noir from Martinborough is the consistency. Aroha’s little brother, the 2013 Te Muna Pinot Noir, is also from the Family Collection. Like Craggy Range, Glengarry continues to be 100% family owned and proudly so. We are delighted to have the Craggy Range Prestige Wines available in our stores from 1 June and to be hosting Matt Stafford, Craggy Range Winemaker, for a 2013 Prestige Tasting on 18 June at Glengarry Victoria Park. We’ll be tasting the 2013 Prestige Collection wines as well as their little brothers, plus a couple of older vintages that PN promise to delight and surprise. (LIZ WHEADON) F www.glengarry.co.nz



PREMIUM POSITIONS AVAILABLE TO BOOK ADVERTISING: Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or Angela Martin on 0274 108 320 t: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 e: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz e: ponsnewsnz@gmail.com w: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

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EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LIVING, THINKING + BEING THE WELLBEING CENTRE; NATURAL HEALTH HEALERS Grey Lynn based integrated health clinic, The WellBeing Centre specialises in women’s, men’s, children’s health and detoxification as well as offering a broad range of body and mind/body therapies including naturopathy, nutrition, weight loss, osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, massage and yoga therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, bodytalk, reiki, flower essence therapy, clay therapy and coaching. We asked Rosanne Sullivan, one of its founders, to tell us more about the clinic. How long has the business been established? My business partner Lisa Bourne and I took a year to create the vision and the physical space we had for a holistic health clinic as well as an education centre. We officially opened on 30 July 2014. It has been an extraordinary journey! Can you tell us about your background and also something about Lisa Bourne, your fellow director? As a young person I suffered from chronic digestive symptoms which were wrongly diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. Over the next two decades my search for a solution lead me to train as a naturopath and medical herbalist and I finally discovered I have an autoimmune condition called coeliac disease. Giving up gluten and applying the principles of naturopathic medicine gave me great health for the first time in my life and a passion for helping people to really get to the bottom of what’s causing their health issues. Lisa spent the first 20 years of her career in media, climbing the corporate ladder to become a managing director at one of the UK’s largest newspaper groups. Ill health in the form of developing rheumatoid arthritis hit at 41. Unable to accept a diagnosis of ‘incurable’ and a life of ‘heavy duty’ drugs she left her life in the UK behind and went on a healing journey. A year later she was free of the condition and was left with a passion to share the ‘miracle’ of natural therapies. She moved to New Zealand in 2007 to train to be a naturopath and medical herbalist, with the dream of one day opening her own well-being centre, to provide the same access to health as she had found. The creation of The WellBeing Centre is the fulfillment of that. What kind of conditions are you able to help with? As a naturopath I see anyone and everyone, babies with reflux or constipation; children with food allergies, asthma, eczema or ADHD; teenagers with acne; adults (young and old) with hormonal imbalances, digestive problems (a personal favourite), unexplained fatigue or weight gain, thyroid dysfunction or adrenal fatigue, autoimmune conditions and more. I have a special interest in conditions due to environmental toxin exposure, especially mercury amalgam fillings, and love designing personalised detoxification programmes. I am passionate about the difference accurate information on diet and lifestyle can make to people, their families and communities. Any good results? Lots! I achieve a very high rate of positive results and recovery with my clients. Part of the reason for this is the commitment to uncovering the underlying cause of the symptoms clients are dealing with (my mum calls me a ‘sniffer dog’!). Clients leave their initial consultation

with everything they need to start making the difference; a wellbeing plan detailing key lifestyle and nutritional advice including the foods that do and don’t support them as well as any supplements that are needed for their journey back to health. What type of cooking classes do you offer? Empowerment through education is a key focus of The WellBeing Centre, we are passionate about people having the information they need to Lisa Bourne and Rosanne Sullivan make good dietary and lifestyle choices! So we created a series of classes on wholefoods using superfoods, as well as paleo and vegetarian options, cooking raw and cooking for kids. We also wanted to run courses and free community talks on a wide range of health and well-being topics that address different life stages, challenges, experiences and health concerns that people have such as breast or great gut health, understanding the foundations of good nutrition, supporting and helping 40+ women understand the changes their bodies undergo, so the list goes on... We run different classes and seminars each month. At the end of June we launch a unique course for Workplace Wellness; transforming stress and low productivity in the workplace into optimal creative energy and flow state. Why did you choose Grey Lynn? We chose Grey Lynn for a number of reasons. Both of us have an affinity with the area. We studied here, we love the local organic shops and farmers market and the general sense of community. It’s also home to all things natural health! And it’s perfectly located with great access to all the motorways so people can get to us relatively easily. F PN THE WELLBEING CENTRE, 56 Surrey Crescent, T: 09 378 8420, www.thewellbeingcentre.co.nz

NATURAL YOGA STYLE It’s a fabulous trilogy: form meets function meets kindness to the planet. A collaboration between the natural world and techy yoga practitioners, the WE’AR Yoga Mat is made of 100% natural rubber overlaid with jute mesh to yield a subtly textured surface that is fantastic to practise on. The mat’s natural rubber is extracted from plantation trees in Southeast Asia, the jute handmade in Bangladesh. The totally natural materials are combined by We’ar’s tech partners in Taiwan (all yogis themselves) to produce the hardwearing, excellently grippy, non-toxic, recyclable and totally biodegradable yoga mats. F PN WE’AR YOGA CLOTHING AND OFF DUTY WEAR, 122 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 378 8140 www.wearyogaclothing.com

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING DISCOVER THE SECRETS TO EXCEPTIONAL HEALTH Health researcher, best-selling author and international speaker, Jason Shon Bennett will be speaking in Ponsonby later this month. What inspired you to become a health researcher? I was sick every day for the first 20 years of my life; on daily medications for asthma and hay fever and catching every cold, flu, virus that went around and with fatigue, pain and skin issues and I was told I was incurable. I was sick of being sick so I started researching the healthiest people in the world and adjusted my diet, lifestyle and environment to align with theirs. All of my illnesses were cured and I remained well. People started asking me about my secrets and what had I done to make such a massive shift, so I started relaying what I had learned and teaching others. People were getting the same results in their health and energy as I did so I kept on going and here I am today! What’s the premise behind your latest book, My 20 Golden Rules? My 20 Golden Rules is about taking control of your genetic expression via your diet, lifestyle and environment in a natural and balanced way to optimise your health and longevity. Golden stands for genetics optimised by lifestyle, diet and environment, naturally. This book has my personal 20 golden rules for healthy, disease-free longevity. These have been inspired and honed during my own journey from extreme sickness to wellness and exceptional health. They have also been informed by nearly 30 years of research and study on the world’s longest lived and healthiest peoples (the centenarians), and the best international scientific evidence. I have remained exceptionally healthy for over 25 years while helping to raise four strong, vital children (two of whom are now adults) and one granddaughter! Is healthy eating just a fad or do you think it is here to stay? Healthy eating is here to stay. People are becoming more and more aware that their health is in their own hands. The statistics are showing that we are dying now from mostly preventable illness; heart disease, obesity, diabetes and lifestyle cancers of the breast, bowel, liver, lung and prostate - they can all be prevented, but there are no silver

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

bullets or magic pills that fix lifestyle diseases. You cannot eat yourself sick and then drug yourself well. The thousands of people I have worked with in our programmes are testament to the miracle of diet, lifestyle and attitude change. What was the hardest lifestyle change you had to make? Understanding that preparation was the key. Being ahead of yourself with food choices and planning for good meals rather than just getting hungry and reaching for whatever is easiest or fastest. If there was one thing you wish all New Zealanders knew what would it be? Around 97% of your health is in your own hands. Most diseases are less than 3% genetic. You can transform how your genes express themselves simply by changing what you do every day and what you eat and drink. It is up to you. It is what you do eat, not what you don’t eat, that gives you exceptional health or poor health. Jason Shon Bennett will be speaking on Tuesday 23 June at St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby at 7pm. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online www.jasonshonbennett.com F PN





Career pathways - a politician This month I had the great pleasure in meeting with Jacinda Ardern, the Labour list MP for Central Auckland. Among other things, Jacinda identifies with the ENFJ personality type. Understanding psychological type is a great start to plan ideal career pathways. There has been much research done and evidence collected to be able to comfortably predict the kind of working environments that will suit all of the 16 different personality types on the Myers-Briggs® framework. When I work with a client to help in their career decision-making process I will always ensure they have a clear understanding of their personality type. After 15 years delivering career consultations I have found this tool invaluable in bringing clarity to an often confusing situation. When working with secondary school students, having this knowledge is especially effective as they are more inclined to make good career decisions that are sustainable for them rather than start down one track and find later it really did not suit them. Skills, interests and values are identified along with personality type, and a career pathway emerges. As a career decision-making model, we use Sensing to identify the current realities of the situation, Intuition to look to the possibilities, Thinking to objectively weigh up the pros and cons and Feeling to see how the plan fits in with our personal value system. An ENFJ personality type uses Extraverted Feeling as its dominant function. Extraverted Feeling is all about caring for other people, maintaining social norms and seeking harmony in the world. It is essential for this personality type to find meaning in the work they do and this will always involve helping people in some way. The supporting function is Introverted Intuition which is the process used to envisage the future, to be able to see what is possible. An ENFJ has a preference for Judging as opposed to Perceiving so they are organised, decisive and like to set and achieve goals. ENFJs are typically idealistic and social; they thrive when helping others develop as well as developing themselves. These personality types are often found in roles helping people find solutions to their problems. These roles can include but are not limited to teaching, psychology, HR management, art, design, journalism, medicine and public speaking. In our community one of our more prominent ENFJ personalities is the Labour Party list MP Jacinda Ardern. The ability to clearly articulate thought is a vital skill required for this role and one common to many ENFJs. Her career pathway fits this personality description well. As a child growing up in Morrinsville, Jacinda was always looking out for other children making sure everyone was included. An early dream she had was to be a clown in order to make people happy, she later realised that in fact clowns terrified kids so this dream went no further! In her teens her idealism emerged with her developing

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intuition looking for ways to make the world a better place. She joined Amnesty International as a volunteer, while also developing customer service skills working in the local fish and chip shop. After leaving school, pathways into law, psychology and the police force were considered but a degree in communications at Waikato University was decided upon. She began with a PR major then changed to international relations. Her first role outside university was doing research for the then Justice Minister Phil Goff. This led to a role as an Energy Private Secretary in the office of Harry Duynhoven who had responsibility for mining and gas exploration. Here Jacinda was exposed to an environment that challenged her value system. Learning how to deal with situations where ‘seeking harmony’ is not the prime aim is hard for the ENFJ personality. Gaining the skills to cope with challenges to personal values was an important step in her personal development. She then worked in the office of Helen Clark before heading off to the United Kingdom. Even while overseas Jacinda still managed to spend time focussing on her strong social conscience by helping in a soup kitchen in York. Today back in New Zealand in a role working to find solutions to social problems she has found that her biggest challenge is not being able to do enough to meet her own high expectations. For ENFJs the hardest lesson is learning to say ‘no’ and to make self-care a high priority. In a role that is as public and demanding as Jacinda’s, this would be even harder than for most. So my advice to her as her star rises is, like singer songwriter Greg Johnson has penned, “First you save yourself then you save the world”. PN (ALI LAWRIE) F For career advice and personality type identification contact Ali on ali@personalitytype.co.nz or www.personalitytype.co.nz


LIVING, THINKING + BEING MORTIMER HIRST - EYE CARE AND EYE WEAR Regular eye examinations are an essential part of maintaining personal health and well-being, they are not just for people experiencing difficulty with their eyesight. Prevention of eye disease is best and our optometrists and contact lens specialists can offer advice on ways to guard your eyes against the harmful effects of conditions that may run in your family history or are due to your work environment or the environment we live in. Sun protection is crucial for young and old as chronic UV exposure can contribute to the ageing processes of the eye. UV blocking sunglasses are recommended, not just in summer but all year round to protect the cells on the eye surface and within. Mortimer Hirst customises lens tints to suit your activities or provide options in polarised lens materials that enable more comfortable viewing in high glare. They can also advise on which contact lenses are manufactured with a UV blocking capacity. Mortimer Hirst also offers preventative lenses that have protection against harmful blue light. Emitted by the sun and also by artificial light sources such as LEDs and computers or smartphones, chronic exposure is a risk factor in retinal cell degeneration which can contribute to the development of cataracts and age related macular degeneration.


A diet rich in antioxidants has a proven protective role in maintaining healthy cells within the retina. We should aim to eat plenty of leafy greens and fresh fruit daily, a handful of nuts a week and two to three servings of fish a week.

Blending elements of the traditional with the cutting edge, Tokoya Barber and Shop are serving up sharp looks and hot towel shaves in Three Lamps Ponsonby.

During an eye examination, our clinical team look inside your eye to make sure the pathway that light travels is clear of any obstructive elements and that the lightdetecting cells and supporting structures at the back of your eye are working optimally. According the World Health Organisation, 75% of the world’s blindness is preventable. Early detection is key in guarding against more serious outcomes.

An aficionado of durable fashion and minimalist interior design, Kaisei Sarai has created a fashionable haven for men who want a bit of ‘me time’ and temporary respite during the day. “We have made it easy,” says Kaisei. “Anyone wanting a haircut or a shave, can just walk in. No appointment is necessary - and if they are feeling like a change of look, we can discuss any number of the new styles which we have on electronic display.

Your optometrist will be looking to find the earliest signs of conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, amongst others, by using a series of diagnostic tests, examination and imaging tools. Some of these checks can pick up systemic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia. PN www.mortimerhirst.co.nz F

“A lot of barbers can’t do long hair but here we can do everything - from haircuts to cut-throat shaves and post-haircut neck trims and head massages. We want our clients to feel refreshed and stylish when they leave. “Ponsonby is a high fashion area and the people who live here appreciate the kind of attention to detail that we can provide. We only use top quality products and we are also very kid friendly. I have two of my own. “Overall, the Tokoya Barber and Shop is a place to relax. In Japanese, Tokoya actually means ‘barber’ although I do come from Tokyo as well, which people can mix up sometimes. They sound very similar. New Zealand is a great place to live and at the Tokoya Barber and Shop, I get to celebrate both worlds.” F PN TOKOYA BARBER AND SHOP, 279 Ponsonby Road, Three Lamps Ponsonby, T: 09 378 4477 www.tokoya.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Inter species communication is a special and lovely thing - something most of us have experienced to varying degrees if we’ve owned a beloved family pet or currently own pets that have become friends and companions.

MAINTAINING GOOD HEALTH IS WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT AT AROHA HEALING. WE take a holistic approach to well-being and pride ourselves on developing and maintaining unique, ancient, indigenous practices that are safe, nurturing and effective.

However, professional animal communicator specialist, Anna Breytenbach, takes it to a whole new level.

Aroha Healing yoga and yoga nidra classes are safe and suitable for all levels. Our teachers, Frances Satyadevi Miller, Danika Dwyer and Nerine Gregersen have vast knowledge and experience with yogic practice collectively and also in medical and scientific approaches to health and well-being. They are passionate and committed to yoga and yoga nidra as an ancient form of well-being and deep relaxation for the mind, body and soul. You can read more about our yoga and dance practices, and teachers by visiting our website.

South African-based and trained at Assisi International Animal Institute in California, she holds degrees in psychology, economics and marketing from Cape Town University. Spending many years as a volunteer in wildlife sanctuaries working with cheetahs, wolves, lions, snow leopards, mountain lions and elephants as well as marine mammals such as dolphins and whales, she has now worked professionally for 14 years. Her life’s work is to raise awareness of and advance the relationships between human and non human animals around the globe, on both personal and deeply spiritual levels.

Aroha dance classes are a fusion of sensual ancient Egyptian bellydance movement, mudra, visualisation, ritual, sisterhood and much more to bring feminine empowerment, chakra knowledge, well-being, wisdom and beautiful awareness into your life. This selfconnecting class is held at Aroha Healing every Tuesday evening at 6pm and Rosanna also runs six-week beginners courses at the Auckland Women’s Centre in Grey Lynn.

Much of her work involves telepathic connections with animals. “Energetic preparation and intentional connection with the animal happens first. Information is then received in the form of thoughts, ideas, words, images, sensations in the body, sounds in the mind, emotions, and sudden knowings. It is possible to have any sensory experience telepathically.

To celebrate winter as a perfect time for maintaining good health, our yoga and yoga nidra classes have a two for the price of one offer for the month of June. Just mention this Ponsonby News exclusive offer to enjoy a class with a friend. Bookings are essential as classes are small and are held in a beautiful, intimate, candlelit space. Our Aroha Healing candle for the month of June is tu kaha (grounding). The tu kaha candle is a deep-healing candle to light when you feel the need for balance and to feel centred and strong. A rich, earthy essential oil and fragrance blend of cinnamon, sandalwood, ylang ylang and orchid create an incredibly healing aroma that we feel links the tu kaha candle to muladhara, the base chakra. The sense of muladhara (base or first) chakra is smell. We look forward to seeing you at Aroha Healing soon and wish you a fantastic month of June. (ROSANNA MARKS) F PN AROHA HEALING, 3 Maidstone Street, T: 0800 646 326 www.arohahealing.co.nz www.arohahealingcandles.co.nz info@arohahealing.co.nz


“Whilst the actual mechanism for this is unknown, various investigative sciences e.g. new or quantum physics, attribute it to an aspect of the energy that animates all matter. Thoughts, emotions, etc have a very real electromagnetic energetic consequence that can be perceived in practice. The key to receptivity lies in intention which is as much a matter of the heart as it is of the mind.” (Anna Breytenbach). Watching a Youtube video of her working with a traumatised and very aggressive big cat called Diablo was my first encounter with her incredible skills and I would recommend viewing it. Go to “Black Leopard and the Animal Communicator Anna Breytenbach.” It’s utterly beautiful. My own telepathic encounters with animals are many and varied but sadly are transient, unlike the ‘conversations’ Anna is capable of sustaining. One of the most beautiful ‘intentional connections’ I’ve had was with our little cat Tilly as she lay in a coma, before dying. I sat cradling her and remembering our shared life together, my heart feeling nothing but love for this sweet-natured little animal. Speaking softly and reassuringly to her, I visualised her running through a field of yellow daffodils, chasing butterflies as she loved to do. Suddenly her paws began moving as if in a running movement and she made some small sounds. I felt a feeling of pure joy emanating from her briefly towards me, then she gave a little sigh and died. The purity of love from an animal is such a gift. They bring humour, joy, loyalty and light PN into our lives. There is much we have to learn from them. (CLARE CALDWELL) F Clare (Claudie) Caldwell is a creative arts therapist who runs a small private practice from home. She is voluntary team leader of creative arts as therapy at Mercy Hospice Auckland, College Hill, where she has worked for the last 10 years. She is also a freelance artist. Enquiries: T: 09 836 3618; M: 021 293 3171; E: clare.e.caldwell@gmail.com

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING PILATES AND PHYSIOTHERAPY - THE PERFECT COMPLEMENT Holly Thorp is the newest member of the team at Peak Pilates and Physiotherapy Grey Lynn. She tells us why we should all be doing Pilates! What sparked your love for Pilates? I was a keen dancer at school and I found Pilates through this. I started attending a Pilates class designed for dancers to improve my posture, core strength and balance - and I was hooked! My instructors were physiotherapists as well and their huge knowledge of the body and how it worked was actually what inspired me to become a physiotherapist myself. How do Pilates and physiotherapy work together? They complement each other perfectly. Using Pilates exercises as part of a rehab programme allows the client to have a faster recovery, as well as helping to prevent future injuries. The media sometimes portrays Pilates as an activity mainly for women - is this true? Absolutely not! Just ask anybody who does Pilates - it’s a full on work out. Half of our staff here is male, and in fact men make up a good part of our clientele. I challenge any man to try Pilates and say it’s easy! Anyone can benefit from the strengthening and toning Pilates provides. What are the benefits of Pilates? Where to start... Pilates offers a huge number of benefits like improving posture, core and pelvic stability, helping with incontinence issues, and improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility. It makes you feel and look great! What do you love most about Peak Grey Lynn? Definitely the people. Both the staff and our lovely clients. The Peak Pilates and Physiotherapy Grey Lynn clinic has a warm, welcoming feel to it. We all get along really well, which makes coming to work fun. I also really like that, unlike some Pilates clinics, we keep our class sizes really small. This means we can keep a close eye on technique and give everyone the one-on-one attention they deserve! F PN PEAK PILATES, 274 Richmond Road, T: 09 376 8343 www.peakpilatesgroup.co.nz/grey-lynn.html

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Many shades of grey... and blonde While many people try to hide their grey hair, spending hours eradicating the signs of advancing age, going grey may no longer mean reaching for the colour as ‘granny hair’ is in vogue. Fashion designers like the almighty Jean-Paul Gaultier, Chanel and Gareth Pugh have all styled their models with silver hair, and many have since followed suit. Spotted on celebrities including Lady Gaga, Pink, Rihanna, Nicole Ritchie and Kelly Osborne, the grey, white or lavender trend has been embraced by women worldwide with thousands posting pictures on social media sites under “#grannyhair”. Not everyone is feeling the grey as much as the high fashion mob, however, and going grey is without a doubt the primary reason why many woman start having their hair coloured. But from clients that want to keep a more natural colour, to clients who want to embrace a fashion forward shade - grey is as diverse as salon clients can be. Earlier this year haircare brand GOLDWELL started offering what they call Grey Service, supporting stylists to make a difference and convince their clients that there is only one destination to get individual and gorgeous grey - a salon. The brand new service works for natural to blonde and high fashion looks, and no matter how clients want to put their grey into the limelight, Grey Service meets their needs - whether they are male or female, young or old. They also offer a new Dualsenses Refining Silver Shampoo as the final step to maintain their beautiful, fresh and totally unique take on grey hair. Its SilverChromaComplex with lavender neutralises unwanted yellow tones and provides shine, making it a great home product for both grey and platinum blonde or white hair. At the moment you’ll find the Grey Service and the amazing Dualsenses Refining Silver Shampoo at salons Shout on Richmond Road and Vivo Ponsonby. Next up I’d like to introduce the product that will suit both the “#grannyhair” trend and blondes down to the ground, and which for many could be officially considered a beauty life changer. Called Olaplex, it is an additive that eliminates the bad reaction oxygen has with broken sulfite bonds in chemically treated hair that leads to breakage. And like the Big Bang, penicillin, and other scientific things of significance, it was discovered almost by accident.

A beautiful blonde from D&M’s Beatnik campaign Olaplex founder and United States beauty industry veteran Dean Christal was in the process of developing a silicone-based alternative to Moroccan oil when he met with Dr. Craig Hawker - one of the world’s leading chemistry PhD’s - in hopes of completing the process. After solving Christal’s first problem, Hawker asked as an aside, “What is the holy grail of hair product development?” Reportedly he answered “if a beauty company could keep chemical treatments from hurting hair, that’d really be something...” and the rest, as they say, is history. Naturally, Olaplex had something of an immediate and addictive effect on the industry. Four months into its publicly available life, it was in 7000 salons around the world. The company’s main source of publicity? Instagram, the modern day word-of-mouth. Locally, the brand’s main ambassador is Danny Pato of D&M hair design, who tells me that he and his team have been working with Olaplex since March. “We can do so much more now with colour than what’s been possible before,” he tells me enthusiastically, “if someone wants to go from dark brown to platinum blonde in one sitting, we can now do it knowing that the hair will stay in healthy condition.” He explains that Olaplex can be used “in so many ways, including in any colour or as part of a keratin smoothing service, as it cross-links the disulphide bonds in hair that break down with chemical services, heat styling, UV exposure and mechanical damage. But Olaplex is most impressive when bleaching - the hair actually feels better when you’ve finished bleaching it!” It will naturally be a huge deal for people currently already going lighter, but I ask him if he has had clients deciding to take plunge after hearing about it? “Absolutely! Now people can go lighter without fear. We’ve also had clients who have wanted to go lighter for a long time, but were giving their hair a bit of a break to get it in better condition. Now they don’t have to wait, so they’re taking the plunge.” I did exactly that myself at D&M not long after, and have to say that my newly lightened ends look and feel incredible - definitely a first! Talk swings back to grey hair, and what Pato thinks is the best way to tackle the transition - lightening up with something like Olaplex to soften the blow, or going full colour? “Both can be a great option,” says the salon superstar, “covering greys with a very dark block colour can look too severe or artificial on some people yet dramatically striking on others, so I would recommend ensuring the tone and depth suit your natural colouring.”

Grey by Goldwell

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Lastly, he says that if you’re beating natural greys by going blonde, you’ll need to make sure you’re using professional products to nourish and protect the hair, and again ensure that the tone of blonde suits you. “Either way, talk to your colourist, and make sure there’s Olaplex in the mix so that your colour lasts longer and your hair is healthier!” PN (HELENE RAVLICH) F PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

PLANET AYURVEDA: ASK DOCTOR AJIT It seems winter has come early, as my kids are already suffering from the usual complaints: runny noses, sore throats and coughs. I try to avoid antibiotics when I can but am really thinking I might need them to survive the season. P. HALE, Ponsonby


You are certainly not the only parent who faces this predicament. Even this early in the season I have seen many children with these symptoms, so it is reasonable to ask why winter should be a time of coughs and flu-like symptoms and what can we do to prevent them.


According to Ayurveda it is important to live our lives in harmony with the season by making changes to our diet and lifestyle to keep the body in balance. Ayurveda believes that it is this balance that is the key to health and happiness. Ayurveda recognises that each season has unique characteristics and qualities. In winter, the environment is dominated by the qualities of coldness, dampness, heaviness, dullness, slowness and sluggishness. Because we are exposed to these qualities every day, it is natural that they will have an impact and our bodies start feeling cold, damp, sluggish, dull and heavy. All Ayurvedic treatments are based on the simple principle of introducing lifestyle and diet changes with opposing qualities to bring the body back into balance while avoiding things that can cause further aggravation. Therefore in winter, Ayurveda recommends avoiding the following foods: • Any kind of breads - White, brown, organic or non -organic. Breads are sticky, heavy, damp, moist and

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

cold. When we eat bread in a sandwich or just a piece with a bit of cheese, it will increase the above qualities and cause problems.

• Also roasted almonds, cashews, walnuts and pine nuts coated with jaggery are delicious.

• Cheese, butter, white sugar, bananas, cold meat, cold drinks and cold foods all have heavy, cold, damp and sticky qualities.

Ayurveda also recommends a number of routines that we should incorporate into our lives during winter to keep the body in balance:

• Deep fried, oily foods like fish and chips and carbonated drinks - These are heavy and when we drink cold carbonated drinks on top of them it makes the oil sticky, causing it to adhere to mucous linings in the throat and lungs, causing sore throat, bronchitis, sinus and hay fever.

• Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue every morning.

You might feel panicked by reading this and think there is nothing left to eat, but this is not true. You will see that with a little effort we can find many things to nourish us during winter: • Eat more warm cooked foods. • Breakfast - porridge and pancakes are options. Add cinnamon and cardamom as these spices are known for their warming and flushing actions. They are very good for the lungs and lymphatic system, the main areas affected in winter. • If eating fruit, make sure it is cooked and not eaten raw. If you must eat raw fruit, make sure it is eaten mid-morning on a warm and sunny day to minimise its adverse impact. • Lunch and dinner should be simply warm and delicious! • Snack on nuts and raisins. Roasted peanuts are very good in winter.

• Every morning drink a glass of warm water with ½ tsp of fresh ginger, ½ tsp of fenugreek powder, ½ tbs of honey and ½ tbs of lemon juice. • Apply warm medicated sesame oil drops to the nose each morning. • A regular self massage with warm sesame oil or kapha oil helps remove lymphatic stagnation and makes you feel more energetic, light and vibrant at all levels. • Deep breathing at least three to four times a day will help break up lung congestion. Ayurveda teaches that by incorporating these changes in to our lives we can keep these winter illnesses from occurring. The profound promise of Ayurveda is that through changes to diet and lifestyle, not only can we prevent disease but live a long, healthy life in balance and harmony. In my 35 years of clinical practice, both here and in India, I have seen the profound benefits of this health science help thousands of people achieve PN balance in their lives. (DR AJIT) F PLANET AYURVEDA, 41 Gillies Avenue, T: 09 522 5390, www.planetayurveda.co.nz





‘Winterise’ yourself As the sea around us cools down, the temperatures are dropping and with the shortest day just around the corner, many of us are thinking about how we might avoid the ills and chills associated with winter. It’s the time of year that is often referred to as the ‘flu’ season and while influenza can be a potentially life threatening illness, particularly for older folks, it’s the common cold and associated respiratory infections that will keep most people away from work, and the children off school. There are, however, some simple options that we can all take advantage of to put the immune system on notice so we might avoid the worst and hopefully reduce the impact of any unwelcome infection. The first on my list is vitamin C. Most animals make vitamin C especially in response to stress, but we make none and thus stress can make us vulnerable to many illnesses. When we are stressed, the body is in ‘fight or flight’ mode and the immune system is all but switched off. Vitamin C is concentrated in the body in the brain, the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys and in our infection fighting white blood cells. Scientist Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes, discovered that white blood cells need vitamin C in order to engulf and absorb viruses and bacteria. He found that to do its job, a single white blood cell needs to contain 50 times the concentration of vitamin C as is normally found in blood around it. This is how Dr. Pauling came up with the “take vitamin C for a cold” theory. There is, however, a way to put a spanner in the ‘works’. It comes in the form of the immune system’s worst enemy, sugar. Glucose is sugar in the simplest form found in blood. It has a very similar chemical structure to vitamin C. It is so similar that when a white blood cell needs more vitamin C from the blood, glucose is often substituted by mistake. With high blood sugar levels, white blood cells have very significantly reduced ability to absorb and destroy viruses and bacteria. Such blood sugar levels are easily obtained by anyone who eats cakes, biscuits and sweets or consumes soft drinks and even fruit juice. It can take four to six hours to reach the optimum 50-times vitamin C concentration again and this is presuming there is vitamin C available. The RDA for vitamin C is clearly way, way less than optimal. I take 4000mgs daily and often more.

vitamin D. His research shows that to reach optimal blood levels (120 nmols/L) 4000 IU daily or more may be necessary. How many New Zealanders take zinc every day? Not many I imagine, yet this simple mineral has so much to offer. It’s very cheap and it can help us in so many ways. The United States Department of Agriculture says that more than 70% of Americans don’t get the recommended dietary allowance for zinc. A review of 13 trials published by the Cochrane Collaboration found that people taking zinc had milder symptoms from colds and after a week were 50% more likely to be symptom free when compared with those who took a placebo. Scientists also found that normal levels of zinc in the elderly reduced the risk of developing pneumonia by 50%. Zinc has countless roles to play in our health and we should not overlook its importance. Minerals are best taken at night. Zinc picolinate is a very well absorbed form, 15mgs daily is a good dose to start out with. I have covered the importance of probiotics in a previous article. Without a healthy balance of ‘gut’ flora, our immune system is likely to be significantly compromised. It’s hard to overstate the need to prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and I believe a probiotic should be standard fare after each meal for every New Zealander. As I see it, by giving up a few ‘lattes’, wine with a meal and maybe cooking at home more often, we should all be able to afford the basics. Vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate powder is not expensive, neither is vitamin D or zinc. To purchase a really good probiotic might take more of a financial stretch - but what price do we put on our health? Every day we do one of two things: build health or produce disease. German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said, “Health isn’t everything but without it everything PN else is nothing.” (JOHN APPLETON) F APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362 john@johnappleton.co.nz www.johnappleton.co.nz

Vitamin D, the sunshine ‘vitamin’, should be on everyone’s radar. Unlike vitamin C, which is not stored in the body, vitamin D is, but during the summer months when we could be building up our reserves, we slap on the sunblock and cover up. During our winter months there is no UV light coming through our atmosphere at all and any warmth we feel is simply infrared light. A key part of our immune system’s defence against bacteria and viruses is the production of anti-microbial peptides, a form of home-grown antibiotics. It is vitamin D that upregulates the production of these bacteria and virus killers and this is one of the main reasons why we are more vulnerable to infections in the winter. Many doctors prescribe vitamin D to their patients but it comes in a single tablet that is taken once a month. I am not sure that this is the best way to take vitamin D. Little and often is surely the way nature intended us to get our vitamin D, so I take it daily during the autumn and winter. Professor Cedric Garland from university of San Diego is a renowned authority on

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CARING PROFESSIONAL Onanong Barclay - Thai massage therapist Onanong Barclay was born and raised in Thailand near the town of Supan Buri, about 80 km to the north-west of Bangkok. Onanong met her Kiwi husband in Thailand and has been living in New Zealand for more than 10 years. How did you come to be a Thai massage therapist? When I was a young girl, my grandmother and mother taught me the art of Thai traditional massage so that I could massage my family. It was not until after I had been living in Auckland that I decided to take this skill further, so I went and did courses at the Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School in Bangkok. In Auckland, I then worked for other Thai massage clinics to gain work experience as a Thai massage therapist. At first I worked from my home, then as the business grew, I moved to commercial premises in Hillsborough, then to Ponsonby and now in my present-day location. What do you love about your job? At the Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School I learnt from my teachers that I was able to recognise various symptoms in the human body that could be addressed by specific massage techniques, and that I had a natural ability to respond with the most appropriate massage. I could see that I was making a difference to the lives of those for whom I was providing a massage solution and this was very satisfying. I enjoy meeting people and making a difference in their lives, and I have clients from many different walks of life. What do you find challenging? As my business began to grow, I had to find other suitably experienced Thai massage therapists who lived in Auckland and who were able to provide the same massage techniques as I did. Many of my customers came to me on a regular basis and were not so keen to have a massage from anyone but me.

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It took me time to find the right people and then to train them in the same techniques so that my regular clients would be comfortable to be massaged by them as they became skilled and experienced. How do you differ from other Thai Massage therapists? Thai Kingdom Massage provides a very personal, professional and high quality level of service, seven days a week. Our premises are clean and comfortable and offer a very relaxing and authentic Thai massage experience. Clients are very positive in their feedback and the word-of-mouth referrals have helped to grow the business which has resulted in our recent relocation from Ponsonby to Grey Lynn - we are now able to cater to up to five clients at a time. Can you share an anecdote about a case? I had a client come to see me one day in a great deal of pain and she had requested a back, neck and shoulder massage. I proceeded to give her a 60-minute massage, which afterwards she described as being the best massage that she had ever had. She then informed me that she had already had two 60-minute massages at other massage clinics earlier that same day, but they did not reduce the pain. She is now a regular client and has also introduced some of her friends to the clinic as well. What do you do to care of yourself? I keep fit and exercise regularly so that my muscles are toned and less likely to suffer from any strains associated with the requirements of a hard massage. Getting a good night’s sleep is also important as massage therapy can be quite tiring when you are busy. I regularly ask my staff to give me a massage which relieves any strains and aches or pains associated with a ‘busy day at the office’. I practice what I preach! What is your advice to people seeking a Thai massage? Go for it! You will never, never know if you never, never go. A good Thai massage brings about a wonderful sense of well-being and relaxation, leaving you ready to face the world. No matter which massage you choose, the therapist will check with you about what your needs and expectations are for the massage. If you have never treated yourself to a traditional Thai massage, you are in for a treat. F PN THAI KINGDOM MASSAGE, 8/386 Richmond Road, T: 09 378 0861 www.thaikingdommassage.com

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Romy Grbic of Redox Facials + Beauty Last month I was lucky enough to make the acquaintance of Romy Grbic of Jervois Road’s redox Facials + Beauty, one of the most enthusiastic and passionate therapists I have met in a long time. She absolutely exudes a love for what she does and her passion is definitely infectious. The self described “beauty alchemist” qualified as a beauty therapist in 2007 and since then has worked in many areas of the beauty industry including managing a spa on Waiheke Island, contributing to many magazines with articles on beauty and health and working in clinics in both Auckland and Melbourne. She is also a clinical nutritionist, graduating with top in her class from Wellpark College in 2014 after completing a two -year diploma in Clinical Nutrition. The redox holistic facials are her specialty, always bespoke and designed for what your skin, body and mind need on the day. “I believe that beauty shines through and shows on the outside only when we have a healthy inside,” says Grbic. “Stress, improper diet and skincare regime, and lifestyle choices all show through your skin, and some choices dull our beauty where others nourish it.” She uses a range of organic, biodynamic and natural skincare products on clients depending on their needs, including Tailor skincare, The Beauty Elixir and A.E.O.S. She also makes her own facemasks using clays and superfood powders chosen to suit your skin conditions. “I’ve been using essential oils and oil blends on my own skin for some time now,” she says, “the idea of alchemy, alchemical skincare really resonates with me. I can get some amazing results just using hemp seed oil blends to treat acne and rosehip oils blends to alleviate dehydration - the possibilities are endless. “I’ve always loved the facial and skincare side of things,” adds the radiant brunette, “and since studying nutrition have found that’s where my passion lies.” She hasn’t given up on the more traditional side of beauty therapy however, “as I still have loyal clients that come for waxing or gel polish nails and I don’t want to let them down. I have the skills, so why not offer to help people out in that area too if I can?”

‘look, we need to talk about why this is happening to you’, because usually there is a deeply rooted problem that is causing it. So much of what is happening to your skin begins in the gut, and that’s always the best place to start.” We talk about the guided meditation aspect that she offers along with her facials, which she says has seen the number of bookings increase exponentially. It is clearly something that people want and need more of in their lives, and I love the fact that she offers a physical, relationship or financial abundance option. I can highly recommend a combo of all three! The Meditation Facial is a delicious 90-minutes long, and costs $150. Romy describes it as “combining all aspects of inner and outer skincare, skin health and wellness to instil a sense of true relaxation, calm and peace and leave you floating out the door on a cloud of true bliss.”

She was raised by a yoga teacher mum and says that a holistic, earth-friendly lifestyle was always around her as she was growing up. It wasn’t till 2012 that she decided to embark on qualifications as a nutritionist, “and now I realise how entwined the two are. The condition of the skin is directly informed by what is going on inside your body, and treating it topically - even with amazing skincare - can only do so much.”

The Meditation Facial starts with a 20-minute back massage, to ground you and allow you to truly relax from the very start. Every aspect is bespoke, from the choice of products (from all natural clays and oils to cosmeceutical Medik8) to the guided meditation, which brings stillness to even the busiest of minds. “So many skin conditions involve inflammation,” says Romy, “which can be largely caused by stress. Just the act of having a facial will bring those stress levels down so you’re on the right track already.”

She offers a 90-minute Skin-Nutrition Consultation ($160) on her treatment menu, but says that the majority of her consults begin with a casual conversation. “Someone will be having their nails done and suddenly say ‘so I heard this thing about dairy...’ or ‘I’ve suddenly started getting breakouts... and inevitably I’ll give them some advice. Sometimes that will lead to them booking in for a proper consult and full nutrition programme, as well as an introduction to holistic and natural skincare.”

She also offers the A.E.O.S Facial, which is 75 minutes long and uses a brand I previously had no knowledge of. A.E.O.S stands for Active Energised Organic Skincare and it’s a biodynamic skincare range aimed at bringing balance to your skin by balancing your body’s energy. It also includes a beautiful guided meditation that you can choose on the day, dependent on how you are feeling and what you feel like you want to focus on at the PN time. (HELENE RAVLICH) F

She talks about clients who have ongoing skin problems like inflammation and rosacea who she had been giving facials to for some time, “and I just had to stop them and say

REDOX FACIALS + BEAUTY, 37 Jervois Road, M: 021 0224 9039 www.redoxbody.co.nz

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING MEET YOUR LOCAL OSTEOPATH Rosalie May-Somerville has recently joined Health Within Osteopathy in Westmere. Why did you become an osteopath? I’ve always been interested in health, and I majored in nutrition in my first degree. I became particularly interested in osteopathy while recovering from influenza and bronchitis. I had a persistent cough for months until regular cranial osteopathy addressed the scar tissue in my lungs. The cough went and I could finally take a proper breath of air. I was so impressed that I wanted to help people in the same way. What is an osteopath? An osteopath is an allied health professional who treats musculoskeletal issues such as back, head and neck pain, but we can look at all body systems. What excites you about osteopathy? Ever since osteopathy was developed over 100 years ago, we’ve been forward-thinking in treating the body as a functioning unit rather than separate parts. It’s exciting to identify the root cause of problems in unexpected places. For example, as we get older our bones become porous, putting us at risk of osteoporosis and fractures. We need calcium to maintain bone health, so we may treat the digestive system to ensure good absorption of calcium is taking place. This is one example of how a ‘holistic’ approach can help one part of the body by treating another. Where do you practice? I’m New Zealand born and bred, but have been living in England where I studied osteopathy and had my own practice. I’ve just moved back to New Zealand in January and I’m now working at Health Within Osteopathy in Westmere. F PN HEALTH WITHIN OSTEOPATHY, 141 Garnet Road, Westmere, T: 09 376 1980 www.healthwithin.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




THE PONSONBY PHILOSOPHER The relevance of the old left - right political divide I was recently called “so far left” by a Ponsonby News reader that I would have “extreme difficulty negotiating a roundabout”. I found it an amusing comment, which got me thinking: how relevant is the left wing - right wing dichotomy in 21st Century New Zealand, or the world for that matter? Way back in the 1950s a Professor Eysenck, ‘Sense and Nonsense in Psychology’ proposed a double axis - a horizontal labelled from left to right as radical conservative and a vertical labelled top to bottom as authoritarian democratic. Later in his chapter on politics and personality, he called the vertical line tough-minded - tender-minded. This double axis allowed Eysenck to place political parties into one of four quarters - tough/left (Communists), tough/right (Fascists), tender/left (Socialists), and tender/right (Liberals). I have found Eysenck’s double axis more useful than just one continuum and I have placed some of New Zealand’s main parties where I think they fit. National is very near the right and just over the tough line, Labour is in the tender/left but more centrist than Socialists, Act is far right and on the tough/right side, and I have divided the Greens into red/greens, just below the socialists, and blue /greens to the right of Labour, nearer the centre. I have been unable to find a place for NZ First, which I believe is more pragmatic than ideological. What is more, Eysenck created a questionnaire, the answers to which placed the respondent in the appropriate place on the grid. This questionnaire is very out dated, but a new set of questions could be created to make the grid useful again. When I asked Nandor Tanzcos, the former Green MP, where he would place himself on the grid he said it was not relevant to his political philosophy which was neither left nor right. That debate is continuing in the Green Party today, and is the reason I’ve placed both a red-green party and a blue-green party in different positions on the grid. This is not to say that the Greens are hopelessly divided, but it serves to show that not all Greens believe their party should be placed to the left of Labour. Candidate for the co-leadership of the Green Party, Vernon Tava, takes a similar view. In fact, he believes the whole concept of left versus right is out of date, and largely

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irrelevant to today’s political scene. Of course he refers mostly to environmental issues like climate change, global warming, habitat destruction and species extinction. The New Zealand Labour Party is an interesting case in point. Back in the 1970s the Labour Party was dominated by old fashioned left wing unionists like Gordon Christie and Eddie Isbey. Then left wing academics began to make their mark in the party - Helen Clark, Michael Bassett, Richard Prebble. These two groups were polls apart on many social issues, including abortion, homosexual law reform, women’s rights. In recent years we have had outbursts from the likes of John Tamahere with his “front bums” comment, and ultra conservative Damian O’Connor from the West Coast who accused Labour of being dominated by gays and lesbians. On economic issues the two groups were more aligned. However, under the neo-liberal regimes which have dominated the west in recent years, there are almost as many Labourites as Nats who espouse free market economics and less government intervention. Some senior Labour MPs have said publicly that oil and mining companies have nothing to fear from a Labour Government - “we won’t be any different than National”. When rampant consumerism and ostentatious affluence are the go, everyone is trying to outdo the Joneses, and few worry about some irrelevant left-right spectrum. Certainly, anyone who advocates the state owning the means of production, distribution and exchange, is an unabashed socialist. There is one socialist US senator, Bernie Sanders, but even he cloaks that philosophy in “independent”, which is what he calls himself in the senate. Many New Zealanders could be called social democrats. Social democratic parties have ruled many European countries for years, especially Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark. Social democrats believe that the state should look after the old, the young, the sick, and the underprivileged. They believe, too, in a progressive tax system, where the highest earners pay a bit more for schools, roads, police, and other state services. But they accept private enterprise, although they reserve the right to regulate business and taxation to have as fair and equal a society as possible. This is a much lighter hand PN by government than straight out socialism. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F


LIVING, THINKING + BEING MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH AND WELL-BEING WITH OSTEOPATHY Our bodies have all the things necessary for recovery from disease and health maintenance. Ninety-nine percent of the time our body heals itself and can handle what life throws at it. It produces its own hormones for growth, painkillers for discomfort and fights disease with its immune system. Our lifestyle also contributes to our well -being and we know that to maintain good health there are a number of key elements - nutrition, hydration, exercise, positive attitude and a good night’s sleep. The mobility of our spine and pelvis are another key element to our health. If our spine is balanced and aligned, then the nerves that exit to the organs and muscles of the body will work normally, and our musculoskeletal system will function optimally without pain and discomfort. Headaches, neck, back, or hip pain are an inevitable consequence of living a full and active life. Hunching over computers, sports injuries, trips, picking up growing children and pregnancy can all cause spinal and pelvic discomfort. Regular osteopathic treatment is beneficial in alleviating these problems. I liken our bodies to a car - it needs a regular service to run its best. You can use the most expensive tyres, highest grade petrol, and it will get you from A to B. However, if you miss a service or two, the car will run less efficiently, with a few more moans and groans. I encourage my patients to come and see me before the wheels fall off! F PN CHRIS HARCOMBE OSTEOPATHY, 115 Newton Road, Eden Terrace T: 09 470 4289 www.harcombeosteopathy.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LIVING, THINKING + BEING MAINTAINING HEALTH THROUGH MASSAGE THERAPY FOR MOST PEOPLE, BEING FREE FROM PAIN AND HAVING EASE OF MOVEMENT IS something they take for granted. However, when mobility becomes challenged, remedial massage can be of great benefit. “Everyone is responsible for their own health,” says Sarndra Walsh of Maintain Massage. “We can help them gain and maintain it, however. Helping clients to help themselves is one of the key motivations of our work. “Sometimes people get so used to the restrictions of dysfunctional soft tissue that when the tension around the site is released, they can feel quite different. Their new sense of being is established. At Maintain Massage we use a combination of NMT and Myofascial Release. Both have their place in treating short-term and chronic pain. “NMT is based on balancing the nervous system with the muscular system and searches for the underlying causes of long-standing pain. Treatments aim to release muscle spasm and eliminate trigger points.

“MFR is the process of applying gentle pressure and stretch to the skin over the areas of tension until a release is felt. This kind of massage is not about beating up the muscle. It is about trying to create space between the connective tissue (fascia) and the underlying muscle, organs and bones beneath. “Overall, the aim of remedial massage is to create a re-patterning in the body and facilitate an improvement in postural alignment. And while relaxation massage is also great for health, many people now realise that massage is not only about relaxation. “Our entire team has a minimum qualification of a Diploma in Therapeutic Massage and are all registered with Massage New Zealand (the only professional association for massage therapists in New Zealand). Our ‘head, heart, and hands’ approach is one PN founded on listening and support. In short, we care.” F

MAINTAIN MASSAGE, 2/137 Wellesley Street West, T: 09 962 6912 www.maintainmassage.co.nz

Above L to R: Lynne Abbot; Sarah Duff-Dobson and Drew; Doris De Pont and Taio Van Schie

Above L to R: Cool Bike Accesories


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SUSTAINABLE LIVING DIVERTING TONNES OF WASTE FROM LANDFILLS In 2009, Steve Rickerby returned to New Zealand after several years working overseas. With a background in sales, Steve began selling insurance, working from Auckland’s first five-star Green Rated building - the NZI Centre on Fanshawe Street. As part of the Green Star rating, staff sorted their waste in to three streams (compostable waste, recycling and rubbish) but the compostable stream was still ending up in landfill! To help solve the problem, Steve presented numerous solutions to the sustainability manager, settling on the only viable option, a collection service. Steve saw the potential; corporates were beginning to report on sustainability and hospitality businesses noticed customers cared what they did with their waste. Steve’s first customer was Glenn Bell at eighthirty coffee on K’ Road. Steve collected the bin of coffee grinds and chaff every Friday on the back of his ute and took the coffee grinds to Kelmarna Community Garden in Herne Bay to be used as mulch on fruit trees. Pretty soon, Stephen Marr hair salons came on board and things grew from there. As volumes increased, Steve found a commercial composting plant that consented to compost large volumes. Steve progressed to renting a truck and then in 2012, with a grant from the Ministry for the Environment and a loan from the ethical finance company Prometheus, he was able to purchase a truck and work full time on growing the collection business. We Compost now has several hundred commercial customers from small cafes to large corporates and has diverted over one million kilograms of waste from landfill. In response to customers wanting a single service provider, Steve PN launched recycling (We Recycle) and general rubbish (Trash Monster) collections. F WECOMPOST, M: 021 668312, T: 0800 WECOMPOST (932667) www.wecompost.co.nz www.resourceful.co.nz

Above L to R: Barbara Grace; Beautiful Tokyo Bike; Cathryn, Lucien, Jenna and her baby

Above L to R: Cathryn, Lucien and Carlos; Ellie and Ben; Flowers Mothers day

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




SUSTAINABLE LIVING SUSTAINABILITY IN PRACTICE ‘Clean green’ and ‘sustainable’ aren’t words normally associated with the motor vehicle industry, although lower emissions have certainly been a goal for most car manufacturers. Sustainability, however, has not only been a factor in the way that the BMW Group currently operates; it’s been the Dow Jones Sustainability Index leader for the ninth time since 2005, making it the most sustainable company in the automotive industry. Evidence of this can clearly be seen in the new electric BMW i vehicles - the five-door hatch i3, and the low sleek two-door i8 - launched here in November last year. The interior of the vehicles uses the kenaf plant from the cotton family in the production of door panelling and thermal layering; leather is naturally tanned with olive leaf extract, and open-pore eucalyptus wood for the dashboard is sourced from 100% FSC®-certified forestry (The Forest Stewardship Council is an organisation established to “promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests”). Overall, 25% renewable raw materials and recycled plastics were used in the interiors. The textile upholsteries are made up of 100% recycled polyester, which includes 34% PET bottles. A further 25% recycled plastics are used in the exterior. Even the highvoltage battery from a BMW i vehicle is recycled after use, by being converted to an easy PN and effective intermediate power storage solution in solar or wind power systems. F

To see sustainability in practice, visit the BMW i vehicles at AUCKLAND CITY BMW, NEWMARKET, T: 09 524 3300 www.aucklandcitybmw.com

AUCKLAND BUSINESSES ‘GO GREEN’ AND SAVE Businesses from across the Auckland region are saving money and the environment with EcoBiz, a free service provided by Auckland Council. EcoBiz Advisor Service offers small to medium-sized businesses independent advice on their energy consumption, water use, waste and pollution impacts. Councillor Arthur Anae, Chair of the Economic Development Committee, says, “A number of businesses used EcoBiz last year and have been enthusiastic about the service the council is offering. It’s exciting to have a service that aims to improve business and the environment at the same time.” EcoBiz was launched in 2014 and has so far given valuable advice to a wide range of businesses including cafes, manufacturers, educational institutes and tourism operators. The service is now seeking more applicants for 2015. Auckland Whale and Dolphin Safari General Manager Brad Kirner, who signed up for the service last year, says: “When the opportunity to use EcoBiz was presented to me it really was a no-brainer. Not only is the service free but we’re starting to see some reductions in our operating costs.”

84 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

“We wanted to practice sustainability and become a green school,” says Jasbir Kaur, Deputy Campus Principal at Mt Wellington tertiary institute NZMA. “Once you have something to work with it’s easier to find budget to implement initiatives.” “It was a win-win,” says Michael Keenan, Financial Controller at Wiri automotive dealer Trucks and Trailers. “By making improvements, we can ensure the well-being of our staff as well as saving costs.” The free service, which provides businesses with a two-hour consultation, includes an onsite assessment by an expert advisor and tailored recommendations. Email ecobiz@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to apply and book a visit from an EcoBiz advisor or call T: 09 301 0101 for more information. F PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




SUSTAINABLE LIVING DOES SOLAR PV WORK IN WINTER? REUSE, RECYCLE, REFILL OR BUY IN BULK The gauge on the thermometer is dropping as we feel the approach of winter settling in.

People are bringing out the heaters and gathering firewood in preparation for the colder months ahead. These months also bring with them higher electricity bills. Using the sun’s solar power in summer seems to make sense but what about in winter? If you already have a solar PV system how can you make it more effective? Most solar PV systems are designed with winter production and consumption in mind. Winter is when electricity use is highest and when solar production is lowest due to shorter daylight hours. According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory data, a 2.5kW solar PV system can produce around 3kW of electricity around the winter solstice. This is enough to keep your hot water, fridge/freezer and other electronics humming along. Since the reduction of electricity buy-back prices by major retailers, it is better to install a system designed to consume as much power that is generated during the day as possible. It makes sense when you consider that you might buy power for about 28 cents per unit and you can only sell it back at 8 cents per unit.

Plastic - it’s everywhere and a surprising amount of it still gets thrown in the rubbish rather than reused or recycled. In fact, according to Plastics New Zealand, a shocking 252,000 tonnes of plastic waste goes to our landfills every year. Even though fully recyclable plastics are used for ecostore products, plastic is one of their biggest challenges. To try to mitigate this, they encourage customers to reuse and refill their containers as many times as possible by providing a refill station in their Freemans Bay shop. Refilling is one of the best ways of saving plastic, but it may be a while before one of the ecostore refill stations is available in your area. In which case, buying in bulk might be a better option. Switching to ecostore bulk packs can reduce your plastic consumption by up to 58%, and can also help you save money. Tips for refilling at home:

Additional measures can be taken to increase solar PV effectiveness and decrease the payback period for your system. Households should install timers on heaters to turn on earlier in the evening before the sun completely sets. Hot water cylinder controllers can also help control heat production and move more heating into the day time.

Buy some funnels and keep one each in the kitchen, bathroom and in the laundry.

Slight adjustments to your lifestyle can also help, such as only turning on the dishwasher during the day and putting the laundry on during the day, either before going to work or during the weekend. Spreading the electricity usage load can also help prevent the house from importing power from the grid by reducing the peak load. For example this can be done by not having the vacuum cleaner on at the same time as the dishwasher.

Make sure the containers you’re refilling have the correct labels with ingredient and dosage information as well as any safety precautions.

Battery technology can help negate the increase in winter consumption by increasing the solar production and storing it for use later in the day and early in the mornings. The technology already exists and there are solutions available, however the economics are not quite there yet.

For more information on where to buy: http://www.ecostore.co.nz/pages/buy-bulk

Use smaller bottles to refill as the bulk sizes are too heavy and it’s easy to waste some of the product by accidentally using too much.

It’s important to keep your cleaning products away from children but if they do come into contact with any of your cleaners then it’s vital that the bottles have the correct labels.

ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 4733 www.ecostore.co.nz

The recently announced Tesla battery is a very promising step in the right direction, but the price still needs to come down, and don’t expect to see it on our shores anytime soon. According to Elon Musk, during Tesla’s 2015 first quarter earnings conference call, the new Tesla batteries have already got 38,000 reservations. This means it would take production at the new Gigafactory well into 2016 to fulfil all orders. Currently grid-tied solar system makes more economic sense. Once battery storage technology reaches New Zealand consumers at the right price you should be able to integrate it into your existing system. The higher consumption of electricity in winter means that energy produced by solar is more likely to be consumed instead of being sold back to the grid at a lower rate. This makes installing solar PV in winter as good as installing in summer. Solar starts paying PN back as soon as they start producing power. (LIM KANG) F

86 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


SUSTAINABLE LIVING SOLAR TO GET NZ BACK INTO THE CLEAN ENERGY RACE AND SAVE JOBS Figures released this month by the Government showed that New Zealand’s net emissions of greenhouse gases climbed 42% between 1990 and 2013, driven by a rise of almost a third from the energy sector. While the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions are increasing, globally many nations and more than 50 cities including Sydney, Vancouver, San Francisco and San Diego have announced they are aiming to be powered by 100% renewable energy by as early as 2020. New Zealand’s leading solar power company today launched a petition to ask Parliament and city councils to unite and adopt a plan to power the nation with 100% renewable energy by 2025. The petition is focused on ensuring that New Zealand rejoins the clean energy race, before the global climate treaty at the United Nations meeting in Paris in December this year. Despite 50% of Kiwi jobs being linked directly to New Zealand’s clean, green image, the nation is falling well behind the rest of the world. Last summer, Germany, with its low solar radiance, achieved 50% of its electricity from solar, while Bangladesh, one of the poorest nations in the world announced that it is installing solar on 60,000 new homes a month with plans to be entirely solarised by 2020. “Historically, New Zealand has led the world in the development and integration of renewables into its electricity supply. Now, thanks to New Zealand’s high power prices, solar makes economic sense without government subsidies,” says solarcity’s founder and CEO Andrew Booth. “With 50 percent of our jobs being linked to our clean-green image, our addiction to fossil fuels threatens to put one out of every two Kiwis in our nation out of work, seriously damaging the economy and the environment.”

YOYO FURNITURE - RECLAIMED, PRACTICAL AND PURPOSEFUL Nectar Shade Drawing inspiration from one of nature’s most efficient designs - the beehive, Nectar Shade is crafted from UV stabilised, non-toxic, non -allergenic, highly durable, felted polyester. All off -cuts from their production are taken back by the manufacturer to be recycled into ‘new’ material. Nectar Shade won the Green Award - Best Sustainable Product at Australia’s 2012 The Edge Design and Innovation Showcase. Giddyup Up-cycled leather saddles and FSC-certified Gaboon marine -grade plywood, form the basis of Giddyup Rocking Stool. Evolving from an exploration of ‘active’ sitting, Giddyup provides a fun experience for children and adults alike. If only the scruffs and scratches could speak; imagine the stories they would tell! F PN

solarcity recently launched solarZero, a programme which it is hoped will be the tipping point for a mass uptake of solar and the catalyst needed to help New Zealand achieve their renewable energy targets, based on the success of similar programmes in North America. solarZero homeowners buy solar power directly from their roof at a cheaper rate than traditional power and solarcity covers the cost of the panels, installation, monitoring and on-going repairs. Booth comments, “Being clean and green is part of our nation’s DNA and the faster we embrace renewable energy, the less likely it is that we will have to adopt crisis measures to combat climate change.” Simon Millar, CEO of Pure Advantage lent his support to solarcity. “Pure Advantage support the leadership initiative shown by solarcity and believe the efforts by the company to catalyse a broader uptake of solar as a renewable energy source will succeed. Moreover, solarcity is ‘walking the talk’ with innovative programmes that should lead to increased consumer buy-in about the multiple benefits of renewables in general,” says Millar. F PN More details on how to join solarcity’s 100% renewable energy petition to Parliament are available here www.toko.org.nz/petitions/get-nz-back-in-the-clean-energyrace-this-petition-is-to-upgrade-nz-s-renewable-energy-goal-to-100

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YOYO, 24a Williamson Avenue, T: 09 367 4884 E: auckland@yoyo.co.nz W: yoyo.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Blues should fight for Piutau If the broken Blues didn’t have it bad enough with Jerome Kaino, Steven Luatua and many others out injured, not to mention their abysmal record this year, the NZRU stepping on their toes to rule on player eligibility is just another kick in the guts while they’re down. Outside back Charles Piutau is available to play for the Blues until round 11 of next year’s Super Rugby, but, due to the fact that he turned down the NZRU and chose to sign with Irish Club Ulster, he’s for some reason being made an example of and isn’t eligible to play the final months of his rugby in New Zealand.

GREAT START TO THE SEASON FOR THE HERNE BAY HUSTLERS The Herne Bay Hustlers are continuing their great start to the season with recent wins over both the Pakuranga Rattlers (15-0) and the College Rifles Bombers (28-19). We have our final grading game this week against the Grammar Carlton Taniwhas but have already confirmed our position in Division 1. Nonetheless, a big game for us as we want to go through the grading round unbeaten. Make sure you follow @HBHustlers for live game updates each week.

NZRU CEO Steve Tew cited some drivel about Piutau not having shown enough commitment to New Zealand rugby in his statement as to why this decision had been reached, but realistically it was a selfish move made by someone who didn’t get their own way. It reeks of school yard bullying, as if to say “you didn’t choose me to play with when you had the chance, so you can no longer play with me.”

A big part of the Hustlers’ success this year can go to the recruitment of Ponsonby Rugby’s Number 1 fan, Chris ‘Ted’ McLaren. Ted has played rugby to a very high level, getting picked in the Counties Manukau NPC team a few years back. But Herne Bay is where the heart is for Ted, as depicted by the picture below. Ted bolsters our coaching unit this year and has already made a real improvement to our lineouts and scrums. Ted commented: “I’ve played all around the world, but being involved with Ponsonby Rugby is a dream come true.” Ted’s rugby inspirations include Jim Coe and Api Naevo and that translates to the ‘up-the-guts fused with razzle-dazzle’ style of rugby he promotes.

Many players have come and gone, their mid-year contract negotiations and other issues have popped up and disrupting teams throughout campaigns has become the norm, but to suggest the only reason, well, publicly anyway, he can’t play is because he’ll leave at the that business end of the season is crazy. We’ve all seen how many players it takes to get a franchise through a season, and anyway, shouldn’t that be the Blues’ decision as to whether his leaving would be disruptive or not? First of all, the Blues this year had no chance to play in the “business end of the season” so who’s to say that’ll be any different next year? Piutau has been a part of the Auckland and New Zealand rugby system since 2010, he’s been capped a dozen or more times for New Zealand so has a raft of experience that would be invaluable to the Blues as they look to rebuild the franchise. And despite one or two injuries, he’s also been in the same sort of form this year that saw him selected to play for the All Blacks in 2013, suggesting it will only be internal politics that keep him out of the AB’s Rugby World Cup squad this year. After playing two years of rugby in Ireland myself, then being involved with another two years in broadcasting, my pick is that Piutau won’t enjoy it up there and possibly regret his decision to go. The weather can be horrendous at times and outside backs get less and less ball to show off their skills. Watching his mates play for the All Blacks knowing it could have been him will also be a hard pill to swallow. But given that at 23 years old he was offered crazy money which, I might add is significantly greater than he would have been able to earn by staying here in New Zealand, there should be no sour grapes in this scenario at all. Piutau, a product of Wesley College, comes from a Tongan family so I’m sure the attraction to be able to help support the wider family and community financially would have played on his mind greatly in his decision making. It just seems a shame he’s being PN punished for making the right decision for him. (GEORGE BERRY) F

The Hustlers would also like to thank their legal counsel, Simon Hamilton, for all his support this year. Simon has been full of advice for the younger players, giving life lessons, as well as ideas on how to increase their ‘conversion rates’. At one point during the evening he introduced them to the ‘Chicktionary’ - apparently a book with over 150 names and numbers of previous conquests. To authenticate this legend, this author managed to briefly secure the ‘Chicktionary’. The first number we called was a burly sounding man named Barry who was quite fond of our Simon, and the second and final call was the Madam from the Pelican Men’s Club. What’s your legal defence here, Simon? In other matters, Liam Napier lost all of his betting syndicate’s weekly $50 a few weeks back and had to do a ‘possum’ (1 dozen beers up a tree) as his punishment. It was a very disappointing effort with Liam about half a metre up the tree. Jason Ghinis was higher standing on the ground. Coach was higher and he wasn’t even standing. Liam didn’t finish his beers either. We expect Liam to get back up the tree in the next few weeks and do it properly. A man in his position should do more homework before placing his bets. As a side note, Liam is after more twitter followers, please follow PN him @liamnapierfx. F Over and out. See you in July. (NATHAN LAWRENCE) www.ponsonbyrugby.co.nz/herne-bay-hustlers

88 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



Kid’s rugby incident defies belief

The emergence of men’s tennis in NZ

What is the world coming to? Having an Under 8s rugby game between Ponsonby and Waitemata called off early last month due to parents fighting is just mind boggling.

Men’s tennis in New Zealand has never really been able to cut through to become one of the country’s top celebrated sports.

Come on... it’s hardly the Rugby World Cup and even if it was, that sort of behaviour wouldn’t be tolerated at that level either. If Super Rugby was anything to go by (especially this year) people make mistakes, yet it’s hardly a reason for any show of violence, verbal, physical or otherwise. Through reading reports, it sounds like a situation that, like so many others, quickly escalated, but the fact that it reached a point where grown men were pushing, shoving and screaming profanities right in front of a bunch of primary school-aged kids, not to mention the brothers and sisters of those kids on the side-line, defies belief. The initial incident was described as “a bit of eight-year-old bravado” and if that’s the case, how does it turn into grown men doing the same? Or is that the simple reason for the “bravado” in the first place? As a father of an 18-month-old and who is yet to go through having him play junior rugby, it’s hard to say how those emotions might make you act if and when they’re hurt or things aren’t going well. But rugby is rugby and it’s a physical game, these things will happen from time to time and it’s just a fact of the sport. Have you ever seen any fathers or coaches intervening at any other level of rugby? How crazy would it be to see Jerome Kaino’s dad run onto the pitch to intervene in a scuffle?

But for the first time in a very long time there seems to be a glimmer of hope starting to emerge, perhaps even a light at the end of the tunnel. It was only a couple of years ago that I was writing about Artem Sitak coming to play at West End Tennis Club and now he’s representing New Zealand at one of the biggest tennis tournaments in the world, the French Open. Adding to Sitak’s achievement, for the first time since 1985, three Kiwis will again feature in the main draw after all three, Sitak, Marcus Daniell and Michael Venus all made the direct entry list to the tournament’s doubles competition. Chris Lewis, Russell Simpson and Kelly Evernden were the last three 30 years ago to achieve this. With a world ranking of 46, Sitak spearheads the Kiwi hopes when he teams up with American, Nicholas Monroe. The two have become regular playing partners and were recently finalists at the Bucharest ATP Event as well as the Challenger tournament in Aix en Provence, although this will be his first-ever appearance at the Paris Tournament. Daniell, who will also make his French Open debut, only snuck through to the main draw just before cut-off, picking up playing partner Steve Darcis of Belgium. “I just had to talk to everybody I could and it worked out beautifully in the end. Steve [Darcis] and I have been in touch quite a bit and we just made it into the draw, we’ll no doubt catch up on the weekend before the tournament starts to practice together. He’s very experienced and I think we’ll make a good team together,” said Daniell.

By all accounts, the referee did a fantastic job to intervene and calm the situation and deserves all the praise lauded upon him. But it’s just a shame that other people weren’t able to do a fantastic job in their roles as a supporter, coach or parent.

The 25-year-old too has had reasonable form of late, making the semi-final at Istanbul’s ATP tournament and also winning in Montpellier earlier in the year when he partnered with Sitak. “I’ve played against a bunch of the best guys now and I don’t feel any sense of being out of place playing against them now.”

The big thing now is that both Ponsonby and Waitemata Rugby use this opportunity to show those kids that this sort of behaviour, just like in senior rugby, also has consequences and that those consequences don’t have any further negative impacts on the children at the heart of the situation. (GEORGE BERRY) F PN

Michael Venus, who boasts a doubles ranking of 64th, rounds out the Kiwi cause teaming up with Croatian, Mate Pivac, which further highlights just how far men’s tennis in New Zealand has come. It also signals the possibility of some strong local representation at the next Heineken Open. (GEORGE BERRY) F PN

George Berry; Ponsonby News sports guru: “I STARTED WRITING FOR PONSONBY NEWS DURING THE BASKETBALL WORLD CHAMPS when I was in Turkey, so July issue this year will mark five years of writing for the mag. While I love writing about the big stories of the day as I do for One NEWS on a daily basis, I always appreciate the opportunity to talk about the other issues that also matter and the chance to highlight a sporting achievement in a smaller catchment like Ponsonby.

photography: Joe Johnson, Face to Face Media

“For me being a sports journalist comes only second to playing the game itself. I enjoy challenging myself against other sports journalists to see if I can beat them to the story or perhaps tell it in a different way. Hopefully one that makes you think or feel a little PN differently about the subject when you’ve finished reading.” (GEORGE BERRY) F

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




FUTURE GENERATION HAVING FUN WITH ART Inspire your budding Picasso with Young at Art’s specialist art classes and holiday workshops. Children explore different art and craft techniques with exciting and vibrant projects using a variety of mediums. Young at Art’s aim is to provide quality tutoring and experience for our students aged 5-14 years old. Many of their tutors are award-winning artists and all are experienced with working with children. They are a positive and passionate team that wishes to share their knowledge with the next generation. The Young at Art classes are educational, explorative and most importantly - fun! Running successfully for over five years in and around Franklin, they are excited to share their proven workshops in Ponsonby and Balmoral. Anna Molineux is the creative force behind ‘Young at Art’, who paint, draw and papier-mâché their way through many classes, workshops, events, parties and commissions each year. Having studied Interior Design in the UK, Anna went on to master a wide range of arts gaining several awards along the way. Anna says, “I have always had a strong passion for the arts, particularly art and design, and consider myself extremely lucky to be able to combine all these elements through Young at Art. Our aim is to exercise the creative right side of the brain so both sides can work in tandem, allowing children to achieve their maximum potential of the mind.” They also provide custom Arty Parties for all ages and professional development workshops for teachers, preschools and corporate organisations looking for a creative team building event. F PN YOUNG AT ART LIMITED, T: 09 238 1939, M: 0297 712 923 www.facebook.com/YoungatartNZ www.youngatart.co.nz

90 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



Hip hop hooray for Sophie and the Swagganauts While you’re reading this, there’s a fair chance that Sophie Houghton will be hard at work preparing for the biggest show of her life. first at the nationals this year with The Bradas. Josh and Nathan plan to have the Swagganauts performing a fresh, dynamite routine which will blow the judges away.

Early in August, Sophie and her crew, the Swagganauts, will perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in San Diego along with teams from all corners of the globe from Peru to Poland, India to Italy, and Thailand to Trinidad and Tobago. But the Swagganauts, who qualified for San Diego by virtue of their third place finish at the National Finals in Manukau last April, won’t be intimidated. Despite only getting together in January, they’re in it to win it - or at least get a medal - which is reflected in the long hours the crew will log in preparation. Leading up to the big event, they’ll be rehearsing three-five hours every day. They’ve certainly got the right team behind them, because putting them through their paces are Identity Co dancers Josh Cesan (who has a silver medal from the world hip hop championships) and Nathan Kara, who has also competed at the world champs, and who placed

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Fortunately for someone in the entertainment business, Sophie, who turns 12 this month and who came between sisters Hannah and Bella, is no shrinking violet. Her talent for dancing was there for all to see when, at just two years of age, she would put on green flower leggings, a tutu and a purple necklace from a $2 shop. As if that wasn’t enough to gain attention, she’d throw her hands in the air and shout “Me!” Having gained the attention of everyone within earshot, she’d put on a routine of turns and spins. Since then Sophie’s done contemporary dance and jazz, but her heart’s in hip hop, and in the unlikely event of a glitch in the Swagganauts’ preparation in San Diego, the Ponsonby Intermediate student is unlikely to be fazed. She’s had experience of improvising under duress, namely when she was in a jazz group performing at a show called Tempo Kids last year. She somehow lost her skirt, which was found later on one of the chairs in the audience (there’s no suggestion this was sabotage committed by the over zealous parent of a rival) so she had to dance in her leotard. Her embarrassment was made even worse by the principal of her old primary school being in the audience, but she carried on like a seasoned pro.

As you can imagine, hip hop isn’t the America’s Cup where some fairy godmother throws bucket loads of cash at the crew to get them to San Diego. Sophie, Ruby, Rosa, Chloe, team leader William, Jovi, Ben and Manny have to do it the hard way so they’ll be holding fundraising concerts next month. If you’d like to help the team and coach Josh get to San Diego, and be thoroughly entertained at the same time, they’d love to show you what they can do. Sophie will take her school books with her to the United States, and might even open them, but there’s sure to be some time for rest and recreation. DisneyWorld, Universal Studios, the Safari Park and, of course, the shopping malls are all on the list of things to do, while Sophie’s mother Susie might see if she can win back the cost of her trip at the casino. We’re not holding our breath on that one, but whatever happens when the lights go up and the music goes on in San Diego, this is only the beginning for Sophie Houghton. She plans to one day become a professional dancer, to get in a varsity then adult crew, and to teach dance. Judging by the passion Sophie has for hip hop, that PN sounds like a much safer bet. (BILLY HARRIS) F www.facebook.com/Swagganauts2015?fref=ts





Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Currently Teaching: English and Art History, Years 9-13 How did you come to be a secondary school teacher? I wanted to be a teacher since I was at primary school - my parents are both secondary teachers too so I had a good sense of both the challenges and the rewarding nature of the profession. Where did you train? The University of Auckland. What brought you to your current school? I knew some students from Auckland Girls’ back when I was at school so I had a sense of the fun, vibrant nature of AGGS girls and the diversity of the school’s community. Our fabulous location in the heart of the city centre was another draw card - I love that we are so close to local theatres and galleries as it makes it easy to give the girls opportunities to experience the culture of the city. What are your favourite things about being a teacher? The fact that as an English and Art History teacher I get to spend all day sharing my love of art and literature makes it a pretty awesome job. It is also pretty cool when you can see that you have ignited a new interest in a student, especially when that interest begins to extend beyond your classroom. What has been a highlight of your teaching career? Most of the highlights relate to sharing in the successes of my girls - giving back a good result that I know a student has worked hard for always give me a buzz. One of my students achieving an Outstanding Scholarship in Art History last year was definitely a highlight. And a low point? Each year it’s around Term 3, Week 7... when everyone is mentally and physically exhausted, snowed under with marking and invariably flu-plagued. How would your principal describe you? I think that she employed me as a first year teacher because she could sense my passion and enthusiasm for the job and I am still very grateful for that. I hope that four years later, she hasn’t regretted her decision! How would other teachers describe you? Hopefully as someone who gets involved and enjoys the collaborative nature of teaching. Our faculty room is a warm, supportive place and we are all keen to share an idea, a resource or a funny story from the classroom. How would your students describe you? As someone who is highly invested in them and their learning and is prepared to push them to achieve more than they thought they could. Also as someone who is strangely passionate about poetry, modern art and puns... but it does rub off on some of them! If you could wave a magic wand in your classroom? All of my students would arrive in class on time having had a healthy breakfast and there would be enough electronic devices for everyone.

CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW Scrumdiddlyumptious Storybook Game by Roald Dahl. Lagoon Games, $49.50 For fans of Roald Dahl stories - the ultimate test. Journey through your best-loved Roald Dahl stories with this storybook game. An ideal indoor game for families who have enjoyed the quirky characters in his books. Choose a character and proceed around the board. Move around the board and get to the finish first by answering the questions on the story cards correctly. This fantabulous family game not only encourages reading and listening, but also helps to develop comprehension and memory skills. For 2 to 4 PN players, aged 8 plus. F DOROTHY BUTLER CHILDREN’S BOOKSHOP, 1 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 7283 www.childrensbookshop.co.nz

Five tips for parents: 1. Encourage daily reading and share in your child’s reading experience by discussing their books at home. 2. Watch and discuss the news together to foster your child’s interest in and knowledge of the world around them. 3. Praise effort rather than intelligence. 4. Teenagers still need help developing their organisational skills. Things like checking junior students’ homework diaries and helping seniors to make study plans around exam time will help to back up the skills their teachers are also aiming to develop. 5. Come along to parent interviews if you can - we love to meet whanau and are keen to make links between school and home.

92 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



MUNKY’S CORNER, ‘HOWLISTIC’ PET BOUTIQUE OPENS AT PONSONBY CENTRAL Meet the founders, Jackie and Pete Mathews, and their four rescue dogs Munky, Gypsy, Wiley and Huevos. It didn’t take long for word to spread that a new boutique had opened, so as a fur mum, I was queuing to have a chat.

the store. Finally their New Zealand baby Huevos, the sevenmonth-old bull terrier cross.

Wow, what a story. Jackie, Pete and their dogs have recently made Ponsonby home from Oregon, via Hong Kong, San Diego and Australia. So if you want to know anything about relocating your animals, pop in.

So that’s the family. When asked why they chose New Zealand and Ponsonby in particular, Jackie said that even though she had only been here once as a child, they had met so many wonderful Kiwis and knew the country was beautiful. When they arrived, they spent time in several areas but knew Ponsonby was the place because of all the doggies.

Animals are their passion, they have been rescuing and working with pets for many years and most recently owned a doggie daycare and boarding hotel which was voted best local daycare. They bring to Ponsonby a huge pedigree in petcare. Jackie, who has a degree in bio-chemistry and pharmacology and a passion for nutrition, describes herself as a “nerdy dog lover”. Pete’s background is on Wall Street. Munky’s Corner, was originally supposed to be called Lu’s Corner, after their eldest, Lu the Doberman. Unfortunately he passed away recently and hearing his name still upsets Jackie, so the honour was passed on to Munky. Currently they have four fur kids in their “pack”. Munky, the 40kg American bulldog/wire haired terrier cross, Wiley, the Springer spaniel cross, two-year-old Gypsy - she’s part Chihuahua, Jack Russell. You’ll see Gypsy proudly working in

They say Munky’s Corner is all about animal love with a focus on nutrition and holistic treatments. They want people and their furs to pop in for any or no reason, just to hang and say hi. Given Jackie’s science and nutrition background they carry premium raw and dried foods. Jackie is also committed to showcasing the best local and international products, many of which are handmade. She’s also on a mission to hold adoption events in store. Finally, when asked what she would like to say to Ponsonby pet owners, Jackie said to say “hi, welcome and a huge thank you for all the support so far, it’s been ‘overwhelming’.” So please support Munky’s Corner so they can help lots of animals. To do our bit, anyone who visits and mentions Pets & Pats, will receive a complimentary session from Pets and Pats.

If you know a local animal lover, email us at angela@petsandpats.com, the person featured in this column will receive a fabulous photoshoot and petservices worth $500. Furry and fabulous, brought to you by Angela Beer, owner of petsandpats.com and Fiona Tomlinson photographer www.fionatomlinson.co.nz

PETS WHO PROVIDE It has become popular in the last few years for people to keep a few chickens in their backyards, principally to provide themselves with a steady supply of fresh, healthy eggs.

On her website, Wendyl Nissen recommends that new henkeepers start out with the red or brown shaver breed - a hybrid hen used for egg production; easy to tame, good egg producers and even-tempered. Most hens will lay between 200 - 250 eggs a year, and start laying at about 20 - 24 weeks.

your own hen food, and there’s a recipe on Wendyl’s website. Hens also love most greens and some people choose to grow special hen greens from seed. Hens will eat most household scraps except potato and pumpkin skins, avocado, citrus and some other fruits.

photography: Julie Bonner

Generally, chickens are fairly easy to look after and other than clean water, shelter and good quality food, there are not too many things you need to do to keep them happy and healthy.


Wendyl says that the ideal hen house provides shelter, has comfy nest boxes in a nice dark place, is easy to clean and has some good perches in it for occasional use, such as laying eggs, overnight or when it is raining. The hens should also have a fenced-off area where they can roam freely during the day. Pet shops and farm supply stores have a range of feed holders and water containers. Most city councils allow six hens but no roosters per household (you do not need a rooster to get hens to produce eggs). You must also have the hen house not too close to the boundary fence. Hens are very social creatures. Wendyl recommends that you should never get just one hen, a minimum of three is a good idea to provide company. The better the quality of food you feed your hens, the more nutritious and tasty the eggs. You can buy commercial mash or pellets at supermarkets or feed stores. These have been created with all the hen’s nutritional requirements, including grit in some cases, so you don’t have to worry that they are missing out on anything. You can also make The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






Charisse Baker and Lexi

Our most elusive bird – the Bittern

Every day you’ll find Charisse Baker happily ensconced in the office at Triumph and Disaster (Modern Apothecary and Skincare foundry); she’s also wife to a ‘cool guy’ and mum of two busy, sporty kids.

Bittern are one of New Zealand’s most cryptic and secretive species. They are nearly impossible to locate and rarely seen.

The family’s Japanese chin x toy poodle Lexi turns two in July; they’ve had her since August 2013. Escaping the rain on a lazy Sunday afternoon they wandered into a pet store, and it was love at first sight for all parties. “We weren’t even ‘dog people’,” says Charisse, “but we are now!” Charisse’s daughter named the dog after the family’s old car, a Lexus, which was nicknamed Lexi; Charisse says the name just suited their wee fluff ball from the get-go. Lexi’s absolute favourite food is salmon. She’s a typical fussy poodle at times but apparently never says no to Ziwi Peak treats. Lexi adores walks and the family love wandering the North Shore beaches on the weekend. Lexi’s best friends Marley and Sam live in America; she stayed with them for three months for quarantine purposes when Charisse and family had to return to New Zealand, and has just returned. Says Charisse, “We missed her terribly but the photos say she had PN a blast without us!” F TRIUMPH & DISASTER, T: 021 666 380, www.triumphanddisaster.com

Their population is estimated at around 900 individuals. They are so hard to locate because of their behaviour, camouflaged plumage and unreachable habitats. Bitterns are most commonly seen on the edges of wetlands, paddocks and occasionally roadsides near wetland systems. Living and breeding within difficult to monitor wetlands has made studying bitterns extremely hard for scientists, and they are often only located only through their distinctive ‘booming’ call. This is only made by males during the breeding season. Females are largely silent, although both sexes do tend to make gasping and inhaling noises, especially when alarmed. Typical behaviour, not unlike many of New Zealand natives, when disturbed or alarmed is to freeze. They adopt a stance with bill pointing skyward, this allows them a full view of their surroundings to best assess whether flight is necessary. Their plumage allows them to blend in perfectly with wetland environments when in this pose. If an observer or predator continues to approach the frozen bittern, it will eventually take flight, which is when they are most visible. All of my own sightings of bittern have come when in flight, at a distance from within a wetland. They are a large, heavy bird and flight is a laborious task. Bittern are found throughout Australasia, although the species is endangered in both Australia and New Caledonia. The decline in bittern can be almost entirely blamed on the destruction of wetland habitats. Wetlands have suffered greatly from farmland and urban expansion, and those that survive in towns or on the outskirts of farms, have poor water quality and reduced food availability for bitterns. Bittern breed in dense wetland vegetation, barely above water level and on a platform of reeds. Very few bittern nests have been located, and even fewer have been accessible for study. Bittern are an opportunistic hunter, when prey are abundant they are discreet without resorting to a lunge when taking fish or other food. Yet they can be found stalking wetlands and water edges slowly, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They are almost exclusively nocturnal, although active at dawn and dusk also. DOC has established that bittern are a potential indicator of wetland health because of their dependence on a diverse environment for breeding and food sources. Call counts are being used to establish bittern populations, at dusk and dawn. This will lead to the identification of important wetlands and assist in the recovery, restoration and survival of these environments. Until more is known about what exact wetland conditions bittern need, more methods, techniques and tools are being employed to discover as much PN about this elusive bird as possible. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F

94 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


PONSONBY PEOPLE + THEIR PETS ASK ALEX Each month Dr Alex Melrose answers readers’ pet related issues. Email yours to: alex@vetcare.net.nz


I’m hoping you can help me with my ageing best friend, Ludus. He has been the most amazing dog for 14 years but lately things have started to change.

Ludus has started forgetting all his dog training, he’s restless at night and sometimes paces around confused. He’s had some toilet accidents and seems withdrawn at times. It’s pretty upsetting for our whole family, I hope you can shed some light on his sudden behaviour swings. Lisa, Herne Bay.

CARING FOR YOUR ANIMALS THIS WINTER AS TEMPERATURES COOL, AND WE TURN ON OUR HEATERS, IT IS A GOOD TIME TO think about how our companion animal friends are keeping warm outside. If you have an outside dog, consider if you have other areas where you can bring your dog inside during bad weather or storms, such as a laundry or garage. Check to make sure your dog’s kennel is waterproof and doesn’t have gaps that wind can penetrate. Provide your dog with extra blankets or bedding to help them keep warm. Ensure the kennel is located in an area that can be easily cleaned (such as on concrete) so it is not surrounded by mud or wet ground. For rabbits, staying dry is essential. A tarpaulin across part of their run will mean they can enjoy the outdoors without the wet. Keep the hutch out of the path of drafts and ensure that they have a good supply of hay or blankets for bedding. Even though cats spend a lot of time inside, they can become easily frightened if they are outside during bad weather. It is therefore best to keep them indoors at night. During storms some cats may run to find shelter under neighbouring houses and may become disorientated and lost. If you have birds that live outside in aviaries, look at installing tarpaulins or extra PN protection to keep wind and rain off exposed areas of the cage. F


Behavioural issues in our pets can really stress out the entire home environment, and then adding in the concern over such a long-term companion just takes it to another level. Although we really need to examine Ludus carefully, if we rule out any physical causes there may well be some simple ways we can assist him.

Pets his age often suffer from cognitive degeneration. The good news is that natural dietary supplements can make a massive difference, even restoring brain function. The single biggest effect can be gained by adding medium chain triglycerides, like coconut oil as about 1% of his diet. Fish oils, lipoic acid and B vitamins can also help, to a lesser degree, mainly as free radical scavengers, and as brain cell energy assisters. Fish oil can be more practical in cats simply because it’s easier to get into them as they prefer the taste. Improvements in many individuals can be seen within weeks and appear to be the result of better message conduction between brain cells, despite the presence of plaques around the affected neurons that Ludus most likely is trying to cope with. (DR ALEX MELROSE BVSC, MRCVS) F PN VETCARE GREY LYNN & UNITEC, 408 Great North Road & Gate 3, 101 Carrington Road, T: 09 361 3500, www.vetcare.net.nz

For more advice on caring for your pets, visit www.spcaauckland.org.nz/animal-care

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Email Michael with your question and include PONSONBY NEWS in the subject line. Michael Hemphill, a partner of the firm, will answer one topical question each month.


I wish to put my property into a family trust with the intention of allowing my eldest daughter to live in the property as a family home for her, her husband and their newly born child. I am aware of relationship property issues and want to make sure that the property would never be at risk of falling into the relationship property net should my daughter and her husband ever separate. Is there any danger of this happening?

Q: A:

Relationship Property rights are created by the Property (Relationships) Act 1976. The act presumes that significant relationships give rise to an equal entitlement to share in relationship property. If an asset is classified as relationship property, generally, it must be equally divided.

However, in New Zealand a spouse or partner has very few relationship property rights in a trust that has been settled by a third party to the relationship. You would be the settlor of your family trust. Where a property has been put into a trust by a parent to preserve the property for future generations, as is the case here, the property will never beneficially vest in either partner to the relationship therefore never becoming relationship property. At the end of the relationship no rights will arise in relation to the property as it is not beneficially owned by either party to the relationship. The situation would differ had the couple settled their own property on trust during the course of their relationship. As the connection between the relationship and the trust is remote, the asset will be preserved from becoming relationship property. This is an area of the law which will have more importance and relevance as the increasing number of family trusts settled between spouses are passed down to their children, becoming dynastic trusts, so as to keep significant assets in the family. While your daughter would be a discretionary beneficiary under the trust, the property would not be vested in her as a beneficiary until the trustees of the trust exercise their discretion to allocate the property to her. This basically means that your daughter who holds a discretionary interest in the trust property has no proprietary interest in any of the assets of the trust while the assets remain in the trust.

New appointment at Auckland Zoo Life is now a zoo for Ponsonby local Jooles Clements who in late April took up the position of Auckland Zoo’s Head of Marketing and Communications. Jooles tells Ponsonby News, “What I really love to date is overhearing visitors talking about their experiences at the zoo. One of our key jobs is to connect people with wildlife. Every little thing we do, such as buying food that doesn’t contain palm PN oil, is one step closer to protecting these precious animals in the wild.” F

If you are wishing to help and contribute to your daughter’s future but also wish to ensure that your property remains safe within your family, a family trust is a particularly helpful means of achieving this objective. Do not hesitate to contact Metro Law with regards to further information surrounding PN the setting up, structuring and maintenance of Family Trusts. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) F Disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METROLAW, Level 2, 36 Williamson Avenue, T: 09 929 0800, www.metrolaw.co.nz

96 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS SMART INVESTMENT FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PEOPLE Are you focusing too much on your businesses financial success and not enough on your personal financial success?

Jocelyn Weatherall

Phil Ashton

Richard Knight

It is essential when you are in business to focus on the next day’s plans and how best to maximise profits in your area of specialisation. Very little time is allocated to your own personal affairs, the most efficient tax structures, how to better utilise your accumulated profits that may just be sitting in the bank, and how to build other assets outside your business. You need time to sort these matters out and it is time that is typically in very short supply!

seven years or longer. As you build your business and feel that it is timely to cease pouring more capital into it and to start focusing on your financial life beyond it, then a personal portfolio starts to play its part.

If so, we suggest you appoint a personal financial adviser. A financial adviser will prepare your personal plan (as opposed to a business plan) and help support you to get your personal ‘house in order’. They will help you to establish your personal priorities, review your current investments, allow you to see and manage risk, and perhaps more importantly, how to define your surplus profits to use these to build another broader range of investment assets. Reducing and eliminating the risk of constantly reinvesting in your business is called ‘diversification’ and is almost certainly going to better protect and grow your hard-earned capital over time.

For a free no obligations chat and a coffee please get in contact with one of our financial advisers.

Think of your own personal investment portfolio as a repository where you can start to channel the business funds you are unlikely to need for the next five to

The beauty of a Rutherford Rede investment portfolio is that it starts to add multiple strings to your investment bow. It is always liquid, you can add funds as you choose and if need be, withdraw as you choose, without cost or complication. Think of building your business and building a global portfolio of assets as two objectives in tandem. It offers that security and diversity that should your business ultimately struggle, your investment portfolio will always be there for you.

Rutherford Rede Limited, www.rutherfordrede.co.nz T: 09 361 3670 Jocelyn jweatherall@rutherfordrede.co.nz Phil pashton@rutherfordrede.co.nz or Richard rknight@rutherfordrede.co.nz Opinions are of a general nature and are not to be considered financial advice, specific advice is recommended to be sought before action is taken. Disclosure Statement(s) relating to our advisers are available on request & free of charge.

THE IT RECRUITMENT SPECIALISTS RESPOND... Q: I really want to move jobs, but don’t seem to be getting any traction after 20 applications!

A: Ok, 20 applications is a lot - too many to be honest. The key to a good job search

is defining what you actually want out of your next job and what your core skills are, which should stop you applying for roles you do not want or roles that you are not suitable for. We also advise making sure your CV accurately portrays your key skills and experience that the employer is looking for. Don’t assume they will read between the lines, make sure it is clear and concise and covers their requirements. Lastly, I would advise calling first before emailing anything through - there are a lot of applications being made for all jobs at the moment and the ability to sell yourself one on one puts you at a competitive advantage, and you can drill down on what soft skills the employer is seeking - avoid applying to ‘faceless’ roles with no contact details wherever possible. If any employer or recruiter doesn’t want to engage with you one-on-one, you have to wonder if they want a person or just another CV.

employers will fail to see the hilarity. Keep your Social Media presence tempered and digestible. Your Linkedin profile, however (and yes, you need one - more questions will be asked if you do not have one), MUST line up with all dates in your CV and mirror what is in your CV - many a candidate has been knocked out before interview stage by this, as employers often Google you as soon as your CV arrives - anything amiss can and does spell the end of the journey, so keep everything in order. A well-balanced Social Media footprint is an advantage, but a poorly managed one with drunken nights out, nakedness and debauchery can often have a negative affect.

Q: I suspect I am not getting honest feedback on my applications and interviews - what can I do?

Q: Do people really look at my Social Media posts? Does it really affect my application? A: Be candid and request forthright feedback and assure them you want to be proactive in changing what needs to be changed to be more successful. I know A: Now the fact you rode a donkey naked at your mate’s birthday party may many do not like doing it for fear of hurting people’s feelings or having awkward be the most hilarious thing ever on Facebook, but I can assure you potential

conversations, but it needs to be done otherwise people cannot move forward.

If you are considering your work options this year or you are looking to grow your team with either contract or permanent resource, give the team a call.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Tax issues associated with PIEs - are you using the correct PIR rate? Everyone loves a good pie, especially here in Ponsonby. But we don’t mean the tasty meat variety, we’re referring to Portfolio Investment Entities. PIEs investments have been around for about eight years following the introduction of the KiwiSaver scheme. A PIE is a type of entity such as a managed fund that invests contributions from investors in different types of investments. The PIE regime allows individuals to invest into KiwiSaver (and other PIEs) and not worry about filing personal tax returns to declare the PIE income. Eligible entities that elect to become a PIE will generally pay tax on investment income based on the prescribed investor rate (PIR) of their investors, rather than at the entity’s tax rate. The investor will then receive the benefit of the income derived by the PIE on their behalf, less any tax paid on that income at their prescribed investor rate. When a PIE makes a loss, a tax rebate is paid to the PIE equivalent to its loss at the investors PIR. The income of the PIE will be reflected in the unit price, with units being cancelled or issued to reflect the tax paid to, or refunded by the IRD. Listed PIEs operate slightly differently. Your PIR will depend on your total taxable income, such as salary and interest and your PIE income over the last two years.

taxable income. This taxable income will need to be included in your tax return. Although the tax paid by the PIE will be allowed as a credit against your tax liability, you will not get the benefit of having your tax capped at 28%. Instead tax will be paid at the marginal rate, currently up to 33%. No election - if you do not choose a PIR, you will default to the rate of 28%. Income level in two preceding years (i.e. 2014 and 2015)

PIR for 2016

$48,000 or more taxable income; AND/OR $70,000 or more of total income (PIE + non PIE Income)


Between $14,000 and $48,000 of taxable income; AND $70,000 or less of total income (PIE + non PIE Income)


$14,000 or less of taxable income; AND $48,000 or less of total income (PIE + non PIE Income)


Getting your PIR right It’s important to choose the correct PIR rate, otherwise you could pay too much tax on the PIE investment.

It’s important to advise your fund manager of your correct PIR rate as they may be able to reduce your tax for the rest of the year. If you need any assistance with calculating what PIR rate to use, contact your accountant.

PIE income is excluded income, which means you do not include the income in your tax return and the PIE tax is the final tax. The exception to this is when a rate which is lower than your prescribed rate has been used. If you elect too high a rate - for example 28% when you should have elected 17.5% - you will be paying too much tax. There is no mechanism to recover the excess tax.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this matter, please do not PN hesitate to contact Logan Granger. (LOGAN GRANGER) F

If you elect too low a rate - for example 17.5% when you should have elected 28% - the PIE income attributed to you from your PIE investment will not be excluded income, it will be

98 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

Disclaimer - While all care has been take, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.

JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 6701 www.jacal.co.nz


PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




MY FAVOURITE ROOM Jessica Grubiša Jessica Grubiša is co-director and co-designer of luxury womenswear label Harman Grubiša. She has an extensive background in fashion that includes styling, design and production. Jessica’s latest venture with Madeleine Harman provides ‘beautifully executed’ clothing with an emphasis on New Zealand-made, and is set to hit the ground with the duo’s first bricks and mortar store on Jervois Road at the end of the month. Jessica tells Ponsonby News, “I live with one of my best friends - Matt Benns, the creative director of Stephan Marr - on Karangahape Road. I have lived in the greater Ponsonby area for a year now, I moved from west Auckland. “My favourite room is my lounge, because it’s the most lived-in and is such a relaxing space. It’s used for movies, eating, reading, gossip, sleeping - everything really. “My favourite things in the room are my collections of Planet magazines and Spice Girls.” HARMAN GRUBIŠA www.harmangrubisa.com

PLEASE LIKE US! www.facebook.com/ponsonbynews

100 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



ST CLEMENTS BACK STORY Established in April this year by siblings Tia, Jonathon and Cameron Logan, St Clements is a New Zealand-based company committed to delivering beautifully designed, medium to high-end furniture to the New Zealand residential market. The St Clements name comes from a small church in Ahipara, New Zealand and represents the heritage of the Logan siblings, whose ancestors hail from the Far North of New Zealand. Although now residing in three different corners of the Tasman, the Logan siblings have had a strong affinity with design from a young age that has led them to each establish career paths within the design and the creative industries. The passion for furniture design for the brother and sister trio began when Jonathon started a Bachelor of Design in Contemporary Craft in Auckland. Jonathon relocated to Sydney and now runs Operations for MCM House, Sydney. Meanwhile, Tia was carving out a career in furniture, managing a furniture store in Wellington. Tia resides on the Kapiti Coast with her son Noah and now runs St Clements from there. Auckland-based Cameron works as a freelancer in the film and television industry alongside renowned New Zealand production house, Curious Film. They say all roads lead back home eventually, and for the Logan siblings it’s a saying that rings true. After ideas were formed and plans hatched, Tia, Jonathan and Cameron have collaborated to introduce this exciting new furniture and design destination. The St Clements collection showcases a carefully curated range of products that reflect PN a distinct, modern New Zealand sensibility. F ST CLEMENTS, 68 France Street South, Eden Terrace, T: 09 336 1304 www.stclements.co.nz www.facebook.com/Stclements.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




THE BOYS’ BOOK CLUB WHAT WE’RE READING Here are some books us blokes on the Ponsonby News team have recently enjoyed. We love reading in the bath or in bed. A real stress buster!



The Oligarchs: Wealth & Power in the New Russia by David E Hoffman (Public Affairs)

Full Dark House By Christopher Fowler (Transworld Publishing)

A brilliant investigative narrative: How six average Soviet men rose to the pinnacle of wealth in Russia’s battered economy. David Hoffman, former Moscow bureau chief for The Washington Post, sheds light onto the hidden lives of Russia’s most feared power brokers: the oligarchs. Focusing on six of these ruthless men, Hoffman reveals how a few players managed to take over Russia’s cash-strapped economy and then divvy it up in loans-for-shares deals. Before Perestroika, these men were normal Soviet citizens, stuck in a dead-end system, claustrophobic apartments and long bread lines. But as Communism loosened, they found gaps in the economy and reaped huge fortunes by getting their hands on fast money. They were entrepreneurs. As the government weakened and their businesses flourished, they grew greedier. Now the stakes were higher, the state was auctioning off its own assets to the highest bidder. The tycoons go on wild borrowing sprees, taking billions of dollars from gullible western lenders. Meanwhile, Russia is building up a debt bomb. When the ruble finally collapses and Russia defaults, the tycoons try to save themselves by hiding their assets and running for cover. They turn against each other as each one faces a stark choice - annihilate or be annihilated. The story of the old Russia was spies, dissidents and missiles. This is the new Russia, where civil society and the rule of law have little or no meaning.

When a bomb devastates the offices of London’s most unusual police unit and claims the life of its oldest detective, Arthur Bryant, his surviving partner John May searches for clues to the bomber’s identity. His search takes him back to the day the detectives first met as young men in the 1940s. In a Blitz-ravaged London, a beautiful dancer rehearsing for a sinister production of ‘Orpheus In The Underworld’ is found without her feet. Bryant and May’s investigation plunges them into a bizarre gothic mystery, where a faceless man stalks terrified actors and death strikes in darkness. Tracking their quarry through the blackout, searching for a murderer who’ll stop at nothing to be free of a nightmare, the duo unwittingly follow the same path Orpheus took when leading Euridyce from the shadows of Hell. In a war-shaken city of myths, rumours and fear, Bryant and May discover that a house is not always a home, nothing is as it appears, the most cunning criminals hide in plain sight, and the devil has all the best tunes. Dark drama and black comedy combine as Bryant and May take centre stage in their first great case together.

SUZANI FLORAL EMBROIDERIES North of Afghanistan is the region of Uzbekistan, famous for its highly decorative tribal textiles called ‘suzani.’ Suzani means ‘needlework’ and during the 19th Century Uzbek women produced fabulous embroidered bed covers, wall-hangings, curtains, tablecloths and furniture throws.

include flowers, leaves, stems and fruits. Tulips, irises and pomegranates are all popular. The vibrant colours used were a way to brighten up bleak desert landscapes and the gloomy interiors of the nomadic yurt.

A fine suzani was also the most prized textile of a girl’s dowry. The bridal suzani was started by the mother when her daughter was very young, then completed by the girl before her marriage. She would present it to her husband on their wedding night.

As the Soviet era ended and Westerners discovered central Asian textiles, the price of antique suzanis skyrocketed and they became extremely collectable. Today newer and vintage suzanis of lesser age are available and affordable, the best of which are truly lovely, with inspired designing and fine craftsmanship. They are genuine folk art, stitched by hand in the traditional method.

The suzani usually has a silk/cotton-blend base fabric onto which an outline of the design is drawn in pencil. The embroidery then follows this outline, using silk thread. Graceful floral motifs dominate Uzbek suzanis, and

102 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

MARY KELLY KILIMS, 53 Wood Street, M: 021 211 8904 www.marykellykilims.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ASK AN ARCHITECT: DANIEL MARSHALL Each month architect Daniel Marshall answers readers’ property related questions.

Q: A:

I am looking at buying a house in Grey Lynn, what do you think are the important things to look out for when buying a site?

flows from the living area of your house for as much of the day as possible. I think that the best part of a site is the bit that should not be built on. Rather build around it.

Obviously this is a question to answer from an architectural perspective rather than a legal point of view so I will not touch on any of the legal requirements and potential planning and existing building issues in this article. Always seek professional advice. Below are the three key items that I consider when I look at a site for the first time. Consider all three and then strike a balance that suits you.

2. Outlook and retreat The very basis of what makes a home is rooted in our cave -dwelling past. Outlook, at the mouth of the cave, provides an avenue of interaction and risk, while retreat, deeper into the cave offers security, comfort and reflection.

1. Sunlight The most important thing to enjoying a home is sunlight, as much as possible, in the areas you are going to live. Going back to first principles, the sun swings from the east to the west in the northern section of the sky. In the winter, when we need it most, the sun swings at a low 30° above the horizon and rises in the north-east and sets in the north-west. So when looking at a potential house, take a compass and find north. Then trace with your finger across the sky where the sun will pass on the shortest day. Take in account any trees and structures on neighbouring properties that will block the path of the sun. And, importantly, consider what could potentially block your sun with future development or growing trees on neighbouring sites. The sun should light the area that

A house should provide both. Outlook could be as varied as interaction with the street, to a view of the city or even a single tree. Retreat is seen as the heart of the home, a fireplace or a space in the house that feels secure and calm. Use your emotional response to spaces in the house and see how these spaces feel.

may be exposed to the other predominant wind in Auckland, the southwesterly. Every site in Auckland is its own micro environment, even if it might not look good on paper, it is definitely worth spending time on a site to evaluate its particular conditions, areas of sunlight, shelter from the wind and noise and outlook. (DANIEL MARSHALL) F PN DANIEL MARSHALL ARCHITECTS, 472 Karangahape Road, T: 09 354 3587 www.marshall-architect.co.nz

3. Topography The topography, or how the ground slopes, will effect much of how you use a house. Very steep sites can be complex and expensive to make the most of but sometimes can provide more dramatic outlook. Flat sites are easy to engage with in terms of the landscape but can be very inward looking. The topography will impact how much sun you get and how much wind you are exposed to. A north sloping site will get more sun but will often be exposed to the strong north easterly wind. A site facing west will get more evening sun but

CITTA AIME PARIS With each collection, Citta Design shares a global design story through pattern, colour and texture for the Antipodean home. The current winter collection ‘Deco // Deco’ is inspired by the city of Paris... home to thinkers, drinkers, dancers and painters. Citta Design draws inspiration from a world that is at once era, place and attitude. New furniture pieces and ceramic products from this collection PN can be found instore now. F CITTA DESIGN, 34 Westmoreland St West, Grey Lynn, T: 09 972 9293 www.cittadesign.com

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ABOUT KOHLER Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, Wisconsin, Kohler Co. is one of America’s oldest, privately held companies employing over 30,000 people worldwide. Kohler is a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bathroom products, engines and power systems; premier furniture and tile; and owner of the two of the world’s finest five-star hospitality and golf resorts - one in Kohler, United States and the other at St Andrews, Scotland. Kohler bathroom products are well known for providing the total bathroom solution that strikes a perfect balance between form and function. Kohler finds inspiration in the world of art and pioneers new concepts to ensure customers enjoy the finest in bathroom design. Kohler New Zealand purchased Englefield, a privately owned, Kiwi-founded bathroom -ware company in 2000 and is based in Glenfield, Auckland. The full ground level frontage of their head office is being converted into a Kohler and Englefield brand technical showroom, featuring new finishes, new products and a fresh approach to advising and helping people choose their ‘dream’ bathroom. The technical display is located at: 133 Diana Drive, Glenfield. As this new facility is not totally completed, in the meantime call T: 09 980 6800 to make an appointment so that PN they can better serve you and your requirements. www.kohler.co.nz F

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Todd Hayvice, YOYO Furniture Design Wellington born and bred, Todd Hayvice’s family have been in the furniture business for generations. Growing up in his family’s retail stores, Todd formed a keen eye for design. His talent worked well in Australia, where he set up and ran a successful homeware business; later becoming Upholstery Manager at IKEA in Australia and overseeing the opening of its second largest store in Europe. Returning to New Zealand, he and wife Fiona created YOYO Furniture Design by Kiwis, now open on Williamson Avenue. Do you have any children? Mrs YOYO is Fiona, together we retail quality, functional Kiwi-designed furniture, homeware and lighting. Master YOYO is three years young. To date his education has revolved around home, exploring city playgrounds, beaches, bush, the YOYO showrooms, a spot of international travel and more recently Montessori pre-school. Where do you live? In a reasonable-sized apartment within walking distance of everything we need. We rarely use our car and love the fact we predominantly support local. How do you keep fit? Unless there’s a downpour, I make the 4km commute from home to YOYO via bicycle or foot - killing two birds with one stone. Your best friend would say of you... He is dedicated to his family and YOYO. Your mother would say of you... I’ve never been one to sit on my laurels. I’ve always looked for opportunities and haven’t been afraid to try something new. What are your virtues? Patient, adaptable and always optimistic. And your vices? Gumboot tea, vinyl (not necessarily a vice but it’s where most of my pocket money goes), Snickerdoodle Whoopie pops and Mrs YOYO would say “lacking attention to detail” thankfully that’s where she steps in. What were you going to be when you grew up? Furniture’s in my blood, I was always going to be involved with it. If you weren’t in the furniture business you’d be? Surrounded by opulent furnishings, and brushing shoulders with the rich and famous in the likes of The Ritz hotels. What’s your secret passion? In my next life I’m going to be a badass rock n’ roll star.

And your secret talent? Creating boats, planes and automobiles out of cardboard boxes; hours of entertainment for my threeyear-old. Where do you spend your Fiona and Todd Hayvice holidays? We have family in Matakana so we’ve been spending a lot of time up there lately. So close to Auckland yet you feel worlds away. We relax the moment we arrive and return home refreshed and energised. What’s your perfect Sunday? It doesn’t happen every week (not many in fact!), but ideally I’d sleep past 6am, play my vinyl, drink tea and strum my guitar. What’s your favourite Ponsonby cafe? ohSO cafe in the same block as YOYO. They’re so close, provide spot-on caffeine hits and satisfy our culinary cravings. And your favourite Ponsonby restaurant? We have very fond memories of incredible cuisine in regional China; The Blue Breeze Inn does a superb job at taking us back there. What would be your desert island distraction? I’d be quite content stranded with my guitar and a hat to ward off the sun. “I’d be lost without...” Fiona - my wife, business partner and mother of our son. She’s my biggest supporter and I’m hers. The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save? My vinyl collection; a lot of it is irreplaceable or extremely difficult to replace. One thing you have learnt about life is...? He who hesitates is lost. What has been your standout product? Our Henry Bedroom range; solid, contemporary design that’s easily customised. There was a gaping hole in the bedroom market and we’re very pleased to be filling it. What advice would you give to anyone considering furniture for their home? If you think the piece is going to make you smile every time you walk into the room, then it should go home with you. F PN YOYO Furniture Design, 24A Williamson Avenue, T: 09 376 4884 www.yoyo.co.nz


YOYO Innovative and functional Kiwi-designed furniture, home-ware and lighting. Designs that can be customised to suit your space. Quality that will be enjoyed for generations.

24a Williamson Avenue, opposite Z Ponsonby T: 09 376 4884 auckland@yoyo.co.nz yoyo.co.nz

106 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

L to R: Todd Hayvice, Laszlo Horvath, Kirsty Templeton and Fiona Hayvice PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS WINTER, A TIME TO ORGANISE INDOORS WITH INNOVATIVE INTERIORS Your home is more than a house - it’s a space where you are most comfortable, a space where you get to decorate with your own taste and organise things just the way you like them organised. And winter is the perfect time to organise your wardrobes and storage. Innovative Interiors offer well-designed and custom storage solutions which will enhance your living space and help clear away clutter. Innovative Interiors, established 20 years ago, is New Zealand’s leading wardrobe and storage company, providing a complete service, from initial design concepts through to manufacture and installation. Their designers have a wealth of knowledge and experience, allowing them to offer creative and effective solutions for wardrobes, cupboards, garages, workshops, laundries, media rooms and more. “We help our clients to maximise space in even the most challenging areas, which in turn increases the usability, enjoyment and visual appeal of the property,” says Linaire Vipond, sales manager at Innovative Interiors. Whisper Sliding Doors can complete your new wardrobe, but they also make great room dividers for the home or office too. Innovative Interiors manufacture our own stunningly quiet doors which can be viewed at one of the two Auckland showrooms. Every product is custom designed and manufactured in New Zealand, and the company offers a 10-year warranty on products and workmanship. “The design, manufacture and installation process is all handled in-house,” Linaire says.

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

The showrooms are open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4pm and Saturday 9.30am -12.30pm. F PN INNOVATIVE INTERIORS, 24s Allright Place, Mt Wellington, 49a Arrenway Drive, Albany www.innovativeinteriors.co.nz




HEIDI PADAIN: ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR GARDEN With the onset of winter, you might find you’re spending a lot more time on the couch and a lot less time in your garden. Let me see if I can entice you out there again. My husband Martin is wonderfully talented at mimicry and has mastered the call of the morepork. Not so long ago I found him standing outside participating in an absurd duet. I’m more of a visual person, and as I am getting increasingly frustrated at never having laid eyes on a morepork, I chose this moment to convince Martin that he must be conversing with a similarly talented neighbour. Having mentioned this humorous banter to a friend, I suddenly found myself in possession of a toy morepork. With a simple squeeze of the tummy this toy will emit a perfect morepork call. I had Martin calling back and forth to this fluffy toy for the best part of a weekend. I’m not sure he’s forgiven me for that yet. This toy, has since proven to be somewhat useful. More about that later. If you’re ever likely to have a close encounter with a morepork here’s a few things you need to know. Their hearing is better than their eyesight, and, believe it or not, they can’t actually see that well when it is pitch black, which is why you are most likely to see them near a source of light, such as a street lamp, and sadly, the headlamps of your car. Their main source of food is large insects such as weta, huhu beetles, moths and cicadas, so, whilst at home, if you can hear them, but not see them, consider leaving an external light on. The morepork is swift and amazingly quiet in flight, don’t ever expect to hear them coming. The morepork is a silent, deadly predator, which leads me to their other dietary habits. They will hunt small mammals such as mice and young rats. Morepork will also hunt roosting birds such as the waxeye/silvereye. So, if it’s the right size and on the move... this is when the fun begins. The nightly ritual in our garden is playing ball with our dog. This crazy hound seems to have adopted a little of my sense of humour. Martin will throw a tennis ball toward her while she sits at the top of our driveway, she will retrieve it, but rather than run down and return it to Martin, she carefully places it in the centre of the driveway, then sits and watches as it rolls down toward him. I know this is a doggy exercise fail, but it’s hilarious to watch. However, one night, the joke was on her. The tennis ball in motion attracted a morepork to the game. I assumed, as you would that the morepork thought this might be an edible feast on the run. In one silent swoop, the tennis ball was gripped tightly in the morepork’s sharp talons, and air-lifted out of sight. The expression on our dog’s face was priceless. Not only is this scene hysterically funny, it is also fascinating bird behaviour. I’m suddenly a very excited photographer with a few toys and a great plan. Martin and I got into the habit of leaving our external light on, and one night we looked outside just in time to see

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a creamy flash of wings speeding past. The morepork had landed in a tree quite close to our deck rail. We were so excited! Tools in hand we crept outside. While I carried my camera, Martin was juggling a tennis ball, stuffed toy, and a LED zoom torch. What surprised me the most was how calm this bird was compared to Martin and I. There was no way I was going to use the camera flash, so I spent quite a bit of time manually adjusting the settings in the camera whilst instructing Martin on how and where to aim the torch light. Apparently I have a quite a talent for whispering screams. While Martin performed his one-man circus act, I managed to get some fabulous shots. The morepork hung around for a surprising amount of time and even flew a little closer to us. It was a brilliant outcome. These birds are so incredibly beautiful. When doing my research on the morepork, I discovered that because they often nest low down in the trees, or even on the ground, they are threatened by wide range of predators such as cats, possums, stoats and even hedgehogs, which will steal their eggs. All that aside, one of the biggest threats to the morepork is secondary poisoning. If you’re having a problem with rats and mice on your property, do not be tempted to use poisonous bait. Use traps for the larger sized vermin and you will find that your resident morepork will take care of the little ones for you. Happy night hunting. (HEIDI PADAIN) F PN To see some of Heidi’s other photographic work go to www.flickr.com and type Heidi Padain into the search box or you can contact Heidi by email hidihi@xtra.co.nz



FORMA - RETRO AT ITS BEST 1. Spencer Chair With its curves and button detailing on the seat and back, the Spencer chair is certainly an eye catcher. Available in any fabric of your choice. 2. Aarhaus Dining Chair Handcrafted from Eurpoean oak with a Danish woven seat, the Aarhaus dining chair is a Scandanavian stunner. F PN

1 2

FORMA, 51 - 53 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 368 7694 www.forma.co.nz www.facebook.com/formafurniturenz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Gunson Street Auckland owes a debt of gratitude to Sir James Henry Gunson, a successful businessman and Mayor of Auckland from 1915 to 1925.

photography: Martin Leach

During his 10-year term in office he undertook the building of Auckland Museum and Cenotaph, the Wintergardens in the Auckland Domain, and the construction of Tamaki Drive. Other innovative measures he presided over were the purchase of the city tramways, the establishment of the Auckland Electric Power Board, the Zoological Park, the water supply extension from the Waitakere dams, widening and concreting streets, and absorbing Point Chevalier into the city. Later in life he was responsible for the monument on One Tree Hill and tree planting in Cornwall Park, which was part of Sir Logan Campbell’s vision. His farm in Manukau called Totara Park was eventually gifted to the city and his house on St Andrew’s Road became the Tongan Royal family’s Auckland residence. He was born in Auckland 26 October 1877, the son of Jane and William Gunson, immigrants from the North of England. William was initially a storeman who rose quickly to become a successful grain and seed merchant and an active member of the Methodist Church. In 1902, he was appointed chairman of the Auckland Harbour Board. Son James was educated at Auckland Grammar and on leaving school joined his father’s firm where he proved to be adept at business, becoming managing director by 1902. In 1905 he married Jessie Helen Wiseman from another prominent Methodist family and they had three children. Soon after, he gained a New Zealand first as the youngest president ever to be elected to the Chamber of Commerce and a year later, like his father, he became chairman of the Auckland Harbour Board, retaining the office for four years during which time he employed non-union labour during the waterfront strike. Next he was elected Mayor in 1915 and remained in office unopposed till he retired in 1925. His mayoralty was not without dissension. During the First World War he spent much time and energy recruiting volunteers but received criticism for not joining the armed forces himself despite having important work to do at home as chairman of the Auckland Patriotic and War Relief Association and joint committee of the New Zealand Branch of the British Red Cross and Order of St John. He fell out big time with Bishop James Liston for condemning, at a St Patrick’s Day rally in the town hall, the British troops’ conduct in Ireland. An enraged Gunson demanded the Bishop be charged with sedition. The very popular and philanthropic prelate was put on trial, but needless to say, was acquitted. Apparently they later made up their differences and became good friends. At this time he received a number of honours; an OBE in 1918, a CBE in 1919, a CMG in 1922 and was knighted in 1924. A year later, he quit local body politics to stand twice as a Reform Party candidate for Parliament, first unsuccessfully contesting Eden in 1926 then likewise Auckland Suburbs in 1928. Meanwhile, he became increasingly involved in business matters. In 1926 he became chairman of the New Zealand Insurance Company. After serving on the Government Railways Board from 1931 to 1935, he was awarded yet another honour, the King George V Silver George Jubilee Medal. From 1945 to 1947 he was director of the Kauri Timber Company, the Auckland Gas Company, J. Wiseman and Sons, and the Dominion Investment and Banking Association. His wife Jessie was also very active in the community. She organised women’s groups to pack Red Cross parcels during the First World War and arranged relief work for returned servicemen, for which work she was made an OBE. After her death in 1959, James Gunson married Margaret Mary Ryan in Sydney only a few months later. He died at the great old age of 86 in 1963, survived by his second wife and the two sons and daughter from is first marriage. There’s no doubt he was a man of abounding physical and mental energy and his vision and foresight was invaluable at a critical stage in Auckland’s development. When president of the Chamber of Commerce at a time of its rapid growth, he fought for improved shipping and railway connections to the city. According to family anecdotes while in his 80s he could still run up stairs two at a time! John Stacpoole has contributed a comprehensive biography of this outstanding businessman, mayor and community leader to the Dictionary of New Zealand from which much of this information was PN sourced. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) F

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ECO-CONSCIOUS FURNITURE AT REPUBLIC United Strangers was established by New Zealand furniture designer Logan Komorowski, now based in China. The United Strangers concept is to create something ‘new from the old’. Komorowski’s designs incorporate a modern feel with smooth contoured lines and natural colours contrasted with industrial materials to give a light undertone of a vintage feel. This effect is evident in most of the collections as mixed materials such as brushed stainless steel and recycled woods are common place, giving the furniture a unique feel. United Strangers also designs and manufactures under an eco-friendly theme by utilising recycled material such as antique ship wood from old boats off the rivers of southern China, and highly sustainable materials such as bamboo and straw. The goal of United Strangers is to bring a new awareness of eco-consciousness to the furniture manufacturing industry and prove that high-end designs can be made in this manner. United Strangers is currently in its fifth year of existence and has built its product range to over 100 designer items shown over 15 different collections ranging from solid wood, and to metal, and to upholstered items. The United Strangers collection is available exclusively at Republic Home. F PN REPUBLIC HOME, 3 Pompallier Terrace, T: 09 361 1137 www.republichome.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





No need for the winter blues around here It’s never easy trading the jandals for winter boots and woolly scarves. But just because the temperature has dropped doesn’t mean we need to go into hibernation. I’m often asked by my vendors, “When is the best time to sell?” The common perception is that summer is when you should aim to enter the market and yes, the market is very active over the warmer months. But there are plenty of benefits to selling in winter that you may not have considered.

THE BIG BANG Billions of years ago, a hot and dense state expanded and cooled at such a fast rate it resulted in The Big Bang - the widely accepted view of how the Universe began. Inspired by the basic structure of an atom around its nucleus, the Atom lighting collection by Timothy Oulton celebrates the mysteries linked to the creation of the Universe, and the brilliant scientists who try to unravel them.

Listing in summer, you are theoretically sending your property into a sea of others. It may be a buyer’s dream home, but due to the number of others on the market it may never come onto their radar. By coming onto the market in winter, it gives your home the best chance of being seen in what is a more shallow pool of other listings. There is also less stock available for buyers to compare it to, meaning they are more likely to ‘save it to their watch list’ and attend the open home. It also gives you more time to consider offers and weigh up your options. You are less likely to be pressed on making a decision given there is a lower level of market activity. The catalysts for moving house occur at all times of the year, regardless of whether the sun is out or not. People are starting families, downsizing for retirement and finding new jobs no matter the season and as such are also in the market for new homes. One thing that I do like to stress to my vendors selling in winter is the importance of presentation. Unlike those selling in summer, you do not have the natural benefit of sunshine to put a glowing spotlight on your home. But a few minor touches do go a long way. Let there be light. When presenting to buyers make sure you open the curtains, flick open the blinds and turn on the lights to give your home a spacious and airy appearance.

Available exclusively from DAWSON’S FURNITURE, 1/1 Holder Place, Rosedale, T: 09 476 1121 www.dawsonsfurniture.co.nz

Give it some heat. If you’ve got a fireplace, light it, or turn on the heat pump to make your home warm, cosy and inviting to buyers. Consider staging your property. Stylish furnishings and a seamless interior can inspire buyers and allow them to imagine how they might make the home their own, as opposed to having to see past mismatched furniture and day to day clutter. Invest in professional photography and a comprehensive marketing campaign that will leave no stone unturned. I firmly believe that with a bit of strategic direction, marketing dollars go a long way. Simply do the basics well and have faith in us, your sales professionals, to see the job PN through. (KAREN SPIRES) F Karen Spires is a Bayleys Real Estate ‘Top Achiever’ - placing her sales data among the top 5% of salespeople within the company.

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HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





EXQUISITE TASTE, EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE, DISTINCTIVE DESIGN TRENZSEATER is the obvious choice for those wanting the interior of their homes to exude style and sophistication. The design team has tailored a specialised interior design service offering clients professional and sound advice on the development of their interiors; residential or commercial property, internationally or within New Zealand. Whatever your project involves, you’ll benefit from the outstanding expertise of the professional interior design team across a range of disciplines ensuring a unique and individual result. Presenting the best in all design elements has earned TRENZSEATER a renowned reputation within the industry for detailing some of the finest residential and commercial properties. In 2014 and 2015, TRENZSEATER has been internationally recognised as a finalist in the Andrew Martin Interior Design Review, where their interior design work features among the top 50 interior designers in the world. Their consultants can accommodate all design briefs, they have extensive knowledge and experience working with architects, designers and retail clients. All design processes include specifying and supplying furniture, drapery, wallpaper and blinds, plus installation and onsite management. This service also caters for all the detailing you may require as far as rugs, lighting, accessories, bed linen and dinnerware. Although TRENZSEATER designs and manufacturers its collection of furniture they also distribute and represent other brands which they can specify for your project. TRENZSEATER will offer you a design which is distinctive, modern and sophisticated. Your PN home is an escape where you can relax, entertain and enjoy. F TRENZSEATER, 80 Parnell Road, T: 09 303 4151 www.trenzseater.com

BEAUTIFUL TILES MADE IN NEW ZEALAND Renowned for its bespoke craftsmanship and beautiful glazes, Middle Earth Tiles produces hand-glazed and terracotta tiles for both interior and exterior environments. Gracing some of New Zealand’s most prestigious and award-winning homes, as well as commercial premises, Middle Earth Tiles can be seen in many of Auckland’s favourite bars and local restaurants. One of only a handful of hand-glazed tile manufacturers worldwide and the only terracotta tile manufacturer in Australasia, it’s a unique New Zealand-owned business that prides itself on its colour selection and textures. “While most tiles are made in highly automated factories with colour applied by ink jet technology”, says Guy Roberts (Director), “At Middle Earth, we focus on making beautiful tiles the old fashioned way, offering a richness and depth of colour which soulless machines have difficulty replicating.”

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“Colour is personal,” maintains Guy. “We have over a hundred colours available in our range, and this, combined with our large selection of textures and sizes means we can offer a multitude of bespoke tile options. We believe we have the largest selection in Australia or New Zealand. Nothing pleases us more than hearing from customers who are over the moon with the way our tiles have transformed their home. “Because our production is limited in New Zealand, we also import a range of beautiful hand-glazed tiles and mosaics,” says Guy. “This really serves to complement our own PN tile selection and means you will never be stuck for ideas, whatever the project.” F MIDDLE EARTH TILES, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 360 2638 www.middleearthtiles.co.nz


HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





ROBYN ELLSON GETS PRACTICAL ABOUT STYLING YOUR HOME WITH ENDLESS SHOWS ON TELEVISION TELLING YOU HOW TO RENOVATE, REDECORATE and titivate, it would be easy to think that a buyer expects you to live in a ‘show home’. Robyn’s advice on how to prepare your house for sale may come as a relief to many of you. “No, you don’t always have to buy a truckload of white paint in order to sell your house. Nor do you need to move your beloved furniture out and replace it with a living room that looks transported from Scandinavia. “Make it feel like you... just a better version! I love nothing more than walking into a home that reflects its owner’s style and personality. Often your decor just needs a little ‘edit’. De-clutter and approach the process as if you’re styling your home for an editorial shoot. It’s a lot of fun I promise you!” If the property is a do-up, embrace it! When it comes to sloping floors and sagging roofs, a bit of furniture does not disguise. If your property is a townhouse or an apartment, you definitely need to pay attention to the details. Is it looking tired? Does it need new paint/carpet?

photography: Martin Leach

Last tips! 1. Never paint your windows shut under any circumstances. 2. Dead grass? Lay some new stuff. Sprinkling grass seed will not work two weeks out from marketing. 3. You can never have too many fresh flowers. 4. They actually got a lot right in the 70s: pot plants. 5. No bare bulbs! A new shade can instantly bring your decor up to date. 6. If in doubt, add art. ROBYN ELLSON, (Licensed Salesperson) T: 09 376 2186, M: 021 800 891 robynellson@raywhite.com

ONE-STOP SHOP FOR PROPERTY MAKEOVERS The Positive Property Service Company came about when owner, Nigel Hibberd came up with the idea to provide a seamless service to property owners. “Our service negates the need to shop around to find contractors and carry out different aspects of property maintenance; the by-line for our business is ‘proactive solutions to all your property needs’.” Since opening in 2012, Nigel says the company’s aim has been to be cost-effective and remove the stress associated with caring for one of your biggest investments in life. In his experience, when maintenance is deferred and put into the ‘when we get around to it’ category, it leads to extra costs. Nigel has a team of 26, including a qualified technician for house washing. “Once we’ve done a job, people will often say it’s the best house wash they’ve ever had. We get many compliments about our paint work and about our staff being very friendly. “Attention to detail, quality control and pride in our workmanship have all led to the growth of our business,” confirms Nigel. He goes on to say that The Positive Property Services includes interior and exterior decorating, Gib fixing, plastering, a handyman service for those small jobs, cleaning up grounds to remove waste and those little piles of rubbish that have sat around for a while. “We are often contacted about villa and bungalow restoration and there has been a large growth in pre-sale makeovers for properties where we work alongside real estate PN companies with the end result they often sell above what the client expected.” F For a free estimate or quote call: THE POSITIVE PROPERTY SERVICE LTD, T: 0508 Positive or T: 0508 767 484

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HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





AUCKLAND PROPERTY SALES SET NEW PRICE RECORDS IN APRIL For the first time the average price paid for Auckland residential property has risen above $800,000. “While trading activity in April was significantly down compared to March’s extraordinary sales, Auckland residential property prices during the month rose to new heights,” said Wendy Alexander, Chief Executive Officer of Barfoot & Thompson. “The average price increased to $804,282, which was an increase of 3.5% on that for March, while the median price at $753,500 was an increase of 6%. Since the start of the year, the average price has increased by 6.2% and the median price by 7.6%. “While these are significant increases, they are not out of the ordinary in that they are similar to the levels of increase experienced over the past two years. More top end properties are sold in the summer/autumn months than in the second half of the year, and this results in the average price easing back after strong starts to the year.

“At month end we had 3151 listing on our books, which means that after improving in February and March we entered May with the lowest number of properties since January. Lack of choice is again becoming an issue.

“Our average sale price increase over the 12 months ending April 30 is 13.5%. “Demand for property remained rock solid in April, and is reflected in the prices buyers were prepared to pay. Sales numbers during the month at 1070 were the highest they have been in an April in the past decade. “New listings for the month at 1580 were in line with new listings in April for the past two years.

“During April we sold 314 properties at prices above a million dollars, the second highest number on record. “157 homes sold during the month went for under $500,000, which represents 1 in 7 of all homes sold. There is a good choice of homes in this price category but LVRs often mean potential buyers cannot meet the home deposit requirements. LVRs are materially affecting the sale of affordable homes.” F PN

EMBRACE YOUR INNER GYPSY... With individual and authentic Indie Boho bed linen, available in Euros, Queen and King quilts. Mix and match with paprika tassel and grey bauble cushion. RRP from $85. Now available in store. F PN UN DEUX TROIS, 6 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 7588 online at www.undeuxtrois.nz

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THE DEPOT ARTSPACE Socially conscious creative community.

At 20 years old the Depot is an innovative, socially engaged, creative community - a hive of industry, cross-pollination and collaboration. The Depot embraces all creative disciplines, all generations, all cultures and fields of interest with a broad range of services, programmes, exhibitions and events. Among Depot initiatives are exhibitions that address issues of community and equality, publications that examine Aotearoa/New Zealand identity, recording projects that work with decile one schools alongside iconic recording artists such as John Rowles, and a programme that supports creatives into employment. Underpinning and growing these initiatives is the belief that creative spirit and creative enterprise make a difference for the good of people and our planet. Depot Creatives has evolved from this ethos to provide a focus and fuel for creative initiatives through which the world is enriched and nurtured. Depot Creatives is committed to making a difference in a world driven predominantly by consumerism at the expense of values, including care for our environment, equity and fairness, and communication that delivers real messages and meaning. What we do: undertake socially conscious promotion that raises awareness of critical issues; Develop brand design for socially conscious clients; Work with other designers sharing common values - web or brand marketers - who want to partner projects; promote small, local businesses; to raise awareness of the positive difference that PN socially conscious products, projects and services make to society. F DEPOT CREATIVES, Contact Dave, T: 09 963 2328 or M: 021 106 1620

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

ARTS + CULTURE KIDS ART PROGRAMME AT LAKE HOUSE ARTS Lake House Arts Centre runs a comprehensive kids’ art programme - both after school classes and school holiday fun. Coming up in Term 3 they are privileged to have well-known and internationally significant artist Tiffany Singh teaching at Lake House. Tiffany will be continuing her ‘Fly Me Up To Where You Are’ project, inspired by the ancient tradition of Tibetan prayer flags. Drawing on each student’s planning and ideas, Tiffany collaborates with the children to develop hand-painted dream flags - a set for a shared exhibition at Lake House Arts and a set to take home. Tiffany uses her conversations with the children to help develop the visual identity of their flags and to tell a story of what personal challenges they face and what hopes and solutions they have for these issues and their community. The dream flags created will be hung as one installation at Lake House Art Centre and then outside the Parliament buildings during the 2016 International Festival of the Arts in Wellington. Phone for more information on adult’s and children’s classes or go their website. LAKE HOUSE ARTS CENTRE, 37 Fred Thomas Drive (Barry’s Point Reserve), Takapuna, T: 486 4877 www.lakehousearts.org.nz





Talented young painter Lisa Rayner graduated with a Masters of Art & Design from AUT University, she grew up in Huntly and is the daughter of a coal mining family. Lisa's painted landscapes sit within a short series that loosely describe that rural area, providing a momentary glimpse into an imagined space that exists in the medium of paint. Lisa's work is an on-going study of the plasticity of paint through continual re-imagined and re-experienced painted spaces. Lisa draws on the perceived connection we feel with 'place' and hopes to find new conections within the medium and through the act of painting. Lisa's fluid style and the inherently indeterminate act of painting cause form and composition to shift and mould: each image undermines and is undermined by the next and there is a simultaneous dialogue of loss and gain.

JACK TROLOVE’S FIRST SHOW @ WHITESPACE Urban kapa haka group ‘Ahakoa Te Aha’ performing at Jack Trolove’s exhibition opening at Whitespace last month. Jack is a member of this kapa haka group. Jack Trolove is an Auckland-based visual artist, whose work explores the relationships between embodiment and liminal spaces such as inter generational memory and other states of in-between-ness. He approaches figurative work as a kind of ‘re-membering’. His paintings are a story of physicality or of finding. Using the body’s scaffolding as a starting point to push into abstraction, to break the space between body and world, or skin and atmosphere, to undo the myth that things are separate. Jack is interested in how our bodies, like land, hold memories, how land, like skin across bones, holds onto the unfinished conversations of our ancestors, and how that shapes the images we make and how we see. F PN WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz

The painted space exists somewhere in between each image: an unreal space is alive with a brief connection drawn in the performance of paint and lost immediately after. PN This searching for connection is never resolved but rather exhausted in each work. F WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz

Park Island, 300 x 400mm, oil on wood

120 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


MOTAT WINS MUSEUM AWARD FOR WELCOME TO THE MACHINE EXHIBITION The Museum of Transport and Technology received top honours for the Most Innovative Use of Te Reo Maori at last month’s ServiceIQ 2015 New Zealand Museum Awards held in Dunedin. This was awarded to MOTAT for its most recent exhibition, Welcome to the Machine. MOTAT CEO Michael Frawley was at the event and said, “This award is particularly meaningful because Welcome to the Machine represents a paradigm shift - one that reflects MOTAT’s new strategy and focus on learning through interactivity to inspire the scientists and inventors of tomorrow. It highlights Kiwi innovation and for the first time, incorporates Matauranga Maori, particularly Te Reo Maori, into its exhibition content.”

ARTS + CULTURE POP FOOLERY IN PONSONBY Last year’s inaugural POP programme of arts and culture activities and installations, initiated and funded by the Waitemata Local Board proved very popular. The programme is intended to activate and showcase artists and art in urban spaces, be accessible and visible and become self-sustaining over time. This year’s programme has commenced with Word POP, a series of posters featuring well-known artists’ lyrics and poetry in several sites around the city. It ends at the end of June. For further details of the programme see www.pop.org.nz F PN

The goal of the exhibition is to explain the so-called ‘six simple machines’ that highlight fundamental physical properties and demonstrate how people use these machines every day. It also reveals how they can be modified and connected to become complex machines. The exhibition has a strong bicultural narrative and the machines are explained in Te Reo Maori alongside clear interpretive diagrams. To the best of the MOTAT team’s knowledge, this is the first exhibition which deals with these technical concepts in Te Reo Maori. Museums Aotearoa Executive Director Phillipa Tocker said that this year’s awards were better than ever. “The number of entries and their standard just keeps going up - with the bar getting higher every year, the awards are becoming even more inspirational. The best thing is that we can celebrate not only the winners, but all the fantastic work being presented nationally.” Piripi Walker, Maori translator for Welcome to the Machine, had this to add, “The Museum created this fantastic interactive exhibition on the machine which is designed to haul tamariki straight into interaction with technical processes, such as levers, pulleys axles, wedges and screws. Many of the detailed workings of these are not common in translation into Te Reo. The challenge was to create clear explanations in language that would communicate with all ages. MOTAT was highly professional; they pulled together a team that ensured the Maori language text met the highest standard of accuracy and good communication.” “This award is an amazing vote of confidence in the MOTAT Team and what we are doing at the Museum; we are honoured to receive it” said Frawley. “We encourage everyone to come along and experience Welcome to the Machine first hand; its interactive activities facilitate the concept of learning through doing and hold huge appeal for the whole family.” www.motat.org.nz F PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT COLLECT Painter, potter, gilder

Artist Sarah Guppy is a painter, potter and gilder living and working in Ponsonby, her latest works at Collect are ceramic mermaids with gilded parts. Each mermaid is unique and can be used as a candle holder. Sarah Guppy’s paintings are held in several private collections internationally and she has participated in numerous group and solo shows in both the UK and New Zealand. Her gilding work has adorned high-profile buildings and interiors in the UK, Germany, and in Auckland, including our much loved Ponsonby Post Office at Three Lamps, Hopetoun Apha in Beresford Street, and The Braemar Building on Ponsonby Road. While in London she became an apprentice gilder to Christina Leder, a bespoke frame-maker, who supplied the West End Galleries and many Royal Academy painters. Sarah later worked for Carvers and Gilders of Wandsworth, whose work included restorations for the Royal Collection and the National Trust. In 1996 Sarah returned from London to live in Auckland, where she continues to paint, gild and create with clay. F PN COLLECT, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.collect.net.nz

Western Springs College - music department I’ve always thought myself terribly lucky to have been surrounded by amazing music teachers and opportunities to play and learn my instrument in my early years. A large portion of my music education, life and learning came from Western Springs College with head of music, Margaret Robertson. In the five years since, music at WSC has developed and become an integral part of the community. Western Springs has grown as a school in recent years, and the music department now sports two full time teachers, plus over 10 itinerant teachers each week! These range from the regulars - guitar, drums, woodwind, and strings, to include jazz piano, a chamber group and a jazz combo band. Many of these itinerants have been there longer than Margaret (more than 17 years). The chamber group has a stable 20 members, and they are aiming for the KBB festival in August. David Hamilton was commissioned to write a concerto for flute and violin, and the violin solo will be performed by a year 10 student. There are members of this chamber group who are in numerous orchestras around Auckland, including the Auckland Youth Orchestra. On top of all this, two bands have just made it through to the Rockquest Regional Finals. The bands are called The Bad Apples, and Host Club, best of luck to them. Margaret hopes that with each year their involvement with Play It Strange and songwriting awards will increase. The appeal of Western Springs within the local zone now means that the entire school cannot fit into the hall, something which will hopefully be addressed in the full school rebuild that is on the cards. This has resulted in two assemblies each week, just to fit everyone in, but allows for many more musical opportunities with slots for acts at each. The music department has open performance evenings numerous times a year for students who are attempting the performance standards. Also, in May, for New Zealand Music month, the school hosted concerts in the library each Thursday lunchtime, a space that was perfect for this. People came in and sat on the floor and many of the musicians played original compositions and used it for assessment. Margaret is always interested in creating links with the rumaki within the school, who are strong in music and performance. They were recent winners of division one, two and three at Polyfest 2015 for kapa haka, and were the opening entertainment for French maestros of light and fire Groupe F in the Domain at the Auckland Arts Festival. Numerous Western Springs College ex-pats are making names for themselves around the Auckland music scene, as well as current students. A group called the Good Vibes performed at the National Jazz Festival in Tauranga earlier this year and Leon Hattori won best keyboard player in the school bands section. Harvey Knows a Killer are a local band who has released their debut album this year and are all old Springs students. Others could be found on the stages of X-Factor in 2013, at the Red Room as part of this year’s Titirangi Festival, and one is even making his name in Melbourne, going by the moniker Skyscraper Stan. Margaret, and fellow music teacher Kim Tait, have crafted a wonderful music department, and are especially excited about the potential to flow between classes and teach to their strengths. There are almost always two classes at once, which means some 40 students, and two teachers. The music department is not completely sound proof, and there is never quite enough space for everyone to practice and so Margaret and Kim are going to play to this, and move between each class depending on what certain students need. They become facilitators as students progress to years 12 and 13, having less whole group instruction. With a potential overhaul of the entire school, Margaret is excited for the opportunity to create a proper modern learning environment with the entire music department open plan and with even more flow than is currently available. There are so many options in the music curriculum currently, and surely more to come in the future. It is a good time to study music at school, and especially at Western Springs, with numerous out of school opportunities and a strong internal support for music. (FINN PN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F

122 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015



Musicians in Residence - Anthonie Tonnon Ponsonby is full of musicians these days. There are two or three on every street corner, and many more behind closed doors strumming away and writing new songs. Anthonie Tonnon is one of those musicians. After moving up from Dunedin in 2010, he has made our suburb his new home, working the bars and venues, all the while crafting his latest offering, Successor. The first album under his own name, previously going by Tono and the Finance Company, the songs that make up Successor have been written on the road and present a different tone and style from his previous records.

“People talk about process, I really like the way [Haruki] Murakami talks about process. He says, “Always stop when you’ve got a little bit left to write, so that you know where to start the next day.” This idea of process is one Tonnon thinks about a lot. He spends two days a week in a studio dedicated to writing his music and thinks hard about how this works.

Tonnon has worked hard, has a long portfolio of part -time jobs, that have kept him afloat while he writes songs that mean something, and stories that draw you in, time and time again; Songs from Successor like ‘Water Underground’ about manipulation of the system during a time of crisis, or the decline of a family man due to drugs in ‘A Friend from Argentina’.

“I have a keyboard and a guitar, a bunch of effects and amps and things, and a computer. I’m generally using lyrics as my template. It’s really hard to figure out what makes it work. I do lots of cataloguing, I catalogue all the ideas I’ve had during the week and I see what seems kind of live, and I generally try to work on something that feels like it might go somewhere.”

Among references to the Beach Boys and the Kinks, the wry sense of humour is still evident in his lyrics, even if it is slightly harder to find than in previous albums, and it is clear that Successor is one of the best albums to be released in 2015.

He discusses an idea John Cleese has mentioned, “One thing I always try to do is start with an hour and a half of clear space. I just have to have the internet off and have to be working, just focusing and trying to make things happen. It gives you a bit of a buffer for the day, the engine gets started.”

Successor is full of current events, social issues, news stories and almost reads like an investigative journalism piece. “I do go on a research hunt, a little like journalism, if I come up with a good subject and it’s got a real life to it. I’ve worked as a journalist, but the great thing about song writing is I don’t have to tell a story that is true in a fact checking journalist way.” He still writes the occassional piece for Radio New Zealand, but has found himself in a nice phase the last little while where he can concentrate on the music.

Tonnon has cut himself a wedge of New Zealand music, he’s worked at it for a long time, labouring away as his own manager. Dealing with publicists, venues, other musicians, he’s persisted and this has paid off, organising sold out shows, not to mention the success of Successor. However, there’s no rest for Anthonie Tonnon yet, Successor is to be released in the United States. on 30 June, as well as Australia. A tour of Australia looms in August, and a large task ahead of Tonnon is getting a visa for the States. You can find him on the door at Golden Dawn some nights, or on 7 June at Freida Margolis as part of the First Sunday Sessions. Tickets for this will be available through Under the Radar. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN www.facebook.com/anthonietonnon www.anthonietonnon.com

Tonnon reads a lot, as is clear from his music and the way he thinks about his music. He always has a list of reserved books at the library and is a big fan of long journalism, reading the New Yorker, longform.org and Pantograph Punch among others. He’s moulded a week for himself, which allows for time to research, read and write. He books gigs for Golden Dawn’s new venture Sherwood in Queenstown, having graduated from working the bar for three years when he arrived up in Auckland.

Finn McLennan-Elliott has a Bachelor of Science Honours degree specialising in human geography at Auckland University. In his spare time, Finn plays clarinet and guitar in an orchestra and a folk music group. He is hosting ‘Folk at the Old Folks’ on the first Sunday of every month at the Auckland Old Folks Association Hall, an intimate afternoon concert of folk music.

CREATIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN phone 021 354 984 arna@cocodesign.co.nz www.cocodesign.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ARTS + CULTURE PLAYING WITH ST MATTHEW’S CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Distinguished cellist Rolf Peter Gjelsten DMA MNZM 21 June 2.30pm The accomplished cellist Rolf Gjelsten says “it was the Dvorak [cello] Concerto which turned me on to the cello like no other work. It is the most beloved and inspired Romantic work for cello.”

AVAILABLE AT EL FRAMO Ross Jones: In store at El Framo, Limited Edition prints by Auckland artist Ross Jones. Illustrated here ‘Indian Summer.’ Poster cabinet: Available from El Framo, custom made poster cabinets with hinged door to allow you to change them periodically. Available in a range of materials; illustrated here A2 cabinet in antiqued oak. F PN

The 1705 Gofriller cello, on which Rolf will play this work, was once played by the great Russian cellist Alexandre Barjansky, who inspired Ernest Bloch to write the soul -stirring Schelomo in 1915, and who was intimate with the greatest poets, musicians and thinkers of the time. Rolf’s musical experiences began at five years old in his native Canada. At 10, he began the accordion, twice winning first prize in the US Northwest Accordion Championships. At 13, Rolf started cello and at 18 he made his concerto debut with the Victoria Symphony, and a year later he won second prize in the Canadian National Festival Competition.

EL FRAMO, 16 Pollen Street, T: 09 378 6774 www.elframo.co.nz

Distinguished cellist Rolf Peter Gjelsten At 22, Rolf joined the Berlin DMA MNZM Symphony Orchestra, but later decided to pursue a career in chamber music working with the La Salle, Hungarian, Cleveland and Emerson Quartets. He has been fortunate to study with the great cellists, Janos Starker, Zara Nelsova and Bernard Greenhouse. Rolf joined the NZ String Quartet www.nzsq.co.nz in 1994 and was named a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2014. St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra will accompany Rolf Gjelsten producing the kind of music that is magic; excellence is their only option. Highly recommended - their concerts play to full houses. Make sure you get there early. Tickets: door sales, cash or cheque. PN Adults: $25, Concessions: $20, Children under 12 free. F ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY CHURCH corner Wellesley and Hobson Streets. www.smco.org.nz

124 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


MATARIKI TRANSFORMS THE TINY THEATRE For an evening of enchanting entertainment and fabulous food, enjoy pre-show dinner and drinks from 5pm at the eclectic Garnet Station Cafe in Westmere. A House Is Not A Home 3 - 6 June, 8pm, $20/$15 A cabaret presented by Female Company in association with Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho. ‘A room is not a house, and a house is not a home when there’s no one there to hold you tight’ as written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. Join Paul Fagamalo, Denyce Su’a, Amanda Grace Leo with guest Jana Smyth accompanied by George Bonner as they share anecdotes of leaving, staying, returning and arriving home. The Cave 10 - 14 June, 8pm, $25 (no concessions) Grant and Sophie Harrison had a baby. Then they tried to have sex. But childbirth has repercussions. They want to go back to the way they were before, but how? The Cave is a dark comedic exploration of the brutality of childbirth and plastic surgery and the frightening lack of control that we have over our bodies once we hand them over to others to ‘fix’. R16 - contains adult content. This is brand new, pitch black comedy by Kate Watson, presented by Umbilical Theatre and The Teatro Group, directed by Regan Crummer, featuring Kate Watson, David Capstick and Mary Rinaldi. ‘Femmes’ - Auckland Festival of Photography Opens 9 June, 6pm, 10 - 20 June Céline Sayé’s multimedia work, which includes a series of photographic portraits and audio taped interviews, shares the story of four women who had breast cancer. This is proudly supported by the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. Exhibition Hours: Monday to Wednesday 12:30pm - 4pm, Thursday to Sunday 9am - 6pm

ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT OREXART 2015 Photography Festival - Reflections on the World Until 20 June

Artists: Ellie Smith, Sonja Gardien, Stacey Simpkin, and David Austin. Ellie’s work is built around images taken in one spot over 30 years and explores ways of representing the experiences and understandings of the places we live. Sonja’s work is to be featured in this year’s Wallace Arts Trust’s Recent Acquisitions Collection, it explores global warming issues from a unique perspective.

Sonja Gardien

Stacey considers the fate of Samoa where nature, culture and architecture interweave with ideas on openness, privacy and special areas. David creates a photographic ode to Vanitas Still Life using 17th Century iconography that symbolises man’s mortal nature and the transience of all things.

Stacey Simpkin

PN Please contact rex@orexart.co.nz for details. F

OREXART, 15 Putiki Street, Arch Hill, T: 09 378 0588 rex@orexart.co.nz www.orexart.co.nz

Matariki Tales of Tamaki 17 - 27 June, 8pm, $20/$15 ‘Matariki Tales of Tamaki,’ told by raconteur Pita Turei. As the longest night approached, the storytellers fuelled the fires with tales of romance, tragedy and betrayal, populating the landscape with heroes and villains, lovers and despots. Such is your neighbourhood, ancient and contemporary. Anchors of a thousand years of history revealed. The querulous may ask questions afterwards! Bookings essential only 35 seats in the Tiny Theatre! F PN

Pita Turei

TINY THEATRE GARNET STATION CAFÉ, 85 Garnet Road, T: 09 360 3397

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Ellie Smith




ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT TOI ORA GALLERY Upbeat Auckland Festival of Photography Until 19 June Toi Ora photographers explore the notion of positivity as part of Auckland Festival of Photography. View the exhibition and many others on the Whitecliffe Festival Tuesday Circuit.

16 May - 30 June

FHE Galleries are pleased to announce an exciting new exhibition space in Mason’s old space in the heart of Ponsonby this winter.

Derek Tweedie Autumn On Wellsley St

ART-UP OPENING HOURS: Monday - Wednesday 10am-6pm; Thursday 11am-7pm; Friday 10am-6pm; Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm.

Toi Matariki Ora 25 June - 10 July Opening: 25 June 5pm Toi Ora Gallery welcomes you to the exhibition Toi Matariki Ora. Amongst the exhibitors are Selwyn Vercoe with his work, Matariki - the seven stars signify the Pleiades constellation and the beautiful woven work, Harakeke by Annie Inwood. F PN Check the Toi Ora website for opening hours. TOI ORA, 6 Putiki Street, T: 09 360 417 info@toiora.org.nz www.toiora.org.nz

Situated on the corner of Ponsonby and Franklin Roads - ‘ART-UP’ will be a showcase of specially created new works alongside the creme-de-la creme of our current art selection.

The main gallery on Kitchener Street will remain open on weekdays for the duration of ARTPN UP 2015. F FHE GALLERIES, 2 Kitchener Street, T: 09 302 4108 www.fhegalleries.com

Selwyn Vercoe Matariki

Annie Inwood Harakeke

126 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


photography: Sait Akkirman, Artsdiary 2015

Matariki Festival Harakeke open session class 22 June 10am - 1pm If you are keen to experience the traditional art of Harakeke, Toi Ora celebrates Matariki Festival with an invitation to join their Harakeke open session class. You can make a flower, food basket or original art work using traditional and contemporary weaving techniques with tutors Don Tukariri Soloman and Dianne Northcott.


ARTS + CULTURE PRISCILLA THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES, ART CONSULTANTS “We all know New Zealand artists produce wonderful work, but not everyone has the time to meet and work with artists they might like to support. “We connect artists more easily and personally to an appreciative audience of buyers and collectors who want to make art part of their daily lives - that might be at home, in the garden or at the office, it might be for a gift, or for a personal commission. And don’t forget all art collections begin with a single piece. Evan Woodruffe’s ‘Dodge’ for Rear Window at Dunedin Public Art Gallery in March, acrylic on glass, 2.77m x 3.15m

“Our service makes the connections for you and manages the process to suit everyone. Ours is a brokerage role, which provides both artist and client with a win-win situation.

Evan Woodruffe’s next show at OREXART in Auckland 6 October.

“We recently completed a major project on Waiheke Island where work by a group of sculptors and mosaic makers made a stunning house into a family home in a very singular way. We advise on a wide range of art projects as well as exhibition planning and touring. “It’s like writers and readers - one doesn’t flourish without the other. We get in that space between working artists and those busy people who want to support them; we make it work for both.” F PN For an appointment or for more information contact: PRISCILLA THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES, M: 021 216 2901 www.pt-associates.co.nz

Evan Woodruffe’s ‘15th January 2015’ recently installed at its new home, the Museum Art Hotel in Wellington.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





UPTOWN ART SCENE The concentration of art establishments in our area is acting like a magnet, attracting even more. Artist-run space Glovebox opened with Eddie Clement’s sci-fi show at the beginning of May; a collective of illustrators named Inky Palms has opened in La Gonda, K’Road; as we go to press Tim Melville is about to re-open in Winchester Street, just off Newton Road, with an exhibition of paintings and sculpture from Johl Dwyer; and urban artist Owen Dippie is setting up on K’Road, just a 100m from the Flox studio on Great North Road. like travelling in an engine on Brickell’s Driving Creek Railway in the Coromandel. Some of the works incorporate iron frames that reinforce the presence of his down -home railway environment in the works, one from an old wood-burning stove top.

Whitespace Gallery has attracted Christchurch -based Rebecca Harris for a solo exhibition of surreal landscapes that melt and glow with a psychedelic morphing that flips them between representation and materiality. Hot reds and violets are softened by viridian and shale greens, dripping paint suggests stems; holes become openings and heads are assembled from almost -topiary. There are references to the 16th Century Italian painter Arcimboldo, who re-imagined portraits composed of vegetation, and to Max Ernst’s frottage landscapes.

Rebecca Harris showing at Whitespace

Just along Putiki Street from Orexart, Toi Ora Trust use art to keep people travelling through a landscape that becomes more understandable and easier to cope with. They are an award-winning art organisation that provides leadership in the field of creativity in mental health recovery. Toi Ora supply an array of arts, creative writing, music classes and workshops, and hold exhibitions of work - most recently Outsider Art, a group show that included work by artist Andrew Blyth.

Barry Brickell is a world-renowned ceramic artist, whose travelling survey exhibition of over 60 years of work has been to the Dowse Art Museum, Dunedin Public Art Gallery and Auckland’s new Te Uru. Although he has always painted, Brickell has just had his first show of paintings at Orexart. They suggest a playful, sometimes contemplative journey through landscapes,

Art keeps pulling us towards and through amazing landscapes. F PN (WILL PAYNT, STUDIO ART SUPPLIES)



Julie Ross’s deftly modelled figures have a stance that suggests attitudes: pride, arrogance, desire, aggression, daring. The figures ripple with surface tension and expressive details. Norwest Hare presents an acrobatic form of a dancer and hare showing balance, grace and natural exuberance.

Toi Ora welcomes you to the exhibition ‘Toi Matariki Ora’, opening Thursday 25 June 5pm, until Friday 10 July. Check the website for Toi Ora Gallery’s opening hours.

Julie Ross graduated from Canterbury University in 2011 with a Masters in painting and in 2005 with a BFA Honours.

6 Putiki Street, Ponsonby, T: 09 360 4171 www.toiora.org.nz

12 Crummer Road, Ponsonby, T: 09 361 6331 www.whitespace.co.nz

128 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


ART ASSOCIATES With a vast collection of contemporary artworks, we make the process of leasing or purchasing art easy and accessible. Contact us to find out more.

37 Scanlan Street, Ponsonby T: 09 376 4308 www.artassociates.co.nz

TIM MELVILLE GALLERY TMG is the latest gallery to join the thriving uptown arts scene! Tim represents New Zealand artists including Star Gossage, Elliot Collins, Joe Sheehan and Roberta Thornley. He also works with several Aboriginal artists and communities from Australia.

4 Winchester Street, Newton, T: 09 529 5891 www.timmelville.com



Photography Festival ‘Reflections on the World’

Winter School in the July holidays. Two fabulous 5-day workshops: ‘Imprint: A Printmaking Intensive’ with Alexis Neal and ‘The Figure: Drawing into Painting’ with Anton Chapman.

Join the Whitecliffe festival van and see 10 photography exhibitions around the city. OREXART is featuring Ellie Smith, Sonja Gardien, Stacey Simpkin, and David Austin.

15 Putiki Street Arch Hill, T: 09 378 0588 www.orexart.co.nz

194 Great North Road, T: 09 378 8985 www.browne.school.nz

STUDIO ART SUPPLIES Run by artists for artists: a wealth of fine art materials at sharp prices and with friendly advice!

35 Crummer Road, T: 09 360 1238 www.studioart.co.nz

INKY PALMS Inky Palms is a collaborative space that encourages community art initiatives and hosts a variety of local musicians, artists and designers in an attempt to make the K Road art scene funky fresh. At Inky Palms they support creative engagement of all kinds.

202H, La Gonda Arcade, 203 Karangahape Road, www.inkypalms.com facebook.com/inkypalms INSTAGRAM-@inkypalms

EL FRAMO Picture Framing, Mirrors, Prints. In-store at El Framo, Don Binney, ‘Mill Creek - Rakiura 2011’. Screen print 25/75 in a hand-finished ebony frame. A late-life work signed and dated by the artist.

16 Pollen Street, T: 09 378 6774 www.elframo.co.nz

UPTOWN ART SCENE Bringing creative communities together K’ROAD + NEWTON + ARCH HILL + GREY LYNN + PONSONBY + HERNE BAY To book your ad bite space contact joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz T: 09 361 3356 The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





What your stars hold for June

Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June You should be able to clearly see what has been obstructing you from moving on this month. Finally you can break free from that emotional tie that has been holding you back. Just tread carefully, you don’t want to jump into the same predicament you’ve just got out of.

Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July Trying to stick to a schedule is impossible for you at the moment, as you seem to have over committed yourself to something you don’t really want to do. Fantasizing about what your future should be like isn’t the answer, saying no is.

Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August Getting back in touch with what drives you will reinvigorate your passion as long as you’re willing to break free from the past. Express your thoughts as you go but make sure you don’t make anyone feel guilty along the way.

♍ Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September

You feel overwhelmed by how much is on your plate this month but unfortunately this is your own doing. You want to appear as efficient as possible without asking for help when clearly you really need it.

♎ Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October

You have loads of energy this month and you’re bouncing about all over the place but unfortunately you’re making it difficult to do anything productive. Even though you’re not too concerned about yourself, think about those in your life that might be.

Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November Your inability to maintain any type of relationship for long might have something to do with not being satisfied emotionally. You seem to be looking for something new before you have even tried what you’ve got. Take off those dark glasses before something regrettable happens.

♐ Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December

Don’t take any notice when people criticise the choices you make about your lifestyle, you don’t have to conform to what the normal is supposed to be. You could surprise by showing a different side of your personality once in a while but be whatever makes you happy.

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

You struggle to be yourself this month or make any impact whatsoever, and you feel you are having trouble meeting deadlines. You could deny what’s going on and bury your head in the sand, but this isn’t you, admit you might’ve bitten off slightly more than you can chew.

♒ Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February

Before you move forward, make sure there is nothing that is going to create problems that will interfere in your progress. Remember, you can keep on saying yes, but at some point taking on so many projects might mean you won’t succeed at any of them.

♓ Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March

You feel you always work harder than you expect to because some of the people around you take advantage of your good nature. Perhaps now is the time to make a change, and colleagues and friends can fend for themselves.

♈ Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April

Your romantic intentions may backfire unless you make it clear as to who they are directed at. Try not to expect too much too soon though, as you have been out of practice for some time.

♉ Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May

You’re feeling wildly romantic this month but someone seems to want to put the dampener on things. Don’t let this frustrate you though, even if you’re in the same space you can often be in different time zones.



Ecostore, 1 Scotland Street Glengarry, Corner Sale and Wellesley Streets Kellands Real Estate, 4 Drake Street New World, Victoria Park

Planet Ayurveda, 41 Gillies Avenue Taylor Boutique, 1 Teed Street

GREY LYNN Barfoot & Thompson, 533 Great North Road Barkley Manor, 400 - 402 Great North Road Grey Lynn Community Centre, 520 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Community Library, 474 Great North Road Raw Essentials, 401B Richmond Road Ripe, 172 Richmond Road Tapac, 100 Motions Road Vetcare, 408 Great North Road

HERNE BAY Herne Bay Post & Stationers, 240 Jervois Road Five Loaves, 206 Jervois Road Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road Momentum, 182 Jervois Road

KINGSLAND Atomic, 420c New North Road

MT EDEN Citta Outlet Store, Corner Enfield & Normanby Road Sabato, 57 Normanby Road Studio Italia, 25 Nugent Street

130 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015

NORTH SHORE Rug Direct, Wairau Park Dawson’s Furniture, Mairangi Bay

Ponsonby News is published on the first Friday of each month excluding January. Copies go quickly so be quick to collect yours from any of the following outlets. The issue is also published on our website www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

PARNELL Jane Daniels, 2 Birdwood Crescent Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road

PONSONBY Askew, 2b Jervois Road Bayleys, 305 Ponsonby Road Fitness Trainer, 36 Jervois Road Harcourts, 89 Ponsonby Road Leys Institute, 20 St Mary’s Road The Longroom, 114 Ponsonby Road Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road Paper Plus, 332 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace Servilles, Corner Jervois & Ponsonby Road Studio One, 1 Ponsonby Road Whitespace, 12 Crummer Road

WESTMERE Glengarry, 164 Garnet Road



The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




132 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2015


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